#mukami ruki x y/n
honoviadakai · 10 months
Diaboys at a Carne Asada with Hispanic S/O/Reader: Mukami edition
The moment you tell him your family invited them to the family Carne Asada, he’s already mentally recalling any and all books he might have in his library about Hispanic culture
The ever well read eldest Mukami son will NOT attend any sort of event without proper preparations sooo…I’d give yourself a week in advance…minimum
He’s also gonna learn the language as best he can
He’s not gonna be 100% fluent but he’s gonna sound like he is and that’s what’s important to him
Once you both arrive he’s met with generally well reception
At least from the women in your family
He’s handsome, well educated and quite the gentleman from their perspective! So don’t be surprised if they start gushing and even asking when you two plan to tie the knot
Now the men in your family…that’s a different story all together…
Depending on how they are, at best they’re indifferent about him and at worst they wanna mess with the “smart boy”
For the love of all that is pure and holy in this world, keep an eye on him so he doesn’t verbally tear someone a new one! 🙏
He’s also not scoring a lot of points with the kids in your family.
He might indulge them in a board game but if they wanna play a physical game like soccer, he’s probably not gonna do it so your cousins think he’s a little lame
He won’t drink beer, it smells too cheap and gross for him
Flat out will not partake in most of the stuff the men do
For example
If they start talking about cars, at best he’s gonna start expositing the history of how cars came to be
They wanna talk about farming? He’s gonna teach them the entirety of this history of agriculture from EVERY culture
Yeeeah…he’s not popular with the guy and some of the kids…
BUT! As stated earlier, he’s a hit with the women in your family!
He’ll help with any cooking and cleaning that anyone needs help with
Might show off and make a few dishes of his own that will be an instant hit with everyone
The dotting and fawning the other women are having towards him might be annoying to a good chunk of your family though
This guy unfortunately radiates too much rich white boy privilege to be truly accepted
Honestly bringing him is so dividing amongst your family that you’re better off bringing him every other invite
This one’s gonna be fun 😈
This idea comes courtesy from @magnificentkidclamclod and I couldn’t agree more with her
The second you get the invite, sit Kou down and teach him about Selena (and really any Hispanic artists you can think of)
By the time the day ends, he’s a Selena Stan, memorizing her songs and dances and even thinking of writing a song of his own to honor her
If you show him a document about her life, keep an eye on him cuz the moment he finds out she was murdered and said murderer is alive, he’s gonna try to find her and start shit
As much as we’d all want him to…don’t, we don’t need a bloodbath on our hands here
Now to the party itself
If any family members of your family like J-pop…well I hope you liked hearing while it lasted, cuz the second he walks in, expect loud screams/squeals
He might get swarmed so help him by clearing a path and making it clear that he’s just here to enjoy the event and that he’s taken
He’s not very helpful in the kitchen or anything but your family thinks it’s kinda funny how useless this pop star is in the kitchen so they won’t complain
They’re also gonna tease his low spice tolerance but you and the younger kids will console him
He’s a hit with the kids since he’ll play with them and even perform silly little songs and dances for them
He doesn’t like beer, he prefers sweet, fruity cocktails
He might get teased for them but he’ll probably take the opportunity to drink some humans under the table as petty revenge
He’s gonna score some huge respect points with the men in your family
Now when it comes to the women, expect him to be an official member of the Chisme circle by the end of the night
He. LOVES. It.
It’s not only a good way to learn more about you and your family but it gives him a good space to vent with a genuine support group
This is a good thing for him but it’s kind of a weird thing for you
The reason is because he’s gonna know things about your family before YOU
Someone got a promotion? He knew hours ago
Someone went through a nasty break up? He sent them a gift basket days ago
Someone died? He had the funeral planned months in advance
It’s more than a little off putting…but you don’t have the heart to take that from him 😔
Now he’s canonical a pop idol, so there is no doubt in anyone’s minds that he’s gonna SLAY on the dance floor
But he’s surprisingly very good at singing along to songs, especially Selena songs
Don’t be fooled though, he doesn’t really understand the language, he’s just listened to the songs enough times to know the lyrics word for word 🤣
He’s not gonna learn the language fast but given enough time he’ll learn, eventually
He’s definitely gonna be someone your family hopes you bring at EVERY event
Yuma “Big Bear” Mukami…
Oh he’s gonna be welcomed with open arms
Now before he goes he genuinely might not go because it’s “too much of a hassle, I have gardening to do ya know!”
Tell him there’s free food, alcohol and if the even is gonna be at a ranch, tell him there’s animals and crops
He’s gonna change his tune real quick
Once he goes, he’s gonna have so much fun!
The moment he arrives…everyone is in awe at how big this dude is…it’s gonna boost his already huge ego
Expect him to flex and bost about his monstrous size, he’ll even put kids on his shoulders and spin them around for fun
Your family is gonna LOVE this rowdy man
Big dude in this case means big alcohol tolerance, he’s gonna drink your dad, uncles, grandfather and your neighbors under the table. They might end up adopting him by the time he wins 😆
He’s also very helpful in the kitchen and with cleaning.
He understands the importance of helping out to do hard work so if he sees your mom or someone else needs help, he’s getting off his ass to help
ALL the kids love him and want him to play with them
This dude is gonna become a human(vampiric) jungle gym so don’t get upset if your little cousin and siblings don’t wanna share him because he’s the perfect playmate for them
He’s not as good a dancer as Kou but you bet your bottom dollar he can throw down a good hoedown at least
His dancing style is powerful, aggressive and oddly sexy
Don’t be suprised if some of the women swoon over him
He’ll also help out with any crops and livestock
Hell, he’s even gonna share/swap farming/gardening advice
You might not see him again for a while once he starts talking about this tbh sooo…go get some food ^^;
Speaking of food, this guy eats like it’s the last meal he’s ever gonna eat
He’s also got a high spice tolerance that’s only rivaled by Azusa so the family will be impressed
They won’t be impressed with his Spanish skills but he’s stubborn and absolutely wants to learn for your sake and boy howdy does your family respect the effort
Honestly by the end of the night, it kinda feels like your family loves Yuma more than you 😂
Honestly they’re more excited for you two to get married that you two are soooo hop to it!
Oh Azusa…
Sweet little Azusa…
This one’s…gonna be tricky…
On one hand, you know how oh so sweet this man is and you know that he’d never intentionally hurt your family
On the other hand…it’s Azusa…
Listen, you gotta lay down the law with this guy
He’s a sweetheart that loves you with his whole undead heart but you NEED to let him know that he’s not allowed to play with knives or hurt himself in anyway on purpose
Even with a warning and some prep time, your family might not be super positively receptive to him
He’s tiny, looks frail(they bandages don’t help) and he speaks a tad slowly
Honestly your family might initially think he’s terminally ill or something
First thing they’re gonna do is sit him somewhere warm and give him a BIG plate of food
Ofc he’ll accept it gratefully, he’s gonna ask for hot sauce though
You told him about your tia’s extra spicy salsa and he really wants to try it
At first your family advises him not to, but he insists that he can
So they reluctantly give him some…
And he loves it! Hell he’s not even sweating!
That immediately impresses everyone and makes them less tense so they’re more comfortable with him being your lover
He’s gonna scare your little cousins though
Not because he’s being mean or hurting them
It’s cuz they asked him to play soccer…
The kids accidentally kicked the ball in his face and made his nose bleed, but Azusa didn’t even react much and even asked if they wanted to do that again but harder
This unnerves the kids but he’ll remember your words
He’s gonna try to be playful and act silly for them, it might not work for all of them but some of the kids will like him at least
He helps out when he can but…he’s just really accident prone…keep an eye on him when he’s washing dishes…please
He’s gonna drink with the men just to be polite, but he honestly doesn’t like beer
But if it’s to make your family happy, he’ll happily choke down the bitter beer
The men can tell but they honestly think it’s sweet that he’s enduring drinking with them just to keep everyone happy
They’ll eventually stop him and offer him some horchata or jamica instead
Azusa isn’t good at fast paced dancing, slow dancing is more his forte so get ready to be swept off your feet 😉
His Spanish skills….well they’re abysmal at best
He’s gonna eventually learn basic phrases like “Mi nombre es Azusa” or “¿Donde esta el baño?” But that’s about all he’s gonna know for a few years
Spanish is tricky for him so be patient
Over all your family does like him…but they think he’s odd…very sweet! But very odd…
Be careful when bringing him because he’s the one between the Mukami’s that might accidentally let them know he and his family are vampires
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peravendergoth · 2 months
Diabolik Lovers Masterlist
Sorry! Nothing here so far…
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animeprincessforever · 5 months
Mukami Brothers X Mother Reader
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YOUR POV (At Sakamaki Mansion):
I am (Y/n) the maid of the Sakamaki household. I love my young masters as if they were my own. I had just tucked the boys into bed and went to meet with Karlheinz. "Master you requested to see me?" Mr.Heinz looked at me "Ah Ms.(Y/n) I have a new job for you." I gasped "A new job? But why you told me to help with your s-" before I could finish he interrupted " I know I said I wanted you to take care of my sons. But I took in 4 young boys that need a mother figure. So your job will be to take care of them. Understood?" I nodded "yes my lord I understand I'll start packing."  
Still Your POV (At Mukami Mansion)
I opened the door and saw one little boy with Blue hair 'This must me Ruki' I thought thankfully Karl gave me pictures with their names so I know who they are. But this Ruki just glared at me then he spoke "why are you here?" I smiled “I came here to take care of you. You must be Ruki I-“ before I could finish I was interrupted by him “we don’t need you here. Now leave.” He walked away. ‘What a welcome’ I thought. I decided to walk around and I saw a little boy cutting himself! “Stop! What are you doing?!?!” “I…like…pain…” the boy said. I quickly grabbed bandages and bandaged him up “you shouldn’t do this it’s dangerous!” He looked at me and smiled “your….pretty….” After I bandaged him up he hugged me. “You…are you…our….mother?” Before I could answer 2 boys came in one with blonde and the other with brown hair. The one in blonde said “we don’t need a mother! Adults are cruel to us except that man.” Ruki came in and said “agreed now leave miss!” I sighed “Karl wasn’t kidding you poor boys… I can see the pain. The sadness. The sorrow in all your eyes. Listen I’ll do whatever I can to take care of you boys, but you don’t have to like me right away it takes time.” Ruki said “whatever lets go” I looked at the time they must be going to bed. 
-Couple Hours Later-
I unpacked in my new room and sighed and decided I should check on the boys when I was walking I heard crying and screaming. I knocked and slowly opened the door and saw the blonde boy. “H-hey. Are you alright?” I slowly walked up to him and sat by him and reached to rub his back and he flinched “stop it hurts! Get away!” I felt pain hearing the poor child scream that. “I’m not gonna hurt you I promise. Oh I know! I’ll be right back!” I ran to the kitchen and made some chocolate milk. And went back “here you go sweetie.” The boy slowly grabbed the glass and sipped the chocolate milk. And I rubbed his back and hummed to him. “Thank you.”he said. “You’re welcome. My name is (Y/n) I’m here if you need anything i promise I’m not like the others I work for Karlheinz and my job is to love and care for you boys. So please I hope we can be a family.” With that I stood up and slowly started to walk away then he said “wait! Can you sleep with me tonight?” I smiled “of course your Kou right?” He looked at me “how did you know my name?” I giggled “Karl told me all about you boys. So I promise everything will be okay.” Kou slowly fell asleep. ‘I think I have one on my side.’ I thought with a smile as I held Kou close and fell asleep.
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afi-writes · 3 months
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The Goddess of Dragon and Demon
Sunshine & Starlight Creation Challenge
Hosted by: @violettduchess & @lorei-writes
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku Ship: Masamune x female reader x Nobunaga                                                            Prompt: Late Night Trysts Word count: 4602 Beta-reader: @ruki-mukami-dl's admin Summary: When both the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven and the One-Eyed Dragon come after you, there is only one reasonable solution. CW: NSFW, shameless smut, threesome, kinda kinky A/N: I had written the start of this fic back in 2021 and recently found it in my files. So, I decided to translate and finish it finally.
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Cicadas. You can’t stop hearing their chirring even though the sliding doors to the terrace are closed. The garden must be full of them as their sound floods your room.
As you push the door open, the final rays of the setting sun caress your face. Watching the fireball sinking behind the castle walls, you cannot deny the humid heat that still lingers in the air. The summer night is not freed from it, not even in its darkest moments, and it slithers under the layers of your kimono.
Leaving the door to the garden open, you hope to cool down at least a bit before bedtime and sit down at your desk. You allow your mind to wander. You shouldn’t but sometimes it’s simply easier to let go than trying to fight back.
500 years. Who would have ever believed it? And just a couple of months ago, you were determined to go back home. Perhaps that should still be your goal…
But… You sigh.
It’s complicated.
It didn’t take long for Oda Nobunaga to invite you into his private quarters, the Tenshu, after you had arrived. He had named you as his lucky charm, and, of course, he wanted to take advantage of you.
That first night. It has burned into your mind. A hand pressed against the wall, as Nobunaga’s face leaned closer with a smug smirk lingering on his lips. He rose a sake cup on your lips.
“You shall be my cup tonight.” Those words sent shivers down your spine. They still do.
The first game of Go. You will never forget. Nobunaga conquered your hand finger by finger, capturing your soul there and then. Obviously, you didn’t admit it back then, but there is a limit how much you can lie to yourself.
A sigh leaves your lips again.
Life could be simple. You could have surrendered to Nobunaga… but there was something else. On your first night in the castle – before that fated game of Go – Date Masamune had marched into your room, threatening you with his katana. Oh, you had boiled inside! How had he dared?
And that unconsented kiss later! Nobunaga might have challenged you to questionable gambling, but for Masamune, the whole life was a game, and you were the princess on the board he wanted to spirit away for himself.
So, wanted it or not, you had been pulled into the battle royale of the hearts with no clue which warlord would make the final conquest. All you knew was that even if the wormhole were to appear, you had no interest in it. Not in the least.
“Did you leave your door open for me, Kitten?” The soft voice makes you flinch.
You turn only to see Masamune leaning against the terrace door frame, his gaze wandering around your dim personal space. You have already spread your futon, and he peeks toward it before meeting your eyes.
So much for cooling down before sleeping, Masamune has that effect. Just one wild look and your stomach is filled with butterflies and your feet turn into jelly. The most sensible thing would be resisting his pull… but… can you? Can you really?
If you were reasonable, you would keep both men at arm’s length, learned how to win your game of Go, and return to your own time. No romantic trysts.
No romantic trysts.
No romantic…
Masamune slides his zori sandals off on the terrace and strolls in. He doesn’t ask for permission, of course, he doesn’t. And if you would tell him no, he would read your body instead of listening to your words. Unfortunately, you can already feel how much your body is yelling yes.
The summer breeze follows Masamune, making his hair dance around his head as wild as the man himself. The One-Eyed Dragon. It’s almost like he is preying on you tonight as his only eye captures you.
You should think of cicadas but now you barely hear them anymore, for your heart bounces and your pulse throbs in your ears. “You… you know… in my time, it’s not appropriate to walk into a woman’s room in the middle of the night without permission.” You can hear how strained your voice is.
Masamune chuckles. “Your eyes gave the permission as soon as you looked at me.” He inches closer, peering down at you.
Getting up, you step back. It’s useless as Masamune proceeds. Yet you keep retreating away until you meet the wall. Focusing on steadying your breath, you glare at the man, the dragon before you. He leans in, placing his palm next to your head. The wind rides in again, pushing his scent all over you and making your knees weak.
The citric fragrance of yuzu is pleasant, and you can’t shake the thought that you missed your evening bath. Yet Masamune doesn’t seem to mind as he scoots even closer, almost nuzzling your nose with his. “Will you finally purr for me tonight, Kitten?”
You gasp, your mind filling with pictures of every smooch that has burned your lips. With each, Masamune has made it clear that there could be more. But so far, he has accepted your refusal. Except that one time when you stank of gunpowder. The bite mark stained your skin for a while after that.
“Masamune, I…” You are forced to swallow the rest of your sentence as his mouth smacks on yours. Tenderness is far away from scraping and tugging teeth that almost make you swoon. Yet you can’t stop yourself from meeting the demanding tongue, fighting it as if you two were on the battlefield, trying to conquer each other’s realms.
This is exactly what Sasuke warned you about.
But you don’t care. Instead, you grab the collar of Masamune’s kimono, pulling him deeper into the kiss and –
A knock. Someone calls your name. You recognize the soft and innocent voice. One of the maids.
You pant as Masamune releases your lips but doesn’t move off you. Instead, he leans on you, and his heated breath tickles your ear. “Don’t let her in. The situation would only confuse the young lady.”
You swallow. Without meeting Masamune’s gaze, you stare at the door instead. “I apologize but it’s late and I’m tired.”
“But…” The maid inhales loudly behind the door. “Oda-sama is calling for you. He wants you in the Tenshu.”
One glance reveals the grin that spreads on Masamune’s face as he shakes his head at you. Heat slithers deep within you. “Tell him I’m not coming tonight.”
The maid sighs but doesn’t argue. After a while, her footsteps move away until their sound no longer carries into your ears.
“Now, where were we…” Masamune takes your chin, turning your head once again toward his.
You wheeze as your heart bounces like the world is ending. Darkness lays its blanket in the garden behind you, dimming the room even more.
This is a bad idea.
Such a bad idea.
The worst!
Masamune has told you how he kisses anyone who looks cute enough. This isn’t serious for him, but it can be crucial to you.
“If you're not careful, I won't settle for simply capturing your lips tonight.” A hot breath on your face with a hint of spices.
“Then… perhaps…” You tug the collar of his kimono. “…you shouldn’t settle…”
There. Now, it has been said.
Masamune doesn’t hesitate. He shoves you against the wall and rams his lips on yours before thrusting his tongue in between them and making your mouth a battlefield once more. His ferocity makes your knees buckle again but there is no chance to fall as you are squeezed between the dragon and the wall.
A thump. The door of your room slides open. A sigh swipes over your mouth as Masamune pulls back. Heaving, you take support from behind and try to steady yourself as your turn to look to the side.
The carnelian eyes squint beneath the raven bangs. Heat creeps up your neck and over your face, as Nobunaga strolls into the room, gliding the door back shut. “I see my lucky charm has caught your attention, Masamune-san.”
You’re about to choke on your heart, for it is pounding painfully fast. Danger lingers behind the carnelian color as Nobunaga accepts the challenge. You know he is not the one to lose, and you don’t want Masamune to pay the price.
Can Dragon flout Demon without losing its last eye? It is like you are suddenly standing in the middle of the battlefield.
Masamune straightens up. “I was wondering how far I could get before you rush in.”
Unbelievable! As if the whole life was about gambling!
You open your mouth but right then and there Nobunaga roams closer. Tonight, like every night when you play, he wears his kimono in an inappropriate manner, much more casually than during the daytime.
A smirk arises on the lips of Demon. “I’m afraid you’re going to be bored tonight.” Nobunaga lets out a chuckle. “It’s time for her to have a game of Go with me.”
Surprisingly, you can’t distinguish jealousy from Nobunaga’s voice. The fact burns a hole into your chest. It’s not like you wanted to toy with several men, but perhaps you hoped to be worth a bit stronger reaction. Of course, you don’t wish them to throw themselves into a sword fight over you, but…
…but could Nobunaga care even a little?
Masamune draws his index finger along his chin line. “I’m sorry to disappoint you, Nobunaga-sama, but Kitten has already made arrangements with me.” There is a smirk lingering on his lips as well. “For a very different kind of game.”
Nobunaga closes the distance between you all. You press your back against the wall, feeling how electricity sizzles in the air, crackling between the men. Swallowing, you admit your foolishness. You shouldn’t have listened to Masamune, for, obviously, Nobunaga wouldn’t wait till another evening.
Glancing at Masamune, you notice his eye is glued to Nobunaga, challenging the man he serves. Does he have death wishes? Why?
Without paying more attention to his vassal, Nobunaga turns his gaze to you. He measures you from head to toe with his usual smugness wafting in his face. You are familiar with that expression of winning the game. “You know that if you refuse to play, you lose that round.”
You shake your head. “We haven’t discussed such a rule.”
“A rule doesn't cease to exist just because you haven't looked into it.” Nobunaga takes your hand, glancing at Masamune, and raises it on his lips.
Masamune doesn’t move, doesn’t even say a thing, digging yet another hole into your chest. Are you nothing but a plaything to both these men?
As you question your life choices, Nobunaga presses a kiss onto your fingertips, making you gasp. “I have already conquered this territory.” He sucks your index finger into his mouth, his tongue playing with it in a slow teasing way while his gaze never leaves your face.
With a wet slurp, Nobunaga releases your finger only to reach for your earlobe with his other hand. “Your ear belongs to me as well.”
You can’t but nod, and he kisses your wrist. Your heart starts to bounce even more rapidly as you realize what is to come. Not now! Not in front of Masamune.
But without asking permission, the fingers leave your ear as Nobunaga crouches before you, lowering his hand and brushing the bare toes of your right foot. He traces his way to your ankle. “I won over this leg completely last time.”
Nobunaga’s fingers slide higher under your kimono which you know wish to have more layers. The fabric slips aside far too easily, revealing everything to Masamune’s gaze too.
“I wonder which part of you I should conquer next.” Nobunaga chuckles again.
“I can see you have been playing an interesting game.” Masamune scoots closer. “However, I would like to point out that I have also made a conquest and will defend my territory.”
You don’t have time to react before Masamune’s lips are on yours once more. Fiercer than ever, turning you into mush.
“Hmmm, I don’t know.” Nobunaga scoffs, leaving the back of your knee as he rises. His hand lands against the wall beside your head at the same moment, Masamune snakes his tongue into your mouth, entangling it with yours.
As he leans in, Nobunaga’s stare burns into you. “There are things I’m willing to share with my men, and things that belong only to me.”
Snorting, Masamune retreats. You gasp for breath, not knowing if you should try to sink through the wall and make a run for it between the men who talk about you as if you were a field of rice, a possession whose ownership is up for negotiation.
The thing is… you are not. And it is not their decision. You don’t care if one of them is the Demon King of Sixth Heaven and the other The One-Eyed Dragon of Oshu. You’re not theirs to rule.
Placing one hand on Masamune’s chest and the other on Nobunaga’s, you shove them both. The surprise attack works, and both falter slightly. With shaking legs, you rush into middle of the room and glare at them. “Where I come from, men don’t decide such conquests.” You try to make your voice as confident as possible. “The woman decides who can have her and when.”
“Fascinating, our princess is full of marvels.” Nobunaga shoots a glance at Masamune before locking his gaze with yours. “But I want to remind you of the rules you agreed to before our first game.”
“I don’t see the joy in taking something by force. I will conquer you piece by piece until you voluntarily surrender to me completely.”
Your cheeks flare as Nobunaga’s statement returns to your mind. A realization hits you. Your head bends into a nod before you have time to stop yourself. The gesture makes your heart sink. If you don’t gamble, you are to lose someone tonight.
And you can’t have that.
So… you can only play.
“You have won your conquest, Nobunaga.” You nod again. “But I have my conditions. I’m not a realm for you two to fight over or divide as you wish. I’m the sun that shines where she wants to.”
Masamune jerks his brow up. “Sounds like tonight our princess wishes to a goddess.” He caresses your chin. “What is your suggestion, Kitten?”
You touch Masamune’s hand briefly. “The one who works better for the conquest will have the final conquer.”
You meet Nobunaga’s eyes. His gaze challenges you in this very instant, and you notice Masamune’s single eye flashing. You have never said anything as daring as this.
Nobunaga lifts his hand, playing with a lock of your hair. “And how is the winner defined?”
“That is for the sun… the goddess to tell later.” You have to force yourself not to quiver, for this is no time for wavering.
The silence spreads in the dim room. The truth is these two are not ones to share… but will they?
“So, you wish us to play a different game?” Nobunaga’s eyes don’t leave you as he talks.
You nod. “That is right. You are warlords. So… prove that you are qualified to reign this realm of me.” You glance at each. “But this battle can’t be won with a sword.”
“What are you saying, Kitten?” Masamune chuckles. “I think it is a sword you want indeed. Or should I say swords?” As the words leave his lips, he lifts his arm and tugs your obi open. With an obvious experience, he gets rid of the said piece of clothing. It drops on the tatami with a light thud. You probably wouldn’t normally even pay attention to such a quiet sound, but at the moment, all your senses are spreading out and probing for the tiniest shift in the mood and atmosphere.
While Masamune removes the obi, Nobunaga shoves the kimono off your shoulders. Heat courses through you, filling even the smallest, deepest parts of your body when you realize these men will see everything. They will relish the sight of you. Or will they? What if they don’t like what they’ll see? Surely, they both have had tons of experience and many women have given them pleasures.
The distracting thoughts run wild in your mind, but you force your expression to stay calm. Be the sun, be the goddess they called you. Be unbothered by anything that was before you. Be the Goddess of One-Eyed Dragon and Demon King of Sixth Heaven.
“Worship the realm, and it might be yours.” The words escape you before you can prevent them. With a flaring face, you gaze at the men who are already rulers.
“The challenge must be accepted.” A smug smirk raises on Nobunaga’s lips. “What do you think, Masamune-san? Will you fight this battle with me?” He slides the kimono down your arms while speaking.
Masamune grabs the same garment and pushes it open, revealing your breasts whose peaks are already throbbing. “I agree, my lord. But I must say, Nobunaga-sama, I won’t lose my battles.” He closes his mouth around one of your perky buds and you can’t swallow your gasp. Without further thought, you lace your finger with his thick hair.
“Neither do I.” Nobunaga gives the kimono a final tug, making it pile on the floor while he covers your nape with kisses.
You shiver. Twenty fingers trace your skin: ten from behind, ten on your sides. Masamune’s tongue tortures your nipple, hardening it. Wails push past your lips, and a swamp develops deep within you.
Nobunaga’s smooches turn into nibbles, his teeth grazing your skin, and you’re sure there will be marks of his ownership in the morning. Tilting your head, you let out a whine, but it is only replied by two dark chuckles.
Hands grab your waist from behind and haul you against hips. A bulge presses between your buttocks, telling you Nobunaga can offer something huge. By that thought, the realization hits; you asked for them both and they are eager to deliver… which means you will have them. And if you know them at all, they aren’t the ones to wait and take turns. But can you handle that much? For goodness’ sake, you have never had two men simultaneously.
The thought makes you clench and the moistness spreads between your thighs. Masamune sucks your nipple into his mouth and gives it a playful tug with his teeth while Nobunaga grinds against your butt.
Your wailing makes Dragon roar. He grabs your breast and releases the other only to shower your belly with smooches. Crouching, he kisses his way to the south. Further and further down. As he reaches your lower abdomen, you feel another hand on your waist slip down and reach for the apex of your thighs.
“Sneaky.” Masamune’s voice vibrates against your soft curly hair at the same time as Nobunaga’s fingers meander their way in between your swollen folds.
“Hmm, it seems our Goddess enjoys having men to do her bidding like this.” Nobunaga’s words caress your nape. “So wet already.” His teeth scratch the skin, and his digit dives in, retreating again and bringing out more juices of your burning lust. Dipping the finger in once more, it almost seems like he tries to make you spill over.
But Masamune isn’t going to lose here. His lips meet your folds, gliding over your pulsating pearl. As his tongue begins to dance around it, you arch your back and quiver against Nobunaga’s chest, and tug Masamune’s hair, making him groan against your loins. The waves of pleasure take you over, and your moans echo from the walls when Masamune keeps teasing and sucking your wailing nub, and Nobunaga tortures your soaked entrance.
“Shh, do not wake the whole castle up.” Nobunaga raises one hand, tracing your neck until he reaches your chin. As you moan again, he pushes two fingers into your mouth, forcing you to almost gag. You whine but your voice is muffled, while digits fuck both of your moist caverns and Masamune’s tongue tortures you with an endless dance of teasing. You hang on the edge of coming apart, ready to be sent to heaven… or hell, though you have no idea which one this is.
But just when you are about to explode into all colors of the rainbow, Nobunaga slides his digits out of your soaked depths. Your protest is muted by the fingers which still keep your tongue busy.
While Masamune sucks your nub of pleasures, Nobunaga traces your folds, spreading your juices all over. He moves further away from your entrance and closes in on the other opening, making you tense. But he does not mind your nervousness. Instead, he smears your wetness between your buttocks, circling his dampened finger around your hole before gliding it in and probing your reaction.
You whine, and digits dip deeper into your mouth. At the same time, one sneaks into your butt. You squirm and meander, but you aren’t getting anywhere from your two torturers.
Seeing the opportunity, Masamune moves his hand and lets his fingers intrude into your wet depths while still licking and circling your clit. Synchronously, Nobunaga keeps stretching your rear, using your liquids of lust as his lubricant. This is almost too much to take. Too much to bear. You are filled and unable to even wail. Stars explode in your mind, while you sob and gag, arching and coming apart in the hands of your two warlords. While you squirm and whimper, they keep at their pace as if they are never going to stop, making you cum again and again until your legs begin to shake, giving in. You fall, but two pairs of arms catch you before you hit the tatami.
“Already exhausted, Kitten?” Masamune chuckles and pecks your cheek. You can smell your own desire on him, and the scent makes you flare all over. Noting your blush, Masamune leans in. “This was only the first act; the sequel is about to start.”
Nobunaga nibbles your earlobe. “She looks like she has already surrendered.”
“She might, but I have not.” Masamune steals a kiss from your half-open lips, before lifting and carrying you on the futon.
Nobunaga follows in Masamune’s heels, and suddenly the futon you have been perfectly happy with before feels crowded. Masamune lays you down and tugs his obi open as Nobunaga does the same. You can’t but gape when two battle-hardened bodies are revealed for your eyes. Both scarred, yet beautiful, full of well-formed muscles you wish to run your fingertips along.
And, of course, that isn’t all, for it is obvious how ready both men are. The towering proofs of their yearning for you make you swallow. You’ll be sore tomorrow. But that is a problem for the future you. Now, you can feel how the futon gets slowly soaked as you think of those two shafts piercing you.
Two gazes turn to you: one pair of carnelian lust and a single sky-blue orb of heated summer day. The air wafts with lingering cravings, unspoken yet so clear. This is the point of no return, for after this nothing can be undone.
Masamune sits on the futon and lifts you on his lap, his hardness pressing against your belly as you put your legs on both sides of his. You can hear Nobunaga’s movements behind you, and soon his fingertips travel along your spine.
“I don’t see the joy in taking something by force,” Nobunaga repeats the words he said to you on the first night.
“Me neither.” Masamune nuzzles your cheek. “You are to roar ‘moon’ if anything is unpleasant to you, Kitten.”
“Moon?” you gasp the word.
“Is that clear?” Nobunaga’s voice radiates against your ear.
You nod, not trusting that you can muster out a single word anymore.
“You have to say it, Kitten.”
Swallowing, you force your lips to move. “Yes.”
As if that was the cue the men had been waiting for, they move almost in unison. Masamune snatches your butt, lifting you while Nobunaga’s fingers sneak again between your folds. He smears your wetness, pushing it into your rear. And once he’s done, you feel how Masamune’s hardness wedges on your entrance, sinking in inch by inch as the wails escape you once more. He fills you so completely, capturing your senses.
But more is to come. Another thick shaft rubs your butt, testing the waters and teasing the valley between your buttocks. You tense in Masamune’s grasp, and he stays still, waiting if you cry for the moon. But you don’t. The tip of Nobunaga’s cock inches in, stretching you slowly and more carefully than you would have expected from the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven. Then again, it is heaven, not hell. He holds you by your waist, while Masamune squeezes your buttocks.
Finally, Nobunaga stops, heaving onto your nape. “As deliciously tight as I assumed. Tell me, am I the first to conquer this part of the realm?”
You moan in response. The men aren’t even moving, and you already feel so taken that you aren’t sure if you will survive the rest.
“I take that as a yes.”
You can imagine the self-righteous grin that probably dashes onto Nobunaga’s face at the moment the words leave his mouth.
“Nevertheless, Kitten purred for me first.” Masamune’s voice is strained. “You will purr more, won’t you, Kitten?” And by that, he lifts your hips only to shove you back down. You clench around his length, whining and quivering as Nobunaga thrusts in and out at the same pace.
The room is filled with wet slips and muffled moans as the two men hammer you into a bliss you have never experienced before. You tremble and wail in between them, hanging on Masamune’s shoulders while your nails dig into his skin as they fill you up, reaching in so deep it is almost painful, yet pleasure takes over your senses, and you can’t do anything but surrender to the sensations that course through your veins and numb the reason out your mind. Right now, you live only for this rapture and relish in it like the sun wouldn’t rise tomorrow again. There is nothing else than these arms around you and shafts that take you, making you a possession of these two rulers of their own right. You might be their Goddess, but they surely reign you right now.
With each push, with every shove, you sink further into a whirlpool of gratification. You moan, almost crying, as you explode into colorful stars again. You are nothing but throbbing pleasure, squeezing the men that have pierced you. Panting and sobbing you surrender willingly. “I’m yours…”
Your words cause another explosion, then a third, and you are filled with a hot, thick load that flows into you, marking even the most private territories of you.
The conquest is over. You have given your everything and received everything. In a sweaty, heaving tangle, you all fall on the futon, forming a knot of limbs as you lay entwined.
“Well…?” Nobunaga puffs into your hair. “…who deserves… the realm, Goddess?”
“Yeah, Kitten… tell us…” Drained mumbles push out of Masamune’s mouth and onto your lips.
And you give the answer of the Goddess for Dragon and Demon. The answer only you three know.
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The edit is made of official Ikemen Sengoku game art. The characters are from CGs I got from the mobile version and the background is from the Switch version of the game.
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cottoncandy-cult · 1 year
Slippery Accidents
Yuma Mukami X Daughter! Reader
This man is the love of my life as far as DL is concerned, Yuma will always be in my top 10. Even top 5. I found an amv for Lucas Graham's 7 years that was nothing but Yuma and it's honestly my favorite amv aside from one for Mikoto Suoh involving Hollywood Undead's song Lion.
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(Y/n) giggled as she played in the woods, her father always let her play out in the forest during the day. Currently she was trying to see how high she could climb; she had gotten pretty high up as she couldn't make out the details of the ground anymore. Deciding she was high enough she went to climb down, though a rough wind swept through and drew her attention to the sky. She noticed that light blue was quickly growing darker, a sudden storm beginning to sweep in. She rushed to try and climb down, but another wind made a branch shake under her feet and sent her crashing down.
With Yuma
The large man sat up with a yawn, he had been napping on one of the couches in the den for the last hour since it had been a nice a day. Though now it wasn't so nice, rain was pouring down, and the skies were dark. He was surprised to see it was only 3 or 4 in the afternoon, as the storm made it seem much later. "Good you're awake, have you seen (Y/n) she's supposed to help me make dinner." Yuma turned to see Ruki, cocking an eyebrow as he scratched the back of his head with a yawn. "She went out earlier to play, have you checked her room? She should have been back by now." The titan of a vampire moved to stand, stretching as Ruki shook his head.
Yuma felt his blood go cold but he didn't show it, simply making a "tch" and looking away before going to put his shoes on. (Y/n)'s mother was a human, so despite taking mostly after her father she was a bit more fragile than a regular vampire or even a half blood like him. It took longer for her to heal; she could also get sick though it would only last a few days. "Are you going to find her?" Ruki had straightened up, steel like eyes locked onto his larger brother. "Of course, she's my daughter."
(Y/n) woke to her head throbbing, making her whine as she opened her eyes. Everything seemed like a haze, her sinuses were blocked she was both hot and cold. "Good, you're awake. You had me worried." The deep and familiar voice of her father actually helped to soothe her headache; she slowly tilted her head to look at him. "Daddy?..." Her voice was scratchy, her throat was hurting and really dry.  Yuma helped her to sit up, handing her a glass of water that she happily drank down. "Take it easy, you hit your head pretty hard, and you got a cold from the rain." He helped her get comfortable after she satisfied her thirst, keeping a straight face as he tucked her in.
"Are you mad at me daddy?..." She gave him a miserable look, the fact she was more worried about being in trouble than her physical state bothered him some, but he smiled to her. "No, I'm just glad you're ok. I found you passed out on the ground; you were soaked in water. We called sow over and she cleaned you up, she's been worried about ya but she plans to come over tomorrow." He ran his fingers through her hair, watching his little girl close her eyes and begin to fall asleep. "I love you daddy..." These sleepy words slipped from her, quickly dozing off before she heard a response. "I love you too sweetheart... Sleep well." The older vampire got comfy in his chair; he wouldn't be leaving her side til she had fully recovered.
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miss-mukami · 2 years
Diabolik Lovers
Pairing: Ruki X fem. reader X Kou
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Tags: triangle/vs, eventual fluff for now, mixed deviant canon
Spoilers from: general, especially: Mukami Ruki Sequel (manga)/More Blood, Maniac 08, Ruki's route
Author's note: It's been a while since I was reading the Diabolik Lovers mangas. I started with Ruki's Sequel again and oh my, everything of the franchise is drawn so pretty. Still while reading there's one certain situation that actually broke my heart and still does, so what if y/N would solve it differently?
Like known from the series this fiction leads to canon like themes. In this fiction though the Mukami brothers have a stronger contrast between their human and cruel side.
Summary: You just moved in the Mukami mansion and became part of their family. You're happy to have accepted Ruki's offer living with them, going to school again, being protected by the brothers in exchange for one more or less small demand: your blood.
You befriended Ruki's brothers right away, especially Kou, but to you he keeps his distance. Your crush on him makes things even more complicated and a coming incident questions your trust towards him deeply.
Chapter I
You've leaving school early with Ruki-kun. He insisted to go home after you've collapsed in class. Luckily your headache was gone now and the cool evening breeze refreshes your skin. You feel so much better. Still holding your hand helping you walk, he promised to reward you later, since you refused to Reiji-sans demand to visit the Sakamakies again. In the end you're just food for them, right? They don't care about you. But... Ruki-kun? Does he? You want to believe so, you liked him right away, but somehow you can't just yet, you don't want to be disappointed again. You squeeze his hand, maybe hoping for him squeezing back, giving you confirmation you're more than blood to him, him caring about you, you hope. You blink to his side profile. He looks just beautiful. You blush over your thoughts and look away, you sure stared. Did he notice? Shoot, he did...
... but he then blushed as well, what you didn't see anymore, looking down in the moment.
His steel-blue are what always make you uncomfortable, just as now, you remember. They're cold and you don't want to let your guard down, for your own sake. Still, you want to know... What's really on his mind?
Your thoughts are cut off by meowing somewhere nearby, desperately. A cat...? It was so tiny, thin, with bruised fur, sitting in a box to be abandoned. How can someone be this cruel? You felt anger and desperation building up inside you, but it's no use you told yourself. You came closer, carefully not scaring it, lifting up the box. It might die here... It needs a home and the Mukami mansion has plenty of space, you visualize, but... You should ask Ruki-kun first, you decided, you don't want trouble.
"Uhm, Ruki-kun... this kitten..."
"... Let's go"
He touches your lower back to walk beside you. Is he showing his protection differently since you're carrying the box with both hand? And...
He doesn't seem to be angry at least. He doesn't say anything more, so it's okay? But... something feels off... A cat in a vampire mansion? What were you just thinking anyway? It sounds too odd. Ruki-kun could have clearly said it would be okay, but he didn't. And there you also remember again: these cold eyes. He's gentle to you, somewhat, because you keep your promise to stay with him, but... You felt unwell. Maybe you shouldn't leave the cat alone and maybe it's a good idea to ask Kou for help.
At home you go straight for a little blanket to keep the kitty warm, always holding it softly, but firm in your arms. Strolling with a smile through the corridor you find Kou in his room. He sometimes seemed moody to you, more annoyed to be honest, but you instantly got along with each other most time. He tried already to help you understand Ruki, when conversations ended unwell. If someone can tell you how to keep this cat safe here then it's Kou.
"M-Neko Chan...", sings Kou laying and smiling on his bed as you enter.
"I found this cat on our way home and I..." You hesitate. He's your closest friend here, you remind yourself, he even calls you kitten, so he likes cats... right? But he's also still a vampire, he scares you, too. But... for this cat you just saved, you overcome yourself.
"Kou-kun, I need to ask you a favour."
~Thanks for reading so far <3
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mermaid--bride · 2 years
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I posted 636 times in 2022
That's 489 more posts than 2021!
203 posts created (32%)
433 posts reblogged (68%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 503 of my posts in 2022
Only 21% of my posts had no tags
#maria - 250 posts
#maria bride - 217 posts
#interaction - 198 posts
#ask - 104 posts
#diabolik lovers - 73 posts
#oc - 51 posts
#yuriko tsukino - 50 posts
#dl - 43 posts
#yuriko - 39 posts
#tag game - 38 posts
Longest Tag: 40 characters
#𝓻𝓸𝓵𝓮𝓹𝓵𝓪𝔂 𝓲𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷★
My Top Posts in 2022:
I know my OCs main ship is with Ruki, but HAVE YOU SEEN THESE TWO!?
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Kino’s little crab... ♥
31 notes - Posted February 25, 2022
Maria and @yuriko-tsukino-rp​ enjoying some time together at the Mukami’s pool ♥
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38 notes - Posted July 3, 2022
This picrew reminded me of that Ayato scene in his HDB route and I just had to make myself terrified for my life after he left me there XD
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For this I tag @ayatoslover , @calystegiabit and @ask-ruki-mukami
51 notes - Posted May 4, 2022
Random Laito x reader scenario because I’ve been cleaning all day and had Laito in my mind
TW: Spiders
--At the dungeon in the Sakamaki mansion
Y/n:*frowns at the sight of all the dust laying around* Oh my God... When was the last time someone cleaned this place?
Laito: Who knows~? We don’t usually care all that much. We only play here every now and then anyway.
Y/n: Oh... *sighs* I can’t I can’t believe Reiji-san forced us into cleaning this place...
Laito: Nfu he was pretty angry, wasn’t he~?
Y/n: That’s because, thanks to you, we broke most of his prized collection!
Laito: Now, don’t put the blame on me. We both know you were enjoying it too~ *places arm around their waist*
Y/n: ! *moves away* Can you please stop that!? Anyway, let’s get this over with.
Laito: Fufu, sure~
--Y/n starts cleaning as Laito follows behind, watching their every move instead of cleaning as well.
Y/n: ... Oi... Would you, please, help me instead of following me around?
Laito: But watching you is way more fun~
Y/n: *rolls their eyes and opens a cabinet*
Laito: *suddenly screeches in fear and disappears*
Y/n: !! *immediately gets up and starts killing all the spiders that are coming out* Ugh! ... Laito?
Laito: *nowhere to be seen*
Y/n: ... *shrugs and continues to clean the cabinet, killing the remaining spiders within it*
Y/n: *comes out of the dungeon, cleaning the sweat from their forehead*
Reiji: Y/n, have you finished your task?
Y/n: I have... Have you seen Laito?
Reiji: Laito? Was he not with you?
Y/n: He disappeared after some spiders came out of one of the cabinets...
Reiji: Eh~? *smirks* Is that so? Then it seems my punishment was a success. As expected.
Y/n: Hm?
Reiji: You have done well. As a reward, I shall give you the honor of having me cook you dinner tonight.
Y/n: Really!?
Reiji: Of course. Now, quickly go clean yourself. I will not forgive you if you happen to spread dust anywhere inside the house.
See the full post
55 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
From the series "They're the same and you can't convince me otherwise" 😂
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57 notes - Posted July 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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robin-the-enby · 3 years
Um, hi! I was hoping I could get a diabolik lovers matchup? And if possible, one for the Sakamaki family, and one for the Mukami family, but it’s fine if you can’t. I’m an INTP bisexual female with slightly above shoulder-length black hair and a fringe. (Although, I do have an undercut as well so it’s a bit “odd” to most people. Basically, with my hair normally, I look like a young Japanese school girl but with my hair tied-up, I look like “a delinquent.”) I also need glasses however, I tend to avoid using them unless I’m on a device of sorts or reading for a prolonged period of time.
I’m a 5’1 Capricorn and as such, I am known to be a very independent person who gets what they want done. The downside to this is if I’m forced to do something, my efficiency drops dramatically and so I’d think it’s quite useless to tell me to do something I have no interest in. Also, people who have met me for the first time tend not to take me seriously when I speak straightforwardly or pointedly because of my short stature.
English is my 2nd language and Japanese is my 3rd. My hobbies include reading, writing, painting, drawing, and anything within the field of arts. Because of this, I’ve been told that I’m quite smart as I can ace an important exam without having studied seriously prior. Most of my time goes to my hobbies and so I don’t really bother with academics so as long as I don’t fail nor let my grades fall too low, I don’t put for much effort in school. (Which also means that I don’t study at all, but I’ve never had a bad grade before) I prefer to be alone or with another individual rather than in groups when it comes to working or simply conversing as I tend to get overwhelmed with too much company (which, sadly, makes me more irritable and snappy at people.)
I’m a classic(?)introvert case and because of my disorganized emotional nature, people tend to think I’m bi-polar. Sometimes, I’d like to be left alone since I prefer working seriously but I also like being affectionate towards people I like or cherish. So I think someone who’s understanding of my ever-changing need for affection would be nice. My love languages are words of affirmation and physical touch.
Thank you for entertaining this long ask and I do apologize for it as well. Have a nice day!
Damn, you're really lucky you don't have to study and still do good at school. I'm a perfect example of "Gifted kid burnout" heh... I match you with:
Ruki Mukami
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I think Ruki would be the first to understand that he can't force you into doing stuff around the mansion. Also the first one to understand that you're gonna do that stuff yourself, without being told to do anything.
It would honestly lift so much weight from his shoulders.
You don't have to worry about him not respecting you. Just because you're shorter doesn't mean you're anything less or more childish. He understands he is quite the tall boi too.
He adores your pride and confidence in what you do, he thinks it's a very good quality of yours!
He would also adore anything you create. Anything you'd draw, write, he would scan it over and over again and again, until he memorized every word or every brush or pen stroke.
You can expect some nice constructive criticism from him and a whole lot of compliments ;)
He loves your intelligence, since he's the brains of the house too. He'd love to have some deep conversations with you, about things from movies or books that inspire you, stuff about the world that you hate or love, any and every topic that you can break down, you will at some point.
Now, he'd be a little confused at your changes in moods. He understands you're introverted, he is too, afterall, but sometimes you are all cuddly and soft and sometimes you can be quite cold and irritable and he just...can't get to the bottom of it.
It makes you that more intriguing in his eyes though and he loves to ponder and predict your moods, which he often cannot. It makes his brain busy.
However, he will respect whatever mood you are in and wait for you until you want to cuddle or hang out or anything, really.
If you praise him for something, the slightest hint of blush on his cheeks, almost invisible, will show. However, inside, he feels a bit proud.
That dude definitely needs some praise, he's got everyone's backs and makes sure everyone and everything's ok.
Shuu Sakamaki
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The one thing that Shuu'd have to learn would be that forcing you to do something will get him nowhere. He isn't as bossy as some of his brothers, but he'd try to order you around sometimes at first.
Once he gets past that however, you're fine.
Another one that doesn't care if you're short or tall. Sure, he might tease you for your height, but never take you any less seriously.
He thinks you're really unique and smart. He's not much for talking, unlike Ruki, but he'll listen to whatever you might want to ramble about. He's very glad you're not stuck up like Reiji, too.
He might not show it much, but he's very impressed at your art skills. It astonishes him the certainty with which you hold your pencil when drawing or the way you can write a whole story. He won't ask to see your creations himself, but if you mention that you're done with something, he'll ask you to show him what you've made.
He won't shower you with praise, but you'll get a rare smile out of him and some nice, soft words of approval.
When it comes to your changes in moods, I feel like Shuu wouldn't be bothered much. Or at least, he wouldn't show it.
He is totally fine with your moodswings, he totally understands that sometimes, you just want to be alone and sometimes, you want to be as close to him as possible.
He doesn't need words of affirmation, but whenever you two cuddle, he actually might cry, even if he puts on the stone cold face. He loves it when you're close, like you are one, and he can really be in the present, with you, in peace. You're there, you're his and you're not going anywhere and he can hold you as close as possible or better, you can hold him for a while. It's the one time he truly rests.
I hope you enjoyed!
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darvetica · 3 years
ꉂ،، ָ࣪ ❛ 𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃 ❜┇ [DL X OC ] (1)
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"Hondos rostros jóvenes, profundamente marcados, rasgan el suave satén de la memoria; y aún oculta, fuera de la historia, continúa ocultando el dolor de los condenados".
Katherine Tynan
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Las grandes puertas del despacho de mi padre siempre me habían llamado la atención, eran a mi opinión bastante enigmáticas, parecían ser las puertas por las cuales tras cruzarlas podías obtener alegría y jubilo u odio y rencor. Siempre era así, o al menos era lo que percibía tras años viendo como la gente entra y sale de dichas puertas.
Por lo que tengo entendido mi padre suele recibir a gente que le pide favores o quiere negociar con él, obviamente mi padre no cedía ante cualquier petición y si no le caías en gracia por tus acciones te podría arruinar la vida, de ahí la parte de odio y rencor.
Por otra parte, si eras afortunado podrías recibir una más que generosa ayuda de mi progenitor, y ahora era cuando venía el júbilo y alegría. Aunque aún me pregunto qué sensación obtienes cuando él te hace llamar, sin embargo, esta duda no duraría mucho puesto que hoy me toca a mi cruzar estas puertas por un llamado de Richter, mi padre.
Dude unos instantes en si abrir la puerta o no, pero no me malentiendan, no es que mi padre fuese malo conmigo o tuviese miedo. Todo lo contrario, tenía ganas de cruzar las puertas porque me huelo la razón por la que requiere mi presencia, me hacía llamar por mi más ansiado y anhelado deseo ¿Qué cuál es ese deseo? Simple, la dulce venganza.
Toqué la puerta tres veces y esperé hasta recibir un "Adelante" indicando que podía entrar. Una vez dentro me acerqué al gran y antiguo escritorio de roble de mi padre, la verdad es que cuanto más me fijaba en mi alrededor más cautivaba mi atención la habitación. Había miles de libros repartidos en altas y grandes librerías aparentemente a punto de reventar al estar los libros tan apretados los unos a los otros con la intención de conseguir así un mayor almacenamiento.
- Delora puedes sentarte- indicó mi padre, al cual hice caso- Supongo que ya te haces una idea de por qué estás aquí- una pícara sonrisa apareció en el rostro del pelinegro con mechas verdes.
- Me hago una idea, pero no me gustaría parecer pretenciosa, así que antes de afirmar nada prefiero escucharte- la formalidad entre mi padre y yo era muy común, al fin y al cabo, mi madre me educó así y ahora que estaba muerta no iba a tirar por la borda todo lo que me había enseñado.
- Siempre tan educada- se podía notar cierto orgullo en sus palabras- Te hacía llamar porque he movido algunos hilos y podrás ir a la mansión Sakamaki - una sonrisa gatuna apareció en mi rostro de la cual mi padre se percató- Pero debes ser cuidadosa y jamás olvidar el plan, sé que a veces te sueles dejar llevar por tus emociones y actividades privadas, sin embargo ahora es el momento donde más vas a tener que hacer caso a tu cerebro- yo asentí con mi rostro serio puesto que este plan nos había llevado muchos años a mi padre y a mí.
-Padre prometo no defraudarle, se lo debo a Hori- ese era el nombre de mi madre- Además tras tantos largos años de espera estoy mentalizada sobre cuál es mi objetivo en esa casa.
-Así me gusta pequeña, tendremos que ser muy minuciosos porque los hermanos Sakamaki pueden no ser un gran rival, pero mi hermano Karl Heinz es un digno oponente que no teme a jugar sucio.
-Nosotros tampoco tenemos reparos en jugar sucio, pero entiendo el punto- en ese instante me percato de una pequeña caja en el escritorio de mi progenitor. De cerca parecía ser una cajita que contendría algo de bisutería, tenía curiosidad sobre cuál era el contenido, pero mi padre se adelantó.
-Veo que te has fijado- dijo refiriéndose a la caja- Es un regalo para ti por tu nueva misión, se que no eres una gran entusiasta de llevar constantemente joyas, pero va a ser necesario para tu misión.
- ¿Exactamente para qué la necesito? - pregunté confundida ya que no me esperaba este obsequio.
-Es un colgante que te ayudará a tener el olor de un humano, si vas a la mansión Sakamaki bajo ningún concepto deben saber que eres una vampiresa y mucho menos que estas emparentada conmigo, si se enteran desconfiarán de ti y llamarán a su padre.
-Y si lo hacen estamos muertos- terminé la frase de Richter- No me quitaré el colgante, tranquilo. Aún así tengo dudas sobre eso de ser una novia de sacrificio y sobre cómo me voy a alimentar yo.
-Tendrás que apañártelas, ahí no te puedo ayudar- dijo mi padre algo desconforme por la situación.
Soy una vampiresa, está bien que oculte el hecho de lo que sea y más en un momento como este !Pero necesito alimentarme! Esto era una locura, pero como siempre voy de cabeza a este tipo de cosas y me tendré que adaptar a la situación. Supongo que tomaré sangre de algún ciudadano que este de fiesta por la noche y achaque su malestar al alcohol o a muy amalas tendré que tomar sangre de animal. Esta última idea me desagradaba mucho, no era porque la sangre de animal tuviese un mal sabor, su sabor era aceptable, pero hacer daño a un animal indefenso me dolía en el corazón.
-Bueno ya me las apañaré no te preocupes ¿Cuándo dices que me iba? - espero que me dé tiempo a empacar mis cosas y arreglarme un poco antes de irme.
-Mañana, aunque hoy en la noche te dejaré en la iglesia de un viejo amigo para que tu papel de chica huérfana de iglesia sea más creíble.
- Vale, si me permites tengo que empezar a hacer mis maletas- mi padre asintió con la cabeza.
-Delora, mi amada hija confío en ti como seguramente lo haría Hori.
Al llegar a mi cuarto no demoré en empezar a seleccionar mi ropa, mis armarios constaban de una gran cantidad de ropa y seleccionar lo necesario para que me ocupe solo dos maletas me era difícil, pero me decanté por algunos conjuntos que puedan encajar con el estilo de chica católica que se pueden esperar esos hermanos, aunque añadí algo más atrevido por si se presentaban la ocasión. Después de todo eramos vampiros y la lujuria estaba en nuestro ser.
La segunda maleta la llené de zapatos, abrigos, ropa interior y algunas cosas esenciales que toda chica necesita. Mi idea principal era llenar esa segunda maleta con algunos objetos mágicos y armas para protegerme, no debía subestimar a mis oponentes, pero la idea fue descartada cuando el mayordomo de mi padre me aconsejó en no llevarlas por si los hermanos revisaban mis maletas.
Esto iba a ser algo bastante tedioso para mí, pero vale la pena, se lo debo a mi madre. Unos de esos seis Sakamakis la mató y encima su padre repudió al mío. Si algo tengo claro es que la familia es lo primero y nada ni nadie me quitará de la cabeza mi venganza.
Es obvio que no llegaré y los mataré a todos, no soy una psicópata, tengo en mente algo más complejo, algo más doloroso. Cuando llegue me ganaré la confianza de cada uno de ellos hasta descubrir quien fue el asesino y luego los iré traicionando uno a uno, haciendo que sientan el verdadero dolor, el dolor de la traición.
Según me ha contado mi padre ellos siempre han sido unos niños mimados llenos de lujos y aún así no estaba satisfechos, siempre querían más. En definitiva, eran unos niños de mamá, que patético ni podrán valerse por ellos mismo.
-¡Por fin¡ - exclamé al terminar de hacer mi equipaje- Ahora a darme una pequeña ducha y ya estaría lista para ir a esa iglesucha de cuarta- como se podía notar tenía cierto desprecio a la religión, me parecía una tontería con tantos símbolos y luego quien maneja realmente todo son unos señores calvos adinerados que dicen que dan su vida por el prójimo pero no les dan ni la mano, por no hablar lo absurdo que era aquello de la fe creer en un Dios que nos ayuda y cuida pero luego no hace nada por nosotros.
Dejando mis quejas de lado me metí a la tina y relajé unos minutos gozando del momento de calma mientras notaba el agua liviana en cuerpo a la vez que pequeñas burbujas formadas por el jabón que eché. Pero eso no quitó que aún le diese vueltas al tema de mi madre, ella no merecía nada de lo que le pasó era una mujer noble con gran corazón y la mataron despiadadamente con una daga, pero lo que esos necios no sabían es que encontramos la daga en la cual estaba el sello de la familia Sakamaki, por eso sabemos quiénes fueron los asesinos.
Podría seguir maldiciendo a esos bastardos, pero tenía una misión pendiente, me vestí y sequé para bajar las escaleras y encontrarme con mi padre. Fue una despedida rápida ya que ninguno era muy sentimental, me fui con el mayordomo hasta la iglesia a la cual entré por una puerta trasera para que al salir por la puerta principal me pudiese encontrar con otro coche, en este caso una limusina negra.
- ¿Señorita Delora? - me pregunto un hombre alto y delgado el cual aparentaba ser otro mayordomo o chofer, seguramente de esos mimados Sakamakis.
- La misma que viste y calza ¿Usted es con quien me ha dicho el padre que voy a vivir a partir de ahora? - fingí ilusión, la que imaginé que tendría cualquier chica de aquel orfanato de la iglesia- ¿Es usted el señor Sakamaki?
-No soy yo- el hombre sonrió, parece que le caí bien de alguna forma ya que cuando me explicó que él era el encargado de llevarme a la misión fue muy amable conmigo durante todo el viaje, como si casi se compadeciese de mí. ¿Tan terrible era vivir con esos vampiros?
Tras unas horas de viaje y una charla con el chofer llegué a una mansión algo tétrica y lúgubre, aparentaba estar abandonada llegando a pensar que el chofer que se marchó me había dejado en el lugar equivocado, sin embargo, al ver lo tan cuidado que estaba el jardín descarté esa idea.
Llamé tres veces a la puerta como de costumbre esperando a ser recibida de una buena vez por alguno de los hermanos, los cuales parecían que no habían escuchado mi llamada, por lo que me dispuse a abrir la puerta pero alguien se me adelantó.  
Hola a tod@s, se que este capitulo es algo corto pero es a modo de introducción. Los siguientes serán más largos y aparecerán por fin los hermanos.
Estoy acostumbrada a preguntar cosas al final de mis capitulos, como hago en la aplicación de wattpad. 
¿Quién creen que abrió la puerta a Delora?
¿Cómo creen que van a reaccionar los hermanos?
¿Laito la llamará bitch-chan? bueno eso seguramente ....este pervertido...
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bumblesimagines · 5 years
Being a Mukami and becoming friends with Yui after your brothers basically kidnap her.
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(Y/N) drummed her fingers against her arm as she waited for an explanation from her younger brothers. They all avoided eye contact with her as she scanned their faces.
"Finish that sentence." (Y/N) dared the tall male, her gaze settling on him. Neither Kou or Yuma tried a snarky comment, knowing they'd get their asses kicked to New Years Eve if they did.
"Nobody wants to speak up? Fine, I'll go get the story from her." With that, (Y/N) teleported into the girl's room. Yui blinked, turning her head and looking at her.
"Is something wrong, (Y/N)?" Considering the fact that Yui had no backbone and was to kind for her own good, (Y/N) couldn't hate her.
"Wanna take a walk around the greenhouse?" Yui smiled softly.
"I'd like that."
Gifs aren't mine
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ashhh-14 · 3 years
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✥Mysterious x Reader [Part- 2]
Character's Origin- Diabolik Lovers
Characters- Not in this one. Read and find out. (≡^∇^≡)
Warning- None
Genre- ❖❃
Format- S-One Shot
Word Count- 845
Requested by @toharu-takahashi-25
A/n- Thank you for the request and the sweet compliment my love! Do let me know if you want this to continue. I will be happy to do so! ♡
Full Series
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Your eyes slowly start to flutter open when you heard someone say
"Did you sleep well? "
The sky outside was still decorated with stars as your head moved to the side after the feeling of fingers running down your neck , over the marks where Laito had bitten you just an hour or two ago, with a feather like touch.
Looking at the person before your eyes, you slowly sat up while asking carefully, " Who are you? "
Said person in question chuckled, bitterness evident in his eyes and voice, "So they made you forget me after all huh. "
"Huh? "
"Name's Yuma. " Looking you in the eyes, he lifted your chin up to look at him directly with one hand while pushing something in your mouth with the other.
He got up, leaving the room just like that.
"What was that just now? " You whispered to yourself, chewing on the sweetness that flooded in your mouth.
'I don't know why but the name and the sugar cube makes me feel like I'm forgetting something important. Very important. '
With that thought, you got up from the bed, slowly opening the door and stepping into the hallway lit by nothing but moonlight seeping through the window.
'My head hurts. How long have I been walking aimlessly for again? '
Loosing your track of thoughts, you suddenly fell to the floor, the feeling that you bumped into someone setting in.
"(Y/n)? "
You looked up, surprised as to who knew you here, but then again, you couldn't see that well in the darkness as to exactly know where you were.
"Ruki-Kun? "
Suddenly, two more people appeared in front of you alongside Ruki.
"M-Neko-chan! " And with that, you were again tackled to the ground.
Rubbing his cheek with yours, Kou almost purred, "We missed you! "
"Kou get off of them. You're going to crush them at this rate. " With that, Kou was pulled away from you with his collar.
"Ruki-kun! Not fair! " Kou whined.
Ruki offered you his hand to stand up, which you gladly accepted.
"We're glad to have you back (Y/n). "
He patted your head while you just lightly laughed while looking at all of them.
" Why did you leave us in the first place M-Neko-chan?! " Kou whined.
"Um.. that.. "
"C'mon...Kou-kun......don't......make (Y/n)-chan.. uncomfortable. "
"Azusa is right Kou. "
"Not you too Ruki-kun! "
Ruki said, " Enough Kou. But (Y/n), how did you get here all of a sudden? "
" Hmm... it all started at school when..... *story*..... and when I woke up, I saw that guy. What was his name again? Yum.. yeah! Yuma! Oh by the way, who is he? What's he doing here? "
A look of dread and helplessness passed through all the three brothers faces as they looked at each other.
"So...? " You pressed further.
"Oh! Yeah! We forgot to tell you, he's our friend! We've known him for some time now, since you left actually and thought that it'd be even more fun if he'd live with us! "
"Oh okay. " You nodded, taking in the information that Kou just gave.
"I haven't had your cake in ages M-Neko-Chan! Let's go to the kitchen! "
Kou beamed, changing the topic while pushing you forward by the shoulders, Azusa following close behind.
'I hope he's alright.' Ruki thought, vanishing in thin air.
You met the Mukamis when you were little, when they were turned to be exact. Although they became cold hearted after what they had gone through, feeling cold and numb to the feelings, you, a human, somehow managed to make them feel warm. At peace. At home. With time, you managed to get close to them and eventually started living with them. Everything was going great, that was until Yui appeared. Every thing went upside down. With all of them having so much thirst to become adam, their love and attention seemed to drift. You found no point to stay there anymore, you felt like you were meddling in their life. A disturbance. A hindrance. So you left. Eventually stumbling upon the Sakamaki mansion. Where you met Laito, your now ex boyfriend and his brothers. And now when you put the pieces together, you now know why Laito was behaving like that, because of her. Yui. Once the Sakamakis, Ayato to be precise, took Yui back from the Mukamis, Laito changed.
All of this happened because of you feeling denied and neglected, but unbeknownst to you, there was always one person who wanted nothing and no one more than you.
All the brothers were eating the cake after showering you with endless compliments about how good the cake and your cooking skills are. Except one person who was neither eating the cake nor saying anything.
"Do you not like cakes by any chance Yuma-Kun? " You asked softly, looking at him with a soft expression.
"Hm? Yeah you are right. I don't like cakes. I'll get going"
'Liar' all three brothers thought.
Likes, comments and reblogs are truly appreciated!
'Will you ever remember me? '
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banzaitaka · 3 years
hey son,
you know ily.
anyways can you do
diabolik lovers reiji sakamaki x nonbinary reader?
plot :
reiji is chilling in his private living room from the rest of his brothers and enjoying some alone time with his tea.
but something is weird and smelly about his tea. he starts yelling at his brothers who touched his tea but no one seems to care and to have touched his tea either.
reiji feels betrayed. he starts tearing up and going to the roof from his school the next day.
ruki comes in and calls him pathetic at that moment reader hears this and starts attacking ruki and throwing some hands.
reiji looks at them in awe. reader belated ruki and he gets up quickly and sees that his suit is gone. he is naked but doesn't feel in any way shame.
ruki left.
reader goes to reiji and pats his head. reiji smiles at us, the stranger who is also a student from the school.
reader starts slowly smiling back but like a creep and says "i touched your tea yesterday and i have stalked you for a long while. I know what you are and where you live. let's get married and drink your love poisoned tea next time".
reiji doesn't know what to say at what she just confessed and falls from the roof and starts panickly running.
Hey mom owo
I was just about to go to sleep, but then it started thundering outside and I'm so fcking scared of thunder storms so----AHH- I made it more cracky than I originally planned to make myself laugh xkxkfkf
Diabolik Lovers_Masterlist
TW: This is a crack fic, "adult jokes"?
Reiji Sakamaki x gn! reader
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How to confess; for dummies
What did Reiji do to deserve this? Just a few minutes ago, he sat comfortably in his armchair, his favorite book "How to have sex; for dummies" in hand.
He didn't have to play mom for his brothers for that day, so he decided to not let the opportunity to relax go to waste.
He already had his hair curlers in his hair and wore his long nightgown and pink, plush crocs as he reached for his tea. Only to smell that something was off about it. It smelled weird.
Reiji scoffed loudly, "Herr Gott nochmal! Diese Burschen!*"
(*A very old-school German way to say: "God damnit! These guys!" I just found it funny kfkfkf & he speaks German fluently so-)
The black-haired gracefully waddled into the living room were all of his brothers, conveniently, played uno together.
"Fullhouse!", Ayato yelled as he layed down his cards, making the others moan in defeat. Reiji gasped at this, pulled his spatula out of his pants and walked over to the group.
"NO YELLING!!", Reiji hit Shu right across the face. Shu fainted. Or pretended to faint. No one knows.
Subaru slammed his hands on the table, making it break in the process before pulling out an uno reversed card. Everyone in the room gasped, everyone, except Reiji, getting all riled up. The albino refused to use Reiji's spatula, so he used Kanato instead. He smacked his older brother with his younger older brother in the face.
Ayato, Laito and Teddy cheered Subaru on, but Subaru carefully laid Kanato on the floor, saying, "No. No more. I already paid him back."
Reiji was full on crying by then, face red from being slapped with Kanato. The vampire wiped his tears away, "Which one of you touched my tea!?"
"Huh? What are you talking about Bitch-niisan?", Laito asked as he dealt the uno cards for the next round on the broken table. Everyone went back to their previous places, ready to win the privilege of the last pizza slice.
Reiji tried to scoff and ask again, but what came out was a whine as he stamped his foot and ran away.
"They don't even care!", he yelled in his pillow and then cried himself to sleep.
A few hours later, the black-haired found himself ontop of the roof of his school. He didn't want anyone to see how miserable he looked like. How defeated he was.
Ruki opened the door to the roof and took a few steps forward, making Reiji turn around slightly at the sound.
The half blood stared into Reiji's pink eyes for solid 4.44 seconds, and proceeded to hit the most gorgeous whip, ever whipped, "Pathetic.", he says. The pigeon tried his best to hold back his tears, but it was hard.
Suddenly, a figure appeared behind Ruki, kicking him in the balls, "You forgot to 'nae nae', you faker!", they screeched at him.
The pink-eyed watched the stranger punching the Mukami so hard he lost all of his clothes. They were just gone. Ruki stared at the (Y/HC)-haired, terrified. He quickly stood up and dusted off his naked body before leaving the rooftop, without speaking another word.
Reiji was left there, awestruck, as (Y/N) was approaching him with a skip in their step. They slowly raised their hand and petted him on the head.
A large smile spread across Reiji's face. There was still someone who cared for him!
(Y/N)'s expressionless stare turned slowly into a smile as well, that kind of smile only our yandere waifus can pull off. "I was the one who messed with your tea.", they admitted, turning Reiji into the shocked pikachu meme.
(Y/N) ignored his face as they continued, "I openly stalked you for a while. I know everything about you. What you are. Where you live...", their gaze drifted to Reiji's crotch. Reiji took in a sharp breath, "...what color your underwear is. Hm? What were you thinking? Ah, yes I know that too."
They pinched the vampire's cheek, "Anyways, let's marry and drink your love poisoned tea together."
You could see sparks and smoke coming from the black-haired's head, shocked from that proposal, while (Y/N) smiled at him expectantly. Suddenly, Reiji's legs gave in under him and he fell from the roof.
Now with torn clothes and scratches all over his skin, he ran away.
In the end, he found a boar and meerkat in a pretty cool forest where he lived until...he woke up from his dream.
He quickly sat up, his skin covered in sweat and his breath heavy.
"Good morning, bby boi~"
Reiji slowly turned his head to the side where (Y/N) laid, smiling at him like they did when they first met.
Wtf did I just write
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monstas1ut2 · 3 years
Can you do the cheater one with the mukami’s please
Diabolik Lovers x POC!Reader
•Some mistakes??? Maybe??
•“The Mukami’s Cheating On Their Girlfriend’s With You”•
-Ruki Mukami
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As calm and collected he may seem, deep inside he has this odd hatred for this female who he was bound to marry. Everytime he'd try to show her an ounce of love, she'd end up messing it up for herself in the process. Ruki may have seemed like a gentleman... well definitely not from calling someone livestock..
Ruki happened to be the nicest man towards you.
"Ruki?.. I thought you-..." Arching your eyebrow a bit, you cut yourself off. Not only did you see his slightly angered face, but you figured maybe it would be nice of you to let him in your house of course... this was your future husband.
As the atmosphere changed when Ruki came into your home, you closed the door which had you trapped in his space.
"I'm... a bit tired.."
It was shown in his eyes that he was no where near physically tired but mentally. The female he was with not only drained him of everything he had but she manages to anger him every day and this is his only place of comfort. Whether you touch on him and love him, or whether you talk to him... it's better than anything.
Your darker hands lightly touching his stomach before sliding up and he could've sworn he felt himself shiver. Your light smile on that pretty face of yours as your hands then started to undo that tie of his. His lips daring to curve into a smirk before hearing that annoying tone of his phone. Not only did his frown appear but his hand was aching to answer it...
"...Answer that phone and I will tell her how she tastes my pussy every time you leave my house..."
-Kou Mukami
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It was her birthday...
Not only that, but it was definitely your birthday as well. It may have been a bit cocky but let’s just say you felt great about today. This was finally going to be the day that she understands she’s nothing to Kou.
Leaning down to clip your heels before overlooking your long nails. It complimented your dress because you had this planned. Yeah Kou definitely didn’t say a thing about your birthday, but you knew that he was aware. He had to be.
“Someone’s pretty (y/n)-Chan~..”
There it was, that voice that you loved so much. Of course he was here, to think it was still morning though... Kou hadn’t even spoke to his girlfriend about her birthday... not once. It hadn’t passed his mind either, and that was alright with you...
“Let’s go get cheesecake, neko~ it is your birthday~!”
Kou had stopped his plans to be free all for you and that should say something. He was not only in love with you, but you’ve won this battle... if anything, you were definitely the main, the only main... that female didn’t even have the authority to call herself a side chick.
-Yuma Mukami
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His huge hands kept your waist down, your ass  arched up against his pelvis as you tried your best to take all of what he had to offer. The night still young as the loud breathing came from your throat.
Too many things had been happening this week to even care. The many times Yuma has been caught with you and his girlfriend would only bawl out into tears and still stay with him. Even if she saw your nail in his car, even if she saw your messages to his phone... even if she saw your ass being manhandled by Yuma in bed...
"O-Oh Fuck~!... Yuma!"
"Whatcha runnin for?... don't run from it dumbass..." Yuma growled out a bit, his hair fallen in front his handsome face as his arms started to show his prominent veins. His eyes fascinated by your jiggling ass, the only thing on his mind every day... watching you come undone on his cock.. of course this was his pussy...
"You do it better baby..." His husky voice music to your ears. Of course you do it better than her, you could actually take him.
"T-this my dick daddy~..."
-Azusa Mukami
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It wasn’t what anyone thought would happen, he’s too precious to do such a thing... right?
Everyone has their preferences though, and being with her was something he didn’t want. Not only was she annoying, but she barely wanted to get near him and his wounds. Yes it’s not the nicest thing to look at but..
“Stop thinkin about it..” You spoke softly, the green haired boy’s head laying on your chest. He was doomed when he met you, you were not only caring but you were accepting. Unlike his other brothers, the relationship you two had wasn’t half based on sex.. though you two do it when Azusa is fidgety.
“She’s..... mean....”
“I know, and I told ya... I could go fight her.”
The soft laugh that erupted from his throat sent a soft shiver up your back, yes it wasn’t the first time you’ve gotten him to laugh but every time you did... you felt accomplished.
“Kiss...” Azusa spoke, his body felt as if it had butterflies in them, staring somewhat at your lips that leaned in close to press against his.
She didn’t deserve him...
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animeprincessforever · 5 months
Kou Mukami X Mother Reader The Deal And A Mothers Love
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Positive. That's all I saw. Those to little blue lines that made a difference. I sighed. "My family will disown me. What am I going to do?" I said as I patted my stomach. All the sudden I saw him. A man with pink hair that called himself Touga Sakamaki. He told me he'll give me and my baby a chance I agreed since I was desperate. The deal was I'll live with him and nanny his boys. But when my baby is a certain age I have to give him up. 
-9 Months Later-
I gave birth to a baby boy named Kou (L/n). He was a beautiful little boy. But looked more like his father. When Touga came to check on me he asked "Are you doing alright Mrs. (Y/n)" I looked at him and said "yes but I can't give him up. I know you told me it was part of the deal but I love my baby." He gave me a look and mumbled something. I gulped 'is he mad? what am I going to do?' I looked at Kou as he starred up at me. I packed my bags and ran away in fear of my life. Then like in a horror movie I heard Touga say "(y/n), you made a mistake. Now were are you?~" I gulped and saw a little gutter and I put the carrier that held my sweet baby in it down the gutter and cried. All the sudden I was grabbed. And. Everything. Went. Black. All I could think was 'My Poor Baby I Love You So Much, Please Forgive Me.'
Kou's POV (Now A Mukami)
I had just finished a performance. It was pouring rain and I rushed inside and saw Neko-Chan (AKA Yui) Yui smiled and said "welcome back" I smiled "thanks care to help me out I can't get these damn buttons to get undone." She nodded as she followed me to my room her kindness and expression felt familiar like I seen it when I was human. Yui asked "Kou I have a question for you." I tilted my head and pulled her close "And what is that my little kitten?" she gulped and said "well I was wondering do you have any memories when you were a human?" I tensed "yes... but i lived in the gutters wanting to reach for the beautiful sky... As for my parents every so often I see a woman that just stares at me but never talks... She has a since of sorrow and pain in her eyes..." Yui said "thats so sad." I said "well you can't dwell on the past!" Yui said "do you think... That woman was your.... Mother?" I chuckled and said "she seems to you around your age and a weak human. I doubt it. Now I am done with you. Please go or I'll feast on you" Yui squeaked and ran. 'works every time' I thought I went to sleep and saw that woman again. I groaned "WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME?!?!" she started to cry and mumbled "I'm sorry I failed to protect you as a mother... I did what I had to a man kept me as his prisoner when I was kicked out of the house when I was pregnant with you. I wanted to give you a better life so I went with the man. He killed me cause I tried to escape when you were born he was going to force me to get rid of you. I couldn't I am so sorry" I said "WHY SHOULD I BELIEVE ALL OF THIS?!?!" She looked at me and said "that bracelet underneath it has my name. (Y/n). I wanted you to have something that was mine so I kept my soul in it and all of what I saw made me feel more and more guilty. That man that saved you and the others was the man that killed me..." I woke up and looked at the bracelet 'she.Is. My. Mother?' Ruki knocked at my door and said "Kou dinner" I sighed "Ruki." "Yes?" he replied. "I want to meet with our master... I have some questions concerning something important to me..."
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cherry-schlong · 4 years
Hi Hi my lovelies! I’ve put together a nice little masterlist for you all. Please Please Please let me know if there are any issues with the links. It took me a few hours so I got a bit tired heh. I even included my old cringy posts from way back when. Back when I was awful at this😅. Love you guys!❤️️
Sakamaki & Mukami bois
s/o delving into their past
Favorite types of music
s/o is uncontrollably horny during period
s/o with wings
Flexible s/o
Seemingly pure s/o gets dirty
Creepy doll wants to eat s/o
s/o is bisexual (a crumb of nsfw)
s/o is addicted to social media
s/o suddenly becomes a brat (crumbs of nsfw)
15 year old daughter wants to kill them
s/o watches anime
s/o has made out with another girl (crumbs of nsfw)
s/o is a neko
s/o is pansexual
Mukami and Tsukinami bois
s/o is right in an argument 
Idol s/o on TV
s/o with scars
s/o skilled with magic doses
Sakamaki only
New bride is a vampire
Scrapping with taekwondo using s/o
Cosplaying s/o
African American s/o cooking their favorite
Holding newborn
Black s/o doing daughter’s hair
s/o is better than them
s/o with a daddy kink
dabbing obsessed s/o
Chubby black s/o with anxiety
Super model s/o
s/o does the robot
s/o has PTSD
Daughter wants them to change
s/o hates female blood
Mukami only
Someone hurts s/o’s wings
s/o has PTSD
Tsukinami only
s/o is obsessed with social media
All three families
Most to Least to date POC s/o
s/o likes yaoi
s/o likes yaoi(different ask)
Most to Least who can swim
Who’s the best Daddy?
Shu Sakamaki
Shu and Reiji fighting over curvy black s/o
Forking his s/o
Reiji Sakamaki
Shu and Reiji fighting over curvy black s/o(Link won’t work so click it on Shu’s)
Ayato Sakamaki
s/o wants a baby
Laito Sakamaki
Being wholesome with his black s/o
Kanato Sakamaki
Subaru Sakamaki
Kino Sakamaki
s/o is obsessed with social media
Ruki Mukami
Dating a Dhampir
s/o talks to animals
Shy s/o with stretch marks(NSFW)
Artistic s/o
Yuma Mukami
Kou Mukami
Azusa Mukami
Carla Tsukinami
Dating a Dhampir
Loving a Dhampir
What are Carla’s powers?
Carla with a witch s/o
Shy s/o with stretch marks(NSFW)
Black s/o pregnant with twin girls
Strong enemy kidnaps s/o
Shin Tsukinami
Karlheinz Sakamaki
Fluff headcanons
Baby Karl introducing his s/o to his parents
Family fun
s/o asks about his family and past
Calling his s/o annoying
Richter Sakamaki
Family fun
Yui Komori
Dumb cringy stuff and rants
Go away Ketchup man
Shu disapproves 
Sexy snow vampires
Shoe and Region
Ayooto, Laddle, and Knot-o
Kou as Daddy long nose
Ryu or Mia?
Mia and Ryu’s relationship to the bois
Subaru looks like Karlheinz
Subaru’s chin is longer than my life
How Ryu and Mia interact with de bois
Ayato’s dick is bigger than Karl’s
Does Laito want Colorado dick?
Fight Karl in a Wendy’s parking lot
Why is Yuma so tall?
Reaction to Teddy’s death
Danger straws
Ruki do you love me?
Ayato invites Mia to his iron maiden
Carla is done with Shin’s shit
The anime does not pass the vibe check
Social media accounts and AUs
Shu’s Twitter
Reiji’s Twitter
Laito’s Twitter
Unlikely Fondness part 1(SMAU)
Y/N scared Ayato(Tweet)
Unlikely Fondness part 2(SMAU)
NSFW Alphabet
K & M for Reiji
K and T for Subaru
A, J, and M for Subaru
C, D, J for Shu and Subaru
K, M and I for Shin
A, C, D, F, J FOR Ayato
D, K & M for kanato
O, P and W for Shin
A, C, D, G, H for Carla and Reiji
I, O and V for Ayato and Shu
E, D, and X for Subaru
C, D, and J for Kou
L, V, and W for Subaru and Shu
A, M, N, V, O for Kou
D, J, K for Ruki and Yuma
S, Q, T, V, X, Z for Kino
A, V, W, X for Karlheinz
F, O, R, T, U for Azusa
Y, U, M, A, S for Yuma
A, C, E, I, J for Azusa
C, H, X, P, F, W for Laito
A for Kino
C, A, O for Kanato and Laito
B, D, J, G, I for Karlheinz
A, C, O, I, F for Ruki
F, K, T, U for Shu
T and U for Ayato
F, O, U for Subaru
F, K, O, U for Kino
F, T, O for Yuma
K for Azusa
T and U for Shin
F, M, U for Richter
B, E, F, G, H for Ayato
W, X, Y, Z for Ayato
V, T, U, B, E for Ruki
G, W, X, Y, Z for Ruki
A, W, B, E, G for Shu
W, S, I, P, L for Subaru and Kou
C, D, A for Carla
131 notes · View notes
vampire03 · 4 years
Diabolik Christmas
Everyone x reader Christmas special
"Hnnn...mmm..." Y/N woke up feeling something heavy on top of her. She opened her eyes and tried to move. She saw blond locks in front of her. Shu.
"G'morning, troublesome creature." He mumbled sleepily.
"Good morning, Shu." Y/N smiles.
Shu rolled to her side and without opening his eyes says "There is a gift here in your room. Find it yourself, it's too bothersome to show you where it is...". Then he fell asleep again.
Y/N sighed and chuckled at his usual behavior. She looked around her room and under her bed she found a tiny yellow giftbox with a neat blue ribbon on top. Y/N opened it and inside there was a silver collar with musical notes engraved on it in beautiful shapes.
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(Something like this, I couldn't find a better image, Im sowwyyy TwT)
"Thank you, Shu!" Y/N said as she coverd him with an electric blanket. That was his Christmas present from her. He smiled and snuggled even more in it without opening his eyes.
Then she exited the room and started walking to the kitchen. There surely will be some leftovers on the table, right?
On the way two arms snaked around her body from behind and a familiar flirty voice was heard.
"Bitch-chaaaaaan~ Merry Christmas!"
"Laito!" Y/N chuckled and leaned into his embrace.
"Look what I got you!" He happily squealed as he spayed something on her neck.
"Kyaaaah!" She welped in surprise. Then se smelled... perfume? A really nice perfume with vanilla and something else, that made the aroma sweet and sexy at the same time.
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"Nfu. Use it wisely!" He chuckled and pecked her cheek, dissapearing as fast as he appeared. She will give him the fancy watch she got him later, it seemed.
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Y/N blushed and smiled, putting the perfume in her pocked as she finally reached the kitchen. There a pile of deleicious food awaited her, a certain black-haired vampire with glasses was turning the leftovers from Christmas Eve into masterpieces.
"Good morning, Reiji, and Merry Christmas!" Y/N happily greated.
"Aaah, good morning, Y/N! And Merry Christmas. He smiled as he gestured towards to table, inviting her to sit.
She sat down and in front of her were served delicious dishes - steak with vegetables, fruits with whipped cream, baked apples and candies. Her eyes filled with joy.
"Ah! I almost forgot!" Y/N handed Reiji a blue giftbox with silver-red ribbon. His facial expression became somewhat happy and excited in a really childish way. Inside the box was a... blue baggy sweather?
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"You are always dressed up in a formal manner... Why don't you wear more comfy clothes once in a while?" Y/N happily said as she looked at him. He had already put on the sweater and looked so cute. They both smiled.
"But where are my manners?" He asked himself as he gave her a tiny black box. She opened it and inside was a silver ring with a big sapphire on top.
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"It's so beautiful!" She said as she put it on.
"I'm glad." Reiji smiled and handed her a cup of tea. Y/N thanked him and took a sip. When she looked around again, Reiji was nowhere to be seen.
"Hm? They dissapear and appear so fast!"
She looked around the kitchen for more leftovers to eat and saw a bunny plushie and a note attached to it. "This is Lilly. Me and Teddy decided she will enjoy being your friend." Was written by a certain purple haired vampire. Awww. She has prepared new clothes for Teddy and a fancy, somehow lolita coat for Kanato. She will have to give them to him later.
She then turned towards the exit to walk away and saw a note on the table.
"Oi, Chichinashi. Me and this Kino guy decided to have fun with you. We won't give you you presents so easily - you gotta find them!"
Yup. That's in Ayato's style. And the handwritting was so messy. There was no mistake. Y/N took the note and searched around for something left from Ayato and/or Kino. Almost half an hour later, she decided to search in the pool area. And she found another note on a bench.
"Did you think that we will give you the present so easily, Princess?" You will have to earn it! And swim all the way to the bottom of the pool to get it, hahaha!"
That handwritting was also messy, but still neater than Ayato's. Kino. Of course when these two pranksters somehow find a way to work together, it will be something like this. Good thing that she knew how to swim. She dived in and found a tiny black box on the bottom of the pool. She took it and got out of the water.
She opened it with excitement, only to find another note.
"Hahahaha, you fell for it!" Was written in Ayato's handwritting. "That was just a warm-up, the real present is on the bottom of the lake!" Was written in Kino's handwriting. These two jerks! Urgh!!!
Anyway, Y/N stretched up nicely and prepared herself. She went to the lake and dived into the cold water.
After a few unsuccessful tries she finaly found two red boxes with black ribbons and took them.
Once on land she opened the forst box.
"Ha! I knew you will open Ore-sama's present first! Now you can enjoy my scent whenever you go!" Was written on a card.
In the box there was one of Ayato's old shirts he used for basketball tranings. It was neatly washed, and folded. Heh, guess someone had aked Reiji for help. Was that present a sign of his ownership over her? Knowing Ayato, probably it was. And there were these nice sporty shoes too. They were really comfy and nice! She will play basketball with him after that. She smiled.
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Then she opened Kino's present - inside there was a brand new iPhone.
"Now you can download that multiplayer game I told you about and we can play it together, right, princess?" Was written on a tiny card. That looked expensive. But more importantly, it was so sweet too! She will now spend more time with him as well.
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Y/N decided she will give them their presents later at dinner - for Ayato a pair of jeans with one of its legs originaly shorter. Just in Ayato's style. And for Kino - a waterproof mini camera. He would love making unique photoshoots with it! She smiled yet again and went to take a shower, so she won't catch a cold after that.
After the shower she went to her room. She found a silver beautiful bracelet with the infinity sign and a tiny note, written in a messy manner.
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"Merry Christmas! I wish you health and luck and whatever you mortals wish each other." Aaah, Subaru. Always Tsundere. She had already left his gift in his room. It was only a matter of time for him to find it. A very fluffy white pillow for him to hug in his sleep. She knew he secretly needed to hug something in his sleep.
She looked around her room again. And her gaze landed on her desk. There she found a weird heart? It was made of wires?
"Dear Eve. This is a part of the gift from the Mukami brothers to you. The other parts are in the music room, the garden and the torture chamber. Please seek Yuma for help if you have troubles assembling it. We want you to enjoy finding your gift and constructing it." Was written on a note with neat letters by Ruki, apparently.
Y/N searched all the places she was told and thankfully the Mukamis didn't prank her like Ayato and Kino did. She found 3 other hearts like this, a frame and some more wires.
Somehow she assembled it all on her own and got this:
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(Imaginge that instead of "Be mine" is written "Be ours")
It was a night lamp! A very creative one! Now her nights won't be completely dark. She put it on the nightstand and enjoyed its light some more before turning it off again and going to each of the Mukami's rooms to leave them her presents - a professional kitchen knife set for Ruki, fancy jewelry for Kou, this giant encyclopedia about gardening Yuma wanted so much and an ukulele for Azusa.
And as she walked away from Azusa's room, she was suddenly hopped on the back of a certain wolf. "Nii-san is waiting for us!" Shin huffed as he ran really fast through the hallway.
He reached Carla's room where the white-haired man was waiting for them. He handed her a big fancy box.
Inside there was on of those two-pieces paintings.
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"This is from our mansion's art collection. Feel honoured and Merry Christmas" Carla explained.
She thanked them multiple times. There was an wide ugly empty space on the wall in her room. Now it will finally be pretty!
"Carla, Shin... Did you find your Christmas presents?"
"Yes!" They cheerfuly said in unison and took out large doggy sweathers, put them on and changed into their wolf forms. They looked so fancy snd royal like that!
They woofed happily and Y/N went to the kitchen, smiling, remembering she has to help Reiji with dinner now. When she passes through the living room, a sleepy Shu pulled her into his embrace. She giggled and hugged back, as she felt Reiji take her hand and kissing it. Then the triplets came - rubbing their noses with hers, kissing her face. Kino appeared from behind and started playing with her hair. The Mukami brothers also joined in the kissing and hugging, as two way too familiar wolves came and snuggled with her. Subaru came out of nowhere as well.
Before she knew it, she was squished between 13 demons, who showered her with kisses and love, feeling like one big, big family.
Merry Christmas and Happy New year!
Sorry that there are no pictures for some of the presents. Tumblr has limit of 10 photos per post...
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