#my brother in law and his girlfriend mean well but they have not done the hamster care research we have
mushroomgothic · 2 months
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head not empty (full of cucumber)
babysitting our niece freddie this week and i love her so much
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harunayuuka2060 · 5 months
Ruggie: Hm? Where are you going, Leona?
Leona: I'm gonna welcome Akihiko. He said that he was waiting at the gate.
Ruggie: Eh?
Ruggie: Are ya' not gonna tell Yuurin first?
Leona: She's in the middle of class. I'll just lead her brother to her classroom.
Ruggie: Oh, okay.
Ruggie: ...
Ruggie: By the way, what are you going to do with that nerf gun?
Leona: Leal.
Ruggie: Lol. Poor dude.
Vil: What? Leona has a girlfriend?
Epel: Yeah!
Vil: ...
Vil: That's impossible. Do you think someone like "Leona" can woo a woman?
Rook: I see no reason why not, Roi du Poison. If Roi des Lions can charm a man, I don't see why it wouldn't be possible with a woman.
Vil and Epel: ...
Vil: What the hell, Rook. Anyway, Epel, why did you think that Leona has a girlfriend?
Epel: Well, I saw him accompanying this lady and they seem very close.
Vil: ...
Vil: Didn't it come to you that they might just be friends?
Epel: ...
Epel: Right.
Vil: *sigh*
Akihiko: *walking gracefully as Leona and Leal accompany him*
Leona: *noticed the other students staring*
Leona: Why these kids gawking?
Leal: It might be because of Master Akihiko's beauty.
Leona: ...
Leona: How come you didn't dress as a guy?
Akihiko: Finding men's clothes that suited me was challenging.
Leal: ...
Leona: ...
Akihiko: Oh! Is this the class Yuurin is in?
Leona: Yeah. *knocks on the door*
Professor Trein: *opens it* Hm? Kingscholar?
Leona: 'Sup, Trein.
Professor Trein: *looks at Akihiko and Leal*
Professor Trein: Who are these people?
Leona: Ah, this one is Aki- I mean, Akane, Yuurin's older sister.
Leona: And this guy right here is Leal, their servant.
Leal: ...
Professor Trein: Oh. It's nice to meet you. I'm Mozus Trein. A history professor here at Night Raven College.
Akihiko: It's nice to meet you, Professor Trein. I've heard from Yuurin that you are one of his favorite professors.
Professor Trein: *chuckles* You flatter me.
Leona: Is Yuurin in your class?
Professor Trein: Yes. The students are having an exam. But I don't mind if the three of you watch.
Akihiko: *smiles* That would be lovely. Thank you, Professor Trein.
Yuurin: *hasn't noticed Akihiko, Leona, and Leal yet since she's too focused on answering the exam and making sure that every answer is correct*
Professor Trein: Your brother is quite studious.
Akihiko: *nods in agreement*
Ace: *yawns* *then happens to look at the front* Huh?
Ace: *starts tapping on Deuce's shoulder*
Deuce: What?
Ace: *whisper-yelled* A girl!
Deuce: Huh? *then looks at where he's pointing*
Deuce: ...
Akihiko: *wearing an elegant floral, long-sleeve dress with a surplice neckline*
Akihiko: *smiles and waves at them*
Ace and Deuce: *blushes in embarrassment and returns to answering their test papers*
Leona: Tch.
Yuurin: *finished up checking her answers and looked up to ask Professor Trein, then spotted Akihiko*
Yuurin: ...
Akihiko: *mouths* 'Are you done?' *smiles*
Yuurin: *nods* *then looks sternly at Leal*
Leal: *immediately lowers his head*
Leona: Wow. Good luck to you, Leal.
Leal: *mumbles* Master Akihiko, can I just wait for you outside the campus?
Akihiko: ...
Akihiko: Yes, it's fine.
Yuurin: Where is your husband?
Leona: He fled after you glared at him.
Yuurin: ...
Akihiko: *chuckles* That was Leal.
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: Did you marry him because he was nice?
Akihiko: You could say that.
Leona: Heh.
Ace and Deuce: Yuurin! *is running towards them*
Ace: Is she your older sister?!
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: Yes.
Akihiko: Pleased to meet you. My name is Akane. Yuurin's older sister.
Ace: Wha~! You're beautiful! No wonder Yuurin's so handsome!
Leona: *glares at Ace*
Ace: ...
Deuce: Nice to meet you, Sis Akane! My name's Deuce Spade! I'm one of Yuurin's closest friends!
Ace: A-And I'm Ace Trappola! Your future brother-in-law!
Leona: Huh?
Ace: Yikes! I'm just joking, senpai!
Idia: Eh? Yuurin's older brother?
Ortho: Hm!
Idia: ...
Idia: Is he together with Yuurin now?
Ortho: It seems they went to Savanaclaw. Why don't we go there to greet him, brother?
Idia: ...
Idia: I'll just send Yuurin a dm.
Ortho: No! You should greet them personally!
Idia: Leona is there! What do you want me to do?!
Akihiko: Yuurin~ Bluebell~?
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: *sigh* *switches to her feminine voice* What is it, Aki?
Akihiko: *claps happily*
Akihiko: Your feminine voice is adorable, bluebell!
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: It's not as adorable as your feminine voice.
Akihiko: Don't worry about it. I'm sure it will improve more in the next couple of years.
Leona: Aki's right. Anyway, we should go shopping.
Yuurin: Shopping?
Akihiko: Yes. I want to go shopping with you, bluebell.
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: Alright. *just wants to spend time with her brother*
Leona: Oh, is Leal going to tag along?
Yuurin: ...
Akihiko: I think it's best if we leave him. *smiles*
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sturniololoco · 8 months
could you write a sturniolo sister fic where matt gets a girlfriend and the sister is the closest with matt but the girlfriend is horrible to the sister and when she tries to tell matt he doesn’t believe her and they get into some kind of argument until matt hears his gf say something to the sister?
Sister In Law Gone Wrong
Sturniolo Little sister (SLS) x The Sturniolo Triplets
Warnings: language, an annoying bitch?
Note: I'm so sorry if your name is Brittney btw
Moving in with my brothers was exciting, but hard. especially when I found out Matt has a girlfriend.
In my eyes, no one deserves them. I always envisioned my brother's girlfriends, or boyfriends for Nick's sake, to be just as kind as my brothers are.
But Matt's Girlfriend was an absolute bitch. And I haven't even been there for three days.
It was my third day in my new home. My brothers have been helping me unpack all my stuff for the past couple of days, and we were finally finished.
I was so excited to be done because Matt promised me that we would go play putt-putt at his new favorite spot in L.A.
I was getting ready to go, throwing on some cargo jeans and a cropped sweater. I walked downstairs and Chris walked over to me, giving me a spin, saying,
"Damn sis! you look bad!"
I playfully hit him on the shoulder and covered my red face as Nick and Matt began hyping me up with Chris.
I walked over to the couch and sat down next to Matt. I was about to ask him when we were about to go when the front door opened and hells began clicking up our steps.
Matt's girlfriend, Brittney, walks into the room.
She walked in like she owned the place, throwing her purse on the table and laying across Matt's lap, covering half the couch.
"Are you ready to go or what?" She asks Matt, sassily, while pulling out her phone, opening Snapchat, taking a selfie with her tongue out, and then posting it to her story.
"Uh, we're going somewhere?" Matt replies, looking as though he has no idea what she's talking about.
"You're taking me to dinner, I'm hungry," Brittney says. "You will take me, right Matty?" She says, giving him a pout and taking in a baby voice.
"Uh, I mean yeah sure. Lemme get me keys." Matt looks at me guiltily as he makes his way to the kitchen, grabbing his keys. He quietly mouths I'm sorry to me as he walks down the stairs, following Brittney.
I give him the most reassuring half-smile I could muster before he's gone, and I hear his car pull away. I feel the tears well up in my eyes and emotion stabbing at the back of my throat.
But I quickly try to wipe them away as Chris comes and sits next to me. But to my surprise, he pulls me into a hug and says,
"I know kiddo. It's ok if you're upset, I would be too."
I press my forehead into his chest as he cradles my head, willing the tears not to come, but a few slip out. I pull away from Chris's embrace.
"I'm fine! I'm good, really! As long as Matts is happy I'm happy." I say, trying to move off the subject before my disappointment settles in even more.
Chris nods, giving me a sad smile as he stands up.
"Hey why don't I order pizza and we can play Monopoly?" Nick says, trying to lighten the mood. I nod, smiling. Might as well make fun out of a crappy situation I thought to myself.
After about 2 hours of monopoly, three slices of pizza, and a bowl of ice cream later, I was getting tired. I yawned and stood up, telling my brothers, that I was heading to bed.
"Sweet dreams kid," Chris says, ruffling my hair as I hug him goodnight. I then walk over to Nick and give him a kiss on the cheek.
"'Night!" He says.
"Oh, when Matt comes in, could you tell him goodnight for me?" I ask my brothers before going upstairs. They glance sadly at each other, then say they would. So I walked upstairs to get some rest.
Chris's POV
About 30 minutes after SLS/N went to bed, Matt walked up the stairs, throwing his keys on the table, and then flopping down on the couch.
"Wow. Nice of you to join us, especially when the one person who wanted to hang out with you has already gone to bed! Brother of the year right there!" Nick says sarcastically, saying exactly what I was thinking.
Matt rolls his eyes, and mumbles,
"Relax, I'll make it up to her" Matt gets up and walks to his room and shuts the door. I look at Nick and we both sigh in defeat.
I'm awake early the next day, around 8:00. None of my brothers are awake yet, so I decide to cook breakfast. I get out our mini waffle maker and the Bisquick. I also decide to make some bacon and sausage.
Not long after I start cooking, I hear the front door creek open, and foot straps come from the stairs. I turn to see Brittney.
What a great way to start my morning.
She struts into the kitchen and takes a waffle off the stack, then digs through the fridge for the syrup.
"Is this keto-friendly?" She asks me.
I shake my head saying,
"Um, it's Bisquick."
She rolls her eyes sits down and begins to eat. She eats nearly the whole thing before pushing her plate away and saying,
"What the fuck is this shit? you think people will actually eat this?" She laughs at the disappointed look on my face.
"I can make you something else if you like," I say, being way too nice to someone I want to slap across the face. Before she can answer, Matt walks into the kitchen, looking sleepy and disheveled.
"Oh good you're awake. Can we pwease go get Starbucks Matty? She says in a baby voice. Matt nods and she practically skips to the car, leaving her dirty dish on the table.
Matt walks over and gives me a hug. He must have noticed something was wrong because he said,
"You okay? Your eyes are lookin' watery."
I look down and say,
"Have you noticed that your girlfriend is a little mean" But I instantly regret saying that.
"SLS/N! How could you say that! Just because the attention isn't on you anymore doesn't mean you get to say that about her!" H says, raising his voice, which he never does.
He spins around and walks out the front door, leaving me there in the kitchen. The tears well up in my eyes as I began to clean up breakfast, throwing away all the waffles I already made.
I didn't want to be by myself this morning, especially after the breakfast flop. I walk downstairs to Chris's room.
The door is cracked and dim light is coming from inside. I knock lightly.
"Come in," I hear Chrls's morning voice say. I enter the room to see him lying in his bed watching his phone. I walk over and crawl into bed next to him, snuggling into his side. He notices something is wrong the minute I lay down.
"Alright, spill it, kid." He demands
I told him everything that happened this morning.
Matt's POV
I get into the driver's seat, flustered due to my argument with SLS/N. I hear Brittney sigh, and I look over at her.
"Why are you in a mood?" She asks, giving me a pout. I run my fingers through my hair, and say,
"My sister is just being a little difficult is all."
I hear her scoff and let out a low chuckle. I look over at her confused.
"Yeah, no shit. She's such a little brat. And she can't even make a waffle right." She keeps scrolling through her phone as if she doesn't even realize what she's saying to me, SLS/N's brother.
"What the fuck did you just say?" I asked, feeling stupid for not believing SLS/N.
"You heard me, I said she's a brat." She replies, popping the gum in her mouth.
This was a new feeling for me. I've never felt so upset or mad. I remember all the times I let SLS/N down because of some stupid girl. I'm such an idiot.
"Get out of my car," I say through gritted teeth.
"What- but- Matty, baby c'mon, you know I didn't mean that!" She struggles to correct herself, but it's too late. The damage has already been done.
"Get. Out. Of. My. Car." I say, one last time. She flings her car door open and runs to her car, speeding out of the driveway. I quickly run back inside, trying desperately to come up with a solution to make it up to SLS/N.
Still snuggled into Chris's side, I heard the front door open again and footsteps walking closer.
Matt peeks his head inside Chris's room, where we are. He clears his throat and says,
"Hey, um Chris, do you mind if I talk to SLS/N for a second?"
Chris looks at me and I nod. He stands up and brushes past Matt while he walks out of the room, mumbling,
"Don't fuck this up."
Matt walks over and sits next to me.
"I...I'm sorry. I should have listened to you over Brittney. I was stupid to think that my little sister would ever do that and I was wrong." He starts tearing up a little at the end of his apology.
However, I was happy that I had my Matt back again. I quickly give him a hug, knocking him back onto the bed. We giggle and laugh as we wrestle.
"And if it's okay with you, I'd like to make it up to you. How does putt-putt sound kid?" H asks, a smile playing on his lips.
"Yay!" I shout, standing up and jumping up and down on the bed, only to be tackled again by Matt.
That night Matt and I went on a little brother-sister date. We went Putt-putting, and Matt won both rounds of course. Then we went to get ice cream before heading home.
We laughed and danced to music in the car, happy in each other's company again.
Guys! School got canceled again tomorrow! I'll try and post some extra for you this weekend and finish some requests!
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hockeyboysimagines · 3 months
I know it’s a few days late, but any chance we can get a tiny Matt and Hallie winning the cup blurb? I miss them.
This is way late, but yes. I will always accept any suggestions about writing Matthew and Hallie. They are my whole heart🤍I hope you love this.
Hallie had never been more uncomfortable in her life as she shifted her weight in the seat, easing her way back down. The pressure in her legs and feet was immense, and the “comfy” leggings she’d opted to wear weren’t comfy at all, but they sure beat sitting in jeans for 60 minutes after she’d given birth.
That was all that was left in game 7.
A wild rollercoaster this playoff series had been. With wins losses, and a brand new baby tkachuk born between games 6 and 7. Thomas and baby Lilly, who wasn’t the baby anymore were seated between Keith and Chantal, Taryn was holding the newest member of the family Joshua, who had come roaring into the world only 3 days prior, and Brady was sitting next to her. Hallie was exhausted, excited, nauseous, and she had to pee more than she’d ever had to in her life but nothing could pry her out of her seat at this moment. Watching Florida fall last summer in Vegas had been awful. The fallout from a hard fought series had been even worse, and the injury that Matthew had suffered has been a terrible start to the summer, and caused weeks of turmoil in their homes. The result at the end when the final buzzer went off would make it all worth it. She hoped.
She glanced at the clock.
1:00 left.
She felt someone bump her and she looked over the find Brady grinning. Wordlessly he reached for her hand, intertwining their fingers and gave it a squeeze.
“I’m so happy to have you here with us.” He said so that only she could hear.
If the result at the end of the game wasn’t going to bring her to tears, Brady definitely did. She felt like it was only a short bit ago that he’d wiped her tears, held her hand and promised to keep her secret about Lilly back in Calgary, every bit as loving as an uncle and brother in law could be, should be, and was. As the minutes ticked by, and the clock wound down she and Brady made their way to their feet, still holding hands.
5 4 3 2 1
Everyone in the suite started to scream including Thomas and Lilly, and Hallie felt hot tears streaming down her face as she watched sticks, helmets and gloves fly all over the ice and the benches clear.
He had done it. Her Matthew was a Stanley cup champion. Brady too was crying as they turned to eachother, fingers still entwined and each let out a strangled cry before they leaned in to hug.
“He did it!” Brady whisper yelled in her ear as he squeezed her tightly and they swayed on the spot. When he let her go he leaned down to accept Thomas’s high five “Up top buddy! Daddy won!”
“Does this mean you will win one next year?” Thomas asked with a big smile “Because if you don’t, daddy will make fun of you.”
The group around them laughed as Brady slapped the brim of Thomas’s hat, pushing it down over his eyes while he giggled and straightened himself out, turning to look up at Hallie. He reached forward and squeezed Hallie’s leg, big smile full of missing teeth. He looked so much like Matthew.
“Thomas look!” Keith called. Hallie glanced up to see them on the Jumbotron and Thomas started flapping his arms around and making a big fuss.
She accepted hugs from Keith and Chantal, the other wives and girlfriends, and finally Taryn who gave her one and handed Josh back, as he started to fuss.
Hallie pulled out a bottle and sat to feed him. Her legs and lower body were killing her and she desperately needed some sleep, but this was all worth it now. Her kids had gotten to see their dad win a Stanley cup. How cool was that? Well not Joshua because he slept through the whole thing, but when they talked about it years from now he would know he was there. She let out a breath and turned her eyes to the Jumbotron to watch the festivities down on the ice. Families weren’t allowed out there until the handshake line ended, and the cup was passed from player to player so she had time to get her thoughts together before then. Everything seemed blurry around her as she watched the cup get passed, waiting with baited breath as it got closer to Matthew. He’d done a lot of great things since she’d known him, but this accomplishment would take the cake. His achievements as a hockey player now matched his achievement of being a great father.
She felt a hand on her arm “Hey mama. They’re ready for us.” Chantal smoothed a piece of her hair and gave her shoulder a squeeze “Proud of you honey. You made this week even better by giving us another little angel.”
She smiled and closed her eyes with a nod, another tear running down her cheek. As Chantal helped her to her feet they began to gather their things and make their way out of the suite to the steps.
“Do you want me to take him back?” Taryn asked from behind her.
“No I got him but can you grab my bag please?” Taryn hitched it over he shoulder and fell instep behind her as they formed a line.
“Brady stand in front of her so she doesn’t fall. Be careful walking.” Keith commented motioning at the stairs as she made her way slowly down them, sliding against the wall to keep her balance while she couldn’t grab the railing. She could feel her phone buzzing in her jacket pocket and the texts from friends and probably Carly and Noah, who’d promised they’d be watching, but she would answer those later. Right now, she just needed to see Matthew.
People were everywhere on the ice as media, families and staff began to filter on to it. People were crying, yelling and celebrating. Kids ran to dads, girlfriends ran to boyfriends, parents congratulated their sons with proud tears in their eyes.
“Daddy!” Thomas exclaimed pointing.
Matthew turned and spotted them, smiling so wide Hallie thought his face might crack. Thomas hurried ahead of her, nearly falling as he reached him and she made her way gingerly across the ice with the rest of the family. He accepted hugs, congratulations, and pats on the back from all his family members until it was just her left after she passed Joshua to Chantal. He put a hand on either side of her face reached a thumb out to wipe a mascara streak away.
“Why are you crying?” He asked leaning down to look at her.
“I’m just so proud of you.”
“Be proud of you too. Without you, none of this would have happened. My life sucked before I met you, and look at us now.” He motioned over her shoulder and she turned “We have a beautiful house, three beautiful kids, 2 cats and a Stanley cup. And it’s all because you agreed to go out with me. We should put your name on this cup.”
She snorted out a laugh and wiped her nose “Well if you insist.” She reached forward and squeezed him as tightly as she could, eyes closing as she listened to the roar of the celebration behind them.
He ran a hand over her hair and was quiet a second before he said casually “So when do you want to have another baby?”
She whipped her head up and started laughing, wiping the wetness under her eyes “Funny guy. If I hadn’t just had one 4 days ago, I’d indulge you but tough luck.”
“Maybe if you win one next season we can talk.”
He grinned and kissed the side of her head before turning to look at Brady “Your gonna be an uncle again bro.”
Brady looked Hallie up and down and frowned, confused “Wait-what? But you-what?”
“Nevermind. Come on, they wanna do pictures. Let’s get one without the cup first.”
The Tkachuk’s hustled in to crowd around Matthew as his teammates took turns taking pictures with the cup. To his right, Keith, Chantal, Thomas in front holding Matthew’s hand. To the left Brady, Taryn and Lilly. She held baby Joshua, and Matthew reached an arm around her and gave her a squeeze.
This was her family. A family she once didn’t even want to be a part of. Anyone who said good luck wasn’t real had never experienced it. She smiled softly as she turned back to the photographer.
“Alright Tkachuk’s. Smile!”
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killsatoru · 5 months
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INDIGO : Gojo Satoru
Pairing : Gojo Satoru x fem! reader
Warning(s) : Cursing
Summary : Gojo Satoru your roommate who turns out to surprisingly be your coworker! Will him being your roommate cause any issues at work?
My roommate Satoru Gojo, a very attractive, and charming man.
Though I barely ever interacted with him, he was still a mystery to me, well not completely.. From what Suguru has told me : he has a crazy ex-girlfriend, comes from a wealthy background, is quite smart when he wants to.. and. hm.
That's all I can remember!
I've only interacted with him a total of two times.. and that’s including when Suguru introduced him to me and our now shared apartment, the second time was when I asked him if he wanted anything from the market when he was watching a random horror movie in the living room.
Maybe I should put a little more effort into getting to know the guy… I mean we’ve been living together for nearly 7 months. Nah it isn’t worth it.
Getting ready to head out the door for work, I hear a small whisper of my name “Y/N, you heading out?” Satoru Gojo in the flesh, just barely able to keep his eyes open, “Yes, sorry if I woke you up.” silence followed just as i was opening the door ready to step out “Have a nice day Y/N” turning my head slightly to see him giving me a lazy smile “You too Gojo, you should get some more rest it’s quite early” reciprocating his smile, stepping out and closing the door behind me i felt chills run down my spine ‘what was that about?!?’
Walking into my place of work I was greeted by “Y/N!!” Utahime Lori, my assistant and close friend since college, “what’s got you in such a great mood Utahime?” nearly jumping off the walls from her excitement “Apparently Mr. Gojo will be hiring someone to help us with the workloads! That means no more overtime!! THE HEAVENS HAVE HEARD US THEY WILL BE SENDING AN ANGEL!!!!” letting out a small laugh “probably means the person has personal connections or is extremely wealthy..” “shhh let me have this moment Y/N” placing her finger to my lips
Knock knock
“Ms. L/N, Mr. Gojo has requested for you”
Walking down the unnecessary long hallway to get to Mr. Gojo's Office, he was always calm and collective. He was a man I have admired for a long time, without him I wouldn't be in the position I'm in.
“Sir Ms. L/N is here as you requested” bowing down slightly I followed suite “Good Morning Mr. Gojo” sitting behind his desk, his white hair trimmed and slicked back in place, suit tailored to perfection. Sitting in front of him back facing me was a messy mop of white hair reminding me of my roommate
‘holy shit it’s my roommate!!!???’
“ah! good morning Y/N please have a seat next to my son” sitting down next to my roommate, ‘wait my roommates father is my fucking boss WHAT THE FUCK!’ now internally panicking ‘okay okay calm down Y/N, you haven’t really done anything i mean your roommate barely knows you! most of your furniture is pretty basic, you barely have any pictures of your family, just one of your brother and sister-in-law.. calm down, calm down, he can’t possibly talk shit about you, can he?!??’
“I believe you were made aware of a new hire, correct Y/N?” responding calmly as possible “ Yes Mr. Gojo, I was made aware.” smiling “Good, my son here Satoru will be placed under your wing, i’ve told him already that he should start taking this job more seriously, he is heir of my throne after all-” cutting his father off “Father i’ve told you already-“ “Satoru, you will be under the supervision of Ms. Y/N L/N, I suggest you behave and learn a thing or two about discipline, instead of worrying about a future with a woman who only loves your money and your looks.” glancing between the two, the tension so suffocating “i’ve already told you that-“
Knock knock
Utahime walking in “Ms. L/N, your meeting with Mr. and Mrs. Fushiguro is in 20 minutes”
“If you’ll excuse me Mr. Gojo” bowing down slightly, turning towards the door “Ms. Y/N, please take Satoru and show him how these exchanges work” “Yes Mr. Gojo.” raising his voice slightly “Go on Satoru.”
‘I am so Screwed’
“I’m shocked Mr. Fushiguro was willing to work with us! how did you even manage to snag Y/N!” sighing “I didn’t ‘snag’ anyone, the team that was assigned to close the deal with Mr. Fushiguro failed, and called me in to fix it.” “that’s snagging! but he was quite stubborn; he only wanted you to meet with them, you must’ve done something to leave a good impression!!” looking out the window “yeah..” glancing towards my roommate through the reflection of the window ‘he’s been quiet the whole ride, wondering if his father knows we live together.. whatever, I don’t care as long as he doesn’t get in my way.’
“Ms. L/N! lovely to see you again!” Both of them smiling warmly at me embracing me in a hug “It nice to see you as well Mr. and Mrs. Fushiguro! How has your son been?” “Oh! That boy is quite energetic. It's exhausting to handle him” Giggling lightly “I'm glad he’s healthy.” “Oh! But what about your son! how has he been” Feeling two pairs of eyes behind me nearly burning a hole into my skull “Yuji has been good he’s staying with his grandparents, i’ll probably go see him this weekend.” “That's good, you shouldn’t tire yourself out now L/N!” “That’s right, don’t think we don’t know about all your late nights and countless meetings Y/N L/N” Scratching the back of my head nervously.
“And who might this be L/N” Turning to introduce my roommate and best friend/assistant “This is Gojo Satoru, a new hire who is here to observe and my assistant Utahime Lori, if it isn’t too much of an issue they will be joining us today.” Mr. Fushiguro ready to begin “Please have a seat, you three. Shall we discuss the deal then”
“Excellent. you Ms. L/N have a deal.” Holding his hand out “Thank you again Mr. Fushiguro.” Shaking hands sealing the deal. “As agreed on, we'll start the production by next month” “Perfect thank you again Mr. and Ms. Fushiguro!” “Don’t overwork yourself too much!!” “I won't. Thank you again”
“Good job Y/N! Mr. Gojo will be pleased!” Smiling at me brightly she’ll surely leave me blind “It was nothing really..” “But how do they know about Yuji?” Both Utahimes and Gojos' heads turn to me feeling a little nervous “it’s.. a long story.” “And how do they know about your work schedule and countless hours of overtime and-“
Ring Ring Ring
Of course it rings when it isn’t needed! “Y/N speaking.”
“Understood. Yes.”
Sigh ‘this day can’t get anymore stranger’
“Mei Mei flaked out again” Announcing the news i received through the phone “Seriously AGAIN?!?” anger laced in Utahimes voice “Ugh we should have a new contract with actual models, that will actually do their job!” “Calm down, I have a back up.” “BUT STILL! I wouldn’t care if she also wasn’t such a-“ being cut off by Gojo “Bitch.” Catching both Utahime and I off guard “Mr. Gojo.. I didn't know you had it in you to say that! WHOA!”
“Calm down you two, I have a back up. I'll discuss with Suguru and Kento about canceling the contract.”
Ring Ring Ring
“Y/N speaking” Laughing a little
“Of course you were just the person I needed”
“Understood i’ll be arriving shortly” Sigh
“Was it ‘Kento~’” Fluttering her lashes and puckering up her lips “Seriously you two should just runway get married have 10 kids and-“ Cutting her off “Enough of your blabbering how do you even come up with all of this!” Giving me a glare “Well You two have danced around each other since college, and now you two work at the same company of course I have enough information and sources to come up with your whole love story~!” Running a hand across my face “God damn it you’re a lunatic” Sigh “Hey! if you two didn’t work so much I could’ve had a niece and nephew running around already!” “You have yuji.” Pouting a little “You’re right but you and Kento-“ Cutting her off this time placing my hand on top of her mouth “That’s enough for today, It’s bad enough that i have an emergency meeting and countless paperwork to complete” “Hm Hmph MpM!” Removing my hand now covered in spit “We have Gojo! he can help you know”
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Thank you for reading! honestly this was a second attempt at this concept don’t really like it but its better than the first attempt.
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zmzebra-writes · 7 months
Title: Well if he won't become my wife, then I guess I'll have to man up and be the wife instead Chapters: 1/? Summary: Rinne and Hiiro talk about their relationships with others and Hiiro tries to give advice on Rinne’s relationship with Niki.
It was a warm summer day, but Rinne and Hiiro were prepared for that as they ate popsicles in the Sky Garden. It had been a while since they had been able to catch up with just the two of them. 
“Hey, brother?” asked Hiiro as he chomped on his popsicle.
“Yeah?” replied Rinne as he gnawed on the remaining stick.
“I’ve been wondering, but what’s your relationship with Shiina? You always talk like you’re married, but Shiina denies it. I can tell he cares about you, but it is very complicated to me.” Rinne raised his eyebrows. “Is it because of idol rules? Aira told me the ‘no relationships’ one is pretty strict, which is why I have to be careful in public.”
“How is the little girlfriend anyways, Hiiro? He treatin’ you well?” said Rinne.
“Brother… you’re dodging the question,” said Hiiro. Despite wanting to talk about his wonderful boyfriend, he wanted to know the truth about his brother’s relationship first. If his brother and Niki really were married, he should be calling Niki his brother as well.
“Haha, not going to let me get away this time, huh lil’ bro?”
“Brother… This is important.” 
“Mm I get it,” said Rinne, “I’ll keep it simple for you, but like Niki says, we aren’t actually married. I keep asking him, but he keeps turning me down. Always says something about the law or whatever.
“But that won’t stop me from trying,” remarked Rinne with determination.
“Because you love him?”
“Yes, but also because it feels like the best way to thank him for all the things he’s done for me. He took care of me when I first came to the city after leaving home, even when he was barely able to take care of himself. He’s a kind, incredible person, but I doubt he can see it,” explained Rinne.
“He can’t stop thinking he’s a burden, but if we were married and Niki was my wife, he wouldn’t worry about burdening me as it is the responsibility of the husband to take care of his spouse through thick and thin.”
Hiiro thought about this for a while as he took in his brother’s words and gnawed on his own popsicle stick. “Hmmm… Maybe Shiina just doesn’t want to be your wife?”
Rinne choked at his brother’s blunt words. “Ha! Yeah he does act like that, huh… so harsh little bro…”
Hiiro, seeing his words being misunderstood, waved his hands quickly. “That’s not what I meant! I mean, I did, but, um, how to explain this…”
Rinne waited patiently for his brother to sort out his words. He knew his brother didn’t mean any harm and he was curious where Hiiro was going with this. 
Eventually, it looked like Hiiro had found the right words to say. “When I first started dating Aira, I called him my girlfriend because I thought he would like it since he stopped denying it when you called him that. 
“But then, after telling Mayoi and Tatsumi that he was my girlfriend, Aira got really red and went off about how he wasn’t my girlfriend, but instead was my boyfriend. So it turned out he wanted to be the boyfriend, and I’m alright being the girlfriend if that means I get to be with him.”
Rinne took in his brother’s words. “That makes sense, though I never would have expected that from your little boyfriend. He looked like he would enjoy being a wife.”
“Umu! But I believe what Aira says, and I’ll stay with him forever, if he lets me.”
“So you’re saying that if I really love Niki, I should ask him to be my husband? And you would be okay with that?” Rinne looked seriously into Hiiro’s eyes, “It’s usually pretty important that us Amagis pass on the family name, and with you being Aira’s girlfriend, I’m the only one left to do it. Personally, I don’t really care too much about tradition, but I know the village is still important to you.”
“Umu! If it will let you be happy with Shiina, I think you should do it,” said Hiiro, “Love is more important than pride.”
Rinne still wasn’t completely sold. “Hmmm, I don’t know Hiiro…”
“It’s worth trying at least. Like Tatsumi told me when I wanted to confess to Aira, the worst thing that can happen is he says no,” comforted Hiiro.
“You’re right… Wait, did you just say you went to Tatsumi over me to ask for advice on asking out the little boyfriend?!” Rinne felt hurt and like his older brother privileges were being stolen out from under him.
“No offense brother, but you don’t seem very good at asking out people you like.”
“And Tatsumi is?” Rinne needed to defend himself by dragging his little brother’s unit mate into the mud with him, “I don’t see him with any dates!”
“Maybe, but it was that or Mayoi.”
“Ah, yeah. That makes sense.”
Hiiro nodded. “I didn’t want to put Mayoi on the spot.”
“Mm yeah that’s the only reason,” Rinne reoriented the conversation, “So you think I have a shot? And you are okay with the Amagi name dying with us?”
“Umu! You taught me to listen to my heart when it comes to important decisions and I believe that if this will let you be happy, it must be right.”
“Thanks, lil’ bro,” said Rinne as he ruffled Hiiro’s hair.
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thekatebridgerton · 5 months
dating your enemy sibling with gregory and lucy? i guess it fits perfectly both ways
made it a mafia au. Because I wanted the real mortal enemies feel to it.
"Lucy how could you!!" Richard looked on the verge of an apoplexy at the sight before him, his sister and his worst enemy! in his own home! doing...doing... unspeakable things in his bed
"Oh brother I was going to tell you" Lucy said in that oh so musical accent that made her sound like an actress from an old movie "I'm so inlove with Gregory you see" she raised the covers to cover herself, giving a smirking Gregory a soft kiss.
Gregory didn't even pretend to be embarrassed " Do you mind Richard? we were in the middle of something"
" I could kill you!!!" Richard howled looking for his gun "I could kill you both!"
"he'd have to find his gun first" Lucy whispered into Gregory's ear, as they both watched an irate Richard leave the room, slamming doors and calling henchmen to get rid of Gregory (henchmen who were honestly more afraid of Greg than they could ever be of Richard, even if Lucy wasn't holding the purse strings of their payroll)
"Well that was fun wasn't it?" Lucy said getting up from bed wrapped in the bedsheet and leaving Gregory smirking at her in all his naked glory "Nice endurance by the way, your bedroom skills are top notch"
"Well, my mama taught me that when one meets a special lady, one should treat her right, and my sisters in law hammered the lesson down" Gregory shrugged watching Lucy get dressed with every intention of leaving him there to find his way out
"My compliments to the Madams Bridgerton" Lucy smiled "you were an absolute gentleman"
Gregory laughed, he hadn't been a gentleman when he'd been making every effort to desecrate her brother's bedroom with her "Hey Lucy? does this mean you're my girlfriend now?" he asked nonchalantly, giving Lucy his biggest puppy dog eyes.
The thing is that Gregory Bridgerton knew that Lucinda Abernathy had only slept with him to spite her brother. Richard was a pain in his ass most days, always competing with Gregory for everything, ever since Greg ratted his uncle out for human trafficking, Richard had had it out for him, always aiming for everything Gregory wanted and trying to kill him. The man just couldn't accept that Greg was superior than him in every way, so Gregory liked to remind him of it. With a few shots to his sternum if necessary. Honestly, Richard was alive because Bridgertons enjoyed toying with their enemies, not because Greg didn't have the motivation or the capacity to put a bullet in his head.
So when Lucy Abernathy approached him in one of Kate's parties, Greg was intrigued, he'd never paid attention to Lucy, mostly because Richard was Richard and he couldn't imagine the sibling to that particular dingbat being particularly keen on his acquaintance . Still, Lucy was a welcome surprise, perfectly pragmatic, well adjusted and intelligent (despite being the sister of a nutcase like Richard) They'd spent all night talking and he found himself absolutely enamored with her practical and unsentimental approach to life. Lucy Abernathy wouldn't know romanticism if it hit her with Kate's mallet of death and Gregory LOVED IT.
So when Lucy said "wanna get out of here?" Gregory followed. He let her use him. And when she was done, he went for the kill. Mostly because, from what he knew of his worst enemy's little sister, Lucy wouldn't have touched him with a ten foot pole unless Richard had crossed her and crossed her he did. To Gregory's good fortune.
Lucy looked at Gregory's earnest smile, for a guy who had a tendency to shoot Richard every month or so, he was surprisingly sentimental, he even bought her dinner before she took him home with her. Those Bridgerton puppy eyes were already making her feel bad, so what if Gregory Bridgerton was the type of guy who believed in happily ever after and also ran a side business of contraband armament on the weekends. Nobody had ever told her that the Bridgerton baby boy had a sentimental side, heck Lucy didn't know it was possible to BE sentimental when one was that deeply involved with the Mayfair crime underworld and yet here he was, Gregory Bridgerton, asking her if they were an item.
Lucy sighed, she was so going to regret this "Yes Gregory, I'm your girlfriend now"
Gregory smiled like all his birthdays had come at once "I have got to take you to meet my family then"
"Take it easy Bridgerton" Lucy warned, darned the guy moved fast "don't blow it" besides what's the worst that could happen? dating him for a while would be fine, she liked Gregory well enough and it's not like she was going to marry the guy just to spite Richard. With a uncle like hers Lucy had never had a normal boyfriend before, maybe Gregory was her one chance to experience how the normal side of relationships.
Meanwhile Gregory was already plotting how to make Lucy his for the rest of his life.
What's the worst that could happen indeed.
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kartoffelstern · 9 months
modern day AU
the two most important people in Cora's life - his older brother and the young adult he took care of - are hellbent on hogging all his attention
small snippet under the cut
Cora: bursts into the room Guys, I've got news! Doffy & Law at the kitchen table: *no reaction* Cora: presenting his phone with a pic of Belle-mere I've got a girlfriend! :D Doffy & Law: necks audibly cracking from turning to Cora so fast Doffy: You've got a WHAT. Cora: A girlfriend! I asked her out…uhm, well, actually it was her that asked in the end, I got too nervous Doffy: That one chick from your work? Really? Law: glares And you…said yes? Cora: nods of course! I like her! She's pretty and nice, and she's really tough too! Doffy: Rosi. grips him by the shoulders What the fuck are you talking about, you're way too young for this. Cora: …Doffy, I'm 34. Doffy: waves Yet still inexperienced. So you really think you could handle a woman like that? She'll just walk all over you, use you as a doormat! Cora: What? No, she's really sweet and caring and- Law: I agree with Doflamingo. For once. Doffy & Cora: both look in surprise down at Law What!? Law: Corasan, you should dump her. She doesn't deserve you, Cora: Wait, hold on, wait, wait- Why are you two so against me having a girlfriend? Law: I'm not against you having a grimaces…partner. I just think she's not good enough for you, Corasan. Doffy: What the brat said. grins Trust me, Rosi, I know a maneater when I see one. [he might or might not be thinking about a certain crocodilian lady…] Doffy: And you, my dear baby brother, are NOT cut out to handle that kind of woman Cora: Wh…why are you two teaming up against me all of a sudden!? Law: That's not it, Corasan! We - well, at least I - am concerned about you. Cora: Concerned? Doffy: That bitch is gonna break you, Rosi. Law: nods You don't need a girlfriend at all, Corasan. That's just gonna end in heartbreak. I don't like that. Cora: sighs This is ridiculous. Are you two even listening to yourself? I'm old enough to make my own decisions! I'm an adult!
Law: Yeah, on paper. Cora: Law…frowns Doffy: grins Look, Rosi, nobody knows you better than I do and what I do know is that this woman is gonna make you unhappy. You should just stick with the life of a bachelor, it suits you better. Cora: grumbles Just because that's what you like… Doffy: What was that? I just value my freedom, you see? And you should enjoy yours as well, don't tie yourself down with something as flimsy and fickle as a "relationship". If you need some release just pay for it! Be free and live your life, little bro! Cora: Well, I don't really feel all that free with you two breathing down my neck once I've finally found a cute girl I wanna date! Law: Corasan, I just mean well. Really. So please. hugs Cora and looks up at him with big eyes Dump her. For me. Cora: Nghh…not the puppy eyes…too adorable, can't resist…. Doffy: Rosi, really, dump that bitch hugs Cora and looks up at him as well For me? Pretty please? Cora: You know, it's a lot less cute when it's you who's doing that… Law: Corasan! Doffy: Rosi! Law: Corasan! Doffy: Rosi! Law and Doffy both tug on him, pestering Cora: S-stop! Hey! What's gotten into you two!? Law: Why do you even need someone else!? It's already a chore having to share you with Doflamingo of all people- Corasan, you should just get your own apartment, you don't need to stick with that asshole… Doffy: Rosi, after all that I have done for you? Let you live at my place? Borrow you money? Practically raised you all by myself?? Even let that stupid brat you picked off the streets live with us??? And that's your thanks!? Cora: overwhelmed What do you want me to do!? Split myself up in half!? I'm not living just to please you both! Law & Doffy: silent for a short moment Law: All we're asking is for you too leave her. That's all! Doffy: You should know where you belong. Cora: …sighs Cora: I hate it when you two agree on something. It's the worst. Alright then. I know you two just worry and I appreciate it. I just got together with her and this will be messy, but if it matters so much to you… Law: It does. Cora: …I will break up with her. his expression solemn Happy now? Doffy: grins & throws an arm around Cora That's a good boy! You finally came to your senses! Law: visibly relaxes, even smiles a bit Corasan, thank you. Cora: … [this is by far not the first time he has had to do something like this for the sake of the two]
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timotey · 9 months
Ficlet: Of Sucky Days
The Sign. Yai/Sand. Missing scene from ep 5. Unbeta’d.
Coming home after a sucky day.
(My first Yai/Sand ficlet, yay!)
“Oh, hey, hi. How was work?” That’s all that Sand manages to say before she’s enveloped in her boyfriend’s strong arms.
Yai walks into their flat, kicks the door shut and lets his bag drop to the floor, then he almost falls into his beloved’s arms, and wrapping himself around her, octopus-like, buries his face in her neck and groans.
Sand lifts her eyebrows, blinking rapidly in surprise, then she returns the hug, stroking Yai's back soothingly. “That bad, huh?” she says sympathetically.
“Today is a sucky, sucky day,” Yai whines pitifully and squeezes her tight, almost lifting her off the floor.
Sand laughs a little, simply letting Yai breathe her in, soak her in like sunshine after a cold season. “I’m all ears,” she offers.
Now it’s his turn to laugh. “No, you’re not. Which is good. I know I said I would love you in any and every shape and form but I just might draw the line at you being all ears.” 
Yai pulls away from her and with a twinkle in his eyes, he sweeps her off her feet and carries her to the couch where he proceeds to sprawl lazily with her in his lap.
“Alright, alright,” Sand says, still smiling wide as she settles down comfortably - and wiggles just a little, for good measure. “Not all ears, then, just two. But ready to listen, if you want to talk.”
Yai groans again though this time for different reasons; Sand knows very well what she’s doing, squirming like that, right on top of his little friend. He orders the lively thing to behave, at least for now, and pulls his girlfriend close.
“I can’t really go into details,” Yai says, “but, well, we caught our guy. Which is great. But it also sucks. Because he's a murderer who forced innocent people do unspeakable things but he was also a victim first, before all that. And if the cops had done a better job back then, none of this would’ve happened. So that sucks too. The whole situation sucks, from the beginning to the end.”
Sand hums and she leans against his shoulder, stroking his face and listening.
“And if that wasn’t enough, Phaya had a row with Tharn. He actually hit Tharn, the bastard,” Yai grumbles, voice laced with real irritation and worry.
That makes Sand raise her head and look at Yai in concern. “Phaya hit Tharn?” she asks in dismay.
“Well, it was most likely an accident, I give you that,” Yai allows grudgingly, “at least Tharn insists it was. But I would probably be more inclined to believe that if Phaya hadn’t punched a wall first. That guy has a real temper, let me tell you.”
“Is Tharn okay?” Sand asks, worried. Tharn's always been like a brother-in-law to her, like family, and treated her with nothing but kindness and affection.
“Yeah. Yeah, he and Phaya made up, apparently. Or... whatever. After Tharn got stabbed,” Yai finishes morosely.
Sand freezes, eyes widening. “He what?” she exclaimed.
“Got stabbed. The vest deflected the hit, mostly. But, yeah, he did. Protecting Phaya. Yet again,” Yai mutters, annoyed. “Like I said, today sucks. Big time!”
“So Tharn’s okay?” Sand assures herself. “Where is he now?”
“Yeah, he is, more or less, okay, I mean,” Yai tells her. “And he’s at home. Phaya went with him.”
Sand lifts an eyebrow. “Did he now?” 
“Yeah. He wanted me to pick up some clothes for him at his house, can you believe that guy?” Yai fumes. “First he punches my brother, then he allows him to get stabbed and then he wants me to play a manservant. Dude can waltz around naked for all I care!”
Sand’s lips twitch. “I bet Tharn would appreciate that.”
That stops Yai short. “Huh. Maybe I should have brought him his things, after all,” he muses, frowning a little.
“But Tharn is okay, right?” Sand asks again, just to be sure. Though she knows that if he weren’t Yai wouldn’t just be sitting here, grumbling. She knows how much Yai loves Tharn, with all his big foolish heart and then some. “Both he and Phaya?”
Yai sighs, dropping his head back against the backrest. “Yeah, they are. Just a little banged up, is all. Probably playing doctor right now.” He straightens up again, narrowing his eyes. “Wait.”
Sand laughs, seeing his disturbed expression. Then, with a wicked gleam in her eyes, she runs her hand down his chest, lower and lower - and wiggles in his lap again. “And what about you?” she whispers, leaning closer, her breath hot against his ear. “Up to playing doctor with me?”
Yai draws in a sharp breath, eyes blazing up, when Sand brushes her fingers against his belt buckle. His little friend immediately jumps to attention.
In a split second, Yai is back on his feet with an armful of a laughing girlfriend. “Yeah. We should definitely do that. I think that a thorough check-up is in order.”
And with that he rushes towards their bedroom, Sand’s laughter echoing through their flat, and all worries are forgotten, at least for now.
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toriaurorawriter15 · 2 days
Kidnap, My heart
Chapter 1: The mediation
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"You want me to what, Levi Andrew Thomas!?!." 
The baffled six-foot-tall man asks the black man with green eyes and dark brown curls. 
The black man, Levi, pleads," Sh, Colin, or you will get us kicked out!" 
Colin Bridgertion has never heard anyone associate a rich person as the best option for kidnapping someone. That includes someone who is to be a well-known journalist at their school campus. 
The white Englishman brushes away his bangs while he tries to think of a way out of this situation. 
His mother, Violet, raised her eight children to be humble and keep in check on their morals. 
This absurd idea of Levi completely dismisses everything the lovely Lady Bridgerton has taught him. 
Not only is it something that could get him in trouble with the law, but how on earth is he supposed to bring some stranger to his family's summer reunion vacation? 
"Colin Bridgerton, I am asking as your best friend. Please!" Levi begs, "You are the only person who fits the credentials for this job." 
Colin's long fingers brush through his long curls as his emerald green eyes look around the study room before returning his attention towards Levi's direction. 
"Just because I come from a line of rich nobles does not mean I can get away with committing a felony!" Colin states through clench teeth. 
Levi brings his thumb and index finger up his nose to pinch it with annoyance, "I can't do this. Anyone would expect it to be me. As you know, I am Black. They always expect it from me due to the ridiculous stereotypes." 
Colin hates it when Levi uses the black victim card. Yet, he knows that Levi is right. 
"Hypothetically, If I were to do this for you. How on earth am I supposed to kidnap someone and take them with me to Los Angeles!" Colin states in a duh tone. 
Levi gave him a smirking smile," Come on, Col. Your brother owns a private jet. I am sure you could take it ." 
'This is an intriguing idea!' Colin thinks before shaking that idea out of his mind. 
For goodness sake, his mother would have his head if she were to find out. Meanwhile, Anthony would add this to the many disappointed lists of which Colin has done wrong in his life. Plus, last time he checked, kidnapping someone is a felony. 
"There is no fuckin way it will work! Ant would not lend me to the private jet." Colin protests while his right hand pulls a little of his brown hair, before finding both of his hands start pulling on his hoodie strings with anxiety. 
Levi replies, "Look, I can easily get her passport and everything else ready for her to go. All you need is to remove her from London." 
Colin breathes out a puff of air in frustration, "You are not listening, Levi." 
"Colin, this might be a life or death situation," Levi confesses. 
Confusion forms upon Colin's large forehead from Levi's statement. 
"What do you mean?" He asks while Levi looks down into his hands. 
"Penelope Featherington is my ex-girlfriend Phillipa's younger sister. That is all I can tell you." Levi states in fear. 
Colin whispers, "What type of situation is she in?" in a sharp tone. 
Levi admits, "I don't know. The last time I talked to Penelope, she asked me a bizarre question." 
"Levi, What was her question?" Colin asks with curiosity. 
Levi doesn't answer. 
"Dam it, Levi, tell me." Colin requests in rage while his right-hand bangs on the study room ikes table. 
Levi spurts out in a quick response, "If I knew someone that could kidnap her." 
Colin looks at his best friend with more questions. Yet, he isn't sure if his best friend knows all the answers. 
Again, Levi asks, "Can you do it?" 
Colin was about to say NO but surprised himself by replying, "Let me think about it." 
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Some thoughts on Tree:
- Apparently Daniel Kitson wrote this entire play because he was annoyed about people pruning trees on his street, which I find amazingly funny. And I get it. I also get annoyed when people let adult responsibilities mess with natural beauty, just because we don’t want overgrown trees falling on our property or whatever. Maybe I’ve occasionally fantasized about digging my heels in and refusing to let it happen. But I’ve never responded to that by writing that fantasy down and then performing it in a theatre with Tim Key. Good for him for going the distance with it.
- That bit of the story where Lee loudly announced that the trees had to be cut down, but then stood under the tree and said quietly enough for only Daniel to hear that they were going to cut down one every week until he got out of there – I’m pretty sure this is the only show Daniel Kitson’s ever written with a genuine villain in it. And it turns out that Daniel Kitson can write a hell of a villain. That one bit made me hate that guy more than I’d have thought it possible to hate a guy who doesn’t even appear in the play where he’s a character – in fact, he may well not even exist within the play where he’s a character, and may be just something a tree surgeon is making up. Seriously, all the way along that was a strong villain. Fuck that guy.
- So, I know there isn’t actually an answer. I’m thinking of a bit in David Mitchell’s autobiography, when he said he gets asked all the time about this one part in Peep Show. Super Hans comes out of a party looking horrified, doesn’t tell them what went on in there but says it’s too wild even for him. David Mitchell said he gets asked all the time about what was happening in that party, and the answer is… nothing, because it’s fictional. They didn’t write a whole wild party and then choose not to show it to the audience. They made a joke so the audience could imagine what they wanted.
I realize that Tree is like that – there’s no objective answer to what really happened, because the story didn’t really happen, and what really happened is Daniel Kitson wrote a play with some ambiguity. Having said that, I think what really happened is he didn’t really live in the tree, but he did really used to date Tim’s wife, Tim worked that out by halfway through the play and just didn’t let on because, as has been established, his character is a dick. Kitson didn’t work it out until he heard the phone call at the end, but he did work it out then, which is why he ended it by yelling the same thing that was said to him at their wedding.
Though if you’re really looking for clues, there’s an argument that he really was living in the tree because there’s so much stuff earlier in his story that lines up with what came later. If he were making it up as he went along, he wouldn’t have mentioned early on that the brother-in-law who works for the council is all right now, only to bring that back in more detail near the end. I mean, at this point we’re getting into forgetting it’s a play in which those facts got dropped early on because that’s how fiction works, and if we’re going to forget that then we could say Daniel Kitson could not have lived in that tree because it’s not a real tree and they use that theatre space for other stuff. But if you like to believe he lived in the tree, which I rather do, then there’s evidence for that in the way the story came together a little at a time.
I mean, I think what really happened is Daniel Kitson sort of wishes he could live in a tree.
- Whatever you decide is the truth behind the unreliable narrator, that ending was genuinely intense. Well done to both actors for carrying that off so well. Getting hit with three twists at once (Tim’s got a wife, his wife shares a name with Daniel’s ex-girlfriend, oh shit he may not even live in the tree), at the same time as they pay off the emotional stakes they’ve been setting up for the whole play by having the “here’s what I really think of you” moment, including multiple callbacks to lines from earlier in the show – that is how you bring a story together.
- I said this before, but seriously, it’s a hell of a tree. The camera did a good job of showing us how big it was, and that’s quite an impressive set for a fairly small-scale play. Its size did require the entire play to be shouted, and it’s impressive that they kept that up for 90 entire minutes.
- Daniel Kitson climbing all over a tree for 90 minutes was so much funnier than I’d expected it to be. I kept thinking he’d get tired of it or run out of directions to go, but no, he kept moving from branch to branch the whole time. And it kept being funny.
- What do people think about whether this was intentionally referenced in The Horne Section TV show that came out last year? When Tim Key asked Alex Horne which band member is his favourite, Alex said he didn’t have a favourite, and Tim kept repeating “Who’s your favourite” until Alex admitted he had one. Almost that exact same thing happened in Tree, with Tim asking Daniel Kitson who was his favourite person on the street. It would be weird for that show to reference a play that hadn’t been performed for seven years, and that wasn’t released anywhere so only people who were in that live audience could get that reference. But I also thought that Horne Section show had John Oliver say a line that referenced a Bugle joke from 2012 – I know that reference couldn’t have been intentional, but that show did have a lot subtle references to other things its actors had done. So it’s possible that this one was intentional. Or if it wasn’t an intentional reference, it could just not be a coincidence for other reasons. Maybe Tim Key suggested that part in Tree because he liked it, and did the same in the Horne Section TV show. It was a very good bit of dialogue either way, both times.
- Normally, my view on this website being full of people who want to fuck Tim Key is that I’m really glad everyone’s having a good time, that sounds like fun, I do not remotely understand why anyone would feel that way but that’s fine. He’s not at all my type, but my type is almost (not quite, but almost) entirely women.
However, I think for the very first time, I may have been very briefly attracted to Tim Key. I think I was attracted to Tim Key for 0.8 of a second when, after spending quite a while joking about how re-doing the throw is silly and it would be a problem to eat the other grapes because if they’re going to go through this whole silly charade he’ll at least need a few chances, Tim Key suddenly dropped the silliness, stepped back and put a knee down like it was a clearly perfected technique, and expertly caught a grape in his mouth. God damn. Someone inform the Christian church that I’ve found a cure for being gay.
- Anyone who liked that play would probably also like these things, particularly The Interminable Suicide Of Gregory Church and It’s Always Right Now Until It’s Later. Similar style of narrative by the same writer, though unfortunately they are sorely lacking in Tim Key. The presence of Tim Key added quite a lot to this one.
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hellcatinnc · 1 year
Scandal In The Spotlight Nagito & Iori Routes Review
So I decided I'm going to start going through my games and romance the ones I want then come back later and do the ones I don't much care for. So this game was super fun but only 2 of them even interested me. I am however glad I did both routes and I plan to do the others later but I swear the other few there all seem like assholes these are the only 2 that stood out. Anyways Nagito is my favorite he is an amazing man in the end you will see too. He makes this game alone worth buying if you haven't already. There is spoilers ahead jus so you know.
Nagito Aoshima
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He honestly is kind hearted sweet with a naughty side. He likes to flirt but if he gets turned down he turns it right into a ray of sunshine like it was a joke all along. Its not hard to see how you could fall in love with a man like this. Not only does he make you smile but he makes your heart plain happy to be with him. This guy is a one of a kind I mean seriously he can be flirty but he is adopted and he goes out of his way to make clothes for orphan children, talks about one day having a big family and a fluffy dog and having a wife that loves and understands him like no other. I mean my heart melted at how sweet this guy is like not one negativity about him and he has this infectious happiness that makes you grateful to have even met him but not in a bad way but in a humbling way.
When he knows someone is in love with him like he finds out in the story he becomes more confident he wants to be near you. What I love is even when the words come out that your character is in love with him he admits he has feelings but isn't over the top I'm in love with you kind of thing he tells you he wants you to be his girlfriend but he wants to take day by day falling in love with you slowly because he can see being with you forever. Like most of these otomes its like oooh I'm in love with you and me too which feels good but this guy feels like someone you would want to be with in real life the kind of guy that is upfront but you can still tell he is falling every day a little more in love with you.
He also makes clothes outside of sings and he goes into mentioning he will make a wedding dress one day for the woman he sees he could marry and spend the rest of his life with just like his brother in law did for his sister he made her dress. Then later he tells you that he wants to make you a dress for the wedding line he is doing so at that point its not hard to not get giddy this man sees wedding bells in the future. I don't know its so hard not to get caught up in this story and in Nagi he is my sweetie when it comes to love interests in this game and many others. He is that special one that holds a dear place in my heart and he also has a slight jealousy letting everyone know your his and no one can make a move on you. Just Ahhh Nagi is amazing! I will say without spoiling every part of his main story but there is some ups and downs and secrets that have to come out but in the end on the romantic end at least you will not be let down by it.
Iori Enjo
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Not gonna lie he caught my attention right away so damn attractive. Anyways its even kind of cute that he can't see well so he needs glasses. This man falls under Tsundere easily he spends most the time in the beginning talking to you like your nothing and are stupid.
However when you meet someone from his past you find out about him and how women have done him wrong even his first love who became his dads mistress. I mean how can you trust after something like that.
However you see little by little his walls slowly crumble and he shows a softer side to him that makes me all warm and fuzzy all over. The way he realizes he is in love with you is just so sweet he is called the prince and really is that the way he is there to protect you in cases as well as to protect your heart.
For a man who hated women in the beginning warms up to the idea of having a woman to spend his life with. He likes a woman who is upfront and doesn't beat around the bush about what she thinks and wants. I did both his main story with both dramatic ending and romantic ending and both are so sweet and he really is a sweetheart in the end.
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Here's a timeline between the beef with Albert Clyde aka SonicCrash and I.
What started out as a comic strip rant to call out one of Mobox87's buyers, Anthony to have him understand what fair use is for OCs. Lead up to an argument in the dm's.
The conversation between me and this literal man child went nowhere for how hysterical they were being and saying dumb remarks against me.
Forward on this buyer goes to Mobox87 for help in her Twitter dm's about me over the feud and I would receive a screenshot on their conversation with her making a comment as humiliation against me about asking her to be my girlfriend. This never happened considering our conversation on the app Artfol has her mentioning her boyfriend (Nicolai) during the interaction we had.
Once this got Mobox87's attention, her brother steps in making a response just to drag on this whole humiliation against me. The drawing would discuss the copyright rule meaning of "fair use" in his opinion against the law statement that wouldn't particularly make sense while ending it off with a joke on Mobox87's claim that I was forcing a relationship with her back when I was an obsessed fan.
I didn't take the response too seriously but I've made my statement in my reblog as a response back by coming off as understanding on his defense for mobox87 since they're family.
Despite coming off too light with my comeback. I still went off later on cause SonicCrash would go slander Cagney and turn them into a wojack.
He still kept going off with the drawings. This one being about the Moboxcritique blog and I holding a grudge when literally Mobox87 made a people victim to her harrassment from die-hard fans or has backstabbed friends like Kevonica.
Plus, the beef Mobox87 and I had back in late 2016 - 2017 has been squashed on the app Amino in her community until she made up a lie about me forcing a relationship with her. Either way, why would I feel okay with someone who isn't true to her words and denies what she did wrong by slandering others.
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I responded back to him but took a dark turn for it to be harsh with insults as I brought back old an ego of mine.
He was quick to respond by making a joke saying that I have a BDSM fetish. It wasn't until days afterwards, I made this meme on myself.
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I remain silent for awhile cause I was busy offline and was going to make a response til Mobox87 scared her audience with a suicide post but afterwards he would call me out again on Facebook.
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After reading this post, I made this thread to pop off on him over what he said to me
Anyways, that response I was going make didn't come to light quick enough for him but hey I might as well drop this if you're that interested on what I have to say before the finishing results.
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leche-flandom · 1 year
Set to Begin my Stressed Girl Summer
My mostly-estranged dad is supposedly dying (he's been residing on the cusp for the past decade so... 🤷) and wants us all at the family house in the Philippines one last time. It's rich of him to be demanding this considering he's been a terrible husband/father. But we're going anyway, like I'm living in some tragic A24 indie cultural film.
To make things really fun, renovation at our house will begin as soon as we go. I hate to stress about two big things at once, but it had to happen soon because our pipes are literally crumbling into the water every time we turn on the taps. I was willing to live with this to avoid interacting with contractors, builders, etc, but according to my husband, sprinkles of pipe is "not good for us." Pfft, okay CDC.
Because of that, when we get back, we'll have to stay at my mom's house, which is rarely quiet or private enough to get anything accomplished. I predict I will have to sit in my car to do my therapy sessions. Also, my mom's a hoarder, so I can't even sit in the garage to do it. The neighbors and squirrels will be watching me fall apart in the driveway.
THEN if the reno does finish on time, my deadbeat brother in law will stay with us with his much-too-young, somehow-already-living-with-him-after-only-a-few-months girlfriend and 3 kids, of whom he miraculously gained joint custody.
I'm just...trying to figure out what I did to deserve this. I mean, I know I do, but I'm just trying to pinpoint one of the many hilariously terrible things I've said and done that brought on this wave of well-earned misfortune.
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briamichellewrites · 1 year
Brad and Mike talked about having a fourteen-year-old on their label. They had to take a chance on her. They played her audition video for their band to get their opinions. What was her name? Bria Pitt. She was the daughter of Brad Pitt. His adopted daughter. How old was she? She was fourteen. That was the issue they were having. They agreed she had talent. They just didn’t know if they wanted to sign someone so young.
They would have to work around the law because she could only be in the studio at certain hours of the day. Maybe they could wait a couple of years but invite her to hang out with them, so she could get a sense of the recording process. They thought that would work. Brad emailed him back about their new plan. Would that work for him and Bria? Yeah, it would.
“Hold up. Holy shit! Oh my god!”
“Brad just replied to my email. He said that would work because his daughter is pregnant and will need some time adjusting to the new baby.”
“Are you serious”, Mike asked.
He read the email out loud word for word. That… they didn’t even know what to think. It had to be a mistake. Fourteen and pregnant? Chester could see it happening. It would most likely mean sexual abuse or assault. He didn’t want to accuse her father, but yeah. It was known to happen. They were still speechless, as they took that in. Fourteen. That was the only thing that they thought of. Fourteen.
The band was currently working on their second album, after the success of their first. They were a group of six guys, who met in high school or college. Chester was the only one who auditioned for the band. He was from Phoenix, Arizona, and had come to Los Angeles with his wife, Samantha. They didn’t have any children together but he had two boys, Jaime and Isaiah from his ex-girlfriend, Elka. Jaime was his biological son while he adopted his brother, Isaiah.
He had been in a couple of bands that didn’t go very far. Linkin Park was the first band he found success in. He got along well with the other guys: Mike Shinoda, Brad Delson, Rob Bourdon, Joe Hahn, and Dave ‘Phoenix’ Farrell. They accepted him into their group and he became one of their brothers. He and Mike were best friends because their personalities matched.
Mike was the leader. He looked at problems and found solutions. Whenever something happened, everyone went to him. It was one of the reasons why he had a co-partnership with Brad. When the band argued or disagreed, he listened without taking sides before deciding what to do. Joe was the DJ. He was also a skilled artist and producer. Rob was a quiet sensitive guy, who loved reading books or practicing the drums during his free time.
Dave was the guy with a great attitude. He was a jokester but also the one who was there during hard times. Brad was the business side of the band. They were six guys with six different personalities. Somehow they managed to work together. They fought their record label for creative freedom. It was an uphill struggle but it made them closer as a band and as brothers.
Bria showed up with her father during a break in filming. They had finished filming in Las Vegas and were in Los Angeles for a while before flying to another location. They introduced themselves. She didn’t look pregnant, though she was also wearing a zip-up hoodie that covered her stomach. Her long brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail. Brad asked if she had a song she wanted to sing for them. Yes. I Just Can’t Wait to Be King from The Lion King.
She was adorable as she sang! They wanted to put her into a box and keep her forever! When she was done, they clapped for her. Was The Lion King her favorite movie? Yeah! She watched it a million times. They laughed. He then told her their offer of hanging out with them for two years to learn the business. Then, they could talk about giving her a contract. Was she okay with that? Yeah! They laughed.
“I don’t know if my dad told you about my baby.”
“He did. That was why we don’t want to sign you yet. We want you to have that time with your baby first.”
“Ok. Thank you!”
She was welcome! Could they ask about her baby? Ok. Did she know what she was having? No, not yet but she thought she was having a girl. She even picked out a name. What was it? Stephanie Margaret Pitt. For a boy, she chose Thomas Bradley Pitt. Those were great names! Where did she get Margaret and Thomas from? They were her birth parents. They died when she was born.
Brad didn’t have any concerns about his daughter’s safety. He could sense the band would keep her safe. Mike asked what he thought. He was all for letting her hang out with them during the day or however long they agreed on. She spent a lot of time with him, so he wanted her to meet other people. He joked about them keeping up with her energy levels. How bad was it? It was a two-year-old toddler on caffeine. Oh, yeah. They could handle that. They laughed.
They could use that energy and put her to work. He laughed. Was Bria her full name? Yeah. Her middle name was Angel. Nobody else had her name. She thought that was so cool. They had never heard her name before. It was unique. She nodded.
After she and Brad left, they talked about how adorable she was! She would fit in well with them. They also hoped she had a smooth labor and delivery. Brad asked her what she thought as they drove to the doctor. She liked it! They were cool guys. He laughed and agreed they were. Was she excited to see her baby?
Yeah! She was going to ask if the doctor could write down the gender on a piece of paper. They would then take that paper to a bakery and ask them to make cupcakes with either blue or pink frosting inside for a gender reveal. George, Matt, and Julia were coming over later for dinner after sleeping in and she wanted them to have a cupcake with them.
After checking in at the desk, they sat down in the waiting room. Before seeing her baby, she was asked questions about her pregnancy and how she was feeling. She had a lot more energy and didn’t feel sick anymore. Good! That meant she didn’t have morning sickness anymore. She did still take a nap in the afternoon because she still got tired easily. The doctor told her that napping was a great way to refuel. It was also a great way of making sure her baby was healthy.
They were able to see her baby moving around. He or she moved their arm in front of their face before opening their mouth like they were yawning. Their eyes were closed. They looked very healthy and were developing the way they were supposed to.
The three of them counted ten fingers and ten toes. Did she want to know the gender? She asked if she could write it on a piece of paper for a gender reveal. They were going to have cupcakes with pink or blue frosting inside. Yeah! That was a great idea! She wrote down the gender before folding the paper up and handing it to Brad. Thank you.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon @fiickle-nia @boricuacherry-blog
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carlageddon · 2 years
Now where was I?
So, after a small stint in Arkham... I mean.. Hospital, I’m now back.
The day before I went in to Hospital, I had family over which meant my Brother-in-law and I could go into Games Workshop to have a look - he too hasn’t been in one since the 90s.
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The miserable bastard that I had a run in with, that I mentioned on a previous post, was working. I’m not sure if he had caught wind of my rantings to a sister-store about his attitude, or maybe he just got laid recently, but it was like talking to a different person. Maybe he just hated me and liked my Brother-in-law? 
Any way. We talked about the same sort of things. I wanted to get into playing the games, but don’t really have any friends. The ones I do have, don’t want to buy anything themselves and don’t want to play games that take 12 hours and you have to use tape measures, templates, make sacrifices to the old gods, or anything other than, roll a dice and move... it’s why we stick to a simplified rule-set of HeroQuest. 
He was instantly showing us how Warhammer: Age of Sigmar had dramatically been “streamlined” since the days of Warhammer: Fantasy. He took us over to the table where he’d set up some starter sets, and briefly talked us through the combat, which did seem a lot easier (I appreciate there is still a tonne more to it than that, but with the refreshed attitude it made the world of difference). 
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We looked through the different started box sets as well choosing which ones we should go for (I seriously think, if the guy at the store was like this on my original visit I think I’d of walked out with a few starter sets). 
Sadly my Brother-in-law lives on a different planet in a different country we can’t get together to play anything which is a shame. However, due to the marvels of technology, we are trying to come up with a game we can play, using something like FaceTime to video call with each other over a game, both buy the same game and extras and play that way. 
If anyone has any experience playing any of these sort of games virtually (doesn’t even have to be a Games Workshop branded game) let me know.
We looked through pretty much all the box sets that were in the store. We figured Warhammer 40K, Warhammer: Age of Sigmar and Lord of the Rings would be too ‘large’ to try and do this. Kill Team would be too long & Complicated for two people to try and copy what each other were doing. Blood Bowl was a possibility, but again, both of us would of had to manage each others players on each of our own boards... then he suggested Warhammer Underworlds.
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It’s played over tiles, so no tape measures or templates. There are only a few figures each side (known as Warbands) so easy for two international players to maintain two “mirrored” games. The box set gives you standard figures. 
I told the fella in the shop that I was about to go into surgery, so there was no point in me buying anything yet. I don’t think he believed me. 
However once I got out of hospital, my girlfriend, feeling sorry for me, said that if I got a game, she would learn to play it with me (this is a big thing, she hates the hobby and I don’t think she quite understands it’s always going to be a little more complicated than snakes and ladders). So I brought a copy of the Warhammer: Underworlds Starter Box.
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So the first step is done. I have brought the starter game. (I see there was a Warband of Crooked Moon Goblins.. I do like me a goblin or two... more on this Warband add-on later). Now to convince my Brother-in-Law to get the same starter set... he’s trying, but will have to come over to the UK later this month to pick up an English version.
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So far so good. Let’s take it out the box. See what we got. Boards, Dice, Cards, Miniatures on Sprues.. rule book.. OK let’s spend the first half of the day, making the miniatures up.. (had to wait another day to Amazon some clippers and a knife).
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OK the 8 miniatures have been assembled. They all clip together so no need for Superglue just yet. Really like the modern figures. I am going to avoid painting these until I am a little better.
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Now on to learning how to play. Let’s have a look at the Rule book... I mean.. it can’t be that complicated can it? 
   “History of the Underworld... something, something, tree, something, something, undead ghosts, something, something, Gold Army, something, something, what’s in the box, something... to start a game of Warhammer Worlds first roll the dice, if it is a Thursday and the Sun shines brightly and there are birds in the sky and if you had egg for breakfast you can put a figure down but not before you clap your hands and do the dance of the midnight monkeys.....” 
  I’m starting to get a bit lost. Maybe i’m stupid, maybe it’s the pain medication, maybe I need to go to Wizard School for a couple of years?
I know I will go to my local Games Workshop and ask for advice. Surely anyone that works there will have to know the rules of the games they are selling?
Bearing in mind, this is the first time “out” for two weeks. I’m still not great on my feet. I meet up with my flat-mate for lunch first. We nip into Games Workshop and there is a little Canadian Dwarven girl, on her own struggling to stack the top shelves. She doesn’t seem to chatty.
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...you know.. maybe it is me that’s the problem...?
 I ask if she knows how to play Underworlds. She didn’t. That ended that conversation. 
(I’d of thought due to the nature of the business, all staff should know the basics of all their games, so it makes it easier for them to sell them, when I asked which games she plays, she replied. None. She just likes to paint. Well Gimli, on that basis I could do your job). So I decided to show my flat-mate the game, which led me to buy the previously mentioned Grinkrak’s LoonCourt Warband addon. Who doesn’t love a good group of Squigs & Goblins.
A week later and we venture out further and I visit the Gloucester store, I like visiting this store. The staff in there are super friendly, knowledgeable and always make the time to chat. The younger lad there knows Underwolds quite well and invites me to come in on Sunday afternoon so he and another member of staff, will gladly go through the game and teach me the rules. 
Then because of how nice the guys are there, I ended up buying another couple of Warbands - to be honest, it wasn’t a hard sell... “Gryselle’s Arenai has only just come out today..” Yeah OK then..
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The Exiled Dead and Gryselle’s Arenai. Wonder if there is a list of all the Warbands out there?
I’m looking forward to Sunday and I know I’m going to end up buying more... 
I’m hoping that I enjoy the game and I can pick up the rules so I can teach my girlfriend and my Brother-in-law how to play.
Stay tuned folks and I’ll let you know how this journey goes.
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