#my 70s bill dreams realized
gtsdreamer2 · 8 months
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Ever since your dad walked out on your family, you felt like you had a responsibility to your mom and sister to be the man of the house. You worked hard, studied hard, went to college while working a job that helped pay the bills, and it all paid off. You used your degree to dive into the tech industry and become a great inventor. Some of your inventions were taking off, and you were finally starting to see the fruits of your labor. That also meant that you could delegate some of your work to others now, which granted you enough free time to be able to work on pet projects and spoil your girlfriend, Katy. Sometimes, those two things coincided.
After a few tireless weeks of working 'round the clock in secret, you had finally finished your girlfriend's present. She was a retro soul with a 70s aesthetic, so you made her a special lava lamp. It was special because you had engineered some of your new tech into it. Katy had always had a waifish figure since you had known her, which, although you loved her just the same for it, made her very self-conscious both in the bedroom and out in public. The lamp that you had produced just for her was designed to emit special waves of energy to both grow her lacking assets and instill confidence in her, both through temporary mental manipulation and a renewed pride in her physical appearance.
You finally got home with your new toy when you got a ping on your phone to go out for drinks with your boys. 'What the hell, why not? I've been working my ass off. I deserve this.' you thought to yourself, setting the lamp on the kitchen counter before quickly changing and speeding off to the bars. Slamming the door as your left, you woke your sleeping mom, Cindy.
She came downstairs and into the kitchen and spotted the lamp on the counter. "Well this is cool. I haven't seen one of these in years!" She said, picking it up and examining it. "I bet Jake got it for me since my birthday is coming up. He definitely wouldn't have gotten this for himself. I'm so excited to set it up. It'll make a nice night light." Your mom scampered back up the stairs with the lamp and a glass of water in hand. She quickly downed her refreshment and plugged in the lamp, setting it on the dresser on the far side of the room before switching it on.
As it heated up, a warm glow filled the room. "Wow, it's giving off a lot of heat. I probably won't be able to use this in the summer, but its very comforting right now. As the lamp got hotter, so did your mom as she got cozy in bed. She dozed off while staring at the lamp's memorizing lava bubbles.
She couldn't remember her dreams, but they must have been wonderful. Cindy awoke with her panties soaked and wedged tightly against herself. She moaned and stretched, feeling a strange tightness all across her sleepwear. As she tossed and turned, trying to get her clothes to adjust, her nipples brushed the soft fabric of her PJs and elicited another, more sexual moan from her lips. She hadn't felt this turned on in years. It was like a long dormant fire had been lit. Turning on her side, Cindy put her legs around one of the extra pillows on the bed and started to aggressively hump herself to climax, biting her blanket to stifle her whimpers of pleasure all the while. Her sensitive nipples ached to be teased as she bucked. She eagerly obliged them as she snaked a hand under her top. She was so lost in her trance that she almost didn't realize that she was grabbing more breast than she should have had. Cindy was far too lost in pleasure at that moment as she humped and groped her sensitive body until she finally came hard into the pillow that she was abusing.
Sweat-speckled and panting, she finally released the poor pillow, covered with the evidence of your mom's much needed release. 'That was amazing.' She thought to herself, still trying to collect herself as she stood up from the bed. Her clothing still felt wrong on her as she made her way to the full body mirror in the bathroom.
As she looked herself up and down in the mirror, her jaw dropped. Her tits had grown. Her ass had plumped. Her head was slightly outside the frame of the mirror which was never an issue before this moment. "This is a lot." She said to herself, trying to take it all in. "I'm...a lot. I need coffee."
Cindy forced her soaked panties off her and discarded them into her laundry bin. She replaced them with a fresh pair that seemed to strain against the might of her new rear, but they fit, for now. A bra was out of the question, so she threw on a sweater by itself and then a part of leggings that couldn't cover her ankles and made her ass perk even higher. Checking herself out in the mirror again, she felt a wave of confidence as she tossed her sex hair from side to side. "I feel amazing this morning." She whispered before heading downstairs.
You awoke on your friend's couch, your natural body clock telling you that it was time to get up for work. "Shit." You cursed under your breath. You must have gotten too wasted last night. You pulled yourself together and got your things as quick as you could. You checked your phone and realized that you wouldn't have time to go home and would have to go straight to work. You wouldn't be home until late either. Sighing, you forced yourself out of your friend's house and into your car and then off to work.
Your sister came downstairs to find your mom humming to herself while doing the morning chores. She was loading the dishwasher, finishing breakfast, and sipping her coffee. She seemed different. Not just happier and peppier, but less...mom-like. She couldn't put her finger on it. "You're in a good mood this morning." She said. Sitting down to be served. Cindy quickly placed the spread before her.
"I know!" Your mom beamed back at your sister, Destiny, sitting down with her own, overloaded plate of food. "I feel amazing this morning." She dug into her breakfast, far more ravenously than she normally would have. She blamed it on the calories burned from touching herself that morning, conveniently trying to block out the obvious answer, which was that her increased assets caused the calorie deficit. Destiny sat there in disbelief of Cindy as the massive plate of food disappeared. She had no time to gawk as she had to get her things and get to her classes, however. Destiny said her goodbyes and left your mom home alone and to her own devices.
After clearing her plate and helping herself to everything that was leftover, she finally felt satisfied. She continued with her daily chores, cleaning around the house, vacuuming, tidying up the bathroom, normal motherly duties. Around midday, she finally started to feel sluggish and tired and returned to her room for an afternoon nap. That's when she remembered the lamp. "Oops" she said to no one. "I forgot to turn this off. Reaching for the lamp, she felt the warmth kiss her fingers before moving up her arm and then through her chest. Her nipples awoke and grew hard, pressing against her already too tight top. Instead of turning the lamp off, she instead put both her hands on it and lifted it up, holding it close to her chest. The warm feeling that had already started to completely envelop her intensified and she cooed at the feeling filling her body. As her body drank in the heat that was radiating from her new luminant gift, she could feel herself growing. Suddenly her nether regions had started to produce a heat of their own and she was reminded of the fun that she had gotten to have with herself that morning. Cindy then had a devilish idea. She unplugged the lamp from the outlet on the far wall and replugged it into the one by her nightstand. Peeling off her shrinking clothing, she crawled into bed and switched the lamp back on She sat with her back resting up against the headboard and her legs spread open and her feet touching In the center she placed the lamp, mere inches from her hungry snatch. Then as she was basking in the glow, she again began to pleasure herself. Cindy had no need to hold back her cries and moans in an empty house, so as she rubbed her needy clit, she wailed in ecstasy for the first time in countless years. Orgasm after orgasm shook through her as her growing body continued to become more and more sensitive.
"Fuck!" she cried out as another climax and subsequent growth spurt rattled through her. "Why does this feel so good? I just want more and more and more! There's no way this should be happening." Not that she was keeping track of how big she was growing, but she had long left the six foot mark behind. If she had kept her clothing on, it would have started ripping itself apart from her body by now. Groping her giant tits, she couldn't help but smile. "These have grown so huge! So big and sensitive! And my nipples!" She tugged on each of them in turn then, not daring to take a hand away from her needy needy cunt. With each buck of her hips, she could feel her feet sliding further and further towards the edge of the bed and then beyond as her head pressed up against and then crept up the headboard. She could feel her pillowy ass jiggle and bounce against the bed as her leg muscles continued to thicken. After what felt like her twentieth finish, her body was finally satisfied and she passed out, the lamp tipping forward and delicately landing between her lips. As she slept, the energy from the lamp poured into her, forcing her bigger and bigger in her sleep.
Work finally ended and you were heading home. You felt behind the whole day and had hardly a moment to yourself to think. Throwing your keys on the counter, they landed right where the lamp should have been. Immediately you were wide awake, mind racing. 'I forgot all about the lamp, fuck.' You thought frantically. 'There's no way that someone plugged it in right?' You crept down the hall to your sister's room first. Slowing cracking open her door, nothing seemed out of place. You gave a sigh of relief and shut her door.
Next came your mom's room. As you quietly opened her door, your heart immediately sank. She was naked in her bed and at least eight feet tall by now. Both hands gripping the lamp as she rhythmically humped against it in her sleep. You were horrified, but it was also hard to look away. Her body was producing dangerous pheromones, just like the lamp was designed to do. Luckily, you knew this and were conscious of them. As you snuck up to the side of her bed, the pheromones grew stronger. You quickly unplugged the lamp and the room darkened slightly, now only lit from the setting sun outside. You held your breath as you slipped the lamp out of her hands, careful not to wake her. Exiting the room, you finally let out a frustrated sigh and an audible "fuck" as your sister was closing the front door.
"Woah, what's the problem?" She said, immediately noticing that something was off. She set her school stuff down and walked over to you.
"It's mom. She took this" You said gesturing to the lamp in your hands "and now she's like eight feet tall."
"Well that's...something" Your sister says, clearly lost. "What's 'this'" she said pointing to what looked to her like a relic from the 70s.
"'This' is a present for Katy, but I had to run off to work this morning after being out all night. I guess mom took it to bed and plugged it in." You let out another exasperated sigh. "Katy is on her way here right now to come pick this up, but I need to go back to my lab to get what I need to fix mom. Hopefully before she wakes up. Can I trust you to hold onto it while I'm gone and give it to my girlfriend? I don't need mom waking up and using it again. It seems like it can get pretty addicting pretty quickly based on her size. Maybe it works a little too well. I think I'll grab some supplies to recalibrate it for Katy before I let her use it." You were talking to yourself at this point.
"I don't really know what's going on since she seemed pretty normalish this morning, but sure bro!" She said eager to help. "I promise I wont let mom use it while you're gone. You should hurry though, I don't know how long she's been asleep. And if she's eight feet tall, I don't think I'd be able to stop her anyway. You better fix this."
You pushed the lamp into her arms and quickly left for your lab, leaving your sister alone with your sleeping colossus of a mother. Setting the lamp on the counter, your sister crept over to your mom's room and cracked the door open. "Holy shit," she whispered, "she's huge!" Silently closing the door, Destiny quickly scooped the lamp up and brought it to her room, where she promptly undressed and plugged it into her nightstand. Sitting on her bed, she held the lamp between her petite breasts as it began to produce heat. "Come on, come on. I don't have much time before Katy gets here. I wanna grow, too. Make me bigger!"
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th3archivisst · 2 years
Hob had been very annoyed with the downfall of modern sweets. The chocolate no longer had as much taste, it was just sugar. And all the best candies had been out of production for years. He mostly missed Cadbury’s Aztec bar, but that had been gone since the 70s.
He had been planning on complaining about that to his stranger during their meetup in 1989, but well. That didn’t happen.
So, he’d just gone on with daily life, no longer going out to the store everyday to get his favorite sugar bombs. The only thing that was still good was the ice cream, and every once in a while a cake or cookie. He mostly just stuck with savory foods though.
And then, his dear stranger had returned. And not only had he returned, but he had told Hob his name.
It was so fitting that Hob had laughed when he heard it first. And then, later that night, he had murmured it over and over again, cheeks hurting from the smile he hadn’t been able to get rid of since his friend came back.
He hadn’t had the chance to tell Dream everything he’d wanted to that day, but to his surprise and delight, Dream had showed up not a week later right outside his classroom door. He’d almost given the student who opened it a heart attack.
They had walked through the park together, talking amiably. Or, Hob had talked, and Dream had listened attentively, smiling from time to time and adding a thing or two here and there.
It was during this friendly conversation that Hob had remembered how awful modern day sweets were. They had just been passing a shop, and a pair of kids had walked out of it, one holding a chocolate bar and breaking a piece off for their friend.
Hob had looked at them for a second, then remembered.
“Oh yeah, and did you know just how bad all the sweet stuff has gotten?”
He’d gone on like this for around a minute before-
“I really miss Aztec though. That was some really good stuff. Too bad they discontinued it in the 70s, dammit.”
Dream had looked up at him then, brow furrowed and eyes twinkling. He’d left shortly afterwards, to Hob’s immense disappointment. Though he had promised to come back before next century.
For two weeks after that, everything was quiet. No sign of Dream, just regular old brilliant life. Although it would be a fair lot more brilliant with a certain gorgeous pale goth in it.
Now, Hob sat by the window in the New Inn, checking the assignments his students had handed back to him earlier that week. It was around 9pm, only just getting dark. (Thank god for summer, shortens the electricity bill)
Suddenly, a cat meowed just outside the window. Hob jumped a bit, then looked over.
It was beautiful black tom, with silky fur and eyes like the cosmos. Those eyes were very familiar…
With a grin and a sneaking suspicion, Hob got up and moved to the door to let the thing in. It meowed up at him and rubbed against his legs as it entered.
He went back to his spot and sat back down. The cat hopped up on the chair opposite him. For a while, Hob just continued checking the essays, not paying the cat any mind. If his suspicion was correct, that was the best way to prove it, he though.
And he thought correctly.
Twenty minutes in, a slight breeze flowed through the inn.
Another minute later, a quiet cough sounded across from Hob.
Hob grinned and liften his gaze to meet Dream’s.
“Dream! How lovely to see you.”
He teased his friend, amused at how his brow creased with slight annoyance. He knew Dream wouldn’t run off from some casual banter, so he could afford this little thing every now and then.
“What brings you here, my friend?”
Dream blinked silently. Then, he reached into a coat pocket and pulled something out.
“Close your eyes, Hob.”
Hob did.
“Give me your hand.”
And Hob did. He was confused, but interested and eager at the prospect of touching this ethereal creature.
He realized he had never done so before.
Dream’s skin was softer than any silk Hob had ever known, though it emanated no warmth.
Maybe Hob could rub some into it some day.
Hopefully that day would come soon.
A small, plastic package settled in his hand, and cold fingers closed his own around it.
When Hob opened his eyes, he was alone at the table again, holding a candy bar. He blinked a few times, perturbed.
Then, he looked down at the bar and his breath hitched.
It was an Aztec.
It was a damn Aztec.
A laugh escaped him, incredulous and delighted. He pocketed the sweet, determined to get Dream to try it with him later.
And also maybe kiss him senseless as thanks.
This post was inspired by @gabessquishytum’s post, which you can find here
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oatmealmika · 1 year
a/n : sometimes i just wish law was actually written as a girl cuz DAMN
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first off, CLOTHES SHE'D WEAR!!
i'm getting major streetwear/chola style vibes from fem! law
like i mean ripped up baggy jeans, croptops, hoodies, oversized t-shirts, sports bras, long clickity clackity nails (if she really wanted to but very occasionally), and of course (his? her?) their hat
she got her earrings done when she was too little to remember so it's just annoying to have to redo them every so often
i have no clue who'd do her tattoos since she most definitely wouldn't trust some sketchy guy to do them
maybe herself but i don't think that's it either
and whenever you ask her, she makes up a different story (like that one blond guy in "ratatouille" who has a criminal record)
"woke up with it" "they're stick n pokes" "this guy i knew who would only wear bucket hats" and of course "nunya"
she is half german and half mexican (may or may not be self projection with the mexican part)
i get HUGE ymir from aot vibes with fem! law
she appears rude, hardheaded, and pessimistic, but she really does care about others and does have some hope in her (wishing her crew likes her horrendous hawaiian shirts)
her music taste is rock, rap, indie dream pop (tv girl), and then sad spanish songs that slap way too hard (i'm thinking "no me queda mas" by selena, a bunch of vicente fernandez songs my mom loves to play at full volume, and "amor eterno" by rocio durcal)
def not straight i mean just look at fem! law fanart on tumblr bro like honey... and man, am i glad she isn't straight cuz GODDAMN
if you go out with her, you need to order for her pls she can't do it on her own
but she will take the bill, no excuses
i think the type of person she needs as a partner would have to be okay with silence, they have to be outgoing and fun but mature with intense situations, and yeah
plays the bass guitar and has been for years
also plays the drums but her main instrument is bass
really wants to be in a band but not really since she hates the idea of having to be nice all the time for the public
at a mall, she either hangs out at hot topic, barnes and nobles, or justice the whole time
got a bunch of piercings all over her but that's a secret lol nobody knows...
UNTIL I TELL YOU: bellybutton, industrial, conch, ear lobe, tragus, bridge, middle tongue, hip, nipple, and then a bunch of genital piercings i will not be discussing any further XD
her most used apps are photos, notes, tumblr, pinterest, depop, and....... ao3
OKAY OKAY as hard as it might be to believe this, this is NOT self projection it is TRUTH
she doesn't religiously read fics or anything, just occasional oneshots about her nerdy crap when she's bored or something
my girl out here reading her "sora, warrior of the sea" 10k+ fics 💀
if you take her home to meet the family, at first they'll be thrown off by her intimidating looks, but soon enough they'll realize what a little loser she is! the cutie patootie she is <3
LOVE LOVE LOVES cringy 70s/80s/90s movies (think "grease", "the princess bride", "pretty in pink", "10 things i hate about you", etc.)
she doesn't know why. she hates the dumb stereotypes and all that stuff, but she just can't help it! she's so real for it too
idk why but i feel like she'd LOVE spiderman???? like as an obsession?
she is pretty normal about the live action movies, it's just SPIDERVERSE THAT MAKES HER GO CRAZY
she also wants to be good at art but never has motivation to do it
she def has an upside down smile (that what it's called? i think of it more as a "oh that's cringy look and stare y'all" smile)
is she scrawny? muscular? i can't decide honestly. like yeah guy law has some brawn, but he is still a pretty lanky guy, so that's why i see fem! law as a lanky chick. but i love muscular women... goddamn she is just lanky. she obviously has some meat on her bones, but not much.
that being said, i don't think she's very curvaceous either (let's pretend oda didn't draw her the way he did). she is no doubt an a cup, and while her butt is fairly larger, she's still pretty flat.
she also only ever wears sports bras since she thinks regular bras are uncomfy and a hassle.
for a va to replace masc! law's, i would say for japanese romi park. for english, i'd say either trina nushimura or elizabeth maxwell.
for one piece live action, i would want like zendaya as fem! law 😭 aye anything for queen zendaya
only bepo knows this, but she wears socks and sandals on sundays no fail.
has a tattoo somewhere of bepo's name inside a heart with an arrow through it (think those tattoos that tough guys get, with instead of bepo, "mom" is what's written)
fem! law still wears ugly ass hawaiian shirts, don't get it mixed up ✊
that's all for now :)
likes and reblogs are appreciated <3
have a good day!!
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bills-blog-now · 1 month
I (Kevin) had a dream involving Bill recently. It was... off though. I think he had a red bowtie in the beginning?
I'm getting ahead of myself though. I had The Book of Bill in my dream, and, so, naturally, I had summoned him without a single thought (I'm a lucid dreamer, though in this dream, it was more like 70% lucid. As in, my brain was lucid, but my body was doing it's own thing.). At first, there was nothing there, the dream going on normally, except a strange stress emotion. I already knew what it was, and, after about half a minute I called out to him as my body continued doing dream stuff, "I know you're watching me, Bill."
Of course, the feeling of being watched intensified. Until he popped into existence in the background. But, I think he was trying to hide his identity?? Cause he has two horizontally laid eyes, like on a human, and the aforementioned red bowtie.
I had scoffed and told him to drop the weird two eye thing, as I know that he only has one. He tried to convince me by lying about how, haven't you seen me in history with the two eyes and wide grin? He had doodled his disguised visage into the sand on the ground. (I don't think he realized that I was lucid?? As if the doodle of himself with two eyes and mouth would convince me.)
I had kicked out one of the sand eyes, telling him again that he's only got one, so drop the act.
And... he did. His false visage dropped, his bowtie black as it normally is. He mostly just stared at me, and then asked me who I am. I told him, "I'm most likely the Bill Cipher from my own dimension." Which, I'm not entirely sure why I said that, but... honestly. There was one point in time where I was picking a new name for myself (I believe either before I'd watched Gravity Falls or at a time where it was not in the front of my mind). And I would have picked "William" if my step-brother didn't already have that name. And I kinda do have main character syndrome. So.
Anyways, the dream continued, my body doing whatever the hell it wanted, and poking dream thoughts into my head, making it difficult to focus on Bill being there. I struggled against it, cause I wanted to focus on Bill. I think he made a comment making fun of me for struggling in the dream, and so I turned the conversation towards the Theraprism.
And then I woke up. lol
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depoteka · 8 months
Ooh, I can ask some questions if you're in the mood. I saw your post about wanting to have that on your blog. Anyway, here it is:
1. What movies make you cry each time you watch them?
2. Who is your favorite book heroine and why?
3. A celebrity crush you had as a teenager and what made them appealing to you?
4. Which is your favorite fashion era and why?
5. Is there something you wish you could do, but never had the chance yet?
that's a lot of questions this is so lovely!! thank you!!!!!
to be frank i don't rewatch movies that often so i cannot really say!!! i've probably cried the hardest watching the bridges of madison county some years ago and i don't want to go through that again hhhh. i think when i decide to rewatch something it's always a movie that won't make me cry. my most rewatched movies are probably stand by me, bill & ted's excellent adventure and napoleon dynamite
going through my goodreads i realized that sooo many of my highest rated books have male protagonists, i need to change it. right now i'm reading myra breckinridge by gore vidal and i adore her. her obsession with gold age of hollywood and her personality are so captivating (and of course i've seen the movie so i just picture raquel welch in wonderful outfits while reading which makes the character even more iconic to me)
for some reason the first person that came to my mind was ewan mcgregor. i became obsessed with him after watching star wars prequels. and tbh what was appealing about him (other than his looks obviously which was a major factor) was the fact that he is goofy and not scared of playing in weird movies and just getting all naked in them from time to time. i lost interest when he started picking more mainstream movies and also when he left his wife aadfdf that was the last straw for me
ooof that's a hard one. probably 50s/60s/70s. i adore the patterns, the colours and the way clothes from this era fit on the body. when it comes to more historical things 19th century also had some gorgeous clothes but i'm not that knowledgeable on that, all i know is that early 19th century empire waist dresses are boring to me
not to be a sad loser on main but go on a date 🤧🤧 i refuse to use tinder so that's not happening anytime soon for me. but a girl can dream
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Hey Sweetheart,
Sorry for the super late night letter. If you’re asleep already, I wish for you get the rest you need and to have the sweetest of dreams. I hope you wake up with a smile on your face and ready to take on the weekend. I’ve been thinking about you all day. Wishing I could have sent a letter earlier today, but alas. I realized you don’t know anything about me. That’s totally unfair to you, so here it goes:
I should probably start with the question everyone asks me first, I’m 5’10”. I’m in my late 20’s and a Libra. I have long dark brown curly hair, dark brown eyes, and pale-ish skin because I don’t go outside a ton during the summer. Oh if you look very closely (I do mean closely), I have freckles across the tops of my cheeks and nose. No tattoos (yet). My nose was pierced, I’m planning on getting it repierced eventually.
I love 70’s-80’s metal and rock. My favorite bands are Eagles, Anthrax, Kansas, Mötley Crüe, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Ozzy, W.A.S.P., Twisted Sister, Guns N’ Roses, Scorpions, Metallica, Quiet Riot. I can’t play the guitar for shit but I want to learn. My guilty pleasure music is Musicals and Disney stuff (gotta satiate the childhood nostalgia). My favorite colors are maroon, black, and dark green. I’m very introverted (hints the secret admirer letters). I’m definitely social with friends, family, and whoever I’m in a relationship with. I play D&D every Sunday (except this month, we are on a break because holidays). Lost Boys, E.T., Lilo & Stitch, Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure, The Goonies, and Treasure Planet are my favorite movies.
I’ll never part with my converse or my black boots. I love to read and write. My dreams and imagination are so vivid it’s like watching a movie scene play out in my head. I’m an insomniac and a night owl. I’m definitely aware of how that’s a bad combo. I swear like a sailor but I try not to in the letters to you and I think I’m doing a pretty damn good job so far😉. I’m fiercely loyal and will not judge anyone. I trust only once. Meaning, I refuse to let my trust being taken for granted. I will take any chance to stand in the rain. I love campfires and stargazing. I love late night drives. I’m a dog person who ended up with a cat. I would die for her.
I’m super excellent at communication. I really hate yelling. If there’s an issue or a disagreement I’d rather work it out together, talking, then it turn into a screaming match. I’m a super affectionate person, it’s my love language for sure. Snuggles, cuddles, head kisses, cheek kisses, mouth/tongue kisses and tons of hugs. I have a niece who told me my hugs are pretty magical sooooo do with that information what you will. I love for whoever I’m in a relationship with to feel safe, like all the bad things world have disappeared. Sorry I know that was a ton. But If you have any questions for me (even if it’s the spicy not pg-13 variety, didn’t know if you would feel comfortable with me talking about it), I’d be more than happy to answer them.
Song to go with this letter: Wild Side- Mötley Crüe
-Your Secret Admirer
awwww thank you for sending this!! you have such great taste, in movies, music, and favorite colors. i’m also an introverted night owl, but I can be social with my loved ones as well. i’m just very shy at first until I get to know someone, then the fun, weird side of me will definitely come out!
i cant think of any questions right now, but i’ll ask some if any arise! feel free to ask me anything as well! i’ll answer, if im comfortable doing so!
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emptymanuscript · 11 months
Did a Republican Senator actually have a moment of Sanity? 0_0
Turtle opposing it makes it sound like it isn’t a Trojan Horse, which would be awesome.
I’m cool with giving Republicans the credit for overturning Citizens United if they want to do it. Go GOP. I’ve got an American Flag in here somewheres to raise and wave for anyone to kill Citizens United. I will happily de-partisan for the murder of that evil atrocity that is ruining our country.
I actually was officially registered as an Independent for me entire adulthood until Trump became the Republican nominee for President and I realized that I would never be able to vote Republican in good conscience. I literally didn’t register as a Democrat until 2015-16. I always had this fantasy - since turning 17 and falling in love hate addiction with politics and wanting Ross Perot to be President - of I’ll just vote for the best candidate and not care about party. And then proceeded to prove out every legitimate study that’s ever been done which says whatever way you lean is what you really are and you’re just lying to yourself. But, you know, I COULD have supported and voted for a Republican. In principle. Which was important to me. Never mind that I could, technically, still do that even being registered as a Democrat. Registering Democrat was really nothing but the final acknowledgment that I never would because the Republicans are psychotically evil as a group and, so far as I have been able to tell, pretty much psychotically evil as individuals as well.
No group that would support Trump for President, just on the evidence of what he was like before ascending to political office, can be trusted so long as they allow anyone in their leadership who ever espoused or allowed that support. A group that will support him again after January 6th… honestly, that group should be outlawed.
I would love to be wrong.
The thing I hate most about Republicans (as opposed to what disgusts or morally outrages me, I am talking about personalized hate) is that they turned me into a Democrat.
The Democratic party is far more Conservative and Right Wing than I am. It’s a poor fit for my ideology. What it is for me is pragmatic and practical. Promoting the Democratic party and its goals is the best way for me to accomplish mine. There’s not much glamour or love. I haven’t voted for the Democratic President in their first primary… ever. Even President Obama, who I admit I felt a lot of joy and excitement around his presidency, I actually voted for Biden to be the nominee back then XD. Clinton, like I said, I was in love with Ross Perot. Biden, this last time around, was my third choice in the primaries. My “dream ticket” would be Warren - Sanders at this point. But nothing doing. That’s not happening. There’s the world you want and the world that is. Biden is doing fine. I’ll vote for him again with minimal ennui and be a good little Democrat because the Republican Party is pure evil instead of just a poor fit for what I actually want.
When your choices are: 70% - 90% of what you want with 0% chance of winning, 50% ish of what you want with 50% chance of winning, or 15% - 0% chance of what you want with 50% (or less as the percentage of what I want goes up) chance of winning, the best choice is obvious. It’s just doesn’t feel great.
Again, I would love to be wrong. I would love to be convinced that there’s a practical and reasonable way to get more of what I want and less of what I don’t.
If the Republicans want to sanity up and power down their toxic evil. I’m really cool to reconsider all my stances. Hell, if any Republicans want to be sane and decent human beings, I am happy to cheer them on.
If the American people decide that they want some group to the left of the Democratic Party to be a viable potential that could make the current Democratic Party positions the far right positions in this country, I would be ecstatic and eagerly reregister.
I just don’t trust any of that to happen.
I HOPE that Hawley succeeds in this. I doubt that he will.
Which makes me sad. And Hate Republicans again. Because this SHOULD be a no brainer. Turtle’s position should be obviously evil to anyone looking. But of course it’s not. For exactly the reason I registered Democrat. There’s not even really a way to pretend that the Republican Party has a decent bone left in its body.
Again, I would love to be wrong. Please, Senator Hawley, prove me wrong. I’m honestly happy just that this much has happened. It’s like finding one tiny little ember left in a dead bonfire pit. Just a bit of unexpected warmth in my bitter, cold heart.
0 notes
thegenealogy · 1 year
1 Chronicles 5 1-10. "The Pet Goat."
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Reuben, the Pet Goat.
5 The sons of Reuben the firstborn of Israel (he was the firstborn, but when he defiled his father’s marriage bed, his rights as firstborn were given to the sons of Joseph son of Israel; so he could not be listed in the genealogical record in accordance with his birthright, 2 and though Judah was the strongest of his brothers and a ruler came from him, the rights of the firstborn belonged to Joseph)— 3 the sons of Reuben the firstborn of Israel:
Reuben's mistake "Laying in his father's bed" is blasphemy against the God of Israel the same way Esau sinned by selling his birthright to his brother. Both men, who were eldest, did not sleep in their own beds and dream their own dreams, and therefore the cup of salvation passed them by. This is why we call Reuben the Pet Goat, he did not become a man, only a housebroken farm animal.
Let us now see what the Torah means by continually awarding the rights of future to the next generation, even if those rights are taken through guile:
Hanok, Pallu, Hezron and Karmi.
Hanok=The Inauguration
Pallu=of the distinguished
Hezron=in the village
Karmi=the vineyard
4 The descendants of Joel: The Lord is God
Shemaiah his son, Gog his son,
Shemaiah = Yah has heared
Gog=Place of the roof
Shimei his son, 5 Micah his son,
Shimei =renown
Michah=Who is afraid? [who knows God?]
Reaiah his son, Baal his son,
Reaiah= Vision of Yah
Baal=The verb בעל (ba'al) means to exercise dominion over; to own, control or be lord over. 
6 and Beerah his son, whom Tiglath-Pileser[a] king of Assyria took into exile. Beerah was a leader of the Reubenites.
Beerah=A well
My Trust Is In The Son Of Ashur, "Level in Step" Those Who Went Into Exile Now Realize That They Will Be In Eternal Bondage
Assyria=The levelers
7 Their relatives by clans, listed according to their genealogical records:
Jeiel the chief, Zechariah, 8 and Bela son of Azaz, the son of Shema, the son of Joel.
Jeiel=El Lives
Zechariah=pondering of Yah
Bela=swallow, as snakes swallow their prey
Azaz=to be strong
Shema=Sound; Report, Rumor, Hearing, Fame
Joel=foolish, willign, determined
They settled in the area from Aroer to Nebo and Baal Meon. 9 To the east they occupied the land up to the edge of the desert that extends to the Euphrates River, because their livestock had increased in Gilead.
Aroer=to accumulate
Nebo=the Spokesman
Baal Meon=Lord of the Hideout
Euphrates= good or noble
Gilead=the perpetual fountain
A desert that runs up to the edge of nobility that accumulates the words of the Spokesman and leads to the Fountainhead is a man who undertakes the First Noble Skill, Reuben and leaps out of his father's bed into his own.
The Lord of the Hideout just won't do, we need him to be out in the open waging war against the unspent delusions of youth:
10 During Saul’s reign "the petition" they waged war against the Hagrites- Servants of Egypt, who were defeated at their hands; they occupied the dwellings of the Hagrites throughout the entire region east of Gilead the Perpetual Fountain.
The Gematria of the Hagrites the "servants of the gods of Egypt" (liars and propagandists) vs. the Sons of Reuben is:
"Stop the Fallen One. Decode God. Flesh and blood, the Easter Egg is peaceful. Like the back of a dollar bill. The God of Peace changed everything. The people on Capitol Hill are making decisions in blindness."
For Reuben it is:
"The order: Bulls code to find God and once in a lifetime are on the bottom. Through gang-stalking [of the men on top], they blossom."
This is what is meant by the accumulation of words being equiavalent of the accumulation of livestock to graze on the Noble Skills of the 12 and the 70.
Which is not that different from the Torah Tantra for the Sons of Reuben:
"God lives in the village where distinguished persons of renown are inaugurated. Who is afraid of the person who knows and listens to God?
To petition and listen to God like a snake swallows its prey and to be willing to speak [like the Mouth of the Fountain] is the beginning of noblemanhood."
So Reuben, "leadership" means at first one must be more of a follower, one who holds dear in his heart the belief that the government is the perfect way to make life on earth tenable.
Persons who follow this ideal never fall prey to the habits of false gods inside or outside of the State House.
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unfoldingmoments · 1 year
I am Dead
Life is beautiful, but it has an end. One Sunday afternoon after church, I made plans with my best friend, David. We were excited to meet up and have the opportunity to see the greatest baseball game ever. We had waited for a very long time for this to happen. The best two teams were going to play against each other that afternoon. They were the best of their division, with the best record, and it was going to be a faceoff. The weather couldn’t have been any more perfect than it was that afternoon: Mid-70s and blue sky, not even one cloud in the heavens.
David and I grew up together watching these two teams play, way back from childhood. I asked him to meet me by my house, as he lived within walking distance from my place. We were going to drive to the stadium in my car. We were amped up and fired up and ready to go. David was cool, easygoing, tall and slender, with jet-black hair and light brown eyes, and
he enjoyed the gym. He had a charisma with the girls. I was medium built, with jet-black hair, dark brown eyes, and I loved working out.
David and I were inseparable and the best of friends. As he approached my house, I was waiting outside in front of my car. He yelled out, “Hey John, how’s it going today? Are you ready to see your team lose?” I laughed out loud. We got in my car. “I must say, John, you keep this car in mint condition, beautiful and shining. This is a great sports car.”
As we headed down the road, I was so tempted to turn on my CD player and pump up my Christian music. But I felt a little uncomfortable doing that; you see, my best friend wasn’t a Christian, so I didn’t want to offend him. As I turned on the radio and was trying to tune to a station that would be OK, all I heard was David scream at the top of his lungs, saying “Watch out!” And then the world went dark.
What is life? What is its value? What price tag could you put on it? Why are we here? It’s funny how we get a birth date, a place where we are born, and a time to die. But what happens in between these events? I heard once that as soon as we are born, we start to die. In the meantime, we grow up, go to school, travel, make friends, make career choices, and get a job. Many people choose marriage, while a few remain single.
Life is a journey. We know that the station where we get on the train of life is called the birthplace, the hospital. As we travel through life on this train, we pass many stops, circumstances, situations, and opportunities, but we never know where and when will be the final stop. As I opened my eyes, not having a recollection of where I was, I found myself surrounded by doctors and nurses. As I tried so hard to put the pieces together, I realized that I was in the intensive care unit of a hospital. I heard the voice of the doctor; he reassured me that everything was going to be OK. But in a flash I remembered my dear friend, David. As I turned to the doctor, in a small whisper I asked, “How is my friend David?”
The doctor bowed his head and in a gentle voice said, “Your friend didn’t make it. He passed away.” There was a cry in my spirit, knowing that David wasn’t a Christian. That night I fell into a deep sleep because of the medications given to me, and I had a vivid dream.
In that dream, I was in my house. It was a beautiful day, and as I stared out my living room window I saw the mailman approaching the house.
I jumped out of my recliner and ran to the door, down the three steps of the house, and to
the mailbox to get the mail. As I shuffled through the letters I saw a light bill, a phone bill, my mortgage, and in between there was an unusual envelope, an envelope like I had never seen before and with very unusual writing on it.
All it said on the envelope was, “A letter from your best friend, David.” My hands started to shake as I opened the letter. My breath was heavy, and worry and fear came over me. This is what I read:
Dear Best Friend,
I hope this letter finds you well. As for me, I wish I could say the same. I find myself in a place where you can’t count the days or the time, the months or the years. I was given this one opportunity to write you this letter. Here goes. Why, why, why?
We grew up together, we denied each other nothing, we wore each other’s clothes, we went to the same elementary school together, we skipped over to junior high school together, and we landed in high school. We shared many classes throughout our education, we knew each other’s best secrets, but there was only one great secret that you kept from me. His name is Jesus Christ.
Why, why, why, did you keep this one secret from me? I thought that you loved me as your best friend. Now I find myself in a place that words can’t even describe. A forever place of no rest, sadness, sorrow, grief, torment, torture, and, all along, you knew about this place and you kept this away from me, the truth. Who would have known if you had shared your faith with me, like you shared everything else with me?
As I write this letter to you, my tormentors are waiting for me. These are my final words to you, my dear friend. You were a Christian, and yet you kept the best from me. Were you embarrassed; were you ashamed? Why would you do this to me? I could have had Jesus in my life, but look at me now. Farewell forever; I will never see you again. The tormentors are waiting for me.
How is your evangelism to the dead world that we live in today? Are you ashamed of the Gospel, or are you living for Christ? Are you a mouthpiece for Jesus Christ, or has the devil shut you down? Are you standing on the tomb of the dead and calling people out, or are you just passing them by? We are called to sound the trumpet. My question is, does your trumpet have the sound of Jesus Christ? Ref: Chapter 11 : I am Dead, From the book: "Unmasking the Devil: Strategies to Defeat Eternity's Greatest Enemies" by John Ramirez
0 notes
Lay All Your Love on Me (Chapter 15)
Pairing: Soft Dark Alpha Lee Bodecker x Omega Female Reader
Summary: After moving to Knockemstiff, Ohio with your troubled parents, you find solace in the local Seven-Eleven. There, you bump into the Alpha sheriff, Lee Bodecker.
And then you keep bumping into him. There's just something about that chubby Alpha that keeps drawing you in. Now there's something going on with the new preacher of the church that you attend. Everything's a mess.
But you’re an unbonded Omega. Life can turn to shit anyway.
Chapter Warnings: ABO dynamics, as usual. This chapter is the Heat/Rut chapter, so shameless smut for the most part. Heavy mentions of a breeding kink. Slight mentions of a lactation kink. Daddy kink is alive and thriving, as usual. The Reader experiences a nightmare in this chapter, so warnings for that, if that's triggering. A major character's death also occurs in the dream too. Possessive!Lee peeks out. Discussions of children and past mentions of serial killers are also discussed at the end with Arvin and Sandy.
Additional Notes: I apologize for any emotional damage I cause with this chapter. Please send all therapy bills my way.
Other than that, I'm back! I'm so sorry for neglecting this story for so long. I have the rest of this fic planned out and 70% prewritten, although the last chapter I have decided to completely rewrite from scratch because it just wasn't vibing with me. So the last chapter may take a little time. I'm also debating if I should change the chapter count back to 18? Who knows at this point with me. So if the chapter count changes, that's why. Much thanks to @buckysswinter for giving me the feedback for this chapter! I'll pay for all your therapy bills, I promise.
Also yeah, we're back to 18 chapters. I won't be indecisive with the chapter count anymore, I promise.
Word Count: 3466
The very next morning…
You woke up alone in the nest.
The sunlight that was pouring into the room, due to the blinds being open was the only way you could figure out it was the next morning.
Or was it?
That was a thought. As you managed to swing your legs over, so you could be sitting on the edge of the bed, you noticed just how warm you were.
Too warm.
You felt like you had been in a sauna for far too long. Or like you had been like a loaf of bread that had just been taken out of a hot oven. Slowly and carefully, you padded your way out of the room and down the hallway.
When your feet smacked against the wooden floors of the house, it was there, you realized.
You were naked.
Like— fully naked.
Such thoughts made you begin to think.
Had Lee not dressed you after your little tryst in the woods? Had he undressed you while you had been sleeping?
You fucking hoped not.
While you were making your way down the hall and into the living room, Lee had capped the food he had allowed to cool in the Tupperware. He opened the fridge door and put the Tupperware of food inside, before shutting the door closed with a soft thunk.
His nostrils flared up as he smelled you.
Your scent had sunk in all over the house. Every surface, every crevice. Your heat smelled so good, that Lee was pretty certain that he had soaked through his boxer briefs, and he was one-hundred percent sure that he was as hard as a rock.
Even now, as he heard you padding your way towards the kitchen, he smelled you.
Oh, you smelled wonderful. He felt like he was smelling a freshly baked batch of chocolate chip cookies that had just come out of the oven.
You heard Lee rumble as you finally had gotten into the kitchen.
His back was facing you, but you noticed that he wasn’t wearing anything but his boxer briefs. You could see the sweat rolling down in beads down his back. Such a sight made your pussy throb. A low growl left your Mate as he smelled your evident arousal lingering in the air.
Your Omega, oh your Omega couldn’t be as excited and gleeful as she was now. She was happily bouncing in her cage, watching in delight as her Alpha turned around.
Lee’s Rut hadn’t settled in all the way yet. So he wasn’t as hormone-crazed as you. Feeling like you needed to crawl up the walls, having those Heat cramps, and the urge to be pinned down and fucked until you had nothing left to give.
But the thing he could feel was that he was hungry.
Just like you.
Your stomach grumbled.
Watching as Lee scooped some food onto a plate, he put a spoon and fork on your plate as he slid your plate over to you.
Eagerly, you dug in. You hadn’t realized how hungry you had been the entire day until you had taken your first bite of food.
Once you finished your plate, you quietly spoke.
“How long was I asleep?”
“You didn’t eat dinner last night,” Lee answered you. “You fell asleep when I brought you back into the cruiser, and when I brought you home, I told San and your ma that you had gone into Heat. Sandy and your ma are stayin’ at a neighbor’s house.”
“And Ari?”
At the mention of the precious Doberman, Lee allowed himself to smirk a little.
“Lee, I ain’t allowing our son to hear those sounds of debauchery.” At the sight of your scowl, Lee’s smirk became bigger. You resisted the urge to throw the spoon that you were using at his face.
Your Alpha was such a little shit.
“Lee, as much as I love ya— I will throw my spoon in your face if you’re going to tell me that our son is still in this damn house.”
“Don’t worry Mega, Ari’s not here. Sandy took him to the neighbor’s house.”
A sigh of relief came from you in response.
However, upon seeing that your Alpha was still smirking, you actually threw your spoon in his direction. Quickly dodging the incoming spoon, your spoon clattered to the floor as your scowl became more pronounced.
“Dick,” came your mutter.
You knew you shouldn’t have done that.
Oh, you were in such deep shit now.
It had happened after you had finished eating.
You had found yourself back into the master bedroom, naked underneath the covers, all the while you were sweating profusely, slick oozing out of you. Your thighs felt so slippery and smooth, almost as if you were a dolphin.
You felt really, really, really smooth.
But, you were really, really, really horny.
Slick oozed out of you as if you were dripping with sweat, and it trickled down your legs. Your headache was becoming such a hindrance.
And to top it all off, you were horny.
Sometimes, you hated being an Omega.
Turning your body to the side, you realized that Lee was still asleep.
You had lost track of time again.
Not knowing quite what time it was, you flopped back onto your back, looking up at the ceiling. Even as your Heat burned through you and your thighs shook and trembled.
Shutting your eyes tight, you found yourself falling asleep.
Your eyes slowly opened.
This bed felt familiar.
It was much softer than Lee’s mattress, at least. The comforter and the blankets felt familiar too. Lifting up the blankets to your nose, you smelled a familiar scent. One that reminded you of lavender and a smell that you could pinpoint was your old Doberman.
You sat up immediately.
Familiar soft yellow walls filled your vision as your palms shook.
Your room.
Your old room.
Your old room in Michigan. You even heard the birds chirp in the tree that had been close to your old bedroom.
How the hell had you ended up here?
Slowly and carefully, you maneuvered your way out of bed, swinging your legs over to the side. Heaving yourself off of the bed, you walked to the door, grabbing the knob to turn it. The knob twisted and turned as you slowly pulled it open.
Opening the door, you were puzzled as you were suddenly looking outside, instead of the familiar small hallway. There had always been a small hallway where your room was. You could have sworn you should have heard at least one of your parents in the kitchen.
But no.
Instead, you were looking at a landscape that looked like the woods.
In a familiar neck of the woods.
You knew these woods.
The leaves crunched under your feet as you continued to walk through the forest, still completely and utterly confused. You still heard the birds chirping, and suddenly, there was a loud noise.
As if someone had fired a shotgun.
… That shotgun sounded familiar…
Your feet carried you through the forest as you broke out into a run, getting deeper and deeper into the woods.
Eventually, when you stopped, you froze in your tracks.
“Lee? Lee, what the hell are you doin’?!”
You probably looked and sounded hysterical.
Deep down though, you had a sinking feeling that who you were looking at— even though he had Lee’s chubby figure, chubby cheeks, and full head of dark hair— that this wasn’t your Daddy.
You heard a bird fly away.
… had he shot because he heard a damn bird?
… just how deranged was he right now?
You really didn’t want to know.
You could feel your heart clenching as you looked at him.
This Lee looked so much like your Lee.
But you knew he wasn’t yours. When you heard him yell again, you jumped. Actually jumped in fright.
Fear prickled its way through you as you heard another gunshot.
A wail ripped its way through you as your feet moved, even before you thought about running. Tears burned your vision as your world blurred.
Your heart dropped, just as Lee fell to the ground. Collapsing to your knees next to him, you frantically grasped his shirt. Looking deeply into his eyes frantically as your hands became tainted with blood.
Your Alpha’s blood.
You were crying. You knew that much.
“Lee come on. Get up,” you sobbed.
In the distance, someone was calling your name.
“… Omega?”
“… Omega?”
“… MEGA!”
You woke up in a cold sweat.
Your hands were trembling when you slowly lifted them up. In fact, your whole entire body was shaking.
You still felt as if you were still in the woods, clutching Lee’s shirt desperately as his blood coated your hands.
You hadn’t realized that you were still crying until your Alpha gently shushed you, Lee nuzzling his nose against your Gland, and it wasn’t until he dragged his tongue against it that you actually as if you were okay.
You weren’t feeling safe just yet, but when his scent burst out all over you, soothing you with the reassurance that your Alpha was actually here and not going anywhere, you calmed down a bit.
“What happened, babydoll, huh?” Lee’s voice washed over you. Wrapping around you like a fluffy blanket being thrown on you.
“Had a dream..." you mumbled quietly. Saw you…” you continued to mumble. “You looked wild, Daddy… you looked almost insane… and then… and then…”
A sob broke free from you. Your Omega wailed within you. She was throwing another fit.
She was hysterical, was what she was. Horror was consuming her at this moment.
Inwardly, she was wondering where she was. That looked like her Alpha, but where was she? Did she not exist in that world?
Your Omega couldn’t imagine a world without her Alpha. It sounded so foreign.
It sounded so… wrong.
She cried out in dismay. Your chest tightened.
Voice trembling, “You… you got shot. You… you died. I-I… I held you… as you were dying… it was like… like you couldn’t hear me.” you hiccuped as you stared at him. Right into his eyes. Those baby blues that you loved and adored so much.
You couldn’t bring yourself to say any more words when your Alpha pulled you closer to him.
“Daddy,” you managed to croak out through your hiccups and sobs.
“S’ okay, babydoll.” Your Daddy’s words washed over you like the tide sweeping away the sand. Keeping you safe. Making you feel warm.
Just as soon as you felt like you were safe again, your Omega practically reminded you that yes, you were still in Heat.
And that your cramps were hitting in again.
A choking noise came from you as a gushing of slick came out. A needy, desperate noise fell from your lips.
And as your hands reached down to grasp his cock, a look of understanding overcame Lee’s face as a low rumble erupted from his throat. Such a noise made you whine.
“I gotcha, babydoll.” Lee’s raspy voice made you feel at ease as he helped you fully roll over on top of him, as you straddled him. Your lips trembled and you even gasped when you slid all the way down on his dick, your eyes squeezed shut as your pussy swallowed him greedily.
Your Omega was absolutely delighted at this new change of pace. You could hear her whisper to you, assuring you that this Alpha underneath you would provide you with healthy, strong pups.
You wouldn’t ever be alone.
Never again.
You adjusted your hips, lifting them up and angling them just right. This caused your hips to roll down on his, making your Mate groan. Slowly but surely, you took him. You took all of him.
From where he was under you, Lee watched your pussy suck in his cock with dark eyes. Your Mate could tell you were nervous. But you were so deeply entrenched within your heat that you were throwing everything out of the window. Which included your nervousness. He could smell it though. That small underlying twinge of fear.
You however, didn’t look terrified. Even with tear streaks down your face and red-rimmed eyes, your Omega was determined.
She was getting a pup in this Heat. This Cycle. She was getting a pup. She didn’t care how she would get it.
She was getting her pup one way or another.
Your hips moved. Up and down against his as you sank down completely, your body trembling. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head because he was just so big. Your greedy cunt was squeezing all around him as your lips trembled. Your breath caught in your throat.
“… too… too much, Daddy,” you managed to croak out through gasps. “… you’re too big.”
His eyes zeroed up at yours when he grabbed you by your chin. Making you look down at him. Down at those eyes. “You can take it. Look. I’m inside of you.”
And look you did. You looked down, seeing where his erection vanished inside of you. You felt so full. So stuffed. Your bottom lip trembled. Your hips rolled down on his again, tense this time. As if you were merely just testing the waters.
A hiss came from Lee. “You don’t gotta be gentle, Omega. I can take it.” He spoke harshly.
“B-But…” you stammered nervously, your breath wavering in your throat.
Lee rolled his hips up against yours roughly, making you cry out. Both of his hands grabbed your face now, making you put one-hundred percent of your attention down on him.
One of his hands traveled down your throat to your chest, down to your stomach. His hand pressed against the surface of your stomach, where his cock was buried deep inside of you. Bulging.
“I’m in you. All the way in you. I took this pussy, didn’t I? I made it mine. Only I know how good this pussy tastes. This pussy only gets wet for me, doesn’t it babydoll?” Lee’s voice was low. Growly almost.
Pressing his hand against his bulge in your stomach a little harder, you let out a whimper. Your pussy throbbed, and you could feel it. A choked kinda noise, (maybe it was a sob?), came from you. Your Alpha just groaned when he felt your walls tightening around him.
“Y-Yeah,” your voice was breathy. “Y-Yeah, Daddy.”
“So you can move. Fuck against me— yeah, that’s it—“ Lee’s guttural groan followed as you rutted against him, your hips rolling down against his in quick succession as if you were a young horny pup having sex with an Alpha for the first time.
Jesus fucking Christ on a fucking stick! Was this what your Heat had pushed you into? Acting like a desperate bitch in heat? Just wanting and craving your Alpha’s knot?
Your breasts swayed in his face, and Lee grew hard at the thought of your breasts becoming rounder and heavier with milk.
Breed Omega. Omega will give us strong, healthy pups.
Your movements became more frantic as Lee’s hips snapped up against yours roughly. Good enough that you knew somewhere deep in your hindbrain that it was going to leave bruises, at the very least.
Between him being a menace in your pussy, or him being a menace as he fucked up against you harder— you truly didn’t know which one would take you out first.
Gripping his shoulders, your nails sunk into his shoulder blades, making Lee hiss as you bounced your body above him, getting closer and closer to your orgasm.
When you had been younger, a young pup, you never really realized why Omegas in heat wanted their Alpha’s knot so much. You thought it was a crock of shit, honestly.
But now?
Now, you understood. You fully understood. Your hindbrain was screaming, no— begging for your Alpha’s knot. So it didn’t surprise you when you rocked against Lee harder, faster. Chasing your orgasm.
And with a sudden cry, you came. Your vaginal walls clenched down on Lee’s cock tightly, making him nearly gasp for air, choking a little when your body convulsed and your cunt spasmed around his penis.
Gasps. Deep gasps of breath came from you when you tried to catch your breath. But Lee, realizing what had just happened, quickly took control again.
A cry of surprise. Lee watched as you bounced above him, sinking up and down onto his cock with rapt eye contact. You barely caught the hungry, almost predatory look in his eyes as he watched you.
“… can’t wait to see you all round and pregnant with my pup,” growled Lee. “Tits are gonna look so good, round and heavy with milk…”
“F-Fuck,” you stammered, nearly choking on your own spit. “T-Think you got a breeding kink…”
Lee just huffed in a breath at your comment, continuing to thrust up into you, the mixture of slick and cum coating your thighs, making them slippery.
With a final grunt, his knot caught in you, and his knot locked the two of you in place.
The two of you gasped, gasping for air as Lee managed to roll you back onto your side without slipping out of you.
Not that he couldn’t cause y’know— his knot was currently in you and it was making you feel like as if you were floating on Cloud Nine.
Now rolled over onto your side, this new position allowed you to snuggle up to your Alpha. Sighing in content, you licked at his scent gland on his neck affectionately.
“Can’t wait to see you pregnant with our pup… gonna look so good… gonna be the best housewife for me, babydoll.” Lee rumbled. A needy whimper escaped you. “Gonna spoil you and our pup rotten, sweet girl.”
“Mmm… that sounds nice…” you yawned, beginning to feel tired. Your eyes lulled, your eyelids becoming heavy.
Lee watched as you dozed off in his arms, his girl falling asleep against him.
He pressed a kiss on the top of your head. And then your forehead. He looked down at you, holding you gently as if you were a precious porcelain doll. So fragile. So easily breakable if he squeezed you too hard.
You were his.
Meanwhile, in Coal Creek, with Arvin and Sandy…
“Hey. You alright?”
Sandy Henderson blinked in surprise. She had left Lenora’s room just now and had closed the door behind her.
Arvin Russell was looking at her.
She could smell the scent of a bonfire. It was sort of nice in a way. It reminded her of Lee’s scent. Calming. Comforting. It made her feel as if she was in a safe space. That she was safe and protected with this Alpha.
“Huh? Oh yeah. I’m fine. Why?” Sandy wondered as she began to walk down the hall to the kitchen. Arvin followed her.
“I dunno… I mean… you’re Sheriff Bodecker’s lil sister… and you’re friends with his Omega… so… like… and not to mention, you’ve been really close with my sister lately so….” Arvin trailed off as he watched her sit down at the table. Sandy averted her eyes down to the table as she heard the young Alpha grab two glasses for some water. Sliding the glass of water over, Arvin sat down across from her. Taking a sip of his own glass of water, he heard her speak.
“Call it an Omega thing.” Sandy brushed her hair to the side, revealing the scent gland on her neck that still had Carl’s bite on it. Even when her fingertips brushed over it, she felt like her hand was on fire. As if the mere touch was burning her.
“O-Oh. Cause you’re mated?” he wondered. Sandy shook her head no. “Used to be. Used to be married too, but I’m not anymore.”
Thank fucking God.
Even though Sandy herself wasn’t religious by any means, just like her older brother. She remembered their mother taking them to church and attending Sunday Service, but she found herself just not believing like Lee. Like brother like sister, it seemed for the both of them.
Arvin leaned a little closer to her. She could smell his scent slower coming closer to her, like wisps of flame in a bonfire.
She looked down a little. “Never had a pack or nothin’ like that… pups of my own. My Beta… we never thought about conceiving.”
Because he was a fucking serial killer with a photography hobby.
“… so if I can help any other Omega with their pups,” she said with a soft smile to herself, “—then that’ll be fine.”
“You don’t look that old. I’m sure you’ll find someone to have a Pack with someday.” Arvin assured her.
Sandy hid her smile as she took another gulp of her water. Her eyes shone behind the glass.
Taglist: @bxnnywriting, @greeneyedblondie44, @hawsx3, @sunflowerfive
Fic Taglist: @queenslvy, @hawsx3
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a-jynx · 3 years
more little things about DSMP (Dream & Sapnap)
You, Dream, and Sapnap would CONSTANTLY fight about the thermostat.
Dream likes it cool/cold, Sapnap HATES it when it’s freezing in the house, and you - well, you don’t like it freezing cold but you don’t like sweating either.
normal day, normal streaming w/ Quackity & Karl.. until Sap comes barreling into your streaming room. “WHY IS THE THERMOSTAT AT 65 DEGREES?! IM BECOMING A SAPSICLE!”
“i haven’t touched it??? i’ve been in here with Q and Karl??”
“well, SOMEONE touched it from my perfect 70 and I’m pissed.”
“You realize it’s not just us two that live in this house, right? Like, i don’t know, the ACTUAL owner who is in the living room?” you deadpan. Sap sat there before dropping his arms and quickly turning before booking it down the hall and stairs.
those boys could nor would never agree on a “good” temperature and you’d be in constant state of “hey it’s too hot” or “hey it’s kinda cold” between them.
wearing a hoodie??? not for long while Sap’s home. wearing just a t-shirt??? not while Dream’s home. (shut, you’re just putting on a hoodie shush)
you’d complain while on stream and the boys would jump into your call just to call you out about how you “secretly” change it and blame one of them. (you’ll never admit to it but hey sometimes YouTube isn’t entertaining enough)
queue Dream buying one of those cases w/ a lock around it and setting up “temperature days” for everyone.
your days are your streaming days cause it gets hot in your room. dreams are tuesday and wednesday, sap’s are monday and thursdays - any other day, just pick a temp and lock up the box. please. your bill will thank you.
should i do more of these or take requests??? i lowkey wanna get back into writing 💔
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startanewdream · 3 years
For the Hinny Ficfest lovely organized by @clarensjoy, here’s the second drabble set during Christmas of Year 6, with Harry doing some good old pining.
70. "Mum thinks I'm dating you" (and Harry wishes she was right)
Ginny throws herself on the cnouch next to Harry, eyes closed. Harry tries not to show any reaction, though it’s hard — her presence comes with that intoxicating flowery scent and he can’t help but inhale deeply, even as he keeps his gaze forward. He doesn’t need to turn to her anyway — he’s been stealing glances in her direction all day, enjoying the contrast between her new dark green sweater and her flaming red hair, or the flush that came to the cream colour of her skin as she had worked on her broomstick all afternoon.
‘Mum thinks we are dating’, she announces, making him jump.
Harry turns to look at her now, surprise flashing upon his face.
‘W-what?’, he splutters, feeling his face reddening. Ginny is smirking, amused, though Harry doesn’t know if it is because of his reaction or because of her mother’s wrong idea.
Harry wishes Mrs. Weasley was correct on that assumption, but alas he is not the one who gets to say he is dating Ginny.
'Secretly dating, mind you. Very naughty of us'.
'I — we —', Harry stops, his brain frozen at the idea of dating Ginny and "naughty" in the same context. He forces himself to breath, which, with her perfume in the air, does nothing to help him clear his mind. 'How come?'
‘She saw your Christmas gift’, Ginny explains. Harry gulps, unsure.
‘I didn’t - I’m sorry if - I wasn’t -’
‘Harry’, Ginny interrupts him, smiling kinder now. ‘You did nothing wrong. I loved that Broomstick Servicing Kit, I truly needed one’.
Harry nods now; Ginny had already thanked him for that gift, beaming at him before breakfast, and Harry had felt relieved. He had spent hours thinking of what to give her for Christmas, not daring to ask for Ron or Hermione’s help, until he ended up choosing something that was not too intimate but also useful. Ginny loved Quidditch more than anyone he knew, so he had figured out she would like a gift about it.
‘It’s my fault’, she adds distractedly. ‘I kept talking to Dad about your gift and how it was my favourite, but I also had to defend Dean’s gift to Ron this morning, and somehow Mum thought that my boyfriend had give me this kit, so -’
‘So she thought I was your boyfriend’, Harry summarizes, forcing the grimace on his face to look more like a smile, as if he thinks the whole situation is just funny and not miserable.
Ginny shrugs. ‘It’s kind of my fault, I guess. I wasn’t exactly showing off the gift Dean gave me’.
‘What it was?’
She sighs. ‘A ring’.
He feels his mouth drying. ‘Ring? Like a -’
‘No, no engagement or a promise ring’, she adds hurriedly, with a panic on her face that somehow calms Harry. ‘Just a normal cute ring, but — it’s not really my thing. Jewels. Especially not rings, they make me feel —’
‘Constricted’, he guesses. Ginny raises one eyebrow. ‘Same as you don’t like to wear scarves or you always let the first button of your shirt open’.
There is a short silence. Harry suddenly feels embarrassed — maybe he said too much? (Maybe Ginny realized he has stared at her neckline too much?)— but after a while she just nods.
‘Yeah, well. I explained to Mum that you aren’t my boyfriend, but I’m not sure she believed me — she had this weird thought’.
‘What thought?’
‘That we’ve been together a lot’.
‘Well’, Harry starts, hoping to sound reasonable and not as if he needs to reinforce to Ginny all the reasons they would work together. ‘That’s true. More than before. We spent a lot of time together during summer’.
It’s not hard to remember all those afternoons he spent with Ginny alone in the orchards, flying with her, long after Ron and Hermione had retired back to the Burrow; or those early mornings when they went for a run that often than not would turn into a stroll as they just talked about anything on their minds.
Harry wishes he had known better then to truly appreciate those moments with Ginny — perhaps things could be different between them if only he wasn’t so oblivious…
‘We are friends’, Ginny notes. Harry sighs heavily, facing front again.
‘That’s us. Friends’.
‘Can you imagine how she would react if we were dating?’, asks Ginny, her voice inviting him to share the joke with him.
Harry knows what she is teasing about and he knows he should just laugh at the idea of how Mrs. Weasley would fuss at the idea of Harry dating her young daughter, or how she might treat them like Bill and Fleur and suddenly get worried about the idea of them spending time together alone.
But none of it looks bad. Mrs. Weasley’s happiness of them being together would be nothing like the happiness that Harry thinks he would feel if Ginny returned his feelings; he imagines holding hands with her during this winter break, ending their Quidditch discussions with a snogging session in the broom shed or meeting her for sharing a chocolate and a good night kiss in the kitchen.
And yet she looks at him now so friendly and teasingly that this dream seems very far away.
‘It wouldn’t be the worst thing’, he says, avoiding her eyes, and not saying what he really wants: he would endure anything, including Mrs. Weasley’s tearful happiness and limits and the twins’ jokes if only he got the chance of dating Ginny and all that comes with it.
Ginny stays silent, though, and Harry wonders if he said something wrong, or, worse, if she understood exactly what’s on his mind. She always had a knack for seeing through him —
But Ginny laughs after a moment. ‘It wouldn’t’, she agrees, her voice light, raising and patting him in the shoulder. ‘But you wouldn’t be that lucky’.
He is gone before he can answer her, but for once he doesn’t mind, thinking about what she said. Lucky — and he happens to have a lucky potion on his truck right now. Hum… maybe he only needs a little drop of luck...
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Michael After Midnight: Superman vs. the Elite
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Superman is one of the greatest heroes ever conceived, if not the greatest. He is a man born with god-like powers but raised in the most humble environment possible, where he learns the value of human life, love, compassion, and all that good stuff. This all instills him with a desire to do good, but also to never use the unstoppable force he is gifted to enforce his will on others and play judge, jury, and executioner. He is the living embodiment of the American Dream, he is the living embodiment of freedom and righteousness, he is something to aspire to be…
And goddamn do so many people miss the point. I think the best/worst example of this is Bill in Kill Bill, who gives a really great monologue about how Clark Kent is Superman’s critique on the human race. It’s all well and good until you realize, no, Clark Kent is not a secret identity, Clark Kent is who he is, Superman is the secret identity. This man was born and raised by humble Kansas farmers and you’re gonna tell me the Clark Kent persona is the fake one? Go in the closet and think about what you’ve done, David Carradine! But yeah, a lot of people don’t really get what the Supes is all about.
Joe Kelly is not one of those people. His comic “What’s So Funny About Truth, Justice, and the American Way?” took Superman and asked the all-important question: Are Superman and his ideals still relevant in the Dark Age of Comics, where anti-heroes who kill their enemies are the norm? The answer, of course, is yes, because Kelly understands Superman better than most, and in the end his idealism beats back the cynicism of the edgy Elite. In a stroke of genius, they decided to have Kelly write for the animated adaptation of his own comic, and that brings us to Superman vs. the Elite.
This is, without a doubt in my mind, the best Superman story ever. It really does just capture the core of why Superman works, and why heroes who kill are just not feasible. The Elite, for all their posturing and good intentions, ultimately come off as a bunch of bullies. Menagerie kills a dog for barking at her, Hat is an alcoholic, Coldcast… well, he’s honestly the most level-headed one there, he gets a pass, and ooh boy Manchester Black. That boy is a sniveling little hypocrite when it comes down to it. Mister Psychic Mind Blast is all about “Might makes right” up until Superman starts slapping him around like a redheaded step-child, and then he breaks down crying and pissing his pants about how unfair it is and how Superman shouldn’t do things like that. It doesn’t help the Elite actively make things worse, what with their collateral damage, disregard for civilian casualties, and violent escalation of conflict to the point that they murder two dictators and create a massive power vacuum the film doesn’t really address.
Superman counters their argument for heroes who kill brutally and efficiently in the endgame. I really don’t want to spoil it, because it is one of the most chilling and awesome sequences in any of these DC animated films, but it’s really hard not to since it’s probably the most famous part of this film; if you know of the movie, you know what happens at the end. Let’s just say that Superman should never, ever sound like George Newbern’s other most famous role (Sephiroth), because it is fucking terrifying. You will get chills when Superman shows just how utterly nightmarish it would be if he played by the same rules Manchester and his buddies do.
I think the only real issues I have is that the film is a tad too short, being barely over 70 minutes, and that it cuts a few things and alters a few things that make Superman seem like a cunt. In this movie it isn’t made clear that he temporarily deactivates Black’s power; if you’ve read the comic or at least are aware of what happens in it, you know Superman just gave him a super-conucssion, but if you don’t know that why would you think Supes didn’t lobotomize him like he claimed, especially since it seems the logical third option between killing and tossing in jail? And then there’s the whole “I’ve had your friends depowered” bit, which would be whatever if not for the fact he didn’t do this for Atomic Skull, a supervillain who was walking around turning people to ash. Kind of skewed priorities there.
Still, I genuinely think this is the best Superman we’re ever gonna get, because at its heart it understands why Superman is great, and it also understands that arguments that heroes like Supes should kill are fucking stupid and only limp-dick morons believe it. It’s a tale of hope and optimism standing in the face of reckless cynicism and telling it to fuck off (but politely), and really highlights the flaws of works like Man of Steel all the more. If nothing else, this is the best movie Superman has been in with some form of “Vs.” in the title!
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kaypeace21 · 3 years
The theme with “time” this season makes me think of the phrase, “wanting to turn back the clock.” And I then think of Will never wanting to grow up and wanting to go back to the old days of playing dnd in Mike’s basement.
And then I think of Will’s (speculated) reality altering bending powers. So could there be a possibility that Will may use those powers to “turn back the clock”?? Maybe rewrite how things happened? Maybe it would be after Mike’s “death” like you speculated earlier. Since he thinks Mike is “dead” he wants to go back, and that’s what he does accidentally.
ALSO, Hopper tells joyce that he was trying to runaway from his "past" trauma with sara- before he says that line in the letter about wanting to turn back the clock and then saying it's not possible to do so . (And that life life hurts you but eventually you get out of that cave and life goes on ). Similar to Will he wants to turn back the clock to better times, but a part of him isn't ready to accept his entire past/ the tra*uma that comes with that- in order to move on and heal for the future .
Like robin said about back to the future "he's stuck in the past .But he needs to get back to his time which is the future!"
I’ve mentioned  my time-theory many many many times- in relation to my DID theory.  even if my did theory is completely wrong (aka Will has powers so his alters/split personalities/innerworlds come to life)- 
We also see how memories are explored in a supernatural way in st - it’s not literal timetravel just El using her powers to explore tra*matic memories of others (Terry/Billy so far). Like NO TIME TRAVEL PLEASE-THAT’S JUMPING THE SHARK. I really don’t want it lol. XD I think hopper and Robin's lines allude to the theme that will be addressed: confronting the past/times that harmed you but overcoming it for the future because time goes on 'whether you like it or not '.
In reference to my time-did theory. Look at the st s4 movie inspirations. In ‘what dreams may come”  a guy explores a heaven like world influenced by a painter’s emotions/created via immagination.We also have the movie ‘inside out’ -which involves “memory islands” (distinct worlds based on a child’s memories) which are influenced negatively by the kid being depressed she moved to California. The characters traveling to these memory islands are constructs of  kid’s mind -and 1 of them also has a guide helping them explore the ‘memory islands’.  Welcome to marwen- has an artist (attacked for being perceived as gay) imagining an abstract world based off his art- where the characters he made experience their own adventures (loosely based off the artist’s trauma). ‘The cell ‘ has characters explore the mind of a guy whose father ab*sed him- and the different alternative fantasy-worlds they explore are based off his memories. The cop exploring these memory-worlds, was also implied to be se*ually ab*sed by his dad . Also,in  Inception a guy says he’s a construct of a guy’s mind ( the guy who created the dream worlds that are like alternate dimensions/levels- also hates his dad). And leo’s character says he needs to help him escape the many different levels of the dream world of the mind. Movies like inception, total recall, the cell, enter the void, wizard of oz, Peter Pan, hellraiser 2, dream warriors, bill & ted’s bogus journey, the labyrinth,and welcome to marwen, all allude to this: because they involve entering simulated abstract worlds usually created/based on happy& traumatic memories/fears. While truman show/matrix are more about realizing your reality isn’t real. While in bladerunner 2044/total recall it has the theme of false implanted memories… probably relating to hopper/el realizing they’re alters of Will’s-and their memories were technically created by him.
Something some DiD suffers have are “innerworlds” .When someone has DID there can be multiple “innerworlds” that are separate from one another (and look very different from one another) .And are usually very abstract worlds that are based on the child’s memories (good &bad) . These worlds are usually created at different times and almost act like alternate dimensions (and the inhabitants -npcs/alters of those worlds usually don’t interact with one another) . So they can almost resemble alternate dimensions like how Scott Clarke mentions “Hugh Everett’s many worlds interpretation.” Russia where Hopper is- is probably one of those innerworlds.
tw:ab*se/r*pe. In s2 Nancy asks Steve how his “grandpa’s time in the war is a metaphor for your life?” And steve compares the mf to the germans in the war. Dr owens mentions Will has ptsd like “ (vietnam) soldiers’, Hopper saying he had buddies like Will . “In the 70s there was a study that compared the post-traumatic stress symptoms in Vietnam veterans and adult survivors of childhood s**ual ab*se. The study revealed that childhood s**ual ab*se is traumatizing and can result in symptoms comparable to symptoms from war-related trauma.” Hopper isn’t actually in Russia -but in one of the innerworlds (after he jumped through the rift of the machine- into Will’s mind). We’ll see flashbacks but also present circumstances of his imprisonment echo Will’s past with Lonnie (if the movies indicate anything)- being starved, guards getting payed in order to let other prisoners  r*pe a gay prisoner (than claim incorrectly because of his sexuality he wanted it) , as well as a gang of sadist men who r**e others and a warden using that as a threat to be compliant , being thrown in a dark room of solitary confinement and starved when they didn’t obey the warden, the warden being religious, etc. And the American soldiers (in Vietnam) in the movies aren’t much better and do similarly horrific acts to civilians like r**e and bragging/ happily k*lling women, children, and the elderly. The drill sergant in vietnam calling them homophobic slurs & women, and chocking one of the soldiers with one hand (like the mf/russian), slapping one for not believing in christianity. Tying up a soldier in a bed , gagging him, beating him and saying “remember it’s just a dream.” Only praising them when good in fire arms.(movies : fullmetal jacket, papillon, shawshank redemption, platoon, welcome to marwen, etc ) . My assumption is flashbacks of his life-  hints about him being an alter -the boxes in the basement are “vietnam” ,“dad”, and “ny” (and these are the memories of his we’ll see).or after escaping the prison he’s stuck in diff innerworlds of memories. And some of the bad characters in said stories will also parallel Lonnie . Like how in  the s4 film ‘peterpan’- the young girl Wendy imagines netherland and the villain -captain hook- is based off her father ( in the movie they have the same voice actors/while in all stage productions the 2 characters are always played by the same actor). Similar to the other s4 film- ‘wizard of oz’ where the wicked witch of the west from the mythical land of Oz (is played by Dorothy’s real life mean neighbor in the real world/kansas).Or in ‘the cell’- all the alternate dimensions of the dream world that were created by a guy with a ab*sive h*mophobic dad -had the same actor play the villain in each very different dream dimension. ”Not sure if they’d use Ross Patridge (actor of Lonnie) in this way . But it would be very interesting if (In makeup) Ross played many negative people in Hopper’s life.  
Also, in  s2, Jonathan mentions Indiana writer Vonnegut- In his book ‘slaughterhouse 5′- Vonnegut begins the story of Billy (William) Pilgrim, a man who has “come unstuck in time”. (time ref of Hopper saying he wants to ‘turn back the clock.’ or’ runaway from his memories.‘It accounts of Billy Pilgrim’s capture and incarceration by the Germans during the last years of World War II (Hopper captured by the russians), and scattered throughout the narrative are episodes from Billy’s life with his dad, and his own wife and kids.Billy is forced to be part of the war and similar things against his free will. The moments start from his childhood when his father throws him in the water to teach him how to swim. He was unwillingly drafted into the war. Later, he is kidnapped by Tralfamadorians  (aliens that are implied to be caused by his mental health issues/trauma) against his will. Therefore, he realizes that this concept is just an illusion.in bladerunner 2044/total recall it has the theme of false implanted memories… probably relating to hopper realizing he’s an alter and his memories are technically ‘created’ . Like in total recall- the bad ass spy is told all his memories: his wife/ years of marriage,  his name, are just implanted memories. And she says “you’re life is a dream.” We also have ‘Arrival’ -the parent’s daughter died young cause of terminal cancer- and the mother later realizes time is also just a abstract construct (a thing she can experience differently than others), but she still finds meaning/happiness in those memories/times.
I also talked about how sarah as an alter could come back and the 2 would explore the “innerworlds” of Will’s mind together (you can read the details there). 
El and Will theory 
I’m thinking of the s4 movies and 1 matrix scene comes to mind that could be an obvious hint to Did (and Will’s importance). Mr smith (the suited calm villain/ who is a literal computer program of the matrix world -cough alter/npc of Will’s) kidnaps/ ties up Morpheus to a chair (like Will in s2), injects him with drugs in the neck ( like s3 steve/ will’s arm in s2).  Then Mr smith says as everyone leaves the room “I’m going to be honest with you. I hate this place, this prison, this reality or what you call it.” (grabs Morpheus’ head and glares) “ I need to get out of here! I need to be free! And this mind is the key.”(referring to morpheus).morpheus also translates to ‘god of dreams’. Also Morpheus was wearing head gear similar to El in s1/Will in s2 . or in 12 monkeys the guy sent to psych ward -starts believing he’s just “crazy” and says “i created a world with those people in it.” “It’s not real .I’m just mentally ill, like you said ” when you know- it is all real,cause of the supernatural angle involved. in 12 monkeys a patient even tells him the fictional world he created would dissappear once his mental health was in order.
Then there’s the El stuff.  Hellraiser 2- has a normal psych hospital, but the basement floor has an evil psychiatrist experimenting on teens to open a portal to another reality. assasains creed/dream warriors -  has the psychiatric facility be similar to the s1 lab with sensory deprivation tanks, cameras, solitary confinement in dark rooms.The doctor experiments on them- and forces a character to go into the memories of another individual (we know El has memory powers).The dr reveals how the character’s reality/whole life isn’t what they think it is (and that the memories they saw with their powers-was their past life and they are that person’s reincarnation) . Aka Will is the host- and El is an alter (alters can see memories of other alters/the host irl-aka billy/terry were also alters ).
In assasain’s creed there’s 2 psychiatrists- one bad / one who is good (but influenced by the bad dr). One dr annoyed at the lack of progress, says about the patient “he doesn’t want to remember his father.” While one dr doesn’t want to rush the therapy/ the other dr wants the patient to go back into his memories regardless of how it affects him. (which could be Brenner & maybe Owens referring to Will’s dissociative-amnesia and not remembering all the ab*se Lonnie did. And Owens not wanting to rush it/hurt el by making her go into said memories …but Brenner not caring.
also other hints : Cough s4 using the movie wizard of oz refs “we’re not in Hawkins (kansas) anymore”-hint at russia. David on instagram posting st stuff and captioning it with and quotes, pretending to be dorothy from the film. Hopper in s1 saying hawkins lab was “emerald city” (referencing El- it’s also why they reference El entering our world in ep 1 and the alice in wonderland song plays) . Murray says about the supernatural “no one wants to see behind the curtain” (what was behind the curtain in wizard of oz-was a wizard aka Will). Or you know right before Will sees the mf for the first time -a clock turns rapidly/ he  has goosbumps at the back of his neck. Which he later grabs/states  are from “memories” he can’t remember that are like a “dream”. 
If i’m right-not sure how much of this may happen in s4 vs s5, though. But I think something like this is possible.  For all we know-Will/El being trapped with Brenner while Hopper escapes ‘russia’ could be how the season ends? The timeline i’m a bit iffy about-tbh.
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valkyrie-selfships · 3 years
The Christmas Ranch : Chapter One
Summary : the start of a story. Georgia Rothbone gets a call she'll never forget and decides to go visit a longtime friend. I said i was gonna write this hehehe Warnings? : nothing tbh Tag list : @tekkai @1980ssunflower @polkadotheart @rebeccaselfships Word count : 1,046
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The sun was shining on an early December morning in the city, and a girl was bustling down the street, in quite a hurry. This was Georgia Rothbone, hustling down the street, coming to an abrupt stop in front of a small storefront, her store. She sold all sorts of things she made, and it was a compliment to her online store, which gave her a boost in sales she appreciated quite heavily.
Her world was a dream for her, she worked on her own hours, she did as she chose to. She spent her day drawing in a leatherbound journal, as the 70s rock pandora station played over the radio in the store. She only took a break for her lunch, or for when a customer came into the store. This was how her life had been for years, this was how her life continued for another week. She was sitting at work when her phone rang. Thr man on the other side of the call sounded exceptionally official. "Miss Rothbone?" "This is she." The woman offered, propping her cell phone between her ear and her shoulder, bustling around to restock shelves." "I hate to be the bearer of bad news Miss Rothbone, but i'm afraid you're going to have to vacate the premises of your store." She stopped in her tracks, hands halfway to the shelf. "Pardon me?" "The company that owns your store has not paid the utility bills in almost six months. Unless you think you can run your store with no heat, no electricity, and no running water, or can come up with a little over four thousand dollars on exceptionally short notice, i'm afraid we're gonna have to shut the building down." "I'm- this is my livelihood. Don't you people realize that? I was barely scraping by selling online, having a storefront that i could sell out of gave me the chance to not worry about paying my own bills!" She sighed, throwing her phone on the counter after putting the call on speaker. "Is there someone I can talk to? I can't lose this store." "They're kicking me out of the store! Can you believe this shit?" Georgia was fuming. She had just gotten off a nearly hour long phone call, which was mostly hold music, telling her that she was being removed from the storefront that people were renting her, because the people were months behind on all kinds of payments, and basically, unless she could get up the roughly four and a half thousand dollars to pay their back payments, she was seven shades of screwed. "So basically, the store is going to be closing, restricting me to just my online sales, my piece of shit boyfriend left me, and I am spiraling, Abby. What am I gonna do?" "I've got an offer. Come spend Christmas out on the ranch with John and I, might give you a chance to clear your head and come up with another plan." It had been three days since she was kicked out of her store, she had her things packed up. She had spent the last three hours staring at the wall in her apartment as it snowed outside, until her phone rang. One of her closest friends was on the other side. Abigail Roberts was one of the first people that had talked to a young Georgia in school, and they were close friends. Until Abby grew up and met John Marston, and moved out west with him. They still kept in touch over phone calls, Abigail keeping Georgia updated on her life out west, sending pictures of her son, who Georgia was absolutely in awe of. Cutest little kid. "So, you're offering me the chance to spend Christmas with you and your other half out on a ranch in the middle of nowhere?" "Pretty much, yeah." "Will you come pick me up from the airport?" "I'll see if I can convince John to let me borrow the truck for the day. It just snowed." Abigail ended her sentiment with a giggle, and Georgia was already looking at plane tickets. "So now, as I see if there's a cheap ticket westward bound, onto my second problem. Good for nothing Alexander decided I wasn't worth the stress." "Well good riddance. If he can't see what he's losing, that's his own damned fault." The call lasted another hour or so, both women complaining about everything they could come up with, before the call finally ended. Three more days and she'd be on a plane, headed west, to spend christmas on the ranch, and hopefully by the time she saw her apartment again, she'd have a plan on where to go from here. At least, she hoped she would. Three days flew by like there was nothing to them, and Georgia was packed and tapping her foot outside gate 3 at the airport. An early afternoon flight a few hundred miles west, into Montana. Where she
would have a chance to re-evaluate what her life had become, and spend some time with a friend who she hadn't seen in person in a very long time. Onto the plane, into her seat. Georgia still had figuring out to do, and figured her time on the airplane was good enough to start. She flipped her laptop open, spending the few minutes it too to turn on after the plane was in the air ordering a drink. The flight attendant was kind, the drink was good, and frankly, Georgia thought alcohol was just about what she needed now. She opened her laptop and the first thing she did, before she even started on the work she had to do to straighten out her business, was a little research of her own. Van der Linde Ranch. Google spit back a handfull of entries right at the top of the results about roping trophies from years past, and then there was the article. She learned a lot. The place she was headed was supposedly ran by a guy named Dutch van der Linde, but he shared ownership with a friend of his, Hosea Matthews. Biggest ranch in America, and despite many attempts to get the land out from under them, Dutch and Hosea were going nowhere fast.
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cno-inbminor · 4 years
domus (epilogue)
a/n: alright, we’re trying this ONE more time before i give up for the week. seems like tumblr tags are having an issue! but anyways, some anons in the past asked for a sort of epilogue/bonus scenes so i wrote down a few as a birthday present to you all. thank you for all the love given over these months!! stay safe, healthy, hydrated and rested. 
wc: ~2.4k // part of the domus universe
First date:
“Where are you taking me?” You ask with a grin creeping onto your face. Your eyes capture the blur of the buildings, accustomed to the warm hand laying on your thigh. The appendages squeeze your flesh in a teasing manner, causing you to look over at the man behind the steering wheel. There’s a ghost of a smirk gracing his complexion, and you imagine there’s a twinkle in his gaze behind his sunglasses.
“Do I have to remind you about what a ‘surprise’ means?” He replies and you want to smack him across the arm.
“It’s our first official date, and the only clue I have is the 2 bento boxes by my feet. Are we going on a picnic?”
“Not quite. Be patient,” Keiji playfully scolds, causing you to huff and pout for a bit.
You’re still only 70% sure when he shows off his parallel parking skills, turning the wheel with one hand and another on the back of your seat. It’s slightly concerning how much you miss his touch, but perhaps it’s somewhat resolved when he walks around the front to open your door and offer a hand. You place a wrapped bento in his free hand and grab the other one for yourself, letting him drag you for a block or two.
The surroundings become more and more familiar until you finally spot the large characters on the wall of the building. You send Keiji a curious look and he just sends you a soft smile, walking around the border, through some back alleyway that you didn’t realize existed, until you’re within the walls of your high school. The nostalgia crashes over you, almost having you feel out of place for not being in uniform. But minutes later, when Keiji whips a key out of nowhere and unlocks one of the many side entrances, leading you up the stairs, you find yourselves on the roof.
Zephyrs whip around your figures until Keiji tugs on your hand towards the direction of the wall, the slight overhang of the structure providing some shade and recluse from the sun. He sits against the concrete and dutifully unwraps the meal he so nicely made this time, and you can’t help but lean over and peck him on the cheek. It’s full of delight and unbridled affection, so much so that Keiji can’t fight the slight blush rushing to his cheeks.
You hum around the food in satisfaction (because of course, Keiji is also a decent cook, it’s not fair for someone to be so good at so many things!), munching for a few minutes before asking, “Why here of all places?”
Keiji’s eyebrows furrow somewhat before the wrinkles smooth out. “I’d always wanted to have a meal with you out here when we were still in high school – but there was never a good way or time to ask, and I didn’t want to weird you out.”
“I would’ve said yes, you know?”
“Now I do,” he chuckles. “Eat up, you’ve had a long week.”
Keiji takes you on a mini-tour of sorts, pointing out the classroom he was in and where he sat. He still remembered where Konoha’s desk was, and though Bokuto wasn’t in the same year, he could still tell you which seat was the ace’s. The two of you exchange more stories about your years here, calmly walking down the stairs until he takes you to the gym. The squeaking of sneakers and yells of teenage boys become louder and louder, but before Keiji can push back the flap of the door screen, you tug on his hand.
“Are we allowed? I feel like we’re intruding.”
“Coach knows I’m here – how else did you think I got a key?”
He brings you in before you can protest again, making sure to stay out of sight until there’s a quick water break. Only then does Keiji make his presence known, politely greeting his old coach and exchanging laughs and smiles. He makes sure to introduce you and you quickly bow, unable to contain the smile when Keiji regards you as his girlfriend. The coach makes some small indication that you seemed familiar, and then introducing Keiji to the team. Some of their eyes light up when they hear about him being the setter during the reign of Bokuto Kotarou. It’s endearing, watching your boyfriend meld back into an element of the past that he so fondly misses.
About ten minutes later, the two of you wave goodbye and leave the premises, but not before Keiji makes a cheeky suggestion to go back to his former senior classroom and make out on his old desk. You ignore the flare that ignites in your gut and attempt to hide your fluster with a roll of your eyes. Instead, he pulls you into a secluded corner and crowds over your, leaving you nowhere to run.
But when his lips meet yours and his hands grasp your waist, you can’t imagine having it any other way for a first date.
First night sleeping in bed together
It’s a bit of an accident, if you’re honest. Usually, you’re always able to make it back to your own apartment. But then after the movie was finished and you were two wine glasses in, the alcohol in combination with the shit Friday at work depleted you of all energy. Keiji, ever the doting boyfriend, picked up on your lethargy pretty quickly. He stands from the couch and merely smiles when you whine at the loss of body heat, and with little trouble, carries you bridal style to his bedroom.
“I can take the futon, mmk? He whispers as he makes room for your body, setting you down gently on his mattress. Memories stir of your impromptu visit two years ago as he tucks you in. Despite your best efforts, a wide yawn creeps past your lips as you snuggle into his pillow, letting his scent wash over you.
“Sleep with me,” you murmur, patting the empty space next to you. Keiji can’t help the flutter of his heartbeat at your invitation.
“Are you sure?”
“You’re being silly. We’re dating now, the futon is a no-no,” you sleepily chide. Keiji looks down at himself to make sure he’s wearing clothes that’s comfortable enough to sleep in, then at you for confirmation again. When you’re still wiggling your fingers on his grey sheets, he succumbs to his desires and slides underneath the layers.
Keiji lays on his side facing you, struggling to hear anything over the pounding in his ribcage. You have a hand bent up near your face and the other in front of your chest, quiet breaths leaving your body. He mimics your posture and returns the small grin you give him, brushing away the strands that look slightly displaced.
The calmness that eases into his chest is a feeling he’ll never get tired of. It’s exactly what he’s dreamed of experiencing for the last few years, the serenity in falling asleep next to the person you love. He feels incredibly lucky to be here, in this time, with you of all people. In fact, he hadn’t felt that tired earlier, but exhaustion was quickly approaching him. Before Keiji can fully pass out, he makes sure to intertwine his fingers with your free, upturned ones, squeezing slightly as a gesture of affection.
And when you tighten yours in reply, Keiji closes his eyes in peace.
When Keiji confesses just how long he’s been in love with you
Your first year dating with Keiji simply flies by, and it feels like time won’t slow down soon. Initially he wanted to take you to some fancy sushi restaurant for your anniversary, but when you showed up at his apartment the night before listing all the ways your interim manager was being completely asinine, he figured you just needed something a little more comfortable and calming the next day. So he settles for taking you to your favorite ramen restaurant, the same one he ordered from for you three years ago. It’s small yet intimate – after all, you’re more than wise to understand the significance of this establishment and what it means for the two of you.
You’re quiet on the way home, a little too quiet if Keiji is being honest. Even though you’re just looking ahead of you, there’s a faraway, pensive curtain over your gaze. You’re not holding his hand as tightly as you usually do, and Keiji’s worried that he did something wrong. Maybe he was supposed to take you somewhere nicer, pamper you like the royalty you are, buy roses, gift some jewelry—
“Do you want some ice cream, Keiji?” You ask, ripping him from his mental spiral and pointing a thumb at an ice cream stand.
“Sure,” he nods, and to his dismay, when he fishes out the correct bills, you’ve already ordered and paid.
“Don’t give me that look,” you gently scold after thanking the worker and handing him his cup. “You paid for dinner.”
“It’s our anniversary, I should be paying for everything.”
“Not because you want to?”
“I want to as well, but—”
“And I wanted to pay for the ice cream, Keiji,” you chuckle, proving your point. “I appreciate the gesture though. Come on, there’s a park over there. Let’s go sit at the bench.”
It’s easy to fall into the small talk again, though you seem to think about your answers more. There’s a weight to your words, a carefulness that seems foreign to how candid you usually are with him. The worry returns and sneaks through his veins – he wants nothing more than to just blurt it out, but that’s pushing you and he shouldn’t do that—
“Keiji, you’ll be honest with me, right? You’ll tell me the truth no matter what?” You inquire abruptly, voice timid and hesitant.
Keiji shifts his body to face you better, ready to give you his full attention. Your questions alarm him a little though. “Of course.”
“Okay,” you say, chewing your bottom lip. “Are…areyoutiredofmeyet?”
As soon as the words are rushed out, you’re looking at anything but him. It’s impossible to hide from his stare of disbelief. Things just have been going so well, you couldn’t help the insecurity that was becoming known again. Yes, you’ve healed from the events of breaking up with Kuroo – but that didn’t mean there was a big, glaring scar across the heart on your sleeve. In times like these, it sucked the light out of you and you just needed some validation.
“Look at me,” he gently prods. You’re defiant, shaking your head. But as you always do, you surrender to his touch, succumbing to the pressure that of his hand against your cheek. It’s soft in its cradle, his thumb tenderly caressing over your cheekbone.
“What makes you think that I’m getting tired of you?”
When you show signs of defiance, Keiji leans in closer until his forehead rests against yours, but remains quiet. He wants to give you time, but also let you know that an answer is imperative.
“It’s…nothing specific, really. Just some lingering fear,” you mutter and wring your hands. “It’s happened before, so I guess I wanna make sure that I don’t mess up again or something.”
He shakes his head, mentally listing all the ways he can make you feel more secure in this relationship as time goes on. Keiji figured this was going to happen at some point, but he’d rather it didn’t. The last thing he wanted you to ever think was that he didn’t love you enough – even after all these years, he only feels that his love has reached immeasurable amounts, and it still continues to grow every day.
“I’ve loved you all these years, and I feel like that at the end, we still haven’t spent enough time together. I don’t think you realize how much I want eternity with you,” he whispers, fingers moving to brush your hair away. “You’re everything I want, and I can’t imagine this with anyone else.”
A watery chuckle leaves you. “You’ve really picked up some flowery language from work, haven’t you?”
“The shoujo manga department is just down the hall, I guess I’m bound to pick up something,” he jokes back. “Doesn’t detract from the fact that I mean every word though.”
“…I’m gonna seek validation, alright? It’s inevitable.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m gonna ask you things like, ‘Do you love me?’ or ‘Are you bored of me?’, and I’ll just need a yes or no most times.”
“Well, I’m hoping that I’ll be good enough so that you won’t even have to ask. But okay, I can do that.”
You surge forward and wrap him in your arms. “Thank you, Keiji.”
“Of course. You ready to head back?”
You let him drag you up by the hand, nodding in affirmation. Things are comfortably serene for the first few minutes – Keiji notices that your eyes seem more alive and brighter, a definite contrast to what they were before. But you’re gnawing on your bottom lip again, what’s on your mind now?
“So…um, what was that thing about loving me for years?” Math might’ve not been your strong suit, but you’ve only been together for a year and years is clearly plural…
“Ah, I guess I can’t hide it anymore,” Keiji sighs, though it’s more lighthearted than anything. “I started liking you my first year of high school, and then realized I might love you sometime during my third year. Hasn’t changed since.”
“…so even in the years when I was dating Tetsurou?”
His smile morphs into something gentler and more bittersweet. “More subdued since I accepted we might never be anything more than friends, but then everything happened and you unexpectedly called me to ask if I had dinner yet…I didn’t want to sway you in your decision, but I just wanted to show how much I’ve treasured you all this time, nothing more.”
“Sorry for making you wait,” you apologize with a pout and a squeeze of his hand.
“You don’t need to apologize – I consider it more to be lucky than anything. Incredibly, ridiculously, unnervingly lucky.”
“Well, I hope we have more lucky years ahead of us.”
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