#my cat loves it tho; but she eats almost anything
funsized-panda · 4 months
LightningStorm hcs? 🥺🙏
they absolutely HATED each other before anything
those mfs wanted to see each other burn
then they realized they were gay
they both denied it for the longest time
Jackson actually was training with Cruz when she brought up Lightning
the look on Jackson's face was so lovesick
Cruz immediately just "omfg you're gay for Mcqueen!"
"No! >:T" (lies)
the third time they raced next to each other, it was intense
even the crowd could feel the tension
after the race they talked (like all racers do, dw)
all anyone saw was them both blushing like mad trying to be cool
eventually they stopped being idiots and went to friends to lovers
they really on that enemies to friends to lovers train and I love thay trope sm
Lightning asked out Storm
Jackson was SO NERVOUS
he almost said no out of pure anxiety
when he told Lightning that later on in their relationship he CACKLED
Also used it to tease Jackson
their first date was super cute tho
they were all dressed up and went out on the town
once they were official everyone was eating it up
Lightning ALWAYS had a hand on Jackson
that man's secret love language is touch and you can't tell me otherwise
during off season the two with go back and forth between their towns
eventually Jackson just moves to RS and just becomes apart of the family dynamic they all have there
they cuddle and watch movies on the nights they're both struggling to sleep
they smoke 🍃 and do the deed
Lightning will sit there taking drags as Jackson sucks him off
the bedroom life is insane for them
Jackson is a WHORE when it comes to things in his mouth
when they're not in the bedroom, he has to have gum, candy, mints, anything to keep him settled
in the bedroom? if Lightning's cock/fingers aren't in his mouth immediately that man will be a full fucking brat
Jackson isn't the only dirty one tho
Lightning loves being called sir/master
he won't be nice if Storm doesn't call him something like that
except daddy is off the table
neither of them like that
Lightning is a whore for Jackson and vice versa
if Jackson wears slightly revealing clothing or his shirt rides up?
it's done. Lightning is pining that mf to a wall and Jackson isn't walking for a good few hours
they love marking each other
Lightning loves when he can leave hickies/bruises all over Jackson. especially bc of the vice grip he has on Jackson's hips during it
Jackson loves it too
Lightning loves when Jackson leaves hickies in return
they both enjoy the idea of people knowing they own each other
if there's ever a race Lightning isn't in, he's in the pit as Jackson's crew chief
that mf has been racing for years. You think he's not gonna let his rookie in on the secrets?
everyone is jealous/angry with Jackson bc he learns all the tricks (old and new) from Lightning and wins basically every race
Cruz is even jealous but not like "wtf i should be winning this!?" its more of a "how did i not know these tricks????"
but she's just happy one of the guys she helped train is getting those wins
anytime one of them wins, they both know it'll be a long night
as soon as they step in the trailer, they're handsy and all over one another
one time in an interview, they got asked if they would adopt kids and they both paled
neither of them want kids
not because they hate them exactly, but it's just not for them
they in turn said they were happy with their golden retriever and black cat back home
they're both basically children anyway
when they first announced the relationship, there was some backlash bc of the age gap
since Jackson is in his twenties and Lightning his forties, people thought it was very... yeah
it eventually calmed down tho and everyone just enjoys the two tho
they bounce off one another like crazy
Lightning is very laid back in public, which gives Jackson the opportunity to be chaotic af
Lightning swears sometimes he'll get gray hairs from Jackson
even jokes about it in interviews
at home it's complete opposite
Jackson is calm and relaxed and Lightning is the one bouncing off the walls
same person, opposite reactions basically
When Lightning proposes to Jackson, they do it in a private setting
somewhere really nice. like a little forest hideout they found one day that became their favorite spot
they were gonna announce it in style but Lightning slips up
Jackson won a race after almost losing and everyone just heard Lightning basically scream
everyone lost their shit
there you go 🥰
if you don't like this then oh well. scroll on pookie
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uglly-rodent · 1 year
Guardians of the Galaxy headcannons
Here are my some of my headcannons (except they're mostly rocket lol). I might draw some of them in the future
The guardians are all a fan of boba tea. Its all their favorite drink
Rocket sleeps the best when he's squished or cuddled up with people because it reminds him of when he used to cuddle up with floor
When no one is looking, rocket has the habit of sometimes washing his food before eating. Quill filmed it once
Drax has warm hands and nebula has cold hands
Rocket doesn't like bathing so after a while of not bathing, they all pin him down and force bathe him like a cat but they all end up getting bites and scratches.
The guardians are a "bad influence" on mantis because of them, she learned swear words and got anger issues.
Rocket still does fatherly things to groot even when hes grown.
Nebula's fav guardians member is rocket because of all the time they spent together in the blip. They are very close.
After rocket almost died after quill got drunk. He never ever touched alcohol again.
After Rocket pointed out in vol1 that Gamora called him a rodent and how it affected him, she never even dared to call him something other than rocket, out of guilt. (she even corrects nebula in vol2 when she calls him a fox)
Rocket only tells Groot1 about his past. He used to tell baby groot too but in the form of bedtime stories that he doesn't remember anymore
Rocket has survivors guilt from when lyla, teefs and floor died. Then it just got worst when the guardians blipped.
If they ever rode a rollercoaster, drax would love it, peter would have fun, nebula would be fine with it, mantis would be very nervous, groot would feel uneasy after and a little sick and rocket would be terrified and literally shaking in his boots like a cat lol
Okay that's all
Rocket is a teeny bit dyslexic. He has a hard time telling apart right from left and confuses a lot of spelling.
Rocket is a jack of all trades and multitalented. He can do literally anything. His handwriting is unintelligible tho. Absoluteley atrocious. Its like its own language. Harder to understand than Groot. Only the guardians can read it.
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atsukinakae · 11 months
Hi! I wanted to ask if I could request a Luka (miraculous) x ftm reader (he/they). Where reader moves to Paris and becomes the new student in marinettes class. Noone knows that he is trans yet and everyone refers to him as "she". Because of that he gets akumatised but he can change to his normal self while being akumatised. So noone knows the new villain is him because while he is in his akumatised form he looks like a boy, but when he changes back to his normal form he somewhat looks like a girl and acts completely normal. The thing is, he isn't aktually bad or wants to harm people. Hawkmoth told him, that when he steals ladybugs and cat noirs miraculous, Hawkmoth would turn him into a real boy. You can put as much angst and fluff and whatever you want in it if you decide to write it. Sorry if it is confusing. How the story ends is up to you, but maybe a happy ending :). Thank you, and have a nice day!
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If your uncomfortable or you want to change the pronouns you can tell me (⁠^⁠^⁠).
The end is kind of a mix of comfort and happy ending
Angst and Fluff | Luka Couffaine x FTM!reader.
PLEASE READ THIS:Reader is a still in closet and nobody knows he's/they are trans.
Never thought this would happen
It was 8:00AM when the teacher entered in the silent class,"Good morning students"the teacher said,"Good morning", the students said some half asleep and some others trying to not to fall asleep."I know you all aren't fully awake but I want you know that we have a new student"."You can come in".You entered the class looking at the floor,you walked straight were the teacher was and introduce your self,"Hi,i'm d/n".
It hurted you saying your birthname that you never felt like It was yours,but couldn't do anything,you were scared on how would people react.
"You can sit next to Ivan",then a tall boy raised his hand.Even tho it was your first at this new school you were scared because everyone was staring at you like you are some type of alien,but they are just curious.
After school you walked home while listening to music,when you arrived home you found a blue haired boy talking to your mom.
"Hey dear how was your first day of school?"you're mom said with a smile.
"It was good mom"you said looking confused at the blue haired boy.
"Oh I almost forgot,he's Luka Couffaine,my childhood best friend's son
"Luka,she is my daugther *deadname*"
You smiled uncomfortable not knowing what to do, after a few seconds he left because he had things to do.
After eating you went to your bedroom and lay down on your bed.You couldn't stop thinking about Luka,that boy that had you crazy from the second that saw him.
"He's so cute with that smile that is making me go crazy,wait,I just met him today,I can't fall in love with someone without knowing them" That's what you said to yourself.
In the last weeks you everytime you saw Luka he would say hi to you and sometimes even had little conversations.In the class you have been talking with almost everyone except for the blonde girl,Chloe and her friend Sabrina.
But we all know that hapiness isn't forever,one day you woke up without energy and not wanting to talk to anyone.In class you were quiet and your friends were worried about you.In the middle of the class you raised you hand,"Can I go to the bathroom?","Yes,but is everything is okay?",you didn't say anything,you just locked yourself in the bathroom and cried because everyone was refers to you as a girl,even if your not.Cried till you couldn't cry more,on the other side,Hawkmoth was prepared to akumatise his new victim.
A black and purple butterfly flew to you and akumatised you.
"Hello y/n","Who are you and how do you my name?"you said with a shaky voice,"I'm Hawkmoth and I am here to help you","Help me?,How are you going to help me?","I can make you look like a boy but... I want Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous".
There was silent for a few seconds,"So... Deal?"
"Deal but I want you to help me with some things because i just arrived a few weeks ago".You said with confidence on yourself.
*Toc Toc* "d/n,are you okay?Do you want to talk?"You hear Marinette worried voice.
You opened the door,without looking at Marinette,"I'm sorry for for worrying y'all,I was not in a good mood" you said while walking out of the bathroom.
It was break time and all you did was eat and listen to your friends.You didn't told anyone about Hawkmoth or that your are the new villain.
"So... Now I am an villain? I mean,they hurt people or try to win against heroes because of they're past.But I just want to be a boy,act and be treated as a boy"You were so deep on your thoughts that you didn't notice Alix talking to you,"Calling d/n to earth",while shaking you from your shoulders.
After that you went back to the class,during class you tried to do a plan in your mind of how to get the miraculous of Ladybug and Chat noir.
After the classes end,you said goodbye to you're friends and went home.
After hoy did all tour tasks, you told you're mom that you we're going for a walk,but that was a lie.
After a few minutes of walking you found a perfect place to active your power,the metro(in Paris the metro are underground).Luckily there wasn't anyone and you transformed,after you looked into the reflect of glass(imagine there was a window or something that could reflect) you saw a boy,you couldn't believe it)
When you came out from you hiding place,you saw that everyone that looked at you got scared, because even though you looked like a boy,you has the aspect of a "villain"
And this was the perfect moment for making some (desastre),the only way to catch ladybug and chat noir's attetion
(Just imagine the fight and all because I don't know how to do this part,sorry)
After a long fight,Ladybug tried to calm you down because she knew that you were innocent and it was all plan yo have the miracles.
Well you actually calmed down a bit.
Chat noir tried to aproach you slowly,in the end he succeded to break the akumatized object and have you back in your normal form.
After Ladybug restored everything,you fell down on your knees and repeting "I couldn't do it","It's over,I won't ever be an actual boy" while sobbing.
Ladybug and Chat noir stared at you with sad and worried eyes,they didn't know what to do or say.Ladybug sat next to you and tried to calm you down by hugging you.
"Little boy,look at me please" said chat noir while wiping away your tears,when he saw your puffy red eyes he got More worried but still tried to act calm for you."We don't know what made you do all of this but just let you know that we are here you anytime you need us"
And with that after a few minutes they dissapeard because their didn't have much time with their costumes on."We gotta go,don't have much time,see ya next time little boy".
After the weekend and all the incident that happened on friday you went back to daily routine,but this time was diferent,Marinette and Alya came to you and once again tried to be friends even after all the times you did never actually spoke too much.But this time you tried to actually be friends with them and tried your best so want be felt left out.
School was over and now you had summer vacations and with your group you went to a near park and the delicious ice cream from the sweet and kind man.Later y'all went to see the beautiful sunset on Luka's ship,"Guys I need to say something"you said while playing with your hands because of the nerves."I- I'm trans,I am boy who is trapped in girls body,and that my name is y/n"
There was a loud silence before everyone hugged,you were surprised because you would have never thought that this will happen.
"It's okay y/n, don't worry,we accept as you truly are","Our sweet and kind boy,we love you and we are proud that you had so much trust on us to tell this"
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layraket · 21 days
I saw your post saying asks for the creatures gang au were open so
1) what type of creature is everyone? (I've seen a few post, but I don't think I know what EVERYONE is)
2) what is everyone's favorite food?
3) do they do snuggles? If so, who is most likely to curl up together?
4) of those with fur, who's is the softest?
1) I tried to make them all something that is related to their adventure AND will make sense in their quests, so we have:
Wind - Seagull
Four - Mouse
Hyrule - Fairy
Wild - Fox
Legend - Rabbit
Sky - Loftwing
Twilight - Wolf (well it would be more a mix between a german shepherd and a wolf if we go with the technicalls)
Warriors - Lion
Time - Wolf
Twilight is able to turn hylian, the same with Hyrule! the only diference is that Twilight uses the aid of the light spirits, while Hyrule is able to do this for himself
im still deciding if make this also something that Four can do, but i'll see when i finish playing minish cap lol
As an extra theres also Ravio who is a bunny and Malon who is a German Shepherd!
if i remember correctly i also added Spirit somewhere, who is a draft horse
Wind: There's this old lady in Outset island that took care of him and Aryll when their parents never came back, she makes the best fish soup! she always give them some
Four: Loves the pastries in Castle Town! Always goes to visit the minish there to have a chat and taste all the sweet bread
Hyrule: Anything tooth-rooting sweet! but fruits like strawberries are his personal favorites, in his era there's not much of them to taste (thats why Wild's Hyrule is one of his favs behind Legend's)
Wild: This damn fox eats anything that can enter his mouth. But! He loves a lot fish, he visits frequently Zora's domain and Sidon always gives him some, the same in Lurelin Village after the locals got used to his presence
Legend: Apples, also red poppies are one of his personal favorites, Ravio always find some when they explore around the forest
Sky: This bird loves fish a lot, and since he got to taste the trouts in the surface they became his favorites
Twilight: Yeto's soup, he got to taste it while hylian, and hes glad that he did that, he didnt thought that the soup could get better with wolf hair. A second place is definetly baked cucco
Warriors: See this giant cat? he's completly in love with Hyrule's food since he got to taste it, his personal favorite being the beef of Castle Town
Time: since a puppy he has been feed with a simpler diet, mostly tiny roedors and some fruit, but since he got to stay in the ranch his fav is fried cucco eggs, Malon has to talk with the cuccos cuz they dont let him near to take the eggs tho
3) Absolutely. Twilight is very protective with the ones he consider pack, so he express his love with a lot of physical touch. He always tries to stay close to Time, and keeps company Wild as he is almost like a pup in his eyes. He tried with Legend, that rabbit's bite is strong
Wild, Legend and Hyrule cuddle together a lot, sometimes Four joins them
Sky mother hen's everyone, he's the biggest in the chain and even Time or Wars cant escape his big wings covering them completly. The only one who isn't found of him is Wind
Wind stays very close to Warriors, always on his back and sleeps covered by his scarf and mane, Four also joins them sometimes, being the smallest one makes him very pocket sized for everyone
have you seen Wars?
i mean yeah Twilight looks very fluffy, Legend too
but this is a big kitty who we are talking abt
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i rest my case
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 6 months
*Holds New York and Gov in each hand like how cats grab their kittens by the neck with their teeth and slams open your door with my foot* : Their current caretaker is stressing about her exams too much to take care of them right now so I am putting you in temporary charge of them for a while and Kota. Kota. Listen here. Be. Nice. To. Them. (/j) They should be smiling when I return to pick them up again.
Anyway in the meantime, while you're babysitting them, can I get some fluff hcs for these two please and thank you <3 (for your request for requests)
Awwww yayyyy I get to babysit :) dw this can only end good I prommy 🙏
Sometimes NY will just sit next to Gov’s desk at night while he works and sometimes Gov will give him headpats with on hand whilst using the other to work.
^though, if NY is having a rough night with anxiety and ptsd, Gov will hold him in his lap as he works and whisper comforting things to NY 😭
NY is the only reason Gov has ever worn anything other than a suit. And is the only reason that Gov has anything besides suits/formal clothes in his closet.
When Gov told NY about how PA kinda neglected him as a kid, NY went right up to PA and punched him in the face with no regard for his own safety (did he get beat tf up? Yes. Was it worth it cuz he felt that in a way he defended someone he loves? F*ck yeah).
NY loves cooking for other people (tho he would rather die than admit it), and sometimes cooks something for Gov to eat, drops in through the vents, and hops back up before Gov can say anything or process wtf just happened. He’s very greatful though.
This has definitely happened before:
"New York. Don’t you dare."
"[nudges the mug closer to the edge of the desk whilst staring him in the eyes]"
"New York."
"[bap and run]"
Gov thinks that no one can hear him crying but oh boy oh boy he’s wrong (shocker 🤯). New York can hear it. He can hear it very well. And he comforts Gov every time cuz that’s what friends/lovers do.
I see them both with long-ish messy hair, so NY will sit behind Gov and play with his hair. It feels very nice to Gov and makes him really really tired.
(If they’re dating) Gov got the shovel talk from Connie, NJ, and Mass, and NY got the shovel talk from PA (which was literally just PA pinning him down and yelling a bunch of death threats and making NY almost cry-). IDC would’ve given him a shovel talk, but she trusts NY and knows that he wouldn’t hurt her brother.
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winderlylandchime · 5 months
Hello! I was asked nicely (yes, he did make me say nicely so that youd know) to send you a message. He wants you to know that he forced (mhm you read that right) his best friends to read your Tattoo fic and the fireflies fic. And they all liked it but obviously didn’t get as overly invested as my brother. But he told me that they both really enjoyed how you wrote the older versions of Britin. They felt like even tho they had no prior knowledge (except what my brother has told them so basically unreliable) that the fic reads really well on its own and they felt like they understood the characters without knowing almost anything.
He has a lot of thoughts about the drag queens you picked. He read the list and went ‘not who i expected but damn now I’m even more curious how this is gonna go’ and he also sent me a text out of nowhere that said ‘YOOO TRIXIE POSTED A YOUTUBE VIDEO WITH BTS SECRETS FROM RUPAUL!! Tell my homie if she needs any research info about it!’
He also saw while he was showing his friends the messages and everything from you and your friends and myself (even I didn’t know this so now i feel shitty) that your sweet Emmett is having some issues and he asked me to send you some love from him and Brian. And I’m also sending you love. Brian the cat was with me for just a few months and I already feel like Rosa after she got that dog Arlo, so I can’t imagine what you guys are going through, I hope you and your partner are okay
Hello dear sweet anon!
Thank you for these kind words about my fics. It means a lot as a writer that they work even for someone who hasn’t seen the series. That’s such a lovely compliment. Thank you for passing it on.
I saw Trixie’s video come up as recommended! I’ll watch it for sure. Please tell your brother that I recommend the book Legendary Children (Fitzgerald & Marquez) for more inside scoop. I am waiting to read And Don’t Fuck It Up (Fernandez) because there is a 20 week hold at my library! (I also loved And The Category Is… [Tucker] which is more about the ball scene) If he wants to nerd out about drag race.
Friend, this message came in just as I was saying goodbye to my beloved Emmett. My spouse and I had to make the call that he was declining and no longer enjoying life. He had been diagnosed with diabetes last year in March and he did very well on insulin but in the last week stopped eating enough to be able to administer it. He was 16+ and the best little guy in the world. He loved my make up and when I would brush his face with my blush brush. He would curl up with his head in my bra cup. He also loved hummus. (Was he a basic white girl?) He and Kinney were best buds until Kinney passed and then he and Olivia were inseparable. I miss him so so much but I also know it was his time. Please ask your brother to give Brian a little extra love in memory of Emmett Honeycutt Theymomlastname-Shemomlastname
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(Emmett as a baby)
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supermightyglue · 2 years
stinkabutt im on my hands and knees begging for somemore dickhouse chick content (if you want to<3)
yes i always want to i love getting asks nd reqs !! its like christmas nd i love dickhouse chick i have so many thoughts about her ! im horrible i promise i will think of actual headcanon things soon idk if these random things i do are okay or if y’all like them but im bad at thinking of specific scenarios/prompts so i am very open to reqs for that <3
i’ve said this before, but she goes by her last name almost exclusively. so much so that dave actually forgot her real name for a while
to casual fans she is the jackass girl .. but she prefers dickhouse chick
ik all my jackass girls are a mess, but she’s a mess in a different way. the mess that looks put together and has a nice, clean apartment but is one of those ppl who neglects herself. dry lips and doesn’t use chapstick, sleeps in her contacts, doesn’t brush her hair .. but she showers religiously and smells good
also shes that bitch to forget to eat :/ and when she does she’s picky .. loves soup tho. any kind. mostly she lives on caffeine and vodka
she’s fun and fits in but she is SO serious when it comes to work. as serious she can be working on jackass and big brother, anyway. when she’s focused writing or trying to get good footage, she does NOT want to be bothered
aside from that though, she’s surprisingly patient when everyone messes with her. especially because she can give it back even worse
she’s lowkey bossy LMAO
practically tremaine’s little sister. not in a sweet way, though. he will make her life hell if the mood strikes him. they’re just on the same wavelength and equally horrible. she’s better than him at persuading people to do stunts, though. and she’s smug about it.
not only one of the dickhouse founders, but a jackass founder. it would not be what it is without her because she is almost more horrible than the guys—but always has the solutions and irons out the kinks
skates casually but is more into the bmx stuff.
was always into photography, even when she was younger, but she was also always Herself so she didn’t focus on pretty things to photograph and just captured gnarly shit
but she WILL take photos of the guys. never posed or anything, always candids. she takes photos during filming and stuff ofc, but she has a stash of happy smiley photos of everyone because she cherishes them.
always says she’s too busy to have a pet and can’t even keep fish alive but she took in a stray cat who’s honestly kinda really mean but she always put out food for him and eventually he just walked into her apartment and refused to leave. he is her baby. she takes care of him more than she takes care of herself.
she ensures that all bits that could include costumes have costumes. she loves a good costume
in my brain, she has these giant hazel doe eyes that can melt people and by people i mostly mean mr pj clapp but he would never say that out loud (pontius, tremaine, dave, and preston totally see it tho)
not close to her family, they don’t really like what she’s doing with her life .. she doesn’t really give a shit, though.
thinks everyone is too hard on ehren and always sticks up for him. he might be a lil in love with her but she’s oblivious and thinks of him as a brother. poor guy
she’s kinda shy with new people tbh. it takes a lil bit to adjust to them—especially bam. she doesn’t like how he treats people and it took her a while to acknowledge that he can be alright sometimes
stephanie is her bestie. they’re like sisters <3
she had the idea for the valentine bit and it’s her favorite one
the best gift giver ever
loves the pacific northwest and lowkey wants to move there .. the downside is she would live in the same area as dave england
she once got very very drunk and cried because of how much she loves them all. she never heard the end of it. she also kissed steve that night. she REALLY never heard the end of that.
but usually when she’s drunk she’s just really chatty and fun and will try to do stunts .. a few of them were used in the show and movies.
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wonolic · 11 months
I'm sorry if this comes out weird but if it's okay can I please ask for some head cannons with Yui but how would she be in a romantic relationship with Yuutsu
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By the way she is an OC of mine you can find more information about her on my patreon
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Yui's relationship with Yuutsu ! 🌸
OMG, thank you so much for your ask! I'm really happy that you trusted me to do it. 🩷
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I'm really sorry if I don't portray your OC like she really is, it's just that I never made a request like that before. I hope you enjoy it!
Yui is so in love with that girl she can't even hide it, it's like her pupils become heart shaped when she sees Yuutsu.
Yui would try everything to help her girlfriend out with her social anxiety problems and make her prioritize her own mental health. Yui would try hard to make
Yuutsu see she's not bothering nor a burden to her, also, would totally support Yuutsu and attend pride parades with her.
Yui finds it sad how Yuutsu is so self-conscious about her own body and feels bad about having a small chest, so Yui always tries to make Yuutsu see the good side of having small chest and how cute she looks with it!
She finds it incredible how intelligent Yuutsu is, always prizing her about it and asking for help/advice because she knows Yuutsu is the best giving it.
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Yuutsu and Yui would try and do so many hairstyles on each other and it's such a cute moment between the two of them. I can totally see Yui brushing Yuutsu's long hair every night before they go to sleep.
They would totally watch anime together, principally Sailor Moon; would pick one night to focus on binge watching Nana, Sailor Moon and various magical girls anime while eating their favorite sweets and hugging.
Sometimes, she'll feel kinda nervous when around Yuutsu and doesn't know how to act, just a silly smile from Yuutsu is enough to leave the poor girl flustered.
When walking together, people would find their relationship cute because of their aesthetics that look like they complete each other + both of the girls are so pretty and sweet together it's almost impossible to not like them.
When Yuutsu is scarred/has nightmares and go to hide in her closet, Yui follows her, does her maximum to comfort Yuutsu and make her feel safe again, reassuring that she's there for Yuutsu and that she can count on her for anything.
Even tho I think Yui prefers dogs over cats, I do think she loves cats and that she would treat Snowball and Cinnamon as if they were her own pets and with the utmost love and care.
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Yui is Yuutsu's fan number 1 and comments on all of her videos at least three times, like I said before, she supports her girlfriend in everything! Yui will even learn how to paint and decorate nails, just to make her girlfriend happy.
Sometimes uses Yuutsu's sewing machine when she can't find her stitching bag, and even tho Yui isn't skilled as Yuutsu when it comes to sewing, she tries to make some handmade gifts for Yuutsu.
Would frequently visit the maid coffee shop Yuutsu's work on, she'll be okay if it isn't Yuutsu who will serve her, but she gets so happy and puts such a large smile when Yuutsu is the one serving her.
Again, please, forgive me if I didn't do what you wanted or didn't portray your OC in the right way. Please, feel free to send more requests in the future! See you in the next post! 💗
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itzcherrybonbon · 1 year
The differences between E.L.A Artemis and OG!Artemis:
-8 years old
-Nightmare doesn't care about her or her safety, Killer on the other hand adores her and raised her on his own like he did with Crescent, Angst and Merciless. Killer's always looking out for her
-Neon (SciFresh kid) is her crush
-Sneaks out a lot to either go see Neon, pick flowers, or see T.M.P and the Star Sanses
-Optimistic, energetic and an innocent little angel <3
-Heavy sleeper.
-Has a kitten she named Cottonpuff
-Really wants Nightmare to love her like all dads do :(
-Doesn't know how to write or read well- Someone has to read her the bedtime stories she wants to hear. Usually Melantha <3
-A bit of an accident prone, inherited that from Killer
-Her weapon of choice is a miniature scythe Killer gifted her
E.L.A Artemis:
-16 years old
-Cor.Nightmare's favorite, without a doubt. Finally a timeline where Nightmare treats her with love and care, but Killer doesn't.
-Always behaved when she was little, and would ask for permission to go outside to play first
-Feels like it's necessary for her to act mature, she always thinks and analyzes things carefully before doing anything.
-Barely gets enough sleep despite taking sleeping pills. Insomniac? Pretty much
-Barely eats because of her eating disorder
-"Why get a cat, I am the fucking cat-" She is like a cat tho because of her eyes and lack of energy, plus is a bit grumpy
-"Neon who? All I see is Palette. He's everywhere, literally: In the fashion magazines, in the church, right here next to me as I ramble on and on, and now he's showing up in my nightmares too- Like- damn- Not that I'm complaining but like-"
-A famous singer <3
-Obviously can read and write well unlike her original self- What is she, a bozo?- Yes she was homeschooled btw-
-Her weapon of choice is a black spear she summons with her magic.
-Can't get along/are distant with Merciless
-Crescent and Angst adore them
-Hearts of gold <3 They're both caring and kind. Always put their loved ones before themselves.
-Get along/are friendly with almost everyone
-Yellow is their favorite color
-Pretty long hair ahahahaha
-Have witches for motherly figures (Hope [E.L.A], Melantha)
-THEY LIKE CORALINE (the movie and the book) AND HAMILTON MUSIC-
E.L.A and Hope by @anotherrosesthatfell
Melantha by @angels-dreamings
The Sanses belong to their rightful creators
Artemis, E.L.A Artemis and T.M.P made by me
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bugsbenefit · 3 months
Hello, how are you doing?🌷💓🌞
omgggg lenora you're backkkk hiiiii 🥰🥰💞💗 i missed seeing you on the dash the past weeks so much 💕💕💕🫂
i'm doing good right now actually! (putting a read more here in hindsight because of the ramble lmaoooo)
i'm doing a course to start taking driving classes. which... happens to be in the evening so that does kind of suck actually. but yk exciting to finally get it out of the way! and i'm also almost done with it by now, there's only this week (including the weekend uhm) and part of next week left and then i'll have a normal schedule again akdfhad
(i usually have an atrocious sleep schedule but somehow being out until almost 10 and having to eat dinner then is fucking it up even more. good to know a bad sleep schedule can always be worse if you try hard enough🙏, maybe that'll finally motivate me to improve it when i'm done with the course crying)
and i'm also crossing some things off the list of chores no one in the family has done in ages since i've accepted they're not happening otherwise. like taking my grandma's cat who didn't see a vet in almost 10 years to one last week and she shockingly didn't try to kill me!! (surprising because she's genuinely insane. there's baby photos of her trying to bite people's arteries open. i love her and she has issues. she's cute too, no matter how many of my relatives think she's butt ugly, it adds to her charm. she does look weird tho i admit that. also really fat, big girl, i had to buy a whole new carrier to even fit her into it 😭) big fat cat who hunts mice for fun, looks weird as hell, loves biting people and is also the most touch starved cuddly cat i know, she contains multitudes
she's fine but i'll have to take her again in a few weeks, i'm convinced she'll return to her killer roots now that she remembers what a transport carrier looks like. but i'll just be optimistic about it until her teeth are in my arm 👍
byproduct of that is also that i'm trying to exposure therapy my way through my crippling fear of making phone calls to officials and doctors and so on. thanks insane cat of my grandma 💗 it's a process but it's definitely getting easier
also side effect from all that is that i haven't really been on tumblr much the past 2 weeks either (i mean i say that, i am actually still on here but i usually just scroll and don't have time to reblog/post when i'm on the go. tumblrina is a chronic condition for me i fear)
but there's also not been that much production news for ST or anything i could have missed out on so good timing :D
this is kind of a ramble of what i've been up to adfkjadfj how are You?💞 it's so nice to have you back on the dashhhh
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lion-buddy · 2 years
Hey! I love your blog :)
Can you go into detail about why Nezuko is your favorite character?
oohhh. ive been, enabled.
Ty anon
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Just to begin, nezukos design already checks a lot of boxes for me:
- multi colored hair 
- purple/pink/orange/red color scheme (she looks like a sunset :]) 
- The long socks/legs wraps (idk the correct term sry)
- Fangs and claws and cat eyes >:3c
- Star-like pattern on her kimono 
     I also really like her voice. (Tho I Adore all the voice acting in kny. It never misses) I think Akari Kito does a really good job at differentiating her human and demon mannerisms, even if most of the time it’s just conveyed through muffled hums and grunts. She does an amazing job where it really counts ESPECIALLY especially especially in ep 7 season 2. Not to fangirl but Oh my god I don’t think I’ve ever anticipated anything more in my life. You have No idea how excited I was for the ep to drop. Every week I was just counting down the eps, trying to predict what weekend it release. And it was so worth the wait. It was. SO GOOD. The animation was amazing, the score never missed a beat (i already have a whole ramble talking abt the ost in that one scene), and the voice acting was perfect on all ends. I will always love how Akari Kito lowered her voice to better fit the berserker nezuko persona. I love how ufotable added these nice little details that helped each scene transition so nicely. The sound design was so good. Words cant describe how much adrenaline was running through my body while watching all that! And I know that sounds weird, being that excited abt a single ep, but I had been waiting for that for years dude. And, the idea that it would drop almost didn’t seem real. Nezuko vs Daki is probably one of my favorite fights in the series! From the initial reveal to when nezuko falls asleep, I adore the way it develops nezuko and tackles the issues around being a demon that I was hoping would be addressed! How despite her initial intentions, strong emotions can block out reason and thought, and cause yourself to become blindsided from logic. And in this case, it let’s her demonic tendencies take control. It’s. SO INTERESTING AHH. 
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and while i love all that potential for her character set up that ep, i don’t like how berserker Nezuko was handled later. As in how after the RLD arc, berserker nezuko is not really addressed again despite what almost happened. And when she does come back she’s perfectly fine and in complete control and tanjiro doesn’t seem worried at all despite the fact that the last time he saw his sister like that he had to restrain her from trying to eat someone. But never mind that, I don't want to be bitter. My point is that I really really like that ep and what it sets up for nezukos character (even if what was set up was not acted upon as much as I hoped it would be later) and it will always have a special place in my heart.
     And on the topic of fights, I also think her fighting style is super cool and fun to watch (and this is aided by the beautiful animation). It helps her stand out from the rest of the cast in which a majority fight with swords. And, I also think her not talking is an important character trait.  Because with a main cast of 4, 3 of which are all varying levels of loud, having nezuko not talk helps her stand out in a group that is constantly yelling. And all of this holds up for me despite having an au entirely focused on if she could talk. that is purely for my self indulgence <:D. 
      Ok so. Want to address something that is always kinda a constant “Elephant in the Room” for me because, as a character in the story of kny, if I’m being honest with myself, most of my interest in nezuko doesn’t come from the actual story we’re given. Hell, my favorite dynamic is the nezuko and makomo friendship we see in the side series and it’s not even canon nor ever could be :,) (read kimetsu academy). Dont get me wrong tho, i get so happy any time i see nezuko. i cant think of a moment in the series where i wasn't happy to see her on screen. But, compared to other characters, especially as secondary main character, her development is harder to follow. That doesn’t mean there isn’t any tho, she’s just kinda, sidelined. And since she doesn’t speak, it means development she does get isn’t spoken, which I think is both consistent with her character while also being sort of a detriment. 
     Ok so, initially this next section was a 5+ paragraph ramble that I decided was too negative to keep in and could honestly be it’s own post. and on top of all that was. kinda hard to follow. I don’t want this to be a critique of the series, I want it to be abt why I like it :D. So to put this short a sweet, a lot of questions i had weren’t given a lot of attention. Or, weren’t always handled amazingly <:). i.e Berserker Nezuko.  because the thing is, Nezukos story has a really really intriguing beginning. You're left there asking so many questions. Is nezuko going to be able to stay in control of herself? How is she going to ensure that? Can she talk without the muzzle? How is Tanjiro going to handle not being able to interact with his sister? How is she going to react to other people? How are they going to turn her human? Does she need to eat? Does she remember what happened to her family? 
   So asking all this, a lot of my thoughts are more inspired by what could have been, or trying to interpret or expand on moments we are given. And, fun fact, on the side Ive actually been taking the time to write out and reason why nezuko is the way she is because I’m. Just like that I guess! Not everything needs an answer, but I like to try and connect dots where I can and come up with an answer myself. Cuz something I always address when talking abt nezuko was how underutilized she was. And while just spatting a doc full of head-cannon info is one thing, (which will probably never see the light of day because. My god that thing is a transcription directly from my under stimulated school brain and is therefore incomprehensible) it’s more fun to think abt this info being conveyed through the story. And on that note, here are a few plot points that the series sets up that I think could have been neat and given Nezuko more meaningful screen time!
- more talk with Tamayo and demon biology. I think it’s super interesting and could lead to some interesting conversation and an explanation for beserker Nezuko. (Because if I’m genuinely bitter abt anything it’s the beserker nezuko plot line). I also like Tamayo and sad we didn’t get see her that much. Tanjiro is the Concerned Older Brother I and I feel he would have questions to ask, especially after the RDL arc. 
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- More downtime focus between her and tanjiro. (This is a Big one for me I think abt it A Lot). We get hints of it like after Mugen Train and I think could have been really interesting to see how the two communicate despite their circumstances. we also get a bit between them in the side stories with that flower short and i literally cried when i read that. :’) i want more content of them so badly 
- A nezuko arc that covers the time when tanjiro and the rest of the gang are recovering from the events of the entertainment district. I wanna know what was she up to! (I do have wip a comic written and sketched abt this exact question but. Motivation is a bitch </3)
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- Nezuko and zenitsu. I’m so sad the anime cut what little bit we had in the manga I wanna see them hanging out in a flower field being friends. It would make their end game seem more, natural, seeing we don’t get a lot of content about them vibing sunrise countdown.  - More interaction with the pillars. Maybe not with nezuko specifically but I just want more pillar content outside of battle, maybe with some focus on the enigma that is Nezuko. how having a demon in the corps affects their moral codes a whatnot.  
- I wanna see Inosuke and Nezuko fight together. I feel their fighting styles would complement each other well
- NEZUKO AND GENYA. The two foils should have been allowed to interact together after the swordsmith village. It could give Nezuko an opportunity to talk more now that she can. I feel nezuko and Genya are really similar not just in abilities (and yknow. Being foils and all) but personality. It could be an opportunity for her to finally share how she feels about being a demon with someone who also knows how it feels. There’s. SO much potential ough. 
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(i would expand on these ideas myself in this post but my brain does not organize like that so </3. i love to think abt nezuko as a character A Lot, but putting those thoughts down in a coherent manner takes a lot of effort for me, so if i ever do they would be their own posts.)     
but either way, I go crazy when people make Nezuko content especially around concepts like these. they are so much fun to interact with. But. Yeah, Nezuko gets side lined a lot in kny, and despite that she’s still my fav because she had so much potential. But kny is a shorter series with not a lot of in-between fluff, especially in the later chapters, so ofc not everything would have time to be addressed. I just think it’s fun to, instead of being upset at this, just make what I wanted to see, and look for content by others to see how they interpret the character. Because people have such good ideas. there are a lot of cool people in this fandom and I’m happy to be apart of it :D
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musigrusi · 1 year
More random Headcanons of 141
And since I'm a horse girly, we gon add unnecessary amounts of equines (including my own)
Soap is the kinda guy who would love animals like no other, but with the same amount of knowledge as a chicken has about being a shark, you get me?
Ask the man to feed a cat, yES he will do so, but don't be surprised when you find the cat eating pizza.
Bestie says he would be the second half to my demonic stallion (I agree wholeheartedly)
While Soap and my good-for-nothing horse (his name is Legolas by the way... I *had* hopes when I named him... not anymore) would be partners in crime by unintentionally causing the most chaotic of accidents, baby stallion (whose name was almost Hades but I changed it to Leviathan) and Soap would *intentionally* cause the most chaos fathomable to the laws of physics.
Ghost, man... I would put him in a horse therapy group. You know what you do during equine therapy sessions?
You pet them
You brush them
Sometimes you go on a quick spin on them (definitely am not bitter that my family didnt put me in an equine therapy program as a kid, not me, not at all)
Ghost has a handful of cats he just randomly collects from the side of the road too. They got their own cat room, cat TV, couch, a bazillion cat beds in all shapes and forms and... indoor grown, well trimmed cat grass.
Gaz... I feel like he's one of those guys that like animals but dont seek them out? But when they befriend one, it's for LIFE and they will do anything for em?
Which makes him best friend material for dumbass Leggy (or the very pissy matriarch of my collection, Titan)
Rudy has a Banana Ball Python he named "Pasta". Alejandro is deadly afraid of her while Valeria is besties with her (it started off as her befriending danger noodle out of spite for Alejandro but turned into a true and beautifully sinister friendship).
Graves' grandpa is an old farmer and the brat defo helped him out on the ranch before. Boy is a proper cowboy.
And for that exact reason I would dare him to work with Titan (my pissy mare).
Dude will either become her new favorite human or learn physics like never before. 20/80, not in his favor.
I'd put Shepard on her too, especially when she's in one of her shitty moods. Couple that with his old values of "you break em and build em back up" and you got his death reciept guaranteed.
Alejandro loves cows. He wants a full ranch of em for the sole purpouse of cuddling, grooming and petting. I'm also feeling like he would be slightly intimidated by horses (lol especially the pissy one, who isnt tho. Also not helping that if he would be introfuced to mine... well I only have giants, no ponies or normally sized horses around my stables) so he'd either play farmer with a trusty old quad, should he ever settle down. Or he would get a sturdy lil Quarter pony, maybe even a Mustang (I totally see him as one of those "Wendy" girls, "wE hAvE suCh A StRoNg CoNNeCtIoN" those chicks? yeah he is one of em and he defo watched the movie Spirit, then went out and bought a Buckskin/Dun Mustang and named him Spirit too)
Since we're on the topic of "what horse do they ride", here's my own list: Alejandro and his sturdy lil Dun/Buckskin Spirit
Graves would ride his Gramps' old strawberry roan bronc named "Bob" who's probs been considered old before Graves was even born and yet he's still going strong
Shepard, god I hate this guy, he gets a good old American Saddlebred, Chestnut, constantly looks like she's on the acid trip of her life (I find saddlebreds' expressions so fucken entertaining, 10/10) and her name is "Sandy"
Soap gets a Haflinger to A) deal with his bullshit like a champ and B) add to the crazies. The name is probably "Alastaire". Haflingers only come in flaxen chestnut (varying in shade, rarely pure chestnut) so there u go for the colour
RUDY MY LOVE gets a Criollo, suitable in location and even more suitable in their firey nature. defo has an Overo/Sabino Roan+Buckskin Paint named "Fernandito". Fernandito is a cool dude, only scared of Chihuahuas tho.
Valeria has a GIGANTIC Lusitano Stallion, either pitch black with mean eyes or a golden chestnut Pearl with green ones (yes they do actually have green-ish eyes sometimes) His name is something like "Gladiolus" or "Cor Leonis" any FF15 fans eh?
Ghost... I think he probs walked in to an auction once bc he saw a sign and found a scared little ugly duckling, felt a connection and bought him for like 300 bucks (basically Leggy's OG story, that's why I thought these two would click) His name is "Spooky" and he's a blue roan dun with a white face and blue eyes
Gaz first took over his neighbor's shetland after she passed away and then decided, fuck it, and went out to buy another horse as a companion. Now, I would believe he's the kinda guy who would pay top buck for whatever he wants. And he decided on a top grade low 6 figure Warmblood he imported from Germany with the likes of Donnerhall, Franziskus, Totilas and Quarterback all stuffed into his pedigree which made one(1) dangly silky coated long noodle. The shetty is probably a lump of semi white-ish furr named "Chickeb Nugget" and the Warmblood is probably a basic ass bay, 4 white socks named "Kevin". He has an official name (something like "dancing shadows" or "Donner's Hall" or whatever other whackey play on speech the germans come up with) but that name was too official for Kyle so he only calls his 6 FIGURE HORSE "Kevin". Extra brownie points when he exclusively goes on walks with the two of them and gets dragged regularly by Nugget. Not even rides Kevin, let alone have other people ride or even compete him ... no, Kevin, top grade dressage horse, spends his days in the field, caked in mud and living his 6 figure life.
Also Gaz bought all the top grade gear and stuff for his furr babies. 6k saddle that he never uses? Check. Custom made Bridles that he too does not ever use? Check. A collection of saddlepads, leg protection and fly bonnets that would make This Esme go pale? double check. 12 thousand blankets for any change in temperature (even for the hermetically sealed Nugget)? Check. Monthly checkup by the chiro/massage therapist, visits to an aqua trainer, top grade supplements and only bio apples and carrots for Nugget and Kevin? Check Check and Check. A 80k horse box to drive them around once every blue moon? check, he also had it custop wrapped with their pictures on it.
Price gets an icelandic horse. They are pretty small ranging from 125cm to 150cm but incredibly sturdy and strong, meaning, the PERFECT CAMPING BUDDY. Plus Icelandic Horses can eat fish so Price has someone to feed the fish he catches to lol. I immagine that he got an averagely sized 140cm tall girl he named „Fish“ because A) he loves fishing and B) „Fish“ likes to eat fish (premium dad joke right there). Fish is a silver dapple (they are super rare and hella cool) with so much hair that Price either puts in an ugly ass braid or just all together ties it to the side.
For Laswell I’m torn between a tennessee walker or a friesan, so lets just say she has both. The tennessee walker is a proper golden palomino (a real ass barbie horse) and her name is Jodie. Jodie has one braincell. The friesan I immagine is a big boy, and since friesans only come as black, he‘s black. His name is „The dark Emperor“ and is primarily Kate‘s wife‘s horsey, they nickname him dumbo because he got unreasonably large ears. Dumbo and Jodie share her braincell and are the perfect „old married horse couple“.
König my man. His uncle took over the family‘s farm and König used to help out by driving the horse cart around and such. He found a Noriker mare at a market once and immediately fell in love and bought her. She now vibes at his uncle‘s farm with the cows and occasionally will help out with the local forest work (pulling tree trunks in remote areas). He named her „Sissi“, sometimes calls her „Punktle“ tho (little dot) and she’s a dotted thicc chick. They have a shaby old horse trailer that is basically a metal frame with old moldy wood and a rug as a roof, Sissi doesn‘t complain tho, she once trailered on the back of his pickup. She‘s also the town‘s favorite pony to ride when they do a town fare (She gets beer afterwards as a reward).
Roach found the shittiest OTTB out there and said „That one is perfect, I take it“. This thing has more issues than Payboy magazine. GIGANTIC and skinny as shit, suuuper hard to gain weight and has one mental meltdown after another but Roach deals phenominally with it. Her name is probably „Roach“ as an homage to his own callsign but also to „The Witcher“ lol. Roach is a dull brown kind of bay.
Farah gets an Arabian Mare no Qs asked. A dark liver chestnut, absolutely stunning, looks like she‘s coloured with dried blood and her name is Safanad after the mare from King Solomon‘s legend. Fiesty around anyone but Farah and loyal to a T. Absolutely hates the feeling of gras tho lol.
Alex I immagine would get himself a Fjord and go camping with Price with it. He named her „Mjölnir“ after Thor‘s hammer, since Fjords are a Norwegian breed but can‘t pronounce her name so he just calls her Milly instead for short (And to save himself the embarassement). Milly is a simple creature, give her food, water, somewhere to sleep and she‘ll be beyond content. He defo got her a whole western rig, but rides her bitless in a ropehalter because he tried a bit once and she was so upset with him, she didn‘t accept treats for a week (Sounds familliar to me lol). Mjölnir is a typical dun, as all Fjords are, but I immagine her to be slightly darker and after living out his „Fjord roached mane“ phase, let the mane grow out into a messy fluff.
I went overboard again lol… never mind, I think I will do some more hc‘s along the lines of „What kinda X does Y have?“
Also, for all my non horsey people, here are the respective horsies in whatever order (Alejandro, Graves, Shepard, Soap, Rudy, Valeria option 1 and 2, Ghost, Gaz small horse, big horse, Price, Laswell, König, Roach, Farah and Alex)
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Also bonus for those that scrolled all the way down, here‘s a pic of my Leggy gremlin
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spare zane hcs?
I got halfway through this and the app crashed :(((
This is mostly MyS though some may be applicable to MCD too.
He has stretched ears. A few gauges of his were painted by aphmau to be bright colours and have cutesy designs. He loves them.
He’s fat. Like both him and Garroth are naturally pretty heavy because Garte’s a pretty big man, but he also eats loads of junk and his meds cause him to gain weight, so he’s fat. He’s p insecure that he’s not got muscle tho, because both Garroth and Garte are pretty buff, but he also doesn’t work out so it’s kind of his own fault he’s not muscly.
He’s often found petsitting for his friends. Animals love him.
He has earplugs with him all the time, he’s got sensory issues and noises really bug him. Plus he lives with Garroth, who’s a pretty loud guy, so he likes just blocking everything out. Aphmaus the only person allowed to remove his ear plugs if she needs to talk to him, other people have to tap his arm or like give hand gestures to ask for him to remove them.
He uses a cane and knee braces, it’s just easier on his joints bc those bitches hurt. (I stole this from @blockgamejournals on the MCD brainrot discord, with consent.) he also wears elbow braces occasionally but not often.
He’s part mermaid on Zianna’s side but has all of the negatives and none of the positives of it.
He used to have a crush on Aphmau in highschool, which Garroth would tease him about a lot. It big hurted when Garroth started dating aphmau, because he knew Zane used to like her and it’s just sort of rude.
He’s got really sharp teeth, and he cuts up the inside of his mouth a lot because of it.
His face is scarred up. He got hit by a normal snowball as a kid, but it hit the back of his head, and he fell forwards onto a sharp rock. It sort of messed his face up and he had to have a few surgeries to fix it up, but even with the surgeries he’s still got really prominent scars and they make him really insecure.
Zane wears his mask both because of his insecurity and also because he has a very weak immune system and so face masks help minimise the risk he has of catching anything. He also has disposable gloves that he almost always wears, never touches his face, and remains as far away from people as he can.
He’s unnecessarily good at solving Rubik’s cubes.
He’s blind in the eye he covers.
His joint pain is due to arthritis. His body is better suited for living in water, and living on land causes extra pressure to be put on his joints. It’s worst in his legs but his other joints are also affected.
He wears eyeliner.
He has the most gorgeous, silky black hair ever. And also an undercut. Because he’s emo.
He doesn’t know what his gender is but he knows he’s not cis. He just uses he/him pronouns for now because he’s not sure what pronouns do actually work for him.
He’s got a few tattoos, all emo. However he does have a minimalistic cat tattoo on his wrist which he has matching with Aphmau.
He puts his hair in a bun usually. But aphmau and nana constantly beg for him to let it down because they think it’s so pretty.
He occasionally smokes weed when his joints really hurt because it makes them hurt a little less. He hates the smell though.
Don’t know how to explain it, MCD Zane likes red wine, MyS Zane drinks beer. Not elaborating further.
He did coding in school and now does it as a job because it’s work that he can do laid in bed.
He first told Nana he loved her when he was loopy on pain meds.
Frankenstein was his favourite book when he was 14 and it’s still up there for him.
He’s got a daughter, he just doesn’t see her often because she lives with her mother in the north. He goes up to see her occasionally, sometimes she comes down and spends the day with him, but they don’t see eachother often enough. She also has joint problems, though hers are worse than his were at her age, so he’s worried about her. But she seems pretty cheery regardless
He took pottery classes for a while. Then Dante found out and he quit.
He sometimes likes to spend time watching really bad Middle Aged women shows with aphmau and Katelyn, though he likes to watch them to pick on them whilst the girls genuinely enjoy them.
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kissagii · 2 years
Is there any chance I could get an aot matchup though it's not official yet? I'm obsessed with matchups because I like to describe myself and see which characters would date me 👉👈
I'm 17, I'm genderfluid (afab), my current pronouns are she/her and I'm bisexual with female preferences tho I'm still confused about my sexuality, you can match me with a guy if you think it's necessary tho.
I'm bilingual! I can speak italian which is my native language and english because I have a few russian relatives and instead of learning russian I learned english to be able to communicate with them, but I'd like to speak russian, I also want to learn japanese and german, but I'm lazy lmao.
I'm 5'11, I have pale skin, a round shaped face with a small double chin, potato nose, I have a piercing on my left nostril (planning to get more), long black hair with undercut like Levi, brown/hazel eyes, thick black eyebrows, I wear glasses and I'm chubby though people say I'm skinny, I try to keep my nails long, but whenever they get long, I tease them until I broke or rip them off. My clothing style is a mix of different styles though I prefer to dress in comfy outfits such as sweaters + black leggings + converse or vans.
ISFP, enneagram type 4, ravenclaw, kuudere, sun gemini and moon pisces and I have borderline disease. I'm quite stubborn, I always try to defende my ideals, ambivert, caring, way too honest, lazy, romantic, a spendthrift, little bit of a perfectionist, people say I'm smart and mature for my age, envious, picky, easily affectionating and trusting people who are nice to me, I have too many expectations and most of times I end up disappointed. I can get lost in fake scenarios I create inspired by movies/shows I saw or fanfics I read.
I'm fatherless, my dad and my cousin both passed away due cancer last year 10 days apart from each other and I just can't seem to elaborate it yet. I got my interest for music and english skills from him and my makeup skills from her.
My love language is words of affermation, acts of services, gifts and physical contact. I'm a huge of these couple things like comparing hand sizes, lying my head on my partner's chest listening to their heartbeat to sleep, taking baths together etc.
I have a pandora bracelet, each charm collected describes my personality.
I like listening to music (any genre), makeup, skincare, perfumes, writing, drawing, singing, dancing, cooking, baking, junk food, staying in bed all day, fails/tiktok compilations, love stories about relationships between humans and vampires/nymphs/mermaids, cats, organizing things in my room, shopping, organizing, traveling, sunflowers and lillies.
I dislike being tall and chubby, raspberries/raspberry kisses, policity, discussing news, snakes, any type of hate/violence/crime existing, experiencing nightmares, citrus fruits, way too hot weathers, sodas, coffee, being alone for too long, spending too much time on my phone, going to restaurants and eat in front of others.
Some random facts: - I have a huge phobia of static electricity and fireworks/firecrackers.
- I can sing in a high-pitched voice like a disney princess, sometimes I even act like one. I almost can sing the song "part of your world" from The Little Mermaid though I prefer how I sing it in my native language.
- My favourite perfumes are dolce lily by Dolce&Gabbana and Hypnotic Poison by Dior. In general I like expensive ones.
- If my partner ever feels stressed or something, I'd sing to them. I'd be their personal songbird.
- I'm more a tea/hot chocolate person than a coffee person. I tried coffee once, but I didn't like it.
I think that's it because I can't think about anything else 🤣 thank you in advance and sorry for the poem and the numberous requests.
luckily for you, matchups are an official thing now!!
i match you with...
𝕤𝕒𝕤𝕙𝕒 𝕓𝕣𝕒𝕦𝕤
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she's a bringer of good vibes when you're struggling
when you're lonely, she'll call you our show up at your house to keep you company
loves to give you hugs, especially those really tight ones that are just a little painful but not really
likes to sing with you, so expect lots of random karaoke while doing household chores. oftentimes this ends up in you two
absolutely adores it when you speak and sing in italian. she thinks it's just so magical sounding.
and if you can cook her some italian food or pastry? she's attached to you forever
she's your number one supporter and will back you up if you ever get into a disagreement with someone
sasha is really loyal and will always defend you, even though she knows you're more than capable of sticking up for yourself
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Ahit characters food preferences / favorite foods hcs!!
This also has my hc names and stuff :3
Hat Kid / Kelpie- Kelpie's favorite foods are cookies and spaghetti. They generally just like sweets, pastries, and pastas, they also like things like ravioli, gummies, and sweet rolls
Pup hates anything with cheese or mustard, other than that pup will eat anything really
Bow Kid / Tabby- Tabby likes ice cream, especially Neapolitan and Cotton Candy. Like Kelpie she'll really at anything tho, the only thing he won't eat is stuff with gluten since she has Coeliac Disease
Meow doesn't like blackberries and most salty foods though
Mustache Girl / Penelope- Mu likes simple kiddy foods like mac & cheese, chicken nuggets, hot dogs, etc etc. She also really likes seafood, especially shrimp. Star doesn't like most sweets besides a rare few.
Mu is also lactose intolerant, but that never stops her.
Cooking Cat / Charlotte- cc likes almost anything, they're a chef after all, their favorite foods are any type of comfort foods. Though they don't like seafood, it's not like they won't eat it at all just not her favorite.
The only type of food cc hates is fast food the stuff makes her feel sick.
Mafia Boss / Romeo- mb has a GIANT sweet tooth, he absolutely adores anything sweet he just has a big soft spot of it. I feel like he'd mostly like chocolates and lollipops. He also likes muffins, especially chocolate (surprise surprise) and banana.
Other foods I think he'd like is pastas, I also imagine he'd adore any type of cultural food. I can't think of anything he'd dislike? Idk maybe fish? Bc working in a fish factory might make you sick of it even if you've never eaten it.
I feel like he'd just eat and like anything without question
Goofy Mafia / Sasha- Goofy likes Italian and Russian foods, and soups, idk he seems like a soup fella. His favorite is probably Ukha.
I also feel like he'd like cakes, especially cheesecake or red velvet
The Conductor / Bonnie- Con's favorite food is pumpkin pie, she just likes pies in general. Con probably enjoys any type of comfort foods, as well as simple meals.
She also enjoys quick stuff like bagels and muffins, stuff you can eat and get quickly since she's used to having them while working.
DJ Grooves / Piers- I hc Grooves as vegetarian so obviously he'd enjoy anything without meat in it. He probably likes mostly salads or pastas.
He also enjoys snack foods, like popcorn, chips, ect.
Also he's French so he probably like traditional French foods. It also has a soft spot for sweets, not that spook would ever admit it.
The Snatcher / Alaire- canonically Snat likes bacon (ew), so he probably likes other type of breakfast foods as well such as pancakes, eggs, toast ect ect. I feel like he'd also like fancy stuff, he is a prince after all! So anything that could be expensive he'd try
Queen Vanessa- Vanessa also has a major sweet tooth (like mother like son eh?) she definitely loves chocolates, candies, treats anything of the such. She also likes simple "commoners" foods, just bc she's used to eating it when seeing her people which she does a lot.
Also she likes Mexican food, but that's mostly bc I see her as Latina.
The Florist / Celestina- Celestina enjoys salads and fish, simple as that. She's pretty picky so she doesn't quite enjoy anything else besides those. Her favorites are salmon and Caesar salad
The Empress / Hoshi- Emp has high class refined tastes, so she's only eat the best most fancy foods. That's it that's all I have I ran out of ideas hehshdeg
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fatimaah · 2 months
I'm exhausted. I'm just exhausted. So so exhausted.
These days when I come home from school, have lunch and finally have free time I just wanna cry. It's either the school that makes me wanna cry or seeing my parents both super tired those days or seeing my grandma not being so healthy or seeing my cousins depressed and stressed or not having any desire to eat and loosing my kg again or not being able to even watch a silly show because I'm too tired of everything or all of it all at once....
Or realizing that yeah I love my friends and classmates but honestly my hate for school wins and tho some people seen sad abt graduation....the closer it comes the more I realized that I'm too tired of school to be sad to leave it. I will miss my friends but this day was inevitable. That's why I just want it all to end.
I just need summer. I just need my dad being funny and outgoing again instead of coming stressed from work with bags under his eyes, I just need my mom being supportive of everyone again instead of putting a lot of housework on me because she's no longer a housewife and she's making money now. I just want to get away. Somewhere far, all alone, have a rest from everyone and everything somewhere in Malaysian beach where I don't need to worry about exams or stupid MUNs that aren't even interesting or useful.
I just really need to be sure that my future self will be happy with her life. That she will truly fall in love and marry someone. That she will have a job that she enjoys or be a stay at home wife that's having fun at home and going on walks with her lover late summer nights.
I don't need money or anything. Just a lovable person, a cat, a cute little house, meaningful conversations, friends, being able to create art everyday, seeing my loved ones happy and being sure my kids love their motha.
I need happiness. Back, I want it back
I need to do my Arabic and then my housework and then find some more info for stupid MUN (ew why did we even agree to take a part in this shit? It was boring today and I didn't like my own speech and zr even bullied kmll)
Also today's stupid lineyka was super annoying. I hate being a hater but oh how I hate A LOT OF people from our school. Not gonna miss those bitches. Only three teachers and six girls. Other can disappear I won't even care if we never meet again. So tired of all of them. Especially the principal. Hate her.
Damn why does this week suck sooo much I wish my parents didn't need me at home and I could stay more after lessons with my friends to play volleyball or go out for lunch or something. I wish I didn't have so much on me, making lunch for my grandma and dad and mom cuz now she's also nOt kEepiNg uP wiTh tHe hOuSewOrk sO I ShoUld heLp cuz My broTherS arE disAbled . Helping my sister to have a fucking childhood cuz I hate seeing her kinda depressed at nine. What even is that I'm so worried about her mental health.
The way my brothers are living like literal pigs is making me SICK. She never sees them like this LIKE HELLO MOM IT'S NOT ONLY ME WHO'S SEVENTEEN? u don't need to be a girl to be able to live like a human. so annoying all of them everyone can I die already
edit: frz wants to do a no-backpack day, lol. I mean oookay guuurl that's a progress, at least something fun
alriiight it's almost time for sleep and I'm fine I just forgot my problems and everything is gonna be ✨great✨
can I have a really cool dream with interesting plot twists PLEASE
May 16, 2024
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