#muse warden
writtensins · 3 months
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@ofinfinitedreams sent: ❛  i want you to take control.  ❜ for Warden and Isabelle please
Instead of replying, Warden took matters in his hands; literally. He grabbed her by the hips, lifted her from his lap and threw her onto the bed. Not allowing the brunette to adjust her position, he flipped her onto her stomach. In a matter of seconds, he was on top of her. Already naked, his hard length pressed against her thigh as he fumbled to get rid off her panties, impatiently, growling. He ended up just ripping them off. She shouldn’t have worn any in the first place.
He lay on top of her, his weight pressing down on her fragile body. His lips found Isabella’s neck and he kissed her greedily as his hand rubbed over her naked ass, slipping between her legs from behind, feeling how wet she was for him.
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daydreamdoodles · 2 days
how the fuck am I suppose to do homework today when the pale garden is an update coming to Minecraft. How am I suppose to answer questions about clean dining rooms when The Creaking exists and you have to find its heart to kill it. It lives in a desaturated world. Does it know how bright the sun is??? Does it know its eyes are the colour of it??
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smashwolfen · 24 days
Pretty late in the evening but apparently, it's Ingo day in japan?? Been seeing lotta Ingos in my feed and I just so happened to have been messing with the man in my sketchbook this whole week on and off XD
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Man with receding hairline decides to grow out a damn silver mane to deal with the cold, also featuring the pre-eeby look I imagine him as, and his canon short asf haircut thats tucked away down there in the corner
We love and appreciate the balding Ingo (Bingo) in this house!!!
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telumendils · 2 years
sb: how do you feel knowing the assassin who tried to kill you is still alive out there? 
the warden:
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lelianasbong · 2 months
Struggling with Rook concepts. I think part of me was holding out hope for an Ambassadoria-adjacent background for dwarves, and something more directly associated with Par Vollen/Seheron for qunari since our last qunari protag was Vashoth and raised in the Free Marches. Normally I find it easy to brainstorm Dragon Age OCs but lately.... blerp.
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gluttonemporium · 3 months
So have any of the Thieves/Confidants come close to actually outeating Caroline or Justine? Or are they still considered little more than cognitive hip fat?
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It's hard to compete with a pair of bellies that defy physics and reason-
Mere human tummies can't keep up with the otherworldy piggishness anyone from the Velvet Room has. At best, some real hogs might be able to outpace them, simply because they're too busy trying new things to eat a lot.
They might be short, but the Twins can devour every single one of them with ease. (Imagine a unique Wardens boss battle purely for the girls-)
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artyadder · 6 months
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I am a decade and a half late to this gaming series but god damn do I love it here. Here be Thedas’ heroes.
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I do find the, well maybe not historical revisionism, but perhaps profoundly misremembering and or just changes in tastes that has gone down when it comes to Zevran and dragon age: origins to be quite interesting, like now that he’s very openly being compared to the newest hotness of Astarion, people talk about him as if he is/was the most popular because people love broody elves (even though Zev is the farthest from broody in his demeanor, and which kinda go hand in hand with people comparing him to Fenris, which isn’t new mind mind you, but it was fucking rare I saw anyone make that comparison 9 years ago) but I was there mind you, I was there 8-9 years ago. I remember clearly Zevran being the least popular romance option in origins when it came to the fandom.
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music00lbumm · 1 year
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He’s now our favorite thing haha!
We are calling it SuperFactory Au! Basically all of Jacks bakers are the ‘prisoners’ who work and do stuff for Jack, his Bakers Dozen are his major security (Alice, Jared, and JailBot).
He also has his security (PIB2 ones) out finding him new things to collect and steal! The factory is kind of a pyramid scheme but Jack with all his magic is finally a little happy and when not in a mega-mania episode is quite sweet!
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liroyalty · 9 months
The fear of realizing that all my Final Fantasy Sues are just different versions of 'Hey, you ever wanted to know what it's like to drown on land? 😈'
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writtensins · 3 months
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@w4stcdlovc sent: ❛  if there weren’t so many people watching us, i’d already be on my knees in front of you.  ❜ cj to anyone
Warden looked up from the espresso machine, over to the dark haired boy at the other side of the counter, waiting for his macchiato. The words had been uttered softly, almost in a whisper, but very clearly. It was mid morning, still an hour before lunch time, so the coffee shop wasn’t that busy, mainly some patrons sitting around, reading their phones or the paper and sipping their coffee.
And then there was this boy standing there, waiting. Warden had seen him around a few times, they had even chatted, probably. He couldn’t quite recall. He sure was pretty. His name was CJ, Warden knew that form his coffee order.
And right now CJ looked at him and was waiting for Warden to react. The barista turned to the machine again, smacking his lips, he finished filling the cup. Then he rested one arm on the counter, leaning over to CJ, extending his hand holding the cup.
“The staffs’ bathroom is at the back.” A little tilt of his head. “No people watching there. Just me looking down at you as you suck on my fat cock.” He handed him the cup. “Careful, don’t choke on it.”
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lncarnon · 6 days
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are you free later, sir
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theyoshiddaarchive · 2 years
Starter for: @multi-universal-muses
Amongst the starry night alpine sky, sat below a carnival a lit with neon lights. Cheers form kids and adults alike could be heard all around, from the enjoyment of the park's rides, minigames or it's myriad of treats both sweet and savory.
Within all this commotion walked a lone dog, who was fortunate to have a day off today, and was headed to a particular château that stood in the center of the park. He had heard from onenof his friends that chao races were often hosted there, and decided to see one for himself.
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The snow crunched beneath the footsteps of his red winter boots, the slight breeze in the air made him shiver a tad bit, do he put his red mitten gloved hands in the pockets of his coat and continued msking his way through the crowd.
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"Uuurrghh... I hate the cold." He complained.
"Why did I let them convince me to come here? Maybe I should just go ho-"
He was stopped mid sentence by the smell of a nearby kiosk selling grilled hot dogs. He lifted his head slightly and sniffed the air, that's when his stomach decided to growl and he locked his lips hungrily, then quickly lowerd his head ashamed, hoping no one saw that.
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He sighed and shook his head. "I've got to have alot more self control in that department."
With a shrug, he quickly dashed over to the kiosk and ordered a hot dog with mustard on it. He leaned against the counter as he waited for his food.
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cutekittenlady · 2 years
Random headcanon
Lady Sneasler thinks of Ingo within the context of being a weakling. Like "i could snap him half with no effort" type of weakling.
There's still a very healthy respect there for his knowledge and the training he provides, but shes under no illusions about who'd walk out of a one on one scrap between Ingo and another pokemon.
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gluttonemporium · 3 months
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"UUUUOOOOORRRR- HUUUOOOOOOORRP!! Ugh, settle down!" Caroline hissed. She waved her hand in front of her face, while her enormous gut wobbled and stretched with the faces and hands of:
A regal shogi player.
A licensced doctor.
And a fortune teller, who really should have seen this fate coming...
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Skyhold - 9:41 Dragon
(Continued from X with @chasindtrevelyan)
chasindtrevelyan answered:
“If I mix three elfroot with the…” Eli trailed off, his musings drifting into barely audible mumbling as he scribbled notes on his latest herbal mixture. It was a work in progress, something for pain management for those members of the Inquisition who suffered lingering injuries or chronic pain. While smoking the plant could indeed offer temporary relief, it also dulled one's senses too much. Going into battle or even simply out gathering while under the influence could be dangerous, and his hope was to make something that offered the same effect, but without the side effects. 
The knock at the door startled him from his thoughts, and he snapped his head up to see who had come by. The knock, though appreciated, had not helped as much as the visitor would likely have wanted. It wasn’t her fault however, it was simply how he was, and he offered the Commander a shy smile. “Good evening,” he greeted, and flushed a little at being called out on his lack of meal attendance. The great hall of Skyhold was wonderful, truly…but Eli didn’t like being around that many people all at once, and typically took his meals at odd hours to avoid the crowds. Dear Elissa however, seemed to have spared him the effort this evening. 
“I am actually,” he continued, “got a bit lost in my experiments and forgot to raid the kitchen. Thank you for bringing something. Have you been well?”
Ever the healer, he worried for her even as she came to offer him aid in her own way.
Elissa winced just a hair and she offered a sheepish look of apology when Eli jumped and startled despite her efforts at subtlety. Even with her training, when it came to any situation outside of combat or subterfuge, it had never been one of her strongest suits.
"It is no trouble," she began, balancing the tray on the edge of his desk as she reached out a hand in a silent offer of help in shifting his work aside enough to clear a place directly in front of him. "I'd have been here a bit sooner, but Bryce was particularly difficult to get down for sleep tonight. He misses his father terribly, and is worried he'll not see me again when I leave to find him with the Inquisitor and Champion for Crestwood tomorrow. I..." She stopped mid sentence and sighed quietly. "Forgive me - you have your own business and burdens without having to listen to mine. I am well enough, all things considered."
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