#mspa cosplay
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discoholicmusic · 3 months ago
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who wants sticker sheets ❓
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doggirldoodles · 8 months ago
My Aradia Megido cosplay!!!
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lizardmanartblog · 1 year ago
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some random doodles of stuff
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tigercircus · 1 year ago
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I am alive and in fact still cosplaying Dirk too much
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salemcoser · 26 days ago
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lenses: mislens horns: spicy cat crafts facepaint: snazaroo... of course
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homestuckheritageposts · 6 months ago
Homestuck Heritage Post
guys what if the next update is
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A young man stands in your bedroom.
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strxnger-jxzzy · 11 months ago
Hey if anybody knows any artist who are gonna sell homestuck fanmerch / any cosplayers who are gonna cosplay homestuck (or any mspfa) characters at comifuro18 pleaseee let me know!!!
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brawltogethernow · 9 months ago
obligatory ask meme curse: homestuck
Reverse Unpopular Opinion meme
Joke's on you, I'm into that shit. Homestuck was an enormous and entirely positive part of my late teens and to this day there's nothing else like it. Like sometimes you just need to step back and think about how cool Homestuck is. MSPA invented a new format that HS constantly tested the limits of, giving us a comic where some of the panels are looping gifs and some are flash animations and some are fully playable video games. It had more prose than War and Peace by the time it was halfway done. It invented the concept of blackrom. A good third of it was written in a single year-long creativity bender. The fandom was like Inklings For Gay People and is still coughing out published artists. The cast is split 50/50 by gender and also by glasses wearing status just because...math. It wielded recurring motifs and colors and shapes and phraseology like an armory of weapons. At its peak it had a canon to cosplay rate of less than one hour. It contributed very significantly to keeping me sane in high school. Reading it gives you a very specific Homestuck Accent and will haunt you with concepts and imagery forever. Homestuck!
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proudfreakmetarusonikku · 5 months ago
people who are undertale or deltarune fans but absolutely despise homestuck baffle me. like I’m not talking about calling homestuck out on its many flaws (like, the racism in it should not be overlooked) or who heavily dislike it bc of that but people who think it's irredeemable and anyone who likes it is horrible bc like…you know toby fox is a massive fan of homestuck and personal friends with andrew hussie right. like i don’t know maybe people don’t know what him making music for homestuck entails but like. it wasn’t like he was just hired or whatever the songwriters for homestuck were primarily people on the forum who shared music they made for something they like who got noticed by the rest of the team lol. there wasn’t really a solid distinction between fan music and official music people who worked for the official team also worked on fan albums and some people who primarily wrote for fan albums have a few official songs it’s actually really cool there’s a very detailed wiki compiling both fan and official homestuck music bc it’s such a complicated web, some official songs use leitmotifs from fan songs even it’s really cool. the only real difference was that official albums were sold on bandcamp and a small minority of the songs were used in homestuck (most weren’t bc there’s literally hundreds). toby was an active fan of mspa that’s how he got work on homestuck there’s literally pictures out there of him cosplaying a homestuck character and he drops tons of references to it in his work. it is not at all hyperbole or exaggeration to say undertale and deltarune would not exist without homestuck. like you can despise homestuck all you like I get it there’s some shit in there that sucks it comes from 2009 online culture it’s silly to deny that. but if you think it never should exist and it’s fans are irredeemable and horrible maybe don’t play a game made by a guy who was so much of a fan he got added to the music team lmao. baffling.
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Tag List Masterpost
(Subject to be updated)
tentativeauthor -> rocket-propelled-spaz-faggot
Please let me know if anything is broken
Homestuck — Characters (Trolls) — Characters (Non-Trolls)
HSBC — Characters
Hiveswap — Characters
Humans — Fankid
Trolls — Fantroll
Homestuck Ships — Vrisrezi, Rosemary, Davekat, Arasol, Erisol, Dirkjake, Jirk, Johndirk, Jrezi, Johnrezi, Junerezi, Calliroxy, Roxygen, jave, johndave, junedave, Eridirk, Gamkar, Mitula, Cronkri,
Hiveswap Ships — Mallanque, Galora
People — Andrew Hussie, James Roach, Toby Fox
My stuff — My writing, PIF, WO, WAU, Ramblings, epilogue liveread, Candy liveread, Meat liveread
Not HS
Misc. — Author commentary, Brobot, Bloodswap, Blood, Decapitation, CW, Fave, Fic, H2D, HC, Humanstuck, Lands, Laughs, Lyricstuck, Lyrics, Merch, MSPA reader, NSFT, Official Art, Quadrants, Quotes, PS Comics, Sahcon, SBaHJ, Theories
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pellaeas · 2 years ago
oh my god wait i know this. a ton of images used in homestuck were from stock image bases hussie used, but he never actually bought them ... so they all had the watermarks on them ... like, they were subtle, but still there. idk where this pic is in the story but it's probably referential of that?? i guess? idk there's a better explaination of this out there somewhere
Dearest e-sibling as a mspa reader since 2007 i am in fact aware of the watermarks in homestuck and problem sleuth proper ajkdsafhkdshaf i have used them to reverse search cosplay refs
but in this fanfiction so far this is the only drawing that has one at all and despite the obvious bucket joke it doesnt really fit
the fic is old so it literally might be a hosting thing
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discoholicmusic · 5 months ago
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🎃 guess this year's costume
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doggirldoodles · 1 year ago
Nepeta Cosplay!
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My Nepeta cosplay! I have other cosplays, let me know if you’d like to see those! Also, I’m currently attempting to put together a Homestuck cosplay group, so message me for more info on that!
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tranquilspot · 2 years ago
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Out of sympathy for John's perceived lack of arms, you pick up the CAKE for him and put it on his BED.
We starting off strong with the most unexplained and fucked up Homestuck panel. What the fuck dude. Alright, lemme organize my thoughts.
There’s a cursor just coming out of nowhere. Yes there is meta content and very soon a character will be able to interact with John’s environment. The thing is: it’s not time yet! SBURB isn’t installed or even mentioned by the narration at this point of the story. So what we can ask is: where the fuck does this cursor comes from, and who’s moving it? It's a *check notes* old Windows 95/98 cursor, so it's definitely not SBURB related. Hussie added a grey shadow/depth to it. Apart from that it's pretty easy to find on the internet. Hypothesis n°1: the “you” is us, the reader. We are given the ability to break the fourth wall and come to John’s aid. A very interesting concept that could reinvigorate the ‘choose your own adventure’ genre. It happens one more time with GG and her memory game. I’ll talk more about it when we get there (add it to the list). Hypothesis n°2: It’s the author who’s making the narration voice say ‘you’, but this you actually refer to Hussie themselves. Yes of course it’s Hussie since he animated the goddamn panel. But I meant in a meta joke way. Or it’s both. Oh wait! Hypothesis n°3: It's not us, its the MSPA reader, who does appear at one point during the story! That would make sense. But damn what a lucky bastard, they got to directly interact with John's universe :( That's why I love the concept of Pesterquest, who wouldn't want the chance to meet the kids? <3 Perhaps the reader & character interaction was a major cornerstone, along the command prompts at Homestuck’s inception.
Though I say that we shouldn’t complain nor should we mourn its early death. Rather, let see it as an eager author who tried to incorporate ideas:
Some sticked until the end
Others for very long but stopped being mentioned because they were considered less relevant to the ongoing plot (sylladices and Lands lore)
And some just sank into the ocean, only to stick their head from now and then: giving control/choice to the readers
I think we can rejoice still, cause oh boy we sure did contribute a LOT to Homestuck! Musicians, official visual artists, fan art, fan music, cosplay, roleplay on websites, fan fictions, and alternate universes (greatly repopularized by the Undertale community).
So yeah, maybe this panel put me off at first, but now I guess I can associate it with something more wholesome and positive: helping the characters and rooting for them.
Page 6 and someone from afar already helping John? That’s heartwarming stuff right there. —>
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tigercircus · 2 years ago
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The striders were a HIT at the furry rave
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teabrotherhood-blog · 7 years ago
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How could something so fair be so cruel when this black sun revolved around you?
photo || mua
tavros:  bakarin067.tumblr.com
karkat:  greenberglol.tumblr.com
kanaya:  ericbriar.tumblr.com
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