#muslim prayer dress online
hidjabaya01 · 2 years
Muslim Abaya Dress
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The Muslim abaya dress is a traditional garment worn by Muslim women to cover the entire body, except for the face, hands, and feet. It is a loose-fitting, full-length gown, typically made of lightweight and breathable materials such as cotton or chiffon. The abaya dress is often embellished with intricate embroidery, beading, or lace, and comes in a variety of colors and styles to suit different occasions. It is an elegant and modest garment that symbolizes the values of piety and modesty in Islamic culture.
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mariacallous · 2 months
Some imams use derogatory language about women in sermons, videos and social media posts, but the official organisation representing the country’s Muslims seems reluctant to take any action.
At Friday prayers in March this year, Shefqet Krasniqi, imam of Pristina’s main Mehmet Fatih mosque, called women who wear mini-skirts “immoral”.
In a video, Krasniqi also accused any girl or woman who exposes their legs of being deliberately provocative. “It sounds like she goes out to provoke other men, to show them what legs she has,” he remarked.
In an interview with television station RTV Dukagjini, Krasniqi doubled down on his sexist viewpoint, adding that “a woman’s place is in the kitchen”.
Krasniqi is not on obscure figure. He has cultivated a large audience at his mosque and on social networks, where he is asked about and comments on women’s roles, often using the same kind of rhetoric.
He was accused of misogyny earlier this year by women’s rights activists in Kosovo after he described popular 62-year-old folk singer Shkurte Fejza of being unreligious.
Krasniqi declined to comment to BIRN about the language he uses in his sermons, also insisting that he was being addressed in an incorrect, non-Islamic way. “Don’t say ‘hello’ to me, say ‘as-salamu alaykum’ instead,” he told BIRN’s journalist.
Sexist views ‘widespread’ among clergy
Although some imams have attracted criticism for sexist views, Krasniqi is far from alone in his attitudes among Muslim clerics in mainly Muslim Kosovo.
Ernes Goga, an imam at the Kushunli mosque in the western town of Peja/Pec, criticised women who wear the veil but post videos on the internet, calling them bad Muslims. “A veiled woman who misbehaves on TikTok is anything but a Muslim,” he said in a video posted on YouTube in November 2023. Such a woman, he argued, was “veiled but unveiled”. In response to criticism, Goga said that all he is doing was preaching Islam. “Don’t expect me to preach secularism,” he said. In the southern town of Prizren, another imam, Irfan Salihu, said in a sermon that women who don’t dress modestly are “not on God’s path”. “Women go out in panties, go out with boyfriends, they kiss in the road,” he elaborated.
Salihu was dismissed from his duties in 2020 for violations – but not for ones related to his sermons on women and gender-related issues. He declined to speak to BIRN about his comments on social networks.
Many mosques in Kosovo also remain open to imams from North Macedonia and Albania who make similarly prejudicial judgements about women.
In a sermon posted online from the south-eastern town of Kacanik, Abil Veseli, an imam from Skopje, said that “when you see women undressed [not dressed in a clearly Muslim way], you don’t know if they are Muslim, or [women] at a Serbian wedding” – also using the derogatory word shkije for Serbs.
Women feel alienated – but remain silent
Kosovo’s official Islamic Community, the BIK, the organisation that represents the country’s Muslims, declined to respond when asked about Imam Krasniqi’s sexist views.
Islam Hasani, dean of the Faculty of Islamic Studies in Pristina, where Krasniqi gives lectures, told BIRN: “Individual unofficial statements are not part of our responsibility.”
However, Besa Ismaili, a woman professor at the faculty, agreed that some imams’ sexist language is alienating women. More inclusive language without patriarchal overtones should be used, she argued.
“Many women feel that male-dominated language in the discourse and interpretation of sacred texts distances them from the connection with the text, which makes them feel excluded,” she said.
Ismaili insisted that the current position of women in the community does not derive from Islam itself but from misinterpretations of the sacred texts and “because of a lack of knowledge of the Islamic religion”.
“Feminist discourse has raised the issue of gender inclusion. But the language used to convey the Koran’s meanings is often unfriendly toward women,” Ismaili said.
Florentina Termkolli, another professor at the Faculty of Islamic Studies, agreed that the language some imams use is a misinterpretation of the Koran and of Islamic principles. “There are many misinterpretations. Social networks are making this possible,” Termkolli said.
Along with the Women’s Department of the Islamic Community, Termkolli is leading a Kosovo-wide campaign against violence and discrimination against women.
“We are not staying silent on the violent and discriminatory speech of some imams or others, in mosques or outside them,” she said. “But it is true that we have not spoken out publicly yet.”
Vaxhide Bunjaku, who leads the Women’s Department at the BIK, said they do not agree with sexist comments made by some imams but try to confine their responses to internal channels.
“It does not mean that we agree or remain silent, but we address it within the institution,” Bunjaku said. She hesitated to say if any objections to such sexist sermons had ever been addressed, however. “We do what we need to do internally. We do not confront and do not react in public,” she said.
The BIK has not spoken out about any cases in which they have sought accountability from imams who promote gender inequality. BIRN looked at a number of BIK decisions in which imams had been fired or given warnings. None of them was about offensive or sexist vocabulary used towards women.
The head of the Peja/Pec branch of the Islamic Community, Musli Arifaj, said it was impossible to monitor all the prayers and preachers in Kosovo’s mosques. “Neither sexist nor discriminatory language is a policy of the BIK but we cannot observe every lecture,” Arifaj said.
Besim Berisha, head of the Islamic Community in Prizren, said that they are trying to counter sexist and oppressive language against women.  “We are trying to strengthen the role of women,” Berisha said. He said one problem was that women themselves were reluctant to speak out.
“Women hesitate to speak out and react, even though we have constantly urged them to be more vocal about things related to their position,” he said.
Culture of male centrality hard to shift
Summeye Pakdil-Kesgin, a professor in the Religion Department at Elon University in North Carolina in the US, says religion is a field that has been dominated for centuries by the idea of androcentrism – male centrality.
“It is not only patriarchy that is the issue but also the male-centred understanding of every subject. This is not about religion; it is about power and how power is represented and practiced in controlling different areas of life,” she told BIRN by email.
But Pakdil-Kesgin added that the growing education of women and their integration into the labour force was having an impact on religious interpretations and practices.
“Women have been fighting to create new spaces, like by reinterpreting sacred scriptures,” she said. “Women, by being visible in public, have been bargaining with patriarchy to find ways to create more space and rights.”
Mirishahe Syla, a women’s rights activist in Kosovo, said that the sermons delivered by some imams clearly contribute to a climate of sexism.
“They impact on the context in which discrimination happens,” Syla said. “In their sermons, when they speak of gender roles, the organisation of the family and society, they use religion more to strengthen patriarchal norms than to preach about the faith,” she maintained.
Some imams’ sermons reinforce a culture of discrimination that manifests itself in various ways in Kosovo’s patriarchal society, such as the practice of sons inheriting their parents’ property after their deaths, leaving daughters with nothing.
“Sermons are used as a means of control,” Syla argued. “[And] some [women’s] rights, such as the right of women to inherit, are not being talked about or implemented by many clerics or by others who pretend to live according to religious principles.”
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cogbreath · 9 months
totally fair if you aren't the right person to ask but you are my one muslim mutual and i was wondering if headscarves were like a closed practice thing or if there are specific styles of head coverings that are closed practice. i wanna get into headscarves and incorporate them into my girlmoding outfit roster but i don't know if i'm ready to actually fully convert to islam (yet. i've been thinking about it tho). my second question is if you know good places online to order headscarves bc i don't wanna give amazon my money for that
its not a closed practice, you can wear them regardless of religion. im not sure if any specific styles are considered such or not though. if there are im not aware of them.
i get a lot of mine from etsy.
i like this seller a lot , i really like the style of that light gray melange khimar, i got it custom in black. price range is probbaly middle of the road though, and a lot of the options here are mostly khimar and niqabs which r honestly my style preference
ive also bought some from ebay before as well.
im a big fan of the instant hijab, i prefer these cuz i can just slip em on and its done and theres no need for any pins or securing.
i personally have not shopped at this store but i hear it mentioned a lot from other hijabis, and also they have a selection of hijabs starting at 5 dollars (idk how shipping might effect that though!)
same for this site, havent personally bought from them but i hear them mentioned often, and they have a LOT of options.
hopefully this helps you out a lil! if you have any other questions abt hijab or islam or anything u can dm me or send more asks i'll do my best 2 help <3
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biblenewsprophecy · 3 months
Terrorism, Iran, and Fatima
Does the Bible warn about terrorism, whereas the Quran encourages it? What is Psalm 83 and Isaiah 9 telling us? Will the USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom be hit by more terrorism? Are there prophecies showing great damage coming to part of Jerusalem as well as the tiny nation called Israel by a confederation of Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, and Palestinians? Do Muslims revere Mary? Did Muslims have prayer beads before Roman Catholics had rosaries? Who was Fatima? What about the tie to the apparition that appeared to three shepherd children in 1917 in Fatima, Portugal? Might 'Mary' be used as an ecumenical and interfaith tool? What did the late Roman Catholic Archbishop Fulton Sheen advocate? Does Islamic prophecy warn about a female apparition? Could "the Lady" that appeared in 1917 have been Jesus' mother Mary or Muhammad's daughter Fatima? Does the pilgrim statue at Fatima resemble what appeared? Did all the accounts from those that saw the apparition assert that the "Lady" wore a short skirt? Would Mary or Fatima possibly dressed that way in 1917 Portugal? Did Lucia and some of the Roman Catholic clergy suspect that what appeared in 1917 was from the devil? Might Muslims temporarily accept a changed 'Roman Catholic' faith after some undeniable apparition? Dr. Thiel covers that and more.
A free online book of related interest is available titled 'Islamic and Biblical Prophecies for the 21st Century'
Sermon series:
Part 1: Seeing Christianity Through Islamic Eyes
Part 2: Imam Mahdi, Women, and Prophecy
Part 3: Terrorism, Iran, and Fatima
Youtube sermon video link: Terrorism, Iran, and Fatima
Related Items:
Islamic and Biblical Prophecies for the 21st Century This is a free online book which helps show where biblical and Islamic prophecies converge and diverge. Here are links to related sermons: Seeing Christianity Through Islamic Eyes. Imam Mahdi, women, and prophecy., and Terrorism, Iran, and Fatima.
Audio and video sermon series
Part 1: Seeing Christianity Through Islamic Eyes
Part 2: Imam Mahdi, Women, and Prophecy
Part 3: Terrorism, Iran, and Fatima
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Seeing Christianity Through Islamic Eyes This article has information from the book, Islamic and Biblical Prophecies for the 21st Century, as well as from the old WCG and other sources. Here is a link to a related sermon: Seeing Christianity Through Islamic Eyes.
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Hope of Salvation: How the Continuing Church of God Differs from Protestantism The CCOG is NOT Protestant. This free online book explains how the real Church of God differs from mainstream/traditional Protestants. Several sermons related to the free book are also available: Protestant, Baptist, and CCOG History; The First Protestant, God’s Command, Grace, & Character; The New Testament, Martin Luther, and the Canon; Eucharist, Passover, and Easter; Views of Jews, Lost Tribes, Warfare, & Baptism; Scripture vs. Tradition, Sabbath vs. Sunday; Church Services, Sunday, Heaven, and God’s Plan; Seventh Day Baptists/Adventists/Messianics: Protestant or COG?; Millennial Kingdom of God and God’s Plan of Salvation; Crosses, Trees, Tithes, and Unclean Meats; The Godhead and the Trinity; Fleeing or Rapture?; and Ecumenism, Rome, and CCOG Differences.
The MYSTERY of GOD’s PLAN Why Did God Create Anything? Why did God make you? This free online book helps answers some of the biggest questions that human have, including the biblical meaning of life. Here is a link to three related sermons: Mysteries of God’s Plan, Mysteries of Truth, Sin, Rest, Suffering, and God’s Plan, and The Mystery of YOU.
Universal OFFER of Salvation, Apokatastasis: Can God save the lost in an age to come? Hundreds of scriptures reveal God’s plan of salvation Will all get a fair chance at salvation? This free book is packed with scriptures showing that God does intend to offer salvation to all who ever lived–the elect in this age, and the rest in the age to come. Here is a link to a related sermon series: Universal Offer of Salvation 1: Apocatastasis, Universal Offer of Salvation 2: Jesus Desires All to be Saved, Mysteries of the Great White Throne Judgment (Universal Offer of Salvation part 3), Is God Fair, Will God Pardon the Ignorant?, Can God Save Your Relatives?, Babies, Limbo, Purgatory and God’s Plan, and ‘By the Mouth of All His Holy Prophets’.
Is God Calling You? This booklet discusses topics including calling, election, and selection. If God is calling you, how will you respond? Here is are links to related sermons: Christian Election: Is God Calling YOU? and Predestination and Your Selection. A short animation is also available: Is God Calling You?
Christians: Ambassadors for the Kingdom of God, Biblical instructions on living as a Christian This is a scripture-filled booklet for those wishing to live as a real Christian. A related sermon is also available: Christians are Ambassadors for the Kingdom of God.
The Ten Commandments: The Decalogue, Christianity, and the Beast This is a free pdf book explaining the what the Ten Commandments are, where they came from, how they develop love, how early professors of Christ viewed them, and how various ones, including the Beast of Revelation, will oppose them. A related sermon is titled: The Ten Commandments and the Beast of Revelation.
The Gospel of the Kingdom of God This free online pdf booklet has answers many questions people have about the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and explains why it is the solution to the issues the world is facing. Here are links to three related sermons: The World’s False Gospel, The Gospel of the Kingdom: From the New and Old Testaments, and The Kingdom of God is the Solution.
Where is the True Christian Church Today? This free online pdf booklet answers that question and includes 18 proofs, clues, and signs to identify the true vs. false Christian church. Plus 7 proofs, clues, and signs to help identify Laodicean churches. A related sermon is also available: Where is the True Christian Church? Here is a link to the booklet in the Spanish language: ¿Dónde está la verdadera Iglesia cristiana de hoy? Here is a link in the German language: WO IST DIE WAHRE CHRISTLICHE KIRCHE HEUTE? Here is a link in the French language: Où est la vraie Église Chrétienne aujourd’hui?
Continuing History of the Church of God This pdf booklet is a historical overview of the true Church of God and some of its main opponents from Acts 2 to the 21st century. Related sermon links include Continuing History of the Church of God: c. 31 to c. 300 A.D. and Continuing History of the Church of God: 4th-16th Centuries and Continuing History of the Church of God: 17th-20th Centuries. The booklet is available in Spanish: Continuación de la Historia de la Iglesia de Dios, German: Kontinuierliche Geschichte der Kirche Gottes, and Ekegusii Omogano Bw’ekanisa Ya Nyasae Egendererete.
CCOG.ORG Continuing Church of God The group striving to be most faithful amongst all real Christian groups to the word of God. There are links to literature is about 160 different languages there.
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hajjumrahblogs-blog · 3 months
How do I start preparing for Umrah from Nottingham?
Umrah is a holy journey to Makah and Madinah— it calls upon Muslims all over the world with the promise of a reawakening spiritually, in order to reconnect with Allah (SWT). Should you join those in Nottingham, this holy expedition has the potential to offer an unparalleled experience unlike any other. This manual delves into the critical stages of readiness as one perform Umrah from Nottingham, thus ensuring you are able to actualize your dream without any doubt whatsoever.
Arranging Your Mindset: The Essence of Your Umrah
The primary stride towards a gratifying Umrah trip from Nottingham is establishing lucid intentions. Ponder upon what you aspire to accomplish through this odyssey; are you in search of absolution, seeking to strengthen your bond with Allah (SWT), or simply striving to fulfill an age-old yearning? A well-defined purpose shall pave the way for your deeds and intensify the spiritual weight of your journey.
Securing Your Entry Permit: The Visa Process
An Embassy or Consulate of Saudi Arabia usually issues Umrah visas for UK residents. Collect the needed documents, including passport (valid for at least six months after the return date), proof of accommodation booking, and maybe a return flight ticket. Remember to apply for the visa early as processing times differ — make sure it is well ahead of your departure date from Nottingham.
Travel Logistics: Planning Your Journey from Nottingham
It's easy to find direct flights from major UK airports such as London to Jeddah or Madinah. However, if these do not fit your budget or schedule, think of alternative routes that include layovers. Be sure to check out airlines' reliability and compare their fares; this way you can secure the best deal for your Umrah trip from Nottingham. When it comes to accommodation, go for reputable hotels or serviced apartments near the Haram (Grand Mosque) in Makah and the Prophet's Mosque in Madinah— prioritize their proximity to these holy sites for easier access during your pilgrimage.
Understanding spiritual rituals:
Don't just head to your Umrah from Nottingham blindly; know what the crucial Umrah rituals entail? There are plenty of resources that can be of great help like online tutorials, guidebooks, or even sessions before departure offered by mosques or Islamic organizations in Nottingham. Get to know about Ihram (the seamless garments worn during Umrah), Tawaf (circumambulation around the Kaaba), Sa'i (the walking between Safa and Marwa), and the prayers said at each point. The more knowledgeable you are, the more you can concentrate on the spiritual essence of each ritual during your Umrah.
Essential items to pack for Umrah:
When departing Nottingham for your Umrah, ensure your luggage contains comfortable and breathable clothing that will keep you warm in the cool winter climates of Makah and Madinah. Remember that both men and women are required to dress modestly during this spiritual journey. Pack Ihram clothes, walking shoes that are comfortable when worn, a rug for praying, and a women’s headscarf as well as another scarf and hat that will keep you warm in addition to sunscreen. You should also have toiletries, medicine like drugs, and water. Remember that you have to move lightly because of the congested areas, especially near these holy places.
Travel Tips and Considerations for Umrah from Nottingham
Currency Exchange: Carry some Saudi Riyals (SAR) with you by converting some British Pounds (GBP) before your trip is over so as to use them for small expenses. Makah and Madinah have many ATMs.
Communication: It can be wise after your arrival to purchase a local SIM card for cheap telephone calls or even internet access.
Travel Insurance: Get travel insurance so that you can be covered by any uncertainties.
Respectful Conduct: In Saudi Arabia, treat other pilgrims respectfully and observe local customs. Familiarize yourself with basic Arabic greetings to improve your experience.
Setting Out on Your Spiritual Journey: The Life-Changing Experience
When you face Kaaba, say Talbiyah (Umrah’s declaration of intent) with a sincere mind. Every ritual beginning with Tawaf towards Sa’i gives room for supplication, reflection, and connection with Allah (SWT). Understand the spiritual significance of every step you can be sure to make the trip. You just need to plan your journey carefully.
Returning Home Transformed: Carrying the Blessings Forward
After performing Umrah, returned home to Nottingham, your life will never be the same again. Share this grace with those close to you and keep the spiritual force going by applying whatever you have learned in your life as a whole. Use your trip as a seed of personal growth and increased commitment to religion.
Doing Umrah from Nottingham may sound like an uphill task at face value but a well-laid-down plan will ensure that it becomes realistic rather than a mere wish.
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samkkshopping · 3 months
Embrace Your Radiance: A Samyakk Musical Journey of Lehengas Cholis to Festive Elegance
From religious reflections like Diwali’s lights to harvest bounty celebrated in Onam, India’s festivals are a vibrant mosaic of culture, history, and seasons. Lehenga cholis, dazzling in rich fabrics and colors, are a festive staple.
Marriages see brides adorned in auspicious reds and gold, symbolizing prosperity and new beginnings. During festivals, these outfits reflect the joyous spirit and connect people to their heritage. The celebrations extend beyond attire, with elaborate feasts specific to each occasion. Sweet treats like laddoos and gujiyas become synonymous with Diwali, while biryani takes center stage for Eid celebrations. Festivals are a time for communities to gather, share traditions, and express individuality, all woven together with delicious food and vibrant attire.
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“Festivals are the times when the whole world seems to come together as one family.” — Rabindranath Tagore
The lehenga choli, a dazzling ensemble of a skirt (lehenga), blouse (choli), and dupatta (scarf), is synonymous with Indian festive attire. Its origins can be traced back centuries, though the exact timeline is debated.
Early (Ishara) means indication in Hindisuggest depictions of similar skirt-and-choli combinations in Indus Valley Civilization artifacts (3300–1300 BCE), hinting at an even longer history.
Mughal Era Influence: The Mughal era (1526–1857 CE) is widely seen as a period of refinement for the lehenga choli. Tailoring techniques flourished, and intricate embroidery using zari and silk threads became a hallmark.
What it was called before?
While “lehenga choli” is the prevalent term today, there are regional variations:
Langonior ghagra choli in some parts of North India.
Pavadain South India, particularly referring to lehenga cholis worn by young girls.
Regardless of the name, the lehenga choli remains a timeless symbol of Indian festivity, constantly reinvented for the modern woman.
“Get ready to dazzle! Here are top lehenga picks for upcoming festivals.”
Krishna Janmashtami
Celebrates the birth of Lord Krishna, the eighth avatar of Vishnu, a central deity in Hinduism.
Children’s Often dressed in new clothes, sometimes representing characters from Krishna’s life. Involves fasting, prayers, devotional singing (bhajans and kirtans), and cultural performances like Rass Leela of Radha and Krishna. Hence on this day celebrate the festival with Multicolor Resham Embroidery Lehenga which will comfortable.
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Ganesh Chaturthi
Ganesh Chaturthi, also known as Vinayaka Chaturthi or Vinayaka Chavithi, is a Hindu festival celebrating the birth of Lord Ganesha, the elephant-headed god of wisdom, prosperity, and new beginnings.
Gear up for Ganesh Chaturthi with a dazzling Festive Salwar Kameez For Women! These stunning ensembles, perfect for any celebration, come in vibrant colors and rich fabrics, making you shine throughout the festivities.
Muharram, also called Muharram ul Haram, is the first month of the Islamic calendar and is observed by Muslims worldwide.
Whether you’re looking for a show-stopping Festive Designer Lehenga Choli or a comfortable yet stylish Palazzo Suit for Women, this guide has you covered!
Embrace Tradition with a Festive Lehenga:
For the ultimate festive look, a Festive Lehenga is unrivaled. These stunning ensembles boast rich fabrics, intricate embroidery, and a dazzling array of colors. From classic A-line silhouettes to modern lehenga Sarees, there’s a perfect style for every woman.
Beyond Lehengas: Explore Stylish Alternatives
Looking for something different? Explore the world of fashionable alternatives!
Palazzo Suit For Women:Effortlessly chic and comfortable, palazzo suits offer a flowy and contemporary silhouette perfect for festive gatherings.
Sharara Suits:Buy Sharara Suit for Women Online and experience a unique blend of elegance and grace. Sharara feature a fitted top paired with wide-legged pants, creating a regal and eye-catching look.
Salwar Kameez:A timeless classic, the Salwar Kameez comes in a variety of styles to suit your taste. Buy Latest Designer Festival Salwar Kameez Online or browse festive wear collections featuring vibrant colors and exquisite embellishments.
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Find the Perfect Festive Outfit at Unbeatable Prices:
Gone are the days of limited shopping options. Today, you can conveniently Buy Festive Wear Salwar Kameez for Women or Buy Designer Festive Salwar for Women at best price in India from the comfort of your home. Numerous online retailers offer a vast selection of festive attire, including Festive Salwar Kameez with dupatta sets and more.
Embrace the festive spirit and celebrate in style! This guide equips you with all the information you need to find the perfect outfit that reflects your personality and celebrates the joyous traditions of India.
“From savory biryani to melt-in-your-mouth mithai (sweets), festival food is a celebration of taste and culture.”
Embrace Festive Elegance with Breathtaking Lehenga Cholis
Organza, a fabric synonymous with airiness and grace, has taken the festive fashion scene by storm. Its delicate yet structured nature allows for stunning lehenga cholis that are both eye-catching and comfortable.
A Kaleidoscope of Colors: Multicolor Organza Festive Lehenga Cholis
For those who love a vibrant celebration of colors, Multicolor Organza Festive Lehenga Cholis are a dream come true. Imagine yourself twirling in an ensemble that reflects the joy of the season, with each layer showcasing a captivating burst of color.
Modern Elegance: Buy Latest Organza Lehenga Choli
Embrace contemporary aesthetics with the Buy Latest Organza Lehenga Choli collection. This range features designer creations that push boundaries with innovative cuts, intricate embroidery, and unique color palettes.
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Blooming Beauty: Floral Printed Organza Lehenga
Channel your inner flower goddess with a Floral Printed Organza Lehenga. Delicate floral motifs dancing across the organza create a look that is both romantic and undeniably festive.
A Touch of the Designer: Designer Printed Lehenga Choli
For those who crave a touch of the extraordinary, consider a Designer Printed Lehenga Choli. These stunning pieces showcase the creative vision of renowned designers, featuring exclusive prints and luxurious embellishments.
The Allure of Pink: Buy Classy Pink Organza Festive Lehenga Choli
Pink never goes out of style, and a Buy Classy Pink Organza Festive Lehenga Choli is a timeless choice. The delicate hue exudes sophistication and grace, making it perfect for any festive occasion.
Shop Organza Lehenga Choli with Ease
Gone are the days of endless shopping sprees? Today, you can conveniently Shop Organza Lehenga Choli from the comfort of your home. Numerous online retailers offer a vast selection, catering to diverse styles and preferences.
Celebrating Indian Heritage: Indian Organza Ghagra Choli
Indian organza ghagra cholis are more than just garments — they’re a celebration of Indian heritage and craftsmanship. The use of this exquisite fabric adds a touch of luxury to traditional silhouettes, creating truly unforgettable pieces.
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The Perfect Find for Every Woman: Indian Women Lehenga Choli
Whether you’re a petite bride-to-be or a woman seeking a statement outfit for a festival, there’s an Indian Women Lehenga Choli waiting for you. With a largest collection of Indian Lehengas for women online, you’re sure to find the perfect match for your taste and body type.
Effortless Elegance: Designer-Readymade Indian Lehenga Choli
Skip the hassle of tailoring and embrace the convenience of designer-readymade Indian lehenga cholis. These exquisite pieces are crafted by skilled artisans, ensuring a perfect fit and a luxurious feel.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Are organza lehenga cholis comfortable to wear? A: Organza is known for being a lightweight and breathable fabric, making it a comfortable choice for festive wear. However, some lehenga cholis might have additional lining or heavier embellishments that could affect breathability.
2. What kinds of prints are popular for organza lehengas? A: Floral prints are a popular choice, adding a romantic and festive touch. You can also find geometric prints, paisley designs, or even abstract patterns for a more modern look.
3. How can I care for my organza lehenga choli? A: Organza is a delicate fabric, so dry cleaning is recommended. Avoid harsh chemicals or rough handling. You can store your lehenga choli in a breathable cloth bag to prevent wrinkles.
4. What kind of jewelry goes well with an organza lehenga choli? A: Organza’s delicate nature pairs well with both statement pieces and minimalist jewelry. Consider kundan or polki sets for a traditional look, or opt for delicate pearl earrings and bracelets for a more modern vibe.
5. Where can I find the largest collection of Indian lehenga cholis online? A: Samyakk offer a wide variety of Indian lehengas. It highlights the convenience of online shopping for finding the perfect Buy Online Festival Lehenga Choli.
So, this festive season, embrace the magic of organza. Explore the plethora of options available online @ Samyakk and find the Buy Online Festival Lehenga Choli that makes you feel confident, beautiful, and ready to celebrate! Do visit our Physical Store at Bangalore. Happy Shopping…
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mohifashion · 6 months
Eid 2024 Outfit Ideas
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Eid-ul-Fitr 2024, also known as Eid ul-Fitr, marks the conclusion of Ramadan fasting, celebrated as the "Sweet Eid," symbolizing the end of Roza observed throughout Ramadan. It typically falls within the first three days of Shawwal, following Ramadan, commencing with communal dawn prayers. According to Islamic history, in this month Muslims fought the first war which took place in Badr city of Medina province of Saudi Arabia. That is why that war is called Jang-e-Badar. Muslims were victorious in that war.India is a diverse land where various religions coexist harmoniously, allowing people the freedom to celebrate their festivals and fairs according to their unique traditions and rituals with great zeal and enthusiasm.
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This festive occasion brings Muslims together worldwide for feasts, prayers, and charitable deeds, embodying unity and compassion. In 2024, as part of the celebrations, there's a focus on Eid outfits and dress designs, Eid dress pakistan with Indian dress trends adding vibrant colors and intricate designs to the festivities, reflecting cultural diversity and creativity in the expression of faith and joy.
Trending Eid outfit ideas 2024 : 
Eid holds immense significance as a joyous occasion celebrated worldwide, and selecting the ideal Eid outfit is pivotal to the festivities. With a diverse array of choices ranging from traditional elegance to contemporary trends, women have numerous options to elevate their style this Ramzan.
Online  trending indian dresses women for Eid 2024   : 
Anarkali Suit for Eid Festival:
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Embrace the timeless elegance of Anarkali suits adorned with heavy embroidery work. Perfect for Eid outfit ideas  is  Roop Pine Green Bandhani Anarkali Set  with heavy Dupatta exude grace and sophistication, making them an ideal choice for those seeking a regal look. Whether you opt for vibrant colors or subtle hues, an Anarkali suit will surely make you the center of attention at any Eid gathering.
Lehenga for Eid Occasion:
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Elevate your Eid dresses women with the enchanting allure of the Burgundy Net Sequins and Thread Embroidery Lehenga Choli & Dupatta set. This exquisite ensemble perfectly blends traditional craftsmanship with contemporary design elements, making it a must-have for fashion enthusiasts. Adorned with intricate sequins and thread embroidery, and crafted from luxurious net fabric, this Lehenga choli set exudes opulence and sophistication. Whether you gravitate towards timeless classics or embrace modern trends, this captivating ensemble offers the perfect balance of elegance and glamour to complement your personal style and elevate your Eid ensemble.
Sharara Set for Eid 2024:
Eid 2024 dress is just around the corner, and it's time to start planning your perfect festive ensemble. If you're looking to make a bold statement and stand out from the crowd, the Orange Crepe Sharara Set is an absolute must-have for your wardrobe.Crafted with precision and style, this Sharara set exudes elegance and charm. The vibrant orange hue adds a pop of color to your Eid ul fitr celebration, while the eid dresses in pakistan is  crepe fabric drapes beautifully, ensuring comfort and grace all day long.
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This Eid, elevate your style game with the best trending Indian dresses for women. Whether you choose an Anarkali suit for its timeless appeal, a Lehenga for its modern twist, or a Sharara set for its statement-making charm, make sure to dress to impress and celebrate this special occasion in style.
1. What should I wear for Eid?
A. Anarkali Kurtas,  lehengas, Shararas, Suits and Sarees Eid happens to fall in hot Summers and always look for the outfits that looks elegant yet airy and light weight
2. How do Musilms dress for eid 
A. Muslim women typically dress elegantly for Eid, often wearing colorful traditional garments like Anarkalis, Salwar Kameez, Shararas, Sarees, abayas, hijabs, or jilbabs.
3. When is Eid 2024 date?
A. Eid al-Fitr in 2024 is on Wednesday, April 10th, 2024. It marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting, though the exact date may vary depending on the sighting of the moon.
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alustadh01 · 8 months
Learning The Muslim Prayer Like The Prophet PBUH
Embark on a sacred journey to learn the Muslim prayer, a cornerstone of Islam. Immerse yourself in the significance of Salah, discover the rituals, and follow the footsteps of the Prophet PBUH. This comprehensive guide unveils the basics, preparation steps, and the spiritual richness of Islamic prayers.
Delve into a step-by-step tutorial, understand the role of Quranic verses, and gain insights into the Prophet’s PBUH prayer life. Overcome common mistakes, explore the transformative power of consistent prayers, and embark on a profound journey towards mastering your Muslim prayer practice.
Understanding the Basics of Salah (Islamic Prayer)
For Muslims delving into the profound act of prayer, understanding the core elements of Salah is paramount. Here’s a concise guide to the basics:
Five Daily Obligatory Prayers:
Perform the five daily prayers—Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha—ensuring a consistent connection with Allah at designated times.
Rak’ahs and Actions:
Each Salah involves a specific number of Rak’ahs (prayer units) with distinct physical and verbal actions. Fajr has two, Dhuhr, Asr, and Isha have four, and Maghrib has three.
Ritual Purity and Ablution:
Before Salah, achieve ritual purity through Wudu (ablution), following a specific sequence of washing body parts. Dress modestly, and ensure a clean, distraction-free prayer space.
Intention (Niyyah):
Prior to Salah, establish a sincere intention (Niyyah), reflecting your dedication to worship Allah.
Master the art of praying in Islam by embracing these fundamental aspects. Each prayer is a sacred connection, fostering sincerity and devotion in your worship.
You can continue the article on our site for more tips Learning The Muslim Prayer Like The Prophet PBUH
and also read:
How to learn arabic language online
5 Pillars Of Islam
Why Is Arabic Hard To Learn
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indigoprintedkurti · 9 months
What factors to remember when buying Eid dresses?
Eid Mubarakh Shoppers! When you’re all set to celebrate this year’s Eid then fashionista women shouldn’t be asked to go out shopping! Rather they find it their holy duty to take a quick tour of the grand shopping malls displaying the trending Eid collection consisting of special ethnic kurtis for women, salwar kameez, or dresses designed with sheer taste and class.
Whether you’re off to shop the best Eid special Asian dress collection at any retail store or online, there are a few factors that must be followed to present yourself to be the most fashionable and gorgeous lady at the Eid party you are about to attend. 
Here, check out the pointers below before you off to shop for this year’s Eid—
Ideal Eid Dresses
During Eid, the most pious occasion for the Muslim community, women prefer wearing a traditional dress particularly a Sharara suit dress or a Salwar Kameez suit for observing the religious ceremony. Fashion-conscious men and women prefer to choose a white dress for prayer which is specifically white and a colorful dress for the evening party or the Iftaar celebration. Buy ethnic long skirts online with a beautifully embroidered silk top and dupatta to complement your Iftaar evening wear. Whichever dress you collect, make sure it goes well with the occasion. Whether you live in your country or abroad, choosing an ideal Eid outfit will bring you closer to your people and your soil.
Shop according to your body shape & skin tone
When you are off to shop for Eid the shopping malls or the online fashion stores are not going to disappoint you with a limited fashionable dress collection. However, if you wish to flaunt your beauty and desire to be the showstopper of the party then choose the dress that will look lovely according to your body shape and of course your skin tone. 
Gone are the days when people used to pick royal blue, bottle green, jazzy maroon, and red as their Iftaar wear. Choose the light peach or pink toned, aesthetically designed with embroidered sequins which will make your figure look amazing. 
Consider trending fashion 
Go through the fashion blogs or watch the latest Indian or Pakistani movies from where you can learn about the trending Asian dresses that you can wear this Eid. For the pious Ramadan prayers, buy an indigo kurta with a white palazzo and a white dupatta while attending the prayers at the mosques. The YouTube blogs shared by fashion icons can help you understand more about the shifting trends during the Holy Season.
 A reputed online fashion store
Picka renowned online store for shopping the best dresses in the UK, USA, Australia, or anywhere else where you’re located. They keep an uncompromising attitude for maintaining their product quality and can also ensure customers with designer clothes.
Top ecommerce stores give international buyers the option to purchase cotton bagru print suits online to heavy-worked embroidered kurtas, lehengas, and other ethnic wear for Eid and various other occasions.
Get your website ranked by one of the leading SEO agencies in Delhi and receive a free PCC audit from PPC Consultants.
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muslimmemories · 2 years
How to find the perfect gift for Ramadan Occasion?
The ninth month of the Islamic calendar, or Ramadan, is the holy month of fasting. Ramadan, distinguished by crescent moon sightings, is a time for prayer, reflection, and Quran reading.
Muslims worldwide fast or refrain from eating and drinking during the holy month of Ramadan. Iftar is the meal that breaks the fast.
The best Ramadan gifts for close friends and family include new attire, Arabic Attars, dry fruits, and fresh fruits. The Best Ramadan Gifts are listed below to help you choose the perfect presents for your loved ones.
Flower bouquets: What is the first present idea that springs to mind when you sit down to consider gift options that fit the occasion of Ramadan? Why? Since flowers are the most popular gift item and are intimately associated with the Ramadan celebration, they have a direct and robust association with positive feelings like hope, love, care, and compassion. One of the best Ramadan gift ideas is a flower bouquet. By ordering your floral gift from an online florist, you may customize it.
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Putting on new clothes, seeing family, and indulging in delectable food are typical ways to mark Eid. They also give their friends and family the best Eid gifts.
Flowers are an excellent present option, without a doubt, but some people might find them a little too standardized. So, if you want to provide a thoughtful and unique gift, consider giving your loved one perfumes. When thinking about gifts for guys, perfumes are a particularly excellent choice because most men have a personal bond with their perfumes. They can be used as the best Ramadan gift ideas during this holy month.
Fruit Basket for the Family:
Fruit baskets are a kind present and an excellent choice for friends and families during the blessed month of Ramadan when you wish them good health and fortune. A fruit basket is a beautiful and healthy gift and the most excellent Ramadan gift idea to offer to people if you're spending Ramadan with a group of family and friends. Fruit baskets are a perfect option if you're looking for a gift idea that won't break the bank but wants to present something unique and caring.
chocolates for everyone
It's not always simple to buy presents. 
When purchasing a gift, there are several factors to take into mind. You must consider several things, such as whether the present is acceptable under the circumstances. Does the recipient find this to be nice? If you ever find yourself in a scenario like this, you can always turn to them since, let's face it, who doesn't enjoy chocolate? Chocolate is a favorite among children and adults, and the best gifts during Ramadan are frequently inexpensive and made of chocolate. Sending your loved ones a gift basket with flowers and chocolates will help to make the occasion even more memorable.
Scarves and abayas:
Muslim women typically dress in abayas and niqabs, also known as scarves. It becomes an excellent gift option for Ramadan because of its connection to tradition, the season when Muslim women wear Abayas and Niqabs most prominently. Abayas are traditionally all-black garments that cover a woman's entire body, from neck to ground. They might make the ideal gifts for Ramadan during the holy month.
Do you think it could be challenging to find gifts for Ramadan? Muslim Memories are one of many things we've carefully examined to ensure they satisfy our criteria for what we would want in our home with our children. To encourage formative Muslim experiences that future generations will remember, we naturally want to offer the same educational tools that, in our opinion, will be beneficial to both your children and their children. As we make our way from our family to yours, kindly join us on our excellent Muslim Memories Tour.
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hidjabaya01 · 2 years
Hidjabaya Launches a New Collection of Muslim Prayer Dress
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Hidjabaya, a leading online store for Islamic clothing, is pleased to announce the launch of its new collection of Muslim prayer dress. The new collection features a wide range of styles, colors, and sizes, catering to the diverse needs of the Muslim community.
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arabesqueabaya-blog · 5 years
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Buy Muslim Prayer Dress only from Arabesque Abayas. We have huge collection of dresses at our store. For more details contact +44 161 209 9512
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arabesqueabayas · 5 years
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ratherbefangirling · 2 years
Bts Reaction: Ramadan Edition
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BTS and Female Reader are friends.
Muslim Reader. but anyone can read it.
Warning ⚠️: If it makes you uncomfortable don't read it. Cringefest. Gif credit to owners.
Meanings at end.
Kim Namjoon.
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Namjoon always makes sure that he doesn't cross your boundaries and is a very respectful person in general and that was one of the reasons why you and him were great friends. You guys talked about various things.
Soon enough you start talking about your religion. Islam. Which is an important aspect in your life. You try your best to satisfy his curiosity but its not enough. You give him some books you had and devours them. As Ramadan approaches. He wishes you Ramadan Mubarak. That's something you're happy about and it would be very nice if it stopped there but now everytime you curse Namjoon gives you a disappointed look.
"Good Muslims are careful of what their toungue utters." He said on an occasion.
"I dont know isn't that dress showing too much skin." He continued saying on another.
"Namjoon it's literally full length."
"Wow sarcasm is haraam." He tells you one fine morning.
"Yes so is murder."
"It's also illegal."
"I know."
Congrats on making your friend a member of Haram* police.
Kim Seokjin
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You and Jin had bonded over your love for food. Currently you were explaining to him why you can eat chicken but not his chicken.
"There's a particular way for the meat to be cut so that its halal*"
Then you told him about things which were and weren't allowed.
For Ramadan Jin helps you plan your meals so they are the right amount of healthy and hearty.
He also helps prep your food and brings you meals to add to the iftar*. He is always caring and kind and helps you in anyway he can.
Also finds it funny when he hears the Quran translation of a verse talking about Jinn* and Mankind.
"So you're telling me that you never told me that your holy book keeps mentioning me."
Starts calling you mankind for fun. Changes your contact information too.
Min Yoongi
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He had heard you listening to the Quran*. He had grown curious about it. So you'd told him what it was.
Yoongi being the king of trivia had an idea about Muslims but becoming closer to you his curiosity had grown. He is #1 supportive and ready to defend you if needed. You could always talk to him about feeling left out and isolated and viceversa.
He always wanted to be part of a charity event so when you told him about how their was a Ramadan drive to give food and necessities to the less fortunate he was excited to volunteer fir it.
For Ramadan he accompanied you to the organised Iftar and learned more about the importance Islam gave on kindness and community among other things.
Jung Hoseok
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Hoseok had come across Abaya* one day. He had been online shopping muslim clothes so that he could gift you something for your birthday.
You told him about how modesty was valued in Islam. That in one lecture you had heard it was said that women were something precious and you keep precious things safely and covered.
So as Ramadan approached and you talked about getting clothes for Eid. Hoseok got heavily involved. Going as far as sending you outfit inspos for Friday prayers, Taraweeh (special Ramadan prayers). And even getting himself an outfit with a prayer cap.
Sometimes you scare him by telling him Jin stories. Poor him gets afraid to do things alone.
Wind blows.
"AHHHH!!!!!!! This house is haunted. I can't do this anymore."
Park Jimin
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When Jimin learns about your fasting. He is surprised to know that you can't eat or drink during it.
"Not even water."
"No Jimin, not even water."
"So how long?"
"It's from before sunrises to sunset for a month." You inform.
Jimin takes care not to eat or drink infront of you. Except one day he finds you eating.
"Y/N why are you eating aren't you supposed to be fasting."
"Not today."
"So you can skip fasts."
"Only if you're sick...or on your periods."
"PARK JIMIN." You whisper shout.
"I'm sorry. Do you want chocolates."
He might be a little slow at catching up but he's got the spirit.
Kim Taehyung
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Your friendship with Taehyung was based on both of you believing in angels.
So when Taehyung heard about you fasting he decided to join you. On your day off you were prepared to have Taehyung accompany you... or so you thought. After Suhoor* which you almost missed because it was way past his bedtime and was before he ever thought about waking up.
In the morning he wakes and starts preparing breakfast midway realising he was fasting. Tweets throughout the day.
Min 5456 without water. I'm thirsty.
Min 6544 without water. I'm sorry for wasting water in the shower.
Sec 7777777 without food. Hangry. ... and board. Bored.
He is also behind you at mid noon about how he was bored luckily you prepared art supplies to make a Ramadan Kareem Banner. Soon after which you started preparing iftar which he thoroughly enjoyed making and later consuming.
Jeon Jungkook
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Jungkook dug all Ramadan Memes and enjoys sending them to you. Specially if he can see your reaction.
Jk: do you want to see my date?
Y/n: .....
*sends a picture of date (fruit)*
Also starts saying Bismillah (in the name of god~said before starting a task) , Inshallah (if God wills ) etc.
Also he is somehow always present during both Suhoor and Iftar.
The foods to good to resist. More excited about it than you are.
"It's to give you company Y/n. You can't fast by eating only a packet of Ramen."
But also helps you with odd jobs like cutting fruits for Iftar or frying so that you can pray in peace.
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*haram= unlawful.
**halal= lawful/ allowed
***iftar= when the fast is broken
****quran= holy book.
*****Abaya. Its a dress worn by females that covers the whole body and is usually black in color
******Suhoor. Dawn meal before fasting.
*******Jinn : djinn.
Authors Note 📝
Please give feedback
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espressokiri · 3 years
Heyy, I’m Muslim and I’m also a huge simp for Todoroki, Bakugo, Iida, and Kaminari. Soooo can I have them with a Muslim (possibly hijabi) s/o?
Todoroki Shoto, Bakugou Katsuki, Iida Tenya, and Kaminari Denki x Hijabi!reader
In which reader is a hijabi Muslim.
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff (literally half these ideas came from late night talks with my bestie @that-weirdo-in-the-corner)
Note: My first headcanon <3 I hope you like it!
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Todoroki Shoto
We’re all aware of this mans lack of physical affection and aloof nature, along with his social awkwardness. That’s a recipe for odd encounters and hilarious misunderstandings.
This man gained interest in you when he noticed you were elegant even while in training/battles, along with your sweet nature and fashionable modest wear.
He researched about your religion and had found out that only women who are married are allowed to go out alone with their partners.
Poor boy didn’t read/research enough.
He decides to get to know you from a distance, respecting your boundaries and it wasn’t that hard to avoid physical contact as he himself was not one to initiate it.
When you did get closer and formed an emotional bond, you’ll be met with the weirdest encounter;
“Shoto, what are you doing?” You blinked, not understanding what the half-and-half male was doing bent on one knee with a ring box outside your family home.
“I read that we can only go out on dates together if you’re married.”
You want to smack your head on the wall but you were flattered at the same time.
Had to tell him that you were allowed on dates if you were chaperoned by a family member or friends.
Had Fuyumi chaperone you two, she was very delighted but had kept watch from a distance.
Shoto has the best time learning about your religion, curiously asking questions and gains a deeper understanding of how things were in your perspective.
He keeps a respectful distance even during dates, making sure he wasn’t crossing boundaries.
Would scour the whole of Japan to find halal food.
Tells you that he called Endeavour shaytaan and you choke on the water you were sipping on, laughing out loud.
Fasts with you one day and is betrayed at how full he felt after one bite.
Hands you Endeavour’s exclusive credit card for Eid.
Todoroki is just very genuine and he tries his best to keep you comfortable around him, also carries hijab pins in his backpack just in case you need some.
Bakugou Katsuki
Oh God.
Listen, he’s very respectful in his own way but it took him time to work through it with his competitive nature.
Man has done his research thoroughly and he is ready to commit.
“I can cook us a vegetarian meal that won’t be boring to the tastebuds like the crap they sell out there.”
That’s his way of asking you out, making sure his parents would be home too because he knows two people of different genders should not be left alone.
Makes the best damn vegetarian dish. Vegetarian because he has yet to figure out what halal is.
Tries to learn some words, does excellent but his way of speaking is even more aggressive than an Emirati accent. He has your Arab friends shaking in their shoes.
It’s Ramadan? Prepare for three am calls that consist of him yelling at you to get up. Yes, he breaks his sleep pattern to wake you up to eat. Yes, he makes you video call him so he makes sure you eat well and hydrate. Yes, he ends up fasting with you so you don’t feel alone. Will he tell you that? No.
Sometimes he makes Iftar for you and brings it in a bento, giving it to you after school so you can have a good meal.
Watches you with wide eyes and mouth open in shock when he sees you eating when you’re supposed to be fasting;
“I- I’m on my period?”
“We’re not allowed to fast while we’re on our period.”
He stays quiet the rest of the day.
Admires different styles of hijab you do.
Eid? He’s the best dressed alongside you. 
Bakugou would be a good partner, respectable, and tries his best to understand and make you feel comfortable in his own way.
Iida Tenya
This boy knows everything already.
Has done research the second he realized there was a Muslim classmate, and as a good fellow class president it was his duty to make sure everyone was comfortable.
Has extra scarves with a small tin full of pins for you kept under his desk in case of emergencies or if they get damaged in training (which wouldn’t happen as Hatsume had created one that would resist damage.) It was a nice thought.
He does slowly wants to get to know you more as your sweet nature made him feel warm and fuzzy inside.
Keeps a respectful distance at all time.
“Asalam Alaikum, Y/n! It has come to my attention that Ramadan is nearing soon so I have made a list of dietary necessities you may need to intake in order to help your quirk during the holy month.”
“Iida, that’s so sweet of you! You didn’t have to! Also, how did you pronounce that so well?”
“As you class president and friend, I am honoured to do such! To answer your question, I had listened to someone say it on repeat before I practiced.”
This man has every word on repeat just to soak it in his brain.
Averts his eyes even if he sees your ankle, angry at himself for accidentally glancing.
Sir, I promise it’s not a sin to look at an ankle accidentally.
Sees your Hijab bunching up and start showing bits of your neck and shoulder? Grabs the end of the scarf and pulls it down to cover again, avoiding touching your skin.
Checks the ingredients list of the snacks you’re buying for gelatine or alcohol, making sure it’s halal/vegetarian/vegan friendly.
Upset you can’t find halal gummies? This man goes online and orders a bag of certified halal sweets for you to enjoy because you deserve simple joys like this.
Makes sure you pray on time, has the MuslimPro app on his phone to keep track.
He also scrolls through the app to learn more.
Iida is a perfect gentleman and he’s also making sure that you stay spiritually on track and don’t get distracted <3
Kaminari Denki
This man is a physically affectionate person. 
He will make the mistake of bounding over to you and slinging an arm around your shoulder or pull you into a hug.
But he will learn and try to control the affectionate urges, limiting himself to hand holding if you allow it.
He thinks you look wonderful with the different coloured hijabs.
Tries making you wear a yellow and black one to match his hair.
Forgets that you can’t eat everything and anything, especially casual things like gummies.
Will apologize profusely when he realizes after you tell him it has gelatine.
Tries to stave off of gelatine infused products.
“Not even water???”
“Denki, I swear to God I’m going to smack you.”
Yes he’s that guy.
Tries fasting with you, just sleeps through the whole day till it was time to eat.
When he see’s you dozing off in class because of staying up all night either because of suhoor or special night prayers during the last ten days, he’ll zap you to keep you paying attention.
He is honestly your hype man when it comes to modest fashion, especially during Eid. This boy will dramatically kneel on the floor and look at you like you’re the light of his life.
Get’s excited when you hand him Eid money because you love him and he has cute child-like tendencies.
Tries greeting your family members, comes out as gibberish.
“Not quite there yet, Denki. A-plus for effort.”
He’s a fun guy who tries to better himself around you, making sure he’s aware of his actions and makes an effort to not mess up around you because he’s never felt so in love with a person as he has with you.
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