#mun speaks: but also i love reading all the following reblogs
octazumi · 11 months
I love how whenever @quartzztwst reblogs anything of mine it immediately blows up
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keoke03 · 18 days
welcome ♪
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about me:
-courtney. that is my name.
-adult. 21 years of age. a sawsbuck, if you are a zodiac fanatic.
-it/its/itself pronouns. ungendered. do not, under any circumstance, refer to me as nonbinary or speculate about my gender identity.
-after consulting the masses, effective on september 30th, 2024, i am a therian. a wooloo, to be exact. please respect this decision that i have put forth upon your eyes. thank you.
-my blog will mostly comprise of reblogs. posts will be rare. my ask box is open, but i ask you all to be civil. i have more important things to do in life than to argue with random layabouts on the internet.
i will end things here. i am a very private person and would rather not have people on the internet to know about personal life. so this is all you will know.
thank you for reading. have a nice day ♪
to those following the blog prior to 9/17/24
a canon divergent take on magma admin courtney.
mun is a minor. NSFW asks are not allowed. suggestive jokes are okay, though.
post-canon blog. the further-ness between the games events and now is kept vague and up to interpretation.
pelipper mail is on. magic anons and mystery gifts will be kept off with no exceptions.
this is a primarily low stakes blog. the highest stakes you're probably going to get from this blog are a bunch of internet drama and miscellaneous internal struggles. speaking oooof:
contrary to what courtney itself says, you are very free to poke and prod at it, as well as send it some good ic anon hate. she was the administrator of an evil team, after all. either way, morally questionable (ex) business administrator or not, i love starting drama! i love drama! please start drama. /nf
although this blog is a low stakes blog, if you're looking for a good, chill time, this blog may not be for you. while courtney can be pleasant to an extent, it is also very prone to irritability and isn't the kind of person to simply block and move on. along with this, courtney isn't really that great of a person. so! if, at any point, feel burnt out or uncomfortable with anything going on, you are always free to pull out of the scenario. your personal comfort matters.
a rotomblr blog ran by @bastiodon8
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centuricnis · 1 month
    independent, highly selective, low energy, dual rp blog. featuring! 𝕝𝕖𝕧𝕚 𝕒𝕔𝕜𝕖𝕣𝕞𝕒𝕟 & 𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕟 𝕛𝕒𝕖𝕘𝕖𝕣 nsfw themes present. mun is 21+.
                                est 08/2024                                                           𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕕 𝕓𝕪 𝕥𝕚𝕗𝕗! blogroll: @aeviare 𝔭𝔩𝔢𝔞𝔰𝔢 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡 𝔯𝔲𝔩𝔢𝔰 𝔟𝔢𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔢 𝔦𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤!
1. Basics
Hi! My name is Tiff! 25+! My pronouns are she/they. I’ve been rping on Tumblr since 2012! I have a full time job && a small business, so my activity may be spotty at best. I come and go as I please because roleplaying to me is only a hobby! This blog will probably be super low energy and low activity, as I also have my main multimuse which is where I'll probably be if I'm not here. Minors will be blocked. Any personal blogs without rp sideblogs will be blocked.
If I follow you and you do not follow me back within a week, I will unfollow for my own comfort. This doesn't mean that if you follow me in the future that I won't refollow. I absolutely will! I just never want to overstep anyone's mutuals boundaries. (:
The source material has plenty of heavy adult themes. These are likely to show up whilst writing, but I will do my best not to write anything especially explicit. Please prioritize your mental health when it comes to these themes, as I assume you're at least familiar with those that are present within the manga/anime.
If you have problems with AoT/SnK's themes and/or it's creator please take it somewhere else. I love the anime as it is, standalone. That does not mean I believe in things present in media or things believed by the creator.
If that bothers you, this isn't the blog for you. Any harassment will be met with the block button (:
small extra psa: i'm not that comfortable writing with blogs that only rp with real people face claims. i personally prefer animated/cartoon/3d style face claims. this is just a personal preference!
2. Writing Specifics!
This blog will focus more on the SnK fandom and rpc, but I'm very open to crossovers. My writing lengths vary from short, to paras, to sometimes novellas. There's never a requirement to match my length. Any icons used will be 100x100 and most likely made by me. I've only watched the anime, and am currently reading the manga, so if there are any nuances missed because of that, I apologize in advance (: Because Tumblr hates its userbase, I'll be writing strictly with Beta Editor and xKit Rewritten's Trim Reblogs.
3. Etiquette!
Basic etiquette is expected for writing with me. Meaning, please don't godmod! I will never write your muse for you, I'd appreciate the same respect.
As always mun =/= muse. Levi has murdered people. Please do not romanticize things that even he has felt guilt for. If you know the ending of AoT, you know what Eren did. If you have issues with my muses, this is not the blog for you.
As for drama or callouts, please don't drag me into things that have nothing to do with me. Do not police me in who I can or cannot speak to. I'm an adult, I can make my own decisions. If there's an issue with a person and you're concerned for my wellbeing, please address it with me in DMs.
4. Shipping!
I am a very proud multi ship whore. All ships are separate AUs unless otherwise plotted.
For Levi, I view him more as demisexual and even demiromantic. This just means it'll take some time for him to be open to a relationship. That being said, my bias comfort Levi ship is (S4 Eren) Ereri/Riren. I am open to shipping him with Erwin or Hange, but it would take plotting and speaking with my rp partner ooc.
For Eren, I'm much more open to other ships. I obviously still ship Ereri, but I'm also open to shipping him with Armin, Jean, Reiner, & Mikasa. Although, I do lean more with Mikasa and Eren being siblings, I do see the potential for their romantic ship.
NSFW on this blog will be canon typical violence, gore, and of a sexual nature. If you do not want to view those things, please blacklist "suggestive cw" and "nsfw cw".
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nytehavyn-circle · 3 months
RP Rules
IF YOU ARE A PERSONAL BLOG, DO NOT REPLOG ANY OF MY POSTS PERTAINING TO RP - DO NOT REBLOG MY CHARACTER BIOS, DO NOT REBLOG MY RP THREADS, DO NOT REBLOG MY HEADCANONS. YOU WILL BE BLOCKED. If you are an RP blog and you enjoy my threads but are not a part of them, you may like them, but please do not reblog them.
Mun is 40+ He/him. Bi/pan. Poly. I will not RP with anyone under 18, 21+ is preferred. Minors, DNI. This blog has many mature themes, such as blood, gore, horror elements, and plenty of smut.
No hate. No racism, no LGBTQ+ hate of any kind, this includes transphobia, nothing of the sort.
I enjoy speaking to my followers and mutuals OOC. It helps with character chemistry and dynamics, and it helps make a friend! But I am a pretty intense OOC, and I WILL bother you all the time, probably. It's just how I am, no offense intended or anything as such. But, if something like this bothers you, or you're the type that doesn't like to, or won't, chat with your RP partners OOC, it's probably better if we don't interact. <3
I have been RPing in various forms since I was 13, starting from TTRPGs, to online through the era of AOL and AIM, to message board and the like, until I hit Tumblr around 2010. All in all, I have I've 30 years of RP experience in general and about 14 years on Tumblr.
I do not use a queue. Sometimes I take my time RPing, and sometimes I can reply back very quickly. Whichever is comfortable for me at a time. If I haven’t replied to our thread in over a week, go ahead and give me a nudge, but don’t push or I’ll lose muse for the thread.
I sometimes reply to some threads quicker than others, it all depends on the finickiness of my muse. Sometimes I have muse for some threads over others, and sometimes I get stuck. This does not mean I dislike you or hate you, or do not want to RP with you. And if I need to drop our thread or put it on hold, I'll come talk to you. I do not want you to be anxiety-ridden with worry over why I haven't replied to our thread.
You do not have to match my length! Just give me something to work with, something to move the thread along. I don’t expect you to carry the thread by yourself. And I’m going to assume you don’t expect it of me. I do not mind one-liners or conversation threads (if they help move the thread along, or we're just having fun). If I haven’t given you enough to push the thread forward, please tell me so that I may fix it.
I know most of the RPC here on Tumblr frowns upon it, but If you follow me, you do not have to reblog memes, pictures, artwork, or whatever, from the source. Feel free to use me as a ‘resource’ all you want. All I ask is that, hopefully, you will send in a meme prompt. If not, that's okay, too.
Shipping: I am a ship whore. Sometimes there needs to be build-up, and sometimes we can jump right in and go back and later fill in the past on the timeline. Chemistry is wonderful! But sometimes that chemistry is almost instant, or you and your RP partner just know the muses will work in a ship. So, come to me and we’ll talk about it!
Another thing to add: I do not have a DNI FC list. I do not have issues RPing with dead FCs, (I use one for one of my muses - John Candy). If you do not like RPing with dead FCs, do not interact with those specific muses. I also have no problem RPing with cartoon/animated FCs. One of my muses (Terran) FCs is hand drawn (by a friend long ago). 
I love smut. I love writing smut. So, smut will happen. While this is not a smut blog, some of my muses have a strong sex drive, so smut will happen frequently. I will not write any NSFW subjects with anyone under 21. Most of my muses are hetero, while only a handful bi/pan (and they are picky), so I will do M/F, F/F, and very picky about M/M. Smut will not be under a Read More.
There are certain subjects I won’t RP - Rape being the most important, sexual abuse is another. They might be referenced in a muse’s past, talked about by a muse, or even written about in a drabble. As such, they will be tagged accordingly. However, I will not RP these subjects out. Spousal abuse/domestic violence might be RPed out, but only with extensive talking about it first. However, rape and sexual abuse will never be RPed out. If there’s anything you’d like me to tag, please tell me. I will tag the trigger with tw trigger here, or tw: trigger here.
As pointed out above, this is an adult blog, and many things will be RPed out here. Blood, gore, violence, etc. Once again, if you need something tagged, please tell me.
No Godmoding. I control my muse(s), you control yours. Little things such as having them go through a door when it’s opened for them, getting out of a car - small things are fine. Anything large is off-limits without talking to me about it first.
No anon hate. Anon hate will be immediately reported and blocked, and anon asks will be turned off for a while.  Right now, Anon is on. Any hate, and it will be turned off.
Please make sure I can understand your writing/reply. I don’t want to have to struggle to read your reply. I’m mildly dyslexic myself, so mistakes are completely acceptable.  If English is not your first language, I am far more lenient about spelling/grammar mistakes.
I normally do third-person style RPs.  Only certain muses will be written in the first person.
Please tell me if we decide to push our thread in the direction of angst. when it comes to angst. Angst can be difficult for me to write due to RL issues.
Come to me first, to talk with me at length, before any baby/child/pregnancy-type RP threads or plots.  Tolaas and Terran (Living Vampires in my mythology in general) are sterile and cannot father children. So having SUDDENLY BABY/CHILD/I’M PREGNANT tossed into a thread just cannot happen with my two main muses, so it unnerves me and makes me uncomfortable.  Please talk with me first.
I also do not do A/B/O threads, even with my werewolf/shapeshifter muse.
Also, to add:.
This blog will be used as a semi-personal, meaning I will post/reblog things that aren’t always RP-related.
I have several mental illnesses - several social/generalized anxiety and bipolar depression with psychosis, both of which I am in therapy and on meds for - which sometimes prevent me from RPing for long periods of time. But I will still try to maintain a presence, even a small one, if I’m not RPing for a while.
Some of my muses will be willing to pop their heads out, other times they won’t.
You are free to unfollow me for ANY REASON.  You do not have to continue following me under some sort of obligation, or anything as such. All I ask is you HOPEFULLY come to me and talk about the problem, and maybe we can work it out.
I don’t always plot. Most times I find it difficult.  I prefer to jump right in.  However, you can come to me and we can try to come up with a specific scenario as long as the ‘plot’ doesn’t end up like something that feels out-and-out scripted.  I prefer to let our muses do what they do, rather than try to point by point what they have to do.
And remember, this is for fun, it’s a hobby. This is not a job. I am not obligated to RP with anyone, they are not obligated to RP with me.
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neuronz · 2 months
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𝚄𝙷 𝙾𝙷 . . . 𝙷𝙴𝚁𝙴 𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙴 𝚃𝙷𝙴 #𝙽𝙴𝚄𝚁𝙾𝙽𝚉! an independent portrayal of ESTHER [ 𝙍𝙀𝘿𝘼𝘾𝙏𝙀𝘿 ] ( they / them ) from tcb's 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚘𝚕𝚟𝚎 𝚒𝚝 𝚜𝚚𝚞𝚊𝚍 franchise. heavily headcanon based. ship exclusive with @agentscrags. 𝘏𝘌𝘙𝘌 𝘞𝘌 𝘎𝘖𝘖𝘖𝘖𝘖𝘖𝘖𝘖!
navigation : dossier. promo. inbox memes. ᵐᵉᵐᵉᶻ ⁴ ᵐᵒᵗʰᵉʳ.
blog roll : @bykori, @trailore, @beaniestm
activity. all of my blogs are on a medium / medium-low activity basis. i'm a teacher, so in the months of august - may, my spoons are limited due to work and some chronic illnesses / conditions i have. please be patient with me. ♡
following. due to some anxieties i have, i rarely follow first. i usually reserve that for friends or people who my friends have vouched, so please do not take offense if i don't follow first.
with that being said, i review everyone that chooses to follow me, that includes extensively reading their rules and about their character. i reserve the right to not follow back or even soft block a following to protect my space. i will not follow back and will likely block if there are no rules or mun information present or if the mun is under the age of 21.
ship exclusive. i am ship exclusive with mother out of my own comfort and preference. this means none of my muses are open for romantic shipping. however, i love every other kind of dynamic, so bring them on! all i ask is that you respect the exclusivity. any ship-based content will be deleted and repeated offenses will result in blocking.
content warning. please note that esther is a heavy drug user, so there will be mentions of drug use in regular conversation. drug use and mentions of drugs will be tagged when present. also, there will be presence of spicy content on here from time to time. any sort of spice will be tagged according to the level of it. suggestive // will be used for mild material. spicy // will be used for more graphic descriptions. any other triggers will be labelled as trigger // accordingly.
banned. i don't want to gatekeep, but please do not interact if you use the following banned face claims: lea michele, armie hammer, blake jenner, bob morley, eliza taylor, amber heard, johnny depp _aka people with a recorded history of being abusive / violent / damaging.
do not follow if you write portrayals of real life people or events or if you write child predators such as william afton or peter pan from the twisted childhood universe.
this blog does not support trump supporters / maga - heads, racism, antisemitism, bigotry, pedophilia, islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexual assault, domestic violence, hate, harrassment, etc. it's also important to note that i won't always publicly speak on real world events on my blog. i want this to be a safe creative space, and if you ever want to know my stance or opinion on an issue, i'm happy to have a conversation. however, i want to keep my content as laid back as possible.
reblog from the source. if you see something i reblog that you like, then go for it! however, all i ask is that you reblog from the source, if it is available. even when it's not, i try to go into the notes and reblog it from someone who reblogged it months and months ago. please exercise this courtesy as well.
unfollowing protocols. when i unfollow a blog, i tend to softblock them. i mean no ill will in doing so, and you are welcome to do the same if you wish to unfollow me. like i said, i want to curate an enriching dash, so i tend to do clean outs now and again based on who's shown interest in me & my muses.
credits. most graphics are made by me unless otherwise specified. my coloring psd is from @pinkinnards. i currently use old blueberry pie from star's eat rot set! my icon border is one of the lovely ones (#14) from @stephysource!
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tenfoldrage · 9 months
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indie, mutuals only, low activity blog for the tenth & fourteenth doctors from do.ctor wh.o as loved by denise. please read the rules below & the google doc before interacting. est. dec. 2018, rev. dec. 2023, re-rev. may 2024
about playlist. music taste. pinterest board. headcanon tag.
MAINS: @isbrilliant (donna noble), @carbondated (river song), @yoakkemae (martha jones)
ONE. Basic rules apply. Don’t godmod my muse, don’t nag me for replies, don't be gross, & don’t forceship. I don’t tolerate any kind of bigotry here & I will block on sight if I see it. Zionists DNI.
TWO. This blog will have low/slow/sporadic activity because I have ADHD & depression & I’m also a full-time college student. There will likely be periods of time of varying lengths with little to no ic activity.
THREE. Please note that my portrayal of the Doctor exclusively uses THEY/THEM PRONOUNS, thank you!
FOUR. The PSDs I’m using on this blog are called Baby Blues & A Little Wicked, both by honeypsd. The icon border & divider I use is called Starry Kisses by lavenderph. The graphic in this post is called Lost Cause my niixzee.
FIVE. DM me if you need me to tag anything: due to the nature of the muse, this blog will contain triggering themes such as death, grief, suicidal ideation, genocide, war, & more. Triggers will be tagged as [#trigger tw]. My only triggers are se.xu.al as.sau.lt & ped.ophi.lia.
SIX. This blog will not be spoiler-free: follow at your own risk.
SEVEN. This blog is not affiliated with Doctor Who, the BBC, David Tennant, or Big Finish Productions. However, my portrayal & my headcanons are my own: please refrain from taking them for yourself.
EIGHT. My portrayal of the Doctor is canon-divergent. I'd love to discuss alternatives to certain canon events with other muns who are down for it.
NINE. Please understand that I am mutuals-only for my own comfort & sanity. This means that I will only write with blogs that I follow and who follow me in return. Do not interact with my writing calls if we do not follow each other.
TEN. If I follow you & you have no interest in interacting, please hard-block me so I know where we stand & don't accidentally follow again.
ELEVEN. Tumblr DMs can be annoying to use, so I give my Discord to mutuals upon request.
TWELVE. I write in the third person. I use small text and italics/bold. I use icons with borders. I do not expect my writing partners to do this, I just think it looks nice. All I ask is that you trim your posts & continue asks in a new thread. I also tend to write multi-para replies. No one really needs to match length so much as give me something to work with.
THIRTEEN. I am OC and duplicate friendly! Throw your OCs at me. The only exceptions are OC children of the Doctor, which I will be rather selective about.
FOURTEEN. I’m super interested in throwing the Doctor into all sorts of crossovers. I am familiar with Good Omens, much of the MCU, Legend of Zelda (BOTW + TOTK), Fire Emblem (3H), the Borderlands Franchise, IT (Stephen King), Detroit: Become Human, Baldur’s Gate 3, DnD 5e, Lucifer, & more.
FIFTEEN. I will not ship with anyone unless our characters have some sort of chemistry going on & we have had words about it ooc. It's unlikely to happen but not impossible. I will not write romantic ships with anyone under 18. I also don’t really want to ship the Doctor with any muse who isn’t at least 22. While both mun & muse are of age, there will be no smut on this blog. The Doctor really could not be bothered— they’re ace.
SIXTEEN. This blog is multiverse, so unless otherwise discussed between muns, all interactions with different blogs are considered to be separate universes, so to speak.
SEVENTEEN. I probably won’t be reblogging many ask memes here because I always end up accumulating too many & getting overwhelmed. The best way to interact is by liking starter calls or by plotting! In fact, plotting is my lifeblood & I will rarely write without it. So don't be shy to hop into my DMs! I promise I don’t bite.
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painedprince · 1 year
The views of the muse do not convey the views of the mun. 
This is not a spoiler-free blog
I’m familiar with all the source material, but I haven’t read the books or played comrades, so. Trying my best w that lol
I’m also trying to catch up with all the final fantasy games, but I’ve played a good handful of them now.
There will probably be sexual and violent content on this blog from time to time, which will be somewhat rare, but I will tag it. Mun is 21+
Timezone is CDT 
Semi selective, but not necessarily exclusive to mutuals. Don’t be afraid to approach me for an rp! I’d prefer discussing through DMs first though, and non-mutuals should not like starter calls. Asks are fine though.
That being said, I do NOT tolerate soft blocking. If it is important to you that we break mutuals when you’re no longer interested, hard block. I can’t trust tumblr not to glitch with follows, so that’s the only way I can be sure you are not interested if you don’t tell me.
Speaking of tumblr glitches, don’t expect me to reblog from the source anymore because it has been extremely difficult to do that with the new updates.
Ships happen based on chemistry rather than planning. Love shipping Noctis with any of the bros. Lunoct is pretty… selective. I’m not the biggest fan of it but I accept it as canon regardless.
I’m open to rping with ocs and other fandoms.
Asks should be replied to with new threads instead of reblogs, but I won’t get super mad if you forget. I just think it ultimately looks better and takes up less space.
I blacklist tw: self harm and that’s about it!
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bladedwoe · 2 years
Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog. REPOST. Don’t reblog!
WHAT’S YOUR OTP FOR YOUR MUSE? I don’t really have one. I like the idea of Astrid & Arnbjorn and I would love to explore their dynamic a little more with an Arnbjorn writer. I also am sorta into Vex/Astrid (they can both be mean to men together and Astrid would like to get under her skin). I have also wondered what Delvin & Astrid’s relationship was like, but I’m not a big shipper of them. I say let Astrid kiss all women and men as she wishes <3. 
WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO RP WHEN IT COMES TO SHIPPING? Anything, really. For toxic ships, I’m more selective and it depends on what it consists of, Hateships, friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, lovers to enemies, arranged marriages and more are free game. For me, shipping isn’t always romantic, I’m into platonic, familial, and enemy dynamics as well. I’ve been leaning more towards the term “dynamic” because it seems more universal than shipping. Since shipping is usually equated with romantic pairings.
HOW LARGE DOES THE AGE GAP HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT UNCOMFORTABLE? As long as all characters are 21+, age gaps don’t matter to me at all.
ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING? I am, I suppose. I work off of chemistry and usually I like it when there’s progression. If there’s been previous interaction and instances that lead up to the romantic feelings because it makes it easier to write effectively with fluff. Like it’s more realistic to me since there’s reasons for why a character is into another, so chemistry is essential. Sometimes, though rarely, I can work with very little interaction but that’s usually in instances where I know and understand the others’ portrayal. I don’t ship based on face claims. All of my muses are into different traits and features. I think Astrid as a muse, despite being a big flirt, is generally selective with her feelings. She can get crushes easily and can be attracted to someone, but she honestly confuses me because she’ll be soft for someone in one moment and then change her tune in the next. I would love to deeply explore a slow burn dynamic with her. I’m still learning Astrid’s psyche and characterization as I go on, she’s a muse that doesn’t tell me much about herself and keeps a veil of mystery and unpredictableness about her, so I still have to understand her a bit more.
HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY’RE CONSIDERED NSFW? This is a little embarrassing to write out, but basically whenever the clothes come off or one muse or the other (or both) get “excited”. Basically when it gets really suggestive, I’ll throw it under a read more. It really depends on the predicament and my own comfort. I only write suggestive stuff like this on my other blog. I’m also more selective with smut writing than anything else.
WHO ARE OTHER MUSES YOU SHIP YOUR MUSE WITH? I’m pretty much game for anyone if chemistry is there. I stated already the ships that interest me, but I’m open to mostly anything. I would like to explore a polyamorous relationship with her because so far, most ships have seemed to be monogamous. I’m still learning Astrid as I write her, so I’m eager to learn more about her in a romantic dynamic. I’m also open to non-romantic dynamics as well. I would love to see Astrid as a mentor figure to someone, maybe someone she can see herself in. I am... lowkey.... interested in seeing how a Cicero/Astrid dynamic would work out lmao. The pure chaos of that would be delicious.
DOES ONE HAVE TO ASK TO SHIP WITH YOU? Preferably. Usually, I ask just in the instance of force shipping. I don’t want to do that with anyone and I want to make sure we’re on the right page. This also gives someone else the opportunity to deny a ship and we can speak of other dynamics to try with our muses. Sometimes it can be obvious that you and the other mun are into shipping your muses, but I usually prefer asking just in case. It’s just healthy communication behavior. So, I would say I would prefer if someone asks me to ship. Generally, I do want to see more lgbt+ ships with Astrid.
HOW OFTEN DO YOU LIKE TO SHIP? Anytime and this isn’t only for romantic shipping. I love to explore dynamics generally. I know shipping is the more popular term, but I love deepening dynamics and trying out different things! I do love a good ounce of fluff and angst and my most memorable times in rping is the ships/dynamics I have dabbled in.
ARE YOU MULTISHIP? Yes. All ships take place in their own verse. With canon relationships, I usually drift to one portrayal because that just makes it easier writing-wise, but I’m open to duplicates.
ARE YOU SHIP OBSESSED OR SHIP MORE-OR-LESS? I guess so? I love writing and talking about dynamics generally (not only in the romantic sense), so I suppose I am lmao.
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SHIP IN YOUR CURRENT FANDOM? I’m not sure lmao. I don’t really participate much in the skyrim ship sphere. 
FINALLY, HOW DOES ONE SHIP WITH YOU? Basically, just interaction lmao. I don’t mind pre-establish relationships to get the first meeting awkwardness out of the way, but basically just ask me and I’ll give my answer. Once we start interacting more, we can see where things go! Don’t assume or force me into a ship.
TAGGED BY: stole it
TAGGING: steal it from me!
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Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog. REPOST. Don’t reblog!
WHAT’S YOUR OTP FOR YOUR MUSE? I honestly get more into oc/canon ships than anything tbh lmao. Anna/Hewlett is a favorite, Lilith/Jacob honestly (Lilith is a canon character in my mind okay), Sean/Javier, Zoey/Ellis is pretty cute, Kieran/Mary-Beth is also cute. 
WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO RP WHEN IT COMES TO SHIPPING? Anything, really. For toxic ships, I’m more selective and it depends on what it consists of, Hateships, friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, lovers to enemies, arranged marriages and more are free game. For me, shipping isn’t always romantic, I’m into platonic, familial, and enemy dynamics as well. I’ve been leaning more towards the term “dynamic” because it seems more universal than shipping. Since shipping is usually equated with romantic pairings.
HOW LARGE DOES THE AGE GAP HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT UNCOMFORTABLE? As long as all characters are 21+, age gaps don’t matter to me at all.
ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING? I am, I suppose. I work off of chemistry and usually I like it when there’s progression. If there’s been previous interaction and instances that lead up to the romantic feelings because it makes it easier to write effectively with fluff. Like it’s more realistic to me since there’s reasons for why a character is into another, so chemistry is essential. Sometimes, though rarely, I can work with very little interaction but that’s usually in instances where I know and understand the others’ portrayal. I don’t ship based on face claims. All of my muses are into different traits and features.
HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY’RE CONSIDERED NSFW? This is a little embarrassing to write out, but basically whenever the clothes come off or one muse or the other (or both) get “excited”. Basically when it gets really suggestive, I’ll throw it under a read more. It really depends on the predicament and my own comfort. I only write suggestive stuff like this on my other blog. I’m also more selective with smut writing than anything else.
WHO ARE OTHER MUSES YOU SHIP YOUR MUSE WITH? I’m pretty much game for anyone if chemistry is there. My muses differ with their approaches to relationships and it ultimately depends on the connection they have with their person. Some muses get crushes and hooked onto people easier than others (Like Sean and Hewlett vs Varric and Evie). For canons with my ocs, I tend to stick to one portrayal (idk if that would mean exclusivity or not) and that’s sorta the same with my canon/canon relationships (like Javier/Sean, for example). So I usually stick to on mun’s portrayal for things like that, but things change and I’m never against duplicates. I don’t want people to be scared to ship with me. Just ask me and we can talk it out. I have toyed with various small ships in my mind (like Cassie/Baker), but overall, I’m pretty much game for anything. I don’t necessarily have any ships in mind atm.
DOES ONE HAVE TO ASK TO SHIP WITH YOU? Preferably. Usually, I ask just in the instance of force shipping. I don’t want to do that with anyone and I want to make sure we’re on the right page. This also gives someone else the opportunity to deny a ship and we can speak of other dynamics to try with our muses. Sometimes it can be obvious that you and the other mun are into shipping your muses, but I usually prefer asking just in case. It’s just healthy communication behavior. So, I would say I would prefer if someone asks me to ship.
HOW OFTEN DO YOU LIKE TO SHIP? Anytime and this isn’t only for romantic shipping. I love to explore dynamics generally. I know shipping is the more popular term, but I love deepening dynamics and trying out different things! I do love a good ounce of fluff and angst and my most memorable times in rping is the ships/dynamics I have dabbled in. I would like to see more lgbt+ ships on my blog(s) though!
ARE YOU MULTISHIP? Yes. All ships take place in their own verse. With canon relationships, I usually drift to one portrayal because that just makes it easier writing-wise, but I’m open to duplicates. The only muse that’s single ship is Jacob, he’s taken by Lilith because I personally can’t see Jacob with anyone else. 
ARE YOU SHIP OBSESSED OR SHIP MORE-OR-LESS? I guess so? I love writing and talking about dynamics generally (not only in the romantic sense), so I suppose I am lmao.
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SHIP IN YOUR CURRENT FANDOM? Generally? Annlett. For a while, I found Connor (AC) x Evei to be an interesting concept, same as Arno x Evie, but I’m more drawn to Annlett in my shipping. As I stated, I tend to drift towards ocs/canons for some reason lmao.
FINALLY, HOW DOES ONE SHIP WITH YOU? Basically, just interaction lmao. I don’t mind pre-establish relationships to get the first meeting awkwardness out of the way, but basically just ask me and I’ll give my answer. Once we start interacting more, we can see where things go! Don’t assume or force me into a ship.
TAGGED BY: stole it
TAGGING: steal it from me!
3 notes · View notes
cabbxges-and-kings · 2 years
Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog. REPOST. Don’t reblog!
WHAT’S YOUR OTP FOR YOUR MUSE? I don’t really have one. I think towards the s3/s4 mark, Abe/Mary were cute when their dynamic was healthier (like the whole scene of Mary practicing to shoot a musket), I’m indifferent but more favorable of Townhull, but overall there’s no big favoritism towards anyone with Abe. 
WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO RP WHEN IT COMES TO SHIPPING? Anything, really. For toxic ships, I’m more selective and it depends on what it consists of, Hateships, friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, lovers to enemies, arranged marriages and more are free game. For me, shipping isn’t always romantic, I’m into platonic, familial, and enemy dynamics as well. I’ve been leaning more towards the term “dynamic” because it seems more universal than shipping. Since shipping is usually equated with romantic pairings.
HOW LARGE DOES THE AGE GAP HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT UNCOMFORTABLE? As long as all characters are 21+, age gaps don’t matter to me at all.
ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING? I am, I suppose. I work off of chemistry and usually I like it when there’s progression. If there’s been previous interaction and instances that lead up to the romantic feelings because it makes it easier to write effectively with fluff. Like it’s more realistic to me since there’s reasons for why a character is into another, so chemistry is essential. Sometimes, though rarely, I can work with very little interaction but that’s usually in instances where I know and understand the others’ portrayal. I don’t ship based on face claims. All of my muses are into different traits and features.
HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY’RE CONSIDERED NSFW? This is a little embarrassing to write out, but basically whenever the clothes come off or one muse or the other (or both) get “excited”. Basically when it gets really suggestive, I’ll throw it under a read more. It really depends on the predicament and my own comfort. I only write suggestive stuff like this on my other blog. I’m also more selective with smut writing than anything else.
WHO ARE OTHER MUSES YOU SHIP YOUR MUSE WITH? I’m pretty much game for anyone if chemistry is there. Abe isn’t easy to ship with sometimes with his anger problems and stubbornness. It can often clash with others. Abe’s heart is usually set on Anna anyway and the ship might be an affair, but I can work around that. I do think Abe is more selective as a muse with who he will pursue in a relationship. I don’t really have anyone in mind, but I’m open to almost anyone. Like I said, I’m not overly into Abe’s own ships.
DOES ONE HAVE TO ASK TO SHIP WITH YOU? Preferably. Usually, I ask just in the instance of force shipping. I don’t want to do that with anyone and I want to make sure we’re on the right page. This also gives someone else the opportunity to deny a ship and we can speak of other dynamics to try with our muses. Sometimes it can be obvious that you and the other mun are into shipping your muses, but I usually prefer asking just in case. It’s just healthy communication behavior. So, I would say I would prefer if someone asks me to ship.
HOW OFTEN DO YOU LIKE TO SHIP? Anytime and this isn’t only for romantic shipping. I love to explore dynamics generally. I know shipping is the more popular term, but I love deepening dynamics and trying out different things! I do love a good ounce of fluff and angst and my most memorable times in rping is the ships/dynamics I have dabbled in. 
ARE YOU MULTISHIP? Yes. All ships take place in their own verse. With canon relationships (Mary/Abe, Anna/Abe, etc), I usually drift to one portrayal because that just makes it easier writing-wise, but I’m open to duplicates. 
ARE YOU SHIP OBSESSED OR SHIP MORE-OR-LESS? I guess so? I love writing and talking about dynamics generally (not only in the romantic sense), so I suppose I am lmao.
FINALLY, HOW DOES ONE SHIP WITH YOU? Basically, just interaction lmao. I don’t mind pre-establish relationships to get the first meeting awkwardness out of the way, but basically just ask me and I’ll give my answer. Once we start interacting more, we can see where things go! Don’t assume or force me into a ship.
TAGGED BY: stole it
TAGGING: steal it from me!
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oharpyia · 24 days
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# OHARPYIA ! ' tongues of the dark speak like bones unlocking ' ╰ ⋄⋆⋅✧ ⸻ ⧽ an independent, selective, and mature multimuse. literate & long-winded. heavily influenced by gothic horror and high fantasy. captivated by characters that tragically damn themselves and the love that will not save them. multifandom. canon & ocs available. triggering themes present ! rules under readmore.
( enraptured by 𝔏𝔞𝔪𝔦𝔞. 28. black. they/she. )
✤ currently focused on asoiaf & hotd/f&b.
✤ WIP central! still setting everything up.
blogroll. edrurysz ( helaena targaryen )
𝟎𝟏. 𝐌𝐔𝐍. Queer and very tired. Talk to me about your cats and your favorite book. Be warned that I may be low activity, as I have a full-time job and pretty severe depression.
Selective, meaning I only follow those who I am interested in rping with. If we’re mutuals feel free to send me anything! I will only write with mutuals.
══════════════════⊹⊱≼≽⊰⊹════════════════════ 𝟎𝟐. 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓. The content for this blog is mature, and I will only be following those over 18. This blog will have many upsetting themes present and discussed ( all within a fantasy context/setting ):
blood & violence
murder & suicide
religious fanaticism
I will tag and put content under 'read mores' where appropriate, but please take care of yourselves and do not follow if this may upset you. Fiction =/= real life, and views that my muse expresses do not necessarily reflect my own. NSFW may be written, but it will always be tagged.
══════════════════⊹⊱≼≽⊰⊹════════════════════ 𝟎𝟑. 𝐔𝐍𝐅𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐆. I am allowed to unfollow for any reason without stating why, as are you. Please do not harass me over it. I usually hard block when breaking a mutual, only so I do not forget and refollow for whatever reason. This may sound harsh, but my memory is just that bad!
I also won’t stand for any sort of vague blogging or drama. We’re all here to have fun, let’s just be nice to each other.
𝟎𝟒. 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐓. Multi-para & novella highly preferred! While I may reblog ask memes, plotted threads usually take priority for me. I am always happy to hash out dynamics in DMs before we start writing together!
Threads will have minimal formatting on my end. I use the normal text; you are not obligated to do the same. Iconless, though I may occasionally use a divider or border. I am more than happy to RP on discord with friends.
══════════════════⊹⊱≼≽⊰⊹════════════════════ 𝟎𝟓. 𝐆𝐎𝐃𝐌𝐎𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆. Please don't. If you want my character to take a certain action or play out a plot in a thread, just talk to me! :)
══════════════════⊹⊱≼≽⊰⊹════════════════════ 𝟎𝟔. 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆. I like shipping as much as the next person. Romance can be very rewarding and fun to write. That being said! I only write romance when our muses show clear chemistry and there is a good foundation of mun friendship.
Some muses may be harder to ship than others. The relationships they engage with may not be healthy or normal. Some will include incest, such as those set within House of the Dragon.
NSFW may happen here, but only after a good amount of mun interaction.
══════════════════⊹⊱≼≽⊰⊹════════════════════ 𝟎𝟕. If you have read all of this, thank you and have a great day! ♡
0 notes
callsheets · 1 month
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#𝘾𝘼𝙇𝙇𝙎𝙃𝙀𝙀𝙏𝙎 : a multimuse featuring characters from 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐢𝐝, 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐰𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐲, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐢𝐧 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬. headcanon based and often canon divergent. multiverse and crossover friendly. ship exclusive with @hatchetswung / @bimother.
muses. promo. inbox memes. ᵐᵉᵐᵉᶻ ⁴ ᵐᵒᵗʰᵉʳ. blogs.
activity. all of my blogs are on a medium / medium-low activity basis. i'm a teacher, so in the months of august - may, my spoons are limited due to work and some chronic illnesses / conditions i have. please be patient with me. ♡
following. due to some anxieties i have, i rarely follow first. i usually reserve that for friends or people who my friends have vouched, so please do not take offense if i don't follow first.
with that being said, i review everyone that chooses to follow me, that includes extensively reading their rules and about their character. i reserve the right to not follow back or even soft block a following to protect my space. i will not follow back and will likely block if there are no rules or mun information present or if the mun is under the age of 21.
ship exclusive. i am ship exclusive with mother out of my own comfort and preference. this means none of my muses are open for romantic shipping. however, i love every other kind of dynamic, so bring them on! all i ask is that you respect the exclusivity. any ship-based content will be deleted and repeated offenses will result in blocking.
content warning. please note that there is a lot of triggering content with hatchetfield, including but not limited to: mentions of cults, death, supernatural/eldritch horror, and other various horror elements. also, there will be presence of spicy content on here from time to time. any sort of spice will be tagged according to the level of it. suggestive // will be used for mild material. spicy // will be used for more graphic descriptions. any other triggers will be labelled as trigger // accordingly.
banned. i don't want to gatekeep, but please do not interact if you use the following banned face claims: lea michele, armie hammer, blake jenner, bob morley, eliza taylor, amber heard, johnny depp _aka people with a recorded history of being abusive / violent / damaging.
do not follow if you write portrayals of real life people or events or if you write child predators such as william afton or peter pan from the twisted childhood universe.
this blog does not support trump supporters / maga - heads, racism, antisemitism, bigotry, pedophilia, islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexual assault, domestic violence, hate, harrassment, etc. it's also important to note that i won't always publicly speak on real world events on my blog. i want this to be a safe creative space, and if you ever want to know my stance or opinion on an issue, i'm happy to have a conversation. however, i want to keep my content as laid back as possible.
reblog from the source. if you see something i reblog that you like, then go for it! however, all i ask is that you reblog from the source, if it is available. even when it's not, i try to go into the notes and reblog it from someone who reblogged it months and months ago. please exercise this courtesy as well.
unfollowing protocols. when i unfollow a blog, i tend to softblock them. i mean no ill will in doing so, and you are welcome to do the same if you wish to unfollow me. like i said, i want to curate an enriching dash, so i tend to do clean outs now and again based on who's shown interest in me & my muses.
credits. most graphics are made by me unless otherwise specified. my coloring psd is from @pinkinnards. i currently use galaxy syrup & ham spamwich!
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last4ever · 1 month
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#𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓𝟒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 : a multimuse featuring characters from tsk's 𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚'𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐞 . heavily headcanon based & crossover friendly with any modern or fantasy universe. ship exclusive with @honeyhold.
dossiers. promo. inbox memes. ᵐᵉᵐᵉᶻ ⁴ ᵐᵒᵗʰᵉʳ. blogs.
muse list :
rancilda ashmore, troll, lauren lopez. canon. sera fogg, villager, lauren lopez. canon with original dev. lucy grizzwald, heiress, lauren lopez. canon divergent. yrene wisemore, healer, sinead persaud. original. gaston legume, pretty boy, joe keery. crossover. anastasia ivanov, princess villager, kat mcnamara. crossover.
activity. all of my blogs are on a medium / medium-low activity basis. i'm a teacher, so in the months of august - may, my spoons are limited due to work and some chronic illnesses / conditions i have. please be patient with me. ♡
following. due to some anxieties i have, i rarely follow first. i usually reserve that for friends or people who my friends have vouched, so please do not take offense if i don't follow first.
with that being said, i review everyone that chooses to follow me, that includes extensively reading their rules and about their character. i reserve the right to not follow back or even soft block a following to protect my space. i will not follow back and will likely block if there are no rules or mun information present or if the mun is under the age of 21.
ship exclusive. i am ship exclusive with mother out of my own comfort and preference. this means none of my muses are open for romantic shipping. however, i love every other kind of dynamic, so bring them on! all i ask is that you respect the exclusivity. any ship-based content will be deleted and repeated offenses will result in blocking.
content warning. please note that there is a lot of triggering content with cc, including but not limited to: violence, gore, body horror, murder, and extremely crude humor. also, there will be presence of spicy content on here from time to time. any sort of spice will be tagged according to the level of it. suggestive // will be used for mild material. spicy // will be used for more graphic descriptions. any other triggers will be labelled as trigger // accordingly.
banned. i don't want to gatekeep, but please do not interact if you use the following banned face claims: lea michele, armie hammer, blake jenner, bob morley, eliza taylor, amber heard, johnny depp _aka people with a recorded history of being abusive / violent / damaging.
do not follow if you write portrayals of real life people or events or if you write child predators such as william afton or peter pan from the twisted childhood universe.
this blog does not support trump supporters / maga - heads, racism, antisemitism, bigotry, pedophilia, islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexual assault, domestic violence, hate, harrassment, etc. it's also important to note that i won't always publicly speak on real world events on my blog. i want this to be a safe creative space, and if you ever want to know my stance or opinion on an issue, i'm happy to have a conversation. however, i want to keep my content as laid back as possible.
reblog from the source. if you see something i reblog that you like, then go for it! however, all i ask is that you reblog from the source, if it is available. even when it's not, i try to go into the notes and reblog it from someone who reblogged it months and months ago. please exercise this courtesy as well.
unfollowing protocols. when i unfollow a blog, i tend to softblock them. i mean no ill will in doing so, and you are welcome to do the same if you wish to unfollow me. like i said, i want to curate an enriching dash, so i tend to do clean outs now and again based on who's shown interest in me & my muses.
credits. most graphics are made by me unless otherwise specified. my coloring psd is from @pinkinnards. i currently use eat rot!
0 notes
ondoner · 2 months
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#𝖔𝖓𝖉𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖗 : an original character 𝖞𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖊 𝖜𝖎𝖘𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖊 set in the universe of tsk's 𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖆'𝖘 𝖈𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖑𝖊. verse friendly in fantasy, medieval, and modern universes. this blog is not spoiler friendly. ship exclusive with @huntstrolls.
dossier. promo. inbox memes. ᵐᵉᵐᵉᶻ ⁴ ᵐᵒᵗʰᵉʳ. blogs.
activity. all of my blogs are on a medium / medium-low activity basis. i'm a teacher, so in the months of august - may, my spoons are limited due to work and some chronic illnesses / conditions i have. please be patient with me. ♡
following. due to some anxieties i have, i rarely follow first. i usually reserve that for friends or people who my friends have vouched, so please do not take offense if i don't follow first.
with that being said, i review everyone that chooses to follow me, that includes extensively reading their rules and about their character. i reserve the right to not follow back or even soft block a following to protect my space. i will not follow back and will likely block if there are no rules or mun information present or if the mun is under the age of 21.
ship exclusive. i am ship exclusive with mother out of my own comfort and preference. this means none of my muses are open for romantic shipping. however, i love every other kind of dynamic, so bring them on! all i ask is that you respect the exclusivity. any ship-based content will be deleted and repeated offenses will result in blocking.
content warning. please note that there is a lot of triggering content with cc, including but not limited to: violence, gore, murder, and extremely crude humor. also, there will be presence of spicy content on here from time to time. any sort of spice will be tagged according to the level of it. suggestive // will be used for mild material. spicy // will be used for more graphic descriptions. any other triggers will be labelled as trigger // accordingly.
banned. i don't want to gatekeep, but please do not interact if you use the following banned face claims: lea michele, armie hammer, blake jenner, bob morley, eliza taylor, amber heard, johnny depp aka people with a recorded history of being abusive / violent / damaging. i will also not follow portrayals of real life people or fictional iterations of real life people.
this blog does not support trump supporters / maga - heads, racism, antisemitism, bigotry, pedophilia, islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexual assault, domestic violence, hate, harrassment, etc. it's also important to note that i won't always publicly speak on real world events on my blog. i want this to be a safe creative space, and if you ever want to know my stance or opinion on an issue, i'm happy to have a conversation. however, i want to keep my content as laid back as possible.
reblog from the source. if you see something i reblog that you like, then go for it! however, all i ask is that you reblog from the source, if it is available. even when it's not, i try to go into the notes and reblog it from someone who reblogged it months and months ago. please exercise this courtesy as well.
unfollowing protocols. when i unfollow a blog, i tend to softblock them. i mean no ill will in doing so, and you are welcome to do the same if you wish to unfollow me. like i said, i want to curate an enriching dash, so i tend to do clean outs now and again based on who's shown interest in me & my muses.
credits. most graphics are made by me unless otherwise specified. my coloring psd is from @pinkinnards. i currently use peach sorbet!
0 notes
sillygorl · 2 months
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#𝓈𝒾𝓁𝓁𝓎𝑔𝑜𝓇𝓁 : a heavily headcanon based portrayal of 𝓵𝓾𝓬𝓲𝓷𝓭𝓪 "𝓵𝓾𝓬𝔂" 𝓰𝓻𝓲𝔃𝔃𝔀𝓪𝓵𝓭 from tsk's 𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖆'𝖘 𝖈𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖑𝖊. verse friendly in fantasy, medieval, and modern universes. this blog is not spoiler friendly. ship exclusive with @stablelad.
dossier. promo. inbox memes. ᵐᵉᵐᵉᶻ ⁴ ᵐᵒᵗʰᵉʳ. blogs.
activity. all of my blogs are on a medium / medium-low activity basis. i'm a teacher, so in the months of august - may, my spoons are limited due to work and some chronic illnesses / conditions i have. please be patient with me. ♡
following. due to some anxieties i have, i rarely follow first. i usually reserve that for friends or people who my friends have vouched, so please do not take offense if i don't follow first.
with that being said, i review everyone that chooses to follow me, that includes extensively reading their rules and about their character. i reserve the right to not follow back or even soft block a following to protect my space. i will not follow back and will likely block if there are no rules or mun information present or if the mun is under the age of 21.
ship exclusive. i am ship exclusive with mother out of my own comfort and preference. this means none of my muses are open for romantic shipping. however, i love every other kind of dynamic, so bring them on! all i ask is that you respect the exclusivity. any ship-based content will be deleted and repeated offenses will result in blocking.
content warning. please note that there is a lot of triggering content with cc, including but not limited to: violence, gore, murder, and extremely crude humor. also, there will be presence of spicy content on here from time to time. any sort of spice will be tagged according to the level of it. suggestive // will be used for mild material. spicy // will be used for more graphic descriptions. any other triggers will be labelled as trigger // accordingly.
banned. i don't want to gatekeep, but please do not interact if you use the following banned face claims: lea michele, armie hammer, blake jenner, bob morley, eliza taylor, amber heard, johnny depp aka people with a recorded history of being abusive / violent / damaging. i will also not follow portrayals of real life people or fictional iterations of real life people.
this blog does not support trump supporters / maga - heads, racism, antisemitism, bigotry, pedophilia, islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexual assault, domestic violence, hate, harrassment, etc. it's also important to note that i won't always publicly speak on real world events on my blog. i want this to be a safe creative space, and if you ever want to know my stance or opinion on an issue, i'm happy to have a conversation. however, i want to keep my content as laid back as possible.
reblog from the source. if you see something i reblog that you like, then go for it! however, all i ask is that you reblog from the source, if it is available. even when it's not, i try to go into the notes and reblog it from someone who reblogged it months and months ago. please exercise this courtesy as well.
unfollowing protocols. when i unfollow a blog, i tend to softblock them. i mean no ill will in doing so, and you are welcome to do the same if you wish to unfollow me. like i said, i want to curate an enriching dash, so i tend to do clean outs now and again based on who's shown interest in me & my muses.
credits. most graphics are made by me unless otherwise specified. my coloring psd is from @pinkinnards. i currently use old ham spamwich!
0 notes
faegana · 4 months
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#FAEGANA is an indie, selective, au & canon divergent MORGANA LE FAY of bbc merlin & arthurian legends. by belle. she/her, 21+. ( high activity. ) this blog may contain dark themes. a mature audience is advised. this blog will only write with those 21+. 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐎𝐑𝐒 & 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐒 𝐃𝐍𝐈. rules / bio / verses info are under the read more.
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@loveindomitable + @legeandary
@unwaivering + @magikheir
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memes.         threads.         promo.
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001.    – a highly selective indie Morgana Le Fay blog. established since 2014. the tracked tag for this blog is #FAEGANA. discord is available upon request. this blog is a multifandom, multiverse, crossover, oc & duplicate friendly account. 
002.    – I will tag each post as the muse that is being used for an easy tagging system. I am mostly iconless and I may use small gifs from time to time as well. I will likely some bolds or italics when need be and small text, that's as much as I do as far as formatting goes. I am willing to use regular text as well if that is easier for my writing partners.
003.    – drama, hate, callouts and blog policing is NOT TOLERATED here. let's keep rp as a fun and creative experience. keep the drama to the characters.
004.    – if you are interacting with my starter calls, please leave a comment with the muse that you want the starter to be for if you are a mutlimuse. that makes it easier for me to make the starters. if you do not actually intend to reply to my starters, please don't have me make you one. and if you need me to change something about it, don't hesitate to ask. the same goes for ask memes as well, please specify the muse that you would like the ask to be answered with.
005.    – there are only a few things I may not follow you back for and they are as followed: not tagging posts, not having an age range on your blog anywhere and linking a form of payment somewhere. please note that I do read rules when I follow someone, that being said, I will no be sending in passwords.
006.    – while I do not require you to follow or interact with my other blogs, if I find that you have blocked them, I will likely end up softblocking or hardblocking you as I find this a form of breaking mutuals. speaking of other blogs, I do have another blog, plus I'm involved in some group rps as well. so you might see me around in other places where I also write.
007.    – FADE TO BLACK IS PREFERRED. romance leading up to sm/ut is okay. that being said, smut may be referenced on occasion, but I will not write it. that also being said, I do love writing romance, pun intended, I would just rather fade anything else to black.
008.    – If something is triggering to you & you would like it to be tagged, please don't be afraid to politely ask me to tag it. For tagged triggers I will use #TRIGGER CW. I currently do not have any triggers to be tagged.please note that the views of my character are not my own personal views. OOC=/=IC.
009.    – REBLOG FROM THE SOURCE. Please do not reblog a meme from me, especially if you have no intentions of sending me a meme in return. I understand if you can not find the original link, so an exception can be made in this case here. also please do not reblog memes from me if we are not mutuals.
010.    –  Please do not assume a character to be a relation to any of my characters unless it's been discussed. If your character is an oc sibling / child / etc., my character will not know them unless we've discussed this. that being said, canon relations are most definitely allowed. that being said, I am not entirely against this, I would just rather this sort of thing be discussed before interactions, especially if such a character drastically changes a canons background.
CREDITS.    – all graphics were made by me. and unless said otherwise, I'll credit the maker in the post, but currently everything was made by myself. graphics psd by JESSOURCE.
MUN.    – BELLE. 30+. EST. SHE/HER. I've been rping since 2006. I'm a crossover, oc & duplicate friendly account. I love exploring all things fantasy and slice of life alike. feel free to send me a meme or a starter to get things going. discord is available upon request. 21+ only. MINORS DO NOT FOLLOW.
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name: morgana le fay / lena walker (modern)
nickname: gana
birthday: tba
age: 18+ ( verse dependent )
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: bisexual
height: 5'6''
hair color: dark black
faceclaim: ka.tie mc.grath
canon divergent - daughter of goloris & vivienne
Born to King Goloris and Lady Vivienne. Morgana did not know much of her mother because she died a few years after she was born due to an illness, which often left her in the care of wet nurses anyway.
She lived with her father in Cornwall, where he ruled over the castle, up until he died by enemies of Camelot and due to a poor decision from King Uther. She was rightfully Princess, now Queen of Cornwall, but was never told it as she was too little to understand back then. As such, King Uther took Morgana in as his King’s Ward and she participated in meetings, balls and such as was requested by him.
She never liked that Uther had such a hatred toward magic, so when Morgana discovered her own magic years later, she was so frightened of it that if her half-sister hadn’t found her, she wasn’t sure if she would have ever gained control of it.
One thing was clear however, Uther needed to be stopped and Morgana sought the crown for herself along with her sisters help. Of course she cared about Arthur, son of Uther Pendragon, but she knew that she needed to break off her connections with him so she ended up stepping away from the castle entirely after a siege had gone wrong.
When Morgana found out who Merlin truly was she felt a deep betrayal. If her sister had not come along, he could have at least helped her and yet he chose not to. Instead he had poisoned her, ruining her friendship and whatever she could have had with him entirely. She sought out vengeance, from Merlin who betrayed her and from Arthur who had her throne.
The battle of Camlann approached and Morgana entrusted Mordred to kill Arthur. He succeeded, but in her guilt, as she watched Merlin carry him away, she wished that things could have been different.
So she waited, lingering but keeping her distance from Merlin whom she knew would never trust her again and she mourned the loss of the King and Mordred, but hoped that one day they would all be brought together again.
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vi: you don't want to know me i will just let you down.
&. this verse contains morgana as mentioned above. she is canon divergent, meaning she is the daughter of goloris & vivian as was indicated in the beginning of the bbc show merlin.  
vi: only a mad man hears the truth as treason.
&. morgana pendragon – alternative, following the show canon verse.
vi: a modern lady.
&. this verse will pertain to any timelines where morgana is in modern times or has been reincarnated. 
vi: a princess of circumstances.
&. a verse where morgana is adopted into the pendragon family in modern times.
vi: bridergton
&. bridgerton verse tba
vi: rwrb verse
&. rwrb verse tba
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