#my bet is a new cd drama though
loud-whistling-yes · 14 days
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21 notes · View notes
otomehonyaku · 2 months
DIABOLIK LOVERS Chaos Lineage ☽ Ebten WonderGOO Tokuten Drama CD ☽ The Vampire’s Everyday: Board Game Edition (Ruki, Azusa, Kino)
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Original title: DIABOLIK LOVERS CHAOS LINEAGE ebten・WonderGOO特典ドラマCD「ヴァンパイア達の日常ボードゲーム編 ─ルキVSアズサVSキノ─ 」 Voiced by Sakurai Takahiro (Ruki), Kishio Daisuke (Azusa), Maeno Tomoaki (Kino) English translation by @otomehonyaku Click here for the audio (thank you to @karleksmumskladdkaka for providing the audio!)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Please do not reuse or repost my translations elsewhere or translate my work into other languages without my permission.
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Bet you didn't think we'd get to work on these so quickly! I want to give a HUGE thank you to @karleksmumskladdkaka for acquiring all of these rare CDs and sharing the audio with me for translation (づ>/////<)づ♡ This tokuten was hilarious and the bits where Ruki is trying to catch the Golden Bunny is just... his tactics might not have worked on the bunny (my own pet bunny would be equally unfazed) but I would've jumped straight into his arms. As always, enjoy listening and reading along! (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
[The scene starts with Kino aggressively tapping on his smartphone as he’s playing a game.]
00:00 Kino: And… I’ve cleared it! Ah, I’ve gotten tired of this game too… I should look for a new one to play.
[Kino searches the app store.]
K: Hm? What’s this? Huh? An app based on a board game? I’m not really into board games, but it’s been newly released, so I should download it just to check it out. Alright! It’s finished downloading. I’m gonna start it right away.
[Kino boots up the game.]
K: Oh! What an interesting opening to the game.
[The world starts swirling around Kino.]
K: Huh? What’s happening?! Why did such a strong wind start blowing all of a sudden? My body is being pulled into my smartphone by an incredibly powerful force. Ah… I can’t hold on… Ah!
[Kino disappears into his smartphone.] 01:13 [The scene shifts to Ruki reading in his room in the Mukami mansion.]
Ruki: Ah… 
[There’s a knock on the door.]
R: Azusa? What’s up?
Azusa: How did you know… it was me?
R: Because Kou and Yuma are both out today. You’re the only one here.
A: Ah… I see. Hey, Ruki. I’m sorry for… interrupting your reading, but…
R: What’s wrong? Is that a smartphone in your hand?
A: Yeah, it is… Kou told me to check out a smartphone game earlier… This game… was released recently… I thought we could play it, but… I don’t know… how to start the app…
R: I see. So that’s what you came to ask.
A: Yeah. Kou isn’t here either, so… Do you… know how to do it, Ruki?
R: Of course. I know that much. Give me the smartphone. So you just want me to download the game that’s on the screen right now?
A: Yeah, I think so…
[Ruki downloads the game.]
R: Hm. This should do it. It downloaded successfully. Now you just have to tap this button to start the game.
A: I got it. So I should tap here… right? Like this…
[Azusa boots up the app and the world starts swirling around him.]
A: Huh? What’s with… this strong wind? Is this… part of the game? Ah… 
R: No, that can’t be it… What’s going on? It’s like I’m being sucked into the smartphone…!
A: It’s happening to me too… Ah!
[Azusa disappears into the smartphone.]
R: Hey, Azusa…! …Shit!
[Ruki disappears along with him.]
03:55 K: Ugh… Ow… That really caught me off-guard. Hey… How long was I out? And where am I? It’s so dark that I can barely see what’s around me. Huh? There’s someone else on the ground, though. There’s two of them… Mukami Ruki and Azusa? Why are they here too?
[Kino tries to shake the Mukami brothers awake.]
K: Come on, wake up, you two. Hey, I’m telling you to wake up, damn it!
[Ruki stirs to life.]
R: Ugh…
K: Damn, you’re slow. Are you finally awake? And how about your brother?
R: Hey, Azusa. Wake up. Open your eyes.
[Azusa stirs to life as well.]
A: Ugh… Where are we? And why is… Kino here?
[Azusa sits up.]
R: Hey, Kino. Where are we?
And why are we here?
K: I don’t know either. When I woke up, I just kinda found myself here.
A: Earlier, we were… trying to play a game, though… What were you doing… before you got here, Kino…?
K: Me? I was just trying to play a game, but I was suddenly sucked into my smartphone. Before I knew it, I found myself in this strange place.
A: I see… So we were doing the exact same thing… The game you were trying to play… was it a… ‘game-of-life’ kind of game?
K: Oh, yes, that was it! You had to spin a roulette wheel. It was kinda like sugoroku (1).
R: I see… So that means that new game is likely the cause of all this. Besides, I’ve been wondering about that thing over there. Look.
A: Oh…? A gigantic… roulette wheel?
[Kino walks over to the roulette wheel.]
K: Oh! Look, look! If you look closely, there are squares (2) on the ground. 
R: Judging from those square spaces, we really do seem to be inside that game. I don’t know what caused all of this, exactly, but that seems to be the most likely explanation. Anyway, let’s stay put until we know more.
07:10 [Kino is already spinning the roulette wheel.]
K: Huh? D’ya say something?
R: Hey…! Why did you spin that wheel?
K: Why? Because I felt like it, of course.
R: I just told you to stay put!
K: Oh, it’s alright! You’ll overexert yourself if you get pissed off at me for such small things.
R: If that’s what you think, aren’t you better off not doing those things? Don’t put this on me!
A: You two… now’s not the time to fight…
[A countdown signal goes off.]
K: What’s that sound?
A: It sounds like… something has started.
R: Be careful. It sounds like something’s coming towards us.
[A very large spider comes towards the boys.]
K: Ah! What’s up with that giant spider?! It’s gross!
A: It’s huge…
R: Damn… We’ve been hauled into this unknown place and now we’re being attacked by a gigantic spider? These are some strange things happening… Kino. This is your fault. You take down the spider.
K: What? Why me? Get off your high horse and stop ordering me around. I’m not your little brother.
R: We’re in this situation because you were careless enough to spin that roulette wheel. This is your responsibility, so you should do something about it…
[Ruki and Kino’s bickering fades to the background as Azusa tries to appeal to the spider.]
A: Those two…
[The spider roars.]
R: [In the background] So, that means that you’re under my watch now.
A: [To the spider] I’m sorry… They ended up ignoring you.
K: [In the background] Ha, I get it! You’re just a little weakling, then! That’s why you always order people around!
A: [To the spider] They just kind of… started bickering, and… 
R: [In the background] Heh! 
[The spider roars again.]
A: What should I do…? What can I even do…?
[Azusa walks around.]
A: Ah! 
09:00R: Speak for yourself! You’re looking for excuses because you’re actually not confident that you can defeat that spider!
K: What? D’you think you can just make fun of me?
[The spider roars again.]
K: [To the spider] Hey, shut the fuck up! Take this!
[Kino attacks the spider.]
R: You should stay quiet while people are talking. Good grief, you have no manners.
[Ruki attacks the spider, killing it. Ruki walks over to it.]
R: Finally, you’ve gone quiet.
A: Ah… so you’ve defeated the spider.
R: Yeah, well, this clearly isn’t a place for leisuring. We should look around for clues so we can get out of here as fast as possible.
A: Ah, about that… Look at this. The spot that the roulette wheel landed on… it reads… “a large volume of spiders will show up,” “dispose of them rather than complaining”...
K: A large volume of spiders? So that’s what that spider was just now?
R: I see. So in this realm, whatever is written on the spaces will become reality.
K: Wow, that’s cool! So that means we’re playing a sort of sensory experience game here?
A: What’s written on the spaces… will actually materialise… But this space… doesn’t say anything about one gigantic spider… But we haven’t seen more spiders, either…
K: Aren’t they just talking about bugs? It’s a common occurrence in newly released games. And we’re inside the game right now, so that could explain it.
R: I see. Whatever the case, we should not stick around much longer. We’re getting out of here. Now.
11:05 A: But… how?
R: I have an idea.
K: Well, it doesn’t take a genius to come up with an escape plan. If we’re inside a game, we’ll just have to end the game, won’t we?
A: So, that means…
K: Yep, we just have to clear the game.
R: However, whatever is written on the square spaces seems to actually occur inside this game. Clearing it is not going to be easy.
A: Ah… actually, when you two were fighting earlier… I found something. Look. Come over here.
[Azusa leads them to a different spot.]
A: Look at this space. 
K: Huh? What’s this?
R: It says “Find the Golden Bunny for good luck. You may proceed to the goal immediately.”
K: Well, then, we can clear the game if we find that Golden Bunny, right?
R: I suppose so. Well done, Azusa.
A: Yeah.
R: However, I don’t think we’ll be able to find that bunny so easily…
[Lo and behold, a bunny hops by.]
K: Huh? Was that…?
R: The Golden… Bunny.
[The Golden Bunny happily hops away.]
K: Oh! Stop standing around. Let’s catch it! Come on, you two!
A: Ah… alright.
R: Kino, let’s work together. I’ll lend you a hand this time so we can get out of here.
K: Heh, get off your high horse. But, well, alright. I’ll join forces with you to escape this place. Don’t stand in my way, though.
A: Yes! Let’s all work together, then.
R: Great. We’re going after that bunny!
[The three run after the bunny.]
13:15 A: Haa… haa… Yes! We’ve caught up with it! Hehe. [To the bunny] Hey… you look… pretty tasty. Come on… don’t be scared. I’ll do you a favour… and catch you!
[Azusa tries to catch the bunny but it gets away and Azusa falls.]
A: Oh. Ow…
K: Jeez, don’t just try to grab it like that! Cornering it will only scare it away. You’ll never catch the bunny that way!
A: Sorry… Ah, Ruki… It’s coming your way!
[The bunny hops over to Ruki. Ruki and the bunny have a staredown.]
R: Well. Hey, you! Bunny. Come here. I’ll be nice to you. Now, jump into my arms! 
[The bunny—unlike the translator—is unfazed by Ruki’s tactics and it runs off.]
R: That’s strange… Why didn’t it jump into my arms?
K: What?! Did you seriously expect that to work? Oh, the two of you are completely useless.
R: Hey, Kino! It’s heading your way! Don’t waste this chance. Catch it!
K: What? It’s easy for you to order me around! Did you forget your own failure so easily? This pisses me off. I might be stubborn, but I’m going to fucking catch you!
[The bunny hops by Kino.]
K: Take this!
[Kino throws himself on top of the bunny. Ruki and Azusa run over to him.]
A: Kino!
R: Kino! Hey, did you catch it?
[Kino holds up the bunny.]
K: I did it… I caught it! I did it!
A: What a relief… Now we’ll be able to go home… We were able to catch it… because we all worked together.
R: Yeah, we did. It’s not so bad to help each other out.
K: Whoa, now. It’s thanks to my efforts that we’ve got the bunny. The two of you didn’t even do anything. Stop that sappy talk.
15:18A: This bunny… is pretty docile… and fluffy… 
K: It really is. It’s pretty cute with its little twitching nose.
A: Yeah… how cute. Hey, Ruki. Can’t we keep a bunny at home?
R: That’s not a good idea. I’d be the one constantly looking after it in the end.
A: It’s okay. I’ll take good care of it. So… please, Ruki?
K: Do you two always have such dull conversations? A Golden Bunny, though… They’re pretty rare. It would be nice if there were more of them.
[Something starts rumbling in the distance.]
A: Hey… Do you guys… hear something?
[An army of bunnies appears and heads for the boys.]
K: Are those… Why is there a horde of Golden Bunnies?! And why are they all coming our way?
R: Kino, you fool… Because of your careless remark—
K: Ah! Did I do that?!
A: Is this… also a bug? Hehe. There are so many bunnies…
K: Why do you look so happy about it? This is bad!
A: [In the background] Hehe… So many…
K: Agh! I can’t—The bunnies are trampling over me—
R: Fuck! How did it come to—Agh!
[The boys are buried under all the bunnies.]
17:11[Kino shoots upright in his bed.]
K: Ah! I thought I was going to suffocate. But… Huh? I’m in my own bed. Does that mean that wave of bunnies was… only a dream? Well… Of course it was. I wonder why those Mukami brothers were in my dream, though. It felt awfully real. Hmm…
[Ruki and Azusa also wake up in cold sweat.]
R: Ah… The bunnies?! They’re gone…
A: We’re in… your room, Ruki.
R: Apparently, we just fell asleep in my room somehow…
A: Yeah, but… I had a… strange dream.
R: Me too. A bad dream. I saw a giant spider and gold-coloured bunnies. It all sounds like a wicked joke, I’m sure.
A: Same for me… I also saw golden bunnies… Come to think of it… For some reason, Kino was also there…
R: I see. So you saw him too, Azusa… It seems a little too strange to be a coincidence for the two of us to have the same dream.
A: It does… But it was a really strange dream…
R: It was. It felt strangely realistic, too, but it was only a dream, after all.
A: So the giant spider… appeared in your dream too…
R: It did. It was a pretty rude one, at that, because it kept trying to interrupt our conversation.
A: Yeah… but, Ruki…
[The conversation trails off…]
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
双六(すごろく): Sugoroku is a Japanese board game kind of similar to backgammon and snakes and ladders, where you have to move all of your pieces to the other side of the board as quickly as you can. Sugoroku often incorporates elements from real life—like religion, politics, etc.—into this ‘race’ for storytelling purposes and more exciting play. You could liken it to the Game of Life too, in my opinion.
マス目 (ますめ):Squares; square-shaped spaces like the spaces you see on the board of a board game.
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DIABOLIK LOVERS LUNATIC PARADE Imajin Webshop Tokuten Drama CD ”Being a Popular ★ Guy is Rough ~Greetings from Inside the Kigurumi~”
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Original title: モテ★オトコは辛いよ~着ぐるみの中からこんにちは~
Source: Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE Imajin Webshop Tokuten Drama CD
Audio: Here
Seiyuu:  Hirakawa Daisuke & Kimura Ryouhei
Translator’s note: Laito & Kou are a really fun combination because they’re always dissing each other, yet they fail to realize how similar the two of them actually are. :p I didn’t think I would witness the day on which Laito gets ganged up on by a bunch of girls and doesn’t enjoy it though haha. The smell of his costume must have been really bad if it prevented him from enjoying that sort of situation. 
*Rustle rustle* 
Kou: Gosh…What did I -  Mukami Kou-kun, super idol in both the human and the Demon World - do to be forced to wear this stupid kigurumi…? I mean, I can’t imagine my agency would ever give green light for this! Haah~ …And on top of that, I’m paired up with Laito-kun out of all people. Ah-aah~ I would have much preferred M-neko-chan. 
ーー Well, Laito-kun’s a big freak who gets a kick out of these kinds of humiliating situations, so I’m sure he has no issue dressing up like this.
*Rustle rustle*
Laito: Cut me some slack, will you…? What makes you think I’ll willingly put on this stuffy and kind of smelly costume of some kind of strange creature which is neither cute nor cool-looking…!? None of this would've happened if it weren’t for that guy forcing us with the words ‘go and make yourself useful to others for once’. …Hic…Uu…Honestly, who wore this before us? I can’t deal with this stench…!
Kou: Why don’t you try and push through by telling yourself it was a girl who wore it previously? You’ve got a vivid imagination, don’t you? 
Laito: …Ah! I see! If I imagine it was Bitch-chan completely drenched in sweat…!
Kou: There you go. I bet you’re starting to feel a bit worked up, aren’t you~? Come on, admit it~
Laito: Worked up…
Kou: Worked up~? 
Laito: ーー No way! I mean, this stench is too much! I mean, you don’t get excited from this either, do you? 
Kou: Well, mine doesn’t smell~ 
Laito: Haah…!? What do you mean? 
Kou: I asked the lady in charge to arrange a brand-new Kigurumi for me beforehand, so mine is fresh out of packaging~
Laito: Hah!? Excuse me! That’s not fair!
Kou: Of course it is! I’m just using my knowledge as someone in the entertainment business. …Or rather, I’ve learnt from painful experiences in the past, you could say. 
Laito: Which means you’ve had to wear a smelly Kigurumi once before? 
Kou: For one of the TV programs I featured in, yeah. It was truly horrible…I thought I was in Hell.  
Laito: I guess there’s a hidden dark side to the flashy showbiz industry. ー Wait! That’s not what matters right now! If you knew these would smell beforehand, couldn’t you have told me about it!? 
Kou: Eeh~? But you know, I figured that maybe you’d be into that sorta thing so I wouldn’t want to ruin the fun for you~
Laito: Ugh…Nfu~ Aren’t you a nice guy? (2)
Kou: Fufufu~
*Knock knock* 
Kou: Hm? 
You enter the room. 
Kou: Ah, M-neko-chan.
You tell them to get ready to go on stage. 
Kou: Hm? Get ready? Okay, rogar! We’ll be right there! …Come on, Laito-kun! Sounds like we’re up next. I’ll zip up your costume so turn around? 
*Rustle rustle* 
Laito: Uu…The stench is only getting worse…It’s giving me goosebumps…I’m positive it was a guy who wore this before me…!! That’s the only way to explain why my body is reacting so negatively to iーー 
Kou: Yeah, yeah, sure. 
Kou zips up his costume. 
Kou: There you go, ready to go!
*Rustle rustle* 
Laito: Blergh…Uurgh…Cough, cough…Uu…Cough, cough…
Kou: Oh come on. You’re obviously overreacting. 
Laito: Cough, cough…Then why don’t you try getting inside this costume as well? Cough, cough…Blergh…
Kou: Yeah, yeah, I know. M-neko-chan is waiting for us out front so let’s get going, okay? …Ah, all I have to do is put on this rabbit mask and then I’ll be good to go too. 
Kou puts on his mask. 
Kou: There we go! Let’s go, Laito-kun!
Laito: Easy for you to say, but my vision is very limited, I can barely tell where I’m going! …And the bad smell hasn’t gotten any better either!
Kou: Geez, guess I have no other choice. Come on, I’ll pull you by your hand, so let’s go. 
Laito: Uu…What did I do to deserve this…!? 
Kou: Come on, stop complaining and let’s just get going. 
The two of them leave towards the main street.
Kou: Hey there, M-neko-chan~!
Laito: Haah…
You ask Laito if he’s alright.
Laito: Huh? What makes you think I’m doing okay? 
You seem puzzled by his costume.
Laito: This costume? Good question. At first I thought it was meant to look like a worn-out gardening glove or some kind of wilted summer vegetable…
Kou: I’m pretty sure I was told it’s meant to resemble a rabbit? 
Laito: Haah!? In what way!? 
Kou: Don’t ask me! 
Laito: Actually, your costume is a rabbit as well, isn’t it? Yours is brand-new and actually looks like a proper rabbit, so why was I stuck with this monstrosity which looks like an old dish rag? 
Kou: I guess it’s bad karma? You were making inappropriate remarks to the lady in charge of the costume earlier, weren’t you? Anyway, we better get work soon! M-neko-chan, you’ll guide us, right? Let’s go! 
Laito: W-Wait! Hold up! I can’t see very well, remember!? …Bitch-chan, please give me your hand.
You grab hold of Laito’s hand.
Laito: Okay…I should be able to walk like this…
Kou: Hey? Why are you abusing the situation to have M-neko-chan hold your hand? 
Laito: Maybe you just have bad karma~ Nfu~
Kou: …Hmph. That’s my line!
Girls start squealing in the background. 
Laito: …Woah!? Come on, Kou-kun, it’s your time to shine. Why don’t you go keep those girls over there busy? In return, I’ll make sure to keep Bitch-chan company~
Kou: Haah!? You better do your job properly as well!
Laito: I mean, I won’t accomplish much when I look like rotten cabbage, will I?
Kou: Woah!?
Laito: Well then, Bitch-chan. Come here. Just ignore that guy and enjoy your time with me instead~ 
 You frown.
Laito: Work? Like I said earlier, Kou will do that in my place. Ahー You’re a very serious person, so I guess you’re scared of being scolded, aren’t you? In that case…Why don’t you join me inside this costume? It’s a little smelly, but I don’t dislike the sound of being pressed up against each other in this already stuffy costume to the point of it becoming even more sweaーー Uwah!? 
Laito is attacked by some of the fangirls. 
*Rustle rustle* 
Laito: Eh? Eeh!? What is happening…!? Uwaahーー 
*Rustle rustle* 
Kou: Huh? 
You seem confused.
Kou: What’s happening? I’d like to know as well, honestly. For some reason, those girls are more into the rabbit which looks like it was used as a doormat than my proper rabbit costume. 
Laito: H-Hey…! C-Calm down…!! …K-Kou-kun…! Bitch-chan! Save me…!!
*Rustle rustle* 
Kou: Fufu~ Why don’t you keep that hoard of girls busy for a while? ーー That being said…
Kou takes off his mask. 
Kou: …Phew~ Haah…Aaaahー! It was so hot in there! I’m drenched in sweat!
You give him a towel. 
Kou: Hm? A towel? How considerate of you, M-neko-chan! But while you’re at it…Won’t you wipe me down? I mean, just look at all this sweat!
*Rustle rustle* 
Kou: Yeah, just like that. …Ah, there’s still a lot of sweat on my nape over here, it feels really icky. 
*Rustle rustle*
Kou: Aah~ Amazing, M-neko-chan…It’s kind of making me excited. Say, rather than staying here amongst the crowd, why don’t we go over there to have some ‘fun’? 
The girls suddenly run up to Kou. 
Kou: …Huh? Wait? What? …Uwah!!
*Rustle rustle* 
Kou: Waaah!! Y-You girls…! Calm down…!
Laito: Ugh…
You walk over to Laito and ask if he’s alright.
Laito: ….Hm? I’m pretty sure you asked the same thing earlier and once again…Do I look alright to you? I’m a complete mess after a whole group of girls had their way with me…You were watching as well, weren’t you? ーー Anyway, I’m gonna take this costume off now, so could you please unzip the back? 
You help him out of the Kigurumi. 
*Rustle rustle* 
Laito: …Pwah! Haah, haah…
Laito takes a couple of deep breaths. 
Laito: Aah~ Nothing like…fresh air…
You seem worried. 
Laito: Nfu~ Thanks to you, I’ve been revived. Ahー I went through hell and back. I’d much rather have girls flock around me while I’m in this state. I mean, you want to experience the direct touch of skin, don’t you? Besides, I couldn’t exactly enjoy the situation while bathing in that horrible stench. 
Kou: Excuse me!? Why are the two of you having a leisurely chat over there!? Save me already!! …I’ll apologize for what I did earlier, okay!? 
Laito: You heard him. Say, Bitch-chan, what do you think we should do? 
You suggest that you help him. 
Laito: Eeh~? Don’t you think you’re spoiling Kou a little too much? Do you have any idea what I had to go through? 
Kou: Hurry…!!
Laito: Eeeh~? Let me think~? Unlike Bitch-chan, I’m not that forgiving~
Kou: Uwaaah…!!
Laito: Geez, guess I have no other choice. Well then…Huh!? T-They’re coming after me now!? Why!? 
The fangirls ask if he’s Karlheinz’ son. 
Laito: Eh? If I’m Karlheinz’ son? I mean, yeah but…? 
They go even more crazy. 
Laito: Why!? Who cares about that!? 
*Rustle rustle* 
Laito: H-Hold up…Calm down!
*Rustle rustle* 
Laito: E-Excuse me!? W-What is happening!? Help me…!!
*Rustle rustle* 
Kou: That’s my line! Stop coming after me…!
Laito: I mean, you’re an idol but I’m just your every-day pervert! Let me gーー Uwah!
*Rustle rustle* 
Laito: I know I asked to be ganged up earlier but when you keep pushing from all sides…My body won’t last…! Uwah! Waiーー Stop…!!
You start walking away.
Kou: H-Hold up…M-neko-chan, where are you going!? 
Laito: Do something about these girls!
You shake your head. 
Laito: Eh? We should fix it ourselves? No wayー! How could you!? 
Kou: Exactly, M-neko-chan! Do you really not care about me at all!? Don’t leave me behindーー!!
*Rustle rustle* 
Laito & Kou: Save me, Bitch-chan/M-neko-chanーー!!
ーー THE END ーー
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damnhitsuzen · 8 months
New chapter!
Chapter 5: Time
This is the last chapter I have completely done, now I'll have to finish the next one before posting. Soooo shit has started to hit the fan, guys.
You will need CD Drama Shiritsu Horitsuba Gakuen 4 ~Ohiru no Radio: Afureru made Mattenai~ in this chapter. It's so innuendo-ed with all the finger-talk and husky voices, it's ridiculous. And I can bet whatever that Watanuki WAS is a prank with Yuuko for two reasons: a) he's not innocent in that clueless Syaoran way, in xxxholic Yuuko teases him with flirty/sexual undertones about others all the time and he reacts, flusters, or chastises her, because he GETS every innuendo and dirty joke. There was NO WAY he would innocently say all that finger stuff by chance and not die from embarrassment second later. b) at the end students say that Yuuko made them keep silent about Kurogane's voice, but puuuhhleease, when did that stop Watanuki? He has no problem with teasing Yuuko in front of customers, he cuts her alcohol to make a point. Watanuki would never give in to Yuuko's whim, if it is something that he doesn't truly approve of. He would shout his opinion proudly at her face, fully risking it to be completely destroyed by her in following moment (as usual). That's why we love our boy and that's why he had to be a part of a prank. And really, Yuuko wouldn't wire the room herself, would she? That's what she has Watanuki for.
Also Watanuki's friendship with Kurogane is something I had in mind from the very beginning, even before I got reacquainted with Horitsuba. They are just too similar in a way they react to people and event, so this friendship felt totally natural for me. Imagine my surprise, when I got to this part, when Kurogane is genuinely angry for Watanuki and how Yuuko teases him. CLAMP ladies are with me on this!
The song in this chapter is the perfect embodiment of anxiety one might have before something really bad happens. Also if never seen the music video with gorgeous Rosamund Pike, do watch! It's magnificently creepy. The sheer horror, helplessness in face of overpowering unnatural force - it's what inspired me to write the disappearing radio room act.
I really enjoyed writing this chapter, though it wasn't easy. Hope that you'll like and if you did - please consider writing a comment, I'm dying for those. Really, I'll probably cry from happiness if I find out someone liked this chapter.
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I wanted to share some more additions to THIS post (my favourite piece of Cornley lore/meta ever) but the post itself is getting a bit messy and all over the place so I've condensed it all into this post! 
The BBC offered a university drama group with a history of things going wrong, a spot on their main broadcasting service and despite them driving a ship through their studios, setting the set on fire, fighting with BBC crew and having to call an ambulance, they invited them back MULTIPLE TIMES.
Here are some theories:
My original tags - If you only take the BBC broadcasts as canon, what were they thinking? even with Max’s relative/s in the BBC nobody questioned it? what was max going to do if they didn’t give them the spot? Did Max have blackmail on his aunt, or did she just love him too much to deny him? where was the rest of the BBC? why did nobody step in to stop them? Could you argue the BBC are trying to produce a comedy show by using Cornley who are actually trying but marketing it as a comedy show?
@starship-ranger-bug ‘s tags - I personally love the idea of the BBC being like ‘okay don’t tell the actors but we’re going to market this as a comedy show’. also when you take into account that the BBC blacklisted them after ppgw so they had to hijack Christmas carol gives so many hilarious impressions ‘they absolutely just did something illegal but viewers thought it was planned and loved it so I suppose we should let them keep going?’
me - cornley forcefully took a spot on the BBC and they were just like ‘sure! come back!’ and just gave them more rules like use spoons instead of knives to try and do damage control
@personinthepalace ‘s tags - also in the nativity the BBC absolutely added those fire alarm drills just to annoy Chris. ‘adds to the comedy’ they say to themselves. also after Christmas carol I think Sandra’s aunt talked to the BBC which helped them get play of the week started on the BBC. they still get letters of complaints though so bet it would be from people who think its an actual bad show despite it being marketed as a comedy show. Also I love that they forced them to use spoons instead of knives but 100% did not expect for Robert to bring an actual gun. 
me - Is the BBC just run by relatives of cornley?  I love the image of the BBC slowly coming to love CDS and just having teams ready to do damage control trying to let them do what they want bc they fell a bit in love with the one who smiles at the audience or the one who always ends up as the animal or- 
@personinthepalace ‘s tags - I think Dennis’s grandma has some influence too???apparently she’s why Dennis got a leading role in trial to watch
@furball-for-a-head ‘s tags - also in ppgw when they burst into the news room and the newsreader is just announcing the cancellation of the community choice programme adds an extra level of hilarity because it suggests just how many complaints poured in. they had to cancel the whole programme that allowed the CDS on air in the first place WHILE THEY WERE STILL ON AIR and going from that level of hatred to funding for an entire show? character development.
@i-have-a-thing-for-brooms-too ‘s tags - Okay so personally I think that the plays are aired live at like 3.45 on Wednesday mornings. the CPDS are insane enough to actually do live plays at that hour. it doesn't make sense in any other respect but I think it’s funny to imagine and thus I imagine it.
@bagadew ‘s tags - it’s very simple really, the one time they didn’t invite them back they hijacked a Christmas carol. they have been given a broadcasting slot to placate them so they don’t do it again. 
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muwi-translates · 4 years
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Collar x Malice キャラクターCD ミニドラマ 「二人きりの湯煙譚」
Collar x Malice Okazaki Kei Character CD Mini Drama - A Hot Bath for the Two of Us
Spoiler free. Just a note that I used a Chinese translation as my main source, and did some light cross-referencing from the original audio. There might be some inaccuracies.
**Please don’t move this translation or claim it as your own.**
Since we’ve started dating, we’ve gone on countless dates. But usually they’re nothing more than spending a few hours with each other between work, and even if we get days off, we can only get together and laze around at home. She often says that it’s unhealthy for her. Even though it’s fun and soothing to just be able to spend time with her, it might be good to go on a proper date like lovers would. 
Even I want to see her make all sorts of expressions, and I want to keep this girl that only I know all to myself. That’s why I went and asked Yoshinari-kun for advice without expecting much. And then-- 
Ah, come look at this! They’re real open-air baths! So we’ll be able to get in whenever we want when we stay in this inn~ Since we’re already here, won’t do we go in right now? 
Yup, together.
Eh? Do you really not want to? It’s true that there are different types of baths in the public area, but aren’t men and women separated?
I want to bathe with you. 
Haha, your face is all red. Oh, you really are so cute. When I see you all shy like this, it’s unbearable for me in every sense. 
Ah, why did you move so far away? I’m sorry, is it because I said it in a weird way? Then I won’t say it in such a roundabout way. I’ll say it more directly-- [she covers his mouth]
You’re so mean. It’ll be too late to wait for your approval, plus I just wanted to express my own opinions.
I’ve been looking forward to a hot spring trip with you for soooo long. It’s my first time going on a two-person trip, so I can’t help it if I feel a little excited about it. Aren’t you the same? 
That’s good. So you were also looking forward to it? 
Right, it wasn’t easy to find time for a vacation, it would be too wasteful if you didn’t do things you normally don’t do. 
So let’s go into the bath together? 
[Grabs hand] Well, it’s useless if you want to run. It’s just the two of us, so it doesn’t really matter. Since we’ve come out on a trip, we should make some memories, right? 
Ah… is it okay to? I suggested it but I didn’t expect you to agree so easily. 
You want to make some special memories as well? 
That makes me so happy. Thank you. Well, come over when you’re ready. 
Ah! You’re finally here! I was just thinking about how lonely I felt just sitting here waiting for you. Come here quickly~ you’ll catch a cold. Okay, okay, I’ll behave and turn my back to you. 
Are you ready? But, ah, we’re already lovers by now, so I’ve already seen a lot of you--[splash]
 Sorry, sorry! Don’t get mad, hehe. 
Haaa… it’s a little cramped but it’s comfortable. Besides, this is a turbid bath [1], so you wouldn’t be as embarrassed once you used it, right? 
It’s good that you’re able to enjoy it.
But… why are you sitting so far away from me? I can’t see anything below your neck anyway so you can come closer to me.
Hm… if you won’t come over then I will. Hey, don’t run off. Are you really that embarrassed?
Look, you can’t escape anymore~
Hehe, it feels like I’m doing something bad. But you’re the one who decided to come here, right? I know I’m stubborn, but I’m really happy you’re willing to listen to my selfish requests. But if I tease you too much then it’ll be annoying, so I’ll be patient from now on.
Your hair looks really fresh done like that, it makes you look more mature than usual. You can only discover new things like this when you travel. 
Eh? Don’t stare at me like that? That’s impossible, since you’re so cute~
It almost hurts to look at you.
Hey, can I touch you just a little?
I’m not teasing you, it’s a sincere request. I won’t do anything strange… probably.
I won’t touch you then, how about you come and touch me? Here. You can touch anywhere you like.
You didn’t have to decline like that. 
Aa~ah, I was so lonely being only one playing around. We're both busy at work, so it's hard to get a chance to travel like this, right? I feel like you’re farther away from me than usual when you’re relaxing at home. I don’t get enough of you at all.
Hm--!! Ouch… why did you pinch my cheeks? 
Because I said you could touch me?
Haha, you listened to one of my selfish requests again.
I know, I’m sorry. The tension’s different when you’re staying at home and when you’re going out. Even if it’s the same for me, my heart starts pounding fast when I’m in a different environment than usual. I’m not lying, that’s why I’m excited. Even more than usual, I can’t keep down the feeling of how much I like you.
Hm? Your face is all red, are you okay?
It’s because I said something weird? Really? It was all stuff I actually feel though. That I like you, and how I think you’re so cute, and how much I want to touch you too. 
Okay, okay! Calm down. If you get too rowdy then I’ll see everything~
You’re all frozen up.
Alright, I won’t tease you anymore. 
Being next you like this makes me feel warm but, at the same time I think this isn’t enough.
I want to be able to see your happy face, and I want you to worry about me sometimes. I don’t think you’ll be bothered too much by me though.
Don’t say it yourself? That’s true.
I’m glad I was able to take a bath with you. You wouldn’t do this with other people, right? It makes me happy knowing that this is just something special between you and me. Since I want you to spend more time with just me.
Haah, it’s getting warm, should we get out soon?
Yup, I’m turning around.
It’s dinner time soon, right? It looks like they’ll bring it up to our room, how about we play some playing card games-- what was that just now? Hey, are you okay?
Sorry, I know you said I can’t look, but this is an emergency so forgive me.
Ah, are you awake? That’s good. I think you soaked for too long. Are you feeling any dizziness or nausea? I brought some water back, do you want some?
Ah, don’t push yourself, I’ll help you.
I’m sorry, it’s my fault. I was the one who invited you in. I was so caught up in the mood that I didn’t notice your complexion. I’m such an idiot.
You know, from time to time, I think about how I won’t forgive anyone who hurts you, or how I said I’ll protect you from anything. But because of how much I want you and my own selfishness, am I going to be the one who’ll hurt you the most in the future?
Ouch-- “don’t decide that on your own”? It was your choice to stay with me? 
You’re so… you’re too kind. Are you… mad? 
Eh? You’re happy? Really?
But… I’ll reflect on myself properly.
I’m glad, that you can smile at me.
Hm? You didn’t bother me at all. I just carried you over here, wiped you down, put on your yukata-- Eh? “Did I see”? Ah… yeah, I couldn’t dry you without looking, ah, but I quickly dressed you, so I only saw a little.
I was only thinking about how I needed to save you then, so it’s not like I had time to think of any weird things. 
It’s true! Haha, so this is what you’ll get mad at? So strange.
I know, I know, I’ll just pretend I didn’t see anything. Don’t get mad, okay?
Yes? Ah, it looks like dinner’s here. Are we eating now? Okay, I’ll let them prepare it. 
Coming! I’ll open the door now. 
Haaah, I’m so full… It looks like you’re feeling better, that’s good. But don’t push yourself. It’s still too early to sleep right now, why don’t we try karaoke or go to the games area?
What do I want to do? 
You already listened to my selfish request in the bath, so we should do something you want to do.
Haha, rather than say I’m being patient, it’s better to say that I’m reflecting on myself. I always said that we should have a proper date like a normal couple. Once in a while that’s-- oh? This isn’t like me? But…
… You want to… snuggle with me? Really?
Mm, even if you didn’t say it I can see it on your face. But, how do I say it… I feel guilty. Not just for letting you get overheated, but I worry you’ll get kidnapped by bad guys. 
Of course, that bad guy would be me. 
I think you have bad taste in men. 
Haha, we’re both bound to each other, huh?
Then I don’t have to hold back. 
I’ve been wanting to hold you like this.
You’re always looking after me. If this keeps going on, then I’ll become even more selfish. I was only looking towards the end not that long ago. For that to change, and for me to want you so much now surprised me too. I think you already know but, my heart is pretty narrow-minded. You look so cute in your yukata, I don’t want anyone else to see. It wasn’t easy to come here, but I kept thinking of these things. 
It’s because you’re mine. The only one who can keep you all to themselves is me. But, since this is a two person trip, if there’s anything you want to do, don’t just bear it and just tell me. What do you want to do? What do you want me to do for you?
You said it before? I want to hear it again. 
I really do want to make your wishes come true. So what kind of snuggling do you want to do?
I’ll listen to whatever you have to say. I’m yours too, after all. 
Alright, I should close my eyes, right?
Is this okay? Next is--
You cut me off. 
Hey, is this all? Should I keep my eyes closed? I really want to see your face right now. I bet you’re making a really cute face.
If we’re taking turns, then it’s my turn next. Or, is it yours again? Any is fine with me. I’ll listen to any of your requests.
You’ll give me the honours? Are you sure you really want to?
You really are a kind, sly person.
Since I have permission now, I won’t hold back. What I want now is to be connected to you more and more deeply. Can I?
Thank you.
I love you.
I’ll show you exactly how much I love you. So, show me how much you do too.
Not just tonight, but from now on until forever, no matter how many times it’ll take.
Translator’s note: [1] turbid bath - mineral-rich water that has a milky look.
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rosesvioletshardy · 4 years
can we do it? - billy/four - chapter 3
chapter 3 is here and i’m surprised i’m still writing this story despite y’all don’t really read it (not really begging you guys to do so but it’s your choice) but it keeps me sort of busy until i get called into work and start school.
also this isn’t edited btw
summary: one team, seven people, two lovers, things are about to get crazy and zero and four don’t know if they can do it with everything that is going on
# of words: 2,246
warnings: angst?, language, fluff?
taglist: (message or inbox me if you want to be tagged)
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The next few days were a blur for everyone. Seven has officially met everyone but questioned as to why there were only six of them instead of eight and why they skipped six. Zero did the part and explained it to him despite One wanting her not to tell him and everyone could still see that she was grieving. One gave Four a talk about him and Zero and he felt more guilt than he could imagine. He didn’t know that One had practically forced her to say that they were only friends but even then she still wouldn’t talk to him. Not after the way he treated her. It was his turn with Seven to talk about what they do and talk about One. They were sitting in another trailer that wasn’t really occupied that he used to watch his shows that were filled with dvds with Wally the dog and the Beaver show One loved so much playing in the background. Four was sitting in a chair throwing random cds after seeing what they were as Seven asked him a question.
“Hey, what do you know about One?”
“Well, for starters, he loves Wally the dog. He’s obsessed with this beaver show. I think he’s an orphan now that I come to it actually. We got a little bet on it if you want to put some money in. He really got rid of every evidence about his existence that even Zero can’t find, but I think she knows.” he told him
“This is an interesting crew you got here, bro. How many missions have you guys run?”  he asked
“Counting Florence? Uh, one.” 
“One what?” Seven asked eyeing him confused
“Actually, no, there was, um this, like, mini-mission, so maybe one and a quarter. It was in Sicily. But Florence? Absolute shitshow. I mean, if I wasn’t there, probably more than one of us dead. That’s all I’m saying” four said turning to face him 
“Are you fucking kidding me?”
“I don’t fuck around”
“You realize I just buried myself in front of my family and friends?” “Yeah, One told me about that. Big military funeral. Guns popping, flags. It was pretty cool. At my funeral, there were only five people there and two of them left before the end. It is tough watching your mum cry at your grave. I feel like mine is still cursing at my grave for it. Love that woman, I do miss her, but you get over it. Anyways, this mission. I got a good feeling. I got a really good feeling about this mission.” Four said with a proud smile
“Yeah. how come you can’t find this guy?” Seven asked looking at a picture of Rovach’s brother
“I don’t know. Zero can usually find anyone but she’s been off since the last mission and isn’t in the right headspace for it. I tried telling her to take a break but she isn’t listening. To me or the advice. The only thing she said was that Americans caught him a few years back.”
“I don’t know. Maybe Zero has something to do with it? Maybe Two as well, she has some sort of training that seems like it would tie into it.  Not sure but that’s all she said and won’t tell me anything else without One’s permission.” Four told him as seven went and sat next to him
“What’s going on between the two of you? Are you guys dating? Did you date in the past? What is it?”
Four didn’t know how to answer the question because he still wasn’t over his feelings for her and neither was she but the two couldn’t be together and she wasn’t listening or talking to him. He sat there quietly as he tried to figure out something to say. 
“Well, there isn’t anything going on between us because One has this rule that none of us can hook up and if we do, it basically has to be if we are undercover, with someone else,  and it’s the last thing we need to do.” “But what about two and three? They seem like they’re hooking up.”
“Yeah I don’t know why he’s all up in our business when he should be paying attention to them but I think it has to do with the fact that we almost kissed and I guess he saw us. Which is really creepy if you think about it now. Also, maybe because he sees her as a little sister and he doesn’t want to get hurt again.” he said before finishing what he was talking about Rovach’s brother
“Back to what I was saying. The Americans caught him years back and gave him to his brother. The bald looking fella. You like him though, One?
“I mean, I guess I didn't really get to know him that much and we mainly talked about me. Feel like he was an asshole when he was younger.” Seven told him
 “Yeah he's definitely an asshole, but a likable asshole, no?”
“Well, out of all of us, probably likes you the most.” four said
“What about Zero? She seems to be on his good side and close to him”
“Yeah she was the first one recruited and knows most of her past. Thinks of her like a little sister. They’re like twins but not twins. They’re both good at hiding their trails and finding people and all that. From what I’ve heard they actually had a run with each other when she used his tech to find out all this stuff on American politicians that almost got her arrested before all of this. They both realized how helpful this stuff is since the government doesn't help anyone.”
 One knew all about her past and he wondered if that was why he didn’t want someone like her to be with someone like Four but he didn’t tell either one of them that to make sure there wasn’t going to be drama between them.
“So you guys aren’t together? Even going behind his back and trying to secretly date?”
“No it’s too risky mate, and plus she said she only sees me as a brother and a friend”
“Damn. I haven't even known you guys a whole week and I think the two of you would’ve actually been good together.”
As they continued to talk, Zero walked past them and overheard the last of their conversation and how Seven liked her and Four together. It made her a little red until she remembered what One said and she continued to walk to where she was going. 
They haven’t done much besides try and figure out where the four generals were and figure out a plan as to who was going to get the information out of them. Deciding it should be Three and Two since they have the most training and are more qualified for it they got everything ready. Four and Zero have started to talk again and are slowly reforming the friendship they had before. He tried to make it look like he wasn’t hurt by the fact that the first person he liked didn’t like him back and that he wasn’t threatened about dating her. 
The day of the mission had everyone feeling nervous. Even though they had gone over everything they still felt like something was bound to go wrong like what happened in Florence. They had packed up everything they were going to need while in  Las Vegas after finding out who is in charge of handing off Rovach’s brother. After gathering in their “Batcave”, Zero started to list off everything that was going to happen when they get there and how they all needed to be careful
“Listen, there are pretty much cameras covering every single inch of Las Vegas. You have to be careful about what or who you decide to go as or else they’ll have your face plastered on the news within the minute. Rovach set the four generals up in the penthouse and there’s going to a party, so be careful of who you injure.” zero told them
“Don’t worry, I used to be a hitman. I got this.” Three told her as he started packing everything
“Didn’t you almost shoot Four before Florence?” Five asked smirking remembering the memory
“Nearly took my ear out. Couldn’t hear anything out of the left ear for almost a week” Four grumbled
“I paid you back with the spaghetti carbonara and the many beers.” 
The rest of the group couldn’t help but smile and laugh while One let out a sigh at the group he had created and how they were acting like children. 
“This means that you can’t fuck up and you have to choose wisely. Even though she’s going to be staying, Zero is going to keep an eye on all three of us at all times and stay in communication with us. Who knows what they’re going to do while they're there.”
“Please I’m a grown man. I can handle my shit. I know what i’m going to be though”
“Don’t think that’s how the expression goes. Don’t handle you shit, flush it down the toilet like a grown ass man. You have to disappear. One more thing, just because all three of us are going to be doesn’t mean any of you can do shit.” One said mainly aiming at Zero and Four as their eyes darted each other for a split second
Now, we’re done. Leave and get ready.” He finished
The rest of the night was just them getting everything prepared as Zero made sure every form of communication was connected to each other was hooked up with one another and her computers. The group disbanded and went their separate ways back to their trailers before Four stopped in his tracks wanting to talk to Zero. He waited until everyone had left the room before he talked to her. Why he wanted to talk to her was so he can make amends but he didn’t know if she would talk to him or even want to be alone with him so he decided he wasn’t going to do anything and left her alone. Before he left, he took one last look at her and the way she was focused on getting everything set up. Yeah, he knew people as quick and smart as her, but he never has met anyone who was just as kind as her and would rather deal with other people’s problems rather than take on her own. She has been like that since she was a child, always had this maternal instinct to make sure everyone’s needs were put first. Maybe that was why she was so reserved and didn’t talk much of her own life that night and she made sure he didn’t feel uncomfortable when talking about his past life. Rather than hanging out with the crowds and going to parties throughout high school and college all the time, she would focus on her studies, only going every now and then. 
Gathering up her stuff and the papers she had, but stopped as soon as she saw Four turn around and she didn’t stop him in time as he skated off back to his trailer. She let out a sigh and walked back to hers. It took her awhile to get adjusted to her new life and she still wasn’t used to how they lived. They had everything they could’ve asked for, yet it still didn’t feel like home for her no matter how many things she had with her from her past life. Turning on her music and getting ready for a bath to relax, she heard a knock on the door interrupting her quiet time. Setting everything down on the sink, she went back to the front. Opening the door she saw Four standing there with his hood up and hands in his pockets waiting.
The two stood there awkwardly for a few seconds before she remembered to invite him in instead of standing outside.
“I’m sorry, please come in.” she gestured moving out of the way letting Four step in. He looked around her place and noticed everything she talked about with him about herself and from what he saw that one time looked like everything she’d described. Vinyls were neatly stacked, fairy lights were hung all across, monitors that covered one corner of the room, and pictures of family and friends everywhere. He thought it felt right for her and more her style. The two of them walked over to her bed and sat down in quiet for what felt like forever before Four spoke up.
“I’m sorry.” 
“For what? You didn’t do anything wro-” she tried to tell him before getting interrupted by him
“Yes I did. I treated you like shit even by not talking to you and just overall being me” he said
“But you didn’t do anything wrong. If anything, it’s my fault I'm the one who had to hide away their true feelings and then forced to say something I didn’t want to say.”
“Zero please, cut the b-” Four started to say before he felt lips on top of his. 
At first, he was shocked until he loosened up and kissed her back. Their lips began to move together in sync as his hands moved to cup her face as hers snaked around his neck.
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pokeydapuppy · 4 years
Just a Rhyme Anima Rant keep scrollin
Did it take me this long to write about the first Hypmic episode? yes.
ASghkjshk First off I keep rewatching and listening to the opening, they did such a gosh dang good job on it *cries literally* They showed the different styles of the different divisions so well, even throughout the episode. I love the aesthetic so much, At first i wasn’t sure about just the lips moving, but the gradient and how they had their hand symbols, aw dang every time I watch/listen I see a new detail and it’s so good.
Though the first episode wasn’t what I had in mind (but tbh I wasn’t expecting much or I’d probably not get what I want lmao) I think they did a heckin good job on introducing our boyos. It also introduced Chuuoku as the antags pretty well with the bgm and how sus they were being XD
Each scene is so precious asdhfkjk ALSO THE 3D??? I knew they’d be doing that through those previews and such but grrrrr it is so good. I imagine it’d be like Idolish7′s sort of thing (does this mean we get music vids soon??)  but it is so original in itself, the pauses, the background, and the way they friggin bop is so cute and awesome. I WAS SO EXCITED FOR THE SPEAKERS AND THEY DELIVERED. The way they did Samatoki’s tho aaaaAAAAAA
I love the fact we had BB, MTC, and Matenrou defeat people and then we just have Fling Posse workin and Dice who probably didn’t even get it in the end X”DD The voices, the scenes - I could rant about every minute bet
but I won’t because this is good enough
I’m so hyped for the future episodes, I listened to some of the drama cds cause i can and I imagine some of those scene being animated and AH I want to see it!! BB’s brotherly moments, MTC’s hilarious moments, FP’s just Ramuda and Gentaro messing around with Dice moments, and Matenro’s soft moments. Aaa my kokoro X”D
 Dang, as someone who have been part of this fandom for some time it heckin hits, but I’ve also been a little concerned to the people who are new lol I saw a lot of comments going “rap battles? animes are running out of ideas” and I’m noooo. I bet some other references looked a bit strange, I imagine Hifumi’s fear of women wasn’t explained much and had people wonderin
Summary: I loved the first ep
Overal mood: I’m so happy to see my bois move ;w;
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hikikomori-sama · 5 years
Kimetsu No Yaiba Vol. 5 Special CD “Agatsuma Zenitsu’s First Mission” Translation
T/N: You can listen to the track over at this link. Then please enjoy the drama cd translation under read more.
Zenitsu: Gramps! Gramps! Gramps! 
Jigoro: Call me Master! What is it this time? 
Zenitsu: I don’t want to join the Demon Slayer Corps anymore cause I’m going to die FOR SURE! 
Jigoro: What are you talking about? You endured a year of harsh training and even passed the preliminary selections, what do you have to fear? 
Zenitsu: I kept trying to run away during training didn’t I? And in the end, I was able to learn only the first form of Thunder Breathing! I only survived the preliminary selections out of pure luck! I DEFINITELY WON’T BE OF ANY HELP! NO MEANS NOOOO! 
Jigoro: Stop it Zenitsu! They already approved you as a member of the Demon Slayer Corps and you are still saying that? 
(chirp chirp chirp) 
Jigoro: Oh? The sparrow sent by the Headquarters? What’s this? There is traces of a demon in a nearby town? 
Jigoro: And he is supposed to go and investigate it? Ohohoho, Zenitsu! Guess what? It’s your first mission as a member of corps!
Jigoro: I have been to that town before, there is a line of shops that attracts a huge crowd, I bet there are going to be cute girls there too…
Zenitsu: Eh? Girls? Cute? 
Zenitsu: NONO! Even if there are cute girls, there’s no point if I die!
Jigoro: Hmph~ pathetic, can’t be helped since it’s nearby, I shall tag along this time only.
Zenitsu: Eh? You will exterminate the demons for me, Gramps? THANK YOU~
Jigoro: OF COURSE NOT, YOU MORON! I will only accompany you since it’s a mission for you after all!
Zenitsu: EHH~ since you are going why not do it instead? You are a former pillar and much stronger than me. I’m sure it’s for the better!
Zenitsu: Demon Slayer, Agatsuma Zenitsu’s First Mission!
Zenitsu: Hence, I was forcibly dragged along by Gramps, and had no choice but to trail behind him into the town that’s rumored to be the hunting ground of a demon… (dirty high pitched note)
Zenitsu: This place looks deserted, there’s nobody on the streets. Was it the same as last time you have been here? 
Jigoro: That’s not true. The streets were crowded with people and it was a good town. Then I guess the rumor about a demon is true after all.
Zenitsu: Eh~ No way, I’m going to die! Gramps, hurry and defeat the demon~
Jigoro: That’s your job!
Zenitsu: Gramps~
Jigoro: Ann~ Why are you clinging on to me?
Zenitsu: That’s because~ if the demons were to attack now wouldn’t it be dangerous~ 
Jigoro: You little- Anyways, there is no way demons will appear in the noon, you moron! If you can’t locate the demon with your hearing then how are you going to defeat it? Let’s patrol the streets…
Jigoro: Most of the shops are closed…
Zenitsu: (frightened noise)
Jigoro: Geez, can you back up a bit?
Zenitsu: BUT! BUT~! 
Jigoro: Can’t be helped… Zenitsu, how is it? Can you feel anything?
Zenitsu: Feel what?
Jigoro: You should be able to!
Zenitsu: Gramps, I can hear the sound of fear from the townspeople, they are frightened by something…
Jigoro: Ho~ so you can hear it?
Zenitsu: (whimpers) I’M SCARED~
Jigoro: As I expected he has potential...
Jigoro: For now let’s head to that tea shop and hear what the owner has to tell us.
Zenitsu: Tea shop? Is today’s mission over? Yay~
Jigoro: No! 
Jigoro: Pardon our intrusion.
Owner: Welcome.
Jigoro: There is something I would like to ask… it’s been a while since I visited this town and things seem to be different, did something happen? 
Owner: There’s been a few cases of disappearance, and I guess everyone was creeped out and stopped going out. Even if I open my shop for business there’s no customers.
Jigoro: Oh sorry for not realizing, then can I order some dumplings? 
Jigoro: Did that happen at night? 
Owner: Yes, to kill or kidnap, it’s noticeable to do it during day time, shouldn’t it be difficult?
Jigoro: Is there any possibility for it to be a wild dog attack? 
Owner: They are some rumors but it’s hard to say when no corpses are found. Some even say they fell victims to a fallen warrior’s hand. Either way, the sun is setting soon, it’s best if you don’t wander outside, I will even introduce you to an inn so please head there.
Jigoro: Zenitsu, now is your turn to get information.
Zenitsu: I just have to enter a dumplings shop?
Jigoro: That’s not it!
Zenitsu: Ehh~ I get it okay? What you are trying to make me do and what you are asking from me, I get it! However, even if you praise me a lot but that’s not it, I’m weak and I don’t have the courage~
Jigoro: Then will you turn a blind eye and leave if there is a demon there?
Zenitsu: …
Jigoro: If there is somebody attacked by a demon, will you not fight and leave?
Zenitsu: BUT BUT! Gramps there is no point even if I’m there, it will only increase the amount of people getting killed, you don’t think so?
Jigoro: Then what is the purpose of the nichirin blade at your waist? A decoration?
Zenitsu: This is… I already said I only survived the preliminary selections out of luck…
Jigoro: If you are the type of person that can turn a blind eye to something getting attacked by a demon and leave, then I will abandon you too…
Zenitsu: …
Jigoro: The sun has set, Zenitsu a demon will appear.
Zenitsu: HII!
Jigoro: See how silent the town is?
Zenitsu: …
Jigoro: It’s fear, only a few people know about the existence of demons. People have a strong fear of the unknown, the townspeople are fearing what’s more than the existence of a demon, the unknown.
Zenitsu: Gramps! Gramps!
Jigoro: This again Zenitsu? Get away from me!
Zenitsu: That’s not it, Gramps… that temple over there? There’s a really disgusting sound coming from it…
Zenitsu: I didn’t hear anything just now but suddenly…
Jigoro: Hm?
Zenitsu: I can hear a sound like “Kiiii…”
Zenitsu: This is it, I can hear it coming from this building.
Jigoro: Zenitsu you can do it, you just have to believe in yourself.
Zenitsu: It’s a demon, it has the same sound as what I heard in the preliminary selections.
Zenitsu: Huh~ Am I going to die? I really wished I had a chance to talk more to girls… it was a worthless live huh~
Zenitsu: Hah… My legs are shaking, I can’t stop sweating either… What am I supposed to do, Gramps?
Zenitsu: Huh? This is the sound of fear… there is someone here other than a demon!
Zenitsu: If I don’t go, then the person is going to be killed by the demon in this building! Even if I did go it would be the same though~ but.. but…I get it already, I just have to go right?
Zenitsu: Gramps… gramps, I am scared but I have to go right, gramps? At the end, behind the doors, there is a demon! (draws sword)
(door opens)
Demon: Who are you?
Zenitsu: (SHAKING) 
Demon:  A sword? A demon slayer?
Zenitsu: (SHAKING) 
Demon: Are you shivering? 
Zenitsu: (SHAKING)
Demon: Coming here on your own accord, you are a strange one…
Child: Help me, please help me!
Zenitsu: A child! A child is caught…
Demon: It’s my delicious dinner time and you dare to interrupt? Just wait right there, after this I’m going to eat you too.
Child: Save me!
Zenitsu: Let go of the child!
Zenitsu: HIII!
Demon: I want to start my meal with a delicious child…
Zenitsu: HIII!
Demon: The brain juice of a child is unbearably delicious, want to try some?
Zenitsu: (MELTDOWN) ARGH! (passes out)
Zenitsu: Zzz…Zzz…
Demon: He collapsed… Is he sleeping? 
Demon: I don’t know whether he is sleeping or not but this is good, after eating this child it’s going to be your turn.
Child: No No! 
Demon: Just stay still.
Child: Stop it! Save me!
Zenitsu: …
Demon: What’s this? You wanna go?
(boss music)
Demon: What’s wrong with him? His presence is different from before?
Zenitsu: (inhales)
Demon: What’s this!?
Zenitsu: (inhales) Thunder Breathing, First Form, Thunderclap and Flash!
Zenitsu: Zzz… Zzz…
(dawn breaks)
Child: Mister! Mister!
Zenitsu: Mm? Morning? Sunlight! I was saved? How?
Child: The monster disappeared already…
Zenitsu: Disappeared? Ah, Gramps! It must be Gramps that saved us? GRAMPS~ GRAMPS~
Zenitsu: I get it, gramps… from now on, I must carry on alone right?
(chirp chirp)
Zenitsu: Oh… Chuntarou?
(chirp chirp)
Zenitsu: What is it?
(chirp chirp)
Zenitsu: Don’t tell me? You are telling me to go on a new mission?
(affirmative chirp)
Zenitsu: Nowaynowaynoway! Do you want to kill me off that badly? You are okay with me dying?
(affirmative chirp)
Zenitsu: It said yes… Do you mean it? That’s harsh!
Zenitsu: Ouch ouch! I get it! I get it! I just have to go right?
Jigoro: I watched everything Zenitsu, it was an excellent first mission… You can do it if you just try, you have potential and most importantly, you are able to understand how weak people feel. 
Jigoro: That’s exactly why you were able to take the first step yesterday night and this will make you stronger from now on… You just have to believe in yourself!
Child: See you Mister! Thank you!
Zenitsu: Be careful!
Child: You too, Mister!
Zenitsu: Yes~ now let’s go…
Zenitsu: Chuntarou, where do we head towards? East?
(disapproving chirp)
Zenitsu: West?
(disapproving chirp)
Zenitsu: North?
(disapproving chirp)
Zenitsu: That means South?
(affirmative chirp)
Zenitsu: Alright I get it, for now I will just go along but it doesn’t mean I’m going to fight okay?
(angry chirp)
Zenitsu: Even if you say no, I don’t want to die! You are alright with me dying? Are you that harsh?
(sad chirp)
Zenitsu: It’s fine, you are here because you are told to anyways
(chirp chirp)
Zenitsu: Then let’s go… I might die soon but let’s get along okay?
(happy chirp)
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innovativestruggles · 4 years
Are you going to stick around with FKBU even though we kinda got shafted by the finale? :/
Heya lovely! 😇
You bet I am. For the sake of this amazing DaiSuzu (and HoshiHaru too) fandom I’ll be around. Plus my blog is multi-fandom so I’ll be around to blog other anime (mainly hq and mha), but will also be awaiting further scattered information from the live play and CD drama as well. 
Someone mentioned to me earlier about speculations on a Season 2. Just to let people know how anime works...an anime must have a big fanbase over a period of time (not just initially) to warrant a sequel. So FKBU has to continue to draw new people in months and years later. Once the hype disappears, we will see how well it does.
Anyways I’m here for people to write me some nice HCs and ficlets, and artwork too 😛
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robotnikfucker · 5 years
10 Questions Tag Game
I’ve been tagged by @jimbotniks​
Rules: Answer the 10 questions, ask a different 10 questions, and tag 10 people
(Small warning, I have ADHD and just took my meds so this is a little ramble-y and disjointed. I apologize, there is no way to fix this, my brain is just like that oops. For courtesy, I’ve put all the long stuff under the cut so you only have to read my monologue if you want to.)
1. What is your favorite genre of music? Why?
Probably indie-rock and indie punk. I like indie-rock largely because my favorite shows in my formative years were Chuck, Bones and a couple other “golden era” crime dramas that all featured a lot of indie-rock music in the background. Indie punk appeals to me because it’s just a good catharsis while also being pretty damn dance-able. Kiwi Jr and AJJ are both really good bands if you need to just let it all out while jamming to some bops.
2. What’s an art project you’ve made that you’re proud of?
I draw angels frequently, often depicting them as humanoid but still terrifying. This was an art theme that I’ve had going since before I was religious and I find that “angelic” imagery can sometimes leak into my other art so a lot of my favorite art is drawings of wings, gore, monsters and all kinds of Gothic themes. Right now, I have a watercolor of Virginia Madsen that I’m just in love with. I was always enchanted by her hypnotized stare in Candyman and I did my best to capture that. I even went out with my girlfriend to buy a gold gel pen so her tears would glitter. From theme to technical prowess, it’s my favorite painting right now and possibly my magnum opus. My previous best was a gore heavy, similarly angel themed, digital painting of Roger Wilco from the Space Quest games (weird special interests, I know.) I could go on about drawings I love for hours, so I’ll cut myself off here with the small post script that this is just my visual art and I also have poetry and prose that I feel similarly about.
3. Do you have a favorite album/podcast to put on in the background while you work or study?
It all really depends on my mood. My girlfriend shared a really relaxing Sovietwave playlist with me recently that I’ve been enjoying. I also listen to a lot of AJJ and Saint Motel, I don’t really think I could really pin down a specific album for either of them. The Candyman soundtrack works really well for study especially for my Gothic and Mystery class. I have a playlist titled Fuck Funk that’s specifically for writing fanfiction since I could never find a good playlist for writing smut when I needed it but I also use that playlist to work out since it’s mostly just a healthy mix of songs that I can jam to. I’ve never liked podcasts for study/work since I can’t really write and listen at the same time but I did make a podcast once for a professor that was a radio-play style parody of Scooby-Doo. I did all of the editing and I still listen back over it and pat myself on the back for turning 2 hours of raw improv into something that got us like a 98. A lot of my own music taste peaks through.
4. If you could become the protagonist/antagonist of any media franchise, which one would you pick and why?
Realistically, Animal Crossing because that’s the safest bet least likely to lead to my death. If we’re gonna get wild... probably BJ Blazkowicz from Wolfenstein so I could kick some N*zi ass or Conan Edogawa/Jimmy Kudo from Case Closed/Detective Conan so I could enjoy that sweet mid 90′s aesthetic.
5. Can you play any instruments? which ones?
I can, actually, I’ve played cello since I was 8 (I’m 18 now) although I’m a little rusty. I played piano and drums for a while and while I’m pretty useless when it comes to piano these days, I still maintain a pretty firm grip on my sense of time and rhythm thanks to the years I spent playing percussion. I played bari sax in middle and high school. I marched it for 3 years until I had a back injury but I was in jazz band all 4 years of high school so I was still playing. I was also in choir for a very long time and even spent my junior and senior years in an acapella Madrigal choir (I still have my costumes from both years) and even though it hasn’t been a whole year since I graduated, I still miss singing. I certainly don’t miss high school but I do miss that choir.
6. Do you collect anything? If so, what?
Not sure if this counts but I’ve been an achievement hunter/completionist since I played Ocarina of Time so I guess I “collect” video game achievements. I also collect lost things when I find them. I have an abandoned library card, two different gym membership cards, and a whole bunch of business cards. I have a small collection of lighters but that’s less about the joy of collecting and more about how often I burn incense. Aside from the usual stuffed animal collection that most people have from childhood, I don’t collect anything else.
7. How many songs are there in your music library?
This is kinda difficult for me to answer. I use Spotify and I don’t always download my music since I have unlimited data, but it currently says that I have 1070 “liked” songs which is likely a little conservative since I had to switch accounts last year and lost some of my music in the process. (This just got me thinkin, back in the iTunes era when songs were 99cents a pop I would have had to pay more than a thousand dollars for that kind of collection.)
8. If you could live anywhere in the world, and at any time in history, where and when would you choose?
So, by any time in history do you mean only the past or the future too? If future is an acceptable answer, I’m gonna say Star Trek. Like if Star Trek ever becomes vaguely reality, I’m going there. Even if the details are wrong, a career as a science officer on a space ship in a universe that isn’t constantly at war and is instead working towards peace and the pursuit of higher knowledge is perfect. If we’re only talking about the past, with no allowances for possible futures, then I think I’d want to live in the 80s in a metropolitan city like New York, Chicago, or Tokyo. Perhaps its misplaced nostalgia, but working as a secretary sounds nice. In the 80s you could still outright buy an apartment instead of renting it and it was actually semi-affordable (at least for the privileged) which as someone facing adulthood in the current economy, sounds like a dream come true. I guess I just want the simplicity and security of economy back then. Lookin for that yuppie life!
9. Have you ever performed live in front of an audience?
I have, several times. Although I’ve never been a headliner or anything I’ve played and sang at school concerts (even had a few solos) and my jazz band once performed for a dance hall full of people. I’ve never been paid unless you count getting a free CD but I’ve performed in front of quite a few live audiences.
Anyway, Jimbotnik didn’t write a tenth question so I guess I get an out. I’m sorry for my rambling answers, that’s just life. I’m gonna tag @jasminerobotnik @zoekrystall @rohotnik since y’all are my Sonic blog mutuals (like my header implies, I keep my main and this side blog separate for privacy’s sake) I’m also tagging @actsoflove @manicrobotnik @dusicielkusiciel @hamil-trash24 @lee-bunny @legally-immortal and @wutevrz
If you’re confused as to why I tagged you, I don’t have many mutuals so I picked followers who I’d seen some interaction from. You don’t have to play if you don’t want to and I’ll delete your tag if you’d prefer. As usual with these games, it’s also open to anyone who wants to get one of these started among their group so if you’re reading this post and wish you’d been tagged, that’s you.
My questions:
Do you wear glasses/contacts? If you wear glasses do you like how they look on you?
Do you have a playlist of music that’s just for when you’re sad? What are your favorite songs from it?
Is there a skill you consider yourself particularly good at?
If you’re the kind of person who uses a reusable water bottle, do you decorate it? If not, what is your favorite drink day to day?
Do you drink diet soda or can you not tolerate the taste?
Do you write fanfiction? What fandoms and genres? Do you share your fic with people you know in real life?
What’s your favorite scent? Do you often buy scented products like incense or candles?
Do you like scary movies? If so, what’s your favorite? If you don’t, what is your favorite genre of films?
What’s your go to movie snack when you’re watching in a theater? What about when you’re watching a movie at home?
What’s your favorite “medium” for art (sculpture, dance, music, painting, drawing, poetry etc.) and which one do you feel most adept at?
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DIABOLIK LOVERS VERSUS SONG Bloody Night Vol.Ⅱ Mini Drama “Ruki VS Azusa”
Tumblr media
Original title: 録り下ろしミニドラマ 「ルキVSアズサ」
Source: Diabolik Lovers VERSUS SONG Bloody Night Vol.II Mini Drama [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Takagi Sakurai & Daisuke Kishio
Translator’s note: I believe this is the first time I have translated some sort of VERSUS track featuring two Mukami’s and it does have a totally different feel to it, as to be expected. Even though there is still an obvious competition between the two, they aren’t nearly as hostile towards each other, even relying on the other or allowing their ‘brother’ to join in. This sibling bond between the Mukami’s is honestly what I like best about them and I’m glad it shows in this CD!
*Chop chop chop*
Azusa: Eve...What are you doing...?
You squeak.
Azusa: Ah...I’m sorry for scaring you...
You explain.
Azusa: You’re making...dinner? Hmー
Azusa paces around you.
Azusa: Hm...What’s on the menu for today? You chopped up...a bunch of vegetables, huh? 
Azusa: Ah! That knife...It cuts extremely well, doesn’t it? I sharpened it...the other day. So I’d be able to cut...even the hardest materials...You see? I’m sure it could even...slice through bones and flesh with ease...Fufufu~ 
Your face goes pale.
Azusa: Want to...put it to the test? No, you want to try it out, right? I can tell as well, Eve...
Azusa: Say...Try it on me? Right here, please?
You refuse.
Azusa: Justin, you see...He’s about to fade away. So...Please? Cut me here? ...Come on. You want to, don’t you?
You shake your head.
Azusa: ...Why not? Why would you say no? That’s strange. We should be...two of the same kind though...Ah! That’s wrong. You want it first, don’t you? I see. Of course you would.
He suddenly pins you down.
Azusa: Haah...I’m sorry for not realizing sooner. To make it up to you, I’ll make it...especially painful, okay? Fufufu~ I hope that’ll make you happy~
You start struggling. 
Azusa: It’ll be...okay...Just leave it...up to me...Ugh...
Azusa: Ugh...Nn...Keep still...Eve...Come on...You can’t do that...Ugh!
Azusa: Haah...Fufu~ Like this, you can no longer move, can you? Ooh...But I can no longer use the knife like this...Hm...What to do...? Ah! Right!
He leans in close.
Azusa: Instead, I’ll give you this pain...which you’ve loved for so long...Haahn...
Azusa bites you.
Azusa: Nn...Haah...Delicious...Eve’s blood...I wonder if it’s because...you enjoy pain...?
Azusa: In that case...I’ll make it hurt even more, okay? By doing so...You get to feel even better...and I get to...savor more of your...delicious blood...It’s basically a two-for-one deal (1), right...? Fufu~
*Rustle rustle*
Azusa: Haah...Well then, this place is up next...Your ear...
He bites you again.
Azusa: ...Hm? Mm...What’s wrong, Eve? Don’t look at me...like that. Rest...asssured. I’ll make sure to give you pain...just like you wish...Not from your earlobe but...right here...if I suck from the upper part...I’m sure it’ll hurt. 
Your eyes widen in horror. 
Azusa: Come on...Relax. Then my fangs can...sink into you and...give you pain...from inside...
Azusa: Nn...Hah...
Azusa: Mm...
Azusa: Haah...Nn...Mmh...Haah, haah...Seeing you have a hard time...Somehow made me feel good too...Fufu...Fufufu~ It looks as if I almost punctured a hole through your ear...In that case...Let’s put a pretty accessory in here. To symbolize that...I was the one who pierced these...Shall we give it a name too? Like Justin and Christina...Say? Don’t you like the sound of that? Fufufu~ 
Azusa: Haahn...Mmh...
Azusa: Mmh...Nn...
Azusa: Haah...It’s my turn next, okay...? 
Azusa moves away.
Azusa: Come on, hurt me with this knife...Give me a new kind of pain...I’m begging you.
Azusa: ...Eve? What’s wrong? Hm...Come on, stand...
Ruki enters the kitchen.
Ruki: It has been awfully rowdy in here. What are you doing?
Azusa: Oh...Ruki.
He walks over.
Ruki: Haah...Care explain this to me? Livestock, explain. I should have ordered you to prepare our dinner? 
You frown.
Ruki: From the looks of it, rather than actually preparing the food, all you did was make a mess of our kitchen. You truly are hopeless. Can you not even prepare a single meal without messing up? Haah...Show me your hands.
You hesitate.
Ruki: Show me your hands, I said!
You present him your hands.
Ruki: This is your punishment.
Azusa: Ah! Wait, Ruki...I’m the one one who...!
Azusa: Ugh...Ah...
Ruki: Azusa, do not interfere.
Azusa: I’m the one...who got in the way of her cooking so punish me too...
Ruki: Cannot do. You simply want to feel the pain, no?
Azusa: Oh...
Ruki: Regardless of the circumstances, the fact she ignored the orders given by her master remains unchanged. I need to punish her. Azusa. You restrain her, okay?
Azusa: ...Eh?
Ruki: Hurry up.
Azusa: Understood...
Azusa keeps your arms behind your back.
Azusa: Keep still, okay? Eve...
Ruki: That works. Livestock, I shall tame you right now. You should be grateful. Hmph.
You shiver in fear.
Ruki: Good grief...I can’t believe you would ignore your duties behind your Master’s back, only to indulge in your own selfish pleasures. You are quite the livestock. ...Hm? Are these fang marks Azusa’s? In that case, to start things off, I shall suck from this nape...
Ruki: Mmh...Nn...
*Rustle rustle*
Ruki: Don’t move. It makes it hard to suck.
You continue writhing around. 
Ruki: Tsk. Livestock. I told you to keep still! ...Azusa, keep her in check.
Azusa: Mmh...
Ruki: I cannot believe you can’t even simply stand still and keep quiet...
Ruki: Seems like I will have to be a little more strict with my training. To ensure your body actually remembers. You can decide where I shall punish you next. Your throat? Or perhaps, your shoulder? Come on, choose. 
You keep quiet.
Ruki: Good grief...To think you are this foolish, it almost seems refreshing. Show me your hands one more time. Hurry up.
Ruki: Hmph. The whip has left clear marks behind. I’m sure it must sting painfully? 
You nod.
Ruki: In that case...I shall add onto said pain even more. Like this...
Ruki bites your hand. 
Ruki: Mmh...Hah...Fufu...Those are lovely sounds...Cry out more!
You collapse but Azusa catches you in his arms.
Azusa: ...Oh! Eve...? Are you okay...? I wonder if it simply felt too good...? Hey.
Ruki: Oi. 
Ruki: Wake up. ...You’re gravely mistaken if you think your punishment ends here. Oi, Azusa. You join in too.
Azusa: Ah...Are you sure?
Ruki: Hmph. It’d be more effective if the two of us discipline her simultaneously. Help me out.
Azusa: Mmh...Gotcha. Eve...This time...I’ll give you pain too...Are you happy? No...You obviously are, aren’t you? 
Ruki: You should accept your penalty, admitting to the crime you have committed towards your Master.
Azusa: In that case...I’ll go for this...shoulder. You like it here, Eve...Don’t you?
Ruki: Fufufu...Try your best to remain conscious, okay?
Azusa bites your shoulder.
Azusa: Mmh...
Azusa: Nn...Ah...
Azusa: Eve...? Does it feel good? ...You ahead...You can lean against me more...By doing so...My fangs can sink in...even deeper.
Ruki: Livestock. Open your eyes. Watch closely. At these wedges (2) piercing through your own wrist. 
Ruki bites her as well.
Azusa: Eve...Feel my fangs too...
Azusa: Mmh...Ah...You want...more and more...right? This shouldn’t be...nearly enough to satisfy you...
Ruki: Azusa...Give it to her harder, and deeper. Despite her cries, that’s what this woman desires. I can tell.
Azusa: Mmh. I know. ...I’ll give it you as you wish, okay? After all...Eve’s desire...is my desire as well...Haahn...
Azusa: Nn...
Ruki: Your sweet blood is spreading inside my mouth...Mmh...You sure know how to entice a man. 
Azusa: Haah...Hah...Eve...You’re so pretty...Dyed in this deep crimson blood...Mmh.
Azusa: See? My lips are bright red too, aren’t they? Fufufu~ We match~
*Rustle rustle*
Azusa: Ah...It’s okay...Don’t worry about getting dirty?
Azusa: Oh...You’ve got bite marks all over you...I bet it hurts a lot...Mmh. Oh. I suppose I shouldn’t be too rough with you, right? 
Ruki: Oi, Azusa. She’s a nosy woman, but it’d be troublesome if she becomes unable of saying anything. 
Azusa: Mmh. I know. 
*Rustle rustle*
Azusa: I’ll be careful, okay?
Ruki: Well then...Next up, I’ll do it from behind like this. Let me engrave a pentalty into your nape. Haha...Have you even lost the energy to muster up a response? Good grief...You really always crave to be punished, don’t you? Being too greedy is problematic as well.
Azusa: Hey, Eve...Look at me...Okay? You’ve been looking at...Ruki this whole time, haven’t you? I have the right to make you mine as well...So...Please? I’ll give you...more and more pain...See? Like this...
Azusa: Mmh...
Azusa: Nn...Mmh...
Ruki: Do not let Azusa’s words sway you. In the end, you are still my livestock. I am the one you should prioritize. 
Azusa: ...I won’t lose either, Ruki!
Ruki: As you wish. Fufufu...
Azusa: Say, Eve? We are two of the same kind. Therefore...I will give you everything...your heart desires...
Ruki: Heh. Aren’t you rather desperate, Azusa? It is rather uncommon for you to get this worked up. 
Azusa: Because she is the one thing...I don’t want to hand over, not even to you...That’s why...
Ruki: Heh. I see. In that case, I shouldn’t sit still either. ...Oi, Livestock. Drown in me more. Mmh...Nn...
Azusa: Me too...! ...Hey, Eve? You can...have high hopes, okay? Mmh...
Azusa: Mmn...Nn...
Ruki: I am sure this situation is all you’ve ever dreamt of, isn’t it? Well, go ahead and enjoy it to the fullest. After all, you are a woman who feels joy from being pinned down. We still have plenty of time. I shall show you a kind of pleasure you have yet to ever experience.
Azusa: Eve...I will give it my all as well...Until you are thoroughly satisfied, okay?
Ruki: Hahaha...You are in luck. Seems like your punishment is still far from over.
The door closes.
ーー THE END ーー
Translation notes
(1) Azusa uses the expression いいことづくし or ‘ii-koto-zukushi’ which literally means ‘all sorts of good things/joyful happenings’. 
(2) I’m not sure why Ruki refers to his fangs as 楔 or ‘kusabi’ (wedge) here but I suppose they have a somewhat similar shape.
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feathertayl · 4 years
admittedly ive watched inuyasha but like not enough to know about plot. i see so many posts about sessrin(being disgusting ofc), mainly from you, that i dreamt i had to explain to my mom, who loved inuyasha but also knows nothing of the new show, about what’s going on. my mom was so disappointed in the world in my dream that it hurt. just wanted to share. also sessrin shippers are gross and i hope they know that
Hi, thanks for the ask!
I’m sorry if I’ve been clogging your feed with my Inuyasha discourse and posts. You can mute or block me if it bothers you, though, since you don’t know it. 
I’m not entirely sure if your mother likes Inuyasha in real life or only in your dream, but I’m glad she was disappointed in the world, even if it was in your dream. :)
I actually had a conversation with some S*ssRin shippers and some of them are okay if you’re having a normal discussion with them. But I have found that they do like to push the misconception that fiction does not affect reality and that since the context of Inuyasha is the Sengoku period (Feudal Japan), it does not matter that Rin was a child when she was “courted” by Sesshomaru. 
It is somewhat of an exhausting argument because they will go in circles and push the same, like, 4 arguments. But I did have one person admit that Sesshomaru (a 19 year old or older, we’re not necessarily sure, but he is at least 19) telling Rin (a 12-14 year old in the drama CD that they like to argue is “official”) that he would wait for her to become “of age” to f*ck and marry is weird in real life, but not in the context of Feudal Japan. 
...And you probably see where I’m going with this. 
But, anyway, thanks for the ask! I’m glad that not everyone outside of the fandom thinks people that don’t ship it are crazy because see a lot of people outside of the fandom blaming antis for, oh I don’t know, thinking critically about certain concepts in media they are consuming. 
I will say, however, that both sides are at fault for being nasty and I swear to god if I see anyone calling someone else a p*dophile or a gr*omer on here, I will call you out because those are very serious accusations. If you really want to name-call, calling them an “apologist” is probably your best bet. 
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aphonicdreams · 4 years
hiiiii ili! have u heard of a drama cd series called madness fiasco by primrose? i just happened across it and i haven't seen anyone post about it so i was wondering if u could tell me what it's about? totally okay if not though ❤️😊
Hello hello! I have!
I actually livetweeted the first three volumes. First volume with Kiriru, Second volume with Wang Haoran, and Third volume with Fell, although I did listen to them a bit out of order.
It doesn’t look like they’re connected, but the basic plot is that the heroine’s father was a systems engineer for this database called Amanohara (lit. Heaven) which mafia around the world use... for some reason... LOL. They all have their own managers but somehow the heroine’s father got the master key and set a password so that anyone who has this password can access the entire database and basically the weaknesses + secrets of all the mafia in the world.
Unfortunately, her father died in a car accident (Fell’s volume says it looks like it was purely an accident) and then someone kidnapped the heroine to sell her in an underground auction because she’s the only person who can crack the password to Amanohara. The hint to the password is “What you give to someone you reunited with.”
Kiriru’s volume was just... all about an incompetent mafia heir and I guess he and the heroine become the new mafia leaders? (She shot someone... and killed them here). Anyway, she cracks the code in the first volume with Kiriru and it involved references to Mother Goose and transforming the Japanese phrase into English for the alphabet but also doing something to it to get a numerical number. Anyway, I totally forgot the process because I hated Kiriru so much LOL.
Wang Haoran’s volume is basically a childhood yandere and a beautiful gilded cage. Amanohara wasn’t mentioned at all in his volume because he only cared about obtaining the MC LOL.
Meanwhile, Fell was my favorite. The password doesn’t get cracked in this one but the whole volume was so action-oriented it was like a Hollywood movie, reminded me a lot of Arlen’s Maximum Bet, AND THE TWIST WITH FELL’S CHARACTER plus the sound directing has made him my favorite.
I haven’t listened to the last volume yet, so I’m afraid I can’t tell you what it’s about but, given the track record of the rest, I think it’ll just be another standalone world.
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whosmorales · 6 years
Kiss the girl - Spider Noir x reader
A/N: there’s no where near enough spider noir fanfics so I decided to take a crack at it. I’ve never written one before though so I sincerely apologize if this stinks.
Warnings: swearing, fluff I guess?? General bad writing
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“I need you to fake date me” you said to Peter (Peter Noir to be specific, not the pig or the old, sad man, as much as you loved the two.)
Peter sighed and took of his thick, round glasses to clean them off on his sweater as he supported himself by leaning one arm on the kitchen counter. “And what is this for exactly?” He inquired, his dark eyes locking with yours before he pushed his glasses back up his nose.
You felt yourself get flustered when you realized how stupid you must sound to him right now. “Weeeelllllll..I may or may not have made a bet with Miles. We agreed that whoever could get someone from the spider crew to go out with them first would get twenty dollars from the other one.” You said, avoiding his gaze slightly.
“And why me?” He asked in a slightly soft voice.
“Well, dating a pig would just be weird, Peter B is almost twice my age and is just patching things up with MJ, Penni is like my little sister, and Miles is totally pining over Gwen, I’m trying to win a bet, not break the kids heart.” You rambled, casually deciding not to mention that you wouldn’t mind dating him for real, instead of just for twenty dollars.
He sighed softly in response before making eye contact with you once again, his deep black eyes stared into yours in a way that was almost intense. “Fine...” he muttered, breaking eye contact after what felt like an eternity. “But you owe me one” his features softened and his face flushed a little, but you barely noticed considering his skin only got a slightly darker gray color.
You gave him a cheeky smile. “Thanks, Love.” You said in a sarcastic way. I mean, if you guys were gonna fake date, you might as well make the most of it, right? You grabbed his hand in yours, catching him off guard, and marched down to Aunt May’s basement, where everyone was hanging out.
You proudly walked up to Miles, Peters hand still in yours. “Cough it up Morales!” You said with a wide grin on your face.
“Are you mcfreaking serious?!” He said, avoiding using a certain word in front of Penni. You nodded happily and looked up at Peter, who you saw was nodding as well, his face calm and his mouth forming a soft, almost indistinguishable smile.
Miles let out an over dramatic sigh before pulling a crisp 20 out of his back pocket and putting it in your hand, or more like tossed it over to you, refusing to give you the satisfaction of winning by giving it to you so delicately. You giggled delightedly and gave Miles a hug, which he ignored like the little drama queen he is. After that, you turned around to face Noir. Should you hug him? No, you had to keep up the impression that he was most definitely your boyfriend, but without freaking him out or anything. You put your hand in his and squeezed it softly, which caught him off guard, he was hoping expecting so much as a kiss on the cheek, but at least he could remain cool and calm this way.
“Alright I’m gonna go get a new book, with my new TWENTY DOLLARS” you said, dragging out the last few words and making sure to rub it in Miles’ face.
“Slow down darling, you’ll freeze out there.” You heard Peter say before spinning around to see him wrap his seemingly giant trench coat around you. You felt a light blush sprinkle your cheeks.
“Thanks” You said rather quietly before you spun back around on your heel to go to the book store about a block from Aunt May’s house.
“Be back in time for movie night! 9 o’clock, you can choose the movie.” Peter B yelled as you walked away. You smiled to yourself and wrapped the coat tighter around yourself and putting on a pair of boots over your fuzzy socks. You checked the time, 7:30 pm. Cool.
As soon as Miles heard the door close upstairs, he turned around in his chair to look at Peter Noir, who could already feel himself getting flustered.
“Sooooo...you and (Y/N) huh?” He said, almost in an interrogation voice.
“Y-Yeah” Peter replied awkwardly, tugging at the collar of his turtleneck and fumbling over his words.
“Cute.” Gwen said out of nowhere. “What’s your favorite thing about her?” Gwen was like an overprotective sister to you, even if she was younger, and she wanted to know everything about you, your friends, and your partners, which now included Peter.
“Uhm..well, my favorite thing about her can’t be boiled down to just one thing” he said, not even realizing it was all fake. “I like the little smiles she does when she gets complimented, how her nose scrunches up, I like how she puts other people before herself, especially when she’s saving people, when there’s stray glitter on her face from who knows where, it just looks angelic, I like when she’s having a lazy day and just lounges around in Spider-Man pajama pants and a big old tee shirt, and she still looks gorgeous.” He continued to ramble on before he realized.
He has it really bad for you.
A little bit more time passed of him gushing over you like a girl with her first crush to the other members of the spider crew before you came downstairs, already having changed into a big, comfy Disney world tee shirt and the Spider-Man pajama pants that Peter adored you in oh so much.
“I got a Spider-Man comic book!” You said happily, showing it to Penni, who you knew would be beyond excited to read it with you before she went to bed every night. That was another thing Peter loved about you, you were always elated to hang out with any member of the crew, and you had special activities you did with all of them. With the two of you, you loved to show him music from different decades, your favorite being the 80s, you just loved dancing like an idiot to the voices of David Bowie and Freddie Mercury with your friend. Yeah, that’s all he was. Your friend who you just so happened to be fake dating.
Peter B clapped like a teacher trying to get a class to listen up. “Okay kiddos it’s movie night! Since porker got to choose last week, that means it’s (Y/N)’s turn today!” You smiled to yourself, already knowing which movie I’d choose.
You fished out a CD of the little mermaid (nice pun). You knew everyone, as much as some would hate to admit it, enjoyed it. Porker and Penni enjoyed any cartoons, Peter Noir loved watching anything ahead of his time, especially colorful movies like this one, as much as Miles and Peter B would hate to admit it, they were both suckers for the under the sea song, and Gwen had a soft spot for Ariel, she loved that Ariel was smart and knew what she wanted, unlike most of the princesses before her. And you? Well, this movie was just your favorite, you couldn’t explain it really, but watching it felt like being a giddy little kid all over again, it gave you a sense of wonder.
You smiled like a little kid seeing fireworks for the first time as the bright blue screen flashed with a picture of the Disney castle. You were snuggled up under a soft pink blanket (that you totally didn’t steal from Penni) with Noir by your side, the two of you separated by his hand. You sighed internally, why couldn’t it be like this all the time? you thought to yourself, why couldn’t you always be by Noirs side, be able to call him your boyfriend, borrowing his trench coat, even though everyone besides him couldn’t pull it off the same was he did, calling him cheesy nickna-
Your thoughts were cut off midway through when you felt a strong, but gentle arm wrap around your shoulders over the couch. You jerked your head rather quickly to see Peter, who looked all embarrassed and flustered, but his arm didn’t move, though you weren’t complaining. You melted into his touch pretty instantly and you felt his fingers lazily trace patterns of swirls and circles on your arm. God you were so glad he wasn’t aware of what colors meant, because the blush across your nose and cheeks was growing, and fast.
You felt yourself smile into Peter’s shoulder, which you rested your head against, when you heard your favorite song of the movie, kiss the girl, come on. Something about the song was just so magical and sweet, and listening to it while snuggling with Peter “Noir” Parker made you feel beyond lucky.
“And you don't know why, but you're dying to try. You wanna kiss the girl” you sang along softly. Peter was surprised he didn’t swoon right then and there at the sound of your gentle voice.
Without realizing what he was doing, Peter put 2 fingers under your chin to face you towards him, gently and calmly. He stared into your eyes for a breif moment, though it felt like everything else had disappeared in that moment, no one but you and Peter. He looked down, letting out a small exhale that released just enough anxious thoughts for him to kiss you. It was gentle and calm, but it felt so real.
After a moment, you pulled away from him and stared into his eyes, searching to see how sincere he was, almost not believing what had just happened.
Had he done this because the others were around? Or did he do that because he really wanted to?
You smiled at him softly before sinking back into him. He was almost in disbelief from how calm you were, because god knows he was absolutely freaking out internally and probably over analyzing everything.
There was a good hour left in the movie, although it felt like it went by in just seconds of cuddling under Peter’s arm while your hands grabbed his free one and to rubbing in circles on his hand. As the end credits started to roll, you noticed everyone besides you and Peter had passed out. For a second, you felt shy and vulnerable, even though you’d kissed what felt like moments ago.
“I like fake dating you” Peter said as he rubbed the back of his neck and spoke quietly as to not wake the others up.
You smiled shyly, though you felt kind of heartbroken, with the word fake being added to that sentence . “I like fake dating you too.”
“Alright Doll, I’ll see you in the morning.” He said, in that warm 30s voice of his you loved to hear so much.
“Goodnight Love.” You said softly, pressing a kiss to his lips, which he didn’t seem to think much of. That made you realize something: I want to actually date this nerd! Fuck I’m a dumbass!
“Wait!” You whisper shouted as he walked away. He turned around to you with a goofy smile.
“I want to date you...but for real this time.” You said, or more accurately declared.
He smiled softly and nodded. “Me too, I guess I’ll see you in the morning Love”
He called you love
Holy shit
God this man made you melt like Ariel did for prince Eric.
A/N: sorry if this is like really bad but let me know what you guys think!
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kanasmusings · 6 years
[Translation] QUELL “Matchless People” Track 1
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I haven’t seen a translation for “Matchless People” yet so uh, here’s mine?? XD  Be ready for a lot of angst this time around because this drama CD is super duper plot heavy LOL
Thank you again to Deea for the files~! Please don’t ask her for them as per her request and please don’t ask if I’ll be sharing mine as well, thank you ^^
※ Please don’t re-post these translations without permission. Instead of reposting, please just like/reblog instead ^^
Under the cut, enjoy~!
Track 01: [柊羽の焦り] “Shu’s Impatience”
  SHU: Shiki, can I see the material we were handed just now?
SHU: It’s about QUELL’s release info and promotion for next term.
SHU: I could only touch it for a while during the meeting after all. I want to discuss the details with you if possible.
(Shu gets handed a piece of paper)
SHU: I saw the drafts you made from Haiduki-san a while ago. I want to draw something from the contents of those papers.
SHU: QUELL and SolidS, as a paired unit, I thought it would be good if we could be each other’s inspiration, too.
SHIKI: Hm, a paired unit, huh.
SHU: Are you considering QUELL to be a liability?
SHIKI: I didn’t say anything like that. What’s wrong? You’re unusually rushing into things.
SHIKI: Ah, are you worried about what the sales department said during our last meeting?
SHIKI: “Was QUELL holding you back with your activities as Izumi Shu,” was it?
SHU: Ah…
SHIKI: Hm. Speaking of, that was the first time you attended a meeting as QUELL’s producer, wasn’t it?
SHIKI: The meeting with the sales department will be harshly frank with things we wouldn’t want to hear.
SHIKI: You just have to get used to it. That’s the kind of world we’re in. That meeting doesn’t concern itself with talks about feelings, the future, music or talent. It plainly talks about the numbers and figures.
SHU: (sighs) You’re right.
SHIKI: Plus, you didn’t have a problem with anything else, right? Don’t think to deep into it.
SHIKI: Just think that it’s a genuine problem you clashed with.
SHIKI: In reality, the chance for you to say something for them to agree with just didn’t come.
SHIKI: If you’re unsatisfied, it won’t be that easy.
SHIKI: It’s not like you’ve been banned from doing activities with QUELL. As long as they’re able to recognize your unit, it’s a win, isn’t it?
SHU: Is that what you think?
SHIKI: Yeah. This is why people who aren’t used to critiques are stuffy. I’ve been told face-to-face once before that I don’t suit being a talent, you know?
SHU: Well, that’s amazing. How did you react?
SHIKI: What do you think? I answered, “Thank you for your guidance,” if I remember correctly.
SHIKI: I’m not as skilful as you are. I didn’t know who I could call my friends. I didn’t even know a proper way of asking an explanation for something I didn’t know.
SHIKI: If I’m told something, I have no choice.
SHU: Shiki, you’re pretty strong, huh.
SHIKI: I’m just shameless. I know that much.
SHIKI: When a meeting gets too heated, the other side also becomes uneasy so it’s easy to throw one or two harsh words.
SHIKI: Not everyone is clean though. I mean, I did have to apologize for something once before.
SHIKI: But, we’re still drinking buddies even now.
SHU: (chuckles) Is that so?
SHIKI: A meeting with the higher-ups is completely different from a meeting with your friends. Get used to it, that’s the only thing you can do.
SHU: (sighs) Looks… like it. Though, I don’t know if I can get used to it like you are.
SHIKI: What do you mean by that? Well, never mind. What I was trying to say a while ago was whether it’s possible for a new unit to improve in such a short time.
SHIKI: I’m surprised.
SHU: Of course. Don’t think that QUELL will always be behind SolidS.
SHU: We are determined to not only stand behind you but by your side.
SHIKI: I’m looking forward to it from the bottom of my heart.
  SHIKI: So, about the promotion that we were talking about a while ago—
SHU: Hm?
SHIKI: I don’t think the plan itself is bad at all. It anticipates expectations for both sides.
SHIKI: It’s just, don’t you think that the hopes for an event and the incentive promise is a bit too much?
SHIKI: This is because of what the sales department said, isn’t it?
SHU: Now that you mention it, it may be. But, QUELL’s album sales and event reactions for this season were above expectations.
SHU: The member roster is also steadily rising. I don’t want to say this carelessly but, I think we’re at a condition where we can challenge anything.
SHIKI: That’s true. If we take into account the sales for this season, it is a good number.
SHIKI: I think the members’ potentials are good, too—
SHU: Then--!
SHIKI: But, if you run forward with just these numbers, it will ruin you.
SHIKI: It is certain that QUELL has drive. But, wouldn’t it be better if you estimate for the long run?
SHU: Ah… (sighs)
SHU: You’re a lot stricter than the sales department, huh.
SHIKI: I’m just treating you the way you want to be treated equally as our paired unit, you know?
SHU: I see now. More than a year has passed since QUELL’s announcement as a unit.
SHU: Everyone’s gotten experience slowly. This isn’t just because of these numbers, I’m thinking far ahead into what else we can do in the future.
SHU: More importantly, I want to grasp this drive, this opportunity that we have now.
SHIKI: I know that feeling well. But, even if we take into account your musicianship, aren’t you kind of not one to be talking sales?
SHU: Even I don’t want to be a unit who only aims to sell.
SHIKI: Also, this kind of thing will be a huge responsibility for you.
SHIKI: I bet that’s what the sales department want to say, too.
SHIKI: You also have your solo activities, not just with QUELL. You have to aim higher with that as well. You can’t afford to stop going with that, can you?
SHU: (takes a deep breath) That takes priority as well, I guess. I’m sure it’s the same for you.
SHU: Don’t you continue to write music for people other than SolidS? I’m sure it shouldn’t be that different from my usual solo activities.
SHIKI: Mine is… Well, I’m used to it. It’s been more than three years since I’ve started doing it.
SHIKI: I know my job and the capacities of it well.
SHU: I’ve been in the industry as long as you. I don’t intend to become useless after coming this far.
SHIKI: I got it. Shu, let’s press this proposal another day.
SHU: Shiki?!
SHIKI: Shu, fortunately, we have time. Let’s keep each other in the right path for a while, all the hard work will definitely be worth it.
SHIKI: Plus…
SHU: Plus what?
SHIKI: Aren’t you being a bit… restless?
SHU: That’s not true…!
SHIKI: Well, you are QUELL’s leader and producer, Shu. You have the final say.
SHU: Yeah. Of course, I’ll do just that.
(they fix the papers and stand up to leave)
  SHIKI: Shu, you have anything planned after this? If you have some time, would you like to go eat somewhere?
SHIKI: We haven’t had much time with each other lately.
SHU: Ah, I’m sorry… I have somewhere to be after this.
SHIKI: I see. Then, I have no choice. See you then. Invite me next time if you find the time.
(Shiki walks away)
SHU: (sighs)
 EICHI: Ah, welcome home, Shu!
SHU: I’m home, Eichi.
EICHI: You’re home early~ I thought you’d went out to eat somewhere.
SHU: Ah, that’s right.
EICHI: Want something to drink?
SHU: Sure, I’ll have some.
EICHI: Wait here a bit.
(Eichi stands up to get some drinks while Shu sits down)
SHU: Hm, are you on your way to work?
EICHI: Well, I wouldn’t really call it work but, I wanted to go and coordinate tomorrow’s radio schedule, see?
SHU: That’s excellent work, you know? Oh, sorry, it seems like I interrupted.
EICHI: Mm-mm, not really. I was thinking it’d be a nice change of pace, too.
EICHI: Ah, that’s right! Look at the magazine on the table if you’d like~
SHU: Hm? (Shu picks the magazine up) This one?
EICHI: Yep, that one. It was on sale today.
EICHI: QUELL’s interview is right there in the middle~
(Shu starts reading)
EICHI: It was good~ It was really considerate of us and it kinda made me happy.
EICHI: (chuckles) And Isse and Icchi look really happy in the photo included with it that— Uh, Shu?
SHU: Ah, that’s right. It looks like a good article.
EICHI: Shu, that’s an advertisement page.
SHU: Ah, this is uh…
EICHI: Guess I went about things in the wrong order~ What Shu needs right now is this rather than the magazine.
EICHI: Here.
(Eichi hands Shu something)
SHU: This is?
EICHI: Miso soup with garden peas and tofu. By the way, it’s a broth made with katsuobushi and konbu! (1)
EICHI: Please enjoy it while it’s warm~
SHU: Did you make it, Eichi?
EICHI: Yup~ It took a while to make but I challenged myself with it. Go ahead, dig in.
SHU: Yeah. Thank you for the food.
(Shu starts drinking)
SHU: This is delicious…!
EICHI: I’m so glad~ I’ve only ever made ready-made broth but this is something I made on my own.
EICHI: It took a while but I guess it all paid off~ I had Rikka teach me how to make it the other day!
SHU: Ah, I see. Rikka, huh?
EICHI: I’ve been able to talk with Rikka about a lot of things lately. You know how I went and saw him in the studio the other day, right? (2)
SHU: If I remember, you went to go see the studio as part of a preliminary preparation.
EICHI: Exactly~ Rikka looked so cool! It made me think that I’m surrounded by cool and respectable seniors.
SHU: Yeah. Everyone in SolidS are both our rivals and seniors.
EICHI: I want to hurry and catch up with everyone but, if we take into account the amount of time and experience they have, even rushing would do no good~ It’s a bit frustrating, huh?
SHU: We can make up for lack of experience by other means. I’m sure everyone would want to cooperate with you.
EICHI: Ah, yeah…! You have a point.
EICHI: Just the other day, I was thinking that it would’ve finished early if they had discussed it with me or something.
EICHI: I feel like I’ve gotten closer with Rikka, too. If I want to continue to improve, I don’t have time to be weirdly reserved, huh? Really!
SHU: Eichi’s very kind-hearted, huh. You can face yourself directly and you take advice to heart.
EICHI: I’m not really. You’re exaggerating. I just think that discussing it with everyone is more fun than keeping ideas to myself in the sidelines.
EICHI: A-ah, I’m sorry! I said too much. Eat your miso soup before it gets cold, okay?
SHU: Yeah.
  (Shu continues eating)
SHU: It’s been a while since I could enjoy a delicious miso soup while this relaxed. Maybe I lack being able to talk about my feelings just a little bit.
SHU: Being impatient, huh…
SHU: It does seem so.
SHU: Can I talk to you about something for a bit?
EICHI: Of course, talk to me about anything.
SHU: I talked with Shiki about our next plans after the meeting ended and Shiki gave me advice about QUELL.
EICHI: Shiki-san is a producer and our senior after all.
SHU: Yeah. I respect him from the bottom of my heart.
EICHI: Yeah, I know~
SHU: Still, instead of taking Shiki’s advice with no complaints, I said some weird things.
SHU: He probably noticed so he invited me to go eat after the discussion but… I made a detectable lie about having plans and ended up just going home.
SHU: I felt like I couldn’t look Shiki in the face.
SHU: It’s not something an adult would do. It felt so childish that I couldn’t help but dislike it.
EICHI: I see~ Yeah, things like that happen sometimes.
SHU: You’re not shocked…?
EICHI: (chuckles) Not at all~
SHU: You’re so soft on me, huh, Eichi.
EICHI: Well, I won’t deny that~
EICHI: But, Shu letting his feelings take over rarely happens. I guess it’s because you trust Shiki-san deeply.
EICHI: You ended up saying what you felt out loud because you knew that Shiki-san would understand your feelings, huh?
EICHI: I don’t think that’s really a bad thing though~ Shu’s human, too, so there’s no need for you to always be in control over your emotions.
EICHI: You have to uh… explode with your feelings sometimes, too!
SHU: Explode with my feelings…?
EICHI: Even so~ (chuckles)
SHU: Hm, what is it?
EICHI: I just thought that even Shu regrets saying something after being given good advice~
SHU: That’s… Of course I do.
EICHI: Of course you do~ It just happens to anyone sometimes, huh~ Yup, yup~
SHU: You seem happy about it.
EICHI: Of course I am! I said this a while ago. The talent Izumi Shu is close to perfection, he’s lovable and undoubtedly cool. He’s like a diamond without a scratch in it.
EICHI: Even I thought you were like that before but…
SHU: I’m not that perfect.
EICHI: Yeah, I know~ But, it’s more like, being cool and perfect is just an aspect of you.
EICHI: You have a lot of other ‘faces’ deep inside you, too.
EICHI: Being at a loss, being depressed, hesitating, and laughing with all your heart at something fun!
EICHI: It makes me very happy that I get to continue on a journey when I can get to know more about you, Shu.
SHU: Eichi…
  (Issei and Ichiru suddenly arrive)
ISSEI: Wait, Ichiru!
ICHIRU: I told you to leave it be.
EICHI: Hm, this voice… Isse and Icchi?
ISSEI: Ichiru. That thing a while ago was my fault so…
ICHIRU: I said it wasn’t a big deal so don’t apologize randomly because of my mood!
EICHI: A-ah, what happened, you two?
SHU: Did something happen?
ICHIRU: It’s nothing.
(Ichiru walks away)
EICHI: I-Icchi!
ISSEI: Eichi, please leave him be…
ISSEI: We just… had a little fight. Probably…
EICHI: Probably?
Translator’s Notes:
(1) Katsuobushi is dried, fermented, and smoked skipjack tuna. [Source] Konbu is a kind of kelp.
(2) Eichi’s referring to the first track of SoliS Vol. 5 drama CD ^^
※ Please don’t re-post the English translations without permission.
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