#my brain is mush and must take a short break in order to resolidify and allow for proper thinking skills to be had
redo-rewind-if · 2 months
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Time for the weekly progress report. Hope you've all had a good one!
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Next Update (Chapter 3? Quite Possibly!):
Intro Scene (if not on music fest route): 100%
Music Fest Routes (Solo, V, and Amara): 100%
Club Pyre Path: 100%
Editing: 10%
Coding: ???% (I code some as I write but fuck if I know how much is done at this point)
Bug Testing: 0%
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Editing is progressing well! I've added some things here and there but no major overhauls of any scenes as of yet.
As a side note, I'm planning on taking a break next week to let my brain rest from all the writing and editing and coding. So I probably won't post anything this coming week, except maybe a reminder on Sunday, fyi.
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