#my brain is so fat rn
qoppybirdie · 11 months
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greedy is such a hot word
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wariodemambo · 2 months
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This isn't really anyone's fault or anything, but I'm feeling a little weird and out of place here again? Mental illness needs to stop kicking my ass.
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motherhenna · 1 year
So today was my first day teaching an after school elective theater class (10+ 2nd 3rd 4th grade girls) and holy shit y'all I have even more respect for teachers now than ever before because that was BRUTAL lmao it was like they could smell my fear and knew they could trample all over me. Maybe my viewpoint is skewed, seeing as I was a really meek, easygoing kid at that age, but I can't fathom just...blatantly ignoring the teacher when they tell you not to do something. I get theater is a bit more loosey goosey but damn I can't imagine treating any of my past theater teachers (or any adult for that matter) with such disregard. Hoping that they were just crazy because it was their first day back at school after summer break and they'll mellow out a tiny bit by next week.
There were two super sweet and responsible 4th graders that I'm probably going to have to lean on to get through to some of their classmates. Like appoint them "team leaders" or whatever.
Either way, no more Ms. Pushover next Wednesday--Miss Helen is gonna lay down the fucking LAW lol I'm going to print out a set of class rules and expectations and have the kids repeat them back to me, and I may invest in a fucking whistle to cut through how loud they can get. If any of y'all have a background in teaching or otherwise dealing with large groups of children, feel free to drop any tips or suggestions you might have to get a handle on a rowdy crowd of munchkins and gremlins without yelling or being overly strict.
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monachopism · 4 months
am i autistic or am i just paranoid. level: impossible
#seeing a friend of mine for the first time in 2 years but it was at a 9hr work training and i barely talked to him the whole time#so i text our gc multiple times bc im excited#but everyones drained from the day#so am i being a good loving kind person or am i being annoying as hell#my brain says the first one and my gut says the second#i also might have a big fat crush on this man (he is unfairly attractive and kind and funny and TALL)#so i may be overreacting bc of that#i just missed him and now my big fat crush on him is bigger and fatter than ever#at the end of our first summer he hugged me tight and told me he loved me (platonically)#then he asked if i was coming back and i said yes without any hesitation#and then he didnt come back#so ive been going on 2 years of stewing in this fucking crush soup and now im just#tumblr is the only place where i can talk abt this no one important in my life can know this#no one#i just really like him#and i wanna be around him all the time#and i wanna sit with him and talk to him and laugh with him#and help him with stuff#and i have not had an actual crush on someone since my sophomore and junior year of high school#which was 4 and 5 years ago at this point#this guy also kept staring at me from across the room and everytime i would glace in his direction he would look away#and every time i would get a glimpse of him at training i could physically feel the butterflies#hell#every time i even thought about the fact that we were in the same general area i would get butterflies#this never happens to me and its such a weird feeling#would you be so kind by dodie is the anthem of the hour rn#and i know there's a huge part of me that thinks i am unlovable bc of how i look#and ive never had anyone love me or even like me enough to initiate any kind of anything#ive been on one date in my life#never been kissed never had sex
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bmpmp3 · 6 months
why does everything i get really into always end up being so god damn niche. by the year 2035 i am going to be blogging exclusively about the interpersonal relationships between the pillbugs and snails hiding underneath the bricks lining the flowerbeds in my parent's garden.
#im falling hard into the virvox guys rn sowwy. i like em a lot hee hee. i didnt realize just how small the fanbase for em was tho#actually i didnt realize how small the company that makes them were either. i got so used to the yamahas and cryptons of the vsynth world#that i forgot that like honestly. a lot of the voicebank makers and some of the software makers themselves#theyre like companies of like maybe 5 employees with like no funding LOL not a bad thing but i forgor#but yeah i was looking up to see if there was like. a fanon reason why people shipped takehiro and ryusei? not judging because i get it#i like took one look at the virvox guys and immediately slotted them as a very strange boyband (a catboy and a middle aged dragon man....)#and also took a second look at takehiro and ryusei and assumed they were childhood friends. i saw the doujin flash before my eyes#but also looking into it it seems the fanbase is also like. 20 people. and like 3 of them ship that#and at least one person ships whiteCUL and ryusei? why not LOL when it comes to vsynths sometimes a ship can be spearheaded by like#one very prolific artist HGDJKDFSHDJK which actually reminds me. honestly i dont really have many vsynth ships#i guess i dont really partake in a lot of shipping stuff deeply but i like romance!! you know i like love stories. you know this#i mean i keep calling the eclipsed sounds characters the celestial polycule for a reason tho. im not joking around about this#this is serious to me. they are stars and moons and suns and together they hang out and kiss. in the sky. this is serious to me#also i do like solaria x eleanor forte actually. its a bit random but i understand it. i understand it#and of course the aformentioned takehiro x ryusei. and also the whole virvox polycule. get that old man in here too#(what do they call people like me. a multishipper? i do that a lot. you know this from my otome game fanart LOL)#OH and i dont remember either of their names rn but i like that the cevio bank anju inami voiced has like a big fat crush on like#that girl with the brown hair. i like that theyre like. besties (turning into something more wink wonk)#thinks with all my brain. i think thats it. i dont know why theres so little. i think its because i think of them as like#audio sample libraries first and foremost and i forget about their characters and relationships LOL#but im not against the idea of making some audio sample libraries kiss...... not at all#picks up a guitar sampler and a sound effect cd. presses them together.#hee hee. they kiss
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systelon · 2 years
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circusthing · 1 year
me, seeing art of a hairy male character: hmm, almost there, make him fatter
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binch-i-might-be · 1 year
also I had a whole anxiety attack before coming here because my neighbour glued a note to my door telling me to go to the town hall and buy special trash bags for my discarded rat bedding. because apparently I'm not allowed to put it in the normal trash
not very Speak today tbh. father asked me how writing is going and I almost cried in the middle of this folk festival
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fruityfroggy · 3 months
I’m serving ✨unproductive lump of lard✨ today 🎀
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mrs-bluemarine · 6 months
Bee tee dubs. I fell asleep thinkin about Doc. I need him to suffocate me
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sailor-tri · 6 months
Warnings: references to alcoholism/alcohol used as a coping strategy, murder.
Word count: ~1339 words
Memories of Prosecutor Nolle
Chapter 1: Mortem Oppetere
It had been a hard day in court. Another day on the stand, another inevitable death. It had to be done, the guilty could not go unpunished but it still weighed heavily on Hecate.
So heavily that they took to drinking away their sorrows weekly. This night was the seemingly the same as any other-- Hecate got in from work and then started the ritual of drinking until they got sick or passed out, It had been hard to sleep after all. The voices, their pleas, the accusations, the souls of the damned crying out -- it was all too much.
Keys in the key tray. Outer coat and scarf on the wall hooks, boots? Off, near the door. They didn't bother turning on the lights after all, they wouldn't need them where they were headed.
Wordlessly, Hecate made their way into the small kitchen, eyes locking on to the wine rack and fingers busy in their search for the right blend for tonight.
Not tonight.
Hell, yeah.
The rack, clinked with commotion as Hecate unloaded one of the bottles. Using the soft illumination of the city lights outside, they were able to read the label.
Williams & Humbert Dry sack medium Sherry
'Oooooo. Marvelous! Perfection.'
The bottle sounded it's signature *Mumpft, POP* as they uncorked the top, savoring the floral aroma wafting up towards them --the familiar sting of the fermentation tinging their nostrils.
Bottoms up.
The burn of old grapes and bitterness always came first, then came warmth. With a hearty swig, they made their way back whence they came, this time heading toward the comfort of the loveseat instead of the loneliness of the entryway.
Time slowed, the room rocked side to side feeling more like they were partaking in a boat ride rather than downing bottles of Sherry on the couch. Rather than having the intended numbing affect, it was becoming harder to keep the thoughts at bay.
The screams of the damned- usually muffled with enough drink had broken through, their shrieks blending in to unison into a accusatory chant.
'I'm a... Murderer....'
"Needa puke-"
Using wall to brace themselves, Hecate made the short trek to the bathroom to find relief.
Fingers gripped on the door frame as the rest of their body reached out toward the sink for stability. The room's sway intensified and if they weren't careful they'd get lost in the current.
Hunched over the sink, fondling the tap much similar to the undeveloped motor skills of a babe, they were able to get the water flowing and splash some on their face to sober up a little.
The sight they saw however as they rose and peered into the mirror was pure horror.
It was like they stared at Grimm himself. Where their face should be, only a darkness remained, wreathed in a cloak. A glint of curved metal attached to a long dusky rod that the figure clutched, caught hecate's eye --a scythe, much like the one they lugged around and swung around in court everyday.
Unintelligible whispers filled their ears as they were confronted with their perception. Real or fake it was clear they couldn't escape being pegged as the angel of death, not even their own psyche would let them.
The touch of leather is unforgettable -- cold and smooth, but becoming searing hot as the friction and pressure increased on hecate's neck.
The thundering thump of their heart beat drummed loudly in their ears as they were pressed towards the edge of the sink that stood before them. The pressure on their neck increased and with it, the warmth and outline of the attackers fingers through their leather gloves digging into their neck. Breathing was becoming harder now, nose and eyes stung with need for cool air and it felt like their head was going to blow.
"Gack, uck! let-"
They clawed feebly at the offending hands wriggling what they could of their fingers in-between the assaulter's hands and their neck. With their left elbow, they swung back horizontally praying that it connected with something to alleviate their suffering. Thwack, thud,oof! By the third blow some slack appeared in the attacker's grip-- using that to their advantage, Hecate used their back to bump the aggressors chest, gaining some distance and the ability to spin around to face them.
Hecate's blood ran cold as their heart accelerated. The attacker donned a long black cloak that shielded their features. Where a face should be, was only the depths of darkness -- much like the reflection they saw prior. The assaulter loomed over Hecate straightening themselves and reengaging in their previous pursuit, lurching forward before Hecate had time to think. Their hands reattached to hecate's neck, like two viper strikes before pressing down again, squeezing so hard their knuckles would be white under the thick leather of the gloves that adorned them.
"Grk- GAHT" they choked.
Hecate struggled against their bonds, trying to seek precious air as they were forced back over the opening of the sink.
What little energy left in their legs, they used to their advantage to kick strategically. The first kick swung towards the assaulter's right leg, connecting with taute flesh that lay underneath the cloak. The next went closer to center with hopes to land a more sensitive place. With all their might they stomped forward and connected with the attackers groin earning a strangled grunt as the attackers grip faltered and went to soothe the offended area. Using that time bought, and the fact that the assaulter was now hunched over, they launched a fierce kick to where they thought the chin of the attacker would be, which drew out a another pained grunt from the offending party, and made their escape through the bathroom's entrance.
'Oh god, oh god what is happening right now. This can't be happening.'
They barreled toward the kitchen in hopes of collecting their phone, but before they could get very far down the hallway, a large hand grabbed their left arm mid stride and yanked it back and upwards towards their right shoulder.
Pain seared in their arm as the cloaked figure tightened their grip.
"Say your goodbyes, dear prosecutor... for the true angel of death has to come to send you to yours." the figure's clear and low voice whispered in their ear.
Time slowed suddenly, a sharp pain increasing in intensity bloomed in their lower spine as a blade has fully sheathed inside of them. Hecate cried out in agony as the burning of the knife lit their body ablaze. It was like all of their cells, muscles, skin-- everything was on fire.
Despite drinking copious amounts of wine that night, nothing could numb this pain. The cloaked figure pressed the knife in further before ripping it free of their body and allowing Hecate to stumble forward, their legs unable to hold their weight and giving them up to collapse into the cold embrace of the wooden floor.
Hecate's eyes grew heavier and heavier every passing second as they lay there in shock, using the last of their lingering energy hoping to see their attacker one last time-- to get something anything to find out who has done this to them.
The attacker--the true angel of death-- had reached into his cloak and pulled out a cloth to clean the blood off the knife.
"Y'know prosecutor Nolle.... It's truly a shame~" he said with a haughty tone. "Our little game brought me so much fun, but it was time for it to come to an end."
And to an end it did. Because with the removal of the blade, blood sprang forth from the wound freely, steadily, coating the ground underneath Hecate as their breaths became slower and shallower. It was a losing fight to blink, each time getting harder and harder to open their eyes as the world shifted into abstract shapes and gaussian blurs.
Prosecutor Nolle.... has been chosen by death.
[Chapter 1] >> Chapter 2
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theangel-aziraphale · 10 months
If someone decided to make a TV show about you, which actor would you like to play you?
Oh that’s an interesting question…
I believe, if I had to choose.. there’s this fellow, his name gets mixed up rather often, but I believe he has been in a variety of films and shows… Michael? I think is his first name? He was a vampire I believe? He seems like he has the range to play me!
He’s also played a very erratic lawyer and Bill Masters. Both wildly different and yet… flawless performances!
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eatsless · 1 year
deep in my mental illness lately so making a diet plan and. i put down to fast every day. this is not a weight loss plan this is a "how to go to the er" plan.
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faaun · 2 years
i feel rly irredeemably horrible rn...longing for emotional support....anyway vent in tags
#physically i feel so ill etc . and i have to catch up on so much#and i just got a grade back for an assignment and it wasnt a 1st and literally almost . cried bc#it rly was supposed 2 be. i dont have my housing sorted out for next yr and i am rly worried#i look hideous rn bc my face is rly swollen and it was a fat transfer so u dont get to see results for like#6 months but mostly the swelling should settle in like a month but that means i will just look#kind of monsterous for a while. i cant do archery anymore bc it involves heavy weights ig which im supposed to not do#and its like as soon as i find smth i like it is taken away...i feel . like shit. etc. and according to the clinic it is Not Normal to be#so weak. have to get lasik in a few days while still recovering from transfer + nose surgery so i literally#feel like my body is going to give out but also idk if i will find time to catch up on stuff etc i feel likr my brain is rotting#i basically have no support system rn except my gf bc my friends are all so busy w their own stuff#which is also v bad. like i cannot rely on her as my sole source of emotional support#feels like academics etc have taken a backseat this yr so far and that is Horrible like i need that to not be the case#but im too nauseous and weak etc to sit up for prolonged periods of time taking notes#taking 7 antibiotics a day etc..idk . i have to travel 6hrs#tmrw then have lasik on monday then travel back 6hrs the same afternoon or tuesday morning#like i legit already feel like my body is giving out idk how i will do this. and i feel so incredibly alone throughout#all of this . idk.#genuinely i am turning into a black hole and if things get bad again i will lose it . i hate this feeling i hate the#marked loneliness that comes b4 things spiral downwards and this feels like it#that was a lot ✌️ anyway if any1 has any advice or words to share or anytjing to say ever pls do#i need human interaction soooo badly#personal
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smoothoperador · 1 year
#sorry i need to vent ignore this#my new years resolution for 2023 was to work out consistently and get fit#bc i was really embarrassed at how physically weak i was last summer#and for the most part i did but with prepa and stuff i couldnt exercise as much as i wanted#but i still lost a bit of weight and was somewhat happy with the results for a while but#now i hate it again i hate it so much#ive been dancing a LOT (like 4h/week min. which is a lot for a fulltime uni student) bc it's convenient and good cardio and most of all FUN#and yeah the weight i lost is due to that and my cardio is good and im definitely much more fit than last year but#i still hate the way i look. so viscerally. and i know its my brain telling me nonsense bc it's not like a body can 'look bad'#and i'm lit a healthy weight im just a little thicker than french standards?#but i need to exercise more i want to lose all this fat i pinch my skin and wish it would melt beneath my fingers#but i dont have time or money for the gym and no buddy to go with and im intimidated so i just work out from home but#it's not enough i feel so discouraged. body dysmorphia in the summer really doesnt help my seasonal depression#like i truly believed this year would be my 'summer body' or whatever shit that means and its not and idk what to do i just want to be#in another persons skin. have another persons body. anyone truly#to the point that dancing isnt even fun for me anymore it's just competitive w myself i want to maximize the calories i burn and#i sometimes record myself cause i want to see the steps i miss and i did and i saw my body and it killed all my joy.#made me wanna die and cry. i stopped dancing immediately and i just swallowed back the tears cause theres no way i look like that.#so repulsive and nowhere near where i wanted. and again i know it's in my head there's no such thing as a 'repulsive' body due to weight!?!#but i cant apply that reasoning to myself. and i hate myself so much rn#im being called for dinner rn but i'd honestly rather not eat. i think i'd feel horribly gross if i ate anything right now#i told my friends i'd stop using hunger as a form of self-punishment but it almost feels satisfying in a twisted way... like i deserve it#clara tais toi#like ia m SO obsessed with my appearance in a way that is borderline unhealthy i am SO#preoccupied by how im perceived (physically) if i look hot if i look pretty if i look cute at any and all times and#the answer is never ever satisfactory because other ppls judgement of me cannot fix my own but like#it's so exhausting. i'm so exhausted#dl later
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