#mucc live report
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2015mai24 · 9 months ago
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MUCCが5月6日、日比谷野外大音楽堂にて<MUCC 25th Anniversary TOUR「Timeless」〜鵬翼・極彩〜>のファイナル公演を開催した。過去アルバム『鵬翼』『極彩』再現ツアーの最終公演にして、25周年イヤー締めくくりの公演を12月28日に東京国際フォーラムにて開催することも発表となった同ファイナルのオフィシャルレポートをお届けしたい。
◆MUCC 画像
2022年に結成25年周年を迎えたロックバンドMUCCが、過去のアルバムを再構築したセットリストで廻るツアーを開催中だ。第一弾は2022年10月~12月に行なった<MUCC 25th Anniversary TOUR 「Timeless」~是空・朽木の灯~>で、彼らが2003年に発表した『是空』、さらに2004年に発表した『朽木の灯』をコンセプトにしていた。そして第二弾として行なったのが、2023年3月から始まった<MUCC 25th Anniversary TOUR 「Timeless」~鵬翼・極彩~>である。そのファイナル公演となったのが、5月6日に開催された日比谷野外大音楽堂でのライヴだ。
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「いい天気だな、日比谷!」──ミヤの喜びの声から続いたのは「嘆きの鐘」。ヘヴィな面もありながら、レゲエのリズムやフレーズも飛び交うナンバーだ。曲の途中でブレイクして、「いこうか!」と笑顔も見せる逹瑯。また「ガーベラ」のイントロでは「日比谷、飛べんの? 全員で飛べー!」と焚きつける。とはいえ、ジャンプしながら楽しめるのはイントロ部分ぐらい。なにしろ切ないメロディやメロウな展開も顔を出す曲で、一筋縄ではいかないアレンジが「ガーベラ」の特徴でもある。それでも曲に見事に食らいついていくオーディエンス。バンドとひとつになり、さらに曲とも呼吸をしていく様は、さすが、MUCCの熱心なファンである夢烏(ムッカー/ファンの呼称)たちだ。それに曲そのものも、リリース当時とは違う顔つきを見せている。
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アンコールでは、12月28日に東京・国際フォーラム ホールAで結成25周年イヤーのグランドファイナル開催も発表。その前には第三弾ツアーも、第四弾ツアーもある。逹瑯の「最後まで一緒に、盛大に駆け抜けようじゃないか!」という言葉に、野音からでっかい歓声も巻き起こる。
取材・文◎長谷川幸信 撮影◎冨田味我
■<MUCC 25th Anniversary TOUR 「Timeless」~鵬翼・極彩~>2023年5年6日(土)@日比谷野外大音楽堂 SETLIST SE. レイブサーカス
想-so- [w/ 後藤泰観(Vn) 吉田弦(Vc)]
流星 encore en1. 雨のオーケストラ [w/ 後藤泰観(Vn) 吉田弦(Vc) キラーズオーケストラ] en2. 蘭鋳 en3. TONIGHT en4. WORLD
2023.05.10 quelle: barks.jp
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thyele · 1 year ago
向日 葵さん「なおちゃんとのアコースティックライブ&トークショーのイベント『ヒョンな南下がり。』いよいよ来週末開催🌻🐎 8/12(土)名古屋 静かの海 8/13(日)京都 紫明会館 チケット発売中!真夏の昼下がりに一緒にまったり音楽しましょ☺️ご参加お待ちしてます! 詳しくはこちら💁 https://t.co/BXlA7Izeik https://t.co/pankdBwfjd」https://twitter.com/aoi_official/status/1686938568999182336
向日 葵さん「[Open/Start] <一部>13:30/14:00 <二部>17:00/17:30 ※一部二部の内容は異なります [Ticket] All seats 前売¥5,500/当日¥6,000(税込) 当日DRINK代 ¥ 600 / 入場整理番号付 ※8/12.13両日共通 【前売りチケット】 🎫静かの海🎫 https://t.co/rbJEdi6C3b 🎫紫明会館🎫 https://t.co/UwdsT9aPup https://t.co/idKWDujF1A」https://twitter.com/aoi_official/status/1686939291107405825
Vif編集部さん「【Present】H.U.Gのサイン入りチケットホルダーのプレゼント応募は本日8月3日23:59締切です!まだ応募していないという方はお忘れなく!(サポートメンバーを含めた5人全員のサインが入っています!)https://t.co/uXhPYWhmT4 #Vif #HUG https://t.co/yN5a0QX1gF」https://twitter.com/Vif_music/status/1686952793784098816
nao 首振りDollsさん「え!?!? レコーディングスタジオの事務所のテレビにえ!?!?!? https://t.co/C1GV9ztQfo」https://twitter.com/kubihuri_nao/status/1686999815429963776
leaya(бвб)さん「木曜日なのでゴールデン街カンガルー🦘 19:30からやってます 何卒(º_º)」https://twitter.com/leaya_bass/status/1687006772287127552
源 依織さん「2023.8.13 お久しBlitz出演時の個人チェキ予約開始しました! https://t.co/epY75vLDVH」https://twitter.com/prin_guitarist/status/1687009805838553088
バンドスタジオBASS ON TOP高田馬場店さん「プロが教えるんでしょ?? 難しそう…。 そんなことはありません! Sakura氏が生徒さんそれぞれのレベルに寄り添って丁寧に教えてくださいます✨ ご予約はこちらから👀 https://t.co/i9poKhKer2 #ベースオントップ #Sakura #櫻澤泰徳 #ドラムレッスン #ドラム #生徒募集中 講師 @sakurazawa https://t.co/BzG4ZUmMd5」https://twitter.com/bot_baba/status/1685968956153311233
バンドスタジオBASS ON TOP高田馬場店さん「🌸馬場店限定Sakuraドラムレッスン🥁 【最新空コマ状況】 8/19(土) 完売✨ 8/20(日) 18:00/19:00 9/17(日) 完売 9/18(祝月) 残り5枠 8月初日の追���枠完売しました🔥 8月はあと2コマです。 ご予約お忘れなく!!!!! ご予約はこちらから👀 https://t.co/i9poKhKer2 講師 @sakurazawa https://t.co/UiXVGZjSrp」https://twitter.com/bot_baba/status/1685968883315007489
Paradox Translationsさん「Are you ready for https://t.co/UoQstUyuPD next activities? If you don't know what we're talking about, check the live report and the information at the end 🫵 https://t.co/Qg9eBRp6zu」https://twitter.com/Paradox_Transl/status/1686806698676092928
葉山拓亮さん「【CD会場販売のお知らせ】 8/5(土)Tourbillon Live 2023 20years Since Time Began Zepp Haneda(TOKYO)にてCD販売が決定! ※会場限定購入特典付き 詳細はコチラ https://t.co/QoQkrcwpX9 https://t.co/hQxUnrBg5J」https://twitter.com/HiroakiHayama/status/1687012310127345664
恐さん「血や体液が流れ出ない 綺麗な体が欲しかった 僕はそろそろ お薬の時間だ」https://twitter.com/bpmkyou/status/1687019285653401600
Deshabillz2023 8月19日(土)心斎橋SHOVELさん「名古屋帰りでこれ買ったんよ行きも買って楽屋に放置してたらほぼ空になってたんよ 押忍! 楽屋泥棒やな笑 押忍!確かに美味い笑 多分シビィが配ってたな、自分も食いつつ #うなぎボ〜ン https://t.co/jJJ7InALWV」https://twitter.com/Deshabillz2022/status/1687023167515336704
Shintaroさん「Next Gig 8/5 MUNIMUNI at Neo Tokyo Chop Dome MUNIMUNI 18:00〜 https://t.co/974aVdytsG 🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️ https://t.co/QWF3cTys1n」https://twitter.com/Shintaro_iod/status/1687023860179521536
MUCCさん「【逹瑯】BARKS NIGHTMARE×MUCC 4回連続対談企画 掲載 【対談 #1】 逹瑯(MUCC) × YOMI (NIGHTMARE)が語る、<悪夢69>と歌うこと「10年前のアドバイスを今でも守っているんです」 https://t.co/dyWN6g4Wxi #NIGHTMARE #MUCC25th #悪夢69 https://t.co/iaiAEVZvmz」https://twitter.com/muccofficial/status/1687025539763286016
Hydeさん「[STAFF] 「HYDE LIVE 2023」Sendai PIT公演でのグッズ先行販売につ��て 8/5(土)・6(日) 12:30~ [販売場所] 会場正面入り口前 ※先行販売開始2時間はHYDE CARDをお持ちのお客様のみグッズをご購入いただけます。 詳しくは↓ https://t.co/x9rObTfsn3 #HYDE #HYDELIVE2023 #HYDEGOODS…」https://twitter.com/HydeOfficial_/status/1687025948942819329
Hydeさん「[STAFF] 「HYDE LIVE 2023」Sendai PIT公演 当日券販売について 8/5(土)・6(日) 公演日当日、会場にて整理番号付抽選券を配布の上、当選者のみに販売 会場調整の上の販売となるため、販売数が少ない場合があります。予めご了承ください。 ■抽選券配布 [配布場所] 会場当日券窓口付近 [配布時間]…」https://twitter.com/HydeOfficial_/status/1687026183060549632
leaya(бвб)さん「今週土曜日! 何卒(ºº) 08/05(soil)*ネオ東狂池袋手刀ドーム 「夏休みのおじさま 2023」 出演: TOKYO YANKEES L.I.S.K. MUNIMUNI ↓前売りおパー券予約制 https://t.co/eeqqpG7dc6 最重要差し入れサイト;https://t.co/ukkywSynhQ https://t.co/GsartF9uvL」https://twitter.com/leaya_bass/status/1687027320811671554
Hydeさん「[STAFF] HYDE LIVE 2023 仙台 PIT公演にお越しの方へ 仙台公演は入り待ち・出待ちが可能です。 熱中症予防と感染症対策にこまめな水分補給をお願いいたします。…」https://twitter.com/HydeOfficial_/status/1687028217201516544
Ryuichi Kawamura officialさん「『CM』 #アメブロ https://t.co/3Ry0PfuxLc」https://twitter.com/RyuichiKawamur2/status/1687028307513225216
KING OFFICIALさん「【KING WEB SHOP】 Tシャツ色選び、変更、新規、追加 期間:即時~8月5日21:00 入金期間:全員8月10日まで 入金延長可:最大9月25日まで 未入金、入金済問わず ※当初申込の色・サイズ変更可 ※変更がない方は、当初のご注文で発注   ※品切れは、個別に連絡します ご注文 https://t.co/fwDWSru1fO https://t.co/SeoWEgNepB」https://twitter.com/KINGOFFICIAL114/status/1687028599667519489
Ryuichi Kawamura officialさん「日本テクノ🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 https://t.co/B7c5nwMTqe」https://twitter.com/RyuichiKawamur2/status/1687028817251225600
SUGIZOさん「8/11「WHAT IS JAM?」、SHAGとスペアザの共演‼️ Afro Begue、更にパジャ海‼️ 間違いなく最幸のイベントになる‼️ 是非足を運んでね‼️ 海を目の前に是非自由を楽しんでね‼️ SGZ #SHAG #SPECIALOTHERS #スペアザ #AfroBegue #パジャマで海なんかいかない #PAJAUMI #WHATISJAM https://t.co/FYktzDnUGT」https://twitter.com/SUGIZOofficial/status/1687037880483688449
舜8/13覇叉羅 ソレイユ復活祭🎸✨さん「タブ譜できた…!! MIDIファイル読み込むとか横着せんで普通に打っていくのが正解やった(´﹃ `) でも絶対単純な曲しかやりたくない作業だな、こりゃ。 NEiNとかLemとかのフレーズをタブ譜にしようってなったら何年かかるのかわからんな💦」https://twitter.com/shun_thefuzzbox/status/1687038766274469888
XA-VATさん「【本日8/3 23:59迄】 XA-VAT TOUR2023 「T-V-SHOW」 チケット🎟 オフィシャル2次先行受付 👇本日8/3 23:59迄 👇申し込みはこちら https://t.co/fqT0jnS8kt #XAVAT #ザバット」https://twitter.com/XAVAT_official/status/1687036929962106880
幻覚さん「. https://t.co/Idu1RHO5nK」https://twitter.com/genkakuoffical/status/1687040673864962048
幻覚さん「. BALZACの HIROSUKE様から コメントを頂きました! ありがとうございます! #BALZAC #HIROSUKE」https://twitter.com/genkakuoffical/status/1687040719624757248
music stationさん「明日よる6時30分からはMステ3時間半SP✨✨✨ #Mステ #今週のMステ気になる人RT https://t.co/XPfEfshSGn」https://twitter.com/Mst_com/status/1687025517952987136
seekさん「Psycho le Cemu 福岡、広島、岡山に向けて リハーサル開始 西日本の旅めっちゃ楽しみ! https://t.co/TOTPXsMAkE」https://twitter.com/seek_bonshisya/status/1687047452376117248
HYDE CHANNELさん「THE LAST ROCKSTARSが緊急記者会見を行うことが決定! 会見終了後は、テレビ朝日系「ミュージックステーション」での民放初パフォーマンス終了後の舞台裏にも密着! 【明日16:00〜放送】 https://t.co/a2V5vsWpDR @HydeOfficial_ #HYDE #HYDECHANNEL #THELASTROCKSTARS #YOSHIKI #SUGIZO #MIYAVI https://t.co/73ejvP8FMP」https://twitter.com/HYDECHANNEL/status/1687048433063108608
Drum 篤人さん「今日はこちら。 なので、個人的には2日連続で配信します〜。」https://twitter.com/atsuto0107/status/1687052659440898048
Köziさん「ヂーク四十九日 https://t.co/nkBPr9G1RM」https://twitter.com/Kzi_official/status/1687052971744669696
L.I.S.K_officialさん「今週土曜に迫ってまいりました 次回LIVE未定なので是非! L.I.S.Kは19:50~予定です 08/05(soil)_*ネオ東狂池袋手刀ドーム 「夏休みのおじさま 2023」 出演: TOKYO YANKEES L.I.S.K. MUNIMUNI ↓前売りおパー券予約制 https://t.co/n7Hc3DND6v 最重要差し入れサイト;https://t.co/vh9Ur7AEuO https://t.co/QWce9XNOHI」https://twitter.com/LISK__official/status/1687053047237869568
常盤 美妃さん「真夢さんの弾けるかわいさたるや… 「バッカみたい」スタンプ希望! 「なに?」スタンプ希望! 「学校サボりました」スタンプ希望! 糸屋に入っていくシーン、 はじめて見た時 ゾワッとしたことをおぼえている。 #糸地獄抄 #昭和精吾事務所 #糸地獄 #岸田理生」https://twitter.com/ex_miki15/status/1687039727197896704
びじゅなびさん「📝ライヴレポート <MUCC 25th Anniversary TOUR「Timeless」~志恩・球体~> 2023年7月26日(水)東京・Zepp Shinjuku 🗣️にぎやかで愛に溢れるミヤ・バースデー。 「俺の第二の故郷は、ここなんで」 記事はこちら▶️https://t.co/XNwISGNg9C @muccofficial #MUCC https://t.co/DZ7w8XMjcB」https://twitter.com/visunavi/status/1687055719940366336
Hydeさん「[STAFF] 西武新宿駅前のユニカビジョンでHYDEのLIVE DIGEST映像が放映決定! ▼期間 8/5(土)~8/11(金) 7時,9時,11時,13時,15時,17時,19時,21時の43分から 詳しくは↓ https://t.co/zDs0EHZFQG #HYDE #HYDELIVE2023 #楽天チケット #RakutenNFT #幕張メッセ」https://twitter.com/HydeOfficial_/status/1687056174611582978
SUGIZOさん「[INFO] 9/17(日)に#SHAG が出演する「#メイカーズピアジャズフェスタ NAGOYA 2023」公式サイトに、SHAGメンバー #SUGIZO、#別所和洋 のビデオメッセージが公開されました!是非ご覧ください!そして、是非お越しください‼ リンクはこちら https://t.co/7ys5VpxEdb」https://twitter.com/SUGIZOofficial/status/1687065619467022337
nao 首振りDollsさん「もう三曲目〜順調〜」https://twitter.com/kubihuri_nao/status/1687070995411243008
nao 首振りDollsさん「昨日は夕方から深夜にかけて首振りDollsの曲作りで、翌日にはダスボンでレコーディング。 我ながら音楽してる。 レコーディングしてたら 5日はブクロックか。 ひょー。 さいこー。」https://twitter.com/kubihuri_nao/status/1687071611764305921
THE LAST ROCKSTARSさん「#TheLastRockstars 2nd Single "Psycho Love" streaming worldwide Aug 4! - Composed by HYDE, lyrics by YOSHIKI/HYDE Listen and share! https://t.co/CgkvBLS50g #PsychoLove #TLRS #YOSHIKI #HYDE #SUGIZO #MIYAVI @YoshikiOfficial @HydeOfficial_ @SUGIZOofficial @MIYAVI_OFFICIAL https://t.co/JNv3xJXCwb」https://twitter.com/LAST_ROCKSTARS/status/1687073071398563841
こもだまり𓃦昭和精吾事務所|ACM:::さん「#糸地獄抄 あと数日!? いいとこチラ見せ、昨日のひはさんとリサくん、見ていただけましたか? 本日も追い込みで2つ放流します。 官能的な身の上話🔴と初々しい身の上話🦷。 昭和精吾事務所らしい語りに寄り添い支える劇伴が活躍の��面です。 22:00!」https://twitter.com/mari_air/status/1687077877236584449
SUGIZOさん「[INFO] 8/11に開催される「 #WHATISJAM? Vol.8 “THE 1st ANNIVERSARY”」1stティザー動画が公開‼ 音楽の多様性・可能性に満ちたヴァイブラントなライヴ・ジャムを是非体感してください‼ 詳細はこちら→ https://t.co/CebylVqyLV #SHAG #SPECIALOTHERS #AfroBegue #パジャマで海なんかいかない https://t.co/Q044IJmULH」https://twitter.com/SUGIZOofficial/status/1687080521334226944
こもだまり𓃦昭和精吾事務所|ACM:::さん「#糸地獄抄 2023 いいとこチラ見せ! ▫️File 08:沙夜さんの身の上話、「イ・タ・イ・・・」 ・刺青の記憶の官能的な語り! ・沙夜ちゃんの語りの音の粒立ちと血の粒のバランスが美しい! ・静かな語りに潜む激情を音楽が後押し! https://t.co/ZZfuz5ZC9P」https://twitter.com/mari_air/status/1687085917515694080
金髪豚野郎K助(偽殿下)さん「みんなにも花火をお裾分け 元気ない人もコレ見て元気出してね 何気に浜辺で見てるガキんちょ共が良い味だしてる 8/13もコレに負けないくらい盛り上げていこーぜ! 尚、動画に入っている女性の声は隣のお客様で私とは一切関係なく決してリアルに充実した夏を過ごしているわけではごさいません (°_°) https://t.co/LANnhiaywM」https://twitter.com/goldenpigdrumer/status/1687086332341071874
こもだまり𓃦昭和精吾事務所|ACM:::さん「#糸地獄抄 2023 いいとこチラ見せ! ▫️File 09:ロングショットで送る常盤さん一人語り ・少女の初々しさあふれる甘やかな身の上話! ・語りをじっくり聞ける場面!(倍くらいあります) ・語りの展開に寄り添い、次のシーンまで滑らかにつなぐ劇伴! ・真夢製の小道具も登場🦷! https://t.co/E1OFcTrLqD」https://twitter.com/mari_air/status/1687086414452682753
lucy+peter=esolagoto / 中村真悟さん「籠もってました。 8/5あぶぶるに向けて調整。 明日はきちんと喉を休めて臨みます。 https://t.co/V0tohtVCkv」https://twitter.com/lucy_peter/status/1687087151400509440
Nostalgic Cinemaさん「【配信のお知らせ】 2023年8月30日(水) 荻窪Rooster ・タイトル Nostalgic Cinema Oneman Live ~subscription concert vol.2~ 【一部URL】 https://t.co/Ir4cD1lpzG START 16:30予定 【二部URL】 https://t.co/wFruZHGwfx START 20:00予定 ・料金 各¥2,800 ・視聴期限 9月13日(水) 23:59 まで」https://twitter.com/NC_official1228/status/1687086809812242433
0 notes
kyotakumrau · 7 years ago
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2017.11.23 PARTY ZOO 2017 - report and setlists It felt a bit unusual as the door time was at 3:45 pm, early! I had just enough time to grab some lunch, have a quick look at DUMMY goods and it was time to enter. I had early 800s number, so not great, not too bad, still managed to get in front of the first barrier easily and ended up in 6~4 row in the middlish left. There were only digital tickets for the event, so we received printed 'ticket' on the door. A9 were... okay. Not really my thing. I liked the cover  they did of L'arc~en~Ciel's songs. Baroque was better minus fanservice... Ken with Naughty Stars (naughty was lile the main theme of the event - MCs etc) was interesting, Takumi seemed to have a lot of fun 😄 they covered songs by Coldplay, L'arc and two more artists. With the end of each set they put the curtains down so we had no means to know who will come up next (aside from guessing from the soundcheck). I have to say I was quite surprised when Ken's session came up as that meant that if sukekiyo played after them, Takumi would be playing for two different projects back to back, or if MUCC came next sukekiyo would be closing. The latter turned true. If you ever saw MUCC live you know that they have energy 😁it's always fun to see them! And I loved Tatsuro's outfit! He always chooses something interesting. MUCC's setlist 01 睡蓮 -suiren- 02 絶対絶命 -zettai zetumei- 03 秘密 -himitsu- 04 勿忘草 -wasurenagusa- / with Ken 05 ハイデ -haide- 06 ENDER ENDER 07 蘭鋳 -ranchu- 08 TONIGHT / with Ken During ranchu talk Tatsuro included information about sukekiyo: 'next is sukekiyo. It's an event so who knows, but don't make a sound during sukekiyo. If you wanna go crazy, do it now. Let's all give our all!!!!'. It was ranchu, we did. Between artists there was some weird BGM music (song choise wise), but before each artist's set there was a sound of jungle with wild animals etc. Still, sukekiyo kept their theater buzzer, it sounded twice before they started. And Takumi played some pianoas intro😌 sukekiyo's setlist 01 leather field 02 死霊のアリアナ -shiryou no ariana- 03 されど道連れ -saredo michizure- 04 艶 -en- 05 耳ゾゾ -mimi zozo- 06 黝いヒステリア -aoguroi hysteria- 07 mama 08 anima 09 嬲り-naburi- I really loved how they set their stage. They used those four small white TVs from Madaraningen shop, two of them on left side of Mika's drum stand, one on the right side and last one next to the stage on the right. They were showing the live footage of the stage and audience, camera was mounted on Kyo's new stand with mics, chaos pad, synthesizer etc. Kyo used it for some songs, for a close up on the TV screens, but the footage of stage/audience was on for the whole performance. There were bigger screens on the sides of the stage (for every artist), but those had other visualisations on them, for example bits of the PV for en. Band members were placed from left: UTA, Yuchi, Kyo, Mika behind, and Takumi on the right. They all wore either some of DUNES BY MADARANINGEN, Kokushoku no Naburi or the new DUMMY merchandise. UTA had MORD t-shirt with DUNES suspenders, super baggy pants. Yuchi had short sweatpants, DUMMY sleeveless shirt and he wore choker as a hairband. Mika had DUMMY choker and one more DUMMY item, but I can't remember which. Takumi wore DUMMY hoodie. Kyo had DUMMY sleeveless shirt, DUNES suspenders, DUMMY choker, square ring and 666 ring. Probably earrings as well, but it was too dark to see in detail. He got a haircut, as his hair is much shorter, but he kept pink color. Yet it was much lighter shade, in some light it looked almost purple, sometimes just light blond... sukekiyo light is great like that. He had light color lenses, strong eye make up and red smudged lips. For leather fields they used ... slow-strobo light. The flashes were slower than for the typical stroboscope, but it definitely kept the stage mysterious and dark. Shiryou no ariana came with some improvised session, where Takumi run to take over bass for the time Yuchi used synthesizer (or some other gadget). Kyo was using chaos pad and playing with the camera for TVs footage. For the first part of their set Kyo stayed in his world, staring into space with mad look. But in the middle of the set he started to walk more around the stage and pointing at the audience. He danced to some songs as well, often using gestures matching the lyrics. For naburi Kyo was playing theremin, it was amazing to be able to see it up close! I also liked the twist with closing credits. They did the photos of the band member on the left big screen and name/role on the left one. Their performance ended with a soft 'oyasumi / goodnight' from Kyo. When artists came back on stage for the PARTY ZOO theme song, Tatsuro started the MC time: "Oi, don't you feel like partying now? [sukekiyo] was dark like a hell, are you all okay??;) But Kyo came backstage looking all happy/satisfied.' During the theme song with all artists on stage it was hard to choose one spot to watch, there was something going on everywhere! Yusuke from lynch. appeared together with sukekiyo members, so many people had baskets with signed balls. They started 'the call' - when artist would give us some word or animal sound to repeat (it was party ZOO). They tried to push Takumi to do that and he was too shy 😌Ken and Tatsuro even commented that Kyo is gone so other suke members should come to the front. Yuchi was physically pushing UTA closer to the stage, but UTA slipped out and run to the back. He stayed there with Mika left of the drums, just quietly watching. Yuchi had a can of beer with him as well, ビールお化け👻 Somehow somewhere suddenly there was Kyo walking through the stage. Yukke noticed him passing from left and showed Tatsuro, there was some mess with their signed balls as Tatsuro rushed to keep Kyo on stage, but wasn't succesful. All artists were throwing signed balls to the audience until they run out of them. Yours truly was lucky enough to catch a ball thrown by Yusuke and later I discovered that it was signed by Mika 🎉 Other awesome memory was Takumi who came to the edge of the stage with his guitar, he raised the guitar to his face level and bit it. *insert wild animal theme here*
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aoimori · 7 years ago
08.12.2017 MUCC @ Shibuya WWW (Satochi birthday edition!!)
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Mucc added a few extra shows to the end their Aishuu to antique to itami mo homuru tour and I managed to get a ticket to the one on Satochi’s birthday!
As you probably already guessed, this tour was dedicated to their earliest albums - Aishuu, Antique, Tsuuzetsu, and Homura Uta. 
Setlist and various Satochi celebrations below!!
01.ホムラウタ 02.絶望  03.黒煙  04.僕が本当の僕に耐えきれず造った本当の僕 05.五月雨 06.幸せの終着 07.鎮痛剤 08.夜 09.焼け跡 10.廃 11.嘘で歪む心臓 12.暗闇に咲く花 13.断絶 14.帰らぬ人 15.家路 16.背徳の人 17.前へ 18.娼婦 19.大嫌い
EN 01.夢の街 02.オルゴォル 03.NO!? 04.夕紅 05.スイミン 06.狂った果実(笑)
First I just wanna say... I’ve been a Mucc fan for a loooong time and while I still enjoy their new stuff, I am a HUGE fan of their older, super moody dark angura flavor music. I was in heavy Mucc heaven.
When we entered staff gave us balloons...
Shibuya WWW is kind of an odd venue that’s set up like a theater with lots of steps. But it meant I could SEEE. I was a few steps up in front of Miya. It’s also a very small livehouse since this tour only hit small venues. 
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They opened with Homura uta and we all clapped along and it was really cool
Once the lights went down some things on the stage GLOWED like glow in the dark style. The amps had the album artwork of Myakuhaku but in the light they turned pink with light blue kanji from the tour name.
The members all had some kind of glow in the dark paint on their faces. Really dramatic in a kind of psychedelic way. Mucc’s lighting has been amazing lately tbh
The harmonica solo in Mae e is my aesthetic
I feel like there were a lot of really beautiful and sad moments in these songs. Danzetsu was especially emotional. I love the end where Tatsurou and Miya both sing “sayonara”. Haishi also stood out to me for some reason.
Yukke stood up on the platform on my side and stared at us with these really wide terrifying eyes for a while, then laughed and ran away. He had his blonde bowl cut and was wearing black overalls.
Before one of the last songs, Tatsurou looked back and forth with this really curious look on his face, like hm??? What’s that?? What song could this be!?
The mood of the main set was REALLY dark and heavy. Tatsurou said a few times in his short MCs that it was Satochi’s birthday and we should all be celebrating and be thinking of him, even though the mood is soooo dark. It was pretty funny lol
Satochi was mad because the day before was a festival and the day after they had recording (!??!?!?!?) so this particular day was his only day off. But they still scheduled a show anyway.
During Daikirai Tatsurou jumped up on the drum platform and got right in Satochi’s face and sang SATOCHI DAIKIRAI DESU!!!
As usual... Satochi was hilarious/complained a lot while everybody else made fun of him. Tatsurou is a natural performer who is completely at ease on stage. I heard him without the mic pretty often. Yukke is such an interesting character lmao. I was so excited to see him with Robert and also with his signature bowl cut look. And Miya is still one of my favorite guitarists ever, he’s such an emotional and dynamic performer and he stole my attention for almost the entire show. 
Something I find interesting is that calls for an encore at Mucc shows never seem to be very strong? And it takes a while before somebody tries to start one. Really different from Dir and Merry where we start the chanting up the second the last member leaves the stage. Mucc fans seem pretty chill overall honestly lol
Before they came out for the encore we all blew up our balloons but hid them. 
The members came out and brought out Satochi’s cake!! We all sang happy birthday to him. Tatsurou said the cake looked like pom pom purin
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Tatsurou brought out a black can of “helium” and had Satochi breathe some in. He tried it multiple times but his voice wouldn’t change, so Tatsurou brought out the “real” can and held it up to Satochi’s face aaand sprayed whipped cream all over him lol
Then they got the REAL can of helium and Satochi breathed some in and talked/yelled, Tatsurou tried a little and like screamed, then Miya tried but first said his voice is already high so there wouldn’t be any difference. It took him a few tries but his voice got REALLY high and he like SCREEEAMED lol
When the other members were talking there was loud feedback from Miya’s mic and he literally jumped back with really wide eyes and it was adorable
The members all stood at the edge of the stage with acoustic instruments and Yukke got out Robert. First song of the encore was a special one for Satochi... Yume no machi!!
Tatsurou parted the crowd and their manager came on stage and jumped down into the audience. Satochi got on his shoulders and rode around while everyone sang along together, waving their balloons around. At the end of the song we were given the signal to throw our balloons directly at Satochi lol
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He got back up on the stage, which was covered with balloons. Tatsurou was like WHAT IS THIS STAGE!! LOOK AT THIS!! WHAT... IS THIS!? while Miya stomped around and popped balloons 
Tatsurou making us sit down during Suimin is still really fun
During the very last song (kurutta kajitsu)  there’s a part where we repeat 1 2 3 GO!! and each time, the members took turns smashing foam “pie” in Satochi’s face lol. They even had a fan come up on stage to do it too. Everyone kept throwing balloons at him while he played. This song was wild overall. 
This was my only show of this tour and I’m soooo glad I got to go and appease my inner old Mucc fan. Super moody main set, really really fun encore, lots of Satochi hijinks, just great all around. I hope Satochi enjoyed his birthday even though he had to work lol
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vkh-official · 8 years ago
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LIVE REPORT: MUCC 20TH ANNIVERSARY 97-17 Final @ Zepp DiverCity Tokyo [Day 2] → bit.ly/2pTMwGZ
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rainu-wa · 5 years ago
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19 June Release
逹瑯 × 葉月 lynch.
沙我 アリス九號.
夕霧 DaizyStripper
YUCHI sukekiyo
live report
https://t.co/x3WTrmfQgx https://t.co/K9rvrv07YF
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denotationofawkward · 8 years ago
First gig of MUCC’s new tour - a report of sorts?
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arubekibasho · 7 years ago
Niconico Broadcast info
NicoNico live broadcast『LUNATIC FEST.2018×Nico 33 hour long broadcast SP~Interviews with the performing artist, and live report 』! ★6/23(Saturday)11:00~6/24(Sunday)20:00(estimated time)
Link to the broadcast: http://live.nicovideo.jp/gate/lv313602653
source: mucc official twitter
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vnshkk · 7 years ago
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sukekiyo [2017.12.31 - BARKS Live report]
【Live report】MUCC  <En7 FINAL in Budokan>
An exceptionally spectacular scope of creatively original sound, flaunted and spearheaded by (DIR EN GREY) Kyo; It’s sukekiyo. 
Unable to clearly make out the members, we are drawn in by the sound alone and cast into a dark and deliciously sweet world. 
We are treated to a performance of [Leather field] and [shiryou no ariana] of exceptional rarity in terms of both look and atmosphere, one that cannot be found elsewhere. Crying out in a way that almost gives of a sense of witnessing some kind of ritualistic offering of prayer to a higher power.
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  Commonly not one to hesitate in the face of new challenges regardless of the song, the rendition of [gerbera] comes almost as naturally as breathing in a way surely only sukekiyo is capable of. Veiling the audience, practically burying the entire venue. Boasting and overwhelming pressure that left the audience barely able to even move an inch.
source (barks.jp)
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zajimachi · 8 years ago
Pla_kenken: The second day of Black Silent White Noise, Thank you ! m(_ _)m lynch. was so cool ! The heat was amazing !
The 8th day !
Note : The 1rst September, 2016, Plastic Tree had a one-man live in Nagoya at the bottom line, and then they had an additional live the next day with lynch. as a guest.
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hazuki_lynch : Thank you for Pura and Lynch ! I sang "Ghost" with Ryutaro-san ! It was so cool to collide with each other ! The key is high though.
TY ! [Hazuki’s instagram:] https://t.co/Y903oP9hy4
Pla_kenken: thank you ! lynch.'s GHOST was cool as well !(^o^)/
Pla_ryutaro : Pura and lynch. Let's sing lynch.'s GHOST next time.
(・ TY ・)/
Note : Both band has a song called GHOST (apparently).
lynchasanu : It was the first time in a while for me to see PuraTori, but I realized how they're very independent and distinct, and that they've been on the front line of the [music] scene for a long time. It was fun, it was nice.
Pla_kenken : thank you ! Let's take the time to talk again (^o^)/
akinoridamonde1 :Bottom Line thank you !! Plastic Tree's fans too are lovely. I wanna do it again
pla_kenken : thank you ! I'm excited for when we will be able to do it again on November.
Note : Both lynch. and Pura were invited to the event “COMMUNE” held by MUCC later in November 2016. Unfortunately, lynch. got cancelled, due to Akinori being arrested by the police (he later was fired from the band).
Pla_staff:  the 8th day of the BSWN Tour. Additional date ~ animated Nagoya edition ~ is over ! Thanks to everybody who came !
#PlasticTree #BSWNTour
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Pla_staff : Next is the final of the BSWN Tour. 10/10 (Mon - bank holiday) Tokyo - Kokusai Forum Hall A. It's a first at the Kokusai Forum venue for Plastic Tree
#PlasticTree #BSWNTour
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Pla_kenken: Ah, next live is the last one. It went fast ! \(ToT)/ But I'm excited for Tokyo Kokusai Forum Hall A !
RT: @That moment in Nagasaki:
1rst pic : Tadashi : Everybody are closed in today's venue. Ryutaro : We can see well everybody. It must be embarassing. Well, I'm the most embarassered here. T (shouting):  Today, how far can you throw away that shame?!
2nd pic: Tadashi : Nagasaki you know, we arrived two days ago. Yesterday, while having a walk in the arcade, Ryu-chan ... Ryutaro : I recognize that person in front of me, who seems like they could be blown away by the wind...
R: that golden hair pill...
Note : I get that Ryutaro’s talking about Tadashi’s golden hair but I don’t really get the joke, sorry /:
3rd pic : Ryutaro : I was thinking of eating some castella. But, eating those while walking is difficult right. So I bought Dorayaki instead. I bought two pieces and thought i could give one to Tadashi-kun. Well, I didn't, but you know.
Tadashi : What ?!
Pla_ryutaro : while I was reading everybody's tweets, I found this one. It made me remember Nagasaki.
(・ Thank you ・)/
Note : He really likes those comic reports !
Pla_ryutaro : The tour is almost over. It's sad. Only for now though.
(・ That kind of feeling ・)/
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2015mai24 · 9 months ago
MUCC、『志恩』・『球体』ツアー Zepp Shinjyuku公演オフィシャルレポート
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MUCC 画像を全て表示(10件) 7月26日(水)にZepp Shinjukuで開催された『MUCC 25th Anniversary TOUR「Timeless」~志恩・球体~』のオフィシャルレポートが到着した。
MUCCが、2023年7月26日(水)に東京Zepp Shinjukuで『MUCC 25th Anniversary TOUR「Timeless」~志恩・球体~』を行なった。結成25周年を記念して、過去に発表したアルバムを軸にするツアーを2022年から開催しているMUCC。この日は、2008年に発表した8thアルバム『志恩』と2009年に発表した9thアルバム『球体』を中心にしたツアーのひとつ。またライブ・タイトルでは一切触れていないものの、7月26日はギターのミヤの44回目の誕生日でもある。
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そのミヤがセレクトした開場BGMと、ミヤの誕生日を祝う気持ちで、開演前からすでに熱さも充満するソールドアウトとなったZepp Shinjuku。SE「球体Instrumental」が響くとハンドクラップも起こり、ステージは照明で赤く染まっていった。まず登場したのはサポートの吉田トオル(Key)とAllen(Dr)。そしてストロボ・ライトも点滅し始めたステージに現われるYUKKE(Ba)とミヤ(Gt)。一気に高まる興奮と緊張感。SEが「99」のシーケンス・フレーズへと切り替わり、一人、照明を浴びながらミヤがギター・フレーズを奏でていった。泣きと哀愁のメロディが夢烏たち(オーディエンス)の気持ちを惹き込んでいく。
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だがその直後のこと。逹瑯(Vo)がステージに登場し、大きく足を広げたと思えば、衝動の塊のような咆哮をとどろかせた。同時に何本ものスモークが激しく上がり、バンド・サウンドは業火のごとく夢烏を襲う。身体も脳も叩き起こされ、荒れ狂う海原のように極悪なうねりを夢烏たちはフロアに作り上げていった。 『志恩』と『球体』の世界観を現在のMUCCが再構築した曲が、1曲目となった新曲「99」だ。歪んだ声や突き抜けるメロディを駆使した逹瑯のボーカル、メロディック・デスの旨味もたっぷり���った攻撃的リフやリズム。そこに煽情的なフレーズも入り込む。この25年間で培ったMUCCの圧倒的実力は、ライブに次ぐライブでさらに研ぎ澄まされ、熱量も説得力もハンパじゃない。
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「オイ、新宿! 俺の誕生日だ、暴れてけよ!!」―ミヤ
本日の主役自らが夢烏たちを荒っぽく歓迎。逹瑯も「全力で祝おうかー!!」とシャウトのように叫びながら、曲は「咆哮」へ。ラウドで激情たっぷりの音が暴れ狂う。 なにしろ、『志恩』と『球体』は、AVENGED SEVENFOLDやBULLET FOR MY VALENTINEらとのカップリング・ツアー<Taste of Chaos 2008>など、MUCCが精力的な海外ツアーを行なっている最中にリリースや制作されたアルバムでもある。エレクトロやメタル・テイストも強めで、ハジけていく曲や尖ったナンバーも多い。つまりライブで威力を発揮する曲たちだ。そうしたナンバーを次々とたたみ掛け、熱を注ぎ込み続けるMUCC。歓声も掛け声も思いっきりあげながらモッシュでぶつかり合う夢烏たち。熱狂と狂騒の渦がMUCCを激しく彩り続けていく。
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だがミヤの呪術的なフレーズを合図に「志恩」へ突入すると、ライブは再び急展開。照明で不気味な陰影も浮かべた表情で、メンバーは邪悪な音を叩きつけていく。「空と糸」では「起きてるのか、新宿! コロナでなまってんじゃねーぞ!!」とリフを弾きながらミヤはさらに焚きつける。鋭利で凶暴なMUCCサウンドが夢烏たちを激化させ続ける。しかし、そんなもんでは本日の主役は満足しない。「今日のために、わりと緩めの会場選んだつもりだ。やれるヤツは、やれ!!」とミヤ。そうして始まった「フライト」では、夢烏たちの肩車がいくつも出現し、曲のキメと同時に、ミヤの誕生日を祝うクラッカーのテープのごとく跳び、そのままクラウドサーフも。こんな祝福されたら、やっぱり黙っちゃいないのがミヤ。「フライト」の勢いのまま「1曲追加します!」と、『極彩』からの「謡声」をブチ込んだ。イントロ直後に慌てふためく吉田トオルの姿に、全く予定になかった曲だったことが伺える。こうしたお祝い返しなどもありながらライブはエンディングへと向かっていった。
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アンコールでは、一人、ミヤが感謝しながらステージに登場。「44歳になりました。ありがとうございます。18~19歳で上京して、すぐ歌舞伎町でバイトを始めたんですよ…」―ミヤ カラオケ屋でお客さん勧誘のバイトをしながら曲を作っていた話や、バイト時代の様々なおもしろい出来事も暴露。「俺の第二の故郷は、ここなんで」と、お笑いトーク・ライブと化すミヤ@Zepp Shinjukuである。YUKKEと逹瑯も加わって、歌舞伎町にまつわる話が止まらない。トリオ・ザ・MUCCの独演会となっていく。
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また話は、グッズのひとつ“パイ扇”のことに。LEDで鮮やかに光る扇子だ。「みんな、点けてみて。せぇ~の!」とYUKKEの言葉を合図に光らせると、吉田トオルが「ハッピー・バースデー・トゥ・ユー」をピアノで弾き始め、LEDスクリーンには“HAPPY Birthday TO MIYA”の文字やキャンドルのCGが。夢烏たちが歌いながら祝う中、ステージには巨大な誕生日ケーキも登場。さらに、MUCCのFC旅行<ムックランド>シリーズのキャラ“チャッピー・ラビット”(ミヤがデザイン)も駆けつけて、生みの親を祝福。にぎやかで愛に溢れるお誕生日会となった。
約20分のトーク・ライブの後は、フライングVを持つチャッピー・ラビットも交えて「蘭鋳」を全員でかき鳴らす。曲の中盤、座ってからの一斉ジャンプの合図を出すのは、もちろん主役のミヤだ。「MUCC最初の44歳、一緒に遊ぼうぜ! 歌舞伎町、全員、死刑!!」―ミヤ
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取材・文=長谷川幸信 撮影=冨田味我
セットリスト MUCC 25th Anniversary TOUR 「Timeless」~志恩・球体~ 2023年7月26日(水)Zepp Shinjuku 01 99 02 咆哮 03 アゲハ 04 梟の揺り篭 05 オズ 06 レミング 07 ファズ 08 アンジャベル 09 カナリア 10 浮遊 11 燈映 12 小さな窓 13 讃美歌 14 志恩 15 空と糸 16 塗り潰すなら臙脂 17 シヴァ 18 フライト 19 謡声 20 hanabi 21 リブラ <ENCORE> 22 蘭鋳 23 娼婦 24 WORLD
quelle: spice-eplus.jp
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angelduexstay · 8 years ago
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aoimori · 8 years ago
03.05.2017 MUCC @ Matsumoto Sound Hall a.C
SO their new album Myakuhaku is great and really wonderful live
Starting/ending with Myakuhaku and Fuka was amazing
Really cool stage lighting that looked like prisms
Encore took forever but they came out in oldschool looking outfits/makeup AAA
Even songs I don’t really like that much recorded are really fun live because the energy is infectious
Tatsuro is so dramatic
Miya still makes the craziest faces
MC content involved: this is their first time in Matsumoto, Miya used to be a roadie and came to Nagano when he was SIXTEEN?, he was in a hotel with the band and his bed had a big brown stain and he didnt wanna wake anyone up so he SLEPT IN THE STATION, tatsuro thinks the hotel staff this time are super polite but he asked for a blanket and they gave him something super tiny, satochi said something and the rest of the band called him stupid as usual
Tatsuro acknowledged how INSANE NAGANO IS. every single nagano show i’ve been to for any band has been LIT BEYOND BELIEF. we are so starved for bands here. please come to us.
this was one of the most physically demanding and just straight up FUN shows i’ve been to in a while. with mucc i can be FREE because i’m not really fixated on getting a certain spot so i ended up ALL OVER THAT VENUE. every side, back, very close to the front, living my life as freely as i wish
please come back to nagano
if they do more small livehouse tours i will go. i saw them @ hibiya yaon last year and didn’t rly enjoy it because it was seated and i was far away and mucc is really about jumping around together as a single unit while tatsuro makes funny faces at you and you cant capture that in a seated venue
i didnt take any pics outside the venue because the sign was just a piece of paper and after the show i was not thinking but WHATEVER
oh they didn’t throw anything! except satochi, he threw his drumsticks. interesting!!
they played smapan tonight tonight after the show again, i see this trend. i see.
Basically this show was terrifyingly fun and exhausting and i jumped and danced and headbanged and ran around so much and the energy was just off the charts and i am so tired
脈拍 絶体絶命 CLASSIC KILLEЯ G.G. アルカディア ハニー ビリビリ 勿忘草 EMP 秘密 ピュアブラック シリウス ハイデ ニルヴァーナ YOU&I 蘭鋳 Mr. Liar 孵化 
EN 茫然自失 青き春 名も無き 1997 TONIGHT 
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fymerry · 8 years ago
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【押しちゃんズ Setlist @ Tokyo Chaos 2016; all songs originally by Kagerou】 1. R指定 (R-shitei) 2. リストカッター (Wrist Cutter) 3. ゆびきり (Yubikiri) 4. 夕暮れの謝罪 (Yūgure no shazai)
押しちゃんズ lineup:
Vo.逹瑯 (Tatsurou) (MUCC)
Vo.ガラ (Gara) (MERRY)
Vo.怜 (Ryo) (BAROQUE)
Gt.aie (the god and death stars, gibky gibky gibky, etc.)
Gt.ユアナ (Yuana) (STEREO.C.K)
Ba.kazu (the god and death stars, gibky gibky gibky, etc.)
Ba.明希 (Aki) (シド (SID))
From Motoko Shimizu’s live report on Tokyo Chaos 2016:
懐かしすぎる「十戒」のSEが鳴り、そして大トリを飾ったのはラストセッション・押しちゃんズ。“押ちゃん”とはMUCCやMERRYと共に“御三家”と並び称されながらも2007年に解散した蜉蝣のヴォーカリスト・大佑のことで、MUCCの逹瑯(Vo)やMERRY(Vo)のガラとはプライベートでも親交が深く、解散後にthe studsを結成してからは“Over The Edge”にも連続出演していた。残念ながら2010年に急逝した彼をしのび、蜉蝣の楽曲をカバーすべく大佑と関わりの深い面々が集まったのが今回の押しちゃんズで、楽器隊は蜉蝣で一緒だったユアナ(G)にkazu(B)、the studsのaie(G)にMUCCのSATOち(Dr)、さらに本人曰く“最後の舎弟”というシドの明希(B)という恐ろしく豪華な布陣。そして逹瑯とガラはもちろん、怜(BAROQUE)を加えたトリプルヴォーカルで、まずは「R指定」の多重ヴォーカルを全て生声で再現してゆく。胸を張ってすり足し、マイクの周りをぐるぐる回るユアナのエキセントリックな動きも蜉蝣時代のままで、その後ろを逹瑯が追いかける場面も。「代々木! 首から上、全部置いてってくれ!」と逹瑯が叫んでの「リストカッター」では「祈りましょう」「祈りなさい」の声を3人で重ねてゆくが、痛みに満ちた彼の詞世界に触れるたび、その真意を二度と問うことができないのだという事実が悔しい。
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127feverdream330-blog · 7 years ago
This blog is basically where I am going to be posting about Japanese rock bands I go and see and bands I really love. I am on a Kishidan kick recently, like on an obsessive level. I have a twitter (in Japanese), and an IG (90 percent Japanese, mostly about my dieting but also about bands?), as well as a blog in English where I post translations of magazine articles about Kishidan and... Arashi? hahaha. Expect as well as reposts of others’ stuff, my posts about events I go to and goods I buy, etc. I am going to 2~3 more shows before the year ends, so expect show reports soon!
Bands I have seen live in America:
Dir en Grey
Bands I have seen in Japan: LM.C
MUCC (I’ve seen them in both countries which is amazing!)
Maximum the Hormone
Welcome to my blog!
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mucc-d-question · 8 years ago
MUCC live report - Hiroshima
2016/07/30 Hiroshima CLUB QUATTRO
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01. Moumoku de aru ga yue no sogaikan
02. Bouzen jishitsu
Tatsurou held his mic stand out for the audience to hold – with the mic still on it, facing downwards while still singing into it. It fell down, right into the space between audience and stage with audible cracking and even more audible the sudden lack of singing XD Tatsurou then climbed down to get it, continued to sing from that in-between space, leaned back onto the fans – and got stuck there somehow, including a flustered „I'M STUCK! o.o“, and two venue staff guys had to come pull him up/out, lol
05. Houkou
06. Kanashimi to dance wo
07. Gokusai
08. Fukurou no yurikago
09. Dare mo Inai Ie
10. Kuukyo na Heya
11. Trigger
12. Saru
!! ♥♥♥
13. 1979
14. Tsubasa wo kudasai
mini-MC before Ieji Tatsurou: Do you guys know „Shota no Sushi“? No? It's a manga series I read when I was about 20, and in that series, this Shota guy has to make sushi for 100 people. He takes it lightly and is all aw well if just this one is a bit crocked what does it matter. And the master scolds him for it, „For you it might be just a single one of a hundred pieces, but for the customer that's his one special piece“ and that really moved me. As MUCC, we have played many many lives up to now, and there are always people who are there for the first time, and there are also always people who would have liked to come but can't because of their schedule. So for me, I don't want to play just „a live from this tour“, I want to treasure every single live on its own. Hiroshima! You're awesome, thanks for being here with us!
15. Ieji
16. Heide
17. Mae he
The pace of Mae he was a little fast, and both Tatsurou and Miya turned back to Satochi at times going „too fast, TOO FAST!“ at him XD Then during the interlude, Miya: Ah, he finally slowed down. And at the end of the song, Satochi: That totally wasn't fast, totally not fast!! With again the most adorable of faces, innocent of any guilt this little angel~
18. Mr.Liar
Yukke - When Yukke came out, people were calling his name so loudly and excitedly that he was totally caught by surprise (he doesn't usually get this big of a response) Yukke: Good evening! Hiroshima, you're so nice! Even to Yukke... (with a super delighted expression)
- Yukke: About Hiroshima, we have come here several times so there is a certain familiarity with the terrain by now! For example for baths! Fans: ??? Yukke: Like, when you go to this place, they will have a bath like that. Fans: ah. (laugh)
- Yukke: Yesterday I went for dinner alone as usual, to an okonomiyaki place. And for Hiroshima style okonomiyaki, you can choose between soba and udon for the noodles inside, right? And I love udon, so I chose that. So I waited for them to make my okonomiyaki, and waited, and waited. Ah, over there they are making one with soba, I wonder where they are making mine with udon... I waited for about 30 minutes, and then... „Here is yours with soba right!“ it came. „Oh wait a second, did you want it with udon?“ So I said yes, but it's alright, I'll take the soba one - I was sooo hungry after waiting for it for thirty minutes. But! I got Oolong tea for free! So nice~~~ Satochi -When Satochi came out, Yukke made him switch places with him. Usually Satochi would stand in the center for his MC part, where Tatsurou would normally be, but Yukke make him go to his position, so on the far left. Satochi looked a bit confused but simply went along with it.
-Then he spotted someone in the audience in front of him. Satochi: AHHH!!! THE ONE WHO LAUGHED AT ME!!! D: Yukke: What is going on, what happened? Satochi: At the previous live, when I talked about studying kanji using an app on my phone this guy laughed at me the whole time!! Yukke: And you remembered that? Satochi: YES. … Ah well (towards the mean fan) it's ok, go on and laugh (smiles happily) - Still at Yukke's position, Satochi: Ack, just a second, my contacts... (gets his member-produced merchandise out, an inuchi pocket mirror, and checks his eyes in it) Yukke: WHAT. Where did you learn to do something like this (in the tone of „like this shameless advertising of your merch“)??? Satochi: AH!!! (holds the mirror up so we can see it even from the far back, with the fakest of fake surprised faces) IT'S THE ONE FROM THE GOODS! Yukke: Hm, maybe I should promote mine like that too. Lately people have stopped tweeting me pictures of them wearing the face masks I designed. Satochi: No, but I REALLY had trouble with my contact lenses! Before, I had to keep washing them and washing them there (nods towards the drumset)! Yukke: Today is really fun. Just before, in the dressing room, every one was saying „so much fun today“, „such fun“. Everyone, are you having fun too? Fans: YESSS!!!!! Tatsurou joined them on the stage, crowd cheered Yukke: Tatsurou also looks like he had fun. Tatsurou: The hell, it's no fun whatsoever. Fans: EEEEHHHHH?!?!?! Tatsurou: (laughing) Just kidding. It's fun (with his mean smirk) Oh, oooooh! I forgot to mention this before! Tatsurou's talk portion during the MC is right after Satochi's this time, right. So when Tatsurou comes on stage, Satochi gives him the mic he used, handing it over with both hands and a 30° bow, Tatsurou accepting it with both hands and a similar bow. Then Satochi would put his hands together and bow again to Tatsurou, this time even deeper (40°ish? Some days the full 45° - like, a DEEP fucking bow) and with a super serious expression, like the mic was something holy that he passed on in a religious ceremony, and Tatsurou would put his hands together around the mic, holding the mic between his palms so at least the fingers of both hands were together, bowing back deeply though not quite as deep as Satochi. Then Satochi would nod and disappear to hide behind his drumset again. It's... truly fascinating to watch, like seeing parts of a ceremony when at a shrine or temple. Maybe just a liiitle biiit startling in the middle of a concert. And adorable. Daw ♥ Tatsurou - Tatsurou: So what were you guys talking about? Yukke: Like about the merchandise Satochi: About this person that laughed at me! Tatsurou: Huh. That's the correct reaction. Satochi: I remembered a lot about him, his hight, live clothes, …! Tatsurou: The fuck are you even talking about. - Tatsurou: This tour we are a lot on the bus and there's nothing to do, so I went to a Book Off. Got five volumes of Golgo 13, walked around and reeeaaaally quietly... farted. Like, super quietly, I could hardly hear it myself over the music they played in the store! But just a couple of meters away was a middle school kid who must have heard, he stared at me with a ( °Д°) face! He kept imitating the face of that kid, and then wondered how fans were going to put that when they tweeted about it XD Miya - Miya: So there is an instrument store downstairs, right. Before going to the venue, I went in and looked at the guitars, looked at the bases, looked at the effectors... was about to leave, but decided to walk around once more, and by total coincidence saw this dusty guitar in the back – it was a guitar I've been searching for for five years!! So I asked to try it out, bought it and used it in today's live. And! The guy working there was from Ibaraki too! He was transferred to Hiroshima, but he's from Ibaraki! What an amazing coincidence, it must have been fate! Made me appreciate Hiroshima in a new light. (I posted this bit before with a picture) - In Club Quattro, there is a slightly elevated part in the back of the floor. For smaller lives, this part is hidden by a curtain, but that curtain can be opened in order for more people to fit in. Apparently when MUCC played there before, it was always closed. Miya: It's so nice that the curtain in the back is open this time!! Tatsurou: Next time it's gonna be sold out too! Miya: Don't say that, it's going to be so lame should the curtain be closed again next time (laughs) Yukke: In that case let's just cover it with pictures of faces! So it looks like there are people there :D En 1. CLASSIC En 2. 1997 En 3. MAD YACK En 4. ENDER ENDER En 5. Ranchuu
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