#mtg speculation
pxper-cranes · 4 months
Something something what if for our return to arcavios during the *dragonstorm arc* the elder dragons of Tarkir try to invade other planes and the elder dragons of Arcavios are forced to fight against them? Based on colour combos, the strixhaven dragons would fight the tarkir lords based on the missing colours from the clans they took over
For example
- Ojutai (Jeskai) vs Beledros (Witherbloom)
- Silumgar (Sultai) vs Velomachus (Lorehold)
- Kolaghan (Mardu) vs Tazanir (Quandrix)
- Dromoka (Abzan) vs Galazeth (Prismari)
- Atarka (Temur) vs Shadrix (Silvarquill)
Honestly i wish it was a block formula to have one set on tarkir, one on arcavios and the final one being the end confrontation. Itd be funny if the strixhaven founders weaponised their students to fight to liberate Tarkir for extra credit or something and this could be a place to see Liliana again because im getting withdrawals
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pikachugirltits · 8 months
Magic Set Speculation: Bloomburrow and Creature Types
So Bloomburrow is the set I'm most excited about this year and I saw someone on Reddit speculating about what sort of creature types we might see, so I chimed in on there with my speculation... but honestly I'm proud enough of my post that I'm copying it over here, partially in hopes of seeing what people over here think (well, with some tweaks to work better on here):
What we know for certain:
-the one piece of key art we've gotten shows a Mouse facing off against a giant fiery Wolf (perhaps it'll be an Elemental Wolf) There's also a firefly in the shot, so there might be some kind of Insect presence, although likely not major as per Mark Rosewater's comment on Blogatog here
-we've gotten another piece of art work showing a Squirrel using necromancy
-this WPN page specifically mentions Squirrels, Rats, Frogs and Rabbits
-this one borders on speculation, but I'm like 90% certain Tunnel Tipster from MKM is an Omenpath traveler from Bloomburrow. Ravnica does not have Mole people like that.
What we can speculate:
-Eldraine sure did give us several random Otters for no apparent reason, and also Bramble Familiar being a Raccoon stands out, as well as Ixalan's scientifically accurate classification of Coati Scavenger. Mark has spoken about how the Rats and Mice in Eldraine were a plant for Bloomburrow, so it's safe to say that they might not be the only ones.
-I've never actually read Redwall but I knew a guy who did, so as far as already existing Magic creature types, I think Badger, Ferret and/or Sable, Lizard, and Turtle are likely candidates for the more anthropomorphic creatures on the plane
-likewise, I can easily see Birds, Snakes, Foxes, and Cats taking on some kind of role, possibly similar to the fiery wolf we saw...and perhaps Bats as well
-as far as possible candidates for new creature types, I think Weasel and Hedgehog would be neat
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leafdrake-haven · 2 years
OK so based off the one picture
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We know that Kolaghan gets compleated. I wonder how that will go with the dragon tempests and her flight in general. After she is compleated, will the tempests that make her brood make compleated dragons or are they completely unaffected by the dragon lords condition. If they aren’t connected at all, will her flight follow her or fight against her?
We see Atarka and Ojutai brood dragons fighting her and maaaaaybe Dromoka dragons? (The ones back and to the left are harder to see). Does that mean those two (three?) dragon clans are safe thus far?
OR maybe all 5 dragon lords get compleated and the humanoids and dragon broods finally work together as equals to topple their former dragon lords? That could be tasty and a way to get the khans and dragons scenario I always hope for for Tarkir. We’ve already got humanoids riding the dragons which previously I don’t think happened often (with except maybe the Ojutai and Dromoka, but definitely not the Atarka which we’re seeing now)
Anyway just some Tarkir rambling cause even if this isn’t necessarily how I wanted to revisit the plane, if it’s what I’m getting I’m gonna speculate about it 👀
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would people be interested if i made a post dissecting the phyrexian hereditary principles demonstrated in ONE and MOM because i'm a biologist and unhinged
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mtg-cards-hourly · 5 months
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Mystic Speculation
Artist: Trevor Hairsine TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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mtg-talk · 1 year
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Can we talk about this art for a second? Tinfoil hat conspiracy theory time: I think Nissa and Ajani were supposed to die in March of the Machines.
As it stands, the art is “people who are important to Chandra”, but it would make a lot of sense if it was originally supposed to be “people Chandra has lost”.
But that’s just a theory. A GAME theory.
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xantchaslegacy · 2 years
Another funny outcome for March of the Machines would be it turns out a plane as small as Mirrodin can't actually mount an invasion force large enough to feasibly and sustainably attack that many planes at once while also dealing with an internal rebellion and the disparate forces on the other planes (After mopping up the porcelain legion and friends) just march back into Mirrodin along realmbreaker's branches to give Norn what for
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abzanascendancy · 1 year
So that new Nahiri story...
Okay, here me out:
• According to the wiki, the Immortal Sun is still intact -- inactive, but intact. • Nahiri has spent weeks stockpiling all the Phyrexian metal on her plane. • Tezzeret had isolated himself before the Invasion happened. • He's had years to know what makes Phyrexians work. All he's lacking is the raw materials. • He ought to know where the Immortal Sun is by deduction (on Ravnica, no doubt in the same vault as the Chain Veil).
So we have a Ravnica heist set, where planeswalkers & former-planeswalkers steal the Immortal Sun. Then, Tezzeret offers Nahiri a deal: a way to prevent planeswalkers from ever setting foot on her plane again. In return, he gets all that metal she's been stockpiling.
If she's so dead-set on isolating Zendikar and getting all this Phyrexian metal off her plane, it'd be a tempting offer...
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balteus · 1 year
considering miyazaki knows meme culture well enough to re-enact the guys excitedly pointing at something from a couch image i wonder how much he follows what the souls fandom does. like. is he aware most people think he has a foot fetish. is he playing into it (side eyeing morgott and rennala here)
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theworldgate · 11 months
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Guys, I think the Giant creatures from the (LCo)Ixalan story might be the Fomori.
Just a hunch.
(Source is the Planeswalker's Guide to LCI btw)
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berrywinkle · 2 years
Since we’re getting the official story in about two days, here are some things I want to happen in «March of the machine»
Basri Ket shows up (we know we’re getting stuff on Amonkhet, and he deserves to appear in a story)
New members get added to the Gatewatch, new oath cards. (My candidates are Garruk, Vivien, Basri, Elspeth, and Arlinn)
More compleated planeswalkers
Nahiri vs Sorin final showdown (please I’m begging)
Elspeth kills Elesh Norn
The compleated planeswalkers aren’t killed, but are pacified in some way. (Perhaps desparked and imprisoned until a potential cure can be made?)
Jace and Vraska get to be an evil power couple
Mirrodin is finally purified
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magicwithclass · 1 month
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beatsandskies · 3 months
Boxing up “Beyond the Box” reader’s comments on the Scars Block intros.
You can find Part 1 (old frame theme decks) here, and Part 2 (new frame theme decks) here. There may be a fourth part covering the small intro packs and duel decks: we’ll see. As mentioned before in those two links, Beyond the Box was a regular precon focused column written by Jay from Ertai’s Lament. I have used some of the comments on this articles in my “Compendium” posts, for instance for…
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leafdrake-haven · 2 years
So do we think they’ll do planeswalker buddy-ups like they’re doing with legendary creatures? They did it once already with Will and Rowan, so there’s precedent.
I was trying to think of who would make sense and be cool and my first thought was honestly @bace-jeleren getting an official esper KaiWan card!
Tyvar and Kaito were also bro-ing out in the last set a lot, that could be a fun sultai card, but idk if they mesh mechanically. Or compleated Vraska/Jace card?
Just an idea to ponder 🤔
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What do you suppose the difference between Phyrexian brains and ichor is, since they both have mnemonic/cognitive purposes?
I have a few crackpot spec bio theories, including that the brain is a primary storage for sensory information and ichor flows through it to pick up memory, and that Phyrexian cognition is in general much more diffuse than humanoids since neural activity happens all throughout the bloodstream.
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mtg-cards-hourly · 9 months
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Mystic Speculation
Artist: Trevor Hairsine TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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