blackarrcw · 3 months
@tilosecretbirb asked: hugging … but when they try to move away, tightening the hug and refusing to let go (elyssa and eir)
Hugs were quite wonderful.
However, not when you couldn't move an inch. Elyssa had stayed in the other's lap a moment or two before she made to move, only to feel those arms tighten around her. A soft 'unf' sound had been given from the half-elf, her head turning to look at Eir with a confused expression before she raised a hand, offering a gentle pat to an arm "Eir," Elyssa started, "I need to move, you can continue to hold me once I've taken care of some things."
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aislingarrow · 3 months
@tilosecretbirb continued
Aisling didn't even hesitate, the last thing she wanted was for her brother to have a shattered hand. There wasn't anything to throw, "sorry brother" Aisling muttered, taking out one of the pins in her hair throwing it at her brother so it hit his arm. That made him stop immediately, walking out of the company into the fresh air. No hands were getting shattered today.
"he has a right to be mad at Kili" Aisling commented, picking up her ale. Deciding in that moment not to make eye contact with Fili, "He did find us together" She took a sip of her drink, how would she put this delicately? "In a ... Compromising state" Aisling cleared her throat, feeling the slight smirk pull at the corner of her lips. "He is just protecting me. Although I think your uncle has a similar view like my brother" She mused.
"It isn't just Kili's fault, I had a hand in it too.. but I can't help how I feel. I love him.." She admitted, Aisling didn't regret anything, even when Robin found out what they had done.
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chainsxwsmile · 2 months
@tilosecretbirb answered:
The voice comes without warning but so had the burst of wind and rain. Lightning cracked the sky in twain. Thunder smashed from the clouds above churning in a sickly way. Herinýi heeds the voice without question, dashing into the cavern entrance she hadn't seen. Just in time. The sky shatters with hail bigger than toy balls smashing and clattering off the rocky slopes. Slicking back her hood she let's out a breath, eyes glowing taking in the interior space and her savior. "Thank you for your help." Her voice trails off taking in the creature before her- the very thing she was born and raised to kill. Jaw clenching she bites her lip.
Bruce anticipated the stranger’s sudden shock— perhaps it wasn’t everyday a Troll so freely spoke to a stranger without the intention of eating them. At least, so deemed the reputation of most Trolls. That didn’t exclude Olog-hai who, above all other Troll species, were quite literally bred for battle.
As for the stranger, Bruce couldn’t place the species. Not that he possessed such worldly knowledge— while Mordor had been rife with Orcs and Goblins, he had only met a human one year prior, and hadn’t yet encountered the fabled — and often vilified— Elves and Dwarves of Orc war stories whispered around the fire.
In the lowlight, Bruce caught the stranger’s shocked expression. Not wishing to frighten her out into the storm, the Olog made no move towards the newcomer. “Ah… don’t go runnin’ back out there,” Bruce offered, with a weak albeit toothy smile. “At least maybe not until the storm lets up for a bit.”
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tilosecretbirb · 4 months
Tílo Memes
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blackhairedarcher · 3 months
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The nervous chuckle that escapes from the throat of the young prince as his older brother began the questioning about the series of dreams that have plagued Kili for his last few sleeps. @tilosecretbirb
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tcbefearless · 3 months
@tilosecretbirb Eir & Eilonwy continued
Eilonwy glanced toward the dress that was the less risky of the two. She placed that one away and went for the one that Eir had suggested. She had a point, "Alright, the one that will turn his head and have his heart in his mouth it is" she mused. Rivendell was certainly different to any other place she had been, before she met the Company and Eir included, Eilonwy travelled alone. Not a care in the world but her sword on her back trying to find answers to who she was. Trying to connect the dots and fragments of dreams.
It was only when she met them did everything piece together, that they found that she was the lost Princess of Domino from hundreds of years prior, and of course she had learned of the downfall. Eilonwy picked up the dress, deciding to go around the corner to change into it, coming out with her hands out to showcase. It both flowed and hugged her figure, draping past her shoulders in the most elegant way. The sage green and other silk hues complimented her skin tone and the fire in her hair.
Her hair! She guessed something simple would be fine, out of her face. It was already loose in waves, like a waterfall that cascaded down her back. "I think they could just be pinned these front sections" Eilonwy commented, pointing to the simplest of accessories. After all, it was the dress that was meant to be the show stopper.
"Hang on, do you have someone who holds your affection?" Eilonwy asked her friend with a small raise of her brow. A grin etching across her features. "You sit in a dress how you would normally sit, just.. try not to trip up" Eilonwy mused taking a seat upon the stool that was placed next to the long mirror.
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saephrond · 2 months
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"— Before you leave, let me go find you. @tilosecretbirb Me: /jump /wave /hug
Tilo: Marco!
Me: Polo!
Tilo: MARCO!!!
Me: POLO!!!
Tilo: Omg, there's another elf here lol
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blackarrcw · 3 months
@tilosecretbirb asked: ❛  you  matter  to  me ,    i  promise  you  do .  ❜ (Fíli to THORIN)
Those were the words he needed to hear in that moment. Everything had seemed so dark in Thorin's mind that he'd nearly lost himself once again. But his eldest nephew, Fili, had assured him that wasn't the case. There was a brief moment where he believed that after all he'd done, the trauma he'd caused in the mountain before the Battle of Five Armies - before the ending of it, the brunette was certain that he had no longer been a light in the company's eyes.
Fili had rectified that.
Strange, wasn't it? He being the uncle and parental figure, should have been the one to reassure his young nephew that he mattered to Thorin. That he cared for the younger and would always do so. The warrior had looked to his nephew, gauging out his expression for but a few moments only to close his eyes, then reach out for the lighter haired dwarf, tugging him into a hug. "Thank you, Fili."
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blackarrcw · 3 months
@tilosecretbirb asked: warm ) : our muses cuddle together for warmth (  to eylssa from Fíli)
The night had been a chill one. Elyssa knew that the fire started by Gloin would not be enough to keep everyone warm, especially because she had been quite small and wasn't necessarily built for cold weather. A shiver rolled through out her form as slender hands raised to rub some sort of heat into her.
This would continue for some few minutes until warmth enveloped around her from behind. Her head tilted a moment turning to look and see who had been behind her, smiling a bit when she realized Fili was offering her warmth. Immediately taking the offer she leaned into the dwarf, nuzzling into his shoulder and taking in his scent.
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blackarrcw · 3 months
@tilosecretbirb asked: ❛ not all of us are going to make it out alive ❜ Eir to kíli
He didn't know how they'd come to this point in the adventure, but one thing was for certain; Kili was not going to give up. Gripping the hilt of his sword the young prince turned his head towards Eir, "Any ideas on how to at least make an attempt of getting out of this mess, then?" It was probably a stupid question but the archer was determined to see things through and if that meant ensuring Eir made it out alive, then so be it.
Because if she could give an idea of sorts, he could quickly make a plan.
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blackarrcw · 3 months
@tilosecretbirb" asked: I'm nobody! Who are you? Are you a nobody, too? ” herinýi to kíli
A nobody?
No! He was not some nobody. He was a prince - an heir to the line of Durin. The expression upon his features changed from genuine curiosity to a slight irritation, "I am not a nobody." The brunette answered, expression changing as he carefully thought over his answer "I am of one of the most prestigious bloodlines; Durin's Folk." The archer explained, eyes softening a moment "Thorin Oakenshield is the king beneath the mountain." Hoping that would get some sort of reaction out of the other.
If not then he didn't know what would.
"Why do you consider yourself a nobody?" The young archer asked, his head tilting as his curiosity struck in that moment. He'd heard people refer to themselves as such, even his own Uncle and the Hobbit themselves did the same thing, bringing up more confusion from the dwarf.
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aislingarrow · 3 months
@tilosecretbirb continued from here
Aisling glanced to Fili with a small quirk of her brow. Auburn curls resting upon her shoulders, today they seemed to be behaving. Her arms folded over her chest, yet confusion was set in those piercing blue eyes. Her archery set, placed beside her upon one of the tall trees, with thick trunks and bushy green leaves. "...Nope..No, you are going to have to talk me through that again" Aisling admitted, the last thing she wished to do was make a fool of herself.
However, Aisling had done that plenty of times. She was fierce, stubborn and protective of those she cared for, yet underneath all of that was a woman who was shy, soft and caring. Their shenanigans reminded her of Robin, how he would try and prank Aisling to cheer her up after a scorn from her father. There was a sibling love that was both wholesome and unspoken. She had a ring made of silver within her bag, she'd made it herself for Kili. Aisling knew of their traditions, how it was different to her own and what giving a gift meant .. yet Aisling hadn't found the right time. Fili was his older brother, part of her questioned if she should confide in him.
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blackarrcw · 3 months
@tilosecretbirb asked: Why didn't you say anything about this before?" (Fí to Elyssa)
The half-elf simply shrugged her shoulders, her attention shifting to the elder of the two brothers "Because I didn't know." At the time when she'd been offered an opportunity to accompany them upon their quest, Elyssa hadn't known that she could easily understand the words the dwarves would say in their mother tongue; Khuzdul. Her mother had kept much of her heritage from her over the years, only relinquishing what she felt her daughter needed to know.
Clear blues looked to the blonde once more, her arms folding across her chest loosely. Was he to be angry with her for not saying anything? She'd hoped not. It would pain her in many ways, losing her friend in all of it. "It wasn't as if I tried to keep it from any of you." Her words were soft, an urge to get him to understand that she truly wasn't trying to hide anything.
It was only with the encouragement of the resident Hobbit that she came out with it, after Fili had confronted - well, overheard her while she was in the library. What was she supposed to say? 'Hey look, I know you're saying things because I can understand your language?' That wouldn't have sounded good and probably would have set some of the dwarves off for a bit.
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blackarrcw · 3 months
@tilosecretbirb continued from this.
When his brother had joined him, the question pulled the young prince's attention toward the other. A small grin forming across his features as he'd realized that he would have the other helping him in creating said scene. "Of course there is." The brunette answered, brows wiggling in mischief.
With Fili at his side anything had been possible to pull off. Turning his head the young warrior's attention had been on their uncle, his expression shifting from the proud look to one of mischievousness as an idea slowly formed in his mind. "We should try and take on uncle first." The brunette suggested.
Thorin was going to be the difficult one to try and create a distraction with, but with careful planning and timing, things would more than likely be pulled off relatively easily. Raising a hand to pat his brother on the shoulder, the dwarf prince moved away from the other making way to the older dwarf - who was simply minding his own business with sharpening Orcrist.
"Uncle Thorin." The words pulled the elder's attention toward his younger nephew. Here they go; he had the king's attention.
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blackarrcw · 3 months
@tilosecretbirb asked: Im used to functioning in pain." (Fár to elyssa)
Ocean hues looked to the dam a moment before she shook her head. These blasted dwarrow and their way of thinking when it came to emotional or physical moments. "And that should not be a normal thing." The half-elf spoke softly, closing her book as she turned and faced the other, "How long have you been in pain for?" Came the inquiry, Elyssa had easily slipped back into the healer persona that she'd become so accustomed to.
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blackarrcw · 3 months
@tilosecretbirb asked: you shouldn’t be out here by yourself. ❜ (Fár to thorin)
A thick brow raised as he looked toward the dam, bright blues silently asking the question that was burning to be answered as his curiosity was now piqued. "And you say this because?" It wasn't as if he hadn't scouted these areas before, nor was it as if he didn't know of the dangers that lurked out in the wilderness, "I am well aware of these parts."
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