#musiq photoshoot
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🎸Assorted early/mid 2000s Aoi ☆→♪
1) Anata no Tame no Kono Inochi (2004)
2) Sumire (2004)
3) Ruder (2004)
4) Cockroach (2005)
5) Chizuru (2007)
6) MusiQ photoshoot (2008)
#ガゼット#the gazette#visual kei#vkei#aoi the gazette#shiroyama yuu#my gifs#i can count the pixels on the sumire one
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#aoi#the gazette#musiq photoshoot#ohhow much i loved this one#btw couldn't find my original post but I want his beautiful face back on my blog#not sorry#my gif#my gifset
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(JAY B) INTERVIEW • Mars 2017 | The BLING
L’atmosphère du photoshoot de l’interview était un peu différente pour un membre d’un groupe d’idoles. La chanson que JB a fait a provoqué une grosse sensation inattendue sur SoundCloud. Pour dire que c’était pour ‘s'entraîner’, les chansons étaient raffinées et pouvaient officiellement sortir maintenant. En deux mots, ‘bien fait’.
Tu es en couverture du numéro de Mars de ‘The BLING’, comment tu te sens ?
Au début, je me sentais vraiment bien. Je connaissais déjà ‘The BLING’ d’avant. Je me suis renseigné sur la mode et la musique qu’il y avait ici. Et vous pouvez voir comment les gens vivent à travers leurs différentes cultures. Une partie de moi était un peu prudente. J’aurais dû faire mieux. Ça a bien rendu ?
Bien sûr. Tu as super bien fait.
(Rires) C’est bien.
Je me demande quel genre de musique t’intéresse habituellement ?
Vu que je suis une idole qui fait de la K-pop, je ne suis pas blasé. Le genre n’a pas vraiment d‘importance pour moi, mais globalement je pense que mon intérêt se dirige vers le hip hop et le R&B. Et j’ai naturellement un intérêt pour le genre appelé ‘Future’.
Quand est-ce que tu as commencé à faire de la musique ?
Quand j’ai commencé à faire du B-boying et à m’engager dans la culture hip hop, j’ai commencé à penser que je voulais faire des morceaux de musique aussi. Même si je n’avais pas été dans un groupe d’idoles, je pense que je serais naturellement tombé dedans. Je pense que j’ai commencé à faire de la musique après que je sois entré officiellement à la JYPE, que j’ai commencé à m'entraîner au chant et à apprendre proprement la musique. Il y a environ 5 ou 6 ans.
Quelle est la signification de ton autre nom ‘Def Soul’ ?
Je suis un grand fan de ‘Musiq Soulchild’. Quand on voit la dernière scène du MV de ‘Just Friends’, le mot ‘Def Jam’ apparaît comme étant le nom d’un label connu de hip hop. J’étais curieux de la signification alors j’ai été chercher et ça veut dire ‘musique cool’. En argot, ‘Def’ a le même sens que ‘Cool’. (Rires) Je cherchais aussi un nom que je pouvais utiliser quand je faisais du B-boying alors je me suis nommé ‘Def Soul’. C’est le nom que j’utilise quand je publie la musique que je fais et dernièrement, je l’ai réduit et j’utilise ‘Def.’ S’il vous plaît, souvenez-vous en !
Si on découvre le SoundCloud de ‘Def’ sans aucune information, le son de la musique est tellement fin que l’on pourrait croire que c’est de la musique faite par un artiste de l’étranger. Et ça a aussi une ambiance sexy dedans.
Beaucoup de gens étaient mal informés et pensaient que la chanson était censée être une chanson des GOT7 mais qui avait été rejetée. Et pour l’ambiance sexy, c’est peut-être à cause du sens des paroles ? D’habitude dans un album complet, en suivant le flow des chansons, il y a des parties dont le contenu est lié. J’ai écrit les paroles en pensant comme si c’était un album complet. Alors il y a une histoire. Je l’ai composé comme si c’était une histoire d’amour quand tu passes une porte, il se passe des choses. Jusqu’à ce que tu repasses la porte. Surtout, les paroles du second titre sont un peu sexy. (Rires)
Ça a reçu des retours positifs inattendus.
C’est vrai. Honnêtement, je n’en attendais pas autant. J’avais besoin d’une chaîne où je pouvais sortir la musique que j’avais fait. Est-ce que je peux dire que c’est une sorte de soulagement ? J’ai pensé que j’avais fait de la musique dans le style que j’aime et je voulais que quelqu’un l’entende.
Je pense que c’est un sentiment différent de celui que tu as quand tu as de bons résultats en tant que GOT7.
Plutôt que de la joie ou le sentiment d’accomplissement, j’étais juste heureux. C’est juste le début et je ne pensais pas que c’était aussi bien mais j’étais tellement heureux que j’ai continué de rire en voyant les bons retours pour quelque chose que j’avais fait.
Tu es probablement très occupé, tu es une personne assidue habituellement ?
Quand je suis assidu, je le suis vraiment. Mais quand je me détends, je me détends vraiment. Je peux dormir jusqu’à 20 heures en une journée. (Rires) Je suis toujours en mouvement à cause de l’emploi du temps serré c’est pour ça que je me relâche vraiment quand je me repose.
Tu penses qu’on sera capable de rencontrer ‘Def ‘ sur scène ?
J’espère qu’il y aura une chance. J’ai décidé de ne pas être effrayé par un nouveau départ. C’est cet état d’esprit que même si j’échoue, prenons ça comme un challenge.
Est-ce qu’il y a un quelconque artiste qui t’inspire musicalement ?
Dernièrement, j’écoute beaucoup Bryson Tiller ou DVSN pour avoir beaucoup d’influences de leur part. J’ai pensé aussi à vouloir travailler avec eux. J’aime vraiment D’Angelo mais je pense que j’ai encore beaucoup trop de lacunes pour travailler avec lui. Je sens comme un mur que je ne peux pas surmonter.
Il y a un artiste que tu penses trouver cool visuellement ?
Je ne sais pas vraiment mais juste par le look, je trouve que Beenzino est vraiment cool. Juste cette personne. Je trouve aussi que sa musique est cool.
Tu as beaucoup de talents différents. Tu es aussi bon pour le mannequinat.
J’aime vraiment le fait de faire un photoshoot, c’est une grande chance. C’était amusant aussi. Mais je ne pense pas que je pourrais être mannequin à cause de ma taille. (Rires) Au début, j’ai aussi fait de l’acting mais plus tard, si j’en ai la chance, je veux refaire ça et aussi j’aime prendre des photos. Pas des photos de personne, mais je pense que c’est attirant de capturer des choses que je vois en me baladant.
Tu as atteint le grand rêve de devenir un artiste (auteur-compositeur, interprète) et tu t’es dépassé en tant qu’idole. Il y a un rêve que tu veux atteindre pour toi dans une vie où tu ne vis qu’une fois ?
D’abord, je veux continuer à faire de la musique avec les gens avec qui je suis maintenant. Et ensuite clairement, je veux une vie amusante. C’est mon rêve que de vivre une vie sans gêne et inquiétudes dans mon coeur. Je pense que c’est le plus facile et en même temps le plus dur.
Ce n’est pas ton rêve de rencontrer D’Angelo ?
Je pense que ça serait un honneur juste de le rencontrer. Au début quand je suis arrivé à la JYPE, je ne chantais pas du tout. Dois-je dire que c’était de l’entêtement pour le B-boying ? La musique a changé mes pensées, je voulais faire de la musique comme la sienne. Je veux lui dire “La raison pour laquelle j’ai commencé à faire de la musique, c’est toi”.
Quelques derniers petits mots.
Je ne sais pas si j’ai bien fait aujourd’hui. Certainement que les fans connaîtront déjà mais pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas la musique de ‘Def’, je voudrais dire de l’écouter s’il vous plaît. Je suis suffisamment confiant pour dire que c’est de la bonne musique. J’espère que vous l’écouterez au moins une fois. Je suis content de faire la couverture d’un magazine que j’ai souvent vu depuis que je suis au lycée. En tant que leader des GOT7 et à travers la musique de ‘Def’,’ je veux doucement montrer les différentes facettes de moi alors s’il vous plaît, jetez-y un oeil. J’aime ‘The BLING’ !
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[TRANSLATION] Bling Magazine March 2017 issue x GOT7 JB
-all translation credit goes to ahgawings-
Q.You’re gracing the March issue of [Bling], how does it feel?
Firstly, I’m truly happy. [Bling] is a magazine I’ve known of since a long time ago. I picked up knowledge of fashion and music from here and I’m able to see how people from various cultures live. On the other hand, I’m being careful too. I should have done better. Did I come out well?
Of course. You did really well.
(laughs) That’s great.
Q.I’m curious as to what type of music gets most of your attention usually.
Because I’m an idol who does K-POP, I don’t have prejudice. I don’t pick out genres but I think my interest is in hip-hop and R&B. I’m also interested in the Future genre.
Q.When did you start making music?
When I b-boyed, I learnt of the hip-hop culture, and that’s when I started thinking that about doing the music aspect too. Even if I wasn’t in an idol group, I think naturally I would have involved myself (in music). I entered JYP officially and started singing practices and after learning of music properly, I think that’s when I started making music. About 5-6 years ago.
Q.What’s the meaning of your other name, ‘DEF SOUL’?
I’m a huge fan of ‘Musiq Soulchild’. I was watching the music video for ‘Just Friends’ and in the last scene, the word ‘Def Jam’ appeared; it is also the name of a famous hip-hop label. I was curious about what it meant so I looked it up and it meant ‘cool music’. In slang, ‘DEF’ means ‘amazing’. (laughs) I was also wondering what name to use for b-boying so I used ‘DEF SOUL’. It’s also the name I used in music distribution, but lately I’ve shortened it to ‘DEF’. Please remember it!
If you encountered ‘DEF.’s’ Soundcloud without any prior information, you could be mistaken into thinking that it’s music by an overseas artist; that’s how refined the songs are. There’s also a sexy feel to it.
There are many people who mistakenly thought that these are songs that did not make the cut as GOT7 songs. About the sexy feel, that’s probably due to the content of the lyrics? Usually for full albums, the content of the songs are connected following the flow of the songs. I wrote the lyrics thinking of it as one official album. There is a narrative arc. The door opens and you enter the room, things happen, you leave the room and walk out – I wrote it all as a love story. The lyrics for the second song especially, is a little sexy (laughs).
You’re receiving unexpectedly good responses.
That’s right. Honestly, I didn’t expect this much. I needed a channel to release the songs I made. Shall I say it’s a method of release? I just wanted to make songs of a style I like and let whoever listen to it.
Seems like it is a different feeling from when GOT7 records good results.
Rather than joy or a sense of accomplishment, I was just happy. This is the start and I didn’t think it’s something amazing but in getting good response to the things I’ve made, it made me feel great to the point that I kept laughing (smiling) about it.
You would be really busy, are you usally the diligent (early-riser/hard-working) type?
When the time for me to be like that calls for it, then I am. But when it’s time for me to relax, I really relax. I can sleep up to 20 hours in a day (laughs). In matching to (our) schedules, I move about feeling tensed so I think when it’s time to rest, I really release it all.
Would we be able to see a ‘DEF. stage?
It would be great if there was an opportunity for it. When it comes to starting something new, I’m not afraid. I’m of a mindset that I should try something even if I were to fail.
Is there any artist in which you’re influenced musically?
Lately, I’ve been listening to a lot of Bryson Tiller and DVSN and I hope to be influenced. I’ve also thought of collaborating with them. I really like D’Angelo but I think I’m still lacking in far too much to be able to work on something with him. Feels like a wall I can’t overcome.
Is there any artist that you think is suave/cool visually?
I don’t really know but from the looks of it, I think ‘Beezino’ is really cool. Just that person. His music is great too.
You’re overflowing with talent. I think you’d do really well as a model too.
I really like having good opportunities in doing photoshoot. It’s fun. However, for models, it’s about height so I don’t think I can make it (laughs). I did acting at the start too but later on, if there’s an opportunity, I’d like to try it. I also like taking photos. Not taking photos of people but I think there’s a charm in taking photos of things that comes into my sight when I’m walking around.
You’ve achieved the cool dream of exceeding as an idol and becoming an artist (singer-songwriter). Is there a dream you’d definitely want to achieve for yourself as ‘you only live once’?
Firstly, it would be to keep doing music with the people I’m doing it with now. And as the words itself, to live life with fun. To live life without any discomfort or worries in my heart is my dream. Even if it seems really simple, I think it’s hard.
Is it not your dream to meet D’Angelo?
I think just meeting him would be an honor itself. When I first joined JYP, I barely sang. Should I say it was a fixation on b-boying? The trigger that made me think I must do music is his music. ‘The reason I started music is you,” I want to tell him that.
Lastly, some words.
I don’t know if I did well today. Firstly, the fans would have already known about this but to the people who don’t, I wanted them to learn of ‘DEF.’’s music. I am confident in saying it myself that it is good music. I hope you give it a shot. I’m really happy that I’m able to be on a cover of the magazine that I’ve seen often since I was a high school student. As GOT7’s leader, and through ‘DEF’’s music, I will show you various sides of myself step by step, so please anticipate it! I love [BLING]!
-all translation credit goes to ahgawings-
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Hair-Modulus-Locs Mohawk
Necklace-BJEWLA-Big Cuban Chain (18kYGold)
Top-Semller-Reverse Hooded Bomber
Bag-Covered-Brown Leather Backpack (N/A)
Bottom-[UNDER-RATED]- Baggy Harem Pants
Backdrop-MONS-90's Photoshoot (Style 4)
#Modulus#BJEWLA#Semller#Covered#UNDER-RATED#Shoeminati#BAMSE#MONS#Male#Second Life Fashion#Blogger#Stylist#F L A W E D F A S H I O N I S M#Musiq#90's Photoshoot#Event
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The Internets Say Petey Pablo Saved Saweetie’s BET Hip Hop Awards Performance + Here’s Everything Else That Went Down
Rapper Saweetie made her BET Hip Hop Awards debut, but apparently, folks weren’t feeling it until a rap vet came in to save the set. See her performance with Petey Pablo, plus all of the green carpet and backstage pics of your faves inside…
Rap newbie Saweetie landed a hit with her banger “My Type.” It landed her on the Billboard charts, it gets major radio play and she even got the chance to perform it at the 2019 BET Hip Hop Awards, which aired last night. The show was previously taped the weekend before.
”My Type” samples Petey Pablo’s 2003 track “Freek-a-Leek,” produced by Lil Jon. So, it’s only right she brought the Hip Hop heads out during her debut performance. And it’s a good thing she did. Folks were sounding off on Twitter about her lackluster performance and praised Petey (and Lil Jon) for saving her set.
Saweetie performance is fucking I’m disgusted #HipHopAwards pic.twitter.com/W0PJbQeOGu
— Dee Baby (@Deesmoooveee) October 9, 2019
Get saweetie lip singing ass off this damn stage dancing like this a 2004 pep rally #BetHipHopAwards2019 pic.twitter.com/WFVfGpXAxD
— Miss Alinda (@ThatChicKirby) October 9, 2019
Saweetie is really out here lip syncing this basic ass song? #HipHopAwards pic.twitter.com/LfWQhVIzxW
— Amanda (@amanda2saint) October 9, 2019
Lil Jon and Petey Pablo coming to save Saweetie’s performance #HipHopAwards #BetHipHopAwards2019 pic.twitter.com/80M1rObH7p
— q (@_dearwallflower) October 9, 2019
I hope Saweetie realize that applause was for Lil Jon and Petey #HipHopAwards
— Jawan (@LitIndividuals) October 9, 2019
Petey Pablo's 1 min performance >>>>> whatever Saweetie was up there doing #HipHopAwards pic.twitter.com/HBtYteGMYC
— SaSa LeLe (@iHeart_youKeish) October 9, 2019
Her boyfriend Quavo liked it though:
If you’re not supporting me like how Quavo supports Saweetie, leave me alone pic.twitter.com/Z4hDzz2GiH
— Mel Bae (@__melbae) October 9, 2019
Well hell, he better. That's what bae is for. And to urge her to practice.
Peep their performance below:
The ICY rapper was all boo'd up with her BAE Quavo. During the show, they were all loved up and being extra cutesy and cuddly.
#Saweetie and bae #Quavo in LOVE LOVE
( : @bet) pic.twitter.com/hUp0SDavTO
— Power 106 (@Power106LA) October 9, 2019
Quavo's Migos bandmate Offset was in the mix after hitting the stage with DaBaby. He snapped it up with Teyana Taylor, who presented an award.
Megan Thee Stallion was spotted backstage after she opened the show. Peep her HOTTIE-approved performance below:
The Head Hottie won her first BET Hip Hop Award, scooping up the Mixtape Of The Year Award for FEVER:
Comedian Lil Duval brought the laughs as this year's host.
New dad again Chance The Rapper was tapped to perform. He served up vocals for his track "Sun Come Down." Check it:
Backstage, he snapped it up with Avengers star Anthony Mackie.
On the afterparty scene, he and his wife Kirsten drove the boat with Megan Thee Stallion.
Rapper Rick Ross - who was tapped to present - and T-Pain linked up backstage after their performance.
Check it out below:
Rapsody put on a powerful performance and KILLED it. Catch her vibes below:
On the carpet...
Lil Kim - who rocked custom Dapper Dan x Gucci threads - hit the green carpet with her Junior M.A.F.I.A. family before she accepted the "I Am Hip Hop" Award and performed.
Sup, Cease.
Host Lil Duval was all smiles on the carpet before getting to his hosting duties.
The Chi-town rapper brought his wife Kirsten - decked out in all white everything - on the carpet with him.
Teyana Taylor & Iman Shumpert - who recently celebrated their third anniversary - served up coupledom vibes. When Iman isn't shooting hoops on the court, he raps. He participated in one of the Cyphers:
Not only did Saweetie show love to the Hip Hop vets on stage, she also showed love on the carpet. According to designer Angel Brinks, she paid homage to Jay-Z's "Excuse Me Me Miss" Spring ‘03 Trosman Churba dress.
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Beautiful @saweetie at #bethiphopawards paying homage to JayZ’s “Excuse Me Miss” Spring ‘03 Trosman Churba dress, we collaborated with @bryonjavar for the recreation! Wasn’t easy to make, hard to see in the video, but this dress has 100% beading!! Beautiful! Awards come on tonight on BET.
A post shared by Angel Brinks (@angelbrinks) on Oct 8, 2019 at 2:00pm PDT
Before he rocked the stage with Saweetie, Petey Pablo snapped it up on the carpet.
Rapper Kash Doll made a colorful appearance on the carpet. She also rapped in one of the Cyphers. Peep it above with Iman Shumpert.
Rapper Dave East rapped for late rapper Nipsey Hussle on the carpet.
Rapper DaBaby showed off his custom Dapper Dan x Gucci ensemble before he hit the stage with Offset.
He brought his mother along as his date. He won Best New Hip Hop Artist.
Peep his performance and his acceptance speech below:
Rappers Rick Ross, Lil Boosie (and his son), Juicy J (in an interesting 'fit), B.o.B., T-Pain, Blac Youngsta, and O.T. Genasis (who's about to have a baby with on-again, off-again girlfriend Malika Haqq) were in the mix:
There's ALOT going on here Juicy.
And here B.o.B.
OT Genasis recently made his "KUWTK" debut.
Quality Control honcho Pierre Thomas brought two of his four kids along.
Rapsody hit the carpet like the queen she is.
Get Out star Daniel Kaluuya was in the mix. His new movie, Queen & Slim, with Jodie Turner Smith hit theaters next month. See the trailer HERE.
XSCAPE singer Tamika Scott showed off her curves in a golden bodycon dress alongside her daughter, Young Niyah:
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God is good! Watching my mini me @officialyoungniyah walk the green carpet @bet #bethiphopawards following her destiny #living her dream #youngniyah #tamikascott #likewhoa #new #music #xscape #xscapebabies
A post shared by Tamika Scott (@therealtamikascott) on Oct 8, 2019 at 4:41pm PDT
Oh, hey Musiq Soulchild!
"Love & Hip Hop:Atlanta " star Tommie Lee turned the carpet into her own photoshoot.
Former "Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood" star/rapper Yung Berg made an appearance.
"Queen Sugar" star Omar Dorsey was also in the mix.
In case you missed, check out Lil Kim accept her "I Am Hip Hop" Award and performance HERE.
Photos: Getty
[Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2019/10/09/the-internets-say-petey-pablo-saved-saweetie%E2%80%99s-bet-hip-hop-awards-performance-here%E2%80%99s-ever
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