#mxtx herself said he was straight i think
mxtx-purist · 4 months
I take all of mxtx's works like gospel, and think that they represent soul mates and are a manifestation of what true unadulterated love looks like, especially when you look at all her works and not just one of them as a sole incident.
So, it stands to reason that I absolutely despise every and any ship involving one of the main characters with anyone else other than their intended(which is also what MXTX asked of us- to never ship her characters with anyone else) because to me that's like denying their very meaning.
But Liushen is a little bit of an exception for me. Like, I don't ship it, but I also do understand where ppl come from in a tragic unfortunate sort of way, so it doesn't bother me like others do. Does that make sense?
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bipirate · 4 years
That phrase about WWX’s waist right? Written by people who would find it offensive applied to a straight woman but suddenly okay and sexy for a gay man. And they are lapping the reincarnated as a delicate gay men thing to the point that even in 10yo later postcanon fics, WWX is often described as scrawny when the in-story reason for MXY’s build was that he was kept locked in a shed and starved. Why wouldn’t reborn WWX train to regain his muscles when he’s engaged daily in a physical, dangerous 1
job and didn’t even choose to have the build MXY had to begin with? Bc fans looove the fragile bottom thing instead of exploring the more interesting theme of WWX's struggles or dysphoria with his new body. And thank you for drawing them with similar builds! I’m so tired of many MDZS artists or even the official donghua drawing gym rat LWJ towering by more than a head over WWX with the body type of a young teen when even in MDZS, their new height difference is 8 cm! Only 8! Not 25! 2
And ofc people are welcome to headcanon WWX’s and LWJ’s appearance as they’d like but then they really should use the OCC tag more liberally as well as when WWX is being depicted as the one-braincell chaos gremlin or crying every time feelings are discussed or the possessive top LWJ you talk about (in CQL I think it’s actually LWJ who cries more often than WWX but feminizing the bottom and recreating heteronormative dynamics always take precedence over canon for some fans). 3
anon youre so right.. the concept of wwx being resurrected into someone else’s body is so interesting and there’s many aspects of it you could explore, like dysphoria like you said, or him trying to cultivate mo xuanyu’s core, re-training his body to be able to wield suibian again (alongside chenqing of course), perhaps even genuine and serious discussions with lwj about what it means for their relationship for wwx to suddenly have a different body, hell maybe even wwx’s alcohol problem now that he has a body that might not have the same tolerance, etc etc. but all mdzs fans (and. mxtx herself) keep focusing on is his new twink status. it’s infuriating.
(i cant recall how many times wwx cries in cql but i think it’s still more than lwj, who cries only twice iirc, but regardless they are both very well written in cql and lwj is Definitely not the weird stoic guy who only loses control when he’s having sex lmao)
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 3 years
The only thing interesting in jc & wwx is their narcissist-narcissistic supply dynamics. Not brotherhood/family since it doesn't exist. jc would rather kill himself than think of wwx as a more competent jiang heir than him. Not romance since it also doesn't exist. jc would also rather kill himself than be a cutsleeve. wwx is simply his narcissistic supply who should remain below him so jc feels more competent & in control than wwx. When will ppl discuss the dark triad & jc, jgy & xy?
What is funny is that MXTX herself was upfront about Jiang Cheng out of all of them was very very straight as well as her having made the relationship a "friendship" at it's most basic.
There was never the feel of romance especially from Wei Wuxian's side in regards to them from my personal reading, and I find myself agreeing with her in regards to Jiang Cheng himself. He is far too self-centered I think to be able to maintain a relationship since it always hinges on himself only being satisfied all while really just not even realizing that yes, others have needs and their feelings also matter.
Like I have said before one of Wei Wuxian's faults was trying to pacify Jiang Cheng who always wanted more than was realistic. You can not ever please someone like that no matter how flawlessly you perform as they will always find something wrong with you. It is not worth the emotional strain and in the end Wei Wuxian was not the cruel one for politely telling Jiang Cheng he needed to move on, neither was he dismissing the pain Jiang Cheng felt. He was far kinder even in the end than Jiang Cheng was to him and his closing words to their relationship were “Right now, I do really think… it’s all in the past. It’s been too long. There’s no need to struggle with it any longer".
There is nothing left to say especially when neither can ever come to the same understanding or really want to anymore. Nor is Wei Wuxian inclined to make further amends then this nor wants more himself other than to be left alone.
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elencelebrindal · 3 years
Hi! Off topic question for your blog, since I've read the post about mxtx's works. Why don't you like Jiang Cheng? I'm curious to know the reason
Oh my god, I'm so sorry, this has been sitting in my askbox for a month T-T Ok, I have 10 minutes of free time, let me see how can I explain my dislike for him without angering the entire fandom.
Under the cut because 1. this is off topic for my blog and 2. it will probably be long. Beware of spoilers. I don't care for how long the novel/drama/donghua have been out, I'm aware there's still people that haven't read/watched it.
Please, keep in mind that this is my own opinion. Every single thing I've said in this post comes from my personality and views clashing with Jiang Cheng's character. I know that Jiang Cheng is a tridimensional character with a deep development, but that doesn't mean I approve of that (magnificently written) development. Comment if you want, but don't try to change my mind. It won't work. I also know that many of the things I've said here need further analysis and/or explanation, but it's been a year now since I've read the book/watched the drama, and I've shifted towards TGCF so I don't feel as involved as before.
Jiang Cheng is a difficult character for me to like, mainly because he reminds me of real life people that used to be around me, or are still around me. And said people make me uncomfortable.
At first, I didn't like or dislike Jiang Cheng. It was a normal character that I didn't really pay attention to, because he didn't fall in any of my "oh, I like/hate this character" category. He was a pretty normal person with struggles I could easily understand. Those doubts about his self-worth? Yeah, been there done that.
But then... Then the major changes of the plot happened.
I fully understand the overwhelming reaction he had after the death of his parents. I get that, I get that he felt lost and angry and frustrated all at the same time. I get that he was grieving, and terribly so. I get the reckless act of him running straight into danger for his parents' sake, I get him trying to help Wei Wuxian.
But I don't like how things started going downhill from there, from the moment he received Wei Wuxian's golden core and they reunited. I don't like how he resented all the Wen family, how he hated seemingly without making a distinction.
I absolutely despise the fact that Jiang Cheng opposed Wei Wuxian, when he wanted to protect those innocent people that had nothing to do with the massacres perpetrated by the Wen clan. I hate how Jiang Cheng ignored the fact that Wen Qing and Wen Ning helped him when he was most vulnerable.
I understand that he was angry, but that doesn't explain why he had to be so ungrateful towards people that didn't do anything malicious, people that helped him. Jiang Cheng is a multi-layered character, and there's not just this to him, but the negative feeling that came from him stuck to me way too much.
I appreciate the fact that Jiang Cheng reached some sort of agreement with Wei Wuxian, and that scene of him and Jiang Yanli meeting so Wei Wuxian could see her sister in her wedding robes still warms my heart, but Jiang Cheng went and declared Wei Wuxian an enemy of the cultivation world.
Jiang Cheng, although not even willingly (I don't believe him to be that blind), blamed Wei Wuxian for Jiang Yanli's death and for Jin Ling's current predicament. But this is something for another discussion, Jiang Yanli chose by herself, it was no one's blame if not hers and that's something often overlooked.
He suffered, yes, he was the only one left after his entire family died, but that didn't give him the right to straight up hate something he never tried to fully understand.
But what genuinely got me was his reaction upon discovering his golden core was Wei Wuxian's. To this day, I still can't get over the fact that he was angry at that. Confused, yes. It's understandable. But angry? Angry at someone for having helped you? I get it, okay? It's shocking. Knowing the man that was once your beloved brother sacrificed himself (literally) to help you is devastating, but his reaction seemed mostly bitter. There are reasons behind that, I'm aware of them, but at the same time... I didn't like it. This is probably because of how I personally think, though. I could never imagine me being bitter about someone helping me so much, even if it meant that certain someone had better skills than me. Jiang Cheng's personality regarding that is the complete opposite of mine, when he feels bitter I'd just feel sad.
I personally like to think that Jiang Cheng, after absorbing the shock, took his time to think about what Wei Wuxian's gesture meant, and took his time to try and mend their relationship.
Now, onto the thing that I dislike the most about him, because of personal experiences. I hate how Jiang Cheng educates Jin Ling. I know that he cares about him, and I know he'd rather lose all his limbs than seeing him seriously hurt, but I hate how harsh he is on him. No amount of gifts he can give him will make me change my mind on that. I spent my life hating how my parents and family treated me harshly, threatening me whenever I did something bad or when they wanted me to do good at something. Jiang Cheng, with the way he treats Jin Ling, reminds me of that. I know that he cares, but that behavior is something I hate to the core. I hate feeling threatened, I hate the dread that washes over me when I'm expected to do something for my family, and it's the same feeling I get when I watch Jiang Cheng interact with Jin Ling. Even if I know that he would never actually harm him, I hate it.
He did an incredible job raising Jin Ling, but at the same time his method of education is one of the worsts.
I really wang Jiang Cheng to finally feel better with himself. He's too bitter and angry, and I tend to dislike people that are like him. I've met my fair share of them in real life, and they always make me uncomfortable.
He deserves to feel at peace, knowing that he's his own person. I didn't like his reaction upon discovering the golden core was Wei Wuxian's also because it felt like Jiang Cheng started questioning everything about himself all over again.
Please, guys, check this post I’ve written thanks to an ask about the following statement, before reading what I deleted here. Turns out I forgot something a bit TOO important and I corrected my opinion. 
To conclude, please don't yell at me for having this opinion, and please let's avoid all the wrong discourse of Jiang Cheng being also somewhat of a homophobic. I used to see this come up a lot in discussions about his characters (now a lot less, but I'm also less invested in everything mdzs now because I prefer tgcf), and it's so wrong. If anything, he's bitter because not only he lost Wei Wuxian because of his own mistakes, but because someone who's basically a newcomer (compared to the years Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian spent together) managed to deepen the rift between them.
There's a lot of things I don't like about Jiang Cheng, but even I draw the line at people calling him homophobic.
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kaeyasgender-moving · 4 years
Hi, I'm kind of new to the fandom and I've seen both people hating and defending mxtx? I've read tgcf and mdzs but I haven't seen any transphobia or homophobia in it or maybe I just missed it? Can you point out them out, I really want to educate myself
There s alot of ppl who have talked abt it and a simple google search could also help i think but i ll summarize some major points for you to help as a start :)
I ll start with the transphobia present
In the first arc xie lian has to dress up as a woman to lure out the "ghost brridegroom" obviously that wouldnt be bad in itself but the way its described as unattural and perverted and all the comments he gets even from feng xin saying that if he saw a woman like that he would straight up kill her is incredibly transomysoginistic and awful.
Then shi qingxuan is introduced. The way this character is handled is AWFUL they re shown to be comfortable with presenting both as a man and a woman and is ince again mocked for that and concidered weird and perverted and its very transparent to show how mxtx wrote them as the "funny weird crossdresser" and nothing else while also being a cishet woman herself.
Now for homophobia...... Not even counting the weird things mxtx has said aside from her novels like how she thinks its "unrealistic" if more than two gay ppl exist in a story at a time, or making up insane fandom rules like "only one character is allowed to be on top or bottom" and shit like that its obvious that even thought she writes about gay men she does so as a fun "fetish" and doesnt really support irl lgbt people.
Now obviously that shows in her novels as well like how she always names one of the two in the couple the "wife" something alot of mlm have spoken against as it set in heteronormantive stereotypes of there being a "man" and a "woman" in the relationship as well as the general characterization where it falls under the classic fetishistic writing for mlm content im not gonna go into that bc it's alot so just search up if you want more details.
I hope this helps with the base stuff and if someone wants to add anything to my points please leave a comment on this post.
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drwcn · 4 years
I think you meant father in your last post. and I think its because their parents were both in seclusion SEPARATELY and their mother didn't even love their father but she agreed to marry him to get immunity. and like she might have agreed to have lxc because the sect needed an heir but that was still not something she would have preferred, and then again when lwj was conceived
Oops yes my typo. I fixed it. thanks! :) 
 Re: people assume Qingheng-jun raped (Trigger Warning!) LWJ’s mother resulting in LXC and LWJ. And because mxtx sucks and didn’t bother naming her, and I don’t want to keep referring to her as “Lan Wangji’s Mother” because she was a person (fictional but still a person), I’m gonna use my personal hc name for her Qiu Baiti (丘百鹈). 
And I’m not saying that Qingheng-jun being a rapist is not a possibility, but I find that highly unlikely. I think there are some cultural assumptions that the fandom just isn’t aware of, and once and for all, I’m gonna set it straight. 
名节 ming’jie - a person’s “purity of sexual reputation” is seen as more important than life. Especially for a woman. And yes CQL is a fantasy drama so the rules are kind of wishy washy, but that being said, it does adhere to a lot of the traditional cultural rules, so I figure that mingjie still applies. 
Which means: If Qiu Baiti didn’t want to marry Qingheng-jun, she would’ve either tried to kill Qingheng-jun or killed herself before any of that could happen. It is absolutely a matter of life and death. I literally cannot count how many times women in cdrama commit suicide after they are raped just from the sheer shame of it. (I’m not saying this is what should be done, I’m just saying this happens in dramas.)
Potential counter-argument: but but but just because she married him doesn’t mean she necessarily agreed to sleep with him. 
Yes, sexual violence can exist in a marriage. No women owe their husband sex. Absolutely. I’m not disputing that. But in a traditional chinese marriage, sexual intercourse and provision of children are expected and essentially non-negotiable. Those two things go hand in hand. And Qiu Baiti had to have known that before she married Qingheng-jun, and if she was not down for it, again, she would’ve ended her own life than marry him. 
Potential counter argument: okay but didn’t their dad build a house separate for himself? Why would he do that? 
It was supposed to be a penance. For Gusu Lan, his wife had killed one of their elders. What he did was in direct confrontation with his entire sect. If he married her and then locked himself up with her under one roof….that’s not a penance, that’s just an extended honeymoon. So what he did was marry her to save her, and then punished himself by keeping distance from her. Is it stupid? Yeah. Does that make him a rapist? No. 
Someone once posed the question, damn why would Gusu Lan allow Qingheng-jun to have children with a woman who murdered their elder? Because traditional Chinese families are obsessed with babies, that’s why. There’s a literal saying 不孝有三,无后为大, which roughly translates to there are three ways to be un-filial, to have no children is the most egregious. And Qiu Baiti wasn’t his concubine, or his side chick, or some prostitute he hooked up with once. He was his wife. Only children born by her would be the most legitimate. And we know that Gusu Lan are all about decorum and courtesy and shit. 
So yeah they lived separately, but he could…walk…over…to her…house????? Like every once in a while. The Elders wouldn’t have said anything because well, they want heirs, and he already married her so ehh? 
The question is why do they have two? Now that’s the biggest questions. Could it be because Qingheng-jun was a fucking monster? Yeah sure. Or there’s something else going on here we don’t know. Maybe they found each other tolerable over time, maybe she liked him after all. Maybe she wanted two kids. Who knows? There are a ton of possibilities. 
Lastly, Lan Xichen told Wei Wuxian the story about their parents because he wanted Wei Wuxian to see how much Lan Wangji cared about him and wanted to protect him, that he was willing to be like their absent father and disobey the clan. And Lan Xichen isn’t some five year old child. Most of us as adults can reflect back on our parents’ relationship and realize huh….that was fucked up. 
Why would Lan Xichen compare his beloved little brother to a father they barely saw who may or may not have raped their beloved mother? Why would he do that? 
don’t @ me if y’all  just gonna continue being stubborn about this. block me instead. 
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