#my (twisted) pokémon journey characters
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mel-the-pirate-writeblr · 2 years ago
Characters (WIP)
Welcome Post / Blog Masterlist
My (Twisted) Pokémon Journey Characters
Crystal Fairway
Kevin Fairway
Isles of Ysamaldri Characters
Myrkr Mkhoal
Maple Hawthorn
Luna Meraki
Azure Star
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wooglebear · 9 months ago
Everything's Better with Triplets AU
Aka, a full rundown of my ideal Black and White anime, now as its own post on the Main Tag(tm).
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-The first five episodes go the same as canon, but episode 6 has a twist.
-When Cilan decides to go on the journey, his brothers Chili and Cress decide to go, because they don't want to see their brother get up to shenanigans
-This annoys the Rocket Trio ("oh god, now there are FIVE twerps!")
-Cress and Chili's presence makes a bigger difference than one might think. There is a reason this AU is called Everything's Better With Triplets, after all
-For example, their presence effectively means that the events of any episode with Striation Gym as the focus don't happen.
-Cress and Chili get their aprons back, because they deserve it!
-My goal is to give Cress and his brother actual arcs and roles while keeping their core characters the same
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-My version of Cress is basically my own headcanons (he can read auras) mashed up with elements of Cress in the anime, Cress in the Adventures manga, and the version of Cress we saw from Pokémon Black and White
-Cress can read auras perfectly, to the point that he can understand what his Pokemon are saying; this, in turn, has allowed him to come up with some pretty good battle strategies
-this will be relevant later when Team Plasma arrives
-Cress gets possessed by the Yamask in that one episode because… why not?
-Let's just say Cress took the aspects of Cilan's anime arc related to Burgundy, while Chili has a crush on Georgia
-In addition to his canonical Panpour, Cress gets a Floatzel, a Combee, a Lillipup, and a Manaphy (though this particular catch wouldn't be on purpose). However, said Floatzel ends up being killed via stuff in Elesa's gym. Thankfully, Cress replaces the Floatzel with a baltoy.
-Speaking of Cress's Floatzel, it… talks. It sounds like Sean Astin. He nicknames it Cash.
-Chili also gets his canonical Heatmor, but also gets a Cubchoo and a Litwick to mess with Cress due to his brother developing a phobia of the Litwick line during "Scare At the Litwick Mansion!". In Alola, he even catches a depressed-sounding Wimpod (which can talk) and an Alolan Sandshrew.
-Also, Cress grows a bit of trust issues. Because it wouldn’t be an AU of mine if someone didn’t have at least some angst, not even the water type gym leader is safe from me
-He also has a number one fan. None other than Faba from Sun and Moon. Yup, didn't see that coming?
-i imagine him as someone who's come from Alola to do research on someone (Cress).
-This Faba is basically an unholy mashup of both versions of him. Much like in the anime and USUM, he is a nasty piece of work without alien toxins. Don't worry, he isn't going to be a one-to-one carbon copy of his anime and USUM incarnations. Because I and many others don't like how Faba was depicted in the first few episodes of the anime, completely destroying any arc that he might have had in the post game of Sun and Moon, let's just say he gets his want for respect back.
-Also, his appearance would be similar to that one picture in the Sun and Moon anime of young Aether
-Faba is the reason why Cress tells Chili to tear off his sleeves.
-Cress and Faba then have a subplot where Cress tries to tell Cilan and Chili about his "fan" but gets interrupted by smth more and more ridiculous every time, until the episode where Faba steals Cress's body.
-Cilan adds a talking maractus and a Solosis to his team, because... why not? And then in Alola, he catches an Alolan Raichu.
-Not much changes with Iris and Ash.
-Team Plasma are closer to their Black 2 and White 2 characterization, but Ghetsis still wants to rule Unova with an iron fist.
--Ghetsis does get arrested at the end
-Also, there's a FOURTH triplet in this AU, called Crispin. Yup, that Crispin.
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-He's their younger brother
-He used to cook for their restaurant. Used
-He ran away after he saw the Shadow Triad and had a freak out
-Team Plasma took him in
-He was raised as a member of Team Plasma
-His Team Plasma name is Major Blanc.
-He shoots his brothers with paintballs like a maniac
-He thinks Cilan, Cress, and Chili are secretly the Shadow Triad!
-He even has a bandolier
-Ghetsis's former right-hand man.
-As Major Blanc, he wears a gas mask. For clothing, he's wearing what looks like a standard uniform of a Canadian army commander, complete with the hat and dark uniform, emblazoned with the emblem of Team Plasma on the left. Over his hands he wears white gloves, and whatever his feet look like are obscured by boots as well.
-As Crispin, he probably looks mostly the same as he does in canon SV! Well since this AU more than supports the headcanon of Crispin being related to Cilan/Chili/Cress, he wears their waiter uniform, but with a peach bow tie. He tears off one of his uniform's sleeves so that he can look different
-As Major Blanc, Crispin has Cubone, a Banette nicknamed Chrysocollas, Dusclops, Chandelure and Zorua. When he eventually shows his true colors, he ditches his Pokemon in favor of a conkledurr, a heracross and keeps the Banette as a symbol that he is restraining himself but is free to act like a villain because everyone knows the truth about him. In Alola, Cress even convinces him to catch a passimian, shiny scizor, and alolan exeggutor.
-The brothers didn't get along at first, given that Crispin was a former member of Team Plasma. And because of this they would often bicker with each other. However, after a while, the brothers warmed up to each other
-I’d imagine he'd be voiced by Tom Wilson
-In Alola, Crispin gets recruited by the Aether Foundation! Too bad a certain someone has a rule that interns must be heard and not seen instead of the other way around. so Crisp just kinda slinks around Aether in the shadows a while until Cress eventually stumbles upon him one way or another
-His outfit as an intern is basically the standard Aether uniform, but with his bow tie.
-He wouldn't look like this for the entire Sun and Moon anime, though. He changes back into his waiter uniform in episode 64 of SM (yes, that episode about Ash and the Passimians is going to be skipped and replaced with one about Cress)
-Crispin is basically the sixth Ranger of the gang!
-and it wouldn't just be Unova these four brothers would be travelling with Ash in. They're going to be in the Sun and Moon anime. The triplets are gonna get a makeover in those seasons
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-In Alola, Cress gets an Alolan Grimer (which evolves into an alolan muk later on). Contrasting with Cilan's Alolan Raichu and Chili's Alolan Sandshrew (later Alolan Sandslash).
-During the magical girl episode, inside of Lillie and Mallow and Lana, the triplets get chosen!
-Cress has a bit of a running gag where he face plants in the dirt
-During the haunted house episode, Chili ends up with Mallow's group, Cilan ends up watching the puppet show with Ash, and Cress gets stuck by the wayside with Lana
-Becomes friends with Lana. They bond over their shared love for water types and Cress is surprisingly adept at giving Lana advice.
-Plumiera debuts earlier this time. She debuts after the Mother Beast arc of the anime, during the Ultra Beasts Arc.
-Plumiera is even worse here than in the anime and games combined. She's basically canon Plumiera, if her bad qualities were amped up and the positives were removed.
-when Plumiera shows up, Chili and Crispin compete to ally with her (Crispin even develops a crush on her), and Cilan develops a rivalry with her.
-And hoooooo boy, would Cress cause all kinds of an uproar towards her.
-Plumiera's first battle with Cress basically destroyed any semblance of standing she has with Cress and Cilan. The latter, especially, has a long standing grudge against poison type Pokemon (his grass types are weak to them) and won’t hesitate to call Plumiera out on it when she’s around.
-Team Rocket and Plumiera end up forming an alliance later on. She isn’t a permanent fixture of the group. Too bad Plumiera is also trying to steal Pikachu, developing even more of a fixation on the mouse Pokemon than Jessie, James and Meowth.
-Plumiera is hellbent on seriously injuring or killing Cress.
-Many of her later battles with Cress incorporated her attempting to kill him right in front of his brothers and acting like there’s nothing personal about it much to Cilan and Chili's horror.
-Crispin still has his crush on Plumiera, even after she tried to kill Cress in their first battle and that knowledge was made known to Cilan, essentially driving her off from Cilan and Cress
-In one of their later battles, Cress gives one heck of a zinger to Plumiera.
Cress: You pigtailed demon! You're not a person! You're horrible! You're an irredeemable monster!
-Plumiera does get her comeuppance when Chili performs Inferno Overdrive, burning half of her pigtails off. Cress points out that her mile long pigtails wouldve gotten her ass yoinked from behind and killed long ago.
-Cress is part of the Ultra Guardians in this AU. His uniform's highlights are silver.
-His ride Pokémon is a Mega Gyarados.
-I feel like the idea of ​​Cilan knowing that Cress is part of the Ultra Guardians but Chili not knowing would be fun.
-Sadly, this means that Plumiera would find out about this and blackmail Cilan into an alliance.
-Cilan does not become a full fledged Team Skull member, but he's just under her thumb. Anyway, this is a horribly one-sided alliance.
-Cilan wants to leave the alliance but is unable to due to the fear of her wrath.
-Plumiera, knowing that Cress is part of the Ultra Guardians, intervenes if they start losing. She wants to take him to the "house", if she fails to injure or kill him.
-Chili finds out (later in the anime), and so does Crispin. And while Jessie, James and Meowth do find out the Ultra Guardians are a thing, they have NO CLUE that Cress is apart of them for a good while and (thanks to Faba) they eventially start realizing that Cress is a member of the Ultra Power Rangers, which throws them for a loop for a good while of the story.
-It's gotten to the point where Cress wishes where the UB battles were actually serious and there was no Team Rocket mucking it up.
-In the Necrozma Arc, Cilan, Crispin and Chili tag along with Faba and Kukui
-Cilan names three of his Pokemon after flowers. Chili names every Pokemon save for his Pansear after different gemstones (Ruby, Pearl, Jade…)
-Cress isn't the type to nickname his Pokemon, but nicknames his Floatzel Cash Networth and his Alolan Grimer Seashell.
-Crispin as Major Blanc does not believe in nicknaming supremancy, save for his Banette. Reformed Crispin nicknames most of his pokemon after playing card suits.
Cilan, Chili and Cress's teams (* designates Evolution):
Cilan: Pansage, Crustle, Stunfisk, Sakura the Maractus, Rose the Solosis*, Minty the Alolan Raichu
Cress: Panpour, Cash Networth the Floatzel, Lillipup*, Combee*, Manaphy, Alolan Grimer*, Baltoy*
Chili: Pansear*, Ruby the Heatmor, Sapphire the Cubchoo*, Pearl the Litwick*, Jade the Alolan Sandshrew*, Amethyst the Wimpod*
-Cress uses French, or words that at least sound French, sometimes. Revealing that off camera during all three seasons of the Pokemon XY anime, he briefly studied in the Kalos region, given that it is inspired by France (cut to Cress on the floor of the Santalune Gym frantically trying to finish his biology homework while Lysandre tries to obliterate Kalos)
-Hobbs, Lillie's butler, takes Crispin as a protégée after seeing his skills in baking. This was because the opportunity is so good. i mean, Crispin is a former member of Team Plasma and he is in need of a decent/solid adult figure in his life!
-Cress starts having nightmares about Ghetsis, Colress, Faba and Plumiera. He then starts having nightmares about a horrible alternate timeline where Ghetsis is ruling Unova with an iron fist.
-In at least one of these nightmares, Unova was destroyed.
-Cilan does try to help Cress get over these nightmares, but it goes sideways in some way
Feel free to ask about this AU!
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platinumrosetail · 1 year ago
can you please do a platonic Poseidon x victini reader ok this is a long one so basically the reader used to be human she was taken away from the ror world and was sent to the world of Pokémon a few years later she was sent back in time to hisuian and thanks to volo the reader was turned into a victini soon she was sent back to normal day and met N now in this N is a zoroark he and the reader where together before the volo thing happened and there still together now one day both the reader and N was sent to the ror world and for some reason Poseidon felt like he knows the reader so they do a DNA test and everyone is shocked but in the end Poseidon let's the reader data N (so the reader does have a human form and obviously because N is a zoroark he can disguise himself as a human N can talk to people in his true form of a zoroark and so can the reader so they can talk normally and it's ok if you don't do this it's just been in my mind for awhile)
Oooh interesting, the reader being Poseidon’s daughter is an interesting twist, also oooh gotta love the ‘N is a zoroark theory’ au 🤩.
Warning: noob author, female reader, and others.
Character: Poseidon.
You were adopted by a elderly couple when you were a baby who found you abandoned with no parent or guardian around you or searching for you and the area they found you in so after checking to see if you do have any guardians they adopted as they couldn’t bear to see what would happen if you were to be put into an orphanage.
You decided to become a trainer when you were a preteen as you wanted to learn more about the Pokémon and world around you, so after saying sweet farewells to the elderly couple you set off on your journey after getting a starter pokemon.
You, now a young adult, were just minding you business out in a field having a picnic with the pokemon you caught so far before a wormhole appeared and dragged you in it leaving you without your precious pokemon. You appeared in a different setting, more in the past times than the one you were used to which made you assume you time traveled into the past of sinnoh by that wormhole, also previous known as hisui, you later confirmed that you were correct on it being the past by the galaxy corps.
You learned about the things that happened here in the past by experiencing them, you even seen some ancestors to the people you seen in modern times which you figured was the ancestors descendants. When you were able to go back to the modern times you were a different person, specifically more Pokémon like all thanks to colo who ordered giratina to kill you but giratina instead turned you into the victory pokemon, thankfully though you have a human form instead of staying as a pokemon.
You met N after you landed back where you first disappeared from, he was apparently taking care of your Pokémon while they wait for your return as they knew you’d come back, you found out that you could understand Pokémon language as the usual calls they made were now like the language humans speak to you, you explained how you are now able to communicate and understand them than you did before your disappearance. You and N started spending time together soon after before dating, you later found out that he was a Pokémon as well, a zoroark to be specific, you doted on him more than before as you wanted to make sure that he knew that you loved him the same.
You, your Pokémon and N all were later sucked into another wormhole this time leading to a new place entirely, you weren’t really fazed by it like the others were as this happened once already and you had assumed that it might happen to you again which it did. You, N, and your Pokémon found out that this world humans are fighting for survival against the gods so naturally you joined sides with humanity as you once was human as well plus there are innocent people at stake right now. The gods later found out how the humans kept on winning multiple times in a row each round even though some of the odds were against the humans, you noticed to and realized that you have the ability to have the humans win no matter what which made you happy though the gods noticed and had a meeting before bringing you in for an explanation; you happily explained that you will continue to side with the humans no matter what if the gods didn’t do their jobs, after a discussion the gods decided to actually do their jobs for once as they knew with you on humanity’s side they would never win no matter what they do.
You later met a male god who was the god of the sea in Greek; his name was Poseidon, you don’t know why but you felt like you should know him even though you are sure you two never met before, Poseidon feels the same, after some talking between the two of you, you both decided to do a dna test just in case with the help of beelzebub, you and him find out that you’re his long lost daughter that disappeared as a baby which made you both and everyone shocked to hear about that, he also found out that the boy with you is your boyfriend which he allows you to date as he knew N was good enough for you plus he couldn’t really say anything about it since he sadly wasn’t apart of your life until now even if it wasn’t in his control. After that happened it wasn’t long before another wormhole opened up shooting out the very person that basically made you into a Pokémon, after some explaining to your father about who volo was and what he had done Poseidon is now chasing after volo with his trident with murderous intent.
(A/n: hope y’all like it! Also the requester dm’ed me some things about the request so that’s why you see some things that were left out of the request, anyway I believe that’s it and hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!!!)
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eway · 2 years ago
Copy and Pasted from a Discord convo. Just what I said tho
I came up with a Pokémon Anime AU that involves Ash Wanna hear? Basically, Ash has a brother. He's 14. And his name is Red! He is Red from the games!
He doesn't talk much but he and Ash are close. He doesn't join Ash on his Journey until Ash meets Goh because Goh is a rival brother (haha funni)
Also. Red often sees Ash while disguised to avoid attention. And outright adopts Iris as a sister. And Red "politely asks" the press to stop posting things about Ash being Red's loser brother whenever he loses a tournament. Just "politely asks" No threatening going on here. Nope.
Some interesting ideas I came up with for each season involving Red
Red comes to see Ash at the finals, and we see him with his team about to kill a reporter for insulting Ash. Not much but fluff
Diamond and Pearl though. This one is interesting Remember the character Pokémon Hunter J? She was an original character for the show. Was pretty evil. Helped out Team Galatic? She is commissioned to take Red's mons. And no one in there right MINDS is gonna face RED head on. This is after her debut episode, so she knows Ash. And kidnaps him to trade for Red's Pokémon. She kinda forgot that not only did Ash have friends. But she also pissed off Team Rocket last time
Red climbs Mt. Silver to escape pressure. This leads to a mini arc of Ash trying to find him and helping him out
Hoenn: Aqua and Magma are fighting and Red jumps into to help, meeting up with Ash
Black and White is ALSO interesting
Red is in Unova for the Pokémon World Tournament (a thing from Black and White 2) and is jealous of Ash. Remember when Ash befriended Meloetta? This takes place during that. Red may be a champion, near undefeated. But Ash has met and befriended SO many legendaries! In a twist from the Diamond and Pearl thing, after a falling out, Red leaves without his Pokémon, where he runs into Team Plasma (being evil because I'm using the concepts that got scrapped for the Black and White Anime given that earthquake and banned episode) and Ash has to save HIM!
X and Y
Red is there at the Summer camp and is a Serena x Ash Shipper and will not stop teasing him. Ash brings up Red's own crush on Leaf (female player character from FireRed and LeafGreen)
In Alola, Red is there for the Battle Tree, but joins the school. He gets stuck in Ultraspace at one point
Journeys Ash and Goh's dynamic seemed brotherly to me, so Red sees Goh as someone trying to replace him, so he joins Ash and Goh on there adventures, becoming a main character!
Red is eternally 14 as Ash is eternally 10. His starter was an Eevee that evolved into Espeon (in his Pokémon Crystal boss fight, he has an Espeon. It's the only version where he does). His team is always different per region, save Espeon. Anyway, that's my pitch for an Ash/Red Brothers AU
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thedramaticduke · 2 years ago
Soo, because I'll otherwise loose my mind, here my ranking for the eight stories (of course, big spoilers follow, also for the endgame)
1. Osvald
This was pretty much a safe card to get into my favourites. A broken science man, who first starts out with wanting to avenge his wife and daughter, but then realises that his daughter is alive and saves her? That's good shit for people with father issues right there.
But what really got me with him was... everything around him. How he slowly warms up to the other travel companions, how he lets other close to him again. In the last travel banter with Partitio he talks about how he realizes that he managed his journey only because of his companions, and how he finally sees the sense behind small talk and. It's so great. He was my starter and even though it was really funny at the beginning how that lone wolf suddenly was surrounded by five children, Temenos and Castii, I could see him lead my squad at the end against Vide. That's what I call character development.
And I know that after the epilogue the first thing he did was run back home, confronted his fear and hugged his daughter. Trust me, I'm Square Enix.
2. Ochette
I'm sorry, but I couldn't put her lower. Ochette's story was so nicely put together - I love how all three legendary Pokémon beasts have separate stories, but one element that unites them all: how humanity destroys nature without reason or remorse. But still Ochette stays strong and kind and has hopes and... God, that was great to see. That moment when she befriended Glacis and the other companion was honestly beautiful.
The only thing that annoys me is the fact that the dark huntress was so... irrelevant at the end. I expected a plottwist around her, something like 'haha, this character from story X was actually her!' but... no. Shes just an evil fanatic who has only one appearance when she gets killed by the other companion. A little bit lackluster tbh.
But yeah, Ochette is my daughter and I would kill for her.
3. Castii
That third chapter. God damnit.
I'm really surprised how much I liked Castii at the end. Once again, family issues and all, but also... her story is so dark. She could save the day, but so many people had to pay for it and it was so brilliant how you could go into the empty village from the beginning (it was even part of the demo) and ask yourself "what the fuck happened here?" before all becomes clear. Its so bittersweet and I'm all here for it.
4. Partitio
I know, his story is not the most... logical one. But sometimes you want to live in an indulgent fantasy where you beat capitalists up and then they see the errors of their ways and where a rich sugar daddy aristocrat gives you 80 billion dollar because you inspired him enough. But yeah, he's just so fun and I love how, even though so many people change throughout OT 2, he always stays the same idealistic optimistic moron who inspires the people around him. And how Ori pretty much confirmed that the reason she saw hope again was because of Partitio? Whoof.
Also my head canon is that Mister Roque and Pepe had something going on while they built Orerush. I mean... come on. Two single men, with no woman by their side but really close, and Partitio even calls him uncle in german? Thats sus right there.
5. Throné
Technically, this story is right up my alley. I don't know what it keeps from being higher up except the fact that the Claude twist came a little bit out of nowhere. But there are so many small scenes that I love, how the girl in Mothers Garden swears revenge and still gets a happy ending, how happy Father is that he still got to be a father (his whole story was fantastic btw), how you're not thrown into Lostseed but travel there throughout her last chapter and then are met with such despair. And yeah, the end was similarly bittersweet as that of Primrose from the first game, what I love. At the end, freedom reeks of blood, but... it was worth it.
6. Agnea
The step up for the fluffy stories from the first to the second game is insane.
But yeah, I talked about it once already, but what makes this story special for me is the journey in her mother's footsteps. When her father gave her her dress at the beginning it nearly teared me up lol.
But yeah, her whole story is just so sweet and cute and anti-capitalistic (she kinda has Karen-energy but in a good way) and how it all tied together at the end with all the people from the different chapters coming together at the festival of graces was great. And this story has easily the most background lesbians (the traveling group, Dolccinea and Victoria...), it's amazing.
7. Temenos
...yeah. This is my biggest unpopular opinion from this game xD
But yeah, what really annoyed me about Temenos' story was, similar to Cyrus' story from the first game, that it tries to be a detective story, but... it's the most predictable story of all lol. From the beginning I was like 'yeah... the sacred guard was responsible, wasn't it?' and it kinda took my investment in that story out of it. Also I like Temenos and Crick, but not as much as most of the fandom, I'm afraid - there was something that didn't click with me, I guess. Even though the Stormhail-Route was still pretty sad ngl. And even though Kaldena was my third to last end boss, she still nearly killed me, so here's that.
8. Hikari
Hikari is really a sad case because his story could have been even more tragic and sad. But he suffers the most from bad writing - Mugen is such an 'evil for the sake of being evil' antagonist while being the stupidest person ever (that moment when he killed everyone because 'they could be vengeful later!' made me literally facepalm) and I still don't understand why Ritsu hates the emperors and their war mongering so much, but then ends up working for the biggest war monger of them all. I lowkey expected him to betray Mugen but... no. He's just vengefulTM and randomly turns good two seconds before dying.
But I liked Hikaris arc and turning the shadow hold into the light hold was a great idea. Generally his first and last chapter were pretty atmospheric and I really grew to like Kazan as a mischievous, but sympathetic ally that his betrayal really stung. Generally, the second game had much better written and more engaging stories than the first, it didn't have any Tressa-like story where I didn't particularly care about anything. But still, Hikari kinda deserves better.
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jofita29 · 2 years ago
Jo's comic recommendations!
For my first recommendation I recommend my favourite comic book
This is a Robert Kirkman comic (Aka the guy who wrote the walking dead, outcast, oblivion song and the newly started Void Rivals) and yes you may have seen the show that's based off the comic.
The basic premise without any major spoilers is 17 year old high school student Mark Grayson whose dad is an alien from a futuristic planet where everyone can fly and has super strength, Mark eventually gets his powers and becomes the superhero Invincible. This comic is very long so there are many twists and turns throughout with many ongoing villains and plots, loads of fun and memorable characters like atom eve, robot, omni-man and Cecil. Morality of superheros and many other serious topics. All this creates one of the best comics of all time
But if you've seen the show you kinda know more of what you're getting into. It's the show (which is also amazing) but just a lot lot more of it, the stories get crazier and some storylines are even better than what happens in the show.
If you like the walking dead, radiant black, power rangers or really just superhero comics in general then you will more than likely love invincible!
The best way to read invincible is through the compendium which there are 3 of, these can be got in either physical or digital versions. Trades are a good way to get as well but there is a lot of them and they will cost you a lot more to get them all.
I'm currently reading through all of the Spiderman comics starting from the Stan Lee run which I'll be reviewing each issue as I go, I'm also reading Pokémon journey: collectors edition and will be reviewing it once I'm done.
Whichever I read will be reviewed and you will all get to choose which I read after that!!!
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mountmortar · 2 years ago
You've single-handedly flipped my entire view of Pokemon Crystal, mostly because I didn't dig too deep into game lore RE: NPC dialogue and whatnot, and as my self-indulgent fic plans have evolved into something entirely different, your version of Kris is EXACTLY what fits the atmosphere of my fic, I just 🤔 haven't gotten to seeing if I'm telling multiple stories in this one or giving Kris her own interconnected one-shot series, too many poke-verses y'feel? But I'm so giddy, thank you for opening my eyes to the truth or else I would've done the simple thing and thrown in the Johto kids as background characters in their Pokespe roles with no relevancy thinking that'd be good enough for the people asking "where are they?" 🤣😓 Pokemon is so....weighted, with so much meaning, the struggles and journeys of these children in the late 90s is a story so many can relate to and it's a story that needs to be told with all the sprinkled chaos of the era and post-war region, I'm so excited!! I'm even hunting Pokemon Interviews for their vision of the games and what they wanted to portray to twist it in there!
HEYYY GLAD I COULD HELP!!!! cradling pokémon crystal in my hands.....truly the pokémon game of all time. i love it so much. i hope you have as much fun digging through all the details as i do!!!!
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dexpairs-blog · 3 years ago
"Don't go"
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Pairing: Yuumi Black (oc) x Riddle Rosehearts, Yuumi Black x Curtis.
Characters: Riddle Rosehearts (twisted wonderland), Yuumi Black (original character), Curtis (Pokémon Black and White 2), N (Pokémon Black and White),
Genre: angst
Warnings: this night suck because it's my very first attempt at angst!! Also, it's HEAVILY inspired by @trappolaces piece so go check them out!! It's also inspired by the song "ikanaide".
Notes: i'm writing this at 3:30 am and now it's 4:50 am JAJAHAHAJAGAKAG SUFFER
Also this takes place AFTER ch.7 so major spoilers for my au (i'm aware that it's not out yet BUT i have stuff planned k?)
I couldn't help but to tell you I'd be alright When, to be true,
"We need to break up."
Yuumi could not believe what their boyfriend just said,
"W-why? What did i do?" The trainer asked in confusion, Zoroark, one of their beloved Pokémon who he had the pleasure to see grow, also raised her head in confusion.
"You've done nothing but being a distraction over the past year, i cannot let this continue any further. You're a dead weight on my role as a dorm leader, Yuumi." The red head simply replied, not even sparing them a glance he turned his heels around and left, leaving both the ravenette and the illusion Pokémon speechless.
The only sound in the heartslabyul hallway being Riddle's heels echoing in the distance.
it was tearing me apart inside but it didn't matter since you're walking away so swiftly in front of me and your figure is the only thing I see
Weeks had passed since their break up, Yuu hasnt been going out of Ramshackle dorm ever since.
"Why?", "What did i do wrong?" And "it's all my fault", were phrases that repeated themselves constantly in their mind. No matter how much they tried to shake off those thoughts, they would just appear again and again.
The only moments of relief being granted by Serperior's comforting "embrace", as much as a Snake pokemon is capable of hugging that is.
However, Yuumi did not care, they nuzzled closer to their beloved partner and tackled her in a bone crushing hug as they cried their heart out.
Plane has arrived, now is the time you're going away again as I try to run, it seems like the ground is slipping from underneath me
"W-what!? You're leaving twisted wonderland!?"
"Yes Ace, i found a way home." Yuumi said in a bittersweet tone, they turned to Ace and Deuce and smiled sadly at them,
"I'm leaving in a week, i wish could stay longer but i have a lot of things to do back in Unova." The ravenette added as Serperior nuzzled her cheek on theirs.
I shouldn't cry, I shouldn't cry
"What!? You're not even gonna say goodbye!?" Ace said in shock, he could'nt believe what his dorm leader just admitted.
"Yes, Trappola. You heard that correct." Riddle simply stated,
"now go and do your tasks for the unbirthday party or it'll be off with your head!"
But I can't seem to hold it in
As soon as Ace left Riddle fell to the floor,
Was Yuumi really leaving...? The one he loved him for who he was, with all of his strenghts and flaws, the one who made him feel so... Loved, was leaving this world?
"Oh, please don't leave me"
The week passed rather quick, too quick for everyone's liking.
Yuumi was currently at the gates, Arceus, a Pokémon deity who created the universe waited for them on the other side ready to take them back to where they belong.
All of the friends Yuumi made along their crazy journey at NRC gathered around them, each of them sad seeing their dear friend leave.
"Tsunotaro, please take care of Grim for me" they smiled at their fae friend,
"Of course child of man" he replied.
"A-are you sure you won't be coming back?" Kalim asked between sobs,
"Not anytime soon, i have a lot of things to do." Yuumi said hugging the boy closer to them causing him to cry even louder.
Your silhouette is fading away
After saying goodbye to everyone Yuumi started approaching the deity at the other side of the gate,
Arceus took his human child with him and after that disappears as fast as he came, leaving the crowd of students in a broken silence.
too quickly for me to bear just as the wind, you blow by again, and suddenly you're not there
"So they really left huh...?" Floyd said putting his arms behind his back.
Slowly the students started making their way back to their classes with a feeling of emptiness inside.
All but one that was hiding behind the colums,
I shouldn't cry, I shouldn't cry
He felt horrible.
He sent the person who loved him more than anything away, and now they won't ever come back.
It was all his fault.
But I can't seem to hold it in
Tears streamed down his rosy cheeks,
Between his sobs and hiccups he mutters
"Oh, please don't leave me"
It's been a month since their departure, everyone seemed to have moved on to an extent.
Of course they missed their friend dearly, but they had a life to get back to.
Riddle however, he started spending more and more time in the hall of mirrors.
Perhaphs in hopes they'll come back to him, or he finally manages to apologize.
Either way would make him happy.
When the fun is over it' ll always seem to end the same, though I know it's coming, i can never seem to stop the pain, in this very moment, you look even more amazing and I can't avoid your gaze
Once again, I can see
Suddenly the mirror started lighting up the room.
As Riddle got closer he could see his ex-lovers reflection.
He assumed they were just coming back from the last gym, he remembers how they often mentioned that they wanted to complete their journey once back in Unova.
nothing but your face
Another moment flashed before him, It was Yuumi battling a green haired man with a Pokémon similar to Zekrom, but in white and much softer features.
"He must be N" he muttered, remembering the description Yuumi gave him.
Time's ticking by, no matter how I try
At the end of the battle, Yuumi ended up being victorious.
Then another man came in, he also challenged them to a battle, which he lost of course.
I'm struggling to keep up, night's taken hold as I'm walking home iwonder if I'll be okay alone
The green haired man he assumed was N was now leaving on the white beast's back claiming he wanted to see the world for himself.
Lights on the street glow at my feet my shadow is all I've got to keep me company
After that another scene emerged,
Yuumi finally became the champion of Unova.
Their biggest dream finally achieved, the red haired young man could'nt help but feel a wave of pride in seeing this moment happen.
Your silhouette is fading away too quickly for me to bear just as the dark, it tears me apart, my surroundings blur once again
The next moment was what shattered his heart completely.
They were on a ferriswheel, smiling, at a gentle looking boy with a mole on his chin.
"The Unova region sure is pretty, isn't it?"
He smiled at them, Yuumi smiling back and nodding at him in agreement,
"But it's not the only thing that's pretty around here." He blurted out making Yuumi shily blush.
"No, no, no, no!!" Riddle cried.
I shouldn't cry, I shouldn't cry
"Please, come back!!" he sobbed as the two trainers in front of him got closer and closer.
But I can't seem to hold it in,
Oh, please don't leave me
Riddle felt powerless as he watched the two's faces meet in a sweet kiss.
"That should have been me...!" He yelled at the reflection.
I shouldn't cry, I shouldn't cry
But I can't seem to hold it in
"Oh, please don't leave me".
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mel-the-pirate-writeblr · 2 years ago
WIP: Meeting of the Minds (M(T)PJ: Ditto Defect)
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My (Twisted) Pokémon Journey Masterlist
This is part of a mostly-finished-but-unpolished chapter I'm writing in Ditto Defect. It's set closer to the start of DD so there isn't too much backstory that needs to be known other than: Crystal is taking another crack at journeying through Unova and is resting in Pinwheel Forest; Team Plasma has been pretty underground up until this point; and, the best part, Crystal is having a bit of a tricky time controlling her Ditto Ability, and this is the first instance that she has this issue :)
Fun fact: this is toward the end of this chapter as a whole (but not this WIP of the chapter, in total it gets up to 3k words-ish)
(I'm not very happy with my characterization of N, I want to rewrite it before I consider this chapter finished and share all of it)
I do not own the sprite I used! I found it here!
1.5k words
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ending lines from a nonexistent prior chapter (did say this is a WIP)
    Crystal couldn't sleep with the beautiful night around her. She sat, staring into the infinite inky sky, with the countless stars. The trees framed it, and Crystal remembered the feeling of travelling – always seeing new places, new Pokémon, new people. She felt almost normal again, like a normal Trainer who had gone to a foreign region for a Pokémon journey, collecting badges and making new friends.
     She heard the nighttime sounds of nocturnal Pokémon, and went to see if she could find the source of the natural melody. Everyone else was sound asleep, and they were hidden well within Pinwheel Forest – she couldn't go too far. Even if she did, Crystal could follow their auras.
     This could almost be Viridian Forest, she thought. These are different trees, but very much the same. The Pokémon are all different, but their lives are the same. She half-expected Mt. Moon to loom in the north-eastern distance, or even Mt. Silver out to the distant west.
     An urge wormed its way into her – an urge to use Transform. As if to remind her that the nostalgia was an illusion and no longer true. The urge grew, and something about it startled her – This isn't right. Alarm shot through her as the pain followed, and this time she didn't summon it – some other will other than her own started changing her body. And it terrified her.
☙     ❧
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Crystal's body shifted, horribly, incompletely, unnaturally. She just had to keep this to herself, figure out what to do—
     She locked eyes with something. No, someone. A human. This late at night?
     He froze. Then he started approaching, slowly. "Are you okay?" he asked softly. He held no fear in his eyes. Just concern. 
     His bushy, light-colored hair was long, and some fell over his shoulder. It might've been in a Ponyta-tail. He wore some kind of baseball cap, and nondescript clothing that could have had more color than just white and grey, but her current grey-scale night-vision couldn't pick it out.
     Crystal noticed, as she bared her teeth at him, that she made the threat with a small snout – a Vulpix's snout. She didn't growl, not yet, her fangs were the first warning. He stopped. The concern never wavered.
     "I want to help you," he said. "Can I help you?"
     She let out a quiet growl, just for a moment. No. Go away. I can't be more clear.
     He took another step forward. "Please, I know someone who might be able to help. Who did this to you?"
     Who did this? I did this. I don't need your help. 
     "Can you tell me?"
     I'm a Pokémon, as far as you know. Of course I can't.
     The fur along her spine bristled and rose threateningly. Will-o-Wisp fires appeared around her on some uncontrollable instinct.
     "You're a long way from home," he said. "Vulpix are from Kanto. Who brought you here?"
     She took a threatening step forward, growling again. The Wisps moved forward, too. He stopped again.
     "I know seeing a human must be scary. But I understand you, can you tell me what happened?"
     She just continued to growl.
     He sat down, on the forest floor, and glanced up at the starry sky. "You have no reason to trust me," he said, not looking at her. "But, I promise, I just want to help. You're hurt, you're wrong. Someone did that to you. You're not how you should be." He sighed. "How about I tell you about my childhood. About the Pokémon that I helped, and met, and lived with." 
     He reached out a hand, and a Sewaddle came out of a bush and nudged against his hand. The Pokémon here know him.
     "I grew up with a lot of hurt Pokémon," he began. "I spent time soothing them, helping them, playing with them. They taught me to understand wild Pokémon..."
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And, for nearly an hour, he talked to Crystal. He poured his heart out, he stayed where he was, as Crystal listened intently. During this time, she reached out with her psychic sense – and she found that he meant what he said. His intentions, his history.
     His stories helped her calm down from her initial alarm of her ability malfunctioning, of him finding her in such a state. Maybe that person he said could help might be a good idea. If I can return to human, and find him myself. I have to stay hidden, secret. It's dangerous that he even sees me. But he doesn't suspect that I'm human...
     The sharp snap of twigs made her whirl around, fire at the ready. The Wisps, which had faded while the guy had talked, whooshed to life as she searched for the source of the sound.
     This human was clearly an adult. His hair was nearly shaved right to his head, and had light-colored hair, aside from a darker swish of hair that went around his head like it was one of Saturn's rings.
     "Go on, Beheeyem," the man said softly, not addressing Crystal or the other guy.
     Unlike her meeting with the first guy, this human brought a Pokémon with him – something odd, a Pokémon Crystal hadn't seen before. It had light-colored skin – if it could be called skin, its form had a look of stone – and strange markings on its head. If anything, its strange form reminded her of a Gardevoir's gown. It's three-pronged hands reminded her of the old, grainy pictures of Mewtwo that circulated in newspapers and on the news. She reached out with her psychic-sense, but couldn't get a read on it – instead, something pushed back.
     "Stop it," she barked in alarm, stepping back. The presence pushed further, steadily and unhindered. "Get back!" Her fur bristled again, trying to put up a resistance – but this wasn't like anything she had encountered before. The Wisps surrounded her, but she knew they wouldn't do much.
     "It talks?" the man asked.
     "It wouldn't speak with me," the other guy said.
     "That's not a Unovan accent."
     Come along, a thought said. It pushed its way into Crystal's mind.
     No! She took another step backward.
     Come along, it repeated. Its hands started lighting up, off-white flashes.
     What is that? she wondered, warily.
     Come along.
     It wasn't hurting her. It wasn't even attacking. In fact, it wasn't moving, at all. Just watching her, as she watched it, the lights flickering. She took a hesitant step forward. She didn't want to, yet she very much wanted to.
     Come along. The thought had become a mantra inside Crystal's mind. Come along. She couldn't define where it came from – the presence, or herself. It didn't matter to her to figure that out, either. Come along.
     Crystal had to follow this Pokémon – she couldn't not. She felt compelled to go. Her hostility melted away, replaced by a welcome calmness. All of the worries she'd harbored had left. Come along.
     A gentle hand touched her back, flattening the bristled fur around her neck. The hand was warm to the touch. "We'll help you and get you back home."
     The small prick in her neck snapped her focus away from the hypnotizing control, the liquid he injected— But she couldn't move, anyway – she noticed an energy holding her in place. The same way her Kadabra would sometimes use Psychic outside of battle. Kadabra would often pull berries out of trees with ease, move small boulders, and even the time he caught her PokéDex while traversing Victory Road, where it would have gone over a cliff. Once or twice, he used Psychic to hold a Pokémon in place long enough for her to make a new entry in her PokéDex, before it ran away.
     Arceus, no, please, no. She felt fine, in that moment, but it was only a matter of time, she knew. Can I use Teleport to get far enough away before it takes effect?
     She had to focus – harder thought than done, she realized, as her thoughts scattered away from her and as darkness enticed her to relax – on the clearing where her Pokémon were sleeping, oblivious to her situation.
     The incorporeal grip vanished as she used Teleport – but it was only a handful of feet away. So much energy wasted on a few feet!
     She heard the humans' exclamations of surprise, but her exhaustion turned her focus inward – her body was slowing down as whatever sedative they gave her took hold.  I have to go, she frantically, sluggishly, thought.
     "I'll take it to my lab for observation," the man said. "I'll take it from here."
     "Keep me updated, please – if I can help transport it home, let me know."
     “I will. Thank you, N.”
     Crystal tried to pull herself forward; she could sense Lucario dimly. He's awake. Lucario, help! A hand scooped her up, and she hung limply in the man's hands. She had enough awareness to wonder about her abnormally long tails, and that there were only three of them, instead of a Vulpix's usual six.
     "I wonder how you got this way? Let's go and see what you're made of."
     The darkness swallowed her up.
☙     ❧
Beheeyem, the Cerebral Pokémon. It has strong psychic powers that it can use to confuse or control its opponents' minds. Apparently, it communicates by flashing its three fingers, but those patterns haven't been decoded.
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tymime · 3 years ago
The more I watch movies and TV, I’m finding that I generally prefer TV when it comes to ongoing stories featuring the same cast of characters. (Of course, being the cartoon fanatic that I am, I’m mostly talking about animation.)
I think what first made me realize this was the Ice Age series. Over time, there have just been too many characters to keep track of and attempt to give them equal screen time- which, ironically, makes it nearly impossible to give them proper character arcs. By the time Ice Age: Continental Drift came around, there were so many characters that it was really only Manny and Diego who got any development.
In contrast, a show like All Hail King Julien or The Adventures of Puss in Boots had ample time to allow almost every character to shine during their time in the spotlight, mostly because they had episodes focused entirely on them. Puss himself and Dulcinea in particular were able to learn and grow by quite a bit. Some movie series feel like they’re stuck trying to top themselves and be more and more epic with each installment, with no breathing room for smaller, less high-stakes stories. (The Marvel Cinematic Universe being a major exception, of course.)
Not all TV series are like this, of course. But I’ve found that I’ve grown very, very weary of ongoing series, whether it’s the big screen or the small screen, that have only one continuing plot line. Mostly this is because I get really tired of plots that go on and on forever until they get canceled. You know how it is: You get all riled up about some mystery or conspiracy the heroes have to solve, and you’re waiting for all of your questions to be answered, and BAM! there’s a season finale that raises just as many questions as it answers, and the plot thickens until it can choke a horse. Either that or the goal post keeps moving away, and the heroes never defeat the villain or become the world champion or whatever, ad infinitum. Quantum Leap and the Pokémon anime come to mind, while Samurai Jack only escaped this trap because Genddy Tartakovsky was able to make a final season.
What the heck happened to adventure series that only had one adventure per episode? That sort of show is fun and keeps things varied and fresh. Something new happens every week. It’s occurred to me that it’s actually really unrealistic for a character’s life to stay on a single track for the rest of eternity. In real life, new things can surprise you every day. Your job and your hobbies and your family are interweaving branches that take you different paths, different journeys. There are way too many TV series nowadays that feel the need to be clever and have an endless arc with so many plot twists that it knots up on itself, never allowing the characters to do anything else except remain hyper-focused on one singular task. I find it incredibly boring and tiresome, and it makes my brain hurt. Maybe I LIKE “monster of the week” shows.
I do make exceptions, however. There’s the aforementioned Marvel Cinematic Universe, which somehow rarely suffers from these pitfalls (although Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is pretty guilty of them). It miraculously blends together epic cosmic battles and more domestic battles, while never feeling singular in its scope, or ever neglecting to give characters enough screentime. The Adventures of Puss in Boots also had an ongoing plot throughout its run, but it’s constantly evolving into a new one. It’s more like the plots overlap one another.
There have been several times when I’ve watched an animated movie and thought to myself, “This would make for a great TV show. I want to see the characters go on more adventures!”
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lokiondisneyplus · 4 years ago
LOKI 4 PRESIDENT! For a narcissist trickster sorcerer with the personality of a praying mantis, there are few occupations in the world that would suit Loki better than president of the United States. A few years ago, in the summer of 2016, comic book writer Christopher Hastings imagined just that in a satirical limited series for Marvel titled Vote Loki.
Five years later, Vote Loki has found its way to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In the fifth episode of the Disney+ series, “Journey Into Mystery,” a variant Loki (still played by Tom Hiddleston) appears in the desolate “Void” surrounded by a Mad Max-esque posse. On Loki’s tattered blazer is a red, white, and blue “Loki” button, indicating this Loki was, uh, elected to lead. Turn on the subtitles on Disney+ and you’ll find this Loki is credited as “President Loki.”
In an email to Inverse, Christopher Hastings says he had no idea this was going to happen.
“I found out [they were doing Vote Loki] when a trailer for the show featured the campaign outfit from Vote Loki,” Hastings tells Inverse.
When Inverse exchanged emails with Hastings, it was prior to the episode’s premiere, to which Hastings said he was “very curious to see exactly what from the comic gets into the show.”
“I love time travel and multiverse material,” the writer says in praise of Loki. “I am a big fan of the TVA as a setting. I'm eager to see how it goes, and what it might mean for the next phase of MCU movies, especially since multiverse wackiness seems to be a major part of those upcoming movies.”
In 2004, while a student at the School of Visual Arts in New York City, Hastings wrote and illustrated The Adventures of Dr. McNinja, a serial webcomic about a doctor who is also a ninja. The series was a cult hit, at one point attracting 110,000 unique visitors a day. By 2011, Hastings was doing work for Marvel, writing single issues of A+X and Howard the Duck. With Chris Bachalo, he co-created Gwenpool — a bizarre blend of Spider-Man ex-girlfriend Gwen Stacy and Deadpool — and penned the 2016-2018 solo series The Unbelievable Gwenpool, teaming up with Japanese studio Gurihiru to create the character’s deeply unique comedic tone.
But during Gwenpool, Hastings spent the summer of 2016 playing with a different Marvel trickster: Loki. In the four-issue miniseries Vote Loki, Hastings spoofed the chaos that was the 2016 race between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. In Vote Loki, an ambitious Loki seeks the seat of the president with a very unique campaign strategy: being honest about lying.
With “President Loki” having a minor cameo in the MCU, Inverse caught up with Hastings to look back on his explicitly political riff that took place inside the Marvel Universe.
This interview has been edited for clarity.
Take me back to the origins of Vote Loki. When did the seed for the story plant in your mind? What was going on in the world of culture/politics at that time?
Gosh, it's tough to come up with one thing specifically, because we were making the comic by the seat of our pants, and so many things got scrapped and rewritten along the way, often at the last second. But one of the core topics I wanted to cover had to do with narratives versus reality. It's kind of a given that in the world of politics, truth is this malleable thing, and now more than ever all you have to do to make people believe a lie is to repeat it enough times.
I liked the idea of Loki playing with narrative in a way that wasn't necessarily outright lying, more bending. (Except the bit about being born in Maryland. One outright lie there.) The other driving point I wanted to explore was how Americans can have a tendency to incorporate their national-level politics into part of their identity, and what that does to a person, particularly when a character like Loki is the one on the ticket.
What sort of conversations did you have with Marvel about a political satire starring Loki? What was the elevator pitch that got approval?
Like I said, things changed so many times, I'm not even entirely sure how many versions were kind of approved and then scrapped on the way to get to what was actually published. I think it was more that I assured editor Wil Moss that I could jump on the book (which Marvel was determined to make; they just hadn't decided who was writing it when I was pitching) after talking about the stuff about narrative and identity, and the basic idea that the viewpoint character shouldn't actually be Loki but a journalist covering Loki's campaign.
Vote Loki introduced the character of Nisa Contreras. What was the primary inspiration for her?
That would be my real-life friend, Nisa Contreras. She's not a journalist, but she’s someone I'm sure could take down Loki if he were a) real and b) got on her bad side. I wanted the story to be more about witnessing the tension and the comedy of Loki running for president, about not knowing what was up his sleeve. And so I came up with [a] journalist.
Vote Loki was published over the summer of 2016 when the election was ramping up in awkward ways. (“Pokémon Go to the polls!”) Did the real election influence the comic in any way, including any specific moments?
The comic was a direct response to things that were happening during the 2016 campaign, specifically that a “joke” candidate that was obviously terrible could get pretty far with enough media oxygen and a comfortable political system that ignored the disgust a lot of people had with it.
Vote Loki ran for four issues. Was there ever a possibility for more?
If it was a smash hit, I believe there would have been a President Loki to directly follow Vote Loki.
What do you think of Vote Loki's inclusion in the TV series?
Top five surreal moments of my life.
Do you think Vote Loki could be the focus of its own adapted series/movie?
Oh for sure. You wouldn't even have to take the material from our comic; there's so much more brand-new political madness that a new Vote Loki series or movie could tap into.
A lot has happened in the five years since Vote Loki was published. What are your feelings looking back now in 2021? Did your opinions on the book ever change?
There was a lot happening in American politics in 2016 I missed and wish I had been able to see to include. For example, how broken political polling has become. I had no idea, along with the rest of the country.
It was tricky to do a cohesive narrative amongst a shifting Marvel continuity we had to stay inside; a lot of feedback and demands from various sources within the company and an election that was changing every single day. It was truthfully (heh) a quite stressful book to write, but looking back on it I'm proud to see what we absolutely nailed about American culture. In particular, what we had to say about politics as entertainment and identity, and how a slippery enough politician can not only shake scandal [off] by speeding up an already fast news cycle but embrace and twist it to their advantage.
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stargazer-balladeer · 4 years ago
Aye!!! Pokemon manga Green oak's and Red wishlist, please? [and yes, Manga Gold was the one I wanted, thank you.*winks*]
Thank you!
Character(s): Green Oak & Red (Pokemon RGB, FR&LG)
Notes: I LIKE U-! U HAVE GOOD TASTES- 🤧 also, yay- and yes, I’m pairing them up with the ladies bc i ship them but this is an x reader so imma just do them as platonic bc i still love them- 🤧
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Green Oak
With Blue
“Tsk. Why should I stay with a pesky woman?”
“*pouts* heyy that wasn’t nice.”
“What’re you even doing here? I thought this kind of things doesn’t suit your interest?”
“Well, it wouldn’t hurt for a change of pace now.”
“.. I’ve notice something.”
“Wow. Congrats.”
“Tsk- your sarcasm isn’t needed.”
“When was it ever needed?”
“*sigh* you’re acting more grumpy than usual. What’s got your panties twisted?”
“I’m not grumpy. And I don’t wear panties-“
“It���s a figure of speech, relax. But I beg to differ. Any deeper with your brows and you’ll be looking like the Grinch.”
“Tsk-! Pesky woman.”
“What’s gotten into you— ohhh.”
“... why’re you looking at me like that?”
“I see I see.”
“You’re promoting to annoying woman.”
“That doesn’t sound any better than pesky woman.”
“Just be glad that I won’t be calling you pesky woman, annoying woman.”
“*sigh* anyways. I now know why you’re in a sour mood lately~!”
“Hm? Do tell.”
“It’s because of [Y/N], isn’t it?”
“You aren’t denying it~”
“Annoying woman.”
“Professor Oak~”
“That’s gramps.”
“But you’re going to become a Professor like him, right~?”
“Aww~ how romantic~! Missing your partner while they’re away~ I wish I have a romance like you and [Y/N] have-“
“I’m leaving.”
“E-Eh?! C’mon, Green! You can’t handle my teasing? Oohh~ I think you’re just embarrassed.”
“Green Oak is embarrassed that he’s missing his s/o~!!!”
“Shut up, pesky woman!”
“Anndd I was demoted.”
“Hehe~ I’ll stop my teasing, just for tonight. Merry Christmas, Green.”
“... Merry Christmas. I guess.”
“*chuckles* you’re so mean to me.”
“You’re just annoying.”
“Alright alright. I concede.”
“Hey [Y/N], it’s been a while since I last saw you. I’m with pesky woman right now, and it’s giving me a headache just by being near her.”
“Woah.. is it me or did it become chilly all of a sudden?”
“Anyways, enough about her. How have you been doing? Busy filling up the Pokédex, I suppose. Or slacking off, as usual. Merry Christmas, mon amour. It feels lonely without you here. So you better come back, okay? I promise I’ll shower you with kisses and hugs and cuddles when you return. Better hurry or it’ll expire. Smell ya later.”
With Yellow
“Ah, Red. So you’re here.”
“Hm? Oh Yellow. What’re you doing out here? Shouldn’t you be inside with the others?”
“That’s actually what I want to ask you. Isn’t it cold outside?”
“Hmm.. maybe. But I guess it’s relaxing for me.”
“Ah, ok..”
“But why’re you here, Yellow? There’s still a party inside. You should enjoy.”
“Y-You should too! With us!”
“Nah. I’ll stay out here.”
“... oh. I see..”
“Hm? What’s up?”
“You’re missing [Y/N]..”
“Ah- you saw right through me. Hehe..”
“*chuckles* It isn’t that hard.”
“Hehe. I’m just wondering where they are right now. And if they’re also missing me.”
“I’m sure they miss you too, Red.”
“Thanks, Yellow. You’re a good friend. Merry Christmas.”
“.. Merry Christmas, Red.”
“You should probably go inside. You’ll get hyperthermia out here.”
“Promise me you’ll also head in.”
“Alright. Better keep that promise, Red!”
“Yeah yeah!”
“Merry Christmas, [Y/N]! How are you? Hope you’re doing okay! Did you dress properly in this snowy season? I better not find you dead with hyperthermia! The party is going smooth as planned. Every dex-users are inside, having fun. Though there is some that aren’t that.. lively. Anyways-! Where exactly are you right now? I wish I know so that I can follow you after the party. Say, after you come back, are you willing to go on another adventure? With me this time. We can travel the Kanto again, or explore somewhere new! It’ll be a blast! And we can discover more Pokémon! I’m getting excited by thinking of it- anyways, have you seen a new Pokémon? I want to hear your journey, all of the details, so you better tell me—“
“Senior Red! It’s time for gift giving!” - Gold
“Hm? Oh. Coming!”
“I should go now. See you, [Y/N]!”
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lildevyl · 4 years ago
Pick Me Up Playlist
@jellymadebutler  I know you said you’re not feeling your best so here’s a “Pick Me up Playlist” for ya or for anyone needs it!
Try Not To Laugh Challenge:  This is actually backwards! It goes from 23-1 but it’s still a nice Playlist to watch!
Markiplier Makes:  This is the whole Playlist of the infamous Markiplier Makes Videos!  It’s really funny!
Among Us:  Among Us is a new game that’s out there on Steam.  You’re either a Crewmate going trying to do tasks to keep the ship going until you reach your destination or the you’re the Imposter! What happens when you get a bunch of YouTubers together for a classic Whodunnit?  Chaos and hilarity in sue!
Minecraft:  I’m not big into Minecraft but it is very funny seeing Mark and Sean play this and see what they come up with!
I Am Bread:  This is a rage game just letting you know ahead of time!  But it is funny seeing Mark rage out of the game!  But like I said this is a rage game so there is some yelling/screaming in it!
Getting Over It:  This another rage game!  It is quite funny but like I said it is a Rage Game so there is screaming and yelling involved!
Pogo Stuck:  This is a somewhat kind of rage game!  It first starts out with Bob, Wade, and Mark playing it.  But then Mark starts playing it by himself and yes there is some yelling and screaming in the videos so fair warning!
Uno:  This is quite a hilarious game series!  It’s Mark and his friends playing the online game of Uno!
Monopoly:  This a goo game series and is quite hilarious!  It’s Mark, Bob and Wade and there is one where Lixian joins!  It really funny and think you might enjoy it!
Undertale:  The best way to start you off with JackSepticeye is one of his most famous series of all time, Undertale!  Undertale is about a human that falls in the Monster World and go about it learning the Monster World while trying to get home! It’s a text based game and Jack does the voices for the characters!
Deltarune:  The Sequel to Undertale!  Or that’s what everyone seems to be calling it!  I haven’t had the chance to watch the series but I’ve heard it’s really good!
Slime Rancher:  Literally you are a Rancher raising all kinds of different slimes!  It’s really cute and funny!
Cuphead:  This is a very old school cartoon like style game.  There is some violence in it but it’s mild and no more then what actual cartoons, like Tom and Jerry and the Animatics.
Bendy and the Inc Machine:  This is a horror game but it’s not the scary!  There are some jump scares but it’s more like FNAF kind of jump scare.  So, it will be scare ya but not that much.  It’s like a cartoon horror game.  Again some violence in the game but it’s mild.  This also kinda of spawn the idea of the JSE Fan Made Ego Shawn Flynn!  Jack has a cameo in the game!
Animal Crossing:  Nice little story driven game that Jack plays on his switch.  It’s very cute and it’s a nice little game to series to watch!
Spiderman:  Jack finally gets to play as his all time favorite Super Hero from his childhood!  Spiderman!
Spiderman Miles Morales:  The next gen starts now!  With the new Spiderman!  This game is based of the movie Spiderman into the Spider verse and I can’t wait to watch it and watch this series of Jack’s!
Spyro 3: Remake:  This is a cute series of the game Spyro 3 redone for the PS3!  It’s super cute and a lot of fun!  I think you might enjoy this one!
Minecraft:  Like I said, I’m not into Minecraft but this is a nice and cute series that Jack has!  Filled with a lot of Adventure and some scary events!
Meme Time!:  A cute series that Jack started where he goes on his Subreddit and looks at some of our Memes that we did!
Luigi’s Mason 3:  I can’t make a playlist for someone to watch and not include this!  This is so cute and wholesome!  It’s all from Luigi’s point of view and how he’s going to try and stop the Ghost King and save his brother and friends!
Among Us:  I have to include Jack’s!  This is so funny with Jack and his friends!  I think you might enjoy this!
Pokémon: I haven’t watched this series yet, but I’ve heard great things about it!
 Papers Please:  This is very hilarious!  I’ve seen a couple of episodes and I think you might like it!
Animal Crossing:  I did enjoy watching Ethan play this!  It’s really funny and wholesome and I think you might enjoy it!
Slime Rancher:  I have to include this!  I watched this when I was feeling a little down during Quarantine.  It’s really funny!
This a YouTuber that I found when I went browsing for Markiplier and JackSepticeye fan-made games!  DolphinTreasureArt plays fan-made games and indie games on her channel.  Along with some Cosplays and Artwork that she has done.  Some of her Fanart has gotten in a couple of fan games!
Septiscape:  First off, this series is near and dear to my heart!  This is the first ever series that watched back in 2k18 when I first found Erin’s Channel!  This helped me get over my writers block and led to me to writing my first fanfic that I wrote in over a year!  This one is an older version but I still love it!
Jack finds himself trapped in his own mind, the Mindscape and is trying to find his way home!  Along the way he finds out the Egos that he created are more then just Egos!  But at the same time, some sort of Corruption and happening with Jack’s mind and many of the Ego’s Worlds is collapsing!
Septiscape: Livestream #HopeFromHome:  This is the livestream of the updated version of the game!  It’s about 8 hours long but you can skip some parts, especially since some of the fights can be a bit repetive but I wanted to include this one!  
Soulscape:  I can’t put in Septiscape and not give you the sequel as well!  This is the well awaited sequel to Septiscape!  After the adventures of the first game, the Egos go and try to enjoy a nice little R&R only for someone to stalking Anti and trying to take his soul pieces back!  Join Anti and the Egos as they try to figure out what it going on and help save Anti before it’s too late!  And there is really cool plot twist!
Hearts and Heroes:  This is another one that is near and dear to my heart! I will also link Mark’s playthrough as well!  Hearts and Heroes and about you the fans of Markiplier and the journey that the fans go through trying to help save people from the Monsters the haunt their dreams and to help save Mark from his worst Nightmare.  Markiplier’s Playthrough here.
Septiclands: A JackSepticeye Fan Game:  This is very funny series that DolphinTreasureArt has done!  It’s silly and goofy and it has a very weird plot but it’s absolutely one of my favorites!  It’s also on her longest series as well!
The Boss: A JackSepticeye Fan Game:  Just like Heats and Heroes is near and dear to me heart so is this game!  I’ll leave a link to Jack’s Playthrough as well!  This is near and dear to my heart b/c it’s the first JackSepticeye Fan Game that I came across.  It was on Jack’s Channel that first saw it and then I watched Erin’s.  This is nice little RPG Game, but it’s about Jack being sucked into his computer and has to try and find his way home! On the way he finds out that there is two subscribers that lost in his computer and there is a major twist at the end!
The Boss Is Nothing: His Side of the Story:  I don’t want to give away what happens in the Boss!  So, this the other side of the story of The Boss!  In the Boss, Jack comes across someone he never thought he would, so now we’re getting his side of the story and why did what he did to Jack!
Glitch in the System: Chapter 1:  This is a very special game!  It’s the sequel to The Boss!  The developers over at Sarcastic Pasta Games is working hard to get chapter two out!  Chapter one is really good and you get see Erin do some Cosplay along with some voice acting for the characters/Egos!
Septic Storm:  This is a cute little fan game that’s a bit old, but it’s a very cute RPG Game!  Join, Jack, Mark and Felix as they battle Billy to end this battle once and for all!  Only to find out that Billy isn’t the one that truly is behind this, but someone else entirely!
CrankGamePlays Fan Game: The Crank Chronicles:  This is a RPG Fan Game of one Ethan Nester CrankGamePlays!  Ethan has find himself in a distant land thanks to the help of a powerful Sorceress!  But an evil threatens the land!  With help of his two best friends Mark and Tyler, Ethan goes on a quest to help save this land and find his way home!  I don’t if the developer ever did the sequel to the this game or not but it’s not a bad game!
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smallersocksx · 4 years ago
Pokémon Character Analysis: Iris
With Iris set to return to the anime in next week’s episode of Journeys. I decided to take the time to analyse her character as I’ll be honest, Iris isn’t one of my favourite travelling companions. However, now that I’m older and I’ve taken the time to analyse her character. I realise, that a lot of the hate Iris receives is slightly over the top.
As with all my reviews/analyses, I’ll keep them under the cut. So, if you want to keep reading, that’s great!
As many people that have read my previous reviews and know me, may know I am a huge fan of the Diamond and Pearl games and anime series. I will be the first to say, I know Diamond and Pearl wasn’t a perfect series, honestly, there is no such thing as a perfect series. But as a follow-up to DP, Black and White was definitely a let-down for a lot of fans, either because of completely resetting Ash’s knowledge which was honestly an insult to his DP incarnation, his travelling companions or the fact that he lost to Cameron of all people in the Vertress Conference. BW in some aspects left a lot to be desired.
Nevertheless, this post is focusing on Iris, a companion similar to Goh, a lot of fans love to hate particularly because of her infamous catchphrase “You’re such a kid.” Looking back, this was one of the things that did make me drop the series, keep in mind I was 11 when BW started airing. So, hearing a character that is meant to be the same age or younger than you say "You’re such a kid!” Over and over again, got annoying quite quickly.
However, looking back the usage of that infamous catchphrase was probably exaggerated. Whilst, working past that I still didn’t come to love Iris. Considering, Iris is meant to be one of the main character and similar to Goh, they are meant to be written in a way that makes us want to see them grow, cheer them on and be happy when they succeed. Nonetheless, when you look at the way they are written and their development it just makes it abundantly clear that Iris and Goh are the victims of poor writing.
Iris’ Initial Characterisation:
The aspect that made me drop the series was Iris’ initial characterisation particularly the infamous phrase “You’re such a kid” which as I mentioned in the introduction, which with the benefit of hindsight I can see the usage of it has been exaggerated. Nevertheless, it doesn’t change the fact that it was annoying. Especially, given when Ash meets Iris, he had defeated legendaries by this point, acquired 36 badges (that’s including the Orange Archipelago badges) and defeated the Battle Frontier. Whereas Iris may have had good battling prowess and at one point had a 99-battle winning streak, but, her Axew was a newborn with hardly any battling experience and her Excadrill was refusing to listen to her.
Many people use the defence that Misty called Ash a kid yet she doesn’t nearly receive as much hate. To be fair, when Misty met Ash, he was a rookie trainer and Misty was a gym leader, so Misty at least had the position and knowledge to back her up. However, this was only an issue at the beginning of the series and the insults tend to die down, but, that initial characterisation is what stopped me from watching the series since my 11-year-old self did not have the patience for that.
Iris’ Goal:
Iris’ goal is to become a Dragon Master, however, by the end of Black and White, Iris opts to travel to Johto to battle Clair and following the conclusion of that battle she opts to follow the direction she saw Rayquaza flying. When I look at this conclusion, I’m honestly confused, I have no sense of whether or not Iris is any closer to achieving her goal. Or even throughout the series, we get no sense of how anyone who wants to master any Pokémon typing reaches their goal, a majority of type specialists typically end up in the position of Gym Leader or Elite Four. But Iris never once expressed a desire to be a Gym Leader or any higher-ranking position. Which, makes Drayden decision to choose Iris as his successor, all the more unusual to me. I suppose in one way it gives Iris a position/goal to work towards but given Iris’ free-spirited personality, having someone choose her path rather than choosing it herself feels unnatural.
Additionally, an obvious method to becoming a type specialist is catching Pokémon of the same type you want to specialize in and little more than half of Iris’ team actually consist of Dragon-types. I understand Gym Leaders having at least one alternative type to give their team diversity and cover their weaknesses. As shown by Candice owning a Medicham and Piers having a Toxtricity in his party later in the SW/SH games. But, Excadrill fits the bill more than Emolga as Excadrill is part of Steel-type which covers Iris’ team’s weaknesses to Ice and the newly introduced Fairy-types. That is not to say that I dislike Emolga or anything but it felt like she was an unusual catch.
I am aware Clemont only had one Electric-type on hand when travelling with Ash, to be fair, the remainder of his Electric-types were at the Lumiose Gym and before catching his Bunnelby he displayed apprehension at handling other types of Pokémon.
I like to think of the characters’ first Pokémon or their partner Pokémon as a mirror reflecting their growth. Take May and Blaziken, they mirror one another’s development perfectly as when Blaziken was a Torchic much like May, he was inexperienced and unsure of himself. When Torchic evolved to Combusken, at this point May had won two Contest Ribbons and began to feel confident in her Coordinating skills. Once, Torchic evolved into Combusken he developed that same level of confidence, he didn’t feel the need to compete for May’s attention and wasn’t bullied or intimidated by other Pokémon like Ash’s Corphish. Then Combusken evolves to Blaziken in the penultimate episode, once May has decided to leave the group, travel through Johto on her own and find her own battling style. At this point, May has chosen to become independent and this reflects in Combusken, her first Pokémon evolving into his final stage. My point being I like to think every travelling companions’ ace reflects their character growth and I don’t get that same feeling with Iris and Axew.
Now it is clear that Iris and Axew care for one another and there is also the twist that Axew wasn’t Iris’ first Pokémon. However, for a majority of the series, Axew was Iris’ only Dragon-type and in the sixth episode, he has a dream of evolving into his final stage. After that, the idea of Axew evolving is hardly addressed. As I’ve mentioned, evolving or choosing not to evolve are one method of allowing Pokémon to develop, considering, Axew has expressed a desire to evolve, I think he should have at least evolved into Fraxure before the BW series concluded. As aside from him learning Dragon-type moves and developing as a battler, once, Dragonite’s introduced he’s kind of pushed to the sidelines and doesn’t develop any further.
Many fans are hoping by Iris’ appearance in Journeys, Axew has evolved into Haxorus. However, if Axew had evolved into Fraxure by the end of the series, then his evolution into Haxorus would feel more natural to me.
I will be honest; I am not a huge fan of Iris’ Dragonite. It felt as though, the writers forgot to give her an additional Dragon-type and just rewarded her with this random Dragonite. Also, there is the fact, that Dragonite was disobedient towards Iris despite the fact he joined her team willingly. This display of disobedience reflects poorly on Iris as a trainer, especially after Excadrill’s arc. Moreover, Iris has had some of her best moments throughout the series with the other Unovan Dragon-types such as Druddigon and Deino both of which would have been great captures for her particularly Deino as she has a Hydreigon in the games.
Also, HE. SHOULD. HAVE. LOST. TO. DAWN’S. MAMOSWINE!!!! (and I’m not just saying that because I love Dawn and her Mamoswine)
If the writers absolutely felt that they had to give Iris a Dragonite, they could have at least done it whilst she was in Johto since Dragonite’s pre-evolutions can be found in Dragon’s Den and Route 45. It honestly would have made more sense than giving her a Gible which isn’t even native to Johto and we haven’t even been given a hint on whether or not Gible is appearing in the next episode.
I think posting my thoughts, always, manages to clear my head. Now whilst, Iris wasn’t my favourite travelling companion of Ash’s. I feel as though some of the hate towards her is exaggerated as she has had some great moments and development throughout BW. One of my favourite arcs in BW, was Iris restoring her relationship with Excadrill which was one of the most poignant moments of the series.
I think if the writers did a better job as well at establishing Iris’ goals – we understand she wants to be a Dragon Master, but does she want to become a gym leader? A caretaker of Dragon-types (similar to Liza of Charicific Valley)? If they had established this from the beginning, we would have had a better understanding of the direction they wanted to take with Iris’ development.
As well, in the games, Iris has a better relationship with Drayden as she affectionately refers to him as “Grandpa”, I think if they transferred that relationship into the anime, it would have made Drayden’s choice of selecting Iris as his successor feel a lot more natural.
All in all, I feel as though Iris was the victim of some arguably poor and weird writing choices and she isn’t the only character to experience this throughout the series. After writing this, I am looking forward to Ash vs Iris next week, but you have to hope they don’t pull the same stunt as they did with Korrina and diminish all of Iris’ efforts and training during her absence. At least we’ll finally get to see Dracovish in action as well!
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nintendowife · 4 years ago
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The year is nearly over and it's time for my personal game of the year picks again. Finished a record amount of games this year (53, full list of games at the end of the post). COVID-19 pandemic didn't really cause an increase in my gaming, the main contributing factor was Xbox Game Pass for PC which allows me to easily pick up and try out a variety of games. As a "blast from the past" I finally beat a Nintendo 64 game Blast Corps together with husbando, a game I had been stuck in in the 90s. Like usual, I didn't play many games released in the current year so most of my picks are older games. But without further ado, here are the best of the best. 
1st place: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC, also available on PS4, Xbox One)
Thrilling and serious crime drama featuring the legendary ex-yakuza Kiryu who finds himself in absurdly hilarious situations at every turn. This is a game you don't want to miss, but playing Yakuza 0 and Yakuza Kiwami prior to this is recommended. 
+ Amazing story with various charismatic and memorable characters + Some incredibly funny side quests and entertaining minigames + Gorgeously detailed environments in 4K + Cool soundtrack and superb voice acting + Majima Saga is a nice continuation to events of Yakuza 0 + Well-made PC port with no issues besides occasional amusing ragdolling - Lack of different fighting styles make battles a bit repetitive - No Ansel support 
See my posts about Yakuza Kiwami 2
2nd place: Octopath Traveler (Switch, also available on PC)
Classic JRPG of modern times with quality of life improvements and gorgeous presentation. Each characters' stories, the game's engaging turn-based battle system and mechanics kept me glued to the screen for over 125 hours.
+ Fun and rewarding battle system with a good amount of team customization and strategy with subclasses and skills + Beautiful visuals mixing old-school sprite graphics with modern lighting effects + Splendid soundtrack, dual audio option and great Japanese voice acting  + Likeable characters with their own individual stories and engrossing overarching story that lets you find the connections of the characters  + Quality localization with rich language. I learned many new words and H'aanit's old manner of speaking added a new layer of immersion. + Nice quality of life features like fast travel and seemingly unlimited inventory space - Random encounters (they didn't actually bother me much in this game as the battle system was engaging) - Sudden crazy difficulty spike when encountering the real final boss 
See my posts about Octopath Traveler
3rd place: Portal 2 (PC, also available on PS3, Xbox 360)
Immersive sci-fi first-person puzzle game with fascinating game mechanics and tons of great humor. Portal 2 lives up to the universal praise it has gotten.
+ Interesting premise and great writing + Well designed physics-based puzzles + Difficulty is just right, not too hard and not too easy + Super good voice acting and soundtrack that fits the environments spot on + Great humor right from the starting tutorial + The first-person camera immersed me into the game - Some issues like autosaving at unfortunate moments 
See my posts about Portal 2
Honorable mention: Xenoblade Chronicles X (Wii U)
Sci-fi action JRPG with a surprising twist in its story and a peculiar setting where the player isn't really the protagonist. Battle system is fun and rewarding once you get a hang of it.
+ Impressive world that made me go "woah!" and "ooohh!" + Cool sci-fi story + Great use of Wii U GamePad + Skells (flying mech suits) make traversing the vast world pleasant + Online multiplayer is still active - Tedious fetch quests (wiki/guide recommended) - Soundtrack isn't consistently good
See my posts about Xenoblade Chronicles X
Honorable mention: Ruiner (PS4 & Switch, also available on PC, Xbox One)
I'm in love with this game. I've played it on 4 platforms already and I'm waiting for my Switch physical copy. Ruiner was in my top 3 games last year so I'll just give it a honorable mention now.
+ Amazing world-building and atmosphere + Great soundtrack + Fast-paced action gameplay that stays fun even after multiple playthroughs - Some glitches in PS4 version, Switch version aiming doesn't feel as accurate as on other platforms
See my posts about Ruiner
Honorable mention: Death Coming (PC, also available on PS4, Switch, mobile)
Kind of like a point and click isometric Hitman game. Humorous game where you need to figure out how to reap as many souls as possible, causing fatal accidents with the environments.
+ Fun assassination gameplay with well-designed, wildly imaginative levels + Charming graphics and presentation + Hilarious ways to kill targets - More levels would have been welcome 
Nominees for my personal Game of the Year 2020
Only games I have finished in 2020 have been included.
A Plague Tale: Innocence (PC)  ACA NeoGeo: Metal Slug X (PC)  Bayonetta (PC)  Blast Corps (N64)  Carrion (PC)  Cat Quest (Switch)  Costume Quest + Grubbins on Ice DLC (PC)  Death Coming (PC)  Doki Doki Literature Club (PC)  Etrian Mystery Dungeon (3DS)  Final Fantasy XV + DLC episodes (PC)  Gears 5 (PC)  Gris (PC)  Helltaker (PC)  Her Story (PC)  Hypnospace Outlaw (PC)  Katana Zero (PC)  Kirby: Triple Deluxe (3DS)  Lonely Mountains: Downhill (PC)  Mario Kart 8 (Wii U)  Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite (PC)  Mr. DRILLER DrillLand (Switch)  My Nintendo Picross: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (3DS)  Observation (PC)  Octopath Traveler (Switch)  Paper Mario: The Origami King (Switch)  Pikmin 3 (Wii U)  PictoQuest: The Cursed Grids (Switch)  Pikuniku (PC)  Pokémon Shield (Switch)  Portal 2 (PC)  Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology (3DS)  Rainy Season (PC)  Ruiner (PS4)  Ruiner (Switch)  Star Fox 64 3D (3DS)  Stella Glow (3DS)  Streets of Rage 4 (PC)  Super Bomberman R (Switch)  Super Mario 64 (N64)  Super Mario 64 (Switch)  Super Mario Sunshine (Switch)  Tacoma (PC)  Tetris Effect: Connected (PC)  The Gardens Between (PC)  The Messenger (PC)  The Touryst (PC)  Thimbleweed Park (PC)  Watch_Dogs 2 (PC)  Wilmot's Warehouse (PC)  Xenoblade Chronicles X (Wii U)  Yakuza Kiwami (PC)  Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC) 
Wishing you all a safe journey to a brave new year 2021! May it be blessed with plenty of quality gaming.
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viridianjester · 4 years ago
Writing Tag Game
Thank you for the tag @sk1fanfiction! Sorry it took so long to write up a response; I've been pretty busy these last few weeks ^^'
Pokémon, Blue Exorcist, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Durarara!!
Naruto (no clue if I'll actually get far enough to post it though haha).
I've been writing on and off since 2013, although I didn't actually start posting anything until 2018 (which was… probably for the best lol). I suppose there was one story I wrote in elementary school before then, but it was… uh… bad.
FFN and AO3.
Comedy or Angst (but not together!). Comedy is a joy to write on those rare occasions I can get the characters to cooperate and spew funny lines at each other. Angst is a great way to explore a character's emotions, and I like trying to vary up my imagery to twist the metaphorical knife. 
I think I'm some weird amalgamation of both. It's easier to write if I pants, but if I exclusively pants in long fics (which are the vast majority of what I write), I get lost on infinite side tangents and never actually get anywhere meaningful. Planning gives me good benchmarks to hit, but if I over-plan, I lose motivation to write the story since I already know what happens. Currently, I'm trying to balance by pantsing in the short term and planning in the long-term (the idea is that I can have some freedom and unknowns to look forward to while still having an idea of what major events to aim towards).
Multi-chapter. Most of my ideas just don't fit as one-shots unfortunately.
It really depends on the fic and what I'm aiming for. In the past, most of my chapters have been between 4k and 10k, although I try to keep it plus or minus 1k off a set value per fic. 
City of Sunshine at 59k. 
City of Sunshine - it taught me so, so much about planning and fic management. The outline was great to ramble on and bounce ideas off of, and the main character's voice was consistently enjoyable to write from.
I've never written a request.
Yes. There are… a lot of them, especially in the original works stuck in WIP purgatory. A friend jokes that almost all my stories have a betrayal of some kind in them. I like portraying feelings of loss and listlessness. There are certain character archetypes or personalities I'm drawn towards when creating characters that are rather specific (smart/powerful but lazy, energetic and rambly, pretends not to care but really does, and outwardly polite but internally snarky to name a few). Moving on despite loss and poor odds seems to be a consistent theme too. 
I don't know. If we mean things I'm actually writing, then 2 to 4. If we mean things I mean to write and have at minimum loose plans for, I remember counting with a friend two years back and it was twenty-something. I've scrapped a ton since then, but I've also had plenty of new ideas, so the final total is a mystery.
1. My voice varies significantly between fics. For example, City of Sunshine is snarky and more comedic while my main WIP right now is laid back and whimsical. You could probably tell they were made by the same person from the more emotional scenes, but in the past, my sentence structure and vocabulary would vary greatly between projects to the point that I'd find it difficult to pick up old projects again if I didn't have enough material to base the new writing's tone and style off of.
2. I tend towards elaborate plots or character journeys built off a few core ideas versus anything that can actually be finished in a reasonable amount of time. This is probably why I find it so hard to finish anything.
3. I really like my imagery when I remember to pay attention to it. Description can be engaging when placed right around core events, and it can really add to a story. I've been having some trouble with finding a good balance though, leaning towards "less is more" when writing fanfics to avoid over-describing things any readers probably already know (i.e., character descriptions are minimal or omitted).
To be fair, Mei would be occupied too if her little brother was arrested for stabbing someone clean through the hand with a pen.
He nodded.
All at once, nausea wracked her small frame. Her stomach dropped and flopped through the floor like a stone slobbed at the ocean, sinking and sinking and sinking. 
Despite it all, she fought to keep her body language the same. The trembling in her hands probably gave some of her emotions away, though.
Tagging @bloodorange-sorbetto and anyone else who wants to do this :)
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