#my 2am energy!
crunchchute · 8 months
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sweet valentines
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wordstome · 1 year
what is it with me and school/university settings because I can't stop thinking about having a nasty one night stand with König at some frat party and he becomes obsessed with you while you don't even know his name. you're just trying to get through uni without crashing and burning while coping using drugs and sex and there's just this fucking guy who you slept with once and now he's everywhere, caring about you to an infuriating degree
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mispatchedgreens · 4 months
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the kitchen extended universe continues to materialise: it's lord "bet, bruh" and general "how fucking dare you", on their couch (it's definitely zhu's couch)
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estiebestieban · 1 year
people who say Pierre would win the brawl between him and Lance are looking at it like it's a boxing match. it isn't. there are no rules in a parking lot brawl. Lance would disconnect from his own brain and go for the eyes with the full intent to claw them out. Pierre would throw a better punch, but he doesn't have what it takes to make the first punch the final one. instant KO or bust, and Pierre simply does not have that ability within him.
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revitalizationrat · 3 months
I'm re-reading mustachello comic and like??
Wth was I on when drawing that.
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natsmagi · 1 year
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simple kitty natsume doodle i made while trying to figure out how to work this new tablet
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squalamander · 2 months
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wind on your wings
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hermitsdump · 14 days
Suguru Geto's playlist: cozy, chill, rainy day vibes, warm, soft, safe
Satosugu's blended (post-breakup) playlist: chest pain. It hurtd
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blitzbuckz · 3 months
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icarusdiesatdawn · 2 years
I know we've been talking a lot about the new Thai remake (as we should!), but I did some digging and turns out there's this german crime show from the 70s that's also been inspired by Goncharov!
This is the intro, I think they really captured the vibes of the movie
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milesdadworth · 6 months
the only thing thats been bouncing around in my head the past week is that phoenix and miles's pillow talk in the year 2027 consists of simon blackquill and the UR-1 incident
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hinamie · 4 months
my god i amn so sleepy
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mothric · 4 months
well it's official. my top 3 highlighted posts are all mob psycho related. I am brainsick about this show
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knightinink · 1 year
Gonna try to write a post batdr sickfic tomorrow (cause I’m sick & want the comfort), so here’s some snippets of ideas I’ve got.
“Inky, I can’t just stay home, I’ve got deadlines to meet by tonight!”
“Why are you so worried? I told you, it’s just a little head cold. I’m fine!”
“…I have seen the results of artists who push themselves beyond their limits, many times. I… You have made yourself more of a concern than any other, in this inky, black heart that you are so convinced I possess…”
“Oh, Inky… I never realized you cared so much. Alright. I suppose they can find someone there to cover for me.”
“…Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, big guy. I hope that eases your worries.”
“More than you would know.”
The demon switches forms throughout the day to perform different tasks, like getting her medicine or cooking soup for her or supporting her while she wobbles around the house in her feverish state, he’ll use his ink demon form (he may also need to pick her up & return her to bed; she’s got that stubborn streak, after all).
In his toon form, he’ll wordlessly entertain her while she’s in bed & having trouble resting. He’ll do little dances for her, bring his toy trains up on the bed for her to either play with him, or just watch him. He’ll bring her more tissues when she runs out of one box & will help keep her floor clean from any used tissues that missed the trash bin.
He’ll cuddle up to her while she doses (toons can’t catch human illnesses. probably. maybe.). In his toon form, he’ll lay right under her arm, snuggled right up against her, while in his ink demon form, he’ll curl himself up at the foot of her bed as he usually does at night, just to keep a close eye on her (& to keep himself calm as well).
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pyporapy · 5 months
hey there pyporapy
What's the favorite food of your oc's? And also, what is the food that they ABSOLUTELY despise?
Both Grisha and Viktoria Really like soup (solyanka and shchi respectively), but it’s kind of because of different reasons. Grisha needs whatever pick-me-up he can get so he likes his sour soup, and Viktoria prioritizes reliability, so if she can make her soup fairly easily and freeze it to take wherever she goes she will do that. So, that being said, Grisha doesn’t like anything Too bland and Viktoria still can’t get used to meals that are too elaborate.
By virtue of being 100% British, Laura hasn’t exactly won the cuisine lottery (/j), but she really enjoys Scottish cuisine and, specifically, cullen skink, aka smoked haddock chowder (hehe, more soup). It’s quite a simple dish and it’s actually more of a starter, but what she likes is precisely its simplicity and good taste. On the other hand, and not to disgrace her home city, but Liverpool cuisine is…… interesting….. so, she can probably eat it, but she would rather not doing so.
In Felix’s case, he has Actually won the cuisine lottery by virtue of being ecuadorian (🙌🦅🔥🇪🇨), but even with all the dishes that ecuadorian cuisine has to offer, he prefers the little things in life, so patacones are his favorite. You can do just about anything with verde, and you can make it be the only thing you eat the rest of your life (even though you probably shouldn’t…), but in the UK that shit is expensive!! So patacones can be an actual delicacy!!! And he treats them as such!!! They’re pretty reliable too; they’re quick to cook so you cook a shit ton and you can take them anywhere, eat them with anything, and they can be quite fulfilling. He’s the type of person to try any food put in front of him but if I wanted to say he didn’t like a food….. he looks like he doesn’t like fish. Idk he just has that vibe…
I’m gonna be honest I can’t picture Cain eating. Either he just photosynthesizes or has a cigarette and bong water for breakfast idk. If he’s ever desperate enough he probably just eats a handful of communion wafers, pretends he’s eating paper (which tbh isn’t That hard), and moves on with his life. In all seriousness he just has the vibe of someone that doesn’t play about breakfast. Does that make sense.
And Gabrijel…… he probably eats some weird expensive shit unbeknownst to all of us normal people with real tastebuds. Because of his Czech roots, he really likes pork, but he can probably only eat like. Iberian pork. Nothing more and nothing less. Also if I gave him ají he��d probably die but that’s another topic
Thank you for your ask, this was fun to do!!! I’m hungry now hehehe
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kakusu-shipping · 1 year
You’re all getting another unpromted headcanon dump because I’m very personally tired of the “Mario would hide his struggles and trauma post Movie from Luigi because he doesn’t want to look weak and keep up the appearance of the Strong Older Brother” take. Don’t Eldest Daughter Syndrome Mario. He and Luigi are a team. A pair. He would tell Luigi everything.
Anyway here’s everything I think Mario personally struggles with and would rely on Luigi for
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The Mario movie put it very blatantly on the table that Mario’s a little touchy about his height. It’s probably more so because he’s use to being picked on as The Short Guy on the sports team rather than it really actually bothering him all that much. He’s just assumes someone calling him short is an insult. The only personal problem he has with it is being shorter than Luigi. They spent a lot of their childhood the same height, and Luigi being taller still messes them both up from time to time
This is another left over from Highschool; Mario and Luigi (accidentally) kind of fell into the trope of the Smart twin and the Sporty twin, with Mario being the ladder. This messed with his head in a way he couldn’t really articulate, being expected to be a Meathead like the other guys on his sports teams did actually cause his grades to go down, especially in Math which use to be his best subject, which of course caused a lot of concerned backlash from their parents, especially his dad. Now he has it locked in his brain somewhere he’s stupid when he’s not.
He’s bad with people. Luigi’s a lot more of a people person than he is. He has a hard time connecting to people, or making simple small talk. He can be pretty blunt, or awkward, and maybe a bit aggressive sounding, especially to someone not use to how loud and confidently he speaks. As he gets older he gets quieter, speaks less, falls into a much more comfortable selective mute life style, and it suits him much better than trying to fumble through talking to people. He prefers to listen
He’s definitely a workaholic, he’d gotta be busy busy busy all the time. A lot of people will see him run from one project to the next, never turning down a request for help with something, constantly juggling tasks and working on something in his spare time and think it’s all because he’s such a nice, hard working guy. But no. It’s the stress of not doing enough. Or because he anxious being alone. Luigi’s the only one who knows Mario will keep going till he crashes, and is the one to always stop him and remind him he’s doing enough, he’s enough. Take a break.
Mario’s always struggled with separation anxiety. He’s never been one for the whole concept of “alone time”, he’d much rather be near people he loves and trusts and can relax around. He use to joke it stems from being born first, those few moments before Luigi was born was more than enough alone time for a life time. He tries to wave it off occasionally, but it really is a problem. If he is ever left alone, say Luigi goes off on some grand adventure without him, he finds things to work on until he passes out, and then just sleeps and lays about until Luigi comes back.
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