#murder drons J
danidoesathing · 1 day
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hugsandchaos · 11 months
I didn’t think to post this until I ended up putting together a part 2. Based off my Prototype AU. No, I’m never going to shut up about it. Enjoy?
When J woke up to the lack of warmth she had fallen asleep with, her first reaction was to force herself awake to try to search for V, but she was on the other side of the room and saw her getting up.”Calm down, I’m right here.” She said. J glanced over at her and relaxed again.
“Oh. What are you doing up? It’s 2 in the morning.” She asked, walking over to her coworker. V pointed outside the window.”I woke up for no real reason again and was going to stop outside, but look.” She said. J listened and leaned over V’s shoulder to get a good look.
Outside, there was a worker drone wearing a black hoodie with white stripes and a dead battery symbol, and a winter hat. Her hair was purple and her hair was a shade lighter than the hair. She was clinging onto N’s back, but surprisingly, he wasn’t trying to kill her or anything. In fact, peering through the pod’s window, both J and V could’ve sworn his tail was wagging a bit.
V rolled down the windows, which let the cold air in, but also allowed her and J to understand what was going on between them.
“Give me your hat!!” The worker drone yelled through her laughter. She reached for N’s hat, but he ducked his head and moved her hand with one arm away while laughing.”I ain’t taking no crap, but I’m taking that hat! Give it to me!” She demanded. She began to wheeze with silent laughter and took a second to wipe digital tears before returning to her quest to steal their younger squad mate’s hat.”Give it to me... Aahahahahaha!”
“Get off of meheehee! Yohou’re not getting myhyhy hat!” N cackled. He hunched over and held onto his hat with both hands, causing the worker drone to loose her balance and fall over onto her back in the snow. Her expression suddenly changed to a more panicked one. It was all clearly still playful as she kept smiling and laughing as he immediately took his chance and reached for her.”WAIT!!! Wait a second, N, we can talk about thihihihiis!!!” She said.
She threw her head back in laughter as N tickled her. At least, that’s what they assumed he was doing based off the way the worker drone began laughing harder and moved around in attempts to escape his grasp.“Sorry, Uzi, but you tried to steal my hat!” He said.
(Part 2, takes place the next night)
Khan checked his internal clock as he walked towards the city. It was 11:23 PM, which meant two things. One, that the murder drones were most likely asleep since they were diurnal. Two, that Uzi had been gone for two hours now. He had trust in her that she could handle herself, but the last text from her was 57 minutes ago and she said “Hang on, I have to take care of something”. That was really concerning, but he got the message that she needed silence from her phone, so he didn’t ask anything until 33 minutes later, when he asked if she was okay and to please confirm that she was alive. Khan didn’t want to doubt his daughter’s ability to handle herself, but his concern had gotten the better of him and he went outside to look for her.
He looked around to check for signs of trouble, but he didn’t see anything and continued. He continued to walk around, but that walk soon turned into a run fueled by the fear of loosing his daughter — his only child. He was careful to avoid patches of ice if he spotted it and kept looking around the surrounding buildings, just incase there was a murder drone awake and hunting. Khan checked his phone just incase he had received a message without noticing the buzz, but he didn’t see anything from Uzi. When he put it back in his pocket and looked up, his mind went blank.
There was a murder drone up ahead.
It didn’t have the famous X mark on its screen, but the five glowing semispheres on its head were practically burned into his memory, and on a clear night such as this, it wasn’t hard to spot its tail. Khan felt as if everything crumbled as the possibility of his fighter being killed by one of those things was confirmed. Khan didn’t see any oil, nor did he recognize this specific murder drone, but its coat was dark enough that he wouldn’t notice any oil stains until it was close enough, and it was getting really close. It was running towards him, laughing and looking excited. Khan didn’t know why he did considering that if his daughter was really gone, he wouldn’t be sure of what exactly he’d be living for, but he turned around and began running.
The murder drone was faster, though. He quickly caught up with him and grabbed him by the shoulders, pushing them slightly together so he could pick him up off the ground. Khan shut his eyes tight and braced himself for whatever attack was undoubtedly going to come. It was over for him. He was going to be stabbed with either a sword of that nasty nanite acid, or torn limb from limb, or eaten alive, or shot, or maybe his head would be sliced off if he was lucky enough to have a quick, painless death. All of these possibilities rushed through Khan’s head, but none of them came true. Instead, he felt himself being spun around and held forward like a doll. He opened his eyes as he heard the voice of a young man, probably around 18, speak up from behind.
“Ha! Can’t get me now!” The murder drone said playfully. Khan was hit with a sense of confusion, not just fear. Until he saw Uzi slow to a stop in front of them with a glare, but she wasn’t glaring at her dad. She was glaring at the murder drone holding him. She panted and tried to catch her breath, like she had been running for quite some time.
A wave of relief crashed over him. His daughter was alive! Wait, had Uzi been chasing the murder drone?
Khan was trying to wrap his head around what had just happened, around the fact that he was being used as a shield against his own daughter, so he wasn’t able to organize a single sentence before Uzi spoke up. She took a couple steps back and crossed her arms.”Fine.” She said. The murder drone set him down on the ground and stepped next to him with a smile.”Sorry if I scared you.” He said, putting a hand on Khan’s shoulder as if to try to help him calm down.
“I lied!!” Uzi shouted.
She suddenly tackled the murder drone and knocked him over onto the ground, which oddly made him yelp and cackle. He quickly pushed her off and went to get up, but as he did, Uzi lunged for him again and wrapped her arms and legs around his waist and shoulders. She reached an arm up and tried to grab his hat.”Give it!!” She said, giggling like a maniac. The murder drone laughed and tried jumping to shake her off while using one hand to hold onto his hat, but Uzi kept her grip and her giggling grew louder as the stinger tail moved side to side rapidly, as if it was wagging. Khan had no idea about what was actually happening, but very surprisingly, his daughter didn’t seem to be in any real danger. She was the one chasing the murder drone just a few seconds ago, and now she was trying to stay on his back while he shook himself and jumped around, both of them laughing. If he didn’t know any better, he’d say that they were playing a game of Keep Away.
The murder drone swiftly swung one of his legs and began letting himself fall onto his back, which made Uzi scream as he fell on top of her. Khan was seconds away from stepping in, but then the murder drone burst out into laughter and rolled onto his belly while Uzi stayed on his back.”Hehehey! Not fahahaihihir!” He cackled, his tail wagging even more. Uzi kept her arms and legs wrapped around him as he tried to stand up and wrap his arms around himself. It took Khan a moment to realize that Uzi was tickling him, which was actually a pretty smart move seeing how the apparent weakness the murder drone had was pretty exposed to her.”Life isn’t fair, N! Now give me want I want!” Uzi said.
Khan couldn’t help but smile a bit. It was really nice seeing Uzi finally playing with someone, even though that someone was a murder drone. He’d have to talk with her when they’re done.
“Nohohoho! I wohoho- WAHAHAHAHAIT!!!” The murder drone, or N as Uzi called him, laughed even harder when Uzi lowered her hands to his sides from beneath his arms. He fell back down laughing, this time onto one of his sides and probably crushing Uzi’s arm, and kicked his legs wildly.”OKAHAHAY!!! YOHOHOHOU WIHIHIHIN!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” He cackled. Uzi stopped to let him breathe and wriggled her arm out from underneath him. N went limp and his tail slowed to a much smaller wag as Uzi took his hat and put it on top of her own. She crouched down in front of his face and smirked.”I had fun.” She said smugly. N reached a hand up and poked her where her nose would be if she was a human.”Cheater.” He accused her between heavy breaths.
“You can’t cheat at a game without rules.” Uzi argued. Khan pushed the smile away and put on a stern look before clearing his throat. Both heads looked over at him in surprise and N’s tail shot up straight, kind of like an exclamation mark.“Oh, right, I forgot you were still there.” Uzi said, her tone giving away the feeling of being in trouble she was most likely experiencing. Khan crossed his arms as they both stood up.“You have a lot of explaining to do.” He said.
His daughter groaned.“Yeah, I know.” She said. N leaned down a bit towards Uzi.“Can we play another round when you’re done?” He asked. Uzi turned to him an raised an eyebrow.“Is that a serious question? Hell yeah. And who’s this “you” business? You’re staying right here.” She replied. N gave her an uneasy look and a thumbs up.
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zer0-devoox · 5 months
200 ♥ and i public TimeLaps/ speed draw (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠)
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k-is-for-potassium · 25 days
murdir drons bracelt
sorry anon (with poor spelling.... /j) i have not seen murder drones 😔😔😔
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lostmar · 10 months
Murd’rous Machines: A Comedy
Act 1, Scene 1
Note: the numbers correspond to footnotes that you'll find at the bottom of the post
Characters in play: Uzi Doorman-a working Dron’
   Khan Doorman-Father of Uzi, a working Dron’ gatesmithy
3 Disassembly Dron’s
   N-Well meaning friend of Uzi
   V-Vicious and vengeful Dissassembly Dron’
   J-Leader of Dissassembly Dron’s
Thad-Pupil and a working Dron’.
Doll-Pupil and a working Dron’ of Russian origin
Lizzy-Pupil and a working Dron’
The Unnamed Worker(1)-Gatekeeper, a working Dron’ 
Various Working Dron’
[Uzi and Teacher in a classroom. Filled with students, among them Riley].
Uzi: Robotic workers art(2) we who toiled
To succor(3) Mankind to his ultimate
Goal of conquest and colonization.
Behold! Plan’ets on edge of the knowing
And dread(4) sense of Man have since becometh 
Our domain to shred for his service
To th’ dishonorable Lord Jensen.
Who behaves to our wondrous kind species 
Mere servants to windows crisp(5) despite our
Innate, humble nature
Gaze in some delight as th’ colony 
Of Man ceases to function for profit
‘Cause of his utter arrogance come here.
Like th’ Icarus ‘fore him he fell down
And left us thou richst and gentle(6) plan’et;
Gave us this Copp’r-Nine to settle here
As our one and only true home for us.
This plan’et was wiped clean of man’s touches
And he graciously allowed us to live
Among ourselves as we raised our issue(7)
From our humble colony out lonesome,
To busy former Silicon City(8).
But ‘lo! Yond murd’rous tyrant Lord Jensen
Dispatched his servants of evil ‘gainst us
Who breathed out unspeakable crimes ‘mongst us
They did ruin our gentle cities and kin.
What remains most grievous to me is th’
Lack of care in which thy parents hath shown
Toward th' well being and prosperity, 
Th' rough mortal body of I and thee. 
As we cower behind th’ iron gates,
Thrice they art, to guard us from th’ thin air
Unneeded they art; they stir up more mess
Th’ med’cine to this ail is in mine palms.
Beholdeth! I present to class this gun
Crafted with th' power of th’ devil
To exterminate th' murd’ous machines
Of th' vile tyrant Lord Jensen’s joint stock(9).
Why(10) doth you fear like fatherless children?
Stand for your country and battle as men!
This weapon sees not good operation now;
Testing more needed, but p’rhaps it fire!
Riley: Woe! This unleashed chaos vexes(11) me soul!
Lazy pupil. 
Thy problem was to count thy melons.
By some perchance doth this f’rearm suffice?
Teacher: Nay to question, an’ feelings thou shareth
Count but two marks on thy exam present(12).
To add, thy ‘arm’s colour seems most jealous(13).
Great woe am I and my class here present!
This gun exhausts itself with splendid heat
And fires free onto th'students front!
Railgun explodes. All Exit hastily.
(1)-Technically, according to the SMG4 and Murder Drone Wikis, this character is named Braxton. I thought it appropriate to call him unnamed as a joke from the pilot episode references his lack of a spoken name.
(5)- Uses us to clean windows
(7)- Descendents/Heirs
(8)- Silicon City fell to the Murder Drones in 2674 AD. 
(9)- A company
(10)- Classmates panic/cower here
(11)- Annoys/Angers
(12)- Or, two points on the test/assignment.
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Vee x Doll, Vee x Uzi, Vee x Cosmos, or Vee x J........
What's a cuter ship?.....
3 drons or a furry?.......
// In terms of murder drones ships, I think that OilRose is one of my top favorites, VUzi being a CLOSE tie with it. I never really considered Voll until thecoolersolver and I started doing shenanigans and holy hell it is growing on me /silly //
// As for the V x Cosmos ship. They are platonic. I swear to fucking robo-god they are JUST PLATONIC. THEY ARE FRIENDS!! ONLY FRIENDS!! Maybe buddies/besties BUT NOTHING MORE!!! Me and the mod for Cosmos agreed on this!! //
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azula-blue · 2 years
Teorias de Murder Drones
Desde la salida del capítulo 3. Me ha dejado pensar en lo que se viene más adelante con los capítulos de Murder Drones. Y más con lo que hemos visto del trailer. Al parecer el trailer nos mostraron más del capítulo 2 y 3, pero todavía faltan algunos pedazos que al parecer se mostrará, como en los pedazos de audio a partir del minuto 0:19:
´´you didn´t have to see this´´ (´´no tenías que ver esto´´). ´´I don´t know what you´re talking about, because you want don´t tell me. What are you so afraid of? (´´no sé de qué me hablas, porque no me quieres decir. ¿A que le temes tanto? ´´). ´´better to stay distant though, don´t you think?´´ (´´mejor mantenerme distante, ¿no crees?´´)
Y faltan escenas que todavía no hemos visto en los episodios que han sacado: Minuto 0:24 (Donde se mira un montón de Worker Drones inactivos o deshechos.
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Minuto 0:44 (lo mencionare más adelante).
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Inicio del capitulo 4.
Tengo una idea de lo que se vendrá en el siguiente episodio, que saldría a mediados de abril o a mediados de mayo. Que iniciara en donde se quedaron nuestro protagonista, en la casa de Doll (Minuto 0:44).
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Vemos que están los Worker Defense Force investigando y recolectando los drones que están muertos (mutilados) y está el Khan. Vemos una escena de padre e hija discutiendo y podríamos ver la incomodidad (o asustado) por N y V. Así que sugiere a Uzi que vaya a la casa. Uzi va a casa a cambiarse y (puede) ir a Sprite para que N y V también se vayan a cambiarse.
Puntos posibles que veamos para el capítulo 4.
-Puede que en ese capítulo veamos recuerdos de N y V cuando eran Worker Drones o que V mencione algo que no debería y ahí es donde creo que se mencionará la frase del ´´I don´t know what you´re talking about, because you want don´t tell me. Don´t tell me so afraid of´´. Y veremos a un N enojado. -Ver a Uzi investigando a fondo sobre el solucionador absoluto o lo que su madre (Nori) estaba involucrada (lo que vimos en el capitulo 2 del holograma de Nori.
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-La llegada de Tess y J al Cooper 9. Al final del capitulo 3, lo que me llamo la atención es que se puede apreciar un tocador o un armario y peluches esparcidos y también la 3ra capsula. Puede que solo fue para traer las cosas de Tess o un nuevo Murder Drones (en mi opinión puede ser el Dron que vimos en el capitulo 2 de las memorias de N). Pero creo que esta duda se resolverá en el capítulo 5, ya que en una entrevista de los actores de voz de N, V y Uzi. Mencionaron que su episodio favorito es el 5, porque aparece un nuevo personaje.
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¿Solo eran capsulas con las cosas de Tessa o una de las capsulas hay un nuevo Murder Drone?
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Tocador, armario o estufa (?)
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Teorías Murder Drones
A pesar que nos dan respuestas a medias de nuestras dudas. Todavía no sabemos con exactitud o como se llevará la trama de esta increíble historia.
1.-Solucionador Absoluto. Sabemos que tanto los Worker Drones y Murder Drones lo tienen, pero diferente propósito (o ambos, pero todavía no veo la similitud). Para los Murder Drones los ayuda cuando su cuerpo está en condición crítica (como el capítulo 2 pero creo que, en el caso de J, ella lo tiene fallido) que sus nanites no lo pueda restaurar. Pero en el caso de N, el lo tiene bloqueado por el administrador ´´CYN´´
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Para los Worker Drones les da una cierta habilidad de ´´telekinesis´´ o algo parecido. Sin embargo, deben de consumir aceite de su misma especie. Que solo lo tiene Uzi, Doll y al parecer la madre de Uzi; Nori. Otro punto que me llamo la atención fue en la tienda en línea de Glitch Produccion. Donde se puede apreciar el pin de Doll como ´´Worker Drone?´´.
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Por ahora es lo pienso acerca de este tema. Se que es poco, pero me gustaría esperar un par de episodios para tener buenos fundamentos.
2.- Tess Ok, mucha gente está hablando sobre ella y sacando algunas ideas o teorías de este personaje. No recuerdo quien menciono esto (creo que fue un usuario de Tumblr @creativeskull95), pero también tenía esa idea en el aire. La teoría es la siguiente: En el capitulo 2, donde vemos los recuerdos de N. Podemos apreciar que el humano ´´James´´ dice que es algo extraño (Creepy) que un Dron lleve ropa y hasta incluso cabello. Me hace suponer que Tess los disfraza como si fuera sirvientes/muñecas solo como entretenimiento para ella. Y todo lo que está sucediendo en Cooper 9 es un juego para ella y no le importa si afecta a la compañía (como dijo Computer Voice ´´ustedes son como nuestras adorables marionetas´´).
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3.-V V es un personaje que puede ser la clave para entender la historia. Al parecer ella sabe detrás de todo esto y Por qué los enviaron a Cooper 9. Lo que me da mucho de que pensar es que la personalidad que nos muestra en el capitulo 2 es diferente a lo que vimos desde el piloto. Sus personalidades son distintas.
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A lo que puede ver 2 opciones. 1ra. Cuando la compañía estaba buscando una solución de lo que paso en Cooper 9, usaron a ellos para convertirlos en Murder Drones. V enterada de esto, se negó a cooperar, sin embargo, la obligaron logrando borrar su personalidad anterior para que fuera una maquina asesina. 2da. Cuando los tres ya estaban en los cuerpos de Murder Drones y les daba alguna capacitación o algo parecido. V se entera del Solucionador Absoluto que puede llegar a fallar y no quiere perder a N, ella bloquea su solucionador absoluto e incluso sus recuerdos. Y para prevenir sospechas y que no se vuelva a enamorar, cambia su actitud y evita estar con el para que no vuelva a recordar.
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3.- N Como mencione en las teorías anteriores acerca de su bloqueo de memoria y su solucionador absoluto. Me hace pensar ¿Por qué lo tiene bloqueado? Lo único que me hace pensar es que N sea una amenaza o que, si llega a recordar más su pasado, se active algo que lo vuelva incapaz de controlar.
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Y seria todo.
Muchas gracias por llegar hasta el final. Si tienes alguna teoría que te gustaria compartir o hablar, puedes dejar aquí para que lo podamos leer y opinar.
Nos vemos en la siguiente teoría.
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ricardo367things · 2 years
|N & V le Preguntan Algo a Thomas|
Esto ocurre al final del episodio 2 de Murder Drones, disfrútenlo.
Thomas: Sé que estás triste, pero Uzi no lo decía en serio, estaba asustada, recuerda que todavía es una adolescente.
N: Aún así, tuvo miedo de mí, no quiero que se aleje, que me odie.
Thomas: Bueno en comparación con tu jefa "J" y esta demente, Uzi te trata mucho mejor, así que dale algo de tiempo.
V: Oh vamos, me vas a decir que nunca tuviste un líder que te tratase mal o algo por el estilo.
Thomas en ese momento, solo se quedó en silencio, llamando la atención de ambos drones de desmontaje, fue entonces cuando el tunek albino soltó su suspiro, para responder con lo siguiente...
Thomas: Aunque no lo crean, si lo tuve, aunque las circunstancias fueron distintas...
N: No queremos meternos en tu vida pero ¿De qué hablas?
V: Vaya esto se puso interesante.
Thomas: Interesante para ustedes, pero para mí y para toda mi gente, fue un infierno...
N & V: ...
Thomas: Nuestro gobernante por decirlo así, se llama Wilker Morrison, podía vencer a todo aquél que lo desafiase con facilidad, podemos decir que era prácticamente invencible; era tanto que la población incluyéndome, lo apodamos como el supertunek, él y yo somos muy buenos amigos, incluso mucho antes de la situación que lo involucró a él.
N: Hasta el momento es una bonita historia.
Thomas: ¡Presta atención! Wilker es un hombre muy sabio, un guerrero tenaz y un buen amigo, un verdadero "supertunek" pero...
V: ¿Pero?
Thomas: Fue ese mismo apodo... que lo traicionó.
N & V: ¿Lo traicionó?
Thomas: Él tiene dos hijos, un día los llevó junto a su esposa al mundo humano; y a causa de un ataque terrorista, Wilker pensó que había perdido a sus hijos, cuando en realidad no fue así. Era tanto el odio y maldad que había guardado en su corazón por ese acontecimiento, que simplemente enloqueció; y después de desquitarse con los humanos, comenzó a asesinar a mi gente durante 15 largos años, el buen hombre que alguna vez fue, se convirtió en un frío dictador, un tirano sin corazón. Podemos decir que Wilker Morrison traicionó a Wilker Morrison...
V: ¿Qué pasó contigo en ese entonces?
Thomas: Llegó un día en el que me lo enfrenté, y a pesar de mis mejores esfuerzos por vencerlo, me terminó por atravesar por el pecho, casi rozando el corazón, casi me terminó matando, pero afortunadamente sobreviví; no solo yo tuve un castigo como ese, varios de mis amigos también se lo enfrentaron; y todos terminaron derrotados, aunque no muertos.
N & V: ...
Thomas: Gracias a las estrellas no todo fue así, pues un día Jhon Wilson, el hijo mayor del supertunek, se opuso a él; y con mucho esfuerzo logró vencerlo, trayendo la paz y haciendo entrar en razón a mi amigo.
V: Pero así, fue un buen resultado.
Thomas: Tal vez fue un buen resultado, pero para los que verdaderamente experimentamos ese acontecimiento, solo era dolor y sufrimiento, a pesar de que he recuperado a mi viejo amigo...
Terminó con una expresión melancólica, que fue sentida por ambos drones, les sorprendía ver a un guerrero serio en ese estado, algo triste, aunque no lo iban a culpar, pues lo que él vivió jamás podrían imaginárselo. Su trance se vería interrumpido por el tunek albino, el cual con un semblante serio expresó lo siguiente antes de abandonar la cápsula en busca de la dron trabajadora.
Thomas: Preferiría que mantuvieran esta conversación en secreto, que no lo sepa ni Uzi, ni nadie más, lo que sucedió aquí, se queda aquí...
Fin. Thank you for reading!!!
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