#my blood pressure suffers every time this man plays
whyamiawakes · 3 months
Jannik why do you have to mid every time there’s a tiebreak
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Being Atsumu’s Pregnant Partner:
YN goes into Labor
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Atsumu Miya x Pregnant! GN reader
Warnings: swearing, pregnancy and a lot of stuff to do with pregnancy, mentions of throwing up and bodily fluids
***pregnancy is different for everyone and I’m basing this off my own personal experience
AN: *sigh* friends I’m having major baby fever and since I’m forever done diy-ing my own, I shall instead write about it 😌 maybe I should just get a kitten
Looking back now, it probably wasn’t the best idea to go to a professional, five set volleyball match at 39 weeks pregnant but here you were. You’d always been the devoted type, doing anything and everything you could to support your man no matter what.
Atsumu Miya wasn’t always the easiest partner to have but you loved the big dummy. He was extremely dedicated to his sport and team, which made dealing with him outside the court rather bothersome at times.
Nevertheless, you decided that you could stand just enough of him to spend your life by his side and raise a family. His brother, Osamu, asked you about a million times is you were for sure ready to raise a baby Miya. He knew exactly what it would be like because he was one.
At first you laughed it off, thinking that you had a few years of rest before the chaos would ensure but man, were you wrong. You’d become pregnant relatively quickly, making both you and Atsumu extremely excited.
However, your excitement soon dampened as you began spending most of your day hugging the porcelain thrown or downing antacids to help with the wicked indigestion that crept up your throat at every turn. Your breasts ached, your sleep suffered and the smell of nearly anything sent you running to the bathroom. Your skin broke out, hair began to shed, and most days, you felt like a Sméagol from lord of the rings, just trying to protect your unborn baby.
Atsumu had been as supportive as you imagined he’d be. This mostly meant calling Osamu to make you something to eat or google home remedies to help with your morning sickness. Osamu was also extremely excited for his little niece or nephew to make their appearance, doing whatever he could when Atsumu was gone to help you.
You’d managed to make it all the way to 39 weeks, and you were excited to finally be done. The doctor had scheduled an induction for the following week because of blood pressure issues. You weren’t exactly stoked about the idea of an induction but the fact that you’d be able to meet your baby soon was thrilling.
You waddled your way through the crowd, waving to people as you passed. Akaashi had stopped to talk with you as well as Asahi and Suga. It was nice to see everyone again even though you were exhausted.
“There they are!” Osamu yelled, waving you over to his Onigiri stand as you huffed and puffed, finally able to stop. The pressure from the baby was making it difficult to walk, your pelvis hurting as you leaned on the corner of his stand, his chuckle causing you to glare at him.
“You know you could have stayed him YN. Sumu pays for the expensive sports channels because he’s obsessed with watching replays of his games, I’m sure you’d see him on there,” Osamu joked as you motioned for a delicious looking Onigiri in the corner of the display case.
“This will probably be the last game Sumu plays in for a bit because of his paternity leave. I don’t want to miss it!”
Osamu chuckled, shaking his head as you made your way to the stairs of the bleachers. Your phone rang as you began to ascend, huffing and puffing as you walked up.
“Hello,” you answered as the noise of the locker room filled your ears.
“Hey baby! Did ya make it?” Atsumu shouted back as you finally found your spot and took a seat releasing a heavy sigh as you settled in.
“Not up as high as I normally go but my feet hurt too much to even care.”
Sumu laughed as you looked around to see the stands filled with people.
“Well just relax baby, this time next week will be in the hospital having our baby!”
You groaned just thinking about the idea of pushing out this child, knowing that the possibility of having a small baby was out of the picture.
“Yeah yeah, just make sure you win today, ok? I don’t want yo moping around the house for the next week!”
Atsumu laughed loudly as you smiled. He agreed and hung up the phone, knowing you’d be there to support him no matter what happened.
The teams took their places, and the match began without a hitch. You knew it’d be a long one by the sheer energy happening around you. Two sets had already taken place and the teams were tied. You watched as Sumu slammed a service ace right into the opposing team's court. Your man was on fire today, probably excited about everything happening around him.
The pressure of the baby on your bladder, pushed as you tried to adjust, not wanting to walk out right in the middle of Sumu’s serves. Of course, you knew his serves could go on for a while, so you finally caved, as you thought about the nearest bathroom.
Standing up, you felt a twinge hit. Your back began to radiate pain as it moved to the front of your belly. You gritted your teeth, gripping the side of the chair as you grabbed your stomach.
“Are you ok?” Someone asked as you turned to them confused and nodded. There was no way this was anything more than Braxton hick's contractions, right?
The pain subsided as you assured the person you were ok and made your way to the bathroom. In the bathroom, you noticed you had started losing the mucus plug your doctor had talked about. You knew this meant nothing and weren’t concerned as you continued to feel the baby kick in your stomach.
Washing your hands, you felt the pain against radiate from your back to your front. You had no idea how far apart these pains were as you quickly grabbed your phone and waited for the pain to subside.
Hitting the timer, you exited the bathroom and made your way back to your seat. You felt another pain hit as you quickly checked the timer.
7 minutes.
Standing on the side, you waited for the pain to pass again before ascending the stairs. At this point, you were clearly in denial that anything was happening. Surely these were only practice contractions. Your body had done them before but then again, they’d never felt quite like this.
You restarted the time as you finally sat down, trying to remain calm as you focused back on the game. A few minutes passed again before the pain started, only this time, you felt a pop, followed by a trickle of water fill your pants. You began to stand up as the pain emanated through your stomach.
“Hey Yn- YN HOLY CRAP!” You heard someone yell as Osamu came running over you to, abandoning the Onigiri in his hands to grab onto your arm and steady you.
“Samu the baby, I think the babies coming!” You whined as Osamu’s eyes widened at you, the crowd cheering as MSBY scored yet another point.
At this point, you had tears in your eyes, the pressure from the baby pushing more fluid from your body as the pain continued to radiate. You leaned hard on Samu, groaning as you tried to make it through the pain.
Osamu looked around for anyone he knew, anyone who could possibly help him get you downstairs and to the hospital. As if on cue, he looked down to see Sakusa’s eyes locked with his. He knew his best bet at this point was to try and signal to Sumu that you were in labor.
“YN’s in labor!” He mouthed as Sakusa’s eyes widened and he turned to Sumu who was in the back row. Sakusa wasn’t sure what to do as Sumu was preparing to serve yet again. He wasn’t a person to normally shout but then again, it wasn’t everyday his teammates partner was in active labor at a game.
He looked over to the coach who was now concerned about what was going on with him and why he continued to trail his eyes into the crowd. At this point, Hinata had begun to notice as well, his eyes following Sakusa’s as he saw you, bent over and holding your stomach as Osamu supported you.
“Holy crap YN’s in labor!” He shouted just as Sumu threw the ball up the serve. His eyes widened as his palm made contact with the ball.
“WHAT!?!” He bellowed, sending the ball slamming hard into the other side of the court as the whistle blew signaling the end of the set.
Atsumu quickly looked up to see Osamu helping you down the stairs as you breathed, your face contorted in pain.
“Shit Yn!” He shouted, quickly taking off into the crowd to get to you. He ran as fast as he could, dodging people left and right until he finally met you at the base of the stands.
“YN’s definitely in labor Sumu, their water broke and everything. Contractions are 7 minutes apart right now, but they are in a ton of pain,” Osamu recited as you moaned through another painful contraction, Atsumu grabbing onto your belly and helping lift it to relieve some pressure.
He hadn’t been super eager to take the birthing class suggested by your doctor, but he had to admit, the techniques were coming in handy.
“Sumu the game!” You whined as the contraction ended. Sumu shook his head vigorously before he was interrupted.
“Don’t worry about the game Yn, we will put in our sub and thanks to Sumu’s service ace, we are ahead a set,” Coach answered, coming up with Meian and Sakusa
“Just worry about having that baby Yn!” Meian chuckled as you smiled.
“Please take YN to the hospital now, do you know how unsanitary birthing a baby here would be?” Sakusa demanded as Atsumu blindly nodded and took control of you, Osamu running ahead to grab his car to help.
At the hospital, the doctor checked you before the anesthesiologist made their way to you, providing you with a moment to breathe. Osamu was waiting outside, not wanting to miss the birth of his brothers baby.
“Don’t you wanna watch the game Sumu?” You asked as your partner came beside you and grabbed your hand.
“Nah, Hinata texted me and told me we won. I’ll just watch it when we get home from the hospital. Plus, I want our baby to see how awesome I look on TV!”
You giggled, laying your head back as you rested your body. Atsumu right by your side as you entered this new stage of life together.
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angel-of-the-moons · 1 year
Hello, can you do the spider verse characters x reader with bad Anxiety also can the reader be Japanese or Korean if you don't want to do either that's fine.
I always try write in a way that the reader's race is up for personal interpretation, so you can for sure read this as Korean or Japanese if you like!
The Little Things We Know
(Headcanons for a partner with anxiety)
Spider-Men x Reader
TW/CW: None really, mentions of anxiety, comfort, fluff
A/N: Anxiety is another thing I suffer from so a lot of this is some self indulgent stuff I'd love a partner to do for me
Miguel O'Hara
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• Miguel won't admit it, but even he suffers the occasional anxiety attack from time to time. His outbursts however tend to be his anger, his violence. He has the weight of the multiverse on his shoulders, and doesn't want to push the burden to anybody else. He feels like it should be his alone to bear.
Personally that's what I think it was really about when he was so... feral with Miles. He was so freaked out, so worried about another universe collapsing on his watch when he could have prevented it... he just didn't know how to react so the adrenaline and panic took control and drove his actions. (But that's just my take)
• So when Miguel comes in and sees you curled up on the floor, hyperventilating in the middle of an attack, he's on you at mach Jesus; immediately straining his senses to listen to your heart rate, blood pressure...
• He'll always ask permission before touching you, in case physical contact might only worsen your attack.
• If you consent to his touch, he will sit cross legged on the floor next to you and pull you against him, locking his arms around you in a cocoon of safety, murmuring sweet things in your ear while you sniffle and sob.
"Ay, mi corazón. I'm here. What has you upset? Can I help?"
• Miguel O'Hara is large. He can and will use his size and weight to calm you, if you want that.
Need him to be your weighted blanket? Done. He's curled up with you on the couch or on the bed in the span of a few heartbeats, his head resting at the curve of your neck.
Need his obnoxiously large hands to massage you, to help ease the tension? He's gonna grab your favorite lotion or oil and have you sit in front of him or lie down so he can work his magic.
• Miguel never wants you to be stressed out, seeing you upset is like a dagger in between his ribs. He will do whatever is in his power to help you.
• Lights too bright? He understands it can be overstimulating and worsen your anxiety attack, he will use his watch to dim the lights, or he will draw the curtains.
• He'll even play some soothing music for you!
Peter B Parker
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• The Peter B Parker himself? Full of self doubt, even if he tries (and fails) to hide it at times. When he comes home and sees you in the kitchen, wringing your hands out in the sink as you tremble, unable to breathe, he himself starts to panic, thinking you cut yourself while cooking, or sliced your hand on some broken dish.
• After checking you over, Peter wraps his arms around you and murmurs softly on your ear, in a nice, cool tone.
"Hey, babe. It's okay. I'm here. Wanna play the naming game? C'mon, name three things you can see that are green."
• He will bring you all the snacks. All. The. Snacks. This is a man that understands your need for comfort foods.
• He'd rub your feet and ankles, if he feels you've been standing too long, humming to himself as he starts to play "This Little Piggie" with your toes, just so he can see you smile.
• The man is clingy, his love language is snuggles and kisses. He will kiss every single time you breathe too hard, or too fast for his liking; peppering your face until you break down into a fit of giggles.
Pavitr Prabhakar
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• Pavitr Prabhakar is a blubbering, frantic mess when he finds you curled up on your bed, rocking with your face in your pillow.
• He immediately makes a bound for you, at your side in an instant . If you're in tears, he automatically breaks down himself, the poor man is very very very empathetic.
Sometimes you have to come down from your own attack to stop his crying.
• Provided Pav doesn't break down, he will immediately sit behind you, massaging your shoulders and asking you what has you upset.
Some jerk on the street shoved you, said something unkind and sneered at you? Well, have no fear, the P-Man is here!
"Hey, hey, hey, lovie. I'm here for you, okay? I know! Why don't I ask my Aunty Maya if she can put some of her special chai on? C'mon! I know we have some khari left!"
• Pavitr is a bubble bath man. If you don't want to sit down and have a nice cup of chai, he will gladly run a bubble bath with your favorite soaps, and body oils and salts added into the water as he sinks into it with you, even if it's cramped, he knows you love the closeness as he gently uses his hands to massage the sweet-smelling water into your skin; some soft music from your favorite station playing on the little radio in the window nearby.
After the bath, he'll even put some of his super special "secret" hair product in your hair, making sure it's left light, fluffy, and shiny.
• Pavitr, like Peter B, is very cuddly. He will latch onto you like a koala bear baby, rubbing his cheek onto yours until you finally laugh and try to shove him away, his hands still making grabby motions at you for extra effect.
Hobie Brown
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• Hobie Brown. I've said it before, I'll say it again. He has a heart that's dipped in some gold spray paint. He'll act all tough, all badass and anti- establishment... until he comes home. Where he finds you. His one little respite in the world conspiring to keep people like the two of you down.
• Hobie spots you at your desk, hands gripping furiously at your hair as you cry softly, your legs bouncing in unison to the point your tendons and muscles ache, but he knows you can't stop it.
He slings off all his spikey, potentially aggravating punk gear, leaving a trail of it straight to you as he leans down and slips his arms around your shoulders.
"Ay luv? What's got ya in a tizzy, hm? Need my charm to ease ya back, eh?"
• Hobie has no hesitation, he can and will scoop your ass up and wrap you in a blanket burrito, order your favorite takeout, and hold your upset burrito-ness against him while he puts your favorite program on the telly, playing with your hair as he does so.
When the food gets there, he feeds you. He knows that when you get like this, sometimes you can barely function. So, he pampers you like the treasure you are.
• He will do whatever he can to make you laugh, from telling stupid jokes, asinine and unbelievable stories of what's happened in the "Spiderverse", or just stupid shit his band has gotten into, he will cover all the bases with you until he finally hears a muffled snort in the blanket tortilla he's wrapped you in.
• He will be your one-man concert, performing special previews of new songs he's working on, singing some idle lyrics, or bullshitting a love song dedicated to you like some punk serenade.
• Even if you start to feel better, and try to wriggle out of that burrito? Hobie will lay on you. He will lock his long, lanky limbs around you with that cocky smirk of his, laughing about how he's not about to let you go now, you're stuck as a burrito for the time being.
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aeinova · 1 month
featuring Nova.
trigger warnings: themes of violence.
mun note: my last time i'll make Nova suffer, i promise. she needs some light in her life. 🙂‍↕️ if anyone wants to plot around this with her, dm me!
When Nova thought of nature in late Summer, she pictured semi-orange leaves finding their way to the sticky dirt under them with a mix of a breezy but warm wind brewing amongst her features. The sun danced along her pale skin as she paced around freely, brightening up her eyes to a hue of mahogany. It was a cozy, almost fuzzy feeling to think that nature can be so serene no matter the season. This scenery played in her head repeatedly as she laid in a cold hospital bed, unconscious as various machines beeped in a sequence, all securing that she was still very much there physically. Each one did something different; a squeaky heartbeat monitor, a massive blood pressure cuff, an IV dripping a clear liquid. A bandage wrapped around her head was made neatly, being replaced every hour or so due to heavy bleeding. The room was clean enough to eat off the floor, the smell of rubbing alcohol and clean linen mixing to create the hospital atmosphere most people expected. It was the “VIP” suite of the building, private and closed off to ensure the security of the actress, who had arrived a little later in the evening.
“Chart?” The neurologist swung by in the beginning of his night shift with the quiet floor nurse who followed him closely, seeing over his schedule to be only occupied by Nova. An easy night, he thought, reviewing the pieces of crisp paper once they were in his meticulous hands. The notes scribbled on like pure chicken scratch by the ER team read the following in bold: “Female, 29, unknown if any previous condition. Concussed by blunt trauma to the back of head. Assumed to be caused by a bat. Pending investigation. Bruised in various other areas.”
“A bat, huh.” He said under his heavy breath, rolling his eyes at the paper with slight annoyance from the situation. Bat? What kind of woman was he dealing with? Scratch that — Who was this woman involved with? The neurologist went to her bedside after shoving the chart back into the nurses’s hands, leaning over Nova. Like all his emergency patients, he inspected her physical features through old, low lenses. She seemed so peaceful, simply laying in bed with no idea what’s going as he frowned. Why did someone so young and talented end up like this? He had heard the stories and the rumors... Well, who didn’t, but he kept his own words and opinions to himself as the thoughts were closed shut in his mind. This was not the time to come to theories and conclusions that were not work related, shaking his salt and pepper head. Instead, he checked out simple vitals, pulling some switches and pressing a few buttons as he started a physical test.
One up hand up, the other down. One arm up, the other down. The other arm up, the other one down. The last hand up, the last hand down. A flashlight towards closed eyelids, a clap of the hands to see any reaction to sound, and a final squeeze to her feet. “Eyelids seem active, but she’s cold to the touch. Keep her warm, and on fluids. We’ll send an immediate MRI. Any family I can contact?” The words flew out quickly, jabbing the nurse as she responded in the same manner. “Sister is in Hong Kong and not responding. Parents are flying over but won’t be here until Saturday. We have another person listed but..” Through large worried eyes, the nurse grabbed the doctor’s arm, leaning in as she whispered. “He’s the accused in this.”
The doctor’s expression never changed, turning towards the door. The hallway only had an elevator at the end of it, the sleeping security guard placed in his station and the empty nurses’ desk adjacent from it. “Well, get someone to be here for her. Not sure what the outcome might be but..” A lingering sentence wasn’t particularly unfamiliar from this man at all. He stuffed his hands inside his white coat pockets, stepping down in the direction of the elevator.
Late summer, semi-orange leaves, a warm breeze with brown, hopeful eyes. She kicked a little gray rock, watching it skip over a low river. To achieve peace didn’t seem too far away now, turning to see a gazing doe watching her actions. “And who are you?” Nova voiced, as if the animal can talk back. It froze in place when she spoke, closing in slowly to place a petite hand between its furry ears. “Are you lost?” The doe simply glanced up at her, nodding its head as it broke away from the girls’ hand instantly, looking back at the trail before them. Was it telling her to follow the trail? A wet nose pressed against the back of Nova’s hand as if it read her mind, almost in urgency as the animal shoved her onto the cobblestone path now, stomping with a hoof as if it achieved something. Maybe it was trying to show her something important, trusting her gut and walking down the path slowly.
A finger twitched, the heartbeat machine heightened for a moment as Nova’s breath became leveled compared to the shallow rhythm she had, the nurse rushing right over when the multiple noises started their orchestra. The older woman reached over to the sleek phone connected to the wall, dialing a few buttons as it connected to the neurologist in a matter of seconds. “She’s moving.”
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horizon-verizon · 2 years
The amount of Aemond x oc I've found ( which is basically self-insert) is so funny... Like really what is so special about this character? A bullied incel ? We have seen thousands of these characters, Mommy's boy? Also we have seen thousands of these characters, Anime Villain? We have them in every anime...
Literally there is nothing deep or complex about his character, he is made of tired troops without any subversion or nuance . He has a hot actor playing him and this is what get so many people dickriding his character and claiming that he is and will always be a victim. People just need someone that will wet their pants so they will start excusing the actions of a character that embodies rotten ideologies that oppressed women for so long.
Oh ... Poor Mewmond..
We can have many “mommy’s boy”, “bullied incel”, “anime villain” characters, I think, and still have a good story, have them act out heir roles sufficiently, etc. 
Problem with Aemond having his popularity is that people try to separate HotD from Fire and Blood/ASoIaF...
...and then argue for its legitimacy, how the original bones of the story doesn’t matter because apparently HotD’s story is “better”. And because it is “better”, it is then the only “real” story of the Dance. 
But then some/many argue that it does stay faithful or faithful “enough” that we don’t need to argue for how it doesn’t make sense in many ways. 
As if HotD’s world, rules, and entire social systems and structures (you know...those things that set up, define, and create the pressures/obstacles for characters and present stakes to us, ultimately characterizing the meaning and urgency of the entire story and its arcs).
The writers let Aemond off the ethical hook because they don’t really wan tto understand how a boy could be as selfishly entitled, classist, blood purist, and misogynist from the age of 10 and grow up a worse man and that be it. (Yes, even younger children can be misogynist, racist, etc. Ideologies don’t just mushroom at age 18.) And because they don’t believe or understand this, they think that Aemond is this helpless little thing who’s only trying to prove himself, instead of a loveless, violent maniac (his canon self). 
The male writers especially don’t want to really think or believe or be confronted with such a phenomenon, because -- and I am musing after my read of xenonwitch’s reblog HERE --  they’d have to reflect and maybe admit to some behaviors they performed in their youth, or things they said or let happen. 
With Aemond (and all the greens except Otto and Helaena), we’re encouraged to empathize more with him than we are with Baela, Rhaena, Jacaerys, etc. and the Kids Are Cruel trope centers him rather than, say, the actual vulnerable: the V boys (rumors of bastardry) and the girls of a man continuously exiled who just arrived seemingly for the first time in their lives. We spend more time with Aemond then we should, time/development spent usually on the protagonists....which is Rhaenyra, the blacks, and their children.
The whole story line of Aemond getting bullied (which is not at all canon) and then risking his life to claim Vhagar by daring to go out and claim her on his own at night (without the show focusing on how he’s doing this while the girls’ mother was just buried and how canon him would have hated them just for being on Rhaenyra-Daemon’s side). We’re encouraged to see him, then, claiming Vhagar as a very good thing when really it foreshadows the violence that will occur later one. All that power in a perosn who is supposed to be evil and abusive....that scenes actually should have been designed to make us feel dread, not hope, pride, etc. And like with Alicent, from being a boy with no dragon and losing his eye in an “unfair” moment after finally taking a dragon (after he was supposedly bullied and suffering character/“underdog”) we’re lead to feel more for him than the younger boy who would have had a grown woman cut out his eye. But since he becomes a sort of “momma’s boy” (again, not canon) he also becomes her protector, a role that Daemon fulfills for Rhaenyra. Which, with no scenes to show how their relationship developed due to jump cuts, uncomfortably compounds the feeling that Alicent and Aemond are too close.
Nice moniker for him, btw.
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xxsovereignsarayaxx · 2 years
New Series: Video Game Locations That Raise My Blood-Pressure.
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I have a love hate relationship with horror title video games. I find the backstory and lore absolutely fascinating however I’m the biggest chicken shit you’ll ever meet. So for your entertainment I present to you. “Video Game Locations That Raise My Blood-Pressure.” *Title Pending* 
Now to start of this list is a game I recently revisited, was I playing absolutely not! I let the pleasure of this ‘enjoyable’ experience to my significant other. (He’s a good egg.) 
Alien Isolation -  The Sevastopol
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Well, what can I say? The description for this delight says it’s a survival horror game. More like let’s see how high your blood pressure can go simulator. You as the protagonist Amanda Ripley, board the Sevastopol set out to find the flight recorder from the Nostromo. (So she can find mummy dearest.) But as soon as you’re on board things don’t seem to go to plan… The place is decommissioned and deserted, the remaining human population seem to only look out for themselves or waive their gun and aimlessly shot at people they don’t know. Personally I’ve never played this because I already suffer from high blood pressure and I don’t need it going any higher. However I watched my partner play this and my god I could feel my blood pressure spiking. Not only is this place creepy as hell. But to make matters worse you have the delightful Xenomorph stalking you ever moment you get. I’m glad we don’t have a Xbox Kinect because I later found out that if we did, any noise made would attract the Alien and we would be treated to a wonderful array of different death animations. But Sovereign I hear you say. What about the Synthetics? Those glowy eyed motherfuckers can go to hell alongside the Xenomorph. “You are becoming hysterical.” Am I bollocks! All you seem to do is scare the living daylights out of me and make me decide that crouching is going to be my new favourite past-time activity… Moving on! 
Resident Evil Biohazard - The Baker House 
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Now this one I am proud to say I am fully qualified to judge this as played a grand total of 10 minutes in VR might I add! So we play as Ethan Winters he gets a suspicious video email from presumed missing wife Mia. I mean come on man, she’s been missing for 3 years move on for Christ sake. But no gullible Ethan goes to said location. Another run down house with an unkempt garden. Gates are locked, any normal person would accept there loses and can’t get any further best thing to do, do a u turn out of there. But remember folks this is a video so what do? Trespass and carry on going into this swamp infested hell-hole. But what’s that in the distance? A creepy-ass figure just having a mooch along, do we call out to them, apologise for being on their land or ask for their help? Nah… After rummaging through an out-house we see a hand bag. Plot twist it’s got Mia’s driving license. Now if it were me I’d call the police. But alas we continue. After getting knocked out but the man of the house. Experiencing the dinner party from hell. Finding Mia and trying to es-cape out of there. I’m thinking this bitch has developed problems over the past 3 years, but I hear you say people can change. Not to the fucking point where she takes multiple bullets to the face and attacks us with a frickin chainsaw and we lose our hand. But in video game logic we staple the fucker back on. In my mind, Ethan divorce this bitch and move on with your life you could do so much better! Oh also Jack Baker has no regard for any structural integrity. Next!
Mount Massive Asylum - Outlast
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I mean come on what was I thinking when I bought this one at the young naïve age of 17? Ok Red Barrels what on earth where you thinking ok? Survival Horror Game? More like have your pants yanked down having a stiffy shoved up your arse at every beck and call. Miles Upshaw bless his poor soul tasked to investigate the Murkoff Corporation. He gets his camcorder and wanders in the courtyard. Seeing a shadow he scribbles down something in this notebook. Scribble in your notebook? Mate I’d throw it to the ground and leg it out of there. But no this dumb-ass does a bit of parkour and hops in through a window. Again with the trespassing. Must be a thing. Tensions arise as the lights go out, so night-vison mode activated on the camcorder. Continuing to wander aimlessly through this nightmare, squeezing pass furniture. When I attempted to play as soon as I saw the brain-dead patients staring at static I knew I was in for 6 months of sleepless nights. Creeping past these lot, you press on, opening doors having a Charles Xavier wannabe leap out of his wheelchair utters pure nonsense. Being tempted to slap this bitch a few times but instead you just yeet this guy like he’s nothing. But two events that take the biscuit, the poor soul ready for a spit-roasting as his is impaled on a pole. Oh and being thrown of a balcony pretty sure through a window if memory serves me right, and passing out and having the pedo-looking priest saying I’ve been sent by God and that I’m an apostle. Outlast I think not.  
Stay Tuned For More!
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looooooooomis · 3 years
F I N A L  G I R L |  S E V E N
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You were his final girl. And there was no chance in hell that anyone or anything was going to mess that up.
p a r t   s e v e n |  b l o o d
masterlist here
pairing: Billy Loomis x f!reader word count: 6k warnings: s m u t (18 +!!!!!) lets just say this gif is a teaser as to what takes place in this chapter. major blood kink in this chapter. period play?? lmao sorry about it.
There was a shift after that weekend at Billy’s cabin, and you knew he felt it too.
It was never really that casual between you and Billy, that much you knew, but there was something that changed when the two of you got back to Woodsboro. There was something to be said about being able to openly show affection to the person you loved, to hold them and kiss them in public and you’d gotten that treatment in that little lakeside town. You felt like Billy’s actual girlfriend, not his plaything, not the bitch who was backstabbing her own best friend for a fucking boy, you were it.
And while Billy had always said that you were his girl, you hadn’t truly felt like you were until now.
Which was precisely what made tonight so fucking awkward.
Not only had you been coerced into going to the movies with the gang but, unbeknownst to you, Sid had taken it upon herself to fix you up on a blind date with one of Randy’s annoying friends from the video store.
Why had you agreed to this? You were a cold, calculating bitch behind the scenes when it came to fucking your best friend boyfriend and yet saying ‘no thanks, I’m not up for it tonight’ was beyond you? Were you just plain stupid or a closet masochist that thrived on dicey situations?
Either way, you’d never wanted to throw yourself into oncoming traffic more than you did tonight because not only were you trapped into an uncomfortable blind date with a guy you were fairly sure was frothing at the mouth at the idea of getting you alone in the car after all of this was said and done but you just so happened to be seated directly next to Billy.
You were smack dab in the middle of hell. Between a man you were fucking, a man you were disgustingly in love with and had just spent a weekend away with and a man you’d just met today but couldn’t stop playing handsy on your lap whenever he thought the others weren’t looking.
But Billy was always looking.
You knew that better than anyone. He had this innate sense of finding you in a crowded room. You could feel the weight of his brown eyes on you nearly every second of the day, soaking you up, taking every inch of you in, no matter who was around and tonight, as your ‘date’ smacked on his popcorn all the while feeling your thigh up any chance he could, Billy’s dept stare was tuned in and you knew it.
This had to have been karma. Karma for going away and having a beautiful weekend away with the guy you loved so wholly. The one whose girlfriend was on the other side of him with her pretty head on his stupid shoulder as you suffered in silence at just how fucking laughable this entire situation was.
“See that actress?” Your date, Anthony, whispered into your hear. He smelled like movie theatre butter. You wanted to scream. “Have you seen any of her other stuff?”
You were watching The Crucible and the actress in question was Winona Ryder. Everyone and their left nut had seen Winona Ryder in at least a dozen movies. Frowning, you blinked across at the man and blinked. “Yeah. I’m familiar with her work.”
Focusing ahead on the movie, you tried your damnedest to focus on what was going on but when you felt his slithery palm slide up your thigh, you were this close to pouring your Coke on his lap. Why the fuck had you agreed to this?
Pushing the man’s hand away as subtly as you could to avoid any unwanted attention from your friends, you bit down on the side of your mouth and heaved a quiet sigh. You deserved this. This was your punishment.
“She’s hot.” Your lovely date quipped, squeezing the area of your thigh just above your knee. “In that goth-girl next door kind of way.”
Was he getting off to Winona Ryder all the while coming on to you? Was he picturing Winona as he squeezed your thigh? You truly didn’t want to find out. Once again, you pushed his hand away and, this time, crossed your legs and leaned into the arm rest you were sharing with Billy.
The move was subtle, and you were barely even touching Billy but you needed to create a distance between yourself and Butter Fingers if it was the last thing you did.
With a subtle nudge to your arm, Billy’s eyes flickered towards you as his brows furrowed in question. The muscle in his jaw was pulsing in his cheek, that you could see even in the darkness of the movie theatre, and there was murder in his eyes as he sized up the man just over your shoulder. It was as though you could feel his blood pressure spike just looking at the guy and, as you held your breath, silently pleading with him not to make a scene that would undoubtedly give the two of you up, those brown eyes slowly found yours.
There was anger in his eyes, a palpable rage, but it was the look of pure despondency in his stare that made your own heart break. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. He wasn’t supposed to be holding hands with Sid and you weren’t meant to be dealing with the idiot to your right.
How it felt up at the cabin, the freedom of loving each other and holding each other and kissing each other in broad daylight was how it was supposed to be. How love was supposed to feel.
Not this.
You were both hiding in plain sight. Putting on a façade to your friends, to each other whilst in public, and it was in that moment, in the middle of a crowded theatre, looking at each other knowing there wasn’t a damn thing either of you could do about it, that you felt that pain so intensely that it was hard to breathe.
Tears burned behind your eyes and you hated yourself for it.
You weren’t going to cry. You refused to cry over a situation you were willingly putting yourself in. This entire thing could have been avoided had you had a stronger backbone here. You weren’t the victim in this scenario. That was Sid. Sid was the one completely getting fucked over in this situation, not you. You had no damn right to feel this shitty because you were doing it to yourself.
This was just the high of the weekend wearing off and reality settling in. Until circumstances changed, this was your norm.
Swallowing back your nerves, it was all you could do to give Billy a small, barely-there smile before focusing ahead on the movie.
“I’m going to grab us another Coke,” you heard Billy say to Sidney. “Anyone want anything?”
“More popcorn,” Stu waggled his empty bag. “Maybe some Milk Duds, man.”
“Candy.” Tatum mumbled, not taking her eyes off of the screen. “Surprise me, I don’t care what kind.”
Billy nodded and took Stu’s money before he gently nudged you. “You want anything?”
You opened your mouth to speak but was cut off but Anthony. “You mind keeping it down, buddy?” He popped another handful of popcorn in his mouth. “We’re at the movies, not here for snacks.”
It was as though Billy’s wrath was physical as his dark eyes scraped over Anthony’s face. His mouth was pulled into a thin, hard line as Anthony’s pompousness sank in. Why couldn’t it be Randy beside you? Why had that dipshit agreed to take this asshole’s shift in order for you to go on a blind date with him? This entire fiasco could have been avoided had it been Randy.
“Yeah, I could use a drink.” You slinked out of your seat. “I’ll help you carry everything back.”
You didn’t wait for Billy as you marched down the aisle but, as you walked down the stairs and out of the theatre, you weren’t at all surprised to see him broody and annoyed as he followed you out.
“If anyone should be looking like that, it’s me,” you groused, falling in to step beside him as you made your way to the snack bar. “I’m stuck on a date with that asshole.”
“Don’t get me started on that,” he grumbled, grabbing his wallet out of his back pocket. “I told Sid to leave well enough alone, but she insisted.”
You hummed and lined up at the concession. “Lucky me.”
Again, you felt his stare before you actually lulled your head to the side to face him. Intense, searching eyes sweeping over your features in both concern and possible envy. “One word,” he muttered, stepping closer towards you. Too close. Not because you didn’t want him that close but because you were in public. Sid and Tatum and Stu and fucking Anthony were a stone’s throw away. “One word from you, baby, and I’ll take you home. Fuck that guy.”
You glowered across at him as though he’d grown a second head. “While I appreciate the sentiment, shit for brains, we’re in public right now. Your girlfriend could walk out any second and see or hear you.”
He seemed to mull over your words for a second but didn’t bother moving away from you. “Maybe I don’t care.”
“You do,” you rhymed off, shuffling closer to the front of the snack bar.
He ignored that. “Also, you’re my girlfriend. Stop calling her that.”
This was not a conversation the two of you should have been having in the middle of a fucking movie theatre. Looking across at him, you raised your brows and blew out a puff of air through your lips. Trying to keep up with Billy’s rationale of staying with Sid to ensure he doesn’t hurt her any further after her mother’s death all the while being with you was giving you whiplash. You knew he loved you and, begrudgingly, you loved him right back. And, a part of you knew, that he was struggling with being back in the real world just as much as you were since coming home from the cabin.
But this was not how he should have been handling it. Not out in the open like this. Especially while you were on a triple date with your friends in a theatre down the hall.
“Billy,” you muttered quietly, ensuring no one was listening in, “please let’s talk about this later. Not here. Not now. Let’s just get the fucking concessions and go, okay?”
He licked his lips and you watched his brown eyes flitter down your face before briefly looking at your own lips. He wanted to kiss you and fuck, did you want to be kissed by him.
But that wasn’t the deal.
So, instead, you watched as he took a hesitant step away from you before nodding his head once. “Yeah, okay,” he agreed, rubbing the back of his neck as he looked down at his shoes. “Tonight.”
“Sure,” you smirked, “I mean, if I’m not with Anthony, that is.” You almost laughed at how wide his eyes got as you uttered those words. But, when he saw the playfulness in your stare, he visibly relaxed and rolled his eyes as you continued. “The way he’s been mowing down on his popcorn all night has me wet as hell, so I might be busy with him later.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he grumbled with a shake of his head. Then, he turned to you and gave you a crooked smile. One that almost made this horrific ordeal worth it. “You’re a real bitch when you want to be, you know that?”
“Yeah,” you laughed, nudging him with your elbow. “I’ve been told.”
True to his word, Billy slipped in through your unlocked window a little after midnight that evening with a bag of stale licorice and a drink he’d swiped from the gas station on the way over to your house.
“We didn’t get our movie date.” Was his explanation as he popped The Lost Boys into your VCR and all but hopped in bed beside you. When you’d remained standing by your dresser, eyeing him with both curiosity and sheer happiness radiating off of your face, all you got was a confused look out of Billy before he patted your mattress. “You going to get that ass over here or what?”
So, naturally, you’d joined him.
And it took all of thirty-two minutes of watching the film for the two of you to end up pawing at one another as the tension of the day slowly peeled off of you with every layer of clothing the two of you tore off one another.
In no time, you were both stark naked on your bed as The Lost Boys played on without an audience. All Billy cared about watching was you. Watching you writhe and moan. He could watch you do just about anything, but it was that dreamy look you got on your face whenever he touched you that he had imprinted into his skull. It didn’t even have to be sexual. You just had a certain look whenever the two of you connected, one that he felt but managed to keep stowed away inside of him, but one you expressed. It was happiness.
Pure, unadulterated, bliss.
He knew you. Knew your body in and out, knew how to get you to come undone, knew what made you tick, what made you squirm.
You were muscle memory to him, at this point.
He knew you better than he knew himself.
Which is why, when you subtly stopped him from slipping his fingers inside of you, that Billy’s focus went to your ass. The only time you pushed his hand away after he’d spent minutes sucking and biting and focusing on those perfect tits, was when you were on your period.
So, he didn’t push it.
The two of you had fucked a few times whilst you were on it but you were deadest on limiting that to the lighter days. The very beginning or the end. Never in the middle. But god, did he want to experience the middle days.
You were so fucking horny when you were on your period and why you thought he’d give a shit about how much blood came out of you as the two of you fucked was beyond him.
So, he’d focus on your ass. Something that drove you to the brink of insanity and something that made him harder than anything.
But tonight, it wasn’t enough.
He needed all of you.
Ever since the cabin, he’d needed more of you in his life. It had become nearly impossible for him to show any iota of affection for Sid now that he’d had a taste of what life felt like with you at his side. You were his Final Girl. His everything, if he was being completely honest. And, while he knew he couldn’t open himself up to you to that extent, not yet, he needed you to feel that raging darkness inside of him. Not too much of it, but just enough to gauge your reaction.
If you could handle a shred of it, maybe he could share more of himself with you.
The darker parts.
His hands stilled as they trailed down your body and, as he hovered over you, he bit his lip and slowly drew tiny circles into your hips. “You’re on your period, right?”
You nodded, your lips swollen from the amount of kissing having gone on since popping the movie in. “Yeah, but it’s not a light day.”
He nodded in understanding as he bit his lip. “You think we could try it, anyway?”
Your eyebrows raised in mild amusement. “By not a light day, I mean its kind of heavy, Billy. It’d look like a crime scene in here.”
Billy made sure to keep his face stoic, but the idea of the two of you fucking whilst covered in blood was nearly enough to make him come on the spot.
“Aren’t you curious?” He asked, dipping his head down to lick your painfully hard nipple. “It’s got to feel so fucking good, right?”
You ran your fingers through his hair and sighed in contentment when he began to suck your tit again. “It’s messy, though.”
“Lucky for you,” he released your nipple and kissed the sensitive flesh of your breast. “I like messy.”
Your head flopped back against the pillow as you thought over his request. I did feel good, but did you want Billy to have to witness you cleaning up a fucking homicide scene once he was through with you?
Blowing out a quiet raspberry, you eyed him with mock suspicion before he gave you those goddamn puppy dog eyes. “Ugh,” you groaned with a laugh, “fine. Let me take this fucking tampon out and I’ll grab a towel to put underneath me because it is heavy, and you will be grossed out.”
Billy’s cock twitched as he watched you roll out of bed before disappearing in the bathroom. Within a few moments, he heard the toilet flush and the sink run before you re-emerged with a towel in hand.
He could watch you parade around like that all day. Naked, eyes hooded from desire, nipples and lips red from where his mouth had staked its claim.
You were perfect.
A vision.
You were fucking everything.
“I’ve been wanting to try this with you for a while.” He admitted, watching you carefully roll the towel onto the bed before perching your ass directly on top of it so as to avoid any potential leakage onto your sheets.
“I wish I could say I was shocked.” You teased, laying back down. Spreading your legs, he watched you slip a finger through your folds to tease your clit.  
He swallowed as he watched you finger yourself. But then your words sank in and a panic settled in his chest as he swept his eyes up your body to meet your amused stare. “What’s that mean?”
You shrugged so casually as you continued the tirade on your own pussy. “All the scary movies we watch and stuff. You get hard as a rock if there’s a scene with a pretty girl and some blood.”
Billy froze. This was only supposed to be a peek inside of his darkness, not a full-blown window. But you didn’t seem all too fazed by it either, which confused him endlessly.
Rather than deny it, Billy hesitantly reached for your cunt to replace your fingers with his own. He didn’t delve inside of your pussy just yet, just circled your clit the way you’d been doing seconds prior. “And that doesn’t bother you?” He whispered, placing a kiss to the side of your neck.
“Nah,” you hummed, “we’ve all got our kinks, I guess.”
You released a quiet moan as he pinched your clit, but his eyes never left your face. He knew you were talking about blood in respect to the movies, but your casual tone still caught him off guard. There was no shame in it, no doubt. Just an honest to god shrug as he circled your clit with his middle finger.
Testing the waters, Billy slipped his fingers down your pussy so that his thumb coaxed your clit as he slipped two fingers inside of you. At first, it simply felt like you were soaked on account of all of the teasing and, maybe you were, but as he glanced down at the base of his fingers as he pulled them out of you, Billy nearly moaned.
Your blood.
All over his fingers, pooling along the top of his palm.
Billy was fascinated. This wasn’t the first time he’d felt blood between his fingers, but not like this. When he’d killed Maureen Prescott, there was so much fucking blood that he’d been sick afterwards. He hadn’t expected that level of destruction but, after puking a few blocks away, he didn’t exactly shy away from it. He thought about it often, thought of the carnage that had surrounded him once he’d finished with Sidney’s mother, thought of the way the blood felt between his fingers, splayed and smattered across every inch of his body.
But this was euphoric.
Because he didn’t have to hurt anybody to feel that warmth on his palm. In fact, as he slowly slipped his fingers inside of your hot cunt, he was doing anything but. You were gyrating into his hand, unknowingly spreading your blood further and it was killing him. He was so fucking hard, too fucking hard, but he didn’t want to rush a damned thing.
He’d thought about this far too often for it to be over so soon.
“Fuck,” he whispered, slipping his hand out of your pussy just long enough to slowly spread your blood down your inner thigh. It left a fine red trail that he had every intention of lapping up in a few seconds if you were to allow it. “You feel so good, baby.”
He’d half expected you to make a comment about making a bigger mess than what your piddly little towel would allow but, as he slowly found your hooded eyes through the dim light of your bedroom, only hunger marred your pretty face.
Leaning in, Billy placed a small kiss to the apple of your cheek as his fingers continued to fuck you. “Does this feel good?”
“So good,” you rasped out, leaning your forehead against his as you bit your lip to swallow back a moan. Between your arousal and the blood, the natural lubrication that coated your pussy as he slowly pumped his fingers inside of you all the while rubbing your clit was killing you. “So fucking good, Billy.”
He smirked and quickened his pace on your clit just enough to drive you to madness as he bit down on your earlobe. His breath was hot against your cheek. “I want to taste you tonight.”
Though the promise of his tongue replacing his thumb enticed you, the fact that you were on day two and a half of your period was not a good plan. So why were you intrigued? A part of you wanted to see if he’d put his money where his mouth was but a much larger part of you wanted to see how feral Billy could get where you were concerned.
Torn, you pulled back and searched his eyes. “It’s going to be…messy, Billy.”
His dark chuckle was velvet against your skin. “I already told you,” he curled his fingers inside of you and admired the way your entire body twitched. “I like messy.”
He began to kiss his way down your body. You tried not to get lost in the feeling of his tongue swirling across every inch of your skin on his way down or the way his teeth nipped and bit at your stomach and hips as he positioned himself between your thighs. But mainly, you tried not to focus on how fucking bloody it was between your thighs because you knew that Billy wouldn’t be down there long on account of it.
“You don’t have to do this tonight, Billy,” you tried to reason, chest heaving in anticipation as he settled between your legs.
Something flashed across his face as he held your stare. For a second, you were almost sure he was going to back out and leave well enough alone, but then you watched as the bastard leaned into your pussy and raked his tongue from the base of your pussy right up to your bloodied mound.
He held your stare the entire time.
“I want you like this,” he assured you, yanking you further down the bed so that you were right at the edge. His voice was hoarse and breathy and as you chanced a look down at him through a pair of hooded, drowsy eyes, you watched him pump his cock with his free hand as he licked his lips. “I love you like this.”
You opened your mouth to respond but the words died in your throat when he buried his face between your thighs. You gasped at the contact but didn’t shy away from his touch for a single second as he slowly lapped at your core. With the one hand still gripping your hips, holding you firmly against his tongue, you knew there would be bruises where his fingers carved into your flesh, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. He was desperate to get you closer into his face and you were desperate to feel that perfect fucking tongue on your pussy.
It was as though he’d been possessed in those few moments. Billy couldn’t get enough of you on a good day but tasting you like this was enough to make Billy wild. Your pussy, the blood mixed with your slick, tasted so fucking good on his tongue. Burying his face further into your folds, he nuzzled at your clit and, now forgetting about his own pulsing cock, pulled you even closer.
Throwing your legs over his shoulders, Billy moaned into your pussy and bit down on your clit just enough to entice a moan that was probably a little too loud for your parents being home. But, he didn’t care. He refused to care in that instance.
All he wanted, all he cared about, was tasting as much of you as humanly possible before making you come on his tongue.
His name tore out of your throat as you gripped his hair between your fingers and pulled. You were being rougher than normal, and he fucking loved it. You were pulling on his hair and bucking into his mouth with such hunger that he could barely breathe but fuck he didn’t care. If this was how he was taken out, so be it.
“Baby,” you whined, voice low. “Fuck, I’m going to come.”
Your grip on his hair was vice-like as the veins in your neck swelled. With wild, laboured breaths, you found yourself bucking into his mouth as a white-hot orgasm rippled through your entire body. You moaned and groaned and cursed into the bed, but Billy’s mouth was relentless.
It wasn’t until he was absolutely sure you couldn’t take another second of torture, that he pulled away and allowed you to collapse back onto the bed. Your cheeks were flushed, and your lips were parted as you attempted to catch your breath. With a quiet chuckle, he kissed his way up your body, grinning against your skin as your legs continued to twitch.
He could feel your blood all over his chin and nose and as he licked it off, using his fingers to swipe at the areas his tongue couldn’t quite reach, Billy was coasting on a high that only you could provide.
“Oh, god,” you buried your face into the pillow with a quiet laugh as you moved to get off the bed. “Hang on, I’ll grab you a towel for your face.”
“No,” Billy shook his head and grabbed for your wrist. “I want to see it.”
You blinked and scraped your eyes along his bloodied face. Your nipples were still rock hard and your cunt was still pulsing on account of his tongue, but it was the look of pure ecstasy on his face that made you clench.
He was being serious.
“Come with me,” he hummed, slipping off of the bed to head towards the small bathroom attached to your room. His fingers threaded through yours as you both walked across your bedroom before flicking the light on.
The vision that he was met with made his cock twitch.
Your blood coated almost everything from his nose down his chin and as you stood beside him, looking at him through the mirror, still fully naked and still housing bloody handprints left behind from his busy hands coating the lower half of your body, Billy had never wanted to bury himself inside of you any more than he did right then and there.
He found your curious stare through the mirror. Your pretty eyes swept over the mess of blood left behind on account of you and as you turned to face him, he found himself hypnotized as you reached out to sweep his hair back and away from his forehead.
“Blood suits you,” you teased with a small smile. “Horrifically enough.”
He said nothing as those brown eyes soaked you in but as he stepped into you, cornering you against the sink counter, the look on his face said everything. He didn’t kiss you though. He seemed to hesitate, as though gauging if you’d kiss him whilst covered in your own menstrual blood. “Is this okay?”
“I don’t know.” You admitted almost sheepishly.
He nuzzled your neck and slipped his knee between your thighs to allow himself better access to your pussy. With his hand wrapped securely around his cock, he slipped the head of his dick along your folds and swallowed hard as he watched your blood coat the head of it. “Fuck,” he whispered as his forehead fell against your own. “You’re going to make me come before I’m even inside of you.”
You were watching his face as he once again slipped the head of his cock through your folds so it teased your clit. His eyes were so dark and there was so much desire in those warm eyes that it almost caught you off guard.
“You’re really into this,” you remarked quietly. When his eyes found yours, you could see blind panic cross over his face as he instinctually took a step away from you. You stopped him before he could think of stopping himself. “Hey,” you cooed, reaching out for his face. “I didn’t say it was a bad thing, relax.”
You felt the tension in his shoulders disperse as you played with the curls at the nape of his neck. “You’re too good for me,” he muttered, cradling your face. “You know that?”
“Oh, yeah,” you goaded with a smile. “I know.”
He barked out a quiet laugh and ground his hips into yours. “A smartass, too.”
You hummed as his hands slid down your body to hold you against the counter. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Anything.” Billy nipped at your neck.
You leaned back to allow him full access to your neck. “How did I taste?” Your words seemed to make him still as he slowly pulled back to search your eyes. “With the blood. How did it taste?”
The look on Billy’s face was primal as his grip on your hips tightened. Leaning in, he nudged your nose so that your lips were perfectly aligned with his. “Kiss me and find out.”
You weren’t sure at first, but as he closed the distance between you, you found yourself leaning into the kiss both curious and slightly mortified by the taste of your blood on his lips. It was strange and you weren’t sure if you liked it at first, if you were being honest. It was coppery and a little sticky and yet as he walked the two of you out of the bathroom and back towards your bed, you found yourself hungry for more.
With your fingers tangled through his hair you gave it a tug, garnering a low growl that rumbled in his throat as he continued on with the bruising kiss. When the back of his knees hit your bed, the two of you fell into a jumbled mess on your mattress, never once breaking for air as your tongues battled for dominance.
Expertly, knowing the way your body moved better than anyone, Billy moved you in such a way that he was sitting up in the middle of your bed as you straddled his lap. And as you lowered yourself onto his pulsing cock, the gruff low moan that tore out of his lips was enough to kill you.
His large hands splayed out across your back, guiding you further into his hungry mouth as your bleeding cunt teased him beyond belief. You were so wet and with every twist of your hips and every gentle moan, he was finding it harder and harder to concentrate on anything else besides just how fucking good you felt.
Digging your nails into his shoulders, blood slowly pooled in the wake of your crescent moon shaped nail markings. He hissed at the sensation and squeezed your tits rather roughly as he tried to stop himself from coming right then and there.
But then you lowered your lips onto his shoulders and he felt your hot tongue trace over every last cut and he almost lost it. There you were, with dried blood all over your chin and parts of your cheeks from having kissed him after going down on you, licking the blood that gathered along his shoulders.
He was in a state of euphoria.
“You are so fucking gorgeous.” He pushed out, revelling in the feel of how warm and wet your pussy felt.
Rather than say a word, all you did was bite down on the reddened area of his shoulder as you quickened your pace on his dick.
Drawing more blood.
Licking up more of his blood.
Something in him snapped to life in that instance. An almost ancient need bubbled to the surface as he held you there against him. Your tits bounced as you writhed on top of him and as he began to meet you halfway with violent, earth shattering thrusts, the outside world ceased to exist.
The sound of his balls hitting your sopping pussy combined with the sound of your wetness, both slick and blood, squelching all around the two of you was all that surrounded you as you whined out his name. You could barely breathe as he pounded into you, barely function.
“Billy, fuck, I—”
His mouth buried your words with another hungry kiss. You were both breathless and desperate to be as close to the other as humanly possible as you sat on your bed, fucking each other raw. His tongue slid along your bottom lip, gently tugging at it as his forehead fell against your own.
There was a shift after the cabin that you’d both felt inside of you, but there was a shift in the air tonight, as well. An unspoken trust, of sorts, that went beyond anything the two of you were prepared for.  
His hips bucked into yours one final time before he came undone inside of you. A flood of warmth settled in your belly as he came and as his thumb continued to circle your clit, rubbing and pinching at it every step of the way, you soon followed suit.
With one last shaky pump, Billy held you there as he slowly pulled out of you. He kissed your lips, your cheek, down your neck, and along your shoulder before his eyes found yours once again.
His thumb skirted across the apple of your cheek. “You’re my girl,” he whispered, revelling in just how fucking gorgeous you looked in that instance. “You know that?”
“I do,” you affirmed, kissing him softly. “You’re helping me clean my fucking bedsheets in the morning,” you muttered, “do you know that?”
Despite everything, Billy found himself smiling across at you before glancing down at the bloody mess of your sheets. “Yeah,” he chuckled, “I do.”
“Good,” you gently smacked his cheek and crawled off of your bed towards the bathroom.
“Where you going?” He asked, watching your naked body pad out of the room.
“Shower,” you merely said before popping your head around the corner. “Care to join me?”
Billy was at your side within the blink of an eye.
hehehehehehehe let me know if yall like it 
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love-toxin · 3 years
plagas; leon.
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a/n: in the midst of some writer’s block i stumbled upon an old concept i never finished. enjoy some good ol’ plaga leon <3
warnings: parasitic possession, yandere leon, female reader, violence, blood, groping, leon’s teasing is just straight up bullying, pet names, almost noncon, slight boot kink, chasing. 
word count: 1.9k
The sun had set on your terrifying journey, and cast a shadow over the room you'd found yourself trapped inside. Not by locks this time, or villagers, or Saddler himself...but by the person you had trusted throughout this entire nightmare. The man that had saved your life stood between you and your only way out, and even then, you doubted that you'd be able to escape if you managed to slip past him. The road home was so long and the stifling, smothering Spanish heat had made way for a chilling cold that breezed through your body in the night and froze you to your spot.
And Leon was gone. His mind and body had succumbed to the disease he'd been injected with, the parasite that he'd protected you from...but instead of saving you, now all you felt was panic, fear, and dread when you looked into his eyes. 
“You can’t suck the poison out of this wound, sweetheart...but I won’t stop you if you wanna give it a try.” 
Leon took slow steps around you, his footsteps echoing in the marble hall of the castle as he eyed you up like you were his prey, while his fingers spasmed and twitched at his sides, like they were itching to either grab you or wrap themselves tightly around your throat. So much had happened since he'd rescued you from the farmhouse, and reassured you with infectious confidence that everything would be okay. It felt like a lifetime that you'd known him, even if in reality you'd only spent less than a day together--but running and hiding and waiting for Leon to dispatch any threats made the hours seem so long and torturous. You prayed for his safety at every turn, and felt terror grip your heart as you waited for him to come back and retrieve you from hiding…
And now you were here.
"Saddler wants me to kill you, you're not worth the hassle to him. But to me...you're my treasure. Mine." 
The way that word rolled off his tongue sounded like an echo in your brain. He said it once before, and it stuck with you awhile--but hearing him say it now was like having it permanently seared into your head. 
It wasn’t a secret anymore. You’d fallen in love with Leon, as so many had before. You fell for his confidence, his strength, his effortless teasing and sincere concern for your safety, and maybe it was all just backed by your appreciation for him saving your life and playing the hero so well. But even if it was temporary, you were in love and you wanted him to survive just as much as he wanted to save you, and even if he succeeded and brought you home just for you to never see each other again, there would always be a part of you that loved him, and you had accepted that fact. 
But things had changed. Seeing Leon no longer filled you with relief and happiness, that smug grin on his lips as he greeted you after fighting off monsters you could only imagine in nightmares. He took a step towards you, and this time you took a huge one back--and he chuckled, his tone dark and biting, before continuing on and piercing through you with blood-coloured irises. 
"I found you, I get to keep you. Finders keepers, huh sweetheart? That's fair, isn't it?"
His gaze held nothing less than a deep, ravenous hunger within him, the unsettling smirk on his face in no way easing that tension that weighed heavily on your mind. 
“Maybe I’m just a monster, now...if I am, then so be it. If being a monster means seeing that look on your face forever, then I gotta say, it feels pretty damn good!” 
"Y-You're not Leon!"
His shoulders suddenly tensed like he was about to lunge for you, but letting him have the upper hand would mean the end for you. You knew that fact so well that you acted on instinct, and unsheathed the knife whose handle you'd been stealthily gripping this whole time, to stab it into the eye of the man you wished you could have a life with. And you missed, the realization both relieving and terrifying, as the blade clanged and stuck into the wall behind him and barely clipped a few strands of his light-coloured hair. 
"Is this my knife? Now that's pretty cute,"
A shudder violently wracked your body as Leon's tongue slipped past his lips, and he turned his head to lick a slow stripe up the gleaming, bloodstained blade. He'd ended plenty of lives with that thing, but it seemed as though his own had yet to be one of them. 
"I've played the hero long enough. I want a reward for all my hard work...I want you."
His hand crept up your waist before you could react to it, rough fingers spreading warmth through your stomach as they grazed the exposed skin of your hip. But once you tried to break away from the touch you wished you didn't crave more of, his other hand shot out to grab you by the waist and keep you pressed uncomfortably close to his body, so close that your lips were mere centimeters from his neck and breathing in gave you a good whiff of that faint scent of cologne that still lingered on his skin. 
"Don't fight me, pet. I can already hear you crying for me to use you...you know, you're so cute when you're scared."
You squirmed even still, thrashing and shoving against his chest to try and find some way to twist out of his hold--but moving him was like trying to push a brick wall, and his grip on you got tighter and tighter until you whimpered with pain. The things he was saying just didn't make any sense, and you never wanted the real Leon more than you did in this moment. Knowing what it felt like to have his strength used against you instead of to protect you...it was becoming too much to bear, and in your terror you found comfort in Leon's touch again even if it was brief, his thumbs rubbing circles into your skin and working to relax you enough that you weren't so tense. 
"You're gonna forget all about that fear when I'm balls deep inside you." 
What little comfort you found was gone once he whispered that into your ear. You felt your eyes widen and Leon's fingers worked their way under the waist of your shorts in a moment, the danger so imminent that your reaction ripped itself from your throat in a scream, and you returned to struggling against the unmistakable stiffness that dug into your inner thigh through his tight pants. 
"Leon, stop!"
You wailed, beating your fist against his chest and even catching him in the jaw, not that you really noticed in your frenzy nor did he react save for his brow furrowing in fury. It didn't last forever though, it was easy for him to use his leverage to shove you off, your back hitting the ground hard enough to sting while he loomed over you and watched with sick glee as you trembled too hard to get up. 
"You don't want me to stop. Be honest, doll." 
You weren't expecting this kind of violence from him, especially not when he brought his foot down right between your legs, as was evident by the way you shrieked and tears pricked at your eyes at once. Somehow he managed to aim the heel of his boot right at your clit, and you were certain now that it was by no way an accident by the way he ground into it in slow circles, and watched with a smirk as your hips shakily followed his rhythm of their own volition. 
"You want me to take everything from you, and I swear to you I will. I'll strip you of every inch of your pathetic life and make you mine." 
The pressure was starting to hurt, and your arms shot out to grab his calf and try in vain to wrench him off of your sensitive areas. It seemed to just entertain him, however, and his taunts were starting to sting your broken heart even more than any physical pain he had inflicted. Even worse was watching him lick his lips as he reveled in your suffering, and one of his hands descended beneath the belt of his trousers to stroke himself under the tent that was so clearly obvious. He loved watching you in pain, and nothing but rage bubbled up in your chest from the humiliation of loving somebody so depraved, even if he wasn't really Leon anymore. 
"I hate you,"
You muttered through gritted teeth, trying so hard to hold back your tears that your whole body was shaking. He let slip a soft moan as he twisted his grip on his cock, and didn't stop even as he focused those bloodred eyes on yours and growled in time with an especially rough tug. 
Leon's grip fastened on your shoulder, but instead of pushing you back down to the filthy ground, he yanked you forwards and crushed your lips against his. Nothing but heat and the scent of blood overwhelmed your senses, your eyes fluttering closed when he started sucking on your lower lip and grazing it with his teeth. You wanted to hate the shivers that snaked up and down your spine from his kiss, but when it was from the man you still loved, it was difficult to brush those feelings aside. It wasn't impossible, however, because when he prodded past your lips with his tongue and moved in close enough for you to feel his cock twitching through his pants, panic flared up in your throat and you bit down on instinct, the coppery tang of his blood flooding your mouth at once. Leon shoved you off him much harder this time, but with the pain causing him to stagger you managed to scramble to your feet and back away a few steps to get some distance. But the fear of turning your back to him kept you frozen in place.
"You wanna be a brat, huh?"
Despite inflicting some much deserved pain, his glare barely wavered as he pulled his hand from his pants and wiped the blood that dribbled from his mouth, eyes gleaming with a lust for violence that you feared right now more than ever. 
"I'll let you have a ten second head start then, sweetheart. Better hurry."
You hesitated, his offer confusing you for a moment, but once the realization dawned on you your feet moved on their own. Sore and stained with tears and blood, you tore off down the castle corridors to search for an escape, and if not, then just a place for you to hide until Leon gave up on you, which would never happen. The thought of monsters barely dwelled in your mind when the most dangerous one was Leon himself, but little did you know that it would only take a short while for you to realize how fragile you really were when he wasn't protecting you, and that escaping without him was just simply not possible. 
"...Cheeky little slut. Let's just see how far you get before you come crawling back to me."
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
Noona, Do You Not Like Younger Men? (Choi San+Jung Wooyoung)
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Pairing: Choi San× Milf! Reader (Female)× Jung Wooyoung
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Idol AU.
Summary: Maybe going over to pester their favorite manager during her vacation wasn't such a bad idea, especially if it ends up with them getting what they always fantasized about every night.
Word Count: 4.2+K
Warnings: Age differences (still within legal boundaries), breast play including titty fucking (yeah I'm aware some of us don't have huge tits, I'm part of that squad but we can dream ok?) fingering, m+f+m threesome, ass grinding, spanking, degradation.
Taglist: @little-precious-baby @galaxteez @multidreams-and-desires @yunhofingers @yunhoiseyecandy @deja-vux @daniblogs164 @brie02 @couchpotatoaniki @a-soft-hornytiny
Y/N's eyes squinted at the two younger males who casually showed up at her home, uninvited and already letting themselves in as if they owned the place.
"Hi Noona. Did you miss us?" The older one of the two squished her cheeks together, earning him a slap on his wrist, which he did not appreciate.
"Aww Noona, now look what you've done. You made him sad." The other male pointed to the other's pout.
"Choi San and Jung Wooyoung, just what the hell do you think you're doing here?" She crossed her arms over her chest.
"Isn't it obvious? We came to keep you company!" San cheerfully exclaimed.
"We know you missed us so we decided to come over and spend time with our favorite manager." Wooyoung added as he went over to try and cling an arm around the older woman, but she brushed his hand away.
"Ok, in case you guys didn't know, I'm on vacation, a well needed vacation from my manager duties. Specifically from you two! You little brats who constantly give me migraines and high blood pressure. I got this vacation to get away from you both!"
The boys were taken aback by her outburst, looking back and forth between each other and then returned their faces back to her. Their somber and disappointed expressionism soon bursted out in laughter, confusing the woman in front of them.
"Oh Noona! You're so funny." San giggled.
"We know you love and adore us so much. And you're happy that we came to keep you company!" Against her will, and more since she was outnumbered, she let Wooyoung and San each take one of her arm and drag her over to the living room where they sat her down and started arranging the space so they could have a small movie day. Y/N let out slow and deep breaths as she tried not to lose her patience and just let the boys run around her house as they started putting the snacks they brought with them into bowls. She could hear them muttering angrily to each other from the kitchen, no doubt telling each other to be careful less they accidentally broke one of her plates. In less than 10 minutes, they had about  7 or 8 different bowls full of different snacks, ranging from crispy chips, to sour gummy worms and even different types of sweet chocolates.
"We even got mochi ice cream! Would you like some?" Wooyoung enthusiastically shoved the case that contained assorted flavors of the icy dessert.
Knowing she might as well enjoy the gluttonous snacks while she could, Y/N skimmed her hand over them and picked out one of the mint chocolate mochis and stuffed it in her mouth. Unbeknownst to her, the man on her right was staring at her with a wide smile as she ate the ice cream. When she noticed, she gave him a puzzled look and scooted further away from him.
"You chose the mint chocolate flavor." He giddily stated.
"Yes....any problem with that?" She questioned.
San emitted happy squeals at that.
"I love mint chocolate flavor too! Don't you see Noona? This further proves that were soulmates and destined to be together!"
Without even asking or warning, he snuggled himself against her, an arm around her waist as he used her chest as a makeshift pillow. Coming back from the kitchen, Wooyoung glared at San when he saw how close he was with their manager.
"Hey! No fair. Don't hog Noona up for yourself. We promised to share!" He quickly jumped on the other side and tried to tangle himself around her, proving to be difficult when San was pushing him away. Y/N ended up being pulled and tugged from both sides as the boys fought amongst themselves for her. Fed up with their antics, she reached her hands over and smacked both of their thighs sharply, making them retreat away from her less they suffered more physical pain from her.
"I want both of you to stay at least an arm's length away from me if you're planning to stay here and watch a movie. And absolutely under no circumstances do I want either of your mouths opening to sputter nonsense and annoy me further...Got it?!"
Both of the idols scooted to either ends of the couch, each grabbing a nearby cushion to keep them company and to protect them in case they furthered irritated their off duty manager. Y/N took a deep breath as she rubbed the side of her temples, letting the boys pick out which movie they wanted to watch. She probably wouldn't even enjoy the movie with the two rascals nearby, she thought to herself. Wooyoung and San settled for a cute looking movie, both of them hoping that the fluffy contents would soften up Y/N so they could cuddle up next to her once more. The woman however cringed when she saw the title.
"Ugh. Wake me up when whatever chick flick you chose is over." She settled back onto the couch, her eyes already closing.
"Aww come on Noona, give it a try. You might even like it." San suggested.
"Romantic movies have never been my type." She mumbled out, her hand reaching out to take some of the popcorn on the table to stuff in her mouth.
The movie played out exactly as she expected it to. Nothing short of all the typical cliches and stereotypes portrayed on every single romantic comedy made in existence. The boys would often look back at her every few minutes, their faces getting more and more discouraged when their manager didn't seem to be enjoying their company. It seemed that their plan to get close to her backfired as she was currently resting her chin on her palms, dozing off slowly while not paying one bit of attention on the screen in front of her.
"Told you to pick a scary movie." San complained to his friend.
"Your chicken ass can't even handle them." Wooyoung side eyed him.
"Yeah, but jump scares serve as an excuse to hug the person next to you." He tilted his head over to Y/N.
"Nice move, saying your plan out loud for her to hear. You dumbass."
Taking the pillow he had, San chucked it at Wooyoung, knocking the snacks he was currently eating onto the floor. Grabbing the pillow, he made move to throw it once more, but Y/N held a hand up.
"Throw that cushion and I will choke you Jung Wooyoung."
The warned boy immediately sat the cushion back down, setting his hands down on his lap.
"Please do...."
Y/N's half lidded eyes sprung wide open when she heard his whisper. Slowly she turned her head at him, of course Wooyoung noticed out of the corner of his eye and swallowed harshly. He didn't think she was paying attention enough to hear him, but she was. Wooyoung soon felt flushed as she eyed him with an indiscernible stare, trying desperately to focus his attention on the movie in front of him but the heavy weight of her stare kept burning through him. Seeing as he wasn't going to say or do anything else, Y/N decided it would be fun to tease him like he'd often tease her. Sliding on top of him, to the surprise of not only Wooyoung but his friend on the other side, Y/N hummed softly as her fingers ran up his chest.
"Please do what Wooyoung? Choke you? Is that what you want? Want my hand wrapped around that pretty of neck of yours?"
The flustered male shuddered when her fingers encapsulated over the front of his neck, lightly applying pressure against his Adam's apple with her palm.
"Oh someone likes this a little too much." She chuckled as she subtly rolled her hips on his tent that formed as soon as she touched him.
"Please Noona.." Wooyoung squirmed underneath her body, hips trying to grind up against hers.
"I barely did anything and you're already begging for me. You're an even bigger whore than I thought you were." She let out an annoyed 'tsk' as she slowly began to get off his lap.
When Wooyoung felt her detaching herself, his hands came out to clasp her waist, keeping her firmly planted on his lap.
"Yes I am, I'm such a whore for you Noona. But please don't leave me here like this." He whined at her, looking completely pitiful as his hands desperately tried to keep her from moving. Y/N reached a hand out to toss some of the hair away from his forehead, her mind already working on ways to play around with the young male. Noticing that his eyes kept falling towards her chest, she suddenly got an idea.
"You like my breasts Wooyoungie?"
Her question caught him off guard, eyes widening, looking like a deer caught in headlights, especially after she called him by his nickname. He was beyond flustered, unable to look up at his manager anymore.
"I asked you a question Wooyoungie and I expect an answer or else I'll leave you hanging there and make you watch as I play with Sannie instead."
The forgotten male beside them became excited at hearing her words, his hand rubbing against his inner thigh, slowly creeping up to the bulge in his pants. Tilting his chin up to look at her, Y/N repeated her question once more, expecting him to reply as it was his last chance.
"Y-yes. I like your breasts very much Noona." He finally admitted.
Satisfied at getting an answer, Y/N pulled away from Wooyoung so she could start removing her shirt, both boys watching her without batting an eyelash. When her bra dropped on the floor, they both stared in awe at her voluptuous chest, mouths agape and nearly drooling at the sight.
"Fuck, they're just-wow." San chimed in, tongue wetting the center of his lips.
"You like them too Sannie? I always thought you were more of an ass guy." She commented with a knowing smile, recalling all the times he'd come up behind her and greet her with a pat on her bum.
"Oh hell yeah I am, but I'd never say no to an opportunity to suck on a pretty pair of tits." He acknowledged with no hesitation.
"Is that so? Well then."
Prying Wooyoung's hands off her, Y/N sat herself back in between the boys, hands cupping both of her breasts to gently massage them in her palms, fingers tweaking at her nipples which were slowly getting fully erect. The two men at her sides watched with hungry eyes, only imagining how soft and tender her breasts must feel, both wanting to replace her hands with their own. Unbeknownst to them, they were about to get a better offer.
"There's one for each of you my loves, so go ahead. Put your pretty mouths on them and suck on them. And maybe if you do good enough, I'll play more with you guys."
Wooyoung and San simultaneously looked at one another, both wondering if they heard her correctly or it was another perverted thought their mind played on them. Realizing it was not, San was the first one to be bold as he cupped the breast nearest to him and brought it up to his lips, where he proceeded to coat the areola with spit before he latching onto it.
"So you're more of a dirty boy, aren't you Sannie?" She mused at him, fingers brushing some of the bangs on his face.
San only responded by lifting his eyes momentarily to shoot a wink her way before indulging back in his task of suckling on her tit. Y/N turned her attention to Wooyoung, who was still nervously sitting there in a pliant manner. She beckoned for him to come closer.
"Wooyoungie, my other breast feels lonely."
Getting the hint, Wooyoung lowered himself and practically squished his face into her fleshy mound. As expected, he was very vocal, spewing out lewd sounds as he harshly sucked on her nipple, bringing in as much of her as he could possibly put in his mouth. Y/N laid her head back on the top of the couch, mouth drawing out heavy breaths and pants as she relaxed and enjoyed the sensation of the the younger male's mouths on her breasts, their tongues and teeth eagerly swirling and nibbling on her sensitive flesh. She noticed how both of them had completely different patterns. Whereas San's suckling was less intense, it was definitely more sloppy, spit dribbling down his chin and down her chest from all the insane movements his tongue worked on her nipple, each of them clearly focused on bringing her as much pleasure as possible. Wooyoung was definitely more intense and full of eagerness, but each swirl of his tongue or nibbling on her skin was less meditated and more like he was simply enjoying to taste the older woman, playing around with her breast as if it was a toy for him to fondle and tease as he pleased. Not that she minded, she loved being used as a toy by them both.
She became so lost in the feeling of their mouths on her body that she didn't notice the hands that had traveled in between her thighs until she felt them prying them open in an effort to slide her shorts and underwear down. She became somewhat self conscious when they managed to tear the rest of her clothing off, her legs closing tightly. Tapping a finger on her knee, San pulled off her nipple to say:
"Spread your legs for us and let us see that soaking cunt of yours."
Wooyoung was just as shocked as she was at his informal and vulgar words, but it certainly served to arouse her even more. Getting talked down to by someone younger than her..... it was definitely something. Giving him what he, and probably also his friend, wanted, she opened up her legs. Putting aside her gorgeous breasts for the meantime, the 2 pairs of eyes peered down at the sight below them, their Noona's folds glistening just for them and because of them, her tiny bud aching to be touched by their fingers. Signaling to his friend, San dipped his fingers down, swirling them around her clit before pressing down on it.
"Oh she's needy Wooyoung, I can feel it throbbing against my finger." San smirked as he lightly rubbed against her clit.
"Is our pretty Noona in need of our fingers? Does she want to get stuffed with them?" Wooyoung muttered against her ear, lips quick to muffle the moan that responded to his question. It was a sweet and tender kiss that was interrupted by San who tilted her chin towards him so that he could kiss her as well.
"Don't worry Noona. We'll make sure you're full and satisfied."
Y/N gasped as she felt both of their fingers slowly insert themselves into her slick and wet walls. Nudging to each other, their fingers started moving to and fro, eyes watching closely each facial expression that took over her features, reveling in the blissful sighs that were spilling out of her lips. Y/N couldn't keep herself from clenching tightly around their fingers, mesmerized by the sight of both of them fingering her tight little hole.
"Are you enjoying this Noona? Like having your tight pussy fucked by Sannie's finger and mine?" Wooyoung giggled, pushing his finger deeper into her, knuckles pressing against her mound which had her shuddering.
"Yes she is Wooyoungie, look at how much tighter she's becoming."
With a mischievous twinkle in his eye, he looked at Wooyoung.
"Maybe we should stretch her out even further. Don't you think?" He suggested, to which Wooyoung agreed to with a grin.
With a sharp inhale, Y/N released a whimper when 2 extra fingers intruded into her intimate region, stretching her further. The pace with which they were thrusting their fingers into her increased, each of the boys jamming their fingers at different timings, making sure that their tips touched the hood of her sex, grazing that sweet spot of hers. Y/N was a whining and moaning mess. The boys were not giving her any chance to relax, when one set of fingers was pulling out of her, the other set was pushing back in, continuing its abuse on her g-spot. She felt her thighs starting to trembling, her lower stomach building up her climax by the second. Even with the 4 fingers parting her wide open, she was starting to squeeze around them, wrapping them up in a blanket of heat that would soon coat them with her release.
"Are you gonna cum Noona? Cum on Sannie's and my fingers?" Wooyoung cooed as he drove his fingers faster into her to help her reach her orgasm faster.
Y/N could only manage to nod slightly, eyes shutting tight, unable to register anything else save for the slippery and squealching sounds that came from between her thighs. She didn't feel San press his lips against her ear until his low voice spoke in that sexy satoori accent of his.
"Cum for us Noona. Cum all over us."
With his encouragement, she tipped over the edge, crying out loudly as her release started streaming down her body and onto their hands, dripping even down to their wrists. The boys were kind enough to continue filling her hole with their fingers, helping her ride out her orgasm until she came down from her high.
"Shit. Look at all the mess you made on us. Such a dirty dirty Noona." San taunted as he forced her to look down at their cum covered hands, which they both brought up to lick clean right in front of her.
"And you taste so delicious." Wooyoung added with star struck eyes.
Cupping both of their chins, she placed a peck on each of their lips.
"Thank you for that my darling boys, you made Noona feel amazing. It's only right Noona makes you both feel just as good."
Not forgetting about the throbbing needs in their pants, she ordered them to strip in front of her, an order they were eager to comply with. Through clumsy fumbling, a pile of clothes was added to the previously discarded garments from the woman in front of them. Y/N couldn't hide the satisfaction on her face as she gazed at their erect cocks, standing proudly, waiting to be touched and played with.
"Well I suspected my boys were big, but even the reality is nothing like what I imagined." The men flushed at her words, flattered by the knowledge that she had indeed thought about them in that way before.
"Wooyoungie, lie down right here." She patted the space next to her.
Following her instructions, Wooyoung placed himself where she wanted him, displaying himself out to her. Hovering above him, Y/N kissed along his defined abs, getting dangerously close to the tip of his cock, exciting him while the member behind them envied their close proximity. Y/N pulled her face away right before her lips could touch his head.
"As much as I'd love to suck your pretty little cock, I think there's something you'll enjoy even more babyboy."
The pet name followed by the image of her breasts enveloping his shaft between them was enough to drive Wooyoung wild as he realized what she had in mind.
"Oh fuck Noona- yes please." He was anxious about having her warm tits hug around his length and fuck him until they were coated in his cum.
"I knew you'd love the idea."
Glancing back at the neglected male, Y/N motioned for him to come over.
"And I have an idea for you too my precious Sannie. Since you seem to like my ass so much, how about you stuff that cock of yours in my cheeks and fuck yourself on them?"
San's eyes bulged out, his dick twitching when he heard those words. It was such an erotic, kinky and naughty idea and he was all up for it.
"Shit- fuck yeah." He wasted no time as he straddled Y/N's behind, slapping his cock on each of her asscheeks before prying them apart and laying his shaft in between them.
"Fuck yourself as you want Sannie and try to keep up with Wooyoung and I." She challenged him, which he was more than willing to take up.
Spitting down on Wooyoung's cock and her tits to properly lubricate them, she sandwiched his shaft in her pillowy and soft flesh before rubbing her tits up and down on him. Wooyoung was releasing gasp after gasp the more he felt and saw his member disappear and reappear from his Noona's glorious valley. Meanwhile behind her, San busied himself as he started rutting his cock against the firm but tender skin of her ass, groaning and grunting as he took advantage of the green light she gave him to go as hard as he wanted. Each time he slammed his hips up into her, he basked in the visual of her plump ass cheeks rippling with each of his thrusts.
"Oh God." San exclaimed, one hand coming down to strike one of Y/N's cheeks, causing her to jolt forward in surprise, her stiff nipples rubbing against Wooyoung's shaft.
"Shit! San- be gentle with Noona." He whined, his eyes still focused on the silky sensation of Y/N's boobs hugging him.
"It's ok Wooyoung. I know Noona liked it. She likes it rough. Watch."
Raising his hand once more, it came back down to spank the same spot he had previously hit, a light pink hue starting to appear on her skin. Y/N tried and failed to contain a whimpered moan from her lips, spit dripping out and falling on Wooyoung's tip.
"Shit Noona, are you really into freaky shit?" He asked in astonishment.
"She's literally letting two younger guys fuck her tits and ass, how much more reassurance do you need?" San pointed out as he squeezed at her ass, riding her backside with more intensity.
"She's just a dirty kinky whore, allowing us to use her body this way. And then she's gonna let us cover her in our cum cause she's that slutty."
Y/N groaned at his words, her tongue poking out to lick at Wooyoung's slit each time it peeked out through the valley of her enormous tits.
"Fuck to paint Noona's tits with my cum-" Wooyoung hissed, teeth tugging at his bottom lip.
"You wanna do that for me? Cum on my big boobs baby boy?" She chuckled when she felt Wooyoung's cock twitch against her skin.
He couldn't answer her as another one of San's slaps along with his frenzied grinding thrusted her forward, making her and the boy below her exclaim in surprise.
"You're not cumming without me. You better hold it." San warned through gritted teeth, nails digging into her flesh as he violently rammed his cock between her fleshy and plump folds.
Y/N looked down at poor Wooyoung's face, looking so distraught as he fought hard not to cum right then and there. Leaning down, Y/N gave his tip a few kitten licks before resuming to squish her breasts on his length.
"It's ok Wooyoungie. San forgets his not in charge here. I am. So cum for me baby boy. Cum all over your Noona's tits." She softly said to him.
With shuddering whines and whimpers, Wooyoung threw his head back, eyebrows furrowed as thick streams of cum erupt from his tip, his orgasmic bliss so overwhelming, lasting longer due to Y/N continuing to rapidly push up and down his cock, milking him out of the last drop of cum he had left in his body.
"That's it. That's my good little boy, keep cumming just like that." She praised him, watching with excitement as his seed plastered itself on the top of her cleavage, some of it even splashing onto her cheeks and chin.
"That's so fucking hot- Oh my God-"
After watching the scene play out in front of him, San felt a familiar tightness in his balls, his tip starting to swell up. Before he could even register it, he was already pumping his own cum all over Y/N's ass and lower back, sputtering out incoherent words as he did so. He ended up collapsing on the couch, energy completed drained after all that, same as his friend who was still laying still on the other side. Meanwhile Y/N grabbed the box of tissues that was on the coffee table and pulled a few of them out so she could clean herself and the boys up. Starting with Wooyoung, she wiped in between his thighs, picking up the remainder of whatever was left of his cum before turning to San and cleaning up his body as well. Once both of the boys were cleaned up, she grabbed a couple more tissues to use on herself. She was distracted when she heard both of them start giggling out of nowhere.
"What's so funny?" She asked them, looking at San and then at Wooyoung, both of them donning a suspicious smile.
"So Noona does like younger men..."
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karlswrites · 3 years
A Grimm Trip
This is part two of the Devildom boys carrying you around. From here on out, this little series shall be affectionally named the Devildom Taxi Service. This week's boy is Mams the Man.
I hope y'all enjoy a protective Mammon!
Warnings: Some violence? Like, there's no blood. Also, you have a twisted ankle, so... sorry. There's that good fluff, though...
Word Count: 1,694
When arriving at the Devildom- even though it was a shock- you didn’t expect most demons to be friendly with you. You expected some cursing and the classic life endangerment, but you didn’t expect high-school-level bullying. You were in college, for Pete’s sake. Needless to say, the demon foot sticking out by your classroom’s door was an unpleasant surprise. So was the faceplant that followed right after.
You attempted to stand back up, pulling yourself up by your elbows and knees. Within one second, a disheveled Mammon (Let’s be honest, he would sprint to you) was kneeling at your side. His hands made swift movements, one landing at the small of your back and the other grabbing at one of your wrists. He pulled you up and into him.
His heartbeat drummed against your ears. It was beating fast. Whether it was from worrying about you or embarrassment, you didn’t know. Still, the sound fluttered around you, engulfing you in warmth. Expected to see a miffed Mammon, as he was typically vexed by you getting in trouble, you looked up. Mammon had apparently decided to look at you then, too. A furious blush washed over his cheeks and ears when he noticed how close you were. The expression was surprising, and the shock of it made you grow a similar shade in return. Again, you felt his pulse rate increase. That somehow calmed you, and you began to relish in everything that was Mammon. He was always so selfless as to embarrass himself in your stead. Stepping in right after you suffered a measly trip, caring not for his tarnished reputation. His brothers always called him selfish, but, boy howdy, were they wrong.
Mammy released your wrist but kept his hand on your back, ensuring that you wouldn’t fall back down. The two of you began to stand together when a sharp pain shot through your ankle. Mammon immediately lowered you back to the floor, sitting you back against the wall.
“Whoa, hey! Are you okay?” he asked, words tumbling out of his mouth about a mile a minute.
You almost couldn’t understand him, though his urgency to treat you was sweet. Futilely, you tried to ensure him that you were fine, but that same pain returned when you attempted to move again. Turning your foot felt like a death sentence; you were in rough shape.
Before you could muster any soothing words, Mammon was at his feet again. Never taking his eyes off you, he approached the other student still laughing at his desk. The boy fell silent when he noticed the Avatar of Greed was standing before him. The cocky grin he wore turned panicked.
“You think it’s funny? You think hurting my human is funny?” Mammon’s voice lowered an octave as he spoke. Some semblance of a growl echoed from his throat.
Those shrill screams and whines you had once associated him with melted away from your memory and were replaced by, if you thought you had heard correctly, his snarl. He was clearly pissed off. Being the only demon who never laid a hand on you, it was a bit scary to see him behave like this. Anger was beginning to physically manifest around him; the lights dimmed and the surrounding air started to cumulate into black fog.
Being the fourth (I’m putting Barbatos at #2) most powerful demon, Mammon was capable of things beyond your imagination. Fear took the reigns in your brain as you began to imagine a series of scenarios, each pumping more and more cortisol into your veins. One image showed the greedy demon decimating your classmate, claws ripping into their uniform, fangs plunging into any extremity he could reach, horns threatening to pierce through the top of his head. It was quite the contrast to how he typically acted when terrorized by Lucifer or any of his other brothers. He’d allow them to hang him from the ceiling, but God forbid anyone to do anything like that to you. You were his emotional support human, and he wanted to protect you as your first. Anyone who hurt you was begging for whatever they got.
You were pulled from your thoughts when the unnamed demon yelped. Mammon had lifted him, fists curling into his jacket’s collar. The black fog had begun to swirl around the two, gradually rising from Mammon’s feet into the air. With each curse and threat escaping his lips, the fog rose higher and higher. If things continued like this, the two would be swallowed whole by the essence.
Knowing that there was no other way to stop Mammon from making a mistake, you called out him. The golden glow from Mammon’s sigil emitted from your back and through the thick material of your jacket. A wave of strength coursed through you as you stretched a hand out towards the two.
“Stop.” Your voice rang louder than you intended, but you were surprised by how clear it was. Your body was still shaking, but it definitely didn’t sound like it.
Mammon froze. His hands stilled as if frozen in time. The black fog dissipated completely a second after your command reached him.
“Let him go, Mammon. Come back to me.” Mammon eased at your soft voice and followed your orders without a thought.
When he looked back at you, his eyes gleamed with something: a mixture of gratitude and shame. There was rarely a cause for you to command him, and he hated every single time he brought you to control him. It wasn’t relinquishing himself to you that upset him. No, it was that he had let you down. To him, he had done something grave. Anything that he did that wasn’t right with you was like a cardinal sin in his eyes. His perception was a tad melodramatic, but after how you fixed the broken remnants of his family, you were truly an angel to him. Disappointing you had become his biggest fear and grievance.
“It’s okay,” you called to him, your voice beginning to waver as the sigil’s magic wore off. “You’re okay.”
You silently prayed that your words anchored themselves to him, and you made a note to yourself to praise him for his kindness later once you saw the light returning to his golden orbs- the same gold that brightened when he let the student go and raced back to your side. Mammon was still undoubtedly angry at the other demon, baring teeth as he glared at him over his shoulder. Getting the hint, he and your other classmates hurried out of the room.
Mammon asked again if you were okay. You said yes. His eyes traveled from yours to your ankle (When writing this, I almost said, “His eyes traveled down south for the winter. Not even kidding), and he removed your shoe. He wrapped his hand around your ankle and gently poked it with his thumb, eliciting a quiet whimper. The pout he gave after almost made you laugh despite the pain.
“Yeah, I ain’t lettin’ ya walk like that,” he murmured. His eyes met yours again and his pout spread into a white smile. “Guess it’s my duty to help ya back to your room.”
As you recalled one past life-threatening instance, you understood Mammy loved playing the hero, so you agreed.
Mammon turned on his knees, facing his back towards you. Carefully, he trudged backward to you, keeping his eyes trained to yours. He was subconsciously looking for any sign of discomfort- another testament to how caring he was, even if he didn’t recognize it. He gripped the backside of your knees firmly and dipped his head. That gave you enough room to pull yourself forward, wrapping your arms over his shoulders, mindful not to put too much pressure around his neck. You didn’t want to accidentally choke your knight in messy uniform.
“I hope I’m not too heavy,” you breathed against his neck. He shook off the shiver you caused with a hearty laugh.
“There’s no way you’re too heavy for the Great Mammon!” he protested, pulling you closer to him by your knees.
In one fluid motion, he hoisted you up and stood. He was pretty graceful for a “scumbag,” and you hugged yourself closer. Your chin found a home on his shoulder, slipping past the undone collar of his shirt, clinging to the warmth of his skin. Additionally, your arms were pushing his jacket further past his shoulders to his elbows, but there was no way he was going to complain. On the contrary, the pink gracing his cheeks proposed he liked the closeness. Well, that wasn’t very tsundere of him. Before you could catch it, a giggle slipped past your lips as he stepped out of the classroom.
“What’s so funny, human?” Mammon asked, nudging your cheek with his. You wondered if he could feel how he made your face hotter than hell. He must have because his step faltered.
“Nothing. Just thinking about how selfless you are.” That was sorta true.
Unlike the cheerfulness that rang from him before, his laugh was dull. He removed his cheek from yours and looked straight ahead.
“I ain’t selfless!” His hollow laugh died down, and he turned serious. “If anything, I’m selfish and greedy. I wanted to be the hero, I wanted to save you, and nobody else ain’t gonna get the chance to when I’m around!” His voice picked up when he finished, and his eyes were renewed with vibrancy as he looked to you. He cheered himself up with his own words, and his “greed” flowed from him like sweetness.
“Still, you’re sweet to help me. Thank you,” you cooed, connecting your cheeks once again.
This time, it was Mammy’s turn to erupt into a flustered state. He almost tripped over his own two feet, though he was careful to keep himself up. He was carrying precious cargo after all.
Upon delivering you to your dorm, the two of you spent the rest of the day watching your favorite shows and movies, eating your favorite snacks. Of course, Mammon argued he only allowed such thing ‘cause he liked them too.’
Lucifer's (Part 1): Pride In Arms
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noaltbruh · 3 years
I hope this follows the rules! But is it okay if I request a scenario where Giorno has a nightmare of turning into Diavolo and S/O comforts him when he wakes up?
My first request in so long, what an honor!
You're surely a fan of this scenario, I've seen you requesting it quite a lot of times.
Either way, let's get into it!
Esci dalla mia testa
Midnight had just struck, it had already been three years.
Three years since Giovanna had become the new Don of Passione, and since the former had been punished for his actions.
But in reality, time had lost meaning to the young boy years ago. Everything he did, it felt so...Mechanic, so frivolous, simply keeping track of the days in order not to forget an important reunion.
He buried himself under thousands of piles of work, which only seemed to grow bigger and bigger with every day that passed. This was supposed to be his dream, his greatest goal, and he had reached it at such a young age.
But then...Why did he feel so empty?
He was supposed to be happy, after all the sacrifices that had been made to arrive so far, he had to be grateful for everything that's been given to him.
But he couldn't be, because those sacrifices were not his own, because innocent lives had been taken away, because he had come.
He truly was no different than the man whom he had condemned to suffer for all eternity. But he had to clinch his teeth, and keep on going with his head high, for the few people that were still by his side. Most importantly, for his partner.
As everyone around him had found a significant other, pressured by his best friend, he had decided to reluctantly indulge in this so called 'romance'.
And when you two finally met, he felt like a tiny fickle of faith had risen inside of his heart again.
You listened to him, to his struggles, to his doubts, to each one of his complaints like the were the only worries in the world. He failed to express how much you meant to him, after those...'Accidents', he had become even more close-up about his feelings.
You were very well aware of his workaholic tendencies, as most nights, you were the one to ask him to put down all the documents and get some rest
And this...Was one of those.
As you rapidly fell into a deep sleep, exhausted from your own day, you felt a soft hand gently caressing your forehead. You were so warm and comforting, like a puppy, the only one able to give him hope in this twisted world.
But sadly, your presence could not magically make all his guilt and insecurities go away, and he had accepted that.
After contemplating your dreaming figure for a minute, he slowly closed his eyes, wishing to escape, just for a short while, from all those crushing responsibilities and expectations.
His consciousness started to slip away, he felt ready to conclude another day. Until, he heard whispering. Weak, confused, peculiar sounds, he could not understand a word of what those voices were trying to tell him, they were too far from the boy.
But they wouldn't stop. Delicate, constant and unbearable like the sound of a drip of water falling into a sink. They were playing with the Don's patience, a sleeping lion that should not disturbed, unless you wanted to be torn to pieces.
His mind immediately connected the situation to a possible Stand attack, nothing out of his normality, per se, but he was not concerned for himself. You were still peacefully resting, clinging to your sheets, it was a quite cold night. He wouldn't have let a single soul cause any harm to his darling, she was his only true happiness, his sunshine.
In the moment he stepped outside of the bedroom, what he was faced with sent a frozen shiver down his spine, as he brought his hand to his chest, to control his heartbeat.
There were four doors, floating in absolute darkness. A weak stream of light, that seemed to be originated from nothingness, illuminated each one of them singularly.
The whispering got louder and louder, faint giggles could occasionally be heard. The young one turned around to look at the entrance of this cursed place, the one he had just walked through.
But there was nothing there.
And so, like a captured prey that had nothing left to lose, he ventured himself into the first door, only to be met with a monochromatic version of Fugo. He was breathing heavily, desperately sobbing and all curled up on himself, on the shore of the same place where the rest of the gang had decided to betray Passione.
Giorno was standing on top of the water, unable to move a single inch of his body.
"Look at what you did"
A deep voice murmured in his ear. One he hadn't heard in a long time, one he wished he could have erased from his memories, that infected his mind and was more deadly than the sobbing boy's stand.
"Me? Fugo chose not to leave, it was his own fault if-"
"If he was abandoned by everyone he loved? Do you have any idea of how selfish it sounds?"
The boy hesitated for a brief moment, staring at those warm tears falling into the canal.
"It was just...A temporary matter, he rejoined Passione, he's doing better now"
"My, it must have surely been fun to prove your loyalty to someone who caused the death of half of the people you cared about, after refusing to participate in his little suicide mission"
The blond's legs started to tremble, mantainig his composure was starting to look impossible.
"They...They didn't die because of me, they sacrificed themselves for a noble cause, for making Italy a better place, they wished it as much as I did"
The man contained his laughter, then he continued.
"Is that so? Why don't say that in their faces then?"
The image of the lonely boy disappeared, together with everything in the room. Giorno was back to that black space, but the door was now missing.
And the next one...Had nothing better reserved for him.
He found himself in the island of Sardegna, the only sound that could be heard were the small waves that met with the coast.
He knew perfectly why he was here. He took a closer look at the seaside, there were some footsteps printed on it. He felt a knot in his stomach at the thought of where they would have brought him.
Abbacchio's lifeless body was laying on top of a rock, surrounded by dead flowers. His entire torso had been torn apart, and yet... His corpse was smiling. A tiny, melancholic smile on his purple lips.
"Do you still have the courage to repeat what you said?"
Diavolo began, in a mocking tone.
"When he became part of the Organization, he was at his lowest, he had nowhere else to go, every path he took brought him nothing but sorrow and disappointment. The only thing that gave him comfort was following Bucciarati...And so, with that excuse, I transformed him in one of minions"
The thought of calling out Gold Experience hit Giorno's mind, but he knew that there was no point of lying to himself. The albino was gone, his soul had left his body long ago.
"I don't need you to tell me just how disgusting you are"
He said, his voice was filled with a suffocated rage, as he knelt over to look closer at his former companion.
"Abbacchio couldn't have cared less about killing me, he came with you because Bucciarati did, because he so desperately wanted to follow him, he felt like scum at the thought of no longer having him in his life"
The boy with emerald eyes felt an hand touching him on his shoulder, but there was no one there, except for himself.
"You exploited his dependence from the man, and used at your advantage, just as I did"
He stopped for a brief moment, enjoying the desperation in the other's eyes.
"But at least, he didn't die under my guidance
And with that, the second room disappeared as well. The boy contemplated whether to remain in that hellish void or to move forward, the image of what was waiting on the other side hurt way too much, his juvenile soul was starting to crush.
But he couldn't remain there, it would have meant giving up to Diavolo's twisted games, seeing him break down was exactly what he was waiting for.
He turned the doorknob, when he felt something humid staining his clothes: there was fresh blood streaming from his lady bug pins. The trail that it formed on the ground invited him to follow its path. He knew he couldn't decline, none of what he wanted seemed to matter in this place.
A metallic railing stood in front of him, his entire pins bled so much to the point of consuming themselves. An horrific scream coming from nowhere and everywhere at the same time echoed through the room, as he directed his gaze to the top of the grey construction.
"What a shame...Oh well, he was the most disposable member of the team anyway"
Narancia's corpse was resting among dozens of spikes, his faded orange bandage slipped from his dark hair, landing right next to Giorno's feet.
"Oh Narancia...So young, so naive, just another victim of this unfair world. That's what you're thinking, isn't that right, Giovanna?"
"This is why people like him should not be involved in this business..."
"Mh? And why is that? Childish minds are the easiest to manipulate"
Ignoring his last statement, the other leaned down to pick up the bandage, but his hand went through it. His body was starting to feel dizzy, like it belonged to somebody else.
"Not answering won't make me go away, the damage has already been done, after all"
"Narancia should have NEVER joined Passione in the first place. He could have gone to school...Have a normal life, but-"
"But he died for your cause before he could. What he said before I activated King Crimson melted my heart a little, how cute...He really trusted you that much to the point of thinking that he would have come out of it alive"
The railing emanated a cracking sound. For a second, he was afraid it would have fallen off, causing him to get impaled as well.
"I took away his chance of living an happy, standard life when he decided to work for me, and you did the same, allowing him to come along with the rest of your team"
The small boy suddenly faded away, together with the rest.
"But at least, he didn't die under my guidance"
At last, there it was: only one room left. Despite how deeply he cared about each one of his former team members, the premonition of what would have come next was more painful than everything he's seen so far altogether.
He sat down, staring at the door from a distance, his eyes emptier than the ones of his old allies. They say that eyes are the window of the soul, and nothing else could have been used to describe his inner turmoil. Nothing but a faded, dull green, testimony of all his battle scars and the survivor guilt that he tried so much to repress.
Perhaps his eternal punishment had arrived: having the chance to confront his inner demons, to move on, to show how fearless he was.
...But never truly grasping the idea of freedom, never facing and accepting what really happened, he was never given the time to. So much had oppressed him all at once, he couldn't keep up with it.
He was a child, a child that had to grow too fast.
But then, someone came out of the door. A bittersweet figment of his imagination, that made his heart stop beating for a second.
The one he hadn't seen in years, the one he had tried to subdue the most, the one that showed him for the first time in his life what love was, stood in front of him. There was no hole in his chest, no sign of blood or wounds, a reassuring smile accompanied his face, as he held out his hand to the grieving kid.
"What are you doing all alone in here? The others are worried for you. Let's not make them wait any longer, shall we?"
Giorno ignored his help, his gaze was stuck on that endless floor. He didn't have the courage to look at the other, his presence alone felt like a sadistic joke.
He didn't look sad, depressed, miserable... He was just...Tired.
He wanted to cry those tears that he had denied in the last three years, he wanted to yell at that illusion to leave him alone, that wasn't the real Bruno, it couldn't be.
But, as he impeded any of this from coming out, something he didn't think he would have felt in a thousand of years struck him.
Bucciarati hugged him.
A tight, comforting hug like one of a mother, that he was waiting for his child to reciprocate. The latter's breathing became heavier and heavier with every moment that passed, as weak laments rapidly turned into audible sobs.
"There's no reason to be sad now, I'm real, you can feel it, can't you?"
"Y-You...You're here...But h-how is it p-possible?"
The brunette chuckled, the sound of his laughter was more comforting than an angel's voice.
"It isn't"
Giovanna's stand penetrated the man's torso, but its arm...It was not Gold Experience's. It had a checkered red and white pattern that extended in its entirety, and it possessed an amount of physical strength which was out of any possible expectations for the creature able to give life.
"Foolish child, I thought you were better than this, I'd lie if I said I wasn't a bit disappointed"
The sound of Bruno's corpse falling to the ground resonated through that empty space, as the last door vanished. A puddle of blood originated from his horrible injury, it was big enough for the boy to see his reflection in.
"You are no better than me under any point of view. We took advantage of his kindness, we used him as a simple pawn for our own gain. The only difference between us, is that I was not manipulating enough to convince him to join my side voluntarily. He was a tool to the both of us, but you were the one who caused his demise"
The mirror that had been created showed two people, but the transparent figure of Diavolo immediately ceased to be visible. The only one left was Giorno, though his reflection seemed to mutate with every second that passed.
His blond curls started to change shape, turning into a fuchsia mess, with dirty green stains on it. His eyes had a killer, maniacal look inside of them, his pupils got smaller in horror. His entire body structure was different. He looked older, more muscular, his clothes, too, were no longer his own.
"Mista loved him, and you killed him"
"Fugo loved him, and you killed him"
"Trish loved him, and you killed him"
"Narancia loved him, and you killed him"
"Abbacchio loved him, and you killed him"
"You loved him, and you killed him"
"Giorno? Giorno please, wake up!"
You screamed, your sleep was interrupted by the sound of your boyfriend hyperventilating, as he desperately held you to himself, still trapped in that horrible dream.
You sighed in relief when he abruptly opened his eyes, so swollen and red from all the tears he's shed.
"Another nightmare, uh?"
You asked, gently caressing his back to try and calm him down, he was as vulnerable as a baby that runs to his parents after having a bad dream. Waking up in the middle of the night to comfort him is something you had grown accustomed to, but you had never seen him this shaken up.
He slightly nodded in response, grabbing the top of your pajamas. You put an hand behind his head, making him rest on your chest, and kissed him softly on his forehead.
You could hear him murmuring something, you couldn't tell wherever he was talking to you, or to himself.
"I-I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm s-so sorry..."
He repeated like a broken record, you could barely make out what he was trying to say.
"Tesoro, you've done nothing wrong, there's no one you owe your apologizes to"
The boy raised his head slightly, intertwining your fingers with his, he needed to feel sure that this was not another tremendous trick of his mind.
"See? I'm here, you don't have to be afraid. I know that you feel unworthy of my feelings, but there is no one out there that deserves love more than you do. Nobody is perfect, Giorno, you did everything that was in your power to help them"
"But I...I was the one w-who put them in danger in the first place"
"No, you were not. You all shared the same ideals, you saved them from the oppression they were put in"
As you swept those remaining drops away from his face, you could still feel his entire body shaking like a dried leaf in a windy day of autumn.
"N-None of this would have happened if I didn't come along..."
"Exactly, none of them would have known what it meant to be free. I...Understand that the sacrifices that were made are not easy to forget, but blaming yourself like this...Do you really think that's what they would have wanted?"
Not receiving an answer, you laid down once again, still holding him in your arms. You forced a tiny smile, kissing him delicately on his lips, and whispered in his ear that everything would have been okay.
But, in reality...You felt you were trying to reassure yourself as well. This was not something you could have solely resolved through staying by his side, healing from this would have taken a lot of time, but...At least, you could offer some temporary safety, and it seemed to be enough for the time being.
In fact, after some minutes, everything seemed to cease. The boy fell asleep once again, this time with the knowledge that you were there to protect him.
You sighed, praying for your darling to finally find some peace.
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sugar-petals · 4 years
SuperM: Their Orgasm Faces
a/n. i’ve written the same scenario for bts and thought this is perfect for these guys as well 💦
warnings ⚠️ multiple rounds, masturbation, loud sex, crying
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➸ Taemin Constant little trembles. Puffy lips and a huge back arch. Softly moving hips that know exactly what they’re doing, reacting to your every touch. Balmy moans for the gods, they’re such a giant turn-on. His face looks so soft and relaxes into the pleasure without restraint. And my god, the hair. It’s like an old Italian painting. The voice is just as indulging — all those little “ha...” noises he makes. So lush and super breathy. Long story short: He looks perfect in the unlikely case someone forgot. What more can I tell you. He’s broadcasted it to the entire world at this point. In fact, isn’t Taemin’s entire cinematic work a silk and satin-laced compilation of o-faces? Even his haters can’t deny that. He has the perfect variety, perfect sensuality. Never out of place, never too feeble nor too much. He doesn’t just show that to you in bed, he truly owns it. Taemin’s orgasms are really drawn out, it’s the most amazing spectacle. So much to see: And you never know when the first one ends and the second one starts. He’s that erotic and completely swayed by you. If there’s one person completely in tune with his arousal and amps it up to the maximum, and takes you higher yourself with him, that’s Lee Taemin. He cums more beautifully than anyone you’ve ever seen. Fuck, it feels like you have to write him a ten-page thank you letter for being able to witness that. One word suffices: he’s fantastic.
➸ Taeyong You won’t believe it. He is so handsome, but he tries to hide his face. Or buries his hands in his hair, and twists himself to the side. Sometimes, into a pillow. Othertimes, a blanket or a sleeve. Taeyong doesn’t like his pleasure being seen. He’s not just shy; he’s reserved, delicately cautious. He’d rather have his hair fall into his face and conceal all the sweet emotions that surface. His lips are tightly shut and more often than not, he looks away. Even when he’s by himself getting off to the thought of you, he can’t keep his head up. It’s a shame, but you also figure it’s because he gifts himself to you to be very protected, not judged or consumed. Taeyong needs your guidance and strength. That’s why you hug him and let his face rest in the crook of your neck, and it becomes his favorite spot to lean into when he’s coming. Taeyong is more reassured this way. His eyebrows raise and he’s giving you the most heavenly whimpers. It overwhelms him every time. But that’s the place where he can finally moan it out. His voice is so gorgeous, and desperate, and full of gratitude towards you. When he really trusts you, he’s — god — actually grunting in his deep voice and sometimes meets your eye fleetingly. Or sucks in air and holds it before his whole body erupts. Oh my god. Those thighs are gonna go through an entire earthquake. Truth be told: NCT didn’t lie when they sang about a volcano, did they.
➸ Jongin Come on. The main dancer who has his face all up in a camera every stage, making people worldwide bust a nut by just raising a corner of the mouth. If there’s one person with the best, most intense facial expressions? It’s Kai all the way. Just throw the OSCAR right at him. Matter of fact, we all know he is the king of being absolutely stunning in bed. Jongin always looks like he wants to take you in completely, his entire upper body goes forward. His eyes are deep and glistening, but not fully mysterious. First and foremost they’re hundred percent passion just as you’d expect from him. The brows, the fucking brows! The lips, mumbling, and the jaw is in motion even if you wouldn’t pay attention to it at first. And by contrast, he looks more in love than anyone else. Can we appreciate how romantic Kai’s vibe is? How does he do it? He yearns and calls you babe, the entire face feels twitching and shaky. As if he was suffering from being so enamoured, but it feels so good to him. Every new thrust makes his expression change a bit. How he’s allowing himself to feel you literally paints a living story on his features. Toward the middle and the end of his climax, Kai looks so vulnerable and lost in the pleasure that you gave him or he gave himself. It’s almost like he is underwater. If you ever look into those dreamy eyes... Kai’s orgasm face will put an actual spell on you. Have a guess. The spell is called: Make you even hornier and throw your fucking head back from all that good stuff.
➸ Mark Yeah, uh-oh. The bomb is going off right here. It feels like Mark didn’t fuck for literal months every time even if you had sex the other day. His jaw is hanging open throughout. The eyes wide. Lips shivering, only a little. A bit of saliva is pooling just there. Then, his head falls forward. Hair in his eyes, brows clenched toward the middle. He looks like he can’t believe it, he’s helpless to the power it has over him. His orgasm darts through his body like a thunderbolt. You got it, sex with Mark is exactly that, so electric. It arrives fast and it’s over fast. And it’s massive, catches him off guard so often. A big, sweeping “Ah—h!” that carries him away like a tidal wave. Who’s the living super car in SuperM? That’s Mark Lee who goes through his climax like he’s watching a train speed by. What can he do but curse himself and moan. Something is possessing this poor man. His face looks like he has to keep up with his own damn reflexes. Can you imagine how hard his body is going to clutch if he just cums in one go? And if he tries to kiss you during that? What the fuck Mark! He just never calms down, does he. Or wait — fast forward... oh wonder: He falls asleep only minutes after. His face: now completely angelic. Mark really put all his heart and mind and cum into this one orgasm. This guy has dedication and it shows. He always delivers you one hell of a show. Rumor has it you have a couple videos of it on your phone.
➸ Baekhyun Clenches his teeth so hard. The first you’ll hear is a loud and whiny “nnh!” in the buildup. And that’s when you know he can’t go back. The entire neck seems under pressure. He stares. Gasps for air. The breathing, raw as fuck. Up and down goes that chest all the way against you. In fact, he breathes the fastest in the group. His face gets so heated. All those veins come out. This guy’s blood flow is a new level. Releasing tons of stress and energy. His eyes are squeezed shut as soon as it begins because it’s so strong and relieving, it’s borderline painful. He couldn’t speak for the first five seconds even if he tried. Only the second wave brings out a stifled chain of moans that he surrenders to. On some days, he even starts crying from relief. It takes minutes upon minutes until he cools off entirely. Baekhyun is so orgasmic, he’s all splayed out on the bed afterwards or deeply engrossed in your embrace for endless cuddles. I’m telling you. Should you ever get a second orgasm out of him, he’s gonna be reduced to a puddle. A shaking, sobbing mess that can’t stop wailing. There’s only begging for more in these eyes. It goes without saying that you need the most sound-proof room there ever was because he is at the top of his voice. Baekhyun being loud for you is a natural staple. PS: Mark my words. Should you get him to a third orgasm, he’s gonna be screaming without a pause and his fucking tongue is hanging out. 
➸ Yukhei As if he can ever stop wiggling his brows at you. Did you expect he just lets loose and rolls his eye back? No, no. He keeps looking right at you until the end. Full Xuxi confidence and charisma at play. Lots of nicknames coming at you, he’s gonna say them all. That level of eye contact is gonna get you going big time. You know how large and wonderful his eyes are, like a doe’s. Lucas hardly closes them unless it comes to getting blowjobs. Where he’s gonna look at you very intensely most of the time anyway. Lucas tries to not let the sensations overcome him so he remains present with you. He never really seems like he indulges all the way like Taemin or Kai would. The whole thing is pretty suspicious because he doesn’t fully ease into your interplay of movements. Guess why... at any point, he’s invested in making you cum and keeps on pulling out his magic tricks until you’re getting there. He’s gonna use those big fucking hands (he knows you love ‘em) and goes on and on until he has you there. Yukhei’s personality is all over the place, but he has steely concentration during sex. Not to mention the technique. He’s even gonna go for pushing his hair back as a killing part. No mediocre, he’s doing the most. After all: Lucas cums the best if he just saw you losing it or you’re on the way. Synchronizing your orgasms is difficult, but he puts all his focus into achieving just that. Yukhei is an expert in how close you are after a while, and even starts letting himself fall back into the sheets below you when you release together. 
➸ Ten Perfectly understated. Lids heavy, lips opened just a bit. Elegant, almost, and chesty in tone. He’s the connoisseur. My god. It’s the most gentlemanly someone could ever cum. His forehead is so sweaty as is his hair and back, because if Ten fucks he does it properly, but still. He’s so calm. He could be in your arms for more than half an hour and be fully composed. The focus and self-control is just phenomenal. Completely in the moment, not missing a heartbeat. Which is such a hard thing to do but it’s effortless with him. Ten knows the value of moderation and tension. He’s not keeping his groans in for the whole time and only moans when he comes. Not at all. It’s a different story with him. It all builds up perfectly and comes out freely whenever. He’s actually pretty close to singing, his voice accompanies his breathing in ideal sync. So melodic. Ten is all smitten by you. Nothing is kept in. He looks at you so fondly, he enjoys himself so much. So, it becomes a beautiful loving serenade. His face doesn’t make any sudden or extreme contortions either. The expression moves and changes very slowly, is very easy on the eye. Every minute with him is fulfilling. Ten is all wrapped up in the mood and the groove like it’s business. Prepare to lose your fucking mind, these are new levels of feeling good. Not one awkward moment, just making love. Oh my god are you lucky.
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art: The Great Wave off Kanagawa (1829-33) — by Hokusai
© 2017-2021 submissive-bangtan. all rights reserved. no reposts allowed.
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hanoella · 3 years
A Matter of Time (1/2)
Pairing: Bucky x healer!Reader
Word Count: Just under 3k
Summary: Healing others took a lot out of you. It was only a matter of time until it was going to be too much on your body.
Warnings: Hardcore angst, blood, grave injury, explicit description of injury, medical life support, needles? still not good at this stuff.
A/N: Another @wkemeup writing challenge prompt! Thanks so much everyone for all the love and support on my first fic!
Prompt: Believing they’re about to die, Character A confesses their feelings for Character B before they pass out.
           It was only a matter of time.
          Healing always took so much out of you. One day, it was going to be too much for your body to handle. You hadn’t explicitly told anyone that it drains you. Only the observant picked up on it. It’s the reason why Natasha never asked for your help with minor things. It’s also why Bucky plain refused your help nowadays. He was hyper aware of everything around him and that included you. He always saw the light sheen of sweat forming on your brow, the way you became slightly breathless, and the increase in your pulse. When there was a major injury, he was very well aware of the tell-tale signs of exhaustion.
          The very first time that he let you work on his shoulder, he had asked what it was like out of curiosity.
          “Well… it’s kind of like projecting the pain onto myself. I’ve always been very in tune with my body. So ever since this,” you pause to gesture with your hands. “I can usually tell what the problem is. For example, I can tell that this specific muscle is bothering you,” you say as you gently put pressure on the specific aching tendon in his arm. Bucky winced before feeling the warmth reach deep into his muscles. He let out a deep breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. Turning slightly so that you could partly see his face, he thanked you. For a reason he couldn’t understand, a big smile slowly developed on your face.
          “What?” He asked.
          “Nothing, I’m just glad you finally let me work on it. I can see now that you’ve been… suffering. I’m just happy you’re feeling better.”
          Bucky felt his face flush slightly and turned back to face forward. Amused, you started humming lightly as you continued your work.
           Not that he would admit it but since then, there may have been… other reasons why he is always paying close attention to you. You reminded him of Steve. Somebody who was truly selfless. The one to make the sacrifice play. You may be less on the forefront of the battles but the work and the sacrifices you make for the world were just as big. Bucky found that he admired you for that. It stirred up feelings in his chest that he chose to ignore. It also made him nervous.
           Every time you were needed, he was assigned as your bodyguard. You could handle yourself better than the average civilian, but you wouldn’t consider yourself a fighter. Considering that he preferred to stay out of the spotlight, as well as the fact that his relationship with the public was still rocky, it ended up being the ideal position for him. At first, he was nervous because he was protecting something incredibly important. More so than any jewel or riches that existed. You were someone that could practically bring someone back from the dead. If he couldn’t protect you, he was practically sentencing anyone who would need your help in the future, to death. Certainly, a weighty responsibility that would make anyone nervous.
           It grew to be more than that though. Each time he protected you from a threat, no matter how small, your appreciation made it worth it. Your gratitude, which manifested itself into words, notes, and small gifts, sustained him. He had a hidden drawer filled with smiley faces on post it notes and cute little Tupperware containers that had held homemade sweet treats.
          But his favorite reward was not anything he could bring back to his apartment. It was your touch. The small brushes against his arm grew into touches and squeezes. In turn, it grew into grasping his hand while thanking him and once, a quick hug before you jumped back and apologized. He blushed lightly and looked away, letting you know that it was okay, he didn’t mind. Actually, Bucky would’ve preferred for that moment to have lasted forever. Because when you pulled away, he was suddenly aware of how starved he felt without your touch. That one action had been the gateway to a life filled with longing. He would chase that feeling forever; He could not bear the thought of being without you. That’s what made him nervous. He felt like he couldn’t think clearly anymore around you. He was going to make a mistake.
          It was only a matter of time.
          Waiting in the Quinjet with Bucky, you listened for updates on the mission. This time, they had gotten intel about a subbranch of Hydra dedicated to chemical warfare. Fearing another threat like anthrax, you set out to stop it. Everyone was in the building and you were on standby in case any pathogens got loose. Wanda could contain it, and you could eradicate it by healing all of the infected, and then they could disinfect the area. Hopefully, though, it was just a precaution.
           The atmosphere was calm, the lights off since the night sky was clear in the mountains. Moonlight filtering in through the front windshield, you were taking Bucky through the latest playlist you had curated for him when Nat radioed in.
           “We’ve almost got the lab secured. No injuries.”
           “Word.” You radioed back casually as Bucky looked at you confused.
           You were about to explain the response and pull up urban dictionary when Steve radioed back as well.
           “We had a group escape, some guards protecting the head researcher. They’re headed towards the jet. He blocked off the tunnel he used to escape so they’ll get to you before we can reach him.”
           “Copy that.” Bucky radioed back as he got up.
           When you got up to follow him, he gave you a look.
           “Hey, don’t look at me like that! I’m not completely useless. Besides, I think I could take on a lab lackey.”
          “I don’t want you to get caught up in the rest of it.” He responded seriously.
          Looking at him and realizing it wasn’t up for debate, your expression sobered up.
          “Okay. Just be careful, please.”
          He nodded as he heard voices approaching. He headed down the ramp and met them outside of the jet. You peaked out of the opening of the ramp as he took them out one by one. When all five were on the ground, you came out and checked to make sure he was okay.
          “Wow, impressive.” You commented, nudging one of the guys with your foot.
          “Wait,” you said, eyebrows scrunching together. “None of these guys are in a lab coat.”
           Just as he was about to respond, he glanced to the side and quickly pushed you out of the way. The lab coat tackled him where you had just been standing. They went rolling towards the edge of the cliff and you shouted his name.
           He kicked the researcher away from him while still on the ground. As the man started rolling off of the cliff, he grabbed Bucky’s leg. Bucky started scrambling to find a grip as the scientist slid off the cliff, trying to take Bucky with him. You ran over to the edge, grabbing Bucky’s arm to support him as he tried to kick the guard off of his leg.
           “With you out of the picture, the path forward will be successful. Hail Hydra.” He shouted as he grabbed a knife from his pocket and stabbed it into Bucky’s thigh.
           Bucky grunted loudly as the scientist took the knife out and stabbed it back in. You strained to hold him up as he struggled to kick him off, blood streaming down his leg. With one more heavy kick, the man lost his grip and fell down the mountain. At the same time, the force of the kick had loosened the ground under you. There was a crack and you locked eyes with Bucky in panic.
          You cried out as you used all of your strength to bring him back up over the cliff. It started falling away as soon as Bucky had found his footing and he lunged towards the jet while grabbing you. He held you with one arm and kept you from hitting the ground as the other forearm took the impact and held you both up. Looking incredulously at the strength of his arm and then turning your head back to look at him, he gently set you down. You were both breathing heavily as you lifted your head to see the platform you were just standing on was now gone.
           You laid your head back down and closed your eyes in relief. Bucky took the opportunity to take you in. Your hair formed a halo around your face perfectly as it was spread out on the grass and the moon’s light made you look like your skin was glowing. You looked ethereal. Before you got the chance to see him gazing at you, he flopped over onto his back next to you, catching his breath. You looked over at him, the stars now reflected in your eyes, and started laughing lightly. He didn’t know what you were laughing at, but it made him start laughing. As it subsided, you sat up and faced him.
           “Can I please heal those?” You asked, gesturing towards his leg. You had never worked on his thighs and you wanted to make sure he was comfortable.
           He paused, partly out of shyness and partly not wanting to tire you out. Your gaze lingered on the wounds and he saw how much it worried you. He nodded and you leaned over to take a look. As you moved the blood-soaked fabric out of the way, he winced. The wounds were deep and bleeding still. You focused your hands overtop the injury and concentrated. The soft white glow enveloped your hands and his leg. He watched as the bleeding started slowing. After a few moments, the wound started closing and the pain started easing. Bucky tried to get up as soon as it became bearable, but you put a hand on his chest to stop him. Though your breath was slightly strained, the determination in your eyes stopped him and he slowly laid back down. Soon enough, he couldn’t even tell that anything had happened. Once it was completely healed, you then flopped down next to him.
          You both settled, watching the clouds pass in front of the moon and stars. After you caught your breath, you spoke:
           “Bucky Barnes, I owe you my life. Several times over. Thank you.”
��          “I think you’re the one who just saved my life, doll.” He said, amused.
           “Ooh, doll. Somebody’s finally warming up to me.” You said, laughter in your tone as you stood up. “Do you call every damsel in distress you save a doll?”
          The answer to that question was “no” but before he could respond, you held your hand out to him. Bucky sat up and accepted it, standing all the way up. As he let go of your hand, you wrapped your arms around his midsection, cheek resting against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. Bucky swallowed and then slowly brought his arms around you, his chin resting on the top of your head. Content.
          Unexpectedly, he stiffened. Something was wrong.
          “Bucky?” You called his name hesitantly as you stepped out from his grasp.
          You peered at his face and saw his pupils so blown out that you could barely see the blue anymore.
          “Bucky!?” You shouted as he fell to the ground.
          He couldn’t control anything except for his eyes as muscles all over his body started twitching. You knelt down and panicked, laying your hands against his chest, searching for an explanation. You hovered your hands over his heart and felt it so tight and strained it was barely pumping. You felt as if you were choking, and you weren’t even feeling the full effect.
          Cardiac arrest. How is this possible?
          You racked your brain for explanations. You instantly thought of the researcher. You traced a strange substance you felt through his veins until you found where it originated- from the knife wound.
           At this point, it had reached his heart. What little it was pumping was spreading the poison. It’s completely taken over his blood. You locked eyes with Bucky and saw the pain and panic in his eyes, his clenched jaw, and the tendons in his neck, outlined clearly by the strain. He was suffering.
          No. Much worse.
          He was dying.
          You had to save him.
          You interlocked one hand over top of the other and started doing compressions on his chest. What was normally a soft white light was now blinding. You could see the outline of his heart, and with each pump, the white light travelled an inch down his veins. Slowly, with each thrust, the white light made it further and further out from his heart.
          “What happened!?” Steve shouted. You hadn’t even heard the team come back.
          “We saw the light and came back as fast as we could!” Sam said.
          You shrugged Steve’s hand off your shoulder as you continued compressions.
          “Poison.” You panted.
          You hadn’t realized you were crying. Tears now spilled freely onto Bucky’s jacket.
          Steve stayed kneeling next to you as the rest of the team stood back, watching in amazement as the light made its way through Bucky’s body.
          Bucky locked eyes with him. He placed a hand on Buck’s head and wiped the sweat off of his brow.
          “You’re gonna be okay, Buck. You’ll pull through.” He said with a small reassuring smile.
          It wasn’t himself he was worried about. He’d never seen you exert yourself this much. He was in so much pain but dying would be better than seeing you go through this.
          You shouted with each thrust, trying to keep yourself from tiring out and stopping. The white light had made its way back around to the heart and Bucky’s entire body started relaxing. You felt relief as he stopped seizing and his eyes started closing. As you wiped the sweat off of your face, you realized your nose was bleeding. Just as you were about to sit back, you froze.
          There’s no heartbeat. You desperately connected yourself back to his body and felt that his organs were shutting down. You started compressions again, this time more vigorously. You were going to have to filter his organs for multiple rounds to reach every part, every cell affected by the poison. You wailed, crying harder as you felt his ribs crack from the force and then heal, only to be cracked again. You were starting to get lightheaded, and your muscles were burning. You could not keep it up for much longer. Desperate to get him back, you call to Steve beside you.
          “Steve. There’s. Adrenaline. In. Jet.” You gasped between each push.
          Steve was so distraught between seeing the both of you that he didn’t move right away. Natasha instinctively ran to the jet and brought it back, digging through it until she found the syringe and uncapped the needle.
          Natasha knew she didn’t need to confirm whether you really wanted to do this.
          “Injecting now.”
          She thrust the needle into your thigh and clicked the top, releasing the spring and shooting the needle into the muscle.
          You wailed again in anguish, fighting through the pain until you felt it hit your heart. The light had turned into a pillar, a beacon in the sky. Your hair once again in a halo, floating around you. The team had to shield their eyes and brace themselves against the force that hit them. You put newfound strength into each push until you could feel that every single drop of poison was filtered out of his body. Finally, Bucky opened his eyes.
          You stopped pushing on his chest.
          “Bucky?” you asked hoarsely.
          He was still coming to but was well enough to sit up. He clutched at his chest and found no pain. He then looked at his hand.
          “How did you-?”
          You fell over.
          Bucky scrambled over to you and pulled you into his arms. You coughed against his chest, bloodying his shirt. He looked at you and then at Steve, mouth agape. Steve could only look sadly back.
          He cradled you and brushed the hair out of your face, blood from your nose and mouth smearing before being covered by the new blood steadily streaming out.
          “I’m sorry,” You said softly, the sleepy look on your face deceivingly masking the gravitas of the situation.
          “Don’t apologize.” He said quietly, pausing to keep the tears from showing. It proved to be pointless as his voice cracked, asking:
          “Why would you do this? You should’ve just let me die.”
          You closed your eyes.
          “Because I love you, Buck. Always have.” You slurred tiredly.
          You whimpered and then stilled.
          Bucky cried while rocking you in his arms.
Part II
          You opened your eyes to a black room. No, not a room. There were no walls. You glanced down at your hands. You could still see them so it wasn’t dark, just… black.
          “Well, hello.”
          You spun around and saw the source of the voice.
          A serene, beautiful woman who had long dark hair and dressed in a green tunic addressed you.
          “What has brought you here, young one?”
Read Part II Here
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dumbgothbunny · 3 years
Just a taste (Kanato x Reader)
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Authors note: So I had this idea brewing in my head for a few days. I never have time to write but I managed to do this on the notes in my phone during my down time. I haven’t written actual years so I really hope it’s not total ✨garbage✨ also I hope I did Kanato’s character justice 😭
TW’s under the
TW: Non-con, Lactation, fingering, smut, sorta losing your virginity to fingering,being drugged by Reiji
 ~ * ~
The door pushed open with a creak, cool night air burning your aching lungs. With heavy limbs you manage to stagger down the stairway, bare feet scraping uncomfortably against the stone. You had to keep running, or else he’d find you.
You were a fool for accepting his drink, for thinking that maybe he’d show you some mercy, that the notion had been pure. Yes, you were complete moron for trusting any of the Sakamaki brothers, Reiji included.
Your legs carried on, heavy and weak. Further, just a little further and you could hide in the bushes of the garden and collect yourself.
Your body was burning inside and out, your nerves aching with pain and pleasure. The buttons of your blouse felt tight around your chest, the cotton constricting and rubbing uncomfortably against your stiffened nipples. Whatever Reiji had put in your drink was strong, it was doing things to your body you’d never felt before. Every movement sent your nerves aflame. You round the corner of the mansion, relief flooding through your body. Almost, you were almost there just a little bit more. Pushing yourself farther into the garden on heavy legs, you’re almost to a thick row of bushes-
A small Yelp bubbles up in your throat, your body falling forward and onto the grass. Crumping into a ball, the tears that had been threatening to spill over finally release.
“Ne... Teddy.. look... I knew I smelled something sweet...”
Your body instantly stiffens, the scratch of the grass sending electric shocks down your heated skin. Kanato Sakamaki stands, his favorite teddy bear clutched in his arms. He tilts his head, amethyst eyes wide with curiosity.
“Say, Why are you out here at this time of the night?”
There’s a sharp pain in your side, the force of Kanato’s shoe enough to roll you over onto your back. You gaze up at the full moon, chest heaving. What had you done to deserve this?
“ Don’t ignore me!”
You whine, your eyes moving to settle on the lavender haired vampire who is now straddling your leg, his prized possession resting against the headstone of his late mother. You’re painfully aware of his knee, which is shoved up between your thighs. Through harsh breaths you manage to whimper out.
“I-I’m Sorry”
He smiles. It’s not a sweet smile, but a smile of a predator who has just stumbled upon the most delicious pray.
“I’m thirsty, ne... Teddy what do you say we get a drink?”
Your heart pounds against your chest, another whine passing your lips as he leans over you, nosing your neck. The heat flooding through your body heightens, the pleasure of skin to skin contact overwhelming you. Your mind is muddled, tongue thick. The vampire presses his leg upward, knee digging into the fabric of your underwear. You yelp, nails gripping at the dirt beside you.
You’re painfully aware of his chest, pressing down against your own, of the way his fingers toy with your collar.
Kanato continues to nuzzle your flesh, hands roaming from your collar to play with the sides of your shirt.
“Smells so sweet... I’ve got to...”
Your body arches as he sinks his fangs into your skin. Kanato shifts on his knee, allowing for one of his hands to groap at your aching breast. You gasp, arms moving to wrap around him, fingers desperately clawing at his back.
“P-please Kanato-Kun S-St-“
You’re cut off by the vampire digging his fangs in deeper. Against your will, your body reacts, grinding up against his knee. The motion sends sparks of pleasure surging through you. Everything was heightened, so much so that it was almost painful. Kanato squeezes your chest. The dirtiest moan you’ve ever heard spills from your lips.
Abruptly, the vampire pulls away from you, his eyes filled with fury.
“What the... What did you just do to me!?”
Your vision, which had started to double, returns. For a moment you’re confused, until you see something slick coating his fingers. You push yourself up on your elbows, looking down at your chest. Your blouse was soaked; two distinctive wet stains against your nipples, trails leading down to stop at your stomach. Your face flushes, heart sinking. There was no way.
Kanato’s disgust quickly turns into something else. Whatever you’d just done- it smelled almost as good as your blood. You watch in shame as the vampire moves his fingers to his bloodied mouth, licking at them, smearing the blood against his pale skin. He lets out an animalistic moan, something you thought you’d never hear from him, of all Sakamaki brothers.
“More... I want.... more.”
You try to fight him back, but he overpowers you, ripping your blouse violently. Buttons fly across the garden, rolling through the dirt. He doesn’t bother with your bra, tugging it down over the soft flesh of your breasts. You look away, cheeks burning in shame. You’d managed to make it a week without any of them seeing you like this- but to think Kanato would be the first...
“Ahh...Teddy. Look how sweet her skin looks.... I want to paint it red...”
His eyes trace every inch of your exposed flesh, the look on his face enough to make your skin crawl. The hardened flesh of your nipples grabs his attention, rose pink and weeping with a sweet smelling white substance. It’s thick in the air, mixed with the scent of your blood. You try to cover yourself, but Kanato is quick to smack your arms away, his knee grinding up into your soaked panties.
You flinch at his shout.
“Dont try to hide it anymore! Or else I -I ‘ll really hurt you!”
You stop struggling, biting your tongue to keep the tears at bay. The night air is cool against your exposed, supple skin. You whimper as the vampire traces your nipple with the tip of his tongue, collecting the oozing liquid from your breast. He moans softly, the sound almost a purr.
“Ne.... put your hands in my hair....”
You do as your told, trembling fingers weaving through silky lavender. Kanato shudders, his lips encasing your swollen nipple. You arch into him against your own will, the pressure in your chest slowly relieving itself. His tongue twists, a fang scraps against the sensitive skin of your areola.
He chuckles against your nipple, the vibration sending sparks down through your nerves. You’re all too aware of his hand, which is slowly making its way down your bare ribs, cool skin soothing the heat that’s burning under the surface. Your fingers grip at his hair, not to harshly. You don’t want to make him angry, not when he’s acting like this.
“So sweet...Hey, Doll. Do you think it’ll taste sweeter mixed with blood?”
Your captor looks up at you, milk dribbling down his chin. The sight is alone causes your legs to tremble.
“I -I don’t-“
He doesn’t let you finish your thought. Not that you could anyway. The fog of drugs makes it almost impossible for you to form thoughts or words now, the only thing in your mind is Kanato. There’s a familiar sting as his fangs puncture your breast. You shudder, bucking your clothed sex up against his leg. You’re desperate for him, every nerve in your body is screaming for his touch. He sucks you, drawing in not only your blood, but the sweet nectar leaking from your nipple. It’s too much, this sensation is driving you wild. The noises your making are shameful and the way you’re dry humping against his leg is equally as degrading. He doesn’t comment on this though, Instead he unlatches from your breast, moving to the other.
Your head is swimming, pleasure and pain and heat sending you into delirium. Your head lulls to the side, eyes clouded from pleasure. Kanato punctures your other breast, his tongue lapping and sucking against your weeping nipple. The cool touch of his fingertips travels lower, skipping over your waist line and right up your thigh, below the fabric of your school skirt. A moan hitches in your throat. He couldn’t possibly be thinking-
“Neee... girls like it when you make them feel good, right? You’re rutting against me so shamefully.. I should make you feel good, so you’ll let me drinking more of you, right?”
His voice is velvety smooth, the sound alone enough to coax your legs apart. Kanato moves his knee, which is slick with your juices.
“P-please don’t I’ve never-“
Your pleas fall on deaf ears. The vampire above you slurps against your skin, his cool fingers slipping under the already drenched cloth of your panties to delve between your thighs. It stings.
Your legs flail weakly, your cry of mixed pleasure and pain echoing into the cold night. Kanato grunts as your fingers dig into his scalp, but he doesn’t say anything. You’re too delicious to be separated over something so small. His other hand, the one that’s not knuckle deep in your cunt, is gripping at your own hair. A garbled sob passes your lips, but you’re not sure if it’s from pleasure or devastation.
A man has never held you like this before- has never violated you in such a way. Eventually Kanato growls against your skin, letting your breast go with an audible pop.
“Stop squirming! I’m trying to make you feel good! If you keep it up I’ll stop and just let you suffer!”
You do as you’re told, the look in his eyes alone is enough to let you know he’s absolutely feral right now. He begins moving his fingers, scissoring you open eagerly. Kanato’s lips trail along your nipple, a fang poking at its tip. You jerk involuntarily, the movement pressing your cunt up into his fingers. Your head falls back, body arching into him. He laughs. The sound is cruel and if you weren’t so far gone it might send chills up your spine.
“The better you feel the sweeter your taste gets... I’m the first one to do this to you..?”
You nod your head, eyes closed.
Kanato grins, pressing a third finger into your weeping heat. He begins to stroke his thumb against your clit, the movement soft and gentle. Your eyes widen, fresh tears trailing down your cheeks. The vampire looks up at you, watching your every expression as he strings you along.
“Nee~ yes Teddy, I agree... she’ll be perfect for my collection”
Your heart is pounding in your ears. With each heave of your chest milk cascades down your breast and onto your ribs. Kanato presses his tongue against the fallen droplets, licking back up to take one of your once bitten nipples back into his mouth. You try to focus on anything but the sensations bursting through you, try to still your hips against his fingers, but it’s no use. You’re riding him, letting him take you in to the knuckle. The pad of his thumb circling your slickend nub.
His fangs pierce you again, the pain quickly turning into pleasure. Your eyes fixate on the small bear sitting atop a headstone. Shame twists in your gut. To be doing such a thing here...
The drumming of your heartbeat gets faster, your vision slowly going dark around the edges. Ecstasy is close, your body threatening to melt around Kanato’s fingers despite your better judgement.
“K-Kanato-Kun please. Please d-don-“
Your toes arch, digging into the dirt.
No. No no no this can’t be happening.
Your captor hums against your breast, drinking down both of your delicious essence. Kanato isn’t the least bit surprised when your walls spasm around his three fingers, nor is he surprised when your juices violently push against his hand, only to drip out of you like a leaking faucet. He’d read about that in one of Laito’s books. The fact he’d made you feel so good was more than pleasing to him. It awakened a sickening obsession.
You slouch back onto the ground whimpering, mind pleasantly numb. The fingers that had been tangled in Kanato’s hair were now resting on the ground beside you. The vampire unlatches from your body and pulls his fingers from your throbbing heat. He kneels back, licking each one from knuckle to tip. You look completely spent, tear stains marring your usually perfect skin. He nudges your legs apart, curiously peaking at what he’d just been assaulting. Kanato licks his lips, then stands.
“Get up. It would be bad if my brothers found you out here. You’re my favorite toy and they’d break you.”
When you don’t move he scowls.
“Tch. I said get up!”
He bends to the side, curiously looking at your crumpled form.
“Eh~ Teddy. I think she passed out.”
After a few moments the vampire nods at his companion.
“You’re right Teddy. It would be a problem. I dont like my idiot brothers playing with my toys. They always break them.”
Kanato picks up your limp body with no problem, swiping Teddy from the tombstone of his departed mother and gently, every so carefully setting him against his abs and on your tummy. He hums delightfully as he practically skips inside. The door had been left open, making it easier for him to get in. He kicks it closed before making his way to his room.
Your head is pounding, your limbs feel heavy and tired, but your body is no longer overly hot and sensitive. The first thing that registers in your sleep-fogged mind is the tenderness of your chest. The next thing you’re aware of is the cool body pressed against yours.
Your eyes flutter open, adjusting to the dim daylight that peeks through purple blackout curtains. The silky sheets draped over your body feel amazing. You try to move carefully, unaware of your surroundings.
The soft snore makes you stop moving. Your heart leaps out of your chest. Suddenly everything from the previous night comes rushing back. You’re overly aware of the fact You’re no longer in your own clothes. A soft cardigan has been buttoned around your body, loose and inviting. It smells like Kanato. Tufts of purple peek out from under the comforter and you feel like you’re about to scream. He’s latched onto you, arms tightly holding you against him. His cool cheek is pressed in between your breasts. You don’t risk trying to get away. If you were to wake the sleeping vampire no doubt he’d be ill.
After the shock subsides you try to get comfortable again. Your body is aching, sore from the previous trist you’d had in the garden. Your fingers gently comb through lavender locks, your eyes slowly closing once more.
“Just relax”
You tell yourself silently.
“Just go back to sleep. You need to recover”
After a few moments you drift back off, nuzzling your nose against the top of Kanato’s head.
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sylverstorms · 3 years
Donna x Elena ----From Winter to Spring
This is a commission written for the lovely @saltwatereulogies and I cannot thank you enough for all your support! I hope you enjoy the story :)
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She doesn’t know how she escaped that nightmarish inferno. How she still draws breath. Why her body keeps running despite its condition and despite the fact that she has lost everything.
The village is gone. Everyone she knew is either dead or a monster. She watched her own father growl like a beast and cleave a woman in half, then soon after wail out her name and succumb to the flames swallowing up the building. There is nothing left. There is nothing left for her.
Why? Elena wonders. A trail of blood marks her path through the snow, towards the unknown. Why still fight?
It will be easier to surrender to the agonizing burns, to the open gashes and wood splinters stuck in her skin. It will be far, far simpler to stop pressuring her rattling lungs to provide oxygen and fall into the snow, instead. It looks… peaceful. Soft. Pure.
It will welcome her to a quiet death, she thinks, so she may join her friends and her father.
Her father. The man who had never reached his hand out to help her when she fell –either on the fields or when she tripped over hardships— yet had always been there in his own stubborn, strict way, telling her to pick herself up.
“I didn’t raise no quitter.”
Ah, is that why.
Perhaps part of her feels it owes it to him to try. She did miraculously survive the fiery wreckage she’d initially thought would be her grave. But… the odds just aren’t with her.
Elena is only human. She’s lost too much blood, been through too much punishment. Her vision is growing blurrier by the second, her legs more sluggish. When she steps on grass instead of snow, she believes her mind is now playing tricks on her, too.
Something smells sweet, like wildflowers.
That is the last thing Elena is aware of, before she drops to her knees and blacks out.
When she blinks her eyes open, she is… confused.
She never thought heaven nor hell would have a wooden ceiling. She wouldn’t have guessed pain follows one into the afterlife, either, yet there she is, prone and throbbing with every weak breath on a bed too comfortable to be her own.
Unless she’s not dead. Unless, against all odds, she survived a second time only to suffer some more. Elena wants to cry. What cruel game is the universe playing with her? The luck she never had in life is suddenly gracing her in extreme bursts now that she doesn’twant it.
“She’s awakeeee!” an overly excited voice exclaims somewhere around the room. Elena is too dizzy to tell.
“Shh.” A second presence makes itself known, calming the first.
“Who…” Who are you, Elena tries to say, but the words never make it past her dry throat.
Heels tap against the floor, until a black-clad figure comes to peer down at her. Elena expected to see the face of her savior, yet all she sees is a ghost, its visage hidden behind a mourning veil. The image is jarring; it sends her heartbeat skyrocketing, which doesn’t help her condition.
Oh, Lord, Oh, Lord what… Elena wants to tell herself she’s dreaming. It isn’t real, none of this is real—
Until a doll jumps into the edge of her bed and says something she doesn’t hear over the sound of her hoarse scream.
The ghost flinches backwards as the world turns dark once more.
The second time she opens her eyes, hours or days later, the pain has subsided somewhat.
Elena can feel her body, at least. All the wounded parts are carefully wrapped in gauzes and all her burns are covered by a soothing salve. Her lungs no longer hiss when she inhales, so long as she does so slowly, evenly.
That, of course, is not so easy to do when she turns to her left and sees the ghost sitting there, an open book in her lap. The veil is still on, obscuring her features, but Elena takes note of her fingers as they cradle the spine of the tome, long and pale, manicured black.
Appearances aside, there is a certain calm about her that doesn’t feel threatening.
“I… I’m not hallucinating, am I?” she whispers, not trusting her voice to go any higher.
The mystery woman tenses as though her voice has startled her. “…No.” she eventually replies. Her voice is quiet, like the rest of her.
“Did… you save me…?” A single nod is all she gets in return. Her company doesn’t seem very comfortable speaking, but Elena has questions that she needs answered. “Where am I?”
“The Beneviento estate.”
Elena would gasp if she could. I made it that far? And this woman… is she really Donna Beneviento? Her father told her all she needed to know about the four Lords residing at the outskirts of the village. He had also told her to avoid them at all costs.
“Um. I’m Elena—” A cough cuts her off. The sudden motion causes every injury across her body to burn.
“…I know.”
She is too much pain, in that moment, to ask how Donna knows.
In the following days, Elena comes to accept a few things that would have normally made her question her sanity;
The doll is alive. Her name is Angie and she is Donna’s friend. Donna is the adopted daughter of Mother Miranda, who, upon the former’s request, has given her permission for Elena to remain in the mansion. When she asked what would have happened had she denied, the doll only sing-songed that she doesn’t really want to know.
It still plagues her mind, probably because she has far too much time to think and this is the only thing she can focus on, lest she starts crying over and over again.
When Donna comes to change her bandages, it is a relief.
The woman sits at the edge of her bed, at the absolute maximum distance. Elena slowly brings her body to a semi-reclining position to assist. Angie hops on the bed and pulls the covers to the side… and that is when they arrive to a standstill. Donna doesn’t move, Elena doesn’t know what to do.
“Um. May I?” the veiled woman motions with her –admittedly very elegant— hands. It’s… endearing, how she approaches the subject of touching her.
Elena nods and tries to be a good patient for her. Tries being the key word. When she’s not fighting for her life, she is not nearly as brave in the face of pain. Her teeth are gritted as Donna’s cool hands unwrap the gauzes at her right arm, her eyes closed, breath held.
“…Am I hurting you?” Donna asks, quiet as ever.
“No.” Elena forces herself to exhale. “No, you’re… very gentle.”
Donna nods and continues with the same measured movements. Elena doesn’t want to look at her wounds, afraid of what she’ll find there, so she turns to the veiled visage of her companion. She wishes she could see her face. Wonders what she may look like, what flaw she’s trying to hide.
Until a bandage catches on a particularly bad burn and Elena cries out.
Her whole body jumps—
Donna’s hands fly to her shoulders, keeping her steady with surprising strength, yet she steps away the very next second as though she’s been scorched.
Elena bites her lower lip hard enough to draw blood. There you go, making her uncomfortable…
Angie takes over for a while, also quite precise. Elena peeks down to realize she isn’t in as terrible a condition as she may have imagined. Scars will be left, no doubt, but she will probably heal well enough.
Then the last difficult spot comes up. She knows it when Angie warns: “You need to stay still here.”
“No, no wait!” Elena pleads. “I—I can’t.” I can’t, I can’t deal with this again, not again—
But Donna sits back next to her and her mere presence calms her down. “You are very strong, Elena. This is the last one.” she says.
“Hold me down.” Elena requests.
Donna doesn’t seem to like the idea. Still, she slowly brings her hand back over the uninjured part of Elena’s shoulder. “It’ll be alright.” she whispers.
“On three.” Angie says. “One… Two…”
She pulls the bandage on two and Elena would jump high enough to burst through the ceiling if it wasn’t for Donna. When the agony subsidies she realizes she’s sobbing helplessly, clutching at the dollmaker’s sleeves for dear life.
“Shh, I’m sorry, it’s over now. It’s over.” Donna’s slender fingers comb through her unruly hair.
The brunette closes her eyes and lets her head drop back down into her pillow, but she doesn’t let go of the dollmaker right away. She smells like the flowers outside her house,she thinks.
She feels like a safe space, steady, in a world that’s broken and tilted for Elena.
Gradually, Donna talks to her more. Gradually, Elena tests her body’s limits until she is strong enough to walk around the house on her own.
Angie is with her, most of the time, but she knows it’s less a security measure and more one for her safety. Her mental connection to Donna is something Elena cannot grasp nor understand, but she tries to.
The first time she manages to get to the living room, Elena stops and stares at the painting of Donna adorning the wall opposite her.
“…is that her?” she asks Angie.
“Of course!” the doll replies excitedly. “I am so proud of that one, the artist did a great job! Mistress Donna looks splendid, but it is me who steals the show!”
Elena can’t look away from the canvas. Why is she so familiar…? “Is that what she looks like?”
“Well, excluding a scar she wishes to hide. Kind of like my face. We match.” Angie answers, giving her version of a grin.
For the rest of the day, Elena sneaks glances at Donna, then the painting. It isn’t proper, she knows, but she’s curious. And… surely, no scar is enough to justify hiding that cute face from the world?
Weeks pass. Elena has healed well and she owes it all to Donna.
The two of them have grown closer in the time the former’s injuries have forced them together, close enough to have tea in the mornings and brief chats over common interests throughout the day.
When the weather grows a tad warmer, Elena asks the dollmaker to take a stroll with her outside. She sees the decorated graves, of course, but she knows better than to ask. She doesn’t want their time to be poisoned by grief. The scars of losing loved ones run deep, she knows this too well and they never really heal.
The two of them are basking in comfortable silence for a while, until a thought that feels impossible not to be voiced strikes Elena.
“Donna.” she speaks.
“When I first woke up and I told you my name… you said ‘I know’.”
“I’m sure we’ve never met before…?” Elena stops and turns to face her companion. Donna mirrors her.
“How certain are you?” she asks. Upon Elena’s obvious confusion, she elaborates; “As a child, I used to visit the village with my father. In one of those visits, some of the kids made fun of my scar. A boy, especially, was saying some very mean things.”
Elena starts to recall one such incident in the blurry images of her childhood.
“You stopped him.” Donna says. Pauses. “…with a punch to the face.”
Elena raises a hand to her mouth, but a quick laugh escapes her anyway. “I did?” A nod. “No way.”
“You did.”
“It couldn’t have been a strong one, though.” Elena giggles.
“I don’t know. Rumor has it he still hasn’t gotten up, to this day…” The little exhale of a chuckle that escapes Donna makes something in Elena bloom and flutter.
She wants nothing more in that moment than to lift the damned veil and see the face of the gentlest, kindest woman she’s ever met.
The winter eventually gives way to spring. The earth heals from the wounds of the cold like Elena has, under Donna’s care.
She no longer has doubts about what she feels, what she wants. It is only a matter of overcoming her fears and nervousness. Only a matter of finding the right timing and the appropriate setting.
Elena has rehearsed the words she needs to say many times in her dreams and thoughts, yet she finds herself tongue-tied and completely lost on what to do in reality. She has asked Donna to walk with her, taken her to where the waterfall calms into a river… and now struggles to summon her voice.
“What is it, Elena?” Donna, ever the sweetheart, asks. “You know you can tell me anything… right?”
“What if…” she hesitantly begins. “What if I can’t tell you? …can I show you, instead?”
“Of course.”
Elena takes a deep breath and chastises herself to woman up. One little step brings her into Donna’s personal space. Her hand raises to the edge of the veil, blue eyes searching for a sign she should stop. The dollmaker is tense, but she hasn’t made a move to back away, nor lower Elena’s hand.
She trusts her.
And that’s all Elena needs to finally, finally remove the barrier separating them for months. The cute girl she defended as a child is a beautiful woman now, looking back at her with gentle, dark eyes. The jagged scar running down the right side of her face does nothing to retract from that beauty.
“You don’t need that.” she breathes. “You never did.”
Donna glances to the side, a hint of color spreading over her pale cheeks. Elena chases her chin with her fingers, then slowly inches closer, making sure the dollmaker has ample time to decide if she wants this, too.
When their lips meet, color blooms behind her shut eyelids, within her chest. Donna’s mouth is as soft and sweet as her personality, Elena discovers. It is a short, chaste kiss but it is also a promise for many more to come.
It is the gratitude Elena will eternally hold for Donna, who found her at the ending of her life and nursed her back to this,
A new beginning.
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ddarker-dreams · 4 years
Comfortably Numb. Yan Chrollo x Reader [COMM]
warnings: mentions of anxiety, just general uneasiness. word count: 2.6k.
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Home is where the heart is. 
It’s meant to be the sanctuary where you can unwind after a long day of work, dress in your most comfortable pajamas, and feel no qualms for the opinions of others. A safe haven of your own making. Granted, there was a time that you felt this way, no matter how long ago it seems. A coveted period of your life that you wish you could return back to. On a surface level, any onlooker might take a glance at you and think you are as normal as they are. If only that were the truth, you bitterly lament. 
Now, what do you need to check on next? Milk is in good supply, not set to expire anytime soon. Hm… can’t say the same for the fruit. You jostle down some of your favorites onto the ever growing grocery list. What else is there? You’ve got to be missing something. Standing on your tiptoes, you open the overheard cabinet, that is now noticeably more barren than it used to be. The bags of tea that had once populated this area have vanished, all but a lonesome pack of matcha. Huffing, you close the cabinet doors, ready to voice your irritation.
Pivoting on your heel, you look over the kitchen counter and towards the occupied living room. “You drank all my tea?” 
“Not at all of it,” your unwelcome guest corrects, much to your displeasure. “Besides, you never said I couldn’t have any.” 
You raise an eyebrow at this conjecture. Who would’ve thought him a stickler for semantics. “Yeah, well, I never said you could have it either.” 
“That’s a fair enough point. I’ll be sure to reimburse you for it later.” Chrollo ends the conversation before it even begins. His attention returns to his original activity of reading, freely helping himself to yet another one of your belongings. An exhausted sigh leaves your lips at the sight. If you somehow make it out of this situation unscathed, you may take on a more pious lifestyle, having survived way more than you should’ve. It’s a wonder that Chrollo hasn’t seen fit to strike you down where you stand. Where you lack self-restraint in the verbal department, you make up for it in your overall composure. Surely anyone else would’ve been crushed under the immense pressure of having a murderer crashing at their apartment. 
That’s just about the best way to describe it, you think. How desensitized do you have to be to no longer shiver at the thought? In all fairness, Chrollo himself is treating this as the most ordinary arrangement in the world. At his own leisure he’ll start conversations with you, inquire about your day, and even offer insight that you never asked for. It’s gotten to the unfortunate point that you’re even starting to do the same. Treating him more as a peculiar roommate than the threat he truly is, though it could be your way of coping. That’s the explanation you’re going with.
Chrollo puts a bookmark into his read, and places it aside. “Is there anything you’d like for dinner?”
He asks the question as if it’s the most natural thing in the world. Your normally schooled expression is broken, lips parting and eyebrows furrowing together. Is he being serious right now? There’s no way to tell for certain. Not on a lack of trying from your behalf, his countenance never hints at his innermost thoughts. You get the feeling what little Chrollo does reveal to you is intentional. How creepy. 
“I was just planning on warming up leftovers,” you accentuate this by opening your fridge. On the shelves sits lentil soup, apples, and some protein yogurts. Shit. “Scratch that. I’ll be settling for yogurt instead.” 
“You had that for breakfast, if memory serves.” Chrollo points out, as if you’re incapable of remembering that yourself. It’s odd that he feels the need to pay attention to every detail about you. How often is Chrollo observing you without you taking notice? You push the thought aside with a frown.
“What are you, my hostage-taker and nutritionist? Besides, this is what I like to call a struggle meal. Or, meals, technically. I’ll go shopping tomorrow to make up for it.” You grimace while picking up the gourmet cuisine for tonight. Strawberry cheesecake flavor. It’s better with stuff added to it for texture, but this’ll have to do. It’s doubtful someone who is hiding a stolen merchandise worth hundreds of thousands can empathize with your position. Not that it matters if Chrollo Lucilfer holds you in high regard, with all the blood on his hands. He’s got no room to judge.
“Hm, in the time we’ve spent together, I never considered you as dense,” he gets up from his seat, making his way towards the kitchen. You don’t get a word in edgewise before your dinner is plucked from your hands. Chrollo places it back in the fridge, while you stare at him with a slackened jaw. “I’m offering to buy you food, [First].” 
How considerate of him to spell it out for you. 
“Appreciative as I am for your gesture of goodwill, I’ll pass. I don’t want to be indebted to you.” You make for the fridge once again, scowling as he holds it shut with unnatural force. Damn, he’s strong. Maybe you’re playing with fire by provoking him, considering the power imbalance, but your tongue is faster than your brain. Both a blessing and a curse. Leaning more towards the latter, you muse.
“I insist. It’s only right that I repay you somehow, for allowing me to stay here. You wouldn’t be indebted to me.” Chrollo’s smile never reaches his eyes, you notice. Standing here in close proximity to him, there’s a lot more you can pick up on. Every little detail of his disposition is intentional. From his even keel tone, to his polite speech, and way of acting like you have any say in the matter. You’re all bark and no bite. Both of you are keenly aware of this, and still he talks to you as if he’s none the wiser. It’s demeaning in its own right. 
“I guess it is sacrilegious to turn down free food. Alright, you win.” You throw your hands up in mock defense. This uncomfortable interaction helped you remember the position you’re in, how every breath might be your last. He’s broken into your residence, forced you to hide him from encroaching hunters, and made your past ten days a living hell. It was the threats to your loved ones that ultimately earned your compliance. 
You can’t help the self deprecation that’s followed since that day. The law is what you’re supposed to be protecting, not protecting criminals from. Going to the station everyday with the knowledge that you’re harboring such a dangerous criminal is weighing heavily on your soul. Life sure is full of the worst ironies. Had it not been an A class bounty, you may have stood a chance. 
Chrollo reaches into the pocket of his jacket, pulling out one of his many burner phones. “You’re being more agreeable than I expected, if I’m being honest.”
“What can I say? I become a bit of a yes man when my life is being threatened.” You respond with an empty smile of your own. Instead of earning any ire from him, he lets out an airy chuckle, of dubious sincerity. Whether it’s at you or with you is difficult to decipher. He pulls up a food delivery app, showing you the options. This was all prepared in advance, he must’ve taken the time to download it. So it wasn’t a spur of the moment decision to mess with you? 
“Y-you’re really letting me pick?” There’s no hiding your incredulous tone of voice. This series of events is far too bizarre to fathom, like a nightmare stepping into reality. Just a week ago you were contemplating how to poison Chrollo without him taking notice. Now you’re ordering food together. There has to be an ulterior motive lurking around, your gut won’t tell you otherwise.
He tilts his head at your apprehension, and repeats himself. “That’s what I said, yes.” 
Fuck it. When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade, or so the saying goes. You’ve suffered enough at Chrollo’s hands, it wouldn’t hurt to make the most of it. You take the cheap phone from his hands, scrolling through the options, and realizing now just how wonderful the variety of food sounds. Working up an appetite hasn’t come naturally with your uninvited guest skulking about. He has enough prepaid visa cards to cover what you want, so you hold nothing back. 
After returning his phone to him, you can’t help but throw an additional sarcastic comment in. It’s second nature at this point. “Happy now?” 
“Very much so,” Chrollo doesn’t mention your indignation, eyes raking over your expansive order. It’s not until he gets to the end that he quirks an eyebrow. “... A one hundred dollar tip?” 
“Feel free to add some extra zeros to the end of that. It’s not binary code for ‘help me, there’s a criminal in my apartment’, if you’re worried about that.”
He hums in consideration. “I can’t say that came to mind.” 
“Shit, looks like I went ahead and busted my own master plan.” Your response is notably dry. A headache is already in the works, courtesy of speaking to Chrollo for too long. He never fails to keep you on your toes. For all the sardonic remarks you make at his expense, anxiety has never stopped plaguing you. It’s a miracle that your heart is still functioning properly. You don’t even know why you ordered the absurd amount that you did, other than from pure spite, since your stomach is churning too much to want to eat. Maybe that’ll change when the food shows up. If not, your co-workers are going to be in for quite a treat tomorrow. 
You return to your newfound favorite activity of ignoring Chrollo, busying yourself with anything that comes in sight. Watering your plants, putting mugs from the dishwasher away, menial stuff that keeps you busy. A new feat lies in your wake. Whoever designed this apartment didn’t do so with you in mind, your larger plates just barely out of reach. Not willing to concede to using a chair just yet, you keep up the gallant attempt, stretching as far as your body allows. Your fingertips graze just over the prized handle, only for you to fail again.
That’s when you feel an over looming presence behind you, a shadow encompassing your figure. Chrollo gets the plate you were reaching for with ease, his chest brushing over your back in the process. You feel your face flushing, your body going taut, standing still as a wooden plank. He sets it down beside you with a knowing smile. That bastard…! He’s doing this on purpose. Damn him. 
“It looked like you could use some help.” He tells you. It takes every ounce of your self restraint not to lunge at him, instead taking a deep breath and nodding your head. Why is he so intent on getting a reaction from you? It’s exasperating, serving no practical purpose other than his own amusement. Inundated with your thoughts, you don’t realize how sour a look you’re sporting. This is what he wants, you remind yourself. To get you riled up. You refuse to play into his hands, and manage to get a grip. 
Time passes by at a lethargic pace. After around forty minutes, your front door rings, and you pick up the order. Sitting at your counter, you help yourself to the meal, grateful that Chrollo has seen fit to leave you alone. There can never be anything good in this world, as he eventually joins you. You try not facing him as an act of defiance. The plan that seemed ingenious in theory has a rockier execution. Sitting in silence feels worse somehow, like a ticking time bomb. Shifting in your seat, you decide to strike up a half baked conversation.
“So, uh, about the whole being hunted down thing,” your voice wavers and you hate yourself for it, “Do you have an idea of when it’s going to be over? I’m starting to run out of excuses for why my friends can’t come over.” 
This is true. There have been no more lively gatherings at your apartment since Chrollo’s unwelcome appearance, and you’ve been pestered about it. In between the lines is the prospect of your friends finding this reclusive behavior suspicious. In your optimism, you hope he takes it as a hint to get out of here faster.
Chrollo takes on a pensive appearance, his chin resting on his hand. “I’d been meaning to talk to you about that, so I’m glad you brought it up.” 
How nice it is to be on the same page. This could be the light at the end of the tunnel, the last page in this awful chapter of your life. Ten days seems like a reasonable amount of time to lay low. Maybe he’s already packing his bags, planning to leave you far behind, so you can forget any of this ever happened. Maybe you’ll treat yourself to a vacation. From the gut wrenching anxiety Chrollo has inflicted on you, you feel deserving of one. 
“They’ve stopped searching for me a while ago.” 
Wait, what?
You look at him, silverware dropping from your lax hand. He’s never been into joking around. Does that mean he’s being serious with you? That all this time, you’ve been holding out for something that already happened? Fists balling by your side, you don’t bother hiding a sharp glare directed towards him. There’s no playfully wry response, no comeback, only disbelief and abhorrence. The bountiful meal in front of you is forgotten. 
There’s no point in asking, but you still do, voice low. “... How long?” 
“According to my sources, about a week.” comes Chrollo’s response, hammering the final nail in the coffin of your patience. His motivations have never been any less clear. You know you shouldn’t have taken the word of someone like him seriously -- you’re so painfully aware of this that it hurts -- but now leaves a final question. Why? What does he get out of this? You feel sick to your stomach, knowing that it’s going to bad no matter what. Your breathing has picked up, eyes dilating and body threatening to crumble under the tension. Everything feels out of place. 
He responds as if he was reading your thoughts. “You’re an interesting person, [First]. You never cried, pleaded, or anything of the like. Instead you accepted the situation for what it was, all while staying true to your values. I find that admirable. I’d like to learn more from you.”  
“Stop talking to me like I’m a -- a fucking -- science experiment, instead of a human being. How does any of that shit even matter?” You feel the blood draining from your face, every word coming out more forced than the last. Getting riled up here is the last thing you should be doing, but you can’t control yourself. All your negative emotions from your time with him are regurgitating into a final mess.
“I don’t know, truth be told.” Chrollo checks the watch on his wrist, and you gulp at the smile that forms on his lips. It feels like a sentencing, a foreboding omen. There’s bile rising in your throat, and you scramble away from your chair. You need to get out of here. You need to run, to scream for help, to alert your family, this is not going to end well, what is he planning-- 
There’s a hurried knock at your door.
“However, what I do know is that I have no intention of leaving this place without you by my side.” 
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