#much screm
thebloggingfox · 2 years
"they're definitely not worth you"
It's gonna happen and I will scream like the rabid fangirl I am
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loveisinthebat · 11 days
The biggest Screm
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noirrelite · 1 year
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my take on a halolz.com meme, inspired by a similar Houseki no Kuni edit 🥹 also full version below the cut:
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sweeneydino · 9 months
Hey, I just wanted to let you know I wrote a fic based on your TMNT AU where Usagi finds and decides to raise the RISE tots cause I was really inspired. I hope you enjoy it. https://archiveofourown.org/works/52182760/chapters/131990338
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I love you
You're AMAZING 💕💕💕💕💕
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I have been bouncing in place for so long I'm so happy I CANT WAIT TO SEE MORE :DDD
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PLEASE CHECK OUT @shyadri 's works 😭😭
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frankenjoly · 1 month
"i've got us tickets for that concert/movies/exhibition you wanted to go to" + bram & aya
“I got us tickets for that concert you wanted to go to.” Bram said, and he had barely finished speaking when Aya replied with a big gasp.
“Well, being awake in the middle of the night was definitely easier for me than it is for at least most humans, so I managed to make the purchase fairly quick.” The girl opened her mouth, then closed it, and after repeating the motion a couple of times more an actual response came.
“Didn’t doubt that, but I’m surprised you could handle buyin’ anythin’ online, lemme tell you.” Because it was her saying so, Bram merely chuckled.
“I could say I prevailed no matter the obstacles, and it would not be inaccurate, but also the full truth is I enlisted Kunikida-san for help. So, technically, this is a present from both of us since I couldn’t have done it without him.”
“Oh? So Kuni-chan will be comin’ with us?” Through the conversation, a distinct glimmer had started appearing on Aya’s face, which only became even more apparent as time passed. Even if it flickered briefly. “Wait, lemme guess. He’s busy as hell that day, as he usually is, so he’s gonna make it up to me some other time.” Bram offered her a nod as an affirmative answer. “And you know when and what it is.” He nodded again. “But you won’t tell me.” Then, with that, there came a third and final nod. “Oh, c’mon!”
“I solemnly promised to maintain it a secret, and I intend to keep my word to him, especially after he aided me.” He then smiled, softly. “Besides, what I can do is assure you it will be worth it. Trust me, my princess.”
“I do.” Now it was her time to nod, and shortly after a mischievous smile appeared in Aya’s face. “That doesn’t mean I won’t try to get some hints from Kuni-chan himself, though.”
“Neither can I prevent you from d
oing so.”
(Also on ao3.)
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mariposiel · 2 years
LMK S4 Spoilers
Three silly guys!!
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the-saddest-clown · 2 years
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They are in love…….
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thehappiestgolucky · 16 days
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rip marmu fr girl you would’ve thrived in the magical girl modern era fr fr
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booksofadventures · 2 months
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@hero-of-skies asked ;; Uh-oh, Link's got some love to share with Leon! "Honestly, I don't think I'd have been able to be a hero if it weren't for you. I could try to go on and on singing your praise, but I think what you really need to hear most from me is; thank you, Leon." The blonde smiles brightly and opens his arms in a wordless offer of physical gratitude. "You deserve a thousand praises that they get tangled on my tongue and I can say no further than I've said, with all my soul and heart."
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There's a shocked look from Leon. It might from the outside seem like it was a sincere and thoughtful thank you. But to Leon the weight these words carried especially from the one he was receiving them from was heavy. They were words that the courage triforce was greatful to hear and would hold them incredible close to his heart, but they were ones that he also felt he didn't deserve especially from the other.
He could feel the stinging threat of tears in his eyes as the other spoke, but when the outstretched arms to him, well he found himself hesitating but a few moments and he felt his arms move around Link in a hug, it was tight but somehow it was soft, would be easy to get out of if Link wished to do so.
It was this hug that caused him to silently let his tears fall, but the movements in his body and voice would probably give it away. He knew this young man's future and he felt guilty for it, even if it was the goddesses work - his mother and his brother's mothers work.
" I am so sorry...Link I never...No the Hero is all you. I was drawn to you, told to look after you and help guide you to be the Hero you always were inside. I can't I..." He paused and pulled back a bit looking down at the other just a little, the best smile he could pull.
"Link, thank you. I promise you I will always be with you, even if you can't see or hear me. I will ALWAYS be there for you."
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toadsrbutch · 3 months
time to do lime sulfur dips on 10 cats (1 cat, 9 kittens-2 who hate people, understandably)… I’m going to be in that room for ages.
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silverstudios · 7 months
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"Now where do you think you're heading off too, hm? You only just got here.....Take a breath, take a seat, Relax, let one of us give you a hug...." ... "Afterall....Why would you ever want to leave anyway?" ... "....Ah....that's right, You can't hear our tongue....yet, that is~" ... Venice you need to stop being so fun to draw.
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iholli · 1 year
I would absolutely love to hear about your faves 👀 Tell me everything you know 👀👀👀👀
this is super long bc I'm Completely Normal abt J'onn lmao whoops 😂
omfg where do I start. FIRST THINGS FIRST. HE. MY BELOVED. J'onn J'onzz, the Martian Manhunter, my favorite favorite of all time. no really it's coming up on 8 years and I still love him sm 😭 my one braincell may wander off to new fixations but I always circle back around to him sooner or later.
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I have like 4747058 images of him ofc but these are SO good bc they tell a lot about him ??? he's cute, he's silly, he's dramatic, he's sassy, he's the heart of the Justice League twenty times over despite DC refusing to give him any time to shine (I'm going to fight them with my bare hands for that).
I've never posted this but it's been in my drafts for ever so I'll throw it in here 😂 I have so many thoughts about him omg
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ALSO I have a whole thing analyzing J'onn's moral compass & development through Justice League Animated, Unlimited, and some of the comics a while back so there's tHAT WHICH,,, was super good imo 👏
uuuuughghghghh I could talk about him forever 😭💚
When it comes to people Superman wouldn't want to fight, J'onn is top of that list, that's canon. He's OP as FUCK. He has most if not all Clark's powers, shapeshifting, intangibility, invisibility, phasing, telepathy, seriously his powers seem to never end ??? But he's terribly underutilized :") like I get it but come on DC,,,
J'onn is addicted to Oreos. no, really. in MM 98 issue 24 Blue Beetle and Booster Gold have this Super Funny Idea to hide all the Oreos from J'onn, and you gotta applaud the dedication to the prank bc they literally went out and bought ALL the Oreos from the ENTIRE vicinity of the JL Embassy building. J'onn proceeds to Hulk out and tear up half the city chasing them for it. It's revealed by Batman that Martians can get addicted to Oreos. At the end of the issue it turns out this is just a story J'onn is telling Diana but... he winks and asks if she's got any cookies, so it's up for debate if it's really just a story [I think there's some truth to it. bc it's very funny.]. And the Oreo thing comes up many times in many places including JLTAS 😂
He also likes sweet things in general !! he canonically drinks coffee with a TON of sugary shit to take off the bitter taste. I also made the hc that was the case for him just days before reading it in MM Identity and I'm very real for that 👏
J'onn is a cat person. One of his aliases is even an Italian street cat named Tommaso. And he has an orange cat named Double Stuff,,, of course 😂
however,,, he's totally a dragon nerd, he knows everything about dragons, he likes reptiles in general but dragons are his fav. He shapeshifts into draconic creatures all the time and he talks many times abt a specific species of moon nesting dragon called quonars. He also telepathically connected with an iguana once and it was a wholesome experience 🥺
J'onn lives in Colorado, in a suburb named Middleton, which is actually the name of a real ghost town! it's interesting that Denver is his preferred climate bc you can assume Mars was similar 👀
He is THE sass master. He goes toe to toe with Batman constantly. One of these days I'll just make a list of every sassy line he delivers in JLTAS but I think that would be a whole book by itself. There's a video of sassy moments from Batman: The Brave and the Bold that I watch 400 times a week. One of my favorite comic sass moments is when Batman expresses his annoyance at J'onn for leaving on the middle of an important meeting, which J'onn happily counters with a "you're so right, it would look bad on the League if someone just vanished at random all the time, huh Batman :)." he then also takes a crack at Bruce's lack of people skills. iconic.
He's also a silly little guy. The Batman 2007? J'onn OWNS the noir detective role, down to the cheesy old fashioned music. He also has like, a whole list of quotes he's just waiting to use when the time is right. He waited years to say "You're probably wondering why I've called you all here today." love him fr
J'onn is canonically kind of an adrenaline junkie. He loves driving, particularly an 87 Chevy Impala which he affectionately says "vibrates like a Chihuahua with a head cold." He once physically linked with an entire damaged spaceship to steer it out of danger and got carried away bc he was just having fun. He also said it was similar to the video games he plays with GL-- so he's canonically a gamer, too 😂👏
I 100% believe he's got anxiety or at LEAST separation anxiety [and that may be the case for the entire Martian race]. I already thought as much but then JLU issue 24 kinda confirmed it and it was devastating :") the League is taken over by Starro, J'onn is the only one who dodges the attack and he's left to fight his teammates which. is already awful for him. and it triggers flashbacks to a time on Mars when he was separated from his family in a nasty sandstorm. J'onn went pretty much feral with panic until he broke down and then forced himself to calm down enough to think of a plan. Meanwhile back with the League he's frantically trying not to panic again bc, while fire is a Martian's greatest weakness, "being alone is a Martian's greatest fear." I cried the whole time I read that issue and then I bought a copy LMAO. can DC stop putting him through the PTSD wringer for five seconds thanks
One short comic run J'onn spends the whole time being chased by the Martian god of fire, H'ronmeer, bc it turns out he was psychically keeping the souls of the entire Martian population tethered to the mortal realm. he's super powerful and HE'S GOING THROUGH IT. ALL THE TIME.
I don't have the context for either happenstance at this time, but J'onn has been both a Black and a White Lantern in comics. I have no idea what any of it means, either, I just know it's happened. I'll get there eventually. maybe. [I think he's dead for the Black Lantern thing so...probably...not...]
^^^ this is up there with the whole "J'onn was actually an advance agent for the invading Martian species but rather than let them use him as a weapon he essentially committed suicide after fighting the whole Justice League [beat them easily, it wasn't even a competition] and somehow this split his consciousness into like 4 different people" of comic runs that I really don't want to read [even though I own this one] :") help
I don't know what it is about forcefields but his brain just shuts off when he gets near one fr. Multiple times when there's a forcefield, EVEN IF HE KNOWS IT'S THERE, J'onn just yeets headfirst into it. He's just generally super impulsive tho ??? This guy is constantly jumping into action without a moment's thought. pls stop handing off the braincell to absolutely no one when there's danger, J'onn [he does not actually have the braincell at any given time. only Bruce has it. occasionally].
He totally enjoys starting shit. J'onn is Here for teammate drama. He once gave Batman absolutely what for and called him immature just bc J'onn was annoyed with his attitude. He sends people on League missions that will either bring out complete drama or make them find common ground. Though he says the contrary, J'onn is absolutely in the background of every team squabble with popcorn like Thor watching Tony and Cap argue. "You're all so petty. And tiny."
J'onn's name means "light to the light" and it's so poetic 😭😭 of COURSE he's the heart of the League. akdjfndckdnxkd
I'm going to stop there bc I could go on forever but I've held this ask hostage in my drafts long enough 😂😂 ENJOY THE RAMBLING THANK U FOR SENDING THIS ASK AAAA 💙
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loveisinthebat · 9 months
Buddy Screm
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Good news: I'm PROBABLY gonna finish the first entire character path today meaning around maybe 40% of the whole project would be done.
Bad news: It's Maddie's and for some reason Maddie has THREE WHOLE PAGES OF CONTENT I NEED TO ADAPT STILL. Those are gonna be two VERY cluttered pages in the actual file wish my PC luck
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dogueteeth-fhr · 7 months
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A little gift made for @salem-wilde of bat!roach :3 💕💕
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frankenjoly · 1 month
Something something Yosano being the antithesis to Koyo when it comes to her relationship with Kyoka something something
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