#mudkip music
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botwstoriesandsuch · 2 years ago
ok hello i also do music anyhow I have been working on this bad boy Botw music commission for awhile and I’m doing whatever the music equivalent is of working on art for so long that you dont know if its coherent or not to the average person so can anyone tell me if this is too monotonous or not and what is wrong with it cause i can’t place it but its bad
Also ignore the last 8 seconds I haven’t arranged the final 8 bars properly yet
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sarcasticmudkip · 2 years ago
sharing some of my campaign songs with the world because it will probably be forever before i get a chance to upload them proper to youtube (the audio ends abruptly cause they're all made to loop sorry <3)
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goodeetshoos · 1 month ago
[きみとそらをとぶ] by Hatsune Miku feat. Megurin Luka
This song was cute and melodic
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sandwichmaam · 2 months ago
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intro post of sorts:
hello tumblr, chronic twitter user that needs to get off that shit site for obvious reasons. I’ve always had a casual relationship with tumblr, and uh let’s just say, it’s time we got more serious.
I’m a trans woman smack dab in the middle of ohio. I don’t like being here. even tho this is the “city”, it is still very much Ohio. I make music, both on my computer and in person (tho i’m taking a lil break from that).
I like talking about a lot of things, and this site is very specific niche oriented, so I am curious to how this will work.
idk many pages that want to talk about screamo, pokémon cards, and being trans … actually wait it’ll be fine lmao
(unless there’s baseball tumblr. is there baseball tumblr??)
anyways looking for moots that enjoy:
-pokémon (tcg or vg)
-heavy screamy music (ie slam, death, deathcore)
-pussy screamy music
(ie screamo, emoviolence, metalcore)
-metroidvanias (a trans woman that loves hollow knight and metroid wow who would have thought)
-games in general (wow a trans woman who loves celeste and stardew valley wow would have thought)
-music making and production (wow a trans woman who
seriously I wanna make shit like jungle beats but also make screamy stuff with my voice and guitar and all of it it’s probably the main part of me that took too long to mention in this intro)
-baseball(?) any sox fans out there huh? (fuck the yankees)
anyways. welcome! hope this website doesn’t get bought by a nazi but we’ll see!! everything is rooted white supremacy and that shit is overgrown to hell
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ember-bonfire · 4 months ago
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"Why do I hear boss music?"
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z-moves · 1 year ago
Kasamura Tota - Flying in the Sky With You feat. Hatsune Miku & Megurine Luka
Part of Pokémon feat. Hatsune Miku Project VOLTAGE 18 Types/Songs
Full credits in the YouTube video description
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secretcherimaybe · 19 days ago
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luchicm04 · 11 months ago
Run boy run⌛🍃
Why does tiktok continue to delete my videos' audios?? Like it wasn't hard enough for us humble edit makers already😭
[For those who don't know Spanish: 'mi starter favorito en cada generación' translates to 'my favorite starter in each generation'. I know, I know... It's just a small change, but I don't have the template anymore and I'm not going to remake it again. It was hard enough the first time.
For those who do know Spanish: plis, ayuden a una simple bloggera a que este post tenga éxito🥺🙏]
Anyway, I really like all starters and it was pretty hard to choose one of the three for each gen. But I have a reason for each one:
Squirtle - I picked one at random when playing a mod and since they accompanied me to victory, I've been getting one whenever I can.
Chikorita - I don't get why there's so much hate towards them. I actually think they have the best designs in their gen out of the rest, typhlosion and feraligatr just look like a bigger version of their first phase.
Mudkip - They're the 🐐 out of the three. KOed with one earthquake Steven's Metagross. Not much more to say.
Piplup - Their scenes in the anime where very funny, and he's just so round and squishy looking. This was a hard pick, but Empoleon is pretty nice.
Snivy - My first ever pokemon, even before I got the games. I bought one as a plushy on by birthday as a kid and she's been by my side ever since.
Fennekin - I love their design in all the evolution line (hold it there, ya furries) Also very good stats, Greninja has low defenses and Chesnaught is too physic.
Popplio - When the first stages where revealed, I immediately liked them. Combined with the Greninja from the demo, those two where an aquatic machine of destruction.
Sobble - Much like Chikorita, I like to go against the grain. Besides, I loved Inteleon from the second he came out. Still mad his ability's the worst of the three, but I'd pick them anytime without hesitation.
When this was made, I hadn't played the 9th gen, but I think I'd choose Fuecoco.
Posted date: 06/04/23
(Full Gallery Here)
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whentheleahvesfall · 1 year ago
For those unaware of who Cormac is, he acts as my take on the PSMD hero that I’ve been meaning to get back into after a long time because of uni work, and so I’m (hopefully) planning to release the next chapter in the next few weeks to commemorate the 8th European anniversary of the game’s release. Who knows, you may even see my own take on what he looks like… 👀 Hope you guys can stay tuned! (even if I feel like the world’s most scuffed person 😭😭)
here is a character theme i made for my friend @whentheleahvesfall for his character cormac! i tried to capture all of his angst and sadness, and also tried to emulate the super mystery dungeon OST as much as i could. cormac is from leah's PSMD fanfic "To Look Upon the Future", which you can read here along with his other works. he's also an artist and you should check out his blog as well!
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madjestiko · 2 years ago
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Someone was replaying Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon and dreading this last story dungeon (because this someone didn't want to bawl her eyes out at that "plot twist" once again…) Still, pretty much love this game for its cute vibe, wholesome story and nice music. Me (mudkip) and my dear snivy friend Basil.
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dittolicous · 1 year ago
Saw some takes on One Piece x Pokemon so I thought I'd throw in my own two cents, seeing as giving characters Pokemon is my FAVORITE thing (just look at my fucking Submas fic, so many Pokeymans.... ehem).
First, to note that I'm working under the idea of 'One Piece where everything is exactly the same as Canon except Pokemon are also there'. How? Eh, its anime, baby, we don't need too much logic! They're just like a split off from regular animals - perhaps animals naturally enfused with Devil Fruit-like powers or something? IDK.
(That said, Pokemon cannot gain Devil Fruit powers like a regular animal can. There are many studies why but no 100% conclusive answer.)
1) Tangela ♀️ -> Tangrowth
Met on/at: Dawn Island
Background: Met when Luffy was young, in the mountain forest after befriending Ace and Sabo. They bonded over both having stretchy limbs. Constantly got tangled up in each other.
Evolved: During Marineford while trying to save Ace.
Reasoning: Stretchy limbs, a little goofy looking, but can become a strong fighter.
2) Mudkip ♂️ -> Marshtomp -> Swampert
Met on/at: Alabasta.
Background: Often hung out with the Kung-Fu Dugong for a fun brawl and was impressed by Luffy. Followed the Strawhats by sneaking into their luggage afterwards. Helped Luffy against Crocodile.
Evolved: First at Enies Lobby then finally over the timeskip while training with Luffy. Was supplied with a Megastone by Boa. First use was during Dressrosa.
Reasoning: Mega evolution similar to Luffy's Gear 3-4 appearances. Also completes the starter trio with Zoro and Sanji.
3) Aipom ♀️ -> Ambipom
Met on/at: Skypiea.
Background: Liked Luffy's singing, followed him around and snuck on board the Merry when it went to leave Skypiea.
Evolved: At Thriller Bark, trying to protect Luffy from Kuma.
Reasoning: Goofy monkey. “It uses its tails for everything. If it wraps both of its tails around you and gives you a squeeze, that's proof it really likes you.”
4) Drampa ♂️
Met on/at: Sabaody, pre-timeskip.
Background: Was entertaining kids at the theme-park when Luffy's group bumped into them. Became distraught that Camie was kidnapped and tried to help them find her. Was upset they couldn't protect Luffy or the Strawhats when the navy showed up, thus watching over Sunny during the two years to make up for it. Officially joined when they reunited.
Reasoning: Goofy. Fluffy white hair, similar to Gear 5. Kind to children, will become violent to protect or avenge them - think Momo, Tama, and Bonnie.
5) Lombre ♂️ -> Ludicolo
Met on/at: Dressrossa.
Background: Often snuck in to watch Colosseum fights. Didn't really understand why everyone always got so mad (mostly at Rebecca) but thought the fights seemed fun. Was inspired by Luffy's battles and defeating Doflamingo and really liked the party thrown afterwards.
Evolved: Accidentally, on the way to WCI, after touching a waterstone while playing around in Nami's treasure (with Gholdengo).
Reasoning: “Upon hearing an upbeat and cheerful rhythm, the cells in Ludicolo's body become very energetic and active. Even in battle, this Pokémon will exhibit an amazing amount of power.” Festive music makes it stronger, comparable to Drums of Liberation. Also goofy, likes to party.
6) Egg -> Riolu ♂️ -> Lucario
Met on/at: Zou.
Background: Was accidentally grabbed when the egg got packed with their supplies during the rush to WCI. Was nearly eaten by Luffy but Chopper recognized it as a viable Pokemon egg. Hatched aboard the Sunny when Luffy cried out to Sanji, feeling his emotions despite the distance. Intensely attached to Luffy as a result.
Evolved: At Wano during the Onigashima battle.
Reasoning: Use of aura similar to Ryuo Haki.
And, lol whoops, since this is gunna be LONG the rest of the Strawhats are going under the cut!
1) Scyther ♂️ -> Kleavor
Met on/at: Shimotsuki Village.
Background: Often fought each other while Zoro trained to beat Kuina. Was thrown off when Zoro came after him viciously one day, until he broke down mid fight and told him about Kuina, her death, and their promise. Joined Zoro when he eventually left the village.
Evolved: Found Black Augurite way back at Little Garden but was not aware of its use nor cared to evolve until Wano, after seeing Tonoyasu's execution.
Reasoning: Knife arms. Kleavor chosen over Scizor because Scizor is more claw or clamp-like while Kleavor keeps the sharp weaponry arms (just axes instead of swords). Kleavor also more old-fashioned, less fancy than Scizor, mirroring Zoro's simple ideology. Big, scary looking.
2) Magikarp ♂️ -> Gyarados
Met on/at: East Blue sea.
Background: Came across Zoro while he was lost at Sea. Helped lead him to land but was stunned by how he kept getting immediately lost and stuck with him to keep him from dying at sea. Likes to meditate with him. Dreams of swimming up a giant water. Love at first sight with Sanji's Feebas. Get clumsy and shy under her attention. Nearly went belly up when she evolved. Becomes a mated pair after Little Garden. Neither Zoro or Sanji are aware.
Evolved: To help them escape Enies Lobby whirlpools. Was given a Mega-stone much later at Wano, by Hiyori.
Reasoning: Unexpected powerhouse. Connects to Wano via ‘koi that climbs a waterfall’ and becomes a dragon. Mirrors Sanji's Feebas/Milotic.
3) Zangoose ♀️
Met on/at: Random East Blue island.
Background: Caught while roaming as a bounty hunter. Was terrorizing a local town until Zoro beat them. Has an explosive temper and can be difficult to control at times. More controlled after the timeskip but can still be egged into fits.
Reasoning: Sharp, mean-looking face. Has a long-term rivalry with another Pokemon (Seviper). Mark over left eye.
4) Treecko ♂️ -> Grovyle -> Sceptile
Met on/at: Long Ring Long Land Island.
Background: Watched their Davy Back fight. Thought they were kinda stupid ultimately liked their vibes and forced their way onto Zoro's team afterwards. Chose Zoro on a whim but it worked as they often nap together. Very chill, go-with-the-flow type.
Evolved: First at Sabaody while protecting Zoro from Kuma then finally over the timeskip. Was sneakily given a Mega-stone by Mihawk when the two years were up.
Reasoning: Green. Cutting attacks. Completes the Starter Trio with Luffy and Sanji.
5) Charcadet ♂️ -> Ceruledge
Met on/at: Thriller Bark.
Background: Was helping them from the shadows as they were too weak to take on Moria straight on. Saw the confrontation with Kuma and was greatly moved. Wants to be trained by Zoro.
Evolved: Over the timeskip.
Reasoning: Sword arms. Got stronger via cursed artifacts like Zoro's swords.
6) Applin ♀️ -> Dipplin -> Hydrapple
Met on/at: Wano.
Background: Saw Zoro as he pretended to be a traveling ronin in the capital. Became completely enamored by him. Kept following him and randomly popping out to give him food or lead him places. Young powerhouse. Really wants to protect and impress him.
Evolved: First when Toko gave Zoro a candied apple which Zoro then gave to them (since he doesn't like sweets). Had no idea it could evolve them. Then finally during the Onigashima battle.
Reasoning: Multi-headed dragon similar to three-sword style. Also funny for him to have a sweets-based Pokemon despite disliking sweets. Draws parallel to his friendship with Chopper.
1) Meowth ♂️ -> Persian
Met on/at: Random East Blue Island.
Background: Caught in an attempt to abuse Pay Day. Wasn't efficient, only upsetting both of them, and gave them a rough start. Eventually grew to understand and trust each other. Becomes very spoiled later on, as Nami wants to give them a good life.
Evolved: While fighting Baroque Works in the final Alabasta battle.
Reasoning: Money cat.
2) Absol ♀️ (shiny) ⭐️
Met on/at: Random pirate ship in the East Blue.
Background: Freed them from a poacher while working for Arlong. Bonded over being considered bad omens (or so they believed). Helps her recognize warning signs of oncoming natural disasters.
Evolved: Found a Mega-stone in treasure at Thriller Bark. Only achieved it after the timeskip.
Reasoning: Ability to sense on-coming disasters similar to Nami being able to spot storms and her navigation capabilities. Shiny to match her hair.
3) Gimmighoul ⚧️ -> Gholdengo
Met on/at: Skypiea.
Background: Found roaming form in treasure from Skypiea. Freaked out before taking up residence in Nami's treasure. Very good at keeping it organized and safe for her. Not much of a fighter but focuses on keeping the ship safe when the crew is on land. Likes to watch her draw maps.
Evolved: Entirely by accident while trying to protect their treasure at Thriller Bark. Was not looking forward to having Nami find out some of the treasure was now part of their body.
Reasoning: Treasure, gold.
4) Castform ♂️
Met on/at: Weatheria.
Background: Lived with the Weather Wizards to aid them in their studies. Was moved by Nami's drive to help Luffy and then by her bountiful knowledge and skill. Helps her improve Clima-Tact range. Chose to go with her so they could become stronger together as well as see her achieve her dream. Later becomes BFFs with Zeus.
Reasoning: Weather-based abilities.
5) Wattrel ♀️ -> Kilowattrel
Met on/at: Weatheria.
Background: Befriended the entire flock while practicing lightning attacks. Chose to stay with her to keep ‘playing’. A little air-headed but well-meaning. Also BFFs with Zeus.
Evolved: At Dressrossa, while fighting Giolla. Not good at remembering their much bigger now and keeps trying to sit on Nami's shoulder.
Reasoning: Electric bird. Comparable to Nami's favorite attack with Thunder Tempo.
6) Dratini ♂️ -> Dragonair -> Dragonite
Met on/at: On the way to Fish-man Island.
Background: A scardy-cat but still tries to keep sailors safe. Got caught up in the mess with the kraken and volcano on the journey to the island. Stuck with Nami because she let them curl around her shoulders when they got scared. Officially joined at the end of the arc.
Evolved: First during the escape from WCI and then finally during the battle at Onigashima while desperately trying to protect Nami.
Reasoning: Saves sailors from storms and wrecks just like Nami navigates them to safety. Kindhearted.
Special Note: Nami is afraid of Bug Type Pokemon.
1) Spinarak ♂️ -> Ariados
Met on/at: Syrup Village.
Background: First friend, partners in crime. Helped back-up Usopp's lies however they could. Desperately wants to befriend Nami and Sanji (going slowly).
Evolved: During the timeskip. Took so long to evolve because of their personal fear they weren't going to be good enough to help Usopp achieve his dream.
Reasoning: Usopp claims to have played with spiders as a kid.
2) Remoraid ♀️ -> Octillary
Met on/at: Seas of Alabasta.
Background: Fished up on the way to Alabasta. Was too scrawny to eat, took offense to that, and made it their problem until caught by Usopp. Constantly disobeyed him, causing trouble and spitting water at them. Only grew to respect and listen to him in Enies Lobby, both out of his love for Merry and his strength to stand up for Robin.
Evolved: While protecting them at Enies Lobby, when they were stuck on the platform.
Reasoning: Gun fish for the sniper.
3) Finizin ♂️ -> Palafin
Met on/at: Water 7.
Background: Met while he tried to fix Merry. Usopp would talk to Merry and his voice drew in some wild sea Pokemon. Thought it was touching how much he cared for the ship. Saw him and Franky get kidnapped by CP-9, chasing after the sea train. Saw the ‘birth’ of and idolizes Sogeking.
Evolved: As they were leaving Water 7, hyped up by Usopp returning to his friends and wanting to protect them from Garp.
Reasoning: Superhero Pokemon = Sogeking.
4) Dreepy ♀️ -> Drakloak -> Dragapult
Met on/at: Thriller Bark.
Background: Followed them out of curiosity. Got slingshot-ed away by Usopp by accident when he panicked thanks to the zombies. Turned out to love being launched by Usopp's slingshot, kept coming back to him and even offering to help if he kept doing it. Refused to leave.
Evolved: First during the timeskip and then again at Dressrosa, during the final battle.
Reasoning: Likes being shot around. Good for a sniper. Also funny since Usopp is scared of ghosts.
5) Toedscool ♂️ -> Toedscruel
Met on/at: Boin Archipelago.
Background: Tried to kill Usopp at first but had a change of heart when Usopp accidentally saved them both from being eaten by the island. Helped him hone his skills and ammunition, then joined after two years.
Evolved: Over the two years.
Reasoning: Goofy, good at running away really fast. Draws comparisons to Usopp's use of plants and the like later.
6) Floragato ♂️ -> Meowscarada
Met on/at: Dressrosa.
Background: Was particularly feisty and troublesome and thus was turned into a toy by Sugar. Witnessed the God Usopp fight. Was more baffled then moved, choosing to follow Usopp out of morbid curiosity. Respect was grudgingly won when they watched him prepare his attack to protect Luffy from Sugar later on.
Evolved: During the battle at Onigashima.
Reasoning: Uses sleight of hand, showy, like Usopp. Similar to Palafin and Sogeking.
Special Note: Afraid of Ghost Type Pokemon. Still startles around Robin's.
1) Rattata ♂️ (shiny) ⭐️
Met on/at: Germa Kingdom.
Background: One of the rats he fed. Found Sanji in the dungeon and kept him company. Escaped with him, officially being caught once on the ship. Only survived the shipwreck because Sanji forced them to stay in their Pokeball, which kept them in a decent enough stasis until they were found, but only just barely. Has refused to return to their ball ever since.
Evolved: No. Refuses to evolve out of fear of becoming too big to hide on Sanji's person.
Reasoning: Sanji fed mice. Shiny to look more like his hair and play off the idea of a ‘waste of a shiny’. IE a weak or non-viable fighter Pokemon getting a shiny spawn instead of a cooler Pokemon, making the bad shiny more insulting. Sanji was a failure because he didn't mutate, Rattata was a failure because it did mutate.
2) Torchic ♀️ -> Combusken -> Blaziken
Met on/at: Baratie.
Background: A gift from Zeff when he started teaching him how to fight. Sparring partners. Doesn't tolerate Sanji's nonsense with women and will drag him away if they need to. Assists him in the kitchen as well.
Evolved: First evolves at Arlong Park then finally at Enies Lobby. Gifted a Mega-stone by Iva during the timeskip.
Reasoning: Fire-type kicking Pokemon. Completes the Starter Trio with Luffy and Zoro.
3) Feebas ♀️ -> Milotic
Met on/at: Baratie.
Background: Met after opening the Baratie, trying to steal scraps from trash because they were having trouble finding food thanks to being so weak. Sanji cooked them something fresh and told them they could always come to him if they were hungry. Doted on over the years as Sanji honed his cooking. Believes in his dream of the All Blue. Becomes intensely protective of him upon evolving. Love at first sight with Zoro's Magikarp/Gyarados. Thinks he's a real charmer even as a Magikarp. Was starstruck when he evolved. Becomes a mated pair after Little Garden. Neither Sanji or Zoro are aware.
Evolved: To protect him when Don Kreig attacked.
Reasoning: Hard to find yet very pathetic and weak Pokemon in first stage Originally evolves by increasing beauty stat via feeding poffins/special food. Mirrors Zoro's Magikarp/Gyarados.
4) Milcery ♀️ -> Alcremie (Love-Sweet, Matcha)
Met on/at: Kamabakka Kingdom.
Background: Aided him in improving his cooking and fighting skills. Let him vent about Iva and the others, eventually then about the Strawhats and his worries. Prefers cooking to fighting but doesn't shy away from a fight. Very calm and collected.
Evolved: Over the two years. Sanji picked her up while talking/venting over a long night and started gushing. Did his spinny thing.
Reasoning: Food Pokemon.
5) Type: Null ⚧️ -> Silvally
Met on/at: Germa Kingdom.
Background: Found in the Germa cloning lab being experimented on during WCI. Broke them free out of rage during his fight with his siblings, telling it to run. It ran off but found him and Luffy later, tentatively joining them because it didn't know where to go. Sanji had a difficult time looking at them at first but they were able to bond over time. Treats Rattata like an older sibling.
Evolved: During the fight with Queen in Wano. Was brought to tears as Queen tried to kill them and berated them on being Judge's work, given hope when Sanji denied him. Broke their helmet to stand with him.
Reasoning: Artificially created based on a God (Arceus), comparable to the theory that the Vinsmokes were trying to recreate Devil Fruit abilities (hence the swirl brows). Also, helmet, and the symbology of destroying the helmet thanks to friendship and to become stronger. “Through the bond it formed with its Trainer, its will was strengthened, and it was able to destroy its control mask.”
6) Bounsweet ♀️ -> Steenee -> Tsareena
Met on/at: Wano.
Background: Lived in the flower capital of Wano. Hung out around Sanji's noodle stand after he opened it. Befriended Rattata and snuck into Sanji's pocket with them. Didn't really have a reason, very air-headed and doofy. Not a single thought in their head. Doted on by Sanji nonetheless. Surprisingly vicious in a fight upon evolving.
Evolved: First during the battle at Onigashima, then again later at Egghead Island.
Reasoning: Leggy Pokemon.
Special Note: Afraid of Bug Type Pokemon.
1) Egg -> Happiny ♀️ -> Chansey -> Blissey
Met on/at: Jaya.
Background: Found as an egg in the forest of Jaya, while they were looking for a South Bird. Hatched during the freedom party in Skypiea and imprinted on Chopper. Likes to hide under his hat or in his backpack before evolving.
Evolved: First evolved over the timeskip and then again at Wano.
Reasoning: OG healing Pokemon. Pink.
2) Audino ♀️
Met on/at: Torino Kingdom.
Background: Was learning medicine alongside Chopper. Chose to go with him after being told stories of the Strawhats’ adventures by Chopper (half out of admiration, half out of horror over the injuries gotten).
Evolved: Gifted a Mega-stone by the birds (it was in their shiny stash).
Reasoning: Another good nurse Pokemon. Mega-evolves like Chopper's forms.
3) Smoliv ♂️ -> Dolliv -> Arboliva
Met on/at: Zou.
Background: Was touched by the Strawhats saving the Minks. Wants to help people like Chopper does. Doesn't like fighting. Helps tend to Chopper's medicinal garden.
Evolved: For the first time at WCI and then again later while breaking Luffy out of jail in Wano.
Reasoning: Kind Pokemon. Seed Sower ability causes healing. Good support for medical care.
Special Note: Chopper isn't wholly comfortable with having Pokemon partners thanks to his own animal nature. The three he has wouldn't take no for an answer. He treats them more like students or assistants. He can understand Pokemon-speak though it's like deciphering a very thick accent.
1) Budew ♀️ (Shiny) ⭐️ -> Roselia -> Roserade
Met on/at: Ohara
Background: Only friend before Saul arrived. Escaped with her when Ohara burned. Extremely protective of her, slow to trust others. Will have no mercy on those that betray or threaten Robin. Relaxes a bit after Enies Lobby, trusting the Strawhats unconditionally to have their back.
Evolved: First evolved not long after escaping Ohara, while protecting a sleeping Robin. Evolved again a couple years down the line when she started going through pirate crews.
Reasoning: Comparable to Robin's Devil Fruit. Shiny colors for darker feelings.
2) Galarian Yamask ♂️ -> Runerigus
Met on/at: Random Ruins
Background: Met in some ruins during her travels to find the Poneglyphs. Likes to people watch. Tends to accidentally creep on others without meaning too, forgetting that ghost powers frighten people.
Evolved: Before joining Crocodile.
Reasoning: Runes. History based and creepy.
3) Cofagrigus ♀️
Met on/at: Random Ruins.
Background: Similar to above. Tried to lure her to her death but was soundly defeated. Was told her goals, piquing their curiosity, and decided to join her. Likes when Robin reads to them or talks about her latest discoveries. Also likes pranking/scaring Usopp, Chopper, and Brook.
Evolved: Before meeting Robin.
Reasoning: Sarcophagus. History stuff. Lottsa hands.
4) Unown (D) ⚧️
Met on/at: Skypiea.
Background: Met while looking through the ruins. Helped her figure out where the bell and Poneglyph were. Feels a pull towards Poneglyphs but cannot explain why. Often seems nervous for no particular reason.
Reasoning: Mysterious. D.
5) Zorua ♀️ (Hisuian) -> Zoroark
Met on/at: Random Island.
Background: Met while traveling with the Revolutionary Army. Was a rescue from an island ravaged by bad marines. Originally meant to be given to the marines in a trade before the RA showed up. Apparently was a regular dark type at that point but died in the ensuing chaos, then somehow came back. Was feral and lashing out in the RA's care but Robin was able to get through to them. Bonded over their painful histories. Wants to help see Robin's dream through.
Evolved: Over the two years.
Reasoning: History of Zoroarks being hunted similar to Robin being hunted by marines. Contrast between Unovan and Hisuian, pairs well with Robin originally seeking death before the Strawhats. Illusions good for evading people.
6) Houndour ♂️
Met on/at: Wano.
Background: Belonged to the Beast Pirates. Was newly hatched when it witnessed Robin fight Black Maria. Felt safe and confused Robin for their mother. Tried to protect her from Brooke when she passed out afterwards. Very cuddly. Loves kisses. Gets dressed up in little outfits.
Evolved: No. Too baby.
Reasoning: Demon dog but actually very sweet. Demonic doesn’t mean evil or bad. Similar to Robin's demon form.
1) Squirtle ♂️ -> Wartortle -> Blastoise
Met on/at: Outskirts of Water 7.
Background: Was one of the kids of the Blastoise that saved Franky after being thrown overboard. Was fascinated by him. Stuck around and help fish him out again after being hit by the train.
Evolved: First evolved while trying to pull Franky to safety after the train accident. Later evolved again while running the Franky Family.
Reasoning: Canons. Big, sturdy Pokemon.
2) Golett ⚧️ -> Golurk
Met on/at: The junk ship.
Background: Met after Franky was hit by the train. Was haunting around the scrap heap. Was inspired by how Franky rebuilt himself. Likes to have funky designs painted on their armor, like Franky's star arm tattoos.
Evolved: At Thriller Bark.
Reasoning: Toy-robot like.
3) Galarian Zigzagoon ♀️ (Shiny) ⭐️ -> Linoone -> Obstagoon
Met on/at: Water 7
Background: Stray that he picked up after returning to Water 7. Escaped from visiting pirates. Part of the Franky Family gang, helping steal from pirates. Loves parties and loud music. Leaps before looking.
Evolved: Evolves for the first time while infiltrating Enies Lobby to save Franky and Robin. Evolves again at Dressrosa.
Reasoning: Gang-related (via Sw/Sh), loud and unapologetic. Actually not a bad guy. Shiny as the bright colors match Frank better and stand out more. Goofy.
4) Varoom ♀️ -> Revavroom
Met on/at: Water 7.
Background: Picked up by the Franky Family. Helped power-up Franky's bigger inventions. Can join together with General Franky to give him a boost in strength as well as some poison abilities, and with the Sunny for an emergency boost if low on cola.
Evolved: During the timeskip.
Reasoning: Car. Gang-related (via Sc/Vi). Still not the bad guys. Mechanical.
5) Miraidon ⚧️
Met on/at: Baldimore.
Background: Met at Vegapunk's abandoned lab. Inspired many of Franky's updates and inventions. Timid around new people. Likes Franky because he smells like metal and oil. Is introduced to burgers by Franky, having an enlightening moment. Can be bribed with promises of burgers or fries. Is capable of connecting to any Vegapunk system to download or transfer data. Does not necessarily understand what it means or how to decrypt it.
Reasoning: Motorcycle. Extremely technologically advanced. No line between machine and beast/man. Sandwich gag. Relation to famous scientist.
6) Tinkatink ♀️ -> Tinkatuff -> Tinkaton
Met on/at: Dressrosa.
Background: Was confused as a toy at first. Kept trying to use parts of Franky to make a hammer. Constantly following him and almost getting hurt during the big battle. He liked their spunk. Cannot be left unsupervised in the workshop or they'll keep making bigger and bigger hammers from whatever it finds.
Evolved: First by the end of Dressrosa and then again Egghead Island.
Reasoning: Goofy but strong.
1) Chatot ♂️
Met on/at: Random passing ship.
Background: Met while drifting at sea. Their old partner was killed, so they found comfort in each other. Liked Brooke's singing. Officially joined him after Thriller Bark.
Reasoning: Parrot+Pirate=✅️. Musical.
2) Cubone ♂️ -> Alolan Marowak
Met on/at: Thriller Bark.
Background: Lost their family and original partner. Joined Brook tentatively after seeing him mourn his crew in front of their grave.
Evolved: During the two years. One of the few Ghosts Brook isn't afraid of.
Reasoning: Dead friends. “This Pokémon sets the bone it holds on fire and dances through the night as a way to mourn its fallen allies.” Reminds me of Brook's big attack in WCI.
3) Sewaddle ♂️ -> Swadloon -> Leavanny
Met on/at: Sabaody.
Background: Fell onto Brook while they were running from Kuma, was sent with him during the split. Was comforted by Brook and eventually partnered with him. Reminds Brook of his late partner Kricketune. Likes to dance when Brook plays music. Sadly not very good at making music or playing any instrument despite practice but has fun all the same.
Evolved: Both over the timeskip.
Reasoning: Similar to a Kricketune. Agile, light, with sword arms. Similar to Brook.
4) Toxtricity ♀️
Met on/at: Random Island.
Background: Met while touring during the two years. Helped Brook explore more modern music methods. Played back-up while he toured. Tends to accidentally shock Brook when excited. Gets along very well with Franky's Obstagoon.
Evolved: Before meeting Brook.
Reasoning: Represents Brook's electric guitar.
5) Popplio ♀️ -> Brionne -> Primerina
Met on/at: Fish-man Island.
Background: Originally apprenticing with the mermaid cafe/dancers. Heard Brook's music and wanted to learn from him. Thinks he's hilarious, though they don't know what panties are. Will show him random items when he asks to see someones. Gossip buddies with Sanji's Milotic.
Evolved: During the fight with Giolla and again at WCI.
Reasoning: Singer. Also mermaid related, goes well with his perv nature/gags.
6) Fuecoco ♂️ -> Crocalor -> Skeledirge
Met on/at: Dressrosa.
Background: Big Soul King Brook fan. Recognized the Strawhats at Dressrosa and followed them. Sneaks aboard to Zou to meet Brook. Was disappointed by his frazzled appearance at Zou at first but stuck around. Was won over by his dedication on WCI. Strong but prefers making music to fighting.
Evolved: First on WCI then again during the Onigashima battle.
Reasoning: “Skeledirge’s gentle singing soothes the souls of all that hear it.” Also goes well with his electric guitar.
Special Note: He did have another team before his death but they too passed away. He also refuses to have a Wailmer/Wailord on his team as it would feel disrespectful, like trying to replace Laboon (a normal whale). Afraid of Ghost type Pokemon - takes time to adjust to Robin's team.
1) Basculin ♂️ -> Basculegion
Met on/at: Fish-man Island.
Background: Childhood partner. Has always been by his side. Very honorable and willing to sacrifice for the greater good, though they're not always sure what that is exactly.
Evolved: Evolved fighting off bad human pirates, almost dying. Before Jimbe joined the royal guards.
Reasoning: Old-man fish. Can embody loss and perseverance against racism.
2) Oshawott ♂️ -> Dewott -> Hisuian Samurott
Met on/at: Fish-man Island.
Background: Met when he joined the royal guards. Belonged to them in general. Was partnered up with Jimbe. Didn't get along at first but grew to understand each other. Didn't really agree with leaving the guard or trust Arlong but respected Jimbe and went with him to expand their horizons.
Evolved: First while working as the royal guards and then evolved again while sailing under Fisher-Tiger.
Reasoning: Honorable, samurai-like.
3) Poliwhirl ♂️ -> Poliwrath
Met on/at: Random sea.
Background: Met after becoming a pirate. Had anger issues and went with Jimbe after losing to him, wanting revenge. Calmed with age but will blow a fuse if pushed hard enough.
Evolved: While sailing under Fisher-Tiger. Stole a Waterstone off a marine ship.
Reasoning: Fighting. Similar rage to Jimbe in his youth.
4) Kubfu ♀️ -> Rapid-Strike Urshifu
Met on/at: Random Island.
Background: Joined after Jimbe became a Warlord. Met him as he traveled the lands. Tried to pick a fight but was no match. Was taught Fish-man Karate by Jimbe.
Evolved: After mastering Fish-man Karate and being gifted a Water Scroll.
Reasoning: Represents Jimbe opening himself to humanity after Fisher-Tiger and Koala. Water based fighter. Karate.
5) Herdier ♂️ -> Stoutland
Met on/at: WCI.
Background: Met during WCI. Had bumped into him in passing a couple times before and witnessed his showdown with Big Mom. Was greatly moved by his resolve. Having slowly built up resentment for Big Mom's treatment of her family and disregard for life, they defected and aided their escape. Partnered with Jimbe but was requested to go ahead with the Strawhats both as proof they'd meet again and so he'd know they're being watched over by such an honorable soul.
Evolved: After Jimbe returned, at the Onigashima battle.
Reasoning: “This extremely wise Pokémon excels at rescuing people stranded at sea or in the mountains.” Similar honorable/proud nature. Dependable like Jimbe.
Special Note: Jimbe still has space for one more Pokemon to represent how new he is to the Strawhats and is still carving his place. Will fill the space in time.
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sarcasticmudkip · 2 years ago
did some more work on this loz piece <3
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drivingmebonkas · 9 days ago
Favourite Pokemon Starters
Sooooo, i know I'm (very, extremely) late to the party but I've been checking out the pokemon games and they look fun! I try buying one on switch soon, I'm still deciding which.
But for now I'm having fun looking at all the starters. They're so cute! 💕 And because I feel like it, I'm gonna show off my faves from each generation of starters. Share yours too! I'm curious!
Generation I (Kanto) - Bulbasaur - Grass/Poison
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They're a cutie and I love the grass/poison mix. Their evolution stages are cool too. They say the last evolution is a Venusaur but honestly that plant looks more like a corpse plant to. I like them either way. (the middle one is Ivysaur) They start of so cute and then they get so chonky. And they keep they're lil kitty ears XD.
Generation II (Johto) - Chikorita - Grass
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I'm not gonna lie, it was a really hard choice between this one and Cyndaquil, but its critter/dinosaur appearance and herbal abilities one me over. It really is adorable.
Its leaf sense temperature and humidity which it uses to find a nice, sunny napping spot. Like a cat! And other pokemon like to sleep with it, partially due to that and partially because its leaf and flower gives off a calm and relaxing scent.
Generation III (Hoenn) - Mudkip - Water
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This little one is full of cute critter vibes. One of the reasons I like this one above the other two is that even levelled up it looks like a cool animal instead of some weirdly humanoid thing. It's just a matter of personal taste there. Mudkip becomes Marshstomp becomes Swampert. They all look so happy XD
But it wins on its own ability too. Apparently they're surprisingly strong for their size, even able to crush boulders. I love the imagery of that. I also like how its head fin acts as a radar. And it stops self-destructive attempts from opponents. I also like that we can find it in mud and swamps instead of rivers and oceans. That's fun. We could take mud baths together XD
Generation IV (Sinnoh) - Turtwig - Grass
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This little one isn't just cute and snuggly, it becomes huge. As it grows it starts to give off solarpunk and earth golem vibes. Some real high fantasy stuff there. Mythical stuff too. I love it.
It's shell is helpful too, saving you from a critical hit to avoid total obliteration. And I mean, come on, It's a turtle/tortoise. Who doesn't love those. Though I'll admit Piplup was a very close second.
Generation V (Unova) - Tepig - Fire
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Cutiepie to lil wrestler (Pignite) to sumo (Emboar). I like this one, it's so cool, lookit his belly band decals. I know this one probably counts as humanoid but the boar vibes are stronger so whatever. I'd like to hug him but it'd probably be a bear hug, so....
It's thick fat gives it protection against Ice and Fire moves so that'd definitely be handy. It loves berries and is very fast. RIP to anyone who has to catch a runaway.
Generation VI (Kalos) - Chespin - Grass
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It's such a little cutie. It grows from a tiny cutie to plushie to a huge juggernaut with mecha vibes and I love it. It looks so cuddly. This choice gives "I won't start a fight, but I'll sure end them" vibes.
Apparently if you feed the Chespin a bunch of berries it's shell hardens (another berry lover, they must be amazing). And it's little spikes are usually soft unless they're up in defense, like a hedgehog. So that's cool. They seem fun.
Generation VII (Alola) - Rowlet - Grass/Flying
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I mean, come on, just look at him. Rowlet starts off a cute and cuddly plushie, evolves into the smart professor looking Dartrix, then turns into a fancy cloaked grumpy teenager Decidueye. And it can fly! They're even nocturnal like me. How much better can it get?
Generation VIII (Galar) - Grookey - Grass
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Monkey! And he becomes a gorilla! I love the middle stage's name, Rillaboom. They love rhythm, tapping their sticks and music. We can play drums together Grookey! Let's have fun! He can also make grass terrain and help flowers grow, so that's sweet too. Very useful XD
Generation IX (Paldea) - Fuecoco - Fire
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They're fire crocodiles! And they're cute. It's funny how the second evolution, Crocalor, is an egghead, and the third evolution, Skeledirge, is just plain cool. Their warmed scales must be snuggly in winter. And this bit here.
Fuecoco is laid-back and does things at its own pace. It enjoys eating, and it will rush towards any food it sees.
is just plain relatable. Fuecoco gets me.
Total Type Stats!
Fire - 2
Grass - 6
Water - 1
Special - 2 (Poison & Flying)
I guess that spells out my preferences pretty clearly huh 😅
What about you guys? What do you like?
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fefennekin · 1 month ago
what t kind of music does everyone listen to?
hiii !! I think all of our styles are super varied so exploring our playlists should be fun for you all... here they are <3 -fennekin
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fennekin; here mudkip; here chikorita; here sylveon; here
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Do you know this (noncanon) ADHD character?
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This character is based on a real person. WE ARE TALKING ABOUT THE CHARACTER, NOT THE REAL PERSON.
Evidence below the cut!
Submitter links the song "How do you solve a problem like Maria".
From Mudkip: I highly recommend listening, it's less than 2 minutes long, but if you can't or don't want to here are the lyrics:
She climbs a tree and scrapes her knee Her dress has got a tear She waltzes on her way to Mass And whistles on the stair And underneath her wimple She has curlers in her hair I even heard her singing in the abbey She’s always late for chapel But her penitence is real She’s always late for everything Except for every meal I hate to have to say it But I very firmly feel Maria’s not an asset to the abbey I’d like to say a word in her behalf Maria makes me laugh How do you solve a problem like Maria? How do you catch a cloud and pin it down? How do you find a word that means Maria? A flibbertijibbet! A will-o’-the wisp! A clown! Many a thing you know you’d like to tell her Many a thing she ought to understand But how do you make her stay And listen to all you say How do you keep a wave upon the sand Oh, how do you solve a problem like Maria? How do you hold a moonbeam in your hand? When I’m with her I’m confused Out of focus and bemused And I never know exactly where I am Unpredictable as weather She’s as flighty as a feather She’s a darling! She’s a demon! She’s a lamb! She’d outpester any pest Drive a hornet from its nest She could throw a whirling dervish out of whirl She is gentle! She is wild! She’s a riddle! She’s a child! She’s a headache! She’s an angel! She’s a girl! How do you solve a problem like Maria? How do you catch a cloud and pin it down? How do you find a word that means Maria? A flibbertijibbet! A will-o’-the wisp! A clown! Many a thing you know you’d like to tell her Many a thing she ought to understand But how do you make her stay And listen to all you say How do you keep a wave upon the sand Oh, how do you solve a problem like Maria? How do you hold a moonbeam in your hand?
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plldotexe · 1 month ago
hello tumblr!! :D
welcome to our blog! we are precious little life*, a queer noise pop/emo band from the philadelphia area.
*we abbreviate our band name to PLL. if you see us say this, we are not talking about hit TV show Pretty Little Liars.
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you can find our music on any streaming platform (spotify, apple music, etc.), and we are also playing quite a few shows in the philly/NJ area! you can find show flyers either here or on our instagram at @/pll.exe
below is a quick intro to each of our members to get to know us a little bit!! :3
meg (they/she)
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meg is our synth player, and they're also a backup vocalist! she's also the one making this post and any others that come after it! wheeee!!!
their favorite pokémon is arcanine, their favorite color is dark red, and their favorite PLL song to play is kirby cola!
ivy (they/she)
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ivy is one of our guitarists and our lead vocalist! this project started as ivy's solo project back in 2017 and has since morphed into what it is today! she's also our primary songwriter bc she's cool like that
their favorite pokémon is wooper, their favorite color is malachite green, and their favorite PLL song to play is joppa fallston!
brian (he/him)
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brian is our drummer! he's also been a part of PLL the longest out of all of us (aside from ivy obvi) since 2020!
his favorite pokémon is psyduck, his favorite color is orange, and his favorite PLL song to play is also joppa fallston!
lark (she/her)
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lark is another one of our guitarists! she has also become one of our songwriters, taking the lead on some of our newer songs that are in the works rn :3
her favorite pokémon is jolteon, her favorite color is leopard print, and her favorite PLL song to play is generic!
lily (they/them)
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lily is our bass player and another one of our backup vocalists! they're my (meg's) bassline buddy hehe >:3
their favorite pokémon is snorlax, their favorite color is dark green, and their favorite PLL song to play is sunny day!
jean (they/he/any if ur queer)
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last but certainly not least, jean is another guitarist and backup vocalist! he also makes some really cool art :3c
their favorite pokémon is mudkip, their favorite color is light blue/teal, and their favorite PLL song to play is also sunny day!
aaaand that's all of us!! thank you so much for reading! pls keep an eye out for any show postings and other fun stuff we'll be posting on here!! WE LOVE U OK BYEEEEEEEE <3
📸 credits below! (instagram)
group pic: @/jpeg.jb26 | meg: @/thorns_and_hornets_photography | ivy: @/cicadasandchar | lark, brian, lily, and jean: @/em.bogos.binted
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