#musical instruments donation
darealprisonart · 2 months
Tory Lanez's Has Not Improved the Quality of Prison Music Says Prison Artist C-Note
Tory Lanez is releasing new music better than the quality of previous imprisoned artists, just one problem says the King of Prison Hip Hop, it’s not true. On August 8, 2023, Canadian Hip Hop artist Daystar Peterson, who goes by the stage name Tory Lanez, was sentenced in the Los Angeles County Superior Court to ten years in prison after being found guilty by a jury of shooting American rapper…
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Was forced to watch a truly incredible (derogatory) thing recently.
A young person on twitter, adamant that transandrophobia doesn't exist on the grounds that 'no one is killing/raping/assaulting trans men'.
Several people responded, including some linking articles about murders and assaults on trans men and a couple op-ed style pieces of trans men talking about their own experiences.
Said young person responded with "I'm not reading those its triggering and I'm a minor"
So let me see if I've got this correct, you are knowingly refuse to acknowledge reality because it's upsetting to you and then you're going to turn around and deny that very reality because you refuse to acknowledge it because it's upsetting?
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oprah sinfree - slow ur blood (sell ur blood slowed & reverb)
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umabloomer · 11 months
I got a job at a Ukrainian museum.
On the first day someone asks me if I have any Ukrainian heritage. I say I had ancestors from Odesa, but they were Jewish, so they weren’t considered Ukrainian, and they wouldn’t have considered themselves Ukrainian. My job is every day I go through boxes of Ukrainian textiles and I write a physical description, take measurements, take photographs, and upload everything into the database. I look up “Jewish” in the database and there is no result. 
Some objects have no context at all, some come with handwritten notes or related documents. I look at thick hand-spun, hand-woven linen heavy with embroidery. Embroidery they say can take a year or more. I think of someone dressed for a wedding in their best clothes they made with their own hands. Some shirts were donated with photographs of the original owners dressed in them, for a dance at the Ukrainian Labour Temple, in 1935. I handle the pieces carefully, looking at how they fit the men in the photos, and how they look almost a hundred years later packed in acid-free tissue. One of the men died a few years later, in the war. He was younger than I am now. The military archive has more photographs of him with his mother, his father, his fiancé. I take care in writing the catalogue entry, breathing in the history, getting tearful. 
I imagine people dressed in their best shirts at Easter, going around town in their best shirts burning the houses of Jews, in their best shirts, killing Jews. A shirt with dense embroidery all over the sleeves and chest has a note that says it is from Husiatyn. I look it up and find that it was largely a Jewish town, and Ukrainians lived in the outskirts. There is a fortress synagogue from the Renaissance period, now abandoned. 
When my partner Aaron visits I take him to an event at the museum where a man shows his collection of over fifty musical instruments from Ukraine, and he plays each one. Children are seated on the floor at the front. We’re standing in a corner, the room full of Ukrainians, very aware that we look like Jews, but not sure if anyone recognizes what that looks like anymore. Aaron gets emotional over a song played on the bandura. 
A note with a dress says it came from the Buchach region. I find a story of Jewish life in Buchach in the early twentieth century, preparing to flee as the Nazis take over. I cry over this.
I’m cataloguing a set of commemorative ribbons that were placed on the grave of a Ukrainian Nationalist leader, Yevhen Konovalets, after he was assassinated. The ribbons were collected and stored by another Nationalist, Andriy Melnyk, who took over leadership after Konovalets’ death. The ribbons are painted or embroidered with messages honouring the dead politician. I start to recognize the word for “leader”, the Cyrillic letters which make up the name of the colonel, the letters “OYH” which stand for Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN in English). The OUN played a big part in the Lviv pogroms in 1941, I learn. The Wikipedia article has a black and white image of a woman in her underwear, running in terror from a man and a young boy carrying a stick of wood. The woman’s face is dark, her nose may be bleeding. Her underwear is torn, her breast exposed. I’m measuring, photographing, recording the stains and loose threads in the banners that honour men who would have done this to me. 
Every day I can’t stop looking at my phone, looking up the news from Gaza, tapping through Instagram stories that show what the news won’t. Half my family won’t talk to the other half, after I share an article by a scholar of Holocaust and genocide studies, who says Israel is committing a genocide. My dad makes a comment that compares Gaza to the Warsaw Ghetto. This gets him in trouble. My aunt says I must have learned this antisemitism at university, but there is no excuse for my dad. 
This morning I see images from Israeli attacks in the West Bank, where they are not at war. There are naked bodies on the dusty ground. I’m not sure if they are alive. This is what I think of when I see the image from the Lviv pogrom. If what it means for Jews to be safe from oppression is to become the oppressor, I don’t want safety. I don’t want to speak about Jews as if we are one People, because I have so little in common with those in green uniforms and tanks. I am called a self-hating Jew but I think I am a self-reflecting Jew.
I don’t know how to articulate how it feels to be handling objects which remind me of Jewish traumas I inherited only from history classes and books. Textiles hold evidence of the bodies that made them and used them. I measure the waist of a skirt and notice that it is the same as my waist size. I think of clothing and textiles that were looted from Jewish homes during pogroms. I think of clothing and textiles that were looted from Palestinian homes during the ongoing Nakba. Clothes hold the shape of the body that once dressed in them. Sometimes there are tears, mends, stains. I am rummaging through personal belongings in my nitrile gloves. 
I am hands-on learning about the violence caused by Ukrainian Nationalism while more than nine thousand Palestinians have been killed by the State of Israel in three weeks, not to mention all those who have been killed in the last seventy-five years of occupation, in the name of the Jewish Nation, the Jewish People — me? If we (and I am hesitant to say “we”) learned anything from the centuries of being killed, it was how to kill. This should not have been the lesson learned. Zionism wants us to feel constantly like the victims, like we need to defend ourself, like violence is necessary, inevitable. I need community that believes in freedom for all, not just our own People. I need the half of my family who believes in this necessary “self-defence” to remember our history, and not just the one that ends happily ever after with the creation of the State of Israel. Genocide should not be this controversial. We should not be okay with this. 
Tomorrow I will go to work and keep cataloguing banners that honour the leader of an organization which led pogroms. I will keep checking the news, crying into my phone, coordinating with organizers about our next actions, grappling with how we can be a tiny part in ending this genocide that the world won’t acknowledge, out of guilt over the ones it ignored long ago. 
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khaire-traveler · 6 months
☀️ Subtle Apollon Worship 🏹
Singing/listening to your favorite songs; this applies to any music, though
Listening to music while studying
Playing any instrument
Dedicating a journal to writing poetry or stories
Reading poetry books; reading ancient poetry/stories (especially ancient Greek poetry/stories)
Dancing to any music of your choice
Setting reminders to take medication on time; taking your medication in general
Taking care of your body physically, such as brushing one's teeth or taking a shower
Taking a walk on a sunny day; basking in the warmth of the light
Keeping a pic of him in your wallet
Wearing jewelry that reminds you of him
Keeping imagery of light/the sun, lyres, instruments, music, swans, cranes, or ravens around
Getting a wolf, swan, or dolphin stuffed animal
Anything to do with positive and healthy self-wellness
Learning archery
Learning to do divination outside of the obvious (the obvious being tarot, runes, and pendulums, for example; not obvious would be cartomancy, pyromancy, carromancy, shufflomancy, etc.)
Doing homework (yes, really)
Being kind to yourself when you're having a difficult time
Placing positive affirmations on somewhere you'd see them everyday, especially ones about things you're proud of
Checking in with yourself emotionally throughout the day; how are you feeling? What are some good things that have happened so far? What are some not so good things?
Learning about philosophy and taking note of your thoughts on the topic
Learning more about yourself (e.g. make a list of things you enjoy, try new hobbies, experiment with new outfits, etc.)
Expressing yourself through art of any kind
Having a candle that reminds you of him (no altar needed)
Keeping a personal journal/diary - somewhere where you can keep track of your thoughts and feelings
Practice compassion and patience, especially with yourself
Continue learning throughout your life; interesting topics, philosophy, music, psychology, physical health, etc.
Learn about any medical conditions you or a loved one has
Learn about your healthcare options and medical rights (HIPPA in the US)
Support education forward, humanitarian, healthcare, or homeless shelter organizations
Volunteer at a homeless shelter
Donate clothes, toys, hygiene kits, and other items; hygiene kits are always needed
Be kind to children; play with them if offered
Make a list of things that make you feel human throughout the year - moments where you feel present, content, and alive
Sharpen your mind; play memory or mentally stimulating games
May add more later! For now, this is my list of discreet ways to worship Apollo. I hope it helps someone, and take care, y'all! 🧡
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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differentsoulsweets · 2 months
Απολλων [Apollo] God of prophecy and oracles, music, song and poetry, archery, healing, plague and disease
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Epithets: ⟡ Proopsios [Foreseeing] ⟡ Phoibos [Bright] ⟡ Akestor [Healer] ⟡ Alexikakos [Averter of Evil] ⟡ Theoxenios [ God of Foreigners ] ⟡ Pythios [Slayers of Python] ⟡ Chrusaor [Of Golden Sword] ⟡ Daphnephorios [Bearer of Laurels] ⟡ Loimios [ Deliverer from Pague] ⟡ Moiragetes [Leader of Fate] ⟡ Pagasios [Pagasaean] ⟡ Hekaergos [Far-shooting]
Domains: ⟡ Prophecy & Oracles ⟡ Light ⟡ Music & Arts ⟡ Song & poetry ⟡ Archery ⟡ Healing & medicine ⟡ Plague & Disease ⟡ Protection of the young ⟡ Boys ⟡ Sudden Death ⟡ Knowledge ⟡ Herds & Flocks ⟡ Protector of Fugitives
Devotional acts: ⟡ Donate to medical charities ⟡ Draw or Paint ⟡ Read poetry or listen to music ⟡ Sing or play an instrument ⟡ Go to the library
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Symbol: ⟡ The Lyre ⟡ Silver bow & Arrows ⟡ Dolphins ⟡ Swans ⟡ Crows ⟡ Ravens ⟡ Lions ⟡ Wolves ⟡ Mice ⟡ Griffins ⟡ Hawks ⟡ Snakes ⟡ Laurel wreath ⟡ Fire / flame ⟡ The sun / Light ⟡ Tripod ⟡ Apples
Element: ⟡ Light
Color: ⟡ Orange ; yellow ; Gold ⟡ Red ⟡ Pure white ⟡ Pink ⟡ Purple ⟡ Green ⟡ Blue
Crystals & stones: ⟡ Sunstone ⟡ Amber ⟡ Honey ; Yellow Calcite ⟡ Rutilated ; Clear ; Rose quartz
Fruits,Vegetables,Flowers,Herbs: ⟡ Cypress ⟡ Laurel ⟡ Larkspur ⟡ The-apple-tree ⟡ The palm tree ⟡ Hyacinth
Animal: ✧Swan ⟡ Raven ⟡ Tortoise ⟡ Serpent ⟡ Wolf ⟡ Dolphin ⟡ Mouse
Incense: ✧ Bay ⟡ Frankincense ⟡ Cypress
Food & Drinks: ⟡ Red wine ⟡ Olive oil ⟡ Water ⟡ Fruit ⟡ Honey ⟡ Almonds ⟡ Citruses ⟡ Cinnamon ⟡ Coffee ⟡ Herbal tea with Honey cakes ⟡ Bay leaves ⟡ Anise
Day, Season, Time of Day: ✧ Sunday ⟡ Middsummer ⟡ Midday ⟡ May
Tarot: ✧ The Sun ⟡ The chariot ⟡ Strength ⟡ Temperance
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ricky-yaps · 2 months
a completely unoriginal notes game
EVERY 1 LIKE = 5 mins cleaning my depression room
EVERY 1 REBLOG = 10 mins touching grass
EVERY 5 LIKES = 1 glass of water
EVERY 5 REBLOGS = 30mins practicing art
EVERY 10 LIKES = 30 minutes writing
EVERY 10 REBLOGS = 30 mins practicing an instrument
10 NOTES = Write a proper bio for this blog
25 NOTES = Go through my closet and donate what I don’t wear anymore
50 NOTES = Start presenting masc more
75 NOTES = Start keeping a daily-ish journal
100 NOTES = Start exercising every other day
200 NOTES = Learn how to draw from reference, start making fanart, and post it here
300 NOTES = Do a better job at brushing teeth
400 NOTES = Get some kind of job, even if it’s just tutoring
450 NOTES = Have a normal sleep schedule on weekdays (9:30PM-5AM)
500 NOTES = Start taking full-body showers every day
600 NOTES = Come out as queer and trans to my uncle
650 NOTES = Get really good at Fortnite (I don’t know man it matters to me)
700 NOTES = Start meal-prepping
750 NOTES = Start skateboarding more (learn to ollie)
800 NOTES = Start writing short stories again and post them to @fishbowlscrawls
900 NOTES = Start producing music again
1K NOTES = Start submitting poems to anthologies again
1.1K NOTES = Finish learning French and then start on Italian
1.25K NOTES = Come out to healthcare providers if Trump isn’t in office (otherwise just ask to start Nexplanon)
1.5K NOTES = Be social for once (actually try to make friends instead of waiting for someone to yap)
1.7K NOTES = Ask them to hoco (if there is anybody I don’t know yet)
1.75K NOTES = Start applying for college scholarships
1.9K NOTES = Start making plans to travel abroad in college
2K NOTES = Start actually studying and going to tutors and taking notes
2.25K NOTES = Limit recreational screentime (2hrs on weekdays, 4hrs on weekends)
2.5K NOTES = Stop smoking weed/drinking on weeknights
2.75K NOTES = Start properly budgeting
3K NOTES = Come out to my paternal grandparents
3.75K NOTES = Release an EP in summer of 2025
4K NOTES = Fix my wackass handwriting
BLUE/PURPLE = hasn’t been reached
ORANGE/RED = reached; not completed
GREEN/PINK = completed!
(Room-cleaning put on hold because I’m moving; will replace with another goal when I move!)
MINS OUTSIDE = 960/1240
MINS DRAWING = 720/720
MINS WRITING = 220/480
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onlybeeewrites · 9 months
Meadow's Lullaby
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Requests: Yes!
Pairing: Sejanus Plinth x fem!reader, onesided Coriolanus x reader, platonic Lucy Gray x reader
Warnings: none, this is a fluffy one....for now :)
Word count: 1.3K
The Valley Song Series: Part 1 <- -> Part 3
Author's Note: You guys are literally so amazing??? Thank you so much for showing your love for The Valley Song. I came up with this idea and direction so hopefully you all enjoy it. Thank you, lovies! Also once again, because I love Maiah Wynne, the music below is what the reader plays :)) Also this was just so much fun to write
You were a lot shyer than Lucy Gray. That was one of the first things that came to Coriolanus' mind as he watched Lucy Gray pull you over as the performance ended for the night. Maude Ivory had taken your old wooden guitar from you as the rest of the Covey put their instruments away and gathered all the donations from around the Hob.
Your shy and bashful nature had intrigued Coriolanus greatly, but it had with Sejanus as well. He could tell so as his...friend's face got more pink in his cheeks as you neared. A curiosity in his eyes as you neared.
"Y/N, It is finally time for you to meet my boy, Coriolanus Snow. And this is his fine friend, Sejanus," Lucy Gray had introduced them. Her boy, he thought to himself with great distaste. Coriolanus did not belong to anyone, and his little songbird counted. He was not one to be owned. He owned others.
"Y/N here is my older cousin. Just by a year though so it ain't nothing fancy." Lucy Gray said with a laugh, causing you to shyly roll your eyes at your cousin's words. It was clear this wasn't the first time this was brought up in any sort of conversation.
"A pleasure to meet you, Y/N" Coriolanus said with a charming smile and a nod as Lucy Gray let go of her cousin's hand and moved to step beside Coryo, her arm going around his waist.
You gave him a bit of a shy smile as you gave him a nod, "The pleasure is all mine, Coriolanus. I cannot thank you enough for bringing my cousin back to us. I owe you," you chuckled. And even your chuckle was like soft wind chimes; soft.
Sejanus could not help but look to you in some sort of admiration. Even by the look in your eyes, you were gentle kind, and compassionate. Even after all you had been through with losing your family, singing for your dinners, almost losing your cousin...you were still kind. Almost like him.
Your eyes moved to look at him and you could feel your face heating up. He was beautiful. Almost too beautiful, especially to be somewhere like here in District Twelve. You couldn't help but wonder what he had done to be sent there.
"Pleasure to meet you Sejanus.." You say after a moment of almost staring at each other, realizing the silence may have gone on for a little bit too long. In the corner of your eye, you see your cousin smirking at you, glancing up at Coryo as if she had planned this sort of meeting all along.
"Trust me....the pleasure is all mine. You were uh...you were amazing up there by the way," Sejanus said nervously, though the smile stayed on his face.
The bashful smile returned to your lips at his almost too-kind words. "Why thank you. I don't sing on my own very often so I'm pleased you enjoyed it,"
Lucy Gray grinned before remembering. "Oh! I almost forgot. The Covey, we're all making a trip out tomorrow. You both should join us!" she offered.
Coriolanus and Sejanus both shared a look. They both had nothing else to do. So after a moment of sharing a look, Coriolanus smiled slightly and nodded, "We'd love to,"
Lucy Gray almost squealed with excitement, "Oh perfect. You boys are going to love it. Coryo, come by our house by mornin', alright? We'll see you both tomorrow," she said with a grin, taking your hand and rushing back towards the rest of the covey.
You turned and gave them both one last wave and smile before being pulled backstage, leaving the two boys in almost awe: Sejanus being more obvious.
"I can't wait for tomorrow," Sejanus sighed.
When tomorrow finally came, the two boys made it to the small Covey home on the edge of the Seam. And by an hour after sunrise, you all started the hike up to the lake. You lingered behind talking with Barb Azure, listening to Maude Ivory singing and Lucy speaking with Coryo. Halfway through you lingered back, falling back in step with Sejanus.
After hours of hiking, you all made it to the lake and set your things down. The heat was seemingly unbearable, and many of the covey found their way to the lake, aching to cool off their skin with the cold water.
You decided to join them later. Moving to settle under one of the nearby trees, you fixed your old dress before pulling your guitar onto your lap. Your delicate fingers started to string along to the song that Lucy Gray would sing whenever anyone had any nightmares.
As you played you failed to see Sejanus, who was about to join the others in the water before spotting you on your own. He didn't think twice before he made his way over to you, taking a seat a little next to you.
You looked up in surprise, pausing the strumming of the delicate cords. "Sejanus. Sorry, I didn't hear you coming," you add with a smile, flattered and almost happy that out of everything, he wanted to come and sit with you.
"Well I saw you were on your own, figured you could use some company," he used as an excuse, feeling his face warm; though with the heat of the day, it was hard to tell the difference. "What were you playing? I sounded pretty," he then asked.
"Oh, it was just some music I wrote for one of Lucy Gray's songs. She calls it Deep in the Meadow. She usually sings it when Maude Ivory has a nightmare or trouble sleeping. I figured I could add some music to help," you explain, looking at him, flushing as you realize that he never once had taken his eyes off you.
And how beautiful his eyes were. You could see the kindness and admiration, they were captivating and warm. And it all caused a fluttering within your stomach.
"You wrote that all yourself?" He asked in amazement, and as you nodded he gave a small whistle, "That is incredible....could you play something else you wrote?" he asked hopefully before he quickly added in what seemed to be panic, "Of course, you don't have to if you don't want to, I just...your playing is beautiful.."
His words made you grow flustered, but you gave out a small laugh. Something about him allowed you to feel comfortable where you had never felt comfortable before. There were very few people outside the covey that you would do this with, Sejanus may have just been the quickest that you allowed.
"No...no, I don't mind," you quickly reassured him before playing another song you had written, leaving the capital boy silent as he admired the music you had created.
As you both were having your moment, playing him your music, neither of you was aware of the pale eyes that were watching from the water. Coriolanus felt his jaw clench at the sight of them, how Sejanus was able to chat you up about whatever it was.
What were you both talking about? He hated that he didn't know, that he wasn't in the loop, that he couldn't control whatever it was that came from Sejanus' mouth.
Lucy Gray gently climbing onto his back, wrapping her arms around him to keep afloat snapped him out of his thoughts.
"I think they'd make a mighty fine couple, wouldn't you say?" she asked, rather pleased with her match-making skills. Coriolanus on the other hand, wasn't as pleased. But regardless he nodded.
"Hm. She seems a fine match for Sejanus." A fine match was the nicest thing he could come up with as he stared at the few figures underneath the tree.
A fine match with Sejanus would be enough for you now, but he wondered how fine it would be when trouble would eventually find its way back around.
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childofapollo888 · 4 months
apollo ☀️ offerings / devotional acts
◇ golden objects/jewelry ◇ imagery/statues of him ◇ sun/arrow jewelry ◇ sun imagery ◇ bow & arrow imagery ◇ crow/swan imagery/feathers ◇ wolf/dolphin imagery ◇ all musical instruments, especially stringed ones ◇ yellow, gold, & white candles ◇ pride flags ◇ divination items ◇ bandaids ◇ concert tickets ◇ any of your art/poetry/music ◇ crystals like amber, sunstone, & yellow sapphire ◇ laurel wreaths/branches/leaves ◇ lily of the valley/sunflowers/aloe vera ◇ cinnamon/ginger/star anise ◇ sun water ◇ wine/milk ◇ olive oil ◇ herbal tea ◇ honey/honey cakes ◇ orange/lemon pastries ◇ orange flavored chocolates ◇ fruits ◇ cheeses ◇ wheat/bread ◇ lamb/goat meat
devotional acts
◇ dance to any kind of music ◇ sing/listen to your favorite songs to him ◇ play an instrument ◇ set reminders to take medication/taking your medication in general ◇ take a walk on a sunny day/sunbathe (SAFELY) ◇ keep a picture of him in your wallet ◇ wear jewelry that reminds you of him ◇ listen to music while studying ◇ dedicate a journal to creative writing ◇ read any kind of poetry, even song lyrics, to him ◇ physically take care of your body ◇ learn less commonly used forms of divination (cartomancy, carromancy, shufflomancy, pyromancy, etc) ◇ learn about philosphy ! ◇ keep a personal journal to keep track of your thoughts ◇ donate clothes, toys, hygiene kits, etc ◇ donate to medical charities in his honor ◇ play memory games ◇ learn more about medical conditions that you or a loved one has ◇ let more sunlight into your home ◇ feed the birds ◇ dedicate time to learn about his history, his mother's history, & his sister's history ◇ attend pride ◇ wear yellow/orange/white clothing ◇ watch the sunrise ◇ pray to him & speak to him often, pray for guidance, healing, or inspiration ◇ read & understand the delphic maxims
these are just a compilation of a lot of things that i have read, as well as some things that work for me :)
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fairyofshampgyu · 1 year
Now Live ! Stream: 7
Genre: smut, camboy au, college au, crack
Pairing: camboy! Beomgyu x gn reader (afab when smut)
Warnings: camboy, sub! beomgyu, dom! reader, titty sucking, hand job, edging, pussy eating, thigh fucking
Synopsis: Every Thursday night at 8pm, you tune into your favourite camboy: Angel313. What you don’t know is he even goes to the same uni as you, is in the same class as you and is Choi Beomgyu, the campus fuckboy but will you keep his secret?
Word count: 3k
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Beomgyu elicits a drawled, muffled moan, eyes ever so slowly rolling to the back of his head in his content state. His head laying on your lap and mouth and face stuffed with your pretty tits as he drooled and sucked them so blissfully whilst your hand went to stroke him off as well.
He gazes up at you with his glossy, doe, brown eyes as his lips moved animatedly and licked and sucked at your tits continuously.
You quicken your pace on his wet dick, bringing your hand to twist at his sensitive tip and his body slightly jerks, mouth popping off your tits as he moans even louder.
Slight drool dribbles down the corner of his pretty parted lips and you take the opportunity to lean down and kiss them instead, sloppily and slowly making out with him, licking at the seams of his lips.
His hand goes up to grope one of your tits and you pull away from the kiss, string of saliva connecting and falling as beomgyu whines, attempting to chase after you but fails and so latches onto your tits again to stimulate and fixate his mouth, your hand still jerking him off and moving up and down on his length, sounds of people donating money flowing in consecutively.
“Let me cum please-ah-so close…” Beomgyu groans against you.
“Hmm…what do you think guys? Should we let Angel cum just yet?” You grin mischievously, watching the series of comments surge through, chuckling as majority say no. Beomgyu shakes his head furiously at the suggestion.
@luvsangelss: No. Make the brat cry.
@556heartsub: don’t even let him cum at all!
@live4angel: aw I feel bad >_<! But don’t let him cum just yet!
Beomgyu gazes up at you, trying his hardest to give his best puppy eyes to you and look sorrowful, pleading for you to be kind to him knowing it was his only resort left. But alas, you don’t give in to his manipulation that easily.
“Just a little longer, baby. You think you can be good and last for the viewers?” But beomgyu only whines loudly and frustratedly.
“Don’t want to.” He furrows his brows and pouts and huffs.
“That’s not being grateful to your loyal fans now is it?” You tut at him and giggle and his pout deepens.
But beomgyu attempts to, knowing what you’d do if he doesn’t as you now pump his dick at a ruthless speed, sticky noise and his moans filling the room.
Beomgyu whimpers and shakes his head in your lap, “c-can’t please! Need to-ahh!” You only tighten your grasp and go harder until his legs thrash and beomgyu cries, trying to hold in his impending orgasm.
“Just a little more, baby.” You say as your other hand shoves his legs open and wider so you can play with his cute, full and swollen balls that makes him choke out another moan.
“Cum for me.” And he screams, his seed gushing out and ruining his tummy and his new hello kitty belly piercing as he pants and shuts his eyes, arm thrown over his face.
You move his hand away as he heavily breathes and he looks up at you again with starry eyes, hair sticking to his forehead and face glistening and flushed, awaiting a kiss. So you lean down where he rests on your laps, lifting his chin up and kissing his lips one more time before ending the stream and seeing how much you made in a total today.
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Finally, the anticipated christmas concert had come around and to say you were nervous was an understatement. As you stood behind stage, frantically making sure everyone had their music sheets, that everyone was tuned right and no instrument was suddenly broken and that all likely horrible scenarios you could possibly think of was dealt with, you still couldn’t help feeling that things could go so wrong or that it just wasn’t good enough.
You know you and beomgyu had to live up to or hopefully do even greater than previous students who had organised the creative arts performance which was always a highlight of your university.
Theatre students had just finished eccentrically acting out multiple scenes of classic christmas plays and films with their own twist for their performance and the applause swere heard greatly even from where you were as you nervously chew on your lip.
You see beomgyu coming into view as he had come back from checking with the lighting, heading towards you, “Hey, you’re not nervous are you?”
“What? Psh…No. Why would I be nervous right now? I’m really relaxed and chilled right now in fact.” You try to act calm and dismiss him.
Beomgyu only chuckles, taking your slightly quivering hands into his own and softly stroked them with his thumb.
“It’s going to go great, y/n. We’ve both put a lot of work into it and we both know it sounds amazing already. Don’t get worked up over it, it’ll be fine. You worked hard, okay?” He smiles at you, still holding your hands.
Well, he’s certainly managed to rank it lower in preoccupying thoughts because now all you can think about is beomgyu’s soft hands.
Taehyun and Kai had also snuck backstage to give you both a little encouraging ‘good luck!’ before it was your turn only to find that they had seemingly nearly imposed on a little moment between you both. Both Kai and taehyun giggle quietly.
“Man, he is so whipped.” Taehyun whispers.
Huening kai hums in agreement, just as bewildered, “I remember in elementary school I told beomgyu I was too scared to talk to my crush so he thought it was the funniest shit and violently shoved me into them and giggled and ran away! They never talked to me again! I’ll never forgive.”
They both decide to finally make an appearance, coming out from the shadows and clearing their throats, you and beomgyu instantly stopping holding hands and turning to look in opposite directions.
They both laugh at that.
“I hope we weren’t intruding on something.” Hueningkai smirks.
“Huh? Wha..No?” You cough at scratch at the back of your head.
“I think it’s time for us to go up. Let’s go.” Beomgyu quickly takes your hand and drags you up the stairs, huening kai and taehyun shouting out a ‘good luck!’ as you both make it to the stage, lights casting on both of you and the other musicians who had all scrambled to their seats and sections.
You quietly give a thumbs up to the rest of the music ensemble and you both introduce yourselves and the music department this year, starting with the first arrangement, beomgyu’s turn to conduct as he begins gesturing his hands.
And it goes well. Far from well in fact, spectacular. When you finish, you can see your professor return a satisfied half smile, applauding as do the audience. He even comes up afterwards to congratulate you both himself which you and beomgyu exchange a smug grin with each other, lazy smiles on both your overjoyed faces as you make it back to beomgyu’s place for a post celebration.
But when you get to the corridor outside his place and finally open the door, the pleased feeling you both have seemingly translates into something else, beomgyu gazing down at your lips with half lidded eyes, you doing the same before you’re roughly pinning him against the now closed door, lips crashing onto his and kissing down his jaw, beomgyu’s hand holding onto your waist tightly as he gasps in between the desperate kisses.
Suddenly, you’re being pushed by an eager beomgyu onto the bed, still kissing you as he begins to rid your bottom half desperately and whining into your mouth.
Beomgyu grips onto the flesh of your thighs and moves himself in between your legs, kissing your inner thighs all over and then throwing them over his shoulders as he stares at your pussy in awe, seemingly in a trance.
Experimentally, he kitten licks at your clit and looks up at you cutely to see your reaction to which you moan at and that’s enough to get beomgyu crazed, suffocating and pushing his head deeper into your pussy as you surprisingly yelp.
“Am I making you feel good? Tell me I’m making you feel good, y/nnn” Beomgyu frustratingly whines, bottom lip jutting out and stoping at your lack of praise. But to be fair, how can he expect you to form even coherent thoughts at how good and prettily he was eating you out.
“So good…so good for me, beomie. Gonna make me cum. You’re doing so well. You’re such a good boy for me. So pretty.” Muddled praises leaving your mouth but they seem to spur beomgyu to continue, eyes becoming more twinkling and he’s eating you out more intensely than before, fluffy hair cutely disheveled and swaying messily with every move he makes.
Beomgyu wrap his lips around your clit, sucking on it harshly as muffled moans escape his lips and he inserts two of his slender fingers into you, fucking them into you so needily, trying to get you to cum so bad.
He looks up at your through his pretty eyelashes with his big puppy eyes, pretty lips all wet from your juices and spit. God, he’s so fucking gorgeous. And the look alone is enough to drive you over the edge, cumming as he laps it all up with his tongue flicking over continuously and obsessively.
You lift him up and hesitantly he stops gripping on your thighs, he probably could have stayed there between them forever if you let him.
“Wait, can I…can I fuck your thighs…? Please, please.” Beomgyu asks a little shyly.
You move the hair out his eyes, “Of course, baby.”
Thank you’s leaving his mouth as he pushes your thighs together and then slips his cock through them, beomgyu’s hips stuttering at just that and he whimpers so loud and high pitched.
Snapping his hips forward, he fucks your thighs restless and erratically, going insane from just fucking your plush thighs and you find it so cute.
The sight of your jiggling thighs and tits making beomgyu’s eyes roll as he slumps and still tries pathetically thrusting into them but knowing he won’t last long, head falling into your shoulder as he gasps and moans.
“So pathetic, going dumb just from my thighs are you, baby?” You coo at him meanly and his movements only become frantically faster.
“F-fuck…ah…yeah” Beomgyu tries to respond, eyes all glazed up and head hazy. It’s only then you realise this is all happening with no camera insight but some reason you’re finding you like it even more so, and you can’t bring yourself to even think about what this might mean.
You squeeze your thighs more together and with a gasp, beomgyu bites down and nips at your shoulder, a loud strangled mewl tumbling out as his mouth as hot cum coats your thighs messily and beomgyu goes slack jawed.
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Deciding you wanted to get some practice in before your lecture started, you went into one of the small practice rooms and ran through a few scales on your saxophone and a few pieces you had been learning recently, although giving up on the hard sections and playing the parts you already knew so the practice wasn’t all that efficient, you must admit.
Once you believed you’d done enough and your class would be starting soon, you zipped up your instrument back in its case, opening the door only for your case to go flying right out of your hand and skidding across the floor, bumping into someone who had come out of one of the other practice rooms and their very massive case they were holding.
“Oh! I’m so sorry!” He’s quick to pick up your case, handing it back to you apologetically.
“It’s okay!” Noticing the instrument, you try to be friendly and not make the situation more awkward, “You play cello right? We could have done with another one last night. How come you’re not part of the orchestra?”
“Oh yeah I watched it. You and beomgyu did really well.” He smiles politely at you.
“Thank you! You know beomgyu?”
He turns suddenly tense at that, rubbing the back of his neck, “Um yeah. I used to be part of the orchestra with him but then I stopped going.”
“Oh cool.” You don’t try to pry him about why he left, feeling awkward yourself. “What’s your name by the way?”
“It’s Haechan.”
“Well, it was nice meeting you, Haechan. I’ve gotta go to my class.” You wave a goodbye, heading to your lecture room.
Sitting in your class, you scan the room to see if beomgyu was here but you couldn’t seem to find him. He hadn’t skipped any lectures recently like he used to. You check your phone to see if you missed a text from him. None. You text him yourself but he doesn’t respond. Where was he?
The lecture begins and he’s nowhere to be seen and you can’t seem to focus on what your professor is saying, you know it’s something about Spectral music, but your thoughts spiral far from it.
You tune in to the conversation going on behind you, two girls whispering and giggling and from what you can hear, playing a a game of fuck, marry, kill with the music department’s professors. Some of the answers making it hard for yourself not to chuckle.
Soon they play another round, “Fuck, marry, kill…the three chois. Beomgyu, Soobin, yeonjun.” They both burst into a quiet fit of giggles.
“Wait who’s Soobin?”
“You don’t know him? He’s that Literature student who works part time in the library.”
“Oh! Him! He’s cute! Hmmm. Fuck Beomgyu, Marry Soobin, kill yeonjun.”
“What? You’d seriously fuck Choi Beomgyu?” One of the girls incredulously laughs.
“What? Is that not what he’s well known for? I’d so fuck him. He’s hot.”
“But he’s just a sleazy man whore! He fucks anyone.”
“Well what would you do?”
“Marry Yeonjun and fuck Soobin. He’s tall, you know he’s got a big-”
The professor clears his throat. You’re not sure if he was able to actually hear, but the two girls quickly shut up anyway and the giggles die down. You can’t help thinking the conversation was very amusing, trying not to laugh. It’s funny to see how beomgyu is depicted and how you had also thought the same. Little did they know he was a subby camboy and a virgin before you came along.
Once the lecture finally ends, you spring out of your seat, rushing out and hurrying to beomgyu’s place as fast as you could.
You huff and puff as you slam open his door, crouching and panting and resting your hands on your knees, “Where were you?! You didn’t message me! And you didn’t respond to my texts and-”
“I’m dying.” Beomgyu croaks and sniffles, laying in his bed like a cooked vegetable, wrapped up in a blanket and tissues strewn across his mattress, lips heavily and exaggeratedly downturned.
“You’re ill.”
“Same thing.”
You sigh and roll your eyes, “Have you had any medicine?”
“No…” He grabs another tissue, sneezing rather loudly and unappealingly into it.
You go to scavenge his cabinets for a medicine similar to his symptoms and take it back to him where he shakes his head, “I’m not taking that. It’s fucking nasty.”
“Okay stay ill then. I have to go.”
“Wait! You can’t leave me whilst I’m suffering and struggling to live! Fine…i’ll…take it.” He’s quick to change his mind, not wanting to be left alone and wanting some company around.
Laughing, you pour some of it into a spoon and bring it to his cute face as he eyes it down warily and frowns.
“It’s not going to kill you, you know.”
“It might!” But with a resigned sigh, beomgyu reluctantly swallows the medicine, grimacing at the taste and shuddering, “Ew!”
You burst into more laughter at his reaction.
“You’re supposed to be comforting me right now, show me some sympathy.” Beomgyu grumbles and his lower lip juts out into a fully fledged pout at you.
“Fine, fine. What can I do?”
A mischievous glint sparkles in Beomgyu's eyes. “…you know what would make me feel much better?”
You narrow your eyes, “…what?”
“Cuddles.” Beomgyu declares, corner of his lips curling into a smirk.
You scoff and give him a disgusted look. "Cuddles? You’re diseased.”
Beomgyu's expression quickly shifts to that of a wounded puppy. He lets out a loud whine, exaggerated and melodramatic, “But I need cuddles please! It’s not contagious I promise!”
Caught between frustration and amusement, you can’t help but give in. "Fine. But I swear if I get ill-”
As you reluctantly settle next to beomgyu, he wastes no time practically jumping excitedly and snuggling up to you like an oversized teddy bear as you hold him.
You couldn’t help but softly brush beomgyu’s hair off his forehead, fingers lingering longer than necessary and ending up playing with his soft long strands instead. He nuzzles up even closer to you, resembling that of an affectionate puppy, wide content smile etched on his face as his eyes remain blissfully shut, resting his head close to your chest and wrapping his arms around your waist. Something about it pulled at your heartstrings as you stay intertwined for a while.
But as the afternoon sun began to set, you clear your throat and reluctantly pull away. "I should probably go," You murmur, voice barely above a whisper.
Beomgyu looks up at you, frowning at the loss of contact, his eyes filled with a mixture of longing and hesitation. "Yeah... I guess."
Please actually reblog !!!!!! and leave comments !!!! guys 😭 if you like the fic. It’s really appreciated and so nice tysm !<3🙏💕🌷🌷! It’s incredibly discouraging and sad when fics have such little reblogs ☹️👎🤨 Feedback is always appreciated it makes writers want to actually write :) !
A/n: this was not proof read so I’m sorry if none of it makes sense. I’m currently also ill 😪
@jayoonology @pogigyu @denleave1088 @mashimarshmello @stellz581 @cha0thicpisces @soobsfairy444 @lcvetyvn @1ummcalhoody6 @imrllytootiredforthis @bjttersweets @aliceoracleollormusic @yongboksgf @daniarafid @nyanggk @aggiebackstage @qluvr @be0mflwr @artypjmlbss @dickdeprived @lilactangerine @kissmeow @katsukeis @shutupheathersorryheatherr @mastergibbs93 @tae-ology @popimagines @lynanist @guavagyu @soobhns @mikeeel @multistansimp4life @goquokka @scarfac3 @roses-for-my-love @maxismp1 @peachenle @i-loved-you42 @vampcharxter @th3-3d3n-g4rd3n @yuhjoeyuh @ren-junwrld @eggeutarteuu @staurdvst @tyunnie-gyuu @vivioluh @itbtoblikethatsometimes @mackjestic @nct-dreamteam @ixayjun
(send ask to be added to taglist and tell me if I forgot you!!)
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olomaya · 1 year
Shhh!! It's a Library (mod)
27 Sept Update: Found a better shushing sound so I replaced with that. Also added ITUNs for the non computer interactions. Thanks to @cs2te for the Brazilian Portuguese translation! Redownload (if you want these updates) at the link below.
(Note: This mod uses the Ticket Machine animations for the kiosk. If you don't have it, you can download it here. Honestly, it's not that important and without it, your Sim will just stand in front of the machine for a second, that's it)
I'm officially in my Streets era. I'm building out all the community lots in my town so you're going to be seeing a lot of community/town related stuff from me for the next few months. My Sims are trying to be outside!
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First up! This is a small library mod that allows you to search for books at the library using this gorgeous kiosk object from @aroundthesims. If the book is in the library, it tells you where they are by panning the camera to the bookshelf that has the book and putting a blue outline around it for 10 Sim minutes. Pretty simple. 
Browse Catalog… pulls up all books in the library
Search by… Category | Title | Author - pulls up any book that matches your search entry
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Request a Book to Order -  allows you to add more books to the library. 
You can only order the types of books that are allowed in community libraries so no books that are destroyed after you finish reading them (e.g. recipes, song compositions) and no academic textbooks.
You can order written books, including articles, as well as books from other worlds (e.g. Shang Simla, etc) though for the latter, there is a §35 “overseas shipping cost” added to order these books. 
Once you order a book, the mod will check whether the library has enough money to purchase it and then place the order. 
Ordered books are added to the library at 8am the next day and you’ll receive a notification that the books have been added.
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Library Funding
In order to pay for the books ordered, library kiosks have a budget. Every kiosk, upon creation, comes with a §250 budget.
The library budget is the total amount of funds in all kiosks on the lot. Costs are deducted from individual kiosks even if that specific kiosk doesn't have enough money for the book so long as the library budget has enough money.
Support your Local Library
Sims can donate books (up to 3 books at a time) to the library using the book donation bin. The bin must be placed on the library lot (either outside or inside) and you need to have books in your inventory. Your Sim will get 500 Lifetime Happiness points for every book donated. (this is related to another mod that I’m working on. More on that at a later date!)
There is also a computer interaction that lets you donate money to the library. Sims that donate §2500 or more will get a 4-hour charitable moodlet. Donations are added to the library budget.
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Finally, Bookworms and Proper Sims can shush other Sims at the library. Once shushed, all Sims in the same room doing social interactions or playing music instruments will stop. (You'll find, like in real life, people quickly go back to doing what they're doing so it's kind of useless but it was a low lift so I kept it in). If someone can think of a good "shushing" sound from the game, let me know!
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Credits/Thanks: Both credit and huge thanks go to @aroundthesims for creating this beautiful library set and the kiosk which I used as the main object. I did recategorize it to Misc Electronics instead of Sculptures. If you already have it in your game, you may need to remove it or you can just change the script to “Sims3.Gameplay.Objects.olomaya.LibraryStuff.Kiosk”.  The donation bin is from Sketchfab created by TheLatestShit (that’s their name, thank you TLS!) and can be found in Misc Storage.
Read through everything below the cut before downloading please! Important instructions below!
Important things to note:
The kiosk must be placed on a counter. If it’s not, your sim will reset because they can only interact with it if it’s on a counter. If you are having issues with resetting, place it on an EA-made counter to confirm it’s not this issue first before you reach out for support. You can use OSMP counters provided they are cloned from a counter and place the kiosk on there and put it wherever you want (like I’ve done in my photo. the kiosk is actually on an OSMP counter, not the white table).
Pulling up the entire library catalog, depending on how many books you have on the lot, can take a few (or several) seconds. Or maybe it won’t, I play on a brick laptop so it does for me
Keyword searches are case sensitive so “raymundo” yields no results, but “Raymundo” will bring up the 85 copies of that 🤬 book that your library probably has
The search will only check books that are in bookshelves, it will ignore library books that have been taken out of the bookshelf and are being read or lying around.
Book requests and financial donations can only be made at public libraries and not privately-owned libraries. So if a Sim in your town owns the lot, these options won’t come up (it should be the owners’ responsibility to buy books). You can still donate books though.
You can have multiple kiosks on the lot. If you delete a kiosk, its funds (if it has any) will be transferred to any of the other kiosks on the lot so you don’t lose the money. 
There is a debug interaction on the kiosk that allows you to check the library budget.
You can order one book at a time but there’s no limit to how many you can do in a day but once the books are delivered the next morning, the mod will check whether the library has enough money and will only order the books there is money for
Download HERE | alt: HERE
@simstifulccfinds @kpccfinds @katsujiiccfinds @pis3update @wanderingsimsfinds
609 notes · View notes
bbu-fan-blog · 7 months
Big announcement: get ready for a new Kickstarter! Orchestral edition!
"Billie Bust Up is an interactive 3D platforming musical with music composed by the legendary Daniel Ingram, best known for his composition work on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.  Taking inspiration from animated classics, characters sing and perform to the beat. Each song engages the player in a unique way, from catchy boss fights and villain songs, to chase sequences to rhythm heaven inspired segments. 
We are hoping to raise enough funds to record 20 minutes of live Big Band on 5 songs for the Billie Bust Up Game to replace the current MIDI instruments, and dramatically improve the impact of these final songs.
Stretch goals will allow us to fund a proper orchestra for all 14 songs in Billie Bust Up! Featuring one of the top film orchestras in the world in Nashville, Tennessee, USA at the famous Ocean Way Studios where Daniel Ingram, our songwriter, recorded all of the songs for My Little Pony: The Movie We have lots of fun and exclusive rewards planned such as prints, enamel pins and more! Sign up now to be notified when we go live."
Reminder that this goal is a want, and not a need: the game will come out regardless of the campain's success. It's just a way for the game's music to feel even more submersive.
So, if you're interested to support this new campain, click the link and sign with your mail address to be updated: when the countdown reaches 0, donations will start.
Be on the ready, then! 🩵
196 notes · View notes
ultra-violet-heart · 10 months
Fanfare for Frieren (a fan translation)
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This is the English fan translation of Fanfare for Frieren (奏送), the accompanying short novella for the opening theme of the Frieren anime, Yuusha by Yoasobi, written by Jirou Kiso with the supervision of manga writer Kanehito Yamada. The images here are from its print/digital version, which has been a bonus from the special edition of Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Volume 12.
Disclaimer: This translation is made by me for fandom purposes only. This unofficial translation is not affiliated with the official Frieren franchise or with Yoasobi. All rights reserved for Frieren: Beyond Journey's End to its respective committees, committee members, staff and rights holders.
Please ask my permission and credit me+this post if you will be re-translating this to other languages. PLEASE DO NOT REPOST THIS OR ITS IMAGES TO OTHER SITES. PLEASE DO NOT REPOST ANYWHERE ESPECIALLY ON YOUTUBE AND TIKTOK. Please take the fan translations here with a grain of salt. 
I'm posting my Ko-Fi here as currently, I've been having financial trouble regarding my medicine, so if anyone can donate, I would be much grateful for the help, thank you very much.
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Five years after the death of Himmel the Hero.
Central Lands, the Capelle [1] Region.
A small city, commonly referred to as “Music City”, was located not far off west of the Royal Capital.
Many renowned musicians, who had established the foundation of court music, went there to study, and they each created orchestras there which continue up to this day. Day and night, orchestral and operatic performances kept theatres crowded, and these performances were well-known in the Central Lands.
The hymns that could be heard from the church also evoked such amicable ties between culture and religion. The singing voices and the performance, both tranquil and powerful, were pleasing to the ears.
There’s unexpected magic in places like this, huh, Frieren thought while walking through the streets with light steps.
She couldn’t visit this place during her journey to defeat the Demon King, but she thought it would have been nice to have taken a detour on the beginning. The journey started from the Royal Capital to the east, she recalled with a little regret.
To that extent, the city was much of a beautiful and isolated place.
The cobblestone pavements reminded one of a flowing music score, while the radial houses reminded one of a well-organized orchestra. The entire city had this atmosphere of welcoming people, so that there was music there for people to listen to.
There might be a wealth of music-related magic in this place. She wasn’t particularly knowledgeable when it comes to music, but folk magic rooted in a distinctive culture was worth collecting for that reason alone.
Following the signboards that were shaped like sheet music and musical instruments, Frieren continued walking.
Just near were an opera house and a museum adjacent to it, and the sound of some rhythm coming from somewhere.
Various sounds overlapped the whole city, however, strangely enough, there was no cacophony at all.
Suddenly, among those sounds, one of the most awkward sounds caught her ear. The timbre sounded like it was carefully walking on ice.
Apparently, a small marching band was passing by in front of the church located in the city’s center. The boys and the girls were preparing for their practice that day, carrying brass instruments too big for their stature and with more percussion instruments than their hands could handle.
A boy wearing a red feathered military hat―or rather, was made to wear one―had this desperate expression as he continued blowing his horn, unconcerned about his reddening face.
Even though from a very young age, all this city’s people had been living together with music.
The sound the boy made while carefully holding the horn, which was said to be the most difficult instrument in the world for humans to play, was not the clearest at all.
However, sometime in the future, that sound will reverberate gallantly and kindly.
Frieren felt it was a timbre suitable for the city.
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Frieren continued to walk, as if the small orchestra was pushing her back.
The rustling of leaves, the gurgling water of the fountain, the happy hubbub from the cafeteria. All the sounds of nature and the noise of daily lives here and there gave the impression they were all pleasantly tuned.
It might be said she could stay in here for years while exploring the city thoroughly.
In one corner of the city, there stood an old-looking music store. Its appearance, reflecting its long age, made it stand out.
For some reason, she entered the store. It was a place she wouldn’t normally stop by, but her feet were strangely drawn into it.
Beyond the store’s creaking door, however, a strikingly different but still atmosphere hung about.
Beautifully polished wind instruments. Stringed instruments without a speck of dust. They were placed on a cramped space, lined like capillary vessels. The store’s appearance made it feel like one could hear the breathing of the old craftsman running the store alone.
As she searched for a narrow foothold and was about to head deeper,
“You.” A voice said. Frieren felt it was a matured voice that carefully aged over many years.
An old man, whose white hair was tied up clumsily, peeked out from the back of the store. His sleeves were still rolled up, as if he was still tending to his instruments a short while ago. She caught a glimpse of the old man’s muscles, which were well-toned for his age.
“You… seemed to have lived a life unconnected to musical instruments.”
Adjusting the monocle on his eye, the old man fixed his gaze on Frieren.
“How can you tell?”
“Because you are a face I have not seen before. Those who love music and those who are loved by music will have visited this place sooner or later.”
The old man asserted his words with such sincere belief.
“Those who love music will immediately be obsessed with the instruments here. Those who are loved by music are people my eyes immediately recognize. So, yes, I can tell. Will you let me see your face?”
And then he beckoned her to come closer.
“My, my, I am surprised. It seems like you are the latter.”
“What do you mean?”
“Your ears, the corner of your eyes, your features. You appear to be an elf.”
“I am an elf, but…”
Frieren didn’t immediately catch the drift of the conversation.
“I have something I want people like you to have.”
After saying, “Wait for me,” the old man turned on his heel and took out a small wooden box from the back of the store and opened it. Inside was a palm-sized ocarina-like musical instrument.
The instrument’s intricate design was obvious even to the untrained eye.
“This is the Möglich. [2]”
“Its other name is ‘the Impossible’ [2]. It’s an instrument said to take a hundred years to master.”
“I once heard the horn is said to be the most difficult instrument in the world for humans to play.”
Frieren replied, recalling the boy from the marching band earlier. She remembered him struggling to play.
“That is a topic for ordinary humans. This instrument, however, was originally made by elves. You seem to be unaware of this.”
“That’s right. I didn’t know. Though it’s not strange if some elf did invent something like that.”
Frieren knew some of her own kind who spent so many years just killing time. [3]
“My great-grandfather inherited the Möglich, and he analyzed its structure. Apparently, it is impossible to produce a sound with this instrument unless they continue infusing in a small amount of mana while maintaining a perfect equilibrium. It would take more than ten years to produce a proper sound on this instrument. Fifty years is not even enough for an experienced mage to play one tune with it.”
“Really?” Frieren replied vaguely, not making it clear whether she was interested or not.
“I heard after one hundred years of diligently studying it, the sound one can play from this instrument is unparalleled.”
In fact, the old shopkeeper spent his life trying to master it. However, it was impossible for him to master the instrument as he did not possess any magical power. He could not even make it produce a sound.
“There is yet no one who has mastered it, much less know how to play it, so this instrument is still for sale, waiting for a buyer.”
The instrument had this eye-popping price tag. It was an amount that could already buy a house, and there was no way Frieren could afford it, not with the travelling-expenses-money she had on hand.
Of course, Frieren had no intention to buy it.
Certainly, it was rather interesting a fellow elf spent part of their long life in the form of developing this musical instrument. What kind of elf are they? Why did they give it to humans?
Most likely, she felt that this might be no more than a prank. It was an instrument that made sounds that could not be produced within the very short, fleeting lives of humans, after all.
“I am here because I want to hear the Möglich’s melodies one day. I have long sought for that timbre no words can describe. For so many years, this whole time. I eagerly awaited any who loved music or is loved by music to come here and finally fulfill my wish. It might be an impossible dream now, but I feel the guidance of the Goddess is at work that I am able to meet you, an elf.”
“I’m sorry, but…”
“I have no need for your money.”
“I can’t pay, then.”
“I want an elf like you to have it.” The old shopkeeper said with a strong tone.
His eyes held no arrogance on them, as if he was pushing his impossible dream onto someone else, but instead were filled with unadulterated hope.
After some hesitation, Frieren replied.
“If there’s no other buyers, I’ll think about it. This should be bought by someone who should own it though.”
“I see… Come back. I am sure you will.”
“I’ll be back. I plan on staying here for a while.”
The old man, as if to remind himself, called out to Frieren as she was about to leave.
“What is your name?”
“What a fine name. A name loved by music.”
The dusk was casting its shadow over the city by the time she left the music store.
Frieren felt how the city’s tune changed between day and night.
Unlike the bustling daytime and the soundless midnight, the comforting evening was like a soft breeze caressing her cheeks.
Let’s have dinner, Frieren thought.
During the time she traveled with Himmel and their party, Himmel always decided where they would eat. He had this exceptional ability to find out any restaurant that had what Frieren and the others wanted without them telling him what they were in the mood to eat.
How did you know? She once asked him at the dinner table.
“You all have this way of showing what you’re thinking on your faces.”
Himmel smiled as he said this.
“Heiter’s face now has the color of a ditch.”
Eisen took a glance at the drunkard next to him.
Heiter looked back at Frieren, his face looking like an undead. He was so dead drunk he couldn’t tell the difference between Eisen and Frieren.
“You reek of booze.”
Frieren kicked him while Himmel laughed.
“Frieren, you see, I enjoy nothing more than having a meal with the four of us like this. I choose the food every one of us like as I want to make sure we all have a good time.”
She recalled wondering even then if it was the answer to her question.
She then looked at the restaurant now in front of her and thought it had the same appearance and atmosphere as the one from that time.
This restaurant, called Parlante [3], was such a calm place it was like it was not her first time entering it.
“What did Himmel like?”
Thinking back, Himmel always ordered his food last. It was often a different dish from theirs, or he would choose a dish that was easy to share between the four of them.
After that, he would portion out his food little by little, share that, and say, “Isn’t it more fun to have a variety of dishes at once?”
They had eaten around the table in as many places as she could remember. They partook of seafood when they were in coastal towns, they ate wild greens and hunted game in campgrounds, and they particularly were fond of each region’s local specialties.
“The food that can only be eaten in the place you’re in becomes a shared memory with the people you went in with. Even if you forget, you’ll remember again when you go there and eat the local food. That’s how I want to travel.”
Frieren remembered them talking about this one day, so she then called the waiter.
“Is there any dish you can only eat at this restaurant?”
Would Himmel be surprised to find out she had started thinking like that? Or would he laugh and say, “It’s written on your face,” as if he had already predicted this would happen?
The waiter flipped carefully through the menu pages.
“Our specialty is the l'oeuf omelette [4], made of ten chicken eggs. This dish has four servings, so shall I bring you a quarter of that?”
“No, I’ll order it as it is. If I can’t finish it all, I’ll have the rest on take-out.”
This dish, which was loved by well-known musicians, was bigger than expected and took up a large space on the table.
The evening for one person went on, her recalling that lively dinner table she once shared with others.
It has been a month since she stayed, but she had been so distracted by the magic tool shops and the cityscapes, she wasn’t able to fully explore the small city.
Every time she passed the music store, however, the old shopkeeper would enthusiastically call Frieren’s name.
It had become routine for both of them to exchange small greetings.
It wasn’t particularly a trouble to Frieren, but somehow, she felt like going somewhere a bit different for today.
Not far off the city center, there was a street lined with monuments of musicians. Some were well-known, but others were unknown to Frieren.
At the end of the line, however, she found a rather out-of-place statue.
It was a bust of Himmel holding a violin. It was probably commissioned by the time he was travelling alone in neighboring countries after the Demon King’s defeat.
“He was here, too…” Frieren muttered unconsciously.
His eyes were closed, but his facial expression on the chin rest conveyed such a strong will. This must be the work of a skilled craftsman. One could tell a lot of time was spent making the statue. The finish it had was unique even among the more than one hundred types of heroes’ statues.
“So, he could play such a musical instrument.”
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She muttered those words to herself, not wanting anyone else to hear, but from behind her came an unexpected response.
“It’s just as Master Himmel said.”
When Frieren turned around, she saw the speaker was an old woman. There was quite a gap between the woman’s voice, which was quite youthful, and the woman’s elderly appearance. The woman continued with a well-projected voice.
“Might you be Lady Frieren?”
For a few moments, Frieren couldn’t understand the words directed at her.
“What do you mean?”
“Master Himmel said that when he came here before.”
The old woman, using skillful vocal acrobatics, reenacted her and Himmel’s state during that time.
“One day in the future, a mage named Frieren will visit this city. I want to make a statue that will serve as a landmark for her.”
“A landmark? Won’t everyone just stop in front of Master Himmel instead?”
“I’m sure they will. But I’m also sure they’ll recognize her immediately as she gazes at me.”
“Is that how it is?”
“Yes, it is.”
The old woman cleared her throat once, ending her little performance. Frieren felt it was strange, given the woman was surprisingly good at imitating voices. She was then told the woman was a former star performer at a circus troupe. It was no wonder that the woman’s voice carried through strongly.
“My apologies for the late introduction. My name is Flöte [5]. I got too excited at meeting you, Lady Frieren. This is embarrassing…”
Her cheeks blushed, a complete change from moments earlier when she was still acting with different voice tones.
“I witnessed a good performance.”
“I’m glad to hear that.”
Flöte smiled like a blooming flower.
“It seems like the statue was worth making.”
“Master Himmel lamented the statue wasn’t enough to convey his charm to the public.”
“Himmel would probably say that.”
Frieren then wiped the rust off the bronze statue’s flowy hair with a rag she carried.
“If only there was a ‘spell that removes rust from bronze statues’, this clean-up would be easier.”
“Let me help you.”
“It’s all right. I can do it on my own. So, why did Himmel say that?”
As all the rust was wiped off and the statue’s smile returned, the old woman answered Frieren with a mysterious look on her face.
“I have a favor to ask of you, Lady Frieren.”
She said it so apologetically that Frieren got an anxious expression.
“…What’s the reward?”
“A grimoire with the ‘spell to record sounds in a book’.”
At that point, Frieren broke into a smile.
“All right, I’m in.”
“So, you want to dispel a spell that will not dispel until the caster dies?”
Frieren asked again, repeating the old woman’s words.
“That’s rather difficult. Nearly impossible, even.”
 “’I’m sure Frieren will do it’, that’s what Master Himmel told me before.”
“That’s absurd.”
“I’m also embarrassed to say… I am the caster in question.”
“I’m not getting the situation. What do you mean?”
“I ought to speak in order, then.”
 As the old woman said this, she began narrating her personal history.
Flöte was not born in the Capelle region, but in a family of mages, and her parents moved to the area as they hated the horrors of war, and there they established a magical circus troupe. She didn’t originally want to join the troupe, but due to the education she received, she was able to use various magic spells back then.
One of those spells was the ‘spell to erase one memory until death’. It would be a terrible spell if abused by others, but the spell was restricted so that it can only be cast on oneself.
There were many rumors about its effectiveness, which were never true. Some people said it reminded them of the moment of death where one’s whole life flashed before one’s eyes, while others said it meant like being buried in eternal darkness.
In any case, it was a mysterious kind of magic.
One day, when she was 15 years old, having mastered the spell at such a young age, she then cast it upon herself.
Since then, Flöte had lost that one memory, even until now.
“In short, I want to dispel that oblivion spell I casted upon myself.”
“What memory did you erase?”
“That’s the thing: I don’t know. I did erase it, after all.”
With downcast eyes, she connected her words.
“However, I began to wonder if I did lose something important on a whim, especially as I grew older and get closer to death. If, due to the heat of the moment, I buried that memory I shouldn’t have lost with the magic spell I learned, at least, I want to remember what it is before I die. I’m sorry, you might think of this as a selfish request.”
The old woman finally spoke in a voice appropriate for her age.
“When Master Himmel was in the city, I got an opportunity to tell him about it. He then told me about you, Lady Frieren. That Lady Frieren is sure to do something about it.”
Observing Frieren carefully, the old woman then appealed to her.
“Please, will you grant my request? I want to spend the little time I have left, which will pass in the blink of an eye, without any regrets.”
The old woman spoke eloquently, but Frieren didn’t reply, seemingly getting lost in her thoughts.
She walked through the city after, letting time pass, and when night came, she booked a room in a tavern.
Late at night, when the tavern earlier filled with cheerful music finally went quiet, the events of the day came to Frieren’s thoughts as she leafed through the pages of her grimoire.
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“This journey must have been a blink of an eye for you,” Himmel said.
The comment came as perfectly natural as picking vegetables in the market.
“I’ve almost died so many times, but now that I’ve made it here, everything feels so nostalgic.”
After the Demon King’s defeat, Himmel continued on as he rode the shaky carriage back to the Royal Capital.
“Frieren. I know you don’t think of this as nostalgic yet, but the day will come when you remember this journey, us, and this moment. I don’t know when that will be. Maybe after I die. Even so, I’m sure you’ll be able to laugh and say, ‘That was a silly journey, wasn’t it?’”
“It’s too early for the serious talk! We haven’t truly defeated the Demon King until we return home!”
Heiter continued to tease them while smiling.
“Well, we still have requests to fulfill.”
On his return to the Royal Capital, Himmel received many requests. He took on small tasks to help people, fixing roads, even searching for lost things.
Their current request back then was from the village undertaker, who asked them to eliminate a monster that only reacted to human corpses.
When asked for more details, the undertaker said there was a dragon blocking the only bridge that connected the village and the town. Since the dragon damaging the area only occurred when corpses were carried away, it was concluded that the dragon had the tendency to target only corpses.
It didn’t respond to scarecrows, and pretending to be dead didn’t work on it either. Since it only paid attention to real human corpses, Frieren guessed it might have eyes that could detect whether a person is alive or dead.
“I’ll act as bait.”
Himmel spoke resolutely, as he always did.
“You just defeated the Demon King, and you want to die here?” Eisen said. “Stop being reckless!”
“Even Eisen, who doesn’t die even if he was eaten by monsters, is useless this time, huh.”
“Heiter, shut up.”
Frieren looked at the two badmouthing each other and then asked.
“Can’t we just borrow a corpse?”
“We can’t do that, Frieren.”
Himmel continued, as if to admonish her.
“A dead person is the image of a life lived fully. We can’t recklessly put that in danger. Besides, even if I’ll be acting as bait, I won’t truly die. Frieren, you can put me in a state of suspended animation, yes?”
“A state of suspended animation?”
She once casted the ‘spell to encase a living creature on ice’ on a ferocious enormous fish. Himmel must have that time in mind when he said this.
“Are you sure? If I make a slight mistake, you’ll truly die.”
“You can do it, right?”
“I don’t know.”
Frieren shrugged her shoulders and…
“Just do it this time. You’re capable of it, after all.”
“Go for it!”
Heiter and Eisen happily cheered.
“I don’t know what will happen.”
Himmel stood on top of the bridge as Frieren took out her staff.
“Frieren. Fire at me.”
A flash of mana concentrated on the staff’s tip then enveloped Himmel. The air around froze, and Himmel quietly collapsed.
Soon after, a very large shadow appeared on the bridge. A dragon came on sight. As it circled the sky above, it went straight at Himmel, as if it had set its sights on him. Its piercing eyes and the sharp claws it brought out now loomed nearer.
Facing that, a large swing of the warrior Eisen’s axe violently exploded.
A heavy, dull sound echoed throughout the area.
White smoke and cold air blended, then wafted away as if they were thawing. One could see that Eisen was the last one standing.
Frieren then promptly used the ‘spell to warm up the skin’ on Himmel’s cold body.
Regaining his breath, Himmel smiled at Frieren with a reddened face.
“See? I told you; you can do it.”
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Frieren snapped her grimoire shut.
“The ‘spell to erase one memory until death’, huh.”
The next day, as the morning sun rose, the city became slowly filled with sound.
Frieren woke up on the hard floor far from her bed, and with bed hair she went to Flöte’s house.
It was to put a theory into practice. This was a drastic measure, but in Frieren’s opinion this measure would work.
“Lady Frieren, good morning. Did you find out anything?”
The old woman’s voice seemed refreshed.
“You’ll have to die.”
“That’s why I’ll put you into the state of suspended animation.”
There was a moment of confusion from the old woman, then silence. However, after a while, she looked like she had made up her mind.
“Please. I’ll do whatever it takes.”
As soon as she heard those words, Frieren gently raised her staff.
“Lie on the bed. I’m starting.”
“I’ll do whatever it takes, indeed, but are you all right with this…?”
“I’ve done it once before. I can do it.”
“If Lady Frieren says so, then it will be all right. Please do so.”
The spell Frieren casted on the old woman enveloped the latter’s body, and for a moment her body stiffened.
Soon after, however, the old woman’s body regained movement, just like how coloring paint flowed when dissolved in water. She then wore this childlike expression, showing a trace of the young girl she once was.
“How are you?” Frieren asked shortly after. “You technically have died once, so your memory should be back.”
“Hahaha… I was worried like a child…”
The old woman seemed to have recovered her lost memory.
As an adolescent, she didn’t want to join the magical circus troupe. Instead, she yearned for a particular musical instrument.
“The Möglich, the instrument said to take a hundred years to master…”
She strongly yearned for it, but it was too expensive, and she could not spend a hundred years on it, so as a child, she thought she could just forget it existed.
So, she sealed that memory instead. She put the lid on that unattainable wish and began to live on reality.
“I’m glad I remembered… I’ll put my life on the line even if it takes years before I reached my dream, and I’ll start learning from now on.”
“I see. Then, you should have that instrument.”
As the Möglich was an instrument which used magical power to produce sound, without doubt, it would be a good match for Flöte, who was a mage.
“I’ll tell the music store shopkeeper. That there is this customer who has wanted it for a long time.”
“Oh, no. Are you truly sure?”
“I want someone who loves music more than me to have it, you see.”
“Thank you very much. Lady Frieren, I cannot thank you enough.”
“I get rewarded anyways, so…”
“Yes, you’re right.” The old woman took out a grimoire from her bookshelf. “This is the grimoire with the ‘spell to record sounds in a book’. I’m ashamed to say I have already recorded various sounds in this book…”
Flöte’s eyes went downcast as she said this, just like when she and Frieren first met.
“It sounds like a strange hobby, isn’t it? As it was routine for me to travel to various places as part of the magical circus troupe, I had a lot of once-in-a-lifetime chance encounters, and I wanted to preserve them in some form. The local people and the sounds from nature became my source of support. Among these are the recordings of my meetings with Master Himmel.”
“This isn’t a strange hobby. Himmel would have said the same.”
Frieren said she would return the grimoire when she finished reading it, then left the room.
On the same day, Frieren went to Restaurant Parlante, which was now a completely familiar place for her, and ordered an omelette. When she went to bed with a full stomach, she then opened the grimoire the old woman gave her.
Just as Flöte said, the grimoire had sounds from various ages, places, genders of people… some of them were sounds from nature, some being the noise of daily lives.
“You… you look familiar.”
Was this how the old music store shopkeeper sounded like when he was younger?
“I’ll have the ten-egg l'oeuf omelette, please!”
The voice of a very well-known musician continued.
“This time, I’m thinking of starting a marching band in this city.”
“One day in the future, a mage named Frieren will visit this city. I want to make a statue that will serve as a landmark for her.”
She heard Himmel’s voice as she turned a page. His voice was a bit different from the last time she met him, but it was still Himmel’s voice from her memories. It felt nostalgic, too.
And she realized that Flöte’s voice imitation before was a bit exaggerated.
“Please pose quickly! You’re just holding a violin…!”
This was probably the heartbroken cry of the craftsman who made that Himmel bust.
It seemed like Flöte, as a young girl, followed her interests and recorded these sounds from the various places she went, and the chance encounters she cherished. Frieren could just imagine how she looked like during then.
It might not be a bad idea to retrace that journey with everyone, she thought, looking at the east towards the Royal Capital.
In the end, Frieren decided to leave after staying in the city for around three months.
When she said goodbye to the music store shopkeeper, he excitedly said, “Flöte loves music and is loved by music.” He said the old woman mastered producing sounds on the Möglich at an extraordinarily fast pace, something that would have normally taken ten years.
After all, it was appropriate for those who should own it to have it.
As she was preparing herself to leave with these thoughts in mind, a marching band passed by in front of the tavern.
The boy playing the horn had grown taller in a short time, and his hat now fitted him better. His fingers holding the horn now had calluses on them, and his blowing on it sounded less labored than before.
The sound was brave and gentle, but eventually became grainy.
A celebratory fanfare sounding like a parade salute echoed on Frieren’s back as she left the city.
Translator’s Notes:
[1] Written as カペッレ in katakana. I decided to translate it as “Capelle”, as the word means “the private orchestra or band of a prince or church”, which is a reference to the marching band in this short novel.
[2] Written as メークリヒ in katakana. In German, “möglich” means “possible”.
[3] Written as パルランテ in katakana. “Parlante” means “a piece of music to be sung or played in the style of a recitative”.
[4] In French, "l'oeuf" means "egg". In short, this word is just a fancy term for "egg omelettes".
[5] Written as フレーテ in katakana. In German, “Flöte” means “flute” or “whistle”.
[6] Frieren was most likely thinking of Milliarde, an elf friend of hers who first appeared in Chapter 69.
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khaire-traveler · 6 months
🌙 Subtle Artemis Worship 🦌
Spend time out in nature (e.g. go on a hike, take a walk outside, visit a nature preserve, etc.)
Dancing, especially at night and to music that makes you feel wild and free
Playing an instrument (although this is more for Apollo, I believe it also works as a form of Artemis worship)
Wearing jewelry that reminds you of her
Having imagery of deer, horses, or dogs around
Having literally any sort of animal symbolism around (she is a Goddess of Animals)
Investing in nature/animal conservation efforts (can simply be spreading the word if you can't afford to donate or volunteer)
Creating art of your favorite flower, plant, or animal
Keeping a picture of her in your wallet
Taking a walk outside during the crescent or full moon (only if it is safe in your area to do so)
Learning about self-defense (I feel dedicating a pocket knife, if legal, to her is a great idea)
Learning archery
Befriending neighborhood animals, such as cats, birds, or dogs; leaving food out for them
Lighting a bonfire with friends and having a good time together; dancing around it is especially great (please be safe about doing so; I don't recommend drinking first)
Star-gazing and moon-gazing
Showing compassion to others, such as through volunteer work or holding doors
Taking a warm bath at night
Having a candle that reminds you of her (no altar needed)
Wearing animal-inspired outfits or doing animal-inspired makeup
Visiting a local zoo, aquarium, or butterfly pavilion; taking the time to learn about new creatures
Watching nature documentaries or movies about animals (it can be movies/shows starring anthropomorphic animals)
Being curious about local fauna and flora
Learning how to safely forage for food, such as picking berries or mushrooms
Meditating in the dark of the night, especially on a crescent or full moon
Making a list of your goals; focus on completing these one step at a time
Taking new risks, especially ones that give you a sense of thrill and excitement
Sending kind messages to loved ones, especially those having a difficult time
Learning to prioritize your own well-being; taking care of yourself first and foremost
May add to this later! For now, this is my list of discreet ways to worship Artemis. I hope someone finds it helpful. Take care, everyone! 💚
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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andro-does-stuff-2 · 2 months
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The Midnight Motorist moment of all time.
Another meme to celebrate FNAF's 10th anniversary!
This is actually a better version of the original one I had posted some months ago.
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Dude wanted to kill his friend's daughter, and wanted to be arrested for a DUI infraction apparently, after too much borgir and beer.
Ps. I will post an entire instrumental playlist of songs to celebrate FNAF's 10th anniversary tomorrow on YouTube (precise date unknown, but tommorow it is!).
It'll have like an hour of music, due to the fact that it's music I've done the last 2-3 years.
Most games are covered too (if you think I've made an instrumental cover of a FNAF 3, FNAF 6, FNAF UCN, FNAF AR or FNAF SB:Ruin song, you're wrong; but the other ones are covered :D).
I'm thinking about creating a koffi kofi too (accidentally wrote it like a Chikn Nuggit character lol), for donations, and I have a couple iceberg videos on mind too (one is about FNAF and the other will be announced later, with the joke that both of them are LONG).
If you have questions, you can ask me :D
See you tomorrow :3
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ceevee5 · 2 months
“Platforms like Suno – which employs AI to generate music complete with vocals and instruments – have been used to create online songs combining references to Southport with xenophobic content. Titles include “Southport Saga” featuring an AI female voice singing lyrics such as “hunt them down somehow”.
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