mutteringmarigolds · 4 years
the ground bucks beneath
just a little tip, but still
a glass of water trembles with the aftershocks
I am conditioned to crack foundations
when the earth will not oblige
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mutteringmarigolds · 4 years
Mama always told me 
Not to trust the moon
For she is changeable 
Moods ebbing and flowing 
Winking in and out of existence.
That's why when I tell you
That I see the night in your eyes
There's a spark of fear in mine
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mutteringmarigolds · 4 years
Inscrutable Object
This place
At once a graveyard and a birthing suite
Breathes again
As it gasps for air 
The phase of the moon changes 
The shape is new and dark
A future unnamed in the infinite space
The wail of the infant and the gasp of the dying
Ring together in the gap
Phasing in and out
Until one is indistinguishable from the other
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mutteringmarigolds · 4 years
The Evergreen that Lost its Leaves
A flock of birds
A swarm of bees,
A silent stand of ancient trees,
A single light,
In darkest night,
Floats on the ocean breeze.
Is that the moon above the bay?
The sound of wind and sea?
Or is it the sound of something far darker
Much crueler, much nastier, unclean?
There are monsters in the forest.
There are ghosts down in the deep.
And though there are plenty of fairies in here,
It is still not a safe place to sleep.
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mutteringmarigolds · 4 years
I am a gnarled oak
With skin like bark and arms like boughs 
A wind whispers through my branches
"Come home," it begs me
But what is home to a tree?
What is a bed to a tower?
I Iike to feel the rain on my leaves
The suffering reminds me that I'm alive
Pain is honest, in its own little way
Sometimes I even miss it
"Carve into me," I plead
"I want to feel something,"
My leaves shudder with the shame
And yet still the desire remains
Silver hot and steely soft 
There is no reply
We both know the answer anyway;
I'm already home and I've already been carved
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mutteringmarigolds · 4 years
I would not tell you that I was sad 
So that that tears you shed 
Would remain your own.
But really it's a trap, my little flower.
I am a barren field and a starving calf
In the guise of a verdant garden.
I tried to cultivate a bed for you,
A safe place to bury your roots.
But the soil was bad I suppose.
No matter how I watered,
No matter what fertilizer I bought,
Each seed planted became a rusty nail
Sitting uselessly in the earth.
You should really find a better garden.
There is nothing for you here in mine.
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