#warden x cj
writtensins · 3 months
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@w4stcdlovc sent: ❛  if there weren’t so many people watching us, i’d already be on my knees in front of you.  ❜ cj to anyone
Warden looked up from the espresso machine, over to the dark haired boy at the other side of the counter, waiting for his macchiato. The words had been uttered softly, almost in a whisper, but very clearly. It was mid morning, still an hour before lunch time, so the coffee shop wasn’t that busy, mainly some patrons sitting around, reading their phones or the paper and sipping their coffee.
And then there was this boy standing there, waiting. Warden had seen him around a few times, they had even chatted, probably. He couldn’t quite recall. He sure was pretty. His name was CJ, Warden knew that form his coffee order.
And right now CJ looked at him and was waiting for Warden to react. The barista turned to the machine again, smacking his lips, he finished filling the cup. Then he rested one arm on the counter, leaning over to CJ, extending his hand holding the cup.
“The staffs’ bathroom is at the back.” A little tilt of his head. “No people watching there. Just me looking down at you as you suck on my fat cock.” He handed him the cup. “Careful, don’t choke on it.”
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Marry You: Omake
Because Social Media is so great for bringing people together.
Summary: Cherche Mahariel just got engaged. Her son is more than happy to let their friends know. (Extra content to Marry You) Pairing: Cherche Mahariel x Sten, Miris Tabris x Zevran Arainai, Cahel Mahariel x Alistair Theirin. Setting: That Modern Dragon Age AU Word Count: 1704
“Well, that takes care of that.”
Cherche had just closed the door to her room, leaving Cahel free to get back to work. He had a mountain of paperwork from the first Warden waiting for him on his desk, and reports of darkspawn in the area – that were probably just mangy wolves at this point – to send some scouts out on. The former could wait thanks to the fact the old codger hadn't gotten with the concept of email yet – gods bless pigeon mail – and the latter he could send a few green Wardens out on. The afternoon would be annoyingly slow, but productive.
“I'm way too young to be doing bullshit like this.” He rubbed the back of his neck, still not entirely used to finding stubble there instead of hair. The top portion of his undercut was coming in nicely, but he still found himself surprised at the sensation. “Should've made Miris do it after all.”
Cahel sighed as he started to turn the corner, but stopped as his ears twitched. Somewhere, nearby if the frequency was a hint, someone was playing music. Pop, if the beat he was tapping out on the floor meant anything. The lyrics took a little longer, but soon they were playing, somewhat faded, into his ears.
It's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do...
Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you...
Eyes wide, the first thing he did was run straight back to the door. There was no doubt about origins of the sound, he was standing right in front of it. He backed up ever so slightly and made a grab for his leggings pocket to find his phone.
Commander Squirt: OH MY GODS
Commander Squirt: SHE'S ACTUALLY DOING IT.
The message was received on the training ground, where a sweaty Miris glanced back at the trainees he was currently putting through their paces. None of them had ever held a sword in their lives before, and today's lesson involved the pointy end and where to stick it. Naturally, he had plenty of time to sneak his hand into the gap between his armor and shirt to retrieve his vibrating phone.
His one good eye widened as he read the message. Cahel's annoying habit of multiple texting aside, this was big. He had been saving those five sovereigns for mead the following night. Still, it was his duty to put out the message.
He was a slower typer than the Warden Commander, but his message had further to go.
“Alright, you practice on your own! The Warden Commander needs me for something.” He tossed his mace aside to make a run for the tower. If the confused recruits caught on to the happenings, they were none the wiser.
Somewhere in Antiva, as he wiped away the blood on a knife, Zevran Arainai felt his pocket vibrate. Usually he turned his phone off when it was work time, but he recognized the pattern. His lover was texting him, and that could only be something big.
“I wonder if it's something dirty.” He chuckled to himself as he unlocked his phone screen, cracked and showing off a picture of the two of them the last time Miris had visited in the fall. They made quite the pair, or so the locals had said as they eyed him appreciatively.
Zevran allowed a chuckle as he nudged the hand of his target aside while he left the alley. The dogs would find it before the police, thanks to what he had sprinkled on the corpse. Another crow had gone the way of the dodo, but he had more important things to pun on.
“Did she now? Well, a certain bard in Orlais owes me some money the next time we meet.”
With his hood down and in plain clothes underneath, he blended in perfectly with the bustling crowd of the capital city's biggest market. In fact, he had made enough time to grab a coffee from the nearby Starbucks as he sat down to type out his message.
Crow: My musical friend, I believe you owe me 2 sovereigns.
Crow: I have been informed that our dear archer had taken the plunge with her qunari lover.
Crow: Something in E major?
The message pinged inside a tavern on the Orlesian border, inside the skirt pocket of the pretty woman who had been trading board for song. She had been breaking from her set in order to relax her aching fingers in the hopes her contact would arrive soon.
'You're really bringing them in tonight, my dear.' A woman in a dark trench coat sidled up next to her at the bar. The napkin she nudged over was intercepted in a matter of seconds. 'See you at the palace next?'
'I would not miss it for the world.' Leliana knew better than to check it at the table; there would be eyes watching. However, the vibrating in her pocket drew her concern. Swapping phone for napkin, she unlocked the screen of Andraste's grace.
A smile crossed her features as she read her dear friend's message. Normally, he just gave her assassination targets. The two sovereigns would be well spent as she began to compose her latest tune about star crossed lovers finally coming together.
E major though? Forget about it. They deserved something rarer. At least, that's what came to her as she started to type out another message. There was a mage somewhere north of Orzammar who had asked her to keep her updated.
This seemed like a fairly important thing to keep her in the loop on.
Leliana: Zevran sends word; Cherche is going to give you a grandson in law.
Wynne got the message just as she was about to descend into the deepest halls of Orzammar, far beyond where cellphones would receive any message. Shale cast welcome shade upon her as she rested her staff to the side in order to find her phone in her robes. It was an old flip phone, but she had no need for the fancier kinds her younger companions preferred. Besides, it had survived being stepped on by a druffalo once.
“Do the Wardens send word?” Her large companion sounded almost concerned for a second. “They better not have died.”
The mage chuckled as she clicked onto the message. “Is that concern I hear, Shale?”
“Hardly. I just don't want them to become food for the pigeons.” The golem glanced down. “So, what do the soft ones have to say?”
Despite having crowed previously that cellphones were a waste of resources, Shale seemed to be eating  their words. Wynne would tease them about that later as she read through the words carefully. At least there wasn't text speak.
A smile crossed her face as she started to text a number in Ferelden. “My family is growing, Shale. I'm soon to have a grandson in law.”
“Ah, the archer and her Qunari. I was beginning to wonder when that would occur.”
“There's a young man in Ferelden who owes me ten sovereigns, and I intended to collect.” Giggling, she continued her message. Even though she had an older model, Wynne could still text as fast as any young person. Her clicking sounds carried on for a few seconds until she had sent the message off. “Now, shall we head down?”
“If we must.”
Scary old Lady: Alistair, I believe you owe me ten sovereigns. Cherche has proposed.
Alistair had just gotten out of a meeting with another prince from Antiva. With any luck, that one would probably be assassinated within a week's time. It was all becoming very trying to remember names, though suggesting they wear tags was out of the question. Eamon had said so with that look on his face.
So, when he got the chance to breathe, he noticed his pants pocket was vibrating. A picture of Cahel making a face at the camera on his lock screen told him he had a message. He groaned as he read who it was from, and the subject matter.
“You have GOT to be kidding me. One more week and I could've won!” He sighed. “I swear, they were in on this together.”
Still, he had time for a few messages to a certain Dalish elf to check on things. By now, his favorite contact had plenty of messages. One more wouldn't hurt.
His Hotness: Why didn't you tell me that your mother was proposing? I had 10 sovereigns on it. :c
Cahel was still at the door. Maybe twenty minutes had passed since he had sent the message to Miris; his senior warden was next to him, waiting for the happy couple to come out. He chuckled as he unlocked the screen of his dog to a group shot of them in front of the Warden mobile. I was easy to imagine his boyfriend pouting with an emoji like that.
Prince Charming: Had I know I would've told you sooner.
CJ Mahariel  sent a video to Blight Fight 30
CJ Mahariel: Check this out guys!
Cherche was still in Sten's warm embrace when her ring tone for the group chat jolted her into reality. She shook her head as a shot of her own door with a rather familiar tune started playing. Maybe she should have been embarrassed, but part of her couldn't help but be amused.
Sten didn't look too surprised as he peered over her shoulder. “So much for leaving us.”
“I heard him run back the moment the music started.” She was soon texting as well. After all, she was a mother.
Mamae: You're grounded.
The groan from behind the door was more than worth it as she put her phone away. There were plenty of other things she was interested in at the moment, and it wasn't the sounds coming from the group chat. The emojis and capslocked messages could wait for later. After all, she had a new fiance to entertain.
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