#my babbling OC thoughts
thatcrazycrowgirl · 2 months
This was probably a product of briefly talking about AC Unity's swordplay with @nemo-of-house-hamartia and watching the women's Olympic fencing earlier this evening, but dang it, I now have a burning desire to get back into properly incorporating Félicité's training in the sport back into my Unity AU (and maybe have a few scenes of Arno helping her brush up on her skills, like in this clip).
My brain is absolutely BUZZING now.
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rabbitdrabbles · 1 month
// cw: amputation, noncon body modification
I’ve likely just been looking in the wrong places but the sheer horror and psychological mindfuckery it must be to have all of whumpee’s limbs forcibly removed by someone else somehow seems kinda underrated in the tumblr whump community.
the slow and dreadful realization that whumper has rendered them so completely and utterly helpless and whumpee can’t do anything at all about it, that they’re now entirely at the mercy of whumper not due to restraints or drugs or locks that could be broken out of and escaped from but instead due to the fact that such vital parts of their body have been ripped from them permanently. that even without a single chain or collar, they’re now trapped here forever, useless and twitching at whumper’s feet. that thanks to whumper, they physically can no longer move or function like a regular human being ever again.
(also while I personally don’t really care a lot for caretakers/ rescue endings, this would make for one hell of a recovery arc, where both caretaker and whumpee figure out how to live with their disability)
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
Saw a post. Got to thinking. Am now wondering how my interpretation of characters differs from the canon, and how much of that is:
Deliberate and reasonable: in a 'fighting against canon-authorial biases' way (e.g. taking queer-coded characters to actually queer, addressing the religious stereotypes and racism baked into certain characters, expanding a female characters motivations in ways that don't match up to canon but do match up to Logical Thinking Human Behavior, updating language and slang to not include slurs, etc.)
Reasonable: in a 'yeah, I guess if you stretch your extrapolation of the canon, or focus on this part of the narrative, you can get there without contradicting the rest too much' kind of way
Deliberate: started nearly canon, and then 'ooc' but as an understandable result of the fic's events
Semi-Deliberate: kind of an art style thing, where it's definitely That Character, but through the author's specific style of dialogue and prose; author-tinted glasses, if you will
Semi-Deliberate: the author was trying, but kind of juggled too many things and you can tell that they slipped too far away from canon, and realized it, but didn't have the time/energy to fix it
Deliberate: different from canon, but within an acceptable standard deviation from the canon/mean
Deliberate: different from canon, in a sort of an AU-where-character-is-X, rather than just a different lens or the result of the fic events
Deliberate: ...but you should have honestly just made an OC, this is basically a different, new character
Probably not deliberate: different, but in a way that's kind of just. off-putting, and not particularly self-aware on the part of the author.
Feel free to reblog and have fun, and use this to talk about your own writing but DO NOT use this to vague and talk smack about other authors in your fandoms. Be Nice.
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nemo-in-wonderland · 3 months
I honestly love creating character with rich backstories, and with Aranea, I love the fact that, because she is a drow and long-lived, I get to explore all the plentiful number of experiences she has collected in almost 200 years of life.
Like, for example, now I am focusing a lot on her 100 years (though I am inclined to make the period longer to reflect the fact that, in my mind, in human years she would be around 38 years old) in Cania spent besides Mephisto Dearest.
But the sheer amount of history that she has even *before* that: all her years spent in Zakhara, when she was still Zil;, how her whole heritage still influence her life and choices; how who she is now is all connected to Halim, her late husband and the real reason as to why her whole life turned such dark ruthless turn...that is so intriguing for me.
How Halim's demise and the way of it left her completely broken, disillusioned, so overwhelmed by grief and rage that she found herself agreeing to a pact that has given her everything she needed, but left her completely heartless until the end of her life.
Because no matter what, Aranea will never regain her frozen heart from Mephisto. Trust and believe that when Aranea asked for her heart to be taken, so that her pain would go away, Mephisto agreed with all intent of never give it back to her; and in doing so, Aranea has forsaken that part of herself forever.
And I like to think that, because her heart is not where it's supposed to be and such huge part of herself is missing, Aranea is actually bound to commit crimes and actions that she might have not even entertained.
Which would make her feel even more broken later on, when she meets Gale, because any emotion she feels, is dim to say the least. Joy, Sorrow, Anxiety, Compassion...everything feels as if there is a 15 cm thick glass. She cannot even cry, because her emotions are too strangled by the ice.
Rage and Lust and pure Wrath she feels aplenty, because Mephisto himself partially fuels all those emotions through their pact...but everything else is buried and hidden away in her frozen heart, which she will never regain, not even after meeting Gale.
And I like to think that because she is soulbound to Mephisto and her heart is literally physically with him, at the end of her life (which will happen tragically, because she cannot escape the comeuppance for all she has done), Mephisto himself will come and recover her and bring her back to Cania, so that she can be with him for all eternity (and dear gods, I have already envisioned the artwork for this, with Mephisto looking *incredibly* pissed with the people that killed Aranea).
I do love making tragic characters and giving them tragic stories.
Also, we support women's rights and women's wrongs here, so let me just bask in this lololol.
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Gods, there was a scene in my VTM!AU for Jacob and Dottie that I wanted to write, but I forgot all the dialogues I thought about .
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I remember the scene and the vibes, but DAMN IT ALL, THE DIALOGUE WERE EVERYTHING FOR IT TO WORK.
And it was so bittersweet, because you know, love triangle was in FULL effect in that scene.
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cellphishthekaiju · 6 months
Fan-girl Ramblings: My [1st] Custom Tav, Hestra Lumeth
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Being so absorbed in BG3 as of late, figured why not write nonsense about my Tav (inspired a bit by a Twitter post about voicing their background) and since I write some 'serious' fan-fic about this woman... why not do a lengthy post explaining her?
*Usual warning of spoilers and a lot of this is made up from my deranged mind.
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Hestra's 'natural' name is actually Keryx, born to Archdevil Zelinor, a succubus, and Veestan Lumeth, a high elven nobleman from the 'secret' city of Ny'nahil [in a valley somewhere within the Greypeak Mountains].
The 'story' goes is that Veestan wanted to recapture his glory days as a troubadour and decided he would seduce and bargain with a devil; specifically a native to the Fourth Layer of the Nine Hells, Phlegethos. Whatever bargain was made resulted in Keryx's birth; an Infernal contract cosigned to flesh.
*Though born to a devil, Keryx was born as a Tiefling and not a Cambion (since her mother is the devil, not her father). She does not inherit any Succubus-related abilities though does 'attain' the traits of the Fierna Bloodline, giving her a natural suave charm and inverting a tiefling's natural 'aura' to unsettle others, instead appearing alluring to most who encounter her and remain within her proximity for an extended amount of time. After her 'reforging' in the Pit of Flame, she developed a couple of succubus traits, mainly the ability for her musk and bodily fluids to behave as aphrodisiacs.
As per the bargain, Keryx was taken to Faerun to be left in the care of Veestan until her thirteenth year, but he wanted nothing to do with his bastard devil and so abandoned her in favor of reliving his fame.
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For his vanity and blatant disregard for his own child, Yorilnth banished Veestan fron Ny'nahil and stripped him of all his wealth and titles, bequeathing them to Keryx as his sole (and rightful) heir once of age to utilize her inheritance. In the interim, Yorilnth, reluctantly, became mother to an unwanted tiefling child.
Yorilnth is no ordinary high elf, but an Ancient Silver Dragon that has called Ny'nahil her lair for several centuries now. Though there is no monarchy, the residents of Ny'nahil and her clan refer to her as 'queen'. Keryx was raised, mostly, by Yorilnth and Alioth, the clan's egg keeper, and experienced a relatively lovely and 'normal' upbringing. Keryx grew especially close to Razsermerjur, Yorilnth's youngest child, and the two treated each other as siblings.
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Upon the hour Keryx turned thirteen, a Bone Devil suddenly arrived in Ny'nahil and dragged her down to Phlegethos, nearly killing Razsamerjur as the dragon, valiantly, tried to protect their sister from her fate.
For the next twenty-ish years, Keryx was raised in the ways of her Infernal heritage. Every day was a test of survival as Baator was not a kind place to mortals, in any capacity.
Zelinor hated Keryx, being the living embodiment of a great embarrassment yet could not cause harm to her due to the contract she, literally, gave birth to. Yet, Keryx developed a very sharp wit and talent for duplicity and seduction despite the disadvantages of her breeding... skills Zelinor took advantage of to the point Keryx found herself serving as a Justiciar of the Diabolical Courts, when not being utilized as a whore.
To ensure the contract wasn't 'accidentally' broken, Zelinor assigned one of her Cornugons to guard Keryx, with the ulterior intention to test Keryx's ability to charm and seduce. This is how Keryx and Esilith became intimately involved with each other. Keryx seduced her guardian and the two became, madly, enamored with each other.
Through the course of their relationship, Keryx picked up the moniker and stage name 'The Infernal Siren'. With Esilith at her side, the pair wracked up quite the body count. Keryx was so 'in love' with the cornugon, she put herself through horrendous physical trials and torment, such as having her body modified to be the 'perfect' lover and even endured several days within the Pit of Flame (which ruined most of her body and burned away parts of her soul). However, their relationship quickly turned violent when, in a fit of jealous rage, Esilith stabbed Keryx through the heart after learning she was to be 'married' to a another devil.
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With her heart rent in half, but alive, Keryx had the brilliant idea to have a variant of an Infernal Engine grafted to her heart; an iron music box that would serve as a spell foci for her infernal bardic work, which solely had relied on her singing voice. Over the course of a year, Keryx wrote a song & performance that came to be known as the 'Song of Ruin' but required the use of her 'music-box heart' to complete the ritual; driving entire armies and cities to ecstatic destruction by instigating orgies and various acts of debauchery until all that were subjected to the song perished, either from sheer exhaustion or violent madness.
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The Song of Ruin attracted the interest and attention of the Lords of the Fourth; Archduke Belial and Archduchess Fierna. Keryx served them as, primarily, a saboteur on various fronts of the Blood War as well as other layers of Baator.
At some point, Keryx grew homesick for Faerun and tried to escape, unsuccessfully, several times before entering a contract with Archduchess Fierna to return to the Prime Material Plane... as long as she fulfilled her obligations to create cults and worshippers for Fierna so the Lady of the Fourth could increase her power.
Upon returning to Faerun, Keryx immediately returned to Ny'nahil. Yorilnth, Alioth, Razsamerjur... despite her long absence, Keryx was welcomed home and her family sought to heal what they could of the scars, both physical and mental, that the Nine Hells had left upon her. Keryx struggled to adjust to being a Faerunian, however... and Fierna made her pay for her insubordination.
Archduchess Fierna tormented Keryx with nightmares until the tiefling broke and she attempted to corrupt Ny'nahil. The ritual never finished, as she fled when she realized what she had wrought upon her home.
Adopting the name Hestra while on the road (and rarely ever revealing her surname), Hestra wandered the Sword Coast for a number of years (often carrying out her contractual obligations to Fierna) before starting to settle in Baldur's Gate. She becomes a 'silent partner' with Rizare (a Deeva prostitute turned business owner), wrote and sold plays to theatres around the city and occasionally turnrf sects of the Baldurian aristocracy or common folk to the worship of Fierna.
She further hides her identity by wearing a Ring of Disguise Self that makes her appear more 'normal'; Infernal eyes hidden behind green, tattoos and scarring all smooth flesh
Despite having a string of paramours from all walks of life (though she never physically engaged with anyone, resorting to charm spells to gaslight her 'lovers' into believing otherwise), Hestra staunchly refused to intimately commit to another.
Then the Absolute Crisis happened... Which is where my fan-fic writing tends to focus with this character (with a sprinkling of post-game or AU nonsense).
Hestra was leaving Baldur's Gate, via the Black Dragon Gate, intending to take one of her plays on tour when Absolute Cultists nabbed her and imprisoned her on the Emperor's Nautiloid.
The adventure wasn't all bad, despite being infected by illithid.
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Made new friends, saved Faerun and fell (very hard) in love with Lae'zel of Creche K'liir.
And the rest, as they say, is history. I drabbled very long about my Tav, hope you enjoyed. Maybe I'll do more... cause I have a few more Tavs and other OCs.
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y-rhywbeth2 · 5 months
I (a sadist) hope Iyachtu Xvim had kids and that Bane watched his descendants in case any of them are useful to him as pawns, and also that somehow Bhaal and Bane's bloodlines accidentally cross at some point and now some poor bastard who is desired and accidentally engineered as a Chosen/otherwise favoured by both of them has to deal with both these idiots.
(I will allow one of my Durge's headcanoned kids to survive, provided it's one they accidentally had with somebody born of Bane's bloodline. "Kill it." - "I thought you told me at least one of my/your spawn had to survive past infancy?" - "NOT THAT ONE.")
(Also that kid ends up one of Myrkul's Anointed. "Bane and Bhaal are giving me a headache." - "Mood.")
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I saw some recent personalized versions of Springtrap and people's OCs so I started this drawing.
I haven't drawn my own Springtrap. So he looks like regular FNAF 3 Springtrap. But it's supposed to be my fox fursona Ripley. The two of them are lovingly looking into each other's eyes.
It's my first time drawing something including my own character and self-shipping. (I think that's what it's called.) Also it was less scary drawing Ripley instead of a human with Springtrap--yay!
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danslatour · 2 months
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i've had an idea rattling around in my head of a minish oc for tp for a while now, so meet kori! mc and tp are like some of my faaaavorite zeldas, and i just love mc so so so much and the picori and everything.
and i love their lore! that they're the ones responsible for hiding goodies in the grass and in clay pots for big people to find and such. obviously they're still around since rupees are still hanging out in the grass, and they do it to make big folk happy, but everyone is so depressed in tp askjdfg rightly so! it's the vibe of the game, it sets the atmosphere, and shit sucks right now. but i thought it'd be a good motivation for a younger minish to decide to disguise herself (if rather poorly) as a hylian! and try and spread cheer and joy to the people as one of them ;v;
i took some inspiration from gelflings for how a picori might look as a hylian! and then i added gradients on her skin bc like... who doesn't love a good fantasy gradient alksjdfgk
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galaxymoths · 1 month
gavroche thoughts under the cut (my oc not the guy from the musical)
it's important to me that he had a good childhood, unremarkable actually. also that he grew up like absurdly wealthy and either squandered it or actually just walked away from it all. he likes what money does, but has no attachment to money in and of itself.
as far as he's concerned, money simply serves as an avenue through which to exert control over other people. and that's his main goal, his whole thing, really . . . he likes to feel big by making other people feel small. killing, hurting, blackmailing, otherwise terrorizing . . . all sort of the same thing.
had a whole paragraph talking about the cannibalism angle but it wasn't very concise so i'm trying again. gavroche is mostly human. whatever nonhuman ancestry he has (in his setting, humans have lived alongside basically every legendary/folklorish creature u can imagine) may have contributed to his prodigious height and some small cosmetic things, but couldn't really be said to have had an impact on the content of his character. he considers himself to be human, and for all intents and purposes, he is human. i think it feels important to emphasize that, because in a fantasy setting, some of the bite (ha ha) of a cannibalistic act can be lost if the incident is attributable to some sort of instinct or natural urge. but in this case, i want the horror to remain largely grounded in reality by insisting that, yes, in this fantasy setting, the human guy in the nice clothes with the polite little smile is far and away one of the most sinister characters. ok hopefully that makes more sense
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locktobre · 2 months
all day i have been thinking about how much i want to lift out the summers family stuff from my barbieverse bc we all know that's where my heart & soul is/was but it's all sooo inextricably tied to barbie stuff specifically it's hard to thi k of how i would do it. but i looooove the idea of mermaid and fairy half sisters so that might be the part i run with bc tbh i never got to do very much with it bc elina is a weenie who doesn't spend much time on earth and merliah isn't touching fairytopia with a 10 ft pole. but i love them both and obviously i love rip so yeah. this might be where it starts we might get somewhere now ppl
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wandixx · 3 months
I can't stop thinking about this one time I called my angsty fic "smut" because in my mother tongue sadness is "smutek" and it didn't even occur to me, that it can mean anything else. Just, you know, localized term for angst or somehitn
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so Plague Tale: Requiem recently came out, and there is an antagonist-turned-ally named Arnaud who i'm just losing my mind over hes such a dilf??? Anyway hope you're well - dilf anon
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i like that in all the screenshots on the image search he has This facial expression. Adore it! Adore him. I'm going to power wash this man.
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aperture-of-bullshit · 9 months
One thing about me. (And this is true) is that I found out hestia existed at age 10 and I never looked back
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Little backstory for my s/i(Kath aka Black cat sona thing) is like, she was very much claimed to be a "gifted child" (it's just the tism) by her stepmom, her stepmom was the reason she moved to Britain cuz of her dad's infatuation. Living on her own now she mostly does art shows to get money, no love or care are put in her pieces anymore. Only like depression IWGEIW,
only coming home to her cat beatle, radiation testing was going on whilst beatle was out and about, she got home and got bitten, thought she had rabies. Still had to go to an auction the next day, she half jacked her presentation the auctioneer himself kept getting on her ass like
"This art doesn't have any feel to it!"
Kath snapped and clawed his eye out, guards showed up and tried to take her down but she escaped quickly, tldr she kinda had a catwomen moment where people thought she died by the guards, she made her own suit to steal from the man who runs the auction to only give it away for free since art should be seen by everybody and not gatekeep it. She is very split amongst the people, giving to the lower classes, but the high classes hate her guts,
Aughhh she's very emotional, she runs on her heart on her sleeve but she can come off as cocky or sassy in away her old self could never have been, but that means she is stupidly hot headed and snippy. Her theving can be seen as sloppy at best, only wanting to take the big man down.
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thedeafprophet · 1 year
I'm just. Gah. Alex and Jamie's relationship is so complicated. I don't know to communicate my oc stuff from. My brain.
It's like. Alex and Jamie met at the school when Alex punched out one of the girls bullying Jamie, and was subsequently punished for it. Jamie always had a bit of hero worship for him when they were younger. Jamie, alongside Josie, was one of Alex's first ever friends.
Fundamentally, they have conflicting views. Alex has always been cynical and practical, crime was often just a means to an end for himself and later for the other two. He sees the reality of the world and tries to make a change. Jamie always wanted more, wanted to fit in among the upper class. Was always pretending to be someone they are not, acting until the act became them.
Adulthood came with many changes and difficulties. Jamie's activities with alcohol and partying fell heavily into situations of addiction, and of course there is sympathy and pain there but. Alex has his trauma around his father and drinking that was never fully processed, and that bled into his views of Jamie as they grew.
It was only a matter of time before they clashed. Sometimes only so much can be done to hold together a friendship. Sometimes love isn't enough.
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