#muse; Ven
solacium · 6 months
presence // aventurine
he'll never outrightly ask you what it is, not at the outset.
he might find you curled on the couch, quiet, trying to breathe out the something in your chest that writhes and constricts, or in tears, but he won't ask, only sit quietly with you, lean against you, the weight of him enough to reassure you of his presence. maybe you reach for him, curl into the hollow of his body, and he'll let you, hold you until the tears stop, or you can feel your hands again, or you fall asleep, to the steady rhythm of his heart.
you'll wake, or look at him, and he'll speak, then, maybe look back at you with those iridescent eyes that you love, as he asks, softly, if you're feeling better, if you want to talk about it.
he'll keep you company, either way, listening. there is a steadiness in the weight of his arms around you, in the even beat of his heart against your back. you'll have to move, eventually, one of your legs falling asleep under you, and you'll both laugh, and shift. he gently disentangles himself from you, to get you something to drink. you settle back down, curled around each other, talk quietly until the sunlight changes.
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teplejtrouba · 9 months
pokud je anděl páně vskutku české good omens tak prosím třetí díl kde se tento archanděl Gabriel zamiluje do typicky česky čertovského páně pekel jejich veličenstva Belzebuba
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that-one-fandom-girl · 5 months
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I edited this post from what it said before to a more accurate post; I was kind of off-base about some things.
All the different people I could find in the trailer that looked like they had something to do with the plot-and my musings about them mixed with some of Arglefumph's thoughts from his reveal reaction.
The first guy feels like he's more the person who brings Nancy into the mystery, like he's her superior in the case like Sophia Leporace from VEN. And the long haired blonde {who I think Arglefumph said was named Adela} is the owner of the necklace. The rest though...are they all suspects? 'Cause that's a LOT of suspects :D.
I feel like we befriend Radek, since there's a clip of only Nancy and him sleuthing in the...prisons? dungeons? And he seems to know some things that would endanger him and make the culprit(s) come after him, since he's the one who says that "Monsters in Prague sometimes don't look it", or something to that effect.
The first older guy doesn't have much screen-time, but I think he's the one talking about the history of Prague in the beginning and then he's talking about the Alchemists back in the day being very clever; so, he's an historian?
Oskar, the only clips I've seen of him so far have been of him on the phone or angry, sooooooo...is he suspect #1? 'Cause the clips HER puts out of specific characters does help set the mood of each character, right? Plus, he kinda seems like a Thanos-from-LIE type character in that you don't wanna mess with him. Argle said he's the main museum guy, and the fact that he's somewhat cranky and always on the phone + I'm sure we'll have to snoop in his desk {probably the one we saw in the trailer} at some point; is he the one in the black market?
Lady with the flowers looks like the owner of the coffee shop, and since Adela and her seem to get into a fight; is it a case where one of the people who bring us into the case is the bad guy and are trying to cover their tracks {but what would Adela have to gain?}, or is Coffee-Shop-Lady suspect #2 and is one of the most suspicious suspects?
The second older guy seems like a tourist guide/business owner who deals with tourists a lot, and that's most all of what I gleaned from his very short screen-time.
Elka also seems to be friendlier than quite a few of the other characters in the trailer, she has a laptop with a whole lotta stickers from Nancy's cases, we've learned more about her than really any of the others, and she's the one telling us to be careful online, so my speculations of her are: she's a fan of Nancy's and so she wants to be friends with us/help us? Maybe we team up with her {and/or Radek} {and possibly Ned if he's in the game physically at all?} unofficially to figure out who's stolen the gems? After all, she's the one who's most associated with technology {which also makes her more of a suspect, lol}.
And the last lady-the Lillian Weiss lookalike. I just found out she's the jewelry store owner, and doesn't seem the happiest about Nancy asking questions about the stolen gems, although that could be just her protecting her job? In any case, this lady from the trailer seems kinda cranky and implied that everything with the necklace was fine when everyone else was sure the gems were fake, so is she hiding something about the case? Is she the one in the black market?
Honestly, I don't know anything about these characters other than what's been officially stated, so this is all just theory, but what about you guys? What do you think of each of the characters? Do you agree with me on some things, or do you have way different ideas of these guys?
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rinnysmuses · 1 year
Venus Ariti's eye twitched as she took a step back from the man in front of her. This was why men sucked. Or men like this in general. Blocking her daughter from view, Venus huffed as the man (ew, greasy) took a few step towards her.
He had already tried to grab her once. She was not having it again.
Without another word, she decked the man across the face. ...And was satisfied when she heard the crack of his nose.
"Go mom!"
Hushing Rhea as the man uttered a litany of curses at her along with 'Do you know who I am!!!', Venus rolled her eyes.
"Harass me again and you'll lose something worse."
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chipen · 25 days
vaguely smol muse list update
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reallyrandomtj · 1 month
@venstm said HERE: 🔎🔎🔎🔎🔎
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'Please don't look at me like that?'
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venstm · 4 hours
charlie... when i catch you charlie...
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eraofkalki · 4 days
@veveeennn why tf do i keep typing ven in my tags instead of vee
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firestorm09890 · 21 days
thinking about her (wayfinder trio animatic set to “and then is heard no more” by mili) again
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hexellent · 11 months
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Bowser what in the fresh fuck are you up to now--
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lightblinds · 6 months
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tag drop !!
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daybreakrising · 4 months
@apocryphis: "my understanding is that humans are not particularly fond of the rain. that they deem it an inconvenience at best, a danger at worst." the iudex muses, and sounds as though it is as much as reflection he makes for himself as he does for his companion. standing by the entrance of the palais in the company of captain vautrin, he extends a gloved hand, palm turned towards the sky, and allows droplets of water to accumulate there under the downpour - seemingly entirely unbothered by the dampness quickly permeating the sleeve of his coat. "what of you, vautrin?" he asks, primordial irises swirling with silent questions he tentatively allows to show in front of a man he catches himself tempted to call his friend (vautrin is a trustworthy man to the iudex of fontaine - should neuvillette lower his guard just as much?). "what do you think of it? you never seem to quite follow the mainstream consensus - i am quite curious to hear your thoughts. perhaps they would cast a light on a few questions i have been asking myself for a little while..."
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The gentle drumming of the rain has been an accompaniment his entire life, it would seem to Vautrin. Perhaps it is his Fontanian upbringing, or perhaps it is because he has been surrounded by music for as long as he can remember, but the rain has always soothed him like a lullaby does a child. In fact, growing up, some nights he couldn't sleep without the background patter of raindrops against his window.
Sleep eludes him now for different reasons, but he finds it soothing nonetheless to watch the rain fall, to listen to the rhythmic drumming upon the roof. It is a comfort to him, where most consider it a hindrance; an annoyance.
The question posed to him by the Iudex summons forth a fleeting smile upon the captain's lips. He has seen the man many a time simply standing in the rain without a care whilst others dash by beneath umbrellas, heads bent beneath the downpour as they hurry to seek shelter. He has heard the whispers of those who have witnessed this unusual habit of the Chief Justice - many consider it strange, another example of how other Neuvillette is. Vautrin has never considered it strange.
"I think you will find that it is adults who dislike the rain, Monsieur Neuvillette." He remarks idly, his gaze trained upon a nearby puddle, watching as each ripple overlaps the one preceding it. "Children, I find, can never get enough of it. Just as with most things, the wonder at the world fades as time goes on, and we forget to enjoy the simple things in life."
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But he hasn't yet answered his question. I am quite curious to hear your thoughts. It feels meaningful, to fall beneath the Iudex's curious gaze, for his thoughts to be considered important. There is a brief flutter of panic in the captain's chest - what if his answer is not to Neuvillette's satisfaction? What if his value is diminished for it?
"I... I find it a comfort, actually." There is nothing to say but the truth, and hope it is what Neuvillette wishes to hear. "And it has... fond memories, for me." He takes a step forward, relinquishing the cover that has kept him dry thus far. As soon as the first drops hit, he tips back his head, turns his face to the sky.
"My sister loved the rain more than she ever loved the sun. She was forever splashing around in puddles, spinning and twirling beneath the downpour, and always, always, with a smile on her face. It would take us twice as long to get home because she would hop from puddle to puddle along the way. Truth be told, I never hurried her. I didn't want to ruin her fun, even if I knew we'd be scolded by our parents for being late, for ruining our clothes. It was always worth the telling off, to see her so happy."
He closes his eyes then, just for a moment, and he can almost hear her delightful laughter ringing in his ears, the joyful shriek as he jumps, deliberately, into the puddle beside her, splashing them both up to their knees with water. He can see the brilliant smile as she dances beneath the rain, droplets scattering from her twirling hair and skirt.
And oh, how his heart aches.
"Rain is... music." With deep regret his eyes open slowly, blinking away the drops that have accumulated upon his lashes. "The way it strikes a different sound when it falls upon different textures, the rhythm it holds... For me, Neuvillette, there is nothing more beautiful than the song nature can create."
There's a pause, then, in which the captain hurriedly lowers his head, casts his gaze aside. Embarrassment, perhaps, at the baring of his soul so unexpectedly, a glimpse of the raw emotion that still lingers at his core. He wonders if perhaps he has crossed a line by being so... honest, so informal. Yet it is a mark, indeed, of the ease he feels in the presence of the Iudex, that he was able to lower his guard and speak of something so precious to him.
He blames Carole, of course. She has softened too many of his edges, it seems.
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arcxnumvitae · 1 year
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yuelun · 5 months
Apparently when I send birthday asks, they're never "small gifts". My muses go all out.
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siivn · 7 months
funny how the existence or not of the multiverse greatly impacts how time travels would hypothetically work
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voidedgear · 8 months
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random ooc ramblings in the tags don't mine me--
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