#my bestie was like they're gonna fuck in the next chapter right
allylikethecat · 1 year
Ahhhh the MWFD update! please let George find out soon, I'm so ready for protective dad to be George
Hehe because fictional!Matty can't make anything easy, it's going to take a bit longer for fictional!George to find out about his impending fatherhood, but rest assured he is going to be having a lot of feelings directed at fictional! Matty 🤣
Thank you so much for your message and for reading! I'm so glad that you enjoyed the update and hope you continue to enjoy them 🥰 I always get so nervous posting an update that it's going to be too "weird" and that people won't like it, then I get messages like this and I can't help but smile!
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sp-by-april · 26 days
You Could Be My Muse: 04. Boy Problems
I promised @angel-gone-dark that if he posted ch2 of his fic that features me, I would post ch4 of Muse featuring him. Besties in all AUs, you love to see it.
There's a smut writing club at South Park High! Their favorite muses are Mysterion and... Kyle? After Cartman instigates a bet between Kenny and Kyle to get them to compete for April, the club's newest member, Stan's trying to figure out Eric's angle.
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[Chapter One] [Chapter Two] [Chapter Three] [Read All On AO3!] [Kenny Master List] [Kyle Master List]
The bet was made. Now all Kenny had to do was go through with it. He tried to formulate a plan as he dug through his locker.
“So Kenny,” Cartman began as he leaned on the locker next to his, “You decide how you’re gonna win her over and get us that pile of money? Kevin, Scott and David all added to the pot when they found out,”
Kenny rolled his eyes, “I’m still figuring it out,”
“Her date with Kyle is tonight, but it's highly probable that he’ll ruin his chances all on his own and then you can swoop right in,” Cartman mused.
Then as if it was an after-thought, Eric added, “It probably wouldn’t hurt to ask Leigh,”
Kenny frowned, “Leigh? Isn’t he the guy that hangs around the Writing Club?”
“He doesn’t hang around the Writing Club, he’s the only guy in the Writing Club. He’s also, like, April’s best friend. If you want to get to her, you should talk to him,”
“Her best friend is a dude?” 
Shit. That’s gotta be the guy she likes, right? 
No, they're best friends, she said she didn't think he knew she existed. Theoretically that would rule out Kyle too, but the way he pretended not to care, maybe she really bought it.
Eric shrugged, if he worried about the lives of girls like April he'd never get anything done, “Yeah, he should be doing shit with the Cooking Club right about now,”
“There's a cooking club?” Kenny blinked.
 “Am I the only one that pays attention to anything that happens in this school?” Cartman threw his hands in the air.
Kenny thought he felt a headache coming on, “Just shut up and tell me which classroom they meet in,” 
💜 ❔ 💚
Stan scrolled through his phone, pretending to listen to Kyle as he bitched. He started to text Luna, wondering if she knew how serious April was about this whole date-thing.
"I mean," Kyle threw his hands up, “Who does that? Kenny’s supposed to be my friend–”
“I’m sure he was thinking the same thing,” Stan said flatly.
Kyle blinked, “What do you mean? I did nothing wrong here. He’s the one –”
“I know you’ve been into her for a while, but this disinterested act you’ve liked to pull lately isn’t doing you any favors," Stan sighed, "You can just say you think she’s cute, and it’s okay to admit that you know she has boobs,” 
Kyle rolled his eyes to the ceiling, “I mean, obviously I know she has boobs,”
“Oh, we know that you know. Just fucking admit it once in awhile. You never would’ve even gone after her if Kenny being into her hadn’t varied whatever weird risk-reward calculation you had running in your brain,”
Stan punched Kyle in the shoulder, “Admit it,”
“There’s nothing to–” Kyle winced from another punch, even harder this time, “What the hell?”
“Stop lying, no one’s buying it,” Stan pulled his fist back again, “Especially not me,”
“I never fucking lied, the boobs just weren’t the main–”
Stan punched Kyle again. Kyle threw his left arm around Stan’s neck and punched back with the right. Before long they were on the ground exchanging blows until Stan came out on top and had Kyle pinned. 
“Ahem,” Eric cleared his throat, “ I don’t know how you guys managed to turn a fight over tits into something completely fucking gay, but I shouldn’t be surprised,”
Kyle sucker punched Stan in the stomach and he rolled off of him with all the grace of a drowning rat.
Eric frowned, “Don’t let me stop you. While you’re getting handsy with Stan, Kenny is with Leigh, securing me a pile of money,”
Kyle hopped up swiftly, “Shit, he knows about Leigh?”
Stan was worried. No one could snatch defeat from the jaws of victory like Kyle.
On top of it, Stan knew a con when he saw one. Cartman was more likely to sabotage Kyle’s chance with any girl, but especially one he knew he was risking public humiliation by pursuing with a bet on the outcome, and that's before even bringing in her race and religion into it.
The more he thought about it, April was right as far as Kenny’s type and Kyle’s. She was the perfect carrot to dangle if Eric wanted to distract them both, but… Why?
Stan was the first to admit he didn’t have the brain-power to see all the angles and the two guys he knew that did were the ones all wrapped up in beating each other and winning the girl.
He needed someone close enough to know all the players, but far enough to see the bigger picture.
💜 ❔ 💚
Kenny finally tracked down the baking club on the second floor. He poked his head in the classroom and the smells of baked goods lured him the rest of the way. 
He scoped out the group and saw Leigh in the back. He was a fairly short guy with silver glasses. Brown hair with blue tips.  At first glance, he definitely seemed cool enough to be April’s best friend. 
Kenny approached cautiously, he didn't want to spook the guy, “Leigh?” 
“Kenny?" Leigh blinked, "I assume you're not here for a crepe,”
“I wouldn't turn one down, but I wanted to talk to you about April," Kenny awkwardly swirled his hands around each other, "Are you two, like… You know?”
“No way,” Leigh snorted, “Trust me, she's not my type,”
Oh. Guess that's the final nail in that theory. 
Kenny awkwardly scratched his nose hoping he didn't make too much of an ass of himself by even asking, “Gotcha,” 
“She has a date with Kyle tonight," Leigh said switching off the burner, "I heard that you turned her down,”
I did? When she asked to hang out?
I guess I did.
"In my defense–”
“Let me guess, you didn't even realize she was asking you out? I keep telling that girl she needs to be more direct…” Leigh shook his head as he tossed a pan in the sink next to Kenny.
“More or less,” Kenny sighed, “I need to know how to get her to ditch Kyle and go out with me,” 
Leigh shrugged, “I can't help you,” 
“What!? Why not?” Kenny asked thinly.
The feeling that he was really doomed in this endeavor started to crush him like a weight.
“She's got a lot of pride. You turned her down, she'll probably marry him out of spite. But I don't know, even if there's nothing you can do, someone else might be able to win her over,” Leigh glanced up at Kenny over the frame of his glasses, “If you catch my drift,”
Kenny nodded. He got the message. He was pretty sure he got it, anyway.
💜 ❔ 💚
Kyle was an inch away from a panic attack.
He picked a simple first date. Coffee. They could talk. He could walk her home. 
It seemed like a good plan.
Except now he realized the plan was stupid, he was stupid, Kenny had surely learned everything there was to know about April from Leigh, and by this time next week would probably be taking a video of himself motorboating her just to rub it in his face.
Then April strolled inside Tweek Bros and he knew he was done for.
She was stunning. Kyle took inventory as he tried not to stare. Black dress. Short. Her long hair was up with some stray loose curls, that were undoubtedly meticulously planned. He didn't think he'd ever seen her with curls. Her make up was immaculate, with a dark red lip. He wondered how much work she put in to look so effortlessly hot.
“You look really…”  Kyle's jaw hung slack, but the words wouldn't come out.
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justagalwhowrites · 7 months
Bestie! This last Yearling's chapter was so much! It was an emotional rollercoaster, starting with the tension between Bambi and the others when the idea of leaving Joel there sprouts from Gene. I'd have put Gatling on guard mode, too. And then… If having Bambi on Joel's bedside playing him songs and telling him what she tells him didn't have my heart bursting with love, pain, and so much angst, his conversation with Sarah sealed the deal and made me tear up. Good job! Holding Bambi will be his best medicine.
At least out of all this shitshow, Savvy and Bambie are talking again, and Savvy seems to have done some deep thinking and realized with what she heard the doctors say that there's more on her mother's side of the story in these past years. Their relationship is not perfect, but it feels like they are on the right path. Perhaps Ellie, despite her rage and fear of losing Joel, will listen to Bambi's words about Joel not wanting her to turn into a murderer.
I loved the chapter. It hurt to read, but it was really good, and hopefully, the upcoming chapters will have more sweetness and fluffiness in them. Thanks for the update! It was so worth the wait it took you to write it. And please don't feel bad for needing more time to write it. Writing should be for fun and not an obligation, and a full-time job and a life take time. Maybe I'm being a bit too harsh, but anyone who doesn't understand it and respects it shouldn't be around here. Lots of hugs, love!🫂♥️
Bambi was in FULL protector mode there, her priorities were Joel and Joel alone, everyone else could fuck right on off, thank you very much. I don't blame Gene for being like "this seems hopeless and I need to get people out of here" but I'd have done the same thing Bambi did in response. That's her man right there, she's gonna fight for him.
And yes, Savvy!! There's still some ground to cover. She's a teenager, after all, things are going to take time and she's still very hurt. I get why Bambi is so reluctant to tell her the whole truth but her dancing around it makes it harder. Her ending up with "bad people" could mean what happened to her, it could mean that she decided to run with raiders of her own free will and got hurt trying to steal shit from someone. Who knows? Not Savvy! It's a tough spot for both of them but they're getting there. And Ellie is Ellie. Thankfully, she values Bambi's opinion VERY highly and she's not going to want to go far from Joel as he recovers, too, which makes things a bit easier as far as keeping her around. At least for now. We'll just have to see what Ellie gets up to next!
There is some DEFINITE fluff coming up before we dive into what's going to be the final major arc of this story (which is coming up so fast omg!!)
Thank you so much, you are so kind. I should say, though, that no one is being mean about my update times except myself! Everyone here is so kind and lovely and yeah. I just get very frustrated with myself when I don't make the deadlines I set for myself and then there are other things with this fic that I'm very frustrated with myself about that makes the not posting when I want feel worse and yeah. It's all me! Y'all are wonderful ❤️ I know the internet can be a fraught place and that even in this fandom, people can say and do hurtful things but I've been incredibly lucky to have had just an overwhelmingly positive experience from everyone here. And that's part of why I hate it when I don't get things posted. I feel so bad about taking TWO WEEKS to update Yearling this time. I mean that's TWO WEEKS of y'all not knowing what was going to happen after Joel passed out from blood loss. That's nuts and I'm sorry for that! You're all so lovely and patient that I feel like you deserve better and I'm not doing that at the moment which is frustrating for me.
ANYWHO enough of my ranting lol thank you so so much for such a kind and thoughtful ask. I seriously light up every time I see your name in my alerts! Your asks are always such a joy.
Thank you so much! Love you!!!
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snellyfish · 1 year
OHOGHGOH MY GOSH OK OK OK you know how funny it was for like 2 days straight after we FINALLY caught up i just kept saying "i have to go write out my thoughts on drdt and feed my anons (mostly with you in mind)" every few hours with nothing but "i thought you already did that??" in response, cue me being like "no but like for real this time"
I also give my best wishes to the creator of DRDT, you've given us such a fun story with fun characters and I hope you the best on recovering, resting, and focusing on yourself. If we never get another episode that is a-ok, I'll be very sad but only because I truly appreciate the art and writing for a wonderful story that you've given to us all for FREE. Thank you for that<3 For clarity and reference, this whole ramble is written with the intention/presumption that we will get more chapters, though I'm not getting my hopes up
Also just an insane wall of text in general, jfc, you have been warned
Ok so first of all, I'll say what everyone's really here for:
Sorry, I personally fucking LOVED the twist, no significant complaints with it; it's a character trope I ADORE and more than I ever could've asked for to come from such a blorbo as David
Sorry, yes, I am also unfortunately down bad for him, HOWEVER-
Extremely happy that David wasn't the killer because we get to see more of this little freak in action in the next chapter, I can't even tell you how excited I am for his character omgomgomgomg I love horrible fucked up manipulative freaks so much. I also don't blame anyone for not enjoying his character anymore (especially if you liked the trope of his preconceived notion of a character) but like, me personally I can appreciate any character no matter the morals (the less the better imo) as long as they're written in an interesting and compelling way.
The way David is so horrendously straight-forward about everyone else just being a funny little pawn to him with absolutely no remorse (genuinely hope he never gains any empathy or I'll be a little upset ngl (well…depends on how it's done I GUESS!!)) makes his seemingly multi-layered character into….. something one-dimensional (/pos /GEN!!! one-dimensional is NOT a bad thing if it's a cool dimension that causes fun character conflicts) but the WAY they introduce this static ruthlessness to him is just;;;; CHEFS KISS. He's still a layered character, sure, two-faced freak running the long con, but his true self is just so reprehensibly remorseless it's hard to see ANYTHING under it
We were also both dying of laughter in the first episode how David had a really long horribly winded speech about fucking,,,,,,God knows what,,,, And no one acknowledged it and me n my bestie were just fucking whale eyeing each other like "SO IS NO ONE GONNA TALK ABOUT THAT? WE'RE JUST GONNA STEAMROLL RIGHT OVER HIS MINI PSYCHOTIC BREAK? OK" Not to be salty but GUYS.. Anyone who genuinely believed David was a good person and were shocked with the twist I…I'm sorry …… I'm sorry that we did not watch the same character introduction …. I've been on team two-faced David from the start that's my manipulate mansplain manwhore right there, babe! If you don't love him at his X you don't deserve him at his Y
Erm erm erm also thought it was hilarious when David was droning on after his big real reveal because, even though I was having a great time with it, I was also just repeatedly muttering "the fish…..?" looking around like the john travolta gif "the fish? the fish? guys, the fish? can we talk about the fish? im dying to talk about the fish" AHGHGAGAHA AND JUST GETTING SO FRUSTRATED WHEN EVERYONE FINALLY BROUGHT UP THE FISH AND WERE LIKE "OH EM GEE THE LIAR IS LYING ABOUT KILLING AREI??? DAS SO CRWAZY" Old school Danganronpa feeling of screaming at the characters denseness, so nostalgic, I DID ENJOY IT, IT WAS FUNNY, I HAD A GOOD TIME HAHA I loooove characters who lie for no good reason only to benefit themselves and have a good time while others suffer (Kokichi doesn't count + I don't like him (also stop comparing David to Kokichi you guys are insane and don't understand character nuance SOWWY))
My apologies I'm still like keeling off [MULTIPLE SUBSTANCES OF VARYING LEGALITY] so DON'T tell me if this is incomprehensible or not because I'm speaking straight from the heart and the heart says I won't him. This reminds me that for the entire time he was having his MAIN psychotic break (especially in the animation) my best friend wouldn't stop fucking muttering in distress "I WANT HIM I WANT HIM I WANT HIM" I had to tell him to shut the fuck up even though I was also internally very much not normal. We should both be shot.
Still think David and Hu should kiss. I think now more than ever they should kiss. Maybe make out.
Actually do you know how many times I said "Shut up, Hu." during these two episodes?? It was at least 5 I was getting SO mad at her for like no good reason, I don't even remember WHY exactly but I think her mom friend energy was getting TOO motherly and I'm no longer appreciating the particular WAY she mothers people, i.e. picking favorites + taking accountability for said favorites + defending them blindly and naively but in weirdly elitist way etc etc etc.. Very typical of Snellyfish to ship toxic men with female characters they don't like. Maybe I should look into my soul for this one, doesn't seem like,,,healthy, or something. I'll write my own callout post for me on that one dw.
Also I'm not necessarily saying Hu has bad writing or a wholly unlikeable personality at all btw, I am interested to know Why she's like that, I just gotta get over the hill of disliking her rn. Uber sweetie characters like that can just get on my nerves is all. She's also definitely got the secret motive for having multiple Attempts, huh? Give us your backstory queen,,,, I promise to like you a little more if you can bring a lil tear or two to my eye,,,,,,, I think my main thing with her is that she's like the most NORMAL of the group LMFAO
Either way, Huvid real. Sorry, but it shouldn't be surprising, I'm a Verturo shipper after all, it's in my natur-
SPEAKING OF VERTUROOOOOHHHH MY GGOOODDDDD I ATE SOOO DAMN GOOD. NO CRUMBS LEFT, I WAS GOING CRAZY. GOOD GOD CHRIST ALMIGHTY. The way that Veronika was the ONLY mf defending Arturo and he was like "girl you're making me look BAD" was so fucking funny, I am so horribly obsessed with their dynamic it's unreal
Not to "omg as a veronika kinnie-" for the millionth time but GIRL-- the way that I've said in the past Multiple Times that I hope both Arturo and David get worse and worse in an irredeemable way (mostly David, I kiiiinda want some nice Arturo content maybe one day 😳), and to have Veronika in like the same episode (I think) pivot back and forth towards both Arturo AND David in a "ohhh you're horribly fucked up I hope you never get better because I want in your brain NOW!!! let me IN!!!!!! THE TOXIC FUMES ARE CALLING TO ME LIKE A SWEET SWEET SIREN!!!!!!!" I think all three of them should also hold hands and kiss and--
OH. OH OHH. ARTURORRROOOO God as a general fuckin stan of all three Arturo + Veronika + David I ATE SO DAMN GOOD IT'S BEEN CRAZY TO CONTAIN MY THOUGHTS LMAO, had to stew on this one before writing it all out y'see. I definitely want to rewatch this chapter sometime because I know I've consumed it pretty mindlessly and a lot goes over my head. EITHER WAY.
Arturo backstory real??? Arturo's breakdown about his sister and how it's not his fault?? Not your fault in what way? Blushes and bats my eyelashes and holds your latex glove hand. plink plink. <-- sound of me batting my eyelashe.s. I was also incredibly normal when he straight up pulled a scalpel on Eden Kai Satou style, really really sane I didn't make monkey sounds or ANything like that, you guys. trust me.
In general I try not to give too hard of a time on DRDT's writing because it's like,, a passion project, obviously not professionally done, just a happy little writer writing their happy little characters AND I APPRECIATE AND RELATE TO YALL SO MUCH FOR THAT;; But I do have to finally properly mention how I frequently face the problem of a very consistent flow of characters being very straightforward, telling instead of showing, and making things just very awkward seeming? I bring this up mostly because of the Eden/Arei scene. Don't get me wrong I LOVE that dynamic and I LOVE what could've been between them in their friendship (🌈?) but I also wish that they didn't write Arei to so boldly claim like "I've been a manipulative bitch" or something like that, I guess I just don't feel that it's the kind of thing someone (especially like her, even with her breakdown-breakthru with David) would be able to articulate so clearly, and accept so honestly in such a short timeframe; I dunno. I've felt this way with a lot of dialogue even just in the prologue/introductions sections, wherein characters speak like they're Just Characters and know exactly how to word things like robots and just don't speak like Real people half the time. Whateva. That's my nitpick. I definitely think the dialogue has gotten better but the Arei thing ticked me off, but, I think her self-awareness might just be a crucial part of her character I'm not picking up on enough so,,,,augh, might just be me, honestly! I'm not the greatest writer myself so 🙏 feh!
Can't wait to figure out if I ship Arturo and J or not. Feel insane about it. Every time they talk I'm like DO I??? DO I SHIP IT??????? LOOKS AROUND AT THE AUDIENCE
GUYS I'LL BE REAL I'M STILL SO LOST ON WHO THE FUCKING KILLER IS LMAO!!!!!!! Entirely forgetting everyone's alibis right now so I can't really say who I'm leaning towards because they could be completely safe and I'm just dense and didn't pay enough attention. My b.
Even though Ace is one of my top fav characters I can feel myself getting steadily less and less interested in him just because all of his energy is going into the stupid Nico/Levi situation and I'm like SO sick of it Actual. I know it's mostly because I don't personally like Nico or Levi AND because this shit keeps getting brought up with no resolution nor any progress and it's like BRO.. I'M SICK OF IT. The amount of times they would bicker and I'd say "I'm sick of this drama." and then strategically zone out in self-defense was kind of funny. ACE DEFINITELY HAD SOME REALLY GOOD PARTS IN THESE EPISODES OUTSIDE OF THAT THOUGH GHGHHG HE KEEPS ME HOOKED, THAT DAMNED SMILE, as a chihuahua lover myself I can never stray too far from Ace's light, he's so fucking funny and I love his dynamic with David-- oh no, I love his dynamic with David........... Looks at my palms.
As always: Charles<3 I have such a funny relationship with him because it's like, he's not one of my top favs by any means, doesn't stand out the most for my particular taste, but I also have literally no reason to dislike him and he's just written GOOD, so whenever he shows up and has a nice scene or a nice line I just go "ah,,,,,,, charles<3" Not a single negative thought about him. He's like a sister to me. This isn't true I have many negative thoughts about my sister but you know!
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tobiasdrake · 10 months
Do you hear that? What's the sound? Oh, that's the sound of the BESTIE TRAIN COMING THROUGH, CHOO-CHOO!!!
A day in the life of Fubuki Clockford, let's goooooo!
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Aww! The fortune teller says we're going to have good fortune. ^_^
Hey, don't laugh. This world features genetically-engineered homunculi and shinigami detectives who remotely kill people. Who says divination can't be real too?
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I mean, she's probably trying to upsell a nearby casino but I'm going to remain optimistic. This will be our BEST. DAY. EVER.
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Good for you, Fubuki! With your spotty memory and distractibility, you're exactly the kind of person that casinos prey on. Someone who could easily lose track of how much they can afford to spend or get swept up in the theatricism and not realize how they're being swindled.
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Like... like off a building or something?
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I dunno, let's see what the title card thinks.
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That's a resounding yes! Come on, Fubuki! Gonna be sunshine and roses today!
Well. Probably not sunshine. In Kanai Ward. In fact, I think that would constitute a tremendously bad day, all things considered.
...protective rainclouds and roses!
Okay let's go see what "Someone fell from the sky" is about. Maybe they brought presents.
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Aww, but I want to know your lucky number. It might be important later.
Also SQUEE I get to play as Fubuki. Y'all, I have been wanting to dump Yuma and go play as Fubuki since chapter 3.
...okay, chapter 2. As soon as Yakou was like, "She has an ability that will let her evade Peacekeepers with no trouble," I wanted to forget whatever shenanigans Yuma's going to get up to and go with her instead.
Incidentally, the window sign reads "COFFEE EQUALS *ONE* HAPPY DAY" so I am thinking we should get some coffee. <.< Though that might just be me falling victim to marketing.
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Oh shit. There he is. In the middle of the street. Feral Population +1.
He had to have fallen from a building, right?
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Okay, thanks for that clarification. Anyone know which building?
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I realize you may find this hard to believe, and maybe harder with each passing moment that we talk, but I am a trained professional.
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Or we can go with that as our opener, sure. I figured we'd slowly whittle down their confidence in us over the course of conversation but Fubuki's a master at going from 100 to 0 in record time.
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We don't know how long he'll be conscious. Ask him questions quickly and see if he can answer. Then if he passes out, we can turn back time and ask different questions, over and over until Fubuki passes out. Straight-up min/maxing this interrogation!
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I mean. She isn't wrong. These buildings are several stories tall and he landed on his face. On cement. His skull should be chunky salsa right now.
Clearly, Fubuki's great fortune is keeping him alive.
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Three? What about three? Three what? Three muggers? Three rungs on a ladder? Three-
Did this guy use his final breath to read off the value on his die?
Oh my god, we're going gambling, aren't we? This case is going to involve gambling. Oh fuck.
We should go find out what our lucky number is.
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I. Don't. Think he can, bestie. It's okay. Your Lucky Day powers scored us a valuable piece of testimony, unassuming though it may seem. Could you cast a glance at that die on the ground? I want to confirm what value it's showing.
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Guys, it's nothing short of a Lucky Day miracle that he lived this long. He doesn't need an ambulance at this point. He needs a coroner transport truck to move him into the Restricted Area.
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We have our mission. We must solve the mystery of the number three. At this time, our suspect list includes:
1 - The fortune teller lady. She seemed interested in pushing a number on us, and three is a number. Seems suspicious, lady. 2 - The Count from Sesame Street. There may be more bodies lying around. ONE! TWO! THREE MURDERS, ah ha ha! 3 - Yomi Hellsmile. Because he sucks and should always be considered suspicious. 4 - Halara Nightmare.
Right now, I'm honing in on Yomi as my prime suspect. Because he's number three on the list. Three's a pretty suspicious number to be at, Yomi. What else do you know about threes?
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Let's go! Maybe we can get a little more context for the three.
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You know what, that's a much better idea. We'll call that Plan B.
Because we should try it B-FORE trying to hear his dying words more clearly! If Plan B fails, we resort to Plan A-lternative.
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...okay but I still want to know our lucky number. We can spare some time, right?
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Drat. But. The number. It might be three. That could be a clue.
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Plan B was a good effort but we didn't hustle fast enough. That might be because I stopped to try and get our lucky number from the fortune teller lady. I'm sorry for that.
How's Plan A looking?
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Rudimentary first aid says that in the event of a possible broken neck, jerking the body around is--
I can't even finish my joke because look at his face. He can't take his eyes off that fucking d6. I wonder if it's a three again?
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Nope, this time came up two. That's interesting. It implies probabilistic differences between "runs" of the same time period. I'm getting flashbacks to Zero Time Dilemma.
Hm... Okay, let's try again and see if we can get there faster.
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jayflrt · 3 months
if you left any clues in this chapter, i let you know I can’t pick it up because i felt they were left in some kinda human experiment. how have they not got alcohol poisoning atp ?? i have no clue on alcohol, since I don’t drink but assume that many shots of alcohol would be bad. or did math be wrong in my mind ? the haze felt like, it was they lived a normal life in the morning and at night some magical creatures 🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛. I feel like this was a mild haze because most insane thing was doing exercises after shots. Also Jay is so smart for the presentation thing, I would have thought of it and made some kinda random thing. talking bout a broad topic but giving one single message that’s smart 🫡 I want Jay so bad honestly. be MINE JAY AHHH 🐺🐺 it’s time for me to get into my thinking chair (pls get the blue’s clue reference) and put my thinking hat on. so far im just so taken back with everything however, I haven’t lost my goal yet. I have grown some suspense towards sunoo and rest of yn’s friends. first sunoo has been acting kinda weird lately, I always had my suspense with the friend group. most close people are on the suspect list always. after the small thing Chaewon pull im so confused idk if this small agenda against yn because of her past. but I don’t want to put her on the suspect list because only issue is heeseung was in love with yn while dating chaewon. people can be nasty but I don’t think she would go that far ? but she does fit the unknown doing it for their personal gain ?cuz a little revenge for ruining her relationship (as in chaewon’s) with no actual faults of her (yn) ? I know we are nearing the time yn finds about Jay but if i ignore maybe it’s not real 😅. actually what if you feel evil and go “surprise it was yn !” the whole time and she wanted to see how far jay was willing to go hide his secret. It because equal level of betrayal on both sides 😅 okay no don’t this because wtf that’s actually insane. pause, this might be nice approach because her dad has so high expectations and shit. maybe ? just…. okay no. anyhow I have no additional, suspects so far. I saw you say this maybe be 80 parts long well sign me UPPP im so invested. wait did you already reveal the secret that they blackmails Jay with ? cuz for some reason in my mind he has fake the administration and shits like that ? and maybe manipulate with the scores for him to be closer to suspect ?? or am I just tripping ??
ALSO NEXT UPDATE ARE WE GETTING LIKE THEM CONFRONTING YN ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED OR NOT BECAUSE ILL LAUGH 🙏OR DID SHE ALREADY TELL ANTON ALONG THE LINE OF “hypnotically speaking, what if you fucked (with clothes on) your crush who is also friends with your ex and childhood bestie who is still in love with me, totally didn’t happen to me asking for a friend ?” at most random hour of the midnight 😅. I just know yeonjun would be first one to question it from both yn and jay, THERES NO WAY IN HELL HE WILL LET THAT GO. I KNOW HES NOT CONVINCED praying for jayn HAHAHAH ‼️ actually non of them is convinced im praying both of them. Jayn wanted a put of sight out of mind situation but now everyone kinda knows. and curious.
theory anon
LMFAOO i used that chapter more for relationship developments between different characters (especially jay) and i Did seed some plot points that i want to incorporate later but nothing that would be obvious right away if that makes sense 🤧 LMFAOO yeah it's kind of a lot but they'll live!! with terrible hangovers the next morning probably 😃 yeah the exercises added with their lack of sleep the entire week would've been brutal 🥲 and the constant anxiety that they're doing something wrong or gonna get in trouble for something,, and i def used this chapter to flex how smart jay's supposed to be LOL that is MY main character <33
sunoo and mc are weirdly secretive of their friendship i'd say so definitely some suspicion there ! and chaewon's intentions with trying to put jay and mc on the hot seat are interesting too,, and could potentially be because of heeseung?? jay now knows her father was the one who wrote the article on mercy health too so if not her, her father does know something about what happened there 🫢 and anything can happen !! but you're right that we're just about nearing the time that mc finds out about jay 🥲
also yes it's gonna be around 80 parts!! maybe longer?? hopefully not because i don't want to have to make a second masterlist 😿 but i gotta do what i must for the storyline 🙏 also jay's "secret" hasn't been revealed yet!! also his client got his admission into yale falsified (not his scores) but that's also somewhat hanging over his head and keeping him working for someone he doesn't necessarily like or agree with because he's already in too deep of a hole :')
LMFAOOO pretty much all of them know Something is going on between jay and mc but just don't say anything because they either don't wanna accept it (the case for hoon and heeseung LMFAO) or they're just satisfied watching it unfold before them (100% yeonjun)
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carmenized-onions · 4 months
okay so i’m on chapter five of “Chicago’s kindest” and i couldn’t even wait until i finished the chapter to send this because MY GUY????? Syd and Tony hs besties??? Chip asking Carm if he wants to take her on a date?? CARM WANTING HER TO WORK FOR HIM AND MAKE HIM LAVENDER LATTES??????????? I’m so- ListeN feminist!carm does inexplainable things to me - like screaming into a pillow because i love him so much - things. i have a lot of thoughts so this is part one of ?? however-many asks (1/ )
HEHEHEHE Syd and Tony are vv much me writing me and my dearest girl friend's dynamic if we were them. It's vv fun to write it that way.
Chip really fuckin' created a canon event in that moment, if she didn't ask him that I doubt he would've ended up doing it. But it was like. A double dog dare. Practically.
HIM BEING REFERRED TO AS FEMINIST FOR THIS MOVE MADE ME LAUGH. Because yes-- Like 100% what you said here:
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Like definitely it's for her BENEFIT to not work at Eden's but it's also, to me writing it, it was also like 'i want you to work not there so simply no one will look at you the way everyone looks at you'. An antsy jealousy he does not have the right to express, truly. But ALSO feminism. Two things can be true. Well, three-- He also wants all her time. For menuuusssss.....
Being 'annoying' (you're not, btw) over my series, truly makes my soul do flips. We've gotta go to the next ask before I scream about it. OH if there was a part 3, by the way, and you did NOT miscount, tumblr did fucking eat it. i'm so sorry. if this is the case I'M gonna eat tumblr.
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I'm so genuinely happy to see the very soft lines people cling to. I try to write in like, a very natural human flowing way and not FORCE lines-- And while I do love that, I do sometimes worry that simple lines like these fall through the cracks, in a way, because they're very like, human things that people say. Or at least that me and my people say. AND SO TO SEE Y'ALL READING AND NOTING THESE LINES REALLY ENCOURAGES ME SO THANK YOU!!!
He really wanted to say 'I like when you talk to much', I could never tell how to make that explicitly clear, so i just didn't. He wanted to say it SO bad. There were like, several moments in this chapter of him going 'now is the part where i ask her out' and just him continuously bowing out until the end. Honestly play a fuckin' where's waldo with yourself if you ever re-read and find em. HA.
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And YEEEAGGHGHGHG That's the fuckin STUFF right there. The CARE!!!! bro!!!!!!
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Chicago's Kindest new header.
I love writin' romance with these two because it is always so explicitly not like violent or hungered but like-- Such a profound care before it's anything else. And that's just really fun and soft to write. Except for when he did get his kiss. then it was hungry. then it was starving, actually. TWO THINGS CAN BE TRUE!!!!!
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Tony's got an iron-clad will, I would've folded, honestly. I would've fuckin' folded.
AND ALSO SON OF A BITCH, I should've been more explicit, maybe I'll ninja edit it in the future, but the second thing Carm 'gave' her WAS in fact the fucking hickey. He was just bein' a cheeky motherfucker. I was just trying to avoid writing he fuckin SUCKS your NECK DUDE and it's CRAZY!!!! Because I'm not prepared with that writing skill set yet. I don't know how to write intimacy yet. without being haha funny about it. So. We'll get there,,,, maybe.
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msookyspooky · 2 years
Chapter 22 had me on the EDGE of my freaking seat. The only one I was right about was Neil, I was 100% positive it was him. I was positive it would only be one or 2 killers, but I did contemplate 3 of them existing. I just thought it was more likely that there was one or two lollll Roman and Angelina being involved surprised me, Roman and Randy were my only other serious suspects, but I was pretty positive Randy wasn't involved and I'm so glad I was right 😭😭 I only suspected Angelina for 5 seconds and then forgot about her.
OFC Billy chokes me out and nearly breaks my wrist for DARING to question his authority 🙄 I HATE THEM BRO. These two tried to get us to help kill Randy and then have the audacity to act like the victim.... GOOD GRIEF. Billy def gave us James PTSD flashbacks. I was gasping for air, my feet barely on the floor, and Stu's just like 🧍‍♂️ I fed you, let you sleep in my house, didn't shoot you, and THIS is the thanks I get? I hope Mark shoots ya'll-speaking of Mark, he really does care. I hope Billy and Stu saw Mark sacrifice himself for us bc THATS THE KIND OF MAN WE DESERVE 🙃 when Mark leaned down last chapter I was like 'Mark, baby, lean down a little more so we can get this party started' 😏
Ngl I'm still paranoid Randy is Neil's partner. I feel like maybe we're not outta the woods yet...I have multiple predictions for next chapter. 1. Randy 100% is dying. Manz is past his expiration date. Remember how in Sequels Suck Ray told Y/n that he would "make the nerd the hero for once?" If Randy really loves us as his bestie, then he 100% would be willing to die to protect us. Randy doesn't wanna be the nerd, he wants to be the main man for once 🥺🥺 he regrets not being able to protect us already. 2. Mark 100% dies. He just knows too much, and he has a HUGE target on his back. I really can't see him getting out of this. Still wanna go on a date tho 🥺 3. Dewey LIVES. If Ray dies, Y/n still needs someone normal in her life. 4. Gale I'm kind of conflicted on. She has Stu's file, so she has a target on her back, but she's also like a roach in a suit 🤣 I feel like it's too early to kill her off. It would make sense for her to never give up trying to find out if Billy and Stu are alive...so I'm gonna go with she lives. If Randy and Mark actually die, then I'm 100% positive she'll survive.
THANK YOU!! Yep, Neil was ALWAYS going to be a Ghostface the second I decided in Set Up to have an open ending with the Sherrif telling us "Two dead teenage girls and three bodies unfound." Congrats on guessing Neil!! I had so many guesses in my ask even Cherri was lookin sus at one point ☠️
Roman was decided halfway through and Angelina was last minute...Like...That chapter lmfao bc the more I rewatched 3 the more she was so obviously meant to be a killer! Even her death scene was vague! But I left it open to interpretation if her and Roman were just partners or lovers
And ikr? I mean, I guess these are the same guys that killed their smokin hot girlfriends and Billy's reason was bc of what Sidney's MOM DID and Stu helped off Tatum cause...He was Bored??? Like, they are as apathetic and ungrateful as it gets. Fuck everything we've sacrificed for them bc their thoughts and feelings come first 🙄😒 All they know is they're sleep deprived (Like we aren't, fuckfaces?!) and they're stressed out they'll go to jail (Again...Us too) and they have obvious mental issues out the gate and that we betrayed them again. We triggered them something awful when we 'turned against them' when they were starting to trust us and we fought back. LIKE WE HAD A CHOICE. But, in their fucked up minds, they come before anyone else + the more ppl they eliminate from Woodsboro that could be the killers; the better their chances of escape are w/o being caught by police. And then when we went to police (AGAIN...WHAT FUCKING CHOICE DO WE HAVE HERE?) that was like the ULTIMATE betrayal. They are so hard to write sometimes bc I would love for them to be normal guys in love instead of whatever the fuck we got but they are not~
I ship us with Mark and just like Ray last story it low key hurts that polyghostface is end game. Mark would treat us so right he actually feels like a perfect choice unlike Derek or hell maybe even Ray...Like, it pains me so. 🥲
I can't say anything more but Gale being as invincible as a 🪳 in a suit made me giggle 🤭🤣
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blakeshaw-oracle · 2 years
How many WIPS do you have? What are they for? Like are they over specific prompts or?
[Note from after-writing εϊз : This turned out a lot longer than I thought. Apparently, I had a lot of things to say!! This kind of turned into a general update on everything I've been doing lately 😊]
As of right now, in a digital sense, I only have two WIPs fully planned out and mostly written.
The first is that one Shadow Monster! Al AU that I was talking about a while back on my blog. It was originally supposed to be for a dead dove Kinktober list but obviously it didn't work out that way lmao-- It's most likely going to end up being 6 chapters and at the moment I'm working on the last part of Chapter 5! I've made up two separate docs of what I have written so far (one for my beta since it's not edited yet and the other for my friends over in the Alfinn server)!!
The premise of the fic is that Al is a shadow monster whose species are called "Grabbers". Their purpose (basically) is to haunt the dreams of troubled children and torment them until they're broken down enough to steal their souls. But, one day, Al tunes in to Finney's energy and decides to stay back a bit and observe him first. During this, Al decides that Finney isn't like all the other children he's "visited" before and devises a different plan for this time around. Instead of stealing just the boy's soul, Al wants to steal him.
Then, the second (actually planned and partly written) WIP is for a drabble request that I got from one of you guys! [I'm so sorry I haven't been posting any for a hot second; my brain is being very mean to me rn] It's NSFW so I won't give a lot of detail rn but it's for a foursome between Al, Max, Robin, and Finney! Max & Robin and then Finney & Al are dating. They're all living in Al's house (it's me, I mean... come on, of course they are) together at the time and the walls aren't exactly soundproof. Tomfoolery ensues.
Other than those two that I've actually started on, I have around 9 (give or take) drabble requests still sitting in my inbox that I plan on getting to when I can! I'm gonna do my best to start on the oldest ones first since some of them have been there for a while. Again, I'm doing my best to catch up on them!!
Lastly (I know, it's a lot), I also also have a shit ton of other ideas for the ship that I really want to work on when I'm not busy with other things! The top priority is helping out a few of my Blakeshaw buddies by bouncing ideas around for them for their own stories. Me and one of the besties in particular have a spicy daycare AU going on atm that we actually just talked about earlier today! He already wrote and posted the first oneshot he made for it and asked if I would beta the following parts for him; I of course agreed! So even though I'm not technically the one writing it, I'm still helping my friend with ideas!! A few of us in the server actually came up with the AU in the first place so it's kind of like a group project that went up for grabs. There's even a different person who is also writing for this AU but their idea differs from the og concept and is super fucking interesting in its own right!! I'm very excited for both of them 💕
As for my own personal ideas that I want to write for eventually 👀 I'm very fucking invested in the idea of a Neighbor!/Boy Next Door! Finney fic. We all know how much I love the Everything is Kinda Ok Verse, after all. (Obviously I'd go with my own points of interest for the plot; I've already chatted with the og writer of it [✒️] before about that!!) -- Then, the other idea that I've talked about (and still need to write a general break-down for) is The Shaw Household AU where Al/Finney and Max/Robin are all living in the same house for a bit. It's very much just a slice-of-life domesticity type of thing but I really like it!
I also (a lot of "also's" today lmao) have many other more dead dove plots in my devious little brain but, I digress. Basically, there's a lot of shit I want to dive into-- I just need to plan everything and get the proper motivation to actually start working on them!!
I have a lot of free time these days so I'm fairly confident I can at least finish the already started WIPs at some point in the near future! Then, priority will go to my asks (I still want to attempt to at least mockup some drafts for a few of them in between other stuff)!!
Anyways, sorry for turning your ask into a blabber post! I hope you got the general answers that you wanted lmao ❤️
- εϊз
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atiny-piratequeen · 2 years
if u killed yeonjun off, i think i would deactivate my Tumblr indefinitely, but anyone else is fair game bestie👍 what if felix x death collab?!??! but i kinda like the ace representation... OFF WITH BANGCHANS HEAD ! /hj
im glad u mentioned we'll get more of yunhos co- mpletely amazing personality next chapter i love u.. also can't wait for hong to fuck the bitterness out of seonghwa soon♡ get well hwa, maybe eat a snickers bar
i can't help but think woo was the staff thief even though it doesn't rly matter (it does to me though because my lil misunderstood scholar is suffering bcz of them), BUT the scene where woo got everyone gifts made me so softtt. also woo is like.. v precious when he's not accidentally knocking out his bf. I can literally picture woos love stricken state looking at joong... ex: literally anytime he's caught slipping looking at san irl
I want the thief to come clean themselves, but I also want mingi to get to the point where he explodes and let's the secret out finally. Imagine being so misunderstood for centuries by one of the people you hold most dear to your heart?? absolutely heartbreaking. and i want the thief to be low key isolated and destroyed internally for a while because although I know they're riddled with the guilt, they've hidden their identity to prevent facing all the repercussions of his actions and that's so shitty! WHEN WILL YOU LEARN?!??! WHEN WILL YOU LEARN THAT YOUR ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES!?!??!?!!! The thief has to be either woo or san right?? RIGHT??? if it's anyone else, I'm gonna go through all five stages of grief and punch my plushie
Fawn trying to get me beat up in these streets help 😭
As for anything else i shall sum up my response as this
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atherix0 · 2 years
HIII ive been trying to write this ask for a whole Day atp but writing these is a full time job lmaoo and Real Life (work….) has been kicking my ass so .
scar:( i feel so bad everytime he talks about his condition and. it's so fucked up that he can't make fairy rings safely, like, he's fae but he can't even do all of the stuff that's like second nature to other fae without hurting himself:(
the fact that small covens are being targeted and scar just found out that maybe (definitely) mumbo sees grian and him as his coven….. and now he wants to learn how to make fairy rings….. to keep grian and mumbo safe…. yeah i'm normal about this
grian waking up in scar's room, in scar's bed, with mumbo still asleep next to him, and immediately coming down with messy hair and all to greet scar<3 and then he took scar on a date right away<3 that's so gay of him<3
grian is very gay in this chapter in general. yeah dw grian, it's completely normal to call your friends tempting and alluring without even thinking about it, definitely platonic and not gay at all!! just bestie things right!!! AND THE ELVEN JEWELRY PIECE. HE BOUGHT IT HE'S SOOO. scar said yeah so it's a jewelry piece you give to elves to court them and grian's brain went I Need To Have It In My Possession For No Particular Reason. obssessed with him fr. i will go crazy if grian and mumbo give it to scar later....... oh and btw everyone who took one look at grian and scar that day totally thought they were boyfriends, they were acting soo<3 they make me sick fr<3
UGHHH GRIAN'S PAST..... god all the little glimpses into what his life used to be are so interesting, can't wait until it gets explored more<3 i'm looking at the tag about him not being a watcher /yet/ . and poor grian lmao scar just really made him have a Horrible realization by saying one sentence.
JELLIE!!!!!!! :3 i've been waiting for her to appear<33 and of course scar spoils her to hell and back, as he should<3 that's all i wanted to say, i just think jellie deserves her own paragraph<3
protective mumbo protective mumbo<33 he has to make sure that grian and scar are okay at all times, they're his priority<3 ahhh scar teasing grian about mumbo being worried about him while being totally oblivious to the fact that mumbo was worried about both of them . oh look, they went on another totally-not-da[GUNSHOT]
grian and mumbo heard scar mention dancing with someone else and they immediately had to know who it was, why did they dance together, what does scar mean by partner, they're not even trying to hide their jealousy lmaoo. AND YESS CUB MENTION CONVEX MENTION AHHHHH i love convex<33 i hope cub will make an appearance later :3 also i need to see scar dancing now . preferably with grian and mumbo<3
THE HAIR BRAIDING SCENE KILLED ME. IT'S SO CUTEEE AND SWEET AND GAY AND EVERYTHING I'VE WANTED AHHH<3 it made me so happy, i was smiling at my phone so hard when i was reading it :3 i just know grian has been wanting to braid scar's hair for ages. and scar let him and mumbo do it....... bc he trusts them and loves them..... AND IT MADE MUMBO REALIZE HE HAS FEELINGS FOR HIM . he took one look at scar and thought "oh shit, i might be in love with him", took a second look at scar and thought "oh shit, he might be in love with me too". and now he's thinking about how will grian react to this, little does he know grian has been a gay mess because of scar for the whole day and he's even ready for the proposal while they aren't even dating yet lmaoo<3 grian and mumbo are gonna have one hell of a talk soon huh . mumscarian will be real in 3 <333
OH AND ANOTHER UPDATE HAD DROPPED WHILE I WAS WRITING THIS (which has been a while, i'm very easily distracted lmao), I FEEL SPOILED . of course i had to go and read it and write a reaction to it too :3
OHH AND OF COURSE IT'S AMAZING. THE PROMISED GRIAN ANGST IS HERE . it's his time to suffer now huh. his poor wings:(( god but everything about this update was so fucking cool, i can't get over how good your writing is<3 the blood on the glyph, the fighting scenes, the feelings and angst and drama ahhh <33
scar and mumbo going to rescue grian and mumbo going completely feral<3333 i'm so obsessed with mumbo being Scary and Angry but still gentle with scar.... and scar is not afraid of him because he knows mumbo would never hurt him. someone kidnapped grian and mumbo will kill them when he finds them and he is seeing red right now but he will still touch scar gently,,,
doc my silly little guy<3 it's so sweet that grian really wanted to save him, i hope he will get lots of therapy now LMAO. especially after witnessing mumbo biting scar. yeah . definitely gonna need therapy after that
mumbo finally got to be a little feral and unhinged and violent<3 and got to kill people too<3 good for him tbh! AND OH MY GOD. THE FEEDING SCENE I'M SOOO NORMAL ABOUT IT (lying). scar had been fed on agaisnt his will recently and it was such a traumatic experience for him, but now mumbo is injured and needs his blood to heal and scar trusts him enough to let him feed on him ahhhh...... homoerotic blood drinking<3 mumbo bit him in the same place as blondie did and now his mark is there<33 grian was watching his boyfriend fangs deep in his best friend's neck and thought "that's so hot" lmaooo he's such a gay diseaster<3 they are all tbh .
mumbo feeling guilty about being in love with scar and being like oooh it would be so convenient if only grian was Also in love with scar. boy do i have some news for you...! he literally saw mumbo biting scar and was one gay thought away from making out with both of them right then and there
mumbo was close to talking to grian about his feelings for scar but of course he's not gonna do it yet, he's functional but not that functional! but i'm obsessed with mumbo confessing things that would make him despicable in the eyes of any other vampire to grian and grian just telling him that he loves him no matter what<33 god i love them so much<333
this took me so long to write . i started yesterday but i was too tired to finish and today i didn't have time until i got home from work and then a new update dropped . i don't think i've ever been this invested in a fanfic before, my autistic brain has decided that this is The Thing for me now and i'm very glad because i'm enjoying it a lot :3 oh and ive been struggling to send it too . so sorry if i ended up sending it ten times but tumblr keeps trying to stop me for some reason
<3 That real life thing is such a mood <3 In other news I was so focused on writing/posting Midnight Folly yesterday that I forgot to do my daily quests on Origin Realms and lost my 157 day streak </3 But I posted the entirety of Folly so it's okay <3 I can start over, not like having a 157 day streak actually did anything special <3
Scar has really gotten the short end of the stick of life </3 And I'm about to add on top of it, though this one finally isn't centered around the fact that he's dYING- But yeah <3 he can't even make Fairy Rings and it's so frustrating because he's honestly just really amazing with magic and the fact that he can't figure out something that comes so naturally to everyone else he grew up around is just hjkfdskl </3
:) He did start researching the Fairy rings before finding out Mumbo sees them as his Coven but it WAS after discovering they're targeting small Covens and he absolutely at the very least considered Grian and Mumbo their own small little Coven and he wants to protect them <3 he wouldn't even try if not for them <3 hhh
He is so gay and somehow takes a trip the da Nile river to spend all day there <3 hahahahaha <3
I was giggling like a MADMAN when I wrote that <3 so normal, so platonic, nothing wrong with this <3 Just BESTIES yeah totally <3 <3 YEAAHHHHH he looked at it like "oo" and then heard Elven Courting Gift and was like "aight mine now" LMAO OH? BIRD? WHO ELSE WOULD YOU FIX UP AN ELVEN HAIR/HEADPIECE FOR HUH? hahahaha <3 Oh yeah no everyone saw them together, they saw Grian come down out of the back of the shop where the stairs to the flat above are with messy hair and sleep-mussed clothes and went "aw our local Sorcerer got a boyfriend <3" and no one corrected them- I love how no one realizes that the Elven headpiece lore could also be used for angst reasons hehehehehehehe-
Heeee <3 I'm looking forward to finally getting it out in the open but we're not quite there yet <3 Not quite there <3 Scar really went "yeah from one palace child to another wtf?" and Grian just REALIZED-
Jellie deserves her own story tbh <3 Maybe I might make a little sidestory to post with a more serious story, just something to awe at before I make y'all cry <3 He ABSOLUTELY spoils her, that cat has him wrapped around her teeny tiny little claw <3
Yessss he must make certain that they are Safe <3 This man be thinking "PROTECT THEM they don't need protecting PROTECT THEM ANYWAY make sure they're sAFE THERE WAS AN EDGE TO HIS VOICE-" and still hasn't realized he's a frikkin Lord now smh Scar totally missing the fact that Mumbo was speaking in plurals <3 What a man, what a man <3 NO YOU'RE RIGHT AND YOU SHOULD SAY IT-
Scar: I tried dancing alone and my partner- Grian & Mumbo: WHAT Scar: We were fourteen and bored at a big fancy party Grian & Mumbo: Acceptable
They were very openly jealous until the moment they realized it was a childhood memory and then they went "oh okay that's acceptable" lmao SO I GREATLY ENJOY CONVEX TOO but I am going to make you so sad with how the past!ConVex ended because it was not pretty <3 And is a huge source of a LOT of Scar's current issues with self-worth tbh <3 Cub is a good boi, best boi really, he did nothing wrong but oh my god did something happen </3 Bold of you to assume I haven't already written a dance scene <3
I LOVED WRITING IT AND JUXTAPOSING THE HAPPY CUTE PRESENT WITH THE TRAGIC PAST <3 Yessssss Scar hesitating for just a moment but his only reservation being "do you even know how to braid hair" AND THEN LETTING GRIAN BRAID HIS HAIR ANYWAY <3 and then giving Mumbo permission to also touch his hair <3 <3 <3 (and yes that little nod of consent specifically for Mumbo was really important for me to include <3) YEAHHH MUMBO REALIZING THROUGH THIS <3 Such a sweet little moment though Mumbo has a bit of an "oh shit" reaction to it because Grian is RIGHT THERE and oh gods he wants them both but he doesn't realize Grian is Very Gay for Scar too and just jkgfkds Mumbo worrying about how to approach this with Grian meanwhile Grian has essentially already done the equivalent of picking out a ring LMAO they have DEFINITELY gotta have a talk especially considering they gotta come to an agreement here, they gotta talk to Scar TOGETHER or else Scar ain't gonna listen to them </3
HAHAHA SURPRISE (but they do take a while to write, it takes me like an hour to respond tho that's my fault for listening to music, pausing to read messages, petting my pups and occasionally pausing to play MC which I forgot to do before going to sleep last night <3) I LOVE TO SPOIL MY BELOVED READERS AND ANONS <3
I HAVE DELIVERED UPON THE GRIAN ANGST + FERAL MUMBO + HOMOEROTIC VAMPIRE FEEDING ALL IN THE SAME FIC MWAHAA <3 Yeah god his wings :( Especially considering they're his main tool when he's fighting hjfdskj do you know how long it takes clipped wings to recover? This mans is GROUNDED. For MONTHS. Thank you so much aaaaa <3 And this won't be the last time we see blood magic hhhjfjdfgjkdhehehe <3
He might be half out of his mind but he is always aware of Grian and Scar <3 always <3 He will hold them gently and protect them and try his best to stop any pain even though his mind is racing a million thoughts a second <3 He will make them all pay <3
Grian saw Doc and saw a kindred spirit in him and probably saw a little but of Mumbo in him too </3 All the Vampires will get therapy and be put into good Covens to try and recover and Grian may or may not keep in contact with Doc after this and Doc may or may not join their Coven after being released from his rehabilitation hjfdks Doc saw Mumbo bite Scar and went "oh shit that's gay good for them oh shit he's glaring at me-" ahahaha <3
Mumbo deserves a little feral time and some righteous murder <3 And Grian deserves to silently cheer him on <3 HEEHEEHEEEEE do you know how I was cackling when I brought up the Fae blood thing and had Myrani/Blondie bite Scar, knowing damn well I was gonna write this fic not too long after <3 Scar, relatively recently being attacked, willingly offering to be bitten by Mumbo so he can heal <3 He wasn't expecting Mumbo to go for the neck but he wasn't struggling so it didn't hurt past the initial skin breakage and he may have enjoyed it a little too much and definitely wasn't gonna complain about being held like that by the guy he's been mad about for ages now hhhhh <3 Me, briefly mentioning how Mumbo hates that scar and wishes he could cover/get rid of it: I am gonna give the gays everything (me, I'm the gays) Grian, who is selfish greedy jealous and possessive, seeing his boyfriend pull his best friend into a very compromising position and biting into his neck instead of the offered arm: Holy shit yes- They are all such gay disasters and Mumbo was so close to being the only competent one smh
HAHAHA we can't make it THAT simple <3 but don't worry Mumscarian is coming soon I won't drag it out that long because I'm not that patient, just got a couple more stories to get through before we get the good <3 BUT YEAH HAHA Mumbo being like "ah if only Grian loved Scar and Scar loved Grian this would be amazing and so much easier" MEANWHILE Grian and Scar spend SEVEN HOURS OUT TOGETHER and buy fuckin ELVEN COURTING JEWELRY and Grian not only LETS Scar let Mumbo feed on him BUT IS PLEASED BY THE FACT THAT MUMBO BIT HIS NECK, OVER BLONDIE'S BITE, and satisfied that he REPLACED Blondie's mark on Scar and hjfdsjfds
Yes <3 Mumbo doesn't know how to say it yet <3 He'll figure it out, tho. He'll figure out eventually that they're all basically already dating and they're the last three to know lmao <3 <3 YEAH Mumbo confessing the real reason he doesn't interact with other Vampires <3 And the reveal he's not nearly as petty as everyone thinks, the ties are just a way for him to always remind Cleo of their conversation and how their (past) beliefs have affected victimized Turned everywhere hjgdjskfds (not that he went THAT into detail about it but it's what was implied by "it was never about the tie" and that Cleo is a good Lord who just doesn't/didn't understand jkgfld) And Grian loving him anyway <3 (and knowing that Scar knows all this too, and that he also loves Mumbo anyway <3) Promising to stay by his side always and assuring him that what he did was within his rights <3 hhhhh <3
That's such a mood <3 Hahaha and the new update was four whole chapters I don't know whether to say I'm sorry or you're welcome <3 HHHH Thank you so much <3 it's been a long long long time since I've been this invested in writing (depression and adulting is a bitch <3) so I'm so happy you're taking this journey with me <3 Thank you so very much <3 No worries, it only sent it once! Tumblr sometimes is just Like That <3
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Things I loved not in order just because I don't wanna forget them (SPOILERS for anyone who hasn't read it yet -- though like, if you haven't read it yet wth are you doing? go read it right now) >
They hold hands <3
Peter sets his chin on Tony's shoulder all the time or hides behind him or walks right next to him just. like. Yes. Clingy Peter please and always thanks. Satiates my profound need to vicariously live my dream of having a person in my life as safe and protective and paternally committed to my welfare as Tony is for Peter and to jut Cling to them at all times.
Peter's little "did you mean that?" aw bby
I just KNOW the paparazzi are gonna fuck some shit up soon. And I'm so excited. I love that specific brand of Peter whump actually the one where the paparazzi end up sending him into sensory overload or at least get all up in his face and then Tony protects the shit out of him. Tony completely losing his cool on camera because these assholes scared his SON
Them both finally acknowledging that they love each other???? And it was written SO beautifully. Not over dramatic, not completely undercut in an attempt to avoid the drama of charged emotions. Tony's just like, "of course I love you, you better fucking know that. I need you to know that" and Peter's like, "I had my suspicions but didn't want to assume because I hate myself 😌✌🏻"
Peter taking pictures on the boat? Peter getting to feel free for one second (and it's probably the last one for a while like dude I feel TENSE about the near future for my boys)?
Peter starting to find his voice again and Tony respecting it and also having to navigate his own emotions about it
Is the media gonna find out that Peter was kidnapped and that's why Tony's been so off the rails? I hope so, even though it might suck for Peter. Idk though, maybe it could be cathartic, like in CMDHB? For Tony I just want The Public to understand how much shit he's been feeling recently. @ The World: Acknowledge his pain!
That decision sucks for May. Like that is a really hard decision :( poor May
Thanks for not making her dead though
Will the media end up having pics of Peter and Tony on the boat being cute?? because lowkey as invasive as that might feel at first, it would also be REALLY cute if the two of them were like, actually I do kind of love that photo of us. Peter looking happy and free and peaceful for once. Tony staring at him in fatherly adoration. would be SO cute. And let's be real the media would eat it up.
If you do end up having the media find out for real for real, are you going to include any social media discourse? Idk if it would really fit the vibe of the fic, but I always do enjoy when authors do mini tangents to express the voices of that Outsider POV (TM)
Peter got to go to MoMA. Cute <3
Peter and Tony have comfortable silences AND they also both know when the silences have Conversations lurking behind them, lying in wait. Yes. Headcanon accepted so hard whew literally on sight.
Does Peter miss doing science? he's so smart :( they haven't been in the workshop very much yet
That thing that Tony said to May really is awful, definitely lived up to the hype. But I love you forever for allowing Peter and Tony to get past it almost immediately, to air out the bad shit and then for Peter to be so emotionally mature <3 on brand for him. And I hate manufactured communication conflict in Irondad fics - you have no IDEA how refreshing and nice it feels to read your fic and have communication drama be like not even a thing. They're both a little nervous about expressing themselves because they're allergic to the vulnerability of asking if someone they love also loves them, but they have ZERO (0) nonsense such as denying that they care or isolating to protect someone... no let's put that trope to bed PLEASE because open communication between my boys is all that I ask
The fact that May tried to get Tony to get help
Tony should still probably apologize directly to May tbh. He should explain why he said what he said, just like he did for Peter. May deserves that, and I think it would completely clear the air between them. Even better if May responded by also clearing the air and saying that she's happy Tony sees Peter as his son - I kind of feel like Tony is still insecure about that
I need one of the Irondad artists to please draw Peter and Tony in their sightseeing outfits 🙏🙏🙏PLEASE.
All of it I love all of it
This is part 1/2 asks. I have one more big thing to say but this is getting ridiculous
To quote Peter Parker: 😌✌🏻
I’m smiling so hard at my phone right now my face is in excruciating pain.
I ADORE media fics (I wrote an entire 5+1 fic surrounding it) but the climax is about to happen REAL soon, so it’s not gonna be as big a part as I’d like it to be. It’s definitely still going to be mentioned, rest assured!!
I’m RUNNING to read the second ask. <33
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Weekend asks (random numbers): 3, 8, 15, 23, 27
okay bestie...it appears I do not have this ask list saved anymore...so i'm just gonna use the numbers from a "weird questions for writers" instead cause i have it saved lololol. SORRY!
3. What is your writing ritual and why is it cursed?
Uhm. So I'll turn on a playlist, whether it's for a specific series, or a vibe (smut, fluff, angst), or pick a fitting Tswift album to get into the groove. If it's a series I'll probably re-read the last chapter I wrote and check out my outline to make sure i don't miss anything and then i get to work. If it's been a bit since I've written for a specific character i might watch an ep or two of theirs to get back into the groove.
and it's cursed because then i end up staring at the wall daydreaming out scenarios.
or scrolling on my phone for half an hour because i need to find the right bar/restaurant/real estate listing for the ch. like. half the time i just need to name drop a bar, they're not even IN it.
8.if you had to write an entire story without either action or dialogue, which would you choose and how would it go?
No dialogue, hands down. I'm pretty sure i have a couple of drabbles that have none or close to none, I prefer narration and that kind of stuff to dialogue half the time anyways.
15. do you write in the margins of your books? dog ear pages? read in the bath?
yes to all of the above.
23.Describe the physical environment in which you write. paint me a picture.
Uh... it's my living room. on the couch with my back against the arm, coffee table to my right with my speaker, multiple drinks and probably some snacks. it's usually later in the evening, so the light is on behind me and the house is relatively dark.
27. Who is the most stressful character you've ever written for? why?
hmmm....i think it lowkey depends on the fic? like, a little smutty one shot is easy with anyone cause it's just porn. I'm always a little nervous writing the lawyers in a fic where they're working a case/going to court. Capturing Alex's eloquent-ness and Barba's wit can be fucking tricky. Also Dunbar/Keane were stressful as fuck cause i had to do so much goddamn research on american politics, and like, i knew nothing about it originally.
thanks for asking even though they weren't these questions lololol. next time i wont wait so long and will have the actually ask list saved still
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hyunjinspark · 2 years
I was busy after reading and only got the chance to send you an ask about it now 😔
Hahaha I started annotating Star Lost, it's fun!! But anyway, the lion plushie :(( Hyunjin won it for Hana just for her to throw it away. I got so mad reading her convo with y/n, especially after finding out that y/n has been trying to win one for most her life! She really wanted one and her 'bestie' just threw it bcs of the missing eye.
I don't like Hana that much in terms of her relationship with Hyunjin and that's not because I want Hyun and y/n together. I just don't think she's actually into him and she's just holding on to the thought that, 'oh! The universe must want us together!!', it makes me so sad but then again I don't know if Hyunjin is into her. Hana as y/n's friend is fine though! She's funny and sweet, just a little competitive 🤕
I'm glad it wasn't that awkward between Seungmin and y/n hahaha, plus I think their relationship will continue to grow outside of work! Will Seungmin's role be very important?? I can't tell so far 😭 nonetheless, I like his role a lot and him.
The way y/n just flipped herself the other way when Hana was leaning towards Hyunjin 🧍🏻‍♀️ it's giving me Only Fools. Also Hyunjin admiring the sky? That must look so ethereal tbh and then their eyes meeting VDJABSJSJS pls 🙇‍♀️ then him just holding his gaze on her?! Excuse me, sir, let the girl breathe!! 😭
I gasp when she rejected the offer, I kept telling her – my screen– to take it back. Itz embarrahseing 🔫 AH okay but when Hana called her asking if she hates Hyun hehe babes, believe us she definitely does not.
y/n's a very sentimental person, and that makes me melt 🥺 she keeps things in her box to remind her of certain memories, good or bad, and I definitely agree that if Hana actually does like Hyunjin, why would she throw away the plushie he gave her on their first date ???
Felix. Lee Felix HAHAHA plss when he puts it that way, it is hilarious. Oh but their dynamics!!! Soulmates <33 i love it. Him noticing that detail about y/n and remembering the first time he knew 🥺 aaaa Felix Lee you make my heart swell.
y/n and Hyun having the same abomination of a drink AAAA I remember from the first chapter was it?? It was also mentioned! Cuties but then the rejection afterwards HSBXHSBSJ CRYING HAHAHA
I wonder if Felix observed y/n's behavior around Hyun or anything different about the way she acted around him maybe? Or how she looked at him 👀
Then the sad...sad, verryyy sad days of y/n trying to catch Hyun for a talk :// OH BUT OUR BOY WOOYOUNG MAKIN AN APPEARANCE !!! also, Hyun swooping in the last minute.
Let me tell you how bad I had to take a break when I read that Hyunjin noticed her when she walked in as she adored the place 🤜😩
y/n is so cute 😭😭 so so cute !! I think Hyunjin fell in love the moment he found out she actually wanted to get to know him haha like until they reached the panicky Seungmin.
Wait I forgot to add the part where Hana literally turned down the idea of sitting on Hyun's lap as he paints?!?!? I'm punching the wall rn.
You're so good a writing istg, I aspire to be you hahaha aaaa m so excited of the next chapter.
They're gonna be alone 🕺🕺
Is this ask too long?? Hahaha im sorryy
hii lovely. dont apologize, im so happy you sent this! this is what i look forward to after writing each part, hearing your thoughts. 💭
you annotate star lost??? let me kiss you 😚 exactly :( hana did not appreciate the gesture, and its more sad because we know yns thoughts about it. and you’re right ! hana definitely feels that she’s meant to be with hyunjin, which may be more reason than the fact that she likes hyunjin in itself.
seungmin will be a part of the story, so look forward to it 🥺 please yes !!! eyes meeting. so romantic, without anything. eye contact is so fucking sexy, especially unintended😭😭😭
yes wooyoung !! im glad you liked his appearance hahahaha. thank u for finding yn cute 🥺😕💕 i love her too, and i love writing her. she can be all over the place sometimes but shes so cute.
they are gonna be alone 😚😚😚 thank you my love. its never too long dont worry :) it motivates me more than you can imagine
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hollandorks · 2 years
Tumblr didn’t notify me the bastard—
Also sorry this is shorter! It’s finals week and I’m dying 😊 (also update on that class I told you about, it turns out I got it cancelled next semester. My friend, who was signing up was like “hmm this class I wanted got cancelled. It’s disability studies have you taken it?” And I pulled a Bruce Wayne, stood suspiciously still, and asked her to repeat herself)
Stunning work on this chapter! It was amazing, as per usual. I loved every bit of it.
Damn Bruce for choosing to STOP TALKING at the WORST POSSIBLE TIME. The poor reader being like “DID YOU HEAR THAT?” while she’s literally about to die because she’s worried about him. Couldn’t even respond with a hum or a grunt or ANYTHING—how irresponsible of him. I mean I know I was swooning over him sleeping on the floor, but BRUCE WAYNE HOW DARE YOU—
I mean I know he was probably busy getting the gas mask but I’m still mad. He couldn’t say “I’m going to the store to get a gas mask” or anything? Which, by the way, made me think about where the fuck does Batman get his shit? Like is there not some knife manufacturer out there like “hm I wonder why he needed a bat-shaped knife. Surely no relation to the bat-dressed vigilante”. What’s his shipping address? Does he just have them send it to Wayne Manor? A P.O. Box register under a fake name? Is no one wondering why Bob with P.O. Box 54 needs so many knives, rope, hooks, etc.?
Good on the reader for painfully waking him up. I know it was because she was worried but I’m gonna pretend it’a because she was getting some residual anger at his untimeliness out.
Also, “I told you so”—Fantastic. Perfect opportunity. Bruce would be too curious to die before knowing what the fuck she meant by that and also she DID tell him so. I would do the exact same thing. Hell, I’m pretty sure I have told my close friends “I told you so” after they had gotten hurt just to mess with them (and illustrate how right I was).
Alfred surprised pikachu time! Love that for him. I anticipate Alfred and the reader venting together bout Bruce’s recklessness and stubborn attitude. I’m also still excited for Alfred’s meddling!! Bruce is gonna have SUCH AN EARFUL (if he hasn’t already because he probably already has, but he’s gonna get way more) about how he and the reader should be together and how there’s no more excuses.
All in all, great chapter! You’re fantastic and I LOVE YOU.
***CH 19 SPOILERS***
Fucking tumblr
Good luck with finals!! You're almost to the end, you can do it!! Also oops on getting that class cancelled. At least they're taking your complaints seriously I guess?
Yeah Bruce definitely loses points for that one (she says as if he's real & she doesn't write him). But I imagine he was so busy trying to figure out a plan and how to rescue her (and maybe buying a gas mask???) that he just like, forgot to talk to her anymore.
Also, I definitely thought about that while watching the movie! Where does he get all this stuff?? Amazon?? Is it just delivered straight to his home?? Does Alfred help him buy stuff?? Can you imagine being the Amazon delivery driver and seeing all these packages from like "gun & knives inc." or whatever 😂 And where does he get all the bat shaped stuff?? I need answers, Matt Reeves
Probably there was some residual anger there tbh. Like, she's worried for him but also goddammit why did he risk himself so stupidly for her
Love that you're an "I told you so" person because I am too. I will never pass up an opportunity to tell someone I told them so, even if it's a bad opportunity. I had to include that line!
Surprised pikachu Alfred! Yes! Poor Bruce better watch out because he's about to get tag teamed 😂
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threeletterslife · 2 years
I have the luckiest timings I swear to god because you actually DID tag me in chapter 9, but tumblr didnt give me the notification. I just so happened to go on my dash (after a week of not checking tumblr!!) and saw that you had uploaded it. I don't know how I acquired these powers but I will treasure them
anyway chapter 9 besties!! let's see how you mess with my heart today </3
omg straight off the bat with an interrogation scene :0
two seconds and she's already said something witty. y/n, marry me please 😭
Oh, I get why they're doing the whole interrogation thing but seeing y/n stutter just makes me feel so bad :( I don't want her to doubt herself after this, poor baby, she was already so confused and distressed when she first arrived, I don't want her to go through that again :((
It's starting to get into your head — who do i have the fight, say the word? lieutenant or general? because I will gladly punch either, forget the fact that I have a crush on both of them
No because this is making me nervous too??? I know they're just acting but my nerves are 📈📈
They're both right, she broke so easily. I feel so bad for her :((( but i understand, I would also be an absolute mess
I agree with lieutenants theory!! I think she was originally a spy, but lost her memories and started to work for solaria and
I went to the main haracter list and her birthplace is literally the Kingdom of Darlae I feel so STUPID for not thinking about it before but this basically confirms teh theory (I mean unless she defected before? But it's more likely that she's a spy)
Now that my heart has stopped racing let's continue
“I swear on fucking Guseul’s heart once I get out, I’m gonna kill you all!” — on the other hand this was very funny to read
I'm still not reading forward my heart is racing rn i don't wanna see what happens next 😭😭
NONONO CHANA DONT DO THIS TO ME I'm so scared to read more… what if i just leave it here and pretend nothing happened???
Literally why am I so scared just READ it but AHHH
boxy grin????? BOXY GRIN???? TAEHYUNG????
and now taehyung is horrified??? Shit he probably thinks she's betraying him even though she has no idea what's going on NOOOOOO
"Are you rehearsing a play out there?” — the fact that all yoongi has to do is say one line and I calm down?? I'm not talking about y/n I'm literally literally about me, my nerves were SKYROCKETING and then he says this and I calm. The POWER this man holds over me
I might send another ask because i have so many thoughts fumbling through my head right now so be prepared for that maybe but like AHHHHHH I WANNA SCREAM NAHHHH WUSHSBSHDHHSHSHDHDBSJDBDJDVDJDGDUDHUDDHJDBDBDJDHDHDHD
I have so much to say, get ready for another ask (maybe today, maybe tomorrow, idk) whenever I figure my own thoughts out
Otherwise great work on the chapter today, Chana!! 10/10 it stressed me the fuck out, brilliant
i can't believe tumblr is being such a hater. i literally TRIPLE-CHECKED this time to see if i included the taglist 😭😭 and then tumblr just decides it doesn't wanna tag anyone :') rip. BUT SOMEHOW YOU STILL CAUGHT THE FIC IN TIME??? it's a superpower indeed
THIS CHAPTER JUST DIDN'T LET YOU ALONE 😭😭😭 (though i can neither confirm nor deny ANYTHING)
yoongi has a *magical* way of making you feel calm with just one line. in fact, he can make me calm with just his presence 🥰 king <3 the power this man holds over ALL of us (including yn LMFAOO)
thank you so much for your wonderful commentaries and thoughts as usual!!!! i enjoyed reading through them so much 😩😩 AND I'M SORRY THIS CHAPTER STRESSED YOU OUT SO MUCH FJSDLKFJLSDFJ (to be fair, it stressed me out to write it too 💀💀)
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