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italian-pastry ยท 5 months ago
what is going on in the Worst Pilgrims ever au?
โœจI am so glad you asked!!!โœจ
The main crux (and namesake) of this AU comes from me playing around with a Mix-And-Match website and it randomly generating LBD, The Mayor, Peng and Azure Lion as the JTTW pilgrims and I thought that idea was so funny I HAD to do something with it.
Basically, when it was time of Tang Sanzang to go on his funny little Journey To The West, instead of picking up the usual pilgrims along the way, he is voluntold by Buddha to take along various Celestial Traitors/Usurpers as some sort of Rehab-Road Trip. The idea was that since these various people fought Heaven because they thought the world was flawed and wanted to fix it (at two different times, coincidentally), if they were sent on this awesome road trip to the west, they'd see just how great the world under Celestial Bureaucracy actually was! It... mostly works out! ๐Ÿ‘At least until shortly after finishing the Journey and getting back into Heaven's good graces, the Pilgrims assassinate the Jade Emperor and Azure replaces him about 500 some years earlier than in Canon. This can only go well, I'm sure.
Of course, as all major changes to history tend to do, this has rippling effects on the course of many character's lives, including but not limited to; Wukong being stuck in the trigram furnace for 500+ years, MK being born and growing up on Flower Fruit Mountain, and Mei is now our main character and Azure's spiritual successor! Fun!
Thank you for showing interest in my silly little AU I'm very excited to share more!
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pocketramblr ยท 2 years ago
Ask Game: Manuel brutally but accidentally kills All For One for good.
You have clocked my niche perfectly
1- "how the heck does that happen" well, during the Hosu chaos when it's all going very badly, another hero (mostly underestimating how much an asset Manual the Water Guy is at fighting fires) tells him to focus on finding his student and getting Izuku evacuated. Obviously Izuku will not evacuate, but he will get Manual to Tenya faster. So now there's two teenagers and the most chill pro hero in an alleyway fighting Stain, while Tomura and Kurogiri watch. And Tomura "fan of heroes with no merch" either recognizes Manual and knows he doesn't want to risk an actual pro ruining his fun with Stain, or doesn't recognize him and finds that even more suspicious as he has no clue what power level this npc is at. So while Manuel is trying to first aid Tenya and Native (oh yeah I guess there's a second pro in the alley too lol) while Izuku keeps Stain occupied and gets backup, he's also trying to figure out the Nomu thing. And then kurogiri appears, and Tenya yells because he recognizes him, but he can't move to shove Manual out of the way of the warp.
2- Manual is dropped in a very spooky lab with more nomu and some faceless creep on a throne. Manual does not judge the faceless thing, whatever some people look different. He does, however, Judge His Vibe. This guy clocked murderous intent from a teenager he barely saw on tv before it even happened, he Just Knows this guy is bad news. And in charge of the LoV, clearly, since Shigaraki didn't make sense as a leader and Stain just seemed mad about it. But Manual is also careful, and does not act on his vibe checks without further investigation. So he asks the suited creep "oh my god, are you the one that made the Nomu? Like the villain factory five years ago?" And AfO is just so pleased to be recognized as such a threat and confirms this, wondering what quirk he's about to steal from Manual.
And then Manual uses his quirk, and well, there's a lot of water in the Nomu labs. In the Nomu tanks. Running through the building, through AfO's medical equipment.
A lot of water.
3- Without the life-support equipment and half drowned, it is really really easy for Manual to hit him on the back of the head with a broken bit of pipe. This was not supposed to kill him- Manual saw a shape moving and thought it would not do much against a nomu, plus AfO is supposed to have a million quirks but- ah well. He's super dead now. And Manual is also surrounded by half finished nomu, also fairly dead now. And he's got to find the exit.
4- when Manual radios in that he's been warped under the Jakku hospital during the league attack in Hosu and he needs hero backup, now, he didn't expect all the backup he'd get. But all the heroes in Jakku were watching the news in Hosu and feeling useless, so they rush over and well. There's not much for them to do but cleanup nomu stuff and file reports. Manual appreciates the support anyway. And the blanket a nurse got him, and a coffee. And that everyone lets him focus on updates from Hosu, almost dropping his phone in relief that Stain has been taken in and the three -why are there three? There were two when he left!- teenagers are fine. The heroes offer to get him a ride to Hosu asap, but Manual stands up, pauses, and goes "wait, what about the mole? AfO had to have people working for him in this hospital to keep a lab like that under cover, right?"
5- with that terrifying thought, the Jakku heroes rush him out faster so they can figure that out, and Manual is on a train to Hosu. Once he gets closer to the city and two train switches later, he finds himself alone in the car with a tall, thin blond man. He knows the guy has to have some hero connection, because they were literally the only two people allowed on this train right now but he does not expect the guy to take a phone call, anxiously ask about a kid, get cut off, start swearing profusely in English, and then repeat "All For One? Are you sure????" about a dozen times before demanding around the clock watch until he can get there, and hanging up. The guy goes "Manual, huh?"
Manual looks up and answers, thinking he's being addressed, and the blond guy realizes it's him, and suddenly he's All Might and All Might is thanking Manual, bowing low. And that's just too much for Manual after the stressful week he's had. He passes out.
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mandareeboo ยท 10 months ago
Your Nanny Rec au lived rent free in my head
I wonder Rex would also end up as a hostage of Angstorm?
Angstrom would try. I feel like he would end up just yeeting Rex somewhere else to avoid dealing with the explosives, and Rex would absolutely lose his shit before he'd let Oliver go.
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lady-wallace ยท 4 years ago
Cold Open (JoJoโ€™s Bizarre Adventure)
Finally wrote something again! This is for Msk29fan on Ao3.
During a mission Giorno and Abbacchio get trapped in a freezer together. This is not how they wanted to get to know each other better. (Humor, hurt/comfort)
Read on Ao3
Read on FF.net
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pocketramblr ยท 2 years ago
Ask Game: Endeavor's father lives and in fact goes on to have successful vilgante career.
His dad a vigilante?
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pocketramblr ยท 1 year ago
Ask Game: Tensai+15
15- afterlife
Oh that's cruel. One word prompt ask game
Tensei stared at his own dead body. Or, what would be dead very soon. Blood leaked from the white armor.
"You've got a minute, you can change one thing, but you can't reach yourself. When do you want to go?" The figure, who Tensei figured was supposed to be death, held his finger in the middle of the hourglass. There was only a little bit of sand left in the top. One minutes worth, maybe.
"I-" when did he go? Where? Did he tell his parents, did he try to change anything, did he tell Tenya- oh. Tenya. When he found out he would be-
Tensei glanced over his shoulder, but Stain was still gone. He'd been scared off by footsteps. Backup.
"They're close, but they won't make it. Come on, make a choice, or take my hand."
Backup. He couldn't do anything about his team, but there were others. He thought back, there was a woman-
"The start of my patrol. Please, the start, when we left the building."
The figure sighed, but nodded, and suddenly the body was gone.
"You have one minute." They said, then moved a finger as they vanished.
Sixty seconds.
He raced back out the alley, towards that restaurant where a woman in a birthday hat has cheered and waved when they passed.
Forty eight seconds.
The restaurant, with the green sign. Change one thing, but can't reach himself.
"I'm sorry." He winced as he skidded to a stop by the woman's table, and focused on her friend standing up to throw away the paper napkins.
Thirty three seconds.
He pushed on the friend, picked his one thing.
The friend fell.
A car honked.
Instead of cheering as the heroes passed, the woman screamed.
His body- his not yet corpse, swerved and almost hit another hero before skidding to an almost identical stop, friend in tow.
"Are you alright?" He heard himself ask, and it sounded like blood rushing in his ears.
Blood leaking out on the asphalt.
Twenty five seconds.
"Oh, that was clever. You're good at using people." The figure said. Tensei didn't turn to look at them.
"Was it enough?" He asked, and tried not to sound desperate.
"Barely. But next time you die, you won't get to do this. Everyone only gets one do over."
"That's-" Tensei didn't get to finish his words before it all went black.
When he finally blinked awake in the hospital bed, he couldn't feel his legs. But he was alive. For now. Tensei finally relaxed into the pillow, and let the tears flow.
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pocketramblr ยท 2 years ago
Your Todokid parent swap made me ship Enji/Mitsuki-probably a very passionate one, but still a lot of less then ideal dynamics.
And yes, I did target Touya and Bakugo because I was curious to see what they would be like under two really aggressive people as parents instead one apiece.
I don't really ship anyone with Enji but I have to admit, he and Mitsuki do have the draw of like... Those reddit comments that are like "never break up and never subject anyone else to you". I guess if I had to pick anyone she might just be my top pick.
But yeah, and Touya and Katsuki would be... Like, I think if they were closer in age, it might be fine, or much further in age they didn't have to interact, but at a seven year age gap they're at just the right space to maximum annoy each other ESPECIALLY with how rarely either of them get told no about things Except For Each Other. Plus with parent input, which is basically "has toxic expectations of strength for self and claims not to have the same for you but that just reads as extremely condescending" on one side and on the other uh... Starredmoth said it great:
Tumblr media
This family has three modes of communication and it's yelling, setting things on fire, or doing both at the same time. Absolute disaster.
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pocketramblr ยท 1 year ago
Mistyped in my last ask, meant to ask what Tensai Todoroki's hero name would be..
Ooh ok yeah he wouldn't go for Dabi, too edgy. However, we must remember that as cool as "Ingenium" sounds it's literally just, Engine+ium, like an element or metal, with altered spelling. Like yeah he sure has metal engines, on the nose. So, now armed with a fire quirk... Inferno? Maybe Enfirno, to look a little more like Endeavor, and with "en" like smoke?
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pocketramblr ยท 1 year ago
In the Ida/Todoroki sibling swap A.U., what is Tenya's hero name? Tenya doesn't strike as edgelord/chunni enough for Dabi.
A good question. Mercury and Nike have a clear theme and Tenya would want to fit in with the older siblings he looks up to. However, both "Hermes" and "Quicksilver" are too copycat and would make Touya mad. Hmm... Diocles, Hippomenes, or Talaria, maybe.
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pocketramblr ยท 2 years ago
I really live your a.u.s!
Aw thanks! ^.^
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