#my almost fic i guess
onboardsorasora · 1 year
Writing Prompt
You press your gun against the back of a man walking down an alley “Give me one reason why I shouldn’t kill you and rob your corpse.” He replies “I have no reason that would satisfy you but if you take my life, you must take on my unfinished business. The bucket list is in my pocket.”
this spiraled lol 1700 words
So like Daniel’s been having a tough few years; a downward spiral of his life that lead him to this point. He didn’t want to kill this guy but he’s the only witness to him killing some other guy. A killing that will have disastrous consequences for him if he’s caught. 
So, he kills him and takes the bucket list from his pocket along with any cash he had and a ring with a horseshoe on it. The bucket list only had one item on it ‘tell Max I love him’. 
What the fuck?
Daniel searches the guy’s pockets again because well, that’s vague as fuck? Who is Max? Why is a declaration of love a bucket list item? This all felt very problematic all of a sudden.
He found a small handgun in the guy’s other pocket and that just raised way more questions than answers and well, Daniel’s gotten himself into more fucked up situations before, hasn’t he?
So he disposes of both bodies, continuing his night the way he had intended originally– just with an addition. 
Hes sitting in his flat in the early morning hours looking at the ‘list’.
Tell Max I love him
Who the fuck was Max?
Does it have to be a specific Max? Can he just find the first Max he came across and do the deed? 
Because let’s be real; Daniel knew that the moment he killed the guy he accepted the quest. It was either have a witness or accept a fucking deathbed quest and well….he couldn’t have a witness.
“Some direction would be really helpful.” He muttered into the quiet of his space before throwing the piece of paper on his coffee table and going to sleep. He’ll deal with that later. After he’s checked in and gotten everything else sorted.
It was two days later when he was smoking on his balcony that he felt a tug in his chest. He stumbles out of his flat and down the stairs, the tugging was insistent and he knew this was the fucking quest that he couldn’t stop thinking about. He didn’t even get to put on shoes or whatever. He’s standing at the curb looking around when he hears a chorus of laughs; there were some guys walking down the street jostling each other and clearly having a grand time.
“Max you dickhead.” One said, and the blonde of the group laughed harder.
So that was Max, well best to get this shit over with. 
Daniel stumbled towards the group, trying to ignore how warm and not clean the sidewalk was. Also trying to ignore how he knew he probably looked fairly homeless in his ratty shorts and a stained oversized tee. But again– the quest curse thing didn’t really give him an opportunity.
They’re looking at him weirdly–because of course they are. But Daniel walks confidently up to ‘Max’. He’s cute; bright blue eyes, wide lips, square face. 
“Max?” Daniel asks – just to be sure. The blonde nods, his friends look extra weirded out. Because, of course they do.
“Ok good. Max I—” Daniel stops. Coughs. His eyes narrow and he clears his throat. That was weird.
He tries again. “Max I—” He makes a strangled noise and closes his mouth.
“Are you ok?” Max asked.
Daniel clears his throat again, “yeah, I just…sorry.” He mutters. 
“Max we should go.” One of his friends insist and drags Max away from a stuttering Daniel.
What the fuck was that?
Daniel stumbles back to his home and grabs up the annoying piece of paper and looks at it from all angles like he’s been doing for the past two days. The only words on it remained Tell Max I love him
Well he just fucking tried
He threw himself onto his couch and well what the fuck does he do now?
So he goes about his life, because what else is he supposed to do? And his chest aches sometimes. He eventually realizes that that means Max is nearby. He doesn’t do anything with that information at first; determined to just…ignore the quest. Since it refused his fucking straightforward way of doing things. 
He still works for his boss, Christian, but he’s been trying to like…not. He doesn’t want to kill people for hire anymore– he didn’t in the first place. And then since he killed that quest guy he’d been feeling like maybe he strayed too far, y’know?
So he started taking some classes at the university nearby. It's not much and it's subsidised anyway so he can do it part time or whatever. He dropped out when he was 20. He’s like 28 now so– it's fine.
His chest has been hurting him consistently now, its like a dull ache. Daniel sees him a bunch; Max. with his friends across campus when Daniel’s hustling to his evening class or leaving because he has to meet with Christian.
It's fine.
They end up having a class together, if Max recognises him, he doesn’t let on. Things continue on like that. Daniel’s doing less and less work for Christian, and going to more and more classes. He calls his mom more now because, well– he's been feeling like less of a failure recently.
He also can’t stop thinking about Max. 
Tell Max I love him
Like was he even gonna complete this quest? He’s already tried the once. And he spent a lot of time saying “Max I love you.” in his flat to know he can fucking say the words. He doesn’t even know why the quest stopped him in the fucking first place.
Life fucking goes on.
They get a group project to end the semester and of course he gets paired with Max.
Tell Max I love him
“Uh, hi.” Max is awkward around him, so that means he remembers him. Daniel isn’t sure if that's a good or bad thing yet.
“Hey. Uhm…sorry about– yeah.” Daniel apologises because well, it was weird.
They end up spending a bunch of time together, Daniel is doing even less jobs for Christian because he can’t really get away to kill people when he has to also not fuck up his or Max’s grade. 
And well, he likes spending time with Max. He’s fun. He’s sweet. And they have a blast together, laughing at everything. Daniel sometimes spends time with Max’s friends, the ones who he had to promise he wasn’t homeless or weird.
Its fun when he doesn’t have to cut himself off from people. When he can just….be himself.
So the semester is over and they’re still hanging out. Max comes over sometimes to watch movies and to like get out of the dorms. They hang around and learn more about each other and and. Max is amazing. He’s fucking beautiful and kind and fuck.
Tell Max I love him
So Daniel’s now crushing. Wonders if he should try to complete the quest again. His chest has been hurting him a while now, so much so that he rubs it unconsciously and people ask about it and he says it's fine. Because it's fine.
He doesn’t bother with the quest anymore because he doesn’t know what will happen when he does. Will he still be able to spend time with Max? Will he have to like leave? 
The internet is shit at giving him information on what happens after you complete a quest. It’s like no one is allowed to speak about it. And thats fucking frustrating. 
So that's that. He just….won’t.
They’re hanging out on Daniel’s balcony when
“Hey so. I have this family thing this weekend, could you maybe come with me?” Max is hesitant to ask and Daniel’s never heard him like this really. So he agrees before he even knows anymore information.
The weekend comes and Daniel pries more from Max while theyre on the way; “well, my father. We’re estranged, but he’s been missing for a while and my family wanted to hold like a— how do you say it? A memorial? A vigil? And I don’t want to go alone. The guys don’t really…like get it.”
And Daniel’s blood runs cold.
Tell Max I love him
Well, Fuck.
So they go to the vigil and Daniel sees all these pictures of Max’s dad and its the same witness guy he killed. The fucking bucket list quest guy. Fuck.
He killed Max’s father. 
Tell Max I love him
He turns to Max quickly. He’d been silent the entire evening as people hugged him. Daniel was introduced to Max’s mom, sister, aunt, nephews. He felt sick.
Tell Max I love him
So he pulls Max aside. Like, ready to confess. And Max just— breaks down. Daniel hugs him close and lets him cry on his shoulder. And Max is sobbing and saying how much he misses his dad even though things hadn’t always been good and he’s so happy for Daniel to be here to support him.
And Daniel thinks, well maybe the quest was to literally tell Max that his dad loves him. So he goes to try, then stops because…what’s gonna happen when the quest is over?
He still doesn’t fucking know. 
So he says nothing, just holds Max close and whispers reassurances and supports him.
More time passes and well, Daniel can’t deny the pull he feels to Max. He’s been crushing on him for so long now its just a part of his being now. He loves Max. He knows it. Its fucked up, but the quest brought them together.
He’d completely cut ties with Christian. He’s been going to classes full time now. His parents send him money so he can keep his place. Which is good because Max kinda sorta maybe moved in?
Not officially, but he’s there all the time now and the guys come over to see them and not just Daniel.
They’re laying on the couch together, some show is on. And Max is talking about maybe wanting to get cats in the future. And Daniel is so in love, he’d do whatever Max wants. If he wants cats, fuck it…he can learn to like them. 
Max crawls on top of him, smiling that crinkly smile that Daniel loves so so so much. And…well it just slips out really.
“Max, I love you.”
Max’s face goes slack with shock and Daniel tenses beneath him. But before Max has an opportunity to literally do or say anything. Daniel’s vision whites out.
Daniel wakes up in his bed, his alarm is going off.
“Fuck.” He scrambles out and puts on some clothes, he had a meeting with Christian this morning and he was fucking late. He pulls on some clothes and just goes.
Life goes on. 
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piningpercussionist · 5 months
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Weed smoking girlfriends! But they can just be hanging out if you prefer ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Happy 4/20!
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youchangedmedestiel · 16 days
Leaving with memories from the future
Salty Dean 
Happy 15th anniversary 
Beautiful soul
Cosy Sunday morning
Healing guilt
Thanked as deserved
There is nothing stupid about you and me 
Need for comfort 
Inspiring Fanfiction
A gift to listen and keep
Never going to apologize for saving you
How to like Halloween and scary movies
Offering pie is the solution
Kissing you is like fireworks
Light touches
You did everything you could
My old man
Warm and soft skin
Love you babygirl
Just a small green ball
Too close to step back
A little knife to save you
Angelic bubble
You are perfect the way you are
Quit being cute! 
I can't resist you
Looking when you aren't
Dying sunset
How to make an angel of the Lord dance
Slutty boy
Summer paradise
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retrogradedreaming · 3 months
my least favorite thing is when people compliment someone's work by using passive aggressive comments about what they hate about other people's work. like please, just focus on what is actually in front of you
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mikavlcs · 1 year
False Meridian
Pairing: Ghostface!Tara Carpenter x reader
Summary: Another Ghostface appears out of the blue and Tara will do whatever it takes to eliminate them before they get the chance to hurt you.
Warnings: graphic violence & gore (!!!), bad decisions, bad writing, the usual shit honestly, this fic also follows scream logic (stab wounds are akin to paper cuts)
Word count: 8.2k
Notes: this was requested by a few people. read the warnings pls. i hate this.
Masterlist | Part 1 | Part 2
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It had been two months since your father’s death and things were very slowly but surely improving.
You integrated into life with the Carpenter sisters well. So well that Tara honestly thought you were always meant to have a place here. Even during those first few days when you were drowning in guilt and grief, you walked the halls of her house like you belonged there, and Tara loved it.
Unsurprisingly, through the impending days and weeks, your mother never came to check on you even once and, in turn, you never asked to see her. Tara couldn’t help but think it was for the better.
Now, she and Sam were your family, and everyone involved seemed more than happy with the arrangement.
Tara could do without having Sam there, personally, but she still had her uses and you loved her for some reason. Well, not for some reason, you’d mentioned how you always wanted an older sibling a few times, but why you adored having Sam in that position was still a mystery to her.
Sam had abandoned her when she needed her most, and her being back now, five years later didn’t change that, no matter how apologetic she tried to seem.
But Tara buried those thoughts whenever they came forth. Sam, for all of her many faults, was helping you and she wouldn’t begrudge you a connection with her sister because of her own hang-ups.
Plus, there were more pressing issues at hand to worry about anyway.
Returning to school after the bruises had healed enough to be believably covered by makeup and strategic wardrobe choices was tense for both of you.
Tara knew her friends could be nosy, and the last thing either of you wanted to talk about was what happened that night.
And the questions started immediately when you sat down at the group’s picnic table before first period. The boys were practically talking over one another, but they calmed when they noticed the way you shrunk into yourself.
Mindy specifically, being the only socially conscious one, was determined to give you space about the issue, whacking Chad and Wes when they crudely tried to question you and reminding you that they would be happy to listen whenever you were ready to talk.
For that, Tara was thankful, and she made sure Mindy knew that.
Over the days, weeks, and months, you established a new normal bit by bit. Your usual liveliness began seeping back in as the blood on your hands faded with time. Dinners and family nights were riddled with your laughter, and you started going to more and more group hangouts.
You seemed freer now, without the shackles your parents placed on you, and the sight made Tara overjoyed.
So things settled once more and a peace of sorts came to rest over her.
Sure, there were the daily annoyances like boys at school who stared at you in the halls, Wes’ insistent crush, and Sam’s overprotectiveness, but none of that mattered because you were there to soothe her every time.
And now that you lived with her, she had unlimited access to you—her favorite drug, her unending addiction. It was utter bliss.
But of course, peace, however relative it may be, never lasted for Tara.
It happened on a normal night, which only made it that much worse in Tara's mind.
You all had finished eating dinner together twenty minutes ago. Sam, as usual, left for her night shift just as you and Tara began washing dishes, walking out the door chuckling at Tara’s grumblings about getting out of chores while you waved.
Per the routine that you both had been cultivating, you washed, and she dried. You’d gotten to the point where you were both automatic, not needing to look to know where the other was and what they were doing.
When you blindly handed her a dish, she was already waiting for it with an open palm. You worked in tandem efficiently, like a well-oiled machine.
The only thing that actively broke the set-in-stone routine was the ringing of the landline on the kitchen counter.
It was an odd occurrence. The number connected to it was long forgotten by Tara, so it sat silently on the counter most days, completely invisible save for the few times it got knocked over while cooking.
So the sudden sharp ringing startled you both. Tara flinched, her movement nearly imperceptible, but you literally jumped. The only thing that kept you from dropping the dish you were scrubbing was the steadying hand Tara placed on your forearm.
You shot her a bewildered glance, which she returned, but ultimately you ignored it and went on with your shared task.
But then it rang again, and again, and again.
Both of you tried to continue ignoring the sound, but it persisted for minutes on end, unrelenting.
You dried your hands off roughly with the towel by the sink. “I’m just gonna answer it.”
Tara nodded mutely, her eyes following you as you answered the phone.
She continued to dry off the last few dishes, sending you small glances as she set them on the counter. You were leaning against the island, exchanging tense small talk with what Tara assumed to be a particularly insistent telemarketer and she could tell by your tone of voice that the conversation would be over very soon.
Just as she was about to put the dishes away, you gasped, and the phone clattered loudly onto the island counter. Tara was by your side instantly.
“What happened?” she asked urgently.
You didn’t answer, too busy pressing yourself against the sink to try and put as much distance between yourself and the landline as possible.
She carefully took one of your hands and cradled it between hers, hoping to calm you enough to talk and it worked.
“He—he asked what my favorite scary movie was.”
Oh, she thought, her previous tension abating a bit.
Stupid calls like this had been happening ever since her initial killing spree. Immature teens and twenty-somethings loved pretending to be her so they could scare a stranger and get a cheap laugh. Tara adored the Stab movies, but the hardcore fans could be such disruptive assholes.
She sighed, stroking her thumb softly over your knuckles. “It’s okay, baby. It’s just a prank call. People have been getting them for months now.”
You shook your head vehemently. Only now did Tara feel the slight shaking of your hand in hers.
“No, Tara,” you whispered, fear staining every syllable. “He knew my name.”
Tara froze. Immediately, she picked up the phone and pressed it to her ear.
“Who the hell is this?”
A sardonic laugh chimed from the speaker, and even from that single noise, Tara recognized the use of the voice changer.
“I’m just somebody who knows your little family secret, Tara.”
Her heart stuttered but she didn’t miss a beat. Thinking quickly, she decided to try and bait him.
“And just who are you? A loser who needs to hide behind someone else’s identity to mess with some girls? Don’t be a coward, show yourself.”
A clumsy attempt, but the only thing she came up with on the spot. Unfortunately, he didn’t bite.
“Oh, now where would the fun in that be? One of the best parts of the Stab movies is the mystery. Revealing the killer’s identity in the opening scene would be disappointing. As a fellow fan, wouldn’t you agree, Tara?”
The way he said her name, like a taunt rather than a title, made her skin prickle. Her irritation was rising steadily, but she couldn’t lose control. Not in front of you.
Narrowing her eyes, she walked to the other side of the kitchen and dropped her voice to the most menacing whisper she could muster.
“Is that what you think this is? The opening kill scene? Because I think you have it painfully backwards.”
“And what makes you think that? I could kick down your front door and dismember you both right now. Who knows, maybe I’m already inside.”
An empty threat, she knew, but still opened her security system app, silently thanking her intuition when she all but forced Sam to install one after you moved in. As expected, it was green. No doors or windows had been opened.
With that reassurance in mind, she set her phone down and turned her back to you.
“Believe me when I tell you that if you step foot inside of this house, I won’t just kill you, I will brutalize you. I will maim you so badly that your family won’t even be able to identify your body.”
The threat did little to deter the stranger. If anything, it seemed to excite him.
“Oh? And how can you be so sure?”
Tara chuckled. “Call it personal experience.”
“Well, luckily for both of us, we’re diverging from the formula. This isn’t a kill scene; this is a warning. A message, if you would.”
Confusion swelled in her. She asked, “A message for who?”
A laugh from the other end. Then, “You, Tara. And your dear sister. And your… ‘friend,’ of course.”
Her teeth grit harshly at the mention of you, but she needed to uncover a motive of some kind if she wanted to identify this person, so she tried another tactic.
“You’re a Stab fan, but you’re changing the iconic opening sequence?” she asked. “Why? Isn’t changing the franchise formula sacrilegious? I mean, they tried that with Stab 7, and look where that got them.”
“Ah, but this is my movie, Tara. And altering the structure serves a purpose. It destabilizes audience expectations and builds tension for the impending bloodbath in the future.”
“And when exactly will this bloodbath be?”
“I’ll be back for the seminal third act soon when both family members are present to witness it. In the meantime, I’ll keep your secret safe.”
Tara went to respond but the line went dead.
You watched her intently as she turned back around, glancing between her and the phone. Cautiously, you asked, “Did he hang up?”
She nodded, placing the phone back on the receiver roughly. She hadn’t managed to ascertain a solid motive, but there were pieces. Bits of a breadcrumb trail for her to try and follow.
He mentioned that this was his movie, could that be his motive? Was this just the work of a fanatical fan that wanted a movie made from their actions?
But at the same time, this sounded far too personal to just be some random fanboy. Why target her specifically? And what exactly was he talking about when he said he knew her secre—
A sharp knock on the window resounded through the kitchen.
Both you and Tara jumped. There was a moment of stillness, both you and Tara seemingly frozen in time, but she forced her legs to move. Slowly, she crept toward the window, ignoring your frantic whispers, and pulled the curtain aside.
Standing right on the other side was someone in a Ghostface mask and a black robe. 
When he knew he had her attention, he tilted his head to the side and raised his hand, proudly showing off the knife within it.
Tara’s eyes widened. Her fingers curled instinctively, muscles tensing in preparation for a fight. But he simply waved, waggling his fingers around the hilt, then turned and walked away.
She wanted to chase him down, tear off that mask, and use that knife of his to tear out his insides. But she couldn’t leave you here alone, vulnerable to an attack from a possible accomplice. After all, there were usually two killers in the Stab movies.
So she stood with her feet planted before the window and watched as he disappeared into the night.
Behind her, she heard you speaking urgently with someone and her answer as to who it was came not even ten minutes later when her sister’s car screeched into the driveway.
There were only seconds between Sam haphazardly parking and her crashing through the door. Before she knew it, Tara was being pulled into a group hug, but her eyes remained on the window.
Distantly, she heard you recounting the events of the past half hour or so, and Sam’s repeated attempts to calm you finally pulled her from her stupor. She reached, put a consoling hand on your back and cherished the way your muscles relaxed under her touch.
A combination of Sam’s ushering and Tara’s reassurances got you to finally go upstairs and as soon as you were out of view, it became apparent that Sam was going to attempt to get Tara to follow suit.
“Hey, I know you’re probably shaken about what happened, but you need to rest,” Sam urged her kindly, but the words went largely unheard.
The only part Tara registered was the error in her statement. Because shaken wasn’t quite how she felt.
Her smoldering anger was present, burning her veins with its intensity, but more than anything she felt…dishonored. Aggrieved, even, that someone would dare don the mask and robe that she adorned months before and attempt to terrorize her in her own home. Not to mention the extended threat to you as well.
So, no, Tara was not shaken in the slightest. If anything, she was rooted more firmly in her ways than she had been in a while.
Sam approached and rubbed her shoulder gently. This time Tara looked over at her, which made the taller girl smile.
“Go get some sleep, Tar. I’ll stay up and keep watch.”
The use of the old nickname made Tara’s hand twitch. She wanted to protest, she didn’t trust her sister to bear that responsibility alone, but you were upstairs waiting for her. You needed her so she forced a nod and trudged up the steps.
As expected, you were in bed waiting for her. She climbed into bed next to you and pulled you into her, cradling your head to her chest. Neither of you spoke a word, just laid with each other in the silent reassurance that the other person was alright.
And even when your breaths eventually evened out, her gaze remained fixed on the ceiling above.
Tara didn’t sleep.
Her eyelids never even drooped. There was too much adrenaline, too much to think about, too many opportunities for someone to sneak in and hurt you for her to even think about sleep.
So instead, she cycled through all of the possibilities of who the imposter Ghostface could be and who their target was.
Her first instinct was to say they were after her, but that couldn’t be true. No one knew that she was behind the murders earlier that year. No one.
There were no witnesses, no clues left at the crime scenes, and no reason for anyone to suspect her.
Next would be you. But she couldn’t think of a single person who would want to hurt you. You had no enemies, at least none that she was aware of. It could theoretically be someone who knew about your father, but no one in their right mind would be seeking retribution for that waste of oxygen, so she wrote that off as well.
Lastly, there was Sam.
Sam was the biggest unknown factor for Tara. She knew next to nothing about her sister’s whereabouts in the past 5 years, besides the vague knowledge about her residing in Modesto for most of that time.
But faux Ghostface’s words kept replaying in her head.
“I’m just somebody who knows your little family secret, Tara.”
In the meantime, I’ll keep your secret safe.”
Tara thought that those comments were directed toward her, that someone had figured out what she had done. But what if they were about someone else? After all, she wasn’t the only one in the family with a dark secret.
Well, there was only one way to find out.
She was hesitant to leave you alone, even when she knew you were safe, but this was a conversation she had to have with Sam alone. So she carefully untangled herself from you and laid you against the pillow before heading downstairs.
Her sister was lying on the couch with her eyes glued to the tv, looking every bit as tired as Tara felt. She sat up as Tara entered. “You’re up early.”
“Couldn’t sleep,” Tara muttered, sitting down where Sam’s legs had previously resided. She gave her sister a serious look. “I need to talk to you.”
Sam’s brows furrowed at her tone, but she nodded. “Okay.”
“I need you to be honest with me, Sam. Please.”
Another nod. “I will.”
Tara took a deep breath. “Is there anyone from your past that you think would want to hurt you?”
“You think Ghostface was here for me?” Sam asked.
“I’m thinking it could be a possibility, yes.”
“Okay, um,” Sam bit her lip, thinking. “I don’t think so. I haven’t been involved in anything…bad for years now. What makes you think he might’ve been targeting me specifically?”
“He mentioned a family secret. Twice,” Tara explained, watching her sister’s reaction closely. “I’m not trying to accuse you, I promise, but is there anyone that you told about your parentage besides me? Anyone?”
After thinking for another moment, Sam paled. She looked away for a minute then, straightening up, she said, “I have to tell you something…”
“What?” Tara asked, trying to decipher her sister’s behavior.
“There’s…this guy that I’ve been talking to online. His name is Richie,” Sam said, voice unsteady.
Tara’s stomach dropped.
“It was just casual at first, I swear. I wasn’t intending on getting too close, but I was struggling, and he offered to listen,” Sam whispered. Tears were welling in her eyes as the full realization hit her, but Tara didn’t care. She couldn’t, not with what she was hearing.
“Did you tell him?” she asked, heartbeat kicking up.
There was a beat of agonizing silence. Then, “Yes.”
Tara stood abruptly, fists clenched. Sam stood with her, hands hovering around Tara’s shoulders, but the smaller girl took a step back. Her mind raced. She was trying to simultaneously work out what was happening while actively refraining from strangling her sister.
A question rose to the forefront of her mind.
“How did he know where you lived?”
Sam looked away, shame radiating off of her. “…My birthday’s coming up. He said he wanted to send me something—"
Tara spun on her heels and stormed into the kitchen. Her sister was hot on her heels, the stuttered beginnings of an apology on her lips, but Tara couldn’t hear it over the blood roaring in her ears.
“I can’t believe you,” she growled. “You risked not just your own life, but the lives of everyone in this house, and for what? A man that was just trying to use you? Jesus Christ, Sam. That’s pathetic, even for you.”
That nearly made, a few tears overflowed and spilled down her cheeks, but she kept herself together long enough to get out one more coherent sentence.
“I’m sorry, Tara. I never meant for something like this to happen, I swear.”
Shaking her head violently, Tara looked away.
She didn’t want to accept it. She wanted to go even further, to stick her finger in the wound and dig even deeper. Twist the knife even further and watch Sam squirm under the pressure. But she held herself back.
There was an unpredictable man in a Ghostface costume specifically targeting them. She needed all hands on deck. This wasn’t just about her feelings, even if entirely justified. You were here now, and your safety took precedence over her personal vendettas.
So she forced her tense muscles to go slack, wiped the fury from her features, and turned to pull Sam into her arms.
She disregarded the way her sister’s pathetic cries made set her nerves alight and whispered out meaningless we’ll be okay’s until the emotion passed.
Through it all, Tara tried to ignore how badly her palms itched.
Time passed in an odd, infrequent manner.
It was no longer a steady, unending stream of hours, days, and weeks. It trickled by in short, uneven bursts as if it was leaking from a broken faucet. Some days were long, the eight hours spent in school feeling like an eternity, while others seemed to last for minutes.
But eventually, the days added up until three entire weeks went by in paranoid quiet.
No sign of a lurking killer. No calls on the landline. Not a single glimpse of a white mask.
It was tormenting. Every day that passed without incident made her tenser, feeding her paranoia steadily until it was impossible for Tara to get a single good night of sleep.
Sam appeared to be suffering the same fate as her, but Tara didn’t care. She had offered the illusion of forgiveness in the moment, but they were on far from good terms.
They still saw each other every day since they lived in the same house, but apart from greetings and small pleasantries, Tara was trying her best to avoid interacting with her sister. The lingering anger and bitterness were still simmering beneath the surface, and she didn’t want to risk unleashing that in your presence, so she took to avoidance.
Sam noticed and tried to bridge the gap, mostly at dinner with incentivizing questions and comments, but her attempts were brazenly ignored by Tara, leaving you to awkwardly pull on the conversation threads in her place.
Of course, because of that, you picked up on the tension between the sisters. It was hard to miss, honestly.
Tara thought you would confront her about it, but you must’ve learned that head-on confrontation accomplished little when she was set in her ways about something because, suddenly, there were far more “family movie nights” than there were previously.
She participated half-heartedly, mostly for your sake but also because there was strength in numbers, and being together was safer than staying apart.
Tonight was one such night. It was 10 pm on a Friday, and you were practically buzzing with excitement beside her. For movie night tonight, you weren’t even watching a movie but instead finishing some Netflix show that you and Sam had gotten hooked on.
So you were snuggled into Tara’s side on the couch, pulling the show up on the tv while Sam made the popcorn (Tara’s personal favorite part of these nights, besides you).
“Ah, shit,” came Sam’s voice from the kitchen, and you both looked over to see what was going on. Sam closed the cabinet, a frown pulling the edges of her lips downward. “We’re out of popcorn.”
Your excitement tempered some, a disappointed sigh leaving your lips. You went to say something, but Sam straightened up, her frown disappearing.
“I can run to the store real quick and get some.”
Whether she was trying to dote on you to build rapport with Tara again or she just genuinely wanted to do it for you was unclear, but Tara didn’t like the idea of her going alone.
“Sam, maybe that’s not a good idea,” she reasoned. At her side, you nodded in agreement.
“Yeah,” you said, “it could wait till tomorrow.”
“There’s a convenience store a block or two away. It’s barely a trip.”
When neither of you responded, Sam pursed her lips, looking around briefly before grabbing her phone from the kitchen island and opening it. She spent a moment fiddling with it then came to kneel in front of you.
“Here,” she gestured to your phone, “accept the call, and I’ll stay on the line until I’m back.”
You hit answer, still hesitant. Tara said nothing, unease building in her gut steadily. It had been three whole weeks without a peep from Richie. And sure, the possibility of him losing his nerve and giving up was technically feasible, but was that really a risk worth taking?
“Are you sure you don’t want me or Tara to come with you?” you asked, worry tinging your tone.
Before Tara could say no, Sam shook her head. “No, you two stay here. I like knowing that you guys are safe with the security system in place. This should take no more than fifteen minutes and I’ll stay on the phone with you both the entire time, okay?”
Tara narrowed her eyes, flicking them over to you to see your response. For a moment you just sat there, looking worriedly at her sister, but you nodded slowly.
“If you hang up, I’m finishing the show without you,” you threatened with a small smile.
Sam laughed, patted your arm, and stood. Both you and Tara watched as she pulled her shoes and bomber jacket on. Tara was tempted to call her back but by the time the urge hit, Sam was shutting the door.
Throughout her journey to and inside the store, Sam kept her promise and didn’t hang up, keeping a steady flow of conversation with you even as she was being rung up by the clerk.
Tara stayed quietly by your side the whole time, trying to ease the pit in her stomach, but it didn’t go away. The dread persisted still as Sam announced that she was pulling into the driveway.
The muffled sound of a car door closing outside had you rushing over to the door. Tara smiled at your excitement, stepping up behind you as you pulled it open.
Outside, Sam was standing in the driveway, victoriously waving the popcorn in the air. “I got the last box!”
She started walking up to the open door when suddenly, a streak of black flashed across the yard, and before Tara could properly register it, her sister was being tackled to the ground. The sharp crack that accompanied her head hitting the ground barely resonated before Tara was slamming the door shut and twisting all the locks back in place.
You ran toward the door, but Tara grabbed you. “What are you doing?” she hissed.
“Sam’s out there, Tara. We have to help her.” You started toward the door again, but Tara wasn’t budging.
This is all her fault, she wanted to say but didn’t. Instead, she said, “We can’t. It’s not safe, but we’ll go back for her, okay? I promise.”
“Don’t be so sure about that, Tara.”
Tara inhaled sharply at the sound of the voice, while you dropped your phone with a gasp. But then the implications hit her just a second later and made her stomach drop to her feet.
The call was still connected. Sam’s phone was still unlocked, meaning Richie had full access to the security system app.
Seconds after Tara’s revelation, her phone dinged, and the voice notification automatically played.
Security System Disabled
A horrified gasp from her right told her that you heard it too. She tried to reenable it, but it was immediately disabled again, the green turning back to red while the mechanical voice taunted her.
Security System Disabled
There was no time. He was going to make his way in here, there was no stopping it.
Her greatest concern was making sure that you were as far away from him as possible when that happened. She grabbed your shoulders, caught your eye.
“Listen, take one of the kitchen knives and go lock yourself in my room. Hide in the closet and call 911. Tell them to bring police and paramedics, okay?”
You immediately shook your head and protested, “What? No, I am not leaving you alone with a serial killer, Tara.”
“Yes, you will. You need to.”
“Please,” she begged, her voice strangled. She tightened her hold on your shoulders, thumbs digging into your soft skin. “Please, I can take care of myself. But I need to know that you’re safe. I can’t focus if you’re in danger. So please, just do as I say right now, ok?”
Reluctant, you nodded and pressed your lips to hers in a quick but firm kiss. After parting you held her gaze for another moment before running up the stairs toward the bedrooms.
Tara watched you go and once she knew you were safe, she ran into the kitchen and scoured through the cabinets until she found the large, cast-iron skillet she used for stir-fries. She tried to peer out the window, but with the curtains tightly drawn, there was no telling what was happening outside.
Tara paused, a strategy forming. She could use the lack of visibility to her advantage.
Quickly, she moved the knife block to the opposite end of the island then began to cut the lights in both the living room and the kitchen one by one.
She saved the kitchen for last, keeping her eyes on the door as she flicked the switch down and crouched behind the island near the knives to wait.
Minutes passed in eerie silence, then finally, she heard the tell-tale jingle of keys in the front door lock. The knob twisted and the door creaked as it was pushed open, soft and slow. The sound only put Tara even more on edge.
Light footsteps could just barely be heard even in the silence, and Tara’s ears perked. The sounds stopped momentarily, then started in her direction. Quiet footfalls neared at a glacial pace, giving Tara ample time to steady her grip and prepare herself.
Once the footsteps were practically next to her, she swung with all her strength to the left. She connected with the nearest leg, and the force of the blow sent shockwaves up her arms.
The pained shout that arose was distorted by the voice changer inside the mask, but the clatter of the knife he was holding falling to the floor was clear as day.
Tara stood and, as soon as she located the knife, kicked it away. She took another swing, but he seemed to hear this one coming because he jerked back, so she struck the hard counter instead. The physical shock of it made her drop the pan in surprise.
He stumbled to his feet, clearly favoring his left leg. Desperate, he swung wildly a few times. Tara backed away but in a stroke of luck, the last one connected with her cheek.
Pain exploded where his fist connected, echoing through her jaw. The familiar, addictively metallic taste of blood coated her tongue and teeth. The pain only served to ground her, focusing the smoldering fire of her rage solely on the man in front of her.
Breath heaving, he went for another blind punch, but she sidestepped and delivered a solid kick to what she hoped was his left knee. And if the groan was anything to go by, then she hit her mark.
He fell again, clutching his knee, and Tara circled him. She stood on his right shin, hooked her arms around his throat, and leaned against the counter behind her, pulling back as hard as she physically could.
Richie coughed violently. Flailing arms tried to pry her off, but she stood firm, eyes drifting to the knife holster on the island. She leaned down by his ear.
“You know, with all that talk about secrets, you really should’ve been more careful with your own.”
She squeezed her arms together tighter and braced her hands firmly on her upper forearms. The urgency in Richie’s movements increased, but he achieved nothing all the same.
“Because I know your secret too, Richie,” Tara growled, lips coiling into a malignant crimson smile.
He froze at the sound of his name and Tara took the opportunity to rip the mask off of his face.
Now that his mask of bravery was off, she was overcome with the need to turn the lights back on. Because she wanted to see it. She wanted to watch his weaselly face contort in pain, she wanted to watch those last bits of life drain from his eyes.
Violent desire coursing through her, her grip loosened, one hand reaching back to flick the light switch on. But that was all he needed.
A moment of hubris was enough to ruin the victory she had very nearly secured.
The instant the lights were on, Richie, with all his body weight behind him, lurched right, sending them both tumbling to the floor.
Because of her position, she was unable to get her arms beneath her in time, and her head hit the tile hard. She blinked against the white flash of pain, but by the time she got her bearings, Richie was already retrieving his knife.
Watching him struggle to his feet, Tara changed tactics. She backed into the living room to put some space between them so she could possibly get another weapon. But before she could assess the room, Richie rushed her with a loud cry.
He clumsily wrestled her to the ground in a mess of thrashing limbs. Because of his size, he gained the upper hand quickly and straddled her. Tara fought against him, lashing out violently with her hands, and her nails managed to catch on the side of his face.
Gasping, she dug them deeper into his skin and, with all her strength, pulled.
A yell of agony tore its way out of his throat, and Tara could feel his skin peel beneath her fingers and get stuck under her nails. But he didn’t let up. His fingers found their way around her throat and squeezed.
He had her pinned down. His fingers had a death grip around her throat and her vision was beginning to go dark around the edges.
She thought she saw a flash of something behind Richie, but she paid it no mind, keeping all of her focus and strength on punching and kicking and squirming. He pressed down on her trachea even harder, and Tara choked.
But then, Richie screamed and all at once his hands released her throat, and she could breathe again.
He careened to the side and only then did Tara notice the knife sticking from his left side. She looked back up and saw you with wide, terrified eyes. Despite the danger, she took a moment to appreciate the circumstance before her.
You had picked up his knife and stabbed him with it. She would have smiled if her throat wasn’t on fire.
Another ragged cough tore its way from Tara’s throat and that brought your attention from her attacker to her. Your eyes softened and you started toward her. But Richie wasn’t down just yet.
He wrenched the knife from his side with a grunt. With rage in his eyes, he turned to you, staggering unsteadily back to his feet with the knife tight in his grip.
“You fucking bitch!” he roared.
You froze and, without any other option, fled into the kitchen with Richie stumbling closely behind. Just as your fingers brushed the hilt of one of the knives in the block, he snagged the neckline of your shirt and yanked you back.
“Oh no you don’t.”
Richie pinned you against him, one arm steadily anchored around your ribcage and the other, the one with the bloodied knife, rising above his head. Tara tried to stand, but equilibrium was shockingly hard to regain at that moment.
She was just getting to her knees when he plunged the knife into your stomach. The pained scream that you let out would haunt Tara for the rest of her life.
Richie smirked, wide and unruly. “Payback’s a bitch, isn’t it?”
The only response you gave was a whimper. He grabbed you by the neck and slammed your head down onto the kitchen counter. Hard. A loud crack echoed off the walls and you fell in a heap on the floor, unconscious.
Words like rage, fury, and anger were far too soft to describe the feeling that overtook her when your body hit the ground.
The emotion that overcame her was rough and discordant, and primitive. It bled over her vision, tainting it dark crimson, and pushed her to her feet with a newfound balance and sick certainty.
At full speed, Tara ran and latched onto him, using all of her body weight to throw him back onto the living room carpet.
Richie tried to stand again, but Tara tackled him back down and straddled him. But Tara punched him once, hard, then again and again and again until his head lolled and his grip slackened, leaving the knife to fall onto the carpet beside him.
Seeing him lying under her, bruised and defeated, didn’t satisfy Tara, nor did the ache in her knuckles. Not after he hurt you so badly. She needed him to bleed. She needed him to suffer.
He needed to pay.
Steady fingers wrapped around the hilt of the knife at her side. As she raised it above her head, she found a certain poeticism in it—the fact that Richie was going to meet his end at the hands of the true Ghostface, with his own weapon.
With a deep breath, she allowed the savage tidal wave of emotion to wash over her, and she saw more than felt the way she slammed the knife down. Time became a blur of movement. Red clouded her vision, but she could feel everything—the hard hilt of the knife, the give of the flesh beneath it, the satisfying crunch of bone.
The image of you being stabbed playing over and over and over, fueling the raging wildfire within her.
By the time she returned to herself, there was an all-encompassing silence; the only sounds impeding it were her labored breaths.
The knife in her hand was slick with blood. A fierce ache ran from her forearms to her shoulders. Tara looked down at her victim and her brows furrowed.
What remained of Richie’s head was a mess of jutting bone fragments, scattered clumps of blood-soaked hair, and chunks of torn flesh. Amongst the soup of blood, bone, and brains, there was an eyeball rolled off to the right. Distantly, she wondered where the other one was.
Looking further down, Tara noticed the amount of blood on the ground. The carpet was drenched in red, and given how saturated it looked, she wouldn’t be surprised if it soaked all the way through to the hardwood beneath it.
Tara exhaled sharply through her nose. That carpet would definitely have to be replaced.
Her eyes moved off the ground and toward the kitchen, where your limp form entered her vision. Immediately, she dropped the knife and ran to you, dropping to her knees beside you.
She scrambled to press her fingers to your neck, and thankfully, she found a pulse. It was weaker than she would’ve liked, but it was steady. You were holding on for her, and that meant everything to Tara.
Turning her attention back to your wound, she assessed the damage. The blade was still lodged firmly inside your stomach, and she hadn’t enough medical knowledge to know whether it pierced anything important based just off its positioning alone, but she knew not to take the knife out.
So she pressed her hands down around it as hard as she could. You let out a pained breath in your unconscious state but showed no signs of rousing. She wasn’t sure if that was good or not.
All that mattered was making sure that you stayed with her until the paramedics arrived. She knew you listened to her earlier, so authorities should be on their way with medical help in tow.
But she would be lying if she said her composure didn’t begin to slip with each passing second of silence.
What got her most was the blood. Tara was accustomed to gore and had long passed the point where anything like that bothered her, much less the sight of just blood, but this was your blood, and it was everywhere.
On her hands, slipping between her fingers, pooling beneath you, staining her pants, on your face, drying just beneath your nostrils.
All Tara could see was red, red, red, and not because of her anger, but because of her inability to protect you when it mattered.
The door opened, slamming harshly against the wall, and Tara jumped, instinctively putting herself between you and whoever was approaching.
She glanced back and saw her sister standing in the doorway, leaning against it slightly as she clutched her stomach. Their eyes met and Sam visibly relaxed. “Tara—"
Her gaze wandered left, and Sam stopped short by the door; eyes glued on the mess of human flesh laying limp on the carpet. Cursing silently, Tara squeezed her eyes shut.
She rushed to find any sort of justification, but it was hard when her world was falling apart before her eyes and beneath her hands.
“He—he hurt—” Tara broke off into a sob, the blood on her hands burning nearly as much as her throat.
Sam tore her eyes away from Richie’s remains and looked back over to her younger sister. Her eyes widened and Tara assumed that she finally noticed your worrying state. Tara kept her hands firmly pressed to your wound as she watched Sam, trying to figure out what her next move would be.
Finally, she said, “It’s okay,” sounding more like she was trying to reassure herself than Tara. She nodded to herself, repeated it, “It’s okay.”
Slowly, she moved from her place by the door and approached the body, looking like she was fighting the urge to be sick the closer she edged to it.
“What are you—” Tara started, eyes wide, but Sam interrupted.
“Listen, when the police come, you’re going to tell them that I did this.”
Tara blinked, lost. “W-What?”
Sam, with a pale grimace, reached down to the mass of flesh and began doing a mixture of spreading and splattering the warm, leaking blood on her shirt, face, and arms. Then she came to kneel on the other side of you, giving you a long mournful look before she spoke to Tara.
“When they ask you what happened, you tell them that he was trying to hurt you and I did…that to him because of it. Okay?”
Nothing was making sense. She wouldn’t take the fall for Sam if it were the other way around, so the fact that Sam was so willing to do it for her was…it was rousing feelings she hadn’t felt in a long, long time.
“Why?” Tara asked, bewildered.
“Having this on your record, even if it was self-defense, will haunt you for the rest of your life. You have a bright future, Tara, and I’m protecting that.”
Traces of the affection she once felt for her sister flared up and to her surprise, Tara felt more tears well up in her eyes and spill over. Real tears accompanying the achingly real tightness in her chest. “Sam—”
Sam just shook her head. “You know how Sheriff Hicks feels about me; she’ll be more than happy to put this on my record. You’re going to be ok. Both of you will. I promise.”
Gently, she leaned her forehead against Tara’s and kept it pressed there until sirens blared in the distance. When Sam stood and went over to kneel by Richie, Tara blinked away her tears and pressed her hands down harder on your wound.
Police burst through the door, and everything blurred for Tara. The world became a cacophony of lights and sounds and movement, and she only snapped back to reality when paramedics started trying to take you away from her.
In her mind, she knew she should let them take you. That you were much safer in the hands of professionals that could properly tend to you, but the logical part of her brain was quickly overshadowed the moment someone tried to pull her away.
Because she needed to be next to you. She needed to feel your pulse, see the rise and fall of your chest with her own eyes to make sure that you were still alive.
So she fought every hold on her, twisted violently against the increasing number of hands clutching onto her, trying to separate her from you. And she nearly succeeded. She was so close, so close to making it back to your side.
A prick in her neck was the last thing she felt before the world faded to nothing, the last remnants of your name dying on her tongue.
A monotonous beeping in your ear was the first thing that you registered.
The second was how weird you felt. You felt heavy and weightless at the same time. You cracked your eyes open and instantly closed them against the blinding brightness you were met with. Briefly, you wondered if you died, but something told you that the afterlife didn’t smell like antiseptics.
Once more, you opened your eyes, going slower so your eyes could properly adjust, and finally took in your surroundings. You were in a hospital room and a glance to your left told you that the annoying beeping you heard was a heart monitor.
Awareness slowly crept back into your dazed mind. The moments came back one by one, flashing against the back of your eyelids as you blinked.
Ghostface attacking Sam. You going upstairs and calling 911. Running down and helping Tara.
With a gasp, you jolted up. Your wound gave a powerful throb in response, cutting straight through the pain meds but you ignored it.
The last thing you remembered was the man—Richie? —thrusting a knife into you, then your face met the hard marble of the kitchen counter and that was it.
Was Tara ok? Did Sam make it? Was Ghostface caught and apprehended?
Those questions fueled you to sit up but you only made it halfway before strong hands were on your shoulders, pushing you back down.
“No, don’t move.”
Recognition sparked instantly. You knew that voice. Tara.
The need to know that she was alright nearly made you frantic as you looked at her, and took in her state.
She had a fading bruise on her cheek, and there was some much harsher, nearly black bruising around her neck, but otherwise, she looked fine, if a bit tired. You let out a sigh of relief.
You tried to lift your hand to her neck, but you only made it about halfway before Tara caught it and brought it to her lips to press a kiss to your knuckles.
“Looks worse than it,” she said with a small grin, but you could hear the strain. It reminded you of the ache in your throat after what your father did, the bruises he left behind.
You looked away, decided to focus on the other questions plaguing your mind.
“What happened to the man? Is Sam okay?”
Tara’s eyes flashed with something, but it was gone as soon as it appeared. “Richie’s dead.”
“The police killed him?”
She looked away then and played with your fingers. “No, Sam did.”
“Sam?” you asked in disbelief. That didn’t seem quite right, but you couldn’t pinpoint why.
You looked at Tara, saw the exhaustion in her eyes, the way she was worrying her lip between her teeth, the tension in her brow, and you decided to believe her.
It had been a long, hard night for everyone, and you heard whisperings of something deeper going on with Sam, so maybe she was capable of that. After all, weren’t you?
And either way, it was self-defense. He attacked first, unprovoked. The world was probably better without him, as much as the thought put a bitter taste in your mouth.
Plus, Tara would never lie to you.
“Is she alright?” You decided on after minutes of processing.
Tara nodded. “Yeah, she’s stable. She’s in the room across the hall. The sheriff kicked me out to take her statement.”
“Can you tell her I said hi? And thanks for making sure Richie couldn’t hurt anyone else.”
That made Tara freeze. Just for a moment before she seemed to catch herself, but you saw it nonetheless. “Yeah, of course.”
Under any other circumstances, you’d have half a mind to ask Tara about her odd behavior or at least store it away for later contemplation, but as it stood, the pain medication was already sweeping the incident away.
Silence lapsed and you both just enjoyed one another’s presence, basking in the knowledge that the other was safe and sound.
The tempting call of sleep tugged at you. You tried to stay in the moment, but you were drifting. You could tell and so could Tara, who coaxed your attention to her with a gentle stroke of her thumb across your knuckles.
“Get some rest, sweetheart. I’ll be right here when you wake up.”
“Promise?” you slurred, eyes already drifting closed.
You could practically hear the smile in her voice when she said, “Of course.”
She lulled you to sleep with the promise and a final, tight squeeze of your hand, and you drifted off into a drug-induced slumber with thoughts of your gentle, loving girlfriend at the forefront of your mind.
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non-plutonian-druid · 7 months
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[ID: a three color drawing (black, white, and teal) in the style of Seth’s illustrations from the Lemony Snicket series All The Wrong Questions. Five and Viktor (both about 13) are seated at the counter of a diner, talking. Luther (in his 20s), who is a patron seated next to them, looks concerned about what he is overhearing. Grace stands behind the counted holding a coffee pot and gazing into space. A missing poster for Ben is taped to the counter. In the mirror behind the counter, a reflection Diego and Patch (both 15) are visible in a booth. End ID]
i really should leave time between art posts for them to breathe and accumulate their fair share of notes, but also i need something to do while im waiting for my onions to caramelize.
In this installment: Five and Viktor meet over breakfast to discuss business, Luther is a Concerned Citizen, Diego and Patch also meet over breakfast to discuss business but in the background, and Grace is NOT a robot and this diner is NOT fully automated no sir. Also as usual Ben's face provides some ambiance, thank you Ben.
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rowanisawriter · 23 days
wip wednesday
thanks for the tag @retroghosting your homelander rot is spreading lmao. tagging @baejax-the-great @spineless-lobster @darlingpoppet @rosieofcorona
from an upcoming chapter of novel, where bored olympian zag makes a game of dying again and again to summon thanatos
“Are you always so… ornamented?” Thanatos asks.
Zagreus shrugs sheepishly. “Um.”
“Always coming from a party,” Thanatos says.
“Now, hold on.” Zagreus puts a hand up, the sound of his jewelry moving filling the air. “I asked you earlier how you know how to build a fire. It’s my turn for an answer.”
“Fine.” Thanatos tips the bottle of ambrosia and takes a big sip. “I learned it from watching mortals. They burn bodies here, after death. Sometimes, once I’ve collected a soul, if I have time, I’ll watch what happens after.”
He passes the bottle. Zagreus accepts, their hands touching.
“My turn,” Thanatos says. “Do you just party literally all day? Is that why you’re dressed up every time I see you?”
Zagreus glances down at his hands. Gold rings adorn each finger, inset with gems of all colors, decadence he’s suddenly ashamed of. He never gives his jewelry a second thought on Olympus. Everyone is shining and glittering and ornamented there. But down here, with Thanatos in bronze armor, his weapons laying on the ground beside him, he feels inadequate, almost silly.
“What else is there to do?” Zagreus asks, keeping his eyes on the fire. “All they do is party and fight amongst themselves and drink ambrosia and betray each other. Nothing for me to do but sit there and watch and drink.”
He takes a sip, as though to illustrate his point. The ambrosia snakes down his dry throat. It tastes like evening air today, warmed by fire, illuminated by the moon, the sounds of crickets chirping in the air.
“They,” Thanatos says.
“You referred to the Olympians as they. Not we.”
Zagreus meets his eyes as he passes back the bottle. “I guess I did.”
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4lph4kidz · 8 months
i was thinking about your dirk and hal poll and i want to mention that i think your concept for ink and iron where dirk creates hal from his reflection by enchanting a mirror is so cool 😌
thank you! hal's predicament and purpose within the canon narrative is so fascinating and i felt it was really important to find a way to explore what i find most interesting with him. i can't take full credit for the concept though i took inspiration from a few placees (one of my friends pitched the idea of the mirror accidentally dumping him onto jake's doorstop for example) but overall i think the idea is very fun and i'm really excited to write more hal stuff!!! also i'm going to take the opportunity to share this oldish doodle i found:
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the mispelling of angel as angle was NOT intentional (<- dyslexia haver) but it probably explains a lot. he's pointy
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cuubism · 2 years
as much as i love traditionally married dreamling - and do i - i also have this bruised softness in my heart for 'what we have is outside relationship constructs, define it at your own peril' dreamling, for 'drifting in and out of each other's orbit with each other as perennial anchor point' dreamling, 'i haven't seen you in sixty years but what's that to an immortal, you are always in my heart' dreamling, 'our lives are not quite one but neither are they apart' dreamling. drop in on me, i am always ready to welcome you. and i will always let you go.
hob as a fixture, a constancy, a hearth, and dream as a wild creature coming in from the cold. it cannot be kept, and you would commit no such sin of trying to, but it can be held, warm, before the fireplace for a while. let it go, and trust that it will come back.
hob as a wanderer, life to life to life, and dream as an ancient, enduring kingdom whose protection is reachable just by closing your eyes. continuance impossible in the waking world but offered as easily as a kiss on the cheek.
there is no keeping a dream, is the thing. and dream does not want to be kept, but he does want to be held, held and let go and held again with those arms always open to him. there is no keeping an adventurer, either, and hob is an adventurer at heart, always ready to see, do, the next thing, but adventurers need a home, too, one that doesn't mind when they come back a little bit different.
go where you need to, when you need to. carry my love with you. and come back to me.
that kind of dreamling.
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chairofchaos · 28 days
them: is this the hill you want to die on?
me: no, but it’s where I’ll leave your corpse
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writeouswriter · 1 year
Reading a fic that's so well written I wish I could close my eyes and just let the descriptions and atmosphere wash over me, but the dilemma with closing my eyes is, well, I then would not be able to continue reading this fic, now would I.
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thormanick · 1 year
Me back in January: writes a fanfic where Kaveh becomes a “mad scholar” bc his accidental (Traveler-esque if you would) experience with Irminsul goes wrong and so he is sent to Aaru village (with Alhaitham trying to find the solution to his problem)
Kaveh’s canon lore from the event: so yep basically his dad at some point got messed up mentally by a diadem and lost his life in the desert
Me, viewing the said fic from a new angle now:
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Someone at Mihoyo really woke up one day looked at Kaveh and chose all possible kinds of violence didn’t they
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ectoentity · 9 months
Worst First Date 3
Chapter 3: Punchline
Rating: T
Words: 4,015
Chapters: 3/4
Characters: Jason Todd, Danny Fenton, Princess Dora
Relationships: Jason Todd/Danny Fenton
Other Tags: Blind Date, dislike at first sight, ectoimplosion 2023, Hostage Situations, Car Accidents, Guns, Aged-Up Character(s), College Student Danny Fenton, Tired Danny Fenton, They'll get together at the end don't worry, Humor
Summary: Danny Fenton and Jason Todd are both having awful days. Neither of them want to be going on this blind date their friend set up. Best case, scenario, it's going to be a waste of time, right?
Fortunately or not, the best case scenario rarely happens in Gotham.
(Read on AO3)
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soaps-mohawk · 2 months
hey when the fic is finished would you be okay with people binding it into a book for their own personal use? I personally would love to eventually have this fic as a book on my shelf so I can reread it whenever - 🌻
I really hate this question 😭
It's nothing against you anon, I just never know how to answer it. Because if I say yes, then I have to trust that you're only doing it for personal use and then someone that isn't going to use it for personal use could take that as permission and then turn around and start selling it which could get me into legal trouble above all the other ethical issues with it.
I just never know how to answer. It takes a lot of trust (which I'm not saying you're not trustworthy) and I doubt if someone was going to do it with nefarious intentions, they wouldn't be asking permission.
So I don't know. I really don't.
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markantonys · 27 days
relationship: rand/mat rating: explicit length: 9.8k, complete summary: “You’ve been wearing those clothes for a year, Mat,” Rand said. “Why don’t you want new ones?”
“None of your business.”
“Of course it’s my business. You’re my friend, and I want to look after you.”
The words slipped out before Rand thought about them, and he felt his cheeks heat up. Mat looked pink too as he finally lifted his eyes to Rand’s. For a moment there was something so open and vulnerable in his expression, but it quickly shifted into an eyeroll.
“Fine, if you’re going to be so bloody annoying about it,” he said. “Let’s get this over with.”
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ao3userforgets · 3 months
i need to mutter into the void so i’m going to post under the cut the trials and tribs of my current clegan fic writing experience so no one including (especially) me has to make eye contact with it. it’s basically a diary entry. god bless anyone that reads it lol. love and light 🫶
goddamn writing this fic is kicking my ass. it was just meant to be an angsty gale introspective. then i started another and that was meant to be them just fucking absolute nasty style. now i fear they have combined, morphed, metamorphosed, and it’s becoming a monster. goddamn. what does one do in this situation? it would be my first time posting in this fandom and my second time posting fic at all. i’m shaking in my boots about it. there is so much wonderful fic being posted for this pairing and so many approaches and styles. i would love to get mine out and see it amongst those works. i’m just not sure how to go about constructing this fic and how to post about it. i’d like to post some bits and pieces and maybe someone will see it and tell me it’s worth it to finish it but first and foremost i’m really writing this for myself, because it’s the type of fic i love to read and also i feel like i need to be writing it so my mind is creating something. and it would feel like a waste to me and a let down for myself if i never post it. also i’m projecting very hard onto it and onto gale as a character, so it feels kind of personal in some parts? which can’t totally be avoided but because of that and because the way i write is also very personal to me it’s making something that should be fun to post about feel quite daunting. but i want to push myself so badly because it’s been years since i’ve done that, maybe i’ve never done that. and Of Course it’s wwii yaoi that’s gotten me to this point.
anyway, y’all ever think about gale identifying as a more feminine being than is expected for a man like him in the time he’s in, thus manifesting itself into years of repression he’s not entirely aware of until he meets and grows closer to bucky, and how he comes to terms with being awakened in such a way that has laid dormant until he’s in the literal u.s. military, and eventually in one of the least survivable theatres of the war, and in suffocating proximity day in and day out with one john bucky egan? and how he navigates his bond with marge, now in contrast to how he feels for john? and how even his childhood and the lives of his parents is being pushed forwards in his consciousness in relation to his sense of self and his place in the lives of others? oh and also how absolutely Biblically he wants john, in the most unconventional and all encompassing ways? all while he has no context for queerness and sexuality as it relates to himself? i dunno what freak would be into writing or reading that 👀 🚬💀
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