#musee archives nationales
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Oh my gosh I can actually share all the frev finding here AAAAAAA
I went to the temporary exhibit Louis XVI, Marie-Antoinette & la Révolution at Musée des Archives Nationales and it's really really worth it! Also it's free
They had recordings of Louis' room temperature in the Tuileries (which is recorded in réaumur unit). The highest temperature record here is 19 reaumur which apparently converts to 23.75 celsius, so damn Louis' room is pretty cold in May lol. (sorry edit: that's highest it ever reaches most of time it's much colder than that hhhh)

There is also a bunch of exchanges between Antoinette and Fersen that's actually written in cipher! (So yes concrete proof that Antoinette is actively working against the revolution Antoinette stans take that) Sorry the picture is blurry the room is dark

ALSO Robespierre's draft for his speech against the war in the Jacobins!! His writing!!!

ALSO ALSO APPARENTLY the alleged table in which he layed upon during 9 thermidor is in the permanent collection in this museum?? Which i never knew before??

one final thing there's also a page from Robespierre's notebook that is also on display (not part of the temporary exhibit) and it's just...a list of people...with numbers associated to them? It would be very funny if he is ranking them and giving them each a score based on how likeable they are lol

The exhibit continues all the way till July 3rd! But then it will reopen again in later months I believe.
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Musée des Archives nationales

#europe#france#paris#musee#archives nationales#hotel soubise#hotel rohan#europa#francia#museo#archivos nacionales#inverno#hiver#monument historique#monumento historico#rue des archives#hotel particulier#architecture#arquitectura#tourelles#cour d'honneur
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A look back at this last week in Paris, treasures and treasuring #Paris #Photography #leavingday #IrelandBound PARIS; ONE KAST LOOK THROUGH THE LENS
A look back at the final week in Paris…


All photographs by Damien B Donnelly, Dec 2019
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#architecture#Art#Azadine Alaia#birds#Cafe Angelinas#Cafe Du Commerce#Cite#Ernest Hemingway#goodbyes#jardin des serres#memorial de la shoah#MonBLue Fromagerie#musee archives nationales#musee d&039;art modern#musee yves saint laurant#Paris#Photography#saint chapelle#SEINE#shakespeare and company bookstore#Wings
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Mercredi 21 octobre à 19h (heure de Paris)
Wednesday October 21, 7pm (Paris time)
Bonjour à vous ! Nous vous espérons en bonne santé, vous, vos proches, où que vous vous trouviez confiné·es. Ce séminaire aura lieu en ligne via Zoom Le nombre de places étant limité, Il est nécessaire de s’inscrire préalablement : [email protected] Hello Everyone! We hope you and your loved ones are well and safe. This seminar will take place online via Zoom The number of attendees is limited, please register at this address if you wish to attend: [email protected]
C’est d’abord à Constance (Allemagne), où elle ouvrit très jeune un atelier, puis à Paris, où elle vécut entre 1962 et début 1969, qu’Ulrike Ottinger a reçu sa formation intellectuelle et artistique. Artiste proche des nouvelles figurations narratives, elle étudia les techniques de la gravure dans l’atelier de Johnny Friedlaender tout en assistant à des conférences, notamment de Claude Lévi- Strauss, Louis Althusser et Pierre Bourdieu. Elle écrit son premier scénario Le double tiroir mongol en 1966. De retour en Allemagne de l'Ouest, elle fonde avec l’Université de Constance le filmclub visuell en 1969, en même temps que la galerie et maison d’édition galeriepress (présentant entre autres Wolf Vostell, Richard Hamilton, David Hockney). Avec l’actrice et figure lesbienne Tabea Blumenschein, elle réalise son premier film en 1972-1973, Laoocon et fils. Installée à Berlin en 1973 elle tourne un documentaire sur le happening Berlinfever-Wolf Vostell. Après avoir célébré le retour sur la scène berlinoise de la grande performeuse, mime et danseuse des années 1920 Valeska Gert (L’enchantement des marins bleus, 1975), Ottinger fait de Tabea Blumenschein la figure-culte de Madame X (1977). On la retrouve dans deux des films de la Trilogie berlinoise, composée de Aller jamais retour (1979), Freak Orlando (1981) et Dorian Gray dans le miroir de la presse à scandale (1984). Filmée dans les ruines industrielles de la ville, cette trilogie réunit Magdalena Montezuma, Veruschka von Lehndorff, Eddie Constantine, Kurt Raab, Peer Raben et bien sûr Delphine Seyrig. Celle-ci jouera son dernier rôle dans le merveilleux Johanna d’Arc of Mongolia réalisé en Mongolie en 1989.
La collaboration entre Delphine Seyrig et Ulrike Ottinger est l’un des points forts de l’exposition Muses Insoumises/Defiant Muses (curatrices : Nataša Petrešin-Bachelez et Giovanna Zapperi), qui s’est tenue jusqu’au 17/7/20 au Reina Sofia de Madrid. En plus des fictions, Ulrike Ottinger a consacré de longues périodes à la recherche pour ses films documentaires qui l’ont menée en Chine (de China. The Arts-The People (1985)’ jusqu’à Exile Shanghai (1997)), ou en Europe du Sud-Est (dont Southeast Passage, 2002, montré à la Documenta 11 d’Okwui Enwezor en 2002). Ottinger s’attache à filmer le Berlin d’après la chute du mur, tourne également à Vienne (Prater, 2007), en Corée (L’armoire de mariage coréenne, 2009) ou au Japon (Under Snow, 2011). Elle s’engage sur les traces d’Adalbert von Chamisso et des explorateurs des 18-19e siècles filmant durant trois mois dans le détroit de Bering (L’ombre de Chamisso, un film de 12h, et une exposition à la Bibliothèque nationale de Berlin). Entre 2017 et 2019, elle a réalisé son Paris Calligrammes, film présenté actuellement à Paris après une exposition à la HKW de Berlin. Les films d'Ulrike Ottinger ont été montrés, entre autres, dans les festivals de Toronto, Amsterdam, Moscou, Londres, Montréal, Jérusalem et Rio de Janeiro. Ils ont fait l’objet de rétrospectives dans le monde entier, notamment à la Cinémathèque française et au Centre Pompidou à Paris, au Museo Reina Sofia de Madrid, au MoMA de New York et au Center for Contemporary Art de Tel Aviv. Ils ont également reçu de nombreux prix, dont le prix du public à Montréal et celui de la critique de cinéma allemande. En 2011, Ottinger a reçu le prix Hannah Höch pour l’ensemble de sa carrière et l’Université Concordia de Montréal l’a nommée docteure honoris causa pour les beaux-arts en 2018. Elle a également été invitée en tant que jurée aux Oscars 2019. Travaillant pour le théâtre (Elfriede Jelinek, Olga Neuwirth, …) dont elle conçoit les décors, Ulrike Ottinger s’identifie non seulement comme artiste, peintre, cinéaste, mais aussi comme scénariste, directrice de la photo, créatrice de costumes et photographe. Elle a collecté et publié une archive visuelle (Bilderarchiv) en 2005 et réalisé un atlas-collage de quarante ans de productions visuelles (Floating Food, 2011). Plusieurs expositions récentes, dont à la n.b.k. de Berlin en 2011, ont permis de revenir sur son travail des années 1960, célébré aujourd’hui dans l’exposition collective SHE-BAM POW POP WIZZ ! Les amazones du Pop au Mamac de Nice.
La galerie Eric Mouchet à Paris présente actuellement l’exposition Ulrike Ottinger, Aller toujours retour et le film Paris-Calligrammes est au programme des cinémas Reflets-Médicis et Luminor à Paris.
[EN] Ulrike Ottinger was born in Konstanz in 1942. She lived in Paris from 1962 to 1969 as a painter and photographer, where she also wrote her first film script Die mongolische Doppelschublade. Graphic works originated at the Atelier Friedländer. She returned to Germany in 1969, where she founded the filmclub Visuell in cooperation with the Universität Konstanz and the galeriepress (in which she presented Wolf Vostell, Allan Kaprow, R. B. Kitaj, Richard Hamilton, David Hockney).
Her first film, Laocoon and Sons, made in collaboration with Tabea Blumenschein, was recorded in 1971-1973. In 1973 she moved to Berlin and filmed the Happening-documentary Berlinfever – Wolf Vostell. It was followed by The Enchantment of the Blue Sailors in 1975 with Valeska Gert, and by Madame X – An Absolute Ruler in 1977, which was an international success. Work on the Berlin Trilogy, Ticket of No Return, (Bildniseiner Trinkerin,1979), Freak Orlando (1981) and Dorian Grey in the YellowPress (Dorian Grey im Spiegel der Boulevardpresse, 1984) began in 1979. She was able to win Delphine Seyrig, Magdalena Montezuma, Veruschka von Lehndorff, Eddie Constantine and Kurt Raab, as well as the composer Peer Raben for these works, which were filmed in industrial wastelands and alienated urban landscapes.
The collaboration between Delphine Seyrig and Ulrike Ottinger was part of the exhibition Defiant Muses (curators : Nataša Petrešin-Bachelez & Giovanna Zapperi) at the Museo Reina Sofia in Madrid
In addition to fictional films, Ulrike Ottinger also devoted herself to documentary film. Intensive and comprehensive research characterizes all her films from China. The Arts – The People (China. Die Künste – Der Alltag, 1985) to Exile Shanghai (1997), from Southeast Passage (2002, exhibited at Okwui Enwezor’s Documenta 11) to Prater (2007), from The Korean Wedding Chest, to Under Snow filmed in the Japanese Snow Country Echigo. For her film Chamisso’s Shadow (2016) Ulrike Ottinger travelled for three months along the Bering Sea, tracing the paths taken by the great 18th and 19th C explorers. This is her longest documentary to date (12 hours); the accompanying exhibition took place in the National Library in Berlin.
Ottinger's most recent film, Paris Calligrammes, premiered in the spring of 2020 and in Paris on October 6. Both her films and her photographic work have been shown in numerous retrospectives and exhibitions, including at the Venice Biennale (1980), at the Cinémathèque française, Paris (1980, 1982), at the Museum of Modern Art, New York (2000, 2004), as well as the Centre Pompidou, the Sammlung Goetz. Her Hannah-Höch-Award 2011 was accompanied by a retrospective including her paintings at the nbk,Berlin (2011 12) and her worldimages were shown at the kestnergesellschaft in Hannover (2013).
In Paris, the Eric Mouchet Gallery is currently presenting an exhibition: Ulrike Ottinger, Go Always Return.
Programmation et prochains rendez-vous sur ce site ou par abonnement à la newsletter : [email protected]
Pour regarder les séminaires antérieurs : http://www.vimeo.com/sysk/
Séminaire conçu et organisé par Patricia Falguières, Elisabeth Lebovici et Natasa Petresin-Bachelez et soutenu par la Fundación Almine y Bernard Ruiz-Picasso para el Arte
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Title: Beside You in the Moonlight (Chapter 13 - Il Était Une Fois)
Rating: T
Genre: Romance, Action, Drama, Angst
At 22, Marinette is a Miraculous-less student preparing her final project for IFA Paris to be shown at the Musee des Archives Nationales. Her big night takes a turn for the worst when the venue is attacked by yet another minion of Hawkmoth. When she tries to save some guests, she puts herself directly in danger’s path. As she readies herself for the end, Paris’ favorite cat themed hero appears in front of her for the first time. Neither know it then, but his days of fighting alone are coming to an end.
Chapter 13 of my very first Miraculous Ladybug fanfic that I haven’t updated in over a year because I decided to write a bunch of one-shots for fun and practice. Now, I’m trying to finish it before the end of May because I just want it done. It won’t get done until I sit down and write it, so here we are.
#miraculous ladybug fanfic#miraculous ladybug fanfiction#adrien x marinette#adrienette#adrienette fanfic#adrien agreste#marinette dupain-cheng#damagectrlwrites#beside you in the moonlight
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13 Off-the-Beaten-Path Things to See and Do in Paris

Posted: 6/24/2019 | June 24th, 2019
Paris is filled with famous attractions: the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, Versailles, the catacombs, the Pantheon, the Arc de Triomphe, Sacre-Coeur. The list goes on. There are so many amazing sites here that you could spend days (heck, even weeks) just seeing the main, most well-known ones.
But there’s more to Paris than the sites that attract thousands upon thousands of visitors each day. While I was living Paris the past few months, I made it my mission to see some of the more unusual, lesser-known (but equally awesome) attractions (that didn’t coming with the aggravating crowds that make so many of Paris’ attractions unbearable).
And, while some of the things on the list below might not be “super secret” attractions or activities, they do fall into the category of “over looked attractions” so I included them.
Here are some of the best off-the-beaten-path things to see and do in Paris:
1. Le Manoir de Paris
This is where macabre museum meets haunted house. Numerous rooms highlight some of the more unsettling aspects of Paris’s long and often dark past, such as the Phantom of the Opera, vampires, or the crocodiles in the sewers. Using real actors as well as animatronics, the city’s gruesome and unsettling history is brought to life in an interesting way. In addition to their museum, they also have escape rooms as well as different levels of intensity depending on how scared you get!
18 Rue de Paradis, +33 6 70 89 35 87, lemanoirdeparis.com. Open Fridays 6pm-9:30pm and weekends 3pm-6:30pm. Admission is 29 EUR for adults and 20 EUR for children 10-15.
2. Musée Édith Piaf
Édith Piaf is perhaps the most famous French singer from the 1930s to the 1960s, and know around the world for her song La vie en rose and Non, je ne regrette rien (which appeared in the movie Inception). She lived in a little apartment in the Ménilmontant district at the start of her career, which has been turned into tiny museum dedicated to her. You get a glimpse at her life through her gold and platinum records, photographs, clothing, letters from fans, posters, recordings, and sheet music.
5 Rue Crespin du Gast, +33 1 43 55 52 72. Open Monday-Wednesday 1pm-6pm and Thursdays 10am-12pm. Admission is free, but you’ll need to make an appointment. You’ll also want to either speak decent French or go with someone who does.
3. Musée Curie

Marie Curie was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize (and the only woman to win it twice) for her research into radioactivity (a word that she invented). She was the first female professor at the University of Paris as well as the first woman to be entombed in the Panthéon on her own merits. Located in the 5th arrondissement, this museum, in her old laboratory, highlights her radiological research. It’s insightful and eye-opening for anyone unfamiliar with her historic discoveries.
1 Rue Pierre et Marie Curie, +33 1 56 24 55 33, musee.curie.fr. Open Wednesday-Saturday 1pm-5pm. Admission is free.
4. Archives Nationales

Opened in 1867, the National Archives houses thousands of historical documents dating back to 625 CE. One of six national archives in the country, the museum sheds light on France’s turbulent past, providing nuanced historical details and context through permanent and temporary exhibitions.
Built by the order of Napoleon I, the building itself (known as the Hôtel de Soubise) is absolutely stunning. It is in the late Baroque style, embracing long columns and lots of statues and sculptures. It features immaculate grounds and gardens as well. They always hold a lot of good exhibitions too.
59 Rue Guynemer, +33 1 75 47 20 02, archives-nationales.culture.gouv.fr/en. Open Monday-Saturday 9am-5pm. Admission is 8 EUR per person.
5. The Gallery of Paleontology and Comparative Anatomy

Opened in 1898, this museum is home to over 1,000 animal skeletons from around the world, including complete skeletons of elephants, large cats, and even dinosaurs. It’s as interesting as it is unsettling: all the animals are facing the same way, making it look like you’re in the midst of some undead stampede!
2 Rue Buffon, +33 1 40 79 56 01, http://bit.ly/2B0lruZ. Open daily 10am-6pm (closed Tuesdays). Admission is free.
6. The Vampire Museum
Paris has a long history with the esoteric, one that is brought to life in this fascinating (if not macabre) museum founded by an eccentric scholar to showcase his knowledge of the undead and esoteric. Here you’ll find vampire-killing kits, rare texts on demonology, and mysterious ancient relics. It’s a busy, eclectic, creepy museum that’s a feast for the eyes and one worthy of a visit if you’re at all interested in more obscure (and fanciful) tales. It’s a fun little, kitsch museum.
14 Rue Jules David, +33 1 43 62 80 76, artclips.free.fr/musee_des_vampires/MuseeVampires1.html. You’ll need to make an appointment in advance by phone. (Don’t worry if the voicemail greeting is in French — the curator speakers perfect English).
7. Petite Ceinture

In use from 1862 through 1964, the railway circling Paris was abandoned when the city expanded beyond its limits. It’s mostly hidden behind buildings and covered in wild plants and grass now, though some sections are now officially open to the public. You’ll find all sorts of flowers and street art along the tracks.
While some sections are illegal to visit, near Parc Georges Brassens you’ll find a section of the tracks known as the ‘Passage de la Petite Ceinture’ that is both free and legal to visit. It’s located in the 15e arrondissement.
8. The Salvador Dalí Sundial

This surrealist sundial was created by world-renowned artist Salvador Dalí. Located on Rue Saint-Jacques, it’s is a mix of a human face and a scallop shell (the symbol of the Camino to Santiago, since the street is named after the saint). While the sundial doesn’t actually work, it’s nevertheless an easy way to see a piece of artwork by one of the most famous artists in the world.
27 Rue Saint-Jacques. Open 24/7 with no admission.
9. Montmartre Cemetery

While the Père Lachaise Cemetery is the largest and most popular in Paris, for a more secluded stroll, check out the Montmartre Cemetery. Plenty of people visit the top of Montmartre for Sacré-Coeur and the view, but few take the time to wander this cemetery sitting at the foot of the district. It opened in 1825 and is home to many cobwebbed mausoleums, as well as a handful of stray cats. You won’t see many people here, so you can explore in peace.
20 Avenue Rachel, +33 1 53 42 36 30, paris.fr/equipements/cimetiere-de-montmartre-5061. Open Monday-Friday 8am-6pm, Saturdays 8:30am-6pm, and Sundays 9am-6pm.
10. The Museum of Counterfeiting

Opened in 1972, this museum is home to counterfeit items that have been collected by France’s customs agents and police (as well as donated items from brands and consumers alike). There are over 500 items in the museum, ranging from counterfeit art and luxury goods to more mundane items, like cleaning supplies. While some knockoffs are impressive in their duplicity, it’s also funny to see just how bad some counterfeiters were!
16 Rue de la Faisanderie, +33 1 56 26 14 03, musee-contrefacon.com. Open Monday-Saturday 2pm-5:30pm. Admission is 6 EUR per person for adults and 5 EUR for students and seniors.
11. Promenade Planteé (Coulée verte René-Dumont)

This tree-lined walkway is a greenbelt that extends almost 5km along the old Vincennes railway line. The railway line ceased functioning in 1969, with the park being inaugurated a few decades afterward. Until New York built their High Line, it was the only elevated park in the entire world. (And, honestly, this is way nicer the the NYC High Line). You’ll find lots of trees, flowers, ponds, and places to sit along this long path that stretches from Bastile to the edge of Paris. It’s al ong really easy and beautiful walk. You won’t find many people here. Even on a nice day, it’s rather empty. It quickly became one of my favorite things to do in Paris and I can’t recommend coming here enough!
1 Coulée verte René-Dumont (12th arrondissement). Open daily from 8am-9:30pm. Admission is free.
12. Canal Saint-Martin

Stretching 4.5km, the Canal Saint-Martin is a man-made waterway commissioned by Napoleon. Construction finished in 1825, connecting the Canal de l’Ourcq to the Seine via both above ground locks and underground tunnels. While not any secret spot (on a nice day, you’ll find the canal lined with people), it’s mostly a spot for locals who want to have a picnic and relax. So, say no to the Siene, and come have your outdoor picnic along the canal. It’s more relaxing and there will be fewer people!
The canal starts at Place de Stalingrad and ends at Quai de la Râpée. Canal cruises last 2.5 hours and cost around 16 EUR per person.
13. Museé de Montmartre

Founded in 1960, this museum is located throughout two building that date back to the 17th century. Over the years, the buildings were home to many famous writers and painters. The gardens of the museum were actually renovated to look more like the gardens in Renoir’s paintings (there is also a vineyard nearby that dates back to the Middle Ages but it makes horrible wine). The museum’s permanent collection includes a wide variety of paintings, posters, and drawings.
12 Rue Cortot, +33 1 49 25 89 39, museedemontmartre.fr/en/le-musee. Open daily from 10am-6pm (7pm in the summer). Admission is 12 EUR for adults, which includes an audio guide. Discounts are available for students, children, and persons with disabilities.
While the main sights in Paris are always worth checking out, but if you want to be more than a tourist and develop a greater appreciation for the City of Light’s unique and complex history, visit these unconventional and unusual attractions in Paris.
Book Your Trip to Paris: Logistical Tips and Tricks
Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.
Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time. Some of my favorite places to stay in Paris are:
St. Christopher’s Canal – Comfy spot on the canal. During the summer months, the terrace is hopping!
3 Ducks Hostel – This hostel has one of the cheapest bars in the city, and it’s just a 10-minute walk to the Eiffel Tower.
Les Piaules – Fantastic chimney lounge, a cool bar, and a rooftop space. It’s a great place to meet people!
Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:
World Nomads (for everyone below 70)
Insure My Trip (for those over 70)
Looking for the best companies to save money with? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and I think will help you too!
Looking for more information on visiting Paris? Check out my in-depth destination guide to Paris with more tips on what to see, do, costs, ways to save, and much, much more!
Photo credit: 4 – Adrian Grycuk, 5, 8 – Guilhem Vellut, 6 – Jim Linwood, 9 – Joanna Penn, 10 – Son of Groucho, 12 – PPun, 13 – advencap, 15 – Museé de Montmartre
The post 13 Off-the-Beaten-Path Things to See and Do in Paris appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.
from Nomadic Matt's Travel Site http://bit.ly/2Fu0sCi via IFTTT
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Cadeau De Noël - Bijoux Édition Limitée Agatha
Des matériaux de haute qualité incluent plots en or, platine et argent avec des pierres précieuses et agatha charms. sautoir argent agatha catalogue de vente est disponible sur bracelet agat you. collier boule argent agatha ont révélé les gagnants lors d'une cérémonie 17 janvier au Washington Convention Center en collaboration avec les Prix de niche American Made show. un diamant, améthyste et turquoise Schlumberger anneau qui a recueilli Agatha collier or 52. A $ second bracelet en or Schlumberger 18 carats, un émail et or bracelet bleu, vendu pour 35 000 $, et un turquoise et émail collier sculpté recueilli $ 35,000.India se montent à 4 millions par année. But aucune marque l'a fait tout à fait comme Mattioli, qui déconstruit certaines des bêtes les plus courantes pour créer intéressantes, des pièces uniques qui sont sur -tendance. Après le lancement avec succès une gamme de produits en cuir pour les hommes, Todd Reed élargit ses offres avec une nouvelle ligne de diamants et de bracelets en cuir pour les Agatha bracelet de cheville femmes. archives et l'exposition de Chicago Histoire Museum.Day deux mettra en vedette Gitanjali Gems Ltd, Bholasons, exportations CVM, Charu Jewels, Pooja Juneja, Kays Jewels Pvt Ltd, RK Jewellers et PC Jewellers Ltd. 30 carats Golconde vendu pour 4,3 millions $, et un ovale-cut42 -carat diamant rouge de fantaisie est allé pour 1,5 million $ par ajout de carat. Endiama, la compagnie nationale de agatha orleans d'Angola, organise la Conférence Centenaire angolaise de diamant 2013 à Luanda du 20 Juin au 21. Les Agatha Solde dessins originaux doivent être soumis à Luxenter avant le 31 Juillet 2013. Le bijoux dans la vente Bonhams propose un sélection de plus de 30 articles, dont plusieurs pièces par le légendaire designer Jean Schlumberger et ceux qui Bacall portait quand elle a remporté un Academy Award pour sa contribution à vie au cinéma dans 2009. Overall, Sothebys agatha boucle oreille 21 vente de Magnificent Jewels à New York est estimé pour atteindre plus de 50 millions $. Locales leaders de l'industrie du diamant, des représentants gouvernementaux et des dignitaires, ainsi que des invités étrangers sont attendus pour assister à l'événement. Chicago Une vitrine de bijoux de l'art du début du 20ème siècle, est maintenant exposée au Chicagos Driehaus Cafetières & Muse Museum. Un autre facteur est le début de la saison de mariage de la France.

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Musee d’Orsay
In the year 1840, the Palais d’Orsay was complete, a new meeting place for the council of state. By 1871 the Paris Commune took power. They emptied the Palais, moving all books, archives, and art to Versailles. That year, on May 23rd, the vacant d’Orsay was vandalized and burned by soldier arsonists in protest of Napoleon III.
The site was purchased by Compagnie Paris-Orleans. They demolished the burned buildings and built a train station and hotel, the building which still stands today. The building is of a Beaux-Arts style, as evidenced by the flat roof, arched windows and doorways, pilasters, and symmetry. The train station was opened for the 1900 World Expo in Paris.
In 1939, new trains circulated through Paris which were too long for the platforms in d’Orsay. It was commissioned to become a museum in 1974, and was completed in 1986. Over 2000 works of art were installed over the course of 6 months from the Galerie Nationale du Jeu de Paume.
Today, Musee d’Orsay houses work from the 19th and 20th century. It boasts the largest collection of impressionist and post-impressionist art in the world, showcasing work by Monet, Degas, Manet, Van Gogh, and more.
This week, we visited the Musee d’Orsay. It was a unique museum and was definitely lots of fun. I inspired a scavenger hunt to find 5 specific paintings, which urged everyone to explore the entire building and visit every exhibit. It was definitely a one-of-a-kind museum and experience!

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Connaissance de la Reliure: les reliures à décor de fanfare vides
Amis Bibliophiles bonjour,
Les bibliophiles connaissent tous les reliures dites « à la fanfare », tout au moins ceux qui suivent régulièrement le blog … : http://bibliophilie.com/la-reliure-a-la-fanfare/
Ces reliures spectaculaires sont techniquement complexes à réaliser et tous les ateliers de reliure du XVIe siècle n’en produisaient pas. Je souhaite vous présenter un type particulier de fanfare, dont la « sobriété » fait l’élégance et met en relief tout le savoir-faire du doreur.
Les reliures à la fanfare à compartiments vides se rapprochent des premières fanfares dites « primitives » (vers 1560), au sein desquelles les fers de remplissage sont peu nombreux. Elles s’en différencient cependant par le caractère délibéré et systématique de ce dépouillement.
Petrarque (1475)
Hypnerotomachia poliphilii (1499)
Les plus anciennes fanfares vides appartiennent à des volumes de grand format, in-folio ou in-4, et plusieurs d’entre-elles (dont le Pétrarque de 1475 et l’Hypnerotomachia poliphilii (1499), toutes deux en maroquin poudré d’or) ont été réalisées pour le secrétaire d’Etat Claude de Laubespine (Isabelle de Conihout et Pascal Ract-Madoux : Ni Grolier, ni Mahieu : Laubespine, in Bulletin du bibliophile, 2004, I, p. 63-88). Claude de Laubespine est mort en 1570, ce qui fournit un terminus ante quem pour la réalisation de ces reliures.
Deux autres volumes reliés de façon similaire : Strada (Lyon 1553) en maroquin brun « à fond poudré d’or et Pline (Lyon, 1563) (Illustration 4) en maroquin olive pourraient avoir appartenu au même amateur.
Strada (1553)
Pline (1563)
Après cette production de très grand luxe mais de courte durée, les reliures à la fanfare à compartiments vides réapparaissent une dizaines d’années plus tard dans l’entourage du roi Henri III. La plupart d’entre elles sont réalisées pour les membres des confraternités de pénitents fondées par le roi à partir de 1583, après la mort de Marie de Clèves. Elles recouvrent, à une exception près, des textes à dimension religieuse et comportent au dos les armes royales, une tête de mort et la devise « Spes mea deus », tandis que sur les plats figure une crucifixion.
Malgré le petit nombre de volumes ainsi décorés, ils ne proviennent pas tous du même atelier et diffèrent par les fers utilisés, leur agencement, ainsi que par des détails techniques (tranchefiles, pièces de renfort, …). On connait une trentaine de volumes ainsi reliés, dont plusieurs du même titre, montrant bien que ces ouvrages n’étaient pas tous destinés au roi (comme cela a été longtemps écrit en raison de la présence des armes royales au dos), mais aux membres des fraternités de pénitents, choisis parmi l’entourage d’Henri III.
Parmi ces reliures, certaines comportent les armes royales au plat inférieur et sont dans ce cas considérées comme appartenant au roi lui-même. (Fabienne Le Bars, Les reliures de Henri III : essai de typologie227-247), in Henri III mécène, Paris, 2006, p.227-247).
Deux reliures se différencient de cet ensemble homogène : plus précoces de quelques années, elles n’ont pas de lien avec les confréries de pénitents et leur décor à la fanfare à compartiments vides semble annoncer le renouveau à venir de ce type de décor dans l’entourage immédiat d’Henri III. La première, un in-folio en maroquin brun au décor complexe, datée vers 1580, recouvre un manuscrit de dédicace : l’hippostéologie de J. Héroard.
La seconde, de format in-8, est datée de 1581 et contient la traduction en français d’une partie des œuvres de Sénèque. Cette dernière édition est dédiée au duc Anne de Joyeuse et ce volume est considéré dans le catalogue de la vente Double comme l’exemplaire de dédicace à l’archi-mignon du roi (Techener, 1863, lot 364).
Ces deux reliures présentent de nombreuses similitudes (fer en bonnet d’âne, traitement des coins, compartiments rectangulaires à double spirale, …) et proviennent vraisemblablement du même atelier, dont sortiront également, quelques années plus tard, certaines des reliures de congrégations.
Légendes des illustrations :
1 : Pétrarque, Trionfi, Bologne, A. Malpigli, 1475, exemplaire de Nicolas de Laubespine, conservé à Paris, bibl. Mazarine (photo tirée de Isabelle de Conihout et Pascal Ract-Madoux : Ni Grolier, ni Mahieu : Laubespine, in Bulletin du bibliophile, 2004, I, p. 63-88)
2 : Hypnerotomachia Poliphilii, A. Manutius, Venise, 1499, exemplaire de Nicolas de Laubespine (photo tirée du catalogue de la vente Esmérian, 1972, vol. I, n°19
3 : Strada, Epitome du thresor des antiquitez, Lyon, T. Guerin 1553 (Catalogue Belin, Livres anciens de provenances historiques, riches reliures, Paris 1910, n°652)
4 : Pline, Historiae mundi, Lyon, 1563, conservé à Windsor, Eton college (G. D. Hobson, Les reliures à la fanfare, reprint Amsterdam, 1970, pl. XVII)
5 : Histoire de Barlaam et Josaphat, Paris, G. Chaudière, 1578,conservé à Paris, Petit Palais (photo tirée de La collection Dutuit. Livres et manuscrits, Paris, 1899, n°46)
6 : Histoire de Barlaam et Josaphat, Paris, G. Chaudière, 1578, BNF (photo tirée de http://reliures.bnf.fr)
7 : La muse chretienne, Paris, G. Mallot, 1582, conservé à Genève, collection Barbier-Muller (photo tirée de N. Ducimetière : Mignonne, allons voir … Fleurons de la bibliothèque poétique Jean-Paul Barbier-Muller, Genève, 2007, p. 277)
8 : B. Cacciaguerra, Traicte de la tres saincte communion, Paris, T. Brumen, 1583 (photo tirée de Christies, The Michel Wittock collection, part I, 7 juillet 2004, n°26)
9 : Psaumes de David, Paris, M. de Roigny, 1583 (photo tirée de Alde 2006-2016, catalogue de vente du 24 mai 2016, n°27)
10 : Louis de Grenade, La grande guide des pecheurs, Paris, J. Pillehotte, 1585, BNF (photo tirée de http://reliures.bnf.fr)
11 : Le miroir des religieux, Paris, G. Chaudière, 1585, BNF (photo tirée de Claude La Charité : de Henri III, Le miroir des religieux (1585) de Louis de Blois et « la troisième couronne à frère Henri de Valois », in Revue de Bibliothèque et Archives nationales de Quebec, n°2, 2010, p. 44-55)
12 : Le miroir des religieux, Paris, G. Chaudière, 1585, Ban Quebec (photo tirée de Claude La Charité : de Henri III, Le miroir des religieux (1585) de Louis de Blois et « la troisième couronne à frère Henri de Valois », in Revue de Bibliothèque et Archives nationales de Quebec, n°2, 2010, p. 44-55)
13 : J. Héroard, Hippostéologie, vers 1579-1580, manuscrit de dédicace conservé à Chantilly, Musée Condé (photo tirée de Fabienne Le Bars, Les reliures de Henri III : essai de typologie227-247, in Henri III mécène, Paris, 2006, p.227-247, planche XXIII)
14 : Quatre opuscules de Senecque, Paris, R. le Mangnier, 1581, probable exemplaire de dédicace (photo tirée du catalogue Phillip Pirages books).
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Bảo Tàng Paris Khám Phá 10 Bảo Tàng Check-in “Chanh Sả”
Bạn yêu thích những tác phẩm nghệ thuật đặc sắc, vậy thì bạn không nên bỏ qua những bảo tàng Paris. Đây là nơi bạn sẽ có được những trải nghiệm vô cùng lý thú, được ngắm nhìn những bức tranh những tượng điêu khắc chỉ có trong sách báo. Cùng Hoàng Việt Travel điểm danh những bảo tàng nổi tiếng thông qua bài viết sau nhé!
1. Musee De La Vie Romantique – Kinh nghiệm du lịch Pháp
Bảo tàng Paris này ẩn mình trong khu Montmartre. Khi đến đây, bạn sẽ có cảm giác như tách biệt hoàn toàn khỏi thế giới bên ngoài. Nơi đây mang đến cho bạn cảm giác bình yên, tĩnh lặng. Bảo tàng này từng thuộc sở hữu Ary Scheffer, một họa sĩ đến từ Hà Lan, và nơi đây từng là nơi làm việc của ông. Bảo tàng vẫn lưu giữ các bức tranh, đồ đạc và thậm chí cả đồ nội thất để bạn có cảm giác chân thực nhất.
Địa chỉ : 16 Rue Chaptal, 75009 Paris
Di chuyển : Métro 12 bến Saint-Georges / Métro 2, 12 bến Pigalle / Métro 2 bến Blanche
Giờ mở cửa : T3-CN 10:00-18:00 / Cà phê đến 17:30
Giá cả : triển lãm thông thường 5€, triển lãm khác có thể thay đổi
2. Musée du Quai Branly-Jacques Chirac – Khám phá bảo tàng Paris
Bảo tàng musée du Quai Branly-Jacques Chirac tại Paris, Pháp. Đây là một bảo tàng nghệ thuật và văn hóa châu Phi, châu Á, châu Đại Dương và châu Mỹ. Bộ sưu tập bảo tàng có 450.000 tác phẩm, trong đó 3.500 trưng bày thường xuyên.
Địa chỉ: 37 Quai Branly, 75007 Paris
Di chuyển: Métro 9 bến Alma-Marceau
Giờ mở cửa: T3, T4 và CN 11:00 – 19:00 / T5 – T7 11:00-21:00 (Đóng cửa T2, 01/05, 25/12)
Giá vé: 12,00 €, 18-25 tuổi sống tại EU 7,00 €
3. Dali Paris – Du lịch Paris chơi gì ?
Bảo tàng Dali nằm gần Quảng trường Tertre ở Montmartre. Bảo tàng Paris này mở cửa trở lại vào ngày 13 tháng 4 năm 2018, trưng bày những tác phẩm của họa sĩ siêu thực người Tây Ban Nha, Salvador Dali. Đến đây bạn sẽ có thể xem xét kỹ hơn tác phẩm và cảm nhận triết lý của ông, một nghệ sĩ thiên tài đạt được danh tiếng và thành công cùng một lúc.
Địa chỉ: 11 Rue Poulet, 75018 Paris
Di chuyển: Métro 12 bến Abbesses
Giờ mở cửa: Hàng ngày 10: 00 – 18: 30
Giá cả: 12€, sinh viên 9€
4. Galerie Nationale Du Jeu De Paume – Kinh nghiệm du lịch Pháp
Bảo tàng Paris này dành cho nhiếp ảnh và phương tiện hiện đại và hậu hiện đại. Nằm trong m���t tòa nhà cuối Vườn Tuileries, gần Place de la Concorde. Ban đầu được xây dựng vào năm 1861 như tòa án nội bộ hoàng gia cho một môn thể thao gần giống quần vợt. Trong thời gian chiếm đóng của Đức Quốc Xã, nơi đây được sử dụng như một nơi giữ các tác phẩm nghệ thuật mà họ đã đánh cắp.
Địa chỉ: 1 Place de la Concorde, 75008 Paris
Di chuyển: Metro 1 bến Concorde
Giờ mở cửa: T3 – CN 11:00 – 19:00 / Đóng cửa vào T2
Giá vé: 10 €, vé giảm giá 7,50 €
5. Musee Des Archives Nationales – Khám phá bảo tàng Paris
Bảo tàng Lưu trữ Quốc gia Pháp là một nơi thú vị để tìm hiểu về lịch sử Pháp. Nằm trong quận 3 xinh đẹp, bảo tàng trước đây là Hotel de Soubise. Những khu vườn nơi đây rất nổi tiếng với người Paris, nhiều người thích ngồi đây tận hưởng một buổi chiều nắng đẹp. Những khu vườn kiểng gọn gàng có chiếc ghế dài khắp nơi chính là một thiên đường cho người Paris.
Địa chỉ : 87 Rue Vieille du Temple, 75003 Paris
Di chuyển : Métro 11 bến Rambuteau, metro 1 bến Hôtel de Ville, métro 3 bến Arts et Métiers.
Giờ mở cửa : 8:00-19:00 / cuối tuần 9:00-19:00
Giá cả: Khi có triển lãm 8€, giá giảm 5€, không có triển lãm 5€, giá giảm 3€.
6. Musee Du Parfum Fragonard – Du lịch Pháp đi đâu chơi ?
Nằm ở trung tâm bảo tàng Paris này, chỉ mất vài phút đi bộ từ nhà hát Opéra Garnier. Bảo tàng nước hoa Fragonard là một trong những nhà máy nước hoa lâu đời nhất trong thành phố. Hướng dẫn viên giải thích lịch sử của tòa nhà và sự phát triển nước hoa, cũng như quy trình sản xuất nước hoa từ thời cổ đại đến hiện đại.
Địa chỉ : 3-5 Square de l’Opéra Louis Jouvet, 75009 Paris
Di chuyển : Metro 3, 7, 8 bến Opéra
Giờ mở cửa : hàng ngày 9:00-18:00
Giá vé: miễn phí
7. Musée Des Arts Forains – Kinh nghiệm du lịch Pháp
Nam diễn viên và người bán đồ cổ Jean Paul Favant thu thập các thiết bị giải trí cổ từ khắp nơi trên thế giới và đặt nó trong bảo tàng Paris này. Bước vào đây cảm giác như bạn bước vào một thế giới hoàn toàn khác. Bộ phim “Midnight Paris” của Woody Allen cũng được quay tại đây.
Địa chỉ: 53 Avenue des terroirs de France 75012 Paris
Di chuyển: Bến Cour St-Emilion métro 14
Thời gian tham quan: 1g30′
Giá vé: 16 €, 4-11 tuổi 8 €
8. Musée Des Arts Décoratifs – Du lịch Pháp đi đâu ?
Nằm ở cánh trái của bảo tàng Louvre, bảo tàng Paris này có một vị trí tuyệt vời. Trong thực tế, bảo tàng rất có uy tín trên thế giới về nghệ thuật trang trí nhưng có lẽ bảo tàng Louvre quá nổi tiếng nên nhiều khách du lịch không biết tới nơi này. Có khoảng 560.000 bộ sưu tập nghệ thuật trang trí và thời trang, quảng cáo và nghệ thuật đồ họa từ thời Trung Cổ.
Địa chỉ: 107 Rue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris
Di chuyển: Metro 1, 7 bến Palais-Royal Musées du Louvre
Giờ mở cửa: T3 – CN 11: 00-18: 00 / đóng cửa vào T2
Giá vé: 11€, 8.5 € (18-25 tuổi)
9. Musee Jacquemart-Andre – Khám phá bảo tàng Paris
Bảo tàng Paris này từng là nhà lớn của vợ chồng Edouard Andre và Nelie Jacquemart. Eduard Andre giàu có, làm trong ngành ngân hàng có sở thích thu thập các tác phẩm nghệ thuật và đồ trang sức. Bên trong bảo tàng gần giống như một Versailles thu nhỏ với nhiều bộ sưu tập và đồ trang trí. Bên cạnh bảo tàng, có một quán cà phê được trang trí đẹp mắt, nơi bạn có thể ngồi xuống và thưởng thức một bữa ăn nhẹ.
Địa chỉ : 158 Boulevard Haussmann, 75008 Paris
Di chuyển : Métro 9, 13 bến Miromesnil / Metro 9 bến Saint-Philippe-du-Roule
Giờ mở cửa : Hàng ngày 10:00-18:00
Giá vào cửa: 16€, >65 tuổi 15€, 13€ (cho sinh viên, người thất nghiệp và pass education), 9,5€ (người từ 7-25 tuổi), <7 tuổi miễn phí.
10. Musée D’art Moderne – Kinh nghiệm du lịch Pháp
Bảo tàng nghệ thuật hiện đại của thành phố xây dựng năm 1937. Nằm ở cánh phía đông của Palais de Tokyo, đến đây bạn không chỉ có thể ngắm những tác phẩm nghệ thuật mà còn có thể thưởng thức một ly cà phê trên sân thượng và ngắm nhìn những tia nắng chiếu qua cột lớn. Bộ sưu tập bao gồm hơn 10.000 tác phẩm từ những phong trào nghệ thuật của thế kỷ XX.
Địa chỉ: 11 avenue du Président Wilson, 75016 Paris
Giờ mở cửa: 10:00 – 18:00 T3 – CN, mở buổi tối nếu có triển lãm, T3 mở đến 10:00
Di chuyển: Métro 9 bến Alma-Marceau
Giá vé: Miễn phí với các triển lãm thường xuyên
11. Bảo tàng Louvre – Bảo tàng Paris nổi tiếng thế giới
Đây là một bảo tàng nổi tiếng không chỉ ở Pháp mà còn trên thế giới. Bảo tàng này nằm ở thủ đô Paris của Pháp. Khi đến nơi đây, ngoài chiêm ngưỡng được những tác phẩm nghệ thuật quý giá mà bạn còn bị choáng ngợp bởi kiến trúc nơi đây. Bảo tàng Lourve gồm 3 dãy nhà và 1 kim tự tháp. 3 dãy nhà này có tên gọi là lượt là Sully, Richelieu và Denon. Nằm chính giữa chúng là kim tự tháp làm bằng kính. Đây chắc chắn là một địa điểm không thể bỏ qua nếu bạn muốn khám phá các bảo tàng Paris.
Qua bài viết trên đây Hoàng Việt Travel đã chia sẻ đến cho bạn những bảo tàng Paris nổi tiếng nên ghé thăm khi tới Pháp. Không chỉ có cơ hội mở mang tầm mắt đến những bảo tàng này bạn sẽ được ngắm nhìn những tác phẩm nghệ thuật vô cùng ấn tượng và đặc sắc.
Lưu ý: Các hình ảnh trong bài được tham khảo từ nguồn Internet.
Đánh giá
The post Bảo Tàng Paris Khám Phá 10 Bảo Tàng Check-in “Chanh Sả” appeared first on Hoàng Việt Travel.
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Title: Beside You in the Moonlight (Chapter 15 - Un Coup de Fondre)
Rating: T
Genre: Romance, Action, Drama, Angst
At 22, Marinette is a Miraculous-less student preparing her final project for IFA Paris to be shown at the Musee des Archives Nationales. Her big night takes a turn for the worst when the venue is attacked by yet another minion of Hawkmoth. When she tries to save some guests, she puts herself directly in danger’s path. As she readies herself for the end, Paris’ favorite cat themed hero appears in front of her for the first time. Neither know it then, but his days of fighting alone are coming to an end.
The final chapter to my first Miraculous Ladybug fanfic. It took so long to finally finish, but I’m glad it’s done. I hope the ending is enough closure. Thank you for reading!
#miraculous ladybug#miraculous ladybug fanfic#miraculous ladybug fanfiction#fanfiction#damagectrlwrites#completed fanfic
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- Comment appelle-t-on les éléments architecturaux que vous voyez autour de la porte ? - Des pylônes ? - Mais non, des poteaux ! (Des colonnes en fait...) - Avez-vous déjà entendu parler des Lumières ? - Ah oui, comme les années lumières ?! - Vous connaissez la grenade, ce fruit qui est sculpté avec les ananas ? On fait la grenadine avec... - Moi je les balance les grenades !(Mimant le geste en ricanant, au cas où on aurait pas compris...) - Quel est l'oiseau qui trône avec la muse ? - Un pigeon ? (Plutôt un aigle en fait... Petits Parigots va...) Toujours aussi marrants ces ateliers aux Archives nationales. J'y potasse ma reconversion dans un métier manuel. Objectivement, je suis pas plâtrière dans l'âme, mais on m'a pas donné tous les tips... #retouraucollège #ananas #plâtre #IbelieveIcanplâtre #décors #architecture #archivesnationales #paris
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An Emperor's Christmas at Eltham in 1400
by Mark Patton The south London suburb of Eltham today seems an improbable location for a Medieval Christmas celebration involving kings and emperors, but the area was, in the Fifteenth Century, in open countryside, just a day's ride from London, but sufficiently distant from the polluted Thames and from the frequently plague-ridden capital, for a King of England to entertain his guests in style and to enjoy, with them, the favoured pastimes of the time and season, notably hunting and jousting.
Eltham Palace: the Medieval great hall is on the right; the buildings on the left were added in the 1930s, as the private home of Stephen and Virginia Courtauld. Photo: Nick Blackburn (licensed under CCA).
Over the Christmas season of 1400-1401, the King in question was Henry IV, and his guests included the Byzantine Emperor, Manuel II Palaeologus. We refer today to the "Byzantine Empire," but nobody who lived in it ever thought of it as anything other than the "Roman Empire." Although his capital was Constantinople, not Rome, and his people spoke Greek, rather than Latin, Manuel regarded himself as the heir to the empires of Augustus and of Hadrian: and of Constantine, who had made the empire Christian and moved the capital eastward to a new city named after himself.
King Henry IV, UK National Archives DL 42/1 (image is in the Public Domain).
Emperor Manuel II Palaeologus, Bibliotheque Nationale de France (image is in the Public Domain).
Roman or Byzantine, however, the Empire, in 1400, was crumbling. The schism that had opened up in 1054, between the Eastern Orthodox and Western Catholic Churches, had never been repaired: and in 1204, the forces of the Fourth Crusade, in open defiance of the Pope, had sacked and pillaged Constantinople, dividing much of Byzantine territory up between Catholic French, German and Italian nobles. Now the Empire faced a new threat from the Muslim Ottoman Empire, which had more or less encircled Constantinople, cutting it off from its agricultural hinterland.
The Hippodrome of Constantinople, here shown on a 17th Century print, was destroyed by the forces of the Fourth Crusade and never restored (image is in the Public Domain). The chariot races held here were among the city's last tangible connections to the Rome of the Caesars.
The Mediterranean World in 1400 (image is in the Public Domain).
Manuel's journey to the west, far from being just a friendly visit, was a life-or-death diplomatic mission to secure the military and financial support that might enable his Empire to survive. One can hardly fail to admire his efforts, but the harsh truth is that it was probably already too late to save the Empire, which would ultimately fall to the Ottomans in 1453. As a young man, Manuel had been a hostage of the Ottoman Sultan, Bayezid I at Bursa, and had escaped to Constantinople, where he was proclaimed Emperor. Bayezid besieged Constantinople from 1394 to 1402, and it was during a lull in the fighting that Manuel and his family had slipped away from the city to seek support overseas. Leaving his capital under the regency of a nephew, and his wife and children under the protection of his brother in Greece, Manuel traveled to Venice, and on to Padua, Milan, and Paris, where he met the French King, Charles VI.
The meeting of the magi, from Les Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry, Musee Conde (image is in the Public Domain). The figure on the white horse is believed by some to be styled on Manuel. Clearly a fine horseman, the fifty year old emperor impressed the Parisian crowd by leaping from one horse to another without touching the ground.
His Christmas sojourn in England may, in fact, have been an accident, prompted by a recurrence of the mental illness that had dogged Charles throughout much of his reign. Henry IV, however, was a natural ally. He was more widely traveled than many English monarchs, having participated with the Teutonic Knights, in a "Crusade" against the supposedly Pagan Lithuanians, and having made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, where he had promised to return as a Christian liberator. Henry met the Emperor at Blackheath, and conducted him, with his forty retainers, to Eltham Palace. Manuel spoke no English, which was unsurprising, but he equally spoke no Latin (the universal language of diplomacy and scholarship in the Catholic west). His entourage must have included men who could translate between Latin and Greek, whilst Henry's court would have included many who could translate from Latin to English. Conversation cannot have been easy; already, from Paris, Manuel had complained in a letter to a Greek friend, that "the difference in language ... did not allow us to converse, as we had wished, with really good men who were extremely anxious to show us favour."
Hunting in December, from Les Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry, Musee Conde (image is in the Public Domain).
The Medieval hall of Eltham Palace (extensively remodeled by Edward IV). Photo: David Hatch (licensed under CCA).
Manuel had brought with him Christmas gifts of religious relics: fragments of the True Cross and of garments believed to have been worn by Christ and the Virgin Mary. There was much hunting and feasting, and some of the people of London traveled down to Eltham to entertain the royal party with carols and mumming. Ultimately, however, Manuel returned to Constantinople empty-handed. Neither his English nor his French allies were able to offer any meaningful assistance, their own armies and treasuries seriously depleted by decades of war and plague. Mark Patton is a published author of historical fiction and non-fiction, whose books can be purchased from Amazon.
Hat Tip To: English Historical Fiction Authors
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