#mt: last days of summer
aseaofyoongi · 2 years
just desserts | jjk
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jeon jungkook x reader (f)
genre: one night stand; neighbors; set in the summer cause i miss it dearly.
rating: mature audiences only (strictly 18+)
summary: jungkook is your next door neighbor who you have only crossed a few words with. however one hot summer day theres a city wide blackout and strangely enough, he shows up at your door w brownies. . and other delights.
warnings: crush culture; mentions of lack of confidence; masturbation (f.); foul language; naughty thoughts; penetrative sex; unprotected sex (wrap it up); dry humping; oral (m. receiving); praise; sub-ish jk!; jk has a huge dick;?brief mention of seokjin and joon; oc is very hørny for jk basically; those fucking gifs of jk w his long hair and glasses inspired this so thank you jeon jungkook; edited but excuse any mistakes please.
word count: 6,3 thousand words
posted: monday - january 30, 2023
A sixth floor walk up in the middle of the scorching month of July was certainly not fitting on your basis of an ideal home. But after your extensive apartment search always ended with high-priced, rodent infested corners New Yorkers often mistook for apartments, you were happy to shake on the deal for this studio apartment with Seokjin without having to break your piggy bank or burn a staggering hole in your pocket.
“When is the elevator going to be fixed, Seokjin,” you fanned yourself as beads of sweat adorned your white tank top.
“That’ll have to be when I finally win the lotto,” he guffawed from behind the plexiglass square standing between you and his office.
“Very funny,” you mumbled, beginning your journey up the stairs. He didn’t hear you though, instead his focus remained on whichever drama he played on the television.
Kim Seokjin, was the name of a superstar—or so he says. He claims to have attended the Juilliard School for about two years, with dreams of becoming the newest face of Hollywood and all of their high-priced productions. When Seokjin’s dad fell ill, he couldn’t keep up with the demands of keeping so many residence buildings open, he had to close more than half his buildings and just like that, financial strains created a hurdle the size of Mt. Everest in the life of Seokjin. He was left without his dreams, without his father and taking care of a building where the rent was too cheap to gain a profit, making just enough to cover the mortgage.
Normally, you weren’t so exposed to details of your landlord’s lives, but Seokjin was different. He was also your friend.
“I put water bottles around the halfway mark. The last thing I need is a lawsuit over a dead body,” he yelled up as you barely made it to floor two.
“How considerate. I’ll try not to die while you’re on the clock,” it was too hot to continue your journey up. . too hot to form coherent sentences. You just wanted to make it to your apartment and sit in front of the fan for the rest of the day.
“That’s all I’m saying,” you heard.
Once your foot met the landing on the third floor, your eyes desperately scanned for the promise of beverages Seokjin had informed you of, but the small table set-up on the other end of the hallway was completely empty. Leaving behind only the particles of dust and pure oxygen to inhale. Fuck—you actually felt like you were going to pass out. Just three more floors.
You wanted to yell down a snarky remark towards Seokjin but you figured that required too much energy you simply did not have.
Moving to New York was a decision you had made impulsively after feeling like you had overstayed your time in your parents house post-high school. You averted college at all costs because it just wasn’t for you. Lectures seemed like a bore and professors were individuals being paid to legally torture their students so you joyfully averted that nightmare all together. Your immediate option was to get a job, but after many places began getting closed down back home, you found yourself job hopping as a means for survival.
It was not convenient, so you boarded a train to the city that never sleeps in hopes of never looking back. . And you haven’t since setting foot here eleven months ago.
“Just one more floor,” you uttered to no one in particular but the patchy silver handrail and the chipped white walls.
Your apartment was now in your line of vision and the only thing standing between you and the black steel door were just ten sets of stairs. Walking into the building your body was glistening with a thin layer of sweat but now you were drenched, your top was sticking to your skin and the thick beads of dampness rolled down your body like the condensation on soft drinks from fast food places.
Heaving with exhaustion you took a seat on the very last step of the sixth floor, finally you made it but you just needed a minute, just a single minute to catch your breath. The fucking heat was unbearable; intolerable; irregular, you could have sworn the sun inched closer and closer to planet earth as the day progressed.
Initially, you hadn’t heard as much as the squeaky hinges on the door frame, you were too divulged in your suffering from the days heat. Not to mention, your eyes were closed and you were too focused in a state of cooling down before hiding behind the thin walls of your apartment.
“Are you ok?” His voice became trapped in the muggy air surrounding the two of you. The bass in his tone never ceased to make your knees turn to jello, to make your toes curl and to make the hairs on the back of your neck stand straight.
Was the heat not enough suffering for one day?
“Oh,” you cleared your throat, “I’m fine. It’s just the heat.”
“Yeah, it definitely feels like we were shipped straight to hell today.”
“I don’t know, I think hell might be cooler than this,” he chuckled lightly—you’re foolish stammer and poor excuse of words enlightened him. The sun was still beaming brightly but you swore you saw stars after he had serenaded you so sweetly with the sound of his infectious laugh.
“I think you might be right,” he locked his door and walked past you on the stairs, “have a good day neighbor.”
“You too, Jungkook,” you called after him as he began his way down the unfortunate set of stairs.
Sometimes, you felt as if you’d been blessed as the main lead in the plot of a cheesy rom com, but after today the idea was really cemented in your head. Ok, look. . Jungkook was your hot neighbor, like very hot, unearthly hot, like he was handcrafted by God himself, kind of hot. Furthermore, only you and him resided on the sixth floor, living in a pair of tiny apartments right beside one another. Although that was all you had gathered so far, besides his name, it was enough to fill your head with delusions and daydreams of the man your eyes loved to gawk at every chance you got.
You read him very well, like the everlasting pages of your favorite novel. His silky hair was long and inched over the nape of his neck, he wore specs that sat perfectly on the bridge of his nose accentuating his big doe eyes. Though his features seemed soft his aura was borderline the complete opposite—a silver hooped piercing sat in the right side of his rosette lips while tattoos peeked right out of the sleeves of the white button up he usually wore.
You closed the door to your apartment, removed your shoes and hung your keys on the flathead thumbtack pierced into the wall by the front door.
The apartment felt even more scorching than the bustling sidewalks. After opening all three of the windows you were bestowed to have between your room and the living room, you turned on your fan and walked into the bathroom to draw a much needed cool bath. Stripping off your sweaty clothes, you stepped into the tub. For a minute, you were immersed in the utter silence floating around you—all your ears detected was the distanced whirring fan all the way from your room.
Behind the back of your eyelids, the world was dark and your thoughts brought you back to your encounters with Jungkook on the stairs just moments ago. Your interactions with the boy were usually extended to a whispered, ‘hi’ or ‘hello,’ never as prolonged as it played out today.
In your thoughts, Jungkook strolled by day and night, as you embraced every look, every utterance, every single time he brushed his hair back using his slender fingers. He was the cultivation of your desires and the reason why your heart strummed against your chest a bit harder the days you saw him leaving around 12PM every afternoon.
It baffled you how he always managed to look fucking good every single day—even during the hottest days of the summer, while you looked like vile beast he managed to look so perfect.
. . So fucking perfect.
The faint tingles traveling through your body, caused your skin to form goosebumps. The pulsation of your clit is what really began driving you to clouded thoughts to imagine his hands against you. You imagined the pads of his fingers to be soft mimicking a delicate velvet fabric and while you crumbled under his touch, he would murmur the filthiest of words against your ear.
Those ministrations could be enough to have you coming hard—he wouldn’t even have to fuck you. Shit, even looking at him was enough.
Being away from all of the toys you safely stored in your nightstand, you grabbed the detachable shower head and adjusted the water pressure, prepped your feet up on the rim of the tub aiming it in between your legs in an inevitable attack against your clit.
Your head lulled back in sure bliss as you fed your carnal desires, the only thing missing was him.
“Fuck—” How you longed for him to have you in this position, so sensitive to his sinful doings; so aroused for him. It was like a hunger your fingers, toys and this stupid shower head could not satisfy.
The vibration of his name dripped from your lips like a chant and you felt that bubbling fervor form in the pit of your stomach. Spurts of pleasure rushed out of you so intensely you were overwhelmed by the explosions of fireworks as soon as your orgasm erupted.
When your breath had settled and you finally felt like you could stand, you opted for a quick shower, rushing to get into your pajamas and plopped down on your bed right in-front of the fan for a nap, having your dreams quickly invaded by him.
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Work sucked on Monday afternoons.
All you ever did was stare out of the ticket booth at the movie theater as the few customers who despised the weekend rush came in. Besides, there was rarely anything to occupy your mind with on slow nights like this. You had already sweeped and your co-worker, Namjoon was surveying the screening rooms for any shenanigans the younger crowds could possibly be rattling up.
You always left that up to him—he was the more intimidating one between the two of you anyway.
“Room 5 is a wreck,” Namjoon announced his entrance into the lobby, “I’m gonna go clean up.”
“Walkie me if you need help,” you tapped the walkie clipped onto your belt buckle and he nodded, grabbing the broom and a few rags.
Your stomach grew irritated as you continued golfing down copious amounts of candies but the truth was you were starving and had no time to eat breakfast this morning; let alone make something to bring to work to eat for lunch.
Namjoon was a film major. He was the spitting image of a cliche by the way—his parents wanted him to become a doctor but that wasn’t his passion so he ran away to the city and began trotting up the golden stairs to his dream. You wished you had even an ounce of his determination, he knew exactly where he wanted to go and how to get there while you still stood at the base of the mountain of your life. . unbeknownst on how to tackle it or which way it was to begin your way up to the summit.
There was nothing you had a passion for and quite frankly sometimes you were utterly clueless as to what your purpose was in life.
Had no dreams and no goals to strive towards; nothing extraordinary you expected to blossom in your future. There was nothing, nothing and more nothingness occupying the hours of your days.
“My child,” Seokjin walked in through the glass door, he looked like he'd been chilling in an oven.
“Seokjin,” you narrowed your eyes in his direction, “what are you doing here? I thought you never left the air conditioner in your office plus don’t you hate the movie theater?”
“You’re absolutely correct. The dimmed lighting here is horrid and I deserve better than that. .”
“Of course, you do.”
“But,” he leaned over the counter, “I saw your little neighbor boyfriend leaving the building today and I was fucking gagged.”
“Trust me, Seokjin. I know how good he fucking looks in that white button up. I’ve lived it.”
“No,” he squealed, “He had a black short sleeve shirt today and—”
“Spit it out, bitch.”
“He has a full fucking sleeve,” he squealed.
“No. Fucking. Way.” The pauses in between your words were not placed for dramatic effect—you were in fact attempting to paint a detailed mental image of that sinful man.
How unfair is it that he gets to walk around us mortals with our average looks while he exudes such grand flawlessness.
“Looks like someone owes me fifty bucks.”
The bet. . you had completely forgotten about that.
“I'll pass it over on Friday once I get paid.”
“I told you,” he began, “once a man gets one tattoo they’re usually covered in them.”
“Yea, but he has this soft look to him, you know?” you shrugged, “I thought he might have had a few. But a whole sleeve?”
“Jungkook is a walking juxtaposition.”
“I suppose he is.”
Seokjin sat on the counter emptying a handful of sweets into his palm, “what are you doing eating all of this candy anyway?”
“Uh,” your thoughts were still filtered towards Jungkook. You wanted to see him so bad, “I’m starving and just waiting on Namjoon to finish cleaning room five so I can go on my lunch break.”
“Namjoon as in the buff hottie with the deep voice?”
“I guess.”
“Room five?” You nodded.
“I’ll take one ticket for whatever the fuck you guys are showing right now.”
“Didn’t you say you hated it here?” You printed a ticket to. . you looked down, to the latest minion movie and ripped off the top half, “you complained about the lights or something.”
“Can you just give me a ticket? I need it to execute my master plan,” he rushed your actions in cutting the ticket you had printed, “besides you owe me for coming all the way down here with vital intel about your secret crush.”
“I owe you nothing. I’ll be paying half a hundred for that by the end of the week, remember?”
“Consider this,” he snatched the ticket from your grasp, holding it beside his toothy grin, “your down payment.”
Before you could form a further argument, Seokjin vanished from in front of you and sprinted down the main hallway to screening room five.
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The best thing about your job were the designated days off you had throughout the week. Tuesdays and Fridays were yours to enjoy and while today was Tuesday your schedule was still jam packed with an abundance of errands to complete come the early morning.
You had paid your utility bills, finished your laundry, cleaned your apartment and even set out poultry to defrost by the time you made it back home. It had been a very productive day.
Your last stop was the grocery store.
Oftentimes, you’d wander aimlessly, losing yourself in each aisle wondering about how the better half lives, how much better life would be if you didn’t have to keep incessant reminders of your weekly budgets stamped to the back of your head.
How much easier life would be if money wasn’t such a big determinant in the choices we were forced to make in our day to day lives.
Oh, how much easier life would be.
You only grabbed the essentials for the next couple of weeks including—rice, greens, fruits, water, milk, meat, and a variation of breakfast options.
Temptation roamed in the air as you headed out of the cereal aisle you were face to face with a bakery section where an unhealthy amount of baked goods were sprawled out—practically blaring out your name. All of the delicious delights made your mouth water and you couldn’t help but gravitate deeper and deeper, guided by the aroma of the sweet desserts.
“Neighbor?” It was his earthy voice, the same one you’d only heard vibrate among the walls of the tiny hallway of the sixth floor the two of you shared.
“Jungkook?” You looked up from the brownies and your eyes met his figure, in the same clothes you usually saw him leave his apartment. It was his work uniform, “You work here?”
“Is that judgment in your tone I hear?”
“N-no,” You stammered. Was he fucking with you? He had to be fucking with you. “Of course not. I would never judge—”
“I was just playing, neighbor.” Phew.
“I always come here. How come I haven’t seen you before?”
“I’m usually baking in the back. I was just coming out to set these down,” he held up the dozen cupcakes sitting inside the boxed packaging.
“You bake?” Hopefully, you sounded more stunned than judgemental because you were i. fact stunned.
“I’m an aspiring pastry chef. I go to culinary school,” Jungkook, your beautiful, doe eyed, tattooed, pierced neighbor was also a baker. Ok.
For some reason that made him so much more attractive.
“I would not have been able to guess that even if I tried,” You mentally kicked yourself at the lack of filter in your words. You weren’t trying to offend him and hopefully he does not take it as such.
He chuckled—that’s a good sign, “People tend to simulate that very reaction but you can certainly knock on my door if you’re ever craving something sweet. I promise they are amazing.”
Craving something sweet?
Your thoughts traveled back to the enticing thoughts you possessed a few days ago while you took a bath, the vivid image of the water pressure against your cunt and the pure desire to have him near made you dizzy. And now he was near, just a couple of feet away.
A wave of warmth traveled through your extremities, the pulse on your clit turned to an overbearing throb, you wanted to rub your thighs and alleviate the feeling. But you remembered where you were, in the middle of the grocery store and Jungkook still stood right before you. Nevertheless, you tried to ignore the wetness pooling between your legs; dampening your panties.
“I practically poured out all of the basic details of my boring life. I think you owe me at least something about you.”
“There’s not much to tell,” you shrugged, “but I work at the movie theater down the street if that piques your interest at all.”
“It does. I love movies.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you there before.”
“Well, if I’m honest I haven’t gone in a long time but that’s only because work and school keep me pretty busy.”
The lust streaming through your body doubled to make your heart beat with fondness and you grew endeared in the way Jungkook’s eyes lit up when he talked about his aspirations to become a baker.
“You’ll have a free ticket waiting for you whenever your schedule clears up.”
“Promise you’ll join me when I decide to go.” His words carved themselves into your brain like a permanent tattoo, just as those decorating his arm. The fluttering feeling in your abdomen heightened as a result of the dithers, without being aware of it, that is the effect Jungkook had on you.
“As long as it’s on a Tuesday or Friday.”
“I’ll see you around, Jungkook.”
“See you, neighbor.”
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Thursday was the worst day of the week so far.
Technically you were supposed to be at work, it was already 4:00PM, but instead you were still home. Even just sitting down in the muggy atmosphere of your in the miniscule space, you were doused, staining your clothes with sweat.
You were not willingly suffering at the lack of mercy the scorching weather subjected the city and everyone in it to, unfortunately the power had gone out. And while usually you had the luxury of a fan to cool down, today you had nothing.
Your windows and front door were left wide open in an attempt to cool down the place and still you felt as if you were sitting inside a fucking oven set to hightest temperature. There was no use.
“Neighbor.” Jungkook called out lightly knocking on the opened door.
Jungkook? Not Jungkook again when you looked like an absolute wreck.
“Hey Jungkook,” he stood at the door frame, a wide grin painted on his lips—he held a to-go box in his hands, “you can come in.”
“Do you want me to shut the door?”
“Sure,” you gave in, it’s not like it was actually doing anything. Besides, the last thing you needed was one of the crazy residents from the lower floors coming to bug you.
Jungkook took a seat next to you on the couch, he wore a sleeveless top exposing all of the ink embellishing his skin, every line, every curve, every word was so intricate and seemed so unique to him.
“I didn’t know you had these many tattoos,” a small fib was a price to pay to not seem like a weirdo, “did any of them hurt?”
“Some did,” he pointed at his tricep, “mainly these and a few others but I have a high pain tolerance.”
“Well, they’re beautiful,” you scanned his arm some more. It was truly like a mural embodying the beauty of art, “were you a singer?” you signaled at the microphone sitting on his forearm.
“I guess you could say that,” he adjusted himself on the couch, his nylon shorts rode up his thighs and you just hoped he wouldn’t notice the way your eyes glanced down constantly. Jungkook didn’t notice though, he was too busy averting eye contact and scratching the back of his head, “My highschool friends and I used to make music. We recorded a mixtape.”
“I need a link to this mixtape. . like now,” You laughed hysterically.
“Oh no, you don’t.”
“Ok, ok,” Again, another surprise from the man you thought you had all figured out—every single day he surprised you more and more, “were you like a vocalist or a rapper?”
“Vocals mostly. I did try rapping once though but I sucked so badly they scratched it off the track.”
“At least they were honest and didn't let you crash and burn in public.”
“You should’ve seen me though. I thought I was the shit.”
Jungkooks giggles were everlasting as he recounted the many times their parents grew exhausted of kicking them out of their garages for their disturbances in the making of their great musical legacy.. He filled the room with vibrance. The longer you sat in the presence of Jungkook the more you were exposed to the colors that made Jungkook, Jungkook. Of course, you were intrigued by the phosphorescent hues allowing them to inch you closer in his direction. Wanting him to spare no details in the adventure of his life.
“What’s that?” you pointed at the packaging box beside him on the arm rest.
“Brownies,” he handed you the box, “I saw you eyeing them when you were at the bakery but you didn’t buy any. So, I figured I would bring you some.”
In your mind, this was his way of saying he was thinking about you—that’s what you chose to believe anyway.
“You didn’t have to.”
“I wanted to. Besides, I wanna see what you think of my baking.” Jungkook’s eyes were bigger than usual behind his specs, he fidgeted with the hem of his shorts.
If only he knew, the actual taste of the brownies would hold no significance in your criticism. You would love them anyway simply because they came from him.
“How about we have one together?”
You nodded, “let’s go to my room. There’s two windows in there and I’m literally about to pass out from heat stroke out here.”
The two of you sat by each one of the windows, the box of his remaining six hand crafted sweet delicacies sat between the two of you on the nightstand.
“You ready?”
“1, 2,” the two of you held the chocolaty dessert up to your mouth, “3.”
Even after just one bite your taste buds were enamored.
“What do you think?”
“They’re amazing, Jungkook. You’re an amazing baker.”
“You can call me Kookie, you know.”
You nearly choked after taking another bite, hurdling into a coughing spiral, “that’s so fitting. Kookie the pastry chef.”
“Forget I said it,” he shook his head, laughing.
“Wait, no,” you loved the soft tint of pink dusting his cheeks, “that could be the name of your future shop.”
“Kookie’s Cookies.”
“Kookie’s Cookies,” you confirmed, “and I wanna be credited for the idea too.”
“Better yet, you’ll be my business partner.”
“That’s not a good idea. I’ll eat everything and you’ll just end up bankrupt,” your eyes were set on the congested sidewalks outside your window—everyone was out likely catching a break from their scorching apartments but here you were melting away all at the expense of being in Jungkook’s company just for a bit longer.
“I wouldn’t mind as long as you’re with me.”
Those eight words sent your mind into a spiral, head first into the rabbit hole of your fantasies. You couldn’t really make out if he truly meant what you thought he meant.
“Jungkook. .”
“I mean it.”
“Please don’t make me believe there could actually be something here,” Your voice was low and your thoughts were a scribbled mess. There was not a single coherency in your being at that point in time.
“I’m not lying,” your name tasted saccharine on his tinted lips—much like the brownie he had baked for you, “I like you.”
“Jungkook. .” was all you could muster.
“I’ve liked you from the moment you moved into the building.”
A single strike of thunder traveled down your spinal cord, you felt paralyzed in that moment and his sweet sweet words just continued looping inside the walls of your skull.
You were malfunctioning; shocked.
It’s astonishing how oblivious and just plain stupid human nature can make a person. For the past months, you had concealed the schoolgirl crush you developed on Jungkook and convinced yourself that there was absolutely no way in hell he could like you back.
Your insecurities had deceived you and now you sit here after so long with a thumping beat in your heart, giddy with excitement and lowkey wanting to slap yourself for not having noticed earlier.
“You like me?”
Obviously, he just fucking said that. He nodded.
“I like you, too.” You finally said out loud.
The temperature continued to rise in the small bedroom and between the two of you the heat became unbearable. With each passing second, you could feel the streamline trickles of your sweat cascading down your temples; your entire body matter of fact.
If eyes were the windows to the soul then Jungkook’s chocolate gaze was compelling.
And they were calling out for you so loudly.
“What happens now?” He pushed his glasses up to the bridge of his nose.
“Can I kiss you, Jungkook?”
You caught on to Jungkook’s mannerisms and body language rather quickly within the past hour. For example, he was pretty straight forward with his words yet whenever he spoke his fingers fidgeted with a random object as a distraction, this time it was the black beaded bracelet sitting on his wrist.
He nodded yet again.
Your heaven resided in the comfort of Jungkook’s thighs. You realized it the moment you straddled him. The rich smell of sandalwood was a scent unique to him, so earthy and rich. It was the only thing you ever wanted to smell for the remainder of your time on earth.
After raking your hands through his soft hair you tugged at it a bit, guiding his face up towards you.
“If you want anything from me. You’re gonna have to use your words, Jungkook.”
“You know what I want,” his eyes traced the corners of your lips down to the intricate details, “just kiss me, please.”
There are an abundance of perfect scenarios in life. For one there was the idyllic scene of snowfall on Christmas day; the legendary creamy combination of cookies and cream; then, there was the way your lips danced against Jungkooks, composing a choreography so intricate and beautiful only the two of you could execute it.
You were in a haze, entirely stupefied and addicted to his soft and warm lips. Then, his hands snaked around your waist as he guided you back and forth on his lap. His covered erection rubbed against your clothed slit in a pace so slow, it was agonizing yet delectable. Jungkook pulled away, continuing to lead your movements against him. Your mouth remained agape and you couldn’t help the sounds escaping your lips.
You wanted to pinch yourself, you’d only ever dreamt of this. Was this all a fabrication of your dreams? You hope it wasn’t, it felt so good.
“God, I’ve always wanted to have you like this.” His voice was husk and he spoke in between grunts.
If today was dictated as your last day on earth, you’d die being the happiest woman.
His warm breath fanned your sweaty neck. A tickle ran down your back but you focused on the knot forming at your abdomen.
“I’m so close.”
“Let go for me.”
His commands were sweet like candy and the utters of his guidance to have you crumble on his lap were all you needed to send you over the edge.
“You were so good for me, darling.”
“Call me that forever.” Your knees were sore, your voice was hoarse and you were sweltered from head to toe but you craved more, you grew wetter just imagining what else could arise from this encounter.
“Darling?” You nodded. “Jungkook?” He hummed lightly, opening his eyes and lifting his head from where it rested on the wall.
“Are you tired?”
“I just had a long day yesterday.”
“Can I help you unwind?” your lower lip now tucked under your teeth, “can I touch you?”
Your hands tucked under the hemline of his shorts and underwear. The way you illustrated Jungkook in your dreams was close to what you would imagine a modern Greek God to look like and you quickly realized that was the case when his shirt lifted revealing that he should be the one on display in museums instead of those silly little statues.
Your chin rested on his shoulder, while your hand moved up and down the length of his cock. You couldn’t see it, not yet. But he felt so big in your palm.
The hushed moans and curses leaving him fueled you to maintain at the same pace. Your lips found themselves leaving wet kisses on his already dampened neck.
“Please—please don’t stop,” He was a stuttering mess, his hand was gripping the window still so tightly his knuckles turned white. Hypnotized by arousal Jungkook began meeting your movements, enraptured by his desire for release.
“You’re not being a very good boy, Jungkook,” you whispered in his ear, “besides I thought you were tired.”
“I’ll—I’ll be so good I promise,” he continued fucking himself into your hand.
Jungkook whined as soon as you released his cock from your grip. Instead you tucked off the pesky fabrics covering his lower half, with his help of course, your theories were proven to be correct. Jungkook, your hot neighbor with piercings and tattoos also had a pussy destroyer in between his legs because of course he did.
“There’s only two rules baby.”
“What are the rules?”
“You have to keep your hands to yourself and no coming until I say so. You got it?”
“Yes, darling.”
Opening the last drawer on your night stand you pulled out one of your vibrators and held it up for him to see, “is it ok if we use this?”
You shoved it in your pocket for later.
Taking him into your mouth, you began swirling your tongue in circular motions around the head of his cock. His labored pants were hushed and almost inaudible, you would’ve missed them if the two of you weren’t in complete silence.
Licking up and down his shaft you focused on pressing your tongue on the tip, as your hands began working, pumping him where your mouth couldn’t reach. You bobbed your head up and down occasionally, allowing the head of his cock pop in and out of your mouth. Slurp noises began invading the atmosphere around the two of you along with his whimpers. Your pace was fast and there were traces of your saliva coating his length entirely.
“Fuck darling,” his hands were reaching to grasp anything in his path but instead he ended up knocking everything off your night stand. “Y-Your lips were made to be around my cock. You know that?”
Jungkook’s praises were treats for your ego and you made sure to devour them in their entirety. He was a pleasant mess; his hair stuck out in all directions while his lips were swollen and vibrant with a scarlet hue as he kept biting down on them harshly. His glasses were slightly fogged and there were traces of saliva sitting on the corner of his mouth. All you wanted was to continue seeing him lose himself at your mercy.
You reached into your pocket and turned on the palm sized stimulator—you placed it against his balls before hitting the on button, setting off its vibrations. His head fell back and his hips buckled forward, causing you to gag around the majority of cock.
“I’m gonna come,” he cried out.
If anyone would’ve told you having Jungkook’s dick in your mouth would be this heavenly, you would live on your knees in front of him forever. Pleasuring him at every hour of every day but today you had different plans and once again he let out frustrated whimpers as you removed your mouth from around him.
“No—no, darling you’re fucking killing me. I need to come now,” he sounded desperate, “It hurts so bad. I need to come.”
“Don’t worry baby. We’re getting right to that,” you placed a kiss on his forehead.
“Did you bring any condoms?”
He shook his head, “I wasn’t exactly expecting things to go down this route.”
“Are you. .?”
“I’m clean. Are you?”
“I am.”
There was a timid breeze coming in through the opened window, it was enough to cool you down just a bit, well as cool as you could be without a fan.
Bouncing on Jungkook’s dick was even better than having him in your mouth. Sure, you loved the way he became a stuttering mess with the teasing of your tongue but having him deep inside of you, you felt like you were in your own heaven. On a deserted island somewhere with nothing but the swift breeze coming from the palm trees and his touch on your skin.
“You take me so well,” he whispered in your ear but you were too busy consumed by your own pleasure. Hyper focused on the way his hands dug into your waist; the way he swiftly pushed his cock in and out of you.
The sounds of your skin slapping against his blared through the room, as well as your profanities and his words of praise just as before.
Your nails dug into his shoulder as you felt a build up of tension tightening in the pit of your stomach, causing you to arch your back. Seemingly, the way you clenched around Jungkook he seemed to have noticed you were extremely close.
“Come for me darling,” with each word he buried his dick deeper into you.
It was a blissful paradise painted on the back of your eyelids as Jungkook continued to mold your insides with his dick, he was careful but rammed into you with such force, your voice was strained and you couldn’t hold it any longer. You finally came as sights of the beeming sun behind your closed eyes blinded you entirely.
“Come inside of me,” you managed; even more sweaty than how you began, absolutely tired and completely out of breath.
He chanted strings of your name as finally filled you up.
“Please come over more often and bring all of your brownies with you,” you were pressed up against him as he hugged your waist, placing a soft kiss on your head.
“How about we begin by going to that movie tomorrow?” It was so funny to you how Jungkook had practically just split you in two and now he was back to being soft spoken.
“It’s a date.”
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It was now Friday, the power was finally back on around the city and Jungkook followed through on his plans to take you to the movies. The only problem was when you approached the theater you spotted your nosey landlord standing in line right beside Namjoon. “Before you say anything, Seokjin. Please just shut the fuck up.”
“You always think the worse of me,” he placed his hand on his chest, “all I was going to say is my Cupid’s bow is to thank for the two of you finally getting together.”
“In that case, thank you Seokjin,” Jungkook said.
“Don’t thank him.”
“Actually, please do. But the next time yall fuck in my building please keep it down. Just like the walls, the floors are also thin and the fifth floor did not appreciate your day of passion.”
“Seokjin, please go back to your own date,” you hissed, hoping no one else in line heard his little rant, “pretend we’re not here.”
Jungkook’s shame sat in his now red tinted cheeks, you peppered kisses on them to ease him.
“See, they can’t even keep their hands to themselves in public,” you heard Seokjin whisper.
This is going to be an interesting date.
a/n: this was pretty fun to write but supposed to be out on my birthday a couple days ago but i couldn’t meet the deadline sadly but please enjoy and disregard the smut scene if it’s bad. I tried lol my brain just wasn’t working 100%.
thanks for reading. comments, likes, reblogs and messages are always appreciated. let me know what you think ;)
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smoshyourheadin · 6 months
Sunshine and Soda Cans
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Part 1 - Fizzes
you’d joined smosh in summer last year, just after anthony’s return. you’d watched smosh with your brother as a kid, so getting this editing job was a dream come true. although you hadn't watched their stuff in years, you quickly adapted to the quick thinking environment.
you got the job from your roommate angela, who was a cast member. you guys are super close, so when she mentioned that they had an editing vacancy, you jumped at the opportunity to leave your job at a marketing company to go work woth her. living with angela proved useful, because after your first day, you asked her about spencer, and oh did she have stuff to tell you.
“hey hey, whats the deal with the uh, spencer guy at work?” you said to her at dinner.
“(Y/N) ITS THE FIRST DAY AND YOU ALREADY HAVE THE HOTS FOR SPENCER?? I MEAN I’D UNDERSTAND IF IT WAS SOMEONE LIKE-” she began shouting, laughing at your face as you blushed
“jelly i- please, just- okay yeah, he’s cute but i don't want to make a move, he’s basically my boss!”
“this is also true. okay so…” she begins to ramble to this spencer guy you, as you eat your spaghetti. he’s so totally your type, but would you make a move? you can't decide.
the days passed, and soon enough you’d been at smosh for a month now. angela, being angela, had one day let slip to amanda of your small crush on spencer
“(y/n)!! get your butt over here!” she beamed at you, so you obliged, because who wouldn't listen to amanda? she's 6 feet of pure love, you listen to everything she says
“a little birdie, who cant keep her mouth shut after two glasses of wine, told me that you like spencer?” she looks at you, a certain glint in her eye
“okay, maybe, JUST maybe, i have a teeny, tiny crush on him. BUT i don't think im going to make a move.” you looked into her eyes, feeling dejected, because you felt he would never like you back.
the events that ensued, you couldn't even keep up with. every day on set, amanda would rake you into a conversation she was having with spencer, or angela would ask you to go to his desk give him something off her. you weren't nescaserily complaining, but it was less than ideal, because you became a stuttering mess around him.
“hey spence, um- angela wanted me to give you this, i mean i dont know why she didnt bring it herself, its kind of lazy, she is, i mean- she isnt but she has me running around for her, but thats friendship right? i mean i’d make her do that, but not if-”
he gazes up into your eyes and gently places a hand on your arm, sending small jolts through your body.
“dude, it’s just me, relax!” he smiles at you, as you give him the mt dew kickstart angela sent you over to give him.
“tell angela thanks by the way!” he said, as you walked over to angela, who was trying not to break out into a big smirk
“oh spencer! angela is making me do things for her! oh woe is me! hold me incase i fall!” she placed the back of her palm to her forehead, dramatically falling into amanda’s arms
“hey! thats not what i sounded like! right? i didn't. right.” you said, becoming increasingly concerned if it was that obvious. courtney, erin d, and arasha walked over to you guys
“hey dudes,” courtney began “whats up with you guys?”
“oh, i bet theyre taking about how (y/n) is totally into spencer” arasha said, stifling a giggle.
you stood with your mouth slightly agape, gawking at her remark.
“is it really that obvious!?” you whined, slumping into a chair.
“i mean,” erin looked at you, as you tried folding into the air to disappear, “we’re the only ones who’ve noticed so far, but i don't think the boys have caught on! i think you're good”
“maybe minus josh,” courtney added, “i was sat with him and he asked me about why (y/n) was ‘oogling at spencer’ on that board af video. but he wont tell, he’s too nice”
a few days pass, and your crush on spencer had become slightly bigger. taking advantage of this, courtney decided to make you, angela, and spencer (the ‘golden trio’ as the fans called you) do an episode of who meme'd it.
“hello and welcome everyone to a brand spankin’ new episode of who memed it!” shayne began, earning a small round of applause from the crew.
“today, we have everyone’s favourite roommates and spencer!”
you were leant on angela’s shoulder, but perked up to smile at the camera
“hi guys!” angela grins at the camera, waving aggressively
“dude!” spencer yelled at shayne “why cant i be the favourite roommate!” he looked dejected
“spencer, we lived together and i have never slept worse, the only thing in our apartment was mt dew and granola bars!!”
“okay, you got me”
you look over at him and giggle, feeling your cheeks begin to warm up
as the rounds go on, angela is on 5 points, you’re on 4, and spencer is on 8.
“okay, next meme!” shayne boasts
the next thing on screen made everyone cackle.
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immediately, shayne starts giggling, and puts his fists against the wall, not being able to look at any of you. angela is crying with laughter, and even spencer is giggling. you just stare into the camera in shock.
through tears, shayne manages “oh my- all- alright who memed it, was it tommy, josh, was it courtney, or was it erin, our lovely producer”
you each place your guesses, and its revealed to be a secret shayne meme. you swear you could burn holes through him.
after wrap, you went off with angela giggling about some of the things, your mind still racing from being so close to spencer. for so long. it was cringey, yes, but you felt so exited when you were around him, you couldn't help it!
but little did anyone know, spencer was just as infatuated with you, and he was waiting for the day be mustered up the courage to ask you out
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woodlandwizard77 · 2 months
A Step by Step Guide to Losing Your D**k
I recently wrote a series of messages to my aunt talking about all the steps I need to do to get bottom surgery, a penile inversion vaginoplasty at Mt. Sinai, in the next year or two. Its a long list. And everytime I added something she had a sort of “wow thats rough” reaction, but to me its just the to do list. So I decided to write them all out.
Start transition DONE
Most insurance companies and surgeons require you to have socially transitioned and have done HRT for at least 1 year at the time of operation
For social transition, this was March of 2024
For HRT it will be January of 2025
Get a referral to a surgeon (I am here)
In my case, Mt. Sinai in Manhattan
My Doctor referred me, but Mt. Sinai takes self referrals
Start laser hair removal
Book a consultation (I am here)
Go to laser frequently enough to satisfy surgeon
Convince Mom and Dad to help out DONE
Get 2 letters
Social Worker (1)
PCP's Office
Social Worker (2)
Mt. Sinai
Get a gender affirmation loan through the local credit union
Work two weeks so I can take in pay stubs
Get a letter from anybody (probably my HRT prescriber
Meet with representative and either open a line of credit or take out a loan
Consultation with Mt. Sinai’s team
Wait 3-6 months (I’m here)
Bring letters
My insurance only requires 2, less than Mt. Sinai thinks insurance will need, and Mt. Sinai provides 1 of them. Meaning the other is through IHS Behavioral
Schedule Social Work pre surgical consult appt
Schedule Mental Health and Medical Clearance with Registrar
Go to NYC for 1-2 nights, maybe for each, hopefully just once
Maybe also for Social Work thing
Consult with Surgeon
Wait until I’ve worked about 12 months to get short term disability
Probably summer (ASAP) and when Mom has time off
Do logistics
Book an airbnb, hotel, etc for recovery
Starting a few days after OR date and lasting a little over a month
Within a 90 minute drive of Mt. Sinai
Rural enough that Mom is comfortable to help and can go home if someone else shows up
Probably New Jersey, maybe Hudson Valley
Has at least 1, preferably 2, separate bedrooms
Has 2 beds
Has ADA accessible entry
Has a kitchen
Has a full bath, preferably and a half
Has internet and preferably a TV
Lodging for Mom + Dad/care team while I’m in OR
Probably 5-7 days
Preferably with a 1-2 day buffer period before OR date (included in the 7 day estimate) so I can enjoy the city
Either within a short walk from Mt. Sinai or on the same subway line as Mt. Sinai
RW, 1, or ACE
Someone to help me get from recovery location to Mt. Sinai while not in NYC
Develop and get list of items needed for recovery
Gowns/loose clothing
Comfort food
Coordinate missing 8-9 weeks of work
Take care with who knows what before I leave
Inform HR, department manager, and work friends whats up
Get cleared for surgery and get an OR date
Probably a 6-12 month date from clearance
Get pre clearance testing through PCP or a lab in hometown
Go to NYC for that if need be
Week Before Surgery
No alcohol, no aspirin, NSAIDs, herbal supplements, or fish oil
Consult for other non aspirin blood thinners (which I am not on)
No alcohol for 3 weeks after as well
Tylenol/Acetaminophen is okay
Go downstate
See friends from NYC?
Bring Mom/Dad?
Do something fun in Manhattan
Get a COVID test
Take an anti-bacterial bath
Day before surgery
Breakfast before 9am
Last meal
Drink Golytely bowel solution around noon
Chemically induced diarrhea
Clear fluids only after golytely
(includes coffee, tea, water, broth, some juices)
Nothing goes in the stomach after midnight
Some medication okay with a sip of water
Get surgery (a penile inversion vaginoplasty)
1 to 1+½ days
I’ve heard of as long as three
3-5 day hospital stay
Mom and Dad probably stay in Manhattan then
Go to recovery location
Drive with seat reclined
Stay for 4 weeks, pretty much bedridden
Go to follow ups
Go home
Continue recovery for another 2-4 weeks at home
Follow up with PCP
Return to life
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lou-struck · 26 days
Room For Two?
Eijirou Kirishima x reader
~Love is all about sacrifice, you learn this on a hot summer's day when your alone time is lovingly interrupted.
Prompt: Hammock
~This is one of the requested prompts for my Summertime Fun Event. Feel free to check it out. 
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It is a picture-perfect afternoon in the height of summer. Although the sun is beating down, you are nestled comfortably in your beloved hammock in the shade, taking advantage of a glorious day off from work.
Your water bottle is nice and cold, and you have several good books tucked away in your tote bag. Needless to say, you are all ready to hunker down for the rest of the day. 
A slight summer breeze rustles the leaves of the two great trees you are tied to, sending the last of the season's blossoms fluttering harmlessly to the ground around you.
In complete bliss, you take a long sip of your water and turn the page.
'This is the life,' you think to yourself.
If only you had more days like this. Maybe you could actually complete your Goodreads challenge this year. Briefly, you wonder why you haven't been able to complete it these last two years when your work hours have been basically the same.
The thought harmlessly flutters away like a passing butterfly as you get engrossed in the novel you are reading, tearing through it with a hungry speed. 
"Hey there, beautiful. Whatcha doing?" a familiar deep voice calls, yanking your attention away from the scene and back to reality.
Oh, right, that's why…
Eijirou Kirishima, your sweet, chivalrous distraction and loving boyfriend stands above you. A big, loving smile on his face that you can't help but reciprocate. 
"Hi, Eiji," you grin, taking in his appearance; he has changed out of his hero costume and into some gray sweat shorts and a black Dynamite t-shirt. But you notice that his handsome face seems to have gotten quite an interesting tan line. "Looks like you got some sun today."
His bright red hair frames his now pink cheeks as he flashes you a shark-toothed grin. "No kidding, that face mask of mine is no joke," he brushes his crimson locks back to show you just how bad it is. You can see the pale outline of his chin where his black face guard sits, contrasting against his sun-slapped skin. 
Your eyes bug out of your head as your jaw drops with stunned amusement. Although you should at least pretend to be concerned, your urge to giggle overpowers your common sense. "Oh my god. Eiji. That's so bad."
"Could be worse," he shrugs, throwing his hands up and walking closer to your hammocked paradise. He runs his fingers along the taught strings that tether you to the trees and presses down on it lightly like he is testing its security. "You've got a nice little setup here Babe. Got room for one more?"
You blink… "On the Hammock?"
"Yeah, it looks cozy," he says, already kicking off his slides and trying to climb onto your little multicolored hammock. Although his quirk is not activated, his ridiculously hard muscles squeeze against you as he lowers his full weight on top of the hammock. 
On top of you…
The hammock rocks back and forth as you giggle and squirm under him. "Eiji, this hammock is small. There is no way we are both gonna fit."
"No way babe, you are not Titanicing me right now," he laughs, blowing you a raspberry. "There is more than enough room for us to have a serious cuddle session."
You are stunned into silence as you try to process him turning Titanic into a verb and pray that if the hammock snaps, you won't be flattened between the ground and Mt. Kirishima.
"This is nice, he hums, lying completely on top of you, although it is not at all cuddling weather.
"Is it?" you wheeze, feeling the spin of your hardcover book pressing into your gut. "I feel like I'm dying?"
He leans off of you slightly and looks at you caged under him. The flustered look on your cheeks brings a smirk to his lips as he presses an apologetic kiss to your sweaty temple. "Oh, Sorry. I guess I should be the one on the bottom." He flexes his bicep for show, "These muscles of mine make a better pillow than a weighted blanket.
"Please…" you rasp, your book still making it difficult for you to breathe.
"There we go," he murmurs, wedging himself between you and the bottom of the woven pattern beneath you until he ends up lying completely under you. Your limbs are pretzeled together cutely, and your book has fallen safely onto the dry grass with a thud. "All better?"
You look at his innocent expression and cannot bring yourself to roll off the hammock and create a new space bubble for yourself.  You relent and lay your head down on his chest and breathe in the subtle smell of his cologne. His arms wrap around you, and the whole odd situation feels awfully comforting. 
You close your eyes and think to yourself that although it's hot outside, maybe sharing a hammock with your favorite person isn't the worst thing in the world. 
"Much better."
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plumbaleena · 8 months
Spice Up Your Sim's Calendar with Custom Seasonal Activities!
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The Sims is boring AF right? Well, we have to always come up with creative ideas to make this game more interesting and THANKFULLY there are many mods to help us with that! However, you don't always have to have mods to make the game a little more fun, and here's one example of that! Calendar ideas!
🌼 S P R I N G
Calendar day ideas /
🌼 Egg hunt day / set up your calendar to have the cute little bouncy flower bunny come and celebrate while colorful eggs pop up around your home! Take spring pictures, dress in matching outfits and have a picnic outside!
T r a d i t i o n s / Egg hunt, flower bunny
🌼 Spring break / Take a week off with your family to go on a vacation, maybe to the beach, or even the woods for memories to last a lifetime.
T r a d i t i o n s / Go on a vacation or travel
🌼 Spring cleaning / Take time to clean your house, move some things around, get rid of things. Start fresh!
T r a d i t i o n s / Cleaning
🌼 Earth day / Plant some flowers, herbs or vegetables, tend to your garden, pick up trash and maybe go help someone else with their garden too.
T r a d i t i o n s / Gardening, cleaning
🌼 April fool's / Do mischief and silly things to other sims, maybe prank some toilets or buzz some hands, who knows maybe you'll find something about mischief that tickles your fancy.
T r a d i t i o n s / Mischief spirit
🌼 Mother's day / Have your littles make spring crafts for mom, help to make her breakfast, or serve up some tea or lemonade. Head over to her house for a visit if you're on your own and spend the day together maybe even go to the spa!
T r a d i t i o n s / Give flowers, give gifts, tell stories, thankful spirit
🌼 Spring fling/dance / Take your sims to a spring formal where you can dance the night away (preferably not the cowpoke) and dress in light pastels for sweet matching photos.
T r a d i t i o n s / Party spirit, art & music spirit
🌼 Flower festival / Head on over to a flower field, and give flowers to those you hold dear. Spend the day outside enjoying nature or putting a flower crown in your hair and soak in the sun while you take a stroll.
T r a d i t i o n s / Give flowers
🌼 Love/Valentine's day / Take your loved one on a date to a romantic spot you wouldn't normally go. Make sure to enjoy each other's company and no phones allowed! Slow dance under the moonlight, or steal a kiss under the stars. Don't have someone? Make it a gal/palentines day instead! Enjoy spending time with your favorite friends watching movies, having popcorn or even indulging in a pillow fight.
T r a d i t i o n s / Go on a date, [or if single, invite guests], romantic spirit, watch romantic tv
🌼 Daddy/Daughter dance / Take your little princess to a dance she'll never forget. Dress up in matching colors and treat her like she's the queen for the day! Take lots of pictures to forever remember that special day.
T r a d i t i o n s / Art & music spirit
🌴 S U M M E R
Calendar day ideas /
🌴 Father's day / Celebrate good old dad with some summer crafts, a bbq, and a hang out by the pool. Toss a football around, maybe kick back a few EAPA's and have a day to remember with your pops.
T r a d i t i o n s / Bar-B-Que, drinking, give gifts, tell stories, thankful spirit
🌴 Summer vacation / Take a week off with the family to the beach and celebrate the summer while the kids are out of school and enjoy times in the sand, swimming in the ocean, and even catching some fish!
T r a d i t i o n s / Go on a vacation or travel
🌴 Slip 'n Slide day / Take the fun of the sun outside and enjoy a day full of water! Head over to the water park in San Sequoia, or bring it home with a splash pad and water balloons. Spend all day in your bathing suit and maybe even...streak?
T r a d i t i o n s / Water fun, streak? ;)
🌴 Sulani/festival day / Find out when your local festivals are happening for Sulani and/or Mt. Komorebi and visit them on these days to celebrate the culture of the world. You won't want to miss the turtle hatching or festival of lights!
T r a d i t i o n s / Go on a vacation or travel, fireworks
🌴 Summer camp / Have your kids head off to "summer camp" where they can go somewhere off the lot for a week or two and enjoy what it feels like when they're in school! Create a camp for them to attend and bring them back into the house after a week or two, unless they're homesick. Then bring them back sooner.
T r a d i t i o n s / Go on a vacation or travel
🌴 Family camping trip / Head off to Granite Falls and enjoy camping with the family. Really rough it together and only bring tents, bug spray, and some food and water. See who lasts the longest without a comfy bed.
T r a d i t i o n s / Go on a vacation or travel
🌴 Simchella/Music fest / Enjoy Simchella for your sims to head to a music festival in Oasis Springs and have the time of their lives!
T r a d i t i o n s / Art & music spirit, drinking
🎃 F A L L
Calendar day ideas /
🎃 Neighborhood potluck / Throw a party and have your neighbors bring food to share for a neighborhood potluck. Share stories, drinks, and company as the leaves start to change for the season.
T r a d i t i o n s / Invite guests, tell stories, party spirit
🎃 Trick or treating / Bring your littles to a special trick or treat neighborhood where you can enjoy candy and perfect spots for pictures!
T r a d i t i o n s / Spooky spirit, trick or treat, wear costumes
🎃 Day of the dead / Make your departed loved one's favorite foods, dance to their favorite music, talk about them with family members and enjoy the memories you had with them. If you can go visit them, bring a candle or a small token to put at their resting place in remembrance.
T r a d i t i o n s / Remembrance
🎃 Family pumpkin carving / Invite family and friends over to sip cider and carve pumpkins! Set up stations and have a contest, and when they're all done display them at the front door for all of the welcome wagon to see.
T r a d i t i o n s / Invite guests, spooky spirit, sports tv
🎃 Visiting the pumpkin patch / A perfect place to go and take pictures, pick the perfect pumpkin, and enjoy the crisp weather is at a pumpkin patch! Visit the local pumpkin patch for all of this, and more.
T r a d i t i o n s / Go on a vacation or travel, thankful spirit
🎃 Bonfire night / Have a giant bonfire for all of your friends to celebrate the last of warm and longer nights. Enjoy drinks, roasting marshmallows and singing songs while reminiscing about how fast time goes by.
T r a d i t i o n s / Fire, tell stories, thankful spirit
❄️ W I N T E R
Calendar day ideas /
❄️ Welcoming Winter / This day is when there's the first snow! Head outside, build a snowman, make a snow angel, bake a warm pie, or stay inside and cozy up by the fire and read a book. Nothing is more special than welcoming winter.
T r a d i t i o n s / Baking, fire, festive spirit
❄️ Winter holiday / Take a vacation to Mt. Komorebi and enjoy the slopes where you can try skiing or snowboarding for the first time! If you're not feeling adventurous head over to the bathhouse and steam up in the sauna.
T r a d i t i o n s / Go on a vacation or travel, festive spirit
❄️ Winterfest Eve / Celebrate with the family the day before Winterfest. Have a special dinner, sing songs, maybe open a present or two, and have a great evening. Dress in red and green for beautiful pictures!
T r a d i t i o n s / Attend a holiday ceremony, festive lighting, festive spirit, give gifts, grand meal, invite guests, open presents
❄️ Present wrapping/buying / Take a day to go and buy gifts for your loved ones, and make sure you take the time to get something for each person as everyone is unique! Think about checking plopsy, or maybe your little one wants the latest gaming console!
T r a d i t i o n s / Festive spirit
❄️ Go see the giant tree and ice skate / Winterfest is never complete without visiting an ice skating rink or sipping on some hot cocoa while it snows. Take a day to go and see the beautiful Winterfest trees and ice skate to capture the true magic of the season.
T r a d i t i o n s / Festive spirit
❤️ Mods to enhance your calendar /
more holiday icons by littlemssam
random holiday traditions by littlemssam
custom holiday traditions by kiarasims
summer camp by adeepindigo
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sangoqueenkoko · 5 months
“Please tell me, this is not why you woke me up.”
Drabble prompt: page 1: #14 = “Please tell me, this is not why you woke me up.”
Warnings? A sad and tired Ayato :(
Contains a mention of Thoma, Ayaka, and Ayato of course!
701 words.
please note before reading🔻🔻
(i wrote this within two hours with neuvillette idle in the background, “MELUSINES-” shush! and i am really not a fan of this. so it may be rewritten at some point.)
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High summer in Inazuma cannot be pleasant for some. Most houses in the city would have the appropriate conditions for such weathers like this. From the small houses just outside the city, all the way to Tenshukaku. As well as the Kamisato Estate.
But the pros of the weather being like this is that it should be cooler in the evenings. Where the sun’s rays shine behind Mt. Yougou, peaking around into the Estates windows. It was warm, but not too warm. It gave the light breeze the lovely warm and fresh feel as the sky slowly gets darker. It was lovely.
Inside the Estate, usually full of the sounds of quiet conversations, quiet and tidy house cleaning, and the fluid yet neat sounds of a thin brush scribbling on some paper. Important paper.
And the person who writes on that important paper is your beloved husband, Kamisato Ayato. The Yashiro Commissioner. The two of you had been married for almost 4 years now. The best 4 years, actually.
Ayaka looked up at you like an older sibling, someone who she turned to when she didn’t or couldn’t want to talk to Ayato or Thoma about something. And of course, to Thoma, you were like another best friend.
No one on the streets of Inazuma could speak of Ayato’s name without thinking of you. And vice versa. Two peas in a pod.
Ahem. Anyway.
Today has been a particularly warm and busy day for the Commissioner, a couple of meetings he had to attend, a trip into the city, and as always, some papers to fill in. So he was pretty spent on energy. All he wanted to do was wind down and relax with his beloved spouse.
Even that wasn’t easy. Just when he was about to finish his last thing for the day, it being the paper work, he realised that he made a spelling mistake. Which was rare even for him. Seeing how well he does his work first time around, it’s odd to see him make such mistakes. This only upset him more. He had to redo that before he could do anything else.
Now he was testy, in general and while trying not to mess up again.
After reading so, so very closely to the first version of the paper, and peaking his concentration, his energy was drained more. And after what felt like an eternity, he was finally finished. Meaning that he could finally be with you.
He finished his bathroom and bedroom routine before going into your shared bedroom.
It felt like a ton had been taken off his shoulders as he realised that he could now relax.
“You feel tense, dearest” you said as he held your hand before kissing the back of it softly, “was today Okay?” You asked with a sweet smile. One that he always melted at the sight of.
He sighed before replying, “the usual.” You know what that meant. You knew it was busy and stressful. But you also knew that he knew how to separate his work life from his home life, therefore he would have time for home life.
But seeing as he had done most of his work today, he could have some time off tomorrow yo actually rest and recharge. And seeing how stressed yet tired he had been as of late. You had a plan for next morning.
You went to sleep that night ready to take action of the plan.
And Ayato went to sleep unaware.
Next morning, after informing Thoma and the rest of the Estate staff of your plan, you got into action. Your idea was to give him… a small spa day. A secluded one to keep away outside business that did not need to be near at all time like this.
“Ayatooo~” you said quietly as the warm sun rays came through the rooms window, “I have a day planned for you.”
He would open his eyes to see that you had your hair pulled back away from your face with a face mask on.
“I figured that you could use some… stress relief.”
To his ‘amusement,’
“please tell me, this is not why you woke me up.”
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whoops, it’s shit!
so sorry
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tfp-is-prime · 3 months
🔊 Calendar and Prime Day Event!
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Behold! More episodes for your summer festivities! Grab a cube of Energon, kick back in root mode, and enjoy the show. 😎 ~
S1E18: “Metal Attraction,” Tuesday, July 9, 2024
S1E19: “Rock Bottom,” Tuesday, July 16, 2024 S1E20: "Partners," Tuesday, July 23, 2024
(Next Episode: September 2024) Each episode will “go live” at 12:30pm PT / 1:30pm MT / 2:30pm CT / 3:30pm ET. DECEPTICONS, ATTACK! There will be a short hiatus between July 23rd and September 10th, but as always, this blog will still be active!
In other news, July 16-17 this year happens to be conveniently dubbed ✨"Prime Day"✨ by a certain corporation. We are not affiliated with them in any way...but we do love the idea of having an unofficial holiday to celebrate TFP and Optimus Prime! So, we looked at the day, and transformed it 😉
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Here's our lowkey event:
If you draw artwork, compose a moodboard, or edit a meme of Optimus Prime, we will select a random entry and pin that to the top of our blog through the hiatus!
RULES (any entries that do not correspond to the following rules will not be considered for the random drawing):
- Art / moodboard / meme must be SFW and Optimus-centric - AI generations are not valid for entry - Photography counts as art! If you have an Optimus toy / figure / plushie you want to show off with a fun background, now's the moment you've been waiting for. (Just make sure you don't doxx yourself in any way through your photos. Thanks!) - Any iteration of Optimus Prime is welcome! (It does not have to be TFP, but if you go with TFP and your creation isn't chosen to be pinned, there will be a chance your art might find our Friday Spotlight later!) - Remember that TFP-is-Prime is "real-time spoiler-free" for new viewers who are just finding the show now! That means that if your work includes aspects from episodes not yet on the blog, we won't be able to reblog it until that episode "releases" during the rerun. Please keep that in mind! (You can reference "Metal Attraction," "Rock Bottom," and "Partners," however, since those episodes will all be out before the Prime Day entry is pinned.) - If you want to draw an epic battle shot, keep the energon spill / robogore / etc. no crazier than canon-typical TFP violence.
- There is no "your art must be this good to pass" rule; just make it if you want to! Transformers are hard to draw but give it your best! All skill levels are welcome. - Tag your creation with #tfprimeday2024 so we can find your post! Only Tumblr entries will be considered (for reblogging purposes) but you're welcome to post what you make to other platforms! - Post your work during July 16-17! After the 17th, the event closes (so that we have time to draw a random number from all the entries before the hiatus). - We'll shoot you a ✅ in the replies once we see your post to let you know you've entered the drawing! (If for some reason we miss it and you don't see a ✅ by the 22nd, then you can @ this blog in the replies.) ~
Depending on how many entries we see during the two days, it might take some time for us to compile all of them for random selection. Thanks for your patience! If it so happens that a crazy number of participants swoops in, we might also split the entries into categories (drawings / moodboards / memes / etc.) and select one from each, granting each one time to shine on this blog. We're not sure how many people will participate, so stay tuned as we play by ear.
Again, this is a very lowkey event. Many fandom events occur in July, so we understand if this is a bit last minute. However, if this sounds like fun, and you wanna go for it, we'd love to see what you all make in celebration of (Optimus) Prime Day! Feel free to send us asks if you have any questions not answered here!
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lucystark12 · 2 months
songs that should be used in season 5 and why by lucy
1- smalltown boy by bronski beat
obvious first draft pick here. genius. it's so mike wheeler coded it makes me want to die. for this song, i'd either like to see it used in a very very dramatic physical fight scene with vecna ala running up that hill or playing very faintly in the background of an important scene like the fight at rink-o-mania. i think the song sounds just eerie enough that it could work in that context but the instrumental is just so badass fight scene coded.
2- operator by jim croce
hopper canonically listens to jim croce!! you don't mess around with jim!! this song has been loved by my family since decades before i was born. it's such a sad but beautiful song and really gives almost a lettergate situation of one side of byler trying to reach the other during the months they spend apart between season 3 and season 4 and if they did use it i would lose my shit.
3- alone by heart
people are theorizing in favor of this song being a part of the season 4 soundtrack and i mean it when i say that if i heard that opening piano of alone i would die. it would be the end of my life. i used to listen to this song on my ipod as an eight year old. it's always been one of my favorites. i don't really know how they would use it and i almost feel like the sound of it doesn't fit in with a lot of the other music in the show in regards to that 80s music sound, but i would die if they did.
4- africa by toto
AFRICA PLEASE COME BACK BABY I MISS YOU!! another song that's easily in my top ten favorite songs of all time, i think this would be such a cute callback to season 1 and would be the equivalent of hedwig dying as far as childhood-ending-events for me because it would just be such a beautiful full circle moment. i would scream.
5- summer of 69 by bryan adams
if we get to see anything taking place during summer (which, problematically, i kind of hope we don't) i need this playing on every radio in town. it just gives such it 2017 stranger things season three in a way that would break (and fill) my heart in such a beautiful way for the last stranger summer. i also think that if this was the song we decided to make viral from the new season's soundtrack that we'd all have a lot of fun.
6- take me home tonight by eddie money
i love the intro to this song like no other. it's tense and weird like the into to sunglasses at night which was used in season 1 in such a perfect way that also reminds me of the vibe of the show. a little tense and scary sounding, but at the heart (or chorus) of it a fun show about positive and beautiful characters.
7- heroes by david bowie
DUFFERS. MASTER OF PUPPETS AND NO CRAZY TRAIN? i fuck with crazy train like no other. i'm fully convinced that if i listened to that song on repeat for a few hours it would inspire the willpower in me to climb all of mt. everest in a day. it's such a perfect song for a show like this. i can picture nancy shooting something to crazy train in the background. somebody is frantically running around too. i think they should have just used this instead of master of puppets because the guitar in crazy train is way better (sorry not sorry) but it's never to late to right your wrongs, duffers!
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occultradio · 8 months
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Thank you for the tag @madfeary 💜
NAME: Trace Vogt (former last name Pina)
NICKNAME: Tay (given by groupies, hates it), Error (stage name), Sharky 💜
GENDER: all and none, masc presenting they/them.
STAR SIGN: unknown
ORIENTATION: gay but has slept with human female groupies as a 'means to an end' verrrry untrusting of human men. They like alien men
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: Sixamese, hybrid of a few sub types
FAVORITE SEASON: summer, they run cold so it's nice to finally be warm
FAVORITE SCENT: Viscera (not like literally, just their partner lol)
COFFEE, TEA, or HOT CHOCOLATE: Tea time with Vis
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: would sleep all day if allowed
DOGS or CATS: cats, they've brought home a few strays
DREAM TRIP: Mt Komorebi
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: all of them + weighted blanket, is frequently a burrito
RANDOM FACT: Their forehead eyes can only sense light/dark. Prefers being nocturnal because if its too bright they can get migraines
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teadreamsims · 4 months
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The sun was high in the sky. The summer breeze tickled and cooled Melissa and Diana's skin as they made their way to the chateua gardens.
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Melissa was nervous. Hell, she was more than nervous, she was sick with anxiety and the fear of rejection. However, in the space of just under a year she had grown to fall so deeply in love with Diana that she was convinced this kind of love was once in a lifetime. That any other love or romance would pale in comparison to what she and Diana had. And for that reason, she knew exactly what she needed to do and she finally had the confidence to do it.
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As Melissa got down on one knee, she dived into the speech that she'd prepared. She told Diana everything that she was feeling. The love that ran so deep that it coursed through every vein and artery. The adoration she felt for her beloved every single day. Her inability to ever picture a future without Diana or Elisha in her life. She knew at the core of her soul and who she was that Diana was the woman for her and that she wanted to build a life with her and Elisha and any other kids that they may adopt in the future. For Melissa, this was it and there would never be anyone after Diana because Diana and Elisha were all she needed. By the end of her speech, the two of them were crying as Diana said yes and jumped into her arms, elated and just as madly in love as Melissa was.
Thank you so much to everyone who followed this current household from start to end! Playing without the aim of a legacy or building up a family was just the reset I needed to get me excited for playing with a family and family oriented gameplay again. In my next queued post, you'll start getting introduced to my Growing Together family (I've already played up until my main sims have their first child, so there's plenty of screenshots to edit and posts to queue up!). For now, however, I'm going to give a couple of fun facts about Melissa and her gameplay!
So, when I first made Melissa I was greatly inspired by Oshin and Shiipty's current households over on YouTube! I wanted to make a sim I could play with casually but added in an aspiration I wanted to do that I've never completed before. And so, Melissa was born!
I also intended originally when I first started playing for Melissa to have a fling with Don Lothario! I wanted to create some drama around her having a failed relationship with him and throwing herself into all of her hobbies, but then I saw the way that Melissa and Diana were drawn to each other and how Melissa would cancel out of actions to talk to her and I realised what Melissa's story really was. Melissa's story wasn't destined to be one of a failed relationship with a man who treated her badly. She was instead destined to fall for the girl upstairs who was always happy to see her and supported her in all of her hobbies and skills.
This last fun fact is more about Diana than Melissa. When I first made Diana, it was with the intention of exploring the Snowy Escape pack and the extreme sports aspiration. I loved the idea of an athlete falling in love with Mt Komorebi and eventually moving there, but I ended up never playing that out. So, when I started looking through my old sims to move into the same building as Melissa I thought Diana would make a great addition and even become a best friend for Melissa. Little did I know that that would turn into a romance that genuinely had me welling up with emotion when Melissa proposed.
Thank you once again to everyone for all your support for this current household! Hopefully this won't be the last we see of Melissa, Diana, and Elisha. I'm thinking of playing with them in my own time and watching them grow up and then MAYBE using one of the kids to explore the romantic expansion we're getting. But yeah, this definitely won't be the last we see of these sims ❤️
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wolfsbane44 · 1 year
-- Rescue Me--
Summary: Bellamy x Reader. Bellamy rescues you from Mt Weather, knowing you need to get to Clarke. He loves you and will do anything to protect you, and make you happy...including taking you for the first time in the forest.
Warning: NSFW, 18+, Implied harm, implied entrapment and kidnapping, Scars, Mental health, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex, voyeurism, swearing.
I have never done anything with the Reader involved, so It may be a little rough around the edges (or really rough idk lol- but let me know where I can improve)
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You and Bellamy had been hiking for miles. With Mt Weather as far as you could put it at your back. So far the Grounders had left you in peace but you weren't sure they wanted to do with anything that came from the mountain. You needed to get to Clarke as fast as you could, but the last time you saw her she was not the same. Lexa dying had changed her, made her into something that no one wished to see. Wanheda had been unleashed, there was no stopping her, she wouldn't even listen to those of us who came down first.
Bel wanted us to stop to find some water and a place to sleep for the night. You were not objecting, especially when he found a small freshwater spring. It was the dead of summer and had to be at least a hundred degrees, and you hadn't seen a shower in lord knows how long. They kept you below. Using your blood and others like you to fix their people. You had been on the Ark with them all, but there was something different in your blood, they would take and take for tests and experiments. Not giving it to their citizens but to their soldiers. They had done this for months now. Scars riddling your arms and legs from the countless needles and restraints they kept you in. 
“Breathe sweetheart” Bel whispered. He could see the terror in your eyes as the memories flooded back into your head. He was the one who had saved you. Your knight in shining armor… if that even existed anymore. He had learned what they were doing to you but knew he couldn't take you out immediately. He had to have a plan, otherwise, he would end up in the cages with you. Every day he brought me fresh food and water. Risking being caught, but he never missed one day. You thought that was honesty the only thing that kept you sane. 
Stripping off your clothes and getting into the spring was agonizing. It wasn't blissful like people talk about after a “hard day's work” -whatever that was, you had only had a hard life, no breaks- there was no relaxing as you stepped in. The cold waters pierced your bones and your still-healing wounds ached. “Let me help you,” he said reaching his hand out to yours. He was already undressed. This was the first time you had seen all of him. But he had seen you like this every day. Shame washed over your face as you pulled away from him. He didn't push further.
Sinking into the water finally, you let yourself be scrubbed clean. You weren't arguing as you were so sore you could barely move. He let you float in the water as long as you needed, although he got out to wash our clothes. They were all you had other than an extra pair of socks and underwear, and the supplies in the bag that Bellamy had brought. Ration bars, canteens, and a knife. He started a fire in hopes that the smoke would keep the bugs away for the night but kept it small in fear of being spotted. Set his traps for small game praying we wouldn't have to eat rations. You got out and put on your clean underwear as you waited for your clothes to dry. It wouldn't be long with the wind blowing in over the valley.
Bellamy had offered to take the first watch but he never woke you up for yours. He knew you needed sleep, especially after watching you thrash all night- dreaming of lord knows what they did to you that you hadn't told him. It hurt him to see you like this, he knew there was nothing he could do to take this pain away. So he did the only thing he knew how to do, hide and protect you. He had done if for his sister on the Ark, and after falling head over heels for you he would do anything for you down here too. Sunrise came slowly. Bellamy heard a twig snap and immediately woke you up. 
With his hand pressed against your mouth, you woke up screaming. It brought back too much, pure panic rushed in your body. You met his stare, his eyes gleaming with nothing but protection and love for you. You knew he wasn't going to hurt you but he wanted you to be able to run if need be. Following him to do what he called a “Perimeter sweep” he discovered it was his trap that had been sprung. A fresh rabbit lay on the ground, still twitching as if its nerves still fighting for its life. Like you had been. 
Bellamy ended it swiftly for the poor creature but you couldn't watch. He let you go back and float in the spring again while he prepared the meat. The small fire was just enough to cook the rabbit. It had been at least a month since you even smelled cook meat, let alone tasted it. Your mouth watered. He cooked your portion first, bringing it to you and letting you enjoy those last few minutes before you had to start hiking again. 
If you were able to keep the pace you were at, you would be able to reach Arkadia by nightfall. Bellamy walked hand in hand with you even singing to you to make the time pass. To make you think of anything other than fear. Stopping for a break around midday, you saw sweat glistening off of him. Taking his shirt off to cool down you saw the muscles that lined his beautiful torso. He caught you enjoying yourself and taking him all in. 
Walking over to you he stooped down and placed a kiss on top of your head, then your nose, and finally your mouth. It wasn't long before his hands found their way into your shirt. Begging him to take it off, as you could see the fire in his eyes. He wanted you, all of you, right here and now. Your kiss hardened and turned passionate, tongues clashing he picked you up and set you on his lap, and you wrapped your legs and arms around him. 
You could feel his length hardening beneath you. The wetness pooling at your core. The ache in your stomach, longing for him to fill you up. He could sense it as he picked you up and laid you on your back in one swift but gentle motion. His body pushing against yours he only stopped to take off your pants. His eyes went straight to your core “Fuck sweetheart, all of that for me” he whined. His eyes meeting yours, all you could do is say “Bel… Please” and he knew what that meant. He was so gentle with you always making sure you were okay. Sitting between your legs he traced one long line up your slit with his tongue. Pure bliss washed over you, you hadn't felt this way in a long time. Before you could think anymore his mouth had begun to ravage you. His tongue flicked small circles on your clit, his fingers teasing your entrance, making sure you would be ready to take him. Slowly he pushed one inside, then another, and you moaned “Bellamy, fuck me please!” pumping a couple more times touching that perfect spot inside you he pulled you close into a kiss.
Reaching for his belt, then his zipper, you pulled his member out as fast as you could. He was above average, but not so big that he would hurt you. He was perfect. Pumping him with your hands a few times he pushed you back and lined himself at your entrance. Passing a glance to check on you, you nodded and he slowly pushed inside of you. All the way to the hilt. Pleasure washed over you as the very tip of him kissed the spot inside that he knew would send you over the edge. He started thrusting slowly. He didn't want to just fuck you. He wanted to love you. This was your first time with him and he wanted you to enjoy it, feeling all of him. He lifted your legs up, positioning your knees by your chest, his hands pushing down on the backs of your thighs and helping him balance. He began slamming into you. White washed over your eyes and ringing pierced your ears before you could tell him you were close. 
Coming back down his hand began making small circles on your clit. He fucking loved seeing you this way, seeing you ride out your high with him buried deep inside you. You were so close to cumming again when you saw his breath stagger. “Come in me” you begged him. You needed to feel his warmth inside of you. Just as you felt that seed spill into you, your own high washed over you sending you back into oblivion. His pumping slowed and came to a halt. He lowered your legs and began cleaning you up. He thanked himself for bringing some hygiene supplies because his thick white cum poured out of you dripping down your bottom. 
You let him clean you and help you get dressed, you both knew you needed to start hiking again if you were going to make it home in time. “That was the hottest shit I have seen in a while Bellamy” came from the trees. Eyes spinning around. Murphy. He really sat there and watched it all. No embarrassment washed over you but relief as you ran to hug him. You had no idea how he escaped the mountain. He was your best friend and had been since you had been imprisoned in the Ark. You never had a thing for him but you could see how pissed Bel was that he watched.
“How about next time I join in” Murphy jokingly shouted from ahead the trail. You smirked at Bellamy knowing this was going to be a long hike home.
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lilbittymonster · 2 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the love ❤️
Thank you so much for the ask Amon! I also got tagged by @crackinglamb for this so I'll just combine them here.
Tagging @piratekenway @crystallineconflict @captainsparklefingers @myreia @allycryz (zero pressure as always!)
Extinguishing the Last Light - G, oneshot, 4.1k. The bad timeline where the Scions fail to stop the final Lightwarden atop Mt. Gulg, and another hero from history is called to the First to try and finish the job. While not the first FFXIV fic I wrote, it's the one I find myself rereading the most, so it gets first place here. Every time I come back to it I think "how did I write something this good?"
An Owl In Limsa - E, 5/5, 6.8k. Modern AU take on the ARR DRG quests but this time involve more Scions and throw in some smut for flavour. Baby's first published explicit fic. I had fun playing with my "in every universe these two idiots will find each other" sandbox. And speaking of dragoons...
Dragoon Age: Origins - M, 4/4, 16.2k. It's exactly what it says on the tin, this is the story of how Kitali became a dragoon told almost entirely from every POV but hers. She tends to be a very closed off person, and so it's a fun character study exercise for myself to write her from the outside instead of the inside.
Walk to the Water - G, oneshot, 10k. Gaingel mermay summer romance. If you remember when I was a Borderlands blog, you qualify for a veterans discount. This was my biggest work for several years and took me the better part of May to write, and rereading it took me down a long nostalgia walk.
This Is Home - G, oneshot, 2k. Comfy fluffy Mighty Nein group home that I did for the Mollymauk Lives fest.....several years ago now. The ideal mental happy place and a good note to end the event on.
Honourable mention to Sometimes Goodbye Is A Second Chance, which was a canon divergent BL2 fic I had started, got a few chapters into, and then fandom drift hit. I still have the outline for it, I still think about it to this day, but I'm not sure when, if ever, I'll work on it again. For now it can just live in my head.
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leggerefiore · 1 year
Home Again
cw: fluff, post-cyrus in hisui, epilogue of sorts to this fic
pairing: Cyrus/Reader
You crashed against the couch, nearly exhausted from the day. Cyrus had followed in closely behind you, careful to lock the door and take a look around the apartment. How long had it been since you last felt the familiar comfort of this home? You were suddenly taken one night in your sleep by Arceus, and everything was almost exactly as you had left it.
It had been even longer since the blue-haired man had been home. All the food in the fridge that was not some kind of preserved was a horrifying abomination to peer in at, while a load of laundry still rested in the dryer, the air was still OK summer temperatures despite the drop down to autumn climate outside, and the bed was still made on one side.
Cleaning would come, yes, but not right now. Not after having fallen from a portal yet again to a different place in both time and space and the stress of a certain red-headed woman crying about the return of the Galactic Boss. She literally began to call the other two commanders, to which Cyrus had to stop her by stating he would like to do it himself. You were just standing there in your Galaxy Team uniform, trying not to wonder why she was bringing flowers up to the top of Mt. Coronet. Thankfully, you both soon managed to depart and make the arduous journey home from the middle of Sinnoh to Veilstone.
You watched as he found his laptop from where you had hidden it away. He took a seat at the table and instantly found himself buried in whatever he had saved to it. You lifted your head with a slight curious glance at him. Well, you suppose he did suffer the most out of the two of you when forced away from technology. Hisui had next to none. You were thankfully for the random Rotom catalogue pieces that fell through the portals, as those at least kept him entertained (as did the Rotom you captured for him).
But, now, it hit you.
You really were back home.
What must have been a year spent away in Hisui going through what felt trial after trial after trial, then to be given your boyfriend by pure chance and have to help him adapt to the strange world you were both stuck in was now centuries into the past. You were back in modern Sinnoh. A train had been ridden home. You both had stopped in a convenience store for a ready-made meal. Gazing out the window, you could see the twinkling of electric lights. Your clothing suddenly felt odd. Cyrus had already changed while he searched for the laptop.
You pulled a picture out from your jacket and gazed at it. Before you had departed back to the modern era, you had demanded a picture be taken of you, Cyllene and Cyrus. A memento to not forget the time you had spent together. It was strange to think she was gone now. You could never speak to her again or witness her funny little quirks or how she would secretly dote on her Abra and subordinates. Her legacy was all that remained.
And it sat at your table, hopefully not trying to pick up where it left its plans off.
You brought the picture to him and broke his attention from the screen. “Hey, do you think you could scan this, just in case we somehow lose it?” you asked him. Cyrus stared at it for a moment, clearly at a loss for words. Perhaps it was difficult for him to truly view himself as her descendant within the same era as her, but now it was plainly obvious. Where his parents had failed to show him the love of a family, she had succeeded. Not once had she made the same harsh rejection he had come to expect from his parents.
“Of course,” he agreed, “It is a precious artefact.” You smiled at him and decided to sit with him at the table. The picture now safely in his possession. You frowned at the emblem printed on the back of his laptop. Team Galactic… You had no idea what had become of it. It had already been falling apart after Charon had tried taking it over, but you knew it would almost certainly come back together with the Cyrus back at the helm.
“… Mmm, we'll need to groceries… Do you think your bank account still works?” you asked, breaking the silence between his ceaseless typing.
“It's as I left it,” he replied, “I did leave Saturn in charge of everything. It appears he barely touched anything.” Food was secured at the very least. Where would he go from here? He technically still had companies that he was in charge of if Saturn had taken care of what Cyrus had left to him. “… I am not planning to attempt my plans with the Red Chain again, please calm down,” he suddenly closed the laptop to look at you, “My goals to complete spirit must be possible… I will have to search elsewhere for it, but you may be rest easy that I have moved away from my previous plans.”
You felt your shoulders drop in relief. His eyes reflected the genuineness in his words. It seemed like everything was truly over with that spoken. Maybe you could dare even let your guard drop again and live a normal life. “Arceus – I was terrified you were going to end up like Volo,” you sighed. Cyrus's face grew dark.
“… Even when that child stood opposed to me, I never intended to harm her,” his gaze met yours, “Furthermore, I would never harm you specifically. I know that I would have to deal with you being an obstruction should I try again, too. And seeing as you are willing to risk your life…” Cyrus's gaze broke from yours. You felt a laugh nearly leave you. Oh, so the line was drawn when you might end up dying. That was certainly interesting.
“Yeah, yeah, I don't want you to die either, Cy,” you smiled and brought your hand to hold his, “… Well, as long as you know that if you try to pull anything insane again, I will stop you, let's just forget it. I'd rather figure out what's going to happen now.” He nodded. The world may not forgive him, but he was at least aware that he could work to change himself.
“Then, tomorrow, let's go grocery shopping,” Cyrus gave a rare soft smile, “We have countless things to get caught up on…” His eyes darted back to his laptop.
Yes, there were many, many things for you two to follow what happened in your absence.
Not to mention that laundry really needed to be folded.
You began to get up to do just that when you heard a loud banging on your door and sobbing. Cyrus seemed to ignore it as he opened the laptop again. You stepped towards the apartment door and peered out the peephole.
“Maaasterrrrr Cyyyyyyruuussss,” a familiar dark-blue haired man cried on the other side, clawing at the door like an upset Meowth.
“Saturn's here!”
“Don't let him in.”
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melusinealarice · 1 year
This is my personal Taylor song association with THG characters
Johanna Mason- Mad woman, The last great American Dynasty, Anti-Hero, The man, I did something bad, look what you made me do, my tears ricochet, Champagne Problems,
Finnick Odair- Gold rush, gorgeous, you’re on your own kid, delicate, call it what you want, dancing with our hands tied, I know places, Mirrorball, Innocent, cowboy like me, superstar, tied together with a smile, the lucky one
Katniss Everdeen- Labyrinth, dear reader, glitch, the archer, peace, I almost do, sad beautiful tragic, peace, nothing new, run, willow, tis the damn season, long story short, evermore, breathe, the other side of the door, afterglow, the last time, hoax
Haymitch- This is me trying, mastermind, cruel summer, forever winter, this is why we cant have nice things, epiphany, back to December, haunted, treacherous, exile
Primrose- Never grow up, it’s nice to have a friend, wildest dreams, the lakes, seven, stay stay stay, everything has changed, Dorothea, the best day, bye bye baby, a place in this world, stay beautiful, safe and sound
Peeta- Lover, lavender hayz, snow on the beach, sweet nothing, i think he knows, London boy, Cornelia street, false god, new years day, how you get the girl, you are in love, invisible string, mine, ours, long live, change, state of grace, begin again, tolerate it, love story,
Katniss and Peeta’s relationship- the great war, daylight, this love, out of the woods, king of mt heart, dress, get away car, so it goes, paper rings
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simshousewindsor · 3 months
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By Cameron Dorly | Published by SNN
EASTON, Windenburg (SNN) - - The Queen Worked Through the Heatwave - But Now She’s Going to Beaverdam.
For the last few days, Queen Katherine has been valiantly surviving the historic heat wave overtaking Easton at Buckingsim Palace. On Friday morning, Windenburg’s hottest day on record, the royal family was spotted in a police convoy leaving the palace for the slightly more temperate climate at her Beaverdam Estate in Brindleton Bay. (Yes, Rainier wore a full suit.)
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The queen has left for her summer estate during the last few weeks of July since ascending the throne, and plans to stay through August. An insider told the tabloid that she plans to spend more time there. “For years we thought it would be the perfect place for the Queen to spend more time away from duty, with her family and beloved horses,” the source said. “It’s one of her favorite places in the summer.”
Beaverdam was well-known for hosting the royals' annual walk to Christmas Day services at Mt. Table church from 1882 to 1994; a tradition the palace announced Queen Katherine would resume this Christmas. In addition to Beaverdam Castle, the queen has Sumpterson Estate, in Henford.
A beloved home of the late King, Sumpterson began being used in 1994 for entertaining during the Christmas holidays, breaking the tradition started by Edward I in 1882. His late Majesty did not care for Beaverdam and chose to spend both summer and Christmas at Sumpterson, only spending Spring at Beaverdam.
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Though the queen was keeping cool as she led the family, Princess Grace, and Prince Phillip looked even cooler as the unprecedented temperatures hit the country.
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It won’t be long before Prince Phillip can no longer travel with the rest of his family - A Firm Rule to Avoid the Collapse of the Monarchy. The late King Edward II established a convention that meant the first in the Windenburg line of succession (so, Phillip) should travel separately from his other family members. A rule George I maintained with, then heir, Princess Katherine. When Phillip turns 12 in less than four years’ time (13 September, 2028, to be exact), he will be required to travel separately from other members of the royal family—with no exemptions.
Missing from today's departure were the Queens 8 month old twins, Prince Michael, and Prince Samuel. Palace officials only said the "royal twins arrived safely at Beaverdam, along with their family."
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While the Queen is away, other senior royals will continue their busy dowry. On Monday, Prince Louis and Margot, Duchess of Kent embark on a three-day tour of Levon and Kent, where they will visit Mousefield Harbor, for the 30th anniversary of the Gilmlands War. Princess Lara, who is five months pregnant, will visit a memorial service for the anniversary of the Griffin Park bombing on Tuesday, and on Wednesday she visits SecureLane Global, an organization that mitigates explosive risks. Wednesday's engagement will also mark the first of Her Royal Highness' final public appearances before the birth of baby number one.
The Palace has yet to provide a due date for the newest royal addition, though the baby is expected to arrive in November.
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silentchamp · 1 year
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His full name is Red Suzuki.
He was born Feburary 27th, 1993. An intense blizzard happened to hit Kanto that very same day.
Red's background is Japanese/Chinese. His Chinese background comes from his father. (Using real world equivalents here for the sake of clarity.)
He took care of Team Rocket during his journey alongside assistance from Blue and Leaf. Some petty rocket grunts are responsible for him losing his first ever trainer hat.
Red officially held the champion title for at least five years before retiring it. It's speculated he disliked the attention. He would later spend multiple summers attending and taking care of the Battle Tree. After leaving Mt. Silver at the age of 17, he would attend the PWT twice--the first, just a week after coming down from the mountain, and the second a year later.
Red is an expert in navigation and hiking. He spends a majority of his time outdoors. He has charted Mt. Silver more than several times.
Red is on the autism spectrum. It was only ever mentioned once during an interview.
The champion occasionally has a gardevoir on his team. It belonged to his mother.
He has completed the Hoenn and Unova dexes.
Red has admitted to media on multiple occasions that his first ever role model was Lance; he still looks up to him, even today.
His mother is currently in a relationship with Lt. Surge. (X)
Although his parents never married, he was given his father's last name to honor him.
Red's Kanto dex is missing one entry: Articuno.
His favorite flavor is sweet; Red takes particularly favoritism toward pecha berries and their very similar cousins.
He is bisexual. Red has been in a few relationships before under wraps, between both men and women.
Red likes superhero comics. He grew up with ones like Lucario Man and Riolu Kid. He has at least one limited-edition comic of Gavantula Man.
Pika kind of acts as a psuedo-comfort animal, for Red. He and the electric mouse are best buddies, and she has been there when his mental health has taken a turn for the worst. He'd be lost without his favorite companion.
Red has a knack for games like Tetris and other puzzle games. He also likes RPGs. He doesn't play any modern games, and has a Gameboy stashed away in his bag.
(TW // ALCOHOL) His alcoholic beverage of choice is a piña colada.
Battling, for Red, is like chasing a high. For a long time he was very obsessive with clinging to whatever adrenaline he felt during a pokemon battle. It would begin to impact his physical and mental health, Red focusing on honing his skill and bond with his pokemon rather than taking care of himself. He has gotten better since then, and is still quite the formidable foe, though he doesn't battle very often anymore because of this previously intense infatuation. Don't worry, he still gets that look in his eye when he does get to battle, promise.
Red's favorite amusement park activity would either be the teacups or any of those water-blaster mini-games. On the teacups, he likes to spin the cup around as fast as possible. Hope you don't get dizzy.
He has a cottage in Alola. His primary housing is an apartment in the quieter part of Viridian. It still gets noisy sometimes, he doesn't like it. His pokemon often roam either residence. (X)
Red responds best to physical and verbal love languages.
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