#my imagines
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Imagine you're playing with his hair 🥺
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newtsselfships · 1 month
Imagine your f/o blushing as you hold their face tenderly and cover it with kisses
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wifeylyney · 2 months
♡ You gush and dream about your f/o right? Now what if it was reversed? Them blushing by thinking about you. head over heels for you, holding hands, cuddling, kisses. All it takes is one look and they are a blushing mess
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thesandsofelsweyr · 7 months
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⚠️ cw: smut
Imagine tugging Arkham Knight's camo pants down to his thick, scarred thighs. Imagine the massive bulge in his jock, how its black straps perfectly frame his toned ass. Imagine hooking your thumbs into the sides of his jock, your knuckles brushing against his sweat-damp skin as you drag it down before falling to your knees at his armored combat boots. His submissive plaything. Imagine licking your smiling lips as his erection pops free. Imagine staring up into those icy blue-green eyes of his, trained on you. Only you. Imagine wrapping your moist lips around his beautiful cock and swallowing him down to the hilt, gagging on his considerable girth. Imagine his gnarled fingers tangling in your hair as your mouth slides up and down his diamond hard shaft. Imagine him rocking forward, jacking his hips, forcing his swollen tip to the back of your throat as he fucks your face. Imagine the insistent tug at your scalp as he uses your head for his pleasure. His cocksleeve. His fleshlight. His fuckdoll. Imagine the salty taste of his precum filling your mouth, coating your tongue. The delicious taste of him. Imagine gripping his muscular ass as you bury your face in his black pubes, inhaling his musk as he holds himself deep in your throat. Imagine his sexy grunts as you make him feel like the damned Prince of Gotham 👑
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persephone411 · 1 month
Imagine John Wick eating you out
Imagine his beard scratching your thighs as he playfully licks you, just to tease you.
Imagine his large hands grabbing your thighs and holding them apart.
Imagine his soft chuckle has he hears your pleads and whimpers
“Tell me what you want, use your words”
“I want you… Fuck! I want you to make me come”
“Good girl”
After that he speds up and you can’t suppress your moans any longer.
,,Please” you gasp as you grab his silky hair while your hips buck against his face. After a bit he starts to suck on your clit while adding two fingers. At this point your thighs are basically trapping his head, yet he doesn’t complain. He only hums and keeps going, slowly getting faster and faster.
“John” you cry out, your voice a needy whimper. As you look down you meet his gaze. His dark eyes meeting yours while he keeps licking and fingering you, getting you closer and closer to your release.
“John, I’m close” you warn him while simultaneously grinding against him.
“Let go, Little one, come for Daddy”
You nod frantically and a heavy orgasm starts to wash over you. You cry out loudly while burying your hands in Johns hair, your hips lifted up by him. After a bit you collapse on the bed, panting heavily. You can feel your heart beating and your whole body feels heavy and weak.Exhausted you close your eyes. You feel John shift until he lays behind you, spooning you.
"you alright?" he murmurs against your neck, his breath tickling you.
"hmm yes, I'm perfectly fine" lazily you turn around, now facing him. softly you kiss him and snuggle closer against him.
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3lectro-heart · 28 days
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Imagine going tide pooling with your f/o! Walking together, one hand in theirs and the other pointing out all your interesting finds. Who spots the first starfish? Who finds the coolest rock? Do they have any fun facts for you, or are you the one with the ocean know-how? Imagine your f/o smiling, the salty breeze tugging at their clothes. Seagulls overhead and pools teeming with life at your feet. Leaving the beach with a small fortune of cool shells and rocks, and plenty of new stories to tell
(Proship dni)
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for those with glove wearing f/os: don't forget to occasionally imagine them pulling off those gloves with their teeth.
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97keanu · 5 months
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Valentine’s Day with the Keanuverse <3
John Wick: John would def start your day with breakfast in bed, and he is a wonderful cook, making everything you like and presenting it perfectly. He may take this time to give you a back massage while you enjoy your morning coffee, anything he can do to make you feel relaxed. Depending on the vibes of the day, he may have a lot planned out, like a surprise trip to your favorite destination, a spa day, dinner reservations, buying out a movie theatre just for the two of you(he loves if he can have you all to himself!). He may also opt for staying in, making you lunch, dinner, anything he can do to make your life perfect today(my boy’s love language is acts of service!). He will likely end the night with you in a bubble bath, enjoying each other’s company over an expensive glass of champagne, he’s not even afraid to do a face mask with you and really find some time to relax after everything. He is not letting ANYTHING come between you and him enjoying yourselves today. You end the night in bed with John lavishing your body with his hands, mouth, and whatever else he can to completely please you.
Types of presents include: Trips, cars, anything you want that he could ‘know a guy’ and make happen(remember that concert you really wanted that sold out?), spa day packages, handcrafted(but John is like, really good at it. Perhaps he tracks down one of your favorite childhood stories and restores the book for you!), shopping trips, homemade meals, anything you ask him for!
John Constantine: Let’s be honest, he probably forgot about Valentine’s Day, and is trying to work something out last minute. He’s running to the store to try to get flowers, but they’re already out, so he’s out doing something crazy like stealing from some poor soul’s grave. He’s trying to remember any hints you gave for what you wanted and barely remembering what your favorite candy is, which he luckily obtains. He calls up every restaurant in the city but all he gets is laughs when he tries. To make a reservation. Constantine is sooo disorganized for this, but the pressure hits him last minute because as much as he can be a callous asshole, he can’t have you thinking he thought you don’t deserve anything for Valentine’s Day. He finally finds somewhere that will let him buy takeout, and he takes home a bounty of last minute gifts and decor to his apartment where he quickly tries to plate the food and pass it off as his own.
In the end, after he picks you up and takes you back to his place, you enter to find his apartment set a glow with candles, soft music playing on his old busted CD player, and the smell of your favorite takeout. You are certain when you see the scene that he scrounged all this together, but at the same time, he looks at you with those dark puppy eyes, and you can’t help but be glad he remembered at all and tried. He gives you his slightly wilting bouquet of yellow and white flowers (claiming they were all out of red, but you suspect differently.) and you two have a lovely meal and a night in with some of your favorite feel good movies that Constantine would typically never sit down to watch with you. Even if it all seems small, you enjoy having some genuine time with him, and even getting to see him laugh and claim not to be teary eyed at some of the sappy scenes of the movie.
Types of presents include: Handmade, experience style gifts (perhaps taking you to his favorite secret spots!), flowers, all your favorite candies(that he could remember), maybe a chance to finally get to see his softer side.
Kevin Lomax: He’s going all out, he’s starting your day by sending breakfast to your door (all of your favorites of course!), sending dozens of flowers to your office just to make all the other girls jealous, sending a private car to pick you up too and from work, and leaving designer dress options and shoes in our bedroom for when you come home from work. You choose the dress you want to wear for the occasion, and your driver is taking you across town now to the fanciest restaurant in town. You meet him there, and Kevin looks absolutely dashing in his black suit and tie. He greets you with your first real gift for the night, a stunning piece of jewelry he knows you’ve been eyeing, then you two have a lovely dinner before going back to his apartment where you walk in to find the largest teddy bear you’ve ever seen holding more presents. He totally love bombs you for Valentine’s Day because giving gifts is on the top of his love languages, and you aren’t complaining. You two end the day in bed trying out some of the new toys he bought for the occasion.
Types of presents include: Perfumes, high end makeup, designer lingerie (for later of course), bondage gear (he loves making you his rope bunny <3), and anything you desire that money can buy. He may even surprise you with some heartfelt pillow talk when all is said and done.
Neo: Like Constantine, he is a bit forgetful of Valentine’s Day, but more in the sense of he has no idea what to get you and is absolutely horrible at deciding on a gift. He keeps trying to figure it out until it’s a week or two out and he’s found out he’s too late for reservations at all your favorite spots and on top of it there’s no way what he wanted to get you will ship in time, so he improvises. He sends flowers to your door and a note on where to meet him tonight. He doesn’t have much money so he hacks into wine and paint class via their online booking and you two end up having a great time trying to draw each other, despite his looking quite crude in form. He then takes you to a hotel reservation (that he also hacked his way into…) in the presidential suite, enjoying champagne and room service that is being charged to a card that doesn’t exist. You wonder how he got all this done, but you also know he has his ways, and don’t want to ruin the moment. You enjoy the room’s hot tub together while getting a little dirty trying to get clean. You have no idea how down to the wire he really was for making Valentine’s Day happen. He ends the night by gifting you a computer program that he made for you, and it’s awesome because it helps you with a daily task you’ve been irritated with. You two end up spending lovely quality time together, enjoying your time together and each other’s bodies no doubt!
Types of presents include: Handmade gifts, handcrafted technology (think: my boyfriend built me a computer!), hacked tech that would help in your everyday life, and he may even surprise you with something that you mentioned a long time ago(that he totally didn’t hack your search history to know about.)
Ted Logan: Ted is super sweet and caring for Valentine’s Day, surprisingly not forgetting that it exists in the first place. He ends up making you a handcrafted card and leaving it at your place of work with some hand picked daisies, all while saying it’s from a ‘secret admirer’ but Ted is the only person you know who would misspell ‘admirer’ in the first place. He doesn’t have a lot of money to get you anything fancy, but everything he does get you is heartfelt and well thought out. He picks you up after work and takes you to your favorite diner, then he finds the best spot in San Dimas to watch the stars together, tell jokes, and maybe even have a smoke sesh. You two end the night with munches being fulfilled by the nearby Circle K and a movie night at his apartment where he serenades you on his guitar between films. He buys all your favorite snacks for you and tries his best to make you feel really special. He is a words of affirmation guy so expect lots of sweet talk in your ear! He ends the night with his surprise gift, a locket with a picture of you two in it that he spent the last of his money on. He also gives you a handmade little notebook with all his favorite moments written in it with Polaroids of you two since you started dating!
Types of presents include: Handmade gifts(extremely arts and crafts, pink glitter glue ‘Will You Be My Valentine?’ Styled cards), your favorite candies, a small plush of some sort, picking wildflowers because he can’t afford the outrageous store prices, a song he wrote for you (performed alongside bill as his back up player), anything music related like making you a mixtape of your favorite tunes.
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Headcanons: 10th Doctor x Autistic!Reader established relationship
A/N: I've been rewatching the 9th and 10th Doctors' series recently, and found myself getting attached all over again, so I've decided to add the Tenth Doctor to my list of characters I write for! Enjoy!
The reader here is gender-neutral.
Content warnings: None.
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Loves any happy stims you have! He finds that it makes your joy more contagious – and since his positive energy tends to similarly rub off on you, he gets to see you stim often, to his delight.
Like Thirteen, he’s genuinely interested in any toys or jewellery you may use to stim, and likes to learn about how it helps you. If he comes across anything that might serve a similar purpose for you during his trips, he won’t hesitate to get it for you, if possible.
He listens enthusiastically to you when you talk about your special interest(s). While he may struggle with explicit verbal affection, he more than makes up for it by giving you his full attention, and watching with sheer adoration as you engage with the things you love.
Even if you can't tell how he feels about you from his facial expression alone, you can rest assured that once there's someone else around you (especially if it's Donna), you'll be made aware by them teasing him relentlessly for his heart-eyes.
Once again, there’s a sensory room in the TARDIS all for yourself! It has everything you could need to calm down from sensory overload, meltdowns, or just feeling a bit “off”.
The Doctor won’t go in unless you explicitly allow him to – though admittedly, he's happy if you do, because he also gets some use out of some of the stim and sensory items!
While he’s often quite energetic, he knows when to calm down, if you get overstimulated. You may not always be able to avoid things that make you feel that way in your adventures, but he’s mindful in finding ways to help you endure it, at least until you make it back to the TARDIS.
Those moments where his darker, “oncoming storm” side comes out can be a bit complicated. He'll most likely tell you to go back to the TARDIS, because he doesn’t want you to get overwhelmed from seeing him like that, but he usually also needs you there to reign him in.
By the time you’re together, you’ve come to recognise this, and always focus on stopping him from going too far. He feels awful if you do get overwhelmed, so he’ll either give you some space for as long as you need it, or stay with you to help you calm down, depending on what you want.
If you lose speech for any reason, or are nonverbal, the Doctor will gladly talk enough for the two of you, and will immediately steer anyone who asks any uncomfortable questions about it away from the subject. He also isn’t afraid to call them out if they don’t relent.
He'll do anything you need to keep you safe during your travels, because he genuinely loves being with you!
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tboy-boytoy · 2 months
back on the royalty shit but just imagining myself as a prince who’s just gotten married off to the cruel queen of our neighboring kingdom. she makes me her little pet to assert her dominance, brings me around on a leash like an accessory, and ofc i’m wearing nothing but chains and maybe some thin see-through fabric if she’s feeling generous. when she’s sitting on her throne i’m on her lap with my legs spread, sheathed on her cock, cuffed and gagged of course. and after particularly difficult political meetings she likes to get her frustration out by bending me over the table and fucking me right there in front of everyone
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You approached Joost and grabbed him by his tie. You drew him closer, your bodies touched each other.
"Didn't you forget about something, Mr. Klein?" You asked, whispering to his ear.
"About what?" He asked back with a smirk.
"You forgot to kiss me." You rolled your eyes.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I can do something about it, I guess?" He grabbed your chin and sealed his lips with yours.
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newtsselfships · 7 months
Imagine your f/o being sososo touch-starved. They likely feel a bit awkward with physical affection, but don't let that put you off. They CRAVE it.
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starseverance · 2 months
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Your parental F/O doesn't expect you to be perfect. You're their child, and they're going to love you no matter what.
They're going to be proud of you no matter what.
Yes, even if you get terrible grades, even if you don't get a "good" job, or even a job at all. Even when you make huge mistakes, even when you have different beliefs, even when you challenge them. You don't have to be the best at everything you do, because they don't need to compare you to others in order to be proud of you.
No matter how often you need reassurance, they will remind you that they will always be proud of you, and that there is nothing you could ever to to make them stop loving you,
As requested by: Anon
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thesandsofelsweyr · 4 months
For years Jay's only reason for living was to kill Batman. That is, until he met you.
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persephone411 · 3 months
Imagine laying on John wicks chest.
You’re both home after an exhausting day, wearing pyjamas and just laying in bed. You lay on his chest and hear his steady heartbeat against your ear, his chest rising and sinking with every breath he took. He is warm and currently massaging your scalp and caressing your hair. Your legs are tangled together under the blanket and you lazily caress his sides, causing him to chuckle quietly due to it tickling him. With a sigh he wraps his arms around you and kisses the top of your head.
Life is good
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imaginingbleach · 2 months
Something that randomly came to mind...
(NSFW below the cut; espadas included: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 & Neliel)
Struggled a bit with 8, so forgive me. 😭
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Types of Doms they are:
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This man has got exactly two modes when it comes to sex. Lazy or feral.
He's willing to do a lot with you, but if you catch him in his lazy mode you'll likely be doing most of the work.
Ride him, suck him, hell he'll even give you oral if you both find the right positions for him to laze a out.
Just remember: It's not that he isn't enjoying himself; that rock hard dick proves otherwise...
You knew what you were getting into.
Now then, switching gears: when he's feral, he'll barely let you move.
He's making you cum a minimum of one time before he's even going to penetrate you in any way.
He gets very possessive in this state.
Congratulations! You've essentially got a werewolf boyfriend who's usually lazy and can't transform like that...
But! When he needs to claim you for whatever reason? Welp!
Communication is key with this man! He doesn't mind if you have multiple partners, but he can get a bit jealous if you don't tell him!
Hell, you'll find out on more than one occasion, when someone flirts with you...
He'll bring you home and claim you all night long.
He might not even make it home.
Just... Keep him in the loop if you're crushing or plan to date another. it'll probably save some furniture.
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As she can't quite use her mouth outside of being in her release form, she's had time to master plenty of other ways to get you off.
She prefers to use her hands and fingers on you, but is not opposed to toys in anyway.
That's primarily for when she's doing any for of penetration on you, though.
She has learned to use any and every part of her body to be able to tease you and leave you squirming and begging for her.
Don't call her master. It reminds her of her fraccións.
May accept being called mommy under the right circumstances, though.
Has absolutely no issues with being called daddy.
Just sit on her lap and ask daddy politely if you can ride her thigh~
Not one to get jealous easily, but is definitely protective.
This is particularly true if you are someone who can be seen as weak to others.
Not very loud, but loves hearing how loud she can make you.
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He struggles a lot with more human like needs and emotions
So he tends to be a heavy service top...
But it comes with so many questions.
"Why does your face warm when I kiss you?"
"Why do you avert your gaze when I-"
You get the idea.
Eventually once repeated behaviors rise up, he starts catching on.
When you make this sound, it means you really like it.
When you squirm, you're not actually trying to get away.
Just simple stuff, but you'll have had to explain it to him a bit before he starts connecting the dots.
Once he's more comfortable with you and starts recognizing these reactions...
You're in for it.
He's definitely someone who gets off on your pleasure.
As long as you're satisfied, so is he.
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He surprisingly doesn't mind being the one to do all the work.
It let's him be in control of, well, everything.
There's something about seeing how much you get off on everything he does to you that drives the predator in him wild.
He enjoys having control, and, having you submit to let him do whatever he wants is too delicious to pass up.
Plus, he can't help but enjoy the way you always act like such cute little prey when he's teasing you.
Those big doe eyes, the small squeaky and whiny noises you make...
The way he can make you come undone with almost any part of his body...
It's very >:))
Not entirely against sharing, but like with Starrk, if it's not discussed he can get a bit jealous
His jealousy, however, is usually more rage fueled than hormonal so watch out for that.
He's not too into being called anything "special"
May accept "daddy" now and again
Despite how kinky sex with him might be-- it is fueled by emotions (at least on his end)
You've sparked his interest in one way or another enough to warrant wanting to carnally claim you...
There's at least some attachments and calling him "master" immediately throws that out the window to him.
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He definitely still has some characteristics from his more beastial hollow form
His need to claim you is always in battle with his desire to see you submit to him
Kneel before the king and offer him a blowjob, he's grinning wider than Nnoitra
Seeing you beg him to pleasure you is just 😘
Part of the problem with him is that it's a bit difficult for him to give oral... Given that he has to be very conscious of every move he makes because of his hollow mask
But he is a god with his hands.
He's another one who likes to watch you ride his thighs.
Absolutely gets off on being called king, but will absolutely bust a nut if you refer to him as your husband (romantic partner ofc)
This is at it's worst before any kind of marriage, but it's still effective after.
Doesn't see the appeal in being called daddy until he *is* a daddy 👀 something about being one makes it kinkier to him for you to call him daddy
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A bit different from the others on the list in that he wants to be worshipped like a god.
He wants you to use your entire body to do so, but this is just the first act-- no form of penetration just yet. (Minus maybe deep throating him~)
Now, once that's all done he's got PLENTY of ways to pleasure you...
He's definitely into orgasm denial and overstimulation.
He likes testing your body~
If you're willing, definitely would do some experimenting...
He wouldn't do anything too drastic, though.
If not, he'll find a way to make some of his palatable for you~
You really should thank him for thinking of you.
So/so with names. The higher status the name gives him, the more he'll like it.
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Dommy mommy 🥰
She absolutely loves to spoil you during kinky times together
Another one who gets off more on your pleasure than her own
If you're not a pillow prince(ss) type of sub, she will boss you around a bit~
But she's so sweet when she does that it just has you melting at her every word
"What was that, baby? Tell mommy what you want~"
She might tease you with that one by having you with a gag in your mouth or other things 🤭
Absolutely does get off on taking care of you
Dotes on you, takes great lengths into making sure you're comfortable during aftercare!
Doesn't matter how you compare size wise to her, she's holding you on her and letting you rest your head on her chest
Makes an amazing pillow ngl
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