#my Shenko heart is a-flutter
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alyssalenko ¡ 2 years ago
Shore Leave Surprise
Written for the @shenkosummer exchange.
Shepard and Kaidan find a surprise waiting for them as they're returning from a date at the start of their shore leave that threatens to turn their world upside down, while starting the emotional ball rolling towards something much bigger…Also on AO3 if you prefer.
Kaidan took her hand in his and interlaced their fingers together as they walked slowly back to the Normandy from their date, taking in the view because with five days of shore leave left, they had all the time in the world to enjoy themselves and forget the rest of the world existed. Kaidan felt like the luckiest man in the world, and gave her hand a little squeeze as they stepped in the elevator to the docking bay together–his lips finding her neck as soon as the doors closed in front of them. Kaidan leaned in and pressed a teasing kiss to her ear before nibbling a slow trail along the side of her neck, Shepard unable to pull herself away. She smiled and leaned back against his chest, arms resting over his and head rolling to the side to give him more access, a contented sigh escaping her lips. The elevator opened to reveal the Normandy docked before them, sudden awareness of their surroundings taking hold of her--it wasn't that no one knew about them, but she hadn't wanted to flaunt their relationship with everything going on. No one was around, but that didn't mean that couldn't change in an instant.
"Kaidan--someone might see us." Shepard laughed, pushing him away so he stopped kissing her neck.
"Oh please. Since when have you ever cared about your reputation? You just spent lunch draped all over me, but now you care?"
She'd have to give him that one, especially when several red kiss marks peeked out of his collar. It was just nice to be together again, all the obstacles had led them here, back to one another and it'd be a shame not to take advantage of it, and give in. Kaidan's hands held her hips, spinning her around in his arms and backing her against the wall of the Normandy's docking tube, the two of them leaning in closer. A keening wail pierced the air and stopped them when they were about a centimeter apart, the two of them breaking away from one another and looking around, startled. An infant wailed away in a bassinet at their feet in front of the airlock door, wrapped in a light pink blanket, her face mottled and red as she bawled. Shepard looked around for some clue of who this little one belonged to, only finding a note addressed to her, asking her to take care of the baby while they sorted some things out as Kaidan bent to pick her up out of the basket, the crying stopping instantly in his arms.
“There now. That’s better, isn’t it Tawni?” He cooed, bouncing her in his arms and rubbing her back.
"Kaidan, you can't name her! You'll get attached."
"I think she just looks like a ‘Tawni’--and how can you say no to this face?" Kaidan asked, holding 'Tawni' up and squishing her cheek against his--one blue eye and one brown watching her quizzically.
He was far too adorable for his own good.
"I'm not saying no, but this is a warship–it’s no place for a child, at least not while we’re actively heading into combat. She could be in a lot of danger if she comes with us."
“I know but we’re on leave and she has no one. Besides, whoever left her here for you to find must have thought they were doing the right thing--and who was more trustworthy to look after precious cargo than Commander Shepard. And just look at her chubby little cheeks.”
It wasn’t like she hadn’t pictured the two of them settling down together, but that was when the war was over and she could retire her title and just be, not tackling a surprise baby they’d found, but her bleeding heart wouldn’t let her just leave ‘Tawni’ there, not when she could help. So she resigned herself to trailing after Kaidan as he wandered past her back out into the docking bay and hailed a cab. It took him all of two minutes to bundle them all into the taxi to buy all manner of things for their new charge; far too into it, but he was so cute and she couldn't help picturing him going all out with a baby of their own.
When they got back to the Normandy, Tawni nestled against Kaidan's chest in the carrier they'd bought, he headed straight for the mess to heat up some formula. Tawni reached out for her as she leaned in, a large toothless smile on her face as she placed a chubby hand on her mouth and drawing a low chuckle from Kaidan as he smoothed down her curls and placed a kiss to the top of her head. He was ready for this adventure, and so happy he got to share it with the woman he loved. Shepard ran a gentle finger down Tawni’s cheek, kissing her little palm and then her forehead as Kaidan tested the temperature of the milk against the inside of his wrist. Satisfied, he passed her the bottle, the two of them stopped dead when Tawni sneezed, a blue glow lighting the area in front of them. That explained a lot. She needed constant attention and nourishment and her parent–or parents–had most likely been in over their heads--probably doing this alone and didn't know how to deal with a biotic baby, but luckily, both Shepard and Kaidan were biotics themselves. 
Kaidan's hand covered hers around the bottle as Tawni ate. "You ever think we'd get to do this?"
"Honestly? No. Not that I never thought about it, just that I never thought I'd get to actually do it. But I'm glad it's with you."
"Me too." Kaidan caught her lips in a chaste kiss.
As Tawni finished her bottle, Shepard lifted her out of the baby carrier, patting her back gently and humming a soft lullaby as her eyes drifted slowly shut. Kaidan motioned her towards the elevator, collecting their bags in his arms and following behind her to set up everything in the loft. She tried to help a couple times, but every time she handed Tawni to Kaidan she'd start fussing in her sleep only to settle when nestled against Shepard’s chest, so she'd had to just watch and instruct Kaidan from the sofa. 
Neither one of them got much sleep that night, Tawni waking them every couple hours whether it was from a nightmare, or being hungry or just wanting to be held–they’d found out when trying to put her down for bed that she did not like to be put down and would fuss, unless and until she was snuggled against Shepard's chest and would drift off from there, Shepard napping on the couch until Tawni was completely out and then putting her in the crib Kaidan had built and dragging herself to bed.
Each morning, she woke them bright and early, Kaidan reacting faster and getting her out of the crib as Shepard groaned and rolled out of bed to drag herself down to the mess to heat up a bottle. So much for a relaxing vacation.
She leaned against the door frame watching Kaidan playing peek-a-boo with Tawni as he bounced her on his knee, a faint smile playing about her lips. It had only been four days and somehow she'd wormed her way into their hearts--even if taking care of an infant had been the last thing on her mind for this shore leave, having had all kinds of thoughts about the naughty shenanigans she and Kaidan would get up to, which hadn't come to fruition. But it was fun–exhausting but fun. He leaned down and blew a raspberry on her stomach, making Tawni giggle and grab a handful of Kaidan’s hair as he tried to sit up.
“There’s something so attractive about a man with a baby.” She teased from the doorway.
"You could help, you know. She likes you more than me." Kaidan replied, trying to ease Tawni's grip on his hair.
"Completely impossible." Shepard laughed, moving into the room working her tiny hands out of Kaidan's curls and gently taking Tawni into her arms as she gave her the bottle she'd been in the mess heating up--the little biotic was constantly hungry and could only be distracted for so long. "You've been spoiling her rotten."
"And yet she only sleeps when you hold her."
"It's the boobs."
Kaidan chuckled and kissed her cheek as he moved to clean up the toys scattered around the loft, Shepard cooing at the baby in her arms as she bounced slightly where she stood, the up and down motion had a calming effect as she helped Tawni hold the bottle. She caught sight of herself in the fish tank and almost laughed at how frazzled she looked four sleepless nights later, and yet Kaidan still looked at her like she was the most beautiful woman in the galaxy and like he couldn't wait to do this again--with her. Living to a ripe old age as a soldier hadn't really been a possibility; never really thinking about settling down, had been both a blessing and a curse. At least they were having this experience together, life throwing them a curve ball, in the form of a four-month-old biotic baby girl. Hopefully they could apply these skills to their own little rugrats, both feeling ready to tackle that side by side, if they made it that far…
"Hey Commander, you've got a woman here to see you." Joker's voice rang out over the comm system in the loft. "Says you’ve got her baby?”
They both looked at each other and frowned, Kaidan handing her the baby carrier and helping her settle Tawni into it, the two of them making their way down to the CIC together. Joker had returned from leave early–they thought they’d have the Normandy to themselves for one more day. A woman with dark hair turned towards them, Joker behind her gawking at them from the cockpit–Shepard would get an earful about this later, of that she could be sure. If they’d had any doubts of the woman’s identity, they were quashed the moment they saw the woman's eyes--she had the same heterochromia Tawni did, one blue eye and one brown. Tawni curled her hand around Shepard's fingers, completely oblivious to the tension in the air, as she stared off into space and sucked on her pacifier. They ushered her to the mess, Kaidan pulling out a chair for her before sitting down next to Shepard, his hand on her knee and his touch more comforting than he knew.
“You probably have some questions for me.” There was a tremble in her voice, like she was on the edge of tears.
Kaidan ran his hand over Tawni’s head–though a niggling voice in the back of his head told him that wasn’t her name. “Just one. Why’d you leave her?”
“I just didn’t know what to do. She sneezed and glowed blue and I was already in over my head doing this alone, and I just needed a few days to get my head on straight. I knew the Normandy was docked here on leave, and I didn’t know where else to turn. I don’t have anyone."
“And now?”
“I just got a job–the credits are good and the hours are flexible. It’s an office job, so I can bring her with me. I just needed time to get my life together.”
Shepard heaved a sigh and stood from the table, her arm glowing orange as she pulled up her omnitool. “Let me help. Just to get you on your feet before payday? And if you’d send us a picture every now and then, we’d sure appreciate it.”
She nodded, passing along her contact info. After everything they’d done for her, she didn’t want to cut them out of her life entirely, especially when Kaidan insisted she take all the things they’d bought as a gift, their generosity overwhelming and bringing tears to her eyes. She cuddled Tawni close, and with a bag in hand left the Normandy with them. They’d send the rest along later, sending her with what she could carry for the moment. Shepard sighed as Kaidan wrapped himself around her and brought her snug against his chest, the two of them watching the woman walk toward the elevator to the docking bay, with their hearts in her arms.
“And there she goes. Kaidan, I miss her so much already, not the crying–thank god the loft is soundproof–but I miss her.”
“I miss her too. I know it's silly to be that attached after only four days, but I am. A piece of me left with her. But we’ll always have those moments with her. Those can’t be taken away. She’ll always be our Tawni.” And maybe they’d do this all over again with one of their own–but he didn’t say that. Couldn’t bring himself to hope in case he lost her again. “And Joker’s going to have a field day with this one, isn’t he?”
That made her smile a little as she looped her arm through his, the two of them heading back to the Normandy together. “He does, and he’ll be on bathroom duty for a week.”
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alyssalenko ¡ 5 years ago
This is so adorable and my shenko heart is a-flutter. Kaidan is such a boy scout and he and Shep are a match made in heaven because Jack calls a paragon femshep Queen of the girl scouts ;) such a beautiful piece!
N7 Month, Day 13 - Medic
I think at this point I no longer need to announce I’m writing about Allie & Kaidan.  This is also over on AO3, if you’d rather read it there. . . . . . . Allie was getting her usual post-mission exam in the med bay when Kaidan sauntered in, his medic kit slung over his shoulder.  “You mind if I take care of this, doc?” he asked. “Not at all,” Dr. Chakwas answered, still running her omnitool over Allie’s torso.  “Commander, do you mind?” “Nope,”  Allie answered.  “Have at it, LT.” Kaidan smiled and nodded, carefully putting the small kit on one of the empty cots.  Allie watched with rapt interest as he checked the bag’s contents and restocked it.  She knew it was something he did after every mission he went on.  Even if he didn’t open it, he still checked its inventory religiously and he was as methodical about it as he was with everything he did.  First, he removed everything from the bag, making sure each piece was sealed, not expired or damaged, then set it off to the side. Everything was placed on the cot in a neat, orderly manner.  Once he was done, he pulled up his omnitool and compared what he had against the current Alliance regs and standards.  Then he restocked the bag, leaving out what he no longer needed and replacing things that weren’t serviceable. “What made you decide to do this?” Allie finally asked as he carefully repacked his gear. “What’s that, ma'am?” “This combat medic thing.” Kaidan chuckled when he answered.  “It kind of fell in my lap.  My mom was a nurse, so whenever I got hurt, she was always the one to patch me up.  When I went to BAaT, those instincts just sort of kicked in.  A lot of us got hurt a lot more often than we should have, so I was busy giving stitches and cleaning lacerations.” “Didn’t they have a med bay for you guys?” Allie frowned. “Yeah,” Kaidan shrugged, “but if we went, the instructors worked us even harder, like they were trying to toughen us up or something.  So everyone learned pretty quick to come to me if they got hurt.  I knew my limits, though, and I made them to go sick call if it was something really serious.  When I enlisted, I had the chance to go to a combat medic school and I jumped at it.” Allie hummed in response and nodded her head, hopping off the cot when Dr. Chakwas said she was done.  She walked to where Kaidan was checking the bag one last time before he zipped it shut.  “I can’t imagine anyone else I’d rather have in the field patching me up when I forget to duck.  I’m sure it helps Dr. Chakwas out, too,” she said. Kaidan paused and Allie realized she probably sounded like she was flirting.  She cleared her throat and pressed her lips together, knowing she was about three shades of red. “So, um, why do you check the regs?” she asked, hoping to change the subject a bit.  “You seem like the kind of guy who’d be up on what you need in there.  I figured you’d be doing this from memory at this point.” “I am up on the regs and I do have most of this stuff memorized,” he agreed, “but if I check each time I restock my kit, there’s no chance of me making a mistake.  You know how often they change and update things.  The gear I had in there yesterday might outdated tomorrow.” Allie lost count of the number of times she or someone one the team got hurt and Kaidan was there in a heartbeat, knowing exactly where in his bag everything was as he directed someone to grab a bandage or a pair of scissors.  “Mind if I take a peek?” she asked. Kaidan nodded and gestured at the bag. “Just don’t move anything around too much, please,” he requested. “I’ve got it packed like that for a reason.” Allie nodded and started to carefully rummage through the kit.  She only had the same basic first aid training all Alliance soldiers got – applying field dressings and pressure bandages, when and how to use a tourniquet, keeping track of how much medigel you give someone – but Kaidan was an actual medic. He could run an IV line, stitch someone up, even perform minor surgery in the field. “So why not become a doctor?” she asked, still examining the kit’s contents. “I’m a biotic, Shepard,” he said, “I can do more good with that than my medical skills.  Right now, it’s the best of both worlds.  I’ve got no complaints.” Allie hummed in response and pulled out an odd looking package with turian writing on it.  “Dextro stuff?” she asked. “Well, we’ve got a turian and a quarian on board now.  If something happens to them, I can’t just use our antibiotics.  Krogan physiology is different, too.”  He stepped around her and pulled a chart out of one of the side pockets detailing the different krogan organs and how to treat different injuries.  “And don’t get me started on the quarians.” “So having this stuff ready is in the regs, too?” Allie asked. “Kind of,” Kaidan shrugged and replaced the chart.  “I mean there is a section for Alliance medics that are part of mixed units, but there aren’t many of those and the people you’ve got on board aren’t really here with Alliance blessing, so technically we aren’t considered a mixed unit by Alliance standards.  I figured it was better to be prepared than to watch Wrex or Liara die because I didn’t have the gear with me to help them.” “Ever the boy scout, Kaidan, always prepared.”  She zipped the bag back up and turned to face him.  “I like it.  I mean, I like that you’re taking that initiative to look after your crewmates.” Allie wasn’t sure who was blushing harder – her or Kaidan, but if her face was a red as it felt, it was probably a tie.  They each rubbed the back of their necks while Dr. Chakwas cleared her throat.  “Commander, if you’re done, I need to confirm what Kaidan took so I can resupply the medbay.” Allie nodded and walked toward the door, her heart hammering in her chest as she wondered if people would notice if she started to forget to duck a little more often.
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crqstalite ¡ 5 years ago
got it bad. (shenko/me1)
a little shenko drabble i wrote at yes, 12am. not sorry, but also way shorter than usual and unedited. yolo.
ME1, pre-virmire.
"You know he's got it bad, right?" Ashley asks her, grinning when Kodelyn looks up at her with a raised eyebrow, "Like, really bad."
"I don't know what you're talking about," Kodelyn responds, placing her datapad down on the mess table while Ashley watches Kaidan disappear above deck, "What, you've got something for him?"
"Me? Oh, definitely not," Ashley deadpans, smirking, "You, on the other hand..."
"Frat regs, Ash. They are a thing, we N7s read those handbooks back to back. Pretty sure that extends to soldiers like you." Kodelyn lifts a cup of coffee to her mouth, taking a deep sip of it before moving her attention back to the report on Noveria. She was still shivering, the cold deep in her bones when they'd gotten back from Peak 15. The Council had been less than impressed with her actions regarding the Rachni, but even with her blank face, Ashley continues on undeterred.
"He's easy on the eyes though, that much you have to admit." Ashley proposes, as if it's news she hasn't heard before. Or thought of herself.
"You sound like my sister, Chief," Kodelyn chuckles, thinking of Citlali and her own tendencies to have talks like these when they were on shore leave. Unlike Ashley's own sister though, she wasn't particularly interested in Alenko. She wouldn't lie though, talking to Ashley about more mundane topics than the crazy Spectre Saren Arterius did soothe her nerves though, which tended to be shot more often than not, "Men the only thing on your mind these days?"
"No, but you're skirting the question," She nearly sounds offended, "Of course, if you're not interested in talking I won't press the issue."
"Now you're just trying to guilt me into giving you an answer. I don't gossip, Ash," She plays with the ring on her finger, glinting gold in the dim light. Still, the knowing look in her brown eyes makes Kodelyn roll her own before answering, "But sure. He's not bad to look at."
"Mhm," The sound of approval is obvious in her voice as Ashley takes a swig of coffee from her own mug. She lowers her voice, "Have you seen the way he looks at you?"
"Pretty sure whatever you see is either wide eyed terror or admiration. Happens with everyone when you end up hero of the Skyllian Blitz." Kodelyn answers, suspicious how she knows but deciding not to question it, "Still not gossiping, Ashley."
"Admiration in more than one way, maybe. And I never said it was, ma'am."
"Sounds like you're trying to get me into trouble."
"Then you admit it--"
"I don't admit anything," She finally puts the datapad down on the table, drinking the rest of her coffee and standing, tucking the report under her arm, "And your break is over, has been for the last five minutes. Go bother Tali, sure she'd love to talk about the ship with you."
Ashley's eyes narrow at the idea, but she stands anyway, "But if there was a chance?"
"In a perfect universe? Without frat regs, without all this oversight by the Alliance, without the galaxy being under attack by Geth?"
"Yeah, sure."
"Still not answering that, Ash." She smirks herself at the comically crestfallen face her chief makes, You're not getting an answer out of me anyway you word the question."
"You're a bit of a buzzkill, Commander," Ashley lingers by the table, "But uh, he does have it bad for you, you might want to tell him off if that's not what you're into. Sad puppy eyes and all."
That gives Kodelyn pause, long and noticeable enough that a smile creeps back onto the other woman's face, which she shuts down immediately, "Nothing to say, Ash. He'll figure that out soon enough."
"Whatever you say, ma'am." And with that, the other soldier is gone. Given a moment of peace, she picks up the empty cup and detours to her personal quarters to write her report instead of up to the Galaxy Map. They'd take off for Virmire in the morning.
Sitting down at her desk, she leans her head into her hands, pulling her ponytail out and wrapping the band around her wrist. Damn, here she was thinking they'd been rather subtle, or at least she had been, apparently. Dragging a hand down her burning face, she allows herself a smile before pulling up her computer's UI.
Later though, she lays awake for a bit before bolting up and wondering if Ashley had been asking for Kaidan's sake. Which concerns her, obviously, but she doesn't press the issue when she sees the Lieutenant and Chief together the next morning. That smirk is still present on her face, which Kodelyn ignores, but gives a genuine one to Kaidan when he turns to look at her.
Her heart flutters when she eventually heads up to the galaxy map. Maybe Ash is right on one front.
But she definitely had it bad for him.
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vorchagirl ¡ 6 years ago
So I couldn't decide because I think both would be amazing Haha 10 for Shenko or 23 for fReyder. Please feel free to pick!
I was going to do 23 for fReyder, but I am TOTALLY in a fShenko mood tonight, so you’re getting that! The art is a commission I got from Alteya! ^_^
10: fShenko one pinning the other against a wall
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Gina tugged her armour off with impatient hands, each plate falling to the floor with hollow, careless thuds that echoed across the Normandy’s hanger. Beside her, Kaidan undressed with more care, laying each piece out on a table and matching each sets together. She glanced at him occasionally. Even irritated as she was, she couldn’t help but admire the obvious strength in his body as he stripped off; the broad width of his shoulders, the pleasant bulk of his arms, and the muscles rippling through his under armour.
“You know, we almost had it,” she complained again, half to get his attention and half because she wanted to vent. Gina wrenched her gloves off with more force than was necessary and flung them down. “We came so close.”
Kaidan looked up with a raised eyebrow. “It could have been worse. At least no one was seriously hurt.”
She sighed. “I know, but if we’d just been a bit faster. Or if I’d thought to cover the door. Or if I’d been able to-”
“Gina! Enough!” He caught her by the wrist and shushed her with a quick kiss, his lips firm as they covered her own.
For a moment she resisted, the frustration at her failure writhing within her like an irritated snake caught in a bag, then Kaidan’s arms locked around her, catching her tightly, and the tension began to ebb away. She sagged against him, relaxing into the kiss and sliding one hand up to drag her fingers through his thick dark hair.
When he drew back, his eyes were playful. “You can’t win every time, my love.”
“I know, but I hate Cerberus beating us at anything,” she grouched. “I feel like every time they beat us TIM and Kai Leng are victory dancing somewhere far away.”
Kaidan snorted with laughter and then winced. “God, don’t make me laugh. I think I strained a muscle down there.”
Gina hoisted a look of concern onto her face. “You did? Maybe I should kiss it better?”
“Well, I certainly wouldn’t complain.” He smirked.
She pushed him back against the nearest wall and pinned him there between her arms, biotics sparking between them as she lowered her mouth to his neck, her full red lips hovering over the pulse fluttering in his throat.
“Is it this muscle?” She kissed his neck, the tip of her pink tongue dipping out to flick over his pulse.
Kaidan drew in a sharp breath. “Lower.”
Gina chuckled, her hands tracing patterns across his chest, her nails catching on his under armour. She lowered her mouth to the place where his heart was thundering under his rib cage and pressed another kiss there, then she moved lower still, placing a trail of kisses along his abs.
Kaidan caught her hair in one hand as she reached his belly button, and when he spoke his voice was furred with lust. “Lower.”
Gina dropped to her knees in front of him, lightly touching his hips on either side for balance as she gazed up at him, her eyes molten with heat.
“My, my, Kaidan,” she purred. “What did you sprain?”
She leaned close to his groin, turning her face at the last minute and kissing his inner thigh. Kaidan groaned, shivering at the touch of his lips and her close proximity to the rapidly growing bulge between his legs.
“Mmm,” he groaned. “That’s the spot.”
She chuckled.
“Maybe we should take this to my room, Major?” Gina suggested, a small smiling playing around her mouth as Kaidan’s hand tightened in her hair. “I can take this under armour off and conduct a more thorough … examination … of this sprain?”
He chuckled huskily and nodded. “I think that’s a very good idea, Commander.”
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alyssalenko ¡ 4 years ago
In a bathtub for prompts. :P
Well, I hijacked this for my birthday smut to myself...which I finished only a month late...
Romancing the Shepard
Alyss comes home from long day of dealing with the Council to find a lovely surprise awaits her--only she has forgotten what day it is... AO3
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Candles lined a rose petal path leading further into the darkened apartment, soft jazz music floating the air. She smiled as she stepped out of her shoes, silently following the path laid out for her, unable to believe the trouble Kaidan had gone to for her. She followed the petals further in, the path leading her into the bathroom where Kaidan was kneeling next to the clawfoot tub, one hand over the side as white bubbles rose up, visible over the edge. He straightened, wiping his hands on a nearby towel, muscles flexing as Alyss leaned against the doorframe and bit her lower lip, twirling a lock of black hair around her figure as her eyes roamed over him, stopping at his ass. She nearly swooned as Kaidan turned, readjusting his rolled up sleeves and looking like he'd stepped off the cover of one of her romance novels. He wore a button-up shirt with only half the buttons done up, his dog tags visible from the open collar and the flickering candlelight glinting off his skin, bathing him in an almost ethereal glow--he was absolutely beautiful.
"A girl could get used to coming home to this." She teased, using her fingertips to push off the wall.
Kaidan chuckled, coming to meet her half way, pressing a kiss to her red lips. Alyss ran a hand over the sculpted muscles of his chest as she deepened the kiss, fingers curling around the chain of his dog tags. She melted against him, every inch of her body pressed against his as she reached up and cupped the back of his neck, her hand winding into his dark curls and bringing his lips back down to hers, the fingers of her other hand dipping below his waistband and making him groan. Pulling away reluctantly, he rested his forehead against hers, eyes fluttering closed as a smirk pulled at the corners of Alyss' mouth, her heart palpitating in her chest as he brought his hand up to cup her cheek, gently running his thumb along her jawline.
Kaidan pressed a kiss to the tip of her nose. "I wanted you to be able to relax when you got home, especially today of all days."
Alyss cocked her head to the side. "Why is today special?"
"You're not serious..." He gaped at her for a moment. "Al, my love, it's your birthday."
Alyss pulled back, shaking her head as she pulled up her omnitool--that couldn't be right. "There's no way I forgot my own birthd--"
April 11th glared up at her from the timestamp at the bottom of the screen making her start laughing hysterically--she would've sunk to the floor had she not still been wrapped in Kaidan's strong arms.
It was official; she needed a vacation. A moment's peace from the Council and all the headaches that came with them. Thank God she had Kaidan to come home to, who knew just how to make her forget the stress of the day. He rubbed soothing circles onto her back before stepping back, hands moving to the buttons on her shirt and with practiced ease he undid it, moving from one to the next, tan skin peeking through little by little until the last button popped free and he slipped the shirt off her shoulders. She bit her lower lip as his eyes raked up and down her body, the exposed skin garnering his appreciation. His arm and chest muscles rippled slightly, hands caressing her sides, as he hooked his fingers into the waistband of her pants and tugged them down her legs, the fabric pooling around her ankles.
He held out his hand to her, and she took it to steady herself as she stepped out of her pants, Kaidan guiding her to the tub, his grip sure and secure as she stepped into the water, and sat down slowly. Alyss settled herself back against the ceramic, finding that Kaidan had placed a warm towel over the edge to act as a kind of pillow. The heat of the water soothed her tired muscles immediately, her eyes fluttering closed in bliss as she soaked away the day she'd had. The sounds around her told her Kaidan was still fussing with things, something cool against her hand bringing her out of her cozy fog. She blinked, and smiled at the tub reading desk he'd positioned over her chest, her most recent romance novel open to her bookmarked place and offering her a strawberry sunrise cocktail--the glass had been the cool sensation she'd felt against her hand.
"Lean forward." His breath tickled her ear.
When she did as she was told, Kaidan tugged her hair up into a messy high bun, not letting her lift a finger, before easing her back onto the warm towel. A satisfied sigh escaped her, as she brought her drink to her lips as Kaidan settled in on a stool behind her, his warm hands massaging her neck and shoulders. A sweet, fragrant smell filled the air as he poured some oil into the palm of his hand, Alyss relaxing under his touch, head rolling forward as she groaned at the pressure where her neck met her shoulders, his hands relaxing every overworked muscle, trying to unravel every knot and kink. Heat radiated off Kaidan, his biotics working in tandem with his hands, magical fingers pressing deep into her muscle tissue, Alyss feeling the tension slowly drain from her body--she'd been a ball of stress since becoming the human Councillor. She leaned her head back, Kaidan pressing a gentle kiss to her lips and groaning--she tasted like strawberries and he couldn't get enough.
"Kaidan…" She mumbled against his lips. "As much as I am appreciating this, I'd enjoy it more if you dropped your pants and got in here with me."
Kaidan let out a low chuckle, the order always at the tip of her tongue since their shoreleave together after defeating Saren--and he loved it. "Whatever you want; today is all about you."
Alyss smiled at him and  chugged what was left of her drink, Kaidan taking the glass from her hand and setting it out of the way, before doing the same to the reading tray and her book; things were about to get wet and she'd kill him if her book was one of them. Kaidan's hands moved to the hem of his shirt and he tugged it off over his head, Alyss biting her lower lip as her eyes raked up and down his body in appreciation. His well-toned arm and chest muscles rippled slightly as he divested himself of his pants, standing before in all his naked glory. She beckoned him closer with a crook of her finger as she scooted back in the tub, bringing her knees to her chest to make room for him. He'd barely sat down in the tub with her, water sloshing over the side, before Alyss was in his lap with her knees on either side of his hips, hands on his chest and her lips against his.
Her tongue teased the seam of his lips, his mouth opening to her and their tongues intertwining, as his hands traipsed up her sides. A husky moan fell from Kaidan's lips, as she ran her hands down his slick chest and beneath the water, seeking his rapidly growing erection, his mouth leaving hers to find her pulse point, her heartbeat fluttering under the stroke of his tongue. Gentle fingers brushed across her wet breasts, her nipples hardening as he grazed them. He cupped her breast, smoothing his palm over her erect nipple and drew small circles around it with his thumb, before rolling the sensitive bud between forefinger and thumb, tugging at it softly and making her breath hitch. Kaidan's hands caressed her stomach causing goosebumps to ripple across her skin--he knew just how to make her tremble with desire, the water overflowing onto the floor as Kaidan brought her pelvis down to meet his, fingertips digging into the soft flesh of her hips.
She gasped as she rolled her pelvis against his, feeling his response beneath her. With one fluid motion he was inside her, stretching and filling her as he guided her up and lowered her back down onto his shaft, Alyss practically weightless in the water as he bounced her up and down on his erection. She barely had time to think, before his hand glided over her thighs, and between her legs, toying with her clit as his thrusts became harder, faster and deeper--he wasn't going to last much longer. He wrapped his other arm around her waist holding her still as he thrust up, hitting just right. Kaidan bit her shoulder, tensing and stilling inside her, muscles tensing as his orgasm claimed him, her body shaking as she came right behind him, collapsing against him, wet chests rising and falling together. Alyss took a steadying breath and threaded her fingers through his dark curls, tilting his head back gently and gazing down at Kaidan from under long black lashes, as she rested her forehead against his, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.
Kaidan chuckled as he shook his head. "I hope you know this was never the intention. I had it all planned--a relaxing bath, a cocktail or two, dinner and your present."
"You are the best present I could ask for." She whispered breathily.
He pressed a brief kiss to her lips. "Happy birthday, my love."
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halesshepardn7 ¡ 3 years ago
I am very much in love!!!
Raphael Sbarge (Kaidan Alenko) saying “Marry me, Shepard.” (from BioWare livestream, 2/23/12)
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bioticsandheadshots ¡ 8 years ago
81. Do my dark undereye circles and unwashed hair turn you on? for Shenko :P
Thank you so much for the prompt! I think I even managed a decent helping of fluff this go round!
“Come to bed.”
Kaidan beckoned to her from beneath the covers, patting the spot next to him as though she’d just jump up and oblige like a good puppy. Shepard scowled at him and rocked back in her chair, propping muddy boots up on her desk and flipping through the contents of another report Traynor had forwarded regarding Cerberus troop movements.
“Rai, c’mon.” Kaidan pushed himself to his elbows, sheets falling and baring his torso in the dim light. She allowed herself a moment to appreciate the view, dropping the datapad an inch to peer over the top, but remained in her seat. Her attention prompted him to continue. “You’ve had less than ten hours of sleep all week.”
She shook her head, greasy strands of hair falling in her face with the motion. “And what if a few hours of sleep means Cerberus gets further ahead? What if resting means another colony suffers like Eden Prime? I can sleep when I’m dead.” Yanking the datapad back up, she dismissed his concerns and focused again on the text in front of her.
His sigh, followed by the whisper of bare feet on the floor warned her that he’d left the bed. She didn’t look up, hoping he’d take the fucking hint. Maybe he’d pout and go sulk in the Starboard Observation Deck. No luck. Instead, muscular thighs filled her peripheral vision as he came to a stop beside her chair.
He really was unbearably stubborn at times.
“You’ve gotta stop saying that,” he said, dropping to a crouch beside her. Honey golden eyes, full of way too much concern, stared up at her.
Shepard narrowed her eyes. She’d been sold out. “Damn it, Vakarian.”
“Don’t be mad at him.” Kaidan chuckled. His voice turned serious again. “We’re all here for you.”
Strong hands reached for hers, sliding the datapad from her fingers and setting it on the desk without breaking eye contact. With a gentle push, Kaidan rolled her chair backward and Shepard’s feet dropped to the floor with a heavy thud. He knelt before her, resting an elbow on each of her knees.
His thumbs stroked soft patterns over her scarred and bruised knuckles before lifting her hands and kissing one, then the other. It was intimate and, despite how far they’d come, there were still days that Shepard couldn’t handle the emotional vulnerability that came with loving him. So she summoned one of her greatest weapons: sarcasm.
“Do my dark undereye circles and unwashed hair turn you on, Major?”
Rather than sigh in exasperation, his mouth widened with a slow and sexy grin. It wasn’t what she’d been expecting, but she could work with it.
Pulling her hands from his grasp, she cupped his jaw and bent to kiss him. He leaned into her, letting her take the lead, opening his mouth when her tongue brushed against his lips. His fingers raked up her back and through her hair, tangling in the sweat stiffened locks.
Suddenly, gravity shifted as he hooked his other arm behind her legs and stood. The heat of his bare skin seeped through her shirt and, as his long strides carried them to the side of the bed, she pressed wet kisses along his collarbone. Shifting her weight and using his knee for balance, he lowered her to the still warm sheets, hovering above her as his lips found hers again.
As they kissed, her fingers clutched at his shoulder blades, tugging him towards her. He pulled away, shifting to lounge back on the pillows beside her sprawled form. Scowling, she reached for the hem of her shirt but his warm hand settled over hers, stilling her movement.
“Damn it, Kaidan! Stop fucking around.”
A soft chuckle reached her ears and she tilted her head to look up at him, glaring at the smile she found.
“Sorry, Rai. I’m not falling for that this time.”
Okay, maybe she’d used the distract-with-sex-and-wear-him-out tactic one too many times.
She narrowed her eyes at him. “You know, sometimes I miss that hesitant, cautious lieutenant you used to be.”
Still chuckling, he slid her closer and tucked her into the crook of his arm before reaching for his datapad that rested on the nightstand. She tried to push herself up (admittedly half assed since it felt kinda nice to lay here with him), but the arm he had wrapped around her pulled her closer instead.
Sliding one leg up, he balanced the datapad on top of his kneecap and tapped out a message. “I’ve asked Traynor to forward me that report. Liara too. We’ll both spend all night combing through it if it means you can get some rest. Add yes,” he added, anticipating her rebuttal, “I’ll wake you if I find anything.”
He leaned down and pressed a kiss to her forehead, then turned his attention back to the datapad as its chime announced a new message. Lifting her lashes, she took a moment to watch him. Like promised, he’d already focused on Traynor’s report while his fingers stroked through her hair, already soothing some of her anxiety. If there was only one person she could put her faith in for the rest of her (most likely short) life, it would be him. Besides, he clearly wasn’t letting her up anytime soon.
Nuzzling closer, her eyes fluttered closed as she breathed in the warm, reassuring scent of eezo and armor polish and let the steady beat of his heart lull her to sleep.
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alyssalenko ¡ 6 years ago
The Normandy
Okay so this is a very very late contribution to August’s Shenko Smut Thursday hosted by @spectrekaidanalenko the prompt was Crossover. I’ve had the concept of a Lake House Shenko AU sitting on my computer for over a year now, so I decided to finally expand on it. Incidentally, I had Kaidan as Kate and Alyss as Alex; the names just happened to match up. This Time Alyss had to wait two years, and their reunion is smutty and emotional. Also on AO3.
I know why you didn’t show up that night; it was you at Afterlife that day...it was you. Please don’t go—just wait, please. Don’t look for me; don’t try to find me. I love you...and it’s taken me all this time to say it, but I love you—and if you still care for me, wait for me; wait with me. Just wait. Wait. Wait two years, Alyss...come to the Normandy; I’m here.
Kaidan fell to his knees at the end of the driveway, blindly clutching the mailbox post, hoping and wishing she got his letter and listened to it. Wetness dotted the dirt, and in surprise he realized he was crying—how had it taken him so long to realize that she was the one who died in his arms two years ago? All he could do was pray he was in time. Urz growled, the flag screeching downward as something shifted around the varren and himself—two of the most excruciating minutes of his life. The sound of tires on gravel drew his attention, a large tonka truck parked haphazardly, a black-haired woman stepping down out of the cab and shutting the door jarringly hard. He quickly wiped his eyes and stood, Urz already halfway to her, Kaidan following close behind, Alyss smiling at him as she nudged the over-excited varren out of the way to approach him, the look in her lavender eyes causing his heart to beat erratically.
“You waited.” He breathed, barely getting the words out before she grabbed his lapel and pulled him down to her level, planting her lips against his.
Her lips grazed his, before she opened her mouth against his, her tongue meeting his as she wrapped her free hand around his neck, still clutching his lapel feeling like if she let go he’d disappear. Two years without a word had torn her apart. Kaidan wrapped his hands around her waist, hauling her harder against him, trying to feel her through the layers of clothes separating them, lost in her touch. For a brief moment, they pulled away to catch their breath, Kaidan crushing his lips against hers and angling his head to deepen the kiss as he draped one leg about his hips, trying to get closer still, the two of them melting together as he wove his fingers into her silky black hair. Urz butted his head against the back of Kaidan’s leg for attention. He pulled away, the two of them panting heavily as he rested his forehead against hers, interlacing their fingers together.
They turned together towards the Normandy, smiling as they remained ensconced in each other’s arms.
This place had brought them together, changed the Fates’ design, and somehow, against all odds, they were finally together. Alyss started forward, tugging him along behind her, his heated gaze tracing along the curves of her body...exactly as he remembered them in that stolen kiss at his birthday party four years ago, as she made her way towards the house. What had been two minutes to him, had been two years for her, and she needed to touch him, feel the warmth of his skin and his heart beating in time with hers. She was already toeing her shoes off as she stepped over the threshold, guiding him up the stairs and into the bedroom, before turning to him and working him out of his coat, her own jacket following close behind. Her hands were cold as she slid them up under his t-shirt, a shiver skittering across his skin as she pushed it up his torso tugging it up over his head and catching his lips in a teasing kiss.
“I love you too.”
Kaidan smirked, scooping her up in his arms and depositing her in the center of the bed, crawling up after her and placing his hands on either side of her hips, brown eyes gazing into lavender. “You bewitched me years ago, I just didn’t realize it.”
Gentle fingers hooked around the hem of her sweater, pulling it off over her head before tracing a finger over the curves of her body and sliding her pants down her legs, kissing her stomach, goosebumps popping up on her skin under his touch that had nothing to do with being cold. An excited moan escaped past her lips. When his pants joined hers on the floor, he kissed her again, warmth radiating from his body, his muscled chest teasing her own as he nestled his hips between her thighs and rolling his pelvis up into hers. Desperate need, coupled with that horrible decision to go about their lives as if they had never started writing to one another, made the touches frantic, frenzied; desire to have the other boiling just below the surface. Kaidan leaned into her, kissing her harder and pressing her into the mattress, inhaling as she exhaled like she was his oxygen. Teasing fingers ghosted over her breast, her nipple pebbling under the caress as his hand trailed lower and dipped between her thighs grazing her clit as his lips left hers and trailed down her neck, clamping over her pulse point and sucking hard, Alyss arched off the bed.
Two fingers disappeared inside her, palm pressing against her clit as he pulled his mouth from her neck, a red spot blooming in the valley between her neck and shoulder, Kaidan grinning at the sight, before he kissed a trail lower, his stubble rubbing her skin raw, leaving little red marks in its wake. Her hands fisted in his hair, toes curling in the sheets as he thrust his fingers deeper inside her, making her gasp as her thigh muscles clenched around his hips, naked breasts level with his mouth and he captured one erect nipple with his teeth before taking it in between his lips and tugging gently. When he removed his fingers, her hips stuttered with the loss; their skin flushed and damp as he teased her clit with the head of his erection, both of them already slick with desire—watching as her pupils dilated, thick black lashes fluttering, her cheeks turning pink as her lips parted. Kaidan surged into her, sighing in delight as he filled her how his fingers couldn’t. Alyss’ insides stretched to accommodate him as he hilted himself inside her. Her breathing was heavy, but then again, so was his as he pulled almost completely out, her walls clamping down around his shaft, reluctant to lose him entirely before Kaidan thrust into her again. He burrowed himself into her relentlessly, and all she could do was rock her hips to match his rhythm, pleasure building her closer to orgasm.
Kaidan pushed himself up on his elbows, tucking a lock of black hair behind her ear; he needed this as much as she did. Their movements were frantic, frenzied as if they didn’t have enough time to explore one another—but if there was one thing they had now, it was time; it no longer stood between them, keeping them apart. Alyss grabbed his ass, pulling him deeper within her, their bodies molded to one another, every inch of skin pressed together as his hand curled around her hip and tugging her closer still. His name dripped from her lips—half gasping, half moaning—as he rocked his hips forward, lips teasing hers open and tongue tracing the edge of her teeth before pressing against hers. How was it possible to be so in love with someone he’d only ever met once? She wrote one hell of a letter and he’d left his heart in that mailbox without even realizing…the fact that they were able to have this now, was a miracle, especially after realizing she’d died in his arms that day two years ago. What would he have done knowing she died again when he could’ve saved her?
Fate wanted them to meet, to save one another.
“Kaidan, please—haven’t I waited long enough?” She breathed, her breath hot against his ear as she ran her tongue along the outer shell.
He couldn’t stop the hoarse laughter if he tried—that was the understatement of the century. “You have.”
She shot him a wicked smirk, re-adjusting herself under him as she rolled her hips, grinding them against his and sending a tidal wave of need crashing through them both. Kaidan swore under his breath, as he quickened his pace, Alyss matching his thrust for thrust, the two of them moaning in unison. A husky whisper in her ear about how amazing she felt brought her nearer to orgasm with just the timbre of his voice before he growled low in his throat, the sound laced with desire as he pinched her nipple, the tiny bite of pain making her gasp in delight before his hand swept down her body, slipping between her legs once more and seeking her clit. The sharp intake of breath practically echoed around the room. His movements were slow and deliberate, fingers stroking her clit, spreading her arousal around the tiny nub, shaft withdrawing and plunging into her hard and fast, her insides stretching with him, keeping up with the rhythm he’d set.
Her back arched off the mattress as she climaxed, nails digging into his back, as she shivered and jerked, his finger still at her clit as he pulled out, her name dropping from his lips on a low growl as he spent himself across her stomach. He rolled off of her and fell onto the pillows next to her, kissing her shoulder as he struggled to get his breath back and wound his fingers together with hers. Alyss felt like a puddle of jelly...a very loved and thoroughly sated puddle, but after so long waiting, she couldn’t wait to go again. Rolling up onto her elbows she gazed down at him, lavender eyes twinkling with delight as she drew a hand down his bare chest. He smiled and caught her hand in his leaning up for another kiss, but they were interrupted by Urz jumping up on the bed and settling himself between them.
“Seems like someone’s upset at the lack of attention.” Kaidan chuckled.
Alyss snorted with laughter, as she nudged the varren off the bed with her foot, throwing one leg over Kaidan’s hips and straddling him. “He’s just going to have to get over it. I’m not done with you yet.”
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alyssalenko ¡ 7 years ago
Look at this beautiful gift fic for me that was perfect in every way. It had everything I wanted and more, and I can't stop flailing over it. I got Shenko, Shrios, elevator sex, and crew bonding. Everyone go read this because @siriusordo deserves all the praise for this masterpiece!
Never Have I Ever
Written for the 2017 MEFFW Secret Santa Fic Exchange. A holiday party, mistletoe, and a drinking game. What could possibly happen? FShenko.
A/N: I hope everyone had a great holiday season. This was written as my gift fic for @alyssalenko  for the Mass Effect Secret Santa Fic Exchange 2017. I was thrilled with this match. After signing up I’d looked through the requests and saw this one. I loved it and considered writing something for it, whether I received it or not. Imagine my excitement and surprise when I opened my assignment email and found I’d been matched with her. I really loved writing this! Thanks again to @jediserenity82 for beta'ing this for me!
Read Below or at: ffnet: https://www.fanfiction.net/docs/edit.php?docid=53012872 AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/13169967
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alyssalenko ¡ 2 years ago
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A Little Bit of Shenko Paradise
When Mass Effect Legendary Edition came out, I had way too much fun taking game clips and creating GIFs of the most prominent Shenko moments (well, not all of them as Tumblr still has a 10 image limit). But my little Shenko Heart is a-flutter.
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alyssalenko ¡ 7 years ago
For the prompts, #161, fshenko, please and thank you! :)
First of all, thank you so much for the request! Second, this was a little tough figuring where in their relationship I wanted to put this, but if it was during, it would’ve turned smutty knowing me, and since I wasn’t sure if you’re for that kind of thing (if you are, let me know and next one will be so smutty, I promise), I made it before their official beginning, because it doesn’t hurt to look right? ;)
Prompt 161: You’re making me blush!
Alyss sat on the table in the mess, one leg draped over the other as Kaidan tinkered with the panel outside her quarters. She’d come from talking to Joker in the cockpit and stopped in her tracks when she saw him, slipping silently behind him and hopping up on the table, just taking a moment to watch. He stretched his arms over his head; her eyes glued to the flexing muscles of his arms and back, not to mention his amazing hindquarters and perfect thighs…looking never hurt anyone, the BDUs leaving little to the imagination. And her imagination was in overdrive.
Alyss bit her lower lip to hide a smirk as she found herself with the urge to trace the well-defined and smooth lines of his muscles with her tongue; the things she wanted to do to him–with him. Lavender eyes raked up and down his body, his shirt riding up a little as he worked, the newly exposed skin catching her attention, her gaze infused with appreciation and heat. She took it all in, scrutinizing his every move with her arms crossed over her chest; he was taking his sweet time with whatever he was doing, having not been alerted to her presence, and there was a little more time to stoke the fires of her indecent mind. A little indulgence wasn’t a bad thing.
Kaidan turned and caught her eye, smiling sweetly at her, unaware that she’d been devouring the sight of him. He cocked his head to one side. Why did he have to look so adorable like that, head tilted to the left, as he watched her? She hoped he didn’t see the lust shadowing her eyes. Nervously, she reached up to fiddle with her hair, tugging it out of the ponytail she had it in, letting her long black hair cascade down around her shoulders and frame her face making Kaidan hold his breath; he loved it when she let her hair down. Commander Alyss Shepard had never wanted to break the rules of fraternization more than she did right then; the look on his handsome face and the dare behind his chocolate eyes had her wanting to throw regulations and inhibitions out the airlock…
“God, you’re beautiful.” She breathed.
“Commander, please. You’re making me blush.”
Kaidan grinned and she clapped her hands over her mouth; had she actually said those words out loud? She’d meant to just think it, keep everything hidden, but the smile her remark elicited sent a shiver down her spine. His eyes roamed over every inch of her body. The sexual tension in the room was palpable, and for a moment it seemed like they were the only two people in the galaxy. A blip from her omnitool was just what they needed to pull them both back to reality, stopping whatever this thing happening between them was–a message from Joker blinked at her. Her face went crimson as she read it.
“If you decide to jump Kaidan’s bones, try to make it to your quarters. Also, if you two have sex Ashley owes me twenty credits, so don’t stop on my account. -J.”
“I should go.” She muttered, sliding off the table. “We’ll talk later, Kaidan.”
He nodded, wondering how she always got him so wound up inside. “I’d like that…”
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alyssalenko ¡ 5 years ago
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I was lucky enough to snag a spot in @nsfwfrosch/@froschkuss Ko-Fi commissions and got Alyss and Kaidan sharing a moment AND I AM DEAD. Look at the way they are looking at each other--AND KAIDAN'S SMIRK. My Shenko heart is a-flutter! HE WAS PRETTY SPECTACULAR IF I REMEMBER RIGHT!
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alyssalenko ¡ 6 years ago
Kaidan and Alyss have a moment alone. I will probably return to this when I get better at my manipulation, because it's not quite right, but I am tired of fussing over it.
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alyssalenko ¡ 5 years ago
For the week leading up to @alyssalenko‘s birthday, I was her secret admirer, gathering info on her OC’s and their relationships so I could write her a poem as a gift! What I came up with is this free verse poem, called “Orbital”, about Alyss Shepard from the point of view of her love interest Kaidan Alenko. I know very little about Mass Effect, so I had to take a quick YouTube run through the Kaidan romance (he’s a sweet boy, must protect). I hope I captured his personality and his unending love for Shepard. Happy birthday, @alyssalenko! May today and all your days be amazing! <3
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alyssalenko ¡ 6 years ago
Okay. So this chapter is a prequel to the one I wrote two weeks ago for ShenkoSmutThursday written for the MEFFW Halloween drabble challenge. I wanted to explore this universe a little more so I'm back at it with my Underworld Inspired Vampyr/Lycan AU fraught with sexual tension this first chapter...also on AO3 if you prefer
A werewolf is attacked by humans on Halloween, and happens to be found by a vampire, who bends some rules to help him...
She watched the unconscious werewolf shift back to human, his battered and bruised body no longer having the strength to keep the transformation, thank god it wasn't a full moon or he may have died in wolf form. She should have left him there...she didn't need to complicate her life more, but he was injured and she did have a heart. Even if it barely beat...plus he was gorgeous. Her eyes roamed up and down his muscular, well-toned body taking in the sight of him, and appreciating his golden nakedness. She sighed, running her hands through her long black hair and taking the unconscious Lycan home with her—they tended to roam in packs and if they thought she’d done this to him there would be hell to pay. The Vampyrs and Werewolves may have had a pact due to the humans threatening both their worlds, but it was fragile at best. They were just trying to survive...so as much as she regretted killing each and every one of his ambushers, it had been a necessity. She frowned as she cleaned his wounds...the humans must've used silver weapons when they attacked, because he wasn't healing; they always grew braver the closer it got to Halloween. The cuts were all over, and she wondered if his pack had left him for dead, or retreated to nurse their own wounds, but maybe he'd been alone and ambushed. Her eyes went red, fangs descending, before she used her teeth to open a vein in her wrist and dripped her own blood into one of his wounds, mingling her blood with his to help his body repair the damage. Drawing her tongue across her wrist, her saliva sealed the gash, the wound closing almost instantly, her charge gasping in his sleep, probably feeling a sting as his body knit back together, mending broken bones and internal injuries she couldn't see, dark eyelashes fluttering against his cheeks, but he didn't wake. It would take some time for her blood to circulate and mix with his, so she contented herself with wrapping gauze around his torso. Her fingers trailed across his skin, tracing the contours of his muscles but she caught herself, pulling her hand back as if she'd been burned. She grabbed a blanket from the hall closet and draped it over his unconscious form, resisting the urge to push a black curl out of his face.
Why did she want to touch him so badly?
Shaking her head, she retreated from the room into the kitchen to clean herself up and for some blood to replenish her energy from the fight when she'd found him and his human assailants. It would probably be easier for him when he woke up if the first thing he saw wasn't a vampyr. Busying herself with making a Vampyr's Kiss cocktail with a healthy amount of blood, and only a hint of the black cherry liquor it usually required, before returning to his side, and setting it on a coaster on the mahogany coffee table—just because she drank blood didn't mean she was a barbarian. Soft fingers lifted up the white gauze checking underneath the bandages and finding that his wounds were progressing quite nicely in their healing. A hand grabbed hers roughly, shoving it away as he tried to sit up, groaning. She rolled her eyes and pushed him back against the cushions, a battle of super strengths. It wouldn't do to have him hurt himself after everything he'd been through, and when he finally relaxed, she smirked and retrieved her glass from the table, bringing it to her lips.
He had the most beautiful brown eyes...
“It's okay. You're safe; I won't hurt you...my name's Alyss. Alyss Shepard.”
“Kaidan. Kaidan Alenko.” He growled as his nostrils flared.
This had to be some kind of joke.
Her scent was unmistakable to his heightened sense of smell, a mixture of flowers and leather, which couldn't hide the earthy undertones prevalent on all vampires, but he wasn't repulsed like he should have been. In fact, he was quite the opposite—aroused. He wanted to rip both their clothes off and take her right there on the couch, claim her, mark her as his own. Attacked by humans and left for dead on Halloween no less when he'd just been trying to take a shortcut home, and he just happened to wake up in his mate's house...and his mate was a damn vampyr? Fuck. It didn't help that she was quite possibly the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen, her allure and sensuality almost overwhelming...and she was just having a drink. Kaidan took a deep breath through his nose, hoping to calm the blood pounding in his ears—he owed her his life...and wanted to give her all of himself. He wanted her more with every breath full of her scent that he inadvertently inhaled, but this couldn't happen—Lycan and Vampire pairings were a big no-no. Kaidan struggled to block the tantalizing aroma from his mind and pushed himself into a sitting position, gritting his teeth together and taking slow shallow breaths through his mouth, bracing himself against his near uncontrollable arousal and forcing himself to take stock of his wounds.
They weren't as bad as they could've been.
“I thought I was dead.” He muttered.
“You almost were. Lucky for you I came across you when I did...taking your attackers out of the picture and giving you some of my blood to heal.” A haunted look crossed her face—bemoaning the superfluous loss of life. “They're getting bolder...ambushing a lycan in wolf form? Tracking vampyrs to their homes to kill them while they slumber during the day? When does it end?”
She was hurting, he realized; a vampire who cared? That was new. Cautiously he placed his hand over hers, his entire body humming in approval at the touch, his mind zeroing in on how soft her skin was, despite the cold temperature—it just felt so perfect, so right. Alyss set her martini glass down, lavender eyes meeting brown, as she turned their hands over, lacing their fingers together, momentarily forgetting the sticky situation that had found them together. Her hand was gone from his far too soon, realization dawning on her what they were doing, forcing herself off the sofa to put some space in between them, wrapping her arms about her leather-clad torso. Something she said earlier clicked in his brain, he'd been too focused on how torn up she was for it to register that she'd given him some of her blood. Vampyr blood in a Lycan...in one night, one All Hallow's Eve, they'd broken so many rules, be it unconsciously or not and he was about to break another, because he didn't want to part from her, not when he finally found his mate. Kaidan stood, tucking the blanket around himself to hide his nakedness and crossing the space between them in two strides, cupping Alyss’ chin gently in his hand, his thumb stroking her jawline as he gazed into her eyes.
Rules be damned…
“Thank you. I owe you my life—and if you'll let me, I'd like to stay...protect you during the day, and at night we work together? Two supernatural creatures are better than one.”
Kaidan’s brown eyes were brimming with hope, and Alyss couldn't stop the laugh that bubbled up from her throat—she shouldn't look a gift wolf in the mouth. “I think that would be fine. Now you've had a rough night and must be hungry...and you may want some clothes...”
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