#mushroom speaks up
portabella201 · 5 months
I’m a simple girl. I see Practical Frost and I swoon
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shr0mwzrd · 3 months
I'm convinced by the way y'all are acting about it that these alleged AFAB transfems don't exist outside your brains - like all y'all are just vaguing and pearl clutching without mentioning or linking to a single instance of this alleged atrocity. Even if they did exist, just block them and be normal for fucks sake. I'm so fucking tired of seeing these same bullshit takes over and over, especially from nominally leftist queers...do better
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delightfuldevin · 11 months
There’s something I wanted to make note of since I don’t think most people noticed this.
In one of the cutscenes in Galaxy 1 (the purple coins mission in the gate), Mario finds Rosalina on the starting planet and she says this:
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Some people seem to think that she’s referring specifically to the starting planet itself; even the Mariowiki says that she is.
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But we know from Rosalina’s storybook that the planet she visits every 100 years is her home planet. And we know because of how the game opens that that planet is the Mushroom Planet.
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So what is she talking about then? Well, it isn’t actually visible except for in the very final cutscene obtained by beating Bowser again after collecting every single Power Star, but look!
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The Mushroom Planet is actually right next to the starting planet!! When Rosie is talking about visiting “this planet” every 100 years, she’s talking about the one that she and Mario can see from the starting planet: the Mushroom Planet!! It’s really easy to miss this since this final cutscene is the only time the Mushroom Planet is actually clearly visible. Every other time you’re on the starting planet, it’s there but it’s reeeeally dark so you can barely even recognize it.
So basically, the starting planet seems to linger just outside the atmosphere of the Mushroom Planet (perhaps it orbits it like a moon?). That also explains how Mario ends up on the starting planet after being attacked by Kamek in the beginning of the game. It is called the “gateway to the starry skies” because the gate on it connects to the gate on the Comet Observatory no matter where it is in space, “the starry skies”.
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libraryleopard · 3 months
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Standalone young adult fantasy novel
In a world filled with harsh class divisions and addiction, a teenage girl who makes a living as a monster hunter makes a bargain with a nightmarish forest monster for survival and finds herself entangled in an age-old feud between gods
Exploration/subversion of the Chosen One archetype
Latin American-inspired world-building; lesbian main character; F/F romance
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gennsoup · 6 months
The words of one woman would not have turned the marching boots of men, but the pain of not having spoken, of not bothering to ask questions, still aches inside me now.
Hiromi Goto, Chorus of Mushrooms
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flamboyant-king · 2 years
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More stickers! And all of them together!
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oogies-art · 2 years
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were like, mushroom heads *intense gay laughter*
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autistic-shaiapouf · 4 months
Just learned about starfish prime and this is easily one of the scariest things I've ever seen
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kenobihater · 1 year
honestly being in some tall CRP grasses and brambles and brush would fix me <- a man who hasn't walked in the countryside in over a year
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mantisgodsdomain · 1 year
Out of all of the BF softlocks out there, our personal favorite is Kabbu's Sisyphean Nightmare, in which giving a Kabbu with -2 attack HP Core and then entering The Beast's fight in Chapter 5 will force you into a scenario where it is impossible for The Beast to kill Kabbu and it is impossible for Kabbu to kill The Beast, and they are forced to fight forever over Vi and Leif's bodies until either the battery on your platform of choice burns out or you turn the game off.
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portabella201 · 9 months
I started blue eye samurai and already I’d die for Ringo, my lil power puff girl
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oceandiagonale · 2 years
ham confirmed in pokemon if they don
if they don’t explain it by having some sort of ham-gathering mechanic or pokedex entry then it’s confirmed that people farm, kill, and eat pokemon for real and gene just didn’t realize that was still a thing
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edit: gene would see a fillet for the first time and have flashbacks, like he knows pokemon eat each other and obviously people and pokemon have a common ancestor and people used to eat more pokemon but he lost his fish to the hoenn e4 and that was one of the first friends he ever had 
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myapathyhaspeaked · 3 months
man some gender roles are just self fulfilling prophesies arent they?
(i am a white afab in america and can only speak for this perspective)
oh women are just naturally suited to domestic labor? guess we'll make our daughters cook and clean and take care of their little sisters while our sons take out the trash every once in a while. well wontcha look at that, the girls are so talented with the windex while our boys can barely remember to clean out the dryer lint. see ladies, this is why you ought to stay home and let the men work.
oh little girls are so much work, so demanding, just wait til their teenage years, i mean the rebellion and the boys! little boys are so much more easy going, even if they take a while to mature. and gosh, look at suzy, crying that she wants this dress and that toy because she's a child and doesnt know what money is yet, see she's such a brat, just keep telling her no and she'll learn to never ask for anything. oh timmy wants this bike? sure timmy, no need to cry, we'll take that dent in the budget, look how happy he is on it. emma don't get mad when your brothers bug you, they're not as mature as you. why dont you ever talk to us? why dont you respect us? what do you mean he harrassed a girl at school cus we never reprimanded him for breaking boundries and called him our handsome ladies man his whole life? no honey you cant have a boyfriend. sure son, go get her, oh look we placed him next to another baby but shes a girl look at them his little girlfriend. what do you mean youve been dating him in secret? wow, she's so timid and meek, never talks, so ladylike. and gosh he's so rambuctious, almost like he's never heard of a consequence.
oh little girls shouldnt play with science kits and medical toys, what little girls want to be scientists and doctors? boys dont want to play with dolls, give him an action figure or a toy car, and dont even let him look at pink. and wow, what do we see here? a huge imbalance in stem fields, the medical world, mechanics, and nerd culture. and men who will go up to the cashier and ask if there is "boy peptol bismol" because he doesnt want something pink.
girls care so much about their image, wonder if that has anything to do with mommy playing dress up with them and brushing their hair even when it hurts, screaming at them if they pull away cus they wont their little girl go out looking like a birds nest, and that society has deemed their looks as half of their value? boys are so into sports, wonder if that has anything to do with the fact that dad impressed his son into the little league team cus he used to be such a slugger it's in his blood, and that his dad always had his buddies come over and watch the game while mom brings him another beer?
time is a flat circle and society is an ouroboros that ceases to exist if the snake ever spits its own tail out.
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cabeswaterdrowned · 3 months
I want to do a poll on the specific breakdown of who eats what part of the half avocado half sausage pizza, especially as I discussed briefly with someone else there’s a question of whether that was always Gansey and Ronan’s order and didn’t change when Adam joined or if it was something else before Adam joined. but man I don’t want the notes to be pull of sausage eating jokes but that does feel inevitable
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delightfuldevin · 6 months
Random but MAJOR note regarding my Mario lore
I’ve been jumping through hoops trying to make Galaxy make sense within my lore (specifically regarding the function of Power Ups and extraterrestrial species), and I think I’ve come up with something that works, but retcons a lot of my previous lore.
So, basically, Moon Magic is the source of all life in the universe. It created the first living beings, which then evolved into many other species. The earliest lifeforms were octopus-like and evolved from there into the various other species (like in my species chart). The first lifeforms were like this guy:
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Evolution ran convergent across the universe, hence why so many species on the Mushroom Planet are also found on other planets. They just all followed the same evolutionary path. Dark Moons can also be found throughout the universe, which are the source of ghostly extraterrestrials as well, like this guy:
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As for magic itself, that comes from the elements. There are basic elements that make up the universe and those elements are the source of magic. On the Mushroom Planet, the elements Fire, Lightning, Light, and Darkmess formed the gods: Firebrand the Fire God, Thunderhand the Thunder God, and the Stars (light and dark). The gods are the personification of the elements and are the most powerful wielders of them on the planet.
Power Ups are still sourced from the gods as well. The Stars’ Light and Dark Magic still seeps into the soil, allowing the Power Ups to be grown, and manmade Power Ups still use some form of magic to be created. However, those same Power Ups, and many others as well, were created throughout the universe by Light and Darkmess as well.
These are all the known elements:
Water (including ice)
Darkmess (including poison)
Slime/Goo might be an element as well, but further research is required.
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fuck-kirk · 1 year
man i always forget you grew up in ohio too until you bring up some severely local shit like casey anthony or the hell is real sign
LOL…just wait until I bring up potluck shredded chicken sandwiches
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