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jongace · 2 years ago
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ready for departure!
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reallllllbei · 5 months ago
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oscargoldksoo · 10 months ago
☆ EXO SUHO + XIUMIN ☆ Cheese Challenge ☆
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piutonic · 2 years ago
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Xiumin and Suho in EXO 엑소 'Hear Me Out' MV
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shine-on-fest · 2 years ago
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gifts and offerings ✿ by taonsils “Minseok will get tired,” Junmyeon points out dutifully. He would never be so impolite as to say it’s definitely his turn on their shared human.
❀ Baekhyun/Junmyeon/Minseok ❀ T • 1.7k ❀ Vampires, Domestic Fluff, Polyamory
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exo-my-universe · 2 years ago
xiuho truly the most underrated pairing in exo 😔
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mission: success!
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mybiasisexo · 1 year ago
I think we need to normalize reverse harem/poly fanfics 😩
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dmumt · 1 year ago
seeing a picture of a beautiful lesbian woman and then realising it’s just an exo member
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okiecookie20 · 9 months ago
EXO 'Overdose' Theory
Other theories: Obsession
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𝚃he plot of is quite straightforward with the boys already being captured and put in a complex maze. The intro to the mvs shows us that they are trying to figure out how to escape the maze. An interesting thing that you might have noted is that they are not shown to use their powers explicitly or the escape might have been very simple, especially Jongin having the ability to teleport himself and "other energy" — The War repackage, Power merch as seen on Kai character cards:
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Another instance is that Chen is unable to turn on a lamp in the maze.
(more under the cut)
• The intro gives us important clues, let's go through the scenes:
Everyone seems unhappy. Minseok and Junmyeon look for clues on the walls of the maze to find a way out. Kyungsoo gets a box(?) and opens it to find sand which correlates with his power of Force (also known as Earth-bending) which he empties upon seeing glimpses of their future (hands behind screen). This scene is connected to the very next in which Yixing is lying down with (lol idk how to say this) sand going up.
From Mama intro: "two worlds that look alike" but they cannot meet until the Red Force (believed to be a corrupt organization) is purified so they are in the same place (LaySoo, XiuHo, SeTao) but do not see each other.
•Baekhyun has his back towards the map to the maze:
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Why is he not trying to get out even though the answers are behind him? Many believe this is because he wants to protect himself as he is the Heart of the tree of life. Baek does not want them to leave the maze.
a little Edit: in the behind the scenes video, even Tao passed this place where Baek is sitting but the shot did not make it to the final cut so maybe this little deduction was crap idk hehe
• Does Obsession happen after Overdose? In Lucky One theory mv we see how they are captured and subdued by the ladies. Twitter user @erisxekso posted this:
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• They dance in 2 settings one of which looks like the inside of a cube. Notice how the subunits M & K dance in different cubes as discussed earlier. There is plenty of evidence for correlating Tempo and Overdose. Visit Exo & the cube Theory↗ where I have pointed out various links and how significant the cube is in Exo's lore. The red lights suggest it an illusion or plane created by the RF.
• SM leaked overdose mv (little different outros from the official ones on yt) which provides us an important detail. Here are both m ver and k ver in primitive form lol. We see that Luhan and Kai seem to be near the exit of the maze but a mechanism closes the exit so they are unable to escape through the dead end. Yes, we are yet to know what happens next.
_Clue: time-bound puzzle which is another instance of how Tao is unable to stop, reverse or speed up time.
Amino user vip.imnida posted a brilliant theory based on their physical ver of Overdose Album. Basically, they traced a faint line on it which is a path connecting the centres of each hexagon present in the big maze. I agree that the codes on the centre of each hexagon correspond to a member or their location.
• I'm sure you've noticed at 1:52 of the K ver mv, Jongdae passes a bolt of lightening to Yixing who tosses it upwards. It has been explained that he is the healer in the grp so he does not get hurt but tosses it out of the way. In the M ver, Baek passes his power to Junmyeon(?) who gives it back to him. waaa this is confusing I think this relates to Chanyeol's scenes in What is Love mv / Debut Teaser 20. He is reading a book of prophecy:
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At the margins, this page shows Suho's symbol pointing towards Baekhyun's and an arrow pointing from it to Yixing's. They're also drawn inside the triangle with Kai's symbol in centre. Yes! They are connected and we will discuss this imp motif soon :)
• Some believe that another clue could be the iconic head drum choreography 😭 (1:35 and 2:58 timestamps) they are literally dancing to the beat of the RF. We have seen in Lucky One how they were subdued by the nurses.
An important deduction is that Lucky One is the prequel to Overdose since the title is a glaring hint: they were drugged and "it's too much." Also, are they calling the doctor who has ties with the red visored nurses?
• Jongin explained in the behind video:
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• I found this analysis:
The lyrics describe a love so potent that it becomes impossible to escape, likening it to a dangerous drug. The repeated calls for a doctor underscore the severity of this 'overdose,' suggesting that the protagonist is aware of the peril but is unable to resist the allure of this all-consuming passion.
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Agreed. Yixing's Honey might be connected to Overdose lore-wise because of the honeycomb patterns in both mvs. There are some minor references which Exo have made in their music since the beginning. He IS captivated. atp I'm too dumb to dive deep into it when SM be ijbol_ing all these years at fan theories.
It is important to understand that SM has neither confirmed nor denied any theories so it is all open for speculation^^ (hoping they release a book or movie on this 😭 seriously). I haven't been able to decode certain clues with SM using elements for aesthetic.
Thanks for reading and do share your thoughts! ♡
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fff777 · 1 year ago
Finally watched exo's ladder 4 and here are my thoughts. I'm going to do a post for each episode and I'm going to post them all at once (y) So here's me watching episode 1
Jongdae interviewing Junmyeon about his outfit. Junmyeon: Oh this is just a casual look... I call bullshit, this man plans his outfits for each day of his trip in advance.
Junmyeon: Where are we going? Sehun: It's a secret Chanyeol: *Reveals their entire route*
Ahh I'm hype, this has nearly all of the members <3 (all except Jongin)
Exo war games ver.
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My dads Xiuho <3
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This is what their logo will look like for this season
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I was JUST going to say, Sehun the bullshitter is back on his bullshit
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I've been saying during all of Cream Soda promotions that the Baeksoo is potent and I know they cuddled at least once in this show so I am excite >3
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全家福 (minus 1)
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Minseok: I'd be down with climbing a real ladder Jock man strikes again.
Sehun: I've studied psychology so listen to what I have to say Kyungsoo: We just have to do the opposite of what Sehun says YESSSS with bullshitter Sehun we're also getting takes no shit Kyungsoo >3 Who knew that they were the true Tom & Jerry of the group. Anyway, Baekhyun and Chanyeol agreed with the "Sehun is a bullshitter" narrative and Junmyeon of course defended Sehun with "Sehun is good at picking for ladders."
I'm Seho trash and I'll always be Seho trash.
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Sehun explained his bit and then Baekhyun explained his bit, after which Junmyeon was like "oh no I'm not sure :x" Meanwhile I'm like Seho AND Baekmyeon >3 Yesss
The rope was a lot longer than any of them expected and Chanyeol was like "help me!!!!!" but only Jongdae helped lol. But they all helped with untangling the rope from the cars.
Junmyeon hunting down Baekhyun because he was the one who picked the rope that led to the Starex car :P
Cuties chuckling at each other
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LOL the production team will get to take the luxury Mercedes Benz van :3 At least it's not going to waste and the crew will get the cushy ride :3
Bop the puppy :3
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According to Jongdae, Minseok ponders on mundane things often. Jongdae is Minseok's wife so we would expect him to know these things, eh.
Junmyeon really does have soft ears, eh :3 Easily swayed because he listens to everyone's opinion.
The van is small enough that anyone can bop anyone's head :3 How cozy <3
OMFG Minseok lost sooo much weight from debut to Growl?? He was 68-70kg at debut (150-154lbs) and 53kg (117lbs) at Growl. That's crazy though I feel like 117lbs is way too skinny for a guy at that height T_T
Responsible Baekhyun think Sehun getting a loan to help others would be too much lol. He's like don't let yourself be dragged into their debt!!!
Kyungsoo: I'll borrow money to lend to anyone but you! (Junmyeon) ToT bullying Junmyeon hours are BACK! Though I feel like Junmyeon's the kind of guy who'd want to take care of things without bothering the members.
Deep dive into Kyungsoo's personality. I love this, they all know each other so well and talking about him like he's not there is kind of fun.
Kyungsoo: Actually I talk a lot Jongdae: ...liar
The Exos unanimously agree that Chanyeol would do anything for more screentime/attention
Exos to Kyungsoo: Just let Chanyeol hit you once to cheer him up ??? Wild that they would just sacrifice Kyungsoo like that
And then Kyungsoo was all ??? and sulky so they let him hit Chanyeol back to boost his mood
Kyaa Jongdae thinks Kyungsoo is the prettiest :3 (It's handsome but I think Jongdae thinks Kyungsoo is cute :P)
Junmyeon wants Jongdae to think he's the most good looking so bad
LMAO so Junmyeon was Jongdae's first love and Junmyeon's just trying to get that high back
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Ok I've seen this "Sehun is ugly" bit before XD Where they just descend into calling each other hideous XD
LMAO Junmyeon just put his paper out and Jongdae and Chanyeol saw it.
Oh my god they are bullying Junmyeon HARD for this question. They think it'd be too cheesy if Junmyeon said yes (that he loves the members so much that just watching them eat is nice). The members were discussing bopping him on the head if he answered yes to the question. Once Minseok said ok the deal was sealed. Minseok is mathyung after all~
Junmyeon practising dancing before the meal, cringe leader strikes again lol
And we end on a cliffhanger to see who gets to eat what meal ^^;;
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minseoksbbg · 2 years ago
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minseok & cat💗 two of my fav things
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reallllllbei · 6 months ago
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oscargoldksoo · 1 year ago
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230929 kimjuncotton instagram
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minniedeer · 2 years ago
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Xiuho | Brand New Challenge
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shine-on-fest · 11 months ago
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You're Beautiful…Like a Plankton ✦ by snwu1010 Minseok is sad. Junmyeon has plankton and a bad analogy to cheer him up.
✧ Junmyeon/Minseok ✧ G • 2k ✧ PJO AU, Fluff, idk where all this fluff comes from, Junmyeon is an ocean nerd, soft boyfriends
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minsoek · 2 years ago
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xiuho being adorable 🥺
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