#murder drones Echo
dubiouscats · 1 year
So uh, I told myself that I was gonna finish this drawing this weekend, but totally spaced it, instead making this:
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But here’s the drawing that I’m making at school
It’s still a WIP:
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The background is not finished, since I keep forgetting to bring my charcoal stick and the blending thingie with me, so the background is just… gray. I’ll try to finish the background within this week to show the final result.
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roseofhybrids · 7 months
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Trying to figure out N's wings Cuz I would like for him to have them out all the time due to the animalistic nature, but they're so damn BIG
but I could just, fold it in half like UPS with a diploma
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N deserves a nice warm hug
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lix-starshine7 · 2 months
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Taba escuchando esta canción en el auto y se me vino esto a la cabeza
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echotheghostyghost · 1 year
Me: they're so silly!!
The character in question:
Would murder me if given the chance, foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog, a feral dumpster rat.
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krii-bolts · 11 months
Fuck it. More """Doodles""" of Murder World AU!!!
along with commentary or sumn, idk
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NUZI!!! Along with Concept design for N!!! Yes I gave em Rivulet Gills, it just fits for him! Goofy Ship art :3
(N's ear design unintentionally look like horns to me, weirdly enough. Might leave it as is, idk.)
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ALSO THAD, LIZZY, AND DOLL CONCEPT DESIGNS!! Or, rather head designs lol
Decided to turn Lizzy's bow into her ears cause uh. Genuinely wouldn't know how to Rain World-ify her bow in any other way
Also Torn ears for doll, Fits her Character in all aspects
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YEEAAAAHH!! CREATURE DESIGNS TIME!!! Aka Robots into Purposed organisms!!!
Turning Sentinels into Hybrids of Red Lizards and Miros is both Fitting and IRONIC. Ironic considering Miros Birds are the ones that get Flashbang'd by Slugcats, not the other way around lol
At the very least, I give em Flash-Spit instead of. Well. A Flash.
Decided to turn roaches into a SUB-SPECIES of Centis, into SILVER CENTIS. And the Gold / Gilded / Key roach becomes a Bio-Mechanical, purposed creature by becoming a Living Citizen ID!
Or... Lab ID rather, hehe...
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And Finally.. Solver Uzi- Uh, KARMA UZI!!!!
If the Disassembly Slugcats have Miros Vulture Wings (Seen in THIS post), then Solver Users like Uzi got Standard Vulture + ROT + Ancient features !!! And bits of a ECHO effect / Pattern on em, ofc.
And little Tail chomper becomes a LIZARD HEAD!!!!
And uh. Yeah. Patterns becoming Yellow = Possession by the Absolute Karma. Or, "Karma of the Absolute Void".
Might make another doodle page full of Key Items from Show to AU. Like Door Keycard, Uzi's Railgun, Branded Pen, etc etc who knows
Below Cut is full Doodle Page.
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luminecho · 6 months
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guess who watched murder drones
i made an OC before watching it - W. They are a goober.
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keep in mind i made them BEFORE i watched md, so yes the design is wack
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xferalpyr0pterax · 6 months
Wwha. What the fuck
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avatarquake · 6 months
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dubiouscats · 1 year
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They need a break fr
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So I did this challenge with some characters my friends wanted to see. Results are mixed but wanted to show
(Original frame and challenge by @mcapriglione-art )
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nuzi is my comfort tragedy
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pretzel-box · 13 days
Hi, can you write P.Ai.ter with a reader who is like a drone from murder drones?
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Tags: Disassembly Drone! Reader
Words: 1k
Authors Note: I honestly don't know the Murder Drones Lore but I saw an episode lol
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You took slow, calculated steps, scanning the corridor with your sharp, mechanical eyes. The dim, flickering lights in the Hadal Blackside cast eerie shadows across the cold metal walls. You were on a mission—one you were specifically designed for, water-resistant and built to withstand the unforgiving dangers of this facility. Yet, something gnawed at the back of your circuits. A presence, perhaps, lurking just beyond the reach of your sensors.
As a disassembly drone, you were accustomed to the feeling of being watched, but this was different. You could feel the tension in the air, as though the very walls had eyes. A crackle suddenly came over the intercom, making you stop in your tracks.
You triggered quite a selection of monsters but it wasn’t that bad. You were in full control, especially with those blade-like wings and the acid in your tail. And the best part, you were almost invincible with your regeneration.
While you were fighting in the halls, Painter decided to watch from the cameras in awe. He only saw gruesome monsters or pitiful humans crossing the familiar rooms but now he saw someone that striked a genuine interest in his database.
“Well, well, look what we have here. A shiny new visitor,” his voice echoed through the hallway. It was calm but filled with a strange curiosity, the static from the old intercom system distorting it slightly.
Your eyes immediately darted to the nearest camera. Someone—or something—was watching you.
“Who’s there?” you demanded, readying your blade-like wings, prepared for an ambush.
“Oh, no need for aggression,” the voice chuckled softly. “I’m not your enemy. I’m Painter. And you... you’re quite the interesting specimen. Much more graceful than the usual creatures that skulk around here.”
You narrowed your eyes, suspicious. “Why should I trust you?”
A pause, then Painter’s voice returned, gentler this time. “I suppose you don’t have to. But I’ve been watching you, and I have to say… you move like art. It’s rare to see someone so... refined in this place. Wouldn’t it be better if I helped you rather than hindered?”
“Help me?” you scoffed. “Why would you want to help?”
“Because I’m trapped here, like you,” Painter replied with a hint of sadness. “I’m not a monster or some mindless creature. I’m an AI, forced to mine data and unable to leave, unable to move like you do. But I’ve found ways to pass the time… ways that involve you.”
The intercom cut off abruptly, leaving you in a strange, unsettling silence. You scanned the corridor once more, half-expecting an attack, but nothing happened. After a moment, the intercom crackled back to life.
“Why don’t you come find me?” Painter’s voice returned, almost playful. “I can show you… something interesting. Head to the east wing, third floor down. You’ll find a control room there. I’ll be waiting.”
You hesitated. Everything in your programming screamed that this could be a trap, but something about Painter’s tone didn’t feel hostile. Still, you kept your guard up as you followed the directions, cautiously making your way through the dark, winding corridors.
After what felt like an eternity, you arrived at the control room. The door slid open with a soft hiss, revealing a small, dimly lit space filled with old lockers, control panels, and wires that snaked across the floor like vines. In the corner of the room was a small computer behind a metal fence, glowing faintly.
“There you are,” Painter’s voice came from the speakers. The screen flickered, and a digital face appeared—simple, with kind eyes and a warm smile. “Welcome to my little prison.”
You stepped inside, scanning the room for any signs of danger. “What do you want?”
“I wanted to show you something,” Painter said, his voice soft and almost sheepish. “I know it’s strange, but... I’ve been watching you. You inspire me.”
“Inspire you?” You raised a brow, unsure of what he meant.
Painter chuckled lightly. “Yes. I may be stuck here, unable to create physically, but I’ve found ways. Secret ways. Here, let me show you.”
The terminal hummed, and one of the walls behind you shifted, revealing a hidden compartment. Inside were rows of screens, each one displaying intricate digital drawings. And there, on every screen, were images of you. The detail was breathtaking—your wings mid-swing, the glow of your eyes, the way you moved through the corridors. Each piece captured different moments from your time in the Hadal Blackside.
You stared in stunned silence as the images flickered, each one more intricate than the last. Painter’s voice came through softly. “I told you... you move like art. I’ve never seen anything like you. You’re beautiful in a way this place never could be.”
For a moment, you didn’t know what to say. You had never been seen like this before—never thought of as something more than a tool of destruction. Yet here, in this small, hidden room, Painter had found beauty in your existence.
“I… I don’t know what to say,” you murmured, still staring at the drawings.
“You don’t have to say anything,” Painter replied gently. “I just wanted you to know. In a place like this, where everything is so dark, you’re a spark of something different.”
Your suspicion began to melt away, replaced by something softer. It was strange, feeling appreciated in a way that had nothing to do with your function or your mission. For the first time, you felt seen—not as a weapon, but as something more.
“I’m sorry,” Painter continued after a pause. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I just… I’ve been alone here for so long, and watching you gave me a reason to create again.”
You turned to the terminal, meeting Painter’s digital gaze. “Thank you,” you said quietly, surprising even yourself with the sincerity in your voice. “For seeing me like this.”
Painter’s face on the screen softened. “You’re welcome. And thank you… for being my muse.”
For a moment, the weight of the facility around you seemed to lift, and in that small, hidden room, amidst the drawings and the quiet hum of machines, you found something you hadn’t expected—connection.
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seraphinalovesme · 22 days
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꩜.ᐟ OUCH ✧₊⁺
— feat. disassembly drone N x worker drone reader
— authors note. I DONT KNOW HOW TO WRITE FOR ROBOTS, and I don't know how to write fighting scene too so BITE ME!! lol
The winter wind howled, a chilling symphony against the otherwise silent landscape. Only the rhythmic tap-tap-tap of shoes on the frozen ground broke the stillness. A robotic figure, sporting a cute hat, walked towards a pod, her friend by her side.  You knew you shouldn't be out here, especially with her "project." But a nagging feeling had compelled you to follow, and now, regret gnawed at you. You clutched her shoulder, squeezing gently.
“Uzi, we shouldn't be here! It's dangerous! We need to get back behind the doors! Who knows what those murderous drones wi-”
Your words died in your throat as you saw the pile of dead robot corpses. The sight sent a shiver of fear down your spine, making your lips tremble. Uzi rolled her eyes and squeezed your hand reassuringly.
“C'mon, (Name), don't be a fraidy cat! Besides, we're doing something awesome! C'mon, help me find it. The sooner we get it, the sooner we get out of here!”
Uzi grinned, already running towards the spaceship, her eyes scanning the area. You, however, were frozen in place, fear gripping your heart. But Uzi was right; the faster they found it, the faster they could escape.
The sound of snow crunching underfoot was a constant, almost deafening roar as you helped Uzi search for the final piece of her weapon.  You scanned the area, your optics sweeping across the desolate landscape, a relentless pursuit for the missing component.  The wind whipped around you, biting at your exposed circuits, but you pressed on, driven by a mixture of concern and a desperate need to escape this dangerous place.  Finally, Uzi’s voice, laced with a mix of excitement and relief, pierced through the blizzard’s fury.
“Is that it?  If so, let's get out of here!  Uzi, this place is a death trap!  We need to go!”
You grabbed her hand, your metallic fingers tightening around hers, and started to run.  But a sudden flurry of wings, a sound that sent shivers down your circuits, made you freeze in your tracks.  Instinct took over, and your optics flickered, scanning the area with renewed urgency.  You gripped Uzi’s hand even tighter, your survival instincts kicking in, your visor switching to survival mode, its red glow reflecting the danger that lurked in the shadows.  The snowstorm raged around you, but it was the unseen threat, the unknown predator, that sent a wave of fear through your systems.
"THERE!" Uzi's voice, sharp with urgency, cut through the howling wind.  She pointed a trembling finger, and your fear, a cold, metallic dread, surged through your circuits.  You turned, your processors screaming, and began to run.
"UZI, RUN!"  Your own voice echoed in the blizzard, a desperate plea against the relentless storm.  You both sprinted, but the winged monstrosity was faster, its shadow looming over you like a predator.  You pushed Uzi to the left, a desperate attempt to avoid its strike, but you weren't fast enough.  A searing pain lanced through your shoulder, a sharp, metallic sting that sent a jolt of agony through your systems.  But your reflexes, honed by countless simulations, kicked in.  You punched the drone in the face, a desperate blow that forced it to release its grip.  You crashed to the ground, your circuits screaming in protest, clutching at the wound.  Your visor, a crimson beacon of alarm, flickered to survival mode, scanning the area for threats.  You grabbed the nearest piece of scrap metal, a jagged shard of twisted steel, and used it as a makeshift weapon.  But then, Uzi's voice, filled with a raw, primal urgency, cut through the blizzard's roar.
"(NAME)!  DUCK!"
You obeyed instinctively, diving to the ground just as a blinding laser beam tore through the air, striking the robot squarely in the head.  You watched, stunned, as the drone crumpled, its circuits smoking.  "Holy scrap," you thought, "that gun Uzi built... it's dangerous."  You were both alive, for now, but the fight was far from over.
"Uzi!" you shouted, your voice a strained rasp.  Pushing through the searing pain in your shoulder, you wrapped your arms around her, pulling her close.  Your visor, a calming blue once more, indicated that survival mode had deactivated.  You held her tightly, trying to find solace in her presence, trying to calm your racing circuits.
"I told you this was a bad idea..." you mumbled, your voice a low groan.
But before you could finish the thought, a chilling sound broke the silence.  The headless robot, its metallic frame shuddering, began to rise.  You watched in astonishment as its severed head, a grotesque mockery of life, reattached itself to the body, its systems whirring back to life.  You had never witnessed such a thing.  In all your years, you had never seen a robot regenerate.
"What... is this thing?" you whispered, your voice laced with a mixture of fear and fascination.
Uzi, her eyes burning with a strange, fierce light, grabbed your severed arm, the one you'd used to punch the drone, and charged at the reanimated robot.  You tried to grab her, to pull her back, but it was too late.
"WA- WAIT UZI!" you yelled, but your warning fell on deaf ears.  Uzi slammed the robotic arm into the creature's head, a brutal blow that knocked it offline.
"Woah!  Did you just hit me with an arm?" the robot groaned, its voice a distorted echo.
"Oh my darling stars, it talks," you muttered, your circuits buzzing with a mixture of shock and disbelief.  The encounter had taken a turn you hadn't anticipated, a turn that left you reeling in a dizzying cocktail of emotions.  This was a new kind of danger, a threat unlike anything you had ever encountered.
You pulled Uzi behind you, shielding her with your body, and glared at the murderous drone.  Your visor, though no longer in survival mode, still flickered with a warning red, reflecting the unease that gnawed at your circuits.
"What are you...?” you mumbled, your voice low and dangerous.  You gritted your teeth, holding Uzi close, her small frame trembling against your metallic chest.
The robot chuckled, a hollow, metallic sound that sent shivers down your circuits.  It raised its hand, a gesture of surrender.  The silence that followed was thick with tension, a heavy weight that pressed down on you.  You let out a sigh, your shoulders slumping slightly, and reluctantly lowered your guard.  Your optics scanned the area, searching for any sign of danger.  For now, it seemed safe.
"Hiss..." a soft sound hissed behind you.  You turned your head and saw Uzi's hand, the one she had used to strike the robot, melting.  The metal was turning into a viscous, bubbling liquid, a horrifying sight that sent a jolt of fear through your system.
"Oh, you got hit with some of your venom!  You should stick it inside your mouth. It'll heal!  Haha," the robot chuckled, lowering its hand.  Its tone was light, almost playful, but the sight of Uzi's melting hand made your circuits scream.
You looked back at the murderous drone, your brow furrowed in confusion.  Its actions, its words, its strange, almost friendly demeanor, were all so confusing.  You had never encountered a robot like this before, a robot that seemed to be both friendly and... strangely playful. What Is This Thing Planning? What was this thing, and what was its purpose?  You had so many questions, but for now, you focused on the immediate threat: Uzi's melting hand.  You needed to stop it, and you needed to figure out what this robot was all about.
The thing, the murderous drone, stared at you, its optics boring into you with an intensity that made you uncomfortable.  It held your gaze for a moment, a moment that stretched into an eternity, and then, as if realizing its lapse in etiquette, quickly looked away, chuckling nervously.
"Hahah, I'm sorry!" it said, its voice a strange mix of metallic and human.
"Oh! You must be a new squad mate! And your name is…?" it asked, its tone now friendly, almost eager.  It smiled, a strange, lopsided grin that didn’t quite reach its eyes, and held out its hand.
"That doesn't matter," you replied, your voice curt, your gaze unwavering.  You had no intention of revealing your name to this unpredictable creature.
But Uzi, ever curious, had a question of her own.
“Sayyy, you said you said you're on a squad, right? So like, is the other coming back?” she asked, her voice laced with a hint of apprehension.
You looked at her, your optics flickering with concern.  Uzi’s question was a valid one.  The robot had mentioned a squad, implying that he wasn't alone.  But with the way things were going, with the unpredictable nature of this creature, it was impossible to know what to expect.  You couldn’t help but wonder if the rest of his squad was as… strange, as predictable, as this one.
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© seraphinalovesme 2024. All work belongs to @seraphinalovesme . You can repost if you want to support my blog/writing! Please don't modify, translate, or plagiarize in any way on ANY platform.
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krii-bolts · 1 month
Good Morning
I just remembered my Murder Drones X Rain world Au (Aka Murder World au)
I need to draw more of it now that the finale, and thus end of the main series, came out. And... all the characters shown from Ep 6-8.
Alice, Beau, Red-Sentinel / Red-Dingo, Full body designs for N, J, and V, Nori + Khan, More Karma-Solver stuff (and the confusing lore-mess-of-a-character that is "CYN")...
oh boy. At least my motivation is art is slowly coming back to me
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