#my bad taste in music
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wakingfromthewater · 1 year ago
I think the guy from Heaven Help Us should go to Hell and find the guy from Never Want Again waiting for him there.
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ghost-of-an-artist-pp · 2 months ago
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elphaba matching hats with her cursed boyfriend!
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dollarstoreartsupplies · 1 year ago
okay so steph is definitely a music purist?
we can all agree on that right? like she's a 'said she was born in the wrong generation in middle school' fleetwood mac, david bowie, the mamas & the papas, niche modern indie artists and also chappell roan kind of music listener. obviously. but.... i dont think we've really considered pete's music taste?
pete, who is a science, left-brained kind of kid, so he probably does not actively go out to look for music and is instead just provided music by the people around him?
pete whose older brother is theodore spankoffski and so his earliest and most fond and nostalgic music influences from his childhood would have come directly from ted's cd collection???
basically what im saying is peter spankoffski has the most trashy, early 00's ke$ha, black eyed peas my humps era, all american rejects ass music taste in the world
that boy had bowling for soup's 1985 memorized at age four, his guilty pleasure music is hollywood undead's everywhere i go, ted did his first decent person move in years when pete came out as trans as a kid and stopped listening to grow a pear by ke$ha and pete forcibly made him play it because it's a bop
and then his only friends are a weeb and a theatre kid.
steph gives him the aux cord on a date to be nice, as a sign of trust, and is blasted in the face with the most uncurated mess of j-pop, sondheim, weezer, and like... owl city's fireflies and that's just a fact
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thermodynamic-comedian · 1 year ago
"i haven't met a single lesbian who doesn't listen to girl in red" you clearly have not met a lot of lesbians.
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sky-is-the-limit · 1 year ago
"What's better than sex?" Discovering new music that hits every fucking spot.
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sosadraws · 7 months ago
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Day 6 - Gifts / Music
AKA the part where I make you all listen to Kiltro because it's a very underrated band.
Idk it's one of those situations were there are lots of songs that fits better with the characters, but for some reason there's still a strong association.
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pawberri · 2 months ago
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Pawberry media awards for best thing that defined this year for me that came out Whenever . Favorite in the middle of each row
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seraphidae · 4 months ago
CW implied assault i didnt plan on editing jt again... but. sigh. i hate you john tyler (also on tiktok)
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samglyph · 1 year ago
I truly believe Will Wood is an incredible musician and songwriter and is one of the top lyricists in the last decade both in and outside of the genres that he chooses to play in with absolutely zero irony. I also believe that you can only fully understand that if you’ve either had a pet die before listening to his music or you have a history of drug abuse and mental health crises. Or you’re trans.
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somegrumpynerd · 1 year ago
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Some Cross and Killer doodles since @pigeonstab has me inspired for them
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ichorai · 7 months ago
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amperceter-art · 2 months ago
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Nothin to see here just the undead hangin around
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haxo-wolfie · 3 months ago
finally made a fishbride playlist!! song reccs needed :)
also ignore maroon 5 being on here, it’s for a gag i thought was funny
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djangari · 3 months ago
Tattoo AU (Part 1/?)
I don't know the word punctuality, so here you got the first part [kinda unedited sorry] - 1650 words
Bez controls his station once again, ensuring everything he will need is prepared, sterile and in the correct position. Then he spins his stool towards the clock, looking at the larger pointer and realises that not even five minutes have passed since the last time he has done this.  
“Have you not taken your medication today, or what is going on with you?“ Vale sticks his head through the door, staring very annoyed at him. “No, of course I have taken it!“, Bez protests. He surely hasn’t forgotten to take his medication- Has he? He notices his foot tapping along to the tact of Last Christmas. - Did Luca leave on his bad Christmas playlist once again? They talked about that!- No, No, he can remember eating and then taking the pills with tap water, because he was too late to go in the kitchen and get a glass. It was important to be on time today. His regulars know he tends to be late for a few minutes and they don’t care so he hasn’t had to change yet but today is special. Today he has his appointment.  
Bez nearly sighs, as he remembers the beautiful brown curls, the soft looking plumb but thin lips, the brown eyes he could lose himself in for hours... 
Vale snaps in front of his eyes to get his attention back. Embarrassed, Bez stares up to him, eyes narrowing as he sees the smug grin on the other man's face. This doesn‘t means anything good- “Why don‘t you hang up the Christmas decorations? I want it to look nice here in time for the first of December and you don‘t have any clients for the next half hour. I checked with Luca.“ Hesitant, Bez glimpses over to the big stencil. He still needs to check if the print was successful and if every other of the three spare prints is good as well. “Your client surely will love it, when he comes in and everything already looks great.“ Sold.  
Energetic he stands up and goes on search for the storage boxes. “Migno has already brought the ladder into the waiting room.“, Vale calls after him. Bez is already too focussed on his new task to answer in any other way than simply giving him a thumbs up, while speeding towards the entry.  
Half an hour later, the plastic tree stands in the corner of the waiting room, overloaded with fairy lights and neoncolored Christmas baubles, the paper stars hang in the glass front of the store and Bez balances on the ladder, fighting with the quite ugly pine garland. It just doesn’t want to stay on the nails, where it belongs during winter times. With another frustrated snort, Bez stretches a little more, hopefully just enough to finally reach the last nail...  
“Just move the ladder”, Luca comments from behind the counter, where he stood the last five minutes and watched him struggle after saying goodbye to his last client of the day.  
“Or you could maybe help me instead of laughing, just a suggestion.” Bez bites back and goes onto his toes. Yeah, nearly there... 
The entry door swings wide open, and the bell Bez just hung up five minutes ago rings. “Oh, there you are”, Luca greets the new arrival. “I think you have to wait a minute, you see Bez is a bit busy right now.”  
Bez attention shifts when he hears his name, and he risks a glimpse down.  
There he stands... Those perfect curls, lurking out from under the red hat, nose and cheeks coloured in bright pink due to the cold outside, his slightly bitten lips hidden beneath the big matching red scarf.  
Bez loses balance and crashes down the short ladder, tearing down the garland with him. He lands onto his back, limps in the air, like a helpless beetle, and for a short moment the world blurs before his eyes. Black points dance in his field of view and cover most of it.  
He blinks once, twice, and then the world shifts back to normal, luckily without seeing double.  
Pecco- No, Francesco, he corrects himself- is only centimetres away from his face, examining him, eyes narrowed ever so slightly. Bez wonders how a human can look so pretty. Maybe he is no human. Maybe he is an angel, send from heaven to save him.  
Only after a few seconds of losing himself in those big lovely brown eyes, does he realize that he is in fact talking to him. “Can you follow my finger with your eyes?”, the angel asks him and moves said finger to the left and the right. Marco follows his instructions very willingly. “Okay, I think he might have a concussion.”, the angel says to a person standing on their right side. The giant sighs and grabs his head. “Of course he would manage to do that. Should we get him to the hospital?” His angel shrugs. “Would be best. Didn’t wanted to see my boss again before next week, but I could clock in for overtime and examine him. Quickest way to get in and out and additionally get the good drugs.” As his angel mentions it, Bez feels his head aching and pounding. “Why does the world turn?”, he mutters and moves closer to his angel until his head rests in his very comfortable lap.  
“Yeah, that definitely seems like a concussion. Do you help me to get him up?” Wait, what.  
Marco notices how his feet suddenly dangle in the air, without touching any ground. Confused he turns his head to look at Luca, who holds him close to his chest and moves towards the door. “Wait, no, we can’t go without the angel.” Laughing is audible, both from Luca and from behind him. Blushing, he realises Francesco stood behind him and supports his head, well now he also pets his shoulder. “Don’t worry, I’ll come with you. Someone needs to drive.” Luca still won’t stop laughing. So, Bez raises his hand and slaps him on the shoulder. “This is all your fault. If you would have helped me, I wouldn’t have fallen in the first place!”, he hisses, his head now a lot clearer. “If you hit me again, I’ll drop you.”, Luca warns him yet giggling between words. Marco pulls back to pout.  
They stop before the door, facing a problem none of them had considered. How they should open the inward-swinging door to walk through. And then lock it up. Migno said goodbye over an hour ago and Vale also excused himself a few minutes after talking with Bez to ‘pick up a friend’. Everyone who knows Vale knows that that is basically a code for ‘Marc just sent me a message, I need to pay him attention’. But nothing of this solves their problem in any way, because the point is, they aren’t here. Luca exchanges a look with Pecco, holding a silent discussion with the result that it is best for them when he hands over Bez and get the keys.  
Before he realises what is going on, Bez gets passed over like an oversized toddler. However, any protest dies as he leans his head onto Francescos shoulder and stares into his wonderful eyes. “Angel”, he whispers and holds a bit closer onto him. Francesco chuckles and grins at him as if he just found out a secret.  
All of a sudden, Bez remembers something. “We have to reschedule. Your tattoo. I prepared everything, but I can’t tattoo you like this.” “This was kind of obvious. And it's not a problem. I can certainly free up some time in my calendar soon.”, Francesco calms him down with his beautiful smirk.  
“Ok, I got the keys and I messaged Vale, can you two now postpone flirting until later and we get going? I have another client in about two hours, would be great if I would be back.” Luca closes in from behind and effectively manages to disrupt the conversation.
Francesco looks away, like he has been caught being naughty, just the slightest touch of red on his cheeks, while Bez wishes he could murder Luca with his glare. But sadly, the younger man doesn’t care, he walks right past them, holds the door open so Pecco can carefully carry Bez outside and then he turns the open sign, locks up the store, before he sits down in the driver seat of his car and waits until Francesco has arranged a surprisingly now very flustered Bez in the back seat and got in himself. He adjusts the rearview mirror, grins happily, starts the car and the radio begins to play.
Bez groans. How could he forget this. “Let's make a trip to the hospital.”, Luca says and parks out, all while the Jonas brothers da-dom-dom-dom away.  
I can’t deny what I’m feeling inside 
Nothin’ fake about the way you bring me to life 
You make every day feel like it’s Christmas 
Every day that I’m with you 
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papay0 · 10 months ago
List of songs that make me think about labru (in different universes and scenarios)
Super psycho love (Simon Curtis) ,these lines specifically
“Something lately drives me crazy
Has to do with how you make me
Struggle to get your attention”
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“I love you and despise you” that’s pretty much their whole dynamic, at least from kabru’s side
“Please say you want me too
Because you're going to
Say that you want me every day
That you want me every way
That you need me”.
this part is more from a fanfic I read than anything lol (I don’t mind I feel kind from highlonesome)
Si po’ (Diego Lorenzini) this one is in Spanish but pretty much the song is about two very busy people who were finally able to clear their calendars for one night so they’ll spend it in each other arms and they couldn’t be more happy about it.
Roughly translated it goes something like this (it’s so hard to translate Chilean slang TT)
“the stars aligned
you wont guess what happened
remember that thing (??)
that had been set for today
yeah i was able to move it
i have all the time in the world for you
yeah and now you’re also free
so we will have all the time in the world to do mmm”
Post canon/ established relationship, with laios being king and kabru his royal advisor one can safely assume that they have lots of work and little free time
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Despair (Leo) from kabru’s perspective I think coming to the realization he had feelings for laios was not something he was happy about XD so
“I've lost my cool
I'm not sure how to act
Not even sure how I can keep my pride intact”
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“Cause it's not romantic, I swear
I'm not gasping for air
I want you to be here
But please don't come near
'Cause even though I'm pretty sure my head's exploding
I'm not ready for hand-holding
It's not love, I swear
It might be closer to despair”
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Using you (Mars Argo) this one’s here mostly because I’ve seen a few edits that used it but yeah it makes sense to me
“I love you and I hate you and I'm losing my mind
And you tell me all the time that this will pass and that I'm gonna be fine
We're such a mess together, you make me lose my temper”
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error-elf-206 · 2 months ago
Hey so I've been really into making character playlists recently so here:
P.s. I have a personal vendeta against Taylor swift so she's in none of them and I work on them overtime so they might change whenever to suit better. Lengths vary.
Also this is one I made a while ago for the fic Gold Heart that I got Obsessed Obsessed with and kinda started the whole playlist thing.
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