#multiple paragraphs like woah
bbluesidess · 10 months
no way someone said they’ll steal my art and put it on shirts just because I said I don’t support Noah Schnapp
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ivorsblocksleeve · 27 days
the mcsm fandom fuckin sucks dude
As a long time member of the furry, danganronpa, and BNHA fandom im not the type of person who likes to generalize entire fandoms based off of experiences i hear about or have with other people in said fandoms. but the MCSM fandom is such a filthy stain on the internet and so many people in the community have gotten WAY out of hand. the constant racism and whitewashing of characters. people publicly talking about NSFW topics in numerous discord servers that have children in them, sometimes with people under 13 years old. the ridiculous amount of drama surrounding character headcanons among other things. its RIDICULOUS
im a black guy. i can care less about the "issue of blackwashing", it does not exist and never has existed. i care a LOT about the whitewashing in this community. there are multiple jesse skins for a reason, to represent a ton of different peoples races! red suspenders jesse is literally WHITE! if you want to draw white jesse draw HIM! why are people whitewashing the other jesse skins? why are people whitewashing characters like radar, stella, olivia, etc?? MCSM as a game has blessed its community with a wide range of characters of different ethnicities and races (even if not directly stated) and none of them are stereotyped, theyre all incredibly well written and have great characterizations but unappreciative morons are choosing to whitewash the shit out of them :/. the characters are so easy to colorpick. theyre minecraft characters. literally pixels. coloring people of different skin colors is NOT a difficult thing. have some common sense and use references properly.
im an adult who likes adult things. as an adult i understand boundaries and that talking to minors about sexual headcanons is NOT a good thing! woah! some of you dont understand how important it is to tag certain shit on different sites correctly or how to keep conversations about NSFW topics away from people who are WAY younger than you. vague jokes are one thing but time after time ive either heard or seen myself that grown ass people are describing explicitly sexual things with minors. gross much???? and PUBLICLY of all things. its one thing to have your own friend group or whatever, its fine to discuss things in private so long as its with someone in your fucking age range but JESUS CHRIST! MCSM discord servers have become BREEDING GROUNDS for these kinds of adult NSFW discussions with minors and it only creates a domino effect where they too start sharing that in OTHER MCSM servers with OTHER minors. ITS GROSS!!
(whole paragraph above also applies to headcanons and aus that are also potentially triggering. jesus christ some things should just be kept in private convos on the internet)
and my god the DRAMA over characters its insane. its completely fine to dislike certain headcanons and to have certain opinions on them. you can publicly voice your opinions in a RESPECTFUL manner. it really is not hard.?? at all. there are a ton of headcanons i hate personally, i rant about them in private and if i ever feel like voicing about them in public ill say it in a respectful manner. if someone dislikes a headcanon you like it is not a personal attack on your entire being. relax dude. i will always agree with the statement that fiction affects reality but my god they are just FICTIONAL CHARACTERS that you do not know personally and you do NOT need to go on a rampage and witch-hunt people because people say things like "i think xyz character has a different body type!" or "i think xyz character is a certain sexuality!". this especially applies to age headcanons. ages are NOT CANON, sure there are characters that appear to be older than others but ages are always up for speculation. not everyone is going to agree with your "minor coded" headcanons, dont attack and throw proshipper/pedo accusations on people who dont? id go into the infantilization of the characters who get this kinda treatment but different problem different day. point is, headcanons are headcanons and sending swarms of people after people who disagree with them is DUMB and STUPID and NOT NICE! stop doing that
in general this fandom harbors horrible mindsets and even more horrible people who i will not name and frankly its getting very frustrating seeing how the people in this fandom treat each other. have some respect for others and also yourselves. fix up your behaviors, dont make your bad attitudes everyones problem, and spend some time off the internet. have a good day yall
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fffeaturz-alt · 2 months
stupid rant. vent. whatever ya wanna call it also first post on my alt woah theres swearing. yeehaw. i unno if people care about that but yee yee
I have this one stupid fucking friend at school. well not really a friend, I don't want to be their friend at all that's basically what this is about. but. I fucking hate them so much oh my god. literally, they don't give a shit that I've told them about the fact I heavily struggle with physical touch, every time I see them they cling on to me, grab my wrist, or literally grab onto my neck. even if I was fine with touch grabbing my neck out of nowhere is fucking scary holy shit. constantly, they take my things and don't give them back for HOURS. like, they took something from me that was really important to me and they knew it damn well. yet, they still took it and called me "dramatic" and "sensitive" when I panicked. they keep going up to my other friend's boyfriend and saying "hey, [name], did yk [my dead name] has a crush on your girlfriend." even though they fucking KNOW I don't. I've told them multiple times, thankfully my friend's boyfriend knows I don't, so does my friend, but they won't stop.
they constantly try and get me to "turn around". or "bend over". whatever, they know so fucking well that I've been sexually harassed before, and get again, they call me "dramatic" and shit like that. I hate them so fucking much, I want them out of my life, I hate them. but, unfortunately, they're somehow good friends with three of my actual friends. and I don't want to lose those people, I don't have many others I can trust besides them. I still have two others I know would stay with me, and I'm great friends with them, but I don't want to lose the others. they've also been good friends with me for a while now, but I have trouble being near them or trusting them while that other person's there beside them.
I could go on for paragraphs about all the things they do that makes me hate them, but even though I know barely anyone's going to see this anyway, I don't really want to go that far.
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iconocon · 2 years
spider | lando
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summary: you find a spider and ask your super-tough boyfriend to come to kill it for you.
warnings: none unless you're scared of spiders <3
type: oneshot | word count: 603 | ✧ fluff
the giggles that followed even made you laugh as your childish boyfriend continued to play with his friends on twitch while you were stuck laying on his bed reading a boring paragraph from your stupid biology book that you only grew to hate more and more with each word. your eyes kept drifting from the diagrams of the human body to the tv that hung from the wall playing some dumb british reality tv show. becoming more and more engrossed in the drama of someone cheating on their boyfriend with their best friend you find yourself tilting your head your eyes start to focus on a big- what looks to be like a circle crawling from one side of the screen to the other, which is also when you realize that the circle has legs. MULTIPLE LEGS. a gasp followed by a small scream leaves your lips as you watch it pick up its speed for the wall closest to you. jumping out of bed in just your boyfriend's oversized hoodie you run towards the door swearing “oh my god, oh my fucking god, LANDO! BABY!” 
standing in the hallway you catch your breath waiting for him to come to your rescue but when you are still hearing him continue to joke with his friends about how they ruined his lap times by running him off the track, you sprint into his gaming room startling him and confusing him on what got you to look so scared at this time of night.
“what’s wrong” pausing the game you can hear the groans of the group from his black headphones as he gives you his full attention this time, “woah, are you okay?” grabbing his shoulders you push him out of his chair and towards the door and hide behind his back like the spider is right there waiting for you in the dark hallway.
“there’s- uh there’s a big, no HUGE spider in your room.” spinning around he laughs at you and probably how pitiful you look gripping onto his grey sweater like your life depended on it. “no way you’re this scared of probably a tiny baby spider come on.” 
tugging on your hand he pulls your arms from his shoulder to around his waist, causing you both to walk together in sync into the threshold of the bedroom eyes on the lookout for the "little guy". pointing to where you last saw him you are met with lando now screaming “HOLY SHIT HES HUGE” rolling your eyes you now are the one to laugh as he tries to slide behind you out of sight. “no way, I'm dating an absolute child, lando please.” pushing him towards the 8-legged “monster” he jumps on the bed hiding face first in the blue comforter.
“baby, now I don’t know how to tell you this but I am absolutely not getting near that thing” 
“lando, what’s the point of dating you if you don’t kill spiders for me? huh?”
“there are lots of benefits to dating me you were just saying last night that you like when my tong-“
“FINE FINE” gulping he gets up from the bed with the same biology textbook you were reading just 5 minutes before in his hand, tiptoeing up to the scary spider before slamming it against the wall and screaming like he was the one who just got hit by the at least 15 pounds of paper before making a b-line for the door and back to his gaming room leaving you to clean up the mess.
“you’re useless lando.”
very very short i know just something to get the cobwebs out!! if there's anything you wanna see please let me know!
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ptergwen · 4 years
Hey! I was wondering if you could do a fluffy type thing based on the gif of ur navigation page. Ya know the scene in the movie where he can see whos doing what on their phones? and maybe the reader is like talking about their crush on him? i think tht woukd be a rly cool concept. but you dont have to do it if you dont want to :)
this is really cute omg i never would’ve thought of it either :,)
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i couldn’t find the gif in question but close enough
“i have access to the entire stark global security network, including multiple defense satellites,” edith tells peter as he looks around the bus through his glasses. “as well as back doors to all major telecommunication networks,” she adds on. peter’s eyes go wider, images of his classmates’ and teachers’ phones popping up.
“woah,” he mumbles to himself. he can see people’s texts, google searches, everything. peter can’t help but be curious about what you’re up to. you’re sitting alone and kind of hunched over in your seat, so he assumes your phone is out. that gives him an idea.
“um, edith?” peter asks for his new... friend. she responds almost immediately. “yes, peter?” “what’s y/n doing?” your picture, name, and a view of your screen show up in his glasses. “i can’t believe that worked” he mutters and glances over at you again in person. you sit a few rows ahead of him.
he’d wanted to sit with you for the ride, but dimitri wouldn’t let him. something about blowing his cover.
peter focuses in on your screen again. you’re texting mj, in long paragraphs, and her messages back are just as lengthy. it seems like it’s a pretty personal conversation. maybe he shouldn’t be snooping on you. “edith, could you-“ his heart beats a little faster when he sees his name come up. he’s technically not snooping if it’s about him.
“yes, peter?” edith prompts him. “never mind,” he dismisses her, wanting to find out why he was mentioned. he sneaks a quick peek at mj to make sure she hasn’t caught on. she has a habit of always being in his business. she’s across the bus with brad next to her, so she hasn’t picked up on the fact that peter is watching you two.
chewing on your bottom lip, you type out your next message. peter jumps in his seat as it flashes across the screen.
i really like him and i thought he liked me too but he’s been kind of like... idk avoiding me the whole trip?
“i’m not avoiding her!” peter whisper yells, biting the inside of his cheek while he waits for mj to reply. it then hits him what you said in the first part. you like him. not just like him, really like him. he could pass out right now and call this a dream. he’s been crushing on you for a while, but he was too scared to say something. this is definitely a confidence booster.
wdym avoiding you? he’s been ditching the whole class y/n/n. kinda sus if u ask me
stopppp 😭 maybe he has something going on bc he’s been weird since before we left
uh he’s been weird his whole life
peter purses his lips at that, eyebrows furrowed in offense. he can’t believe nick fury is ruining his love life. or, the potential of him having a love life. you could’ve been cuddled up next to him and listening to music together right now. he’d made a playlist for the trip of both your favorite songs, that specific reason being why.
but, no. nothing that isn’t superhero related can ever go peter’s way. he’s had enough of fury and his team controlling him.
i don’t wanna get dramatic or whatever but should i just give up? if peter is busy i don’t wanna overwhelm him
“thanks, edith. you can stop showing me now,” peter decides, getting up from his seat before he loses his nerve to. he makes his way through the aisle and over to you. “i said all kids stay seated!” dimitri scolds him with a stern look through the front mirror. he doesn’t actually care if people get up, he just wants to keep peter away from everyone else. good thing he’s the one driving so he can’t do anything about it.
“sorry!” peter calls back, making you look up from your phone. giving him a lopsided smile, you quickly shut it off. you didn’t expect him to be the rule breaker getting yelled at. “hey,” you greet him. “hey. can i sit with you?” peter smiles back, without the nervousness. he already knows your feelings are mutual.
you scoot closer to the window so there’s more room. “yeah, always.” “thanks,” he breathes out a laugh and takes his seat. “i like your glasses. when did you get those?” you compliment, loving the way the blue frames sit on his face. peter squints at you. “glasses? what glasses- oh.” he’d forgotten to take them off before coming over. great, now he needs an excuse.
“they... they, um, at this store in venice...” that’s all he can come up with. you’re guessing the glasses have something to do with his stress lately, and you’re not far off. you let him leave it at that. “well, they look really good on you. really really good,” you laugh and get a laugh of relief out of peter as well. “thank you, y/n/n.” “you’re welcome.” you’re grinning for real now, and being the cause of it makes peter so happy.
he’s ready to shoot his shot.
“do you wanna, um, listen to music with me?” peter asks softly over the loud rumbling of the bus. “i made a playlist... for us.” for us. him coming over here, thinking of you like that, the doubts you were having earlier are starting to fade away. you nod, a giggle slipping out of you. “yeah, we can share my earbuds. thanks, peter.”
you unzip your backpack and grab them, peter biting back another grin. this is working out exactly how he wanted it to. you hold out an earbud to him and put yours in. peter does the same, adjusting his while both of you move in so the wire doesn’t stretch. yup, that’s why. definitely not so you two can be closer.
“can i plug these in?” peter asks, taking the connecting end of the wire. “mhm,” you hum and watch him put it into his phone. he opens up spotify and goes to his playlist, titled with a smiley face and every pink heart emoji. that brings yet another smile to your face. “aw, that’s cute,” you comment, taking a leap of faith and resting your head on peter’s shoulder.
peter hits shuffle and makes a move of his own by resting his head on yours. he lowers the music a bit so he can say something to you, confess to you what he finally has the courage to you. “hey, y/n?” he mumbles, waiting for you to look at him. you already were. “i like you.” you settle into peter even more and let out a content sigh. “i like you, too.”
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d4rkpluto · 2 years
♇ tarot reading feedback; number thirty-two
Brief background:
♇ I’ve mentioned before that after my father’s passing last year, my life drastically changed. However, to be more specific, he ran a number of businesses that were incredibly successful and had managed to build up quite the reputation, as did he himself.
♇ I’ve ended up having to run his multiple businesses, and though I’m a Master’s grad, none of these entities fall within my field of expertise, so it’s been quite the learning curve/uphill battle. Furthermore, they all fall within male dominated fields that essentially comprise of old boys clubs whose members, as one can imagine, are extremely misogynistic, and not to mention cliquey.
Reading 1: What Secrets do you Need to Know
♇ When I initially read this, there was one person that came to mind as a possibility. However, since then, incredibly so much of this has come to fruition. And I now think the reading might be referring to 2 different people.
♇ I found out about 2 weeks ago that it turns out that there was someone talking badly about me behind my back, being a loudmouth. It was one of my male colleagues, who is also on a managerial level and is one of the experts I came to rely on. He had been going around saying a whole host of horrible things (- which are unwarranted tbh) and someone finally alerted me to this.
♇ Another one of our managers admitted to feeling guilty about keeping quiet about it, which you literally said in the reading!
♇ Further, I was in fact incredibly heartbroken by his actions and on top of everything I was dealing with at the time, I did find myself in a deeply depressive state sadly.
♇ Admittedly, as you pointed out, I am hyper vigilant/ paranoid about things being both said and done behind my back (due to the nature of this industry and being one of the very few women in this space at this level, to name a few reasons).
♇ There is another individual who I initially pegged the reading to be about as soon as I read “someone with an immature energy”— that is potentially the person who I “might’ve lied to” but the only lie I can think of would have been a white lie and/or not very detrimental or damaging. But he is for sure someone that I can almost sense is trying to plan something vindictive towards me; just a feeling. He’s someone who tends to read betrayal and double-crossing in every action, not sure why but I suspect its ego.
♇ “Someone might be so focused on the task ahead of them, that they fail to see what’s around them” woah. Not sure what this whole paragraph is in reference to but I’m thinking it’s yet to reveal itself?
♇ Also “someone waiting for the right time to do something to you” is so scary, I have no idea what this is about or why.
♇ The Queen of Swords in reverse sounds like it might be me? Whoops. Not so much the vindictive, malicious, and easily influenced part but more so that about gossiping.
♇ Finally also not sure who the last paragraph is about but I do desperately hope that whomever it is about ends up self-destructing instead as stated.
Reading 2: How to Heal Yourself and Grow as a Person
♇ Starting right off with the facts, damn. Lol, I am someone who believes that they understand themselves very well but I could see how my self-awareness is lacking. I laughed when you kept mentioning my need for control, it’s true and almost obsessive to be honest, I hate it!. I’m a self-admitted control freak and it deeply shakes me when I feel out of control or unprepared. The more familiar the environment, the more in control I feel.
♇ Interesting that you say I underestimate myself a lot because this is something that I’ve recently been doing a lot of and those close to me have started to pick up on this, a friend literally said this to me this past Wednesday lmaooo. It’s frustrating because I wasn’t always this way but I have been facing so much adversity of late, thus naturally it starts to chip away at ones confidence.
♇ Though I do believe I’m pretty good with managing my money and will continue to be careful.
♇ I suspect the place I keep going back to might be my home/room? I am naturally a homebody but I’ve recently become quite the hermit due to the amount of stress I’ve been dealing with of late. When I feel this way, I tend to both become a recluse and rely heavily on “distractions” to soothe me. I DO need to “become committed to things that will give you abundance in the future” fully, fully agree.
♇ Don’t know how much more self-reflection or shadow work I can do, but I’ll look into this however I concur that I need focus more on my the tasks and tending to my inner child.
♇ I am desperately in need of need friends. All my closest friends are reside overseas and I barely have any in my home country now. Unfortunately, zooming and skyping isn’t quite the same, and I get lonely a lot.
♇ I wish you’d expounded on how to invest in myself more, I’m curious lol.
♇ You were spot on on how my anxiety holds me back a lot. I’m incredibly anxious and a chronic over-thinker which causes me to get preoccupied a lot in/with doom and gloom. Not healthy! Also, I am very future focused and find it hard to be present, I do feel that this majorly restricts me from enjoying my life.
♇ Definitely need to and will prioritise going out more, and to overall find more excitement in my life, plus take more risks.
♇ “Ignoring my insecurities” hmm… that is kind of is exactly what I do. I don’t know if I’d say I dislike myself but I would admit that I’m incredibly and unfairly hard on myself and kind of do resent how my life is at the moment as well as the state of my home life, but moreover how I have been conceptualising it; life is what you make it.
♇ One of the areas that are lacking is the absence of routine in my life, which I agree I would greatly benefit from.
♇ Lmaoooo, I do have a “secret bank account” that I put my savings into.
♇ Finally, I do need to become more emotionally abundant and embrace my emotions. I definitely do lots of ridiculing of myself over my feelings— I also recently bought a journal for this purpose!
Overall Feedback:
♇ Tremendous, tremendous stuff!! I’m seriously so impressed.
♇ It’s insane because I think the delay in writing this feedback was actually a blessing in disguise; almost all of what you foretold in the “secrets you need to know” reading ended up occurring in the 2-3 weeks thereafter, wtf! Before this, I’d gotten one other reading from you which was future spouse related and though it instinctively felt accurate, until the time comes there’s no way to know for sure, but this is all the more impressive because it took just a couple of days for the reading to come true.
♇ In terms of the 2nd reading, I feel similarly in that there was more than a number of things you mentioned that I had either already been contemplating myself or actively decided to do more of! Which is also why it’s definitely advise I will doing my best to put into practice, I hope it will help me improve the quality of the life I’m living at present. Thank you so very much.
♇ Anyone who is seeking a personal reading should look no further than here, it is worth every damn penny—if anything, I feel Pluto has priced very generously relative to the quality of readings she offers.
♇ You are so great at what you do. Keep up the fabulous work!
reading - secrets you need to know; 10 spreads + how to heal yourself and grow as a person; 15 spreads
paid tarot readings
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rawbin69 · 4 years
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*Slowly walks up to you, cradling this*
*Gently sets it down in fromt of you*
Okay anyways hi I’m back after like, months lol, sorry about that (but I’m not actually back because I’m busy trying not to die because of school-work and trying to work on some MAP parts. I literally said five days ago on my yt channel “Hi I’m back now!! :-D” and school just said “no <3″ which, um, rude. So yeah I might come on and occasionally come post something but I’m really not gonna be coming on here to be active
OKAY OKAY but I need to explain these sketches because they will be suuuper confusing without context, I am very aware, yes, so there’s an explanation (+ some extra art and a non-shaded version of the stuff above) under the cut :-)
BASICALLY, @lulzyrobot​ made this AU of Pokémon Sword and Shield and now I have brain rot because of it. Also this AU will indeed be confusing to those who have no knowledge about sword and shield so here’s a skippable paragraph about the game:
Basically, SwSh is just a Pokémon game (no surprise there) and its gimmick or whatever is Dynamax, which turns Pokémon like. Really fucking large. (Some of them can also Gigantamax which changes their appearance as well as size, but we don’t care about that here bc it really isn’t relevant). In all gyms (except one, Spikemouth) there are power spots, which are needed for a Pokémon to Dynamax. If they’re not close to a power spot, they can’t do it. There are also power spots in the Wild Area (which is, you guessed it, an area in the game). At one point in the game, the villain -- Chairman Rose -- starts up something called “the Darkest Day”, which happened before in the Galarian region (which is where everything takes place), in hopes of getting infinite energy for them or something like that (really makes no sense but like ok pop off ig). To do this, he basically uses these things called Wishing Stars -- which are what allows Pokémon to Dynamax -- to summon a Pokémon called Eternatus. In-game, you basically just summon two other legendaries (Zacian and Zamazenta -- they’re on the cover of the games) and fight Eternatus and then catch the fucker. That’s all context you need for this AU so let’s move on to that now:
The AU is basically that Eternatus sends out a powerful blast which fuses trainers with Pokémon, to varying degrees. The closer to a power spot you are, the more likely you are to get it bad. If you’re far enough from one you won’t be affected at all. A person can merge with multiple Pokémon, but the more of them, the harder it is to not go wild. If you merge with a wild Pokémon, you’ll become a Wild Trainer (and those basically act like, well, wild Pokémon).
If you want more info (which you do want, trust me on this), here’s a post made by the creator themself!! https://lulzyrobot.tumblr.com/post/610890677032747008/pokemon-dynamorph-au-masterpost
OKAY ANYWAY, back onto this specific sketch (wow I really went on a rampage there lol)
I decided to Dynamorph my trainersona(??????) (btw, both the Dynamorph version AND the “human” version are WIPs, I’m not completely happy with either of them) and this was the resuulltttt
- Their name is Robin (because I’m a bastard that does self-insert ships with no shame)
- They merged with their Arcanine (and I’m considering also adding a wild Lycanroc, both so I can give them Epic Claws™ and so that their whole extremely volatile nature makes any sense)
- They have some REAL trouble keeping themself in check. Like. They’re constantly on the edge between becoming a Wild Trainer and being “normal”
- Because I am, like I said, a bastard who does self-ships without any shame they are together with Piers. yes I am a simp for him. 
- Robin has their select group of friends (made up of all gym leaders minus Opal because they have no idea what the fuck is up with her, as well as Marnie, Hop and Leon. No they don’t give a shit about Bede) which they are super protective of. They have to be reminded that they can all handle themselves, because they might otherwise become a bit possessive.
- While they are a raging storm you do NOT want to get involved with in any way to anybody outside their friend group, they are really nice to be around when they really care about you. They may be pretty stubborn, but they always do what they think is best for their loved ones. On multiple occasions, they’ve gone out to collect any sorts of gifts they can find that they think their friends will enjoy. They are super gentle and kind with Hop and Marnie (which, by the way, they’d literally die for either of them) and they’re overall a good friend/partner. Their main flaw here is their temperament and somewhat possessive nature.
- If anybody did something to even moderately hurt any of their friends... hoo boy, you do NOT want to do that. They’ve nearly killed people for leaving so much as a scratch on their loved ones, and have to be physically dragged away so they won’t really kill somebody. 
- However. Despite really, truly believing they'd never, under ANY circumstances, hurt ANY of their friends... they’re wrong about that. The only ones they could truly never purposely cause harm to would be Piers, Marnie and Hop. Yes, it would take A LOT for them to hurt any of the others (like, they’d only hurt the others if they tried to, idk, kill them or something. Or if they tried or actually did kill somebody else in their close circle) but it could hypothetically happen.
- If they ever were to see Rose, he’d probably be torn to shreds on sight. Literally nothing would be able to stop them. 
- While it’s near impossible for anybody they don’t care about to calm them down, it’s pretty easy for especially Hop, Marnie, Piers, Raihan, Leon and Milo (and the others, but less so for them lol). 
- They were right by a power spot, like they were about to step into a den, when the blast happened so they were. Really fucking affected by it. They stayed in the Wild Area for a while after that, searching for their Arcanine who had “mysteriously vanished”, before they transformed. They were basically a Wild Trainer for at least a month before Piers found them and managed to get them to remember who they actually were over the course of two days. It was,, really concerning when they’d at first been texting him pretty much non-stop to update him on what was going on with them just to then go radio silent for a few days, especially since people had begun transforming at that point. Haha angst go brrr
- You must ignore how their clothes still kind of fit despite them growing to be both more ~muscular~ and tall and how it’s not dirty for the sake of my convenience ok
Ok I think that’s all? woah that was a long post lmao
Anyways, here’s the promised extra art (first one is the same sketch without any shading and that stuff (buT I MISSED ONE, I DIDN’T REMOVE THE SHADING FROM ONE I AM SORRY LOL), second is Robin as just a regular trainer)
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Oh also some context for some of the sketches:
Bottom one where they’re screaming “yOU mOthErFuCKeR” is what their reaction would be to one of their loved ones being killed
The one with Milo is Robin just. Being near him. After probably having some sort of panic or anxiety attack because they’re worried about everyone. Because Milo is a really calming person to be around.
Top one in the middle is Robin just patting the red eye-lens-things Raihan got from his Flygon because they find it to be Very Entertaining to just pat them for no reason at all.
The ones where they’re hugging Marnie would take place right after they come back to Spikemouth after their month(s) as a Wild Trainer. They still weren’t used to being around people (and much less BEHAVING like a PERSON) so they were pretty awkward about Marnie hugging them.
The one where they’re surrounded by darkness to the right and kneeling forward is them in the middle of their “transformation” after the blast happened.
Fiery ones at the top right are just Robin being pissed as fuck lol
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(Still haven’t decided if this will be the “official” team of Pokemon I have, but it’s cool for now. Also yes, I added an extra Pokemon to my “team” who isn't actually a battle-Pokémon or whatever. I NEED APPLETUNS EMOTIONAL SUPPORT OKAY)
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emetkoto · 3 years
god idek what to ask it's hard when you don't know the fandom asfdaf. OH WAIT when did eme know urianger was The One? and vice versa? gimme the fluffy deets
ajfdfkj honestly just ask anything shippy related and ill find a way to turn it into multiple paragraphs LOL gsjilhkfsd YES EMEANGER okok strap in bc im just gonna. give you a full history on them
ARR/HW spoilers if you care
in ARR there really wasnt. much between them at all sgjkflgsfdfd Eme found him to be a bit intimidating? hard to approach and even harder to actually talk to, plus to her it seemed like he wasnt very interested in getting to know her just bc of how he was back then so she didnt really put in much effort, she talked to him when she needed to but otherwise they didnt interact much.....she regrets that later when moenbryda dies and shes like. completely unable to offer him any comfort bc she knows jack shit about him, oops!
In the meantime Eme has an almost-relationship with Haurchefant that lasts until HW when. when he. w-when...you know. Fast forward to the post-HW stuff with the warriors of darkness and Eme and Urianger see each other for the first time in what seems like ages except this time Urianger has his face exposed and Eme is all dolled up as an Astrologian and theyre both vaguely like woah. At this point Eme realizes theres more to him than she thought and she would like to get to know him and become his friend so she started showing up at the waking sands to spend time with him every now and then and surprise! she really enjoys listening to him talk and learning about the things that interest him and he really enjoys being listened to and having someone enthusiastic about his interests to talk to...ofc they were both like "yep this is my good friend who i do not have feelings for" but that didnt last long bc eventually it got overwhelming and they kissed and figured everything out together <3
They kept their relationship kinda secret for a while bc well. it wasnt that long since Moenbryda and Haurchefant passed and they were worried what the other scions would think but also they were TERRIBLE at hiding it like why else would Eme willingly go to the waking sands so often and come back so happy?? theres nothing there anymore but Urianger and books smh so eventually the scions intervened and were like "hey. we get it. we arent mad. just stop sneaking around its really inconvenient" and since then theyve been disgustingly lovey-dovey around them <3
Their love is hugely based on not wanting any more regrets since they both left things unsaid with their past loves and couldnt risk going through it again so thats why they take every chance they can to be together and be cute <3
they got engaged after coming back to the source but planned to hold off on the wedding for a bit until Fandaniel showed his ugly little face so id say by the end of 5.55/right before endwalker they got married just so that if anything bad happens they can at least say they have no regrets <3
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malachitelibrary · 4 years
Writing a Practical Spirit Contract
Wordpress Version
Spirit contracts are formal agreements between a practitioner and spirits to get certain results in exchange for offerings. Contracts are best when something has multiple components that should play out a certain way to meet the goal the best, succeed in succession, or where there are multiple highly related requests. They're unnecessary for simple goals, or to successfully complete just one part of a process.
For an example of a type of situation that warrants a good contract: let's say you want to get a boyfriend/girlfriend. Well first you have to put yourself out there, if you aren't already. And you have to make sure that you're getting out at the right places: you're more likely to score a date at a bar or classes than a grocery store! Then you must attract or meet the right people, and dissuade those you aren't compatible with. After that you have to succeed on several dates.  So in this process, there are several components that must go right in succession.
On the other hand, if your goal is simply to "attract love", then a spell or a simple offering to a spirit would be best. It is too broad and unfocused for a contract; there are many ways that attracting love can manifest.
Writing Spirit Contracts
Writing spirit contracts is timely, but relatively simple. Like a real contract, a spirit contract should have these basic components:
Writing a contract is beneficial to both the practitioner and spirit. For the practitioner, it can help you to solidify and focus on what, and how many things, should go right, and in what way is "right", for you to manifest a long-term goal. For the spirit, it helps to clarify exactly where they should come in. It tells them what factors are out of the practitioner's direct control, or where the practitioner has weak control.
Contracts should only be with spirits you trust: to not to harm you, and to actually manifest results.
There is no point in going through the effort of making such a lengthy and specific deal if you cannot trust the other spirit to not twist your words, and to actually bring the goals to fruition. If you have never been able to manifest a goal with clear communication of deadlines and ability limitations with the spirit you have in mind, then look to another. It's better to hear "that is beyond my capabilities" than "wait" and "wait..."...but the goal never happens, or happens several years later when that length of time isn't warranted. This should be a spirit that you have a practical working partnership with, not simply friendship.
Additionally this needs to be a spirit you can communicate with, clearly, directly, and truthfully. This should not be a spirit that:
You hesitate to question, such as a god or goddess
You cannot contact frequently
You struggle to communicate with clearly, whether it be through clairaudience or some form of divination
This should be a spirit that you can call up frequently to ask questions, check on progress, or provide information on what you have done on your side to bring the goal to fruition.
The contracts can be as formal or informal as you wish them, as long as the above components are included. Therefore, using first or third person to refer to yourself is up to you. But if you really want to be particular or formal, go with third.
Now, for more detail on each component of the contract:
I. Who?
A contract needs to list who both sides are. List yourself first. Whether you use your magical name or real name, or any other name or nickname to identify yourself is up to you.
My name is X, I am the requestor of this contract.
Then list your spirit(s). It is best to be as specific as possible, including their ranking or title if they have any.
For this contract, I am asking for the assistance of Librarian Spirit Y, who resides in the Library of Woah.
II. Terms
List your goals, ideal or possible methods of achieving them, and actions, events, or methods that should be avoided. It should be clear where the spirit should interfere, boost, or otherwise aid with their magical abilities. It may help to say where the spirit can use their own best judgement, though that's not always necessary to include. It is beneficial to also include what you are doing on your side to try and bring the goal to fruition.
This can be in paragraph form, List form, or a mixture. Whatever you are comfortable with.
Example of Paragraph Form:
I am trying to study well to pass my Biological exam with an A. However, I struggle to focus due to the noise level of the library, and I am not certain what to study. Straight memorization is also not a strong suit of mine. I ask that you kindly aid in controlling the noise level in the library, whether it be by quieting other students or helping me to find a quiet study location, or other means. Please guide me to figure out what to study, by helping me figure out who I should talk to (How should I approach the teacher/TA? What classmates of mine know what they're doing? Which tutors would be best for me?). And please use your magical abilities to boost my capacities for memorization as well.
List Form:
Goal: Study well to pass Biological exam with an A
Issues/Where Aid is Needed:
Control level of noise in the library, particularly where I study
Guidance on what to study; and who to ask about that
Boost my memorization capabilities
What I am doing on my side:
Studying for 1 hour daily, from 7-8 PM
Exploring the library more to see if there are other, less-popular areas I'm not aware of
Asking my older friends who've taken this class before what the exam was like
The purpose of rewards is to motivate the spirit to complete the task(s) successfully, of course. The reward should be an offering of some sort; whether it be at traditional offerings such as food or incense, or a service such as picking up litter.
For multi-part tasks, or tasks where partial completion is possible, I suggest having partial rewards. As the name states, it won't be the same as a full reward; it will only be part of the reward, or an offering that is not as valuable to the spirit.
Bio is my weakest subject, so I usually get C's on them. So rewards are as thus:
Full Reward: I receive an A on my bio exam
I will clean up some of the grafitti in the bathrooms I can access (ones made with permanent marker, pen, or pencil)
I will leave offerings of coffee and tea in my dorm room, daily, for one week
Partial Reward: I receive a B on my bio exam
I will clean up some of the grafitti in the bathrooms I can access (ones made with permanent marker, pen, or pencil)
No Reward: I receive a C or lower on my bio exam
IV. Timelines
All contracts need to have a timeline. This lets both sides know how long they are bound by the terms.
Consider the following:
Is there a specific deadline to your goal? "The exam is on March 31st."
Is there a timeframe? "If you qualify for an interview, we will call you within the next two weeks."
Or will it be a renewing, long-term service? "I seek your protection for a full year. This contract will renew each year on the Spring Equinox."
V. Signature
First you must confirm with the spirit if they agree to the terms of the contract. This can be done by simply speaking with the spirit via clairaudience, or may be confirmed via divination.
Once both parties agree to the terms, both will sign it. On the practitioner's side that's easy, simply sign your name on the contract, or with a seal that represents you. For the spirit to sign is a bit trickier. If the spirits have their own seals or sigils, such as the demons from the Ars Goetia, then place that on the contract. If not, then ask the spirit if they have a signature of their own to use; whether it be a sigil or an actual signed name, and use that. Or, do automatic writing, with your hand guided by the spirit, to sign the contract on their behalf.
The Final Compontent: Starting and Working the Contract
The above was just writing the contract, here is how it'll play out
You write your side of the contract, as much as possible
Summon the spirit, present the contract and discuss it. Ask if there are any changes it would like
Confirm and agree the contract with the spirit, and sign it.
Once the contract has begun, communicate with the spirit on the regular. Progress checks and informing of issues should be done on both sides. For example, if you have a yearly contract for protection, check in on a regular basis to ask if there has been any suspicious activity that has gone unnoticed by you.
When the contract has been completed, partially completed, or the deadline has passed, discuss the contract once more. What went wrong/right, and what rewards are justified?
Contracts are a useful tool that can help spirit workers to list and achieve what they aim in life, while building a practical and fulfilling relationship with the spirits they work with.
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jojoboisimagines · 4 years
Josuke x Reader :: Promposal :: Ch. 2
previous chapter                    next chapter
summary: A strange new transfer student has enrolled in Budogaoka High School. Josuke falls head over heels for her, but has a limited time to win her over before the school prom.
The next day during lunch, Josuke was found with his head on his desk, shoulders slouched. When his friends arrived to the classroom, they were afraid he might've been banging his head on it. Nothing Crazy Diamond couldn't fix, but what was more important at the moment was what was going on inside Josuke's head. 
Koichi and Okuyasu were right by his side, sitting at parallel desks. Okuyasu almost dared to pet his head, but knew better to not touch the boy's precious pompadour. 
His smaller friend spoke up first. "Don't worry Josuke, it's gonna be alright. You win some you lose some, right?"
The teen only groans in response. That wasn't sounding too good to the other two.
"Listen Josuke ya gotta give it at least one more try, the Josuke I know isn't a quitter, that's for sure!" His bed friend attempted to cheer him up, punching him in the shoulder. He finally raised his head with a less than amused expression.
"I guess. The problem with that though is how? She doesn't seem interested in the slightest, and I don't wanna come off as some creepy stalker guy!" He rubbed his neck.
The trio stayed silent for a second, trying to figure out a idea that wouldn't be a complete dud. Koichi was the only one of the three in a relationship, yet still didn't know how this situation should be approached. The three teenagers were novices at romance, that's one thing they easily discovered.
"O-oh! I got it!" The short boy finally yelled out, scaring the others. "You should write her a love letter! Tell her how you really feel through words on paper rather than having to look her in the eye!"
A...love letter?" The pompadoured teen tilted his head like a confused dog. After he fully realized the implications of his friend's suggestion, he shook his head, a tiny bit of red across his cheeks."N-no! No way! I'm not that serious about this yet Koichi! We've barely said anything to each other!"
"You don't have to say you love her, just say how you feel and ask her if you wanna meet up." Koichi added. "Simple as that. At least, in anime and manga it is." He mumbled the last part. Okuyasu nodded his head in agreement. At this point, Josuke didn’t have many other options or people to get advice from. 
There was Jotaro, but he had no idea what his love life was like. Didn’t seem like any casanova to him anyway. Even if he asked, there’s no guarantee the marine biologist would give him an answer. Second choice would be Yukako, which was an absolute no. He doesn’t wanna scare you or come off as some creep. Third choice would be his mom. Nope, too embarrassing. She’d be setting up the wedding plans as soon as she hears he has a crush. Or there was Yuya…
“Give me a pen and some paper.” He was already holding out his hand.
The teen didn’t get anywhere with the letter at school. 
He hoped home would be a better place to actually get it written. At least one word.
He contemplated getting Koichi on the phone for some pointers, but decided against it. These were his feelings he had to write about. Honesty is the best policy, he always thought. You deserved more than some corny letter that’s probably copyrighted from a birthday card. Josuke sat at his partially cluttered desk. The note sat blank, and so did his brain. 
Thoughts rolled in and out of his brain, asking himself questions like ‘what do girls actually like again?’ and ‘Is she even the kind of chick that’d like something extremely cliche like this?’ Shaking his head helped to clear his brain and start anew. There were about four crumpled up papers in the trash bin. Tomoko had even dipped in his room to see how he was doing,  assuming he was doing homework, she had given him a drink at his request. Along with a comment of how he looked like he was going to burst a vein if he thought any harder.
It was 8:30 now.
He had taken a break. One paragraph written. Some progress being made deserved a break for him on his console.
Josuke beat his high score, earning a wide grin across his cheeks. ‘Thats enough for now, don’t wanna ruin it.’ He thought, placing the controller on top of the console. Laying back on his bed, his arms stretched across the width of it, added with a yawn. The teen guessed now would be a good time to question why he was even doing this for that girl in the first place.
He didn’t get crushes easily, that was sure enough. Maybe he liked ‘exotic’ girls, seeing that the first thing he knew about her was that she was foreign. Or perhaps it was because she was smart? Nah, he wouldn’t fall for someone over something like that. Josuke wasn’t the kind of guy to quickly judge someone based on whether they’re the sharpest tool in the shed. 
Maybe it could be because she’s pretty? ...of course not. There were plenty of pretty girls that followed him to school or even gave him letters.
It was getting too much to rack his brain for answers at this point. He had started the letter already and he was going to finish it. Even if he gets embarrassed by it, too much time had been spent to just not hand it to her.
Josuke shuffled back to his desk chair and kept writing.
Today was the big day. Koichi and Okuyasu had been hyping him up even before they got to school. He had told the other two it was pure coincidence he had remembered where your locker was, but honestly how could he forget. It was right by the class, the place he got so bluntly rejected by two days ago. 
What was actually lucky was that the envelope he bought was just small enough to fit through the slits at the top of your locker. 
It was almost time for class, meaning you would be coming to get your books any second. Instead of just going to class like they should’ve, the pompadoured teen’s two friends had convinced him to hide behind the corner to wait for your reaction. Josuke obviously protested, but all of them went silent at the sound of clacking against the marble hallway floor.
You had worn the heels again. He was almost inclined to think you were a delinquent.
Just as planned, you had gone to your locker. The trio were biting their bottom lips in anticipation. 
Josuke was practically sweating as your hand went to the combination and the sound of you unlocking it. The other two were clutching his jacket, which was frankly painful, but he was far more focused on you. 
The locker had finally opened.
Leaving you in an avalanche of love letters. 
You quite literally had to back away as they all hit the floor in multiple smacks. One blue, one pink, some with a heart sticker, some even without a name. Josuke suddenly felt a sinking feeling in his gut
“W-woah!” Koichi shrieked. “You kinda went overboard Josuke!” Okuyasu's jaw hung open, staring in disbelief. Josuke pushed the both of them off.
“Th-those aren’t mine!”
You looked incredulously at the letters, picking them up. Some fellow students stared while walking past. A few girls start mockingly giggling and also snarling at you. Not knowing quite what to do or think, you put them back in your locker and got out your books. You hurriedly walked into class, not even making eye contact with anyone else.
“Looks like..you weren’t the only one with the same idea, ey Josuke?” Okuyasu swallowed a lump in his throat.
“This is gonna be a lot harder than we thought.”
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927roses-and-stuff · 4 years
Miracles in Gotham: Chapter 4: Unwelcome Discoveries (Part 2)
Hey, guys! This fic is inspired by @ozmav’s Maribat AU. Shoutout to @mystery-5-5 for brainstorming ideas with me for this fic. 
Woah, updating twice within the same week? It’s like I finally learned how to manage my time!... Not. Honestly this is my stress relief right now because I have two papers due tomorrow and those subjects are not as much fun to write about. On another note, I just finished my midterm and passed! So, yay! Anyways, hope you guys enjoy and have a little bit of luck come your way too. 
Btw, after you’re reading this can you guys please tell me if I’m writing too much angst after reading through this chapter??? I am writing what I think would logically happen in this type of scenario, but I also tend to be really pessimistic. 
If you want to see more, follow: #miraclesingotham or ask to be added to the tag list.
Tag list: @northernbluetongue @zerotosiki @spicybelladonna @my-name-is-michell @legendaryneckjudgestudent @lokiifriggasonn
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By the time Marinette entered the classroom, her mood had lifted considerably from moments before. She sat at her usual seat and prepared her things as the rest of the class filed in. Her mood was slightly disrupted by a disgruntled Lila who roughly swept past her, but otherwise it seemed like today was finally going to be a normal day; well as normal as one could get in Paris, anyway. As the last remaining students settled in, Mme. Bustier walked into the room with a huge stack of papers. She settled them on her desk before addressing everyone. 
“Good morning, everyone!” 
“Good morning, Mme. Bustier,” the class parroted back in varying degrees of enthusiasm. Mme. Bustier smiled in satisfaction. 
“Now before we begin our usual morning exercise, I would like to call up Marinette and Alya to help me distribute these packages for you. I will give you a few minutes to look through it before discussing it further,” she said, as she split the pile of papers in half and handed one half to each girl. Marinette’s eyes bulged. The stack of papers consisted of multiple stacks of paper about twenty pages long each. She and Alya shared a glance before obeying Mme. Bustier’s orders. She started at Chloe and Sabrina’s desk and ended with Rose and Juleka at the back. Then, she returned to her seat, analyzing the stack of papers in front of her.
“Wayne Enterprises Sponsored International Connections Program in Gotham City, USA Information Package and Permission Forms”
After that was a bunch of paragraphs that Marinette skimmed over. The first few pages detailed what the program was for, their accommodations, costs for travel along with what necessary documents were needed, and all sorts of other details that made Marinette dizzy. The next few pages after that outlined the risks specific to Gotham and resources that students and their guardians were strongly recommended to review before even stepping onto Gotham grounds. The pages after that were permission forms asking for the legal guardian’s consent, her personal info, insurance, etc. 
Needless to say, the whole class was baffled. In fact, some of them were downright lost, considering they didn’t even know a Gotham City existed in the US. Or what Wayne Enterprises was supposed to be and why they were offered to join this program. Only Max and Alya seemed excited at the prospect of the field trip, judging on the excited murmurs that Marinette could hear. She picked up on the word “vigilantes” from Alya and “greatest detective” from somewhere behind her  and suddenly it all made sense. She wasn’t sure if she heard correctly, but she was pretty sure she heard Lila talking in self-assured whispers to the confused people around her. She held in a scoff, before returning her attention to the papers in front of her.
Marinette frowned, closing the package and pushing it away from her. She waited for Mme. Bustier to explain the details more clearly. Unfortunately, Marinette already knew there was no way she could go, at least, not without risking Paris’ safety. 
“If you have finished, please bring your attention to me. I will explain everything. Please leave all your questions till the end,” Mme. Bustier said, clapping her hands to get everyone’s attention. “As you may have noticed, this opportunity has been given to us by M. Bruce Wayne of Wayne Enterprises. He has chosen our school as a trial school for a program that he wants to implement next year to help expand student achievement nationally and internationally. As well as to encourage young students like yourselves to make connections with students from other countries. In fact, I believe it was Mayor Bourgeois who sent M. Wayne a glowing recommendation of our class from fundraising events to everyone’s extracurriculars and achievements! I am so proud of all of you.” 
At the front, Chloé straightened in her seat and smiled smugly. Beside her, Sabrina was looking from Chloé to the stack of papers in front of her in disbelief. The class was in a similar state of shock, and soon whispers erupted excitedly from most people in the class before Mme. Bustier silenced them all. 
Oh, that made sense, Marinette thought. Despite the sense of pride she felt for herself and the class (their hard work deserved some reward after all, especially with all the akumas recently), she knew Mayor Bourgeois was not the type of person to recommend just anyone from the goodness of his heart. He had recommended this class to M. Wayne for Chloé’s own success. Which was a bit of a shame, Marinette thought, since Chloé had more than enough resources to find opportunities for herself. However, she couldn’t help but feel grateful to whatever deity convinced Mayor Bourgeois to include the class, anyway.
“Anyways,” Mme. Bustier said when the class had calmed down. “I expect everyone here to listen to what I have to say and take it to heart.” Mme. Bustier’s voice settled lowered, her tone becoming dangerously low. “This program is a huge opportunity however, Gotham City is full of many risks and I am making it absolutely mandatory for everyone in this room, as well as their legal guardians to use the sources outlined under “Risks to be Aware of While in Gotham City” Section. While M. Wayne has assured the supervisors for the trip as well as M. Damocles that our accommodations will be in Gotham’s financial district, there is still going to be danger; more than what we’re accustomed to in Paris.” 
At the end of her spiel, the atmosphere in the room weighed heavy on Marinette. She had never seen Mme. Bustier so strict before, her teal eyes piercing through everybody in the room. 
“Um, Mme. Bustier?” Lila spoke and stood up. The class swivelled their attention to her. “I’ve actually been to Gotham City and have met M. Wayne before for a humanitarian project. I’m sure M. Wayne will make sure to do everything to keep us safe.” 
“That may be, Lila, but I assure you, these instructions were given to me by M. Wayne himself via email. He will do his best to make sure our trip is as safe as possible, but that means we need to do our part in keeping ourselves safe.” 
Blinking owlishly, Lila faltered. “Yes, of course, Mme. Bustier.” She forced a smile. “I was just saying so because it would be an absolute shame for anyone to miss out on such a great opportunity!” 
Marinette rolled her eyes. Sure, she thought. That, or she just wanted everyone to know that she knew Bruce Wayne- whoever he was- and be impressed.  At least she didn’t claim that she saved Bruce Wayne’s horse or something similar. Or claim to be friends with the vigilantes Alya had been fangirling about earlier.
The rest of the morning was spent going through the rest of the package from how to ensure that everyone had their visa, to what they should bring and how they should behave while they were there. Marinette frowned; there was something off about this trip. She wasn’t sure whether it was the duration of the trip ( which had a minimum of one month, with extra time being granted in case of any future interruptions), or why an American company would choose this specific French class for the trial program instead of a class in say, London, or any other country that spoke English. It seemed that Max was thinking along the same lines as her, because the moment Mme. Bustier finished, his hand shot up in the air. 
“Yes, Max?” 
“I have a few questions concerning this program. Why is there a minimum allotted time for our stay? Would our parents need to agree to any extension of staying? And how are we supposed to communicate or even understand anything when most of us don’t speak English?” 
Mme. Bustier smiled. “Those are all excellent questions. As I have said before, Gotham City is dangerous so there might be trips that are part of the program that will need to be rescheduled or we may need to take a later flight in case anything happens at the airport. Therefore, we need to be aware that our trip may last longer than the required month. Next, while we are there, you will be put in remedial English classes along with any classes you choose to take at Gotham Academy for the duration of our stay. This way, you will have the opportunity to brush up your English skills.” 
Alya was quick to stand up and shoot her hand in the air. “Will we be going on any field trips outside of Gotham City? Like Metropolis?” 
Mme. Bustier stared at her. “Maybe, but as for now, all details of the trip are included in the itinerary in your packages.” 
Alya deflated, slumping in her seat. Marinette turned toward her and whispered, “What’s so special about Metropolis?”
She perked up and whispered excitedly. “It’s the home of Superman, Booster Gold and Blue Beetle!” Marinette had absolutely no clue -nor any real desire to know- who those were. It didn’t seem to matter as Alya rambled on. “And, and, and, it’s also the home to Pulwitzer prize-winning journalist Lois freaking Lane  from the Daily Planet. I love her. I think I told Nino once that I would leave him for her (Nino gave an affirmative “uh huh”) if the opportunity ever arose and he said he wouldn’t mind as long as he could be with Superman. But that’s alright because Lois Lane is a badass and I love her; she is a genius-” 
“Ahem.” Mme. Bustier coughed. Alya stopped mid-speech and laughed sheepishly. Her voice must have been louder than she realized.
“Sorry Mme. Bustier.” 
“No problem, Alya. Just keep your excitement until the end of class.” She smiled softly. “And, I will see if I can mention your love for Lois Lane to M. Wayne.”
The way Alya froze in her seat, her jaw unhinged and wide eyes, Marinette wasn’t sure if she was in normal shock or if Mme. Bustier had actually managed to kill her with words. She chuckled before nudging her side to bring her back to reality. Shaken out of her stupor, Alya thanked Mme. Bustier and sat in her seat. Her smile was record-breakingly wide and she seemed to vibrate in place. 
Letting out a giggle, Marinette was ecstatic for her best friend. Sure, she may not know the superheroes she mentioned, and still wasn’t too sure of who Lois Lane was, but Alya looked like she won a million euros and meeting her idol would be a great opportunity. As Alya continued to freak out however, she shared glances between Adrien and Nino in front of her and had to stifle their laughter. 
Maybe if Alya did meet Lois Lane and Superman, and Gotham vigilantes, she could share her excitement with Marinette when the class returned to Paris. 
The rest of the day had been pretty normal, with the addition of excitement in the air as her class discussed the trip to Gotham. Students from other classes seemed to be split between being jealous of the class for the opportunity, or relieved at the foreseeable absence of what they dubbed as “the akuma class.” Students from her own class huddled together in their small groups, already planning on what they wanted to do, what they thought Gotham would be like, and how they were excited to meet any cute Americans. Marinette couldn’t help but let their excitement affect her as well. Not only was going abroad always a cause for excitement but surely it was a relief to be able to leave Paris in the foreseeable future. It was exhausting being targeted by stupid demonic butterflies and sucking up your feelings like they didn’t exist (Unless you were Lila, then you cried and let everyone worry about your emotional state and any akumas that could come from it, that is). However, Marinette had a feeling that this trip to Gotham would stir a lot of drama within their class, when everyone had the chance to reveal any negative emotions without the consequence of an akuma around. 
Well, that was that, she supposed as she went home for the lunch break, the permission forms tucked under her arm. She had been half tempted to chuck them in a bin somewhere, but knew her parents would be pissed if she didn’t tell them. Thus, she entered the bakery and once there was a lull in the orders, asked both of her parents if they could talk. 
She led them upstairs in the living room and placed the bundle of papers on the dining room table. Marinette briefly explained the program and let them read through the package carefully. By the time they finished, Marinette only had an hour left of her two hour lunch break. 
“So?” She prompted, trying to gauge their reactions. 
Her maman and dad exchanged a glance and nodded, before turning back to her. 
“You’re definitely going.” Her maman said, putting the package back on the table. 
Marinette’s jaw dropped. “Wait, Maman, don’t you need some more time to think about this?” She couldn’t believe it. She should’ve chucked the package in a bin. 
Her dad frowned. “Marinette, we don’t like it either, and it’s not...ideal, but we believe it’s for the best if you stay away from Paris for now.” 
Marinette’s eyes widened, glancing back and forth between her maman and dad. “What do you mean?” 
Her maman sighed. “Ever since we almost got akumatized on the day you were expelled, me and your father have been talking, and well, Paris isn’t safe for you anymore. It hasn’t been for a long time.”
Her dad nodded in agreement. Marinette felt befuddled. She felt like she definitely lost a few brain cells. 
“Gotham City isn’t safe either, Maman, Papa. Didn’t you see the risks listed?” Marinette asked, grabbing the package and desperately scouring through the package. This was so not happening; she couldn’t afford to leave Paris. 
She heard a sigh coming from her maman, before her hands settled on Marinette’s own. Marinette glanced up to stare at her maman’s cloudy grey gaze. “It’s definitely not ideal, and we wish you were somewhere safer, but I trust that M. Wayne and the school administration would never have allowed this to happen if it was too risky.” 
“And, “ her dad interjected before Marinette could continue. “If this hadn’t come up, we would’ve sent you away with your grandmère and you would’ve had to pause your schooling and travel around Europe with her until it was safe to come back home.” 
“Or,” her maman added, giving Tom a small glare. “We would’ve sent you to Shanghai with your uncle Wang. At least this way, you can continue with your schooling and still be with your friends under the maximum amount of protection.” 
Her breathing turned heavy at her words. Her heart was beating faster, was it just her imagination or did it feel like the room was stuffier than before. She didn’t understand. Why now? They had been planning to send her away. She pressed a hand against her chest to try to control her breathing. In through the nose, out through the mouth. It had been a calming trick Master Fu had shown her when she had been at the edge of getting an anxiety attack. 
Not for the first time, Marinette wished she could just tell her parents she was Ladybug. Then again, maybe that would’ve motivated them further to get her out of Paris. 
No, her maman and papa loved her. They just wanted her to be safe. They weren’t aware she’d been taking care of Paris all this time. 
She felt her maman’s warm presence beside her as her papa engulfed them both. She barely registered the apologies her maman whispered as she stroked her hair. She was too busy pushing down all her anxieties. 
She couldn’t risk getting akumatized. 
Her lunch break had been long over by the time she had calmed down. By then, both her maman and papa had returned to the bakery with promises that they would talk about this tomorrow and that they would call the school to report her absence for the afternoon. 
Marinette barely registered them as she trudged up to her bedroom. Then her bathroom. Shower. Dry hair. Change of clothes. Bed. 
She didn’t know what to feel. She didn’t notice the kwamis flying towards her and snuggling with her, in her hair and the crook of her neck. 
“What do I do?” She asked listlessly. 
Tikki floated to her field of vision. “Marinette. It’ll be okay.” 
Tikki didn’t give an answer. She sighed and sat up. She was going to write in her diary until she read her last entry. Right. Marianne. She sighed. She’d call her and then go on an early patrol of the city. 
She didn’t want the helplessness that came with being Marinette.
Taking a long, deep breath, she grabbed her tablet and called Marianne through video chat. Surprisingly, despite her age, Marianne adapted to technology pretty well. She and Master Fu were living somewhere in London, enjoying their retirement together. Marinette liked to keep up with them regularly, since she missed Master Fu, and their present now gave her hope for her own future. 
She waited for the screen to load, and smiled widely when Marianne’s face entered the screen. She looked like she had just gotten home; the makeup she was wearing was starting to fade, and her hair was tied in a slightly wet updo bun.
“Marinette! Bonjour! How have you been, darling?” Marinette noticed that she had adopted a slight British accent when she talked. It hadn’t been that long since they last talked, so maybe her and Master Fu had been going out more. 
“Bonjour Marianne.” She softly waved her hand. “Everything’s fine actually. How are you and Master Fu?”
Marianne smiled, re-focusing her own screen so Marinette could see her more clearly. “Everything’s been great. Wang has taken to liking massage parlors again. We just visited one yesterday.” 
Marinette smiled fondly. She could feel Wayzz’s presence on her shoulder as he listened intently. If anyone had been more devastated than Marinette about Master Fu’s amnesia and departure, it would have been Wayzz. It had taken a long time for him to open up to Marinette and the other kwamis, often leaving the Oolong tea she brewed for him to run cold. Fortunately, he was getting better and opening up more. Their love for Master Fu had been what helped he and Marinette bond together as a new Guardian and kwami. 
“I’m glad. It seems like you two are really happy.” 
Marianne squinted her eyes; she could feel her gaze through the screen. “Why did you call, Marinette?”
“I, ah, had a question about the Miraculous actually. I was wondering if your time with Master Fu before had given you any insight to them.” 
Marianne frowned slightly, rubbing her chin. “I’ve picked up on a few things, but Wang was really secretive. I’ll give it my best shot for you, dear.” 
“Thank you! I was wondering if you had any clue as to why the Miracle Box turned into an egg when Master Fu renounced his Guardianship to me?” 
Marianne sighed. “I wish I could tell you, but I’m as lost as you are.” 
She deflated. Her hands gripped the tablet tighter. She knew there was only a miniscule chance that Marianne would’ve known anything, but a tiny part of her had hoped that luck would be on her side. Exhaling, Marinette thanked her. 
On the other side of the screen, Marianne’s frown deepened. As happy as she was with Wang Fu, it was cruel for destiny to hand such a young child the enormous and numerous responsibilities that the Guardian had to bear. She glanced at Wang, who was sleeping on the couch contentedly. She was happy they could now spend the rest of their lives together in peace when most of it had been previously spent in war. 
Speaking of war… 
“Marinette, darling! I think I might know of someone who can help you!” 
Marinette perked up. She had been about to change the subject or close the call, but maybe she had a bit of luck on her side after all. 
“During the war, when Wang and I escaped to Paris, we were aided by someone who would become one of our closest friends. When he was recruited to battle in the war, he was very young, so Wang had lent him the Snake Miraculous for its powers of Intuition, at least until the war was over.” 
Marinette felt Wayzz stiffen on her shoulder. 
“She doesn’t mean…”
“Unfortunately,” Marianne continued. “When he returned home, he had an argument with Wang and almost didn’t return the Miraculous. It was only a month later that he left it on our doorstep. We haven’t heard from him since, but maybe he might know something. He was always a genius and intuitive beyond his years.” 
Marinette frowned. “Do you know where he might be now?” 
“His name is Alfred Pennyworth. He mentioned once that his family had a tradition of serving a family called the Waynes.” 
Marinette’s frown deepened. There was the name Wayne again. Which meant Gotham. It felt like the universe really wanted her to go there. She sighed. At least she’d have an objective while she was there- if she did go in the first place. She smiled again, once she saw Marianne’s worried stare. 
“Thank you so much, Marianne. I need to go now and plan what to do. I hope you and Master Fu stay well.” 
Marianne smiled. “You too, Marinette. Don’t hesitate to call me for anything, dear.” 
She merely nodded, and they both logged off. She set aside her tablet and turned to face Sass, who was already in front of her. 
“Tell me everything you know about this Alfred Pennyworth and your time with him, Sass. I need to know if he can help before considering everything.” 
The snake kwami merely nodded. “Of course, my Guardian.”
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venusoliver · 4 years
The Taste of Sweet Silk on Your Lips; Chapter 11 BTS
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NOTE: This post will discuss plot points from Chapter 11 my Ao3 fanfiction, The Taste of Sweet Silk on Your Lips. Please refrain from reading further if you'd like to avoid spoilers!
This chapter, if I'm not mistaken, is my longest chapter yet. Woah.
I've almost completely strayed from my original outline. Almost. For the past couple of chapters my outline didn't reasonate with the final result at all, but I think I'm starting to get back on track.
The BDSM chapters are always the most difficult. There's a lot of terminology that can come into play rather quickly, not to mention the struggle to keep things consistent and clear. (Where are Mikasa's hands? How do I describe that? How do I phrase this differently than the last three paragraphs I wrote? Okay, hold on, what's a synonym for—)
Long story short, it's a handful. But when I'm done writing the chapter, when I can finally delete "DRAFT" from the title of my chapter page, it's a feeling I don't feel to often.
I feel proud of myself. And that's an amazing thing :D
But along with BDSM chapters comes references!
Now, my original plan was to actually watch live BDSM performances online. I watched a very solid handful before I started writing this fic, and I learned quite a lot, but in the end..
I'm a procrastinator, okay?
My schoolwork was starting to pile up. I was failing multiple classes (I'm only failing one now, yay for me!), and what does my brain do when there's actual work to be done? Not that. Anything but that.
Now, writing my fic isn't work. I LOVE writing this fic. But typing out extensive cartography notes and typing out prolonged sexual tension can start to get grouped together, and before I knew it—
A week had passed since my last update. That's always when I start to get anxious.
So, instead of taking this slow and watching low-quality footage of shibari clubs in russia, it was just me— my brain— and a very aggressive google searching session.
In the end, I'm still very happy with how things went.
The issue arose initially when I just.. couldn't find the right references. I had the picture in my head of what was going on, but I still needed a picture to look at so that my descriptions wouldn't become to vague and absurd.
Let's start off easy, Mikasa's lingerie.
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I had a lot of options when deciding what Mikasa should wear. Something risque, of course, but nothing too revealing. It was a tough decision, but I think this picture does my vision justice! Aside from the shoes. Mikasa is a little too powerful in heels like that.
The next order of business was getting references for the bondage rigging.
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The spreader bar was easy. Legs spread, bar in the middle, you're good to go!
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Next up was the harness. I had a couple of other options I was debating when deciding on what type of harness I wanted on Mikasa. I originally went with something more dainty, with thinner rope and smaller knots— but once I decided on suspension-esqe rigging near the end of the performance, it only made sense for the harness to be more secure.
As for the arms.. that was the most difficult part of this chapter. Finding a reference, writing it out— when I go back to make minor revisions on the fic (grammatical errors)— it's going to be very hard to stop myself from rewriting that portion of the chapter.
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The sheer joy that raced through me when I found this image is unmatched. I had scoured the internet looking for a clean, clear reference for what I wanted. After rephrasing my google search multiple times (shibari arm rigging, arms behind head, arms behind head shibari, etc.)— and praying I wouldn't have to use a p 0rn screenshot as reference, I found this image.
This is precisely what I was going for with her arms. Mikasa is a very fit woman, and I don't doubt that she wouldn't have a problem getting her arms behind herself like this.
In my mind when I pictured Mikasa bent at the hip, legs spread wide, arms lifted upwards behind her— this is precisely the position I envisioned her arms in. I used that reference when describing the actual rigging for the arms as well.
But enough about all the k!nky stuff! This chapter was a lot more sentimental than originally planned.
I'm consistently at odds with myself when writing these chapters, trying to give them the smut I intended while also making their relationship believable.
I ship these two insanely hard, but their dynamic is a really tough one to pinpoint and make work.
They're both very cold and shut off from people in day to day life, so for their relationship to work— they need to be forced together, and they have to be in a situation where their stubbornness pulls them closer rather than pries them apart.
With all of that to keep in mind, bringing in some fluffy aspects is crucial. It makes their connection make more sense. After all, neither one of this girl's is doing random hookups. Not often, anyway.
The fluff ended up coming organically. Even if their performance this chapter was still just a performance and not an actual BDSM scene, aftercare still comes into play.
Hitch and Annie had a far different dynamic because they were friends. They were friends, and experienced in the BDSM scene. They're able to perform without getting emotionally invested— because they don't love each other romantically. There's not this same intimate connection.
As for Mikasa and Annie, it's completely different. Annie loves Mikasa to the point that she's risking quite a lot to keep the girl in her life. Mikasa is new to the scene, but she's enthralled by the idea of letting down her guard and letting someone else pull the reigns for once.
They compliment each other in an intimate, romantic, and s3xual way. The performance itself and the aftermath should reflect that.
So, it does! I found myself smiling quite a bit at the end of the chapter. I really do love these two.
The next chapter will include full fledged smut, thank goodness. I'm both nervous and excited to start writing the chapter. But, for now, I'm probably gonna get some rest.
Thank you all so much for your support. I wouldn't still be writing this fic if I didn't know that there were people out there who enjoyed my work. It makes me smile even when I'm struggling :) I hope to see you all again when I post the next chapter. Thanks so much!!
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hongism · 4 years
analysis of storge
hi so yes hello this is gonna be something that you’ll see following each part of colours of love. the primary purpose of this is gonna be to show you guys my process and how i work through scenes in my stories, and i can do these for other works if you’d like, you can just drop by my inbox and say ‘hey could we please see an analysis of [fic]??’ i’d love to give you guys some more insight on my process and how i figure out my own writing as well as just plot questions and things like that. if you wanna see these for a series that i have, rather than asking for the whole series to be analyzed, just ask for a chapter!! that way it’s easier on me to write the analysis and you guys to read the analysis!!
but anyway let’s get into an analysis from my perspective as the writer of colour of love part one: storge
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So first off I’m just going to talk about Storge as a term and the type of love it is.
The word Storge comes from the Greek term στοργή (storgē). The most simple definition can be boiled down to ‘familiar love’. It is an instinctual and familiar love that looks and feels a lot like another type of love called philia (affectionate love felt between friends). Often times storge is more related to a couple kinds of relationships: parent-child and childhood friends. Just like philia, there is not a physical or sexual attraction shared between people, but there is a strong bond, kinship, and familiarity between people.
And although storge closely resembles philia in that it is a love without physical attraction, storge is primarily to do with kinship and familiarity. It is a natural form of affection.
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So how does this apply to Colours of Love: Storge?
The relationship Mingi and the reader share is a childhood friendship. They have a strong bond, kinship, and a familiarity between the two of them. Throughout their relationship, they have been sharing an affectionate love. The reader continues to maintain this familiar love with Mingi – her storge – whereas Mingi’s feelings develop into something else.
The reader’s storge is the main catalyst of the story. She maintains this love throughout the progression of her relationship with Mingi – which in the fic lasts three months in total – and that familiarity she feels through her love for Mingi is what makes her feel comfortable exploring things with Mingi.
Now there are many things that Mingi does throughout the fic that are both frustrating and anger-inducing. This is purposeful and intentional, especially since you are reading from the reader’s perspective. There are subtleties throughout the story that show Mingi misunderstanding situations and emotions, as well as times where you as the reader are supposed to feel for him.
“I’m transferring to another school at the end of the week. There is no girl I’m into. Min Hyerin is just a random classmate that I thought could pass as a crush. I-I’ve kinda, uh, I’ve liked you this whole time.”
This passage from near the end of the fic is both Mingi’s confession about his feelings as well as his confession about his lies. This is the huge turning point of the story, and it is definitely the most anger-inducing part in the fic, I believe.
The immediate response I’ve seen to this part is “Woah he used her?”. On one hand, yes he did. However, taking a step back and looking at their original agreement:
“I-I don’t have any experience either so that’s holding me back from doing anything. So, why not… why not just learn together?”
Both reader and Mingi agreed to try things out with each other. This is really the start of bad relationship practices and decisions. They didn’t set proper boundaries or define what the relationship was; however, Mingi clearly stated on multiple occasions that if the reader was not comfortable or happy, she could cut it off at any time. He left an open invitation for her to end things. He continued being comfortable in the agreement while Reader did. What Mingi did by lying and tricking Reader into starting this relationship was wrong, but Reader carries much of the blame as well because the responsibility fell onto her shoulders once Mingi told her that she could end things.
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Moving onto the other side of things, I wanna chat a bit about Mingi’s love throughout the story because his is not storge as the reader’s is. Mingi toggles between eros (erotic and passionate love) and ludus (playful love filled with infatuation). His actions are driven by a passion and infatuation with the reader. He’s exploring these newfound feelings for her and realizing that it is not just merely friendly feelings. During the first month of their relationship, the reader says this:
Yes, well, here you are a month later in his kitchen yet again (how many times this week?).
The ‘how many times this week’ is a nod to both eros and ludus. These things are happening in Mingi’s apartment so the assumption to be drawn is that Mingi is the one inviting the reader over to partake in more of these experiments. He is constantly wanting more and he is infatuated with the idea of progressing the agreement.
The reader also experiences these kinds of playful and erotic types of love while actively partaking in sexual interactions. Unlike Mingi though, she only experiences it in those moments. All other times, she experiences the familiar love storge that she is used to.
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Throughout the story, I aimed to depict each character as a certain ‘desire’. I’ll go into a bit of detail as to what those desires are and why I depicted them in that way, but as a whole the story is a look at desire. It is meant to explore three types of desire - with more emphasis on Mingi’s and the reader’s desires - and show the consequences of each. This is a theme that will be prevalent in each part of Colours of Love.
Mingi: the desire for change
Mingi represents an unhappiness with things remaining the same. Partially due to his feelings for the reader, and hinted at in his lack of interest in the people who like him, Mingi finds routine to be fun for a time then boring after. He demands progress and change, and he is the kind of person who wants to initiate. However, he knew that the reader had her eye on someone else, so his plans for initiating things ended up changing when he learned that.
The Reader: the desire for things to remain the same
The reader represents a comfort in the ways things are. She does not like change and especially hates being the person who initiates the change. 
“No, you’re not. You’re going to watch him from afar like you always do and secretly pine after him in the desperate hopes that he might notice you or talk to you at some point without putting in any effort into making an actual move yourself.”
This passage from Mingi depicts how the reader has a routine in her life. She does the same thing over and over again because that is her comfort zone, and she hates branching out of that comfort zone. A common theme is this fic is that Mingi is constantly the one making the big decisions. The reader sets some ground rules -- not dating, no sex -- but Mingi is the initiator and he is the one pushing for change. 
So if the reader wants things to remain the same, then why did she agree to the arrangement with Mingi? It’s a matter of having those ‘firsts’, things you’ve done for the first time and who you did them with. Reader indicates that the lists of firsts she’s had with Mingi is not that long but entertains the idea of experiencing more firsts with him because of her storge again. She has a familiar love with Mingi and since things feel familiar with him, she is comfortable letting him push the boundaries a little.
Yeosang: the desire for balance and peace
Yeosang’s desire is not as prevalent or detailed as the reader’s or Mingi’s, primarily because he is not the main character of this part of the series. However, he represents the desire to keep the scales balanced. He is constantly flipping between being on Mingi’s side and the reader’s side. He seeks a balance and seeks the solution that will bring that to everyone involved. He is that smart part of your consciousness that warns you when something bad is about to happen or when you are about to make a bad decision. His constant interruptions happen when the reader starts thinking about when something is a bad idea. 
There are limits to how he shows this desire, however, and he doesn’t always express it. You can see this in these paragraphs from the third part of the story:
Last week, Mingi fingered you during movie night with Yeosang.
Two days ago, you gave Mingi a handjob in the back of a lecture hall. Yeosang was one seat over.
Yeosang is present and aware of the situation, he has already talked through things with the reader, and the assumption is that he has talked over things with Mingi as well. When these things are happening, he is not expressing his desire for balance or peace. This is something that will be detailed and become very crucial during his part of the series. I merely hinted at it here, but his desires and how he expresses them are both things that are crucial to his character.
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This is kinda the end of my analysis but I wanted to just share some other ideas that I had while writing and why they didn’t make it into the final draft of the fic.
First: Reader asking if Mingi wants to have sex to get his mind off Min Hyerin having a boyfriend
Prior to finding out that his crush on Min Hyerin is nonexistent, the original scene included the reader asking if Mingi wanted sex to get his mind off things. It was meant to represent an absolute fall from grace and fall from what she valued and held dear. Mingi was supposed to agree and things were to progress. However just before having sex, the reader was supposed to have an epiphany and realize that this isn’t what she wanted at all.
The reason it wasn’t included in the final draft:
Two reasons, the first being that I didn’t think it would fit or flow well following the reader and Mingi’s argument in the car. That was a big turning point in the story, and I didn’t want to minimize the feelings off guilt or frustration by including the reader’s offer.
Secondly, I wanted to continue emphasizing how the reader was not the one initiating things. Her offering up the idea of sex would have directly contradicted that and made her prior choices irrelevant and unimportant, and that was something I tried hard to avoid. 
Second: the reader and Mingi going out on ‘dates’
Before I realized how long the fic was gonna be, I had the idea of including these softer and more pg moments of going to the movies, the park, a diner, any sort of date that was intended to be ‘practice’ for a real date. 
The reason it wasn’t included in the final draft:
The main reason I nixed those ideas was the length of the fic. I was already at 7k when I was trying to include the first softer date moment, and I decided that I should save myself the trouble and cut down on some things.
The other reason was because I really wanted this fic to focus on the Bad parts of their relationship. I didn’t want to try to justify what they were doing or make it seem like their arrangement was okay by including soft and happy moments. While they had those moments for sure, the intention was to show you guys as readers what was going wrong in the relationship and why. 
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This whole series is an exploration of the good and bad parts of love, and some with be fluffy and happy, some with be angsty and painful, but that is all part of love and finding love. You can see the progression of the eight types of love on the masterlist for the series, and if you know what each type of love is and what they represent, you might be able to figure out which ones could end happily or which could end sadly. Frankly, I don’t even know how all of them end or what will happen in them. Storge turned out different than I thought it would in the best possible way, and I am happy with the final draft and what I was able to achieve in the fic. As this fic was written literally over the course of eight months, I would hope that you can see bits and pieces of my growth over time, even though I edited the fic heavily before posting. I also hope that you guys enjoy this insight and look into my process and how I wrote the fic as I had a ton of fun writing this analysis!! Thank you for reading, and I’ll see you at the next part of Colours of Love!
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tfw-needs-baby · 5 years
sam winchester | internet personas
based on my own experience. 
read on ao3? 
Sam Winchester and his brother stumbled upon fanfiction and the fandom a while ago. He swore to himself that he would never, ever go back and visit the crazy people that existed there. 
Well, sitting in his room in the bunker, he was bored and had nothing much to do because the supernatural had been pretty quiet for the past month or so and he was scrolling aimlessly through new articles and finding nothing. He doesn’t know how or why the idea popped into his head, but it came and he was curious at the time, so why not? 
‘Best places to’ Nope, delete that. 
‘Where to join a fandom’ Delete that too. That just sounded stupid. 
‘Fandom friendly sites.’ Yeah, that sounded about right. He clicked onto the first link, and it immediately brought him to a site called ‘Fandom.’ 
How ironic. Although it didn’t exactly help him much, it was just an explanation guide to their platform and what it had to offer. The rest of the links weren’t much help either, and he sighed. Alright, how to find the fans...wasn’t there something called livejournal? 
According to a couple of articles, old and inactive journals had been purged, but were still doing pretty well. And then, the Winchester searched up ‘best places to read fanfiction.’ 
A couple of suggestions appeared underneath ‘Popular on the web.’ 
‘Wattpad - tumblr - kindle words - deviantart - archive of our own - asianfanfics’ 
Huh. Visiting a couple of sites, Wattpad and Fanfiction.net and Archive Of Our Own popped up frequently, so he decided to visit Wattpad first. He went to browse works and choose fanfiction, and it brought him to a selection of hot and trendy stories with millions of views on them. Woah. It ranged from k-pop to a selection of animes to CBS shows and weird crossovers. The ‘x reader’ tag seemed very popular and he shivered, reminding him of Becky. 
Signing up wasn’t hard either. It had only taken him a couple of minutes. But when he was reading a selected few from the hot section, they didn’t exactly grab his attention. A lot of them seemed to be written by younger ten to fifteen year olds. They did have a large amount of potential and amazing storylines, he’ll give them that. 
Then he wandered over to Fanfiction.net. The sign up process was easy, but the site was a bit more historical and a bit more him. There were multiple forums, and he scrolled down and viewed a couple of them. Oh. They were similar to roleplay, but just - more building along a storyline with it, if that made any sense. The sign up was pretty easy here too, and he smiled as two notifications popped up in his gmail for both sites. 
Backtracking now, he went off to ‘archive of our own,’ nicknamed ‘ao3’ for short and a paragraph popped up and he skimmed through it quickly. It was just a warning that everything could be viewed by whoever and whatnot. The writing here definitely seems way more advanced, way more complex and interesting, with canon divergences going all out and unheard au’s. And the cliche plots we’re simply adorable. 
He went over to sign up, and raised an eyebrow when it stated that you needed to get an invitation, and all you had to do was enter in an email. And wait a day for an invitation. 
Hopping onto tumblr, he made an account quickly and started scrolling through it, and everything seemed different somehow. Like, more modern day than the last time he came to the page. The fandom had definitely become smaller due to a ‘nsfw ban’ and he couldn’t decide whether that was a good or bad thing. They had gifsets of memories that had happened about three years ago, with their final stand against Chuck, and he smiled as he went through year’s old blogs that never updated anymore, reblogging everything ‘Supernatural’ underneath the username ‘babytrenchcoatnougat’ and he started to tear up when he stumbled upon a post where they had created a small art of playing the rainbow slinky with Dean based on a gifset of a memory. He still remembers how happy Dean had been when he got it just for him, he played with it for the next week. 
A couple of week’s later, Sam want’s to do more than reblog and comment on content. Sam does have artistic potential, and he could definitely look into that. Although, writing seems easier at the moment, and he scrolls through an endless amount of fanfiction on archive of our own - ranging from major character death to general fanfiction - from his brother and best friend sleeping together to him turning into the boyking to high school universes to Apocalyptic worlds where they have failed.
He wants to write his own world, where they’re all happy and care-free and able to actually live happily, where no one he’s loved has died. Making a post on tumblr he states: By any chance, is there anyone on this platform that can help me with a non-romantic general Supernatural fanfiction?
He places a couple of normal tags that fit into the category, then presses post. About an hour later, he gets a reblog from someone called @ misha-moose-dean-burger-lover [and wow, that sounds like a handful] offering to help. 
I’m available if you need me to, @ babytrenchcoatnougat ; what’s the plot? We can discuss more in DM’s if you’d like! Besides, I’m free for the week, but if you need a beta reader I can offer a couple of people that I know. 
Sam sends her a message. 
babytrenchcoatnougat: can you give me some advice or writing tips if you have any? i'm not looking to make any implied romantic pairings in the fic
misha-moose-dean-burger-lover: well, that depends, what’s the fic going to be about? 
babytrenchcoatnougat: i don't know yet, maybe team free will 2.0 just taking a roadtrip to nowhere without a destination in sight after defeating chuck?
misha-moose-dean-burger-lover: eeeeee
misha-moose-dean-burger-lover: that sounds like a awesome idea misha-moose-dean-burger-lover: you're definitely going to want to have specific destinations in mind, and only a hint of angst, and what they’re going to do at these locations 
misha-moose-dean-burger-lover: use transition words and make sure it doesn’t repeat often, descriptive details but don’t use it in every scene, and make sure there are frequent movements in the characters so they don’t sound so stiff, and make sure to slowly transition into the next scene, as time skipping to every scene will make the story seem boring. misha-moose-dean-burger-lover: make sure the characters aren’t ooc either! 
And so, Sam writes. He writes until his eyes hurt and he definitely needs some sleep, so he sends a quick message to a beta to read it over for him and they do, gushing about how the plot was wonderful and badly needed after all the terrible angst that occurred this season. He smiles, giving his thanks before uploading the first chapter out of 15, 13k words, onto ao3. 
[He checks over the grammar and tags over fifteen times.]
He can hardly contain his excitement, jumping around happily all day, even baking Dean a pie which makes him get sprayed with holy water and go through every test just to make sure he isn’t some supernatural creature. 
Later that afternoon, he checks his ao3 underneath the same username and finds out it’s gotten about 150 hits, and 38 kudos, which makes his heart swell. He’s also gotten a comment, and he presses comments eagerly. 
‘Kill yourself, psycho virgin fag.’ 
He re-reads the comment a couple of times, eyes tearing up and dropping his phone onto the kitchen table recklessly. What the fuck. Was his story really that bad? Did those people who didn’t leave a kudo really hate his story that much? Did the fans think his story was too child-like? Badly written? OOC? Do they really hate him that bad that he actually should commit- 
Sam breaks down right then and there, pushing his computer aside, placing his head down and crying softly. Castiel and Dean don’t find him until an hour later, and he’s still softly crying. They rush over to him, Dean quickly sitting to the right while Castiel sits to the left. “Sammy? What happened?” Dean asks, and the younger Winchester shakes his head. 
“N’thing.” He mumbles, and the older Winchester sighs. He’s just being stubborn, when he doesn’t want other people to worry about him, afraid that he’ll give them his problems. “Sam, please, if you talk to us, then we may fix the problem together. Remember, we made that promise two years ago, to be more open with each other.” The former-angel now archangel says, pushing Sam’s hair out of his face. Sam takes a shaky breath, pushing himself off the desk and grabs the laptop, opening it up to the recent fanfiction he had written, and Castiel and Dean both skim through it before Dean snatches the laptop. “Is this a fanfiction?” He looks at him as if he’s crazy, and Sam slowly shakes his head in agreement. Castiel walks over to Dean, both of them reading the first chapter silently, and everytime he glances over to see their reactions it seems unchanged. His brother probably thinks he’s weird, and Castiel is going to find him crazy-
“Damn, Sammy, you’ve got talent.” Dean says, and he actually sounds impressed. “W- what?” 
“That is incredibly written and a wonderful idea, I think we should go on a roadtrip ourselves,” Dean nodded in agreement. “Is this why you’re crying? I think this is perfect.” 
“Wait - you two do find it weird or anything?” 
Castiel and Dean look confused. “Why would you think that Sammy? I like it.” 
“You should uh - read the comment.” He says, and it takes the angel and older hunter a moment to find the comment section at the bottom, Castiel pointing at the button. Their faces turn into pure fury. 
“I’m going to smite them.” Castiel all but growls out, and Dean shuts the laptop closed. “Don’t listen to ‘em, this is fucking amazing, got it? I want the second chapter. Don’t listen to what anyone else says, they're probably jealous that we’ve got a New York bestseller writer and all they can do is write the abc’s.” Dean hugs his brother, Castiel immediately joining right in and Sam sighs happily. They stay there for a bit, muttering out a ‘thank you’ before jumping up slightly, seeing that he’s gotten two more comments on his fanfiction, and nervously opens up the comment section to see that a user called ‘quicksilvermalec’ writing on how much they enjoyed the fic and can’t wait to read the second chapter while an anonymous user has attacked the one that insulted him, throwing a whole truckload of insults and Castiel smiles. “They got what they deserved.” The archangel says, and Dean shouts ‘damn straight’ joyfully. “Would the two of you want to write fanfiction with me, then?” Sam asks while writing the second chapter about an hour later, and the unison ‘yes’ gives him a warm feeling in his chest. 
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blurry-fics · 4 years
The Letter
Pairing: high school!Tyler Joseph x Reader
Warnings: Profanity, sibling arguments, angst
Word Count: 2034
Request: maybe can you write a oneshot of how it would've turned out if Y/N had confessed to Tyler with the letter she wrote for him in highschool? Maybe just an idea for the future :)
Author’s Note: This one shot is based on Rose Colored Boy, but is sort of an alternate universe! It was really fun to imagine what would have happened differently and I hope you enjoy it too :) (picture credit)
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Your POV
Your pencil scratched against the paper of your notebook as you sat hunched over your desk, writing out a list of reasons why you liked Tyler. After multiple failed attempts at telling him how you felt yourself, you had finally decided to put it all down in a letter for him to read. Whether or not you would actually give it to him was still undecided, but at least it was giving you an outlet for your feelings. Keeping them bottled up inside wasn’t doing you any favors.
You finished the last point and looked over your letter. Despite your comprehensive list of reasons why you thought Tyler was the best guy in the world, something about the letter still felt incomplete. There needed to be something at the end, some kind of resolution to all of it. After taking a moment to think, and doodling some flowers in the margins of your notebook, you started the last paragraph.
So, Tyler, that’s why I have a crush on you. I know we agreed that we would always be friends, but unfortunately you’re too cool and I ended up having feelings for you.
Was that stupid? Too forceful? A breach of trust?
No, they were just your feelings. You took a deep breath and kept going.
Even if you don’t return them, hopefully this doesn’t ruin our friendship and we can just pretend this never happened.
“What are you writing?”
“Carter!” you screeched, throwing your arms over the letter to cover it. “What the hell?”
“Hey, language,” he frowned.
“What are you doing in here? You’re not supposed to come in without permission!”
“Mom wanted me to tell you dinner is ready.”
“I’ll be down in a little bit.”
“Have to finish your love letter first?” Carter smiled.
“It is not a love letter.”
“Then let me see it.”
“So it is a love letter?”
“Is not! Leave me alone!”
You moved to shove him away, but Carter wasn’t one to miss an opportunity. He reached around you and snatched the notebook off your desk. You were on your feet immediately, grabbing at Carter’s arms and kneeing him to try and get him to give it back, but he was unconcerned.
“Number one: good at basketball. Basketball? Is this about Joseph?”
“Shut up!” you yelled. Your eyes were brimmed with tears from the embarrassment.
“Number two: fluffy hair. I didn’t know you were into that, Y/N.”
“Number three: pretty eyes. Aw, that’s sweet.”
“Give it back!”
“Number four: luscious lips. With a heart next to it? Y/N! You’re fifteen! No kissing boys until you’re a grown up.”
“You have a girlfriend, idiot!”
“And I’m a very grown up seventeen year old.”
“Are not!”
There was a knock on your door, and a moment later your dad was poking his head through the door. He frowned at the two of you.
“What is the commotion up here?”
“Carter stole my essay and won’t give it back,” you said, squeezing your eyes a couple times so the tears would roll down your cheeks. Your dad took notice of this and turned to Carter with a scowl.
“Carter, give your sister her essay back and apologize. Look, you made her cry.”
“I’m sorry that I stole your essay,” he said, passing the notebook back to you. Even if Carter was annoying sometimes, at least he had your back.
“Now will you two come downstairs for dinner?” your dad asked.
Carter left the room and you took a second to compose yourself before sitting back down at your desk. You still wanted to finish the letter before going downstairs.
Love, Y/N.
You ripped the paper out of the notebook, making sure to take off the perforated bit on the side, and folded it up into a neat little rectangle. On the front, you put Tyler’s name in nice handwriting. After taking a moment to admire your handiwork and put all your writing materials away, you slipped the note into your backpack so that it would be on hand if you were feeling brave.
With that, you headed downstairs.
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“Wait, Tyler!” you said. The bell for the end of lunch had just rung and he was walking off towards his next class. You had been frozen in place since he had stood up and left, debating if this was your moment.
You decided it was.
“Yeah?” Tyler asked.
“I have something for you.”
You had already grabbed the note from your backpack when you were putting your lunch away. Your fingers were clutched tightly around it, only serving to worsen the crease it had gotten after being crushed by your books. It took a second for your brain to get your legs to move towards Tyler.
“Here,” you said, passing it to him from too far away. He had to lean forward to reach it. “Sorry it’s bent.”
“What is it?”
“A letter. From me. Anyway, I have to go to class. See you tomorrow.”
Tyler was already unfolding the letter when you turned away from him. You quickened your pace, wanting to put as much distance between the two of you as you could before he got to the opening line: I like you. Why hadn’t you started with something more discreet?
Either way, at least you wouldn’t have to see him for the rest of the day. You didn’t have any classes together and he had basketball practice right after school. It would be a piece of cake to get from your locker to Carter’s car without bumping into him.
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You turned to face Tyler, trying to keep a straight face. This hadn’t been part of the plan. He was supposed to be at basketball practice.
“Hi,” you smiled.
“Hi.” His chest was heaving and his face was bright red. He still looked cute.
“What’s going on?”
“I need to talk to you. About this.” He held up the letter.
You swallowed hard. “What about it?”
“About how you feel. About how I feel.”
“How do you feel?” you asked, concealing your shaking hands by stuffing your sweatshirt into your backpack.
“I’m flattered. Really flattered. But I… I don’t feel the same.”
It felt like someone had just dropped a rock into your stomach, weighing you down. You slowly stood back up and pulled your backpack over your shoulders.
“That’s ok,” you said, forcing a smile. “Like I said, we can pretend it never happened.”
“You should get to basketball practice.”
“Yeah, I should. I sprinted here to make sure I got a chance to talk to you before I left.”
“Thanks,” you said, though you weren’t sure you meant it.
“Hug?” he asked, holding his arms out.
There was no way you could say no to that. You nodded and leaned into him, wrapping your arms around him. Tyler made sure to put his arms under your backpack so that he could hold you tightly.
“I’ll see you in class tomorrow,” he said as he pulled away.
“Good luck at practice.”
You waited until Tyler had disappeared around a corner before you turned to your locker and slammed it.
“Woah, what’s going on with you?” Carter asked as he walked up to you.
“I gave Tyler the letter,” you said, already beginning to walk down the hall. Carter quickly fell into step with you. “He said he doesn’t feel the same.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N.”
He wrapped an around you and pulled you into his side.
“It’s fine, I’m just embarrassed. I put a lot of feelings into that letter.”
“I know. Let’s get you home.”
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Tyler’s POV
I had to fix this.
I paced the length of my room, holding the letter in my hand so that I could look at it when I needed encouragement. Y/N liked me and the evidence was right here, written out in her own handwriting. How was I supposed to believe that she deserved someone better than me when I had a whole list of reasons why she thought I was the best?
I should have held onto the list when I told her- when I lied to her. That’s what I did. I lied.
But Y/N deserved the truth.
I stuck the letter into my pocket and rushed downstairs, taking them two at a time. My mom looked up at me as I pulled on my shoes.
“Where are you going?”
“I need to go see Y/N.”
“No, you don’t. Dinner is going to be ready in ten minutes and I expect you to be here.”
I grabbed my house keys from beside the door and stepped outside.
“Sorry, Mom, but it’s really important!”
I closed the door before she had a chance to get mad at me and ran into the yard, picking up my bike from where I had left it when I got home from school. My heart was racing as I pushed it through the grass to the street, hoping that my mom wouldn’t come outside and yell at me. I had to act on this impulse before the doubt came back and stopped me again.
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I dropped my bike in Y/N’s yard and half-jogged up the steps to the front door. The doorbell rang inside the house and footsteps came down the stairs. I quickly fixed my hair and took a deep breath, rehearsing the speech that I had come up with on the bike ride over one more time before the door opened. My heart dropped when I got a glimpse of the person who had opened the door.
“What do you want?” he asked, arms crossed. This hadn’t been part of the plan.
“I need to talk to Y/N.”
“Do you really think that’s a good idea right now?”
“I know how it looks but please, Carter. I promise I wouldn’t come over here if it wasn’t important.”
He sighed and let his arms drop to his sides. “Fine, I’ll go get her. You stay out there.”
Carter disappeared behind the door and I could only listen as he went up the stairs. A few minutes passed before Y/N finally came down the stairs and appeared in the doorway. Her cheeks were splotchy.
“Carter said it was important.”
“It is. Can we sit?” I asked, nodding to the stone steps.
We sat down on the steps, far apart. Y/N was keeping her attention on the trees that stood towards the front of her yard.
Remember what you practiced, Tyler.
“I came over here to tell you that what I said earlier about my feelings was a lie. I do like you. A lot. As you know, I struggle with a lot of self-doubt and I managed to make myself think that the letter was some kind of joke. I thought there was no way that someone as amazing as you could possibly like me back, but you do. I know that. I know that because I trust you and you would never do something like that to me, and I should have listened to that instead of my insecurities. I’m sorry that I lied, but that’s why I’m here. I wanted to make it up to you by telling the truth.”
“Thank you for owning up to that,” she said.
“You’re welcome.”
We both turned to look at one another. She was smiling, just the tiniest bit.
“Do you really mean that?”
“Mean what?”
“You like me?”
“I like you,” I smiled. “I mean it.”
She smiled even more and leaned into my shoulder. I wrapped an arm around her and scooted closer so that our legs were pressed together.
“Sorry that I had to tell you through a dorky letter.”
“It wasn’t dorky,” I said. “It was cute.”
“It was dorky, but it got the job done.”
“Exactly. You got to tell me on your own terms rather than someone forcing it out of you.”
“I can’t even imagine,” Y/N groaned. “That would have been much more embarrassing.”
“See? It wasn’t so bad.”
Y/N smiled and wrapped her arms around me, “Not so bad at all.”
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mss4msu · 5 years
Call Me Doctor. Chapter 17
Summary: Fresh out of graduate school, you had somehow landed a spot in the faculty of a prestigious university. The small anthropology department has too many faculty and too few offices; sharing an office does not go as you expected.
Pairing: Professor!Steve x Professor!Reader 
Words: 2004
Warnings: Language, steamy flirtations
A/N: I’m horny so (Y/N) is horny. Big wheels keep on turnin’, slow burn keep on burnin’. 
Catch Up On The Story Here
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Your stomach was fluttering with giddy anxiety as you rode the bus to campus Monday morning. Last night you had stayed up later then you should have texting with Steve, despite the fact that you both knew you would see each other just a few hours later. Things had started lighthearted as you discussed how he and James did in their race, and moved into more romantic topics as the night went on. You hadn’t pegged Steve as the kind of guy to use emojis, but it seemed every other message you had either a kiss face emoji or heart eye guy coming your way. 
Your heart was pounding as you walked up the stairs and gently turned the handle of your office door. You pushed open the door and couldn’t help the huge grin that spread over your face as you walked in and saw Steve smiling back at you over the screen of his computer. 
“Good morning!” you chimed as you went over to your desk and set your bag down, taking off your jacket. 
“It is now,” Steve replied, getting up, closing the office door, walking over to you, and pulling you in for a long kiss. 
“Should we be doing this in the office?” you asked hesitantly, but not wanting him to stop. 
“I can think of a lot worse things we could be doing in this office,” Steve replied with a devilish grin. 
Your eyes widened and the tingling of lust grew in your latter half at the idea of Steve pushing the books off of your desk and pushing you onto it. You pulled him back in for a deeper kiss. You were soon interrupted by a knock at the door. Steve hastened back to his desk so as not to raise suspicion while you said, “Come in.”
“Hope I’m not intruding on anything,” James winked at you as he saw how red both your and Steve’s faces were. 
“What could you possibly be interrupting?” Steve asked.
You rolled your eyes in response to both of them.  
James smirked as he pulled up a chair at the table, “So, mom and dad, since you two have been busy at work on the actual content of the museum thing, Tony has delegated that Nat and I have to plan the opening party for it. Do you know when we should be planning it for? Can’t be that hard to open a museum, right? You’ve been working on it for long enough now it must be about ready.”
“Fuck,” Steve muttered and looked at you with apologetic eyes.
“Yes, due to all of my hard work,” you emphasized this, as Steve had done hardly anything to help aside from make rude comments about the text you had written for the displays, “it is almost done.”
“Great, so when is the opening?” 
“Erm…” you looked at Steve with a mix of panic and confusion on your face.
“Seriously, Steve did you not fucking help (Y/N) at all with this? Y’all got time to fuck around in here but not do your damn work?” James’s serious tone was quickly replaced with a chuckle.
“First of all, we have not been ‘fucking around’.” Steve said sternly.
“And second?” James asked, putting his hands under his chin in mock anticipation. 
“And second,” Steve continued, “I recognize that I am an asshole and will be helping (Y/N) get everything in order, even if it means having to stay late.”
“Yeah, I bet you’d like to stay late with her,” James raised his eyebrows at Steve.
You couldn’t help but let out a little giggle as your stomach fluttered, “James, I’m sure we can get everything up and ready in 2 weeks. I’ve already gotten most of the text finished and found images we can use. The objects have been selected already and I’ve worked with the security company to get everything installed in time.”
“Alright, we’ll Tony says the opening is next Friday anyway, so that’s great that you can agree with him,” James became much more sheepish after this reveal. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Steve began to fume, “Of course Tony already had a date in mind. You could have fucking led with that Buck.”
“Woah, woah, woah, I am being used by Tony to plan an event and tell you, keep that anger to yourself buddy.”
“James, we’ll get it done. If you need any help with the opening planning, let me know. I’m sure I could help brainstorm themes or whatever you need.”
“Thanks, (Y/N)! I’ll try not to stress you out with the party planning too much, but could use the creative help I’m sure. Well, I’ll leave you two lovebirds to the museum planning,” James said as he got up, “Or whatever else it is that you do in here while the door is shut,” he winked and closed the door just in time to miss being hit by the book Steve had thrown at him.
“He is obnoxious,” Steve sighed, shaking his head in exasperation.
“It’s fine, all his teasing must just mean that you really like me. I don’t think he’d try to get on your bad side if you didn’t,” you smiled at him. 
He turned red in response and cleared his throat, “What can I help with for the museum thing? I really am sorry that I haven’t contributed as much as I should have.”
You grabbed your notebook full of the final to-do’s for the museum and walked over to Steve’s desk, “Here’s what needs to be done still. I have to run off to my class, I’ll hurry back so we can tackle what’s left on the list together.”
As you began to turn away, Steve grabbed your arm and pulled you back to him, kissing you deeply before letting you go, the way his eyes hungrily watched as you grabbed your things and left the room gave you shivers of pleasure as you left.
You weren’t even sure if you had lectured about everything you had intended to and felt like you were on autopilot when you reminded everyone that their midterm papers were due to you by the end of the week. Steve had consumed your mind before, but never like this. Students came up to you after class to ask questions, but you could hardly stay focused on what they said before your brain wandered to the thought of Steve pulling you back to him before you had left for your class. You eventually just told the students wanting to talk to you to send you an email with their questions as you “had to get going”. As you half-jogged back to your office, you mind drifted to all the immodest things you wanted Steve to spend the day doing to you. You took a deep breath outside of your office, willing yourself to keep it together as you walked in. Steve was hard at work in the corner with headphones in, eyes lost to his computer screen. You put your things down at your desk and snuck up next to him, planting a kiss on his cheek which finally broke his concentration. 
“How was class?” he asked you, taking his reading glasses off and leaning back in his chair. 
“It was alright, I had more important things on my mind though,” you couldn’t help your eyes from drifting down his body. 
Your eyes snapped up from their traveling to see Steve licking his lips. 
“Yeah,” you gulped, “like this damn museum project,” you gestured to his computer. 
“I worked on it while you were gone. I would just like to reiterate how sorry I am for not helping and for being so difficult on the parts you did reach out to me for. All of the content you have here is really great, I’m just going through and making some edits to grammar and skimming down bits so they aren’t so long. I know you’re passionate about Egypt, but that section is way too much for anyone going through a museum to want to read.”
You rolled your eyes, “Says the guy who added two paragraphs to each portion of text on World War II I wrote.”
“Hey, I fully intended to go back through that and edit some out there too.”
“Mhm, I’ll believe it when I see it.”
The rest of the week proceeded in a similar way. You and Steve would sneak kisses with each other and took work breaks to flirt heavily with each other. You had to start leaving the door open, as your breaks became longer than your periods of working and you needed some accountability to keep yourself from jumping on top of him. Thursday night, you had dinner delivered to the office, as you knew staying late was the only way you would finish the last round of cutting objects from the exhibit so you would know what to present to X-Con the next day. It started out professional, as you really did need to finish your work. But as the work got finished, it turned into a makeshift date with you and Steve sitting at the table in your office, laughing over the remnants of your dinner. When the food was gone, Steve pulled you in for a kiss, which turned into multiple kisses. Tired of being at an awkward angle due to the table between you. You got up and motioned for Steve to move his chair away from the table. He obliged and you straddled his lap, taking his head in your hands and kissing him passionately. You began to lightly grind yourself on his lap, and felt something making his pants tighter.
The sound of the door creaking open made you both stop instantly. 
“Damn, (Y/N), get it,” you heard Natasha say from behind you.
Heart racing, you quickly slid off of Steve’s lap and turned around to see Nat and James standing in the doorway, both with their arms overflowing with streamers and balloons. 
You cleared your throat, “Ahem, what are you both doing here?” 
“Going through party decorations that we already have so that we know what we have to go out and buy this weekend for the opening,” James snickered.
“And why did that search bring you in here?” Steve asked, his face growing redder by the second.
“We thought custodial was in here and we need to be let into that storage area under the staircase,” Nat was attempting to keep her face professional, but let out a small giggle at the end.
“Custodial is definitely not in here,” you replied, smoothing down your hair.
“They are not, but they probably need to be after you two are done for the night,” James wheezed. 
That broke Natasha and she also started laughing, “Alright, see you two later,” she chimed, pulling James out of the room.
“Maybe we should call it a night?” you asked tentatively. 
“I think that’s for the best,” Steve replied, adjusting his pants before standing up. 
You and Steve spent Friday much less touchy and flirty, afraid that any contact between you would raise suspicion or provide James and Natasha more fuel to make fun of you both. You and Steve were just about to leave for your meeting with X-Con when you got an email from Scott Lang:
“Hey (Y/N) and Steve,
Sorry about the super late notice, but we’ve had something else come up (huge infestation of ants into this bank vault we were working on) and so we’ll have to reschedule today’s meeting. The only other time we have available before your opening is Sunday. Does that work?
“Shit,” you sighed, “Steve, the security team had to cancel. They said Sunday is the only time that will work for them.”
“Well, we don’t really have a choice then, do we?”
“Not really,” you sat back down at your desk and speedily typed out a response to Scott, agreeing on Sunday. 
Call Me Doctor. Tag List:
@ashislost @wantingtobekorra @zlixlle​ @crazy--me @grey-raven @queenkitten95 @chook007 @tequila1984 @yallneedtrek @ssweet-empowerment @guera31 @justmesadgirl @fourtyninekirbygamzeegirl @rainbowkisses31 @writing-for-a-chance @sp2900 @notkikibear @itzmegaaaaaaan @partiallyinthecloset @moonstruckhargrove  @straybattie @angryteapot @fandom-addict-aesthetics @hazellnut94 @abschaffer2 @hadesgirl1015 @vikki-rogue @biskwitmamaw @justkending @marvelous-capsicle
Steve Rogers/Chris Evans Tag List:
Permanent Tag List:
@sophiealiice @mrsdeanwinchester19 @thisismysecrethappyplace @ailynalonso15 @221bshrlocked @hazellnut94 @libbymouse @nerdypinupcrystal @hufflepuffchloe @nerdy-bookworm-1998 @dibsonamericasass
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