#murder drones child n
hugsandchaos · 1 year
J: Why would they send us a drone if he’s not even fully grown?!
V: I don’t know. They did say he was fresh off the line, one of the newest, so I suppose we should’ve expected this.
Child N: Miss V? Miss J? There’s a worker drone a few blocks away. Can I go kill it? I’m hungry.
V: ...I call dibs on being “Momma”.
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legoangstissogay · 6 months
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Love child. because I want them to be together and safe enough to have one.
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electrozeistyking · 6 months
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More facts on the Rare Bites AU: these little guys are about this small when nori attempts to help their fellow disassembly drones. i feel like they (along with many other disassemblers their age) would not have been able to “get at nori” or any of the extra oil she might’ve brought with her. the adults are definitely way too big and wouldn’t have carried if they accidentally trampled on them.
it didn't used to be this way, but it was unfortunately hard for their parents to put up with extra mouths to feed when they're also starving. they were all vaguely aware of each others existences before shit hit the fan. for some reason, after the whole nori thing, their parents collectively decided they wanted more oil and tried to kill their offspring.
due to their size, the trio banded together and hid in some small alcove the bigger disassemblers wouldn't have access to (being an incredibly deep hole in a wall somewhere that their tiny, scrawny bodies could fit inside). and they've basically been their own little family ever since.
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hearts401 · 6 months
Tessa fucks me up dude can I just talk about her for a sec? Yeah? Yeah.
She loved those drones. She loved them because they were what she had. She felt sympathy for them when nobody else did. And I like to think there was a little bit of loneliness motivating her as well.
Her mother hated her. She was nothing to her. When her mother scolded her by saying "seems you still can't follow simple orders" her respone was "No, no no! Please!" BEGGING. Begging her mother to believe in her and be kind to her. She got chained up in her room (multiple times btw. At leas tthats implied. the hand she winced at and rubbed is the same hand the chain was on, which means shed be chained up long enough for it to rub her skin painfully. long enough to leave lasting pain.)
She is very connected to these drones, to the point where she kept all the error drones aroud because she LOVED them. She spent time digging them up. HELL SHE TOOK A FAMILY PHOTO WITH THEM DUDE...
Even when Cyn was creepy and scary, she kept her around. She'd rather lock Cyn up than get rid of her. and when n points it out, shes apologetic and hesitant. But we know WHY she did that. Even if it was kind of a sucky move, it was because she didnt wanna have to throw cyn out. and in the end that killed her.
Also she knows J well enough to know what sets her off (enough to. bite the shit out of a chain). She knows them. and she loves them.
I wish we'd gotten to know more about her an N. why is he so clearly her favorite? but thats not relevant ig
also her saying "I've only ever yakked to robots, J!" She has NO human friends. she has nobody to support her other than these robots. these robots who get treated like garbage by her family.
and then she has to watch these robots turn on her. Not just THESE ROBOTS but the three that she loved most. (also im going off what wouldve happened in ep 5 WITHOUT uzi, where n doesnt get out of the swamp, and nobody goes down to the basement)
V first, then Cyn, then J. And we KNOW she loved these three+N especially bc she took a family photo w them, interacted with them more often, and generally just seemed much closer with them.
and what does she get for it? killed. And also its implied by this screenshot that she wasnt ACTUALLY killed by cyn right then
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(the scientists, the sword beside her, the footprints, the way shes sitting against the wall, the expression she has. she totally just saw all that shit)
and she cant have been skyn bc the scientists wouldve known. the skinsuit wasnt exactly. hm. pretty.
which means she DID see her whole family+more slaughtered in front of her while she was powerless to stop it. She DID see J violently kill everyone around her. She DID see Cyn kill everyone. And she just has to. Deal with that. And despite all her efforts, the solver took over and cyn killed her. (im assuming tessa died somewhere around when n's mineshaft flashback was like i mentioned b4)
and all the while she was convinced shed lose N, id assume. based on the state of the other drone out there.
And honestly, i think what she got was worse.
also i am team "N knew Tessa wasn't the same Tessa he knew back on Earth"
The way he looked at her, and the way he was suspicious of her. He knew HIS Tessa would never treat a drone like this. Cyn has been known to have relatively shitty recreations of people at times (like Thad in episode two) But even so there was no way he could believe it was someone else (like. who would it be? he saw her blood he heard her voice like...) which is why he was so stressed after killing her (when he leaned on his sword and was breathing heavy, yk?)
he loved her and she loved him and now shes dead. just like everyone else he loved.
this isnt about n but like. idk if tessa could see him now i think shed cry. she loved him and all of them
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space-bowl · 6 months
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Being a new dad comes with many challenges, too little sleep and…wait are those ghosts?
A piece inspired by @electrozeistyking’s lovely Ghost Drone fic and AU (it’s so good -3- 👌 go check them out)
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the-simple-creature · 6 months
MD characters ranked by babysitting skills
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You can pry my babysitter Doll headcanon out of my
cold dead hands.
also don't ask why I put that random human woman in the second to top tier, she just reminded me of my cousin and that made me happy. :D
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miss-emmie · 2 months
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Here’s some art from my “Songbird’s Sanity” Au on Ao3, most of this hasn’t happened yet so yeahhh enjoy, asks are open for anyone interested in asking,
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y0anna14 · 11 days
Nuzi Child
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Yeah, I love Uzi x N so I made and oc.. Hahaha, I hope she can make me feel better after me feeling bad that Murder Drones finally ended🤧🥺😔😩😭
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livvylubug · 4 months
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I am so bad at posting frequently, anyway here’s a little banner thing I made for me and my friends rp.
Also the concept sketch of the drawing for a fun before and after
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star-dust-no-name · 9 months
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°☆I come from the stars☆°
□Next□ ☆Masterlist☆
Murder drones x child reader (platonic)
Hypothesis: What if child reader came in the landing pod with J,V and N?
Gender neutral reader
You can't remember much...appart from your life in the manor..you were practically raised by your older sister Tessa and her worker drones as your parents couldn't care less about your well-being.
In fact come to think of it you can't remember much about that day....
The day where that weird acting worker drone took over the manor.
All you could remember was being taken away from Tessa with her worker drones as well...but they looked different taller and equipped with more weapons then your 8 year old brain can comprehend. They weren't responding to your calls of their names.
They were placed in a different looking pod than you were.
Oh well atleast the stars look pretty though...don't they?
N opened his eyes with one mission...to kill all worker drones in sight...and also given another job as well...to take care of a human child?
Yeah no...he was confused and so were his newfound coworkers J and V.
Because when they landed they also immediately after found another landing pod which had YOU in it sleeping with a blanket and teddy bear...Now they were all standing confused looking at you because not only were they given one mission to kill all worker drones..they apparently had another mission and that was to take care of YOU?! A HUMAN CHILD?!
Congrats...on your new home.
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Authors Note: Hello there...the names Stardust..ha so uhm welcome? This is my first post...I wrote this for fun and decided to post it here so uhm enjoy?
I am very very sorry for any spelling mistakes or if the characters don't act as they are intended to.
I'm not sure when part 1 will be posted let's just wait and see what my brain comes up with so uh haha...
Thank you for reading this trash and also reading my rambles have a good day or night! May the stars guide you!
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1-aussiedollar · 2 months
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Decided to post murder drones again here is my nuzi ship kid, Kaiser!
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peachi-blossom · 2 months
My list of Tumblr sexymen and sexyperson character(s) that I am not attracted to
So Tumblr has these sexymen, sexywomen, and sexyperson huh? Well I'ma gonna make a list of Tumblr sexymen and sexyperson (just one) that I am not attracted to. I'm just not into the Tumblr sexyman culture okay?
Here is a list of Tumblr sexyman characters that I am not attracted to regardless of what class they're in, their appearances, personalities, motivations, and backstories they have.
Let's start with Hazbin Hotel because they're all a bunch of Once-lers except for Adam and Zestial.
I am not going to add Sir Pentious onto my list because I only see him as DollCreep...
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Now for the ones that I am NOT attracted to that a few or some people are attracted to...
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Now for the ones that I can understand why some people are attracted to them, but I just find them cool.
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Tomorrow, I'm going to create a list of Tumblr sexymen and sexyperson character(s) that I consider them memelords.
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velvet-vox · 3 months
The insane, untapped potential of Rebecca from Murder Drones.
Hello Murder Drones Tumblr. My name is Markiplier, and I'm the fastest man alive.
To the outside world, I'm a regular Reddit user hiding in their mother's basement, but secretly, I've done nothing except consume Rebecca content for the past 72 hours, with only one objective in mind: spread the truth about this one, singular character that I didn't give a single damn about to convince you that she could have been someone important in an alternate universe.
To do so, I had to consult the classics. Rewatch the entire series again, hogging the murder drones rebecca tag, checking out her Wikipedia page (which has to be rewritten by the way, cause it sucks), create a new Rebecca centered gallery on Pinterest, and stalk the channels of her main worshippers, all in the name of my research.
Once I had collected enough data and ideas, I was finally ready.
Today, I'm going to shed light on some unknown traits and misconceptions surrounding the character, all the while showcasing all the ideas that I've gathered that would have made Rebecca a more prominent part of Uzi's and maybe even N's development.
This was by far the hardest undertaking I've ever imposed upon myself in the history of this blog. Please, enjoy the following content at your own risk and expense.
Chapter 1: The Origins.
Some context for those of you who are uninitiated in the Becca cult, Rebecca is this girl:
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She's a minor side character inside of episode 3 and 4, and a background character inside of episode 2; she's infamous in the community for being a "bully" and trying to steal N from Uzi while already dating and making out with other classmates.
Despite never committing genocide and being the only member of the cheerleader trio to not have been responsible for anybody's death, she's pretty hated by the fanbase at large or plainly forgotten/dismissed, at best people just don't care about her and see her as just too unimportant to be hated, at worst they kill her in the most gruesome of ways or accuse her of racism, homophobia, eccetera (before killing her, of course).
Although pretty unpopular, she still has her own niche of fans who gather up at the table to worship her; furthermore, there are a lot of fanarts from people who don't even like her where she survived the events of Cabin Fever but is now disabled and confined to a wheelchair.
The reason behind such treatment is due to the fact that Rebecca has committed five of the worst cardinal sins a fictional character can make: being an obstacle to the most popular ship in a fandom; being mean to a fan favourite such as the main character without any clear motivation; being annoying by proxy according to other characters reactions without doing anything to disprove it, thus reinforcing the idea in the audience that you are annoying; being unimportant to the overall story without having any obvious redeeming or interesting qualities while being perceived as graving in each and everyone of your few scenes; and, of course, being a woman.
But besides all that, whose mostly common knowledge, what else is there to say about Rebecca? What are some of her less noticeable traits and characteristics that make her worth it of an analysis and a rewrite to better include her inside the plot?
Well, unfortunately, the answers are not as uplifting and as satisfying as Rebecca's stans were hoping they would be. Even in an alternative universe, I doubt she would really be as important as some of the other characters, more so an important character for Uzi's development. Maybe even N's.
But don't let this statement fool you into safety: I genuinely believe canon Rebecca is simultaneously so much better and so much worse than the community believes her to be. Rebecca is as much of a freak as Uzi, but not in her obnoxious, extroverted way, nor in Doll's sociopathic, introverted way: she's their uncommon middle ground who somehow manages to be more messed up than the both of them in certain aspects.
Chapter 2: "The quirks"
Upon commencing my research, I've quickly realised that I might be even more unnerved by Rebecca than I was with Yeva, and it's all due to the fact Rebecca facial expressions and body gestures might be the single most obtuse and undecipherable details that Liam has decided to insert into the background of his story. You probably don't understand what I'm talking about because you haven't been losing sleep at night like I did, but let me show you the pictures:
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Noticing anything wrong?
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Everyone else upon seeing V is immediately frozen in terror or just surprised by the Disassembly Drone presence, but Rebecca instead just looks mildly.... annoyed? Intrigued? It's hard to tell by the image's shots alone but the only time where Rebecca's facial expressions change to the shocked looks of the Worker Drones on the right is when Lizzie says her infamous line and socially excluses her from the popular kids table.
There could be more to say about Rebecca's following lines "Fine, I forgive her! Settle." and how they don't really mean what you think they mean, because, just like we are going to see in a moment, Becca really doesn't give a damn about murder, in some ways, even more than the other Workers, but I haven't found a single more compelling meaning besides, you know, Rebecca's family, which we are soon going to be talking about.
Other weird facial expressions that she does are the weird look that she has when escaping Prom, her reactions to people dying in Cabin Fevers, and probably every single scene she's in when you think about it hard enough.
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She also does this weird thing with her fingers. A sign of anxiety? She looks fairly inexpressive. Yet again, she might have learned to mask her emotions and the hand gesture could be a way to let it all out without putting too much attention upon herself. But why? Is the guy standing right beside her one of her parents? More of that in a minute.
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Finally, and this is the biggest point of speculation, there's a high possibility that Rebecca might have sensory issues, a possibility that we are going to treat as fact, thus explaining why she's so afraid of falling out of the boat in this scene: aside from the fact that Worker Drones are probably not waterproof judging by the text in episode 1; Rebecca is literally experiencing sensorial discomfort from the erratic movements of the boat, and even if she was able to survive in water, she wouldn't be able to swim due to her disability. (Other possible evidence of this is the squirm she emits when the door of the abandoned cabin Uzi is in slams shut. Darren also reacts to it, but in a much more normal manner).
But now you might be asking: "If she really had sensory issues making these moments where she lacks balance scarier, why did she pick up cheerleading?" Which nicely segway's us into the next part:
(Side note, I've only specifically searched for sensorial discomfort in relation to sex, and based the rest on preemptive knowledge, thus I might have messed up some parts of this analysis; I'm sorry to anyone who experiences these issues and didn't find their inclusion in this essay accurate.)
Chapter 3: Becca the 13th
In the following segment, the line between canon and fanon, reasonable and made up blurs, but I beg you to stay patient and follow my thought process: the far fetched parts are based on the elements already present in the show to make Rebecca a more interesting characther while tying her to the themes of the show and to the preexisting dynamics.
In my research to answer the question "Why did Rebecca pick up cheerleading" I looked up a site explaining all the reasons why girls decide to get into cheerleading, and I've singled out these answers as the most likely possibilities for Rebecca's interest in the sport.
Passion for the Sport: Many women who become cheerleaders have a genuine passion for cheerleading and enjoy the physical and artistic aspects of the sport. They may see cheerleading as a way to express themselves creatively and be part of a team.
Opportunities for Performance: Cheerleading provides opportunities for women to perform in front of large audiences, which can be a rewarding experience for those who enjoy being in the spotlight and entertaining others.
Team Camaraderie: Cheerleading often involves working closely with a team of other cheerleaders, which can foster a strong sense of camaraderie and friendship. Many women value the sense of community and teamwork that comes with being a cheerleader.
Scholarship Opportunities: In some cases, cheerleading can provide opportunities for women to earn scholarships for college or other educational benefits. This can be a motivating factor for women who are looking to further their education.
Personal Development: Cheerleading can help women develop valuable skills such as teamwork, communication, leadership, and time management. These skills can be beneficial in both personal and professional settings.
Love for Dance and Performance: Cheerleading often involves elements of dance and performance, which can appeal to women who have a passion for these art forms. For some women, cheerleading offers a creative outlet to express themselves through movement and choreography.
Which one of them is the most likely?
If your answer is all/some of them, then you are probably right, as there could always be more than one reason driving an individual to commit the actions that they do.
If your answer is none of them, then you must be pretty bold to make such an assumption, but you can't be blamed as it's finally time to bring up the two big elephants in the room:
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These two.
Rebecca's relationship with the other cheerleaders can't be anything but toxic, it just makes sense to me: Lizzie's not afraid to throw people under the bus if it means that she gets to stay on top of the social hierarchy, with Doll being the clear exception at this point of the story due to their closeness and intimacy, making Rebecca the most direct victim of Liz and Doll the main target of Becca's jealousy; she can't act too much on her jealousy though, cause Lizzy can just cut out her wings whenever she feels like, so most likely all of the bullying that she does on Doll is subtle and only at most convenient of times. Doll probably doesn't react to Rebecca's bullying seeing as she is Lizzy's second best friend and killing her would inconvenience the cheer's squad, but if her reaction to Rebecca's speech in The Promening is anything to go by then she has at least built up a certain resentment for her throughout their time spent together.
Rebecca is kind of like Heather Duke with the personality of Heather McNamara and Veronica's shaky presence inside of the trio. No, I'm not going to diagnose Doll and Lizzy as Heathers, do that yourself.
But we're going to bring back up the DLR trio back in a moment, as the time has come to fire up the Chekhov's gun:
Remember when I said that we were going to bring up Rebecca's family later on? It's finally time.
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In the same boat scene that we talked about earlier, Rebecca asks N this question: "So, my friend wants to know if you've killed her family... and are single."
In case you didn't pick up on it, this is a common tactic used to taste the waters in a relationship, when someone uses the excuse of having another friend who has a crush on you to see if you are up for dating. Naturally, the underlying message of this tactic is "I'm the one friend who I was talking to you about, I'm interested in you. Are you interested in me?" but that's not where Rebecca's sentence stops, no, before doing that Rebecca specifically asked N if he might have killed her friend's family, with the implication that she's talking about her own family.
So... Rebecca is without parents, just like Doll and she was probably left with just her dad much like Uzi. Where the differences between Rebecca and the rest of the cast starts to shine is in her reaction to the death of her parents. Where Uzi's and Doll's mood worsened after the death of one or both of their parents, Rebecca seems to be happier for it.
We can take this a step even further and assume that the possibility that N might have killed her family could be the big reason as to why she's so attracted to him, even more than the other classmates (keyword "family". It means that she could have had a brother or sister too, though I doubt it): she hated her parents, is happy with their deaths, and views N as her saviour and white knight in the dark for killing them.
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If we look back at the shot from episode 2, we can come up with a couple of theories: she's probably alone at the parents teachers conference, or, and this is the most interesting alternative, the guy who stands right beside her is her dad, the weird hand gesture that she's doing with her fingers could be genuine anxiety about her dad finding out that her teacher has some bad things to say about her school performance and punishing her for it, which could also further explain why she does anything that Lizzie says if the theory that Lizzie's father is the Teacher is true.
Due to her sensory issues, it's possible that Rebecca's hatred for her family stems from a streak of physical abuse received at home and exacerbated by her already frail physique. She probably has been living alone with her dad for a while, like the girl from the 2017 It movie; so for her to hate her mom too, unless she was still alive and didn't show up to the parents/teachers conference, there are a couple of possible explanations: A, her mother died when she was too young for her to give a s##t about her; B, her mother was also just as abusive as her dad; or C, the most compelling explanation, as it parallels Khan's and Uzi's relationship: Rebecca's father uses the death of her mother as an excuse to wallop into self pity and be abusive, similarly to Khan but ten times worse, thus leading Rebecca to hate her mom even if she never knew her just by virtue of constantly hearing her name being used as justification for her dad's awfulness.
Rebecca could have, in just a couple of minutes, grown attached to N in the same way Uzi's grown attached to him throughout the course of the series: by viewing him as a sort of comfort net for the horrible things that have happened to her and as the one who saved her from her awful home life (by killing her parents).
Her dad probably did the interview right after Khan and thus implying a small space of time where he left her alone for god knows whatever reason, died to Eldritch J right before Uzi and N came in to stop her and Khan finally arrived to the crime scene, thus leading Rebecca to assume that N killed him in episode 4 and, through a connection made up by her wild immagination, her mom aswell.
So, for Rebecca, unlike Uzi and Doll, the day her parents died must have been the best day of her life; knowing how Doll lost her parents and looked pretty happy on the outside, Rebecca took this as a positive that her life could only improve; leading to the time spent between the ending of episode 2 and her death in episode 4 to be happiest period of her life, especially after episode 3 where Doll was revealed as a serial killer and went into hiding, making Rebecca the only friend Lizzie had left and solidifying her place in the social hierarchy.
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When you think about it, we never see Rebecca being "happy" before episode 3, and while it could just be because we don't see enough of her, it could also really be that she was unhappy with her home life; Lizzie and Doll clearly weren't helping as despite Doll being at the bottom of the abuse trio of Lizzie and Rebecca, it's pretty clear by the framing of the show that Rebecca was always the most replaceable member of the trio, Lizzie was the master manipulator holding all of the cards of the social hierarchy thanks in part to her dad's influence, and Doll was Lizzie's irreplaceable (until V) main enforcer who at any moment could have just snapped and physically threatened Lizzie with her powers; leading Rebecca to feel constantly anxious of her every move. Plus, it must have been fairly obvious to the entire school that Doll and Lizzie had an affair going on and Rebecca wasn't part of it, therefore other students could have definitely picked up on her anxiety and started a gossip behind her back, leading her to feel even worse about herself than she already was. Which also, in turn, parallels Uzi and her feelings of being socially ostracized, making them even more of a foil to each other, with the main difference being that Uzi tried to fit in by becoming a hero to the colony and failing, while Rebecca carved her own unstable niche into society that she has to constantly struggle to maintain (Doll being at the positive end of the spectrum in this case, by being popular without struggling and willingly giving up said popularity for her revenge fantasies).
Her fear of losing the social stability and bullying immunity provided by Lizzie and Doll eventually turned into paranoia, forcing her to make up lies about dating people, like the guy "Brad" who she supposedly went to Prom with despite that apparently never being the case. To maintain the lies as truthful, she eventually benefitted from the ripple effect that those lies had created for her thanks in part to her good looks: now having the reputation of a nymph, she could get people to have sex with her, probably using it as an excuse for never actually being in a relationship with anyone (Darren is one of those people, she wasn't dating him, she was just making out with him).
There's also much to be said about the way Rebecca views sex and relationships as a whole; I'm not too sure about this talking point due to the aforementioned sensory issues that she has, but she could view sex as a sort of escapism fantasy, which also carries over in her love fantasy of N, and her relationship with the other cheerleaders as a semi functional support system, yet again other similarities with Uzi who, at the start of the series latched onto her fantasy of becoming a hero as escapism from her unfortunate school and home life, and, with a little stretching, we could say that Lizzy and Doll were to Rebecca what N and V are to Uzi, though not quite as healthy.
To ensure that Rebecca's views and actions on sex don't jive with her possibly having sensory issues, I've looked up information regarding the way people with these types of problems engage in sexual activity, and luckily for me, none of what I've found seemed to contradict any of the points I've brought up.
Here I have isolated all of the results of my research that fit Rebecca the most. Note: all of these apply to "some" individuals, not "every" individual. You don't have to check out all of these to have sensory issues regarding sex and other similar activities. I'm not a medic, so don't take any of these as gospel.
Perhaps the most obvious way that disordered sensory processing can affect sexuality is through physical touch. Some individuals may dislike hugs and embraces. Others may seek out a lot of touch or intense touch experiences.
Bright lights may agitate individuals with disordered sensory processing during intimacy. Play around to find the best lighting for you and your partner. Try using candles, soft bedside lighting, or turn off the lights completely! Avoid engaging in intimacy directly in front of a window or another uncontrollable light source.
An environment with a surplus of visual stimulation can be overwhelming and distracting. A cluttered environment can limit your partner’s ability to engage in intimacy because they are using energy to process visual inputs. For this reason, seek out clean, neutral, and minimalist spaces! In turn, assure your partner that it is okay to close their eyes during intimacy. This can help to calm their senses and allow them to focus on you, rather than the environment.
Background noises such as music, television, or roommates speaking next door may be distracting to individuals with disordered sensory processing. Find a quiet, private place to engage in intimacy. Avoid integrating music into the environment unless your partner suggests it!
Some individuals with disordered sensory processing have difficulty understanding where their head is in space; they may become disoriented or sensitive to different head positions. On the other hand, they may seek out intense vestibular sensations by engaging in extreme movements and positions. While some individuals may feel more comfortable being stable and stationary, others crave motion.
Sex is also most likely viewed as a coping mechanism for Rebecca, even if the main reason why she probably does it is to remain upon the popular girls in the school.
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All of this added context makes Rebecca's death in episode 4 far more tragic, yet less random than some of the other campers. It comes as a result of one, yet fatal flaw: Her need to stay at the top of the food chain.
At this point in the story, Rebecca was getting closer to N, she could have just simply kept nurturing this relationship until it would have developed into something more genuine and mutual. It could have come to the point where eventually, once N would have chosen Uzi over her (because of course he would), she could have come to accept it and move on with her life instead of keep chasing her escapism fantasies and fawning over her parents possible murderer, maybe she would have even befriended Uzi in the process. But no. Her ego was her downfall: once N went away and could no longer satisfy her current needs, she decided to keep improving her social position, an easier thing to do now that Doll was out of the hierarchy, and proceeded to reinforce her reputation by making out with Darren, which got her accidentally killed by Uzi.
Accidentally, just like the death of her parents probably was.
Her death is almost perfect, even better than some of the others in the show: while Doll's death was brutal and heart wrenching but not really satisfying, Tessa's death mostly happened in the background and the show spent very little time on it, Alice's, Beau's, Yeva's and her husband's death depend on how you view their characters and if you think it fits, and V's death is the closest to perfect but wonky in certain aspects of its execution (just like V's arc in general), Rebecca's death is the perfect conclusion to her character.
She dies segmented, broken in pieces, part of her still lives for a couple of minutes, while the other gets eaten by what is essentially the character's foil of the one girl she was jealous of, and whose disappearance greatly benefited Rebecca. While crawling to the other campers, she must have suffered the whole time, just like she suffered her whole life before episode 2, the split of her torso represents her inability to pick up just one road, and in a meta context represents the fact that she is the middle ground between various character's situations.
It also represents the split in her life's trajectory: she was unhappy with her parents and was happy when they died, then became happy with her life and is now unhappy as she's slowly dying of a pain comparable to the one provided by her dad. All of this because of her ego.
And then lastly, as the final nail in the coffin, once she finally reaches the other students, her insides spilling out (reference to Melissa-titanium Doll's death post), everybody immediately forgets about her, just like they did with Uzi. She spent so much time climbing the social ladder, afraid and paranoid that she might tumble down and her parents would punish her for it, only for her to be immediately forgotten about once her systems shut down, still considered meaningless, tying her death also to Doll's and possibly Uzi's one, as the middle ground exploration of the theme of failure: Uzi fails but manages to achieve everything she had ever wanted, Doll fails but manages to achieve nothing, Rebecca fails but manages to achieve half.
It also ties back to Tessa as an alternate version who got freed from her parents abuse and had a chance to live a better life but still died soon afterwards because of a mistake she made.
Chapter 4: The Results
As you can see, just by using all the stuff present in the show if you squirm hard enough for it, with some added details we get a lot of utility out of Rebecca as a character:
- She develops Uzi, develops N, and develops and challenges Nuzi even more than she does in canon, but in a much more meaningful way.
- She works simultaneously as a foil to Uzi and Doll due to her benefiting from the death of her parents, and as well as a foil to Uzi and Tessa, who both had pretty bad parents but never wanted them to die.
- Her relationship with her dad also serves as a foil to Uzi's and Khan's father/daughter relationship, possibly helping to strengthen Khan's arc by showcasing a worse version of himself to the audience, rendering the reconciliation between father and daughter all the more sweeter.
- She deepens Uzi's and Doll's relationship in a different way than the Nori/Yeva parallels, by showcasing us a middle ground between the two characters that is simultaneously so much better and so much worse than the both of them.
- She also deepens the parallels between Uzi and Tessa, by showing us what could have happened if Tessa had the same sadistic tendencies of Uzi and left her parents to die intentionally (side note: Rebecca leaving her parents to die intentionally is also what could have happened in this made up canon. I doubt Rebecca finds joy in other people's suffering, but I can't help but think that she might have finally felt relief when the source of abuse in her life was finally gone), basically doubling as the middle ground between Uzi and Tessa but without their engineering skills, yet again, being so much better and so much worse than both characters.
- She serves to make Uzi more interesting by virtue of being foils but not in the obvious, narrative way of Doll, rather, in a more subtle, social way: if played right, her death could have hunted Uzi in ways the deaths of her other classmates didn't, by finally making Uzi question if she was ever in the right or if she isn't as much of a monster as Doll is.
- Further explores the themes of abuse present in the show and better ties said themes to Lizzy and Doll, who are currently lacking.
- She could have been used as a "tease" for Cyn, something that I haven't talked about until now (Uzi's and Cyn's middle ground). From what we know about Cyn, it seems like she was coded with some sort of robo neuro divergence, similar to the one that Rebecca possibly possesses; the details of Bec's story could have been reworked to parallel some of Cyn's story details, giving Uzi (and the audience) a taste of what Cyn's story or personality is like before meeting the real deal.
- She also, canonically, served to develop me.
Before I started working on this project, I never gave too much of a care about Rebecca. I didn't hate her like many people did, I actually liked her even if that liked soon turned into contempt once the serious writing for this essay actually started, but now I can confidently say that I'm a Rebecca enjoyer, the ideas that I've come up with for her are just too interesting for me to view her in the same way ever again, and I hope that this lecture might have also slightly changed your opinion of Rebecca as well.
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Murder Drones Fanfic - A Mother's Wrath, A Father's Softspot, and Brave Girl
Tessa and J were in the library drawing pictures together laying on the floor. It had maybe been a week or two since J had been built and assigned to be Tessa's drone.
The 9 year old held up a doodle of her and J as slightly square-ishly shaped dogs. She giggled as she kicked her feet back and forth, "I drew us as Bluey dogs!"
J looked up from her drawing of a little shadowy girl with a beautiful white unicorn. "That's really good, Tessa," J encouraged warmly, "I'm really proud of you."
Tessa glanced over curiously. "What are you making, J?" she giggled, being a little nosy by slightly raising herself up onto her knees and elbows to get a better view.
The worker drone with the synthetic white ponytails finally relinquished and showed Tessa the drawing. "It's silly, it's nothing special..."
Tessa sat upright in a criss-cross-apple-sauce way before picking up the drawing and admiring it. "WOWIE! THAT'S SO PRETTY!" she exclaimed before explaining, "And I love the unicorn! Unicorns are the best horses!"
J sat up right, moving closer to Tessa. "Well, it's a rainy day today. Do you know what that means?"
Tessa trilled excitedly as she side hugged J, "We get to watch the archive of Bluey videos!" She packed up her art supplies and ran over to the part of the library where there was a television for watching movies and shows.
The two had spent the last 30 minutes watching episode after episode together, sitting on the floor together, laughing at the antics of the Heeler family. The Maid drone and her favourite human were in the middle of watching the episode about Bingo dreaming of being in space with her stuffed rabbit when Louisa walked into the library so she could read her true-crime novellas.
J quickly turned off the episode and whispered to her favourite human, "Tessa, I think we should get out of here, you know how your mother gets when she's in the library."
The young Elliott heiress nodded and took J's hand to try to sneak out of the library. She looked worriedly left and right as she reached the edge of the row of books before she started to bring J along with her.
"Just about home free..." Tessa whispered to J, the two were almost to the doors of the library when...
"TESSA JAMES ELLIOTT!" the Elliott Family matriarch shouted.
The ebony haired girl turned around, meeting her mother's gaze. "Oh.... h-hi Mother, we were just leaving.."
"You know the rules, young lady! And so should your drone!" Louisa snapped cruelly as she slammed her book down on the table.
Tessa flinched, hugging onto J like a scared koala. "W-we were leaving... honest!"
Louisa stood up, storming over to the girl and her drone, looming over the two like an ominous obelisk before she commanded, "Let go of your robot, Tessa."
Tessa held strong, refusing to let go of J. "NO!"
J hugged Tessa back and whispered, "Tess, you should probably listen."
Tessa shook her head no, making her braids fly back and forth. "I'm not letting go, J, you didn't do anything wrong."
Tessa didn't want to let go, she didn't care.
Louisa slapped Tessa hard, sending her flying back.
J looked on in horror at what happened, she went to run over to her favourite human who's right cheek was now red from the slap, when she was picked up by the back of her maid dress. She struggled a bit but gave up, letting herself be held like that to avoid any further punishment.
Tessa pleaded, "Mother no! It's not J's fault. Please, please!" trying to chase down her maternal figure who was walking with J towards the cellar door.
Louisa yanked open the cellar door and dropped J down onto the floor and commanded, "MARCH DOWN THE STAIRS, THAT'S A CORPORATE ORDER!"
J looked back at Tessa, her expression almost emotionless, save for a worried frown. She turned away from her favourite human and marched herself down the stairs, she didn't have a choice.
Tessa stared up at her mother, tears filling her eyes as she watched the woman lock the door. "W-we were trying to leave..." she sniffled, holding her face where it was sore.
"Do you think I care?" Louisa barked at her daughter, towering over the little girl like a monster, "You know the rules, when I use the library, no one else is allowed in! NOW GET OUT OF HERE OR YOU'LL BE OUT IN THE RAIN UNTIL YOUR FATHER GETS HOME."
The ebony haired 9 year old girl ran out of the room, too scared to scream or cry, her heart was breaking. Tessa hid in a closet under the grand staircase, pulling her knees into her chest and crying, since she didn't want her mother to find her crying.
J meanwhile, was in the dark and lonely basement of the Elliott Manor. She was distraught after everything she saw, and yet, she didn't feel much at all. "Corporate's spoken," she whispered to herself, the dark barely brightened by the LED light coming from the backs of her hands and her LED eyes. She walked around the dusty and cold space used for storing barrels of wine and rum as well as extra chairs for the ballroom. "Looks like this is home until Boss gets back."
J sat on the basement stairs and sighed, she wished she could've done something to protect Tessa, but, she couldn't do anything to disrespect her employers.
After some minutes of quiet brooding, the silver haired drone girl could hear gentle sobs coming from somewhere. She followed the echo that to J sounded like a precious angel crying to a vent in the ceiling. The maid looked up through the air duct into a dark room. "Is someone there?" J asked softly, she knew it was Tessa but, she wanted to not startle the little girl.
The girl in the room above stopped her sobbing and looked to the grate on the floor beside her. "H-hello?" she sniffled as she looked down, eventually seeing her favourite and only drone's eyes through the dark. "J.... I'm so sorry... I should have listened," she sniffled, her heart heavy with remorse.
J had her chance now, to get back a Louisa for hurting Tessa, J thought for a bit and instructed firmly but kindly, "Tessa, remember the story of Little Red Riding Hood?"
Tessa let out a small and sorrowful "mm-hmm" in response to J's question.
The maid drone called up through the small air shaft, "How she was a big brave girl when the wolf was going to eat her, and she hit him in the stomach with a table lamp and went to get help from the lumberjack?"
"Tessa, I'm going to need you to be a big brave girl and sneak into your Dad's office and phone him."
Tessa went silent for a bit and started crying again. "B-but I'm scared... I don't have you to protect me... what if Mother catches me? A-a-and how will I get into Father's office, he locks it when he's working or away."
"She won't if you're careful," J insisted pleading the sorrowful girl above, "Get to the ballroom's kitchen and use the dumbwaiter to get up to his office, "
Tessa responded with a little laugh at the word dumbwaiter, yet her voice still wavered with sorrow, "What's a dumb waiter?"
J couldn't help but smile a little at her favourite human's giggle, responding back caringly, "It's the little elevators the manor uses for food, the ones you hide in when we play hide and seek." She asked again, "So, are you going to be a big brave girl for me?"
Tessa responded, her voice still a little shaky from crying, but more sure of herself and the goal now, "I'll do it... I'll be a big brave girl for you, Jaybird..." She reached her little hand as far down as it'd go into the short air vent.
J reached up into the small duct, her finger tips just tapping Tessa's. "You can do this, I believe in you... Get to your Father's desk and call him from the phone and tell him everything.
Tessa pulled her hand back and whispered into the vent, "I'm going to go be brave now, thank you, Jaybird, you always know what to say." She stood up as tall as she could, dusting off her black overall dress and opened the closet door carefully. She looked around the room to ensure no one was there, she looked over to the library, seeing the frosted pane doors to the library still closed. She made her way along the wall carefully to make sure that if her mother was looking out the door that the movement wouldn't be as detectable. Once she got to the blindspot of the library doors, she took off her shoes and hurried to the ballroom, knowing that socks made far less noise from her midnight sneak-downs to the kitchen for cookies.
Tessa walked by one of the mirrors in the small corridor to the ball room and saw a small purple ovular bruise on her right cheekbone. She ran her thumb over it, pretending it was a battle stripe that she had painted on herself, and headed into the ballroom, doing her best to not step on the creakier floorboards along the edges of the room. Some maid drones were chatting as they worked polishing silverware. "Like I said 77, it's just dreadful, poor 1001, she's been having back issues, and not even Reginald can figure out how to fix that." 117 interjected, "Could you imagine having to dust the hallways with a hunched back from a damaged spine?"
Tessa dropped to the ground and crawled under some tables to get through without being spotted. She knew if any drone saw her, they'd want to chat, and that would get her caught in a heart-beat. She crawled out from one table and tucked and rolled to another one like a little spy, making her way carefully over to the curtains along the wall. She stood up as she made her way behind them.
A little hunched over maid drone hobbled by the curtains, her little voice greeting to her coworkers, "Oh... hello ladies," she held a hand on her back, "Alright, I've finished sweeping the vestibule... any idea what else I could do?"
Tessa peeked out from the curtains seeing the unnamed drone who always turned a blind eye when she went to steal cookies from the pantry but couldn't keep a secret very well. She held her breath.
"You could dust the curtains," 77 suggested.
1001 smiled at the idea and started walking over to the curtains after picking up a rubber carpet-beater. She did her best to hobble over to the curtains, happy to be able to do a job despite her disability.
Tessa shuffled as quick as she could while trying to not make the curtains move too much. "Shoot!" she whispered as she was just shy of the edge of the curtain, turning back to see 1001 glancing at her from the curtains' other side.
"Hello, Miss Tessa!" 1001 greeted happily, waving in the direction in which she saw the girl, only for when the curtain moved for Tessa not to be there, "Oh... I must be seeing things...."
Tessa was under the table closest to the curtains, she had another 5 feet to go before she could get into the dumbwaiter. She had to do something... anything to distract the drones. She looked around for anything she could throw. There was no cutlery under the tables, not even a ball-bearing. She thought and thought before she realized she'd have to take a risk and pull the table cloth and knock the vase over on her table. She got out from under the table, kneeling at the edge to stay hidden. The little girl breathed in and out and shook the table cloth, making the small vase with a single rose tip over and spill.
The drones began looking around for the source of the sound. Tessa dove for the kitchen door and slid around the corner, leaving the 3 maid drones to assess the table and the mysteriously knocked over vase. She clambered up through the little square hole in the wall into the cubby of the little elevator. She closed her eyes as she pressed the button on the outside of the dumbwaiter and pulled her arm back in as the tiny lift made it's way up. Tessa exhaled, feeling she was in the clear, until... she heard a distinct voice coming from the room below the office, as she rode up in the elevator shaft. It seemed that Louisa had gone back to her personal study to get something. "M-mother..." Tessa worried to herself, "She's on the floor below Father's office..." she insisted strongly to herself in a whisper, "I can't back down now, I need to be a big brave girl and save Jaybird." She climbed out of the window-frame entrance of the dumbwaiter and began shuffling herself across the floor still in her socks. She made it to her Father's desk and stood on her tippy toes to grab the receiver. She pressed the button on the older style landline to get a-hold of her father directly as she thought to herself, "Why do we still have a landline, those are over 1020 years old."
The phone hummed slightly as she held the receiver up to her ear, hoping to get through to her father. She prayed softly to herself, keeping her eyes shut, and then...
"Hullo! Office of James Elliott, James speaking!" the man's voice echoed through the speaker. Tessa spoke up in her little Aussie voice, doing her best to still be mostly quiet, "Father... I... I need you to come home."
"Hullo Tessa," he greeted in a friendly tone before he sounded a little annoyed, "I really can't right talk right now though. I have a lot of paperwork to do."
"N-no wait", Tessa pleaded into the phone, trying to say quickly but also quietly, "Father... Mother, she... she got mad and took away, J.." Tessa explained further, her voice getting shaky with tears, "She hit me, and now I'm unsupervised."
"Uh huh, I see..." James' voice echoed through the phone, his tone becoming more serious, "Well, I thank you for telling me what's going on, Tessa, but I won't be home for a little bit."
Tessa got scared, her voice getting louder as she pleaded, "Father, please!"
All of a sudden, there was the sound of a woman shouting from the floor below and the sound of footsteps. Tessa left the phone off the receiver and climbed back into the dumbwaiter to try to escape.
When Louisa eventually reached James' room with a key, she saw the phone hanging off the hook, emitting a dial tone, and no one in the office at all.
Tessa hid once more in the under-the-stairs storage closet to stay hidden from her mother. She waited in hiding until her Father got home, listening to the shouting match ensue outside of the closet where she and J held hands through the small opening in the floor to keep Tessa from crying. She eventually emerged from hiding once she heard her James Elliott, the CEO of JC Jensen call out for her. "I'm here, Father.. I'm sorry Father," she greeted, slightly bowing out of respect.
The Aussie man in the top hat approached his 9-year-old daughter and soothed, "Oh, Tessie. I'm so sorry for what happened today." He picked her up into his arms, before he laughed, "Crikey! You're becoming a big croco aren't you?" He looked to her face and saw the now darkened bruise. He frowned. "Oh Tessie... I'm so sorry,"
Tessa couldn't help but laugh a little, drying her few tears. She pleaded, as she looked into her Father's more bold greyish eyes, "Can you let J out of the basement?"
James sighed sternly, "Of course, let's go together, alright?" He scowled as he walked along carrying his daughter, "I am very upset at your mother, she should know that you're too young to be left all alone. That's why we built J, so you'd have someone to watch you."
Tessa leaned her head against her father's. "I... I was really scared... but, J called out to me from the basement and told me to be a big brave girl."
James stopped walking and he couldn't help but smile. He ruffled Tessa's hair, messing up her already messy bangs, before he chimed in, "Well, I'm not exactly happy you called me away from work, but I'm glad I could help. You're going to be the boss some day, young lady," he put his top hat on Tessa's head over top of her bow.
Tessa giggled and clung to her dad like a little koala. "I am?"
"Of course y'are, so it's good you're practicing being brave now. CEO's have to be brave, you daft little dingo. Best part, you'll get to have all the drone listen to you, and you can put anything in your tea that you like," he suggested, implying his addiction to adding vodka or rum to his morning tea.
The girl's innocent mind went immediately to the thought of putting 10 lumps of sugar into strawberry tea and she giggled.
The two finally made it to the library and James approached the door, hearing the sound of kicking. "I command you stop, drone!" James hollered at the door before he realized it was Tessa's robot and it wasn't really his place to get mad at J for trying to break down the door to come save Tessa.
"J! I called in the cavalry!" Tessa shouted to the hatch on the floor, she gave her father's hat back and hopped down from his arms.
J called out from the cellar door, "I'm so proud of you, Miss Tessa."
The JC Jensen CEO handed Tessa the key to the lock and stood back as he watched his daughter open the door. He smiled happily, watching J run up the stairs and pull his daughter into her arms, lifting the girl into the air before pulling her into a big hug. "J, you're a very good and protective drone."
J set down Tessa beside her and stood tall as a reaction to the validation from her boss. "All in a day's work, sir," she proclaimed proudly, making a small two finger salute to James.
The well-dressed Aussie man closed the basement door and suggested to Tessa happily, "Well, how's about we make you another drone, so J has a helper."
J and Tessa liked the sound of that, both saying in unison, "Yes please!"
It had been a week, and the new drone was starting to get on J's nerves. J, the new little butler drone, and Tessa were in the library drawing Bluey characters. J scoffed at N's drawings, "You really aren't good at art are you?"
N chimed in proudly, "I know, but I'm good for a drone that's one week old!" He looked up to the girl with the ebony braids and the romper dress with brass buttons.
"That's the important thing!"
The three heard Mrs Elliott's footsteps approaching the library.
Tessa gathered up her art supplies and papers and hid them behind some books. She whispered to her drones, "Brave squad, it's time to go. N, you're on distract mode."
N took a microfibre cloth out from under his hat.
Tessa let out a little quiet giggle upon seeing the drone's little bald head. "We're going to have to give you some hair later, N," the little Aussie admitted before she was hoisted up by J onto the maid drone's shoulders.
J whispered to Tessa as she started walking briskly with the girl sitting on her shoulders, "Come along, kiddo! Let's get you to safety."
N ran over to Mrs Elliott's favourite place and dusted off the table.
Louisa approached, raising an eyebrow in annoyance at the butler.
N bowed politely and greeted, "Good Morning Mrs. Elliott, enjoy your reading. Would you like some tea?"
The wicked hearted matriarch of the Elliott household's stern expression softened slightly as she was taken aback by the drone being polite. "Chamomile, strong brew, two tablespoons of cream, and don't forget a table spoon of honey," she informed sternly.
N nodded and headed on his way out of the library. Once he caught back up with J and Tessa, the three all looked at each other with serious expressions.
The 9-year-old girl started giggling at how well their plan had went, she hopped off of J's shoulders and pulled N and J into a group hug. She squealed with delight and informed to her favourite butler and maid, "Ooooh! I love you two so much! You're my bestest friends!"
N smiled to J who just rolled her LED eyes before she nudged him with her elbow.
The End
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luxurydumpsterfire · 1 month
Hey, everyone in the murder drones fandom! So that finale was pretty crazy,huh? The animation, voice acting and humor was awesome as usual!
Here's the thing, though. And yes, I am aware of how irrational this will sound. I'm aware. But then again Tumblr isn't always very rational. So I'll just explain (this is kind of a rant).
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So we all know eNVy, right? The ship between these two cuties? From the get go, people knew this wouldn't be canon. Simple enough, right?
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So why the fuck did this upset me so much, people?!
There's literally nothing wrong with it! It's cute,they have chemistry and it's canon!
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And yet,I prefer her,I prefer N being with her.
So, going into the episode, when she was revealed to be alive, I smiled so much. They could finally get some closure. Acknowledging their own feelings and being content with staying friends.
They didn't talk. They didn't hug. They didn't look at each other for more than a few seconds.
Even after she poured her heart out to him.
Dude,even UZI acknowledged her and welcomes (?) her back. "Glad you're not dead or whatever."
What do you do in this situation?! Because now, I can't just go "Oh,I hope they talk things out in the next episode!" Because this is it! There is no next episode and there will never be a next episode!
How do I even begin to feel better? :( Help me out.
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wafflebroski · 11 months
Okay, um... Can I see a scenario of Uzi comforting an adopted human child that is heavily implied to have had a sad, difficult, painful past before she took them in? The kid is quiet, timid and fearful, and is prone to nightmares and crying. Um... You can just take this concept and do whatever you can think of with it, okay?
Let's be honest, the chances of Uzi taking in a human child of all things are pretty low.
So the only way I can think of her sparing you, let alone taking you in is if you had a traumatic past that she can relate to! Which was the prompt I was given.
She would definitely try to be distant at first, just give you the bare necessity's like food and water and warmth so you don't die on a hypodermic planet.
Eventually, like N, she get's attached to you.
And suddenly, she's making sure you have the best life possible for you on this planet.
Even when other worker drones are pressuring her to get rid of you, including her dad. She's still sticking it out for you.
But, having a traumatic past meaning having a traumatic breakdown!
She has absolutely no idea how to deal with something like a breakdown when she's still panicking about her own problems, let alone yours.
So, she'll try to repeat what N did, trying to make you focus on something that isn't so bad. She'll try to point out the good things you or you and her did.
"Hey, that drawing you did the other day was... good. How about we do that instead?"
So once she does manage to calm you down and the situation is under control, she'll find something you two can do for fun instead of doing all the depressing stuff.
So, this girl has almost no idea what she's doing, and she took in a human child when she has a virus inside her that's hellbent on killing all humans, but she's doing it anyway.
Speaking of the virus; Since it doesn't have full control yet, all that it can make Uzi do is make her think about killing you, since making her go out of control doesn't really work since cabin fever.
She, obviously, make the thoughts go away quickly as it came.
When she does eventually introduce you to N or V, she is keeping an eye on them since she doesn't really know how they'll react.
N is absolutely appalled that you managed to survive in hypothermic conditions on a planet that's unforgiving. He does treat you similarly to Uzi though.
V has more or less the same reaction as N, but is more on board of getting rid of you. Which doesn't work since both N and Uzi is protective of you.
Yes, N did get attached that fast.
Back to Uzi, once that's all and done with introductions, you'll be happy or frustrated to know that you rarely get to go outside the bunker.
Humans can be fragile in certain conditions. These are those certain conditions and Uzi knows that, so even if you ask her endlessly "Can I come with you?" The answer will always be the same.
So overall, her treatment of you does ease into her actually caring about you. And all things considered, I think she would do a great job with caring.
The actual parenting part? It could use some work.
I made a longer chapter this time! These are more headcanons for human child rather than traumatized child reader, but I had a lot of headcanons for this so sorry. :p
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