#mustard yellow tile??
mustbebunnys · 6 months
Is Maya & Carina’s house so ugly because Carina was like ‘we’re renting the first house available, punto’? Because that kitchen…she would never.
Like does it have good bones? Will they remodel at some point? I’m sorry, I just can’t suspend my disbelief on this one lol
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oh boy!, i smell chemicals!,!
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27-04-2023 Olhão
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nomoremicrophones · 1 year
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Calgary Basement Lookout Basement design with a medium-sized transitional look-out, a beige floor, yellow walls, a regular fireplace, and a concrete fireplace.
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loserboyfriendrjl · 16 days
prongsfoot apartment headcanons:
entrance corridor: a short hallway, a wooden clotheshanger and another hanger for their keys.
kitchen: rectangular shaped. the walls are a very light beige, and the floors are made out of ebony wood. on one side of the kitchen, the one with the entrence door (a cherry wood one), there’s the cabinets, sink, under sink cabinets (cherry wood), over and stove, and a white fridge. the other side has a two-people round table. a window’s covered by orange blinds, casting a glow through the haze of smoke. there’s an ashtray on the table and discarded cups of coffee. the walls are covered in covered of pictures of them and their friends. two animals bowls are on the floor, too.
living room: it’s separated from the kitchen by a singular wall. there’s a telly perched up on a small, ebony wood commode, and the couch is a washed down, red-brown, whereas the rug is a lighter shade. there are paintings and drawings on the wall, as well as a few other pictures. the windows are covered by mustard yellow curtains. the lamps and lightbulb emit a warm light, and there’s a record player on a chair tucked into the corner of the room. above the telly, there are shelves stacked with books, and there are soft, cushioned chairs on the floor, too.
bedroom: the floors are covered by a brown rug, and over that is thrown a smaller, dark red one. the walls are beige, but covered by band and quidditch (sports) posters. there’s a smaller clotheshanger on the wall. their bed is close to the wall, parted by only a nightstand, on which there’s a lamp and a few books haphazardly thrown. still, next to the bed, there are more books, and their old rucksacks, and whatever is related to that moment’s hobbies. in their bedroom, there are also their animals’ beds.
bathroom: attached to the bedroom. the tiles there, too, are a very light beige, but the tiles on the floor are dark red. there’s a dark orange carpet in front of the bathtub, shielded by a shower curtain. on the washbasin is the small cup in which their toothbrushes are, and above it is a small cabinet, in which there is medicine, toothpaste and anything of that sort. the toilet is right on the left, and behind it is something small, resembling a stair, where are magazines and newspapers. towels are hung, but they usually shower together, so reach for them or give them to each other.
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nichenarratives · 1 year
Hurricane Heller 16
A Niche Narratives Fanficiton.
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16. Poker Face
They pass the kitchen and head into a corridor at the rear of the property, the bare bricks and a slanted, corrugated iron roof barely trapping any heat. His breath mists in frigid air as they walk the width of the diner before entering yet another door at the far end, which leads into the domestic kitchen at the rear of an adjacent property.
Unlike homes in the slums, where a table and an open fire often constitute an entire kitchen, there is a solid mahogany, custom freestanding unit pushed back to one wall with delicately carved doors, freshly waxed to a shine and beautifully offset by apricot worktops. A lime green coats most of the walls, while an accent of mustard tiles protects directly the wall behind the worktops from splashes.
Matching yellow tiles have been carefully mounted in the old fireplace too, gutted to fit a wrought iron stove heated by an open fire beneath. The tiles reflect light outwards producing a glowing orange aura, bright enough to illuminate most of the kitchen without need for lamps, while also making the room stiflingly hot compared to the lean-to corridor frosted with ice.
Most of the remaining floor space is taken by an oversized table and chairs of matching wood, a glass-plated table top glistening in the light. On the opposite wall, a plumbed sink glistens, not a wayward drop of water from its spout. Finally, beside large arching doors at the far end of the room, a coat rack sags under the weight of a half dozen hats and coats; it would seem he's the last to arrive, 
Mordecai doesn't have time to wonder if his late arrival was contrived before Kendall offers to take his coat. Far too hot, he rushes to oblige, balancing the box in an arm to shift the other from its sleeve. Kendall takes hold of the collar so he can repeat the process with his other arm without the thing falling to the floor. It's awkward, and he could have put the box down, but he doesn't want to risk it getting dirty from an unseen mess.
Only once she's hung up his coat does he remove his hat and scarf as an afterthought, earning an eye roll before they're taken and stowed with his coat before the double doors are thrown open. As Kendall walks into a dark parlour, Mordecai follows obediently and is glad to find the heat abating as they step into an entry hall beyond, a single closed door the only additional room they pass. He breathes the cooler air deeply, glancing at an apparently disused front door, then follows Kendall up to the second floor.
She takes the stairs gracefully despite her inch-high heels sinking into the plush carpet, turning on the gas lamps along the way, fluffy tail swaying gracefully with each step. Having never worn outdoor shoes on a carpeted floor, it's weird to feel the cushion of fibers beneath his hard soles, muffling the clunk of feet on wooden steps beneath. He tried not to think about the dirt they've just walked into the runner as they reach the landing, skirt around a second staircase and come face to face with one of three doors, the one to a room at the front of the property.
Kendall pauses to fix her hair - a pointless effort, with most of it bundled seemingly haphazardly atop of her head - then raps on the door. Mordecai perks his ears at the rhythm, the same one his driver uses to summon him to interrogations; two slow, three fast. A universal code? It's information he stores away as the door swiftly opens and a single man steps out, closing the door behind him.
The gray tabby towers over Kendall, his tiny eyes narrowed to mere specs in a large head, his neck the same width as his jaw and a thick, pink scar running from one brow to his upper lip. Kendall doesn't seem scared, only holding up the invite with a coy smile. "Las' one, darlin'," she says sweetly, waiting for him to take the Christmas card to elaborate, a sly glance back over her shoulder at the tuxedo. "The boss' new favouri'e, Kosher. I'm sure they're all dyin' to meet 'im."
Felt ears rotate back, subtly communicating his uncertainty. Mordecai feels comfortable enough in his capabilities that their approval isn't a requirement; he wants to keep his head down and earn sufficient funds to move his family to decent housing, while keeping himself comfortably housed with the surplus, not be praised for bureaucratic excellence.
He's been too good at his job and gotten noticed. Again. 
The persian turns and Mordecai leans back against the stairs to the third floor to allow Kendall room to pass, box held in both hands before him. The woman doesn't take the space offered, instead approaching him and leaning closer. A warning murr rumbles in the tom's chest as she sweeps a strand of hair from his eyes, fingers lingering on his cheek as she whispers softly.
"I'm off at six," she says, close to his ear, her hot breaths make it twitch. "Bring tha' switchblade I've been hearing so much abou' down t'the diner, butcher. I'd like t'see ya wield it up real close an' personal."
As swift as she approached, Kendall is gone, halfway down the stairs before the grimace or disgust can curl Mordecai's lips, eyes staring after her until the bodyguard clears his throat. Emerald eyes shift from the stairs to the hulking man now holding the door open wide, motioning for Mordecai to step in with the hand clasping his comically tiny invite. Straightening back up, the tuxedo reaffirms his grip on the box, firmly affixes the Isaiah Fitzgerald mask, and steps into the meeting.
Much like the rest of the home, the rectangular reception is large and plushly decorated; thick carpets from wall to wall, heavy drapes drawn to allow in bitter winter sunlight, and a deep red wallpaper beneath a picture rail framing the space. Ceiling molding encases newfangled electrical fixtures with a multitude of inset bulbs, gleaming brightly in ornate arms of two chandeliers set at opposite ends of the room.
The nearest short wall is obscured by heavy bookcases, all of which house thick tomes of classical literature, complete encyclopedias and other reference materials. An armchair and a chaise lounge in deep moss green sit opposite, a rug - surely unnecessary in a carpeted home - of greens, golds and reds beneath a mahogany coffee table covered in gifts finishing the set. It's all brand new; luxury decor at its finest.
Set into the opposite far wall, a fireplace spits behind its wrought iron fireguard, the remnants of kindling slowly being suffocated by hot coals. An intricately carved mahogany table is centered below the second chandelier, a glass cover protecting the detailed lead embossed top from damage. Its surrounded by eight matching chairs.
Seven sets of eyes watch Mordecai as he steps inside, an unerring silence befalling the gathered men as they study the newest underboss, sucking on cigars or sipping scotch. 
Mordecai doesn't notice as he's prompted to put his gift on the coffee table, wide eyes scouring over more books than he's seen to date, the collection putting his budding library back home to shame. More accustomed to heavy handed mannerisms, he's taken aback when the bodyguard on the door doesn't laugh at his wonder or manhandle him around but instead, clears his throat to get his attention.
"You got t'remove yer jacket an' holsters," he says, gravelly tones not consistent with his manners and flawless suit, even if his accent errs towards commonality. A meaty hand opens but Mordecai doesn't immediately comply, the idea of being without his pistol in the current climate giving him pause. The bodyguard doesn't become defensive, only adding. "No weapons at th'table, Kosher. Boss' orders."
The assumption everyone else was honest and gave up all their weapons doesn't sit well with the tom, but he hasn't got much choice; his position amongst these men is arguably the least stable. Should he be found to retain weapons after an explicit request to remove them, he likely won't walk out of this room alive, but be carried out in an old suitcase by an unlucky team of underlings from the diner next door. 
So he shrugs off his jacket a moment later, handing it to the large tabby before unclipping his holster. The letter opener still resting in his inside jacket pocket, he raises a pants leg to retrieve Jimbo's stolen switchblade from his sock garter, a swift flick of the wrist turning it around for the bodyguard to safely procure. The tabby takes everything in arm before motioning to the other side of the room apparently trusting him. "Have a good nigh'." 
Following his gesture and finally noticing the many eyes on him, dark ears turn backwards before he can suppress the anxious response. The ensuing awkwardness is thankfully short-lived; Gabriel stands with a cigar pinched between his sharp teeth and his face cracked into a broad smile. 
"Kosher!" He exclaims the greeting, looking almost casual in just a shirt and suspenders, collar unbuttoned and tie loose. He closes the distance between them swiftly and embraces Mordecai, pulling the stiff feline into a brief hug that ends as the pale persian pulls back and digs sharp claws into tensed biceps. "Glad you could make it! The boys didn't think you'd come, being… you know. Kosher, and all."
Mordecai can't tell if the man refers to his inherent character or his ancestry, but he doesn't have time to ruminate before Gabriel has an arm around his shoulders and is walking him towards the crowded table. "Let's get you introduced, yeah. Want a drink? Old Frank - that lug on the door - will find you anything you want, so what's your poison, eh? How about a scotch on the rocks? You look like a classic kind of guy."
With a lot of information to suddenly process, Mordecai lets Gabriel's incessant questions ground him, tearing emerald eyes away from the crowded table to meet yellowed irises. "While I appreciate the offer, I don't drink," he states, unsure if it's rude to refuse liquor, but definitely not about to indulge. "If I may enquire, what else is available? I'm partial to tea, in particular an Earl Gray."
The persian chuckles softly, as do a number of others at the table. Mordecai ignores them; he's quite used to being the comedic relief by now. "You don't come to Christmas poker and drink tea," Gabriel asserts, pausing to suck on his cigar before taking it from his teeth, heavy smoke leaking from his nose and mouth as he taps Mordecai's chest affectionately. "Tell you what; I'll get Frank and Kendall to bring up a couple of those cordials and soft drinks they sell in the diner. Maybe you'll find something else you like as much as tea."
Mordecai twists his lips with disbelief. "I highly doubt that," he mutters under his breath, then sighs in defeat. "Very well. I'm sure something will be… adequate."
"There ya go," Gabriel praises, jostling his shoulder with his iron grip and chuckling deep in his chest, releasing him to turn back to Frank. The tuxedo's arm is decidedly sore when he finally lets go, and it takes most of his self control not to shudder to dispel the lingering feeling of an unwanted arm around his back. "You heard the man; get Kendall to make a couple of cordials, no skimping on the juice or sugar. We'll sweeten the old butcher up yet!"
The next few minutes are a whirlwind of information as he's introduced to the entirety of the table and their expertise all at once. With the quickfire crash course in underbosses at Gabriel's jovial hand, each man is cataloged by appearance, name and job title only, providing Mordecai with an influx of people to research in his spare time next year, though there are two distinct men the tuxedo takes intricate note at the time of introduction.
First and arguably the most important, the large, black feline at the head of the table. Despite seeming to be of a similar height to most, the silky shorthair possesses a number of exaggerated features compared to his brethren: a heavy brow and large forehead overshadow small eyes so dark, they appear black across the table; an equally heavy set lower jaw; stocky shoulders; and thickly muscled arms.
He greets Mordecai with a smoker's gravel imbued with the deep tones expected from a man of his size, his assertions bringing an end to any idle or other conversations from pure respect. The hand clasping his cards are three times larger than Mordecai's finely dextrous ones, while his shoes could comfortably house a feral cat and her litter in a pinch, their toe caps enforced with steel for integrity over utility.
This is Stanley Savage, current head of the family, the man who plucked Mordecai from his comfortable position running the races and pressed implements of torture into his hands. The tuxedo greets him politely, complementing the home as his mother raised him to, even as the suppressed distaste for his abusive role simmers angrily beneath the surface 
He could be Hashem Himself, Mordecai would still hate the man who cost him the dregs of his morality just as fervently.
Second, the predominantly white feline sat at Savages's right hand. Accented with sandy yellow splashed with black, incomplete spots, most of this colouration favours his dorsal area, though it covers his ears and face, and even coats the backs of his hands. His suit is immaculate, jacket still worn over an armed shoulder holster. Calculating, narrowed green eyes study the newest addition to the inner circle.
Sipping his scotch and holding eye contact seamlessly with the tuxedo, the speckled feline nods wordlessly when he's introduced; Jackson Jameson, personal triggerman and as required, bodyguard for the Savage family boss. As the only man at the table openly armed, it's obvious he's considered more trustworthy than anyone else in the room, something Mordecai makes explicit note of as he's shown to the empty seat at the other end of the long table.
Despite Mordecai's initial uncertainties, the small gathering is surprisingly amicable; most conversation revolves around the rapidly changing work environments each man has had to deal with these last few months, rising amenity costs and a lament of fewer excess funds for seasonal gifts or their preferred vices. Mordecai is generally quiet unless engaged directly, though he doesn't share much personal information. He talks only of the business troubles, and the closing of his launderette, which placates most of their questions.
One man however - Kimberly Daugherton, a particularly small and weasley looking man with numerous furless scars adoring his muzzle and face - has an unhealthy interest in the tom's torture moonlights, making uncomfortable queries regarding his favourite tools, technique and 'soft spots'. He's a disquieting little man with a twitchy demeanour that Mordecai is thankful not to be seated directly next to, but that doesn't make his queries or suggestions any less repulsive to the unconventional butcher.
Having enough after a particularly vulgar description of how to disembowel a man without killing him outright, Mordecai places his empty glass of cordial - a delightful tart cranberry and raspberry, with a touch of soda water - aside with more force than necessary. "If you're so desperate for a demonstration," he states coldy, staring at the man who sinks regretfully into his seat under those sharp eyes. "I'll request my switchblade returned and provide a personal experience of my favourite techniques. How does that sound, Mister Daugherton?"
"N-No, th-thank you," the small feline stutters out, oversized gray ears pressing to his skull and he fidgets nervously with a napkin in his lap, intensely focused on its crinkled edges. "I-I'm good. So good! All… good." A rolling chuckle echoes around the table, especially as Kimberly makes excuses to leave a few minutes later, missing the poker game entirely.
It swiftly becomes apparent Mordecai is terrible at poker; as Gabriel would express through a rolling chuckle. "The poker face is only half the game," he explains after Mordecai folds on a bad hand in the first round. "You have to bluff, make us think your hand is average even when you got a flush in the wings, so we go in thinking we got you beat with a three of a kind and bet recklessly. That's now you win big."
He understands the logic, but the concept is irrational, so he continues to play as he had before and ends with almost as many chips as he started. While the other players don't see it as successful, Mordecai does. He retained his integrity and most of his fabricated funds, a true win compared to those undermining their trustworthiness for a simple game. 
Though the event continues until almost three on Christmas morning - and despite the heavy smoke, slowly intoxicated company and being absolutely awful at poker - the evening is not as unpleasant as Mordecai feared. His coworkers are cordial and respectful, refraining from anti-semitic humour the entire evening, even when issues arose during dinner, and Mordecai is returned to his apartment full, content and surprisingly jovial.
Mordecai may not be fond of much of his profession, but he finally seems to be reaping the rewards of his hard work and sacrifices. It puts a smile on thin lips, even as he's forced to layer three blankets to stay warm; life is somewhat good, and it can surely only get better from here.
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mikazuki-juuichi · 1 year
Food Tour (Such terrible hatred extra)
Fourth drabble written while recovering. Hope you all like!
H Drabble 4: Food Tour.
By: Yawar.
Fandom: In continuity with my "Such terrible hatred".
0: Date.
The brown horse repeated the plan, almost lingering on each syllable. "Food Tour. Across two weeks in the City. In lieu of a vacation proper?"
"That's right," said his roly-poly fox. "Sice we can't quite afford a trip to the beach like the others and neither of us feels like spending another spring break with our families --why not have some fun of our own, in our own way?"
'The others' were only four of the neighbors --Shen and Eduardo off to Acapulco, Roberto and Benito to Veracruz --but the point kinda stood. And the plan sounded, well, feasible. Visiting each of their favorite food spots, taking turns. Leaving space to calculate expenses, and so that neither of them got sick from over-eating or drinking. A two-week date, basically.
"Okay --let's do it!" was the only thing left to said. "Whose choice first?!"
1: Burger Bar Joint.
Next evening, the first choice; David's. A relatively fancy neighborhood. Roma, downtown, within walkind distance of their Zona Rosa. Tucked between two expensive fanchises --but the 'BBJ' looked more like an old fashioned 80's place, all red tiles and industrial decoration.
The waiters knew David pretty well. It seemed he used to be a regular here, not that long ago. So they got a nice double table, well iluminated, in full view of the bar. David ordered for them --two specials to share.
Fried cheese balls covered in panko, with a white sauce to dip in. Melty and hot!
Cheese fingers in a lettuce bed, with arrabiata sauce to dip in --and this was just the entrée!
To wash it doewn, one alcholic drink, one not, both still to share. A large glass of Dr. Pepper with a scoop of lemon ice cream floating in it. And a vanilla malt shake with Frangelico.
It all mixed into a heady cloud --Moctezuma wondered if they'd fall into a food coma here and now.
"Darling," he said. "Next one's gonna be a salad place."
"Sounds good to me!" said a chipper David, offering a loopy yet friendly smile. "But first, the main event --burgers!"
A regular-sized one and a huge one, both split down the middle.
The first, fried chicken breast, mayonnaise, shredded lettuce, tomatoes. Yummy, simple and good!
The second was a thick beef patty, caramelized onion rings, fried potato chips --and a fried egg, dripping yolk into the whole thing! Well, good thing Mexico City had never had salmonella cases!
"My God!!" Moctezuma both cheered and wailed. "It'd make a perfect last meal!"
David chuckled. "Can't wait to try your salad place! Be a good respite," he said between satisfied bites.
2: Monte Kailas.
Two days later here they were --South of the city, Univerity district. The neighborhood known as Ciudad Universitaria. But at his hour, early afternoon, most of the students and teachers are safely locked in class, so it's easier to find a place to eat.
This one was a floor and a half tall, decorated kinda like a waterfall oasis. All white, minty green, bright and filled with plastic plants.
"Found this when I worked as a courier," Moctezuma explained. "Nice and not too expensive, nor too filling! Let's see now." It's his turn to order for them.
First, a large jar of watermelon juice topped with all sort of shredded berries. Refreshing, suprisingly sweet!
Tiny sandwiches. Baked multigrain bread, cream cheese, avocado, cherry tomatoes --and what tastes like honey mustard, lightly applied.
"I guess it's more for horses?" Moctezuma quips.
"No --we foxes were omnivorous back in the prehistoric days, they say," David half-jests back.
And after this tiny treat --salads!
A tiny but spectacular Caprese. Medallions of fresh white cheese sprinkled with pesto and assorted pepper slices.
And a big one, the house special. An explosion of green and yellow vegetables and fruits --mango, yellow apple, celery, green apple, guava, melon, tortilla chips, and even assorted seeds! All dipped in an incredible cilantro mayonnaise!
"I see what you love about this!!" David let out. He chewed the mango and pepper together, savoring the mix of sweet and spicy. "It's a whole meal course in a few dishes!"
Moctezuma grinned at him, reaching under the table to quickly pat his boyfriend's tight. Washing down a big bite with more ice-cold watermelon juice. When he finished gulping the sweet nectar down, he said: "What've you got planned next? More meat mountains?"
"Not at all! But it'll be powerful, you'll see!"
3. Quesadillas Abuelita Coni.
Off to the opposite side of the city, the North. Another academic district, Politécnico.
Tucked between a planetarium and an old cinema that is now used as a pseudo-museum. A tiny yet cozy place with small wooden tables and wicker chairs. Barely a floor tall.
"And it only serves quesadillas?" Moctezuma inquired, looking around.
"Yes, but what quesadillas!" Quietly, David added: "The drinks are nothing special --but even so, you'll see!"
For one thing, the meal was deep-fried to a crispy brown --the aroma was both mouth and eye watering.
Order: Two plain string cheese, two potatoes and cheese, two ham slice and cheese. Accompained by the house jalapeño sauce and by an order of half-cream. To wash it down --plain juice boxes, grape and apple.
Hot and greasy o yes --but oh! So, so creamy and it mixed incredibly well with both cream and sauce!
"NO, okay!" said Moctezuma. "I can see how addictive this could be!"
"I think I actually did get hooked up on these for a bit!" David replied halfway through a generous bite. "Had to force myself to cut back to once a month max. By the way, have you seen the other tables?"
Everyone around, to a T it seemed, was having something of a food orgasm. Eyes rolled back, tails wagging or at least curly.
Moctezuma nearly hooted. "Then, for my next choice --dessert!"
4. Helado Oscuro.
South of the city again... a little more to the East. Past second-hand bookstores, and a huge theatre. Coyoacán neighborhood. Next to a more famous but horribly expensive restaurant ("Grossly expensive!" said Moctezuma) --and then here it is, a dark small place that's easy to miss at first. Literally painted black inside, but with bright fluorecent lights overhead and purple vynil chairs. And very bright menus advertising all sorts of artisanal ice cream flavors.
Not a singe conventional one! Sangria. Doll kiss. Rum and coke. Rose petal. Rosé wine. Starfruit. And that's barely the top of the menú!
What to get, how could one possibly choose? But Moctezuma already thought of that: "Sampler. A tiny spoonful of --every flavor!"
David had braced himself for both a sugar rush and a brain freeze. No... so many of the flavors are savory --or even sour! And explosion of chilly flavors... The aftertaste was unique, too --good thing they have free sparkling water to wash it all down. And that was just the first row of the samples.  
5. Tacos El Paisa.
More to the West no, in the frontier between two very different neighborhoods, La Raza and Azcapotzalco. Now there's several taco places in these two blocks as a matter of fact. But this one is unmissable. Full to the brim, each formica table full of enthusiastic clients. And yet somehow they get a table very fast.
Two identical orders, very specific ones. Three tacos al pastor in corn tortillas, two steak and cheese in flour tortillas. Two tepaches to wash it down --a mildly alcoholic pineapple drink. Why this? Because these are too small to share, have to be tasted in full.
Pastor! Slowly roasted seasoned pork, pineapple, cilantro, onion, lemon drops. Grease dripping everwhere. Scrumptious! Steak! White cheese melting into the steak bits, cushioned by the thick tortilla. And the fruity tepache helps it all go down smoothly.
"Same order again?" says an amused Moctezuma, winking.
"Up to you," David winks back. "Once you get the first taste you can choose your own rhytm!"
"Speaking of that... I think I know the next choice. Hope you don't mind getting up early, though."
He doesn't, even if the ambience here calls for a long night. It's all so jolly, so warm. Then again, no one stays here for that long, or they'd pig out so to speak.
6. El Diletto.
Indeed: Barely dawn and they are on the way for breakfast. Where? North of the city, residential neighborhood Lindavista, about an hour from home by public transportation. Had to take the early subway train fueled only by insant coffee and half a toast each.
Here is the place, just opening now in fact. It looks like a tiny bar behind a newstand? Ah, no, up to the second story... on to a beautiful roof garden surrounded by rubber palm leaves. Very few tables, about half of them occupied by families. For them, a tiny black one with a view of the still idle street below.
Curious order: Green juice, black coffee, couple pastries to share, polvorón de naranja. Bacon and cheese omelette, sprinkled with sliced cherry tomatoes and arugula. Per Moctezuma's instructions, cut a slice of the omelette, gather it in torta bread, sprinkle a bit of green sauce on top...
"Whoah!" David lets out. "How's it so many flavors at once?"
"Chef's secret," says Moctezuma in between pleased bites. "Now, try the rest."
Bittersweet juice, firm sugary pastry, stout coffee. Smoother than David expected. "Did you use to come here with your family?" he asks.
Moctezuma shakes his head no. "This used to have live music, and a friend got the gig a couple times. But the samplers we got, love!"
"Samplers..." David says the word like a revelation, tasting it. He knows what his next choice is --dinner this time.
7. Dave's Pizza Tortas.
Very different choice for sure. This one is located in the converted basement of a housing complex deep on the other side of the City, in a blue-collar neighborhood, Pedregal. Said former basement has become something of a street  food market. All small stalls and so, so many deep-fried and sugary aromas floating up to them. Heading to a a well-lit one on the left corner, wading amongst the sea of people.
Soon they are sharing an even smaller table than last time. White formica, just outside the glare of the white halogen lamps. Two fruit soda bottles. Paper plate colding an enormous torta split in two. Big plastic bowl filled to the brim with spaghetti, topped with thick ham slices.
David and Moctezuma swirl their plastic forks in the hot, orange pasta.
"The funny part is that I usually order this as take-out," says David. "So I thought that coming directly to the source would be... I dunno, an experience. Also these are, not kidding... Mighty. Very, very filling, see..."
"No kidding indeed," says Moctezuma after slurping a couple strands. "I can tell by the amount of grease alone."
The flavor has a neat quality. It somehow expands as they chew. And then the ham slices reveal fresh avocado underneath. It all mixes into a surprisingly balanced bite. The soda is at first glance nothing special. But it's the rare kind that is not too bubbly, not two sweet. Doesn't sting the tip of one's tongue. Then, the torta. Warm, soft bread. Well-cooked meat --pork, sausage-- cheese --both string and cheddar--, bean paste, cream. One festive bite, that's the word for it!
But it *is* most definitely filling. This one they are not actually able to finish in site, have to take some of it to go.
Which amuses David. "And to think I used to gorge on these all by myself every so many lonely nights! You know, it's so much better shared like this..."
Moctezuma reaches for David's hand. Holds it. Squeezes it. "I do know it."
And so that leaves only one possible choice for the next and last place.
8. Pizza Amore.
This tiny little place in Zona Rosa, steps away from Nicho's bar... where they had their first date. When they first met, that one unforgettable night that extended all the way to the morning...
So, four slices of whatever was ready, any beverages... and it's all perfect.  Sausage, peperoni, olives, mushrooms. Basic cokes.
"So..." David ventures when they get out into the chilly afternoon. He zips up his fleece-lined jacket. "What do you think? Not bad for a vacation substitute?"
Moctezuma meanwhile seems impervious to the weather in his long-sleeved button-up shirt. "Substitute?" He places an arm around David's shoulders, draws him close. "Darling, it was the best vacation of all time!"
So they remain, close as toast and butter, all the way back home.
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mostcursedofpastas · 1 year
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[Image description: a screenshot from Columbo. A woman is taking a bubble bath in a deep tile-lined tub that is sunk into a platform. Three steps wrap around the edges and lead to the lip of the tub. The steps and floor are carpeted in an astonishingly ugly dull mustard yellow. The walls are covered in a sort of cream and red brocade wallpaper.]
This Columbo episode was extremely disturbing.
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chickawah23 · 2 years
Track 2 on MidnighTS: Maroon
Taylor’s fireplace tiles are fall colors: maroon, hunter green, and mustard yellow, as specified in her tiktok video recreating her old tumblr post about fall.
With my favorite vagina tiles.
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I hope this is a secretly sexy song.
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itnseo87 · 5 days
Trending Color Combination for Modular Kitchen in 2024
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Source of info:https://www.regalokitchens.com/trending-color-combination-for-modular-kitchen-in-2024.php
Discover the most popular color trends for the modular kitchen in 2024, where bold mixes soft in a smooth balance of design and usage. From natural colors with bright highlights to deep blues with warm brass, these popular combinations are sure to convert your kitchen into a modern masterpiece. Allow Regalo Kitchens to help you in selecting the perfect color scheme that expresses your unique personality while also improving the overall look of your house.
1. Earthy Tones with a Splash of Vibrancy
One of the most popular trends in 2024 is the use of natural colors like browns, beiges, and terracottas, paired with bright accessories. This combination adds comfort and an earthy sense to the modular kitchen , while the splashes of color offer an updated look. Think about a kitchen with walnut cabinetry coupled with a vibrant blue backsplash or mustard yellow highlights. This combination of muted and bright colors provides a balanced yet exciting room, perfect for individuals who enjoy a touch of nature with a modern twist.
2. Classic Black and White with Metallic Accents
The iconic black-and-white combination remains popular, but in 2024, it will be upgraded with metallic touches. Think about a clean black countertop with white cabinets, highlighted by gold or brass knobs and light fittings. This color combination results in a sense of luxury, making it suitable for a high-end modular kitchen layout. The metallic details offer a touch of glamor, transforming your kitchen from a functional location to a focal point in your house.
3. Soothing Pastels with Deep Contrasts
Pastels have always been associated with calm and serenity, and in 2024, they are making a significant comeback in modular kitchens. Soft hues like mint green, powder blue, and blush pink are being paired with deeper shades such as navy blue, charcoal, and forest green. This contrast creates a harmonious yet striking visual appeal. For instance, pastel-colored cabinets paired with a dark marble countertop can transform your kitchen into a serene yet stylish haven. Regalo Kitchens recommends this combination for those who seek tranquility with a dash of drama in their kitchen design.
4. Bold Monochromes with Textured Finishes
Monochromatic color choices are becoming increasingly popular in 2024, especially in a modular kitchen. However, the trend is headed away from basic monochromes and toward textured finishes that provide depth and character. Textured cabinet doors, matte finishes, or stone countertops, for example, can liven up a gray-dominated kitchen. This design is excellent for people who want a basic yet powerful look. Regalo Kitchens suggests experimenting with different tones of the same color and bringing together different textures to create an overall yet attractive kitchen design.
5. Vibrant Green with Natural Wood
Green is the color of nature, and in 2024, it will be a popular choice for a modular kitchen. Combining brilliant greens with natural wood pieces pulls the outside elements inside, resulting in a fresh and organic atmosphere. Imagine a kitchen with olive green cabinets and wooden counters or shelves—this combination feels both fashionable and classic. The natural wood tones compliment the green, making the kitchen feel cozy and welcoming. Regalo Kitchens believes that this style is great for people looking to create a room that is both modern and connected with nature.
6. Warm Neutrals with Bold Patterns
Cool colors like blue, brown, and soft grays are always popular, but in 2024, they're being combined with bright patterns to offer personality and style to modular kitchen areas. Think about combining neutral-colored cabinetry with a colorful, patterned wall or floor tiles. This combination allows you to keep the overall design simple while adding uniqueness with patterns. It's the perfect combination of simplicity and creative thinking for individuals who value simple beauty with a touch of originality.
7. Deep Blues with Warm Brass
As kitchens become increasingly small, the demand for smart storage solutions is now even higher. Deep blues, such as navy and royal blue, are going to be popular in 2024. When combined with warm brass accessories, they provide a rich and stylish environment in the kitchen. A navy blue kitchen island with brass fittings and lights could serve as the main focus of your modular kitchen. This color scheme is perfect for people looking to create an interesting but classy impression. Regalo Kitchens suggests mixing this concept into a kitchen that is both traditional and contemporary.
Why Choose Regalo Kitchens for Your Modular Kitchen?
Regalo Kitchens understands that your kitchen is more than simply a cooking area; it is the centerpiece of the interior of your home. That is why we stay ahead of the trends in order to provide you with the most latest in modular kitchen styles. Our skilled staff is dedicated to helping you in selecting the best color combinations that represent your taste while also improving the functioning of your kitchen. With our attention to detail and loyalty to quality, we ensure that your built-in kitchen is not only attractive to look at but also long-lasting.
The color choices you select for your modular kitchen can transform it from a plain cooking area to a fashionable and useful place that helps to the overall look of your house. In 2024, the trends focus around achieving a balance between aggression and delicateness, modernization and nature. Whether you like earthy tones with bright highlights or deep blues with warm brass, there is a trend to fit your taste and lifestyle.
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aldybuilders · 20 days
How to Choose the Perfect Color Scheme for Your San Jose Kitchen Renovation
Renovating your kitchen is one of the most exciting and rewarding home improvement projects. It gives you the chance to breathe new life into your space, improve functionality, and, of course, add a personal touch. But with so many options out there, choosing the perfect color scheme can feel overwhelming. Especially in a city like home remodeling san jose, where modern trends meet cozy suburban charm, the choice becomes even more impactful. So, how do you choose a color scheme that works for both style and practicality? Let's walk through some tips to help you make that decision easier.
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1. Consider Your Kitchen's Natural Light
San Jose enjoys plenty of sunshine, but how much light your kitchen receives should influence your color choices. Natural light can make your kitchen appear brighter and more spacious, allowing you to play with darker hues like navy blue, charcoal, or forest green without making the room feel cramped. On the other hand, if your kitchen is on the darker side, you’ll want to opt for lighter tones like white, cream, or light pastels to brighten up the space.
2. Match the Color with Your Home’s Overall Theme
Since San Jose features a mix of architectural styles, from modern minimalist to Spanish-style homes, it’s essential to keep your kitchen in sync with the rest of your house. For modern homes, neutral palettes like gray, white, or black paired with metallic accents can create a sleek look. If you’re renovating a Spanish-style kitchen, warm colors like terracotta, mustard yellow, and rich browns will complement the home’s earthy charm.
3. Focus on Functionality
Kitchens are high-traffic areas, so your color scheme should be as practical as it is beautiful. Lighter colors may create a clean and airy vibe, but they can show stains and wear more quickly. For example, if you love the look of white cabinets, consider using a more durable, easy-to-clean finish. Darker shades are more forgiving and can hide smudges, but they can also make the space feel smaller, so balance them out with lighter countertops or backsplashes.
4. Complement Your Cabinets and Countertops
Your cabinets and countertops are major focal points in your kitchen, and they will largely determine how your color scheme comes together. If you’re installing new cabinets, you have more flexibility in choosing a color scheme, but if you're working with existing cabinetry, make sure the colors you choose complement each other. For example, white cabinets with gray or blue undertones pair well with dark granite countertops. If your cabinets are a wood tone, look for colors that bring out the natural beauty of the wood, such as warm whites or olive greens.
5. Take Inspiration from San Jose’s Natural Beauty
San Jose's scenic views and lush landscapes can serve as great inspiration for your color scheme. Earthy tones like sandy beige, leafy green, or sky blue can bring the outdoors inside and create a tranquil kitchen atmosphere. Pair these natural hues with materials like stone countertops, wooden floors, or tile backsplashes for an organic and welcoming feel.
6. Go Bold with an Accent Wall or Island
If you're hesitant about committing to a bold color for the entire kitchen, why not test it out with an accent wall or island? These smaller areas allow you to play with bright or dark colors without overwhelming the space. A deep teal or emerald green island, for example, can be a striking feature in an otherwise neutral kitchen. Similarly, a bold backsplash or wall behind the stove can add a pop of personality while keeping the overall look cohesive.
7. Think About Your Future
While it's tempting to go for trendy colors, you also want to ensure your kitchen’s color scheme remains appealing for years to come. Neutral and timeless colors tend to have better longevity and resale value. Whites, grays, and soft blues are great for creating a classic look that won’t go out of style. That said, if you’re planning on staying in your home long-term, don’t be afraid to add some personal flair—just balance it with neutral elements to ensure the room doesn’t feel too trendy.
8. Use a 60-30-10 Rule
When choosing your color scheme, consider following the 60-30-10 rule: 60% of your kitchen’s color should come from your walls and cabinets, 30% from your flooring and countertops, and 10% from accents like decor, lighting fixtures, and bar stools. This rule helps create balance while giving your space a cohesive yet dynamic feel. For example, you might choose white or cream for your walls and cabinets (60%), light gray for your countertops and floors (30%), and add a splash of color with yellow or teal accents (10%).
9. Get Samples and Test Before Committing
Before making any final decisions, it's always a good idea to get paint samples and test them on different walls in your kitchen. Colors can look drastically different depending on the lighting and time of day. You can also get samples of tiles, countertops, and flooring to see how everything works together. Taking the time to test before you commit can save you from costly mistakes down the line.
10. Consult with a Professional
If you’re feeling stuck or overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to consult with a professional interior designer or contractor. Many San Jose-based contractors have years of experience designing kitchens and can help you choose the best color scheme to match your style, budget, and the unique features of your home.
Choosing the perfect color scheme for your Kitchen Remodeling Contractor San Jose can seem daunting, but with a little thought and planning, you can create a space that’s beautiful, functional, and uniquely yours. By considering factors like natural light, home architecture, and personal style, you can achieve a balanced, timeless look that’ll make your San Jose kitchen the heart of your home.
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regalokitchen1 · 27 days
Creative Ideas to Style Your Modular Kitchen
Source Info: https://www.regalokitchens.com/creative-ideas-to-style-your-modular-kitchen.php
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With unique concepts personalized to a modular kitchen, you can transform your kitchen into a stylish and practical room more easily than before. There are many methods to make your kitchen shine out, including bold color schemes, innovative storage solutions, and unique tiling designs. Regalo Kitchens provides professional advice and customized options to help you create a kitchen with modular design that exactly represents your taste while improving performance and comfort.
1. Play with Color Schemes
Color is a strong element in interior design, and decorating your modular kitchen can completely transform the room. To add energy to your kitchen, choose bright colors such as green, mustard yellow, or even strong red. Basic colors such as whites, grays, and beiges provide a more beautiful style that is everlasting. Regalo Kitchens has a wide range of color choices and finishes that can be personalized to your unique style, making sure your customized kitchen represents what you love.
2. Incorporate Smart Storage Solutions
One of the most important advantages of a modular kitchen is its effective use of space. Think about including clever storage options like pull-out cabinets, corner units, and vertical storage to improve functionality. These pieces not only make the best use of the available space, but also offer a touch of originality to your kitchen. Regalo Kitchens specializes in designing unique storage solutions that are both functional and physically beautiful, making sure all of the space of your kitchen is used to its best abilities.
3. Mix and Match Materials
The use of different supplies in your modular kitchen might result in an interesting and attractive environment. For example, mixing glossy countertops with matte-finish cabinetry could give depth in the area. Similarly, mixing natural materials like wood with industrial features like stainless steel may result in a modern yet inviting atmosphere. Regalo Kitchens provides a wide range of materials and finishes that can be combined to create a unique and stylish functional kitchen.
4. Focus on Lighting
Lighting is important to the overall atmosphere of your modular kitchen. To create a well-lit attractive area, use a combination of task lighting, ambient lighting, and accent lighting. Pendant lights above the kitchen island, as well as under-cabinet lighting, can offer both style and usefulness. Regalo Kitchens understands the value of lighting in kitchen design and offers a variety of lighting options that can be adjusted to your unique requirements.
5. Incorporate Open Shelving
Open shelving is a popular concept in modular kitchen remodeling that combines looks and usefulness. It lets you showcase your favorite cookware, giving a personal touch to the room. Also, open shelving can make a small kitchen look larger and more spacious. Regalo Kitchens will help you in designing open shelving units that are not only functional but also improve the look of your kitchen.
6. Add a Kitchen Island
A kitchen island is a multifunctional component of any modular kitchen. It can be used as a preparation area, eating space, or storage container. Make your kitchen island stand out by choosing different supplies or colors. For example, if your cabinets are in a bright color, use a dark island. Regalo Kitchens provides unique kitchen islands that can be customized to the overall design of your kitchen.
7. Personalize with Backsplash Designs
The tiles on the backsplash is a sometimes ignored part in kitchen design, but it provides an excellent opportunity to bring some personality into your room. Whether you want traditional subway tiles, multicolored mosaics, or even mirrored backsplashes, there are many options available. Regalo Kitchens offers a variety of tile designs that can be customized to what you want, guaranteeing that your built-in kitchen has a unique appearance.
8. Consider Eco-Friendly Options
Sustainability is becoming increasingly important in interior design, and your modular kitchen is no different. To reduce your kitchen's environmental impact, think about using eco-friendly materials such as bamboo or recycled wood for the cabinets, as well as energy-saving appliances. Regalo Kitchens is committed to providing sustainable kitchen solutions that are both fashionable and environmentally friendly.
9. Incorporate Multifunctional Furniture
Space is often a problem in kitchens with modular design. To make the best use of your space, try using flexible furniture like a dining table that serves as a prep station or a storage bench that can also be used as sitting. Regalo Kitchens will help you in designing multipurpose furniture items that fit perfectly into your kitchen, improving both usefulness and style.
10. Integrate Technology
The use of smart technology in modern kitchens is growing in popularity as a way to improve effectiveness and ease of use. Regalo Kitchens is at the top of kitchen design trends, providing the latest in smart kitchen technology to make your kitchen not only beautiful but also the latest and greatest. From touchless taps to smart ovens that can be controlled through your smartphone, there are many ways to include technology into your modular kitchen.
Putting your own style into a modular kitchen is a fun way to make it really your own. Through the use of creative designs like bright color options, smart solutions for organization, and customized wall patterns, you can turn your kitchen into a beautiful and useful room that complements your house. You can be confident that your custom-built kitchen will be expertly designed and truly representative of your lifestyle and personality when Regalo Kitchens is on your side.
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bloomnails · 1 month
Top 7 Stunning Kitchen Interior Designs for 2024
The kitchen is the heart of the home, where functionality meets style. As we step into 2024, kitchen interior design continues to evolve, blending innovative features with timeless aesthetics. Whether you're planning a complete renovation or just looking for some inspiration, these top 7 stunning kitchen interior designs will help you create a space that is both practical and beautiful. Let's explore the latest trends that are set to dominate kitchen interiors this year, with a special focus on the innovative solutions offered by Q Oak Interiors—a leading name in kitchen interior design in Bangalore.
1. Sleek Minimalism: Less is More
Minimalism continues to be a strong trend in kitchen interior design, especially for those who prefer a clean, clutter-free space. In 2024, this style is characterized by simple lines, neutral colors, and functional layouts that emphasize openness and light. Handleless cabinets, integrated appliances, and a monochrome color scheme are key features of this design.
To add a touch of warmth, consider using natural materials like wood or stone for countertops and flooring. A minimalist kitchen doesn't mean sacrificing personality; you can introduce subtle textures or pops of color through backsplash tiles, bar stools, or light fixtures.
Q Oak Interiors excels in crafting minimalist kitchens that exude sophistication. Their designs ensure that every element serves a purpose, creating a harmonious balance between form and function.
2. Bold and Vibrant Colors: Make a Statement
While minimalism reigns supreme, 2024 also sees a resurgence of bold, vibrant colors in kitchen interiors. From deep blues and rich greens to terracotta and mustard yellows, these hues bring energy and personality to your kitchen interior design. The key is to balance these strong colors with neutral tones or natural materials to avoid overwhelming the space.
Colored cabinetry is a popular way to introduce this trend. For instance, a navy blue island can become the focal point of the kitchen, contrasted by white or light grey surrounding cabinets. Additionally, open shelving in a contrasting color can add visual interest and allow you to showcase your favorite dishes and glassware.
For those looking to embrace color, Q Oak Interiors offers customized solutions that incorporate bold tones without compromising on elegance or cohesion.
3. Smart Kitchens: The Future is Now
The integration of technology into kitchen interior design has been on the rise, and in 2024, smart kitchens are more sophisticated than ever. Smart appliances, such as refrigerators with touchscreens, voice-activated lighting, and automated faucets, are becoming standard features in modern kitchens. These innovations not only enhance convenience but also contribute to a more sustainable and energy-efficient home.
Moreover, smart storage solutions, like cabinets with built-in charging stations or drawers that open with a simple tap, are revolutionizing the way we use kitchen space. These features can be seamlessly integrated into any design style, from contemporary to traditional.
Q Oak Interiors is at the forefront of incorporating smart technology into their kitchen designs, ensuring that your kitchen is not only beautiful but also equipped for the future.
4. Nature-Inspired Designs: Bringing the Outdoors In
In 2024, nature-inspired designs continue to gain popularity, reflecting a desire to bring the calming influence of the outdoors into our homes. This trend is characterized by the use of natural materials, earthy tones, and organic shapes that create a sense of tranquility and connection with nature.
Wooden cabinetry, stone countertops, and terrazzo floors are key elements of this design style. Incorporating indoor plants or a living wall can further enhance the natural feel of the space. Large windows that allow for plenty of natural light and views of the outdoors are also a staple of nature-inspired kitchens.
Q Oak Interiors kitchen interior design in bangalore  specializes in creating nature-inspired kitchens that are both serene and stylish. Their designs effortlessly blend natural elements with modern conveniences, resulting in a space that feels both fresh and timeless.
5. Open-Concept Kitchens: Space for Socializing
Open-concept kitchens have been a favorite for several years, and they continue to be a top trend in 2024. This design blurs the lines between the kitchen and the living or dining areas, creating a cohesive space for cooking, dining, and socializing. The open layout makes the kitchen the focal point of the home, perfect for entertaining guests or keeping an eye on the kids while preparing meals.
To achieve this look, consider removing walls or opting for a kitchen island that doubles as a dining area. Integrating the kitchen with the rest of the home allows for greater flexibility in design, enabling you to experiment with different textures, materials, and colors.
Q Oak Interiors excels in designing open-concept kitchens that are both functional and inviting. Their expertise ensures a seamless flow between spaces, enhancing the overall harmony of your home.
6. Luxury Finishes: Elevate Your Space
For those who want to add a touch of opulence to their kitchen, luxury finishes are the way to go. In 2024, expect to see a rise in the use of high-end materials such as marble, quartz, and brass. These materials add a sense of luxury and sophistication to the kitchen, transforming it into a truly stunning space.
Consider incorporating a marble countertop or a quartz backsplash for a sleek and elegant look. Brass or gold fixtures, including faucets, handles, and light fittings, can add a touch of glamor without overwhelming the space. For a more subtle approach, you can also opt for luxurious lighting options, such as crystal chandeliers or pendant lights, that create a focal point in the kitchen.
Q Oak Interiors offers a range of luxury finishes that can be tailored to your preferences, ensuring that your kitchen interior design reflects your unique style and taste.
7. Sustainable Kitchens: Eco-Friendly Design
As sustainability becomes increasingly important, eco-friendly kitchen designs are set to be a major trend in 2024. This trend focuses on using sustainable materials, energy-efficient appliances, and waste-reducing practices to create a kitchen that is both beautiful and kind to the planet.
Bamboo and reclaimed wood are popular choices for cabinetry, while recycled materials are being used for countertops and backsplashes. Energy-efficient appliances, such as induction cooktops and LED lighting, reduce energy consumption and help lower utility bills. Additionally, incorporating a composting system or a recycling station into your kitchen design can further enhance its eco-friendliness.
Q Oak Interiors is committed to sustainable design practices, offering eco-friendly kitchen interior design solutions that not only look great but also contribute to a healthier planet.
Why Choose Q Oak Interiors for Your Kitchen Interior Design in Bangalore?
When it comes to kitchen interior design in Bangalore, Q Oak Interiors stands out as a leader in the industry. Their team of expert designers is dedicated to creating kitchens that are not only visually stunning but also highly functional. Whether you’re drawn to the minimalist aesthetic, interested in sustainable design, or excited about incorporating the latest smart technology, Q Oak Interiors can bring your vision to life.
Here’s why Q Oak Interiors is the best choice for your kitchen interior design needs:
Tailored Solutions: Every kitchen is unique, and Q Oak Interiors kitchen interior design in bangalore takes the time to understand your specific needs and preferences. They offer customized design solutions that are tailored to your lifestyle and the architecture of your home.
Expert Craftsmanship: With years of experience in the industry, Q Oak Interiors is known for their attention to detail and high-quality craftsmanship. They work with the best materials and skilled artisans to ensure that your kitchen is built to last.
Sustainability Focus: For those who prioritize eco-friendly design, Q Oak Interiors offers sustainable kitchen interior design options that minimize environmental impact while maximizing style and functionality.
Smart Technology Integration: Staying ahead of the curve, Q Oak Interiors integrates the latest smart home technology into their kitchen designs, making your kitchen more convenient and efficient.
Project Management: From concept to completion, Q Oak Interiors manages every aspect of your kitchen renovation or design project, ensuring a seamless and stress-free experience.
Competitive Pricing: Quality doesn’t have to come with a hefty price tag. Q Oak Interiors offers competitive pricing without compromising on design or craftsmanship.
Client-Centric Approach: At Q Oak Interiors, the client is at the heart of everything they do. They work closely with you throughout the design process, ensuring that your vision is realized and that you are completely satisfied with the end result.
In 2024, kitchen interior design is all about personalization, innovation, and sustainability. Whether you prefer the sleek lines of minimalism, the boldness of vibrant colors, or the eco-friendliness of sustainable materials, there is a design trend that will resonate with you. By incorporating these top 7 stunning kitchen interior designs into your home, you can create a space that is not only functional but also a reflection of your unique style.
For those looking to bring these trends to life, Q Oak Interiors is the go-to expert for kitchen interior design in Bangalore. With their unparalleled expertise and commitment to quality, they can help you transform your kitchen into a space that you'll love for years to come. Whether you're looking for a complete renovation or just a few updates, Q Oak Interiors has the skills and creativity to make your dream kitchen a reality.
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regalokitchen · 1 month
Creative Ideas to Style Your Modular Kitchen
Originally Posted: https://www.regalokitchens.com/creative-ideas-to-style-your-modular-kitchen.php
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Introduction With unique concepts personalized to a modular kitchen, you can transform your kitchen into a stylish and practical room more easily than before. There are many methods to make your kitchen shine out, including bold color schemes, innovative storage solutions, and unique tiling designs. Regalo Kitchens provides professional advice and customized options to help you create a kitchen with modular design that exactly represents your taste while improving performance and comfort.
Play with Color Schemes Color is a strong element in interior design, and decorating your modular kitchen can completely transform the room. To add energy to your kitchen, choose bright colors such as green, mustard yellow, or even strong red. Basic colors such as whites, grays, and beiges provide a more beautiful style that is everlasting. Regalo Kitchens has a wide range of color choices and finishes that can be personalized to your unique style, making sure your customized kitchen represents what you love.
Incorporate Smart Storage Solutions One of the most important advantages of a modular kitchen is its effective use of space. Think about including clever storage options like pull-out cabinets, corner units, and vertical storage to improve functionality. These pieces not only make the best use of the available space, but also offer a touch of originality to your kitchen. Regalo Kitchens specializes in designing unique storage solutions that are both functional and physically beautiful, making sure all of the space of your kitchen is used to its best abilities.
Mix and Match Materials The use of different supplies in your modular kitchen might result in an interesting and attractive environment. For example, mixing glossy countertops with matte-finish cabinetry could give depth in the area. Similarly, mixing natural materials like wood with industrial features like stainless steel may result in a modern yet inviting atmosphere. Regalo Kitchens provides a wide range of materials and finishes that can be combined to create a unique and stylish functional kitchen.
Focus on Lighting Lighting is important to the overall atmosphere of your modular kitchen. To create a well-lit attractive area, use a combination of task lighting, ambient lighting, and accent lighting. Pendant lights above the kitchen island, as well as under-cabinet lighting, can offer both style and usefulness. Regalo Kitchens understands the value of lighting in kitchen design and offers a variety of lighting options that can be adjusted to your unique requirements.
Incorporate Open Shelving Open shelving is a popular concept in modular kitchen remodeling that combines looks and usefulness. It lets you showcase your favorite cookware, giving a personal touch to the room. Also, open shelving can make a small kitchen look larger and more spacious. Regalo Kitchens will help you in designing open shelving units that are not only functional but also improve the look of your kitchen.
Add a Kitchen Island A kitchen island is a multifunctional component of any modular kitchen. It can be used as a preparation area, eating space, or storage container. Make your kitchen island stand out by choosing different supplies or colors. For example, if your cabinets are in a bright color, use a dark island. Regalo Kitchens provides unique kitchen islands that can be customized to the overall design of your kitchen.
Personalize with Backsplash Designs The tiles on the backsplash is a sometimes ignored part in kitchen design, but it provides an excellent opportunity to bring some personality into your room. Whether you want traditional subway tiles, multicolored mosaics, or even mirrored backsplashes, there are many options available. Regalo Kitchens offers a variety of tile designs that can be customized to what you want, guaranteeing that your built-in kitchen has a unique appearance.
Consider Eco-Friendly Options Sustainability is becoming increasingly important in interior design, and your modular kitchen is no different. To reduce your kitchen's environmental impact, think about using eco-friendly materials such as bamboo or recycled wood for the cabinets, as well as energy-saving appliances. Regalo Kitchens is committed to providing sustainable kitchen solutions that are both fashionable and environmentally friendly.
Incorporate Multifunctional Furniture Space is often a problem in kitchens with modular design. To make the best use of your space, try using flexible furniture like a dining table that serves as a prep station or a storage bench that can also be used as sitting. Regalo Kitchens will help you in designing multipurpose furniture items that fit perfectly into your kitchen, improving both usefulness and style.
Integrate Technology The use of smart technology in modern kitchens is growing in popularity as a way to improve effectiveness and ease of use. Regalo Kitchens is at the top of kitchen design trends, providing the latest in smart kitchen technology to make your kitchen not only beautiful but also the latest and greatest. From touchless taps to smart ovens that can be controlled through your smartphone, there are many ways to include technology into your modular kitchen.
Conclusion Putting your own style into a modular kitchen is a fun way to make it really your own. Through the use of creative designs like bright color options, smart solutions for organization, and customized wall patterns, you can turn your kitchen into a beautiful and useful room that complements your house. You can be confident that your custom-built kitchen will be expertly designed and truly representative of your lifestyle and personality when Regalo Kitchens is on your side.
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jatanainteriors · 2 months
Bathroom Tiles Ideas: Transform Your Space with Style
When it comes to designing a bathroom, tiles play a crucial role in setting the tone and style of the space. Whether you're renovating an old bathroom or building a new one, choosing the right tiles can make all the difference. Here are some innovative bathroom tiles ideas to help you create a stunning and functional bathroom.
Mix and Match Patterns
One of the hottest trends in bathroom design is mixing and matching different tile patterns. By combining various shapes, sizes, and colors, you can create a unique and dynamic look. Consider using geometric patterns on the floor and complementing them with a different pattern on the walls. This approach adds depth and interest to the space without overwhelming it.
Classic Subway Tiles
Subway tiles have been a timeless choice for bathrooms for decades. Their simple, clean lines work well with almost any design style. To add a modern twist, consider arranging them in a herringbone or vertical pattern. This subtle change can make a big impact and give your bathroom a fresh, updated look.
Natural Stone Elegance
For a luxurious and sophisticated bathroom, natural stone tiles are an excellent option. Materials like marble, travertine, and slate bring a touch of elegance and timeless beauty to any bathroom. The unique veining and textures of natural stone create a stunning visual effect that can elevate the entire space.
Bold and Bright Colors
Don't be afraid to experiment with bold and bright colors in your bathroom. Tiles in vibrant hues like teal, mustard yellow, or even deep navy can add a pop of personality and make your bathroom stand out. When using bold colors, it's essential to balance them with neutral tones to avoid overwhelming the space.
Mosaic Magic
Mosaic tiles offer endless possibilities for creativity. Whether you choose tiny glass mosaics or larger ceramic ones, they can be used to create intricate designs and patterns. Consider using mosaic tiles as an accent wall or a backsplash behind the vanity. This adds a focal point to the bathroom and makes it visually appealing.
Green Tiles: A Refreshing Choice
Incorporating green tiles into your bathroom design can bring a refreshing and calming ambiance. Green tiles can range from soft pastel shades to deep emerald tones, allowing you to choose the perfect hue for your space. Adding green tiles in mid of the paragraph will create a soothing environment, making your bathroom a relaxing oasis. They pair beautifully with natural wood elements and white fixtures, creating a harmonious and nature-inspired look.
Textured Tiles for Depth
Textured tiles are an excellent way to add depth and dimension to your bathroom. These tiles come in various designs, from subtle ripples to bold 3D patterns. Textured tiles can be used on walls or floors to create a tactile experience that enhances the overall aesthetic of the space.
Large Format Tiles
Large format tiles are becoming increasingly popular for bathroom designs. These tiles, often measuring 12x24 inches or larger, create a sleek and seamless look with fewer grout lines. They are perfect for modern and minimalist bathrooms, making the space feel larger and more open.
Wood-Look Tiles
If you love the look of wood but want the durability of tiles, wood-look tiles are the perfect solution. These tiles mimic the appearance of natural wood but are much more resistant to moisture and wear. They are an excellent choice for bathroom floors and can also be used on walls to add warmth and texture.
Patterned Floor Tiles
Make a statement with patterned floor tiles. From intricate Moroccan designs to bold geometric patterns, patterned floor tiles can become the focal point of your bathroom. To keep the look balanced, pair them with simple and neutral wall tiles.
Choosing the right bathroom tiles can transform your space into a stylish and functional sanctuary. Whether you prefer classic subway tiles, bold colors, or natural stone, there's a perfect tile option for every design preference. Don't forget to consider incorporating green tiles to bring a refreshing and calming vibe to your bathroom. By experimenting with different patterns, textures, and colors, you can create a unique and inviting bathroom that reflects your personal style.
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bluepaisley · 4 months
From Floor to Fabulous: Transform Your Space with the Hottest Rug and Carpet Trends of 2024
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In the world of interior design, rugs and carpets are not merely floor coverings; they are transformative elements that can elevate any space from mundane to magnificent. As we step into 2024, Canadian homes are embracing a fusion of functionality and style, incorporating the latest trends in rug and carpet design to create stunning living environments. From luxurious textures to bold patterns, let's explore how Canadians are transforming their spaces with the hottest rug and carpet trends of the year. To know more visit Blue Paisley.
Texture is taking center stage in Canadian homes, with plush, tactile surfaces dominating the design landscape. Soft, shaggy rugs reminiscent of cozy winter evenings by the fireplace are experiencing a resurgence in popularity. Canadians are opting for rugs with deep piles and sumptuous materials like wool and silk, adding a touch of luxury to their living spaces. These indulgent textures not only provide warmth and comfort but also create a sensory experience that invites relaxation and serenity.
However, it's not just about softness; Canadians are also embracing the contrast of textures to add visual interest to their interiors. Mixing materials such as leather, jute, and natural fibers with traditional wool or synthetic rugs create depth and dimension in a room. This trend reflects Canada's appreciation for nature and its commitment to sustainability, as homeowners seek eco-friendly options that blend seamlessly with their surroundings.
In addition to texture, Canadians are infusing their spaces with vibrant colors and bold patterns, injecting personality and energy into their interiors. Geometric designs, abstract motifs, and intricate patterns inspired by global cultures are adorning floors across the country. Bold hues like emerald green, sapphire blue, and mustard yellow make a statement, adding warmth and vitality to neutral color palettes.
One notable trend in Canadian homes is the revival of vintage and retro-inspired rugs and carpets. Nostalgic patterns from the '60s and '70s, such as psychedelic swirls and geometric shapes, are making a comeback, capturing the essence of a bygone era while adding a contemporary twist. These retro designs resonate with Canadians' appreciation for nostalgia and their desire to infuse their homes with character and charm.
Another trend that has taken hold in Canadian interior design is the use of statement rugs as focal points in a room. Oversized rugs with bold patterns or vibrant colors are serving as anchors for furniture arrangements, drawing the eye and tying the space together. Whether it's a Persian rug in a traditional living room or a Moroccan-inspired carpet in a modern loft, Canadians are embracing the power of statement rugs to make a lasting impression.
In terms of carpeting, Canadians are gravitating towards sustainable materials and eco-friendly options that prioritize both style and environmental consciousness. Natural fibers like wool, sisal, and seagrass are gaining popularity for their durability, comfort, and eco-friendly credentials. Homeowners are also opting for carpet tiles made from recycled materials, allowing for easy customization and flexibility in design.
In addition to sustainability, Canadians are prioritizing comfort and functionality when choosing carpeting for their homes. Plush, high-pile carpets are ideal for bedrooms and cozy living spaces, providing a soft and inviting surface to sink your toes into. Meanwhile, low-pile carpets with stain-resistant properties are preferred for high-traffic areas like hallways and family rooms, offering durability and ease of maintenance.
As Canadians continue to blur the lines between indoor and outdoor living, outdoor rugs have become a popular choice for patios, decks, and backyard spaces. These durable rugs are crafted from weather-resistant materials like polypropylene and are designed to withstand the elements while adding style and comfort to outdoor entertaining areas. From bold stripes to tropical prints, outdoor rugs allow Canadians to extend their personal style to their outdoor living spaces. In conclusion, the hottest rug and carpet trends of 2024 are transforming Canadian homes into stylish and inviting spaces that reflect the diverse tastes and lifestyles of their inhabitants. From luxurious textures to bold patterns and sustainable materials, Canadians are embracing innovation and creativity to elevate their living environments from floor to fabulous. To know more Contact us Today.
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