#my beloved cuivienen elves
iminye · 14 days
I love you Finwë, I love you Thingol, I love you Maglor, I love you Lúthien and Beren, I love you Turin 'human disaster ' Turambar, I love you Beleg, I love you Elwing, I especially love you Eärendil, I love you Denethor II., I love you Ingwë, I love you Indis, I love you Miriel, I love you Nerdanel, I love you Idril, I love you Celebrimbor, I love you my beloved Cuivienen elves, I fucking love you Manwë you're so awesome and great, I love you Turgon, I love you Finrod, I would die for you Celeborn, I love you Theoden son of Thengel, I love you Frodo, I love yo— *mic breaks*
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z-h-i-e · 2 years
First Lines
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
@elfscribe tagged me in! And here we go, with the last thing first...
(I have a fair amount of handwritten things that would be between some of this, but since those things aren't online yet, I can't link to my not so secret stash of Thranduil/Finrod smut.)
“...and that is why I believe we need to establish a subcommittee for this project. ((Courteous Abstentions; Finrod and Thranduil behaving badly at a srs bsns meeting))
It was the saddest happiest day any of them could recall. ((Memories; Recollections of Celebrian, absent from the marriage of Glorfindel and Erestor for canon reasons))
Sailors of the ship had barely finished making fast the moored vessel when the first travelers stepped onto the pier and made their way to the platform where friends and family stood in anticipation of the latest ship to arrive. ((Orchidelirium; a Finrod/Glorfindel sorta fluffy sorta h/c fic))
On the shores of Cuivienen, the first type of business establishment was a pub. ((Thirst; Melkor/Fëanáro hook-up in YT Valinor))
Now Borlas, after his supper was finished–or eaten to the extent he could muster, for thought went round his head on what exactly Saelon intended, and how deep the sinister roots reached, and who was Herumor–went looking in his dresser for clothing that would suffice for the parameters Saelon had set. ((The New Shadow: Chapter Two; Saelon/Herumor and I think this is a snuff fic? There's gotta be a dead dove in a bag on a shelf somewhere for this one. Pls make sure you check warnings.))
It was a garden, set in the center of the Isle of Balar. ((Tomorrow; Maedhros/Fingon, with transgender FtM Fingon and lil Gil-Galad the wise, plus much flashbacks.))
“And here is the last stop on our tour!” announced the guide who was leading several dozen elves around to important landmarks in Valinor. ((Mortals in Valinor; Fingon and Finrod touring the hobbit hole their friends Bilbo and Frodo lived in when they were still alive in Valinor.))
On a hill in the forest there is a marker for a grave. ((Always My Lady; Caranthir mourning for Haleth))
There were several questions Elrond prepared himself for in the early morning hours. ((More Precious Than a Silmaril; Elrond, Glorfindel, and Erestor rescue Maglor))
Celegorm paused and crouched, hand lifted silently in a command to Huan to stop.  ((Orion; a mingling of Valinor with Greek Myth--Artemis!Aredhel and Orion!Celegorm))
Tagging time: @arofili @zeesmuse @thedaughterofshadows @maglor-my-beloved @lferion @hennethgalad @i-did-not-mean-to @hhimring @annellspethraven and the last one is for anyone I didn't tag but wants to do this <3
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aqualondo · 7 years
The Feanoriad
(A Homeric retelling of The Fall of the Noldor)
Sing, O Nienna, of the wrath of Finwe’s son Feanor, the deadly wrath that brought upon the Noldor countless woes and sent many fair princes of the Eldalie down to the Halls of Mandos from that day when first far-seeing Manwe and mighty Feanor parted in strife.
Which one of the Powers, then, set them to angry quarrelling? It was Morgoth, who in his jealous rage slew Feanor’s father, fair Finwe, and stole the Silmarils from strong-walled Formenos.
Shadow-cloaked he came, and climbed, down spider threads entwined by foul Ungoliant who with her webs engulfed all light that she could scry from ‘neath Pelorean heights.
He took his fell-wrought spear in hand and pierced the Trees unto their core, whose light enriched undying lands and hallowed ground the Gods bestrode, and afterwards forever ceased.
Then while all was masked in gloom, foul Morgoth fiend to all that’s good, sped hastily to Finwe’s gate and slew the Noldor King and stole those jewels that Feanor did make from light that could not be reborn.
Not the eagles of far-seeing Manwe nor the might of strong-armed Tulkas could succeed to pierce the shroud Ungoliant cast, and with her webs of darkness deep, she fled with Morgoth who possessed the Silmarils in his grasp.
Who of us can relate dear friends, the lamentations of the host? Of Elves and Valar night enshrouded when the light of Laurelin faltered and with breath the world awaited the messenger of doom.
On the Mahanaxar the Valar kept silent vigil while the Eldar wept, and far-seeing Manwe led the Gods in council, though it seemed their foes had fled unanswered back to their dark abode.
But hot with rage mighty Feanor, maker of the Silmarils, could not abide to wait and filled with lies that Morgoth in his spite did plant, spoke haughty words before the Host at Tirion’s gate.
“What deeds the Valar do, while fair Finwe lies slain before our feet? None and none but silent sit upon high thrones in terror before their enemy and kin, slayer of The Tree’s and thief of their light now doubly so!”
“Nay, I shall not stay with those who can relate to my father’s slayer, be he friend or foe. But seek revenge of my own accord while Manwe waits but moveth naught.”
“Let us go dear friends and seek the lands, long denied to us by the Valar’s hands, to be placed in a cage even though unchained, to serve at the feet of those who cannot defend themselves.”
“I fly to the east to seek revenge and take back the jewels that I made with these hands. To carve out new realms underneath the stars as we did when Cuivienen was our home.”
And then did mighty Feanor, Finwe’s son, invoke that most regretful oath. To pursue with hate to the ends of the earth any elf, god, or hand of fate that should hold from his grasp a Silmaril.
Up arose the sons of Feanor, to join their father in his dreadful pledge. Red-haired Maedhros, silver- tongued Maglor, Celegorm the hunter, crafty Curufin, Caranthir the cruel, and Amrod and Amros youngest twins.
Many other hearts were swayed to his cause, by the promise of wonders in lands undiscovered underneath the stars. No love did they bore him, who spoke thus in anger, but gladly they joined him with desire in their hearts.
And so did Galadriel, golden-haired daughter and Fingon the valiant take up their bright banners to seek out new fortunes in a world under shadows, created by Morgoth in ages uncounted.
Then rose in defiance brave Fingolfin, half-brother to Feanor, his armor resplendent, with a large host behind him, not caught up in rash passions that might lead to disaster in this home of the Valar.
Of caution and patience he spoke unrelenting and many ears followed to Feanor’s dismay. For Fingolfin was valiant and beloved of many and the elves still awaited the response of Manwe.
Then strife arose amongst the elves, betwixt the brothers quarreling, and blades were raised on hallowed ground with heated words though in the end mighty Feanor had the mastery.
In over-haste he drove them quickly for he feared their hearts might waver and with spirits cooled with council, forsake his ill-advised endeavor and return to those who waited on the heights of Taniquetil.
It seems his fears were proven justly for most the Noldor loved Fingolfin, and would rather see the crown of Finwe pass to him and not the elder though the words of Feanor still pushed them forward.
Onward with divided host, the Noldor took the bitter road. Fingolfin looked with sadness backwards at the palaces and places, built by hands with love and patience, never to be seen again.
But ere the trumpet blared it’s last note a herald of far-seeing Manwe approached, warning the Noldor against their doomed exploit then turning to Feanor he spoke.
“Mighty Feanor by your own words are banished and soon you will learn with regret your mistake for Morgoth is greater than oaths spoken brashly and from the Valar ye shall get no aid.”
“For the hour is evil and ever before you are troubles and dangers ye cannot relate so turn back ere the shadows of fell words enfold you and trust in the power of Manwe.”
Mighty Feanor laughed and responded, “Have not we found trouble and danger before us? Are not the Trees sundered, their bright light now lost? The shadows surround us and yet we flee not.”
“Nay ye great Noldor do not seek to abandon the heir to fair Finwe unjustly to exile, alone with his brethren. But follow and we will bring sorrow to gladness and shake the foundations of the great and the wise.”
The words of mighty Feanor overmastered thoughts of caution or wise council, and with tromp of feet proceeded till the light of Tirion retreated, until thoughts of home receded into the crisp night air.
Northward where the sea grew shorter Feanor pushed them for he fathomed that those leagues would best be conquered with the ships the Sea- elves crafted on the quays of Alqualonde.
But Olwe, sea-king, was not persuaded by Feanor’s words and tried to steer him, from his path of doom and treason and refused him ships and sailors, not perceiving by such action, evil was at hand.
Mighty Feanor spoke with rising anger. “Is this the repayment for friendship rendered when the Teleri were but late-coming creatures and my people succored and crafted their houses of coral and pearl?”
Olwe sea-king responded rightly. “Nay, we forget no service given by the Noldor but pray forgiveness betwixt them and the Valar trusting that they’ll redress all wrongs.”
“But our ships we built with our hands, lovingly and will not give them for we say that like those jewels you wish to reclaim we could not remake their glory and their loss would grieve us greatly for our hearts are theirs.”
Feanor, so rebuffed, retreated till most the Noldor host had gathered, then with thoughts both dark and guileful, whispered plans to sons and soldiers marking when the watch was lessened at the harbor gates.
Secretly the Noldor vanguard manned the ships but were thrown over by the sea-elves desperate sailors and a battle quickly started, fierce and deadly, on the harbor though no victor could emerge.
Brave Fingolfin’s forces, late arriving, mistook the sea-elves for the villains, so joined in the fateful melee turning fast the tide of battle, til at last it was a slaughter out upon the quays.
The pearls of Alqualonde darkened, red with blood their souls departed, back to Mandos cold and frightened, parted from their ships and shore-lines, grievously they mourned.
So for the first though not the last, elf slew elf a bitter jest, though Feanor laughed indeed in triumph, raised his banner on the mast-head and resumed the journey northward, with the sea-elf fleet.
Uinen, maia of the sea-ways, wrathful at the wrongful slaying, sent the swan-ships rocked and reeling, so that many capsized over and the Noldor sailors foundered underneath the waves.
Northward with their fleet in tatters and the ground troops feeling worn, mighty Feanor and the Noldor felt the west wind, cold and callous, for it’s bitter breath brought to them tidings from the voice of doom.
Mandos, Doomsman of the Valar, thundering into their ears, called down the wrath of greater powers and pronounced his judgment justly and that sentence echoed endless in their souls throughout the years.**
Cursed he made them and foretold that ever would their oath betray them and the blood they spill precede them as their goal eludes their fingers and if hands be raised in pardon, it will be denied.
But Feanor cried in mad defiance, “Oaths we swore unto the highest, fearlessly we carry on, not fit to play the part of cravens til we regain what was our own.”
Some there were though, in repentance, turned aside shame-faced and stricken. For they felt the will of Feanor sicken with his dark deeds and fell speeches, so returned and were forgiven under Tirion’s gate.
Brave Fingolfin shared their sadness but resolved to carry on. For his hands blood-stained weren’t guiltless and he feared to leave his people or to face the Valar’s judgment for his grievous wrongs.
With grim resolve and leadened footsteps, til the cold lands rose above them, and the smashing of the dark waves broke against the grinding-ice. The Noldor reached a crucial impasse before the Helcaraxe.
There the sea was at its shortest, destination near at hand, but in between the ice was deadly and to cross it court disaster for one slip or quick collision, would precede a watery end.
Fierce debate and then dissension rose again unceasingly and Feanor found his hold diminish as the grumbling increased as it was found they were too many to all sail on the lessened fleet.
Fell Feanor and his sons conspired, while the weary host was resting, secretly to sail the swan- ships with their loyal entourage until they made the distant coast-line and set foot upon it’s shores.
Red-haired Maedhros asked his father, “Whom shall we send ships for second, brave Fingolfin your half brother? Or perhaps the valiant Fingon whose great might would be a blessing in the coming fight.”
Fell Feanor with contempt responded, “Those we left I count no asset, useless baggage gladly offset. Let them grovel back to bondage and subsist on Manwe’s breadcrumbs, while we press for greater conquests and the Silmarils!”
Then he set the ships to burning so the flames leapt high to heaven and their like has not been copied. Still the sea-elves mourn their passing for they placed in their creation, all their love and craft.
The smoke ascended as an omen to those upon the further shore and brave Fingolfin, fist raised in challenge, swore he would redress such treason that fell Feanor had bore.
And so with grim determination, undeterred by frost and head-winds, brave Fingolfin son of Finwe, raised his banner high before him, for his people followed freely and the songs of that endeavor will be sung until the end.
So both the oath that Feanor spoke and Mandos’curse bore ill-wrought fruit in that the sundered Noldor forces could not, divided, conquer Morgoth and his subtle dark devices slowly brought them all to ruin.
For Feanor’s wrath would be his downfall as the Balrogs closed around him. But his death would not bring solace for his sons took up his banner and their oath brought them to madness till the world was changed.
Sing, O Nienna, of Feanor’s folly. Pride precedeth the fall of the wise and the mighty. And sing as we sail on the waves of the west-wind, until our tale is done.
 ** The Prophecy of the North or the Doom of the Noldor (Preserved from the chapter of the Silmarillion entitled‘Of the Flight of the Noldor’)
“Tears unnumbered ye shall shed; and the Valar will fence Valinor against you, and shut you out, so that not even the echo of your lamentation shall pass over the mountains. On the House of Feanor the wrath of the Valar lieth from the West unto the uttermost East, and upon all that will follow them it shall be laid also. Their Oath shall drive them, and yet betray them, and ever snatch away the very treasures that they have sworn to pursue. To evil end shall all things turn that they begin well; and by treason of kin unto kin, and the fear of treason, shall this come to pass. The Dispossessed shall they be for ever.
“Ye have spilled the blood of your kindred unrighteously and have stained the land of Aman. For blood ye shall render blood, and beyond Aman ye shall dwell in Death’s shadow. For though Eru appointed to you to not die in Ea, and no sickness may assail you, yet slain ye may be, and slain ye shall be: by weapon and by torment and by grief; and your houseless spirits shall come then to Mandos. There long shall ye abide and yearn for your bodies, and find little pity though all whom ye have slain should entreat for you. And those that endure in Middle-Earth and come not to Mandos shall grow weary of the world as with a great burden, and shall wane, and become as shadows of regret before the younger race that cometh after. The Valar have spoken.”
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iminye · 2 years
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Imin and Iminyë · First of the Firstborn
→ for day iii of @tolkienocweek · gaps and ghosts
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iminye · 2 years
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Tata and Tatië - Second of the Firstborn
→ for day iii of @tolkienocweek · gaps and ghosts
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iminye · 2 years
Instead of studying for my finals what I do is making edits way to go
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iminye · 3 years
Now when I was thinking about the fates for the three elf fathers and their wives (aka my beloved Cuivienen elves) I noticed that I might have accidentally created some parallels between Iminyë and Elwë.
To summarize Iminyë's general fate I don't actually have to say much because I have not fully fleshed out her story yet, it got some holes and probably will change a bit over time but the general idea is the following:
A few days - days - before Oromë shows up for the first time Iminyē accompanies a small group of Tatyarin healers into the woods in the search for healing herbs. They never return.
Iminyë and the others first get lost in the forest and later on are kidnapped by some servants of the enemy and brought to one of their strongholds. Over time she ends up in Angband. She never sees the light again but it I'm unsure whether she died or not. (I really want to write a snippet now where she survives until Maedhros is captured and has to take care of his wounds from torture so that he cannot die ouch). Her husband Imin doesn't deal well with the loss of his wife and he fades away in grief over the course of the journey westwards, being the first elf to do so.
Elwë similarly gets lost in the woods but instead of the enemy Melian finds him and instead of torture and maybe death love and hope greets him. His people (or at least half of them) never see him again either but he is able to return to those who remain, with his wife by his side and build up a kingdom, have children and all that what Iminyë could never have but wished for dearly.
Just accidental parallels to hurt my fragile heart even more. I swear I don't do this intentionally.
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iminye · 2 years
seeing people's nice tags on my edits for my beloved cuivienen elves makes me so happy 😭 they're such minor characters and I'm glad people like what I did for them <33
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iminye · 3 years
Thoughts on Imin & Iminyë, Tata & Tatië and Enel & Enelyë?
Mhm that question is a bit unexpected but I don't let an opportunity to talk about some probably very unknown characters go to waste. Also sorry that it took me so long to answer.
First of all I kind of have a thing for fixating on minor characters with barely any background information or anything about them because they are pretty flexible in how they can be fleshed out. Those six are like the perfect example for this. All we know about them is that Imin, Tata and Enel were the first elves to awaken at Cuivienen and that Iminyē, Tatië and Enelyë were their wives. Their names mean First, Second and Third and their Tribes (Minyar, Tatyar and Nelyar) were named after them. We have a little bit more knowledge about Imin because it is mentioned somewhere (I'm not sure where because I don't own any copies of the HoME because they're super expensive where I live) that he was pretty arrogant and proud.
And that's basically it. We don't know whether they sailed or if they remained, if they died or lived or whatever. It's all open and I love that. A blank canvas for me as a fanfiction writer (even though I don't write very regularly) to work with.
There are so many interpretations one could go with. I have seen some nice ones, like each couple being the parents to one of the high kings (and siblings of course) or I have read a fic that made it clear that Ingwë was actually Imin. I have seen different and unique takes that were fantastic in their own rights.
Now my personal thoughts are basically my own Headcanons regarding their personalities, families and fates. I'll have them under the cut because the post would get too long otherwise, also because I don't know if you'd be interested in Headcanons...
Imin & Iminyē
I like to keep Imin's arrogant character traits because it gives him personality and a bit of a motive already. He is kind of a dick towards everyone who is not part of his people but those thirteen aside from him who are Minyar? Helicopter tribe leader through and through. He loves them to death and will do anything to protect him from harm. There are so few of them and he knows that if anyone dies there is not much hope for his people surviving.
Iminyē is the one who organises their people's daily lives because she has a very good eye for logistics, if she had ever made it to Valinor one would've maybe even considered her a Noldor, because of her way to approach things from a very logical perspective.
The only reason Ingwë becomes leader of the Minyar is because Imin realises that he is not very capable of leading his people into the West after Oromë shows up. He considers Ingwë the one to most likely succeed in that task and be a just and good king. Iminyē's disappearance a few years prior might have had an impact on his decision. He goes West but slowly fades away on their journey.
Tata & Tatië
The only ones who actually survived the first age because of good decision making. Probably the only ones who awoke with braincells as well (I promise I'm not biased or anything).
Tata steps back as leader of the Tatyar as soon as it becomes clear that Finwë is the best man for the job. He still assist him with the management of their tribe but at heart he is a warrior, the warrior of the three elf fathers so to speak. He is the first one to discover that a well aimed stone can do serious harm and also the first one to tie a ponty rock on a stick and make a spear. That's his accomplishment and he's very proud of it. Also probably the only one in Beleriand who'd be able to beat Fingolfin in a sparring match if he wanted to but he doesn't because he isn't really that fond of the Noldor or rather what has become of them.
Tatië on the other hand is a very motherly person, not just towards members of her own tribe but to others as well. She basically adopts everyone she comes across instantly. Therefore the number of their children varies from the three they have biologically to up to maybe sixty on an emotional level? Finwë is definitely one of them. She is also very good with plants and animals.
I have not yet decided if they die in later ages, if they sail or what their role would be. Idk I have to figure that out.
Enel & Enelyë
They're both formidable leaders and take their task very seriously not because their People are so few like it is with Imin and Iminyē but because there is so many of them that it would be hard to keep track of them if they didn't take everything seriously.
Enel is quiet, like really quiet. He doesn't like talking that much but his actions speak more than words ever could. While Tata is the warrior of the early elves, Enel is the healer. He knows what he's doing immediately, out of pure instinct. He's good with children too. His people aren't bothered by the lack of words.
Enelyë is the first 'greatest Singer of the Eldar'. She has a crystal clear voice and probably discovered some sort of proto version for a song of power. She uses her abilities to keep the fear away from her people's hearts and to deliver some sense of security. Also a very motherly person.
Now these two are the only one's who really die. Iminyē was lost, probably in some dungeon of the enemy, Imin faded over the loss of his beloved wife but Enel and Enelyë? They died protecting a small group of their tribe that was out looking for berries and other eatable food from a group of Melkor's servants. The only survivor of this group was their only child Elmo, later taken in by Elwë and Olwë as an adoptive brother. Elwë is voted by their people to become the next leader.
That's basically it! It's just like a breakdown. I have some more detailed information about them but that would've been too much for now.
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iminye · 3 years
Morwë headcanon? 😶
Morwë is Tata's and Tatië's eldest son. He's kind of the total opposite of Finwë in both looks and personality and never really got along with him, which is mostly because young Finwë was kind of a dick (a very competent one but still a dick) and very proud that Tata gave him the position as leader of the Tatyar. Morwë was of the opinion that Finwë doesn't deserve his position because of the behaviour (he thought similarly about Imin but that wasn't his business anyway). He was however close friends with Miriel and even married her brother Merion. So even though Finwë and he hated eachother they kind of ended up as in-laws lol. When the elves who wanted to go westwards left Finwë entrusted the safety of those who remained behind to Morwë, reconciling their relationship a little bit. Morwë dies only a few years later leaving the Tatyar in the hands of his younger sister Lilótiel. After both he and Finwë get reborn, they seal their new found friendship with a drink (or two). Also he really thinks that Finwë's family is a mess, Lalwen is his favourite niece.
Thank you for the question!
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