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“Le cose belle
io me le immagino così.
Avere voglia di cercarsi
senza pensare
se sia giusto o no.”
— P. Delton
#cose belle#immaginare#così#voglia#cercarsi#senza pensare#pensare#senza#giusto#frasi#frasi tumblr#frasi e citazioni
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#nome#sentire#sento#senti#sorridere#sorriso#frasi#amore#frasi belle#frasi d'amore#ti amo#amore a distanza#love#i love you#frasi tristi#innamorata#solare#ridere#amare#frasi amore#amami#portami via#senza di te#senza#senso della vita#ricordo#ricordare#ricordi#ricordami#dimenticare
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Non ci siamo non ci siamo…
#stiraggio#time#mai#andare#a#vivere#da#soli#bella#storia#incompetente#senza#abilità#del#clan#uchica#compagnia#noia#le migliori frasi#aforismi#frasi aforismi#citazione#citazioni#frasi#anonimo#anonimi
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♠️_Libertà è essere donna, anima e cuore,Senza etichette, senza limiti.
Respiratela, vivetela,siate voi stesse.Sempre.
©️Licaonia Lupe
#libertà#essere#donna#senza#etichette#limited#respiro#vivere#me stessa#sempre#per sempre#personalità#sensualità#seduce my mind#women seduce#seduce me#evolvere#white women evolving#evoluzione#adorable#sublime#desiderio#diva#esistenza#essenza#femminilità#femme fatale#passion and purpose#cuore#romantic
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Senza, a lightless Skykid, suffering corruption by red shard. Longer story under the cut!
(and also time to advertise her AF link!! I’m looking for Skykids to attack this year!): https://artfight.net/character/4912766.senza-skykid
Senza was doing a Red shard, burning darkness as usual, when they were struck by a wayward shard in the back. Normally they would have just gotten back up, but this was different, the pain didn’t just go away. The shard stuck, without their knowledge, and they decided flee from the shard to recover. Over the following days the pain never faded, it dug deeper and nestled in their hearth. They notice that their flame is becoming weak, and beginning to flicker, they are easier to put out, they are exhausted, flying is difficult, and their body feels chilled and heavy. They start seeking help from the elders, one by one, but they start feeling more and more helpless as none of the elders seem to know how to help, and the journey to the next elder gets harder and harder. By the time they get to an elder who has some kind of inclination of what could be happening (the Vault elder probably) they are very weak, and the only advice they have is to go to Eden, and heal their body in the light of Megabird in orbit. However they find they can’t pass through the gate, they’ve grown too weak to even make an opening in the gate, though they try very desperately to get in, before giving up and deciding to try recollecting their lost lights and make it into Eden to go to orbit. However they find they can’t hold on to the light for very long, certainly not long enough to go to Eden. They start desperately trying to find way to slow their fading, spending time in sanctuary, sleeping in the clouds, resting near bundles of candles, but it’s never enough. They are scared and confused, but worse than those was a new feeling growing within them. They’re hungry. Their memories become hazy, they start forgetting things, their wings are barely held together, their hair is falling away, and their mask is crumbling. Dark plants have taken root and are sprouting over their body. They feel like they are starving. No matter how many lights they collect and recollect it is never enough. Nothing is enough. She feels cold and hollow, and so hungry to feel the warmth of their hearth again. She even tries putting a regular candle flame into her hearth, but to no avail. Senza desperately wants her light to return, more than anything in world. she frequently prays to Megabird to cure her, every time she tries collecting a light, any time she rests to collect her energy. she hates that her body is changing. she's becoming thinner, starting to growing sharp talons, darkness leaks off of her akin to the krill. her hunger grows. she frequently tears away the dark flowers sprouting in the cracks of her skin, but they always grow back. she's terrified she'll become unfixable.. become some mindless starving thing .. like the krill... Other Skykids are afraid of catching Senza’s illness, not knowing that it can’t be caught, naturally many would not dare to get close enough to risk infection, and those who do get near to them start having their light drained simply by being near her
#I friggan posted to the wrong blog#wulfii talks#Just in time I guess#sky children of the light oc#sky cotl#skyblr#sky#sky: cotl#sky: children of the light#skykid#sky children of the light#sky cotl oc#skykid oc#artfight#art fight#sky children of light#that sky game#thatskygame#Sky: cotl oc#Senza
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intro post of sorts:
hello tumblr, chronic twitter user that needs to get off that shit site for obvious reasons. I’ve always had a casual relationship with tumblr, and uh let’s just say, it’s time we got more serious.
I’m a trans woman smack dab in the middle of ohio. I don’t like being here. even tho this is the “city”, it is still very much Ohio. I make music, both on my computer and in person (tho i’m taking a lil break from that).
I like talking about a lot of things, and this site is very specific niche oriented, so I am curious to how this will work.
idk many pages that want to talk about screamo, pokémon cards, and being trans … actually wait it’ll be fine lmao
(unless there’s baseball tumblr. is there baseball tumblr??)
anyways looking for moots that enjoy:
-pokémon (tcg or vg)
-heavy screamy music (ie slam, death, deathcore)
-pussy screamy music
(ie screamo, emoviolence, metalcore)
-metroidvanias (a trans woman that loves hollow knight and metroid wow who would have thought)
-games in general (wow a trans woman who loves celeste and stardew valley wow would have thought)
-music making and production (wow a trans woman who
seriously I wanna make shit like jungle beats but also make screamy stuff with my voice and guitar and all of it it’s probably the main part of me that took too long to mention in this intro)
-baseball(?) any sox fans out there huh? (fuck the yankees)
anyways. welcome! hope this website doesn’t get bought by a nazi but we’ll see!! everything is rooted white supremacy and that shit is overgrown to hell
#pokemon tcg#lastfm#super metroid#metroid prime#black metal#hollow knight#screamo#emoviolence#senza#new music#pokémon#transfem#transgender#ptcgl#metroidvania#dreepy#mudkip#lgbtq#looking for moots#bob's burgers#my stupid ass cat won’t stop yelling for dinner oh no he got a gun
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«Fu il nostro incontro come un ritrovarci
dopo lunghi anni di straniato errare,
e in un attimo il guindolo del Tempo
per noi dipanò un filo interminabile.
Senza sorpresa camminammo accanto
con dimesse parole e volti senza maschera» (Eugenio Montale)
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"Sono come i sogni, i ricordi: mai del tutto decifrabili, sedie zoppe che non riesci a far star dritte senza qualche piccolo rincalzo."
— Carmen Verde, "Una minima infelicità".
#carmen verde#una minima infelicità#essere#sogni#ricordi#mai#decifrabili#sedia#non riuscire#fare#stare#diritto#senza#piccolo#rincalzo#libri#frasi libri#quotes
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#cadere#senza#rumore#sorreggere#gli altri#forza#frasi forza#stupire#frasi immagini#frasi tumblr#frasi
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#stare#senza#non voglio perderti#non voglio pensare#non voglio più soffrire#frasi#amore#frasi belle#frasi d'amore#ti amo#amore a distanza#love#i love you#frasi tristi#innamorata#voglio te#ti voglio qui#ti amo tanto#amarsi#volersi bene#distanza#relazione a distanza#amicizia#perdersi#perdere#insieme#stare insieme#mi hai perso#perso#rimani
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Ci sono giorni in cui voglio essere semplicemente io, senza il trambusto delle cose che avvengono fuori di me. Iio senza tutte le cose, ...tutte le cose senza di me, tutte le cose e io.
Cássio Junqueira
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Essere qualcosa ma non sapere bene cosa.
Io, una che ti scrive poesie; tu uno che visita il mio corpo a tarda notte.
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PRIMA PAGINA Corriere Dello Sport di Oggi mercoledì, 05 marzo 2025
#PrimaPagina#corrieredellosport quotidiano#giornale#primepagine#frontpage#nazionali#internazionali#news#inedicola#oggi champions#rotterdam#inter#missione#sfida#senza#avanti#ruolo#fuori#super#tecnico#trap#sheet#record#europeo#stagione#juventino#dietro#nonostante#cabal#versione
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