#my boy who I can’t remember if I posted on my old acc
blubyub · 5 months
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. Yeah
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iwadori · 3 years
Hiiii can i request prompt 53 with tsukki? My annoying cousin u may know @chibiiichan(i cant tag her its a surprise) recommend ur account and well she never been right more than now I LIKE UR ACC TOO URM JUST TAG HER IN THE POST (bcs its actually her birthday next week monday so....the least i could do this bcs she likes tsukki and shes recently talk abt the iwazumi story of yours....lmao shes cringe but in the same time got mad n i was besides her hearing her whining like bruh 'its 1 am'...i know i should buy something for her but she got spoiled enough 💅...that mf-) thank you ✨
You were dying. You knew it. Your husband, Kei, knew it. Even friends you haven’t spoken too since high school knew it.
So why did you all pretend that everything was okay?
5 year old Y/N:
You were running around your neighbourhood park chasing after butterflies, without a care in the world. As you were frollicing in the grass, you manage to trip over a rock tumbling to the ground scraping your knee making it bleed. Looking down at your slightly injured knee, your lip begins to quiver which eventually leads to wails of tears streaming down your face.
“you don’t have to cry you know?” said a slightly quiet voice towering over you. Above you was a boy, quite tall with a fat pair of glasses, golden eyes and a head full of blonde locks.
“Well when I get hurt, I cry” you say matter oh factly (is that the phrase?) rubbing your nose as you sniffle. He held out a hand to you, which you immediately took shooting upwards and brushing yourself off.  
The boy, after looking at you wildly, turns around and walks back to the actual park. “Oi wait,” you call at the boy swiftly following him “aren’t you going to ask my name?”
“no.” he says simply, proceeding to walk ahead.
“well my names Y/N L/N pleasure to meet you,” you say jumping in front of him so he doesn’t move, waiting for him to tell you his name...which he doesn’t. “you don’t have to be so rude you know”  
“I’m not being rude” he says stiffly “ it’s just my brother says not to speak to strangers” a smirk appears on his face to say ‘you can leave me alone now.’  
As if on cue, his brother approaches the both of you given the boy a slap on the back making him cringe “Hey Kei, who’s the friend you’ve made here?”  
“My name is Y/N L/N and I'm here to be KEI’s best friend!” you said putting the emphasis on the word Kei after just learning that was the blondes name.  
Kei rolled his eyes and sighed saying “nii-chan can we go home now” he folded his arms in annoyance.
“No Kei, you’ve got to get to know your new found friend Y/N-Chan right?” his brother said teasingly, knowing it was the last thing Kei wanted to do.
“Yes ofcourse!” you say with a toothy grin, dragging Kei along with you to his demise.
Until the sun went down, you spent the rest of your time with Kei getting to know eachother (well him getting to know you more, since you did all the speaking.) Regardless of his previous annoyance in getting to know you in the first place, Kei would be lying if he said he didn’t want to know you now.
As the sun was setting, Kei’s older brother (who’s name you learned was Akiteru) called him to tell him he had to go home because dinner was ready. Before he left, you grabbed his hand and wrapped your pinky finger around his saying “As long as we shall live, we will always look out for eachother as we are forever bestfriends, agreed?”
back to present -  
In some odd way, this was Kei’s way of looking out for you. He knew what you had was uncurable and would weaken you even more as the days go by, so pretending like nothing was wrong seemed to be best in his eyes.  
Everything you and Kei did was a game or some nostalgic act that you once did when you were children. It was sweet to say the least, seeing Kei all engrossed and determined to make you happy.  
Your alarm rings snapping you out of you daydream, ‘it was time for medicine’ you thought with your face scowling at the thought. Immediately on time, as always, Kei comes In the room with all your medicine thats needed.
“Aren’t you my perfect little nurse Kei” you say teasingly giving him a wink, laughing as you see his face turn red.
“Do you have to do this every time y/n?” he asks rolling his eyes at your childish behaviour.
“Oh I'm just showing love to my best and favourite nurse” you continue laughing at your own words
“Im your only ‘nurse’” he deadpans giving you your medicine as you talk.
“Well that is more reason to make you the best nurse.” you say smiling.
Silence falls between you, and you stare down at your arm watching as your husband gives you the medicine making you frown. “Do we have to keep doing this?” you ask which is probably the 1000th time you’ve asked.
“Of course we do Y/N as I’ve said yesterday and the day before that and the day before that it-”
“But do we really?” you interrupt “I can’t keep doing this. You can’t keep doing this.”
“Do you doubt me Y/N, I can do this forever” he says “ I can take care of you forever”
“But I don’t wan-”
“I’m finished, I’m going to start on dinner” he gets up and leaves the room yelling “I’ll call you when it’s done.”
Sometimes you and Kei have these conversations. And all the time it ends the same way. You complain, he ignores and then you go and have dinner.
You can understand why he doesn’t want to have this conversation. Who would want to hear about their partners complaints about practically being alive. Kei was torn, ever since he met you all he wanted to was to keep you happy. But could he compromise his own happiness for it.
15 year old Y/N - flashback
“Kei Kei, aren’t you excited!” you yell smiling widley
“Excited for what?” he asks, amused by your enthusiasm “it’s just highschool.”
“Well it’s a new highschool! Karasuno high school, to be exact.”
“And that is still just a school.” he says
“Not just any! That’s the school nii-chan went too, and even tho he lie-”
“Let’s not talk about it Y/N” he murmurs “we should go now, don’t want to be late on our first date.”
Going to Karasuno was fun, at the start everyone was pleasant and nice. But after a week or two when you and Kei were still stuck to eachother like glue, people weren’t so pleasant. Kei was like a pop idol, being gorgeous and over 6ft at just the age of 15, caused alot of attention, especially when he was always around you.
At the start, the hate you got was bearable, it was the petty bitchy notes in your locker or just people blatanly talking badly about you infront of you. People didn’t do it when you weren’t around Kei, so when he had volleyball practice (which you were so excited that he joined the team) you were a big target for the bullies to come around.
Kei didn’t really know of the bullying that happened towards you, especially since he was mainly in practice or not around when it happened. But one day in practice he heard some of his teammates, kageyama and hinata who seemed to talking about a student in one of their classes that was always getting picked on by the other girls in the year.
“Yeah and I heard that Nana-san was planning on getting her and her friends to attack Y/N-san soon.”  said Hinata
“Shrimpy, who are they planning on attacking?” Kei asks to make sure he just heard the ginger correctly.
“Oh this lovely person in our class their name is Y/N-san” he says, looking at Kei’s reaction he also asks “Why? Do you know them?”  
Kei doesn’t respond, and immediately leaves the gym, ignoring Hinata’s and the other members of the teams yells of ‘Where are you going tsukishima.’ He didn’t care, he just had to get to you.  
He searched all the classes, asking every student if he knew where you were. Someone directs him to the toilets, where he burst through the door to see the other girls in your year surrounding you and beating you up.  
“What the fuck are you doing to them?” he yells startling the girls.
“T-T-Tsukishima-san" one girl says “It’s not what it looks like.”
“Oh fuck off” he says, with them still frozen in shock “I said go!”  
“And don’t think I don’t know your names either” he calls after them.
He rushes towards your bruised body on the ground and cradles you gently, confused on what to really do. “Oi Kei,” you say weakly catching his attention “I would’ve won if you didn’t come to stop the fight.” you joke making him scoff.
“Whatever you say Y/N.”
After you heal up, Kei already told on the girls that beat you up getting them suspended, and you explain how they were treating you because of their infatuation of him. And how they only did it when he wasn’t around.
Once he learns this information, he decides to quite the volleyball team, to your surprise. But you demands on making him not quit were ignored, as he excused it by saying “I have to make sure you’re always alright remember, and if that means quitting some volleyball team then so be it.”
That was one out of the many times that Kei put his happiness before yours.
Flashback over.
When you first got diagnosed, Kei was immediately researching on it as it was a very rare condition. But sadly, he only found what the doctor already told you both. It was uncurable and your immune system and your body will weaken as the days go by.
Which it did, you were a shell of your past self. It was always shocking for Kei to see, especially with you only being 25. ‘It wasn’t supposed to be this way,’ but he never let you see his sadness.
Whenever you knew Kei was sad you always reminded him “Kei, I may be dying but please don’t cry over me” every time you said, there was a slight undertone of humour in your voice which always worked in boosting Kei’s spirit.
The days passed and the years went by, and you and Kei were still alive and kicking it. Doing your daily routine of you making some joke, Kei giving you your medicine and then you eating dinner. You eventually stopped complaining, realizing and remembering your promise you gave to Kei at 5 years old in that park. “As long as we shall live, we will always look out for eachother as we are forever bestfriends, agreed?”
Of course you had your rough days, everybody did and it was even harder being sick with a terminal illness. But having Kei to guide you through the storm made It better for you.
However, Kei isnt a miracle worker. He couldn’t save you, noone could. And you both knew that. That didn’t mean it made it any easier when the medicine stopped working and your pain got too hard to bear. Kei couldn’t watch you do this anymore, “the choice is yours” he said with tears in his eyes.  
So you knew what you had to do, you got in your bed pulling Kei with you, and letting him envelope you in a big hug as you both cried.
“I love you,” you say “You know that right?”
“Of course I know that, idiot” he replies “And I love you.”
“Always and forever?”
“Always and forever.”
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willowistic22 · 3 years
New jomike hc au!post college
I came up with this au in my head for awhile now some hc’s regarding this new au on a whim bcs i wanted to tell my friends abt it on a discord server. I thought it’s time it sees the light of day bcs i simply cannot keep it in me anymore. Also this is kind of inspired by the song Dorothea - Taylor Swift. 
Everyone is graduating so que the sappy goodbyes as they’re all gonna be scattered not just all around the us but also all around the world
The couples made a truce whether to do long distance or they share the same dreams so they do it together
But mike and jojo didn’t make things work in the end so they broke up before graduation but still went to prom together
y’know those kinds of high school hearthache
Bcs Mike stayed in new york but jojo flew away (like england or sumn idk) 
To some fancy elite school bcs he’s smart yknow
He wanted to from the start but he’s always been a bit torned bcs he knew from the start of the relationship mike was the one (call it stupid young love or whatever you want, i call it destiny:))
And mike never wanted to hold him down so he was the one that proposed the idea to him
For the most part it worked out
Jojo flew away to chase his dreams
Mike stayed and did the same thing
Both of them only kinda sorta moved on. Met new people but never fully stopped thinking abt the other. Wishing the other was by their side right now
And so they’ve gotten their degrees and gotten their dream jobs
Mike is a coder working in a video game company while jojo is in social media marketing after finishing business school (or whatever major required for that job field idk)
And they kinda hv their life together. Jojo living on his own in a studio apartment with a cat called Dorothea (see what i did there:)) money doesn’t concern him all that much bcs the job pays nicely and he’s good at handling his finances 
Mike lives alongside with his brother ike in a nice apartment too. He manages to get a position that allows him to work flexibly at home yknow. He also has a new kitten he saved from the streets named Honey (bcs his fur is orange like honey) and since his older cat had died of old age
But mike lives with ike who also lives with hotshot. So he’s like always the third wheel. Even worse when ike and hotshot are hving the occasional double date with race and spot. Mike feels even more worse at those time
Decides to hide away in his room or go out with the excuse being work
And its even worse remembering he used to go on double dates with ike and hotshot when him and jojo were still a thing
So ike is like ‘yknow what? I hv enough of this shit’ and hv one good brother to brother talk
‘Dude. It’s been years already. How are you not over him?’
‘Bcs he’s jojo...’
‘Ok? So why don’t you call him?’
It’s not like mike has never thought of calling him. Very much possible. They still follow each other’s social media’s so if his old number had changed he cld always just ask from a simple dm since mike knows jojo is still active in his social media accs
But mike is like ‘i can’t. He cld be taken for all i know. Even if he weren’t, he seems to be doing fine on his own’
‘You can’t really get to know a person through instagram posts. Remember how you tried that the first time you wanted to ask him out? You thought he didn’t like guys and yet still went on a date with you anyways’
That was a real slap in the face type of sentence yknow so mike is working up a lot of courage and planned a lot on what he’s gonna do
He first wanted to message jojo. Seeing if it’s still okay to call and all. But he cldn’t figure out what to say so he procrastinated on that part
Ike got sick of it so he took the phone from mike and messaged ‘can we call? I miss you’
Mike was hovering in between i will murder you or thank you @ ike
Either way jojo texts back with his new number. It’s gonna add up on his usual phone bill but he thinks it’s worth it.
Ok so they talked for like soooo long
Basically the whole night for mike
It felt like high school all over again
They were just catching up with each other and talking abt absolute bullshit at the same time
Till they got to the point where they mentioned how they’re both single and the air kinda shifts
Deep down mike and jojo knows what this means
As far as jojo is concerned, mike was the one that messaged him that he misses him
It’s easy now for mike to word out come home without indirectly saying it out loud in case that’s not what jojo wants
Bcs after that catching up, he knows that as much as it’s a dream for jojo to work at a big well known fashion brand (he’s pretty fashionable lmao) and get free products that are usually hella expensive from the brand, he hates everyone he works with. Real snobs and ruthless when it comes to getting a higher position
The other things abt his new life is pretty interesting and he loves it. But he admits there’s always been something missing and mike so badly wants to be that something missing in jojo’s new life
So it comes out straight forward. Not like how mike had planned, but it works in the end. ‘Come home’
And jojo does exactly that. He agrees to come home for the weekend. He books a ticket to new york then back with only a carry on duffle bag filled with a few assortments of clothing and booked it out after telling dorothea he won’t be long.
He rushes to the airport bcs he kinda booked the flight that leaves for new york as soon as possible. Perhaps deep down jojo really does know what he’s been missing in his life?
He lands in new york on a friday night new york time
Mike tells him not to worry abt what he’s wearing bcs he just wants to meet jojo at a central park bench that has long became an important spot for them
Jojo insisted on meeting as soon as he lands which is tonight. So the whole time he’s in the cab, he’s like soooo shaky and nervous it kinda drove the cab driver anxious as well. Bcs like jojo’s not talking and didn’t like say anything abt why he’s going to central park this late at night and not to some fancy hotel as most travelers wld do when they first arrive at new york
The moment the cab stops, jojo basically threw him a wad of cash. Probably too much than the actual price of the ride but he just called out from the back of his shoulder saying it’s a huge tip. Secretly, he’s thanking the cab driver for not asking him why he’s in new york and why central park at this time. It’d most likely make him even more nervous
He’s running on the path. He doesn’t reach full speed bcs his duffle bag is weighing him down. He doesn’t even know why he’s going so fast. It’s not like mike has anything else planned
Picture jojo frantically looking around the area like he’s a lost little boy in the dark. Barely seeing anyone else in ten vicinity, so any figure out at this ungodly time rn cld only mean is mike.
But he’s growing worried bcs it doesn’t seem like he’s around
Until ofc ‘jojo!’
Jojo whips his head around and sees Mike walking up to the bench from a different direction
They didn’t really do anythign at the start. They just stared at each other while standing in the dark approximately 10 feet apart. Jojo waits for a sign from mike to do anything else, though mike was doing the same thing for jojo
Until mike decides to break the 1 minute long silence ‘jojo-‘
But he didn’t continue bcs jojo was already running up to him the moment his mouth moves and tackles him into the tightest hug ever
His duffle bag was dropped halfway from the run so there was no holding back. The hug very much pushed mike’s soul out of his figure as much as it did to his body
Thankfully, mike hugged back just as tight. If not, it was a sign for jojo that it wasn’t okay to go in for a hug just yet and he wld pull back really quick
In time, jojo did end up pulling back to look at mike’s face up close and whisper ‘i still love you’
Which is really out of nature for jojo bcs he’s never really known to be the risk taker between the two
And mike was so happy at that moment that he just pulls jojo in for a kiss.
And that folks, is how they got back together:)
So everyone has agreed that airplane food sucks ass (for the most part at least. 
Jojo was forced to eat it on his plane back to new york but he didn’t like finish it
Probably bcs he was so nervous and it also didn’t look so appetizing
So after they’ve said their heartfelt ‘i still love you’s and etc mike took him back to his apartment after finding out he doesn’t hv a place to stay. He’d stay at his parents place but the de la guerra’s hv long moved out of new york. You can say the similarities between jojo and his parents are that they like to travel. They sold their house and ended up backpacking across the world to look for a place to retire inevitably. Last time he checked up on his mom, the old couple is driving to Netherlands.
So mike took him home and cooked him dinner. They hv the apartment all to themselves since hotshot and ike are out
Unknowingly, jojo had sat on honey’s favorite spot on the couch and earned a disapproving meow from the little cat
Not until mike had properly introduced them that honey started to be nicer to jojo. And so they eat dinne ron the couch and talked.
Mike admitted calling him has been on his mind for quite some time but was too scared to act up on it. And jojo said what he did just now was the most compulsive and adrenaline rush thing he’s ever done. The roles had reversed for the moment
But now they’re back where they’ve always belong. In each other’s grasp while looking out the balcony in the tiny living room to watch the sunrise and then getting surprised seeing ike and hotshot pile in the apartment
And so now they’re back. They make the most of the weekend to talk abt what they really want
Jojo wants to quit his old job. The firm is full of snobby and arrogant ppl
And it has him working almost 24/7. He doesn’t want that
Mike on the other hand wants to hv a period of his life where he’s traveling full time
So they took inspiration from ike and hotshot’s current plan : get a mini bus to convert it into a home
In conclusion jojo quits his job, moves back to new york along with his cat dorothea so he can live with mike to make that converted bus plan. After securing a proper job that let’s him work at home flexibly like mike’s, they get on with their plan and sets off to travel in their house on wheels with their two cats. They end up getting married ofc and lived happily ever after:)
Thank you and goodnight folks hsnsgsbssjshmshssmhs
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Hotspot Pt.1
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Genre: Smut 
Word Count: 1331
Warning: Sub!Yangyang, Dom!Reader, Femdom, Degradation, Profanity, Public humiliation, Edging, Orgasm denial, Spanking, Yangyang's lame Earth sandwich joke
1. Yangyang’s name (揚) has the same pronunciation as “lamb/sheep” (羊) in Mandarin, so y’all would see the word-fuck (X) word-play (O) on this often throughout the fic
2. Been planning to re-upload this fic from my old deleted acc but wanted to extend it and make some changes, yet was clueless before, but then I eventually got inspired, so I decided to release it as part one of something bigger, thanks to this anon for providing me with ideas for part two, and thanks to @wildernessuntothemselves​ for forcing (X) suggesting (O) me to collect the XiaoHenYang aka her TMTM trio
3. It’s almost Xiaojun’s birthday yet I posted Yangyang content, I’m sorry my lovely prince. Anyone who’s thirsty for him can read my month-old upload here
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   “Goddamn-f-fuck, please!” Yangyang swears in utter desperation as you suddenly withdraw your hand from his cock, denying his first orgasm. He shifts in the chair in an attempt to grab you, but futile since his hands are tied behind it, as he’s kneeling on the seat facing backward with his ass pushed out, while his legs are forced open wide since both his thighs are secured to the armrests of the chair as well, rendering him into a compromising position.
  “Brats like you don’t deserve to cum.” You state icily before thrashing his sensitive rear with the paddle. "You never want to miss a chance to annoy me with all that endless fussing, don't you?"
  "I don't deserve this punishment with just that Earth sandwich joke...ahh stopppp…" 
  "That lame joke is not the point, you brat." You hiss, tugging his hair, as Yangyang's hard-on jolts at the sudden sensation of pain. "Remember how awfully much you snickered about making a sandwich with my pussy around your dick hmm? Giving me that stupid devilish grin whenever you have one for meals? Even shamelessly bragging about it in front of other members to embarrass the hell out of me? You are just a pathetic horny little lamb…"
  "C-c'mon, it's not that b-bad when you actually like my teasing..." Yangyang gasps in between your relentless spanks in arousal, as you can tell that his second orgasm is nearing.
  "Oh? How you like this sandwich with my hand then?" You smirk as you wrap your hand around his cock again, fingers irregular dancing on the tip yet not pumping him.
  "Ahh-L-like it! Just let me cum goddamn it!" Yangyang's whole body tenses up and curls up as he can't handle the teasing anymore.
  "That's not how you ask for things, bad little lamb." You chastise while giving a slap on his angry red cock, earning a yelp from him.
  “...P-please Mistress let me cum…” Yangyang begs, his proud form finally breaking down.
  “Good try, but not quite.” You smirk, before resuming his spanking again.
  “Ahhh Mistress I’ll be a good little lamb for you...now p-please let me cum…” Yangyang’s voice falters at the denial of his second orgasm.
  “That’s my cute little lamb…” You praise as you peck his now teary cheek, before finally granting him release with your hand, as he lets out a loud moan upon climaxing. 
  “Now you know you shouldn’t be bragging about sandwiches too often.” You embrace Yangyang in your arm while soothing his red flesh with the other, calming the sobbing boy down.
  “You should be more kind to me since you already sin too much torturing me…” Yangyang gazes into you as he forms a cheeky pout, the way how he quickly returns to his usual mischievous self surprising you a little.
  "I am already showing you enough kindness by letting you cum without much teasing." You sneer as you wipe the white tendrils off Yangyang’s gradually limping cock and your hand.
  "Without much teasing? Says someone who literally edged me twice, so fucking bossy." Yangyang retorts while letting out a sigh of relief as you untied his hands behind the chair.
  "I am sure you can take much more than that, usually I would edge you for hours until your bratty mouth can't talk back to me anymore." You imply your annoyance for his endless ripostes, since it's always difficult for your boyfriend to just be grateful for his orgasms instead of being cheeky.
  "Nah you are just sadistic as hell. You are just one cruel cougar who loves my suffering too much." Oblivious of your hint for him to behave, your boyfriend still continues his complaints, redressing himself while smirking at you.
  "Cheeky boys deserve to be disciplined with cruelty, and somehow you like it too much, and love to ask for more by being a nuisance, don't you, my little painslut?" You reply slyly, another punishment for this ungrateful boy beginning to form. 
  "Now that your butt cheeks are rosy hot spots…” You say thoughtfully as you rub his ass teasingly. “...I am gonna give you the taste of real embarrassing punishment. Now give me your phone."
  Yangyang reluctantly hands you his phone. "What for?"
  "Unlock it."
  "Just obey me you brat." You hiss while tugging his hair, forcing him to comply with a wince.
  "Don't worry, I am not gonna post something weird on social media." You reassure him while opening up settings on his phone. "But, everyone will know someone has been a slutty hotspot in heat while connecting to wifi…" You triumphantly smirk as you click "Save" after changing his SSID.
  "'Mistress’ Slutty Lil 🐑🐑'? Hell no that's embarrassing!!" He snatches back his phone in an attempt to undo your act of mischief.
  "Do not ever try to change it." You demand sternly, covering his screen with your palm. "If I catch you disobey me, you will get punished even harder. Understand, Mistress’ slutty little lamb?"
  "Alright…" Yangyang sighs and facepalms, already internally freaking out about how his members will react upon seeing this.
  You smirk in delight as you both leave your makeshift playroom, which is a storage room, to catch up on your normal lives. Yangyang returns to his members as you meet up with other staff to participate in a meeting discussing details of upcoming shootings for the next project.
  Yangyang slouches back to his room but gets caught up with Lucas before he can retreat behind the door.
  "Yo bro, care to explain this?" Lucas holds his screen in front of the younger's face, grinning so knowingly that Yangyang has to fight back every urge to punch him in the face.
  "See no evil." He weakly protests, hoping not to embarrass himself even further, and shuts the door in Lucas' face.
  Thinking he has escaped the ordeal, he doesn't realize how bad things can get until he opens up the WayV group chat. Hendery has posted a screenshot of all the WiFi SSIDs his phone detected and circled the obvious questionable one, and all the other members reacted with either stickers with laughing expressions or words like "Our naughty 🐑  has finally got the taste of his medicine!" or "Y/N'S REALLY MAD LMAO", all of their mockings make Yangyang wants to dig a hole and bury himself in it.
  Red with both embarrassment and resentment, he decides to defy you as his devilish side begins to awake. Since he's never the type to listen well to anyone, then why should he this time? Besides, he feels his body begins to heat up with a familiar tingle again as he thinks about all the pain and degrading words that will be inflicted on him after you find out about his rebel, as he brazenly invites more with more provocative and insolent remarks, then eventually feeling himself dissolving into ascending sting and humiliation that turn into euphoric pleasure soon afterwards…
  Licking his lips at the indecent thoughts, he alters the SSID and waits impatiently for your discovery.
  Ten minutes later, he receives a screenshot from you as well as an angered message from you. "'Mistress’ bossy af 👿'? You fucking brat."
  "Just telling the truth 🤷"
  "You are originally getting 20 paddles on your bare ass, now it's 40."
  "Shouldn't you focus on your meeting first?"
  "IDGAF now. Change it to 'Fuck Lil Slutty🐑  Pls😩' in under a minute or you're getting 80."
  80 spanks? Yangyang ponders. Tho being a painslut he is, he still needs to make sure that he can function normally tomorrow to avoid more unwanted attention. Sighing, he decides to give in to you and finally obeys.
  Sliding off nearly every notification from the uproar in his group chat for this even more humiliating SSID, he feels unexpectedly even more exhilarated at your praising messages that concludes with a specific time and place to meet up for the main course of punishment that he both somewhat fears but also craves.
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hajimine · 4 years
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— to the lovely moots & followers who i talk to quite often (or pretty much everyday), this one’s for you.
thank u for being in my life, you made my 2020 so so much better. i’m so grateful october lex decided to make a tumblr acc 🥲
i’ll try my best to keep it kinda short 🥲👍
in alphabetical order:
@4fterh0urs — my omega phoebe 😩‼️ ily so much bc you’re both extremely stupid n extremely smart at the same time. u mean so much to me and i love talking to u even if u call me such weird as nicknames every damn day 😃 you’re so sexy n hella intimidating smfh idk how i was able to make u my bitch (JK PLS DONT KILL MEE) anyways, thanks for being a real one bae + you’re the person i block the most, so you’re special ig 😹👍 ily you’re actually such a sap but u pretend to be all tough heh <33
@archivednikes — my solar system, my wh*re (lovingly) hi bae 😣 ok yk how much i love u but. im gonna tell u again: ILYSM!! OKAY??? please know that you’re such an amazing human being and you’re SO incredibly talented. god i love u so much please take care of yourself baby, you’re always so kind to other people and i hope you can do the same to yourself. once again, i am so fucking glad you decided to slide into my inbox that day, because now i look forward to talking to you every single morning. insert grabby hands ilysm <33
@boosyboo9206 — onyx hi babes! i’m so so grateful for you omg u dont even know it. you always manage to cheer me up with your antics and you’re always here to support me 🥺 whenever i’m down you somehow aways manage to make me feel a lil better. i love talking to u whether it’s about sth as mundane as the weather or even your obsession with the word peepers. thank you for being you, please take care of yourself and stop sleeping so damn late. ilysm <33
@ch4jime — chloe bae!! 😁 hi omg ilysm you’re so cute and cool and nice urghh thanks for always checking up on me! i love love seeing you in my asks, you’re such a lovely person to be around. i seriously need to be better at dropping in other people’s inbox, so just know that i’ll work on hanging out on your blog more often this year bc ily! i wish u all the best and please never stop being you baby mwah <33
@fairyoomi — hi bae 😣😣 how are u?? i know we don’t talk much anymore, and that’s okie, but i still wanna write u this lil note because i’m so thankful i met you here on tumblr. you’re an amazing writer and u were so sweet to me even when i was a teeny blog who didn’t know anyone. i admire u a lot, yknow? thanks for being such a friendly and welcoming person, ily <33
@gu3to — mochi bestieo 🙀 idk if you’ll even see this smh so i’m just gonna text u after this (if i don’t forget to rip) okay so. hello?! you’re so mf cool and you’re a trendsetter 🤩 yes yes im fueling your god complex it’s bc ily smh. you’re so dumb i wanna choke u sometimes but i won’t bc i’m also just as dumb 😁 pls stop disappearing from the face of the Earth okay ilysm you always keep it real and i know i can always count on u to listen to uh... my shit. okay so when are we gonna make out? 🤨 oki bye <33
@hoekageyama — wifey!! maddie baby urghh yk how much i love you, you’re one of my earliest moots im pretty sure? and aaaaa i’m so so glad i decided to be weird as hell and slide into your asks that day (pancreas. sighs. iconic.) you’re my numero uno whenever i wanna bark about hot 2d boys and what i’d let em do to me coughs err yea hehe. please take care of yourself baby you’re such a sweet and kind and loving person and i’m so glad to have you in my life. smh we text each other lovey dovey texts anyway but i still wanna do this for u 😋 ilysm!!! <33
@honeyskawa — lani baby hi! i know you haven’t been super active lately, but i just wanna tell u that i appreciate u so so much!! you honestly made my goddamn week when u sent me that ask about how i inspired you bc what the heck?? never in my life have i expected to have such an impact on someone. you’re a wonderful writer honestly. i love u so much and i hope everything’s going well baby, i’m excited talk to u more whenever you decide to be active on tumblr again <33
@jougogo — kaybae hi!!! you haven’t been on tumblr much lately but hi sexc it’s me lex lol i’ve moved accs hehe 😎 i hope u see this whenever u get your phone back cries. you’re such an amazing person to be around, always so cheerful and friendly, you exude so much positive vibes and ilysm. you always manage to lift up the mood with your sexc self and i admire u for that. you’re so incredibly chaotic and fun to be around ahrgehxhh i appreciate u sm and i hope you’re taking care of yourself bby ily <33
@kemochie — my waluigi, my favorite f*rry, hi 😝 urghhh god we just started talking everyday pretty recently but god. you’re so funny??? and i love bullying u bc u give me so much material to bully u with (ok jkjk i love u that’s why i bully u smh) also, you’re so incredibly supportive and u were actually the one who pushed me to finally post that atsumu fic, even tho stupid me accidentally deleted it LMAOBSBD anw, u bring sm joy in my life, so thank u for that. we’re a small lil filf and you’re the milf to my dilf LMAO ilysm mwah!! <33
@kenmaki — gabbae! virgo bestie!! hi hi !! you’re such a talented person and you’re an amazing writer, and i hope one day u can get past your insecurities and see yourself as the wonderful person u truly are. i love how we were able to relate to each from how similar virgos think + our initial conversation of dick measurements and such will forever be seared into my memory. and congrats on getting a daily railing on the dash HSBDH i don’t look at em i promise lol 🤩🤩 jdbdhdh ilysm bby <33
@miyams — ren sweet babie hi! you’re so incredibly talented please don’t listen to stupid hate anons. i’ll stab them with a serrated knife if i have to 😠🔪 you’re so flippin cute and sweet i love talking to you, and i love love love whenever u come by my inbox to say hi. i hope we can talk even more in 2021, my dms and asks are always open for u bby (even though i suck at replying right away, sorry abt that huhu) i love u sm baby please take care of yourself <33
@miyasangel — ardie bae 😜 hi sexc!! i still cant believe we talk like everyday now lmaoo i used to think you’re so freaking cool (i still do) and now i’m friends w u whattaheck 🥲 you’re such an amazing writer wtf. i hate that we had to start our friendship on such a sour note (ehem discord ehem) but i’m really glad it brought us closer together. ily cockarden i’ll be sure to bully u even more HAHAGS IM JK makes out w u so hard bc you’re so damn hot ily 😣‼️ <33
@owlywrites — owly baby hello! ily so so much and you’re so talented, you deserve so much recognition. i hope i can read more of your fics soon bc they’re so well written ugh 😣 thanks for always checking up on me and always being so incredibly sweet. i love u so so muchhh huhu i wanna give u the biggest hug in the world :( please take care of yourself and never stop being your genuine self kith kith <33
@rilacry — milfy gorlillola 😜😜‼️ hi sexc. omfg i was so intimidated by u wtf (and i still kinda am smh) bc you’re so cool?? and your writing n carrd making skills are amazing as hell wtf. u just exude BDE bc you’re hella hot AND bc u wanna peg everyone. anyways,, i’m glad we got closer recently, even if it was out of really wack circumstances. ily bae pls stop sticking your memojis everywhere mwah <33
@rintaroll — my kue tete ☹️☹️ ilysm smh bye i can’t believe we’re close now wtf you’ve always been so cool and sexc 😩‼️ oh god i rmb when u were still on your old acc and u seemed so out of reach and i was a lil intimidated ANDBDJD SHHH but yea now ik you’re just a big h word dork and i love u for that 😣 i wish u all the best for your singing career bby you’re such a talented writer AND singer wtf. also you’re so pretty???? wtf how rude 😠 JKJK HAHHSBD ilysm kithes u so hard <33
@tetsoleil — geegee!! hi baby 😣 thanks for being such a sweet human being ily! it’s been a while since we actually talked yeah? but i still want u to know that i love u a lot and i appreciate u so much. i’m so so grateful you’re in my life because you’re such a joy to be around. you’re an amazing writer bby and i hope you get the recognition u deserve. i’m always here for u if u need anything. ilysm bby <33
@velvetfireworks — rachie bae 🤩 my bakso goreng, my golden kiwi!!! ily!! hehe im so glad i decided to slide in your dms when u asked me if i was indo. but ahhhh you’re ao sweet and cute and supportive ilysm. an amaaazing writer and i admire your work so much, but i think you’ve heard me say that multiple times before. i’m so glad we became closer recently through our love for greasy food and wonky lil faces 👁💋👁 kith kith ilysm <33
@yato-o — yato baby hi!! urgh honestly i appreciate u so so much?? i feel so lucky to be able to get to know you. i don’t even remember how we met but ahhh thank u for always stopping by and have a chat with me even though i know you’re a busy person. please take care of yourself and get some rest whenever u need to! don’t feel pressured to come on here if you’re tired baby, im so grateful to have u in my life, i luv youu <33
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kisses, lex
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ruby-whistler · 3 years
Are you normal or do u sometimes go "IVE BEEN SCARED OF SLEEPING WITH THE LIGHTS ON(off? Idk its hard to decipher)"/lyrics -curious anon
me: oh boy, can't wait to try and make a tumblr blog! Before i do i should research it- *what in the hecking heck is an xkit*
djskdjsk i had no idea what an xkit was until yesterday and when i got it i got too confused and uninstalled it - dw curious anon i don’t use it either i just vibe and do whatever i guess. if you tag correctly and make good posts things should work out, can’t wait to see your acc around!
I got some sad-ist merch :DDD!!
yooo!! that’s so pog for you! it’s probably pretty comfy :D
me standing ominously in your askbox waiting to rec my fav fics:
fjsjdjsk i literally just finished passerine i still have 80 more (some of which are like 300k words long) on my to-read but uh if they have c!dream mischaracterized i’ll not be reading them anyways so it’s very hit-or-miss, will probably get through some of them quicker-
After many moons spent under the dsmp, seeing discourse and analysis alike, i have come to the conclusion i simply do not have the energy to care about any lore outside of c!tubbo and c!tommy's and will only defend them. And that is ok. It is ok to not watch or care about all dsmp or want to discourse about them or analyze. Idk man was thinking deep thoughts today
it’s ok to watch entertainment and enjoy it the way you want to! it’s great to want to enjoy or talk about your fav character!
the problems come up when you attack other people for their perspectives on the medium or spread misinformation about different characters based on only watching the perspective you like, but you know - if you’re not doing analysis, you really don’t need to look that deep into it.
it’s ok to just chill. your feelings about characters are valid! :D so yeah i agree with you! let people with different opinions exist if they’re also being respectful (e. g. tagging correctly).
Hey ik u worked with animgician's newest vid and i found a not-crit (i rlly think) little thought on it if u wanna see it
yoo feel free to send it in!!
No one: me: *shuffles around* wanna hear about my cool warden c!tommy au?
may i interest u in a little bit of my writing? If not that is ok i just wanna see if my writing is any good before working on a fic lol
Anyways if i am not in the askbox for a little it is because i am now writing a proper fic thing out. Wish me luck o7 -curious anon (i have three different lyrics i am going to be incorporating and a little analysis and just a smidgen of projection)
Ruby do u wanna read a little something i wrote? *does the little fingers thing* its really short just a headcanon with a little prose
i sure do! that sounds rlly cool - are you sure you don't wanna make a post about that on your own account though? i don't mind seeing it at all but i think the c!tommy tag would be able to appreciate that au better than my followers. you've gotta find the right target audience, y'know? /lh
though of course i'd love to see your writing, i'm sure it's great! looking forward to it :]
Ayo i remembered u talking about how punitive punishment doesn't work the other day so i want to discuss. What would u consider to be a fitting "punishment" for c!dream's canonic killing of mexican dream?/gen
i mean... we're not trying to - being against punitive justice is about the fact punishment is wrong, not just certain types of it. asking me what a "fitting punishment" would be is sort of very not getting the point.
hurting people further is not going to teach them anything and it’s not going to help anyone, why is it necessary?
so the answer is: none. he shouldn’t be punished, actually! he should learn on his own that what he did wasn’t right, and that’s about it. that’s the thing about transformative justice. him becoming a better person who Wouldn’t Do That again because it goes against who he is.
however, there’s also restorative justice, which is working to “make it up” to the victims. to which i propose; dream has the revival book and could literally bring him back once he is out of the prison. give him some powder maybe. md would probably be chill w/ that.
Yknow. In all my time in dsmpblr i can confidently say that the main differnece between c!dream apologist/enthusiants and c!wilbur/sam ones is that the c!wilbur/c!sam ones want their fav to have a breakdown and c!dream ones want theirs to get positive reinforcement /hj /lh
i’m pretty sure the sam and wil ones also want them to get better/get redeemed, at least deep down, but i get what you mean! you’re *glances at the 🟩⛏ gc where all we do 24/7 is write angst about c!dream being terribly hurt and then we cry about it* 100% correct. no angsters who like the pain here *nervously laughs* we all just want him to heal and be happy for the rest of his life with no heart-shattering breakdowns whatsoever! /s /lh
Hope ur having a great day m8 :]] -curious anon (also i have a new canon fact i wanna share. In quackity's alt lore stream yesterday he said (to the best of my memory) that "no law/juridsiction exists on the dream smp to prevent one from building anywhere" so i guess that clears up the big debate on wheather or not c!dream had a right to enforce rules (or basically the arguement that he owned the server by divine rule)
no i’m - i’m pretty sure that’s just how it works. dream still owns the smp, but he himself has said wayy back at the beginning “everyone can build and go wherever they want” and that was that. it was one of his rules on the smp, it was his main problem with l’manberg. being able to build anywhere were the rules that he “had the right” to enforce. and he did, not because he was a god, but because it was his smp, his home that he claimed for his friends. wouldn’t call it a big debate, it’s really that simple.
O U C H-
also for the old phil ask. Hes a bad dad because of how he treated ghostbur. I will elaborate if u want
didn’t ghostbur just say “i’m not wilbur” and philza said “you’re not my son” and they went on with their day? weren’t they actually in agreement that he wasn’t the same as wil when he was alive? i don’t remember him really treating him badly tbh other than disowning him which seems fair to me, because ghostbur was a literal stranger to phil at that point?
wish you a nice day, curious anon! (i’ll be back on my essays and answering other asks now, so i might not reply right away :])
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werezmastarbucks · 4 years
Interlude: Kai Parker falls in love
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Whitmore Guy masterlist
word count: 2710
music: down by blink-182, famous last words by my chemical romance
Y/N stood her back to the car on one foot, rubbing the other against the ankle.
“What about the picture? You showed me the picture of you and Martha”.
“Spell”, he said casually. She raised her head.
“I thought you were a vampire”.
“I’m both”, Kai shrugged with pride, “they call me a heretic”.
“And the whole bleeding then… I watched you, precisely because I wasn’t sure, I was watching how quickly you’d heal after the attack on the bar…”
He nodded.
“Kai, did you turn all those people?”
Another nod.
“I had a very elaborate plan which you will have to figure out for yourself. We gotta go”.
“Why’s the rush?”
He puffed like he didn’t want to say.
“Ma-.. Kai, I can’t go away with you for good, you know that, right?”
Interesting how about five hours ago she thought the opposite.
“We’ve had this conversation before. And then you went away with me. I take over every time, don’t waste your energy, baby”.
He opened the door of the car with the motion of his hand. Y/N was used to seeing Bonnie do that, so it looked eerie. Lie, the whole three months she’s known him, were a lie. But then again… who’s gonna throw a stone at him?
“Why did they decide to get rid of you?”
He was getting annoyed again. This guy had a very short fuse. True, he was much nicer when his mouth was glued to hers. Y/N moved her shoulder uncomfortably.
“Do you want my jacket?”
“What happens to my friends now?”
“Oh god, the interrogation again”, he moaned.
“What did you expect?”
“I don’t know, a long kiss, passionate sex, us running into the raspberry sunrise, the town burning, something like that”, he crowed.
“I don’t know you, Kai, and they’re my…”
Not to blow up, he took a deep breath of night air. The night air is sweet and nice, not quite like lemonade, but still. He tuned out for a second, only catching the ‘I don’t know you’ part.
“I can fix that”, he said, putting the hand on her neck. His palm was warm against her skin covered in goose bumps. August was wearing out slowly, and, though it’s generally mild in the south, occasionally cold nights happened.
She fell down into the car and onto the seat as if something pulled her. Kai lifted her feet and tucked her in carefully, and closed the door. Y/N was asleep, drowning into the vivid vision he cherished, perhaps his favorite memory of her.
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 They drove in the car. She sat at the wheel but she had no idea where she’s going. Oh, wait, it’s the Whitmore again! What the hell? But it’s daytime. Y/N looked down on her hands holding the wheel and it didn’t really feel like a dream; it was something in between sleep and reality. She just drove, realizing slowly that there was somebody next to her, talking. She turned her head and saw Kai. As soon as he came into her vision field, she heard his voice.
“…you know? And turned out, it was so easy. You literally go online, click this one thing, and you’ve got an acc. Wow. And then followers just…” he made a funny face, “swarmed me. You should follow me, too. They find me hilarious, and when I post selfies, girls, they start messaging me!”
“I’m not on twitter”, she said, or rather, the meat suit she was stuck in, said for her. She felt her lips move and heard her own voice. But the sentence wasn’t formed in her head. She was a mere, silent, helpless spectator. She looked at herself into the rearview mirror. And saw her own eyes, completely calm, joyful, even. She realized she was in a good mood. The car was happily speeding down the road, past the college. Kai (this name was still new) was wearing a childish blue and white tee which made him look years younger.
It was past. It wasn’t a dream. Kai must have inserted one of his memories in her when he touched her.
“You are, now”, he shook his head and waved her phone in his hand, “I just created you an account”.
“Kai, leave my phone alone”.
She stopped the car at the brink of the forest where she’s been thousands of times. She left the car, and suddenly, she said,
“Great idea, by the way, with the blue and white shirt”.
Kai widened his eyes, not understanding.
“What do you mean?”
“What if something goes wrong, and you will be all covered in blood”.
Just as she said it, she felt a sting on her right forearm. She looked down and saw a fresh cut, the type they usually made for a location spell.
Her feet carried her into the forest. Kai was walking behind her with a coil of rope over his shoulder, and he looked very energetic. The way even Mal never looked. He was pretty, lively. He smiled, looking around, he had that kind of a happy smile that a kid has when it knows that they’re going somewhere exciting.
The old her also noticed it.
“What are you so happy about?”
He shrugged, stepping over a knot of green moss,
“I love me some outdoor activities, if you know what I mean”.
“I really don’t”.
Her foot got caught in a root, she grabbed on a thistle and cursed. Kai hummed. They walked on, and then she stopped abruptly, again, to her own surprise.
“You have no idea where to go, do you?”
Kai leveled with her and made a thinking face. He seemed so nonchalant, and she felt the same. She knew this version of her was way more careless. He took her hand and suddenly there was a zip she already knew too well. This time she felt it very clearly: something weird was happening. It felt like energy was streaming right from her body, and into his, like he was sucking the life force out of her. Only, it didn’t feel painful, and it wasn’t wrong. More like, she was feeding him.
A vision inside a vision: she saw through somebody else’s eyes. A cliff, falling down in a sharp turn, the waterfall and the forest below; it was the Nine Brothers’ Waterfall not far away from where they stood.
Kai pushed her away quite rudely.
“Don’t ever do that again!”
In a second his face changed. She looked at him, a capricious boy, and felt the familiar (for the old her) irritation fill her.
“Do what?” she snarled.
“Sneak on me!”
“You’re the one who grabbed me! You know I can’t control it, prick!”
Kai looked her up and down and closed his mouth. He was genuinely worried about her reading his mind. The witch was super concerned about the safety of his pot. There must be some awful things residing there. Finally, apparently after some inner monologue, he let go of it.
“He’s at the waterfall”.
“Yeah”, Y/N snapped, “I know”.
Kai didn’t know how to hold a grudge – now she, the new variant, could throw her fists up victoriously, because she knew something the old her didn’t: Kai is very good at holding grudges. Anyway, he started chatting in five minutes again. He was talking about what he dreamt about last night, and the plants he saw as he went, and how back in Portland he tried to take care of their garden, but they kept interrupting him and soon wouldn’t let him out of the house – and it’s so hard to do gardening when you’re inside! LOL. He talked and talked, until they came out into the clearing they’d seen previously – and she finally remembered the day.
It was the day Shane Atticus died. She remembered vaguely this place in the forest. She even knew where the Waterfall was because she’s been there that day. But she had no other recollection of what’s happened.
She turned to look at Kai. He was the reason she hadn’t. They took it all away. The sound of the water, and the smells of the forest, the prick of thistle, and the cut on her arm.
Atticus was walking around in the clearing, and then he bowed to a big sports bag, taking out a huge ass hunting knife.
They produced sounds simultaneously: Kai gasped, impressed, clearly instantly desiring the knife for himself.
She hummed, annoyed. She hadn’t seen a single Predator running around.
“What’s he doing?” she asked.
“Looks like he’s about to sacrifice…”
At that moment she heard a loud scream. It was animal: Atticus lifted a cat, tied like it was a freaking sausage, yelling for its life, slapping its loose tail on his hands. She saw red. Even though Kai tried to stop her, and even grabbed her by the hem of her jacket, she ran out, yelling,
Funny thing happened. She ran out, but then again, she stayed where Kai was. Because it was his memory. It was like she floated around next to him, but not inside his body. She could see her own back, and how she hopped as she ran. Jesus, is that how I look when I attack somebody? Like a mantis! she thought, cringing.
“That was about the time I fell in love with you”, Kai said, to nobody. She saw everything without turning her head; she didn’t have any. She wanted to ask him to put her back into her body, but she had no mouth, either. She could only observe, locked away, spread everywhere, until the vision was over.
They charged at Atticus (Parker had no other choice than to follow her), and tied him to a tree. Kai knocked him out with a powerful throw and knocked him out. As she was untying the cat, crying with fear and pain, it bit her right hand through. That fucking scar! She was looking at it, from time to time, and had no idea where it came from! It was the cat in the forest!
She saw herself cradle her bitten hand, pale with pain, trying to keep it cool in front of Kai. And him, his eyes, crawling slowly over her, as he expected her to cry out, too. He was like a slow insect, when he was like this, almost inhuman in his delusional obsession with pain. He wanted to see every second of her agony and not miss anything. He almost forgot about Shane.
“Get the water”, she hissed, wincing with pain, and finally, Kai walked over to the bag and pulled a bottle out.
He poured some over the bright red bite, and she moaned quietly.
“You do something good and that’s what you get”, he muttered musingly. “That’s why I never do good anymore”.
She found it in her to snicker.
“You’re doing something good right now”.
Kai’s face lit up with amusement.
“You call this good?”
“You’re helping me, and I’m a good person. Sorry to bust your super villain party”.
He smirked, charmingly, the corner of his mouth went up. He looked so nice.
Then they tried to make Atticus talk. She had no idea what they wanted. She remembered, about five or six years ago, when her dad died (was killed), she was in a car accident. Maybe it was about that. When you think about it, the whole summer of that year was extremely blurry, she just didn’t think that far back. It was horrifying. It meant Kai was there all the time. Her memory of that year was all but a big gaping hole.
Shane rolled his eyes out and cursed at Parker.
“You’re the boy with no powers”, he smiled with his bloody mouth. Kai tilted his head,
“Do I look like I don’t have powers?”
He made Atticus yell out in pain.
She didn’t know why she stood there and just watched them. Pressing her hand into her stomach, she approached them.
“Just get inside and look. We don’t have that much time, Kai”.
Shane was wailing.
Kai clicked his tongue.
“I don’t have enough magic”, he admitted, and looked up at her. She sniffed impatiently.
She put her hand on his shoulder and nodded. This time she couldn’t feel anything, floating around. She could as well be a leaf slowly falling down from a tree. But she saw them two together, crouching next to Atticus, like two weasels. Shane quietened down as Kai penetrated his mind, accelerated by the force her touch brought to him. His shoulders shook a little as he chanted under his breath. It was effortless, she didn’t seem bothered in any bit. The only thing that unnerved her was her own hand.
Shane opened his eyes and moaned,
“No way”, Kai jeered. “No! Fuck you!”
“They will come for you, they mustn’t know she left the town if you want to keep her alive…”
Then something happened to him, and his head snapped on his shoulder.
There was a moment of silence, and she removed her hand from Kai. The boy turned to her very slowly, his face full of unreadable expression.
“Oh. You killed him”.
“I killed him?” she yelped. “What… how?”
“I think you shot too much magic through me, and his heart stopped”.
He was sitting, one knee to the ground. She stood up, like she wanted to jump away. Her bitten hand was shaking violently with pain, but the rest of her seemingly went numb. The second Y/N was waiting, watching them both. The noise of the waterfall filled everything.
“Cut off his head”, she said finally.
Kai’s eyebrows went up.
“You want me… you wanna… cut his head off?”
“Yes, make it look like it was a ripper. Whoever they are, they can’t know we’ve been here. And if Damon learns I was here, he’s going to kill me”.
Kai looked at her for a second more, and then turned and gazed straight at her, again. Like he could see her in the air. Like he knew exactly where she was.
“Yeah, I definitely fell in love with you then”.
She blinked with the eyelids she didn’t have.
They were sitting in the car again, and she drove with one hand.
“Remind me again”, she panted, “why the hell I am driving?”
She looked at Kai, and if she could, she’d scream. He was covered in blood from the top of his head to his ass. All his blue and white shirt was soaked in it, like he was running under the rich splatters of it. Her mind wondered, but her old self just winced.
“Because I don’t drive, I told you”, he moaned.
“Jesus, Kai, stop touching everything! Put the phone back!”
“I want to change the song! This one is good”.
The drops of rain they fall all over This awkward silence makes me crazy The glow inside burns light upon her I'll try to kiss you if you let me
“Aren’t you too old for blink?” she asked.
Kai shrugged and rubbed his cheek.
“I knew Mark by the way. Yeah, when I was studying in Cali”.
“You liar!”
“Pfft. I don’t lie to you, you know that”.
“No way you knew Mark fucking Hoppus when you were studying in Cali!”
“Yeah, he had green hair back then, I remember telling him he has to ditch that drummer if they wanna be famous one day”.
Kai motioned towards one of the speakers as if saying, and there we are.
“This is…”
“Yes, I am very cool, I know. You’re welcome”.
It was the first time he didn’t feel like he was showing off, strangely. He sounded pretty sincere. Because he was all covered in Shane’s blood, it was hard to concentrate.
“How did you even get so dirty while cutting off a head?”
“Have you ever cut off someone’s head?”
“Nope, I usually have people do it for me”, she smirked.
You’re already into him, she thought. Kai smiled back.
“No further questions. I must say, it was pretty hot. How you were like, cut it off. I even got a little bit of a…”
“I know Kai, I was there”, Y/N interrupted.
I was there
I was there
I was there…
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nillawrites · 5 years
MACARONI & GLUE [Teacher!Henry]
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In which Mr.Cavill’s kindergartners come up with a master plan to set him and Ms.Y/L/N up.
— A/N: hi! this is the first oneshot im posting here, if you recognize it it’s because this is actually something i’d previously posted for somebody else on a diff acc but just rewrote it for henry haha. anyways, requests are open and i plan to fill them within the next week! thanks for reading!
— WORDS: 1.8k
Henry shuffled behind the wall as he eyed the woman just down the hall. Her legs looked great in her beige skirt as she bent down to give each of her first graders high fives as they walked into the classroom. Her smile was bright and her love for her students radiated throughout the entire school, brightening everyone’s day. Brightening his day.
When all of her students reentered the classroom, she stood to dust off her outfit and was about to follow behind them, but something caught her eye. A mysterious brown curl peeked out from the wall just a few feet away. She chuckled to herself and shook her head, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Good morning, Mr.Cavill.” Y/N called out, knocking him off his balance a little. He presumed he was being sneaky but that obviously wasn’t the case, and now embarrassed wasn’t nearly a good enough word to describe how he felt in this moment.
He pocketed his hands in his khakis and stepped out from behind the wall, a bashful smile on his lips to match hers. The blush on the burly man’s cheeks was impossible to miss and he swayed back and forth on his toes as he replied huskily, “Good morning to you too, Ms.Y/L/N.”
She considered teasing him a bit more but decided against it when one of Henry’s own students came up to tug on the side of his tucked-in button up shirt. Henry looked down at the brunette boy who was staring right back at him with expectant eyes considering he hadn’t come back to the classroom in all but a minute.
Henry lifted his head back to Y/N as he pointed towards his door and began to back away with a lopsided grin, insisting, “I should probably get back to my own class now, eh?”
Y/N shut her eyes and grinned, “Yeah, I think that’d be a good idea.”
By the time she’d finished her sentence the little boy had pulled him completely behind the wall but she didn’t fail to hear his “See you at lunch!” before his door was slammed shut. She rolled her eyes and laughed before ducking into her own classroom.
Henry tortured himself over that moment for the rest of that morning. His kindergartners were clever enough to realize something was wrong with him when they noticed him staring down at his demo macaroni art project, his face stoic. While the classroom buzzed with life around him, he remained sitting at the too-tiny table with a few of his other students, cheeks still ablaze.
And the brunette boy from earlier, Liam, knew exactly why.
“I think teacher has a crush on miss Y/L/N.” He said to his friend nonchalantly, hands messy as he attempted to expertly place a piece of macaroni onto his masterpiece.
His friend Jamia perked up at his claim, her eyes going wide and ginger curls bouncing. “How do you know?”
Liam shrugged, tipping his Elmer’s glue bottle and letting out a lot more than intended. “He acts weird around her!”
Jamia smiled and swooned, holding her hands to her heart. “Are they together?”
Liam only shook his head, peacefully continuing to add onto his art. It wasn’t until a few minutes later when Henry stood that he came up with an idea. The little boy ordered Jamia to get him some construction paper and stickers, the girl excitedly coming back with the “secret supplies” a minute later.
He explained the plan to his friend and they both got to work, Liam leading the operation. His tongue stuck out from his lips as he tried to keep his hands steady, writing out a few words to the best of his ability. He tried to sound out the words which helped him a little, and when they were done, the two folded the letter they’d created and placed a Thomas the Tank Engine sticker over it. Jamia added the final touch by gluing a random piece of macaroni to make it look more presentable.
Just in the nick of time, as well. Henry walked around the class to check that everyone was doing their work correctly, and when he got to the two’s table, excitement was written all over their faces. He should’ve known then and there that something was suspicious, his eyes flickering down to the sealed letter. However, he thought nothing of it, giving them a thumbs up and walking back to his desk.
Y/N wiped her hands, sighing to herself as she looked over her empty classroom. Everyone had been dismissed to recess and it was rare that she experienced silence like this, so every time she did, she made sure to take advantage of it.
Leaning back in her seat, she rubbed over her eyes. She loved her students to death, but jeez, did they wear her out. Her silence was broken when she heard some kind of rustling, causing her to begrudgingly open her eyes. She did so just in time to notice a tiny finger pushing a pink folded piece of construction paper underneath the crack of her door.
This brought a small smile to her lips and she stood from her squeaky seat, short heels clicking against the marble flooring. She bent down to grab the paper with the Thomas the Tank Engine sticker, her manicured fingers peeling it back and carefully opening it.
DeEr Miss Y/L/N
Yu ar s o beeOtEfull and s mart. I lov yu.
Frum, mister Caveel
An uncontainable laugh ripped past her lips as she read over the letter that was so obviously written by one of Mr.Cavill’s kindergartners. The spelling gave that much away immediately.
She couldn’t deny how sweet it was, though.
A knock on her door caused her head to whip back up, meeting the eyes of none other than Mr.Cavill himself through the window of the door. He wore his signature good-guy smile that only got wider once he noticed that he’d startled Y/N the slightest bit, the woman holding a hand to her heart.
She quickly folded the letter back up and went to swing the door open, allowing Henry to walk into her classroom. He took the liberty of shutting it behind himself and admired the view as she walked back to her desk, plopping down in her chair again.
“Long day, huh?” Henry asked, walking over and pulling a chair up to the other side of her desk. 
“You have no idea.” Y/N sighed, biting her lip and watching as his perfect hands began to unpack the lunch he’d brought along. Her stomach growling was what jolted her from her trance and made her remember one of her current frustrations. “I forgot my lunch at home and the tiny bag of Cheetos I had isn’t really helping me either.”
Henry jumped into action at her words and he pushed one of his dishes her way, insisting that she take it. “It’s only two tacos, but it’s better than a bag of Cheetos.”
Y/N frowned and looked down at the food, “Are you sure? I could totally just get more chips.”
“I’m sure.” Henry reinforced, his heart racing at her reluctant, kind attitude. He brought his leftover restaurant chips and salsa out and set them down on her desk, the two beginning to eat in comfortable silence.
He would sometimes catch a glimpse of her when she wasn’t looking, admiring how she tried to eat politely in front of him while still unknowingly having a piece of beef on the corner of her lip. This made him chuckle and her gaze shifted back to him, confusion written over her face.
“What’s funny?”
“Nothing.” Henry quickly shook his head, sporting a playful grin which she reciprocated.
The two’s relationship was strange. It was a constant push and pull, an almost there but never really. He’d made it very clear from the first week of school that he thought she was amazing and she reciprocated those feelings, but no matter how the conversation went, it always ended with a “We’re co-workers, we can’t”.
Obviously, that never stopped Henry from trying.
“What’s this?” He cocked his head and wiped his mouth, recognizing the Thomas the Tank Engine stickered letter from his own classroom.
Y/N licked her fingers and laughed, nodding towards the paper. “Why don’t you see for yourself?”
Henry pursed his lips at her semi-scary words but reached to grab the paper anyways, opening it and quickly reading over the broken English. Y/N watched with a smirk once he set the letter down, trying to stifle his grin as he rubbed his temples.
“Anything you’d like to say for yourself?” She teased, leaning a little bit closer to him.
Henry let out a hearty laugh and shook his head. “Kids and their wild imaginations, right? But maybe it’s not wild. I heard kids are good at sensing things, ya’know? Like ghosts and stuff.”
Y/N gave him a puzzled look and Henry realized what he’d just rambled about was strange so in an attempt to redeem himself, he clarified.
“B-But maybe instead of ghosts, it’s love. They can sense love. Maybe.”
Y/N laughed at his desperate attempt to regain his composure and explain himself but it was fruitless and Henry realized this too, laughing along with her. This fit went on for about 30 seconds before she was wiping her eyes and leaning back in her seat, tapping on her desk with her nails.
Her rhythmic pace made him nervous as he leaned back as well, awaiting her next words. It was obvious that she wanted to say something but something was holding her back, and Henry knew exactly what it was.
“Y/N.” He whispered, not willing breaking their eye contact for a mere second. “Say it.”
She bit her lip and took a deep breath, scared to let the words leave her mouth. They’d been beating around the bush for so long and this isn’t the only time he’s offered her his lunch at all (She was a forgetful person), but today felt different and they both felt it. Everyone around them knew it- Even five year old kids, it seemed. It was time to stop the games.
“..Maybe it is love.” Y/N nodded, the corners of her mouth lifting ever so slightly. “I guess we’ll have to find out over dinner and a huge glass of wine, huh?”
Henry’s eyes widened as she finally allowed him in- gave him a chance at the one thing he’d been yearning after for so long. “A-Are you serious?” He stuttered out, his smile that of an excited child’s.
“Yes, I’m serious.” She confirmed happily, beginning to help him pack up his lunch. “I think I’m finally ready to put myself out there again.. And to be frank, I really like you.”
“Well duh. Who wouldn’t like me? I’m tall, funny, and incredibly handsome.” Henry jokingly rolled his eyes just as the bell rung, signifying the second half of their school day. When she scoffed, he continued, “So, uh, I’ll pick you up at seven?”
Y/N smiled widely and nodded, shooing the man out of her class just as kids began to pour back in.
“Sounds great. Now get to class, Mr.Cavill.”
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uwua3 · 4 years
a3! as bts songs + lyrics
🌸🌻🍁❄️ all troupes
author’s note: i love bts ♡ if you don’t know who they are, they’re a famous k–pop group and their music means everything to me~ i definitely recommend checking them out! (p.s. some of the lyrics are put together from different verses)
sorry for the random post today even if you guys aren’t k–pop stans~ (i do notice the few bts accs that follow me though, let’s be friends!!!) (yes tsumugi & tasuku’s are meant tor each other)
♡ EUPHORIA — love yourself ‘answer’
“You are the sunlight that rose again in my life / A reincarnation of my childhood dreams / I’m so happy, I can’t breathe / Across the dream, over the horizon / I’m going to a place that’s getting clearer / Take my hands now / You are the cause of my euphoria”
♡ HOLD ME TIGHT — the most beautiful moment in life: young forever
“Look, I’m fair with everyone else but you / Now I can’t live a day without you / Do you trust me? / Please, please, please, pull me in and hug me”
♡ WAKE UP — wake up
“I won’t sleep anymore / I have to make my face and my body keep going to work / My pen is a sword, my body is a pistol / No matter how tired or sleepy I am / That morning won’t change, just keep going on and on and on”
♡ TOMORROW — skool luv affair
“24/7 every moment repeats / My life is in between / Jobless twenty–somethings are afraid of tomorrow / It’s funny, you think anything is possible as a kid / When you feel how hard it is to get through a day / Keep downloading like the ‘Control’ beat, keep downloading it / Every single day is a repetition of Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V”
♡ SEA — love yourself ‘her’
“I see ocean, I see desert / I see the world / Everything’s, the same thing / With a different name / It’s life again”
♡ MY TIME — maps of the soul: 7
“Feels like I’ve become a grown–up faster than everyone else / My life has been a movie, all the time / The boy who found the world too big / ‘Cause everybody walks too fast / I’m a little kid grown up not knowing it (Like a child who got lost)”
♡ N.O. — O!RUL8,2?
“It’s either number one or failure / They trap us into borders, the adults / There’s no choice but to consent / Even if we think simply, it’s survival of the fittest”
♡ WHALIEN 52 — the most beautiful moment in life pt. 2
“The world will never know / How sad I am / I became sick with worry, the sticker always beneath my ear / Never end... why is there never end and always hell? / As time goes by, it’s Neverland in a cold abyss!”
♡ INNER CHILD — map of the souls: 7
“It will be okay, because today’s me is doing fine / Yesterday’s you, now it’s all clear / I want to hug the many thorns in the budding roses / The smiling kid, the child who’s always laughing brightly / When I see you like that, I can’t help but smile / It tingles, that summer day’s air”
♡ ANPANMAN — love yourself ‘answer’
“I’ve dreamed of becoming a hero like Superman / I ran with all my strength, jumping high up in the sky / I’m not afraid of little things like bruising my knees / Innocent fantasies of my childhood”
♡ NO MORE DREAM — 2 cool 4 skool
“But in reality, I don’t have any big dreams / Haha, I live an easy life / Even if I don’t dream, no one says anything / It’s a lie you’re such a liar / See me, see me, you’re a hypocrite / Why are you telling me to go another way? Do well yourself! / Don’t push others”
♡ BLACK SWAN — maps of the soul: 7
“If this can no longer resonate / No longer makes my heart vibrate / Then like this may be how / I die my first death / But what if that moment’s right now?”
♡ OUTRO: TEAR — love yourself ‘tear’
“The price that I had to pay came to me / If someone said they would turn back time for me / Would I have been able to be a bit more honest? / The bare face that only I know / The ugly and pathetic old friends within me / Would you still be able to love me again like before / With that smile with which you used look at me”
♡ AUTUMN LEAVES — the most beautiful moment in life pt. 2
“I only looked / With the autumn wind / Your words and expressions that become cold at some point / I can see that our relationship is fading / An empty relationship like the autumn sky / One leaf clinging to a branch / It’s shattering, I see the end”
♡ FIRST LOVE — wings
“Don’t worry even if I leave / You’ll do well on your own / I remember when I first met you / Before I knew it, you grew up / Though we are putting an end to our relationship / Don’t ever feel sorry for me / I will get to meet you again no matter what form / Greet me happily, then”
♡ FOR YOU — youth
“Today too, I feel the sadness of not being able to see you / Even if I feel insecure / I believe that my heart will not leave you / My heart will reach past beyond the wind / I am always under the same sky / Even if we are apart / Our hearts are connected to each other / Forever with you”
♡ CRYSTAL SNOW — face yourself
“Like snow piles up, I remember what you gave me / You gave me the courage to live / We met each other beyond all time / So now how do we do? Can we make it work?”
♡ MOON — maps of the soul: 7
“Everyone says I’m beautiful / But, my sea is black / You’re the one with flowers blooming / And the sky is blue / Suddenly, I wonder / If you’re looking at me right now? / Won’t you find out all my pain?”
♡ RAIN — dark&wild
“I brush back my hair with my exhausted hands / The memopad with the song I couldn’t complete last night / I’ll finish it today as I shut my eyes and let out a sigh / What excuse can I give? I try to make something up / It’s unfinished anyway so I’ll make anything up”
♡ THE TRUTH UNTOLD — love yourself ‘tear’
“It’s my fate / Don’t smile to me / Lie to me / Because I can’t get closer to you / There’s no name you can call me / You know that I can’t / Show you me / Give you me / I can’t show you a ruined part of myself / Once again, I put on a mask and go to see you”
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vergilboyfriend · 4 years
You should do all of them questions and 90 is true
I love you!!!!
1. Favorite instrument?
I work at a music store u can’t just ask me this. When my coworkers play it’s the saxophone or the flute, when the boys in the repair shop are testing repairs and they harmonize with each other or try to outplay one another it’s the bassoon or the trombone or whatever they’re fixing at the moment. When I hear 🎺 give his lesson on Wednesday afternoons it’s the trumpet, and when I think about middle school it’s the clarinet, the flute, the French horn. When I hear the nutcracker pas des deux is the oboe and when I hear edith piaf l’accordeoniste it’s the remarkable human voice. Really my favorite instrument is all of them, it just depends.
2. Favorite fic trope? Mutual pining 🥺
3. Sport you played for the longest amount of time? LMAO I wasn’t a sporty kid but I did ballet
4. Shoe size? 10-11
5. Most recent (good) dream? Uhh I had a dream last night about my coworker 🎹 it wasn’t bad though I can’t really remember what it was about
6. Last person in your DMs? smugg
7. Can you do a handstand? Nooo nooo lmaoo nooooo
8. Unpopular food opinion I don’t like oranges or red meat
9. Conspiracy you believe in? There’s some kind of weird weather dome in my hometown around the military base that makes most storms pass around us
10. Is your hair its natural color/style? Most of it is I dyed the bottom layer of my hair tho so it’s blonde rn
11. state a useless fact all that’s coming to mind is outright lies rn hold on. The inventor of pringles is buried in a pringles can that’s so fucking nasty omg
12. most interesting gossip you’ve heard? Idk I don’t really care for gossip uhhhh have u heard tho rin dippindogs is a huge gay hah she uhh she like men AND women lmao gaaay gaaaay
13. Middle name? Carolyn
14. Sexuality? Bisexual
15. Amount of sleep you got last night? Idk actually I think like 9-10 hrs tho I slept in until 11
16. Opinion on ice cream cake? Tasty!!!
17. Opinion on (cup)cake frosting? It’s depends buttercream is usually too sweet for me in large amounts so I prefer whipped cream frosting
18. Last board game you played? Idk??? We played hunt a killer tho last Thursday me n my family I guess that counts kinda
19. Project you want to start? I need ideas first baby
20. Project you’re working on right now? HAHAHAHAHAHA
21. TV show you’re watching? nothing rn I just rewatch bojack a lot if I watch anything
22. Last movie you watched? Lego batman I think
23. Ever left anon hate? Not legit hate
24. Ever left anon love? Yes all the time. Sometimes to strangers it’s my favorite thing to do
25. Best Disney movie? The princess and the frog
26. Best Pixar movie? Soul or Up I can’t decide
27. Best Star Wars? Um. Empire strikes back
28. Last thing you consumed? Fuit gumy
29. NoTP? Idk I don’t really hate ships unless they’re gross like pedophilic gross
30. story behind your (nick)name? When I was a fetus my great grandfather had a dream that my name should be Carolyn Marie but my parents were huge dweebs so they named me Marina after the actress of Deanna Troi in Star Trek. Idk about my nickname ive just always been Rina/Rin as long as I can remember
31. ice cream order? Lately it’s lemon sorbetto I know it’s SO high in sugar but I love it
32. describe your blog in <5 words I love you
33. how many blogs do you follow? 436
34. Describe your voice it depends usually I sound like a sick child but my customer service voice is really pleasant
35. Describe your smile it’s cute :)
36. What is the place you live known for? LMAOOO LMAO we have a military base nearby and like. I could go on abt that one but also like. There’s a lot of gang violence and a lot of the other consequences of poverty. People from the cities around us see us as “””ghetto””” or violent but it’s just. It’s more than that it’s always more than that. And idk what else there’s nothing really particularly special about this town except that we’re all here and not anywhere else
37. What is the place you’re originally from known for? (if they’re different)
38. pronouns? she/any idc
39. Languages you speak? English
40. first friend you made through tumblr? Idk. I probably don’t talk to them anymore :(
41. Person on tumblr you know in real life? my brother
42. First dog breed you think of shih tzu I have 2 next to me rn
43. room wall color? Purble!!!! The paint color is called grape juice that’s why I picked it!!!
44. Song that’s stuck in your head right now? It’s tricky to rock a rhyme to rock a rhyme that’s right on time it’s trickyyyyy
45. Favorite number? 5, 34
46. Color you associate with your name? Red
47. Favorite jolly rancher flavor?watermelon
48. Pets? 2 dogs rocket and groot and 4 cats loki danni who r from the same litter and we raised from kittens, miss kitty who we adopted from a shelter after my boy blue moon passed away and ben (his real name is Kylo Ren thanks to my mom but I refuse to call him that) he is my little baby and he has 7 toes on his front paws
49. Collections? Hot wheels
50. Character outside of your fandom you’d marry? Girl what lmaooo idk
51. Character outside of your fandom you’d kill? That’s mean :(
52. Have you met any celebrities? NO thank god id have to kill on sight
53. Favorite time period in history? Itslian Renaissance & Romantic Era
54. What time is it right now? 2:35 am oops
55. History or future? Future but like . A good one. Or prehistory
56. Space or ocean? Space
57. Fears? Abandonment
58. Command + v and post. It’s this list of questions u don’t want that
59. Favorite season? Spring
60. Describe your aesthetic. Messy just a mess, neon and old buildings and things, antiques, countryside if there weren’t so many trump pence flags still lmaoo give uppp give up, nature just al of nature and space and places humans can’t touch and places they used to touch but can’t anymore
61. MBTI? Infp but I haven’t taken it in a few years
62. What’s your relationship with your family like? Normal.
63. “Biggest fan” in your tumblr activity? I’m in mobile hold on acc to tumblr it’s akky
64. Favorite musical? Sweeney todd
65. Comfort book? Idk how to read 💔💔💔 wuthering heights tho
66. Comfort movie? Whisper of the heart
67. OTP? Girl idk
68. BroTP? Joey and Tristan yugioh
69. AUs or canon compliant? Canon ig idk
70. Opinion on the person who’s sending the ask? It’s an anon!! But I love them
71. FMK + 3 characters anon didnt leave any characters and I was going to say something very bad but I won’t
72. Dream date? I’ve wanted to do this for a while but ideally it would be after we’d been together a while maybe even engaged or whatever, I wanna go to like a Home Depot or a furniture store and pretend to be married and looking for house paints and furniture and plan what our home is going to look like I wanna do that so bad. But idk for a first/early relationship date i really want to go to the zilker botanical garden it’s one of my favorite places, we could also go to the natural gardener which is a plant nursery in Austin I really love it there too and it’s not that far from zilker.
73. Relationship status? Single
74. Ever dyed your hair? Do you plan to? Yes and perhaps. Maybe
75. Dream job/career? Idk anymore I used to have big girl goals and I haven’t had any in a while. But when I was younger I wanted to be a game warden
76. Favorite band/singer? Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
77. Something that makes you soft/that you find adorable? My cats
78. The first thing you would do if you won the lottery? Buy a house
79. Are you superstitious? Yes
80. Character you project onto? Shizuku tsukishima
81. Fictional character you’ve had a crush on? Vergil devil may cry. Forever husband
82. Celebrity crush? LMAO
83. Person on here you’d date? my mutuals
84. Person on here you’d marry? 🥺 my mutuals
85. Person on here you’d throw into the void? Smugg
86. Other social media you have? I’ve got a photography insta that I barely use and a Twitter that’s just nintendo switch screenies that’s it
87. Finish the sentence: Due to personal reasons, ___________i will be passing away
88. Bad habit? I find it rlly hard to say no or like to say when and why I’m upset I don’t feel like for the latter I don’t feel like I should bring something that’s upsetting me up because I know I’ll get over it on my own and I don’t really trust myself to be upset about rational things. Idk I’m working on it
89. Three things you like about yourself? I’m hot, I’m kind, I’m resilient
90. Ily and you deserve the world I love you!!!!! YOU deserve it too!!!
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mrstifastrife · 4 years
The Seventh Heaven Children Need More Love!
I have like no following, but I have a lot of opinions so whoever is willing to listen is going to get my ramblings. 
Anyway, I’m not saying in any way that the Seventh Heaven family doesn’t get any love at all, but in the midst of all the shipping wars, it often gets muddled and the children are thrown around like chess pieces for the sake of preserving ships. 
Denzel and Marlene are amazing characters all on their own. This post does not include Tifa, Cloud, and Barrett (if it wasn’t evident from the title) because their characters are obviously shown throughout all of FF7. Marlene and Denzel are of course shown quite a lot in Advent Children, but I wanted to bring attention to On the Way to a Smile, in Denzel’s case, since his backstory isn’t really mentioned in ACC
Disclaimer: What I will be saying is my personal opinion and my interpretations, so if anything I say is incorrect, I am willing to be educated in a humanely fashion. Also this post will contain spoilers from FF7 OG as well. STRAP IN because this is going to be a LONG post. 
Let’s talk about Marlene first, shall we? 
In Advent Children, Marlene is about six-years-old. She’s really mature for her age and is very used to handling situations on her own. Not only that, but she grew up to be loving, thoughtful, and caring. Traits that both Aerith and Tifa share. (And I refuse to take slander on either character because they are both strong, wonderful women to be proud of.)
It’s important to remember that she has gone through a lot in her life, and yet, she still grows up to be such an amazing and profound child. Her biological parents died when Corel was destroyed by Shinra troops, and her family has almost always consisted of people that she never had any blood relation to. 
In ACC, even though she’s fairly young, she’s shown as a reliable, forthright, and dependable child. 
She deserves more credit than to be written off as a prop for ship wars. 
Let’s not forget that she played a hand in putting Cloud Strife in his place as well.
Her conversation with Cloud in Advent Children can be compared to that of Tifa’s conversation as well. This is not in any way to connect to any ships. I know it seems biased, but let’s not forget that in Advent Children, she and Tifa had a conversation about how they would go home after giving a lecture to Cloud. 
Starting off the conversation to discuss him having Geostigma:
Tifa to Cloud: “You have Geostigma, don’t you?”
Marlene to Cloud after touching his arm: “Does it hurt? 
Telling Cloud that he shouldn’t just keep thinking about himself: 
Tifa: “Stop running! I know. Even if you find the kids, you might not be able to help them. Maybe something will happen that can never un-happen. That scares you, doesn’t it? But you need to think about now. Really take it in. Look at you! You think you’ve got it so damn hard. Well, you hate being alone, so let people in! Sure, you might not answer the phone, but I don’t see you throwing it away either.” [Also I love this scene because you can see Rude and Reno trying to figure out what to do while Tifa is yelling at him lol]
Marlene imitating Barret: “How you supposed to look after your own family if you can’t even look after yourself?"
Trying to tell Cloud not to give up:
Tifa: “Don’t run. Let’s fight it together. We can help each other, I know we can. [No response] I guess that only works for real families.”
Marlene: “How you supposed to look after your own family if you can’t even look after yourself? At least, that’s what Daddy says. Cloud, don’t give up.”
I just like pointing out that even though Marlene looks up to Aerith as a role model, it does not discredit how much she looks up to Tifa as well. Many are forgetting that she literally lives with Tifa every single day and is taken care of her, so it’s not unnatural for her to adopt Tifa’s mannerisms. 
Unrelated to Tifa, can we talk about how Marlene is incredibly observant too? 
Marlene: “Does it hurt?” Cloud: “A bit. But not as bad as Denzel’s.” Marlene: “Is there a cure?” Cloud: “I don’t know.” Marlene: “After all you did, you’ve been trying so hard to find a cure for Denzel.” Cloud: “You knew about that? Marlene: “Cloud! You should clean off your desk once in a while.” Cloud: “Maybe I should.” Marlene: “So is that why? Is that the reason why you had to leave, Cloud? Because you couldn’t fix Denzel? Or because you have the sickness too?” Cloud: “I just thought I couldn’t care for myself. Let alone anyone else.”
I really loved this scene, especially since the way that they talk to each other is so natural, while the way that they look at each other is just so soft. Even though Barrett is her father, Cloud is obviously still a parental figure to her.
Marlene is really just an important character in Cloud’s development. Throughout Advent Children, he’s stuck in a struggle between guilt and himself. You see that in the beginning, he’s very quick to shut people out and disregard them. However, Marlene is the first person that he’s showing a change in character to. Yes, I said in my previous post that Tifa was the first to get him to open up and realize that he has to confront his struggles and live in the present, but he doesn’t actually start actively changing until he has a conversation with both Marlene and Vincent.
Cloud: “Marlene!” Marlene: “Cloud! Denzel, and Tifa!” Cloud: “Tifa is alright.” Marlene: “I wanna talk to her!” [Cloud and Marlene realize his phone is gone; Marlene turns to Vincent] “May I?” [Vincent shows that he doesn’t have a phone.] “You don’t have a phone?” Cloud: “Vincent, will you bring Marlene to Tifa? I’m gonna go see Shinra and get a few answers.” Vincent: “I can’t do that.” Cloud: “But I -” Marlene: “Forget it, Cloud! Why don’t you ever pay attention to us?” Cloud: “Marlene, please give me some time. There’s a battle to be fought, but it’s not as simple as just fighting it. Understand?” Marlene: “No, I don’t!” Vincent: “Cloud, are you sure this is about fighting?”
I really think that this was a true turning point for him. It’s not only a flashback of Tifa or a conversation with Aerith that changes his perspective, it’s also Marlene confronting him and showing him that his actions continue to have consequences on the people that he cares about. Hence, the conversation they have later where he actually starts to change from his stubborn indifference. 
Last but not least, let’s remember that even though it’s not ideal, she fills in for everyone else when they fall short. Besides being the narrator in the beginning, the first scene she’s shown in is of her taking care of Denzel. 
Narration: “But it looks like the planet is a lot madder than we thought. They call it geostigma.” Denzel: “Well, Marlene, how does it look?” [Marlene does not reply; She goes to place a gauze over the geostigma mark] Marlene, as a voiceover: “Please. Please don’t take Denzel away.”
This scene, despite how small it is, is so powerful. She’s a young girl living in a world where the people around her are directly affected by Geostigma and the aftermath of the planet. She knows there’s nothing she can do other than hope. That’s why Marlene shouldn’t just be used as a pawn to advocate for a ship. She’s her own character with her own convictions, thoughts, and actions. What is she not? A character only used to vouch for a ship. Let’s give Marlene the respect and love she deserves please!
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Who’s next? Our lovely Denzel, of course. I’ve seen a lot of people say that he looks like Cloud and Aerith’s love child and then justify it by saying Aerith brought him to Cloud at her church.
First of all, Denzel is an orphaned child, who is just as affected as everyone else by the plate falling and the Meteorfall. He is not just a token child for a ship, so please do not simplify him as that, especially if you disregard everything about him in favor of your ship. Perhaps Aerith did lead Denzel toward Cloud, but remember that while Cloud’s away, Tifa is the one who is taking care of him. If we see it as love children, Denzel might as well be Tifa’s and Aerith’s.
Anyway, I digress. Denzel’s story is so much more impactful than to be written off as a love child or like in Marlene’s case, a pawn to justify a ship. He’s put in Advent Children as an example of a character that suffered from the worst of the Meteorfall and is an “outside” example to be more specific. He had no ties to Avalanche, Sephiroth, Shinra, etc. He was just a boy who lost his family from the plate falling, and not only that, he is suffering from geostigma as well. 
Please don’t just write him off as another piece of “evidence” for a ship. He has feelings too, and he started off being raised by a different set of people unlike Marlene, who had been raised by the same people her whole life. 
Let’s not forget that Denzel and Marlene were just as affected by Cloud leaving. While he’s laying in bed, he asks, “Cloud, where are you?” 
So please, for the love of all things holy, don’t classify Tifa as a hopeless, lonely bar owner. Denzel and Marlene needed him too. 
Throughout most of Advent Children, Denzel has his own story arc. There’s flashbacks of him and how he became a part of the Seventh Heaven family, along with his continued arc following the Moogle girl. 
I find it unfair that Denzel is only used as justification for ships because he has a really heartbreaking storyline. In Advent Children, he appears in bed suffering with geostigma. While he’s laying in bed, he’s wondering where Cloud is. Then, as he’s looking at a picture of him, Cloud, and Marlene, along with a picture of him with his parents, he says:
“Guess I was the last straw.”
Could you imagine being ten years old (I’m not entirely sure if this is 100% confirmed but he is a young age) and saying this? Within his years of living, his parents, Ruby, and Gaskin died. Now Cloud, someone he really looks up to, left him as well. 
A significant amount of his life was spent alone, hopping from home to home to the streets until he was able to find a place where he was loved.
From “On the Way to a Smile: Case of Denzel”: 
Alone again, like he had been so many times before, Denzel took a stick he had sharpened at one end looking for rats. He planned on catching and eating one. Dad, he thought. The people in the Slums don’t eat rats after all. But I will. Because I’ve got no money or a job, and this place is lower than the Slums. I’m a Sector Seven kid from the upper world. I can’t grow up in a place like this.
The isolation sapped Denzel’s will to live. It was the same situation as when Sector 7 was destroyed, but this time, his parents, Arkham, Levy [Ruby], Gaskin, the Search Team, hell, all the people he’d ever met who had supported him were gone now. Forever.
He felt that he couldn’t smile anymore. What did his mother say? “There’s no point in living if you don’t smile.” That’s right, mom, he thought. A filthy rat covered in horrible germs should save me. 
I think this passage alone speaks more volumes than I can. I should put a disclaimer that this was his thought process right before he ended up at the church. A little bonus of him telling Reeve and Johnny, “Hey, I USED to think like that back then, but I was wrong. That’s why I’m here now. Because I met the best person you ever could.” 
That’s just an insight into Denzel’s backstory, and even though he’s in a better living situation right now, it always breaks my heart thinking of what he had gone through to get where he is now. I don’t know if I should spoil too much of Case of Denzel, but I just want to say that he has such an amazing growth that’s show not only in Advent Children but in Case of Denzel as well. 
“I’m alive thanks to a lot of people. My parents, Mrs. Levy, Mr. Gaskin, everyone from the Search Team. People who are still around today, people who aren’t. Tifa, Cloud, Marlene, and...”
Reeve nodded.
“I want to be a person like that for someone. Next time, it’s my turn to protect people.”
Flash forward to Denzel talking with Johnny:
“It’s not that I want to be admired or anything,” Denzel answered. There were so many people who had supported him. Men and women, adults and children. All of them inspirations in their own way. “I guess I want to...repay my debt to all of them.”
I know, I know, most of my evidence for Denzel is taken from On the Way to a Smile, but I think that most of Advent Children’s story arc for him is more prominent and out in the open, so long as you decide to or have already watched it. That’s why I’m bringing more attention to Case of Denzel because it has a lot more insight into Denzel’s character and why he looks up to Cloud, along with his own motivations, not brought upon by anyone other than his experiences. 
There’s so much more that I could use for Denzel because he’s such a complex and amazing character. It’s why I find it aggravating that he’s only brought up for the sake of a ship war rather than to commend him as a person. So, as I said for Marlene, he deserves more recognition than to be a poster child for a ship. He didn’t lose so many people and decide to become a protector just because he was a “love child.” Please give him the love and appreciation he deserves as well. The creators of FF7 did not write him in to be the trophy of a winning ship. 
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Anyway, if you read this far, thank you so much! I could go on and on about how Marlene and Denzel deserve to be praised to the heavens for how amazing they are. I hate seeing them only be used as justification for ships and then tossed to the side when they’re not being referenced anymore.
I know they’re just characters in a video game franchise, but they’re children. They’re people just as much as Cloud, Tifa, Aerith, Barrett, and everyone else. Put some respect to their names please! 
Feel free to come into my ask box or replies and talk to me. 
This is by no means meant to bash any ship. I know it may seem that way at some points of my rambling, but I promise that I’m trying to keep the peace and keep it as ambiguous as possible. 
Let’s spread love and positivity!
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christmaswou · 4 years
Kim Minseok remembering his istg acc password - exodrabble+xiumin/suho
Long Time Best Friends dealing with Instagram 
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disclaimer:  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
** this is my first EVER kpop fanfiction post here, so, please, be gentle. Also, English is not my first language, but I tried my best. I hope you enjoy, and that we can spend a good time while we wait for our most dearest Minseok come back from his enlistment. Let’s Love, always. **
       One week back home from the military enlistment, Kim Minseok, exo’s eldest hyung, had spend that whole time really busy with family, friends, house requirements and all kinds of arrangements for sitting down again. While all this was going on, all his friends and managers (and fans, of course) kept remembering him of posting new pictures on his istg account. Minseok liked the social network, and loved photography as well, but was annoyingly used to forget his password (like some of the other members also did), and lost the “timing” of posting his photos.
- Ah, minseok-ah, when will you organize your istg feed, your fans are thirsty for this rsrsrsrsrs.. I can give you some tips, my account is iconic now, I’m the best instagrammer of exo, did you know? - said Junmyeon, jokingly , while lightly pushing his eyes-rolling hyung.
- And then you say you didn’t have any free time while I was out, huh?
- What are you saying, it takes time to organize the feed, my concepts, and match my looks to the environment, actually.
- rsrsrsrssrsr honestly... but ok, I have to do this anyway, I think I’m going to try to recover the password when we get home today, are you really coming to stay the night ? - asked Minseok, suspiciously.
- I told you I’m going, you don’t believe I miss you? It’s gonna be like the old days... well not exactly that, cause now I’m a compromised ma- but he couldn’t finish his silly dangerous joke, cause his hyung shout his mouth quickly while beating him and laughing... some managers around them laughed as well, but more out of embarrassing for those two “old” silly idols than anything.
* * *
    To spend the night at Minseok’s house was nothing like the “boys night”that the youngers members used to worry their managers with: no sexy games or silly teen-like adventures in the streets at midnight. When any of the hyungs gathered at Minseok’s house, was usually to have heart-to-heart and pleasurable talks with beer, or binge watch a nerdy-type movie or art documentary. None of them were particularly competitive to keep up many game rounds, just once they tried the Monopoly, but Minseok and Kyungsoo felt asleep real quickly, Jongdae joked and laughed the whole time while Yixing didn’t get the rules and Junmyeon kept complaining about cheating in the game.
These five hyungs (Jongdae was considered among them, for his hyung-like personality) naturally became closer along the years of the group’s career, but never in a idealized type of friendship: they didn’t exactly keep in touch all the time, or spoke all the time in chats or so, all of them always had many external duties and concerns, besides the fact that their personalities were not to be too “sitcky” with their friends. All of them had interesting memories and dynamics with each other separately, but one “couple” that, along the years, had created a really peculiar friendship routine was Junmyeon-Minseok. They weren’t the closest members since the begins (and, to speak the truth, they weren’t at this point the same person they were in the debut), but they always shared a silent, unconsciously known, respect and admiration for each other. Junmyeon profoundly admired Minseok’s scholar professionalism and disciplined and righteous way of live, and Minseok, along with that, really respect Junmyeon’s strong leadership, artistic sensibility and altruistic way of dealing with the challenges that came along in the group. As the years passed and they went through many things together, many obstacles crossed - some with the help of each other’s advice - they had naturally created a cozy atmosphere between each other. Junmyeon, who were more of speaking feelings, out loud begin to often express how Minseok was ,to him, a real best friend. And that was a real bond, outside the cameras. Minseok has always been more shy and discreet, but he actually felt really warm and happy with his leader’s consideration towards him.
* * *
     Minseok was going to have many house gatherings and events with many people to relieve the missing time, including all the other members of course, but it couldn’t be other than junmyeon, who has been almost everyday by his side in his schedules of the returning from the military enlistment, was the first one the be invited to spend a weekend with the so deared and admired exo’s eldest hyung. Junmyeon was himself getting ready to enlist, so he wanted  to enjoy pleasurable time with people he loved the most, as much as he could, before going away.
     After some helping with house organizing and cleaning to become “comfortable enough for playing around” (as minseok’s wish, and to what jun never complained about), they changed to cozy clothes to deal with the “istg password issue”. Junmyeon wasn’t supposed to take pictures, so he was casually with a white shirt, arms out, sweatpants, his hat backsides and barefoot... It was rare to see the leader without make up, and actually feeling good like this, as he only stayed this way in situations of real intimacy and comfortableness.
- So junmyeonie, I’m supossed to click “forgot password” and send the link to my email, right? - asked the *a little better dressed* hyung.
- Did you really forgot it or just don’t want to remember, hyung? - a familiar malicious little smile on jun’s face.
- What the hell are you talking about you cra-
- Don’t you remember we created our email passwords together and the same one you used to your istg acc ?
- wai-
- “mygirl**insertARandomGirlName**
- SHUT THE FUCK UP, I CAN BEelieve it’s still that.. - embarrassment face while trying to enter istg on his new phone, where the old password wasn’t saved yet.
It entered.
- I can’t even kill you, cause you know way too much about me, you brat
- haahahaahahhaaaaaahaha... change this stupid password already, hyung, for god’s sake rsrsrsrsrsrs
* * *
- okay, I’m going to make a comeback with a Tan’s photo session, the fans never stop asking me about him..
- Make a istg-story of him, he looks beautiful in this window - says Junmyeon finishing a *good taste* bear.
- Should I play a song while doing it? They will love it, choose one of our old Christmas ones, please.
*while playing First Snow*
 - Hello exol’s, your Minseokie is back at istg, waaaah, rsrsrsr, finally, huh... I promise to note my new password on a paper now hehehehehe and to post all the best pictures of my most loved  moments that I’ve kept all this time... Now I’m gonna record my baby, that you guys always ask to see, he looks specially cute and beautiful tonight * moves camera do record Tan, majestically sitting on the window * say hi, Tan-shi, you’re so beautiful, aren’t you? ... Are you happy to see your dad again? I’m happy too...        
                                          Well, I’m specially happy today cause I’m gonna spend a REALLY nice and TASTY weekend * Junmyeon widely open his eyes, already trying to runaway from what he knows it’s coming * with Tan AND * quickly moves camera and starts to run after filming caught off-guard Junmyeon * my other beautiful cat here ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ *  
- stoop, hyung - whines Junmyeon, already surrendering and smiling
- he looks so beautiful now doesn’t he? my junmyeonie always looks gorgeous no matter what - easily says Minseok, making exol’s go wild with the surprise - I’m gonna turn off now, cause I’m going to spend  some time with my best friend ok? * junmyeon both blushes and complains about minseok not letting him give a word to the fans *
- aaah-wait, let me say hi to my followers, wait hyung-
- noo, shut the cameras, you guys are not allowed to see what we’re doing now hahahaha
* story finished *
- you-re not gonna post this, hyung.
- Why? - already posting
- That’s why they don’t allow you to posts many things on your istg, hyung, - half laughing, half worrying, said Junmyeon, Minseok’s best friend, walking to the kitchen after the rest of the beers.
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nieonova · 6 years
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Yeah I forgot to post this, and also letting you all know that I'm still alive :D
To all those who remembered my old ocs in my old acc, then you know who these are! They're still my OTPs and forever will be, still can't believe it's been 4 years already since I shipped Jaxxon and C.C  and looking at my old arts of them I cringe ;;;
@abbyisanerd101​ have such cute hawt bois//shot This also as a special gift for all those years :)
Jaxxon & Damien © @abbyisanerd101
C.C & Sunny © Me :y
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sherlockxreader · 7 years
Requests Update!!!
A/N: This is the order in which we received these requests. I’m going to try writing them in the order we’ve gotten them so expect this to also be the rough order in which they’re posted. 
Also of yours isn’t here and it was sent in before the requests closed, I’ve probably lost it somewhere. Feel free to resend it (make sure to specify that it was before the close off please!!) and I’ll work out roughly where it’s meant to be in the list. Thanks guys!
- Maddy
1.  Could you do a fic where the reader gets her hair cut short like a boy and Mycroft and Sherlock make fun of her and she starts crying but John thinks she looks beautiful and confesses his feelings for her to cheer her up? And then they kiss or something? Thx! - anonymous
2.  Can u please do a reader x Sherlock where the reader is a Muslim, wears a headscarf and is British Bengali. Sorry that’s super specific but I never see anything like that. Also your writing skills are awesome. Thanks soooo muxh if u can do it and I absolutely understand if u cant. Thnx xx - anonymous
3.  Hey it’s me again Haha so I was hoping if I could request that reader is Tony Stark’s Daughter (or maybe sister would work better for you?) and she manages to drag her boyfriend coughSherlockcough to America during a holiday to meet him(?) that was my idea and I know it’s a really weird and specific niche of fic but if you guys are comfortable with it ik you’re the best ones to pull it off - anonymous
4.  could i get a sherlock x reader with prompts 92, 95, 97? Its a bit of an odd request sorry - anonymous
5.  Can I make a Sherlock x male!reader request and they’re married (that is why Sherlock is so unfazed by other people) anyway, he just shows up one day and people are clueless as to how Sherlock snatched up such a gentlemen and why they’ve never met him before (except mycroft and mrs Hudson ofc) Thanks~🎉 - anonymous
6.  Hey I was wondering if you could please write a mycroftxdaughter!reader where he wakes up in the cell in Sherrinford to find her next to him and how he would help through all the different stages of it. Thanks :) - anonymous
7. Hellooo What do you think about a Sherlockxreader in which the reader is a hacker working for the government and one day Mycroft brings her to Baker Street to help Sherlock and John with a case? And could you make her personality very smart and sassy? Thanks ❤️ - M (asked as anonymous)
8. could you please write a fluff where Sherlock and reader are getting married(small ceremony) and Sherlock is really really nervous, ending with beautiful vows? thank you :) - @narcissistvirgolady
9. a Sherlock x reader where the reader gets really angry at Sherlock for being distant lately with his cases, so he decides to surprise her ( the reader ) with a carefully planned date. Hope it is possible! - @justoneystrdy 
10.  Could u write a oneshot where the reader is Sherlocks daughter and the reader is pregnant and she is pretty far along in her pregnancy so she struggles to do super simple things and Sherlock and john keep offering to help and they try to help her but she is determined to do it herself, but after a long frustrating day she gives in to the help? - anonymous
11.  Hey! I was wondering if I could request a Sherlock x reader where they are married and expecting a baby and Sherlock is all frantic, but the moment he holds his child he knows is the moment that he waited all along. By the way, I love your blog! I wish I had those writing skills😂 - anonymous
12.  Hey! I was wondering if you could do a request (series or oneshot whatever) that takes place after Mary died, but instead of Sherlock receiving the CD Y/N receives it, and Mary tells her she has to save John and Sherlock otherwise they’ll pretty much self-destruct?? And Y/N gets herself kidnapped or something to bring those two back together?? Whatever you want! Also, could Nyla do this one?? If not, I understand. - @anonymous-requests
13.  Sup! Could you guys make a one Shot about Sherlock meeting Mycroft and his new Assistant (Y/N) (cuz Anthea was snitching with Irene i think) and Y/N is late at first. She’s very Young, around 20 and he makes a joke about Mycroft picking high schoolers or so idk haha, and clumsy and sentiment and all lol And when he deducts her he knows she’s having a depression and all and he have to nice and idk sorry ig ITS Long , was a Dream of last Night tbh hahah Btw Love your side 🙏🏻 - anonymous
14.  Hiii this is for Maddy Could u do a request where John, Sherlock and the reader are working on a case and u (reader) ends up getting shot and rushed to the hospital and John and Sherlock go into a rage trying to find shooter to the point where Mycroft is unsure of what either might do once they find the man and he goes to u who is recovering and u (can reader be girl?) have to hunt them down to stop them from doing something theyll both regret but then something shocking happens to u? Angsty plz - anonymous
15.  So there’s these two songs I absolutely love, and I was wondering if someone could do a songfic for one of them (“Oh My Love” by Silver Trees or “Dear Doubt” by Michael Schulte) where Sherlock thinks the reader is dead but receives a note that could only be from her except no one believes him, thinking its a prank, but then she shows asking for his forgiveness and he refuses to forgive her, avoiding her at all cost. Maybe sad, or bittersweet, ending??? Also, I love you all you’re all AMAZING ❤️❤ - anonymous
16. Can you do a request where Sherlock and Y/N are best friends, where she gets to see a side of him where he laughs until he cries and he shows his emotions to her sometimes, but they’re only best friends. She loves to pull pranks on people constantly, especially cruel pranks on Sally and Anderson for everything they say to Sherlock, but she does and it’s all really hilarious to both of them, and Molly of course gets super jealous and a bunch of girls do which makes it funnier to them?? And can you add in prompts “THERE’S SO MUCH BLOOD” and “Huh. And I thought /I/ was dramatic.” (Srry can’t remember the prompt numbers!) thanks!!!! Also, could Maddy write this?? If not that’s okay - @anonymous-requests
17.  Could you do a Mycroft x Reader were the Reader sees him every day but dont know who he is and is absolutly fascinated by the way he is and looks like? And someday he ask her how she could know he is the british government and she is all alike ‘what? No ich dont know anything about you’ - anonymous
18. Hey are the requests still open? :3 Could you do 6 and 25 with sherlock x fem! Reader? If not its alright aswell, i like your writingstyle :3 - @konankami
19.  Are you guys still accepting the numbered requests? I’d so, could you please do 16,20,and 26? I love all of your​ guys’ writing skills!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤ - anonymous
20.  Hey! Could i get a sherlock x reader, where she is an old friend of John’s and she comes to 221b to catch up with him and Sherlock falls in love with her but he thinks she’s dating John and they (her and John) decide to prank Sherlock by pretending to 'get jiggy with it’ and it ends with her dating sherlock? Sorry if it seems weird xx - anonymous
21.  Could you do one with Moriarty? 6,8,19,36,64,117 Sorry if its too much - anonymous
22.  Hey! Could you do a Sherlock x reader where the reader doesn’t have any hair and she’s low key insecure about it and one day Sherlock just kind of deduces it and tries to tell her that she’s ridiculous in his own way ( so like not :“what do you mean, you look great!” Because I, myself have experienced that and it doesn’t actually make you feel any better) Sorry if this was really long…. Thank You❤️❤️❤️(love the acc) - anonymous
23.  Hello love! I have a request for a Sherlock imagine. After ten long years of no meeting with Sherlcok because reader suddenly disappears, she is now a client of Sherlock and brings her daughter with her. Little did he know she was as intelligent as him because he’s the father. Thanks a bunch!!! - anonymous
24.  hello, can i request a sherlockxreader imagine?when he’s “engaged” with janine, the reader didn’t like her and when john wants to tell her about s&j’s relationship, she makes comments abt her (like “she seemed quite arrogant, an opportunist"etc) but then she discovers the thing and is sad bc she likes sherlock, what are the others reactions? sorry i love your blog - anonymous
25.  Hi um I was wondering if you could write me a Sherlock x reader where reader is shy and insecure because of there disability a limp when they walk as she thinks it makes her ugly so she tries to hide it when she meets people by concentrating on her walking but Sherlock analyses her and sees she is insecure and tells her she shouldn’t be because she’s beautiful I know this sounds fluffy and is specific but if you could do it or something similar I would really appreciate it either way thank you x -anonymous
26.  i wanted to request a sherlock x reader where he notices her having trouble breathing etc and he finds out about her binding and he helps her buy a binder and she says her pronouns are they/them? thank you for everything xxx - anonymous
27.  Hi i have an imagine request, a jealous sherlock x reader, where she’s an artist (illustrator or painter or something) and she’s having a lot of activities with her artist peers and he gets jealous and insecure bc they have way more things in common w her than he has (as they are complete opposites in their lifestyles lol). Just fluff and fun, thanksss ily all💙 - anonymous
28.  Could you do a 1,24,31 Mycroft imagine,where the reader gets shot by Moriarty. - anonymous
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