#mtas trudy
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teaforce-steph · 3 months ago
Hey Trudy, maybe don't wave that aro- WOAH HEY OK! 🙌
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antiloquist · 1 year ago
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floramisu · 3 months ago
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One of my pieces for the My Tarot at Sandrock collab! Trudy as The High Priestess.
You may wonder why Trudy. Well, if I'm being honest, it's been so long since I drew this one that I kind of forgot. So I went to look at the site I read when thinking who fit what card.
At first, she's not the obvious choice. You'd probably have considered Matilda (though we got her for another card!) but reading about the meaning of The High Priestess, both upright and reversed, how it focuses on intuition, wisdom, made me think a bit of Trudy's character development.
At first she seems to doubt herself, she's insecure, can she truly trust her intuition? After all, it seems to have failed her- people don't seem to trust her judgement, should she believe them? But as the game progresses, she becomes more sure of herself, and becomes a true leader, a guide for Sandrock.
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vani-candy · 10 months ago
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Hey everyone, its been a while! admittedly i got hit with a bit of burnout (or maybe it was simply "other series brainrot disguised as burnout"???) so i took a break for a while. burnout is no joke! take breaks when you feel the burnout! now im slowly coming out of the burnout, so i was able to complete this next chapter! ive been wanting to tackle this mission in swans treasure form for a while because of the utter contrast between Cooper and Fang, it was fun HAHAHAHA Hope yall enjoy! OH YEAH! one more thing:
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Today is Swan's Treasure's birthday!!! One year ago today i posted Cheery Picnic, and it exploded in ways i didnt expect! it really inspired me to keep going with this series and im glad i did. i feel like it's helped me improve as an artist and writer, if even a little bit! i didnt expect people to like Mitty much, but ive had a lot of people telling me they enjoy her character and feel for her, and it makes me so happy ; ; i want to thank everyone again for reading my little self-indulgent fancomic series! i truly appreciate it!!!!
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yesiplaygamez · 10 months ago
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poor fang....
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becasart · 6 months ago
Awwww 🥺🥺🥺 omgg Biani's parenting arc is beginning
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Omg nOOOOO COME BACK. She was just kidding about the workshop thing, he'll go to school 😭💔💔 With her, he'll be the sweetest boy ever- the perfect example of a model citizen.
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sandrockers · 1 year ago
Welp. It's been a while so Imma just post some MP sprites (imma post Young Logan again lol)
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are some of these a little cursed? maybe.
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also too bad I couldn't find B3 sprite in the data (at least it's in the Artbook) but his model was there.
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deagh · 11 days ago
Trudy and Hugo developed a close friendship after Trudy's husband Theo's death. Hugo lost his spouse early too, after all, so he knows what she's going through.
After a significant event in Sandrock, that friendship forever changes.
This is part of our Roads not Taken series, and fits in between chapters 12 and 13 of Can't Fight This Feeling.
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greyias · 11 months ago
No, Builder.
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I expect you to die.
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sanddusted-wisteria · 3 months ago
1/2: Burgess & Trudy
Also on AO3 | Index
A/N: Hi I'm back :> Happy new year! Decided to take a break between the holidays so I could unwind a bit and work on some other projects at my own pace. But I'm back on this again for the rest of the month (hopefully)!
This one also ended up being a little long, but I really liked the idea so I couldn't help but extend it a bit 🥺
The groan of the old wooden doors to the temple echoed through the hall, midday sunlight spilling into the room. Burgess looked up from his desk, almost about to make a note to oil the door’s hinges when he realized who had arrived.
“Mayor Trudy!” he said with a friendly smile. “Nice to see you!”
“Hello, Burgess,” Trudy replied, her smile not quite meeting her eyes. “Is the temple open right now? I…just need a moment of quiet, if that’s alright.”
“Of course! Take your time!”
The temple was almost never used outside of service days, with how small Sandrock’s congregation was. During the rest of the week, all the parishioners were far too busy with their work to stop by the temple. But it was always open to all, all day, every day, in case anyone needed solace with the Light.
Trudy simply nodded and headed further into the room, the floorboards creaking under feet. Burgess turned back to his desk. It’d be rude to butt in on people’s quiet moments. He just continued to take notes on his next few sermons. So much literature to pour through, so little time…
One finished sermon later, and Burgess looked up, back at Trudy sitting in the front row of the pews, silent and head bowed. He pursed his lips. She sure had been here for a while. Rarely had anyone lingered for so long when there wasn’t a service. Something big was definitely eating at her.
He got up from his seat and pushed in the chair as quietly as he could, and made his way over to where the mayor was.
“Mayor? Is everything alright? You’ve been here for a while now…”
Trudy’s eyes shot towards the approaching Burgess, breaking her out of her cloud of thoughts. “O-oh! Am…am I bothering you? So sorry if I am. I’ll be on my way soon.”
“No, no! It’s no problem! Stay as long as you need to! Just…” Burgess’s voice trailed off as he fished for the words. “…you look…troubled. Is there something I can help you with?”
Trudy’s brow wrinkled, straining her polite smile. “A-ah…you…you don’t need to trouble yourself with my troubles…”
“Rest assured, Ms. Mayor…” Burgess walked over to sit down on the pew beside her. “Part of my duty as minister is to help anyone with things on their mind! Well, you know. Troubling things. Everyone’s got something on their minds, heh heh!”
Trudy let out a quiet hum. “Well, as long as it’s not too much of a bother…” She fell silent, frowning at the floor a little to collect her thoughts. “It’s just…I’m so happy that things are finally looking up for Sandrock…! But at the same time…I still feel just as much pressure. Sometimes it feels like things haven’t gotten any easier…the problems have just changed a little.”
Burgess felt a familiar stir in his gut. He already knew what she was talking about.
Trudy sighed and continued, “I’m overjoyed with the new water pipeline being built, but also…now the entire Alliance is looking at us. After what happened with Duvos…everything being unearthed in the ruins around here…having to talk so much with the Council and the military…it’s just…”
“…Like all of a sudden, one day, everyone’s looking at you to say the right things, and you just totally blank…?”
Trudy’s eyes widened, her gaze snapping towards Burgess again. “Yes! That’s exactly it!”
Burgess nodded rapidly. “And…and…you’ve got a title that means you’re a big deal, b-but you don’t feel like it at all?”
“A-a-and sometimes you just wish that you could just go home and sleep all day or just take a two-week vacation on the other side of the world?!”
“Yes! Yes!!” Trudy let out a weak laugh. “Oh…I never thought I could put it into words…”
“And it doesn’t help when you get that feeling that you can’t tell anyone else…?” Burgess tried, not sure how far the similarities would run.
The smile on Trudy’s face softened into something more wistful. “Mm-hmm. Everyone is looking up to me as the mayor. I’m supposed to be the one who solves the city’s problems! But then…who can solve mine?”
Burgess had the faintest memories of Trudy’s succession to the office of mayor. It was a while ago, back when he first arrived in Sandrock, ready to serve the Light with their temple. He was still learning everyone’s names, but he quickly learned two in particular: Theo and Trudy. Theo, the old mayor, who suddenly vanished one day in a sandstorm, last seen out by the Shonash Canyon surveying the ruins. And Trudy, the small woman who was making a speech to the anxious townsfolk of Sandrock during her inauguration, smiling through the tears that she had not yet finished shedding for her lost husband, proclaiming promises of hope that she was trying desperately to hold onto.
The hall was silent as the two of them stewed in the same haze of memories, until Burgess mumbled, “Was it…hard becoming the mayor?”
Trudy’s shoulders slumped, as if suddenly weighed down by all the invisible load that she had carried on her shoulders for so many years. “It was,” she murmured. “It was so soon after Theo disappeared. We all needed a new mayor…but no one knew how to be one. So I had to learn on the fly…”
Burgess nodded solemnly. “I…I kinda feel the same way. About becoming minister, I mean. D-don’t get me wrong! I’m honored!! But…” He looked away. “Almost everyone else in the Church is gone now…and this happened all so suddenly… I still feel like I haven’t finished my training yet!”
“I know…” Trudy shrunk into herself. “The request from the Church really came out of nowhere…I’m sorry for pushing you into it so quickly, Burgess.”
“It…it’s…well. It’ll be okay. I-I’m getting better at it, I think! Just. Slowly.”
“And you’re doing wonderfully.” Trudy laid a gentle arm on his shoulder. “No one is expecting you to do any more than what’s your best.”
“Oh…” Burgess’s expression softened, before the spark in his eyes returned. “W-well then, same goes for you, Mayor Trudy! You’ve done so much for us already! And as long as you’re giving it your best shot, then you’ve got nothing to worry about!”
Trudy finally brightened a little for the first time since she had stepped into the temple. “I…I hope so!” She held out a hand. “So…let’s get out there, and keep doing our best?”
Burgess clasped her hand with both of his own, pumping a firm shake. “You bet!”
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soleiliana · 8 months ago
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The Protaginisms in Sandrock are real, goddamn 😳
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nagalias-mindscape · 1 year ago
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Okay, one? That's a hilarious way to fall asleep, Jasmine. Technically it's still 8 in the morning. No clue why we're having dinner this early.
However, Trudy. Darling. Don't let Pablo see those eye bags of yours. I know Sandrock is the cause of a lot of stress for you, but please, darling. Go get some decent sleep. We'll manage for a day or two without you.
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antiloquist · 10 months ago
The first desert mission:
Builder: you have my pickhammer.
Zeke: and my strength.
Mi-an: and my daggers!
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floramisu · 1 year ago
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Trudy from My Time at Sandrock! The mayoral portrait she deserves, because she's the best mayor mom!!!
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vani-candy · 1 year ago
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Hey everyone, it's been a while! Quite a while! January was quite difficult for my mental health and it left me with no energy to do much of anything, but i'm slowly coming out of it and getting right back at it with more chapters! This one has been drafted for a while but I decided to tackle it as it's shorter than the other ones I'm planning, plus it's an important bridge to what happens next. Here's to Trudy's first appearance in Swan's Treasure~
Thank you all for your patience with me this past month or so, I very much appreciate it!
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benjis-house-boat · 1 year ago
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The idea for Nix started as a Nixxi AU, and then she became her own person and (don't tell the other 3) prolly my fav. She's quite friendly to everyone in town and shows up in Sandrock ready to do her best for the people there.
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Nix, saved by Pen spending 0 time paying attention to his classmates as the mirror is better looking. Her panic quickly became astonishment followed by amusement, followed by worry. Why was a Duvos Knight here in Sandrock? Her confusion only grew when later she realized she knew the face on the wanted posters she'd been handed and told to hang up... he was the one who had refused to let her die. A bandit? No way.... What is happening in this town?!
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Lil break and enter to try and find some answers, to heck with the law
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And now Nix is the law. Her loyal steed is Sunni (Sue-knee) and is a very good horse <3 When Nix and the Corps chase Rambo and Justice insisted that Nix take one of the Corps horses, Sunni followed along behind. (Like actually in game, Sunni followed Nix as we chased the goat. Cracked me up.) Nix will never let anyone talk her into riding a horse that isn't Sunni again. She will fight Justice about it.
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Nix is a FERAL fighter. Scared the lights outta Justice the first time he saw her go full in, as noted in the character sheet, she is physically IMPOSSIBLE. Her swords are usually taller then she is and weigh half as much or more then she does, and she is very very good with them. Fighting is her top skill, and she's a chart topping builder. There was a rumor among Duvosians that Bloodbird was born with pure white hair, the red tint it now had was from being stained with blood so often. She prefers to avoid violence in Sandrock, as it brings up memories of her worst self, and only fights for the sake of the town (and to make a good showing at High Noon with Wifie but that's all in good sport. We came in #1.) She fought every invading Duvosian she could, and will do it again if they mess with her town.
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Our gals eloped in the middle of the Duvos chaos on the last day of Nix's first year in Sandrock. Nix: "I know I will have regret if I should fall in conflict before we are wed. And I want to start the new year as your wife, and you as mine! Please, marry me? Here and Now? Then no matter what is done, where I should end up, it will be written and remembered that I am forever yours and yours alone."
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School just opened in town, there's still adventure ahead for Nix. Including the adventure of parenthood!
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