#my beloved <3 my best friend kon el <3
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lemonlimestar · 8 months ago
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you’re an angel with wings of fire/a flying, giant friction blast 💫
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year ago
so... which one was the lie?
(drumroll, please...)
"He once threw the Daily Planet globe at Superman."
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congratulations to the 5.3% of you who got it right!!! kon has never thrown the globe at superman; i just made that one up bc it sounded funny. get bamboozled!!
as for the rest, explanations and citations below!!! :D
1. He tricked an intergalactic capitalist out of $10 billion in profits off a race.
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superboy (1994) #58
yeah this one isnt all that out there comparatively, huh? still, its an arc i deeply enjoyed. demolition run my beloved. it's also just one i enjoy a lot bc it IS a moment of kon being a) really good at thinking on his feet, and b) understanding people he's just met. he calls himself stupid all the time, but he's actually pretty smart!!!
3. He condemned a cyborg woman to eternity floating in space, unable to die.
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superboy (1994) #90
HOO BOY I LOVE IT WHEN HE GOES APE SHITT!!!!!!! this woman, amanda spence, is responsible for creating match as well as killing tana (can't blame her for that one lol) and also being a goddamn eugenicist. she's been hurting people kon loves for a long time by this point, and he Fucking Snaps.
"she said she didn't need to breathe. said she had no heart. said she couldn't die. fine by me. but she'll pay. she wants to be eternal... i give her eternity, floating in cold nothing." this is one of kon's most metal quotes ever, in my opinion.
4. He stole a baby and went on the run from the government.
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superboy (1994) #88
this is arc is part of the leadup to "our worlds at war" and it is, imo, one of the best arcs in the entire run. guardian is dead, and somehow recloned into a baby, which is classified as property of cadmus and the us govt. but kon knows they're going to force him back into fighting, and he knows guardian's last wish was that he actually be allowed to die and rest, not just keep getting forced back into the battlefield. so he takes that baby and runs.
i love this arc bc it goes hard on a lot of sb94's "clone personhood and bodily autonomy" themes. the fucky thorny morality issues leading into wartime (can guardian's dying wish be used to deny earth an army against apokolips? etc) are handled fairly well and with proper weight, and it's just. ough. kon i have feelings about you.
5. He spent two months being enslaved by furries while on mind-control drugs.
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superboy (1994) #50
i dont even know what to say abt this arc. it makes me insane. its SO fucked up if you think about it for more than 0.4 seconds (he was enslaved and kept on mind-altering drugs for TWO MONTHS STRAIGHT and then was so lonely he immediately forgave the people who enslaved him.) but also like... furries????????? lol????
6. He vocally supports his gay superhero friend, who has an alien boyfriend.
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superboy and the ravers #13, #19
these two pages are from different issues of the ravers, but refer to the same character: hero cruz!! i love him. he's a gay black man who realizes he's gay, breaks up with his girlfriend, and gets an alien boyfriend. his ex doesn't take it well and spews a lot of homophobia for the rest of the run, but kon defends him against her. which is notable to me bc this comic was written in the late 90s.
in general i just love the ravers. theyre a good squad!!! gay rights.
7. A canon alternate universe version of him is a cowboy named Kid Kon-El.
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superboy (1994) #64
hypertime arc my BELOVED. this is one of my other fav arcs in sb94!! kon goes on a multiverse-hopping adventurer to stop a conqueror named black zero from trying to subjugate as many realities as he can get his hands on. there are a bunch of alternate timeline kons in here, including our beloved robin kon who took up the mantle after his tim's untimely death. look at kid kon-el and his legendary telekinetic lasso. YEE-HAW!
8. He got into a fistfight with Kara Zor-El's mother.
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supergirl (2005) #51
now in kon's defense, alura started it. ksdjhfkjds
this is part of the last stand of new krypton event!!! it's a bit of an undertaking but the story is really fun. the entire new krypton saga is dear to me (although. i have not read war of the supermen and i dont know if i ever will have the strength to. they turned the fucking sun red i gotta leave.)
for those unaware, alura zor-el survived the destruction of krypton because she and her husband were in the city of kandor, which got bottled by brainiac. when clark rescued kandor from him, they (and another ~100k kryptonians) were freed! "new krypton" is the story where that happens. its Good.
9. When homeless, he ended up living in a part of Metropolis called "Suicide Slum".
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superboy (1994) #94
if youre thinking "hey. this sucks?" you're right. that's a homeless 16yo getting drawn in by a predatory landlord and its played for laughs. its also not the worst part of this issue! dan didio when i get my hands on you.
after the end of "our worlds at war", cadmus, where kon had been living since he left hawaii (after furry slavery arc, actually), disappeared. the research went underground and the facilities were abandoned. kon was homeless and living out of yj headquarters. after a fight with cassie, he decided to find his own place to live. this... is the direction didio went with it. it's not great. after 6 issues, the run got cancelled and in issue #100 (the last one), superman finds out kon's been living in the goddamn suicide slum and goes hey. no. and takes him to live on the kent farm instead.
10. He has a special hand-stamp that teleports him to an intergalactic rave.
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superboy and the ravers #1
hell yeah baby!! the hand-stamps are an integral plot point during the genesis event that happens partways through this run. their instantaneous teleportation capability is a whole Thing.
this is the second part of my pitch to get more people to read ravers btw. it's just fun!! theyre silly!! also the first half of it has the prettiest kons ever. ♥
11. He never actually watched Star Wars because it was downloaded into his head at Cadmus.
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adventures of superman #506
MAN people really thought this one was fake!!! i was surprised, i thought more people had seen this panel or heard of people talking about aos#506. i probably live in an insulated superboy bubble.
but yeah! cadmus canonically downloaded star wars into his brain in the tube. he also references star trek at the end of this issue, implying that was also downloaded in there, given that he's barely been alive for a few weeks at this point.
12. He discovered a magic zombie collective city under a silo in Smallville.
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superboy (2011) #8
sb11 my beloved. this run is just kon having small town adventures and its soooo dear to me. he basically acquires a gang of small town closeted queers in high school. like, what closeted small town gay hasnt done that?? i know i have.
my fav detail about the first page i cited here is that while poor simon and sajan are walking down all those stairs, kon and krypto are just fucking floating down the middle of the stairwell. ldkjflkdjl
okay yippee thats it!!! thanks for reading!!! if you want to talk abt any of these (or other kon facts) my askbox is always open for kon :)
i got bit by the "two eleven truths and a lie" bug, so heres a lil quiz!!
if you follow me you PROBABLY know the answer. or at least can rule several of these out. but hey if you know, don't say it until the poll's over!!! rb and tag with what you guessed/if you Know, i wanna see if i made it too easy :3
*11th choice should say "at Cadmus", it got cut off and i didn't notice and i can't edit the poll :(
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lunap95 · 4 years ago
Chapters: 3/7 Fandom: Super Sons (Comics), Batman - All Media Types, Superman - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jonathan Kent/Damian Wayne, Jonathan Samuel Kent/Damian Wayne Characters: Damian Wayne, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Maya Ducard, Collin Wilkes, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, Duke Thomas, Cassandra Cain, Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Kara Zor-El Additional Tags: Roommates, Domestic Fluff, adopting a pet, High School, Jealousy, Running Away, Partners in Crime, Fake/Pretend Relationship, getting caught, Heartbeats, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Masquerade, Family Vacation, Marriage Proposal, JonDami Week 2021 Summary:
Hey hey hey! Another one for the @jondami-week. Not too happy about this one but well, here it is.
Chapter 3: Partners in crime | running away | background swap
You can also read it under the cut
In his dream, he could still see the farm like it was before. With his father scolding him while his brother Richard tried to intercede, Tim and Jason not too far snooping around to see what the youngest of them have done at the same time Duke winked at him showing his support, Cass reading at the porch just a few meters away. The sun casting their shadows on the beautiful cornfields.
But that was before.
Before his family was broken by the League of Assassin searching for him. He could almost hear his brothers fighting them outside the farm, Duke stopping him from helping them and pushing him inside the car. They drove miles and miles and when Damian finally thought they were far enough; a black car stopped their tracks. Duke had made him promise he would start running and never look back. And he never did. Not when he heard the shots, not when the image of his burned-out farm appeared in the newspaper, not when he saw the reports of his whole family being murdered.
Not even when a boy in a red cape saved him from the same people who carried the blood of his family on their hands.
They did not trust each other at the beginning. Only travelled together for convenience, Damian looking for revenge and Jon searching for his missing father. But day by day, conversation by conversation, they had become the most important person to the other. Jon like to say they were best friends, but since that first night in which they shared heat together Damian knew they were something more.
Was it love to sacrifice himself for Jon when the assassins them cornered? The green stone on Jon’s side did not let them another choice, so Damian did what he had to do. He let himself be taken and turned a deaf ear to the screams of his partner.
“Are you having a nightmare again?”
Damian stirred at the driver seat, the soft sound of the motor welcoming him to the land of the living. He was still wearing the ceremonial clothes of the League and when his hand touched his hair he could feel little specks of ash. At his side, Jon smile and tousled the dark locks, letting a small grey rainfall on the seats.
“Sorry, should have been more careful with the heat vision.”
And to that Damian could only laugh, because of course Jon would worry about that while still having a bleeding wound and just barely escaped the League’s headquarters. It had been like a dream, watching Jon break the wall to save him and ran away from that awful place. Not that he expected less from his partner.
“No need to apologise, beloved,” he stood in silence for a few minutes. “I’m sorry.”
“For what?” Jon teased. “For letting yourself be captured just to save me? Or for keeping the fact that you knew my dad was dead from me?”
“I didn’t know, you fool, I just suspected it,” but his words were empty of anger, so he intertwined his fingers with the hand that Jon had away from the steering wheel.
“I know,” Jon guided his hand to his lips to lay a kiss on it. “But no more secrets, please.”
“No more secrets?” he sighed. “You only told me you were half alien after kissing me for the first time.”
“And you only told me you dad banged the daughter of the boss of the League of Assassins after I banged you.”
“He didn’t know! My mother wasn’t exactly sharing her real identity with everyone.”
“Whatever,” Jon rolled his eyes. “After that show they should leave alone for a while.”
“They are not going to stop, Jon,” he looked at the window, crop fields passing one after another. They would soon reach a small town where they would rest and fill the tank until Jon was in good condition to fly them whenever they wanted. “And you already know the truth about your dad… you should leave me.”
“You are joking right? I’m here for the long ride, you are not getting rid of me.”
“They could hurt you,” his eyes went to the wound on his side. “They already did.”
“And I hurt them,” a tint of red shone in his eyes. “And I will hurt them again. Because you and I, we are together in this and no matter what, I will be by your side. Now and always.”
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ellana-ravenwood · 8 years ago
“You’re kind of an asshole” - Superboy x Reader
I just finished season 2 of Young Justice (I know, I’m super late to the party)...And I kinda totally love Conner. So. Here we go. 
Summary : Reader is Batman and Catwoman’s daughter, and has a thing for Superboy...Maybe part one of a series ? Don’t know yet. 
My masterlists blog :  @ella-ravenwood-archives
You were SO DONE with Superboy and Miss Martian lovey dovey behavior. So damn done. They were always smiling stupidly or looking lovingly at each others and all of that bullshit. Besides, you totally had a crush on Conner since the day you met him, and seeing them together made your heart ache a bit. 
Except that you were wrong. Because his eyes shone with love not for Megan, but for you...But you didn’t notice. You thought he was looking at her when he never was, as you were always there, in the background. You never even noticed that he kept his eyes open while kissing her to stare at you. Your oldest brother, Dick, noticed, and was fomenting a plan to clear things up for the both of you, hopefully not hurting M’gann in the process. 
M’gann was feeding him a cookie when you finally had enough, rolling your eyes to the sky, you left the room under his gaze, unaware of his attention. 
She broke up with him. Miss Martian. You didn’t think about it too much, as they already broke up before, because Conner couldn’t stand her mind reading thing (you hated it too, and made a point of singing a very annoying song in your mind whenever she was around). You thought they were just being dramatic, but months passed and they still didn’t get back together...You started to be hopeful. 
You didn’t know the reason they broke up, and you didn’t really care...You should have cared though, as the reason was that M’gann finally gave up. 
She always knew Conner had a thing for you, but since he decided to date her, she thought she could change his mind, that he could fall in love with her. But she was wrong. She could read in his mind that, no matter how hard he tried to shove you away from his thoughts, you were always there. She didn’t really understand why he didn’t tell you anything while it was clear you liked him too...or maybe it was clear only to her, because she could read your mind, and when you didn’t sing an annoying song, he crept in your thoughts ? She didn’t know, what she knew however, was that Conner was in love with you, and not her, and there was nothing she could do about it. 
So she broke up with him. He didn’t try to stop her, and she realized that he couldn’t fake it anymore...She loved him, and seeing him struggling with his feelings hurt her too, so she decided to join your brothers in trying to come up with a masterplan to get you two together. 
It wasn’t easy. Whenever they made sure you guys would be alone together, Conner showed nothing but contempt and annoyance towards you, and you equally answered with your natural sarcasm and wittiness. If they didn’t know you two liked each other, they’d probably just assumed you hated each other. 
No matter what, you two couldn’t get along, and in a few seconds you’d get into stupid fights over anything and everything...
Dick quickly realized that his friend was just scared shitless. Conner was afraid that you wouldn’t return his feelings, because that boy had enough abandonment and unrequited love issues to get into it some more. So instead of letting his feelings getting the better of him, and so smiling at you or anything...he acted like he hated you. Kindergartener’s behavior. 
You weren’t the kind of person to let anyone walk on your feet, you were the goddamn Batman and Catwoman’s daughter ! No one could be mean to you without you responding...and oh responding you were, alright. 
Your father had to intervene once, because after an oral joust between you and Conner about how the other one sucked so bad, you lost your cool and went all Damian on Superboy, taking him by surprise by kicking him so skillfully in the face, that he fell backward...And being the impulsive man he was, Conner stood up quickly and god knows what would have happened without the severe voice of your dad scolding you two. You stopped to face the Batman. He finished his long speech about camaraderie with those sentences : 
-You’re suppose to be a team. Can’t you at least act civil toward each others ?
Silence. You glared at Conner, he glared back. Your dad sighed. 
-Y/N, I expect better from my daughter. I taught you to...
-Please dad, stop. First, as if you always stay calm yourself. Second, he went too far, like I’ve done nothing to him, for real, he always starts. Third, I might be your daughter, but I’m also mom’s, and let’s face it, impulsivity is in my blood. Fourth, I’m so not in the mood for a sermon. So, yeah, I get it. I’ll stop. I’ll just ignore him from now on. It’s just so damn difficult when he’s so good looking and cool...
You mumbled the last sentence and no one but your dad understood what you said. He smiled gently at you, suddenly understanding that you had a crush on Superman’s clone, and that’s why you were acting that way (it didn’t surprise him that you reacted violently, as his relationship with your mom, Selina Kyle, was also...kinda special). Oh my God, you had a crush on his best friend’s clone...He wasn’t sure how to react to that, so he decided not to tell you anything and go to your brothers instead to know more about the all ordeal. His little girl couldn’t grow up so fast...
After the incident involving your dad, you did exactly what you promised, you ignored Conner, and he became even broodier and more silent than before. He avoided you as well, and when he couldn’t, he just stayed as far as he could, but couldn’t quite help but give you some puppy eyes when you weren’t looking. You also had the most difficult time not to speak to him at all, you almost missed your constant fights...almost. 
Dick was getting desperate, why were you both so stubborn ? 
Conner entered the common room of the Young Justice headquarter and sighed with relief when he realized you weren’t there. His heart dropped a beat as well, when he realized you weren’t there, he wanted to see your face today...Oh god he hated all of those contradictory feelings he had when it was about you...
He sat awkwardly next to M’Gann, knowing that she was still somewhat in love with him. The rest of the Young Justice was there, as you had a meeting with Batman, Red Tornado and Black Canary about some missions. The leaguers were already there too, talking to each others. 
Wally looked at Conner, and couldn’t help but ask : 
-Ok what’s the deal dude ? You seem even more uncomfortable and pissed than usual ? 
Conner scoffed but didn’t answer. M’gann did it for him, unfortunately... 
-He’s just afraid I won’t take well the fact that he’s in love with Y/N. But it’s OK, I think it’s better like that. We weren’t really...on the same page you and I Conner.
Batman and his sons (but Dick) froze, glaring at Superboy. Of course by now, they kinda all knew, didn’t mean they had to let it happen though. Damian especially felt like he had to protect you, thinking Kon-El wasn’t good enough for you. He idolized you, though he’d never admit it, so he was extremely critical when it came to who was allowed to flirt with you or not. 
Conner shifted awkwardly in his seat, he definitely wanted to be somewhere else right now, and he started to feel angry at Miss Martian. How dare she look into his head again ? 
-Also, I know you don’t like when I use my telepathic powers but, just so you know...She feels the same. 
And on that note you entered the room, not leaving any time to Conner to process what his ex-girlfriend just said. Everyone was staring at you, and you immediately noticed. 
-What ? Something on my face ? 
No one answered you, and Red Tornado just started his speech about your coming missions. You still felt your friends’ gaze on you, and gave your father a questioning look...the way he looked away alarmed you. What the Hell was going on ? 
Conner stayed silent during the meeting, M’gann’s word replaying in his head. She was feeling the same ? Really ? ...His heart started to beat wildly. 
After the meeting, you left quickly with your father, as you had important things to do in Gotham, and he didn’t see you for a few days, not able to do anything about what M’Gann revealed. When he questioned Damian about your whereabouts, your little brother told him to mind his own business, and to stay away from you or he would...Tim shoved Damian, telling him to stop acting like a brat, and told Conner that you were on vacation at your mother’s place. Probably trying to stop her from stealing anything, and getting frustrated at her questions about your life. You didn’t really like to speak about yourself...and your mother had a bad tendency of wanting to know EVERYTHING. 
When you finally came back, Conner tried to be nicer towards you...but his fears got the better of him, and he just resumed his cold behavior with you, too scared to be hurt. You kept ignoring him. 
Dick sighed, how was he gonna make things work...
Turned out, in the end, Dick’s help wasn’t needed. You sorted things yourself. 
At the end of a particularly difficult mission, the team went back to headquarters beaten. Conner was being a total dick to everyone, and you understood why...Superman came to help you guys on the mission, and plainly ignored Conner. He acted as if he wasn’t there at all. But even though you understood, you weren’t gonna let it pass. Or rather, you were, up until Superboy almost hit your beloved older brother Dick who was just trying to cheer him up. You got between your bro and Conner.
-Has anyone ever told you you were kind of an asshole ? 
Granted, maybe that wasn’t the best thing you could start a conversation with...Like your father, sometimes, you were a bit socially retarded. Connor glared at you, and you gave him a provoking smile, which sent him over the edge. Months of pent up feelings exploding...but in the wrong way.
-How dare you ?! You don’t even know me ! 
-I know you enough to know you’re kind of an asshole. 
-Oh because you know everything about everyone right ?! You’re the Batman’s daughter, you’re just the best. 
You just smiled at him, which unnerved him even more. How could you stay so calm ? How could you be so damn attractive at the same time ?! 
-You know, I get it. It ain’t easy being you. Superman is ignoring you, which is weird cause he’s actually a great dude, like he never forget my birthday for exemple, you know. You think you’re just a clone, doom to be another Superdude without your own identity and all that shit...
Conner just glared some more toward you, but you could see a hint of sadness as well. You knew it since the first time you met him. His fits of anger were just hiding the fact that he was a sad guy, that he felt alone. You decided to change your tactic, maybe provoking him wasn’t the best way to actually get to him, to calm him down. And you couldn’t bring yourself to actually hurt him...Fighting over petty things ? Yeah, sure. Actually hurting his feelings ? Never. He was about to leave when you added : 
- It’s clear though that you have your own personality...like, you’re really not like Sups, you’re your own person Conner. Really. But you don’t wanna talk about your feelings and they’re eating you from inside, as cheesy as it sounds. You gotta talk boy, you gotta tell us what you think. Obviously you’re not gonna tell me, cause you can’t stand me, but like...you’ve got friends here. Tell one of my brother. Tell Kaldur. Even Wally or M’Gann. They’re your best friends. Tell Tim. Just, talk. So, you know, quit the broody behavior, it’s suppose to be a “bat family” thing. You can’t get better if you don’t wanna improve you know ? 
Conner just looked at you, stunned, no trace of anger or annoyance on his face anymore. 
-You...You think I can’t stand you ? 
-Oh so that’s the only thing you remember from my heartfelt speech eh ?
He didn’t answer, so you continued :
-Come on Conner, you’ve been nothing but downright mean to me since day one. I don’t even know what I did. Like, usually, I get it’s because of my sarcasms, or because I always wanna be right, hate to be wrong, that people dislike me. But you ? I never even said a word to you when you just started to be a dick to me. 
Conner didn’t say anything, and since he looked like he was  calm again, you were about to go change and go home, because you didn’t really had anything to add, when his words hit you like a tsunami : 
-I don’t hate you at all. Quite the opposite. I just...Don’t know how to act around you. You’re the only one that...makes me feel like that. That makes me happy by your mere presence, and it’s just so scary, because...I just don’t know how to react. 
He would never have dared say all of those things if M’gann’s words weren’t still freely flying in his mind. She said you felt the same way he did. She said you loved him too. And he hoped to God that she wasn’t playing a mean trick on him to get revenge of him dating her only to try and forget about you...But Miss Martian wasn’t a bad girl.
-...What ? 
You asked. The entire Young Justice were staring at you guys, Wally even managed to make some pop corn as the action was happening...You completely forgot their presence. 
-I don’t hate you. At all. But I don’t know how to...act around you. I don’t know what I’m suppose to say...So...I...Do the only thing easy, I provoke you. Because I want to talk to you, but...I don’t know how to, so I just...try and get a reaction from you in the only way that is natural to me. I piss you off on purpose, just to hear the sound of your voice.
Silence. Your friends’ were on edge. What was going to happen ? 
-I...Don’t know how to act around you either. My dad is emotionally crippled, and my mom hides all her feelings behind her humor...Also, my brothers are total noobs about...Things like that, so I don’t have any model to follow, to tell me how to act...When people provoke me, I usually have a witty answer and then I ignore them, but I can never do that with you...I have to...Keep talking and acting mad...You’re confusing me.
Imperceptibly, you were getting closer from each other. Your friends’ held their breath. 
-It’s funny, I’m pretty sure we both know what we’re talking about and yet, we don’t say the words...
You looked at Conner curiously, what was he talking about ? 
-What words ? 
-You know. The one that describe how we feel. At least...how I feel...
-I’m like 97% sure I feel the same...
And yet, none of you said the words. Not able to contain himself more, Dick just yelled  : 
-Oh my god just say “I love you”, it’s not that difficult alright ?! 
Everyone, including you, laughed. Conner’s heart lifted away from his chest, toward you. Relief, that’s what he was feeling. Because he could see in your eyes that yes, you did love him. He could finally recognize the spark that was in your pupil. And he knew he loved you. Before knowing what he was doing, he kissed you. He got scared for a second, as you didn’t respond, but once you got over your initial surprise, you definitely reacted. 
Your friends’ howled like wolves, and whistled. When you stopped kissing, you could see Dick and Tim trying to hold Jason and Damian back, explaining to them that you could handle yourself, and that after all, you kissed back...You almost went to them to scold them and tell them you were perfectly able to handle yourself indeed, when Conner whispered something in your ear. 
-I love you Y/N. 
You smiled at him, kissing him once more. 
-I...love you too, Kon-El. 
You were about to kiss for the third times when you felt a large hand on your shoulder shoving you away. You ended up behind your father, as he towered over your new boyfriend, pointing a finger at him. 
-No one kiss my baby girl. 
Rolling your eyes to the sky, you walked around your dad. It was going to be quite something to convince him he didn’t have a choice but to accept that you were growing up. Stubbornness was running strong in the family...With a side look, you called your oldest brother to the rescue, and he arrived, loyal as always. As you took Conner’s hand, you proudly faced your father and started to speak...
The end ?
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