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So, besides child- and pet- wrangling I also teach early childhood music (specifically Musikgarten). Given the coronavirus and quarantine insanity, I decided to start offering my classes online for babies, toddlers, and pre-k kiddos. It’s singing, movement, and play that you can do with your infant/toddler/3-6 year old.
Anybody interested?
It’s totally free (but even the smallest donations are super appreciated and helpful) and available either on my studio page on Facebook @steelemusicstudio or on my website www.steelemusicstudio.com. No registration or sharing of information. Just visit the sites if you are interested.
I’m not really trying to ‘advertise’ here so much as do what I can to try to help other parents who may be losing their minds as much as me. We are all in this together, right?
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Hier sind sie, die versprochenen Fotos der heutigen "#gEbeamt - die #Gruga🌷"-Tour durch den @Grugapark. Toll wars! #visitruhr #visitessen #grugapark #ess4n #metropoleruhr #grosseruhrländischegartenbauausstellung #reichsgartenschau #bundesgartenschau #orangerie #spielhausgruga #musikgarten #mittelmeergarten #grugabahn #schwarzelene #zornigeameise #heimlicheliebe #wachsameshähnchen #fleißigeslieschen (hier: Messe Essen) https://www.instagram.com/p/B43ELEsim8-/?igshid=1lrsti20ebhoj
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Ardagger - Frühstücksnews - Dienstag, 7.9.2021
Ardagger – Frühstücksnews – Dienstag, 7.9.2021
Sehr geehrte Gemeindebürgerin! Sehr geehrter Gemeindebürger! Heute darf ich angesichts der Sorge um die “Wiederausbreitung” des VIRUS auf unseren nächsten IMPFTERMIN in Ardagger am kommenden Freitag aufmerksam machen: Am kommenden Freitag, den 10. September kannst DU Dich ohne vorherige Anmeldung spontan in Stift Ardagger im Pfarrheim impfen lassen. Bitte nimm Deine Ausweispapiere und die e-card…
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#Ahnenforschung#Bischof Dr. Alois Schwarz#Corona#Impfen#Impfen ohne Anmeldung#Impfung#Musikgarten#Musikschule#Pandemieentwicklung#Presse#Schulbeginn#Schule
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Last day of #musikgarten class. It was a fun semester. Thanks Ms. Kelly n Ms. L. Best of luck in new location next semester. (at MusikGarten at First Pres Orlando) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw91ltvBW8w/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1mck4lkmjuoxs
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Sol Gabetta und Hélène Grimaud from Festspielhaus Baden-Baden on Vimeo.
Die Cellosonate von Claude Debussy ist ein Traum, in Musik gefasst: der Traum von einem Pierrot, der den Mond ansingt. Um diesem Werk gerecht zu werden, genügt es nicht, nur schön zu spielen. Sol Gabetta und Hélène Grimaud werden Charaktere erwecken, Pantomimen in den Köpfen ihrer Zuhörer zaubern vom alten Spanien, vom Clown und von Gitarren – in Letztere darf sich vor allem das Cello immer wieder verwandeln. Gäbe es eine schönere Heraus forderung für Gabetta und Grimaud, die schon das traditionelle Repertoire eminent gestisch gestalten? Die Sonate ist ein fantas tischer Musikgarten – für zwei Malerinnen unter den Musikerinnen.
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Benefits of Music for ADHD Brains
Children Future Mind | Kyle Marcus | October 14th, 2021 | 12:23
The benefits of music for the mind, body, and overall health are well-known and well documented. Music strikes a chord with the brain — regulating mood and stress, improving memory and cognition, and even adding structure to daily life — in a way few other therapies can. Children with ADHD experience out-sized benefits from music. The rhythm, melody, tempo, and lyrics of music may be harnessed to help them activate focus, boost organizational skills, incentivize desired behaviors, improve ADHD symptoms, and more. Whether it’s Mozart or Metallica, music benefits kids with ADHD, even if they’re not musicians. Here, learn creative activities your family can incorporate into daily life that turn up the volume on music’s healing powers.
We have invited Children's music educator Karen Karana Tse (MA) to share 7 different Benefits of Music for Kids with ADHD.
1. Music improves attention and focus
The temporal and rhythmic properties of music are thought to modulate some symptoms of inattentiveness. Playing, or learning to play an instrument, can also help develop skills needed for sustaining attention, alternating attention, impulse control, and decision-making. One study found that children who studied a musical instrument showed better auditory connectivity in the brain, which is often diminished in ADHD brains.Music lessons also increase your child’s ability to work in a noisy environment, which is useful for coping with distractions.
2. Music reinforces memory
Attaching information to lyrics and melody helps children — with and without ADHD — remember important items. Try teaching phone numbers, addresses, chores, and procedures (like washing hands or tying shoes) to the tune of your child’s favorite songs.
3. Music acts as a study aid
For some students, listening to music while studying works well because it keeps the brain activated, focused, and less prone to distractions. There is no single musical genre that is best for studying – it is entirely individual. Whether the lyrics in your child’s preferred music are appropriate is another discussion, but don’t automatically rule out hip-hop or heavy metal; it might work to focus your child.Encourage your child to explore genres, and to use headphones with comfortable volume levels.
4. Music helps keep track of time
Time blindness is common with ADHD, and music helps build time perception and awareness skills. Rather than have your child do homework or chores to the beat of a timer, try playing a song or timed playlist. It may be easier for your child to keep pace with a favorite soundtrack rather than an unstimulating timer or clock. Music also teaches predictability – a certain point in a song or playlist can act as a marker, letting your child know that it’s time to move to the next step or wrap up.
5. Music boosts energy
A good tune can pump up the brain and body, upping dopamine levels and increasing your child’s motivation to tackle even the least desirable of tasks. As with study music, have your child listen to different genres to see what works best. Ask them how they feel listening to each type of music – Are they more anxious? More in the zone? Perhaps too amped up and energized?If your child has excess energy, music and movement are great ways to channel it. Try enrolling your young child into a developmental music program (such as Music Together, Kindermusik, Musikgarten), which helps build a variety of skills through the experience of music. Older children may benefit from dance classes or other group music experiences.
6. Music promotes calm.
Just as music can boost our energy, it can also calm and soothe us, making it an effective tool for emotional regulation. Again, the choice in music is personal. Some children relax to an audio track of nature or a composition without lyrics. Others feel calm and happy while listening to an upbeat pop song.
7. Music improves self-esteem.
Too many children with ADHD experience low self-esteem. Creating music and learning to play an instrument can build self-confidence and a skill in which they can take pride. It can also teach children about the importance of practice and persistence in the process of crafting something special and enjoyable.Music is also quite normalizing – your child can bond with peers by talking about music, the instruments they play, and their favorite bands. Joining an orchestra or band at school is great for building social skills while pursuing musical interests. As music and movement are joined at the hip, many children benefit from dance, or another movement experience that works with music.If your child wants to learn how to play an instrument, make sure to explore a variety of them – piano, drums, guitar, cello, etc. – to find the one that truly sings.
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Musik at Home
http://www.Mymusikathome.com launched on May 3, 2016! Come visit us and sign up for our freebies here: http://bit.ly/1VIs0a0. Musik at home is an online music studio for babies, toddlers, preschoolers and pre-K. Teaching Musikgarten’s internationally renowned curriculum, licensed and certified Musikgarten instructor, Kathryn Brunner, brings music classes to you with easy to follow instruction for…
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So Pip was looking over my shoulder when I had Facebook up on my phone the other day. It showed me a memory of a picture from when he was two, standing with a sweet friend from our Musikgarten class right before we moved away. I asked if he knew who was in the picture (obviously I didn’t expect him to) but he said, “Yes that’s me with my friend Lucy. I loved her so much that I named my sister after her.”
Sorry, what? We haven’t seen them in about five years. And yes, she was super sweet, but they weren’t best buddies or anything. His memory can be really crazy sometimes.
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𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐢𝐥𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐳𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐳𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐁𝐮̈𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐞𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐦 𝟏𝟏.𝟎𝟓.𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎 𝗠𝘂𝘀𝗶𝗸- 𝘂𝗻𝗱 𝗞𝘂𝗻𝘀𝘁𝘀𝗰𝗵𝘂𝗹𝗲 𝗦𝗰𝗵𝘄𝗲𝗱𝘁/𝗢𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗮𝗯 𝟭𝟯.𝟬𝟱.𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟬 𝘄𝗶𝗲𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗲𝘀𝗰𝗵𝗿𝗮̈𝗻𝗸𝘁 𝗴𝗲𝗼̈𝗳𝗳𝗻𝗲𝘁 Ab Mittwoch, dem 13.05.2020, öffnet die Musik- und Kunstschule der Stadt Schwedt/Oder wieder ihre Türen, jedoch vorerst in eingeschränktem Umfang. Begonnen wird in Phase 1 mit dem Einzelunterricht und Gruppenunterricht zu zweit (Tandemunterricht). Gruppen- und Klassenunterricht mit mehr als 5 Schülern, insbesondere Tanz, Bildende Künste (Malen, Zeichnen, Plastisches Gestalten, Keramik), Musikalische Früherziehung, Musikgarten, Instrumentenkarussell und das Ensemblemusizieren können vorerst noch nicht stattfinden. Die Einhaltung des Mindestabstands und der Hygienevorschriften sind zu beachten. Auf das Tragen von Mund- und Nasenschutz beim Einlass wird ausdrücklich hingewiesen. Alle Schüler müssen zum Unterricht ihre eigenen Instrumente mitbringen. Zur Vermeidung unnötiger Kontakte ist der Einlass in die Schule nur für die Schüler vorgesehen. Eltern können ihre Kinder nur vor das Schulgebäude bringen und wieder abholen. Das Sekretariat der Musik- und Kunstschule ist telefonisch und per E-Mail erreichbar. 𝗪𝗶𝗰𝗵𝘁𝗶𝗴𝗲𝗿 𝗛𝗶𝗻𝘄𝗲𝗶𝘀 𝗳𝘂̈𝗿 𝗕𝘂̈𝗿𝗴𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗻 𝘂𝗻𝗱 𝗕𝘂̈𝗿𝗴𝗲𝗿: Seit heute (11.05.2020) werden wieder alle Anliegen im Schwedter Rathaus bearbeitet. Ohne Termin ist jedoch kein Einlass ins Rathaus möglich. 𝗪𝗶𝗰𝗵𝘁𝗶𝗴𝗲𝗿 𝗛𝗶𝗻𝘄𝗲𝗶𝘀 𝗳𝘂̈𝗿 𝗘𝗹𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗻: In allen Kindertageseinrichtungen findet wie bisher lediglich eine Notfallbetreuung statt. Schulen sind aufgefordert, im Rahmen ihrer bestehenden Möglichkeiten die Notfallbetreuung zu unterstützen. 𝗚𝗲𝗯𝘂̈𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗽𝗳𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗵𝘁 Für alle Eltern, die ab dem 01.05.2020 einen bestätigten Notfallbetreuungsplatz haben, wird die Stadt Schwedt/Oder (als Träger der Einrichtungen) ab Mai 2020 eine Gebühr erheben. #uckermark #schwedtoder https://www.instagram.com/p/CANsE_aqG4i/?igshid=kgh4thtali8
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What Is the Best Age to Begin Piano Lessons?
Guardians who give their kids the endowment of melodic training start them out on a way that will enhance their lives from multiple points of view. Considering music creates discipline, deftness, knowledge, and makes an expertise that can carry joy to both the entertainer and to all who tune in. As indicated by an ongoing article in the LA Times, 6-year-olds who got console guidance had more cerebrum development and preferred fine engine aptitudes over their companions. You, as a parent, need these advantages for your kid, yet you may ponder when to start piano exercises.
Most importantly, let me state that there is nobody age that is ideal for all kids. You can discover instances of youngsters who began piano exercises at three years of age, yet that is uncommon. Different children who start as late as ten or eleven can likewise end up astounding proficient piano players. The individuals who start later in their teenagers probably won't be prepared to enter school as a piano major, however they can in any case get a ton of advantage. Anybody of all ages who needs to learn, and places in the long periods of training, can in any case arrive at an elevated level of ability and delight.
Is It Ever Too Early?
The facts demonstrate that you can discover recordings on YouTube of three-year-olds playing Mozart, however that doesn't mean a three-year-old who preferences plunking on the piano keys ought to be pursued exercises. Kids younger than five who show an enthusiasm for the piano ought to be permitted to investigate and learn without anyone else time table. They likely won't react well to a grown-up forced learning structure. Continuously dynamic and inquisitive, a little child may focus on a grown-up who is attempting to show them something for around three minutes, however then they see something different they need to look at. In the event that you put a youngster at this age in piano exercises, the greater part of the educator's time will be spent in diverting the kid's regard for the piano. It simply is definitely not an extremely successful utilization of your time and cash.
Rather, guardians of kids under age five ought to get things done to develop a general enthusiasm for music. Singing, moving, and tuning in to recorded music are things you can do at superior singing method review home with kids at any age. Likewise, consider selecting your kid in a decent preschool music program, as Kindermusik, Music Together, and Musikgarten. These projects construct consciousness of melodic ideas like cadence and pitch and establish a decent framework for learning a melodic instrument.
The Requirements for Readiness
The best time to begin piano exercises will be diverse for each kid, however most will be prepared between the ages of five-and-a-half to eight years of age. Some five-year-olds may be prepared to begin, however not generally. How would you know whether your youngster is prepared? Here is a short agenda:
1. Size of Hand
Will your kid effectively place five fingers on five neighboring white keys? For some five-year-olds, that is a major stretch! Prior to starting piano exercises, ensure your youngster's hands have developed enough to be open to utilizing a console.
2. Finger Independence
On the off chance that you request that your youngster hold their hands up and squirm, say, just their left-hand ring finger, would they be able to do it? Prior to starting piano, youngsters should have the option to move individual fingers. A decent trial of this is to attempt Hoffman Academy's Lesson Number 1, "Hot Cross Buns." (It's free!) A kid who can utilize three unique fingers on three dark keys to play "Hot Cross Buns" is prepared for exercises. A youngster who can just play by choosing the tune with one finger is presumably not prepared.
You can practice finger autonomy with your youngster to assist them with getting prepared for piano exercises. Hold up your very own hands and have your youngster duplicate you as you squirm just each finger in turn. Watch out, this game can prompt bunches of snickers and perhaps some tickling.
3. Enthusiasm for Music and Desire to Learn
Likely the most significant thing on this agenda is your own kid's craving to get familiar with the piano. On the off chance that the inspiration to take in originates from your kid, it will assist them with overcoming a wide range of challenges they may experience. In the event that the inspiration just originates from you, at that point sometime you'll wind up with a power battle.
At the point when my three-year-old child saw me instructing piano in our home he needed to have piano exercises as well. After my standard understudies were away for the afternoon, I'd give him an imagine piano exercise. More often than not we sang a tune together while he crushed keys on the piano. At the point when he turned five I started giving him genuine piano exercises, yet sooner or later he began standing up to. We enjoyed a reprieve for around five months, and started again when he was very nearly six. From that point forward, our exercises went much better.
Ages Six to Eight is A Great Time to Start Piano
My preferred age to begin an understudy on piano exercises is six years of age. At this age, kids have had a time of kindergarten and are utilized to grown-up coordinated learning. Their cerebrums get dialects and manufacture new associations at an astounding rate. Likewise, their hands are entirely adaptable, yet nimble enough to begin playing the piano.
Seven and eight-year-olds keep on having the prime mental limit that will enable them to get familiar with the perplexing language of music effortlessly. A few analysts have demonstrated that following eight years of age there's a fateful opening for melodic discovering that closes. Musically, things may not click as promptly for a nine or multi year old as they may have on the off chance that they were acquainted with them a couple of years sooner.
Another explanation it is simpler for more youthful kids to begin piano exercises is the measure of accessible time they need to rehearse. More seasoned children and adolescents more often than not top off their lives with different interests. A youngster who starts in first grade and gets in quite a while of piano by center school is bound to be propelled enough to need to stay with it even as life gets busier.
A Word About Reading
One thing that may slow a six-year-old down as they study piano is the way that they're not continually going to be a solid peruser at this age. In the event that your youngster's piano instructor utilizes a book-based strategy, where sight perusing is stressed from the earliest starting point, that may be a battle for a kid who hasn't yet got a decent establishment of unraveling images from a page.
On the off chance that you discover an instructor who uses an ear-based technique, as Simply Music, Suzuki, Kodály, or Hoffman Academy, you don't need to hold up until a kid can peruse a long time before starting music exercises. Perusing and composing music will be presented later, when the youngster is progressively prepared for it. Piano understudies who utilize a book-based technique may improve in the event that they start at age seven or eight, after they can peruse words with more familiarity.
Is It Ever Too Late?
No, it is rarely past the point of no return! For certain kids, beginning after age eight will really be better, contingent upon their advantage and their development level. A more seasoned youngster who truly needs to adapt piano and places in an opportunity to practice can learn as fast or much speedier than a more youthful kid, particularly a more youthful kid who isn't as committed.
As kids get more established, the facts demonstrate that their hands and their minds step by step become less adaptable, however their perseverance, their self discipline, and their capacity to center will increment. I've had more seasoned kids start piano exercises and truly shock me by what they can achieve in a brief timeframe.
Teenagers and Adult Beginners
In case you're a teenager or grown-up and you've never had any music preparing whatsoever, that shouldn't prevent you from attempting piano exercises. Individuals don't gain proficiency with the piano just to wind up proficient musicians. Regardless of when you start, you can have the pleasure in playing an instrument, in addition to all the incredible mental, physical, and enthusiastic advantages. Individuals can begin piano at 60, at 70, at 80, even later. Your cerebrum can even now frame new associations at any age. You can generally adapt new abilities.
For the individuals who start sometime down the road, learning the piano may take somewhat more tolerance. Most teenagers and grown-ups are accustomed to being great at things. They've aced their local language, they can do math, they can walk, run, move, ride a bicycle, play sports, accomplish a wide range of things that more youthful children are as yet clumsy at. More youthful children wouldn't fret being cumbersome at the piano since despite everything they're figuring out how to do everything!
In case you're a grown-up apprentice, you may get baffled and need to surrender since you feel ungainly from the start. It might appear to be simpler to stay with the things that you've just aced. On the off chance that that occurs, recall, you are doing this since you need to! Try not to surrender. Be quiet with yourself as you get familiar with the piano. You'll resemble a little youngster once more. Put aside twenty minutes per day and appreciate that procedure of picking up something totally new. In the event that you can discover thirty or forty minutes per day, you'll progress considerably quicker.
The Best Age to Begin
So what is the best age to start piano exercises? For a youngster who meets every one of the necessities of hand size, finger freedom, and want, the appropriate response is, at the earliest opportunity! Make the most of the chance to drench your small kid's psyche in the language of music. In the event that those prime long periods of chance have just passed, it is never past the point of no return for a kid with a genuine want to learn. Considering music at any age is useful for body, brain, and soul, and something to appreciate for a lifetime.
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German Fest is fast approaching!
A long-standing Milwaukee summer tradition, this year German Fest will run July 28th – 30th. With our extensive local history collections, there were seemingly endless possibilities on what to highlight in celebration, but we finally decided to bring in a little drama and flair to excite any Germanophiles! Within the Pabst Theater Collection, 1865-2007, we found extensive material to explore not just the history of the Pabst theater itself, but the history of German-language theater in Milwaukee.
The first known German-language production in Milwaukee dates back to 1850. The shows were incredibly popular through the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century, and many Milwaukee theaters held German-language productions up until the beginning of World War I. Pictured above are a few pages from the opening program of the Das Neue Deutsche Stadt Theater (The New German City Theater). In 1890, Capt. Frederick Pabst bought and renovated the “Grand Opera House” building, which according to its opening program immediately became the“New home of the German muse”. This same building was renovated once again a few years later to become what Milwaukeeans know today as the “Pabst Theater”.
When Das Neue Deutsche Stadt Theater opened its doors, citizens were no doubt impressed by the state-of-the-art lighting and splendor of the design. The opening night program offers drawings of both the interior and exterior of the theater, giving us a great picture of what it looked like then. To our delight, the Pabst Theater Collection includes samples of fringes, fabric trimmings, and furniture gimps that help bring the memory of the old theater to life. The sample pictured in our post above is a set of fabric trimming and furniture gimps from 1895.
While German-language theater never regained its prominence after the War, there are still plenty of German cultural activities that Milwaukeeans can enjoy today. Take a look at the Musikgarten Stage lineup at German Fest to catch a musical performance, learn some dances, or enjoy a marionette show!
#german fest#milwaukee german fest#german fest 2017#german theater#german language theater#german language#german american history#milwaukee history#pabst theater#Pabst Theater Collection#uwm#uwm archives
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Teacher Hannah story time👸 🧜♂️【The Little Mermaid ● 小美人魚】🧜♀️ 經典故事表演:以繪本故事引導,讓小朋友身歷其境加入故事角色的演出 美味點心製作:Seashell Meringue Cookies 小貝殼珍珠餅 創意趣味勞作:Ocean Sparkle Snow Globe 海洋之心玻璃雪球 親子舞蹈律動:Under the sea 泡泡律動遊戲 #Hannah老師故事派對 #TheLittleMermaid(在 His&Her親子藝術 X MusikGarten總部授權中心) https://www.instagram.com/giada.w/p/BxULBGiByXLaVPHQ61goUS--wolYzvoVgyMkh40/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1g15thtnq2omo
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Baguio’s enchanting Christmas opens Nov. 23
#PHnews: Baguio’s enchanting Christmas opens Nov. 23
BAGUIO CITY – Christmas celebration here starts on Nov. 23 with the fair at the Christmas Village in Burnham Park Rose Garden with the Cultural Center of the Phillippine’s Bayanihan Folk Dance Company as performers.
This is but a soft opening for the more than a month celebration that will make Baguio more festive during the season, like in the past, said Baguio Tourism Council (BTC) interim chair Gladys de Vera in a press conference on Wednesday.
“It will be well-curated, well-directed performances,” said local artist Ferdie Balanag, who will incorporate creativeness into the celebration that is 45 days long.
Balanag said the village and the fair will officially open the following day with the Philippine Philharmonic Orchestra's (PPO) performance.
Organizers said they took advantage of the orchestra’s two-day stay where the PPO will be playing at the University of the Cordilleras as part of its outreach program that will also bring the orchestra to Iloilo, Aklan and Nueva Ecija.
While the orchestra plays, lights to the village which has a European theme will be lit transporting promenaders to the enchanting villages of the said continent that were the birthplace of fairy tales.
Thus, the festivities title: An Enchanting Baguio Christmas which will officially kick off on December 1 with the Saint Louis University Lantern Parade that will be followed with the lighting of the Christmas lights at Session Road, Malcolm Square (Peoples Park) and Burnham and to be followed by fireworks.
It will actually be a busy December 1 with the Children’s Mardi Gras that will kick off the 36-day Silahis ng Pasko (SNP) which will continue despite the passing of its founder, the late city councilor Narciso Padilla.
“All the program of my father will be pursued although it will be a little different without my father,” said son Fritz Gerald Padilla, the SNP organizing committee chairman.
Among the major events of the festivity are: the Philippine Military Academy Nutcracker parade with Ballet Baguio’s Nutcracker performance at the Christmas Village on December 8; Musikgarten Christmas party on December 12; Christmas gift-giving on December 14; Ongkoleyt day and choral fest on December 15; simbang gabi and soup kitchen on December 16-24; Phoenix Fuel’s Day on December 28; and local band “The Edralins” concert on December 29.
Meanwhile, the SNP will have the following as other events: Lucky Christmas Family on December 7 and 8 in both Baguio and Tuba; the Special Olympics for Persons with Disabilities on December 15; the Share a Joy for sick children on December 22; the Lucky Christmas Baby on December 25; the TALA and KKISLAP for elderly and athletes on December 30; and, the Lucky New Year’s Baby on January 1.
A closing ceremony for the SNP will be on January 5 at the Shrine of Brown Madonna in Tadiangan, Tuba, Benguet.
Silahis means “ray of hope” and was founded by Padilla in 1973 to provide for the less fortunate, indigent and people with disabilities.
It is staged in coordination with the City Social Welfare and Development Office. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "Baguio’s enchanting Christmas opens Nov. 23." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1086565 (accessed November 21, 2019 at 12:30AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "Baguio’s enchanting Christmas opens Nov. 23." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1086565 (archived).
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Today's Practice-a-Thon tip is presented by Suzanne Hannau, flute and Musikgarten faculty member at MIC! Keep up the great practicing! @itoottheflute2 https://ift.tt/2DdGgEn
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