#mtb saddle
andrewtays · 2 years
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НЕ МНОГО УСТАВШЕЕ СЕДЛО PROLOGO #китайвелик #алиэкспресс #велоседло #prologo #aliexpress #велосипедное седло #седло #провереновременем #bicyclesaddle #saddle #mtb #bicycle https://www.instagram.com/p/CmXHd_RsXqa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ywpd-translations · 8 months
Ride 760: Kiji, flying
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Pag 1
The MTB Emperor is taking part in the road racing Inter High!!
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Pag 2
1: As expected!!
2: The groups from Kyushu, like Fukuoka or Kumamoto are in quiet places close to the course and the main office
3: and close to the water supplies too!!
4: Well, they're from here after all
5: On the other hand, we're towards the end where there's so much noise
6: And above everything, they clearly.... forgot
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Pag 3
1: only our tent and they added it in a hurry, fou!!
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Pag 4
1: Hmm, that could be
Is it because it's our debut? That's discrimination!!
2: It's handwritten!!
And it's even spelled wrong!!
3: In this kind of situations, you can't do anything even if you get so worked up about it, Ichifuji-kun
Isn't it enough that we have a roof?
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Pag 5
2: Should I fix that writing with magic later?
3: Sonomoto-san!!
4: The place is a problem too!!
We're close to where they're holding the bicycles exhibition, so there's a lot of people passing by and they can see us since we have no tent
5: And when we're changing clothes? We use the bath towel like this, that's what they do on elementary schools' pools!! Fou!!
6: During MTB races you either do it in a car or in the wild
It's not like the management just conveniently forgot about us, either
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Pag 6
1: But the truth is that we're being treated unequally....?
What about you, Kaida!? What do you think!?
Should we go tho the management tent and say a word to them now? Fou!!
3: I've never got any results in MTB and never participated in the Inter High, so for me it's sufficient enough that I'm able to participate in the road racing Inter High
4: Stuff like the tent aren't important
Ugh.....!! You're kidding, I have zero supporters in this situation!!
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Pag 7
1: And isn't it nice to have good ventilation?
2: And also... if you have to say something to the management
Don't you think it would be more persuasive
3: if we first ran in the race
4: and brought results?
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Pag 8
1: If we brought results.....!!
2: Fou!! (Yessir)
Now, if you're ready
3: Should we all go for a trial run?
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Pag 9
2: Excuse me! This is a pedestrians crossing!
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Pag 10
4: Hello
Are you maybe? A kid from here?
5: do you stand on the bike like that?
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Pag 11
1: Are you interested in bikes?
Even though your feet aren't connected to the ground, you're still in one place
2: Do you want to try?
4: I guess you won't be able to do it right away, but this is the theory
5: Bikes have a center
I'm standing there
6: A center?
7: It's different depending on the model, but a little before the saddle there's the center point of the bike
8: The technique is that you feel for it, find your balance, and then you find your stability if you properly position your body
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Pag 12
1: It's called “standing”
2: Furthermore, if you can put your center of gravity firmly there
4: you can also let go of your hands while standing still, yon
5: Amazing, amazing..!!
6: Yes yes, that's right, Kiji-san is amazing
Why does this guy looks so self-important
7: What's the heaviest thing on a bike?
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Pag 13
1: Uh... uhm... the helmet?
3: It's your body
4: When riding a bike, the most important thing is to be conscious of where we put this “body”*, yon
Ah, when you're holding a bucket, if you're holding it with one hand you stagger, right?
(*NdT.: written as “heavy object”)
5: It's the same thing
6: “Weight” is power, yon
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Pag 14
1: When you stop thinking “that's obvious”, “I know that”
2: That's when it's over for you
3: Discovery lies in common sense
4: The essential thing when handling a bike.... remember
5: is the “load” and the “unloading” to get ahead of it!!
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Pag 15
1: Maybe it's faster if I show you?
2: Ah, that's good
Look at that fence
3: The movement of the “load”, and the “unloading”... and....
Use the same method as when you jump to take a picture at the beach
5: I'll jump over that fence!!
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Pag 16
1: No, isn't it better to stop!? Onii-chan!!
2: You'll run into it!!
Just look, boy
3: Hayaaaa
That guy
4: is a guy who jumps over common sense!!
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Pag 17
2: Don't miss all the multiple techniques he uses in an instant!!
He looks so self-important
3: First, he moves his body back and so he unload the weight from the front wheel
6: “Unloading”!!
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Pag 18
1: He's really going to cras-
He's not!!
2: Then, he lowers his body's center of gravity for a moment
3: Then he stretches!!
And pulls the frame!!
5: He's not high enough!!
This is the moment when you jump when taking pictures!!
6: Pull up
7: your knees
The technique of skillfully using your “load” to jump over obstacles
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Pag 19
1: is called “bunny hop”!!
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Pag 20
1: There are people who have mastered the technique and can do it, but it's at most 30cm.... but Kiji-san
2: can jump 80cm!!
3: Who's that guy!
Did you see that just now
4: He jumped that fence with a road racer
His bike floated!?
The fence!?
5: I've never seen something like that
The jerseys' of the guys who are with him say “Gunma”....!!
6: It was ama.... amazing....
That.... if I practice... will I be able to do it too one day?
Of course
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Pag 21
1: If you fall a lot, and skin your knees a lot, and eat a lot....
2: Okay?
3: Well now, since we're participating in the Inter High, come see us!!
4: I'll cheer for you...!!
Thank you!
5: The cyclists will soon gather at the starting line!!
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ibja-blog · 4 days
the box of regular dip shit human animals just got way giant. These AI fucked device walking zombie with no life other than looking at it while I'm mashing through on Pkripper 26. I've literally been on BMX and MTB for 20yrs and road Europe with road bike and train's for 6rs. From 1973 through 1980 delivery 360 days on Schwinn paperboy bike. That's 55yrs in saddle hauling ass. 1 st time ever hitting a dip shit human looking at device and steps in way. WTF San Diego
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tracksterman · 10 months
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With a week's worth of rain and melting snow draining off t'moors, I didn't even consider an off-road ride this morning. But it highlights that, if it's going to be one of 'those' winters, I might need to consider ditching the 'two bike' policy and build up a third bike. The Lava Dome is firmly in commuter mode, not a great option for longer day rides, and I don't want to scrub the Scandal's tyres and drivetrain on largely tarmac based trips. So I've been taking advantage of Black Friday and the Chiggle fire sale to stock up on consumables: £125 saddles for £20, hydraulic brakes for £12, chainsets for less than the price of a chainring. I now have everything I need to build up a drop bar gravel-ish MTB that would fit the required niche perfectly...
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One windy August evening, in the city surrounded by hills, I sat alone in the dining area of a convenience store with my laptop. I wanted to write to please one: myself (courtesy of Kurt Vonnegut). It's been quite a while.
Where should I start? Maybe by noting that it's almost five years since I posted an entry here. This is to also check in that I'm still alive and still riding bikes. It's been a long way since that last social ride with KPXI.
Speaking of KPXI, I'm still a member of the group chat even though I no longer join their social rides. I've sold Xena, the Xtrada 6, 3 years ago. I'm riding Cervelo Caledonia as of late. Yes, a road bike.
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There's a word in Sundanese language: waas. Closest thing to that in English would probably bittersweet. It's the feeling I feel whenever I pause and have a look back to the first time I rode bikes, the time with Titi and then eventually Xena, my first MTBs, the instruments of adventure.
I feel a lot of waas whenever I read past entries in my journal, especially about the dreams of going on a big ride.
Because now I can write that dreams come true. They do, eventually.
It began with BUCC 300 in 2020, part of Audax Indonesia's series of BRM. It's a 300km ride with a time limit of 20 hours. When I heard that the start would be from Bandung, I wanted to sign up. I didn't care if I had to go with my mountain bike, I wanted that adventure. Covid hit and the event was postponed to August in the same year. By that time, V, having caught bike fever like everybody else, just purchased a steel Marin gravel bike. I rode my first 200km ride on that bike in preparation for BUCC. On the evening of August 15, 2020 - an evening like this one - at around 10 PM, I completed my first 300km ride in the elapsed time of 17.5 hours.
Most of the time, we think we know what we want. And there are times, upon getting what we think we want, we discover that it's not actually what we want all along, which could be hurtful. Fortunately, it's the opposite case for this wanting to go on big rides. I discover, time and time, that this is what I want. It's what I'm drawn into, ever since the beginning.
In the gap of five years between the last post and this one, I've completed big rides. I've had adventures. Epic, exciting adventures. In the process I learned how to fix a flat. I've overcome the fear of riding alone in the dark. I learned how to listen to the signals my body emits during rides. I've met people and made friends. I led women-only rides, like how I used to dream about when I started cycling. I won races. All the while, I got to discover many beautiful places. I saw the caldera in Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. A wild owl gliding into the night in Ambarawa. A shooting star while I passed through Sancang Nature Reserve. I got to high places like Dieng, Tawangmangu, Ijen. I saw million different shapes of clouds and the striking colors of the sky during sunrise and sunset. I was out riding under the scorching Flores sun. I came down from Cemorosewu around midnight when it was 4 degrees Celcius. Many times I cried tears of joy and sorrow. Once, I was attacked by a stranger. Most of the time, I received help from strangers. Not to mention many other mundane, beautiful moments I got to experience while I was on the saddle.
It's hard to look back at that and not feel immense gratitude.
At the end of every big important ride, V is always keen to remind me that it's not the size of the ride that matters. She told me she's proud of me doing all this but she's not interested in numbers. It doesn't matter to her whether I win or lose. "It's how much these experiences transform you into a better person as a whole, not just as a cyclist," she said to me.
How much I hope that it's true.
And I guess that's what I'd like to let out for now.
Bandung, August 28, 2024, 19:36
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rewiredthethirdblog · 29 days
Seems everyone really doesnt like road bike saddles. They prefer mtb saddles which are meant for mtb and general comfort lol. But turns out they ideal for many people. So try not to buy a road bike saddle and dont buy a too wide one. Likely youll need a smaller or 130width one.
So short nose saddles are ideal and dont nessecarily need pressure relief channel (which can cause your whole arse etc to be numb from the cold in minutes).
Bro i could right a book on why every saddle is dogshit now. Stay the fuck away from long and too wide saddles they dont appear to be designed as well imo?. And get arches in your shoes. Never ride a bike without arches in your shoes basically otherwise youll get 50% more soft tissue pain on your genitals. Fook.
Edit: pressure channel is nessecary apparently. But i just want a lil one? Like ugh..
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insportsday · 1 month
26er Carbon Hardtail Fat Bike SN02
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Fat bikes are awesome. If anyone says to you that they aren’t you need to remove that person from your life. Jumping on a fat bike and going for a ride will make your day better regardless of what has happened. Fat bikes just want you to get out and enjoy riding. They also make everyone around you happy and isn’t that something we all want at the end of that day?
The other thing people will inform you is that fat bikes are heavy. You’ll then want to show them our fat bikes. As we use Toray carbon fiber to construct the frame, fork, and wheels from our fat bikes are light. You’ll have no issue getting our fat bikes up hills, and thanks to the legendary fat bike grip you’ll get them up hills that other bikes will falter trying to get up. Yeah, fat bikes are great to go climbing on.
Our fat bikes are also only available as full suspension bikes. That means there is no terrain that you can’t cross on our fat bikes. You’ll sail across snow, bogs, swamps, and sand, following this you’ll be able to sail down drops and through rock gardens with ease. Nothing will be able to get in your path. You’ll literally just roll over any obstacles that get in your way.
Come and try our fat bike and before you know it all your other bikes will be sitting in the garage gathering dust as you realize how much fun 4” of rubber can be.
Model: 26er Sn02 Carbon Hartail Fat Bike Frame
Material: Carbon Fiber Toray T700
Size: 17/19 Inch
Bb: Bsa (100mm)
Rear Spacing: 12x197mm
Fork: Carbon Fork 15x150mm
Groupset: Sram Nx Eagle 12s
Brakes: Db Lvl Blk L/F Dir 900
Db Lvl Sj Blk R/R Dir 1900
Trigger Shifter:Sl Nx Eagle Trigger
Rear Derailleur: Rd Nx Eagle 12s
Chain: Nx Eagle 126li Pwr.Lck 12s Slvr
Cassette: Pg1230 Eagle 11-50t
Disc Rotors: 160mm ( Front And Rear )
Crankset: Ican Oem Cnc 32t, 170mm Arm Length
Bb Wide: 100mm Bsa
Front Hub: 150mm, Powerway Hub M74, 15x150mm , 32 Hole
Rear Hub: 197mm, Powerway Hub M74, 12x197mm, 32 Hole
Spokes: Cn
Rims: Carbon, 90mm Wide, 20mm Deep, Clincher Tubeless Ready, Ud Matt
Tires: Maxxis Minion Fbr 26*4.0 Inch, 20psi
Please Note The Biggest Tires Of The 17-Inch Size Is Maxxis 26*4.0 Inch, 19-
Inch Size Is Maxxis 26*4.8 Inch
Headset: Integrated, Sealed Bearings, H373
Stem: St35 35mm Diameter, 50mm Legth Black Matt Alloy
Handlebar: Mtb Riser Handlebar Hb35, 780mm*35mm
Seat Post: Full Carbon Sp01 31.6 * 350/400mm
Seat Post Clamp: Carbon 34.9mm, Csc01-Sl
Saddle: Sd10 Saddle
Spacer: Carbon, Ud Matt, Sc002
Handlebar Grip: Sram Grip
Complete Bike Weight:13.7kg ( Pedal Not Included )
Shop Now:
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benefits1986 · 2 months
upgraditis izzitttzzzz
Beep, beep. Sabi ng wonky B. LELS. LULS.
After a round of errands forda death and taxes, eto na po. 'Yung hamunan namin ng tatay kong pakitong-kitong umabot na sa rurok sa ngalan ni Vici. Taccaaaaaaaa. Ganito, 'di talaga ako fan ng upgrades kasi honestly, bobo ako sa lahat ng mekanikal at teknikal na aspeto ng biking. Gusto ko lang talaga siya kasi nakaka-good vibes with gigil 'pag trip ko kahit saan, kahit kailan. Tapos, wala pa akong screentime 'pag nagpe-pedal syempre with hefty tabing-daan pitixxxx from the hip, so solb na solb. Boogsh.
Syempre, tatay kong mukhang road bike and MTB, lagi'ti lagi talagang wagas ang bashing sa inyong noona. 'Di siya pumapalya. Sabi ko naman, wala kasi akong pake sa mga kaganapang pandagal ng bikes forda big boys and big biatches. Kung gusto niya 'yun, e 'di go. Pero, the moment na attack mode siya sa gusto ko na 'di ko naman siya inaano, ibang usapan na 'yan. Tabi. Giba.
Alam ko naman kasi 'yung kabobohan ng foldies kahit 'di ako teknikal or mekanikal being. However, si MatchaME siya na bike ko hanggang sa dulo ng mundo. Period. Forda travel and for Vici. Syempre, lalo na punggok ako kaya need ko talaga 'yung bagay sa kapunggukan ko. Bakit B? Gusto ko kasi 'yung itchura niya. And forda record, wala naman akong alam noon hanggang ngayon sa uniberso ng B. Para lang akong ngawngaw kasi nga, gusto ko lang talaga siya. And so, iyak-iyak tayo sa mga upgrades.
By the way, si Dahon ko, legit na walang upgrades 'yan kasi sobrang hardworking niya. Walang arte. Walang vibe except sa color way na 'di ko rin naman ni-custom. Utilitarian points 100000000. Kaya 'di rin talaga about sa brand ang biking kaguluhan ko. Gusto ko na talaga ibenta 'yang si Dahon pero pigil-pigil dad ko kasi gift niya sa akin 'yan ages ago. Gago ko raw. Sabi ko naman na sa dami ng pinagdaanan namin ni Dahon, it's time to move forward without looking back. EMS. Tampo levels ng tatay kong andropose 1000000000000 din. Ngayon, may panga-agit na siya kung saan, 'di umano, ako'y kaniyang sinasabayan 'pag nag-ride kami with my wonky B. TACCA.
Wala pa talaga kaming laspagan ride na pabebe pa rin nitong si MatchaME. Pero soon bilang the hills and the "Kunat I Kennat" shitshow roads are gonna be my hood all forda greater good. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Paano na ang aging and degenerating kasukasuan ko nito? Abangan.
So 'yun na nga, sa ngalan ng mga algo ng best app ever, tatay ko, nagforward ng mga links. Syempre, legit check mode tayo with init ng ulo na malala. Saktuhan, nadarang tayo na mala-gamu-gamo sa kandila ngayong Sabado. Honestly wala namang masyadong nabago except for some really essential stuff like a rack and a saddle. 'Yung tatay kong makulit at matigas ang ulo, ayaw niya tantanan 'yung stand dahil daw para sturdy 'pag nakasakay si Vici. Me: TACCAAA. Ayaw mong tumigil. Pero, sige. In love, it's better to be kind than to be right. AMEN. The gospel of the lerrddddddzzz tayo diyan kahit sobrang agit ko talaga. Para siyang batang bubwit na pilit mode 100000000000000000000000x.
'Yung rack kasi since overpacker ako saka may mga errands ako tulad ng grocery, pagkain ng mga aso, cleaning supplies at iba pa, sinsulit ko talaga bawat paglabas ko na rare 'pag nasa MNL. Sobrang congested lalo dito these days. Nakakahilo ang maraming tao. O baka andun lang talaga ako sa part na 'pag super daming tao, feeling ko mag-tag team ang avalanche at stampede.
Speaking of the saddle, pinagiisipan ko pa talaga kasi saks lang naman 'yung "stock" saddle ni MatchaME. 'Di siya ergonomic, pero 'di ba, nung bata naman ako, BMX na basic, oks naman na. 'Di rin naman ako nagre-race or whatever so WTH. Eto loko kong ama, sabi siya na raw bahala sa saddle. Kaya 'yung pikon ko kumulo ng malala. Hinamon na naman ako. So, ayun, lalong iyak tayo at wala ng hihinga hanggang sa September.
Makasarili rin talaga tatay ko kasi rason niya is dahil utos ako ng utos na ipasyal si Vici, dapat daw maganda upo niya. Kamot-ulo talaga ako kasi buti kung sa Kilometro ZERO niya dinadala si Vici. E hindi. JUSQ. Jeskelerddd.
Ang totoong rason kung bakit ayaw kong simulan 'tong upgrades is because, chenennnnnnnnnnnn. Curation is addiction. And mas malala kasi ako internal invalidation and validation ang core ko. Opak. May validation na tayo kahit paano. LULSSSS. Ang aga mo na naman. HUY. 'Di kasi ako talaga ma-compare sa iba. Basta dapat oks siya sa pake ko, 'yun. So ang ending, madalas weirdo which I don't give a fuck about. The quirk tworkkkkkssss in my shitshow book talaga since Day 0 e. Wala na akong magagawa doon kasi sobrang tagal ko siyang ni-try to tame and slay (as in patayin). =)))))))
Alsoooo, mejjjjjj malala na po dahil nag-scout na po tayo ng mga B shops sa location na ating liliparin at nakahanap ng "kitchen" kung saan the cooking is the highway to heaven and hell. Tacca. 'Di na yata tats ang souvenirs natin sa trips. Upgrades na munti na. Researching din more and more kung ano bang pros and cons ng pagbitbit natin kay MatchaME sa ibang lugar kasi mhie, 'di rin siya biro talaga. E trust issues ko malala to the point na mas oks ng may well-concealed 30kg akong backpack na ayoko rin i-check in or luggage na 30kg pero akala mo handcarry lang. HAHAHHAHAHA. But, this H2 onward is a test of gradually letting go of my legit trust issues. Maiba naman. Bike insurance, kasado na. Hahahahahaha. Para sure.
Ngayon, ang isa pang bigger topic e paano ba akong drips natin sa ngalan ng biking around the perimeter of that location I shall not name yet. Sa tamang panahon na. Akala mo naman posh location noh? Syempre, practice muna tayo bilang napaka-weak ng PHP sa lahat ng dako. Ang malala pa nito, may naiisip na akong next destination kung saan magaganda ang biking lanes and sceneries. EME. Revenge bike x travel na ba talaga us? WOOT. WOOT. UTUT.
Init ulo ko talaga sa tatay ko kasi niyaya ko siya sa trip kong parating. E sobrang pabebe na, pajeje pa. UGH. Kaya ekis siya though iniisip ko talaga na puwede siyang sumama kaso as a kuripot na naman siya dahil ni-compute niya magagastos 'pag sumama siya and of course, walang magpapakain ng mga doggo babes. HAHAHAHA. As an utusan, very consistent din talaga siya. Sinabi ko rin naman na puwedeng iwan mga doggos sa dog hotel. Aba. Paano raw if may mambully or may sakit 'yung mga kasamang dogs? Me: JUSQQQQQ. Talaga ba? Talagang-talaga lang a. Big brain moment na naman si ungas. LOL.
BTW, dad ko talaga saka ako parang tropa lang mag-hamunan. Ganun talaga kami since bata pa ako. May mga batok moments pa nga kami kung saan ganti ko sa kanya malutong na tampal saka pinunong-pinong kurot. So, ngayon siya na umaayaw. Masakit daw mga ganti ko. Tameme szn na niya now. Baka kasi tumatanda na rin.
Sabi ng tatay ko, mas nakakatakot daw ako sa nanay ko. Saka pati raw lakad at postura ng nanay ko, kuhang-kuha ko. LUH. 'Di puwede 'yun kasi Mother Dragon is super ugh in all levels. Hahahahaha. In fairness naman kasi sa dad ko now, nakukuha na siya sa irap at saka low voice. 'Di lagi, pero minsan I find it magical and insane. Hahahaha. Tapos sasabihin niya na susunod na lang daw siya sa sinasabi ko kesa mahagupit siya. LOL. Again, I'm not bragging about this kasi nga, nanay ko ang pinnacle of ka-terror-an sa household namin kahit dedsss na siya matagal.
Anyway, balik tayo sa errands and prepper mode sa mga avalanche and stampede in a few hours that will become days, dhzaiiii. 'Yung PL ko, worship songs na progressive na levels real quick. Napaka-unholy na naman natin ng Sabbath day, pero, sabi nga, grind it like it's hot. Ganern. Wala e. Upgraditis szn is officially on, kaya naman, eto na ang hindi trending, at hindi pinipilahang tambak ng labada. Taruuuuh!
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bestmountainbikes · 3 months
Why Choose MTB Bikes Over Regular Cycles for Challenging Trails?
Mountain biking is a popular sports activity that attracts most people’s interest. Unlike daily commutes, it offers a thrilling experience through adventurous trails, bushes, trees, jumps, and highs. It is essential to have a compatible, comfortable, and strong riding companion for mountain biking. This is because regular bikes are designed for smooth exploration through city streets, while mountain bikes are specifically designed to handle challenging trails, including mountainous regions. Keep reading to explore more about the mountain bike and its features specifically designed for challenging trails.
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Strong frame and body The special design of mountain bicycles meets the rigorous demands of trails with rocky paths, steep inclines, and unpredictable surfaces. Their study frames are made from durable materials like aluminium, carbon fibre, or steel to ensure a strong and flexible riding experience.
High-quality suspension system Shocks and surprises make up the thrilling experience of mountain biking. However, riders need to cope with these thrills efficiently. But how? The answer lies in their MTB bikes’ advanced suspension system, which absorbs shocks from rough surfaces and contributes to reducing strain on the rider’s body, ensuring a smooth landing. However, you may not find an advanced suspension system in regular bikes, so it is important to buy an MTB bike from Kross Bikes, equipped with a high-quality suspension system.
Enhanced grip and stability Challenging trails filled with loose dirt, gravel, and mud demand stability and enhanced grip from bicycles, which you may not find with regular options. To prevent slippage and ensure a secure ride over trails filled with challenges, MTB cycle come with wider and knobbier tires to ensure better traction and stability. Moreover, the enhanced traction helps with navigating sharp turns and steep descents with confidence.
Efficient braking system It is important to ensure safety on challenging trails, and the brakes of an MTB bike play a crucial role in this. Their powerful disc brakes provide superior stopping power even in wet and muddy conditions. However, regular bikes with rim brakes are less effective in such extreme conditions.
Other special features In addition to the above-mentioned features, some top-quality MTB bicycles come with special properties: • Upright riding positions • Wider handlebars • Cushioned saddles • Wide range of gears • Dropper posts • Tubeless tires • Protective chain guides
All these features contribute to the powerful performance of MTB bikes that you may not find with regular bikes. In a nutshell, exclusivity in the design of mountain vehicles makes a lot of difference in ensuring power, confidence, comfort, safety, and security on challenging trails. On the other hand, regular bikes, which specifically cater to daily commutes, lack the features of mountain biking vehicles. So, if you want a robust MTB cycle for your adventurous journey, reach out to Kross Bikes, one of the leading providers of cycles for all purposes throughout India.
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bbiking · 6 months
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как выставить седло изначально много зависит от размера рамы, угла наклона подседельной трубы и длинны шатунов
седло с большей длинной и педали с большей платформой позволяют немного сгладить неточности
Everything You Need To Know About MTB Saddle Position | GMBN Guide To Bike Setup - YouTube
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andrewtays · 2 years
Состояние седла Prologo за 1000 рублей после 3 лет
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ywpd-translations · 10 months
Ride 752: Preliminary battle!!
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Pag 1
1: A “mountain” we have to overcome
He meant winning this race!!
2: Manami-san against the big shot of Chiba, the two-times national champion, the “Mountain King”!!
3: Yeah, it's a preliminary inspection for the Inter High
4: So in Kyuushu, huh!!
So exciting
5: It wasn't Kyuushu but Chiba, but......
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Pag 2
1: This is the best possible “preliminary inspection”!!
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Pag 3
2: Onoda said “got it”.....!!
3: Crap, their concentration rose up!!
4: Manami-san plans on going to the Inter High after beating the strongest!!
5: They both got up from their saddles....
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Pag 4
1: And accelerated!!
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Pag 6
1: They ran away in an instant!!
2: Onoda!!
3: Onoda-san!!
4:Ahhh what's going on....
A race against a guy from Hakone Academy!? We ran into him by chance!? And in like two minutes!? Suddenly!?
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Pag 7
2: Manami-san!!
3: But....
Onoda-san and Manami-san's fated match-up....
4: I can see it so soon!!
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Pag 8
1: It's going to be super good!! We have to see it!!
Let's chase them, Danchiku!! Hahaha
5: What, why aren't you moving, Danchiku....
What's going on, Naruko-san, Imaizumi-san
Why aren't you chasing them!?
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Pag 9
1: No no, think about it, Kabu
Chasing those two on a mountain....
They're climbing seriously, right?
2: The two finalists on the mountain during the Inter High both last year and the year before
3: Guah!! I see
So we can't catch up!?
4: Even Danchiku!!
5: Well... then I guess we won't see it
Yeah, we'll hear the results later
6: You're always impulsive from the start. Think more, use your head
Nah, I'm a genius haha
What's 500+8?
Easy, it's 580!!
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Pag 10
1: “Teh”!?
No, wait- it's 508!!
You answered right away...
What, why are you looking at me with pity, it was just a simple slip of the tongue!
2: Huh?
I know a guy who says “teh”!?
3: From when I was in middle school....
4: I even talked about him earlier!?
5: No no no, it can't be
6: Calm down, I'm a cool guy
Let's assess Sohoku's strength now
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Pag 11
2: Shara....!?
3: If there's someone who can catch up to those two from here
5: Then that guy
6: In this year's Inter High's
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Pag 12
1: He would be the on e to win.... huh!?
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Pag 14
1: A mountain bike!?
2: What!?
3: A mountain bike.....!? Don't tell me that this guy is-
4: Waaaa!?
5: A bike fell
6: From the sky!!
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Pag 15
1: Yon
4: The mountain bike, a mechanical bike with suspension made precisely for the off-road!!
5: Let me ask you one thing, yon
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Pag 16
1: Who's this!?
This guy's huge!!
2: The guys running ahead
3: are Onoda-kun and his rival from Hakone Academy!?
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Pag 17
2: What's up with this guy's pressure!!
That's.... right.....
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Pag 18
1: Ryosei.....!? Gunma Ryosei....!!
2: Don't tell me you're-
3: Naruko, that guy-
4: A mountain bike!? What's with this guy's pressure!
This one really is a cool guy!!
5: I'll try to chase them, yon
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Pag 19
1: Chase them!? Hahaha
Now, with a mountain bike!?
6: That guy is
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Pag 20
1: The two-times champion of the MTB cross-country Inter High, Kiji Kyuui!!
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Pag 21
4: For real!?
4: I'll chase them, yon
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Pag 22
1: That's my impulse!!
2: That's the guy who right after founding the club and taking members in
3: won the prefectural qualifications with overwhelming power
And this year, as Gunma representative, will run
4: in the road racing Inter High!!
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tracksterman · 2 years
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Out for a pre-work spin on the Lava Dome this morning, following new (to me) lines on the map.
I initially took the Scandal out for it's maiden voyage....and, two minutes later, I was back. As I'd feared, even at maximum extension the 400mm seatpost I've stuck into this XL frame is too short. It's princess and the pea stuff, maybe 10mm, but that's intolerable. I've spent so much time on bikes that even a tiny difference in sizing immediately feels wrong.
So I've ordered a Gusset Lofty seatpost, which seems to be the only 450mm seatpost readily available. Unfortunately, the 30.9 diameter version I need is sold out, so it's 27.2 plus a shim. Also, it's a layback post rather than the inline posts I default to (I'm hoping the more forward position relative to the bottom bracket will compensate for that).
Interestingly, the reach on the Scandal with a 100mm stem felt about right, although again that might change as the saddle goes up and back. I suspect this is partly down to the big stack of spacers under the stem. I've always had these issues with frames due to my height. My set-up used to get some snide comments when I had a larger presence on internet MTB forums - usually made by chubby little chaps riding around with their saddles set too low...
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boneshakerbike · 8 months
Thursday Night MTB Ride
Larry’s latest update has us meeting at the junction of Marshall Canyon Road and HWY 10/12 at 6:00 pm for this week’s ride. Last time, we tackled Jumbo Saddle, reaching the peak of Woods Gulch before heading back down. The real thrill came afterwards at Rattlesnake Gardens, where we indulged in delicious soup, black bean quesadillas, and incredibly tasty cookies.
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rewiredthethirdblog · 1 month
Kona cinder one i believe got the bike gg. Only had to pay $300 including installation of different saddle and tires parts thanks to the manager and of course the lady who helped put it all together! Excellent value. Didnt check for derailer hanger which is good in case you crash the bike derailer hanger is designed to pop off and brake so the frame isnt binned in case of a crash. The hybrid used tyres i selected are perfect for the bike. I knew by the handling and comfort and directness that the bike was good for me but man so glad i swapped out the old mtb tires (which had small annoying vibrations) to new ones. Holy fuck it makes the frame come alive and so fkn comfy now the bike literally i had no clue would feel this comfy with hybrid tyres on it. The quick release front end got the bike in the car fr but i had to mess with it quite a bit at home to make sure i wasnt damsging the disc brakes when i out it back together.
Gonna look at rj bike guys vids for some things for tommorrow. What i figured out is you leave both ends unscrewed so clamping force isnt too hard and also then spin the wheel with bike upside down and listen make sure disc brake sound is continuously scraping the pad smoothly not every other spin. This is how you know its straight in line correctly. Also dothis with 3/4 clamp for ease you dont have to have full clamp. Now allthats left before riding is a clean round the seatpost etc and saddle screwing in more since it wasnt perfectly tight etc. The girl didnt perfectly tighten it just enough to work but the seat was squiggly left right a bit so ill have to figure out how to edit that tomoz. Or take out seatpost snd do it todsy lol cbf. Also found my head light thingy does it stack with bike helmet? Lol.
0 notes
iamrishikajain · 10 months
How To Find The Right MTB Bicycle?
Mountain biking is not just a sport; it’s a thrilling adventure that takes riders off the beaten path and into the heart of nature. To fully immerse yourself in this adrenaline-pumping experience, you need the right tool for the job: an MTB bicycle. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the essential factors to consider when finding the perfect mountain cycle, allowing you to conquer the trails with confidence and excitement.
Determine Your Riding Style
Before embarking on the journey to find your ideal MTB bicycle, it’s essential to define your riding style and preferences. Mountain biking encompasses various disciplines, each demanding a specific type of bike. Understanding your riding style will narrow down your options and ensure you get the most suitable mountain cycle.
Here are some common mountain biking styles:
Cross-Country (XC): If you enjoy long-distance rides and climbing steep hills, a cross-country MTB bicycle with a focus on efficiency and lightweight design is your best choice. Trail Riding: For versatile all-around performance on a mix of terrains, a trail MTB bicycle offers balanced capabilities for both ascents and descents. Enduro/All-Mountain: If you prefer aggressive descents and challenging technical trails, opt for an enduro or all-mountain bike known for its robust frame and suspension. Downhill: Downhill mountain cycles are built for speed and descending steep, rocky slopes with precision. These bikes have heavy-duty suspension and reinforced frames. Fat Biking: For tackling snow, sand, or soft terrains, fat bikes with oversized tires provide superior traction and stability.
Test Ride And Fit
Before finalizing your MTB bicycle purchase, it’s essential to test ride the bike to assess its fit and comfort. The right fit ensures you can maintain control and stability on the trails.
Here’s how to ensure a proper fit:
Stand-Over Height: The rider should be able to stand over the top tube with some clearance between the crotch and the frame. Reach to Handlebars: Check that the reach to the handlebars is comfortable, allowing you to grip them without overstretching. Saddle Height: Adjust the saddle height to achieve a slight bend in the knee when the foot is at the bottom of the pedal stroke.
Read More at (Original Source): jamztang.com
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