#murderface deserves the world
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toomanythoughts2 · 6 months ago
I've had this polyklok fic idea forever but I do not know if I'll ever put keystroke to word document.
Imagine, Polyklok. They're chilling, everything is great, everythings grand. They are mostly a closed circuit but not all the way. They do allow themselves to explore and go out and hang with groupies but the band is the primary partnership.
Murderface, freshly out, realizing that he's been chronically single and alone to now having 4 partners. He's in a head rush and a little flustered that he's even there. However, one night after a show, he gets propositioned by another musician. He's getting asked out on a date. This has never happened before for him. So he tells him to hold on and he goes to converse with the band. They're supportive of him and tell him to say yes. So he does. He's never had someone just randomly ask him out like this. He's a little excited. With the band, they all know him. But this person is new and doesn't know him, but still wanted a date. He goes off on the date, saying goodbye to the band.
That's where things go wrong.
At the date, this guy keeps asking him questions about the other bandmates. He's asking increasingly suggestive questions about their sex lives and their personal lives as lovers. Murderface is getting irritated because all this man has done is ask him about his bandmates. When the date ends, the guy tells Murderface that it wasn't going to work out but to tell Skwisgaar to give him a call. Murderface is furious at this point and argues with him that he didn't actually want a date with him, he just wanted to get info on the others to get with them. The guy agrees with Murderface, blatantly not caring that he used him. Murderface leaves, angry and embaressed.
At home, he walks straight to his room and ends up crying. He's so upset and feels so humiliated. The band is worried because he walked in crying and obviously not happy. They follow him and get him to confess what happened. They're obviously upset because wtf?? That's not cool?? but Skwisgaar has an idea. He asks for the guys number, which Murderface gives him, and gives him a call on speaker phone. He tells everyone to be quiet.
Skwisgaar gets him on the phone and propositions him for sex. The guy, enthusiastic that his plan worked, agrees. But then Skwisgaar asks if Toki could join and the guys is speechless. Then Skwisgaar adds in that maybe they should also invite Nathan and Pickles so they wouldn't feel lonely and he guy on the phone is freaking out. He says yes. Skwisgaar gives him a date and a time and hangs up.
Murderface is hella confused but Skwisgaar quiets him with an explanation.
The day comes and the guys comes over. He's escorted to Skwisgaar's bedroom, where he greets by all four of them in the room. The guy is trying his best not to lose his shit while he looks them all over. After pleasantries, Skwisgaar and Pickles ask him about his musical ability, which he answers. They are not impressed and let him know. Toki asks him about what genre he plays for, he answers, and Toki is not impressed. Nathan questions his ability as a lover, which the guy answers, and Nathan is not impressed. The snide remarks begin to grow about him. About his musical ability, about his appearance, about his lack of skill. In a last ditch effort, the guy removes his clothes to try and get things rolling, but they are all not impressed. What they do is start saying how he is no equal to Murderface, who has musical ability, who has a striking appearance, who is very good with his third leg.
The guys is fully humiliated and escorted out by a klokateer. Murderface, who has been secretly watching the whole thing, is so moved by them. He's also very bricked up. It ends with them having sex in Skwisgaar's bed and how he is very lucky to have partners like them.
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shrimpsuru · 2 months ago
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wowee I've developed a new interest!! I drew this on 0 sleep, so if it looks bad, don't say anything,,, I also wanna yap into the abyss about my thoughts while watching it and stuff- so If none of my rambling makes sense, then its also from the fact I haven't slept.
I have a lot of critiques with this drawing, and the longer I stare at it the worse it looks- and it's driving me crazy. Skwisgaar's guitar looks so dumb, but cut me some slack this is the first guitar I've ever drawn!! They're hard to draw!! _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):_ I also feel like pickle's fuck ass comb over looks a bit too thick, I'll fix that the next time I draw him. Give him the baldness he deserves. I'm not happy with how I drew everyone, I think Skwisgaar's hair doesn't look great and that I could definitely do better on just about everything lol. Next time I shall draw them much better, if I don't I'll spontaneously combust on spot.
I currently just started the third season, and I really like it so far! It's a fun show! My fav Is Toki (if it wasn't obvious), but everyone's pretty great. They're all so stupid and silly, I giggle like an idiot every episode. My dad loves the show and watched when I was little (the show came out just a little bit after I was born which is insane lmao) and has been rewatching it with me. His favorite character is murderface lol. My best friend also sat down to watch some with me (she was reluctant at first, but she admitted that she thinks its a pretty good show :D) and she really didn't like the pickles comb over. She said that he need's to let it go, which is fair.
While me and my dad were watching it, we got to the last few episodes in season two- tell me why the show suddenly became uncensored. Entire time things have been blurred, but all of a sudden murderface's dick is there for the whole world to see,, like c'mon man.... put that away... this whole time things have been blurred- but now that my dad's next to me you wanna show dicks and tits... okay dude.
that's it for my rambling, too tired to conjure up any more thoughts I'm goona go sleep. If you actually read any of this- that's very nice of you :3
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tokiwarcube · 2 months ago
Baby, It's Cold Outside
It's getting cold out, and as luck would have it, you seem to have forgotten your jacket at home. Thankfully, your lover is here to help!
[Just some quick headcanons about the boys lending you their jacket... or their own equivalent. All boys + Charles!]
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Charles Foster Offdensen
Bold of you to assume he’d let you forget your jacket at home. It’s cold outside and you’ll be walking at the end of the night; therefore, you should bring a jacket. Yes, he understands that it doesn’t go with your outfit. He’ll hold it for you, if you want.
Unfortunately, he knows he’s fighting a losing battle. And so, when the end of the night comes and you’re trying not to shiver (God forbid you admit he was right), he’ll still give you his jacket. The quiet, sassy part of him wants to say something, but he holds his tongue when he watches you pull your arms through the sleeves out of the corner of his eye. He’d prefer you stay warm, but he can’t lie — he does love the image of you in his jacket.
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Nathan Explosion
This man is a spaceheater, but that doesn’t mean he likes the cold. He grew up in Florida, for Christ’s sake — a Winter day under 70 is a nightmare, to him.
Once he gets over his whole complex with wearing jackets, he refuses to part with his own once the weather gets chilly. But… well, you’re an exception. There’s a better solution to this, though! Press yourself against his side so you can share — believe me, he absolutely does not mind this compromise.
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Pickles the Drummer
He left home early, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t remember the winter wasteland that was Wisconsin in December. He much prefers the sunny weather of LA, and while he much prefers the life he leads now… he won’t lie, he misses the Winter sunshine.
After he quit S&B and joined Dethklok, he became basically glued to his jacket in the colder months. Half of it isn’t even because he’s terribly cold, persay — it’s half out of habit. He’s always waiting for the weather to turn into a blizzard, like it would back in Wisconsin. This is all to say that while he can tolerate the cold, he’s always prepared. So when you’re out on the town, and things get chilly… he’s surprisingly willing to hand over his coat to keep you warm. He’s not giving it up without payment, though… He deserves a kiss for his forethought, right?
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Skwisgaar Skwigelf
You’d think growing up in the Swedish taiga would have prepared him for American Winters… and to be fair, you’re not wrong! He has a pretty good tolerance to the cold… but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t like staying warm. You can scarcely find him without a sweater and a jacket when Winter rolls around.
When you’re caught out without a jacket, he’s stuck between teasing you for your forgetfulness and playing the hero. He makes the best of both worlds by giving you exactly three teasing jabs — one when he catches you shivering, one when he pulls you to his side to share his coat, and another when you relax into his hold.
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Toki Wartooth
You know, it’s funny — Toki is the most resistant to cold of the bunch (and, subsequently, is always the first to offer his jacket to you when you’re cold) and yet, he’s the one who needs it the most. He genuinely struggles to tell when he’s cold, which would ordinarily be fine, but unfortunately its a bit of a risk due to the whole diabetes thing.
One one hand though, this makes you fantastic at making sure you both keep warm in the Winter months. He’s prone to either forgetting it, (or let's be honest, leaving it entirely due to his massive ego around the subject) and thus, you’re in charge of making sure he brings a coat to your winter outings. And that means that you need to bring one too, because if you forget your coat, he’ll be offering his own, and he refuses to take “no” for an answer. And hey, you can still hold hands in his jacket pocket. Win-win!
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William Murderface
He likes the cold, but this is just excessive. He tolerates it pretty well, up until it starts snowing, and that’s when he starts getting sick of the weather. He rarely brings a jacket with him out of sheer ego, but he does like a good sweater. He gets better about bringing a coat over time though, especially when he realizes your propensity to forgo your own.
That is to say, he loves giving you his jacket. He both does, and doesn’t, make a big deal out of it. He doesn’t hold it above your head, but he definitely makes a little noise of importance as he shrugs it off to hand to you. It’s just a good thing he runs so warm, huh? No big deal, all part of the job. (He’s very proud of himself.)
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thesylverlining · 1 year ago
so remember when that Tumblr Fave Biggest Trans Cringe contest went down, and Pickles the Drummer was up there (as he should be) but he didnt make it very far (which is nonsense and literally only because not enough people on tumblr watch Metalocalypse, as it isn't even a contest with anyone else). well I still think he deserves a crown because of the following:
trans. also gay
WOULD have won if he were more tumblr-known because oh my god
worlds greatest drummer, legend king shit, actual canonical supernatural God, possessor of the band's sole brain cell and drug tolerance
has never been (intentionally) cool in his life (aside from SnB maybe)
shitty combover white boy locs
wouldn't know what cringe means but likes to win things. no seriously i don't think he's familiar with the term NOR the concept of shame. most of them arent (except murderface who's like 40% shame)
And so this isn't even for your consideration, he just wins because I say so. but please reblog if you agree
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taibobo · 2 years ago
okay, but why murderface?
what does he bring to the table?
what are five moments of him at his most attractive?
does one need a piss kink to be into him?
1) That mentally ill pipe be hitting different (Just kidding the reason why i like murderface is actually really personal and long winded but it does have to do with the way our mental illness symptoms present and how they complement each other and how Seen i feel through his outward displays of self hatred)
2) He’s an extremely persistent creative individual who has been starved for positive attention his entire life and therefore can’t conceptualize a world where someone likes him on a personal level outside of his connections to the rest of dethklok. It’s confirmed by canon that he is talented even outside of the bass and has some really interesting hobbies and knowledge that i wish more people in canon cared about and allowed him to explore bc he deserves it just as much as the rest of the band deserves to have positive relationships in their lives
3) the entirety of his birthday episode but especially his bass solo at the beginning, EVERY murderface centric deleted scene is an absolute delight and i INSIST you try and find/watch all of them because they’re awesome (murderface at the opera, murdertalks, and murderface trying to call an escort service are my favorite), not necessarily ‘attractive’ but i have rewatched dethvanity so many times that i feel like it would be a disservice not to mention how important of an episode it is to me, and Every scene he’s in in Doomstar requiem . especially the crossroads / depths of humanity scenes. Bonus shout out to all the interviews he’s done with various irl music magazines over the years and him in the official dethklok comics
4) not necessarily, but i think his piss fixation is a part of his character you need to appreciate or at least tolerate to be into him. i personally am a man who’s not afraid of a little pee so i am okay with this
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skwigelfskwisgaar · 1 year ago
"You're not even trying to understand me!" - @dingdongdoodilydoodilydoo
Another bottle. Another drink. Another day inside a closet with Pickles. He passed the bottle over to the drummer - how often had they hidden away from the band when they got upsetting calls or messages from their mothers?
"Pickle, amns you still have - !"
"Yeah dood, right here - gimme one second, I gotta find that titty lighter..."
"Ohs, I has it."
Skwisgaar held out the lighter as Pickles lit up a joint he rolled a few hours ago, before he handed back the lewd lighter in exchange for the joint. Pickles took it with a smirk and took another swig from the bottle.
"This amns dildos. I hates dat Nat'en destroy de masters and nows we amns dealing wit de stupid problems."
"You're telling me, dood. Fuck him. My mom called me to tell me how much of a screw up I was, so I pitched a Dethfair in Tomahawk to help out, ya know?"
"... whys? And dis amns Nat'en's fault. Haves hims fix dis shit."
"I don't trust him anymore. He might fuck that up too."
Skwisgaar looked over to Pickles. Pickles, of Snakes and Barrels. That superstar that rocked Skwisgaar's world when he pitched the Dethklok idea to him, Nathan and Magnus. Pickles, who out of all of them, had the softest heart and the biggest heartbreaks to deal with - from his band Snakes and Barrels crashing to the whole Rikki Kix fiasco, to now Nathan going super off the rails and destroying the album Skwisgaar found it hard to believe that Pickles was 'fine'.
It's Pickles that reminded Skwisgaar why he shouldn't care. One way or another, those you trust end up stabbing you. And it was part of the reason Skwisgaar had tuck himself away with him too. Ever since that stupid book came out and the call he made to his mother - the only time he ever reached out for some form of love and comfort - where she eviscerated him for clearly deserving this nosedive in his career, all he could do was hide and drink and hope that the ache and pain and anger he felt at Toki dissipated with each bottle they both drained.
"You knows, I amnst de exkperts at dis but maybes telling Nat'en to also fucks himself may helps. Amns... Cartartikles." Skwisgaar planned to eviscerate Toki, he just didn't think he had the heart to... yet. Maybe a stern 'fuck you, you backstabbing bitch' would get the point across once he figured out how to say it properly in Norwegian.
"Ya mena carthartic. Thet won't solve anythin'. It sure as hell didn't work with my mom, how is that going to work on Nathen?"
" It amnst for him, it amns for you to get over its."
"Oh and telling Toki that same crep is going to help?"
"I's working on it, but amns different, Pickle - !"
"No it isn't, and you asking me to tell Nathen to fuck off is like telling you to do thet to Toki. It's never gonna happen. We're ... too soft and nice to the dildos." He passed the bottle back, taking the joint out of the Swede's hand while doing so. Skwisgaar felt a constriction around his throat and his chest, his face growing wet again. Good thing the closet was lit up but the light filtering on the bottom of the door and he definitely couldn't see the wet shining streaks in Pickles' face either.
'You're too soft, Skwisgaar. It's why he destroyed your career - you deserve it for being too nice to him.'
"...fucks dis Pickle, I amnst here to hears you say de same shits mine mom says at me."
"You're not even trying to understand me! You told me to tell Nathen to go fuck himself - you think I'll be able to? Huh? You weren't there! You were too busy dickin' around with Toki!"
"Whys not? You can tells your mom whats go fucks herself but not Nat'en?"
"Can you say you're okey with killing Murderface when he was actin' all holy an' shit but not Toki when we thought about bootin' 'im from the band?"
"What amns de points, Pickle? Maybes it amns dat Engelsk you amns sayings but I amnst shore I gets it."
"Nathen and I are like you and Toki! You can't ask me to tell him to go fuck himself just like I can't ask you to do thet to Toki!"
"... he amns your best friend?"
"... sure, like Toki is yours."
Skwisgaar wanted to argue back, but at this point he knew whatever he said wouldn't matter. Pickles had nailed it - he wasn't just drinking to ignore his mom's scathing remarks over a phone call. He was there because he was hurting and aching and upset that Toki of all people had turned against him --
"...I amnst friends wit Toki after de book cames out. He mades it clear I amnst his friend." Skwisgaar took the bottle and began to empty it in big gulps, until Pickles piped up.
"Woah there, leave some for me." Skwisgaar wiped his face before nodding.
"Rights." For a second, Skwisgaar and Pickles held eye contact; Nathan was to Pickles like Toki was to Skwisgaar. And while he knew that both were drinking because their moms had pushed them over the edge over that stupid album now he understood that the moms were an excuse.
After all, they weren't supposed to care. Just like how Pickles didn't care about Nathan and whatever happened before they left on their friender bender, and how Skwisgaar didn't care about how it was Toki that had ripped his career to shreds.
Maybe he did understand after all.
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adultswim2021 · 1 year ago
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Metalocalypse #38: “Black Fire Upon Us” (a.k.a. “Dethrelease”) | September 8, 2008 - 12:00AM | S02E18
A double episode, and a season finale! This one is about Dethklok finally releasing their record and playing a concert in the clouds in a floating polyhedron. The various factions of Dethklok’s antagonists show up to the after-party in an attempt to compromise Dethklok once and for all. 
The FREAKING EPIC METER is off the FREAKING CHARTS here PEOPLE. This one feels great, in all honesty. Lotsa good funny scenes and dramatic brutality. On the funny side (hey, I should rename the blog to this maybe?? Adult Swim: on the funny side. I like it!) is Toki's descent into alcoholism and the band’s dysfunctional way of dealing with it, lengthy digressions where the band plans to master the art of sucking their own dicks, Murderface’s stint at taking fire safety seriously (Do you think Murderface gets the lamest subplots because he’s the funniest character? SOUND OFF in the youtube comments below), and a very funny scene where the members of Dethklok get distracted by doing funny voices they can do. 
The concert scene is genuinely impressive. I think that the animation on this show qualifies as “crappy”, but it manages to be good enough to be immersive, and a lot of it is fucking cool. The launch of the polyhedron (that transforms into a floating stage) has a lot of fetishistic Heavy-Metal Magazine style drawings, and I found myself really appreciating the design of the show.
This one has a lot of callbacks to previous episodes, but I maintain that almost none of it matters. The world of the show feels so rich in setting up the idea that Dethklok is the biggest entity in the world, and that naturally lends itself to conflict and having enemies. The concept is, at its heart, absurd, but the show sorta acts like it doesn’t know that. I think viewers who tune in on a story-arc episode of Metalocaylpse might feel like they’re missing something, but almost none of the humor relies on knowing deep lore. 
I thought the final blow-out of the episode was particularly cool and well-done, and it was affecting in the way a cool action sequence with weighty consequences should be. But as I watched I sorta had a self-conscious debate in my head over the nature of my enjoyment for the show. The ultimate joke of Dethklok being huge shitheads who don’t deserve their status (who would?) weighed on my mind while the serious, epic music played while the closing credits rolled. It’s part of the humor for sure, but sometimes the show is good at making you forget that it is. There’s nothing truly wrong about thinking “these are my guys and I want them to win on my show”, but there must be fans out there who for them that’s their predominant feeling they feel towards these characters. It’s interesting to think about, is all!
Kon! writes:
I was legitimately shocked that Robot Chicken portrayed the Revenge of the Nerds rape as being a bad thing. Genuinely much more progressive than I would have given 2008-Robot Chicken credit for.
Agreed! I can imagine an alternate sketch where the punchline is the Richard King lookin' guy approaches Darth Vader to sadly report "somebody got pussy by disguising as you" and Darth being like "WHAT! NOOOOOOOOOOO" and crushing his windpipe. My George Lucas said no.
(Richard Lewis voice) All I wanted was a Boo-Coo
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squimbusfrommypolls · 2 years ago
I missed my chance to send in Murderface propaganda before. not this time. In-fiction, he's the bass player for the most popular band in the world and still none of their fans like him. His bass parts are re-recorded by the guitarist, then buried in the album mix. When the band hangs out they often exclude him. irl, the show gives him very few focus episodes compared to the other characters. Because of this, he's easily remained the least popular of the main five despite having just as much opportunity to interpret his character in cool ways. He's not in most of the really popular ships, and over time fans have gotten better about excluding him from "full lineup" fanart but it still absolutely happens. Somebody nominated him for a mustache-havers tournament and he lost round one to some gnome-looking thing from Final Fantasy, then he lost round one in THIS tournament too. He's not just a squimbus from my polls; William Murderface is a squimbus of life itself. He deserves to be crowned Ultimate Squimbus.
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possibly-in-mordland · 2 years ago
May I request hcs for Nathan, Toki, and Charles (seperatley) with an s/o who has panic attacks? I really enjoyed your Pickles one. Its ok if you dont want to do this !
Dethklok (+ Charles, Magnus, Knubbler) x GN!Reader | Reader Who Has Panic Attacks
Post Type: Headcanons
Warning(s): Anxiety/Panic Attacks
A/n: So, I went ahead and did all of them (separately), so everyone's happy. Sorry this is late, holiday stuff y'know? lol
Nathan's pretty shit at talking about feelings (but at least he admits it)
BUT! This doesn't mean he doesn't notice when something wrong
Quite the contrary, if you've been with him for a while, he picks up on it in a flash
It's like a sixth sense he develops
"Somethings wrong. What's wrong?"
If you don't feel like talking, it's cool
He doesn't always feel like talking either, he's more of a quality time and (only with you) a physical touch person
So, he'll often sit down with you (insert word here) (most of the band uses (insert word here))
If you're in a crowded place, he'll try to find someplace secluded. And if he can't? He'll find the least crowded spot and just sit with you.
Will try to sing for you, he's not the best singer unless he's growling, but he tries
Dood's built like a bed (affectionate), so be prepared to lie down on his chest
Done Here
Oh, boy
He doesn't look it, but he has panic attacks quite a bit
Especially, when his mother is brought up
The second he notices the onset of YOU having one, he subtly tries to hint at things
He'll pull a Klokateer aside and tell them to bring you water periodically throughout the day
Or, he'll bring you to his room and, instead of playing hardcore riffs, forces himself to slow down and play some soft blues (something akin to what you'd hear Michael Schenker play)
And it's under the guise of "Hyguh, Come ons Y/n, lets goes to my rooms and has some funs~"
Over time you come to learn all his secret code words
His bed is perfect for curling up and attempting to calm down
Will try to get your mind off of whatever caused your panic attack by teaching you guitar
"Takes this cats." He will force you to hold the cat to your chest, if there's one thing he's learned, it's that science has proved that cat purrs can heal (he likes cats, okay?)
Or, he'll sit you in his lap and get you to straddle him while he works on his model planes
Totally gets a Klokateer to bring y'all sugar-free cookies
Much like Pickles, he puts on your favorite movie/tv show in the background
If you're in a crowded place, he gets defensive and hauls you off somewhere
And if someone tries to make it worse?
Well, we all remember that one scene. Where beats the shit out of that dude? Yeah, that happens again.
"Welp, theresch only one thing to do! Get the icesch cream and watch tv."
He's not wrong tho
He doesn't often deal with panic attacks, he's more of a "I'm worthless, and I want love, but I don't deserve it" person (not to say that doesn't occasionally lead to a panic attack) (projecting a bit here: his is brought on by his grandma)
Probably gives shitty advice, probably gives good advice
"Letsch play lascher tag. That might get your mind off it."
"I alwaysch schleep mine off."
He is trying though, so you can't be mad at him
He's basically the dad to five death metal children, most of which come from terrible households, so he knows a thing or two about anxiety/panic attacks
Water? Check. Blanket? Check. Him? Well, don't expect him to take long breaks from work, but you can sit on his lap while he does business (so long as it's not a meeting)
I have decided that his favorite book/movie is the princess bride, and chances are you like it (I assume everyone enjoys the movie/book), so when he has the time, he'll read to you
plays cute cat videos for you
honestly, you're probably seldom in public if you're with him so i don't think you'd have to worry about that
Believe it or not, he's a whizz when it comes to dealing with this
If you're up for it, he'll cuddle on a couch or bed with you
"Tell me what's wrong, I'm all ears." (i made myself laugh)
And he'll listen
He probably can't help as much as he wants aside from breathing techniques
But he'll grab your favorite food, so that's a plus
Defo has a cat, defo brings it to you for cuddles
"I'll get the wine."
And he does, it's probably not the best idea (but then again, he never said who it was for)
He tells you to breathe in and out, and to focus
Count the breaths
Genuinely has good advice (not for the right reasons, but they help)
If this is post-doomstar, he tells you the truth on how he knows so much about psychology, and mental health
If this is pre-doomstar, he just says he's interested in psychology (not wrong, but also a little white lie)
Shows you cat videos in hopes that they work
Also reads to you
If you're in public, he'll pull you in an alleyway and tries to talk to you, and helps with the breathing
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something something murderfaces corruption is in greed; greed for humanity, for love, companionship. what he's always craved but under his own control, it cannot be taken (they can't leave him), it cannot be hurtful (they will love him), a world to bow down at his feet like he desires, demands, deserves (and that struggle, does he deserve it, in all his grossness, his perversion, his wrongness, or does he deserve it anyway) (yes but not like he thinks it)
letting the world starve and drown under your hand, keeping love from them, piling hate upon them, make your perfection (or should i say nerfection)
murderface living in his head whilst he ruins the world, but not helpless, just hurt, and alone like he always has been
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twigg96 · 3 years ago
i’ve been sending in requests frequently, so if u don’t wanna do this that’s fine! but i was wondering how dethklok would react with a reader who they have a crush on whose super shy and soft spoken?
Hello Anon! Let me start by saying I absolutely love taking asks for HCs or for fics it makes my day every time I see one. So please never I’m unhappy to see your ask. I promise I’m ecstatic ❤️. If the subject of an ask is ever one I’d personally wouldn’t touch on I would politely tell the person asking but there really isn’t much I can think of that I wouldn’t answer.
Our boys adore shy and soft spoken people. I mean they hang around Charles all day!
Nathan is so protective of his shy partner. He loves them with all he has and is a soft teddy bear whenever the two of them are alone. He is willing to listen and give them whatever they need. If his partner needs space he gives them space. If they just want to have date night in instead of going out he is 100% down for cuddles. But he’ll be darned if anyone talks over his S/O. They deserve to be heard too. He will straight up interrupt any conversation just so his partner has a chance to speak and be heard.
Pickles has very little experience with shy and soft spoken people. So this is probably a first for the both of them. Pickles would do his best to manage his volume for his partner but he has a hard time controlling his Party Animal attitude. It doesn’t help that all his years of drumming without hearing protection has given him some serious hearing damage and he has to ask his partner to repeat things multiple times. But to be honest they both enjoy their game of telephone laughing when Pickles manages to mess up the sentence so bad that it didn’t even begin to sound like the original. His partner makes him softer. And Pickles makes them a little more confident.
Murderface is even more protective of his partner than even Nathan could be. Which is a feat in and of itself. Murderface often speaks up for his partner. Being their voice, he’s more than happy to let them sit next to him, whispering in his ear while he listens or speaks for them in groups. When their alone however, he is so soft with them. Never once raising his voice or pulling any stunts he accommodates to their comfort level. Letting them take the lead.
Skwisgaar thrives in the silence. He can think when things are silent. Having a soft spoken, shy partner is perfect for him. He loves it. He loves how his mind feels clear with them. How his creativity truly flows when their around. He makes different sounds music that means something instead of just riffs that sounded good. Skwisgaar is certainly less aggressive than either Nathan or Murderface. He’d much rather take his S/O somewhere quiet and sit alone than deal with assholes who wouldn’t listen to them anyway. He didn’t need that brand deal anyway.
Toki adores his shy partner he thinks they’re the cutest thing in the entire world! He loves to cuddle them close hiding away in the living room watching movies. He fights with Charles when he insists on making the rhythm guitarist go to meetings or even practice saying that he won’t go without his S/O. It brings them and Dethklok all extremely close. When formal events come rolling around, Dethklok is accepting of the fact that Toki and his partner may want to excuse themselves early. If a guest ever objects Toki’s partner doesn’t only have him to protect them. They have all of Dethklok standing to protect them.
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People are gonna inevitably think this is a skwistok thing rather than my weird obsessions with the concept of morality but hear me out:
- Angel Skwisgaar who is angry that he technically can't actually create things or have a free will spitefully turns himself into a 'human' and lives on Earth in an attempt to fugue out things like ability to produce original content.
- While there, he meets a very confusing demon Toki, who's here after running from Hell when his family tried to put him into the 9th circle for 'treachery' (read: not being able to be a cruel and vicious killer 24/7) for all eternity.
- Toki technically has free will, but no real experiences with the world around him or any world that isn't whichever one of the circles he's been shoved into for a supposed crime of being hungry when not fed for centuries, or crying from pain, or just because his family is utterly convinced he deserves it for some reason or another. Skiwsgaar, however, knows literally nothing about Toki's past beyond him being a demon, and is mad as hell that this yutz gets to have creativity and he doesn't.
- Cue a lot of Skwisgaar 'creating' songs based on algorithms of past music (like a computer) and Toki adding small tweaks/finishing touches so the song is more 'human'. Toki always plays rhythm/backup.
- The exchange Toki demands for bringing Skwisgaar's songs to life is that he is given protection and a room with food and crash courses in how to interact with the world around him.
- Their appearances are based off of human media because Skwisgaar wanted an appealing vessel and Toki found a form that was inconspicuous to normal people but cute to himself. Among other details, Skwisgaar hides that he actually has six wings and technically eyes all over his skin. Toki's nails are made of actual metal and has wolf-like legs when he's not pretending to be human.
- Eventually Skwisgaar's songs begin to have more of a real voice to them and Toki befriends all of the local strays. Their interactions turn from begrudged cooperation to easy friendship and bickering. Skwisgaar will occasionally stroke Toki's fluffy legs and soft hair. Toki makes sure that Skwisgaar's small circle of reminders of his true home stays spotless no matter what.
- Over time it becomes increasingly clear that neither of them is really able to go back to their og home and they're both a little too human now. Skwisgaar gets writers block because that's the price for creativity. Toki is increasingly prone to being hurt by misunderstandings now that he lets himself be vulnerable.
- They work their shit out with more and more time and some help. Cue talking about trauma and dealing with Toki's family occasionally turning up in places and Skwisgaar struggling to choose between morality as it was in heaven and morality as it is here.
- Along the way they run into former angel-turned-devil-turned-this-guy Pickles who didn't mean to get Adam and Eve banished from Eden, ahnestley, he was just high as all fuck and wanted to eat apples with company for once. Pickles introduces them to 'Be Not Afraid, Scratch That, Be Afraid, I Fucking Rule' Nathan, a defector of the demonic side and big fan of yelling and reminiscing about how great the day of creating the animals was (got banished for trying to improve the frogs). Along with them is Murderface the 'Don't Fucking Aschk' angel who got to smite people a whole lot before it was realized that he's a little too sadistic and creepy about it, and therefore chucked out from heaven.
- Keeping the entire ragtag crew together/not exorcised is semi-Satanic ex-Satanist-priest Charles (with his Masters in law, minor in theology, and actual religion as more of a 'buddhism but with murder' thing), there's-no-such-thing-as-angels-or-demons-or-magic Abigail, and Richard 'Will believe in any god or devil in exchange for job' Knubbler.
- The group of five becomes more famous with time thanks to the human trio. Charles is in charge of mostly the legal and theological side of things while Abigail takes over business contracts and publicity. Knubbler is mostly just working as their sound engineer but now and then he's in charge of helping Charles decipher incomprehensible prophecies.
- All of them let parts of their true forms out on stage. Abigail has released multiple statements saying the band will not be revealing their special effects and makeup secrets, so stop fucking asking.
- Melmord shows up for all of five minutes before Charles 'accidentally' traps him in one of his occult charm things, which he then gifts to Abigail. She's more than ok with the idea of her rival being trapped in a small rock set in metal forever. That's what he fucking gets for trying to steal her job.
- They do eventually let him out after realizing that Melmord has tangential connections to the Blues Devil and technically they're not allowed to harm him long-term. BD appears to the producer trio in a cloud of smoke, hands Abigail a skull with emeralds for eyes in exchange for getting his servant back, and turns himself and Melmord into crows for their exit. Abigail continues to deny the existence of magic and magical beings.
- Charles gives up on getting her to believe after this. As far as he's concerned, any human that can negotiate with the literal devil while having no magic or supernatural power assisting her gets to not believe in the devil. It's a fair deal.
- Abigail and Pickles become pretty fast friends and even though she turns him down early on, they stay close and are usually arguing over really weird philosophical and ethical ideas together.
- Knubbler is one of the first people Murderface genuinely trusts and it does lead to him slowly getting a little better at dealing with humans, because clearly they're not all that boring of douchebags if someone like this is one of them.
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deada55 · 2 years ago
i do wish I had thought through my oldklok/death hcs a little sooner but it be like that sometimes... assuming the world continues long enough for them to be old AND assuming they're still mortal... or their physical form is mortal.
So either Nathan or Toki have to die first for plot's sake, Nathan in middle age or slightly later, Toki could die "young" if you want extra angst. Presumably, although it would be incredibly sad for all involved, and this is also dependent on the manner of Toki's death, they could continue to tour with Skwisgaar taping a rhythm part beforehand or using a pedal. Without Nathan it's absolutely the end, and you bet whatever's left of the world will either cheer or literally fall into war. It's a fun expectation inversion, like the deaths of the Golden Girls, since Pickles is the oldest. If Nathan doesn't die first, he holds out for a good long while: Toki's a little. Variable.
Nathan dying of multiple organ failure/a cardiovascular event is a little on the nose, but I like things that have a precedent. It's nice when an eclectic life has components that match. One thing's for sure: we're dying married, we're leaving kids. Are the kids going to survive, or will they squander everything? Will they be left with anything? Who knows. Either way he meant well, and died somewhat suddenly, but he's never been consistently super-healthy. Of course, he survived his parents, and he set them up with very loving tributes and a memorial when they passed. Only child life ftw.
The weirdo is Skwisgaar, but I like to think that he will shed his corporeal form within a human lifespan. I'm not sure he's smart enough to find an alternative and just ascend or something. Either he'll get struck by divine lightning and vaporize like a baller or he'll get arthritis and get real, real bitter about it. Eventually he'll get senile, and his death won't be a sudden or unexpected thing (if he doesn't get electro-zapped to "valhalska".)
Poor, poor Murderface. I'd like it if he got the opportunity to get older, especially so he could grow and maybe go to therapy and have a chance to live without crippling self-hatred. Solo album? Sure! Planet Piss? Probably not as successful, but it's an earlier side project. Hopefully he can make some nice friends to inherit his estate or connect to a cause. I think he deserves to live and die as a fondly remembered benefactor and artist, with a lovely long-time (at least ~5 years) partner and a nice memorial already settled and paid for.
Toki... won't age gracefully, especially not if he's not physically living with a bandmate or a partner. If the rest of Dethklok ride out their age living more separate lives, Toki will need to find a niche to find safety and fulfillment. If he doesn't... it's not going to be fun. I can imagine him as an old(er) celebrity that you can very easily get on board a project, but he's either super cooperative or awful to work with, and his tune can change pretty fast. He's the one the band exposee documentary centers around, or he'll get his own exposee docuseries whether or not he's dead. He's also an author, so a memoir is in order, and it'll sell well. It's a good move if he got into financial trouble. The rest of the band will be really torn up however he dies, especially if he dies in physical or mental pain. His estate will definitely go to cats in some way, shape, or form.
Oh, Pickles... hard-of-hearing, smells weird, still Very, Very Cool to talk to. If you ask for him he'll show up. If he's invited and he can, he'll try. Even when he needs a nurse to come with him to make sure his power chair stays charged and his oxygen tanks are full and the piss bag is empty, he'll come do your stupid podcast or cameo in a movie. He's down-to-earth and he'll show up, especially for the family events for Seth and his many many progeny, if not Pickles' own. Hopefully him and Seth can settle into a cold distant rage and stop physically fighting. He'll die slowly, but he'll get good media coverage like the rest. Lots of collective "aw :(" all over the world and maybe a commemorative beanie baby or smth. He'll be very loved and very missed by the public, especially since he'll die with a recent public presence.
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justfandomtings · 4 years ago
Character study of William murderface
Cw: child abuse, ptsd, trauma, internalized homopobia,ect.
Throughout the show, murderface has been presented as a shitty person that is untalented, leeches off of his friends/ fame, and honestly just seem to have gotten lucky when getting into dethklok.
Which is true, but I want to look in a little deeper why he's like this. (Note:this might be kinda head cannonish. I have some examples from the actual show but since we never got a deep backstory for murderface or get many murderface centric episodes I'll be filling in some empty spaces.)
Murderface in the show
Murderface is extremely self loathing and has had moments where he just goes so hard in on himself.
Season 1 episode 1
We see this in the very beginning when he refers to himself as the 'fat one.'
It could've been played off as a simple joke, which it was in the show for the audience watching. But in the show's universe and for the character, this will be an occurring thing.
This continues in
Season 1 episode 3
It's murderface's birthday and the boys throw murderface a party. During his party murderface is shown complaining and being stand-offish. You would think the last thing he would want is a party, yet he still sends out invites to his bandmates. (Note: noticed how the invites were sent right after murderface left the room? Idk it just seemed like he was embarrassed or scared his bandmates would laugh at him for wanting a birthday party. He even tried to act non chalant when the invite said "come if you want, who gives a piss." when they did throw him a party he still came)
When the boys pulled a little, kinda mean but harmless prank on him, literally giving him the gift of nothing. Murderface was fucking hurt, like genuine tears almost left this man's eyes when he come into his room to get his thing's and 'run away'.
Of course the boys did give murderface an actual gift, which honestly had a lot of thought and effort put into it. This makes murderface cry a tear. (Of blood but you know still a tear)
This is the example of the boy's showing they care for murderface. But even after this big gesture murderface will continue to believe the opposite.
The show continues and we get the first and honestly only backstory for murderface.
Season 1 episode 6
When the boys get a band therapist, we find out the tragic murder/suicide of murderface's parents. His father killing his mother then himself with a chainsaw, this whole thing happens while murderface as a baby sits in his highchair unaware while eating his cereal. This flashback makes murderface kinda sit there in shock as he pisses his pants.
(Note: murderface has said in the show that his appearance was the reason his parents are dead. If that really was the case, why didn't his father kill him or at least killed him after he killed his mother? Why did his father just kill his wife and himself? Never laying a single hand on murderface? Will get back to that later.)
Season 1 episode 9
Bringing up this episode may be confusing to some for bringing this up since it doesn't focus solely on murderface. He doesn't even get that much screen time this episode. But I would like to point out his actions in that episode.
In this episode the boys adopt a young teen boy they name fatty ding dong and raise him as their son for probably couple of weeks. While the boys all had their...interesting way of raising him. Murderface had the most physical fights with fatty ding dong. Mostly when we misbehaved. Like hitting him, shocking him non stop with a tazer, beating him for eating his civil war boots ect.
I just like to point out that murderface was raised by his grandparents. We'll come back to more of that later in the post.
Season 1 episode 11
The band gets reunited with their families and what we see from murderface and his family is that they are very violent towards each other. Murderface tries to choke his grandmother when looking in at her mouth as she chewed. Pickles and Nathan had to snap himself out of it, murderface apologized saying it was his fault for looking to deeply.
Like that was some kind of trigger from his past that made him black out and get violent.
He was also highly against buying his grandfather a wheelchair, only doing so because the boys agreed to be nice towards their family to get them to leave.
Even when they were spending time with each other, they never touched each other William kept his distance. Only ever touching if it was fight related.
In the same episode we see why, Stella was so physically abusive towards murderface, spraying fucking pepper spray into his eyes when he did..nothing? He wasn't aggressive or was even part of the issue. She just attacks him because she had to change his diapers?
This belittlement and physical abuse continues everytime they are together on screen.
So to bring back up season 1 episode 9. With how murderface treated fatty ding dong we can assume that's how we was being treated while under the care of his grandparents. Children soak up things like a sponge. Whether you think they remember it or not. Many psychological reports has shown that children will mimick and repeat behaviors and actions their caretakers do. If it's right or not, children will do things because that's what this adult dose. That's what they see at home. It's normal to them if that is the environment they grow in. Even if the child feels like something is off or wrong. They won't know exactly what is wrong or why because it's all they know.
So if this is how murderface was raised, which highly may be the case since we see Stella physically abuse murderface even as an adult. He might have actually thought this is how you raise a child, this is what you do to a child when they misbehaved. Nobody in his life has corrected murderface or explain to him that this way of discipline isn't ok or even discipline to begin with, it is abuse.
So, we are to believe with the information we have now. Is that murderface was most likely abused as a child, probably all the way up till he was able to get away from them and join dethklok.
With this information we can apply this to his behavior in the show. A side effect from child abuse is suicidal behavior. Throughout the show Murderface would now and then casually commit about hurting or killing himself.
Season 1 episode 2
Murderface casually states if it'll be brutal enough for him to just take his life after Nathan deltes another record. Or when the boys kindly ask him to stop eating beans, he gets oddly emotional and says he'll just starve to death then.
Another effect from child abuse is eating disorders and obesity.
You already know this a big part of murderface's character. There are times where he's seen constantly eating junk food, to eating nothing and just drinking coffee, to the doctor pointing out the back of his teeth are decaying. And murderface informs him it's from throwing up his food.
He also gets teased for his weight being called chubby and fat, ect. Murderface has a hard time with his weight, his excessive eating may even be seen as an unhealthy coping mechanism.
Other effects such as aggressive behavior, low self esteem, dissociation, ect. Is also shown within the show.
Season 1 episode 15
Murderface gets into a motorcycle accident and is sent into the hospital. This near death experience gets him on a religious journey. Maybe to find answers to certain questions or possibly wondering where he was going to go if he did die? Is he a good person, why do certain things happen to people, what's the meaning of life?
He asked the guys if he really deserved to live. Does he really deserve to be brought onto this world, being a part of a pretty good and rare type of life.
The boys being emotionally closed off don't really answer his question. They honestly brush it off but they do go along with murderface on his spiritual journey.
He eventually chooses no religion, but I feel that near death experience stuck with him. He either decided that life was too short so might as well live it, or a more cynical view on life. That it's meaningless then who cares if he died?
Season 2 episode 11
This is probably an episode where murderface was the most sad and self loathing. (This and another episode I can't wait to get to) after his concert, he felt pretty shitty with the outcome and had lead him to feel that he does not deserve the life he has now and wonders why he even shows his face. Just wanting the spot light for one.
Which is really interesting. Because comparing season 1 with the other 3. Murderface in season one had...fans. There were people who genuinely liked him. The prime example is his birthday episode.
When he had a solo, just like in season 2 episode 11. People were cheering his name. Practically screaming at the rooftops for him. So what happened?
We already know that murderface is the least liked member of the band, but even then he still had fans. Hell people committed terrorists attacks just for him on his birthday.
Maybe it was just a loud minority? Who knows, but if in the show as time went on less and less people had him as his favorite or even just liked him would probably get him really insecure.
After the concert failure, Charles let's him host a Nas car event. Which I'd think would've gone actually well if you know, the dethklok curse wasn't a thing.
Also as murderface was planning the event people around him didn't really support him or help him out. Which is mostly murderface's fault, he has a lack of focus and doesn't really plan things through. This is a good reason for partners and others outside wanting to work with dethklok not want to work with murderface. It costs money and a lot of time to do all the things related to dethklok. And murderface's flakeyness is a valid reason for business and others to not have faith in him when related to these things.
BUT! (This is a little bit of projection here) as someone who also has a lack of focus and hard time to get things done. That doesn't mean I don't want to do said thing, that doesn't mean I want to waste others time. I simply have a hard time focusing, I need structure and that little reminder to get things done. But the difference between me and murderface is that I'm not a billionaire.
I am not apart of a popular metal band, with all the money in the world, with a manager that will clean up every little mess I make.
I have more risk, whatever I fuck up will effect me. I will suffer the consequences. Murderface won't. (Also he's a fictional character..so reality won't have any affect on him lol)
But yea, I believe if murderface would suffer from his consequences then he'd be a bit more on things. Also I feel murderface's mental health issues play a huge role in things.
His fear that he's not good enough, eating disorders, ect. Can really mess up your focus.
So, now to the infamous episode. Dethvanity.
Season 4 episode 8
In this episode Murderface in nominated for the most brutal looking award and this. Fucks. Him. Up.
So much so that he actually hallucinates his bandmates and Charles calling him ugly and other things that they never even said.
When he goes to the plastic surgeon, he tells him. A complete stranger, that he hates himself. For murderface to actually admit this deep issue that he's been keeping deep down. For him to show vulnerability to a stranger is pretty sad.
When he goes to Nathan to borrow money, he tells a story of a 'boy' that was so ugly that he's driven his parents to murder suicide. Again he's calling himself ugly and blaming himself for his parents death. (Were going to get back to that too.)
After murderface gets the surgery he days dream about what would happen if he was beautiful. Finally being accepted and able to say fuck you to all those that were shit to him.
Of course, it doesn't end like that. He's face gets infected and is even more ugly than before.
This episode was pretty messed up. Murderface didn't get what he thought would give him validation, he looks down on himself more, and he is humiliated front of 100s of people.
This whole shit show probably validated all the negative thoughts he had for himself.
Next we'll talk about his internalized homopobia. Murderface...is definitely..not straight. He's not gay either he does have sexual attraction to women but his uncomfortably and very interesting moments and visions say he might like more than just that.
Season 2 episode 5
Murderface has a weird thing with eating 'penis' shaped objects or watching other eating said shaped objects.
He has a lot of weird moments where he gets really close to one of his bandmates and just whispers something in their ear. Specifically Pickles and Skwisgaar.
He just said fuck it and tried to bang toki while they were in the submarine.
Had hallucinations of cutting between women, men, animals, even his own grandmother and was distraught when he had a small moment of admitting he way gay.
There's no real specific reason why or how murderface is this scared of being gay. But I feel it may also be with how he grew up. He was probably been told it was wrong to be gay and how immoral it was to like men and you'll burn in hell if you do. Also being gay wouldn't be 'brutal' or 'manly'.
And not to shit on metal heads but you know. They're not the...most..exclusive group of people.
I think murderface is scared to accept he's gay because his grandparents made him feel he would be a bad person if he was or get kicked out of the band if he was.
So, after all I laid on the table, let's wrap this up. Back to the blaming himself of his parents deth. I believe, Williams parents didn't kill/murder themselves because he has ugly. I like to think the opposite, I believe his parents actually dearly cared for him. I think his father had some serious mental issues or something else pushed him over the edge.
It could be anything really, maybe his dad was crazy, maybe it had something to do with the curse. I like to think they both cared for him his dad just..idk snapped.
I'm assuming murderface's grandparents are his dads parents. And seeing how they treated murderface they most definitely treated his dad the same.
Or, it wasn't murder/suicide at all. Buckle in because it's all tv theory over here. I have a hard time to believe that murderface remembered, in such detail in fact. How his parents died, in the flashback he looks to be 7 to 8 months? Traumatic event yes, but there's no way a baby can remember such a thing.
I think, Stella lied to murderface about how his parents died. I think it was just some evil twisted thing she said to make murderface feel terrible about himself. His parents probably unfortunately died in say a car accident or health related issues. But the main thing is how guilty murderface feels, how terrible he feels that he thinks he was the reason he killed his parents when that's far from the truth.
It was either an unfortunate accident or his father killing themselves. But it is not murderface's fault.
The physical abuse from his grandparents, the guilt of believing he's the reason for his parents death, his aggressive internalized homopobia, lack of support, the bullying from his bandmates, body issues/eating disorder, and it just keeps going.
It's no fucking wonder why the man is like this. Don't get me wrong, murderface is an asshole and is responsible for most of his actions.
But that's still a lot of shit for someone to go through.
That's all I have, this is really long. But I hoped you like this little thread. There's still more to his character but this is long enough.
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writersmilex · 4 years ago
Deserving Of Happiness. Wedding.
Skwisgaar Skwigelf X Reader. Summary: Sequel of the first. Skwisgaar and (Y/n) are getting married at a very small venue. Requested by : anonymous. (A/n) : I'm not really sure how a wedding works, it majorly depends on culture, wealth and what the soon-to-be-married couple wants. Also i made myself cry while writing this.
And keeping the Reader's gender unspecified was really hard in this one. ________________________________________
Tumblr media
The guitarist can't help but feel nervous. perfectly understandable, but there really is nothing to be worried about to be honest. He fiddles with the diamond sleeve-cuffs while looking into the full-length mirror. He stands in a perfect white tuxedo, sky blue bow-tie and a peach colored rose attached to the breast pocket of the steamed white blazer. His hair still loose, but brushed and shining.  He looks amazing, and stunning. Skwisgaar gulps, turning to his band-mates that stand in line on the other side of the room. "never thought Skwisgaar would be the first of us to marry." Nathan comments, messing with is own black tie. The rest of the band being grooms-men. They are all neatly dressed in black suits, waist-coats over a white blouse and black ties. A peach colored rose attaches to their chests. "Ams so excited! Congratulations Skwisgaar!" Toki exclaims with happiness, unable to control the big smile on his face. Except for Nathan, Toki and Pickles have their hair tied up. The whole scene is very formal. Not their typical scene and it feels strange for everyone. "hyugh..." the Groom mumbles. His heart is racing. Never ever has he thought that he would marry. He didn't believe in monogamy at first. But he's very in love with (Y/n), and wishes nothing more bit to spend the rest of his life as theirs, and they as his. "i wonders hows (Y/n) is feelings right nows..." Skwisgaar wonders out loud. "they're probably fine." Murderface says, crossing his arms not looking all too interested.
~~meanwhile~~ "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!!" (Y/n) chants in a hurried panic, running circles around the dressing room. their formal bridal wear swaying with every turn they make. "honey please, calm down." (Y/n)'s mother tries to calm down their child. "there is nothing to worry about (Y/n), the whole reception and venue are taken care of by the gears." Charles tries to console the panicking (Y/n). "but-but, what is something goes wrong anyway!" (Y/n) shrieks, waving with their arms to get their point across. (Y/n)'s mother grabs them by the shoulders to help them calm and prevent a panic-attack. "don't think about that kind of stuff my dear. Think about the good things, don't worry." Their mother says, looking straight into (Y/n)'s eyes. (Y/n) gulps away the growing tears and nods slowly. Charles pull back his sleeve and peer at his watch. "it's almost time for the ceremony." He announces to the one getting married. (Y/n) looks at Charles and stern nod and take a deep breath. "I'm ready." ~~~~ The Klokateers have literally put their blood, guts and tears into the ceremony, which takes place on the grounds of Mordhaus. A very small venue, only consisting of very close friend and those who can keep a secret. This whole wedding is a secret from the world. And it will stay that way. Charles has made sure there is high level security around the wedding too. armed Klokateers ready to kill anyone who dares to snoop around.
Skwisgaar and his band-mates are already at the altar. The closest people are here, Knubbler is even part of the crowd, Abigail is also standing by the altar as a maid-of-honor. (Y/n)'s mother is sitting with the guest trying not to cry to hard. Skwisgaar's mother is sitting next to her trying to console her new (daughter/son-in-law)'s mother. The yard-wolves are there too, all of them standing in a row with cool little tux collars on. The guitarist is pulling at his collar, nervous as all hell. He knows he doesn't have too, everything is fine, it's his and (Y/n)'s big day. "Hey Skwisgaar, chill you're only getting married and settled for live." Nathan tries to reassure the groom, but it doesn't help, not at all. By now the guitarist is rethinking his life, all the moments that brought him to where he is now. Despite all the unpleasant things that have happened to him, he doesn't regret anything. ~~~~ "Are you ready (Y/n)?" Charles asks the soon to be married one, who nods nervously. Charles shows a little smile and offers his arm for (Y/n) to take, and they do. "don't be nervous, everything is taking care of, enjoy the wedding (Y/n)." He's starting to feel like a broken record but (Y/n) needs the reassurance. Charles is tasked with 'giving away' (Y/n), for their own father had passed away when they where very young. Lack of father in life is something that (Y/n) and Skwisgaar had bonded over at the very beginning of their friendship.
(Y/n) grabs onto the manager's arm and the ceremony begins. The music starts as Charles and (Y/n) walk down the long carpet and towards the altar. (Y/n)'s and Skwisgaar's eyes lock and they are mesmerized by each other. "Oh my gods..." Toki sobs into his hands, Pickles pats the rhythm guitarist's shoulder. "i know Toki." he comforts while watching (Y/n) with teary eyes. Once (Y/n) reaches their crying mother, they stop walking for a moment and (Y/n) puts a hand on their mother's shoulder to comfort her. They know it's happy tears but still. (M/n) tries her best to muffle their cries in a handkerchief.   The whole band is looking at (Y/n) with big watery eyes. Especially Skwisgaar. There is a smile on his face, and the smile only grows as Charles and (Y/n) near the altar. (Y/n) let's go of the manager and without second thought, the soon to be married take each others hands. The pastor who's here to marry the couple. Is held at gun-point during the while thing. He starts speaking, a obvious shake of nervousness in his voice. "we are gathered here today, to watch these two lovers unite. They shall spend their lives together, carry each other through thick and thin, and the warmth of love shall keep them bonded. anyone who objects this marriage, must speak up now, or forever hold your silence." The pastor speaks. There is a moment of silence, a moment for anyone to object.  But there is nobody who speaks up. The soon to be married couple sighs in relief and the ceremony continues. "It's time for your vows." The pastor announces. And the soon to be married speak their vows to one another, often interrupted by someone sniffling. Toki is full on sobbing into his hands now, Pickles has his arm wrapped around Toki's shoulders to console him. Abigail does her best to wipe a tear away without smudging her make-up. "bring in the rings!" The pastor announces. A yard-wolf in the same tux collar as the other wolves walks up to the altar, it's walking carefully, balancing a little pillow in it's head with the rings on it. The wolf arrives at the altar, the soon to be married couple grab each others rings and slide them on each others ring-fingers. The yard-wolf is escorted to the rest of the wolves by a klokateer. "Skwisgaar Skwigelf. Will you take (Y/n) (L/n) as your spouse?" The pastor asks the groom, Skwisgaar looks back at (Y/n). "i dos." He says with a nod. "and (Y/n) (L/n). Will you take Skwisgaar Skwigelf as your Spouse?" He asks them. (Y/n) gives the guitarist a look of  absolute sincerity. "Yes, i do." They reply. "then i can officially announce you as married." The pastor claims with a smile. The now married couple clash like magnets, kissing passionately. Everyone at the ceremony cheers, applauding the newly married couple. ~~~~ The rest of the party went great. Skwisgaar and (Y/n) are glued to each others sides, inseparable during the whole party. While cutting the cake, (Y/n) takes some whipped-cream on their finger and boop the guitarist's nose with it. Skwisgaar's look of surprise makes them laugh.     Much later in the evening, The married couple are dancing together the rest of the guests are looking on. The rest of the band is happy that there is booze present and the four member are drinking again. "I think they'll be happy together." Pickles slurs, downing his 12th glass of wine. "yeah they would, i mean look at the two." Nathan agrees, gesturing to the married couple dancing and not taking their eyes off of each other. "It'sch juscht gonna be schutid schappy love for them! Dischguschting!" Murderface grimaces, at the romantic display of the married couple. Although he says he's disgusted, he is probably only jealous, the whole band is a little. "i thinks it's real cutes." Toki comments, he has luckily calmed down by now. "they are gonnas be happys!" He beams, and the other agree with a hum. They all agree that their marriage will be good. The band having witnessed their relationship first hand, it's safe to say it's gonna last. __________________________________________ There is a part two of sorts?? Hope you enjoy (I know it looks a little lazy) Thanks for reading. - Missalot.
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nightklok · 3 years ago
Kloktober Day 1 Prompt
Prompt: Favorite Character and OTP Pairing: Picklegail (Pickles the Drummer/Abigail Remeltindtdrinc) Title: The war is over and we are beginning Characters: Pickles the Drummer, Abigail Remeltindtdrinc, Eclair (cat), band members and charles are only mentioned Trigger Warnings: Very slight angst, very slight mention/discussion of trauma/PTSD. Tags: Some dark humor, mentioned trauma, discussion of trauma, fall, post galagtikon 2, hopeful/happy ending Summary: It's the first fall Pickles has realized he's lived through in years.
Author's Note: Yes this is...6 days late-But i still wanted to publish this anyway so enjoy :')
Read this fic on AO3 or read below!
The first day of fall fell on a Saturday.
And Pickles would realize it was the first time he had actually been aware of fall in years.
He couldn’t remember the last time he saw the leaves change or pumpkin picking or any of the fall activities he sparingly went to as a kid. He simply had no time, family, or desire to do any of those things as he grew older. He had the sudden moment of sadness that he had missed another fall but told himself fall was gonna come back next year and he’d just look at the leaves harder next fall. But he never did.
But now, he had the time. A lot of it. And a fresh perspective on life and just how wonderful living a quiet life was.
Getting to sleep in on a Saturday morning with the person he loved the most and having nothing else to do for the day was one of them. Normally, Abigail was the one who woke up earlier but for the weekend, it got to be the opposite. He could get up in an hour, make some breakfast and they could see about doing something together. Whether it’s going outside or staying in and watching something. But at the moment, he was content enough just sleeping.
But it wouldn’t last long sadly. Despite nothing important needing to be done for the day, he was woken up by the sound of meowing and a cat smacking his face.
Éclair, their beautiful cat they found outside a K-Mart, happened to like going on walks in the morning. And she was very persistent about her walks being exactly at 7:13 AM. It was 7:13 AM.
“C’mon, it’s Saturday,” He murmured as he pulled the blanket closer to his face, hoping that he could sleep for just a few more minutes.
But Éclair had no concept of time and would continue pawing at the sheets and when she began whining, he knew that his time sleeping in was already over. He didn’t want to wake her up and figured she deserved the extra hour of sleeping.
“Okay, okay, I’ll take you on a walk,” Pickles finally answered as he used a hand to gently push her away just so he could sit up. He was careful to not disturb Abigail but he saw her move and murmur something he couldn’t quite hear. He had to assume by the tone that she meant she was gonna do it. She always tried to even when he told her to sleep in on weekends.
“Just go back to sleep, babe, I’ll take care of it.” He answered quickly as he got out of bed but she was already sitting up.
“I’ll come with you.” She answered, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes., “Just give me a few minutes.”
There was no convincing otherwise and he was too tired himself to argue. He quickly snuck in a kiss before he got out of bed, “Alright, take your time.”
By the time he had thrown on some clothes and made himself look presentable enough, Abigail was already by the front door, kneeling down to leash Éclair. Despite them taking the same time to get ready, she looked like she had spent much more time doing it. Then again, she always looked beautiful to him regardless of how much time she spent.
He really did save the world to get to see today huh.
She stood up once she leashed the cat and turned to look at him with that small smile he always loved, “Ready to go?”
“Yeah,” He answered as he made sure he put the house keys in his pocket before opening the door to let her out first before himself. Éclair already began wandering around the front lawn, as far as her leash would go.
They were hit by a cool breeze that gently swayed the trees surrounding them, causing some of the red and orange leaves to fall gracefully onto the ground. The trees weren’t entirely turning their leaves yet but the appearance was showing much more by the day. And each day only meant another normal day. The worst was behind them.
“You sure you don’t wanna get a jacket?” She asked.
“Nah, I’ll be fine. Got my own body heat.” He answered before he pulled her slightly closer enough to feel her skin heat up by the touch, “Besides I know how you can warm me up if I get cold.”
She wanted to mention about the neighbors or anybody seeing them but there was no one around at the moment. It was just them enjoying the early morning fall, the cool breeze and quiet excitement for a new season that just begun.
“Well, are you cold now?” She asked as she pulled him a bit closer.
He didn’t say anything else but reached up to kiss her, feeling her warm lips as they pressed against his. It felt as compassionate as the other thousands of kisses they must’ve shared in their lifetime. Honestly, he could probably find the same feelings he felt kissing her when he got a first kiss; the excitement, anticipation and pure love that he got to kiss someone he loved.
Their kiss was interrupted when she felt her leash getting tugged by Éclair who had grown impatient of them. She sat as far as the leash would let her, looking up at them expectantly. Amused, they walked past their front lawn to the sidewalk but felt the leash being pulled once again. They turned around to find her sitting still, meowing impatiently.
“C’mon, wanna walk a bit more? No? Okay.” Pickles answered with a laugh as Abigail went to pick her up. Almost immediately, she climbed up on her shoulders as she always preferred.
Her idea of walking outside was to walk a few steps and one of them had to pick her up for the rest of the walk. Walking around a block required too much energy. Did they expect her to actually walk alongside them every morning? Yes. Did she never fulfill that dream? No. But they also fed into her routine and nature, it wasn’t just their house anymore after all.
There was no use in arguing with a stubborn cat. She had made her territory in Abigail’s shoulder and they simply had to go along with it. She adjusted the leash so the other end of it would hook onto the inner jacket pocket that had a small sewn in hole meant for earphones. Once she made sure that the leash was secure inside, she reached over to hold his hand who quickly took it.
They took the usual route around the block. Shoes crunched against freshly fallen leaves, the wind picked up slightly again causing the leaves around them to move gently against the wind to a new area. If Pumpkin Spice Lattes and Apple Cider weren’t a symbol that fall was approaching, it was the leaves.
Pickles did try to remember when he last fall. Was it when he was a kid? A teen, maybe? He always fled before fall approached somehow. Always ended up in an area where he could not see the seasons change and everything remained a stagnant season the whole time.
But there was nothing to run from anymore. He could stay and watch the seasons change and turn forever if he wanted to now. Is this what freedom really feels like?
“Do you wanna go grab some coffee at the coffee shop?” She asked, interrupting his thoughts.
He quickly snapped his attention back to her and nodded, “Yeah, actually, the one two blocks from here, right?”
He knew she knew that something was on his mind but she thankfully didn’t say anything. She already knew enough that he would speak when he was ready and he was always thankful for being able to fill in the gaps when he couldn’t speak. And she would always be thankful when he knew what she meant to say when she could barely get a word. It was a secret language between the two that no one but them knew and it was one they were both incredibly fluent in.
The coffee shop was a mom-and-pop one located on the end of the corner. LGBT friendly (Did he ever find those kind of coffee shops growing up?) and even had a small corner of the area for younger kids to play with. It was one of the places that they always loved frequently going to-if they weren’t well known to the world, they would’ve been known pretty well to the baristas.
“I can take Éclair, you can go order for us.” Pickles said. There were seats outside and given the weather, it wouldn’t be so bad to just sit outside and drink coffee while enjoying nature.
“Alright. The usual?”
“Surprise me.”
Pickles managed to take Éclair off her shoulder and set her down when he found a seat with decent shade. He tied the leash to the pole of the table but she seemed uninterested in exploring and instead jumped on his lap, presumably to take a quick nap.
He checked his phone while he waited, trying to catch up on whatever missed emails and posts from friends he had missed. Admittedly, going from seeing his friends everyday to now once a week at most was one of the toughest things to shift to. From knowing everything that went on in their lives, his knowledge of their whereabouts now came from whatever they posted in the group chat or social media.
Toki’s selfie with Magnus over the Eiffel Tower during their backpacking in Europe route. Nathan’s blurry image of a kid playing with a gator from the alligator rescue/children’s daycare he had started with Rachel. Skwisgaar’s video of one of the songs he was working with Nathan. A prototype rollercoaster blueprint from Murderface for the Dethklok amusement parks he and Knubbler were in charge of. And Charles not sending a photo but reminding him through text about a meeting regarding his solo album.
It was a crazy feeling to have looking at the boys he had lived with for more than a decade suddenly doing their own things. Did he feel left out? Maybe things were moving too fast? Miss the old times? He didn’t really know.
He found himself staring at his screen for far too long until Abigail came back taking a seat in front of him, “They’ll be coming over in a few minutes.”
He set the phone down, “Alright, what’d you get me?”
“You did mention you wanted me to surprise, didn’t you?” She answered with a playful smile that was clear she wouldn’t go easy on him.
“C’mon, I gotta know if I’m allergic to it or not. Could very well be allergic to milk today and might not even know it.”
“Guess it’s up to you to find out then; I’m sure there’s an EpiPen somewhere.”
Of course, she wanted to ask what was wrong but she didn’t want to press him. She knew he would budge eventually, he always did, but it was just a matter of patience and hoping to catch him at the right time.
Eventually, the barista came with the tray of coffees and food she had ordered, including a puppuccino for Éclair who woke up and hopped down to get her treat when Abigail set it down to get everyone’s orders.
She set the pumpkin spiced coffee, cinnamon rolls and a breakfast sandwich in front of him. She had ordered the same pumpkin spice coffee and breakfast sandwich; she always tried to avoid desserts for breakfast but he quickly shoved in a cinnamon roll in her plate anyway, “Here it can be your cheat day.”
“But you made me macrons yesterday.” She pointed out.
“It was sugar-free. And you can’t just pass off on a warm cinnamon roll. It’s bad for the environment I saved.”
She contemplated not even long enough before agreeing. They were pretty good cinnamon rolls…, “Guess I’ll need to pay for your contributions. Alright, I’ll take it.”
Pickles grinned as he took a sip of the coffee. It was still hot but he refused to even express he burnt his tongue for the sake of looking cool, “Great, glad my hard work paid off.”
For as much as he joked around, he didn’t mention anything about what was bothering him for the rest of their breakfast.
He would mention it on the walk back home when it was Pickles’ turn to let Éclair lay on his shoulder and Abigail holding a bag of free treats that the baristas insisted they take home. A few desserts as payment for saving the world. It was well worth it.
“I forgot what fall was like.” Pickles finally said as he looked at her. He didn’t downplay his feelings by joking
“You did?” She asked.
“Yeah. It had been too long since I last saw leaves and everything else and whatever. I guess it’s making me realize how long I missed out on some things, y’know?”
She had to wonder how he even forgot about fall. Or the fact that his hair color always reminded her of it. It was the color of vibrant red autumn leaves, not quite ready to fall yet but when the sun hit it, it showed the intricate details and would even shine as bright as it sometimes. And how could she ever put that into the right words? Maybe it just wasn’t the right moment, “Nostalgia?”
“I-I guess it’s that. Yeah. Nostalgic for the old things I guess. I was too used to that life. And I’m very happy with you, I really am! I’m doing more of the things now than I did before, but it’s hard to just completely let go of the past.”
Of course, he thought she would get offended which is why he didn’t look at her. Here he was clinging to his past again like some spoiled brat. If only he didn’t open his mouth. He probably seemed so ungrateful-
But he was met instead with warm hands taking his and he looked up to a very understanding Abigail, “I understand. There’s some things I miss and feel nostalgic for too. I don’t expect you to not miss those things. These things just end up happening, it’s part of natural life.”
“I guess…it’s just a lot harder to adjust than I thought. I’m sorry if I’m just dumping this on you, though. I know that this hasn’t been easy for you either.”
It wasn’t easy when Abigail could barely sleep without getting horrific nightmares that he had stayed up most nights worrying about. It wasn’t easy when Pickles ended up getting horrific nightmares too when he came back home, and he had yet to tell her all that he dreamt about. Their future kids, grandkids even, and even the current neighborhood kids would ask for stories of their heroism. Do they even dare talk about the price that was paid for it?
It couldn’t even be said that they had overcome it. The nightmares were less frequent, yes, but they were there. All it took was one bad night to ruin a week or month even. The horrors of their past would most likely be there for the rest of their lives, looming over and ready to strike when things seemed to be better.
But they made it so far together too. What’s another mile anyway?
“It hasn’t been easy but we’re both getting there.” She paused her walking to look at him, “We made it so far together, after all. I don’t expect you to be okay the same way you don’t expect me to be okay either, right? I’m not gonna ask you to do anymore than you already are doing and what you’re doing is enough.”
“And if it’s not enough? God, what if I’m just fucking up right now? There’s no way I can just…I don’t even know what. It’s just terrifying to be falling down that dark path again.”
She watched as Éclair looked up to the leaves around them, eyes completely dilated to look at the world around her. A leaf would just brush past her, failed to be caught and it fell to the ground.
Of course the leaves would eventually be raked. Whatever wasn’t thrown out or burned would eventually become mulch for the soil. Would help provide for the soil when spring rolls around. Then everything will grow again. Everything will be okay.
“If we fall again, we start over and flourish.”
“What was your last memory with fall if you don’t mind my asking?” Abigail asked that evening. They sat in the living room couch, sharing a blanket as they watched Knives Out. It would quickly become a tradition for them to watch whatever fall-related movies there were just to get in the spirit.
He paused for a moment, before finally coming up with an answer, “I met you, didn’t I? We were at that fall event Cornickelson used to host. It was probably a few years before you became Dethklok’s music producer? But anyway, we were paired at the same table and I was probably awkward as fuck right then and there but you still wanted to talk to me. We went to the garden and we just ended up talking about everything. God, I felt like a teenager with their first crush when I was with you. I never got to say that your hair color reminded me of the leaves.”
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