#my brain is literally just eren eren eren
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annievrse · 1 year ago
ummm cabin eren qualifies for MARRIAGE. marriage with me. rn.
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daemon-in-my-head · 2 months ago
Bout that essay titled 'A study of Gortash's twisted love of humanity'- yk what fuck it here goes nothing. Back into a facists megalomaniacs mind we go. Spoiler; this is long.
But first of all; let's do a thought experiment. Let's just assume, for shits and giggles, Gortash's position would've somehow been swapped with any other the other chosen or another Banite:
Let's start with the Banites: if we had gotten anyone except for Gortash Baldur's Gate would've been fucked. Like genuinely. Banites are cruel, vicious, unashamedly gaudy (they suck ass at infiltration missions) and they exploit loopholes perhaps even better than fiends. Any other Banite would've simply reveled in the fear caused by rampant myrkulites and bhaalists and probably stoked that fire by employing some of their own forces. And depending on whether the Zhents join the winning side or not they would've probably used and abused the black network to absolutely dominate trade and potentially choke out every non desirable in the city itself by fun activities such as grand scale slavery, starving an entire city, or simply employing enough mercenaries and some Bhaalist to get the job done. Banites fuck everyone over so hard they usually don't even stop at themselves, and prideful cruel beings who know absolutely no bounds in their desire for power commonly don't hesitate, especially not Banites who thrive in backstabbing. So the other chosen and the grand design are fucked cuz they will most certainly get removed for the sake of someone more desirable the second they somehow irk Banes favourite toy. Which in some specific cases (all of them) would be in 5 minutes flat. If you thought the local nobility was bad just wait until you see a Banite in their natural environment.
Ketheric: Yeah Baldur's Gate is fucked. Ketheric cares about one thing and one thing only; Isobel. And he employs a bunch of sadistic necromancers who have no concept of personal boundaries or consent for that matter, so chances are he'd let them roam freely in Baldur's Gate, making the streets a huting ground for his followers to find prime subjects to perform inhumane experiments on all while he turns a blind eye; either busy trying to get Isobel under his (mind-) control, reviving her or treating a brainless puppet that looks and once was his daughter like his one true solution to decades of grief and fucking up. He wouldn't care about what happens to the city, to the other chosen or even the grand design. He'd follow his gods orders but thats about it and no matter whether that's still Myrkul or Bane; everyone's fucked cuz surpringly the guy who adores lichdom more than life and the other guy who'd rather 'burn everyone's fields than loose' aren't about to give out any orders that will benefit anyone but themselves.
Orin: Another great case of 'yeah Baldur's Gate is fucked'. Orin wants one thing and one thing only: recognition. Preferably from Bhaal but she'd take anyone at this point. The problem about this whole thing is, she's been conditioned and instilled with so much self-loathing my dearest murder princess can't even begin to realise when she's getting shown any sort of adoration anymore and immediately understands it as mockery, see, for example, her butler. Is what I would say if their corpse wasn't chilling in Durges old bedroom. All Orin would do is stage ever grander and more elaborate public massacres and involuntary 'anatomy displays'. Baldur's Gate wouldn't simply be fucked; give her a week, and the majority of it would be dead. This works well for Bhaal, but for anyone else, it would kinda suck. Including the other two of the dead three. And the cult would probably still loathe her simply due to her not being a true Bhaalspawn, so cue Orin's madness reaching an absolute boiling point. She doesn't and would never care for any of the other chosen or the grand design. Unless she's reigned in, she's a utterly loose canon, even more so than she was already, with Gortash or Durge at the helm, respectively.
Now time for my favourite of the reckless murder hobos; Durge. Given the few in game notes we have Durge had a thing for obliteration. Including but not limited to every living being + themselves. So let's just assume Gortash’s cocky upstart charm and Orins assassination attempt didn't work out as planned and they are still the de facto leader but now without any leash. Baldur's Gate is probably obliterated. Alongside whatever else remains of the sword coast. Or Troil. They'd probably also have some weird ass fuck relationship with the brain cuz they already did without being the undisputed leader. And the brain would probably discard the grand design themselves cuz somehow Durge has that effect on things (might be the innate charm magic of Bhaalist priests that they use to convince people to join a literal murder cult). Either way, with Durge not giving a single damn about the other chosen, any plans but Bhaals (or their misunderstood version of it) and a dramatic love for self-obliteration, it may finally be time to remedy the elves' mistake and rip Abeir-Toril apart properly. Ao hates this trick, alongside everyone else, probably including Bhaal himself.
Which is all my longwinded way of saying; Gortash is the lesser evil. In any set of circumstances he displays enough leniency, monster fucker vibes and rationality to somehow keep this ruined, sinking ship from hitting the sea floor immediately. He has enough of a twisted love for humanity left, compared to the others, to a degree that he doesn't blindly follow orders or actively seeks the destruction of everything, let alone 'true' domination the way Bane intends to have it.
But yes, indeed, Gortash performed fucked up and cruel experiments. No doubt about that. And yet it was still on a lesser scale than a mad massive hoard of necromancers could, and his experiments, for the most part, actually yielded results, didn't they? Presumably, the Coginator and the remote control brain mechanism used for the Steelwatch. After all, there are zombies(?) in there, controlling that shit. However, the experiments on loving families were probably one of his selfish indulgences and his sorry attempt at figuring out if he was just born loathsome and his family sucks ass or if that's normal and humanity doesn't deserve a second chance. Or a 30th. FR lore is fucked up.
This is also a great transition to exhibit B of my thesis why Gortash does in fact love or is at the very very very least heavily intrigued by humanity; the sole existence of the Steelwatch. Listen, my guy serves Bane. Bane hates planning. He likes immediate results. So much so he actively pisses off his situationship Bhaal for it. Repeatedly. And he likes fear and tyranny. So what do you think the chances are that the black hand would actually enjoy the thought of a mecha army patrolling the streets of Baldur's Gate, keeping them save, and worst of all, instilling hope in the hearts of the populous, peasants and nobles alike? Yeah, absolutely fucking none. And yet Gortash did that. And he's not even just a regular banite. He's Banes chosen. He carries a part of Bane's divinity within himself. He has the de facto highest position in the local faith. He's Banes favourite toy rn. He's the centre of attention and he still goes out of his way to use things that could 1000% inspire fear and hatred to sow fucking hope and a sense of safety of all things in plain sight? I bet his adorable wrinkly ass that Bane wasn't happy and that even a thousand rituals to redeem his leniency won't save him from getting tortured extra hard for this fuck up. And considering the state of the Banites scriptures we found, and his entire character, Gortash is smart enough to know this is something Bane absolutely loathes. And yet my guy did that.
Another thing is the hive mind. Bane would probably not hate it outright, as its still 'burning the fields' by turning souls illithid, but it's wasted potential. Because there's so many great things you can do with a hivemind and the remote control over people's thoughts and emotions, for example instilling fear and terror the very things Bane loves. But that's, once again, not Gortash plan. If the notes and one of the evil endings is anything to go by the hivemind doesn't trap people in a state of torment, it does the polar opposite. People are happy, enjoying a better, simpler and nicer life. Enjoying an idea of what their life could've been like. They're smiling, happy, enjoying a casual market stroll and the bountiful rewards of the fields. Which is all things that a good Banite should hate and never inflict on someone. AND YET that's presumably Gortashs plan. Create a hivemind where everyone can dream happily and do soulless labour without noticing it while the world goes to absolute shit but the people do not. It's basically noah's arc. It's paradise in hell. The people are 'saved' while the gods continue to fight their petty games, and Gortash alone lords over this perfect dream. Protecting it answer using it to advance further.
Now, about the busts found in his office. Most of them depicted rather unsavoury, cruel people. Except for one. Which honours a self made person who took pity on those who had less. On those considered lesser by the upright and honourable citizens of the Gate. It's weird how, between all those symbols and testaments to cutlery and tyranny, there's still a sliver of empathy, renegade justice and even care for fellow humans imbued, isn't it? And what's even weirder, all of them are found in Gortash's most private place? His own little office hidden far above the grandeur of the throne room and the Fortress, where he sits at the helm, lording over his subjects and scheming his little plans? This is an excellent example of show, don't tell btw. It's hitting you over the head with the implications. But just in case, this might very well be a reflection of Gortashs mind itself and the visible expression of him being incapable of letting go of humanity as a whole, still carrying it somewhere not even that well buried between the resentment and cruelty but out in plain view for everyone curious enough to touch it because what others reason would he have tob'play the benelovent ruler' in a place where no one sees it? Where only his most trusted and fellow Banites mingle?
And, ofc, as I am a durgetash truther, another exhibit. Him fucking Bhaals gore baby and putting a leash on it prematurely. You see, I've already talked about Banes likes and dislikes plenty so it should come as no surprise that the Edgelord Surpreme wouldn't hate carnage wrought upon foolish mortals by idiots who follow lesser gods than himself, since it would still somehow contribute to people being scared and panicking. But Gortash, being the ever faithful fuck up of a Banite, reigns in the Bhaalist and even the Myrkulites enough for that to kinda never really happen. He stopped the carnage from happening altogether, in fact, by giving the others enough scraps to keep them satisfied and from acting out but not enough freedom to fuck up his plans. I mean, heck he was apparently so convincing he managed to get Durge, again, biggest fan of self-obliteration, from going on an apocalyptic rampage cuz 'daddy I like his brain and I don't mean for dinner'. Him doing that actively contributed to preventing another Bhaalspawn crisis, which could've very well happened with Bhaals resurgence and revival, 2.5 loose canons and no ward of a random old guy in sight. But also him providing a clear goal and orders for Ketheric kept the lich from giving in to the sweet release of just not caring at all whatsoever. Everyone had their designated roles and boundaries and that was perhaps the only thing keeping this group of mentally unstable creatures from unleashing an apocalyptic nightmare; which again would've worked in their gods favour and technically didn't need any prevention.
And about the Gondians... Yeah this is gonna sound fucked up, cuz it is, but Gortash is actually treating them exceptionally nice. Their families are actually still alive and its not just a lie he's telling them, we don't actually see anyone getting flayed, strung up or tortured in some other way outright, they actually get to wear clothes and presumably they're fed enough to a degree that most of them can still somewhat work and the collar and the threat of your head exploding does suck but he could've also simply chained them to their work stations but they aren't. Let alone use charms or other beguiling and fucked up magic to force them into complacency. And they're not being resold or redistributed or forced to serve some random ass guy. The Gondians are, from a Forgotten Realms and probably Bane's perspective, treated exceptionally well. As are their families. Still undoubtedly fucked up and kinda sadistic with the whole explosion collar but objectively speaking he's one of the nicer slave masters. And they do allow him to produce the Steel Watchers en mass which once again contributes to the overall safety of Baldurs Gate and its other citizens. Still the lesser evil.
Though to be fair; Gortash also did some things Bane would really celebrate. Like somehow cheating his way into obtaining the Iron Throne, fucking Bhaals favourite and most fucked up """"child"""" and of course, keeping his parents alive and in agony to eternally fuel Banes fear kink. Except, it's only Sally who's afraid. Dravo is basically a blue screen of death personified at this point. He's a hollow, numb husk, isn't he? So somehow this once again doesn't align with Banes goals and Gortash's duty as a Banite. He's fucked it up again. But Gortash could've also simply killed them if all he wanted was revenge. Why go out of your ways, program elaborate scripts into them, keep the very place that testaments his fucked up past in good condition? Because a quick death would be too merciful? But then why is he so quick to turn on Durge if they betray him in a much smaller scale than his parents did. Well, perhaps he chose not to simply kill the very people who prepared Belladonna in the kitchen when he came to visit because he himself still needs them. Because underneath all that rage and spite there's still a broken boy who wants to hear his parents, albeit empty praise, and who wants to prove to them that he can be better? That his useless playing around actually helped better humanity, that he himself helped countess people and made lives better when all they thought he'd be useful as would be a pawn?
So, is it twisted? Yes. Is it rotten? Absolutely. Is it anything you'd consider to be 'conventional'? Absolutely not. But he does hold some wildly fucked up 'love' for humanity, if only as means to a grander goal (that being himself, ofc) or perhaps cuz he's genuinely incapable of letting go. Whether it's that, to spite Raphael, Bane and his parents or someone else, who knows. Probably nobody. But the shit he does is unorthodox and oddly self-sacrificial in a way where I just can't go, 'yeah no he absolutely loathes the sheer existence of the concept'.
I still think it's a missed opportunity he's not trying to build a spelljamming port though. I feel like he would absolutely do that somewhere down the line, if only to limit the black networks influence.
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hannigramislife · 9 months ago
I'm rewatching Attack on Titan with my cousin, who has never seen it, and boy, is it a tripping experience.
I first watched Attack on Titan when it first came out, back in 2013, and now in season 1, there are moments that just physically kick me back in time, back when we knew nothing.
My cousin said, "Are Levi and Mikasa related? They have the same last name," and I was struggling to remember why it wasn't obvious to us back then that there was a connection–
And then it hit me that we didn't know Levi's last name for a while. He does, but we didn't.
I remember the tumblr posts the most; I remember the horse face jokes, and the memes like "dead mom hairstyle" and eren joining the "did nothing wrong squad." I remember the fics with the Levi squad and the huge shipping between Levi and Eren– how Levi always called them gaki/brats and the "characters watch the show" fics. I remember the discourse between people who shipped eremika and those saying "they're siblings," and I remember the live action movie.
During an episode, I saw Levi's name spelled as "Rivaille" and could almost smell the summer air in my childhood bedroom where I watched AoT.
It's so bizarre watching the first season now that everything is over, because at the time, genuinely nobody could have seen it going the way it did. We never thought we'd end up here. All we wanted to know was what was in that goddamn basement.
Even as I have read and watched everything, when I'm back in season one, I just keep quietly wondering to myself...
How did we end up here?
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kamospeach · 28 days ago
Hey girl, just read your Eren one shot and I was loving ittt. Could I ask for a one shot of Eren x black female bestfriends who have a flirty relationship but Eren finally makes a move when she gets asked out by someone else? #smutty please ☺️
we might share the same brain cell :P
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you don't want me to see nobody else .ᐟ
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plot: bestfriend!eren is tired of only being best friends.
content warning: pining, mutual pining, jealous eren, oblivious reader, slut shaming (barely), titty sucking, oral f!recieving, fingering, cowgirl
peachy's yap: wc 4k.ᐟ i've literally thought about this so many times i love best friend eren in every way !
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“her? nah she's my best friend."
"girlfriend... i don't have a girlfriend. oh y/n? that's my best friend."
"yeah we live together but we're strictly best friends."
those were just three of the many different statements eren replied to strangers. strangers being people your friends brought the two of you around. your friends themselves couldn't even tell others what you both had going on.
"y/n and eren? well, they're best friends, and uh... they hug a lot."
"yeah they do that often, she always sits on his lap."
"when did he start holding her waist in public? that's new."
"truthfully i've seen them kiss. on the lips!"
all of it was true you and eren did hug a lot even cuddle when it was cold. you sat on his lap proudly in public, especially at the club you wouldn't dare let some stripper twerk on your best friend. he held your waist when you and your friends walked around the mall looking for things to buy.
you did kiss twice though once at a dinner party on accident when you turned to talk to eren and the same when he tried to kiss your cheek. another time when you both were crossfaded in your room you looked over at your best friend. his eyes were low and his pink lips shiny from chapstick and he looked very fuckable.
but even after that your friendship stayed the same and you didn't falter. you were best friends and even promised to be in the next life. and today was just like every other day.
"ren!" you yelled and eren walked to you from your shared kitchen. you laid on the couch wrapped in a blanket watching a scary movie. he stood at the end of the couch looking at you with a raised brow.
"yeah ma," he asked and you pointed at the tv his eyes followed your finger. you could barely hear the tv from where you sat. "what you scared?" he laughed at you and you frowned.
"no i ain't scared!" you defended although you were truthfully scared that wasn't what you wanted. "remember how your fat ass stepped on the remote and it broke yesterday?" you said and he looked around trying to act like he didn't hear you.
"what about it?" he asked still looking at the TV.
"i can't hear it and we haven't got a new remote. so can you turn it up pleaseeee?" you asked and he scoffed turning up the TV and looking at you to see if you were satisfied. you nodded in approval happy now that you could hear the TV. "thank you, hun."
"mhm you're welcome," he mumbled walking over to you and kissing your forehead. things like that were everyday interactions for you and eren. it was friendly and you never thought of it any other way. you watched the movie until eren came into the living room with two plates.
he handed you one and sat directly next to you in the corner of the couch. you lifted the blanket placing it over eren's legs. he grabbed your legs placed them over his lap and looked down at you.
"what movie is this again?" he asked and you scoffed rolling your eyes.
"i don't know it's on a random channel, no remote remember." you playfully remind him to which he scoffs. he promised he would go out today and buy a new remote after work.
since you took today off you sat in your room all day waiting for eren to return. just for eren to come back with two bottles of Don Julio, a family box of Cheez-Its, and a value pack of sour gummy worms. everything but a damn remote.
"you don't gotta remind me every time." he laughed and you shook your head.
"i'll go get it tomorrow." you laugh as a comfortable silence settles between the two as you both enjoy the meal. after you both finished he left to clean the dishes and returned minutes later. he sat down in his previous spot except this time he pulled you in between his legs. you leaned your against his chest looking up at him.
"hm?" he hummed in a questioning tone and for a second you weren't exactly sure what you wanted to say. lost in his green eyes that you swore swirled hypnotizing you into becoming a mute. his fingers rubbed small circles on the bare skin of your thigh. his other hand under your oversized teachers resting on your stomach.
"you work tomorrow?" you asked and he nodded looking at the time seeing it was getting close to his bedtime. he was trying to stay up later so you wouldn't call him an old man but he was exhausted. "can i ride with you?"
"yea, you can." he cleared his throat standing you up and standing up behind you. "finna go to bed," he mumbled stretching as your eyes never left his happy trail until it was hidden by his shirt again.
"can you sleep in my room? i got scared." you now admit to being scared by the low-budget horror film. he obliged as you both went to your room.
the next day was how you expected stressful, tiring, and overall draining. it was going on 3 pm and you only had one client left. you had two appointments and even did three walk-ins you were beat.
you looked across the tattoo shop at your best friend who looked even more exhausted than you. he was finishing up his last client it was his second large back piece of the day along with 3 smaller tattoos.
eren was always the busiest it was his shop and everyone loved his work. although you, connie, annie, and mikasa were good at what you did, it wasn't beating eren's talent by a long shot. you stood up walking over to his station sitting next to him watching him work.
after another 20 minutes, your client arrived, he was a regular client for you. if you were being honest you gave him discounts here and there because he was fine as hell. whenever he called and needed you to squeeze him in you never told him no.
"wassup y/n." he smiled his white teeth nearly blinding you with its reflection of the sun. you returned his smile patting the back of the seat.
"heyyy come take a seat," you said and got started with the process. you were first sitting in silence until he asked about your day. taking the opportunity to rant about your stressful day.
"man if i known that i would've waited until tomorrow or when you ain't have as many people," he said and you shook your head.
"i'll never tell you no, you know that." you send him a bright smile and he returns the gesture.
"i must be your favorite?" he laughed and you nodded slowly still keeping your main focus on his tattoo.
"you might be..." you say and he sends you a smirk. he was getting cocky and you fed into it.
"then let your favorite client take you out?" he looked at you and as much as your body wanted to freeze up from shock. you stayed calm lightly nodding your head. "not for no free tattoos or nothin'. i been liking you for a while and i've known you for three years now and..." you cut him off as he started to ramble.
"i'll go out with you." you laughed trying to lighten the mood. he was obviously a little anxious but you admired him for asking.
"oh ok cool, bet." he nodded to himself and you smiled the whole time you finished his tattoo. you were just happy someone you found attractive thought the same about you.
after that, you both said your goodbyes and you walked over to eren who sat in his chair waiting for you to finish. he grabbed your bag from you and you both made sure everything was good to be locked up. you switched the lights off following eren to his bike.
"what were you and that guy gigglin' bout?" eren asked handing you your helmet and you shrugged.
"nothin', much he asked me out and that was about it," you tell eren and he freezes turning to look at you. you weren't sure why he looked so shocked at that statement so you chuckled.
"what?" you asked getting on the back of the bike and he shook his head. not bothering to say anything to you he just wanted to get home. he sped home going a little faster than you liked your arms wrapping tightly around him.
once you both made it back home eren wasted no time jumping off the bike. he didn't even look back at you and rushed into the apartment. you followed behind him oblivious to his anger.
"what you want for dinner i'll cook," you say and he shrugs his shoulders walking to his room and slamming his door shut. you stood in front of the door in shock, you and eren never stayed mad at each other.
you shook your head going to your room and deciding on taking a shower. you sat your phone on the counter in the kitchen along with your keys and bag. you went and did your regular shower routine before going to cook. when you came out eren was sitting at the island eating food.
"you doordashed?" you asked and he nodded. looking down at your phone and then back at his food. you frowned seeing your phone had lit up meaning you had gotten a notification. you walked over grabbing your phone seeing it was a text from the client who had asked you out.
6:23 pm
it was good to see your pretty face today how does friday at 7 pm sound?
you smiled at the message about to text back until eren snatched your phone. you looked up at him with your eyebrows furrowed in anger. "eat your food." he nodded in the direction of the bag and you squinted your eyes at him.
"fuck we forgot the remote again." you groaned. eren watched your every move you felt him watching. but you ignored it not wanting him to know that you were nervous from his intense gaze. "what's your problem today?" you asked getting it over with.
"you gonna go out with him?" he asked and you turned to look at him like he had lost his mind.
"why would i not?" you say grabbing your food and sitting next to him. he hummed nodding his head almost like you were irritating him. you both ate your food in silence just as you were about to swallow your last bite eren spoke.
"you ever thought about how it'd make me feel?" he asked and you choked on your food not sure what he meant.
"what?" you asked and he sighed looking away from you.
"i'm just sayin' like we best friends and stuff..." you cut him off assuming he thought you both had to sit down and contemplate whether or not you would date this guy or not.
"you expect me to run to you like you're my father and ask if it's okay that i date him?" you said now getting angry that eren was acting this way.
"that's not what i'm getting at bruh. i'm sayin' like one guy comes and asks you on a date and you just said yes?" he said and you squinted your eyes at him.
"you callin' me easy?" you asked grabbing your empty plate and throwing it away. not only were you fed up with his attitude his words hurt you.
"no ma that's not..."
"don't 'ma' me. you sittin' here callin' me easy and getting mad that someone showed interest in me. i've never had a boyfriend because they're always scared of you. let me have this one please." you practically beg eren. and then there it was again. that swirling in his eyes that was saying everything and nothing at all. you began to storm off to your room but eren asked a question that made your stomach churn.
"have you ever... thought about me? in that way?" he asked you and you blinked in shock.
"in what way?" you asked, you needed him to be straight up and tell you what he really wanted to know.
"have you ever thought about dating me and uh... being with me?" he asked and you cleared your throat. you never thought you and your best friend would be having this conversation.
"yes i have... maybe a year ago," you admitted and he grabbed your wrist pulling you back to him.
"when we kissed? in your bed?" he asked and you nodded slowly.
"i thought about you for days, months really. i hid the way i felt, i didn't want you to know," you admitted to him.
"i've always felt that way about you," he admitted and you looked at him your eyes running over his face. his eyes, nose, lips, everything that made you feel the way you did a year ago. "don't go out with him... go out with me."
you didn't know what to say but you knew you wanted to kiss him. it had been a year since you felt those lips against yours and you needed him. you were standing between his legs as he sat on the barstool in your kitchen. his hands gripped the exposed skin of your waist as you both stared at each other
you couldn't wait another minute to press your lips against his. the softness of his lips and the urgency in his movements made it all the more sensual. your hands ran along his shoulders finding their way in his hair. you took out his bun letting his hair fall as you ran your fingers through his hair.
"have you ever thought of me like this?" you asked referring to the intimate moment you were both about to have.
"so so so many times," he said breathlessly lifting you like you weighed nothing. he sat you on the counter gripping your thighs and spreading them apart. he stood between your legs and went back to kissing you. his hands found their way to your ass and massage the flesh. your hands rubbed the back of his neck playing with the hairs on the nape of his neck.
he pushed his tongue in your mouth his tongue roaming around your mouth. the kiss was sloppy spit sloshing and swapping between your mouths. he pulled back as a line of spit followed, both of your chests raising and falling at a fast pace.
he grabbed your jaw pushing your head backward and attacking your neck. you whine at the feeling of his teeth grazing the muscles of your neck. he kissed down your neck and behind your ear, you could hear his rigid breathing. his hands reached under your shirt noticing you don't have a bra on.
"no bra?" he asked smirking and you sighed as he pulled your shirt over your head.
"i just g...got out the shower." you stuttered as he rolled his nipples between his pointer finger and thumb. he pulled at them watching your eyes flutter close at the feeling. he roughly grips your breasts fondling them and looking at you.
"put em' in my mouth," he instructed looking up at you through his lashes. your eyes widened at the thought and he nodded letting you know he was serious. he stuck his tongue out as you grabbed your boob placing it on his tongue.
his mouth latched around your breast sucking and lightly biting at your nipple. his hand grabbed your right boob fondling and playing with your nipple until he switched. he sucked so hard that you felt your need cunt clench around nothing wanting him in you so bad. your hands played in his hair pulling him away from your chest.
"why'd you do that?" he frowned looking up at you. his eyes were 3 shades darker.
"i need you..." you whined and he smirked at your neediness. he lifted you off the counter kiss you as he walked over to the couch placing you on your back.
"can i take off your shorts?" he asked and you nodded. he took off your shorts looking at your skimpy panties that were soaked. your juices creating a wet spot on your pretty pink panties. eren spread your legs his nose nudging the spot sniffing your scent.
eren let out a guttural groan and the smell and pulled off his shirt. his body was nothing new to you but seeing him hover above you with his shirt off made it so much more sensual. he unbuttoned his pants taking them off followed by his boxers. he was huge not as big as you imagined but to be fair you imagined him to be 13 inches.
although he wasn't as long as he was in your wet dreams, 8 1/2 inches was bigger than most. he was bigger than most of the guys you followed on twitter. you reached up grabbing his dick and your hand couldn't even wrap all the way around it. you stroked him slowly and he threw his head back his cock already twitching from the feeling.
"let me taste you," he mumbled and you looked up at him with a smile. you wanted to tease him, he was a naturally dominant man. even one second to be a tease was enough to make you feel superior.
"what was that rennie?" you asked in a seductive tone rubbing your thumb across the slit of his tip playing with the stickiness of his precum.
"i said let me taste you," he said louder this time and you nodded. spreading your legs. eren gripped your panties easily ripping them down the middle. your lips and swollen clit on full display your entrance dripping your wetness. "such a pretty pussy... so wet for me." he hummed leaning down to lick a long stripe down your folds.
he sucked on your clit and now and then teased your entrance with his tongue. he groaned into your pussy while he eat you out your body squirming under the feeling. your legs tried to squeeze together trapping his head between them, the feeling so overwhelming.
eren pushed your legs open letting up from your clit. his thumb swirled over your clit and you moaned loudly from the feeling. without warning he pushed his middle finger in fingering you roughly.
"you like that baby?" he asked with a raised brow and your head was thrown back as you moaned loudly at the feeling. he didn't get an answer from you so he pushed in a second finger. you whined at the pressure of a second finger. "you keep ignoring me i'll add a third." he said deeply and you pushed your limits thinking there was no way he would.
he fingered you vigorously so fast that you could hear your juices sloshing. your cunt tightened around his fingers. loving the feeling of his fingers pumping in and out of you. since you didn't answer eren did as he said he would add another finger in. you squealed he was stretching you so good and the feeling was overwhelming.
"m'close ren." you moaned feeling that feeling in your stomach.
"tell me how much you love it then i'll let you cum." he said and your voice was giving out from your moaning and screaming. "c'mon ma just three words." he taunted you while he fingered your wet, needy pussy. he ground his hips into the couch getting harder by the minute watching you leak all over the couch just from his fingers.
"i love it ren fuck!" you yelled and he smirked as your body gyrated from the orgasm begging to be released.
"cum for me baby, cum for your best friend rennie." he said as you let go cumming hard, your cream coating his fingers as your body shivered from the pleasure. "gooood girl," he said pulling his cream-coated fingers out of your cunt. he pushed them into your mouth as you sucked and slurped your cream off his fingers.
he pushed them down your throat making you gag on all three of his thick digits. you smiled at him as he leaned down kissing you. his tongue dancing with yours as he tasted you on your tongue. you sat up pushing him down on the couch. he leaned against the back of the couch as you straddled his waist.
"you sure?" he asked and you nodded wanting to show him what you could do. although you never had a boyfriend didn't mean you never had sex. you wanted to show eren what he had been missing.
you planted your feet on the ground lowering yourself onto him. he moaned in your ear and you whimpered at the way his cock stretched you. he was way thicker than those three fingers he used earlier. you lowered yourself fully onto him until your ass met his thighs.
your eyes were closed and your body ground into his, enjoying the feeling. after you adjusted to the size you began to ride him. your arms wrapped around his neck and his hands gripping your waist.
"fuck baby you feel so good, so wet, fuck." he groaned as you fastened your pace bouncing on his cock. you couldn't slow down you couldn't take it slow, not with the way you felt every inch of his cock stroking your insides.
"mmm ren." you moaned leaning your chest against his kissing him biting on his bottom lip. your pace slowed a little until eren moved his grip to your ass helping you ride him. still kissing you roughly while he moved you to keep the same fast pace.
his big hands almost covering most of your ass, he slapped one encouraging you to ride him faster. he watched the way your beautiful brown ass rippled from the force.
"you're doing so good ma. make us cum." he tells you as your knees got tired and he grabbed you. "you tired baby?" he asked whispering in your ear.
"mmm mhm." you whimpered out and he nodded. eren turned around so you both were lying the length of the couch. he planted his feet fucking up into you. "ren!" you yelled feeling him roughly fuck into you. it was extremely loud the sound of your bodies colliding and your yelling out from eren's rough thrust was enough for the two of you to get noise complaints.
"you close baby? i'm close." he rambled loving the feeling of your walls clenching and unclenching around him. "play with your clit." he demanded. you listened not in the mood to defy him. you rubbed your clit vigorously watching eren bite his lips as sweat ran down his forehead. his hair stuck to his forehead and his broad shoulders tensed as he fucked up into you with immense force.
"m'cumming ren." you moaned loudly and he grunted.
"me too cum with me ma." he said as your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you whimpered out in pleasure. "fuck i love you shit," he said and your eyes widened as his warm cum filled you up. his dick twitching and pulsing as his seed painted your insides white.
"y... you love me?" you asked still sitting on his cock as your mixed fluids dripped down his dick and his balls. your body automatically grinding into his at the feeling of being full.
"of course i do i've told you that so many times," he said giving you a confused look and you shook your head.
"no that was as friends i mean do you love me like a lover?" you asked and he smiled at your explanation.
"i never meant it as a friend," he said and you pouted at his statement and you nodded in satisfaction.
"then i love you too rennie."
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dragonsoulage · 1 month ago
How they eat it…
feat. Levi Ackerman, Eren Yeager, Armin Arlert, Jean Kirstein, Connie Springer
They love it, they are addicted, they just can’t get enough of you and your pretty heaven down there. How eager they all are to just eat you up…
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Hello friendos, here we are the next smutty smut I am uploading 👀💀 this time I felt like the AoT men deserved some attention or more like we deserved their attention xD so just have fun reading it 🤌🏻💕
Warnings: pūssy eating, face sitting, use of pet names, overstimulating
Wordcount: 4K
Levi Ackerman ~ The feral and mean captain
When you came in his office, like you did every day, as a good girlfriend, you didn't think you would end up sprawled out on his desk.
Not that this wouldn't have happened before. But he said he was hungry, little did you know, the only thing he was hungry for, was the paradise between your legs.
Not many things get off of his mind, it was so rare that he actually found time to relax.
Time to stop thinking, but hell, his brain stopped working on every heavy thought as soon as he had you on his tongue.
Tongue lapping at your pulsing pussy, hands around your thighs, holding you firm in place.
"Stop wiggling around so much, brat." he murmured between his ministrations.
Tongue laid flat against your cunt before licking up and then circling your swollen nub. It made your legs grew shaky every time he did that. And looked up at you, steel blue eyes, locked onto yours, not only did he devoured your delicious pussy, your very soul left your body when he looked at you like this.
Feral, you could tell he was so feral about your pussy.
No matter if he is actually inside you, feeling like the best place on earth, or if it's his tongue that danced around your sensitive flesh.
"Levi, I-I can't help, it's too much." you whimpered, and you were such a whiny slut for the captain. Even if you said it was too much, he knew you enjoyed it, the way you felt so hot on his mouth. Always these crashing orgasms he gave you, when he just couldn't stop, eating you out in the most feral way possible.
When Levi was hungry, he really was, and you shouldn't stop him from eating his meal
You heard a husky chuckle, what send vibrations through your pussy, made you clench around nothing.
"Too much? Always so whiny, but this pussy tells me otherwise, love." he answered you, before you felt his tongue wiggling his way inside.
And the sight, Levi's eyes rolled back, a groan was heard. Nearly as if this was even more satisfying than actual fucking you. Your taste addicting to him, your hands had found their way in his hair. Gently tugging on the raven black strands. His hands keeping you in place.
„You have some good pussy don't you?" it was not like he expected you to say anything, but shit, this pussy had him whipped. Face buried nose deep inside your sweet pussy.
All you could do was moan, heavy eyelids shutting because you felt the next organs approaching. Indeed, he used his whole lunch break to eat.
Even when the meal was your perfect pussy on his desk. „Do I, or are you just saying this because you are literally feral now?" you were able to say something in a complete sentence. Making him a little surprised. He stopped shortly, looking up at you, his lips glossy from your juices. Running down his chin. His look hard as usual, but with a certain spark in his eyes when it came to you.
He took one hand from your thighs, just to smear your slick arousal over your puffy clit, making you shudder nicely for him.
Maybe you had been too bold to tell him he is feral, as if he would not know that your taste was his weakness. But he could eat you out until his jaw hung slack, just to see you squirm.
„Feral? Says the one who is literally shoving my face towards her cute cunt." he pointed out gruffly, his thumb spreading your lower lips just a little.
He smirked before spitting right onto your sopping wet folds.
„You make it not easy with the way you eat-„ you were interrupted by a sudden swat right onto your precious cunt. Making you whine, looking at your captain with such needy eyes, eyes that pleaded for mercy.
„When you really want it feral, love... I do should use the last 10 minutes of my break and making you cum onto my face. Just so you clean up your mess." he saw it now as challenge, and before you could even discuss his tongue swirled around your swollen clit with such a precise movement. These probably would be the longest 10 minutes you would endure to cuming.
Eren Yeager ~ The unfair tease
„You are such a sloppy girl." you heard him chuckle before these wet noises and slurping sounds were heard. When Eren eats, you are literally not easy off the hook. Your legs dangling over his shoulders, eyes solemnly focused on this pink slit between your thighs.
Hands around your thighs loosely, because he just loved when you wiggled your snug cunt more into his face.
„You are just so damn pretty down here." Eren spoke in awe before his tongue flicked your small bundle of nerves. Then capturing it with his sheeny lips and sucked on it. Making your back arch and moan. „P-pretty?" was all you could ask before your head landed in the pillows again. Feeling his long hair tickling your thighs.
Although, your hot boyfriend was quite the vision. His brown hair framing his face with some strands, even when the most was in a small man bun. And the teal green eyes first looking at you, and how delicious you squirmed before they focused on the heaven between your legs.
„Well, a pretty girl, is pretty in all places." he replied to you against your heated flesh. Every time he ate you out, he made some breaks to justify teasing you. From licking all up and down your slit to simply kissing your outer lips with a cute ‚mwah'. His lips sheeny with all the slick from your pussy.
It was nearly torture, when he took his sweet time withe you, teasing and kissing, licking everywhere but not where you needed.
Just to watch how you bucked up your hips. Squirming in his grasp.
"Eren...'s not fair when you..." you tried to tell him that you wanted his mouth back on you.
You heard a chuckle from between your legs, and then his eyes darting up to look into your pretty face, your cheeks flushed to red, this cute needy expression.
"Oh, it's not fair to have such a perfect cunt, baby." he said to you low and husky, before leaning his head against your thigh, parting your thighs just a little more.
Thumbs coming up your outer lips to expose that sweet, swollen pearl that had you gasping for air when he touched it.
"Come on, be a good girl and be patient, still not done with her." Eren let you know before kissing your thigh, and then you got what you wanted.   
His hot flexible muscle inside your sopping wet cunt, wiggling his way inside you, groaning at your taste and how your juices flowed into his mouth.
When he eats, he eats nasty, wanting everything from you. Having your thighs quivering.
Having his sweet princess moan so pretty and with her hands in his hair, pulling him closer.
No matter if you were a shy one or not, the fact he wanted that you tugged and pulled on him, just so his tongue could delve deeper. He liked hair pulling, not matter if it was yours or his.
"Is this fair enough to you, sweetheart?" he asked you in between before you looked down, his eyes closed shut, just to savor your taste, his favorite meal after a long day.
He could spend hours between your thighs.
Jaw locked and tensed, and still he would be hungry for more. Would eating you out until you begged him to stop.
In general, he loved having his girl sprawled out for him, always getting you so wet without his cock in the near of your pussy.
And when you were sloppy enough for his taste, only then he freed his thick length, coating himself in your juices, making you whine even more.
How his tip would always brush over your sensitive clit, nearly shoving in before dodging. 
He was a merciless tease to you, just like now.... Fucking you with his tongue, only his tongue.
Making you all the cute noises and these squelches of your pussy, the way he slurped up every drop, it had him hooked.
The way he holds open your thighs, when he felt them shaking.
Just eagerly burying his head even more in your pussy. The pink tip of his tongue circled your clit again, before he snickered, after he heard that needy whine.
"Please Eren, am I not wet enough for you?" you pleaded head on the pillows and so needy, you wanted to cum so badly. But he always stopped before you had the slightest chance to ride that wave.
"Oh, you are dripping, babygirl. And I just love that...just a little more." he murmured before you felt his nose brushed your clit and his tongue was inside you.... It will still take some time until he would give you his dick you wanted so much.  
Armin Arlert ~ The greedy boy
"Keep going baby, grind that...ah grind that perfect pussy on my face." his smooth voice urged you, hands on your hips trying to move them for you.
Armin was always like a lovesick puppy as soon as he had his girl's pussy on his mouth.
Eager to lick up every drop from you, tasting every sweet release he could coax out of your breathless form.
You were a goddess for this boy, when eating you out, he just loved it when you rode his face.
Your pristine cunt smashing down his face, suffocating him so he could just die happy.
He knew he would, breathing you in and his skilled tongue, it made you feel like you were on cloud 9.
One of your hands, in his blonde hair, massaging his scalp and you were panting, whimpering.
Even when you were on top, and technically in charge, Armin was greedy.
"You are such a greedy boy, baby." you tried to speak, brows knit together as you felt slowly the next orgasm building up. Large hands went down to your ass, grabbing your soft flush, just to pull you even closer.
Hot tongue wiping so shamelessly over your clit, making you shudder, so he heard this cute noise again. And Armin? O hell he was gone, sky blue eyes fluttered open just to be able to catch a glimpse how you rode his face so elegant. 
For him, you were so beautiful, and it was a privilege that you allowed him to taste you.
Addicted to your taste, your pussy was just so sweet to him, honey from the most delicious ambrosia.
His cute kisses in between, when you could listen how wet his pressed a kiss right onto your swollen nub.
"You are just so, pretty. Such a pretty girl. Tasting sooo good." he praised you, always told you what your self-worth needed, always telling you how perfect you were to him. 
Your hips stuttered slightly, when your eyes rolled back, trying now more urgently to move back and forwards, your slick all smearing over his face, dripping down his chin. And he loved it, such a messy boy in bed.
You grabbed his hands, easing them from your ass, leading them right to your tits, he groaned, loved how good your tits fit into his hands. You were made for him, he was sure about this.
No matter what a big brain Armin had, sometimes he still couldn't explain why you were so satisfied with him, that you loved him...
"You are just too good to me, my good boy. You are my good boy, aren't you." you asked him, grabbing his hair just a little tighter now, as you then looked down.
What you saw... Armin, a total mess, literally whimpering just because your pussy was on his tongue.
A cute pink shade you could see over his nose and how hungry he devoured your cunt. His eyes reflecting with that pure need to satisfy you, over and over, wanting your praise.
How hard it was not to just beg you to ride his dick, because when you turned your head around, his neatly tugged away member was pulsing in his pants.
How you already could see he was leaking pre-cum, so, so much. You were sure when this would go on, Armin would just be cuming from eating you out.
His dick throbbing with so much contained need.
"I'm your good boy, ma'am." he replied before you heard that needy whimper, when he squeezed your tits, responding to the way you grabbed his head and pushed him nose deep inside your wet pussy.   
You felt just so hot, so damn wet, just because he made these puppy eyes when pleasing you. That he found more pleasure in fucking his tongue inside your sloppy hole, to have you moaning because of him, than anything else.
Calling you ma'am because it turned you on, he could be so submissive, although when you allowed, shit he grew all feral over you.
You leaned just a little back, grabbing his throbbing member that was still covered from his beige pants.
And when you did, he whined, making your pussy clench in response.
"Shit, Armin, you are so hard." you murmured, you would be so ready to ride him, to move your talented hips in circles making his head spin.   
When you wanted to pull away your addicting nectar from him, you didn't think you would have to deal with him, because no matter how desperate he was to spill his load, he wanted to make his girl cum first.
He was greedy, the future commander of Paradis, so greedy when it came to your pussy.
His elegant hands hastily grabbing your waist, just to glue you to his mouth.
"Not yet, want you to cum on my face first, pretty." he said to you, and there you heard this slight demanding edge in his voice, he served you but when he wanted something so bad he would make it clear....a submissive commander, just so eager to wiggle his tongue back inside your tight walls.
And when you heard his tone, it made your pussy flutter...
He did such good work, having you soon squirting all over his face, just to slurp up your juices and the having you propped up on his thick cock....  
Jean Kirstein ~ The sloppy and filthy gentleman
Jean, was just so into it, when he ate your pussy, he really ate. He made out with your lower parts, giving it a nice smooch, before spitting so sloppy down on it.
He was nasty, and he weren't even ashamed of it.
"So fucking sweet, baby, you are just so sweet. Can't believe you made me wait all day..." he started to speak just to interrupt himself with laying his tongue flat against your slit, to lick it up oh, so slowly before pressing a kinda tender kiss against your pulsating clit.
"...to fucking taste you, it should be a crime for refusing me access to this, treasure." Jean ended his sentence, and well he liked to babble when he was so focused on your cunt.
Dirty blonde hair messy, because you had tangled your fingers in it.
Your chest heaving because he was so mean when eating pussy, although he never denied you your orgasms, no...he made it worse, urging you to cum on him, just to spray your syrupy juices all over his handsome face.   
"Stop saying my pussy is a...fuck, babe." you wanted to complain, although it never was serious, trying to get him out of his hazy way to wipe his long tongue over your clit.
But as an answer, he just spit onto your pussy, smearing his saliva from your sensitive nub right down your clenching hole. Aching to be filled with him, and the noise you made?
Oh, that was so adorable how you chocked on your whimper. How your fingers grabbed his hair tighter.
"Let a gentleman enjoy his meal, darling. Otherwise, it's not nice, and you want to be a nice girl, for me, right?" he replied, but eyes focused on the spot between your thighs.
His thumb, just slightly teasing you, with sliding in just a tiny little bit, making your hips buck up, trying to get more, more, more.
He was anything but a gentleman right now, eating your pussy so messy, making out with it as if his life would depend on.
Groaning and rolling back his golden eyes. He could get drunk like this, without even needing whiskey.
"Please... I-I be a nice girl. Just...don't tease, I need you, Jean." you moaned so sweet, he loved hearing you like this. 
His sweet girl, so needy and stuttering. Pussy just dripping onto his tongue, your candied nectar, everything he needed. Before you felt how, he just parted your outer lips a little more, exposing your clit to the cold air.
"Look at that, you are throbbing down here, so cute. How should I stop, giving her the attention she deserves?" Jean spoke out loud his thoughts, not even being ashamed he talked about your pussy. Blowing cold air over your heated flesh, making you hiss in response.
Tugging on his hair with a little more force. You were a nice girl, mostly. But he drove you crazy when he couldn't stop talking.
"Jean!" you repeated his name, but you just saw how his glossy lips closed around your nub, sucking it in and making your toes curl.
Flicking his pointy tongue over it, making you feel so high, you nearly could taste your next orgasm.   
And Jean was so dirty, he sneaked one hand down his body, inside his pants, he was just so hard because of you.
So hard because of the way you responded to his touch. He kept his lips sealed around your clit for a further moment, sucking hard, making you gasp. Giving his balls a good squeeze.
His large hand wrapped around his length, feeling up and down his veiny shaft, while eating out his girl. Making him groan into you, what send a pleasant vibration through your core.
"Fuck, can't help when you are so delicious, gorgeous. Tell me, how much you want me to split you open, darling." he murmured husky before his tongue was back inside you, stroking your inner wall in such a precise perfection, it made you cry out.
Thighs shaking, and it didn't help when you looked down and saw that he was touching himself.
Jean was your tall, hot boyfriend, with literally the perfect dick, and he touched himself because he couldn't wait.
His thumb stroking over his leaking tip, no matter how composed he always seemed, how cool.
He was leaking and desperate for you, wanting all your juices in his mouth, down his chin. 
You tried to think straight, but it was all gone when his tongue was inside you and his nose brushed against your clit, all while he fucked his hand to you.
"Want...ahh want you to fuck me, honey." you manage to choke out, and this had him so gone, feeling his dick throbbing in his hands, hastily pulling your one thigh more apart to have that better access, to nuzzle his face in your pussy.
So you felt his light beard tickle your soft inner thighs, making the sensation all the better, making you whimper.
And this was the moment, he would do anything he can just so you cum right in his mouth, squirting your essence on his tongue so he could make you fall apart on his dick right after that...
Connie Springer ~ The chaotic talker
When he ate you out, it was chaotic. Although it nearly seemed like he purred when he felt your hands ran through his short hair, not enough to actually pull on it but enough to ran your fingertips through it so lovingly.
Although Connie had a pace, it made you anything different from crying and being an overstimulated mess, so your thighs were always shaking so cute.
"Stay still, baby." he said to you, trying to keep your legs in his grasp, before pulling you closer to his eager mouth.
Literally nuzzling his head into your puffy folds, tongue exploring every crease and crevice of your pussy, and he never got bored by it.
"When you...ahh when you go that fast I can't do much about it." you replied to him shortly looked down and saw how his yellow eyes glint up at you, oh he lived for eating pussy.   
No matter what treats he could have, you were his favorite.
Connie weren't a submissive one, not always at least, although he couldn't help when you were on top of him. But he lived for your praise, he loved to see you fall apart because of him.
Always think he weren't a great looker, not like you. Sometimes not really getting the fact he was able to pull you, a hot girl, a sweet girl, everything he wanted.
Always needing to prove it to himself that he could make you feel good.   
"But you enjoy it, sweetheart. I know you do, otherwise your little needy pussy wouldn't be clenching around nothing." he chuckled and then took a moment to look down, just to see you clench, with a following snicker.
"As I told, you can't make your pussy lie, pretty." he said before diving back in, holding your spread legs open for him.
Propped between them, kissing your lips down there over and over again.
When you looked down you saw how his tongue flicked out eagerly lapping up your slick, you were dripping for him and he enjoyed it.
Maybe even more than you, he ached to be inside you, but he worked on his impatience, besides he never could leave his girl needy on his tongue, could he?
"She is so responsive for me, isn't she." he whispered against your cunt, and you just whimpered, he loved the filthy pussy talk.
Even when you laid there, with a heaving chest, just finally wanting to cum, but he teased, made you so wet and hot, that you were the impatient.   
"So wet, so damn sweet. Hmmm...need to get her to talk a little more for me." Connie spoke before he just got a little up from his place, hovering over you, taking in your flushed state.
Your kiss bitten lips from making out with him, the way your top was halfway down because he just couldn't get enough of groping your tits when making out, this was what got him worked up in the first place.
Eyes wandering down to your pretty pink pussy. He tilted his head, why not trying a different angle?
And alone on the way he looked at you, you could see his brain cells working.
"Connie, what you are about to do?" you asked him, trying to catch your breath, and all you earned was a crooked smile.
Then he grabbed you, hands sliding down your creamy skin on your thighs, down to your ass. Grabbing the soft flesh, giving it a good measured squeeze.
Before he pulled you toward him, bringing your legs up to him, holding up your lower back so you were propped on your shoulders down the mattress.
"Switching things up, love. Got the feeling you would cum real good like this." he replied, holding you so secure in his hands before kissing your ankle, and then lowering his head.   
His knees dig into the plush mattress of the bed, your hips bucking upwards, you felt a little embarrassed in this position, but it felt good, when Connie fucked his tongue inside your needy hole, before just spitting down on your cunt.
"Yeah that's it...you like it when I do this right?" he talked, holding you on your thighs up.
All you could do was whine and nod, but you weren't aware that he wasn't talking to you.
"Shhh, baby, talking to m other pretty girl here. Listen how good I make her feel." he just shhhd you, talking to your pussy, licking over your clit, what made you close your eyes shut.
"You talk to...never mind." you then decided to just take it as it was, his tongue feeling too good to question anything, your pussy drunk boyfriend said.
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torubeth · 2 years ago
the clock seemed to be moving really slowly for some reason and you despised it. your phone was boring now. all you wanted to do was sleep and cuddle with your boyfriend. but it’s been two hours since he last talked to you.
“okay! just cover me and i’ll clear this shit!” he yelled into his headphones.
he promised that it would be his last game at least 30 times now and still he wasn’t quite done.
“baby, do you wanna cuddle ?” you asked, giving it one more shot. you weren’t even sure if he’d heard you over all the yelling and music from his game.
“sorry, did you say something ?” he removed his headphones to try to understand you better.
guess he didn’t hear it after all, “nothing, you can continue” you smiled at him and gestured toward the computer. softly sighing, you slowly pulled the blanket up to your chin.
“okay that’s my cue, y’all have fun” he switched off the system without a proper goodbye and rushed over to the bed and fell on top of you.
slowly shifting under the covers, he wrapped his big beefy arms around your waist to pull you closer to him and whispered “of course i wanna cuddle with you”
suna rintarou, matsukawa issei, tooru oikawa, miya atsumu, eren jaeger, gojo satoru (bro i srsly can’t think of anyone else fuck my brain but honestly literally anyone you like; and warning : it’s not proofread oh lord :)
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seeingivy · 2 months ago
it's nice to have a friend
eren jaeger x f!reader
**part of my canary mate fic
previous part here
[lizontopoftheworld]: you know i’m about to do something huge today? 
[busstopbilly]: We’re finally getting married? 
[lizontopoftheworld]: NO 
[lizontopoftheworld]: okay wait that sounded mean 
[lizontopoftheworld]: like i was against the idea 
[lizontopoftheworld]: not that i’m for the idea
[lizontopoftheworld]: not that i’m not not for the idea 
[lizontopoftheworld]: ANYWAYS 
[lizontopoftheworld]: you have to stop flirting this type of thign is not good for my brain
[busstopbilly]: Everything alright? 
[lizontopoftheworld]: … 
[lizontopoftheworld]: just have a lot on my mind 
[lizontopoftheworld]: kind of scatterbrained 
[lizontopoftheworld]: i am going to confront the prick. 
[busstopbilly]: Wow, what gives? 
[busstopbilly]: Give him hell. 
[lizontopoftheworld]: nothing serious actually 
[lizontopoftheworld]: it’s just a thing for something we’re doing together 
[lizontopoftheworld]: BUT it’s a big deal because i’ve never really given input on this thing because i’ve assumed that he doesn’t necessarily want my input on this thing? granted i don’t think he takes advice from anyone but still 
[lizontopoftheworld]: i know what i’m saying is right and that i should so i’m going to 
[busstopbilly]: :) 
[busstopbilly]: Proud of you. 
[busstopbilly]: Are you nervous? 
[lizontopoftheworld]: i’ve prepared three counter arguments 
[lizontopoftheworld]: he literally will not catch me lacking and i’m going to try and keep my cool so that he knows that his dumb comments aren’t getting me 
[busstopbilly]: This is as much rehearsing as it takes for you to speak to your sister-in-law. 
[lizontopoftheworld]: god that’s a lost cause don’t even bring that up 
[busstopbilly]: Sometimes it feels like you’re a little harsh on her. 
[lizontopoftheworld]: SHE’S INSUFFERABLE BILLY 
[busstopbilly]: I’ll table that comment for another time. You’ve got to keep your wits about you. 
[busstopbilly]: Good luck, pretty girl. 
[lizontopoftheworld]: what’s up with you? 
[busstopbilly]: I am all types of frustrated. 
[busstopbilly]: It’s really hard to figure out what to do with what I’m working on. It’s aggravating because I know that it’s something that is entirely within my capabilities but I just can’t. 
[busstopbilly]: I’ve been working non-stop, been staring at my computer, and just getting so fucking frustated. It’s like I’m defective. Doesn’t help that it’s unreasonably high pressure at this point, but…
[lizontopoftheworld]: UGH im so sorry i didn’t mean to just start ranting at you with my own stuff 
[lizontopoftheworld]: you know, you’re very smart and capable. you’re going to figure it out eventually. 
[busstopbilly]: It’s weird. I was annoyed that I had the role I did before, but I fear I’m getting way too involved. I’m starting to care too much, which is never a good sign. 
[lizontopoftheworld]: it’s a good thing that you care 
[lizontopoftheworld]: and isn’t this close to like real medical stuff that you wanted to do?
[lizontopoftheworld]: just a sign that it’s something that’s actually stimulating. that you care about and want to work towards. 
[busstopbilly]: You always look for the positives. 
[lizontopoftheworld]: you should take notes, sweetheart 
[lizontopoftheworld]: and you shouldn’t demand perfection of yourself. you are not defective if something doesn’t work out. you’re still a regular person, it’s okay to get stumped or struggle with it a little bit. 
[busstopbilly]: You know, my dad DOES demand perfection of me. 
[lizontopoftheworld]: and that’s why we hate your dad. 
[lizontopoftheworld]: i know you demand perfection of yourself too, that wanting to do well is natural, but be a little bit nice to yourself. 
[lizontopoftheworld]: you’re going to figure it out. 
[busstopbilly]: Check back in at the end of the week. Hopefully, I’m still put together. 
[busstopbilly]:  By the way. 
[busstopbilly]: Sweetheart? 
[busstopbilly]: Do you mean that in a patronizing way or am I really your sweetheart? 
[lizontopoftheworld]: patronizing 
[busstopbilly]: You’re killing me. 
[lizontopoftheworld]: i’m sorry, sweetheart <3 
you find eren in the main conference room, early in the morning on thursday. you can tell that he’s hard at work – old scans from sessions printed against the wall that he’s made notes on, intelligible jargon on the glass whiteboards, and his hair an uncharacteristic mess – surely from the amount of times he’s run his hands through his hair. 
you clear your throat, recalling all the talking points that you had rehearsed in the mirror the night prior, as you knock on the door and cautiously enter the room. you note that the smell of coffee is overwhelming – the freshly brewed cup sitting two feet away from you – and that the trashcan seems to be overflowing with empty energy drinks. 
eren doesn’t even notice your presence, his green eyes still fixed to the scan that he’s staring at, his hand raised in the air with the pen. you note that he’s wearing his glasses, that it looks like he hasn’t slept since you saw him yesterday, as you walk up to his side. 
“working hard, hm?” you ask. 
eren’s startled by the sound of your voice, jumping in the slightest, as you widen your eyes and feel your cheeks flush. way to start off on a good note. 
“sorry! sorry, i figured you noticed that i was here when i walked up to you.” 
“were you saying something to me?” he asks. 
you shake your head. you can tell that your presence has shattered some semblance of his concentration – that he’s annoyed with you because of it –  as he sets his pencil down and basically collapses into the chair across from you. you follow suit, sitting down in the chair too, as you uncomfortably shift against the worn out foam. 
“i’m too fucking tired to have a fucking conversation with you right now.” he utters. 
you fight the urge to scoff. 
“does talking to me truly take so much effort?” you retort. 
eren rolls his eyes, before slumping back down into the chair. 
“when you’re so hellbent on arguing, it does. and you don’t seem to talk to me otherwise.” 
“you don’t have to argue if you just agree with me. and why on earth would i be so hellbent on arguing with the most insufferable person that i know?” 
eren shrugs, clearly irritated. 
“you tell me, y/n.” 
you clear your throat, cracking all the knuckles in your hand. 
“i’ve come to talk to you about colt. the trial. you can’t tell falco that he’s on the verge of getting kicked out.” 
eren pinches the bridge of his nose. 
“well, obviously –” 
“his brother means a lot to him. his accident was really traumatic for his family, and even though he promised he wouldn’t get so self-involved, he obviously is. i mean, it’s his brother. he can’t help it. and there’s a lot of hope that this is giving him and i’d be scared to prematurely stop him in his tracks if we didn’t need to. they both talk about it so much that it would demoralize gabi too.” 
“oh, it definitely would, and -” 
“and they’re both sweet kids. their sincere passion and interest in the project is so sweet, i would hate for them to feel like it’s not working, to think that all of their work, our work, has amounted to nothing. i think that you and i could figure out which treatment we should do this upcoming week on our own, if you’ll take my help, and then we can go from there.” 
“well, i - “ 
you can’t help but ball your fists in your lap. 
“look, i know you don’t really like me, that you probably think that i’m being stupid and soft-hearted and whatever right now, but this means a lot to me. and i know that basically means nothing to you, but i’m just asking you as your colleague? friend? whatever it is that we are to just do this for me. i’ve never asked you for anything before, i don’t think i ever will again, and i’d just…really appreciate it if you could –” 
you’re promptly cut off from giving your entire spiel because eren reaches forward, placing both of his warm hands on your cheeks, in efforts to get you to stop talking. you look forward, noting that his eyes are so deeply green – that he really does look exhausted – as he applies a firm pressure. 
“stop talking please.” he murmurs, his tone soft. almost like you’ve pained him my rambling for so long. 
“what?” you whisper. 
eren lets go, the warmth retreating from your face, as he leans back in his chair. 
“you didn’t hear a word i said, did you?” he asks, his tone rather soft. 
you frown. 
“did you say something?” 
“i pretty much agreed with you after the first sentence, y/n. don’t know what the fuck you’re blabbing on about.” he murmurs. 
“oh. really?” you murmur, slightly embarrassed. you wouldn’t have put so much effort if he was going to give in that easily. 
eren gives you a thoughtful nod, before leaning his head against the back of his chair, and rubbing at his eyes. 
“i’m well aware that you think i’m not capable of being fond of anyone. but i am, very fond, of both falco and his brother. i would hate to let either of them down or cause anyone unnecessary stress, especially when this entire thing is my idea, so i would like to keep it between us. i was actually intending on having this conversation with you when i arrived.” 
“i’ve been here for five hours. it’s almost one in the afternoon, eren.” 
eren groans. 
“it seems that time has gotten away from me.” 
“how long have you been here?” 
“since yesterday. i can’t seem to figure out which region to target next.” 
you swallow hard. 
“did you really stay here the entire time?” you ask. 
he nods. 
“biked here so that you wouldn’t go out of your way last night.” 
you sigh, as you flip through the stack of papers on the table. he’s highlighted a bunch of sentences, underlined and circled random words with questions on the side, as you reach for the closest pens. 
“are you okay with me helping? more than i already am? maybe i can try some machine learning with the data we already have and use some of the analysis you’ve been using so…so we can feel more confident? i know that you don’t like me but…” 
“stop fucking saying that.” 
“that i don’t like you. you’re prickly, but i don’t hate anyone.” 
“i’m consulting a bunch of people who do the stimulation, have a few meetings with specialists this week before i pick what we’re going with next week. we have to make our best chance at an educated guess.” 
you nod. 
“that’s smart.” 
“you..you can join in the meetings, if you’d like. might mention stuff for analysis that would be useful for you to hear in real time instead of repeated from me.” eren offers. 
you can’t help but smile. 
“you’re really nice when you’re tired.” 
“don’t get used to it.” 
[busstopbilly]: Hi princess. 
[busstopbilly]: Sorry I haven’t messaged in a while, I hope you know I wasn’t ignoring you. 
[lizontopoftheworld]: no problem 
[lizontopoftheworld]: been working myself to the bone so hard i didn’t notice :O 
[busstopbilly]: Tell me about it. 
[lizontopoftheworld]: any luck with your project? 
[busstopbilly]: Well, I’ve somehow elicited help. She actually offered, but it’s helping things move along. I’ll be able to rest after Wednesday, I guess.   
[busstopbilly]: How about you? My pretty girl’s not working too hard, right? 
[lizontopoftheworld]: i fell asleep on my laptop the other day. while i was still here. but that’s besides the point. 
[lizontopoftheworld]: worried about one of my children in the lab
[busstopbilly]: Your children? With who?
[busstopbilly]: We’d make cute children. 
[lizontopoftheworld]: you don’t know what i look like. i don’t know what you look like. 
[busstopbilly]: Oh, so you think I’m ugly?
[lizontopoftheworld]: NO
[lizontopoftheworld]: you probably think i’m ugly, you didn’t even oppose that part of that statement
[busstopbilly]: Shut up. 
[busstopbilly]: You think you’re SO funny for that one. 
[lizontopoftheworld]: it was kind of funny 
[busstopbilly]: I know you’re beautiful. Anyways, who are these children? Why are you worried about them? Are they okay?
[lizontopoftheworld]: idk 
[lizontopoftheworld]: sitting on some news that would destory them. shit at keeping secrets so i’ve been tryign to keep it together 
[lizontopoftheworld]: just want to keep them from being hurt when they don’t have to be? 
[busstopbilly]: Awful kind of you to take that all upon yourself. Are you talking to someone about it?
[lizontopoftheworld]: you. 
[busstopbilly]: Liz. 
[busstopbilly]: Besides me. 
[lizontopoftheworld]: you’re enough, you know? 
[lizontopoftheworld]: talking to you always makes me feel better 
[busstopbilly]: Me too, Liz. 
[busstopbilly]: I’d also feel better if I knew you were confiding in a friend. That someone was checking up on you if you’re stomaching something big, which knowing you, you probably are. 
[lizontopoftheworld]: you are my friend 
[lizontopoftheworld]: and you literally checked up on me today
[busstopbilly]: Liz. 
[busstopbilly]: You stress me out sometimes. 
[lizontopoftheworld]: no one asked you to invite all this stress on my behalf. 
[busstopbilly]: Someone has to do it. 
[busstopbilly]: Plus, it’s you. 
[busstopbilly]: Kind of just comes naturally. Worrying about you. Wanting to make sure you’re okay. 
[lizontopoftheworld]: you’re so cute i wish you were real
you eye the schedule that eren gave you at the end of yesterday that’s taped to the wall of your cubicle. there’s nearly seven meetings crammed into three days, each of which you’re both preparing an exhaustive list of questions for. it’s been back and forth – eren leaving comments on your document, you dropping an article into the chat between the two of you – as you read up on every last thing that you can find. 
“we brought you a peace offering.”
you look up to find gabi and falco standing at the side of your cubicle, with smiles on their faces. you return the gesture as they extend their hand out to you, with a cinnamon roll slightly squashed into a napkin, that you gratefully accept from them. 
“a peace offering for?” 
“well, first of all, we can tell that you and eren have been working tirelessly for the grant.” falco states. 
right. the grant that you already have. 
not that they needed to know that. 
“and no one likes to spend time with eren more than they need to. especially you.” gabi jokes. 
you laugh. 
“we just have a small request to make.” gabi states. 
you shoot them both a look. 
“gabi has to talk to pieck when we go to marley for the conference at the end of the month. and well, these type of things make her really nervous. also, i kind of told gabi that you’re not that fond of pieck and now she’s even more nervous to go there, so she really needs you there.” falco rambles. 
you glare at the two of them. 
“she’s not some demon you have to be scared of, guys.”  
“didn’t you say that you avoid going home because of her?” falco asks. 
you groan. 
“i didn’t tell you that for you to use it against me, falco. and…and she’s really nice actually, it’s just me having an issue with how hard she tries to be…nice sometimes. i’m sure that she will be a perfect picture of kindness when you meet her, it’s just…” 
you sigh, gesturing for the two of them to pull up chairs. the two of them give you an excited smile, both scattering to pull up chairs into your space, as you eye the cinnamon roll. it smells sweet, enough to make your stomach growl, as they attentively wait for you to talk in their seats. 
you and falco had a close mentor-mentee relationship. and by that, it meant that the two of you were really just friends, and you just gave him advice here and there. 
granted, you’re sure half of that is a byproduct of the fact that falco’s been alone in the dorms almost every single day since he’s one of the only students on the fellowship, that you’re the only person around to talk to, but it’s ultimately lead to some very serious conversations you should most definitely not be logging as work on your timesheets. 
“well, i’ve told falco a lot about pieck. but not you gabi.” you start. 
gabi offers you a smile. 
“i have an older brother named porco. he’s…he’s really plucky but you’ll like him when you meet him. he works at my parent’s business back home.” 
you smile. 
“when porco was in highschool, he started dating pieck. she kind of freaked me out because she was super preppy. captain of the cheer team, on the student council. she went the whole ten miles and we were just…i don’t know. serving people pizza in our free time. begging our teachers to tutor us during lunch. i never really understood what they saw in each other. they have nothing in common. can barely understand each other, from what it seems like.” 
“it’s romantic! opposites attract.” falco adds. 
you narrow your eyes at him. 
“anyways, she went to some big shot law school in a different country. i thought that she was going to break up with him to be honest, but they…they got engaged instead. did long distance their entire first year of marriage because my brother can’t really leave my parents. and she was really sweet through the entire thing, but…but i don’t know. her family wasn’t into it. the fact that we were immigrants. and even after we became citizens, they just thought that we weren’t worth their caliber. pieck didn’t seem to care, not even in the slightest, and she lives in our house now. practices in our city.” 
gabi gives you a thoughtful nod. 
“she gave up her entire family for your brother? is he cute? ” 
you shake your head. 
“yeah. i mean, i know they still send her money here and there, but they don’t speak to her at all. guess that’s their way of making sure that she’s taken care of, since they know we can’t.” you murmur. 
gabi frowns. 
“is she rich?” gabi asks. 
falco shoves her in the side. 
“you can’t just ask if she’s rich.” 
“no, no. y/n’s chill, i can ask her.” 
you fight the urge to laugh as you lean closer, giving gabi a coy look. 
“super rich. she has a nice cushy job and again, she still gets the money from her parents. she offered to buy me a car when i moved out here so that it would be easier for me.” 
gabi gives you a bright smile. 
“that’s a good fucking offer. i would ask her for hundreds of things if i were you.” 
you shrug. 
“it’s weird. it’s just kind of…i don’t know. she offers me a lot of things like that – money, advice – she tries really hard to be a big sister to me. porco’s sweet, but there was a lot of things that he didn’t do. i’m sure he’s told her that i work hard, that i don’t really take help from people, and i guess that’s why she’s so eager to try sometimes. but it just…i don’t know, i can’t bring myself to take help from her when we don’t know each other like that.” 
“she’s your sister.” falco deadpans. 
you shake your head. 
“it’s weird. i’m not saying that it makes sense. and she’s my sister-in-law.” 
gabi gives you a nod. 
“i know what you mean. you got here on your own, you’re convinced that you can get the rest of the way on your own too.” 
“exactly! and i’d owe her something at the end if i did take her help.” 
falco frowns at the two of you. 
“you know, you both have the same individualistic behavior. i’m not sure that it serves you any purpose. you know you won’t die if you rely on people. maybe she’s just trying to help you because you guys are literally family.” 
gabi shakes her head at falco. 
“that’s where you’re wrong falco. sometimes, the only person you have is yourself.” 
“that sounds awfully morbid.” eren states. 
the three of you turn your heads to find him standing at your cubicle, backpack strung over his shoulder, as you give him a nod. you drop your laptop into the backpack, zipping it up, as gabi takes her opportunity to argue with eren. 
“that’s literally something that you’ve said to me before.” gabi retorts. 
“right. but i have reason to say that. you’re young. you should be at the club or something.” eren responds. 
that earns him a laugh from falco, who eren shoots a wink to, before turning back to glare at gabi. 
eren’s able to snag the two of you a meeting with one of the people at the forefronts of trans-cranial magnetic stimulation research. you have a sneaking inkling that eren elicited some sort of assistance from his dad to get this arranged – or that his last name was enough of a segway in the first place – and it makes you slightly nervous. 
being on such uneven footing, meeting with people who are so important, when you can barely muster your one on one meetings with levi sometimes. 
nile dok. he’s got a nice office in an office building downtown, one of the soaring skyscrapers embedded in the middle of the city. 
“have you ever met nile dok?” you ask. 
eren’s taken aback by the question as the two of you walk in through the roundabout doors, waiting in the small line at the front desk. 
“yeah, uh…i’ve known him since i was a kid. he’s friends with my dad.” he murmurs. 
you give him a nod, mentally deciding that you deserve a sweet treat later for being able to predict that one, as the two of you walk up to the front desk. the girl sitting at the desk has a short bob and an almost pinched smile as she looks up at the two of you. 
“we have a meeting at four with nile dok. the last names are l/n and jaeger.” eren states. 
she gives eren a curt nod as she quickly types the names on her computer, before giving you a satisfied smile, indicating that she’s found the appointment. she reaches to her side drawer and slides two badges across the desk, with a small paper for parking validation. but before you can reach for yours, eren snatches it out of your hand, his eyes narrowed in frustration as he holds it up in front of her face. 
“what is this?” eren asks. 
“her badge?” the girl retorts. 
eren shakes her head. 
“no, no. this is a guest pass. get her a real one.” eren asserts. 
you put your hand on eren’s shoulder, squeezing hard to get his attention, as he drops the guest badge onto the desk and looks over at you. 
“it’s not a big deal, eren.” you murmur. 
he glares at you. 
“why the hell do i deserve a badge with my first and last name on it? did i do something special to deserve that that you didn’t?” he asks. 
you shrug. 
“well, you were the one who got us the meeting.” 
“yeah, i got us the meeting. not just me, you’re part of it too. i don’t entertain any of this guest pass bullshit, so just drop it. print her a real one, please.” eren murmurs. 
he turns back to the girl sitting at the desk, who is now shooting him an apologetic grin, as she types almost frantically on her monitor. you can tell that she’s avoided confrontation too much, that eren’s eyes are a little too piercing, because she’s basically pulling the badge out of the printer to speed up the time. 
and at the end of the excruciating minute, moreso for her than you, she slides a newly minted badge with your name embellished in bright bold letters. it can’t help but enrage eren more for some reason, as he turns to her one last time. 
“was that so hard?” eren asks. 
“it’s standard practice, i apologize. he’ll be on the third floor, last door on the right.” 
eren gives her one last nod before gesturing to you to follow him, to the long glass door at the end of the hallway. the elevator is empty as the two of you step in, a sweet sugary smell – like the remnants of someone’s perfume were left over – and you clear your throat. 
“thank you. for the badge.” 
“just prepare yourself, that’s only the half of it. he may be useful to us now, but it doesn’t change the fact that he’s going to act like an asshole when we meet with him.” eren mumbles. 
the elevator whirrs to a stop and you follow eren down the hallway, your eyes whizzing past all of the certifications and awards that are printed on the wall. you note that eren’s dad’s name is included on some of them, that there are pictures of them standing on big stages – cutting ribbons together, holding glass awards – as you wait in the two chairs at the end of the hall. 
“he’s an asshole now?” you whisper. 
eren looks over at you, almost like he’s pissed that you’ve even stomached the courage to ask that question, before he slightly slumps in his chair. his hand is shaking at his side in the slightest, his fingers curled into a fist, as he gives you a nod. 
“he’s been an asshole. maybe even bigger than my dad.” 
you memorize that sentence and catalog it to your memory. 
the disdain in his tone. you never realized that eren wasn’t particularly fond of his dad. and figure that it must be irritating every time he comes around the lab. 
the door opens, a girl gesturing for the two of you to follow her into the office. eren gives you one last tight lipped smile as you enter the room, overwhelmed all together. 
the first thing you note is the smell. it nearly burns your nose – the sharp smell of the alcohol mixed with the heavy smell of the cigarette smoke – as you sit in the chair closest to the door. eren’s at your side, taking his jacket off, before handing it to you and whispering under his breath. 
“cover your legs.” 
you can feel your stomach churn as you listen to his instructions, draping his jacket over the exposed part of your legs, and balling your fists underneath the fabric. 
the second thing that you notice is that nile dok doesn’t look nearly as good as he did in the photos outside. you have a small inkling that the photos outside have to be photoshopped, that he didn’t look half as haggard as he did right now, slumped over his desk chair, and that most of the things that were in this room, were meant to keep up appearances. 
the designer suit that he was wearing. the embossed stationery. mahogany wood. 
“is this your girlfriend, eren?” nile asks. 
you swallow hard. surely he couldn’t be serious. 
“she’s my colleague. why would i bring my girlfriend to a work meeting?” eren seethes. 
“your dad used to do that before he married carla. thought you were taking notes out of his playbook.” 
eren rolls his eyes. 
“i would rather roll over in my grave before i did that. and my mom was his colleague too. she wasn’t his girlfriend back then.” eren notes. 
nile gives him a boisterous laugh, smacking one of his fists down onto the table – enough to make nearly all of the belongings shake on the desk – before turning over to you. you immediately divert your eyes, noting that the carpet has some very dried out stains, one that take a trained eye to notice, and that he must knock over things quiet often. 
and force someone to clean it up. 
“what’s your name, pretty?” he asks. 
“y/n l/n.” you respond. 
“l/n? are you from around here?” he asks. 
you shake your head. 
“i’m from marley.” 
nile gives you a nod. 
“what do your parents do research in?” 
you bite down on your lip, enough to draw a pool of warm, metallic blood into your mouth. 
“they’re business owners back in marley. they don’t do research.” you note. 
“oh. what type of business?” 
“they own a pizza parlor.”
nile gives you a strange look, one that’s enough to summon eren back into the conversation again. 
“they’ve probably worked more in one day than you’ve worked in your entire life, nile. but that’s besides the point. we’ve come here to ask you some questions. both of us.” 
“i can drive.” eren offers. 
“sorry, what?” 
“i can drive. you seem tired.” eren states. 
you shake your head. 
“i’m fine.” 
“you don’t have to be so self-sacrificing all the time. i can tell that you’re tired, that the meeting was more jargon that was really relevant to us because that dumbass was trying to show off, that him being an asshole gets tiring very fast, so just let me drive us home.” eren states. 
the tone in his voice indicates that what he’s saying is final, enough for you to relent and place the keys in the palm of his hand before walking around to duck into the passenger seat. and you’re not sure what it is – the fact that eren seemed to be arguing on your behalf, that he seemed more approachable when he was so tired, when the two of you had a common goal – that you ask. 
“nile seems very close with your dad.” 
“what?” eren asks. 
you shrug. 
“the pictures and the certificates and stuff. your dad was in all of them.” you murmur. 
“oh, right. nile’s kind of his prodigy. he used to live in my house.” 
you frown. 
“nile is younger than your dad? and he lived in your house?” 
“y/n, he’s only a few years older than us.” 
“what? why does he look so…ugly? and old?” 
eren coughs out a laugh. you look over to note that he’s smiling, that he’s got a dimple on his left side, and that he looks awfully attractive when he does that. 
“that’s what being an asshole does to you.” eren notes.
you nod. 
“he’s into the exact type of research that my dad does. he came from…from basically nothing and my dad helped him. gave him money for his projects, invested in the company. now, nile’s got a bigger head than he knows what to do with and he feels indebted to my dad so he kisses his ass whatever chance he gets.” eren states. 
“why were you so upset about the badge?” you ask. 
“they’re doing that to purposely undermine you. because you’re a woman.” eren notes. 
you can feel your throat dry. 
“really?” you whisper. 
“i’ve met hundreds of people like nile. you’re going to meet hundreds of people like nile too. and they do shit like that – purposely choose to omit your name from badges so they can call you sweetheart, act like you’re just there as an accessory and not there to actually make conversation – that stuff. just think about it. i listed your name first on our appointment. and yet they still chose to put my name on the badge and not yours.” 
you slump down into your chair. 
“oh. i didn’t realize.” 
“even down to the very principle, learning someone’s name is a simple sign of respect. the bare minimum of what you can do when you’re conversing with someone. and yet they can barely even humble themselves to do that, because they think they’re more important than you.” eren finishes. 
you decide that it’s enough of your curious questions. only because the rest of your curious questions are ones that you sincerely can’t ask. 
did they do that to your mom? 
is that why it annoys you so much when other people do it to me? 
is your mom still a researcher?  
you reach for the aux cord that’s hanging in the middle of the seat, before navigating your way to the playlist of scores that you had made to share with eren. the music is quiet, the instrumental nearly lulling your overwhelmed brain to sleep as you press your forehead against the window. 
“i like alan. from this score.” 
“you’ve watched the imitation game?” you ask. 
eren gives you a nod. 
“it’s a good movie.” eren responds. 
you smile. 
“that movie makes me feel better sometimes. to know that women were part of the forefront of science, even back then. and they had hurdles, endless hurdles that i couldn’t even begin to understand, and they’ve paved the way for me.” 
you take a deep breath. 
“just a reminder that i shouldn’t give up when things are hard for me because they didn’t either, you know?” you whisper. 
eren takes a beat before responding. 
“granted, it’s unfair you’ve got so many hurdles when you’re already so brilliant to begin with. it’s honestly kind of fucking ridiculous sometimes.” 
you can’t fight the urge to smile. 
“you think i’m brilliant?” you jest.
eren rolls his eyes. 
“oh, come on. you know you’re brilliant.” eren responds. 
“you’re the only person in the program who got in without doing the bridge program. you must have some insane work under your belt for erwin, levi, and hange to trust you after meeting you just once or twice. over people they’ve known and taught for years by the way.” 
you narrow your eyes at him. 
“i’m not the only person in the program who got in without doing the bridge program. you’re forgetting someone quite important.” 
eren rolls his eyes. 
“still. you’re brilliant. would do you well to realize that now before some idiot like nile dok tries to make himself more important than you.” 
you look over at him and smile. 
“okay. okay, yeah. i promise.” 
“and hell. you know how to argue with people. i know you’ve got it in you. you’ve been doing with it since you’ve met me. maybe redirect some of your irritation with me towards people like him.” 
you lean back. 
“oh, i’ll doubt i’ll be able to do that. you just bring out something special in me, eren.” you deadpan. 
“oh, i’m sure.” eren retorts back.
an: anyways
taglist: @invisible-mori @multiplefandomthings @chericos @wheredidmycrowngo @chaoticpxnda @aizzon @stuffeddeer @butterfly-skinnylegend @najaemism @hellokitty-doll @constanciandrea @iblamesusy @jaegersdiary @f4irygard3n @misadear @fell-4-u @coyloves @sobbangchan @you-always-made-me-blush @th0tformikasa @yell0wdreams @itzmeme @elliesbabygirl @miniaturemartian @differentrunawayperson @k0z3me @stroberiz @stillnotherapy @cherryredribbons @bsenpai @cacapeepee @pickuptruck01 @jaegersity
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sintiva · 2 years ago
eren x black!reader (chubby reader)
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“r-ren’s enough… too much,” and when you say that he thrusts his hips a bit harder, making you really feel the way his tip pokes at your cervix. it makes you an idiotic mess, blabbering, stuttering and moaning as eren fucked you relentlessly from the back.
just real nasty toxic!eren who shoots your flimsy resolve down with terrific accuracy as he makes it his mission to shit on your ex, mid stroke, cause he’s a damn narcissist. it’s always shit about how bad your ex was; how he was an asshole, coniving, that sneaky sone of a bitch. he really was an asshole, so much so, he made jaeger look like a saint.
“was he as big as me? how many times did he make this pussy cum in one night?”
his words? they stung bad like the newly formed tears in your eyes, that you blinked away. they smushed your brain in between the palm of its invisible hands as his hips slam against your ass over and over. like a paddle to a ping pong ball, eren. didn’t miss. a. single. hit.
he didn’t miss the way your thighs trembled and your body would go all limp, as you moaned into the sheets to get rid of all that pent up sexual frustration. it ripped at your insides during the day, but burnt like a warm bonfire, steadily growing as you threw things at it. but you also missed the way how this — all this contact felt on a day-to-day basis when you two were together, once a normal couple.
“all this squirming, baby? ex wasn’t fucking you good enough, huh? left this pussy aching for some real dick. you just needed me to dig this pussy out”
he reaches for your arms, locks them together behind your back with both of his arms. now he can really control everythingyou’re back arches up, your body trembles and you pull yourself off his dick. mumbling some things about him being too rough, being too mean, and something ‘bout, “stoo hard, daddy-“ sniffles, “,”gentler please.”
eren silently complies, but while he has you in his grasp, he will enjoy his time. you made him come all this way, and he will leave with something.
he stretched your ass cheeks apart and spat a nice wod of spit onto his thumb and rubbed its way right into that other hole, it felt so tight but eren’s thumb just slipped right in, hooking into you as he stretched his fingers around the suppleness of your ass and the fullness of your hips. and when you pulled your hips away, scared cause you didn’t know how long you could go with eren digging into you making you damn near pass out.
he’s rolling his eyes in annoyance, blowing a strand of hair out his face, and tracing his hands down your back.
“you don’t wanna cum on my dick? you’re hurting my feelings, baby…”
his voice rang like church bells in a desolate ghost town left for caravans and wonderers to salvage. the baritone octave and slew of words spilling out of his throat as if he just learned them; literring complete nonsense into your ear.
then the most heart achingly, sweet pout form on his face. he’s forcing your back into a deep, pretty arch, your back rolls stretch and squish back as your body conforms and relaxes. then his fingers slot themselves into the space between your hips and stomach, bringing your ass back, thrusting his dick in between your ass cheeks before he stuffs your cunt full, again.
hitting just right against the spot that hides deep in the back towards, up at the top, you scream, and end up cumming on his dick. “yeah, i’ll go slow, ma. jus-just keep cumming on this dick. i know when you’re lying, talking ‘bout some—too hard.” you gasp out, whining as eren’s soft groans of mockery send shivers through your body, making you cum even harder, trembling as your orgasm hits harder the slower his strokes become, your little fingers ball up the sheets.
your pussy hugs him, it keeps his dick nice and warm, so soft and inviting that small spurts of cum shoot right out of his tip. hips stuttering as your pussy squeezes and squeezes to milk his cock. sucking tighter at the tip, the farther he digs in then winding down as your poor hips bucked along his length. you can’t manage a single word, you’re droolin’ and winding your hips. making it clap, bouncing your ass back, “like that mamas, bounce it on my dick, good girl.”
and here you were listening. feeling delighted from the addiction. when you think you’ve managed to get over him, you’re running back. taking his nonsense, and his dick like a packaged deal. when you’re telling him how shitty of a boyfriend he was… though you tend to do it during inopportune times. your favorite time being when he’s got all eight inches of his dick in you.
eren knows you all too well, because he’s the one who was on the receiving end of all those phone calls you’d make when your boyfriend fucked up. maybe you should’ve stayed with him, oddly it seemed like he wasn’t fully lying when he said you’d always come back to him.
the way he treated you throughout your entire relationship, meaning nothing — tossed to the firey flames of an incenerator. lighting a quick flame that distinguishes with the flip of a switch; your heart. it could also be your brain, but these days differentiating them seemed highly inattainable.
there was rarely peace of mind.
so you’re stuck coming back for a bed to lay on, and a dick to fuck. he’s just a shitty, asshole… narcissist? that’s what it is. and you blame yourself for parading along such witty ego. it was a complete drag, ripping you up and tying you by your ankles. the fucking worst.
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arlerts-angel · 9 months ago
thoughts on eren filming you while having sex?
NONNIE 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ i have so many thoughts!!! 🤤 headcanon style
✧₊⁺ warnings: 18+ ! mdni. ノ fem but otherwise physically ambiguous reader ノ oral sex ( m + f ) ノ penetrative sex ノ pet names: baby, pretty
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✧₊⁺ 𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍 is caught a little off guard by your willingness to do such a thing, but he gets so turned on by your eagerness!!!
✧₊⁺ literally goes to buy a handheld camcorder because recording on his phone just doesn't have the same effect ( though he will opt for his phone sometimes!! for a blowjob vid or a quickie ໒꒰ྀིᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ꒱ྀི১ )
✧₊⁺ the first time, he sets it up to be like a cheesy porno with a plot and bad acting because he loves to hear you giggle!!!!
✧₊⁺ when he eats you out, he makes you hold the camera ( pointed towards your face ) when you're about to cum because he loves your facial expressions and watching the camera shake
✧₊⁺ loves to watch you get flustered when he praises/encourages you
"you look fucking gorgeous on camera baby, fuck"
"smile pretty for me baby" is his favorite after he cums on your face <3
✧₊⁺ one of his favorite things to record is mirror sex!!! highly encourages you to look at yourself while he fucks you.
"look how pretty you are taking all of me..."
"keep your eyes on the mirror... yeah baby, like that. watch yourself take my cock"
✧₊⁺ he keeps these videos more private than grisha's basement LMAO. not a chance he'd let anyone see you looking so pretty... so blissful and fucked out with strands of hair stuck to your face with sweat.
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taglist: @la-undercover-latina ノ @so-you-like-kpop ノ @milky-aeons ノ @lees-chaotic-brain ノ @slutforthanatos
@layla240 ノ @priv-rose ノ @reiners-milkbiddies ノ @mrs-toji ノ @blueberrisdove
@darkstarlight82 ノ @pastasauceandmoms ノ @kodzukein ノ @little-miss-chaoss ノ @ravereina
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hanjisungslag · 2 months ago
christmas party with attack on titan characters 🧣 modern! au
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the annual christmas work party is just around the corner & you and your partner need to bring something to this work party whether it be food, gifts or an activity for everyone to do - you’ve all got to bring something! the only question is.. what?
you and eren jaeger could not figure out what to bring to this work party for the LIFE of you. you guys were the last ones figuring your shit out and everything you thought of, that was relatively fun, had been taken already. what were you guys gonna do?!
but then suddenly.. eren remembered how you guys had ice skating booked for the next day, after the chrismtas party, although it was meant to be for hits the two of you, you were running out of options.
you both sat in silence, scraping your brains for any good ideas and that’s when eren breaks the silence.
“hey, y/n..” he looked at you mischievously
you raised an eyebrow at his expression “oh god, what now?”
“you know how we’re going ice skating tomorrow?”
your jaw dropped, “BUT ERENNN” you pouted “that’s supposed to be our day outtt, ughhhh”
“ITS OUR ONLY OPTION, Y/N” he yelled dramatically
you sighed deeply “i suppose you’re right. god”
“imagine everyone trying to ice skate while hungover though.” eren said lightening the mood
you burst out laughing “OH MY GOD. they’re all gonna be wrecks!”
so you guys called up the ice skating rink and asked for an extra ELEVEN.. people to be added onto your time slot, safe to say the workers were in shock and horror when you said that but, it was all booked now!
eventually when the party rolled around and it was your guys’ turn to say or bring out your surprise, you both looked at each other and blurted “WE’RE GOING ICE SKATING!” some reactions were better than others.. aha. sasha and connie were supperrr excited and reiner was so confident that he’d be great at it. levi.. erm. he’ll go on! he just needs a little push (quite literally).
“right. mikasa.” you looked at her dead in the eyes,
“what activity should we do at the party?”
“we’re doing an activity?” she questioned
“yes! why not? it’s probably easier to think of one rather than bring something.” you said.
“should we just search something up..?” she asked
“yeah, honestly, good idea!” you pull out your phone and get googling.
you both sat in silence as you scrolled.
mikasa looked at you and asked, “christmas charades?”
your face lit up and you giggled, “YES! oh my god, yes.”
you gasped and jumped out of your chair “i just thought of the BEST IDEA!!”
“we should write down a bunch of christmas themed charades, put them in a hat and then it’s completely random!”
mikasa smiles widely “hahaha, oh my god, y/n- you’re a genius!”
your guys’ idea was a HOOT at the party. it was super fun and everyone got so competitive, so fast. (connie ended up winning btw)
you and armin already had this planned out for a while, you knew about this months ago and wanted to prepare something really nice for everyone to do :).
you bought paints, accessories and many chrismtas baubles for everyone to decorate!! you made sure to buy extras in case anyone wanted to do a few for themselves, for the others or family.
as you laid out all the equipment on the table, you heard awe’s and sweet cheers from everyone,
“guys!! this is sooo precious” historia said as she pouted from the cuteness of such an idea.
you chuckled “oh, it’s nothing really. thank armin not me, anyways, he came up with the whole thing.”
armin strolled out as you said that “no no,” he waved his finger around “no time for saying who said what, let’s get decorating!!”
he was the most excited about his own idea, bless. safe to say, he made the most beautiful christmas bauble anyone had laid eyes on, the same cannot be said for reiner, annie or levi aha… art is not their strong point.
what’s something that you can make with your co workers but eat afterwards? gingerbread houses. OBVIOUSLY you and sasha brought this! it was her idea, of course, and everyone ate this tf up!! it also may have slightly turned into a competition..
you guys were strolling through your local super market, doing your usual rounds of grocery shopping etc. but you made sure to keep an eye out for anything you can bring to the work party later that month.
you two usually split and meet up in some random aisle and when you did, sasha was holding a gingerbread house.
“pleeassseee can we get it, y/n?!” she begged as she squeezed the box tightly
“it would be super cute and coupley of us!” she fluttered her eyelashes.
you stare at her, god those fluttering eyelashes get you every time😡!
“okay fine! those dammed eyelashes of yours.”
“YIPPEEEE” she cheered but then, that’s when it hit you.
“babe…” you said ominously
“what?” sasha asked, confused
“buy another like 10 of those boxes”
“TEN?! REALLY? i thought that was overboard but, im so glad you agree—”
at the actual party, everyone turned into a huge competition. houses were built poorly, amazingly or they were smashed by competitors *cough, cough* eren, jean and connie.. but, reiner ended up ‘winning’ because his gingerbread house was the only one left standing. what can i say, the mans good at defending.
now, although it was a christmas work party, you had this incredible idea of bringing the karaoke machine you got connie for his birthday a couple years back.
you drag the karaoke machine across the carpet of your apartment harrowingly as connie sits on the couch and watches with an eyebrow raised.
eventually, when you’re done struggling, you slap the top of it and say,
“this is what we’re bringing to the christmas party.”
connie’s eyes light up.
“REALLY??” he jumps off from the couch, grabs your shoulders and starts shaking you aggressively.
“THATS AN INCREDIBLE IDEA!” he jumps up and down like an excited child on christmas. you giggle and smile at his adorable-ness🥲.
it was literally the perfect thing. LET ME TELL YOU! everyone LOOVVEEDD it. especially when you all got drunk, everyone would be standing up, dancing, singing along to all these christmas songs while very drunk on wine. the drunk singing duets were impeccable, safe to say you’ll be seeing those in the work group chat in the morning.
my man, jean knows his goddamn wine. so you best believe he went out and bought the most scrumptious wine everrr.
“let’s hear it, what’ve you got?” you say, intrigued by why he’s been out for so long.
“okay so.” he begins and claps his hand together, “everyone is bringing boring ol’ drinks like beer” he gags slightly at the word of it, “vodka, cider and whatever. but, i’ve got some incredible stuff” that’s when he whips out a huge bag full of wine.
“i got wine. and not just any wine, THE best!”
your jaw drops “that’s a lot of wine, babe.”
“i know but, it’ll be kinda like a game, people can try different wines see which one they like best, maybe do a guessing game of which is most expensive”
you think about it for a minute then, you look proudly at him, “honestly, you’re so smart.. THIS IS GONNA BE GREAT”
you guys high five in celebration.
everyone loved the wine and you did play loads of guessing games (jean excluded at some points because goddamn that boy knows his wine) and jean was showered in compliments for his impeccable taste in wine and partners ;).
reiner had this idea for a while, to be honest, he knew a few co workers who were bringing their kids only for the first half while everyone was still sober and what not so, what better thing to do than dress up as santa?! the kids get to meet santa claus and the whole work place gets a laugh out of reiner literally being dressed up as st. nick himself.
you knew this was reiners idea of an ‘activity’ but you hadn’t got a chance to see him in the full get up yet and just as you were about to leave, he was putting on the costume.
as you wait outside the bedroom door, you hear it creak.. the door slowly opens and out comes reiner claus. oh my god. you burst out laughing at the sight of your boyfriend in a SANTA COSTUME, beard and all😭.
“ohhh, this is gonna be a goooddd party.” you say wiping away your tears.
“what?! do you not like it?” reiner says as he starts posing.
you grab onto his arm while you’re kneeling over, grabbing your stomach with other arm.
“pleas— stop it.” you laughed so hard, you couldn’t breathe.
after you had your laughing fit, you guys were off to the party! everyone ATE UP this santa outfit. the kids loved having santa at their parents boring old work party and after the kids left, the drunk adults LOVED IT.
everyone was sitting on his lap taking photos, asking him what they wanted for christmas. but, this wasn’t even the best part. reiner whipped out something for levi……
a fucking elf costume.
the whole party burst out into laughter and tears when they saw what he had but levi.. did not take this lightly. this little joke went up in FLAMES.
levi started chasing reiner around the whole place whacking him with his own santa beard anddd next week, reiner definitely got given a lot more work to do😊.
bert does a little photography on the side here and there and what better way to practice than with all your co workers? so, he brings this very professional photography camera just to take the silliest and goofiest photos of everyone😭.
everyone lines the flip up to get their photos taken, they all thought it was a super fun and cute idea from bert. he take candid photos, ones with silly props and most importantly ones of everyone sitting on santa (reiner)’s lap!
bert really loved taking candid photos of everyone having a good time, playing games and chit chatting - he’s definitely the type of guy to shed a tear at a wholesome candid he just took. but, one thing that was so frustrating was connie and sasha would not STOP pestering him😭.
they wanted pictures of the dumbest things, literally anything they thought was somewhat worthy of a photo they were like “bert! bert! get a picture of this” while he was in the middle of taking pictures for eren and the gang like… he really felt like a tired father in these moments.
mostly importantly… the drunk candids WENT CRAZYY. even when this man is off his rocker, he still took some incredible pictures and some… not so incredible.. maybe even blurry and slightly shit photos but, you just know they’re the best ones.
annie whipped out the BIG GUNS for this. she whipped out her most precious collection aka her christmas film collection - she has been collecting since she was a teenage and has never stopped and what better time to whip them out than at a christmas party?!
now, annie keeps this collection that’s very near and dear to her heart, a secret. it’s a silly tradition her dad started where every christmas, annie would pick out a new film for them to watch and seeing as the options to what you could bring to the christmas party were limited… this was her last option.
everyone was so surprised that annie had this strange but also very cute hobby. everyone loved it! the movies were being played on rotate, one after another, in a more quiet room for when people just wanted to chill out and a watch a film! at one point as well, everyone gathered in there to watch a film together and although it took about 30 minutes of discussion to decide what film everyone wanted to watch, it was so worth it because it truly felt like everyone was a family.
annie stood by the door as she watched reiner and bertolt,
“what you doing, annie?” you creep a hand on her shoulder
she jumps “w-what?”
“are you watching reiner and bert?” you question her
“well…” she smiles warmly “it’s just nice to see.”
then you burst into giggles, glitter and sunshine because she’s so cute when she turns sweet.
oh what’s that? everyone is feeling parched and wants a hot, sweet treat?? well levi ackerman has got you covered! you have nooo idea what kind of shit this man puts in the hot coco he makes but it’s SOO good & with marshmallows? holy fucking shit.
you guys build your own little lemonade stand but, obviously make it hot coco. AND LET ME TELL YOU… if you guys had charged for this stuff, you could’ve retired early because everyone was looovinngg it. levi has truly mastered the art that is making hot chocolate.
obviously, everyone was absolutely obsessed with this hot chocolate and some lactose intolerant people (armin) even decided to ignore their intolerance just because levi’s stuff was soo good. although, safe to say i’m sure he regretted ignoring this vital part of his life. anyways, you did try to get levi into a cute barista outfit… but he said no. (😔)
“absolutely not.” levi said with his arms crossed
you stood with the barista costume in hand, disheartened by his response.
“but, levi it adds to the whole thing—”
“nope. i am not a barista, i am there to just make my spectacular hot chocolate.” there was no way you are getting him into the costume, i fear.
little did this poor man know, you trying to get him into a barista costume was not the last time someone tried to get him into a costume that day.
we got a chef in the house and his name is erwin smith. obviously being the manager of your workplace, he had to bring something goooddd so he brought his good ass food.
he wanted to do something else, something better since in his words, his food ‘isn’t that good’ - a good cook and humble😩. however, you begged and PLEADED with him to cook and he can never say no to you (he also didn’t have any other ideas).
“erwin please! you’re such a good chef, i don’t understand—”
“it would just be better to get a caterer!” he argued back
you cross your arms “what other ideas have you got, then?”
he stared at you blankly “well- i…” he coughs awkwardly
“exactly…” you say as you slowly walk to grab your keys, you guys were going food shopping.
YAY YOU GOT YOUE WAY! he was in the back, apron on that obviously said ‘kiss the chef’… and you did. a lot. ANYWAYS, he cheffed up the most scrumptious, gorgeous, mouth-watering christmas meal you can imagine.
everyone cheered and clapped as he brought out the banquet of food, and oh my god, everyone LOVED it. everyone asked for seconds! sasha obviously asked for thirds… and fourths… and someone please make sure she doesn’t throw up.
of course, hange would be the one to bring the most random activity ever, this mf loves a treasure hunt and wanted to do one but just make it christmas themed…
“how about…” they pause for dramatic effect “a christmas treasure hunt!” they jump with joy, doing weird jazz hands.
your eyes widen, how odd.. “oh wow! a-and how is that going to work?”
“i’m glad you asked!” they beamed, suddenly pulling out a large notebook filled with all the information you needed. and they will word vomit the whole thing to you.
now when it came to actually conducting this, you guys had to show up to the place that was booked out for the work party early of course, to hide the prizes and clues and such. hange had you working like a DOG, they had everything planned out and needed it to be that exact way.
the day of might have been the most exciting day of hange’s life /srs. they gathered everyone around and informed them of what was to come, they genuinely looked like they were going to explode with christmas joy at any given moment.
and everyone was off! it was actually super fun and enjoyable for everyone, even if SOME people tried to cheat… connie & ymir… i’m looking at you. unfortunately, hange hadn’t thought of the fact they weren’t allowed to partake, which sadden them but, it was all worth it seeing all of their coworkers have such an amazing time. (levi won btw)
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yongbokology · 2 years ago
part dos of ‘don’t accidentally beat your dick to your best friend’
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part one
black coded reader <3
warnings; smut
an: you asked, i delivered 🧞‍♀️
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eren is a mess. a complete utter mess.
after realizing he’s been jerking it to you for the past few months, he becomes a nervous wreck around. oh it was bad.
his first encounter with you after the realization, literally happens the day after.
you were running late for work and your car was currently in the shop so you sent a rather urgent text to him with multiple crying emojis, asking him to take you to work.
without even seeing the message, he begins to panic just seeing your name pop up.
did you somehow use your woman tuition and found out he was fucking himself to you? it plagued eren’s mind for a few seconds, his hands clammy as he grasps his phone.
he lets out a sigh of relief once he reads the message and instantly responds.
‘yeah ofc, see u in a bit’
‘thx ren, you’re the best!’
oh eren feels like shit.
he felt like a pervert. like he wasn’t supposed to see you in your nakedness, pleasuring yourself for thousands to see.
“.. ren, are you okay? you’re awfully quiet today.. i’m sorry if you were busy-”
he immediately shakes his head “no! i wasn’t doing anything. i don’t mind at all.. just a bit distracted is all.” he clears his throat, eyes fixated on the road. not sparing you a single glance.
you stare at the side of his face, picking him apart in your brain. all these years the two of you had the pleasure of knowing each other, you knew eren’s mannerisms, his nervous ticks and more.
something was definitely up.
“god not this again. connie could you maybe not be so open about the porn you indulge in.” reiner is fed up with the porn talk, just trying to enjoy this sunday afternoon with his friends.
“okay but bro i’m telling you, this girl is fire. i’d def buy her only fans if she had one.”
eren isn’t too interested in the conversation. his head’s in the clouds. lately he’s been fantasizing about you. a lot actually.
breaking you in half. fucking your brains out in every setting possible. this was new to say the least. before, eren hadn’t had such thoughts about you.
i mean yeah he did sometimes think about what it’d be like if the two of you were together. would the two of you be good partners as you are friends? but he never thought about you in such obscene ways.
it is this next part that has eren almost falling out of his chair.
“[your user]. never heard of her?”
both jean and reiner shake their heads.
eren on the other hand feels his skin run cold, eyes bulging out his head at the username. it was your username.
connie is now pulling out his phone and eren quickly catches on that he is about to pull up your page. with frantic eyes and haste, eren waits for connie to unlock his phone and in the split second that connie rotated his screen towards the three men, eren yanks it from his grasp and dramatically let’s connie’s phone fall face down on the concrete.
“yo what the fuck man?!” connie yells, mouth ajar as he looks between eren and his phone that is definitely not working when he picks it up.
“i-i um. i’m sorry.. it slipped..”
both reiner and jean silently blink, throwing glances at each other.
“oh it fucking slipped? my five year old nephew could put on a better fucking performance.”
“i’m really sorry man. i get paid tomorrow, i’ll pay for it. i swear.”
“i really needed this, thanks for hanging out with me ren. karina has been more bitchy than usual.” it was no secret you hated your boss. you often ranted about her to eren, so much so that he hated her as well and doesn’t even know what she looks like.
“of course. you want some more popcorn? bowl’s almost empty.”
you nod and eren gets up from his spot on his bed and retreats to the kitchen to refill the bowl.
you shift your eyes to the tv, ‘bad boys’ currently at it’s thirty minute mark.
you feel a buzz under your butt.
with furrowed brows you shift and pull out eren’s phone that you had no idea you were sitting on.
his phone screen comes to life, him and armin in the background of the notifications that fill the screen.
there were a few from twitter and growing curious as to what eren’s twitter feed looked liked, you unlocked his phone and hit refresh.
your jaw unhinges when you pop up on his screen. fingers knuckle deep in your cunt.
you’re in shock like you literally didn’t film this a few hours ago and hit post. you just weren’t expecting to see yourself on your best friend’s timeline.
you stare at yourself, at first unsure how to react to this knowledge but then the thought of eren touching himself to you skates across your mind and suddenly you’re clenching your thighs, bottom lip caught between your teeth.
the thought arouses you.
eren comes back with the bowl filled to the brim and his smile is wiped off his face once he sees his phone in your hands.
“eren,” you start. your voice is low but sweet. “is there something you want to tell me?”
he sucks in a breath, pupils shaking as you lay the phone on the bed. he sees what you were looking at clear as day.
“y/n.. i-i can explain.”
your plump lips turn upwards into a grin. mischief writes all over them.
“come here.”
it’s a command that has him hesitantly obeying.
he sits down on the bed, farther than where he originally was.
you sigh and close the proximity by climbing into lap, the popcorn bowl being discarded to the side.
eren feels hell fire creeping up his neck. his mouth his dry and he can suddenly hear the thrumming of his blood.
“how many times have you fucked yourself to me. hm?”
his lips tremble. “a few times..” it almost comes out as a mumble.
your smirk widens at his blatant lie.
“oh eren, you and i both know that’s not true.”
you push him until his back is flat on the bed, your thighs on either side of his hips. you splay your hands on his chest and fully plant your clothes pussy on his crotch.
he could literally just cum right then and there.
“you know what i hate more than liars?”
once eren realizes you actually want him to respond he shakes his head.
you lean forward until your lips are grazing against his ear. your tits mushed against his chest.
“i hate disobedient boys,” you lean back up and eren looks dazed. aware but dazed. “are you a disobedient boy eren?”
needless to say, he’s not. he listens to your every command which is why he was currently whimpering, hands pressed against his chest, trying his very best not to touch you.
your mouth works wonders on his cock, it weeps in all it’s 8inch glory, precum finding it’s way onto your tongue.
you pull him out of your mouth with a lewd ‘pop’, eyeing eren as you pump his aching length. “you close?”
tears form in eren’s eyes. everything feels fuzzy. his brain is scattered but he still manages to give a slight nod. he looked so fucked out and god what a sight it was.
“you gonna cum for me pretty boy?”
the nickname makes eren whine.
“eren, answer me or you don’t get to cum.” you grit, your free hand taking hold on his throat, clenching your dainty yet powerful fingers around it.
“y-yes! yes. m’gonna c-cum.” he chokes out. his pupils becoming dilated as you speed up your hand around his cock.
you smile at this. “i want you to come in my mouth ‘kay? and you can touch me now.” your mouth is instantly on his cock after finishing your sentence.
eren props himself up on his elbows, the iron grip you still have on his neck combined with you sucking the everlasting life out of him has eren cumming in no time with a cracked moan.
“fuh-fuckkk.” tears are streaming down his face now, jaw unhinged as you lap up the messy head on his cock.
“got anymore for me?” you don’t expect him to answer, instead you squeeze on his balls and one last spurt of cum falls onto your shiny lips.
this has eren falling back flat on his back, panting heavily like he’d just finished running a marathon.
you lick at your lips and hum at the taste of him. salty, as expected but not overbearing.
“you did so good for me ren.” you smile, crawling up beside him. resting a hand on his naked chest.
eren lazily turns his head towards you, his cheeks tear stained. he looks utterly broken and it ignites something within you.
“this stays between us ‘kay?” he nods slowly at that, too tired to speak.
what in the world did he just get himself into?
tag list: @hellavile @animeloverzx @starlightmid @gobblethiskitty
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erenthology · 2 years ago
Underground boxer Eren
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Underground boxer Eren. You’re on tour with his team. They travel in his private plane and stay in different hotels while traveling through the states. Both are around the ages 20-23. This is basically “real” by Katy evans. Happy belated birthday Eren�� this is a messy filler-ish post, his real birthday fic coming out soon. I’ve had to cover shifts so I haven’t had the time to proofread and post. (Adhd brain)
Tw(?)Eren has a soft spot for reader. He’s a perv. They act like a couple but reader thinks Eren is just being nice. Eren is delusional. Reader is naive. Smut, Slight dub-con. Aftercare is slightly mentioned. Obsessive, possessive Eren. He’s immature. Very touchy. Let me know if I should add to this! Not proofread so there will be mistakes. Enjoy!
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“Oh, there she is” Eren turns his head in amusement mid convo but stops in his tracks when he meets your eyes
Boxer!Eren who falls obsessively in love with the new sports rehab specialist on his team. He said he didn’t want one but Armin, his manger, insisted. thank god
Boxer!Eren who immediately tells Armin to place your seat next to his on the private plane.
“Need my sports therapist today, Armin. Send her to me.” “Eren, she’s a sports REHAB specialist.”
Boxer!Eren who knockouts his opponents to impress you
Boxer!Eren looks for you in the crowd during every fight to catch your reactions
Boxer!Eren who gets mad when you talk to the other staff. You’re supposed to be there for him
Boxer!Eren who deliberately gets hit in the rink when he’s feeling deprived of attention so he’ll get you to touch him
Boxer!Eren who forces you hold his hand when walking down the lobby since guys were fucking staring at you (they’re literally staring at Eren since they’re there for him)
Boxer!Eren almost cums in his pants when you show up one day in a too short a short skirt and tank top! He tries to look you in the face when you tell him good morning but he just can’t when your tits are right in his face
Boxer!Eren who’s feeling very, very possessive and semi freaks out all day, sending death glares to anyone who dares to stare. He even tries to cover your smaller frame with his body.
Boxer!Eren makes sure you feel his hips slightly pushing into your back when he’s reaching for something above your head, eyefucking you through staff meetings, charming you with compliments throughout the day. “You look like an angel, ya know that?” Using his panty melting smile that he knows has an affects on the ladies. Right??
Boxer!Eren who sometimes does things like run his hand through your hair in public so it’ll look like you’re a couple to any passerby’s. “What’re you doing?” “Hm?” He bends forwards as if he couldn’t hear you. “Oh, you just had something in your hair” sneaky fucker
Boxer!Eren ask’s if he can have some of your water? His is literally on the side. And makes sure to brush his fingers against yours when you give him your bottle with a bright smile on your face. He wants to kiss you on the spot.
Boxer!Eren is having the worst day. You’ve been laughing with Armin for 10 minutes straight. 10 minutes. Do you like him or something? He aggressively makes it known that he’s upset and decides not to speak to either of you. Didn’t last a second.
Boxer!Eren who tries to be in your proximity at all times. jumps at every opportunity to carry your luggage, walk you to your room, joining your morning walks. The guys tease him about his changed behavior when he’s around you but he doesn’t give a fuck. He likes to imagine you’re a couple already <3
“Alright [name], let me know when you’re done. I’ll wait for you” he waves, absolutely lovestruck.
“Eren do you have time to look over this real quick?” Jean asks
“Fuck off”
Boxer!Eren who had flowers delivered to your room and only gets a pat on the shoulder and a “thank you, Eren.. you’re such a great boss to your staff” back. Are you that fucking oblivious? He just wants to rip your clothes off and fuck you til you understand you’re his. Instead he forces a smile, “I’ll buy you whatever you want, baby.” And he certainly doesn’t miss the way you instantly start playing with your hair. Oh? Did he just make you nervous?
Boxer!Eren who’s finally had enough and books you into a two bedroom suit with him. “incase he needs to rehabilitate at night.”
Boxer!Eren who fantasizes the whole time about you to sucking him off to help him ease from all the stress. Or better yet bury his head in between your thighs. He just can’t stand being so close to you knowing you’re barely in any clothing, you know? …What do you wear to bed anyway? He needs to know.
Boxer!Eren who then knocks on your hotel door that night and ask’s if he can sleep with you :(
Boxer!Eren who said he just wants to cuddle but slowly pushes his knee between your thighs, rutting his hips into yours while holding you. “Wha-what’re you doing?” “[name] you feel so good,” inhaling your scent. “please just..just let me?” he pants, lips brushing your neck. Delighted with happiness when you nod.
Boxer!Eren who turns you onto your stomach, splays his larger hand on your back, slowly dry humping and tugging on your hair. The sight of you helplessly under him almost makes him cum on the spot
Boxer!Eren put you onto his lap mid-make out. pushing his hand into your panties with gentle touches. “Feels good? He ask’s when you moan into his kisses. “Yeah? you want my fingers in you?” The sight of you disheveled makes him go crazy. Harshly repeating the word “mine” again, and again against your lips.
Boxer!Eren who finally gets you on your knees in front of him, looking like you’re ready to do anything he pleases. Not a thought to play around with..
Boxer!Eren who’s been groping and touching all night. He’s currently sucking on your tits while jerking himself off against your entrance. “never been this hard before, please baby, lemme put it in. need you” he kisses until you give in
Boxer!Eren who whispered sweet nothings but literally folds you in half as he presses into you. He just can’t help himself. The sounds of his balls slapping against your skin and a mixture of your strangled noises fill up the room. He moves inside you, over you, into you. “fuck, fuck yes, like that, baby. You’re so good for me.”
Boxer!Eren who thanks you with a kiss on the forehead and whispers how good you’ve been for him. Then cradles you to sleep in his arms.
Boxer!Eren is delighted when he wakes up with your soft but pressed against his morning wood. Nuzzling his face into your neck. He smiles to himself. Knowing he’ll visit your room every night. You’re his to take care of from now on.
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gojosprettyprincess · 3 months ago
A short storytime about me and my best friend!!
we’ve been best friends since we were 14 and back then he wasn’t the best looking guy and was a hardcore nerd so he never had a lot of friends that were girls till I came into his life and fast forward to now, in those 5 years of knowing him— I’m still the only female friend he has and we’re extremely close like if I asked him to wipe my ass he’d do it without any hesitation type of close. I was his first everything, the first girl he liked, first relationship, first kiss, first everything.
LIKE HES NOT GOING ANYWHERE YALL I PROMISEEEEE and he changed so much over the years he’s been working out for like 3 years now and he made so much progress like he changed so much and what makes me happy is the fact that he’s not one of those guys that starts working out and change to look better then immediately starts whoring around and getting girls and forgetting who’s been there since day one, yk what I mean? It’s been just me and him since we were 14
The reason we’re not together rn is bc we made a mutual decision to not be in a relationship because he’s busy training to be a firefighter and I go to college and I’m studying to be a software engineer so it’s DIFFICULT AND OVERSTIMULATING OVERR HERE. But we have this certain type of bond where we tell each other everything, we communicate well and we’re very understanding of each other like I’m his main friend and he is my main friend and we’ve been friends for more than 5 years now so it’s been a while
And I’ve tried talking to other guys before but no matter what they could never meet the standard that he has set for me, he pays for me everywhere we go and eat, he’s so understanding also he’s a lovely man and his family loves me and he’s soo respectful and nice yall like I can never get tired of him. And he has so much patience with me, it’s like when I’m with him I don’t have to use my brain he just does everything for me
Also sexually speaking, we’re friends with benefits so don’t worry y’all I do get that firefighter dick time to time. But he’s submissive not some hardcore dominant dude like toji💔💔which is okay with me because I don’t mind, he’s the reason why I’d only date a submissive guy irl like he’s the reason for my WHOLE type and he does everything I say and I talk him through it so it’s fun ig like it’s so hot that he’s so big and tall yet I still need to guide him where the hole is :3
And I wanna show what he looks like but he doesn’t know what I do on tumblr and I don’t want to disrespect him like that but he’s so handsome, he has long hair wavy hair to his shoulders and his hair deadass looks like geto and eren bc he always has it in a bun, HE HAS THATTT HAIR CUTT and looks like a mixture of heath ledger and Goku 😭 and he’s 5’11 and he’s JACKED LIKE He used to be kinda chubby but he lost weight and he has so much muscles nowwww and it’s so sexy bc he literally towers over him and he once lifted me up in the air and ate me my pussy just like that while he held me up with his arms.
In conclusion, my best friend is the reason why I still have hope that they are still good men in the world and i honestly don't even think I deserve a man like him.
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prncessjaeger · 1 year ago
kissing you ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
ღsypnosis: eren who’s infatuated with kissing you!
ღan: this was boring, sloppy, yawning....lazy and all over the place really, but the idea was just punching my brain so here!!
ღcw: just eren being eren idek anymore
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♡ bf!eren who just loves kissing you.
bf!eren loves kissing your cheeks everytime you’re filming a video. whether it’s a tiktok, a vlog, vid for snap, or some promo for a nasty drink it doesn’t matter, he'll still kiss you.
“so, next i’m gonna let the acne wash sit and soak into my skin-erennnn,” filming you skincare routine was definitely needed from your subs, but damn he just coulnd’t get enough of you, “i’ll be fine, it’s just lotion-,”
“it’s actually acne wash so wipe it off or you’ll lips would fall off-“
♡ bf!eren loves pda
even though he knows you’re not a fan of pda, he pushes all that aside cause come on, you’re his baby of couse he’s gonna kiss you whenever he wants
“see look, no ones watching, just give me one-’
“no eren, everyone’s looking at us it’s embarrassingggg,”
“so, now come here,” he reached his arms around you back to pull you close and pecks you lips, giggling at the people around you ‘oohing’ and taunting you, “dudeee now they’re teasing..”
♡ bf!eren is mesmerized by your lips.
every time you’re lining your lips with your cute brown liner and gloss, he stares at you in awe, “what’re you looking at?” “you lips.” you humed and finished the final touches, “alright so how do i look?” “really pretty, c’mere,” he moved closer to your face to kiss you, but you leaned back, “no bruh you’re not about to mess it up-”
“i’m not your bruh-” he tickled you and sneakily kissed you, purposely messing up all your lipgloss, “ughhh erennnn!”
♡ bf!eren who finally gets pranked by your lips!
you saw him laid out on your sofa, and poked his legs to move over, recording a video to promote this lip plumper a company sent you, and like always, he moves to kiss your lips and was surprised you didn’t fuss like usual, and for fifteen minutes exactly he had his brows furrowed. “somethings up…” 
“huh?” he fanned his lips, “you didn’t fuss-wait why’re my lips burning?” he moved the phone to his face seeing his lips looking bigger and a bright shade of red, “y/n- WHAT DID YOU DO??” “I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING??” “OBVISOULY YOU DID CAUSE MY LIPS BURN!” “YOU KISSED ME- I HAD LIP PLUMPER ON SO IT’S YOUR FAULT!!”  he grabbed your pink portbalte fan and let the cool air flow on his lips, “aww you look like a brunette bimbom!” “literally, shut up.”
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missmeinyourbones · 1 year ago
ahhh congrats on your milestone leah!! you deserve it all and more!
oh my god all these prompts are so good and you write everyone so well, how can we choose? for your event, may I suggest eren and "this this the first time i've felt the need to confess." or "it's okay, we're the best of friends."
ty for hosting this! I can't wait to see everything you come out with ٩(⌒‿⌒)۶
a/n: drunk eren and dd reader, mutual pining but eren is shameless and reader has class, LOSER CORE EREN, reader referred to as "ma'am" once in a teasing context
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If anyone saw this situation out of context, it might be funny. But in content—your context specifically—it's nothing less than a headache.
Because you've been saddled with the pleasure of driving home an absolutely trashed Eren, pulling him by his collar to your car as he whines and thrashes with objections.
"One date," he repeats, plopping dead weight into the passenger seat of your car and looking up at you with clouded eyes.
Your response is expected, "Nope."
Eren opens his mouth, but before you can hear whatever bullshit he was conjuring up, you shut his door and walk over to the other side of the car.
Without fail, as soon as you open your door, he's continuing his pleading.
"Just dinner? That's literally all I'm asking for, just one dinner where—"
"You know," you interrupt him as you slide into the driver's seat, "you're a sloppy drunk."
You watch the thought process (or lack thereof) in his mind as he smirks and leans his seat further back, "Drinking isn't the only thing I do sloppy if you—"
"Don't finish that sentence."
Eren's eyes travel in amusement from your blushing and aggravated face to where you turn the key in the ignition and white knuckle the steering wheel. He huffs and kisses his teeth, before defeatedly joking.
"Too far?"
You don't speak, but the glare you shoot him says enough. He holds his hands up in defense and turns his attention to his window.
Silence takes over the car for a few peaceful moments and you don't bring yourself to question it, because Eren not talking is a whole lot better than Eren talking. Not only talking, but asking you out—something he's never thought to do before in the entire three years of knowing you.
Between your own exhaustion and his pathetic alcohol tolerance, you're almost positive you can write it off as nonsense. That is, until Eren opens his big fat mouth up again.
"What if I beg?"
At a red light, you rest your forehead against the steering wheel in exasperation. You hear him borderline giggle as the action gently beeps on your horn.
Your voice comes weak, "Since when do you even want to ask me out? Are you that off your ass right now?"
That changes something in him, because even though he is off his ass right now, he's wanted to ask you out when he was sober about ten times over by now. It's not his fault he's never gotten the courage to do so until now. Right?
"No, fuck no, I—" he stumbles over the slurred syllables as his brain fogs, "I mean, I am drunk, yeah. But I've been far drunker."
Comically, you stare through him, as if he doesn't have a single thought in his puny little brain. When the light turns green, you turn away from him and start driving again, suddenly far too calm for his liking.
"Believe it or not, that doesn't make me feel any better."
Eren rubs his blurry eyes with a calloused hand. "Shit—yeah, I know, okay? Just, hold on. Let me start over, 'cause I do really do wanna buy you dinner and—”
"Why now?"
"Not now," he states matter of fact, "when I'm sober and know where my wallet is."
"No, Eren," your voice is soft now, humiliated. You won't even look at him when you weakly whisper, "Why are you telling me this all of a sudden?"
He takes pride in the way he holds your stare for all of three seconds, before turning down and looking at his shoelaces.
"This is just the first time I've felt the need to confess," he mumbles.
You deadpan, "The first time?"
"There were other times you kept it to yourself?
"Like two whole years worth, yeah," he huffs under his breath. "But I wasn't gonna lead with that because that sounds lame and this makes me sound more manly and suave."
The car hums beneath him when he hears you laugh, and his drunk mind can't tell if it's out of pity or honest amusement, but he likes the sound of it all the same.
Though your words might be meant to sting, the delivery is silky when you tease, "I'm driving you home because you can't handle your liquor. Nothing about you is manly or suave right now."
He nods along obediently, "Okay, sorry."
Turning his attention back to the condensation dripping from the window, he suddenly speaks so gently that you'd think he was sober if you didn't see what he drank tonight.
"If you don't actually wanna go out, you can just reject me already. It's fine."
Now it's Eren who won't meet your eye as you're pulling up to his house on the corner of the street. Throwing the car into park and tapping his bicep, he slowly sighs, a bit embarrassed but too drunk to actually care.
"Tell you what," you breathe, and you're surprised Eren's neck doesn't snap on impact with the speed he turns to face you. You bite your cheek at his desperation and exhale, "If you wake up in the morning and still want to take me to dinner, then we can talk about it tomorrow."
"Yeah?" you swear you can physically see the light reenter his eyes at your simple words.
Nodding, you smile. "Yeah, but for now, get your ass in your apartment and drink a shit ton of water."
Gently shoving him, Eren gets out of the car. In the slightly drizzling rain, his eyes never leave yours as his lanky legs stand up and he salutes in a corny way, "Yes, ma'am."
You reach over the middle console to pull his door shut, but before you can even grab it, he's reaching for the handle and holding it open.
"What now?" exasperation crawls from your throat.
You watch unimpressed as he pats down all of his pockets before meekly whispering.
"…Do you have my house keys?"
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ayeyolooo · 11 months ago
Mama can you please do pt 2 of duff? Don't worry take ur time!
The duff
pt1 pt2 part3
you sat on your bed helping armin with social studies since that’s what he was struggling with the most. “so the turning point of the civil war was?..” you looked at him waiting for his answers. “the anaconda plan!” you just sighed out loud clutching your forehead. “oh my goodness armin no..” you said shaking your head and pointing at the title that said ‘the turning point of the civil war was the battle of gettysburg.” his cheeks flushed a red color and he just replied with an “oh.” meanwhile while the two of you were on the bed studying connie and eren both looked through your closet with a sour face. “y/n..” connie called out to you with a tone that you got offended to. “nigga what..”
“girllllll these clothes you got in here are NOT girl lalala..” eren said siding with connie. your jaw dropped as the three boys laughed at your face. mm.. sassy men are on the rise i see. “listen get outta my closet and come over here and study!” you were literally dealing with 5 year olds right now. “na ah ah, you remember the dealll you help us we help you.. and we’re trying to help you but these clothes you got on here are not tea at all.” connie said shaking his head. “bra what’s up with yall and using girly slang.” you dead panned them. connie flipped his imaginary hair. “girlll pleaseee.” you just covered your mouth trying to hide your smile. “oh my goodness..” you shook your head and adjusted your glasses. “you know what.. why you and armin study eren and i can go pick new clothes out for your wardrobe.” connie suggested. “orrrrr we can all go together im done studying right y/n?” armin looked up at you with his big blue eyes. “no.” you said as armin gave you puppy eyes. “at your big ass age armin?” you said shaking your head. “okay since those won’t work on you.”armin started to pack up his work he looked at eren and connie and did a little face. they nodded and they all slowly began to walk over to you. you backed up on your head having your headboard hit the wall a little bit. “what are yall doing?” you asked in fear of your life’s these boys were unpredictable you didn’t know what went on in their pea sized brains. “NOW!” eren grabbed you and threw you over his shoulder. your freshly manicured feet kicked up and down as you yelled out multiple cuss words. “PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOWWW” you screamed. “armin grab her some slides were going SHOPPINGGGG.” connie did a little dance before opening your room door. you just relaxed on erens back and excepted your fate.
@sheluvzeren @iikatsukii @dollypipp
@theeiris16 @jalesposts @pinkpanther-44
an: there you go my lovesss i’m so sorry that i’ve been so stagnant with posting💔 don’t forget that jesus loves you 🫶🏾
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